
— — — | F . W J • 9 — - • ) THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL VOLUME XXIII LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, MON DAY, JUNE 6, 1853 NIMHEK 164 that I hrU hr«»tli tor very revei»iioe, the Thi CHiNcac KaacLuoN.— Tn reply to a tprinrinc to aiy rye« with iwldeu rBotioa. queetioo, the lact war distinctly staled by Lord MISCELLANEOUS, BUSINESS CARDS t^rely an^etir basU Iw eared at>ove Iha* email MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS John R'seelt, the other day, in the Biitii-b RBliOVAldl RBMOVAldl RAILROADS hewcd-doarn head.oc wiKiee tr^lden lacka a halo Par- WM. H. CARY A CO., liament, J. r. BAflT> River Bottom STEAMSHIPS •eemed to re»'! W f.aterer vr la that aileiit, guard- that Ike Emptror of Chian had apiUitd L J49 AND 246 PSARL drEEKT, Land for Sale. For Baltimore, Washington. jrrHOLnALB AKD ENTAIL DIALIE IN OIOABft. NE«T TORE, The PUludel- and noderamed would reapecifniiy * ed, and oraterwMif praver and eometiaira it to Great rV InipAricrk JAbber* ol ^1^ call th- — Britaiafar aesirtauce S|;auist the 6MUE1NO AND cRKwiNo tobacco, SNUrr ' phta, and Ifow Ifork. inaiir- AttAQtiuA Of Ail parAOQ'4 Wbo V>>1 Ua A e’r Ce, bM rAiDovBd 1 ick B>e it mient poaeibly relatioo to to N«a MB MaIo §tne , b«‘twe«o Sac Forrign Uomrstir ' tW have Eeiil and Fancy GoodA, ret«rn for tso Is?ottment ut Ucir furcer, H hich, by the lg?t accounts, ueie ad And ?Alrd, tvo mtMsoy ei’ber a dread at dyua^, or to her antiripaUoiia down aSata tkt BAsk Af KACtacky. tA 440 AFroA of tba rery boot rlrer Ai dNv'lib an eiamliia'.lon of ea butu>fa Lond. approacbinE *••• capita!; but that no BttQAiAd la WatBot Bottom, IleodArtoB Oattmy, orders had ^ Ky., of her near beavaa, ae afae waa si the time out I inrlr stccs by the c1om> buy- Blood to the oaa tiEC \r THiUK\iH . I Hcl, AcMIty ol the htomarh, Kaa- Abi>at LINE KO TUI 1A3T, ATLANTTv, Oapi. 3 allot bAlow tbo floarltblDK «;r era of the , towa Mt. Tof at beal’h—whatever that prayer murht he, that been to interfere in the war in any way, Jotblns trade of 3 «ea, H* aitbarn. Disgust of Food, Fainese or ^" tClFIO, Cape. NAPIBR PKCSB FOR SALIL Bon, It. Bi/ftwore un4 Okio fr^m 1 r the WeKero and SouihernAMlAh Weight In the ! Btomacb, Sour AECn*', Cepe. Laea} HK anderslgaed offer sale the very Bructa* Tbo Uad wMi bo »*-ep* for the protection of British p.-nperly and for superior Ka- tloos, told in one tract or lo tbree tracts u. io bailimorty cr>nm€€t\nj( wUh S!nklui{ or Fluttering at the -alt RaLSC,Car* CoepWacN; T pler Press upoQ which the LooUrllle Jourral has parchA«er*. It wat orlflnallj tatil off In three IUuiAiairf,» Pit of (be StuD4a<.h, B'aarA «,-;.’roa./ at Jat. ADElATIC,Capu subjects. The la>t accounts from Ror-g until It Swimming tracu, tM <4raft«a. Hong lately been prlated. is In good order, wUi and there It a portloo J s^ of the Head, Hurried of lan clrarad on eact iliUla r„iUd and tracts the These t^pe * be sold Bpoa terms to soU the purchaser. Ju n.a wat making in all IM acret clearexl HeUf H-f-tt), 9 mu*d *t have beea bat it by t (to March 28th) stated that of iat»iL It ! the Brilis!; Pleni- I Dimenlt Breathing, Flat - star wa “hii tuddvn departure beiiig hastened, ration, it was YelIowQe^• of the sklu and Brea, Pain In the Side, back, iuppoaed, by rtceipt of au appliratian from the C>'e«t, Llmts, fcc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, DjraiDg In the Fiesb, Constant Imaglnatloos of Evil, ’ Cbineie Govemment for assist ance.-’ The fact, DEI'tdUlel' AND AFOTHBCARY, aud graat i)«^fe«slon of Spirtu can be effbetnahy ca^ed RKSPKLTFl LLT retnrus bU most sincere EDWIN MORRIS. br thus eatabitabed, alibrds more convincing evi* thanks to his frieadti and the pnhlle gene- IIOLESALK DHl (bGIST, 4J4 Mstn street (nearly DR. HOOKLAXIFB rally for thetr liberal opposite Kxchaoge Ufdel), has deac* of tbe alirmini; progress rf the and generons patron* 1 /> W on hant a large rt^aaivfs insur- / C„f EBP.ATED LEKiMAN BITTERS. COUNTY, tf the rntna Ln« frw *u rfAge. and begs leave to auuuoace that he ha«Ui^«w Slock or DllUGB, PAINTB, OILS *te., which be oilers fVMn. KB.SItCKr. to UR aader^lgned. i C f.ouaeii caaonevi gents—alarminp, we mean, to bis Celestial a new and ejuroslve the trade generally at the Icweiii FREPAt.CI> having parchAf*«il the ectlre inter* wiih Ma- *^ied wholesale and retail estab- market rales, Sr LE. C. M. JACEkOM, I ' A esl of Lewis BsiTet in the above prupertv, Uftij t*ck' i* V'-in I'ld'sofiiHMi lishment lo the Drug boslnass, at No. 3J7 Nalu may ludRwtr w«.itid jeMy—than niiythlng else itreeti AT THH GftRMAN >• w, Srpt.Ji. which baa come to our MKUICINB STORK, “*'* ®t Gr.iMMi Sprmai aixi w,^ai^ifUN , Fhitwi^ipai*. between bvvcuih and Ktgtath. .’’ll!'