Investigation Hydrometeorological Regime of the Barents and White Seas

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Investigation Hydrometeorological Regime of the Barents and White Seas Investigation Hydrometeorological Regime of the Barents and White Seas «Living Planet Symposium 2016» Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016 Based on Satellite Altimetry Data Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey A. Lebedev [email protected] [email protected] G FO T Kanin Nos The White Sea is a semi-enclosed mediterranean sea (Fig. 1b). rac k 1 The sea border with the Barents Sea is a line joining Cape 65 E Calibration/Validation Wind Speed R The Barents and White seas S a l Svyatoy Nos (northeastern coast of Kola Peninsula) with Cape & u E s T N 68° r n E a V i Kanin Nos (northwestern extremity of Kanin Peninsula). The T c n R I r k S a S A e c 5 & 5 T P k The Barents Sea is one of the shelf Arctic seas. It is located on 8 northern part of the sea is called the Voronka (funnel). The E 816 n N Kola i V n I the continental European shelf between northern coast of southern and central parts of the White Sea called the Basin are In the framework of the ALTICORE project, the consistency between altimeter- S Peninsula a A K T T A 5 4 Europe and three archipelagoes – Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef the largest and deepest parts of the sea. There are also several 2 7 derived wind speed and measurements on coastal meteorological stations was S I 0 0 k K V k c a T an N r d ac T A Land and Spitsbergen (Fig. 1a). Its open water area is large and shallow bays in the area, namely the Dvinsky, Onega, al E r Mezen checked. Satellite-derived wind data used were obtained from the RADS data base. O S a T I 797 k & F Mozhovets Is. 2 3 sha G V k Bay S N B ac approximately 1,424,000 km and total volume is 322,000 km . R E r Mezen and Kandalaksha bays. The Gorlo (neck) is a narrow For the comparison, 30 MS on the Barents Sea coast and 21 MS on the White Sea a E y & T S The Barents Sea shelf is rather deep. More than 50% of the strait connecting the Basin and Voronka. The total water coast were selected. As an example, we show results of the comparison for two MS R E 66° M 2 e z area has a depth of 200-500 m. The average depth is 222 m, the surface area is 90,873 km including islands, and the total – Kem’ Port (White Sea) and Kanin Nos (Barents Sea). G e FO n k 061 3 Tr rac R a & J1 T iv maximum depth in the Norwegian trench reaches 513 m and in volume is 6,000 km including also the Voronka area opening The ERS & ENVISAT, GFO and T/P & J1 satellite tracks, which were used when ck T/P e 4 r 25 Solovetsky the Franz Josef Land straits it exceeds 600 m. The Barents Sea to the Barents Sea. Thus the White Sea covers approximately obtaining satellite-derived wind speed data for Kem’ Port and Kanin Nos are shown Islands 2 Kem’-Port Dvinsky watershed area is 668,000 km large. The total river runoff is 6% of the total open water area of both seas and comprises only in Fig. 3. Examples of altimeter and observed (in-situ) data on wind speed and Bay 3 O n 163 km /yr, 80-90% of it falls on southeastern region of the 2% of the total volume of marine water, but it assumes more corresponding scatter plots for these MSs are given in Figs. 4, respectively. e g a sea. The largest river flow-ing into the Barents Sea is the than half of the river runoff in the region. The White Sea B In the cases of both Kem’ Port and Kanin Nos (Fig. 3) MS databases for 2000-2007 a Sev y erna 2 ya D Pechora River which has about a half of watershed area watershed area is 729,000 km (Atlas of Arctic 1985). The total v were used. Altimeter wind speed values for Kem’ Port were in most cases i n 2 3 64° a 3 O 322,000 km ; its runoff is 130 km /yr. The river runoff is river runoff is 259 km /yr that is about 4% of the total amount n noticeably less than meteo ones and correlation between them was practically e g R R a i iv ve essentially re-flected in hydrological conditions only in a of the White Sea water volume. The main rivers are the absent (r = 0.16). Influence of land may be supposed as a possible reason of such er r southeastern part of the sea. Therefore this area is sometimes Severnaya Dvina, Onega