Realizing High IPC Through a Scalable Memory-Latency Tolerant Multipath

D. Morano, A. Khalafi, D.R. Kaeli A.K. Uht Northeastern University University of Rhode Island dmorano, akhalafi, [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract designs. Unfortunately, most of the fine-grained ILP inherent in integer sequential programs spans several A microarchitecture is described that achieves high basic blocks. Data and control independent instruc- performance on conventional single-threaded pro- tions, that may exist far ahead in the program in- gram codes without compiler assistance. To obtain struction stream, need to be speculatively executed high instructions per clock (IPC) for inherently se- to exploit all possible inherent ILP. quential (e.g., SpecInt-2000 programs), a large num- A large number of instructions need to be fetched ber of instructions must be in flight simultaneously. each cycle and executed concurrently in order to However, several problems are associated with such achieve this. We need to find the available program , including scalability, issues re- ILP at runtime and to provide sufficient hardware lated to control flow, and memory latency. to expose, schedule, and otherwise manage the out- Our design investigates how to utilize a large mesh of-order of control independent of processing elements in order to execute a single- instructions. Of course, the microarchitecture has to threaded program. We present a basic overview of also provide a means to maintain the architectural our microarchitecture and discuss how it addresses program order that is required for proper program scalability as we attempt to execute many instruc- execution. tions in parallel. The microarchitecture makes use We present a novel microarchitecture in this pa- of control and value speculative execution, multi- per that can be applied to any existing ISA. Our mi- path execution, and a high degree of out-of-order croarchitecture is targeted at obtaining substantial execution to help extract instruction level paral- program speedups on integer codes. The microar- lelism. Execution-time predication and time-tags for chitecture can speculatively execute hundreds of in- operands are used for maintaining program order. We structions ahead in the program instruction stream provide simulation results for several geometries of and thus expose large amounts of inherent ILP. We our microarchitecture illustrating a range of design use multipath execution to cover latencies associated tradeoffs. Results are also presented that show the with branch mispredictions. We also take advantage small performance impact over a range of memory of control and data independent instructions through system latencies. our use of execution-time predication. Since we pro- vide local buffering (a form of L0 caching) throughout 1 Introduction our grid layout, we can satisfy a large number of ac- cesses without accessing higher levels of the memory A number of studies into the limits of instruction level hierarchy. Further, since our design utilizes a form parallelism (ILP) have been promising in that they of value speculation on all operands, we consume the have shown that there is a significant amount of par- present value of a register, even if an outstanding load allelism within typical sequentially oriented single- is pending which targets this register. threaded programs (e.g., SpecInt-2000). The work of Lam and Wilson [8], Uht and Sindagi [18], Gon- 1.1 Related Work zalez and Gonzalez [4] have shown that there exists a great amount of instruction level parallelism (ILP) There have been several attempts at substantially that is not being exploited by any existing computer increasing program IPC through the exploitation of ILP. The Multiscalar architecture [15] at- tion penalties. Exploitation of control and data inde- tempted to realize substantial IPC speedups over con- pendent instructions beyond the join of a hammock ventional superscalar processors. However, the ap- branch [3, 17] is also capitalized upon where pos- proach is quite different than ours in that Multiscalar sible. Choosing which paths in multipath execution relies on compiler participation where we do not. A should be given priority for machine resources is also notable attempt at realizing high IPC was done by addressed by the machine. The predicted program Lipasti and Shen on their Superspeculative architec- path is referred to as the mainline path. We give ex- ture [9]. They achieved an IPC of about 7 with re- ecution resource priority to this mainline path with alistic hardware assumptions. The Ultrascalar ma- respect to any possible alternative paths. Since al- chine [6] achieves asymptotic scalability, but only re- ternative paths have lower priority with respect to alizes a small amount of IPC due to its conservative the mainline path, they are referred to as disjoint execution model. Nagarajan et al proposed a Grid paths. This sort of strategy for the spawning of dis- Architecture of ALUs connected by an operand net- joint paths results in what is termed disjoint eager work [11]. This has some similarities to our work. execution (DEE). We therefore refer to disjoint paths However, unlike our work, their microarchitecture re- as simply DEE paths. These terms are taken from lies on the coordinated use of the compiler along with Uht [18]. a new ISA to obtain higher IPCs. Time-tags are the basic mechanism used in the mi- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- croarchitecture to order all operands, including mem- tion 2 reviews the critical elements of our proposed ory operands, while they are being used by instruc- microarchitecture. Section 3 presents simulation re- tions currently being executed. Time-tags are small sults for a range of machine configurations, and shows values that are associated with operands that serve as the potential impact of multipath execution when ap- both an identifying tag and as a means to order them plied. We also discuss how our microarchitecture re- with respect to each other. The Warp Engine [2] also duces our dependence on the memory system by pro- used time-tags to manage large amounts of specula- viding a large amount of local caching on our datap- tive execution, but our use of them is much simpler ath. We summarize and conclude in section 4. than theirs. Time-tags are present on some recent machines (e.g., P6, Pentium 4), though are used for different purposes than as employed in our microar- 2 The Microarchitecture chitecture.