.* the pabllc a^ ai, ... IXU ft 1‘iU Arch street, Fbliadetphia. = geoerally that the entire e'^ubtl-hmeat, I. b. il<>i’«h«»:, L knowledge. The British steamer Sslaraander Having been engaged la the Drag line, and Os O. ba>inc I>. A£kU« *** t '“ perfect erJer for ib- devoted my pers <101 auentloo to the Presetiptioa Their power over the abore dlseasee Is not excelled, « J!"!!?* r«ep. had to ha«»U IJ >e the wharf at Loalsvi! s alM gone Shanghai, and the Lily was the lestlaa* sevexaeenaevexaeea CATES & REED, erjualed, by any other at which nm. oar Ul.< aeseneat forfof yc^^years, andisU ti-tzzhaving j--;Jast re- preparau-^n In the United Slates, snmroer csaipsun Whee lae. wh»"« comnifocee. I ani tagsac^eT'.* cart; and upeaad Aa the cures stte*t, eeived an entire new ttorn at law, Lonl^vtlle lo many cases ' i after i already there; making three British ship.s stock, whichwhich'!I haw KT5 Kr., win practice skillful physl* ’* tl**? irsn-f-rr*-l to tn*! of war cUita iMfolloo and wish of the propr1ru>r> lo purchaaeU for cash from the first leAW In the Ojnrtsbeld In hal failed. ! sh.M make ! and most cerebrated LoaKvllIe. They will The expr'a, uii4'i A al I which •* these Springs, not ua.a leaver Waar laz dstly, m: would soon be at Shanghai Ba*t«ru twubitshrnema, I so c«at1noe all These Bitters are worthy omy acreeeble or in i therefore their practice In the the attention its im- feel eatlre confl Coarta tn PrankKjrtt of Invalids. and hvsithfol to Invalids, '^as t-rpi** 2 a. M., aod arrive- PossAMlDg great bat al»o picseant end «nter at (. deace that those who favor me with their patronage will and In SheDy, Henry, and Oldham Circuit ConrU. (me vlrtuci lo the recilflcatlon of diseasat ailirs; at 7 P. if., vicinity. \ u;ning to and mediate The French steamer of war I those who may be in seArkh of ple&aore. allowuig >wo bears Ui re, arr.< be satisfied with averythiog of tbe firm will always la Frankfort ef the llTcr and lesser glands, ' purchased at my estabiub* he during tbe exercising the in Bsit'mor'* » se«* moat ’*^*^*' 01 . I Springs (over too r*), a Ighr. laebfXt moroi' ^ in nn^iher) mentv eiou of searching powers to . .TV**” are ! tee Court of Appeals, and the Federal <;oan. weakness of the dlgesUee organa. mskii.K th' w>o well known aimI srpreciaied by the p <-thr...i4hrrom Wri-e/ag la in Kvery article parebaaed Office on street, between they are withal safe, certain, and tovslH to ni « d le- i will be warranted ftticUy pore Main Fourth and Firth stre»Ls pieaaant. one •>h..ur.. li; llU% Word from os la coumeodatlon, ani even »taJppS. . », and geauloe (being iar»upei1or over Mark, Dulaney, h, b'^w ih >«e la io a stock of oMdrug.) Dowdb^ store, perfect health Trsvri. r* •1 a t isu I grow fond of ibelr clesr waters, tj observe that ihl* u T‘ I belug fre*h and new, coosequeotiy fiS dfkwly The Hon. Cii.\RL£s D. Hi;«ELtNC, malalag all thHr Xayuref the city I Dslly ClICAPXST welt line of stages to B>isabethtuwn, and Mesiirs. as one of the aa»t pieasaut route* prlfulUve chemical virtoes; lo addition to which, Camden, N. J., sent us the luUowlng: I have Carter Or Thomas, and Mr. T. B. perso:.ally analysed and tested Maoford, of tbe Rag.e every chemical, 1 man* . Aa tAWVAl* L* WALLACE liOt “HoorLAND's GEiiMAh- House, h«k-l thr j BiTTEEs.— We bsT# seeo BllAAbtihlown, will supsHy msicrj.. Jcc., to (Jray- :.fc u, of ih. g, ;,m imi: nfactare with care from pure chemicals, which I sell many tlatterlog notices #00 wlibottt caatge. to uf this medicine, and Springs. 'I the source i DAVID HKE.SnoS, dealers by the grow or doacn apon the jstllberai SAWYER, WALLACE, & CO. from * m terms. which they came induced n» to make Inquiry re* V.~»D«-r. . I I.*-.... .r-^ tran-.-rireil ‘^O^MISSIUN MERI'HANTS, U9 I'roat sireei to th« cm 4okl,Mlver,balltoe, spec's. b!oe red, aoil black lake. Rose and Bear oils, Poma- •peeling Us merits. From Inquiry, wnhloa .1 tbs ^ York. we were per>i^ed Jaoc.i n. m-j for rb: »etala,aaiasab«1Uor tums, Ookigae, Liumscnu, Tbuap»oH's Pata*Kluer, to use It, and must U. Iiiti..r-, ad ng are say we fouud 11 specific la tu aettoa I .ub. Ji C«ra ^ - tr»..irr. 6 ;'»ngii.i. but, withou' a Und force, eoul.1 do Field Extract of Jamaica Ginger, Jl^fr fo~S. H. Balleo, B»q., CashV. A. A. q ua a tbereof there! a expreeaed. Tmetores, Kxiractr. ut»oo disesses of the liver and digestive organs, o... .myl. ..,.tor and the I a .:tr ^ p„l.