and Mezen having runoff of 111, 18 poor correlation. Better correlation (r = 0.45) was observed in the Kanin Nos case. 35° 40° 45° referred to as the Pechora Sea. and 26 km3/yr correspondingly. Improvement in correlation between meteo and altimeter data on wind speed can be obtained when using decomposition of the winds in four quadrants according to Fig. 3. ERS & ENVISAT, GFO and T/P & J1 satellites wind direction relative to coastline direction. An example of its application for the tracks in the White and Barents seas which were used for Kanin Nos case is shown in Fig. 5. The reference line was chosen to be parallel to the comparative analysis between altimetric and MS in- the axis of this Peninsula. situ data. Red circles mark locations of MSs. Cape Kanin Nos a) Franz Josef Land b) Polar GMO Cape im. E.T.Krenkelja Svyatoy a Nos l u Spitsbergen 68° s n 79° i n Voronka e P a) b) Barentsburg n Kola i Great n Bank Peninsula a Barents Kandalaksha K Russkaya Gavan K en Sea a Umba rg nd be al Mezen ts ak pi a Sosnovets Mozhovets Is. S nk sha Bay a Central y 75° B l B Bank m a o y rl Bear Is. e o N Z G o gh h M r ou c 66° tr e . T n w Is re z ear e B T n S l a e ra Basin e t y Kara g n R e i a a v i e C r a v Solovetsky n o Sea Islands N Kem’-Port Dvinsky Hohhingsvarg 71° Solovki Bay O Vardo n e Bakaritsa g Pechora a Kolguev Is. Severodvinsk Pechenga Kyslogybskaya Sea B a Se Polyarnuy ver Teriberka Bugrino y nay Cape a Murmansk Kanin Nos Tobseda D Varandey v Cape i Cape n Fig. 4. Scatter plot of observed versus GFO altimeter data for Kem’ Port (a) and Kanin Nos (b). Svyatoy Nos Onega a 64° a W l Segeysiy u Konstantinovskiy s S n Kola i h Shar n O Iokanga e i e P n a te ra e n Peninsula i ho g R n Cape c r R a e e a i Indiga P iv i v K Mikulkin R v e er r 67° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 35° 40° 45° Fig. 5. Scheme of decomposition of wind directions in the Calibration/Validation Sea Surface four quadrants (Q1-Q4) in relation to the orientation of the coastline for the Kanin Nos case. The appropriate Fig. 1. Maps of the Barents (a) and the White (b) seas. Dashed lines show boundaries of the seas and their internal parts. correlation coefficients between wind speed from altimetry Circles mark tide gauges location.. Height and in-situ MS records are shown in the scheme. Arrows show prevailing wind direction for each quadrant. The consistency between altimeter sea surface height (SSH) data acquired by the satellites T/P, ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, GFO and J1, and measurements of 18 TGs 0 located in the Barents Sea and 8 TGs – in the White Sea was investigated (Fig. 1). 4 ) Meteorological conditions in the Barents Sea are determined by of seasonal variations in the White Sea level is observed in the m Vardo TG Processing of satellite altimetry data included calculation of sea surface height c ( 30 ERS-2 & ENVISAT y atmospheric cyclones that are formed in the North Atlantic and estuary zones of the Onega and Severnaya Dvina rivers and l anomaly (SSHA) with using all corrections without tidal and inverse barometer a m 20 move to the Barents Sea. In winter, southwesterly and southerly may reach 30-60 cm. o correction. Then, for every cycle of the selected satellite passes, spatial coordinates n A winds prevail in the southern part of the sea, whereas Sea level variations related to storm surge are formed by strong t of the point nearest to the concrete TG location (within 15 miles) were determined. 10 h g i southeasterly and easterly winds are most frequent in the winds associated with passage of intense atmospheric cyclones. For the Barents Sea, correlation between SSHA derived from altimetry and tide e H 0 e northern regions. Monthly mean wind speed in the southern The western and northwestern cyclones dominate and amount gauge data can be fairly high (> 0.85) when using ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT data. For c a f r regions (in particular, nearby Kanin Nos) reaches about 10 m/s, to 88% from their total number. During the extreme situations u GFO data the correlations are noticeably lower, probably due to orbit errors and -10 S a to the north it decreases to 6 m/s.
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