We have described most of the details of this microar- 2.1 Microarchitecture Components chitecture in [19]. We will review these details at a level to allow the reader to grasp a general under- Figure 1 provides a high-level view of our microar- standing as it applies to the memory system perfor- chitecture. Our microarchitecture shares many basic mance. In addition, this paper presents a microar- similarities to most conventional machines. The main chitecture with a realistic memory subsystem and we memory block, the L2 (unified in the present therefor are better able to evaluate the performance case), and the L1 instruction cache are all rather sim- impact of the . ilar to those in common use. Except for the fact The microarchitecture is very aggressive in terms that the main memory, L2 cache, and L1 data cache of the amount of speculative execution it performs. are all address-interleaved, there is nothing further This is realized through a large amount of scalable unique about these components. Our L1 data cache execution resources. Resource scalability of the mi- is similar to most conventional data caches except croarchitecture is achieved through its distributed na- that it also has the ability to track speculative mem- ture along with repeater-like components that limit ory writes using a store buffer. Our L1 d-cache shares the maximum spans. Contention for major cen- a similar goal with the Speculative Versioning Cache tralized structures is avoided. Conventional central- [5] but is simpler in some respects. Since we allow ized resources like a register file, reorder buffer, and speculative memory writes to propagate out to the centralized execution units, are eliminated. L1 data cache, multiple copies of a speculative write The microarchitecture also addresses several issues may be present in the L1 data cache store buffer at associated with conditional branches. Spawning al- any time. They are differentiated from each other ternative speculative paths when encountering con- through the use of time-tags. ditional branches is done to avoid branch mispredic- The i-fetch unit first fetches instructions from i- memory operand transfer buses from and to L1 execution I-fetch L1 L1 d-cache D-cache window I-cache ML DEE ML DEE branch FU FU predictors and AS AS AS AS instruction AS AS AS AS load buffers AS AS AS AS shared operand PE PE forwarding buses sharing group sharing group




PE PE sharing group sharing group main from memory instruction forwarding buses forwarding buses dispatch buffer

Figure 1: High-level View of the Distributed Microar- instruction dispatch buses chitecture. Shown are the major hardware compo- nents of the microarchitecture. With the exception Figure 2: The Execution Window. Shown is a layout of the execution window block, this is similar to most of the Active Stations (AS) and Processing Elements conventional microarchitectures (PE) along with some bus interconnections to imple- . ment a large, distributed microarchitecture. Groups of ASes share a PE; a group is called a sharing group.