„ lo and All the must approved kinds of Perfomery. »q., Messrs. A. U* Hunt R Co., Messrs. J. p. Gt powerfHi their ^ Iirilf more, evea if InSaence it exerts upon nervoas ; 01 •a. disposed. But we are in- o., and proatratlok U I N) store will iooUnue always open, day and Messrs. W. R 0. Fellowes b Co., LonI really surprising. TbrotKb night. It calms and strsngtbeas the nerves, tlcbru t-^iu I-.ai..!ii. to iom. f.ti clined Retail u»sy 23 j . >,bsirwaa. bu? pwLDc to think there w generally no objection on customers and those having prescrlpiioos to dRwtf lbl.^1.1 waaattalaMwaist be ovn-Mfb-r. .n . ro.lr), ,1 FOR CALIFORNIA srgt far cocipv iuted, wlU meet w*Uh prompt ao>! lustaut to WssbiBai m*K ib aaga aim.mafw , all ai4b‘Ur 9ujs Praiicmoo au tmaetuary diseases emanate. Have them In a mo*r l^*-• ti o e m!**. 'llip AKTT f£K%HIP.«The uaderslgoed have fortned may li dbwif bea'thy cuoditlon, and you can bid defiance t^Freig*.! lo 4ii si^.iern StMl- favorable change. The present Emperor is said y a cvpartoarshlp for the ta epidemics p.ia‘s,by ihisgafr, direc MOSTHLY C transactloD of a I F. WU0L» gene* ally. ThD extraonUoary ^ iTuXB, third door from the and sp. k P-(*o.rb • row medicine we woulJ • LIQUOR BUdlNBSB, and ad- ,-r.p.rsd . an to hare bavetaken the boase oc- vise GaltHuu^t, Loulsslilr, Kv., mvofs •. enfeebled hu f.rulties by the excessive oarf'lAOds who are at all Indisposed to give a trial. haa Ju»t bo. , ww b* lakea a* low cupied by B’.ewart k. Owen, on Sixth received a* b any oia street, between Mali SPRING IMPORTATIONS. It will rsLumraead itself. V .u addlUoo u> b.« foramr lara* ;- uae It shook] la fact be la even 4 ktwrefty ejmauy bawdled, and Jeilvert of opium; aod cerla.nly, ao f.r at can be and Market. W. L. WBLLRR, eti'Hy CARRfateRB, la DRT GOODS WHOLESALE. family. Nw otibar medldaa cao prodoaa such avidencat eaaaiatiag good ev<*er. OMORGR (H>NThRM4K. of merit*** judfed at Ibis di'^tance from tbe scene, he lias kr. DOW reclvtnc lmr« ' ‘T ''!*• rAUCK,OMVItav*l. imprwwud hy It. It i> sai^ to Ap tapoMB t« Aux 3a. c^ ^ hu rM • «id be.nliral w»ort- ^bes, D,nw, Bu*s;«s TV inetl PANCT nid wblct auu beaip. lOMtcTitu; ikJHier =-“ ^ .cry iirtli viill or energ, in the pros- STAPLE DHTtiOuDS, lo t.l-.bn; Sin«i» Bu*il«u tbnrSbr* tmdmorr aving soM our stock of to Maasrs. we ln.lt. th* *“*•’ •*“ '**"T Ko*»> «.le Uquors Walla* .ttcntlon of city uud coabto merebunt*. (lHt.?t • -MM BocktWAjK B«»ck»w», fenUle. r-apaunds foraMd in the soil W'e Bu.-Ji,,; by lim. ecu'ion of the war. We are inclined to think H R Oooterman, we cbeerfally recommeud them t< .re detennlDcd to ..11 at . very stumll wlraoce oc 6-strat dot Trotting do; arw compu-ativsly insoiubir. )ur former frlcDds and customers. cost for CA^b or on time to ponctn.l meb. “Ub. Boori.Aitu’ii iSEBntAii I-..AI mrtcfl.’Iv Heor, it i» from 3 that his Bittebs.— o ar. try- Juj Hotop do. mlbwv to tb« sb.ru bill dethroueioent would be a blessing lo his Msrrh 1ft. tW62—hAltf tog this renowned rfcT RTBWART h OWBK J. DAK FORTH fc SOX, mMlclne fora stabb>Am dlsea«a of th< ni. |( now IM oaav to fi^laiv frem to 6 yew h»toi« lime applini to the soil u ex- tii..Tl'>r both u r»,»rd. nimil>CT tar thsm. mtrT dAw iUS MAln, »ts. ^welt,anl can with truth qhtl.tjr subjects and to mankind. b- to Its effloacy. 1V« to ur .»»r boAir. oH«r.d In tbis •TiOh j nurkrt. k HRKDKR&OK, JourwaU bausied. Ttip iiydia'c ol lime, or limr slaked have ukea the contentA A|i 1 1 BOOTS, SHOEB, AND BROGANS of two bottles, ami we have de- ***** *** *"*'* **** • ' *r RATJWMAN, MunringCourlffw. with ma'er, acls'th. ’ilie commercial city biianghal, rived more benefit '**Jv*'*'** S—. p.p«r. most rapidly. Carbonate of where our S. F. SBOOR, Manufacturer ana DcAier In ev from tbe exi>erlmeot than we derived public ud punicululT tb. k'RY. HI'GUBB. A arGHKR, Dvmomat. ^ previoiuiy from lo.itai i« of time produrps the most permanent effect u|>oa trade with Central I cry da*criptlon of Ladles* and Gent’s Boots aik years of al*>pathlc treatment at th« cull Mul camp!., bit .lock of CurlAfc. •ow»: and Northern Coma priiici- i iLEltCEE&Aj\mO, m.r n :jiv Shoos, No. 435 Market street, between Foun) the soiL Light, dry, sandy toil, ccntaiiiing lit- Bxpr#v4 paA!w- --B|er tra n, carrying p4fi.ene aame river, ai^d Peking, Philadelphia. lo tb. Batblng lUg lrel«nt ami pa»ace(i the capital of tbe e.tAbil.bm«it,M well as tbe «.uin.