Issue 8 £1.75 $4 BESHARA
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Issue 8 £1.75 $4 BESHARA MAGAZINE BESHARA Mae-Wan Ho . A MAGAZINE CONCERNED WITH UNITY 'Reanimating Nature' The Integrationof Science with Human Experience Martin Notcutt The Club of Rome Simon Blackwood Painting as a Means of Expression BESHARA PUBLICATIONS Frilford Grange, Frilford, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5NX Telephone enquiries: Oxford (0865) 243406 The Wisdom of the Prophets - Ibn 'Arabi Kernel of the Kernel - Ibn 'Arabi Twelve chapters of the Fusus al-Hikam, Ibn ' Arabi's most The Lubb al-Lubb, incorporating the Turkish commentary of celebrated work, summarising his universal vision. English Ismail Hakki Bursevi. English version by Bulent Rauf. A version by Angela Culme-Seymour from Titus Burckhardt's treatise of instruction for the mystic who undertakes the French translation. Journey to Union with God. Cloth £6.50 Paper £4.80 Cloth £4.80 ISBN 090497508 8 ISBN 0 904975010 ISBN0 90497500 2 Addresses - Bulent Rauf Whoso Knoweth Himself - Ibn 'Arabi "For those who want to come to understand their relationship The Treatise on Being, translated by T.H. Weir. A concise and to Reality, what their purpose is, and how consequently they elevated exposition of the absolute unity of all existence, should proceed... " (from Peter Young's introduction). By the addressed to the most intimate consciousness. consultant to the Beshara Trust and schools, who died in Paper £3.3 0 ISBN 090497506 1 1987. Paper £4.80 ISBN0904975 126 Sufis of Andalusia - Ibn 'Arabi Intimations - J.G. Bennett Biographical sketches of some of the contempIatives and spiritual masters amongst whom Ibn ' Arabi spent his early Talks given to Beshara students in the last years of Bennett's years. From the Ruh al-quds and Durrat al-fakhirah, translated life, embodying his most mature and universal reflections. by Or R.W.].Austin. Paper £3.6 0 ISBN0 904975 029 Paper £7.50 ISBN0904975134 Personal orders in the UK, please add 75p p&l) fIr one book, 50p fIr each subsequent book in the same order. Overseas rates & trade tams on application. ChishollTIe Antiques 5 Orrock Place, Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland Tel: 045076928 For the restoration of fine antique furniture and cabinet making I,,,.. ,,,,, BESHARA BESHARA BESHARA Magazine wm started in 1987 m a forum where the idem of unity which are now emerging in many different fields - in science, economics, ecology, the arts and in the spiritual traditions - can be expressed. The word Contents Issue 8 'Beshara' is Aramaic (the root language of Arabic and Hebrew) and means 'Good News' From Policies to People 4 or 'Omen of Joy'. The Club of Rome has been a quiet force in environmental policy-making over the last 20 years. Martin Notcutt reports on their plans for the future Art in the Service of the Sacred 9 Christopher Ryan attends the Second Te menos Conference, where he encounters Noh Theatre and the sacred landscape of the Aborigines Reanimating Nature 16 Dr Mae-Wan Ho of the Department of Biology at the Open University reveals that a change of perspective is occuring in the natural sciences, emphasising unity and integration. Courses at Chisholme House 26 Angela Holroyd asks Peter Young, the Principal, about the work of the Beshara School of Intensive Esoteric Education Means of Expression 32 Simon Blackwood talks about his work as a painter Reviews 35 Books Henty Bortoft on Goethe contra Newton by Dennis Sepper 36 Jane Clark on Science, Order and Creativity by David Bohm 39 Derek Elliott on Markings by Dag Hammerskjold 41 John Hill on My God, produced by Save the Children Fund 42 Theatre Stephen Hirtenstein on Signs and Wonders by Oded Te omi 42 Exhibitions Richard Twinch on Leonardo da Vinci at the Hayward Gallery 44 Regular Features Editorial 3 11 Cover Picture: News - current events and comment from Alison Yiangou 47 Bosphorus Boat I/ Events - a listing of lectures, conferences and exhibitions, by Simon Blackwood plus Icon Collections in Britain 48 NEW SCIENCE, ORDER AND CREATIVITY Davirl Boftl'll ond F. David Pt'O/ In this thoughl�provoklng ne-w book, Davld Bohm. one of today's most foremost SCIentifiC thinkers. and Davld Peat, well�knoV\ln sCience writer. contend that sCience has lost Its bearings over the last century and become a narrow, abstl�acted and fragmented way of approaching natur-e and reality December 1988: 300pp Pb: 0-11 5-03079-X: [5.95 WHOLENESS AND THE IMPLICATE ORDER DavirL Bohm A much acclaimed work that combines sCience and philosophy to propose a new model of reality. Ark Paperback 1983: 213pp Pb: 0-7448-0000-5: [3.95 QUANTUM IMPLICATIONS Essays in Honour of David BohIn L::ditnl by BJ. Hilpy alld F. David Peal A collection of original papers dedicated to Pf�ofessor Davld Bohm, hiS V\lol�k, and the issues raised by hiS Ideas. Contributions span a number of diSCiplines and Include some of the most distinguished SCientists of the day. 1987: 450pp Hb 0·7102-0806-5: [25.00 UNFOLDING MEANING A Weekend of Dialogue with David BohIn David Bo/uII Unfolding Meaning IS the record of an Impor"Lant event. Professor Davld Bohm elaborates with rl group of people of vanous backgrounds hiS thoughts concerning mind. matter. meaning. the Implicate ol-der, quantum theory and related subjects. Ark Paperback 1987 175pp Pb 0-7418-0064-1: [3.95 CASUALITY AND CHANCE IN MODERN PHYSICS David Bo/ulI Professor Bohm provides a new Interpretation of quantum theory in the form of a sub-quantum mechanICal level which has both new kinds of casual laws and new kinds of statistical fluctuations. 