cache along one or more predicted program paths. Due to our relatively large instruction fetch band- silicon or circuit board space, from the first. This width requirement, we allow for the fetching of up to operation is termed operand forwarding. Our adap- two i-cache lines in a single clock. Instructions are tation of the is termed an active immediately decoded after being fetched. All fur- station (AS). Like a reservation station (or an issue ther handling of the instructions is done in their de- slot for machines that have an issue window), an AS coded form. Decoded instructions are then staged can only hold a single instruction at a time. How- into an instruction dispatch buffer so that they are ever, instructions may be issued from the AS to its available to be dispatched into the execution window associated multiple times rather than when needed. The execution window is where our only once. Several ASes may share the use of one microarchitecture differs substantially from existing or more execution units. The execution units that machines. This instruction dispatch buffer is orga- are dispersed among the ASes are termed processing nized so that a large number of instructions can be elements (PEs). Each PE may consist of an unified broadside loaded into the execution window in a sin- all-purpose execution unit capable of executing any of gle clock. The multiple buses going from the i-fetch the possible machine instructions or, more likely, con- unit to the execution window in Figure 1 are meant sist of several functionally clustered units for specific to reflect this operation. The maximum number of classes of instructions (integer ALU, FP, or other). instructions dispatched into the execution window at Instructions execute speculatively without necessar- a time (in a single clock) is termed the column height ily waiting for their correct operands to arrive. Re- of the machine. executions of instructions occur as needed to guaran- tee proper program dependencies. An instruction re- 2.2 The Execution Window mains in the AS, possibly executing many times, until it can be retired (either committed or squashed). Figure 2 shows a more detailed view of the execution As part of the strategy to allow for a scalable window with its subcomponents. We have extended microarchitecture, we lay the ASes out in silicon the idea of the reservation station [16] to provide the on a two-dimensional grid whereby sequentially dis- basic building block for a distributed microarchitec- patched instructions will go to sequential ASes down ture. In our microarchitecture, an output result is not a column of the two-dimensional grid of ASes. The looped back to the input of the same reservation sta- use of a two-dimensional grid simply allows for a de- tion that provided the result but rather is forwarded sign implementation in either a single silicon IC or to different stations that are spatially separated, in through several suitable ICs on a multi-chip module. The number of ASes in the height dimension of the Conditional branches are predicted just before they grid is the same as the column height of the machine, are entered into the instruction dispatch buffer. The introduced previously. The example machine of Fig- prediction of a branch then accompanies the decoded ure 2 has a column height of six (six instruction load instruction if and when it might be dispatched. buses shown feeding six ASes). Also employed within the execution window is a Groups of active stations, along with their associ- scheme to dynamically predicate, at execution time, ated PE, are called a sharing group (SG), since they all instructions that have been dispatched into active share execution resources with the set of ASes in the stations. This predication scheme essentially provides group. The example machine of Figure 2 consists of for each dispatched instruction (now in an AS) an ex- two columns of SGs, each with two SG rows. Sharing ecution predicate. These execution predicates are just groups somewhat resemble the relationship between a single bit, but are entirely maintained and manip- the register file, reorder buffer, reservation stations, ulated within the microarchitecture itself, not being and function units of most conventional microarchi- visible at the ISA level of abstraction. tectures. They have a relatively high degree of bus From actual VHDL implementation and synthesis interconnectivity amongst them, as conventional mi- of the described machine components, and using the croarchitectures do. The ASes serve the role of both technology design rules used in the EV8 micropro- the reservation station and the reorder buffer of more cessor [12], an estimate of the size of a machine in conventional machines. The transfer of a decoded in- silicon can be made. It is estimated that an 8-4-8-8 struction, along with its associated operands, from geometry could be implemented in about 600 mil- an AS to its PE is isolated to within the SG they lion transistors. When just considering the execution belong to. The use of this execution resource sharing window of the machine (Figure 2), most of the silicon arrangement also allows for reduced interconnections space (as might be expected) is taken up by execution between adjacent SGs. Basically, only operand re- resources, labeled as PEs, with floating point execu- sults need to flow from one SG to subsequent ones. tion being particularly