*ii*m sto{q.|be ai lime w'bich should b> meuTis j ccke ^ra ion*, w».l e-av* Nea A-‘ >U' d»' cM be avoided; that PETER3, CRAGG, ft CO., Liberal advances mwle on coasIgnmenU of Pro- tbl. Institute one of the moet complete mid bester* Enpiie, lar to the Northward. By tbe last ac- “ '• “•> l»««ofU. u, Ibi mixtiiie ol lime with the manure heap, ^mfha^—MAf.'I'FACll'KERll OF AND DEALKB.' duce generally. dec W «lMw«m ^**t WetcT-Cnre -ctm-tlslimenu In tbe rmte*l Btute^ w { * J V» Xi 1I.UAI.;:, Ft, i-ut. ' rae remarkmL,. W'beiber in lerineniing count*, the insurgents, FIANO-FDKTKB. Futory sneecH In . .urtety t iHm-usi.bssa.ln. a or quiescent state. Am- who commenced their |Ki|amBlN on Mein. Ne« A. baa-, Apr.l H. ISM— .-f ' luelllate STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1 U Iteiwevn Thirteenth and Fourteenth atreota ulrn^ . l»r,;e number el mobia abounds in bbimal maiiuies, combine’ • ^trooe, ud Inrutde B are*riHKn OQ Main, between Becond nuy be ueated tbu itey will i>- bim' COITO s. wi h phosphoric, carbonic muna:ic, or oiIif; Third ranch beneSl .1 tbe Loo .vllle THKOlbH ilrcciv, opposite Bank of Kentucky. o'ifiJRh aydrep*Uii<- In- Tu nA.N KK \M’ 1 M 0 acids. These salt, of ammonia are decom|HMed k'orlons and powwtnl system of Hy Jropalb} oaa buMow. Foi by lime, PETERS, WEBB, A CO., pur-.cuim. M>ply to which cumbmc with tbcir acids and -nvQIHAwtf DB. TBLISHKHSOF MUSIC AND WH0LR3ALC DFAL ,. OASPAIII. F»cprle‘ 0- nr. o CMMIS •Epcis the ammonia, an cicmcnl which i* of .jamo-iua ia» .re m leltow* ers In Ms*>lcal Mvichaaulee, Mato street, great import P oppcs1t« £ aocc to vcgeta-ioo. Probably the Bank of K<'mgcky. J. W. BROWNS EYEWATER. SPORT OVER THE I OAKLAHD. rraiset.«. best mclhods of applyirig lime spread il To rteakrv we will furnlah be«Ltem pticffia. lie ( * upon the soil o36tMb per Tlslj . Itiier.1 ATkA. t before |•laJ|-,ulg and mia it in with A dltcoant to dealer*. My ofllce li IdPW lone. TUoe, W. o at the room of M. H. Mltcbel, on the barrow or to sow it as a top dressing, sos>n Market sirMt, betweec riyla, kotare.a .^ew kerb and kepinwatl. First and Brook. after FOR BALE, Louisville X] Ue i,aao lu.o.f-j tbe coming up o< the crop. For -ntmnai FBKT OF GROUND ooU north side of Broad- certIBcatee look at bills. THE O.tKL.k^D K\« es riflna beiweea ^ cgolablee that I Uew WrleaMaml contain in a perfect state a ' Tbit Aspinweli. way, betweeu Floyd aod Preston. For terms, la- Eye-Water will take the icrm off borsts’ ayw It OMMKNCB 0 ‘hi Muoday in June aiKl are No. KM Fourth st. contiaae aid .i>!r»prr« it, ^D .^fAra$, l,you iwua, Wma Ir*'pe aoKNiDf of»'ee, alow days. ’i.r c of lime uey atta.Ti tbeir full size et tkU t-ISb.ktt apr 13 dlyrenlaw C thruughoat the we ^k tor the foHowlog par es: 4o«ag larough without *lrUy, witiMMt >wB wm be alAt;ft(khent from Xei u adaQuate supply, but they will not 1st Day^Galt House Stake for $*, ear olds mile h<-ata; from T W. BHOW^'S h amach, at 9 F. m.. d'reei rr. Ecuador to the United States, is a native FOR BALE, .MliTCRKe-A certain cart cioaaa with nine entrlea^lhlOO CRYBTAL PALACE, cl • for Qcuor.-tm^ eatraneviM) *y *4 A -o ana ay, \ BSAmFUL LOT In tba Methodist or Eastern Bory- Gleet, Tetter, Ringworms, Scald forfeit. -ucc- of New Oilean^, Kertheast earner ef rifib kitwl which he left about forty years 1ng*Groubd. and Jeffersen Streets. Head, Krv5lpelaa, and all emptlous of the skin, aod s $ut»« m»a .Sew «»rl«aaa, \ For term«, Inquire at this ofilca. d Day^Purse $300~ two-mUe beats, for all 2HB proprietors woali return their sure beaten I h, direct 018 b4J tf ackoowledgmeMs anu oever-falltog preventive for (}oDorrbrt’oc* re-appeared netir Guayaquil, with and and Third. Ucited States, an I tbeir rooms u leal wars can be do ooubt that for auo^ yeara pa>t thr^ 1,500 agreeable aod famished ^ ^ I!UBBAIID*B, Market street, between First ta r^athn-^ raeele** the r. ROKSBKKG, late tbe of Kimball I hkve the strottgevt a>*surai ce aa* made arratig.aie^is wuuh rna-...*- »r Arm J. A. & with every Imaginable cuoveoience. and Brook streets, and fr *m turfaen abrual a‘r »e al unce for San men, and several vessels, it was also at the foUtJWlng places. Lo» that there -4.i*!