The truth of the Trinity is t aught in many passages of St Michael’s Catholic C hurch the New Testament. It is undoubtedly the most 29 Banks Ave, Daceyville, NSW 2032 distinctive doctrine of the Christian faith. Most religions Fr. Jerzy Chrzczonowicz pp mob : 0411 125 357 Unum are either pantheistic (e.g., Buddhism) or polytheistic
[email protected] (e.g., Hinduism). Two other religions are monotheistic Parish secretary: Mrs Patricia Low Deus Ph. 93491292 Fax: 93140760 (Judaism, Islam), but only Christianity recognizes the Email:
[email protected] one real God (the Triune God—Father, Son, Holy Website: Spirit)—one God in three Persons. The Koran—regards Foley Gardens manager: Mr. Joe de Andrade Jesus as only a prophet, repeatedly denouncing as One mob. 0438696396 or 93491292 infidels all those who believe in the Trinity. The Jews School principal: Mrs Allana Vedder, often consider Jesus to have been a great teacher, but; God God no more than that. To the Christian, however, the Lord Ph. 93448512 Jesus Christ is a person yet God incarnate, God's only st WEEKEND MASS TIM ES: 31 May 2015 (B) begotten Son—Creator, Saviour, King of kings and Lord The Holy Trinity. Sat. Vigil: 5pm of lords. Christians also believe that the Holy Spirit is not Just like the leaves on each Sunday: 8am, 9:30am & 5pm The Most Holy Trinity just a spiritual influence, but a real person, the third shamrock I see, there are three WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Person of the Godhead.