1984: 170pp Pb 0-7102-0031 5: [4.95 Acclaimed titles from PHANES PRESS Publishers of fine books on the spiritual and philosophical Awakening Osiris: A New Transla The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Li The Drunken Universe: An Anthol traditions tion of the Egyptian Book of the Dead brary: An Anthology of Ancient Writ ogy of Persian Sufi Poetry. Translated of the by Normandi EHis ings which Relate to Pythagoras and with commentary by Peter Lamborn Western This new translation, made from the Pythagorean Philosophy. Translated Wilson and NasroHah Pourjavady. hieroglyphs, approaches the Book of by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie; edited The Drunken Universe contains fresh world the Dead as a profound spiritual text and introduced by David R. Fideler. renditions of the greatest poetry of whieh is capable of speaking to us This is the largest collection of Py the Sufi mystical tradition arranged Tn nrd�r: today. The perspective of these writ thagorean writings to ever appear in around ten themes, including such Endns� enst nf ings suggests that the divine re,dm the English language. It contains the important motifs as The Secret, bnnk in US funds nr and the human rcalm arc not alto four ancient biographies of Pythago Awakening, Separation and Sadness, filiI MO and 52.50 gether separate; it suggests that the ras and over 25 Pythagorean writings, Love and the Lover, Union, Joy and surfac� pnsta!:�. natural world, and the substance of based on the premise that the prin the Perfect Man. Not only are the our lives, is fashioned from the stuff ciples of Harmony, Proportion and great luminaries of this tradition PHANES of the gods. Devoted like an Egyptian Justice govern both the physical cos represented, but so too are other scribe to the principle of "effective mos and the balanced soul. Complete important writers who are often PRESS utterance," Normandi Ell is has pro· with index, appendices, 400-titlc overlooked. " ... one of the nicest trans· PO Box 6114 duced a prose translation which reads bibliography, and illustrations, this lations of Sufi texts availablc"-Carl Grand Rapids, like pure, diaphanous verse. is an indispensable volume. Ernst writing in GNOSIS Michigan Cloth, 228 pages, $21.95; Paper, Cloth, 368 pages, $30.00; Paper, Cloth, 146 pages, S I 5.95; Paper, $8.95. 49516 $1 1.95. $17.00. USA BESHARA BESHARA Frilford Grange, Frilford, Abingdon, Oxford OX13 5NX. Te lephone: Oxford (0865) 391344 Editorial Fax: Oxford (0865) 722103 ISSN 0954-0067 EGULAR READERS will no leading to a biology based on co-oper lark. doubt have noticed that the ation and interconnectedness, rather [TORS; Elizabeth R appearance of BESHARA has than fragmentation and struggle. Roberts, Cecilia Tw inch, changed with this issue. The change Mae-Wan Ho points out (p17) that Alison Yiangou has been dictated by the fact that the one of the features of this new biology ART EDITOR:. Lesley Abadi REV IEWS: Martin Notcutt, Derek magazine has expanded both in size is that it crosses traditional boundaries, ElIiott, Michael Cohen and in scope since it was launched two and involves psychology and sociology ILLUSTRATIONS: Julia Dry years ago, and has come to demand a as well as physics, chemistry and math ADMINISTRATION: Kathy different, stronger format to match its ematics. She goes on to consider the Cresswell content. It also now reaches a much parallels between the scientific mode of wider audience, and with new readers perception and the way the artist sees joining us all the time, this is perhaps the world. On this same theme, we also BESHARA is published by the an appropriate moment to reiterate the have articles on two of the giants of Beshara Trust, a registered educational aims of the magazine. Western civilisation - Goethe and charity, No. 296769. BESHARA is concerned with unity, Leonardo da Vinci - who, par excel and it is intended as a forum where the lence, transcend the separation between Subscriptions ideas of unity which are now emerging art and science that modern man has £9.00 per annum UK and Europe in many areas of human activity can be made, and a review of the works of $18 USA brought together and expressed.