*c:ori»y FraMSeca. «tu$eiug Gen. ViOamil Co., having opened a Gallery as above, aod flued Tbe beet will he two vtah'.es from Tenoe*see, iwe fr^m a GvOeral Lvul Age c/ ir* M BK.4NDT, WINKS, Mr., can be had ready MCoa, J. B. Wlld.'r h Co., J. K. Montgomery V fr.-*a sapiMiaa. The ;ran*ji^u,, op lu a style ^arpa^sed by none otbvr as to convenience R Co.. Louisiana, ooe fram Ataoama, one fr<»m 8ia«*. who gave him battle, and defeated boitted ai>«l are especially recomniendid for medicinal Haymood R Patten, Virginia, and • pa.«Mec4«r** eaisani. and dispersed Wlllei Clarke, Dr. Owen, and Dr. waico ver . * •>r elegance (bU light is on the latest aod best approved one from Ohio, In attecdance. With lU/erttutt^lLhi. n. Fifi! more liable to d.^ca«-e than tboae that purymes. Wm. Nock; a^H> at the great naaber leoondeat upea whe«.t- %— could ob- the Wlnstandlej A. Nesklrk’i and 0 lu r 1 lu invaders. plan), U euab'ed to take Mlnlatores In clear or cloudy A fine d*tiy of horses iralning In Kentucky, good sport H Wat. Fr^ton, C l. ibe tain LUNCH will be and regularly served from Broker’s. New .Albany, lod. may be isorgkioa awl weight .1 ao abundant auj>ply of it. weather, aUdAwlf looked for. ;<>0 A Grlswuiki, ^•aa^ae*. which will be neatly Inserted lu gold lockets, o’clock, Mvs*r*. J. : .iir..-. * a i: 10^ A. M.,tm It Me • area, new, w-r* sot.i :l Piitatoe. tLkI bkve groM'n in low land where br»ast*pm», flager-iing«, aud plain and fancy aSdtd J< W. ketsO'-dy, ES;., LouUviile, k gafk cases, All pereons vlsltiog tbe Cry-dal Fs'acs may e^ly WKI.DBy, Proprietor. Grn. Jt>hn< ace lo ih>* 'reda. ar« iherefore he npoD EVIP saikiac Twiiie rexa>. thkiTGaghiv *-«- the M>il couiaU lai|^lj of decayed rhe annual statement of the Methodist would caraestly Invite toe cltlxeDs and la- receiving the best aliention —5,000 lt>« Hemp t.cklni '•nded Testable and being always fnrulshed Tvloe, In by men «.i ;-.ac exp< riene*. dles generally to call aod exatnloe kis room* ainl sped- bulks tun ball-, (or ule br A ROMANTIC THIEF! Bianer, ar wiiirb b.ve been raised by animal Bjok Concern wa* read with the best Wines, Liquor.*, a^d Cigars. The esoie *vsu ex..«rUovwl F yvtstau. before tbe Melhodis* wu In the murLina ol J. k«. RREDEN ft qoalUy served JF . umuiUuI day ;n th*m.jntb CO., ihe Titiftt -• Btaiiures, have been affPected to all—no exceptions. favsk'ftt terms. by tbe rot tnurh Remember that Likenesses are pot for tbs or .\prll, 1863, I ffTlAM PLAMXIS Bl conference in New York on Wednesday. np smal. Jj9I renUw LUPB R tu.i tirolled Into tb. *trr.t, of L«u- MILL * ILDKHjc- W tWEBOclMa t> aa.y at J$ growl «*Y. aao.-e Ibaii Total HAMBRIGRT. U.^DRieSe— « pwTvrk« those which have been i aiaed sura of $1 60 up to any price, according to ca»a and Iselll. to take . view of on aan- slse, If.U kbd* tbe busy tbrunk a* ib-y pusef. D.kVin. anijunt of assets the S N. O. SuKxr; ! LcMBth Taiiiu Fi !. Blew Mill; gfU.Hik^ R ClK* dy toils, or by meana of plaster, are $706,733 03. .\mount of at Mammoth Daguerrean Gallery, by Each one, >.v. mTs.lr, •*em«l to hav. some object In which it aul- 20(1 bbte Pniia-Jeipbiit CmpUa«1 aoJ Pf>wdered am, DvoB, aao ,,,1 Obv uooiiv, Q—i'ral Oeoirww al aprfijwbdtm GEO. F. ROKSBKRO. Sajtar; view. As I wandered alone Main tir.rt, a-ivve Stabcb aeles and too I Jn-t receipts for periodicals, $252,048 57 . •Ahks Rio odee; Blibd Factobti Flftb, I wa* suddenly arrested by obaerrlaa 8oae Bozu. •o pockeu Java Coffee; a (III m.la Due OD book accounts STATUARY. perched B|e>n a show-ca«« wintalnlna .Vorfh side o' Maim, Octwm t\rtt tad Wroak and notes, $2V,t>56 50. 2(<0 bbis Molaaa* a; dasuarrmAysM. Hrteu. tiOB, tb$( U, thal 11AVE DOW OB exhtbUloQ at 1 stopped to take a contoui all tbeir Dormai ele- my Marble Mantle ware- liiO view of tb. bmuitlM of art lot t mj- UotutnU, k). Tbe eslablishtoeDt is said to busLvla Dried Apple#; luetit* in be in a very pros- 1 Trjom a few piece* choice luilat Sutaarr* direct mrni, aud, beint attractwl by tboa. b.for. IC. BmBDBK h Cii. have (br sal.s l,iiiegiaB due proportion, will better regist dis- tbeir *tock. They atad>* to alwaya keep 00 baud an a*- In aturt and for aale bj my e] k, I feet m tram F.oreoce, which are worthy tbe attention eoncindnl to wa:k np and aee ** ***“** “* • eate whei. perous condition. of per- aortment of LEATHER of the different klnda oaed tbe what wa. in the fojni J ““‘t'-ri ;oo,dl»j)lnv am! poplar aVIISCKLL.