large. Components, such as In our present microarchitecture, we always have the ASs, are relatively small. The amount of cache two columns of ASes within a SG. The first AS- in the MFUs is flexible and usually takes up the next column is reserved for the mainline path of the pro- most amount of space after the execution units. A va- gram and is labeled ML in the figure. The second riety of larger sized machines could be implemented column of ASes is reserved for the possible execution in silicon (as transistor budget allows) or in multichip of a DEE path and is labeled DEE in the figure. modules. In this machine example, each SG contains three rows of ASes (for a total of six) and a single PE. Many machine sizes have been explored so far but 2.3 Operand Forwarding and Machine only a subset of these sizes is further investigated in Scalability this paper. A particular machine is generally charac- terized using the 4-tuple: An interconnect fabric is provided to forward result operands from earlier ASes (in program ordered time) • sharing group rows to later ASes. Result operands are one of three pos- • active station rows per sharing group sible types: register, memory, and instruction execu- • sharing group columns tion predicates. The interconnect allows for arbitrary • number of DEE paths allowed numbers of sharing groups to be used in a machine while still keeping all bus spans to a fixed (constant) These four characteristic parameters of a given ma- length. All of the buses in Figure 2, with the excep- chine are greatly influential to its performance, as ex- tion of the instruction load buses, form the intercon- pected, and the 4-tuple is termed the geometry of the nection fabric. Several bus arrangements are possi- machine. These four numbers are usually concate- ble but we only further explore one such arrangement nated so that the geometry of the machine in Figure (that shown in the figure). In the general case, sev- 2 would be abbreviated 2-3-2-2. eral buses are used in parallel to make up a single When an entire column of ASes is free to accept forwarding span. This is indicated by the use of the new instructions, generally an entire column worth bold lines for buses in the figure. More than one bus of instructions are dispatched in a single clock to the in parallel for each bus span is generally required to free AS-column from the instruction dispatch buffer. meet the operand forwarding bandwidth needs of the machine. For memory operands, a second operand forward- Active bus repeater components are used (and re- ing strategy is used. When memory operands are quired) to allow for constant length bus spans. A bus generated by ASes, the AS contends for one of the repeater component is generally termed a forward- outbound buses (labeled shared operand forwarding ing unit (FU) and is so labeled in the figure. These buses in Figure 2) in order to forward the operand forwarding units do more than just repeat operand value. However, unlike the register and predicate values from one span of a bus to the next. For regis- operand forwarding strategy, a memory load requests ters and memory, operands are filtered so that redun- (without data) travels backwards, in program ordered dant forwards of the same value (as compared with time, and gets snooped by the forwarding units that that last forwarded) are eliminated. These can also are at the top of each SG column. This is done so be termed silent forwards. This filtering provides a that the operand can be transferred onto a memory means to reduce the overall bandwidth requirements operand transfer bus, shown at the top of Figure 2. of the forwarding interconnection fabric. Each for- These buses are address-interleaved and provide the warding unit employed in the present work also has a connectivity to transfer memory operands (generally small amount of storage for memory operands. This speculative) to the L1 data cache. Memory values storage serves as a cache for memory operand values. are tentatively stored in a store buffer, along with We term this small cache storage a L0 data cache. In their associated operand time-tags, until a commit- the present design, the L0 data cache is fully asso- ted value is determined. Similarly, operands return- ciative, containing 32 entries, and resides within the ing from the L1 data cache to service requests from memory filtering unit. There is one memory filtering ASes are first put on one of the memory operand unit per column in the models evaluated in this pa- transfer buses (based on the interleave address of the per. We also include data that is snarfed 1 off the bus operand). These operands then get snooped by all of on a bus snoop and L0 data cache hit. The entire bus the forwarding units at the top of each SG column, structure serves as a local caching network. after which the operand is forwarded on a shared For register and predicate operands, values that are operand forwarding bus (shown vertically) to reach generated by ASes contend for one of the outbound the requesting ASes. buses (labeled shared operand forwarding buses in the figure) to forward the value. Requests for bus use Persistent register, predicate state and some persis- will be satisfied with any bus clock-slot that may be tent memory state is stored in the forwarding units. available on any of the buses in parallel, belonging to Persistent state is not stored indefinitely in any sin- a given span. All other