\.NEut&, exposed t. il* c.use* tbu those that aotsadl^Ned by T* Y. BRKXT, SON, It CO. above, when, Sbl*ngr**"^ to patroolxe the fine ana, and which are t^*de, with SotMlery Hardware and lo! aod behold! I obaerved a macbliScent ve deficient in miy other Forulahloga store one element; indeed, this offered for aale at a amall advance upon tbe Invoice and llkeneuol our (Kiad and onlversally wlmlred poue*-, In iney have fni a.oo rtmrnt* of Door*, V enet Milch ererythlnz aaualiy connected with their bot>tne*a. ARDWAKBaCnllery, Sic B. SKMrLK tc FOR SALE. Cows Hoie to Improve Them . —We prlca. M'sa Maine. The lemptatton Stutters, WlEitlow ftod muk may be m;ide too avt-ted aeb. - (brawn g light ea the matter; but more getierml it ; wu atronii tb. urtl 3 Falnttna •. ame be was — n^- be They woald particularly direct attention to their Carrlafe n UllU., Imporivr* direct ui English, (L rman, am — amI 4 A likely NB,.BO . #T, w.>«t find the I bavealao a Plaater Boat of D.iKIEL WEBSTER, aald spirit sailed upon ms —and, there being no oo. In view, lOff done uO tte’r wi>r4.w nr.wrttki TerTrea-.iaftbl. uever known to da go, and silence rested on the plied t. all living organized beings. Tbe m< following communication in tbe Ohio aod Bayxy HARNESS, from the moat Common to the BrU'.an li.rdw.re. Cutlery, Ouns, Pistols, and Mechan- ra»-- | be I seliwl to an excoli^ot Itkeaeea, ooplea of which 1 am aeiilns flueat ellver and bra»a lcs’Ti.ol*j EngMsh npou iba picture, pnt II In my pockat,and unkoc.i.'. uonoted. (Sun Lucks an I ISnn Muununsl W'ade occupant of tbedrawi.-; tbe rayitery Farmer; ai $10 each. sneaked out Just like any other rogne. Their bualn- aa ie crjoducted on the baais of coaA, oMUk k BLtrbsr’s Raior..| Sp,ar and Jackson's Saw.,-' Chain rtoBainsd a mystery ap to ibe day of my good Bveryihlog lo ttie Marble line furaltihed at fair price* That picture wu stolen from UBowa’k tcletf end tmall prqfitt. The maonfhetured goods which Cable, kc.; also bare on banl a very large stuck uf do- (iallefy, and Mc.isok, Dec. 0, 1852. the death. by EDGAR NEEDHAM. they IndlTldnal win please “aneak“ to and rstnrn it, (or graadaotber** But when 'tbe eolJ hand oRer for tale are got ap by tbemaelve* and wanaut- mnlic ll.rdwarr, Amcrlcn Blue* mid Pistols, Grus aivl Having been an attentive apr2$jlibtf North aide Jefleraua at., near Fourth. ed •very time ibey look npon aud admire lu beantlee they can no atore unlock a cabioc: tban it can observer for some of good quality, and they aak the encouragement (ir.ii Scythes, Collins's Axes and Broad Axe*. Adz-s, un- doe must draw -be time ol mileb cows, their lo home mauufacturv. 3 Coopers’ Tools, Mill ant Cro-acnt cuntrui between tb,- pur'iy aod Inno- ' breeding, sire, shape, June dl yreneZm Saws, CarpeuteiV lack Ukr doar tbraugh srbirh the warat,coo- ’ cence of character H E W E TT a Planes, Manufacinrers of (here exbibitetl and that hue and de- good and bad points, fcc., 1 will Smiths’ BeNows (30 to lO In.l, scioa* life bag j.aeieC; tbe > attempt to say NATIOilAI, praved dispoetiion In and when palsied UAOl'ERREAM OALLERT. Solid box Vices. Mousehole Anvils, Stocks and ttaenuelvn which led to the act of a few words on tbe subject. Dies, BtrallDs. loot, l)iiig stalk ta its duaty daellu^, no gin of ttie potato disease. rxtdoorto Northwn Bauk, corner riftli aoJ Main Us .smiths’ Tong-, Hammers more 1 do not know tbat / xu,UbO u.yOawer and Sledges, Stone Sledges, 1 noticed 8. P. BhOWN, XeKall* Clrir*; Bkoouis tb- stair to tbe gu.:rdrd trvas'iie-lioust I'lseeaed potatoes have but lew cows at our State fair which PanraiETea. ZOyOOO been subjected to cbemi- Ln Mluerrn do do; t PHY%IC1A>R may reijr opna appeared to lTdE s«I!tDr out the old Gallwr, over lasas Oro RoTinf ikelr all >is, possess first-rate milking qualities, 13.000 L* Cntedrnl of that , ansli to ascertain do d<>; com^uuoJed was once so dear—then comes tbe ed wiietber they are defi- A mte’spap.r Uar.,HzwETT vl.itul tbeXsUern cUlM of pur« nrnciea wltn Accurn- and those mostly na'ives l&yOOO Ln Celebradodo C nad revtaler) comes, perhaps, m the form of a pryiiig ci«nt in this ebment, or that those varieties that aud grades, With some vb.re he purebased for tb. proprietor . larf. and cholot do; OBACC Ov— 160 boxen KentuenF 7 dl*pnici) nt Uin Drux nnd Proncrlption Stjrn 40p0no Half HponUh Tobncca in »tor* .\yrshires. itoikof Matvrtals, Cameras of late do; nnd (or nnle JOHN F. TiH'NGy ssch-i;urae. one of I hsoe death. watrlie. ai file are most liable to diMose have been tbe Improved order bj ST. LOUI8, compared tt lOOyOOO Cobn&ixeNy lo (tore nod fo C Corner of SIxib KI. The Ayrshire of all iujported atock of also several valuable Improvsmeuls In tbe style uai T. T. BRENT, SON, nod Mnrket fft«. aigbr of whom tlie liviijg qiiaka. Or il auy be, analylicalty with those that are less so. pure k CO. Uomniistioo | The •zecutlon of Daknerreotypev. These, vlib his Ions prac RAWSfIN k BACON. kdd tiurwantie; .lirrcliiott. ' blood pustesses undoubtedly the TmR that ‘.olutuxi • f ^st milking r Trnntpnrtnilea Lln« baada more teatder deal in greater reverrr.-r these questions merits the atfenticn tlce lu tb. art, fully Jnstlfy the proprietor lo .aylnk iba lOlTON Nelat Twine.—4,000 lb« nn^rted Beii qualities, aod our dair>'men would ABLE Nall.— 235 bags Tnble Snlt received Twine ilBt* PhUadelpliin. Baiiiainre.nDd .>ei» with tbedenertrc spirit’s casl-ol apparel, bold- of the agricultural cbrm>.-t, it do well lo he can now fornlsb to bis former customers and (rleiub L/ Ja»t received In tore nod for *nle bj ionxpH MooniDfic. il has not already 8tenzu«>r VlrxInU nod •axh receipts breed more of that atock. ffoer and more rxqalsitely Snlshed fur snie by U filveoy nn nboee, ni lowebt rnun Mig aactad tar the ’a received it. But I Mlnlatoreeihan ban GKO. KILLICK. ttaapsr sake t*am forsakes have no doubt tbat the dry, RAWBON k BACON. nnddlspntcta gunrnaUed. Apply to Breeding cows solely or •ver bemi offered to this community. nlSykb relu-t wept and prayed over by (he waking eyes mealy potato contaiiu more lime than the wet, principally in refer- r*^UDFlSU.—3 bnU dtucu lor enie low by IRH4G8 k RrAARLL. ence to tbeir milking quaiities Oil.—60 bbls Tnonerff’ OU for nnle by Il GARPNER K ro. that arc Mew bmcc to weep and pray on this soggy one—or that those that hare grown oo has hitherto re- but THE AB3ERT LOVER. * ROBINSON R CART. earth agaw. dry land, with ceived a small share of that attention at tbe an abimdaot supply of lime, have BRAUTBOUS mnldeo bowed wlili aorruw’n lond« WATERS, CAMDEN, ft CO., bands of faimers aod dairymen which tbe Wbuee OIRUPR! Mrnps:— All kind* COPAKTiNERSHIP. 1 the praaaot it rotted sub- beoTinf brennt betrayed ber noxnlth of Fruit Simp ke] b caae, was aa. Tbe cootenta ! lem than those tbat have grown under A keeOy OMMHLMON MEhoa.INTU, l(W Puy.lrM tireM, jpct mnny WJ coontnnily on hnad> N' of the secret otbar circuma'ances. ao richly deterves. During the paat aeasoo cMt n wlitrol ninoce ndowo tbe road. wnrrnnted u> be equnl to nc i)rleao»v. drawer were committed to the I mnnufnetured, C I Aloof wboee track ber lover late wa* »eeu. by Diasolntion of Copartnarship. have had v>m« cows which hav. given from 4il Cash Advi Bomaa, u aceardance with the expresaed wiah The analysu of wits and the simlysis of D*(.m.i.ae mas au msjff l* rbtbef (bt* to tbe above CUlU**. b: 'HA uiuxui a TUUM.A 1. ui. to 45 poundi oi milk per day, and one bouse 1, at the dying. But aomehow or other the aecret plants require to be carried on togrthei. which But oh the tboufbt was madneee to ber now, MiN, & CO. X FOivcuoy oiuuui colUtru:, *li. Vai. ^ gave pounds per Becaaee they wandered epin n «*<«/.—j. S. Loverlng k Co.’s Dool chasing tbe int-rertfl M. B.nH)lug. Frodnee wiil ae*t w:th e^^.' :ei ar* s 48 da) ; whi'e others gave only there unnumbered tlmefy L’BA Nix Mr Thomas a* oeaed out. It would appear that, like moat other , The cer day. Now I hold vie nuuiu sciur. in siora .nil (nr sale grandmoihera, early lile love ! of the pleiit* which he by [JIJ by gAT.B mme h^ in had a proposes to cultivate, and Of never cbnnntoc love— ab) he’s gone/’ GALL40HBR k CO. and Fielding 1$ Tboora*; aod those persons bsviog claim- *‘Xpeo«e s»f bioraikf* ai**l Drayaqc* as FOR that one cow which gives pounds uf tr .Ik GEO. afsir—as tha’ the composi'Joo 45 per tn agony »he ertedy KILLICK. aaam*teUh-r will present tbem to avoided. 80 vV'...Lr. i.. deepcat-strikuig oi all woman’s of he soil in which be proposes ^4nd I’m aiooe*” him fo pa* laeot, and JErFER . V | day 11 worth as or more ttec that give ORDAGE.— all tbocelDdebied expcrieoca is sooM-what irrevert to culDvste them, that much than Again tbe fountain of ber (ears uiuealed. BLfeGAlkT to ellber of ibe above-named Arm-* win REFERB^tS.