ASes on the outbound bus gle forwarding unit but is rather stored in differ- span snoop operand values forwarded from previous ent units as the machine executes column shift op- (in program order) ASes. In addition, a forwarding erations (columns of ASes get retired and commit- unit (the bus repeater) also snoops the same operands ted). However, this is all quite invisible to the ISA. and forwards the operand value to the next bus span This microarchitecture also implements precise ex- if necessary (if the value was different than the previ- ceptions [14] similarly to how they are handled in ous value). For register and predicate operands, they most speculative machines. A speculative exception are also looped around from the bottom of one col- (whether on the mainline path or a DEE path) is umn of SGs to the top of the next column of SGs. held pending (not signaled in the ISA) in the AS that Operands from the bottom of the far right column contains the generating instruction until it would be of SGs gets looped around to the top of the far left committed. No action is needed for pending excep- column. Memory operands also utilize the same loop tions in ASes that eventually get squashed. When structure. This behavior forms the characteristic ring an AS with a pending exception does commit, the pattern of operand flow, inherent in many microar- machine directs the architected control flow off to an chitectures [13]. Forming a closed loop with these exception handler through the defined exception be- buses, and essentially just renaming columns (iden- havior for the given ISA. This might include saving tifying the one closest to retirement), is easier than the precise instruction return address to either an ISA physically transferring (shifting) the contents of one architected register or memory. Typically, the excep- column to the next when a column of ASes retires. tion handler code will save the architected registers to memory using normal store instructions of the ISA. 1Snarfing implies we snoop a bus, find a match on the cur- Interrupts can be handled in more flexible ways than rent bus contents, and we read the associated data value. exceptions. One way to handle interrupts is to allow all instructions currently being executed within the result operand forwarding bus execution window to reach commitment, then archi- tt addr value tected program flow can vector off to a code handler, time-tag address value path instr. similarly as the case of instruction exceptions above. LD LD LD time-tag

2.4 Enforcing Program Order and De- >= = != = < pendencies tt addr value path tt

Program dependencies (control, register, and mem- execute or re-execute ory) are maintained through the use of time-tags. Time-tags are associated with all operands within Figure 3: Operand snoop logic within an AS. The the machine. This has some resemblance to reg- logic used for snooping of input operands for ASes is ister tags used in more conventional microarchitec- shown. tures but has been more generalized for use in this distributed microarchitecture. Since instructions re- main in the ASes until they retire, the whole set of continue dispatching instructions following the not- ASes fulfill the role of the reorder buffer or register taken output path. If a forward branch has a near update unit of more conventional microarchitectures. target such that it and its originating branch instruc- As a column of ASes gets retired, that column be- tion will both fit within the execution window at the comes available for newly decoded instructions to be same time, then we dispatch instructions following dispatched to it. The time-tag, associated with each the not-taken output path of the branch, whether column, is decremented. Time-tags associated with or not it is the predicted path. This represents the operands can be decomposed into row and column fetching of instruction in the memory or static or- parts. The column part of the operand time-tag is der rather than the program dynamic order. The identically the column time-tag, so when a column fetching and dispatching of instructions following the has its time-tag decremented, it effectively renames not-taken output path (static program order) of a the operands within that column. The next column conditional branch is very advantageous for captur- in the machine (with the next higher time-tag) be- ing hammock styled branch constructs. Since, simple comes the next column that will get retired. The single-sided hammock branches generally have near operation of decrementing column time-tags in the targets, they are captured within the execution win- execution window is termed a column shift. The hard- dow. ware used for the snooping of an input operand of an AS is shown in Figure 3. Basically, a new operand is Our mainline path continues along the predicted snarfed when it has the same address and path identi- branch path, regardless of whether it was the taken fier as the current AS as well as a time-tag value that or not-taken path. We spawn a DEE path for the op- is less than that of the current AS itself but greater posite outcome of the branch. For forward branches or equal to that of the last snarfed operand. Sim- with a far target, if the branch is predicted taken, pler snooping hardware is used in forwarding units. we dispatch instructions following the target of the A more detailed discussion of the mechanism used branch. If the branch is predicted not-taken, we con- for enforcing program dependencies can be found in tinue dispatching instructions for the mainline path a report by Kaeli et al [7]. following the not-taken outcome of the branch. In both of these cases, we do not spawn a DEE path for this branch. 2.5 Multipath Execution DEE paths are created by dispatching instructions If a conditional backward branch is predicted taken, to a free column of ASes that is designated for holding the i-fetch unit will speculatively follow it and con- DEE paths. The instructions dispatched as a DEE tinue dispatching instructions into the execution win- path will be the same instructions that were previ- dow for the mainline path from the target of the ously dispatched as being the mainline path, where branch. This case allows for the capture of program both the mainline and DEE paths share the same loops within the execution window of the machine generating conditional branch. However, there are a and can be thought of as hardware loop unrolling. For limited number of AS columns available at any one a backward branch that is predicted not-taken, we time for DEE paths in the machine so some strategy Table 1: Characteristics of benchmarks programs. Table 2: Machine geometries studied. benchmark bzip2 parser go gzip gap SG rows ASes per SG SG columns max DEE paths br pred acc 90.5% 92.6% 72.1% 85.4% 94.5% 8 4 8 8 L1-I hit rate 97.2% 96.6% 92.4% 94.7% 89.0% 8 8 8 8 L1-D hit rate 98.8% 99.0% 98.8% 99.8% 99.3% 16 8 8 8 L2 hit rate 90.1% 86.0% 96.8% 73.0% 88.5% 32 2 16 16 dyn cond brs 12.0% 11.0% 12.1% 13.4% 6.5% 32 4 16 16

for spawning DEE paths is needed. Refer to [19] for 3.2 IPC Results a full description of our spawning algorithms. In this section, we present IPC data for multi-path execution, as executed on five machine geometries. 3 Simulation Results The parameters of each of the major machine com- ponents, for each of the five simulated geometries, We first describe our simulation . Then IPC are given in Table 2. Although we have explored a data for multipath execution is given. Finally, results large number of machine sizes, these particular ge- showing the sensitivity of our machine to varying the ometries were chosen in order to get a range of IPC latencies of several components in the memory hier- performance across a number of very different ma- archy are presented. chine sizes and shapes. The common machine char- acteristics used in this section for obtaining IPC re- sults are given in Table 3. The L1, L2, and main 3.1 Methodology memory access latencies do not include the forward- ing unit and forwarding bus delays within the execu- The simulator is a recently built tool that shares some tion window. These machine characteristics are fairly similarity to SimpleScalar [1] but which was not based representative of existing typical values for a 2 GHz on it. We execute SpecInt-2000 and SpecInt-95 pro- processor. They are similar to, or more conservative grams on a simulated machine that primarily features than, a recent Pentium-4 (0.13 um at 2.4 GHz) pro- a MIPS-1 ISA but with some MIPS-2 and MIPS-3 cessor [10]. The results for multipath execution are ISA instructions added. We are using the standard presented in Table 4. The geometry labels (4-tuples) SGI Irix system libraries so we needed to also support at the tops of these tables consist of the concatenated the execution of some MIPS-2 and MIPS-3 instruc- numbers of machines components for: SG rows, AS tions (present in the libraries). All programs were rows per SG, SG columns, and the number of DEE compiled on an SGI machine under the Irix 6.4 OS paths allowed for that execution. In addition to the and using the standard SGI compiler and linker. Pro- individual benchmark IPC results, we also present grams were compiled with standard optimization (-O) the harmonic mean of the IPC across all benchmarks. for primarily the MIPS-1 ISA (-mips1). From these results, it is observed that our DEE mul- We chose five benchmark programs to work with, tipath execution mode provides between 39 and 50 four from the SpecInt-2000 benchmark suite and one percent IPC speedups over conventional singlepath from the SpecInt-95 program suite. These programs execution. Our lowest performing machine geometry were chosen to get a range of different memory and (8-4-8-8) when executing in singlepath mode, yielded looping behavior, while also presenting challenging a harmonic mean IPC of 3.2. However, the same ge- conditional control flow behavior. The particular ometry machine, when executing using the the DEE programs used along with some statistics are given multipath strategy, yielded a harmonic mean IPC of in Table 1. All programs were executed using the 4.8 (a 50% speedup). The largest sized machine ge- SpecInt reference inputs. All accumulated data was ometry simulated (32-4-16-16) using singlepath exe- gathered over the simulated execution of 500 million cution yielded a harmonic mean IPC of 4.6. Our DEE instructions, after having skipped the first 100 mil- multipath execution of the same yielded a harmonic lion instructions. The first 100 million instructions mean IPC of 6.5 (about a 41% speedup). The low- were used to warm up the various simulator memory est IPC speedup occurred for the machine geometry caches. The dynamic conditional branches in Table 16-8-8-8 and was about 39%. This geometry had the 1 are a percent of total dynamic instructions. lowest speedup from multipath execution because its Table 3: General machine characteristics. These machine parameters are used for all simulations as the default except where one of these parameters may be varied. L1 I/D cache access latency 1 clock L1 I/D cache size 64 KBytes L1 I/D block size 32 bytes L1 I/D organization 2-way set associative L2 cache access latency 10 clocks L2 cache size 2 MBytes L2 block size 32 bytes L2 organization direct mapped main memory access latency 100 clocks memory interleave factor 4 forwarding unit minimum latency (all) 1 clock forwarding-bus latency (all) 1 clock number of forwarding buses in parallel 4 PAg 1024 PBHT entries 4096 GPHT entries saturating 2-bit

Table 4: IPC results for multipath execution. geometry 8-4-8-8 8-8-8-8 16-8-8-8 32-2-16-16 32-4-16-16 bzip2 4.2 5.0 5.8 5.4 5.7 parser 4.3 4.6 5.3 5.0 5.4 go 5.1 5.9 6.7 6.5 6.8 gzip 5.0 6.3 7.0 6.7 7.2 gap 6.0 7.5 7.5 8.9 7.9 HAR-MEAN 4.8 5.7 6.4 6.3 6.5 % speedup over SP 50 46 39 50 41

ratio of AS rows (128) to the maximum possible DEE 1.0 paths allowed (8) was the lowest of the geometries ex- Bzip2 0.8 Parser plored. Go Gzip Gap Relative IPC Relative 0.6 3.3 Memory Sensitivity Results 0.4 1 2 4 8 In this section we present IPC data corresponding to L1 D-Cache Hit Latency (Clocks) varying some parameters associated with the memory subsystem. We show degradation in IPC when vary- Figure 4: Machine IPC speedup results for varying ing the access latencies, in clocks, for: L1 D-cache, L1 D-cache hit delay in clocks. L2 cache, and main memory. All of this data was gathered on a machine geometry of 16-8-8-8 with the other parameters (the parameters that are not var- anticipate an impact of up to 10% if we move from 1 ied) listed in Table 3. All results are relative to the to 2 clocks. fastest hit latency for that level of the memory hier- Figure 5 presents the IPC degradation results as archy. Figure 4 presents IPC degradation results as the L2 cache (unified I/D) hit latency is varied from the L1 D-cache hit latency is varied from one to eight 1 up to 16 clocks (our design choice was 10 clocks). clocks. IPC is lowered by as much as 46% when the Finally Figure 6 presents the IPC speedup results as L1 hit latency is increased from 1 to 8 cycles. But the main memory access hit latency is varied from because of the introduction of L0 caches in our filter 20 clocks up to 800 clocks. For the L2 cache and units, the number of L1 cache accesses is significantly main memory sensitivity graphs, the impact on IPC is reduced. Also, the good news is that a latency of 1 much less severe than what was experienced with L1. or 2 clocks for L1 caches is more likely to scale bet- Although L2 latencies are likely to also scale some- ter with increasing processor than memory what with future increasing processor clock rates, components further from the processor. So we can they are not likely to scale as well as L1 is expected Table 5: L0 hit rates for bzip2 and parser. All per- centages are relative to the total number of loads is- sued. Results are for a 16-8-8-8 machine geometry. bzip2 parser % of all loads 3.6% 5.2% 1.00 satisfied by L0 due to a backwarding request % of all loads 18.2% 28.8% satisfied by L0 but w/o 0.95 any backwarding request Bzip2 Parser Go 0.90 Gzip Relative IPC Gap to do. Fortunately our machine already obtains good IPC numbers for an L2 latency of 10 clocks. 0.85 With respect to main memory, the microarchitec- ture is quite insensitive to latencies up to 100 clocks, 0.80 and only then starts to degrade slightly after that. 1 2 4 8 16 L2 Cache Hit Latency (Clocks) Since 100 clocks (as we count it - after our repeater and bus delays) is probably typical at the present Figure 5: Machine IPC speedup results for varying time (assuming a 2 GHz CPU clock rate and the L2 cache hit delay in clocks. latest DDR-SDRAMs), our memory system arrange- ment is properly hiding most of the long main mem- ory latency as it should. Since our machine is still quite insensitive to main memory latency out to 800 clocks, we might expect to operate the current ma- chine up to about 10 GHz with similar performance. Our insensitivity to main memory latency is due to both the conventional use of L1 and L2 caches but also to the width of our execution window. When memory load requests are generated from instructions soon after they were loaded into the execution win- dow, the width of the machine (in SG columns) pro- 1.00 vides substantial time to allow for those memory load requests to be satisfied, even when they have to go back to L1, L2, and to main memory. 0.95

Bzip2 Parser 3.4 L0 Cache Results Go 0.90 Gzip Gap Relative IPC In Table 5 we show L0 hit rates for two of the pro- grams. We breakdown L0 accesses/hits as those due 0.85 to loads that generated a backward-going request and those due to load values being forwarded to the AS without the L0 receiving a forwarding request. On 0.80 25 50 100 200 400 800 each load, we send out a backward-going request to Main Memory Latency (Clocks) both L0 and L1. As we can see, L0 is servicing a large percent (34% for parser) of all load requests. This will Figure 6: Machine IPC speedup results for varying reduce the impact of memory latency on IPC. In fu- main memory access latency in clocks. ture work we will look at the effects of increasing the amount of buffer memory in the filter units. 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