%. «SMBkT HkM..XI,w. n'ly termed. he may judge of the C bO colls Hemp Bed Cordage; VENTILATIIHG WIGS, only |ier The I’^arly torrent* ber make payment to tbe saM Tbuma$, who I* alone Pore k Bacon, rhartr>*,n u*v the 25 pounds day each; and, it by careful down pale cheek rushedo 100 X lately Introduced '-jy M. Z miner, are delighting eve- sutbo.*- |V*R '« tee O.IUI ta trot, T was eld slur); the omn ahe bsved went dozRO long do d«; Ized torecelve sod Ooao, Kid Co., a.-. .UI! Bot what Is that now to ber sight rylK who tbem. M. B. riRLPiNG, 4 , K fit. Loa.*. ' revealed? dy wears them. •-( - and judicious breediiig we could bring all up to They are light aod comfortable, John i*Cbl>, dkN'e^-d, In th ' I ' 60 do abroad wiihorst havmg ^wkeu just that ear cea#e ber ehort do do; Rn? IT. H. D. Newcomb R Rro. soii R. Why tear*? or why ber eobbtngs bushed? wtih safti:teDt vemllatioo to enable VAL. TUUMA8. W. c, I mJ ana, qipov the highest standard, it 6u Colls Hemp Walter tbe wearer at all ta L nlev.liA, 4 .., word lor artiieh bor would certainly add Joy beaniff from out ber eyes; Rope; vine. s^ thirsted, aod which, ber i.aodii ebe clasp* times to keep coo/. *aieun lie i«rms of e'i«-«o>r*t In store and cx*a . greatly to tbe wealth of the countr). Upon her bosom, for sale by klllff R Mortoo, Stmder R ^;>.rman, swtl.ingy rteta, aod ripe, Also, ladies’ • • swverlheiau, bad found a thousand other utter- wtgff, Half Wlgn, Braids, aod Curls made A Card. ai.*l w.s y * af>, :u» r*»i. Ber Jewelled baud RAW80N a BACON, 614 Main st. Spnnvvr k Wbitccian, and R* 4i Tbe present practice of dairymen, of killing tbe trt*a*ure quickly graspsy to order st the shortest nol.ee a. Lff ;i tof J-fl-r-ttnv )-*. ances and oo the most reaaooa- N retiring from the Iste arm of FleTd:tig k Tb'rmaa, I y la .siik^b*? scarcely la he m-staken. Far years there Djw sb7?kl»se» Olnclnnaii. Aod bU Daguerreotype— ble te’m*. i *t-Iy -ove ;.j- . ' all loeir calves )oung, or would beg leave to return my *tocere thanks a Fa, .»r mr On. , m was a drear,' “deaconing” them, as RI NHED and Loaf Nngars.— I to niv I. W. dntirr n ailence hetssecn tbe two. Tfiken a* like l!te k Brotber. 0. Leech ; Tben as auyiblug could be at the ealoon M 7 he undersigned Is Dow prepared to and it is calletl, induces 76 barrels do BalrCatMcg mends the public for tbe very llb« ral patronage tba came Diem tu Use any little scrub J. A. KIMHALL, over the paper C LouU Croahed Sugar; so'l H's-imei. k Co., p!u*f.u;s. my graadfathar, with bis earnest courtship. wsrebonse of I*aac Curling to the most approved and bee been— t' x.xt**D*ird toward* It, amd 100 do L^dtf (asb)onsble style. hope that uiy it*av.i>g Morgan. Hrck, bull that come* to bard, and, as it is generuliy Cromie, No. 477 Main street. al4 bRl Doti’i tjrgei, No. “* J. M. A ll<**'an. 9h*< I'i'drr the feoiiLg, that sue was not -.'.fiod in Kouri'n street, b.iweeo Main and will have no eff ct In store and for Mr. Thomas whttm mmrnd u» ihvm a* a lo apparenllv unre- I sale by litRiab Foper.—100 reams blue and wbi'e Lc# k \.kt SL : A' i«hanj J. O j • and obeerv.iioD 1 it M. ZIMMER. genUrman to every w-y wen „ jrd do»-reing tb**tf am cunhdei.t that iecorrecl) ' rul’d la d ol apotidcd to I Congress Cep Paper lo store KAWSON Blow A March. Pros* Jv t'»rrr*t, b} tbe earti«st object oi her aff eclton, and for sole k BACON. patrona.e. — and < that in order to preserve Thomas bs* engaged iaesfrvlce« uf s she yieldad, after struggle, to good milking qualities ISAAC CEOMIR. Srw Tor». a prolonged I my ^IRE'W'URKN.—IM boxes Flre*Cra- krr*, slse a \ ATH E.M.aTIC'AL and Drawing In tboraugb practical baiter, aud tbu*e a bo may fa%s.r h*in in I he stuck, it is of as much or more im;>or- I a. G. Fsfw*:: Ji r? sr.’ Ho -a-l, Soc grandlathet’a suit. No sooner, however, was general a»«ortmeot of mvX Juffl received by the 9ab*crlher» a ci with tbeir orders can rv!y upon havmg them ill trd u* ABORTED Uelered F Roman Candies, * Letter Pin Wheels, • Fnper.— 60 reams ae- r. C. Twirh*' . a i se ‘ri-«a..* I tance that the sire be from a first-rate milk s-ock Snskes, and sll lueutf son e of which are entirely new, tbetr entire satl-fliclod. •oried ooiortd suited for •. s*c iotmaHy oagsged to him, tban there raise s A Letter Paper, ruled aod plain. In store tbe contog celebration ( the ffcbooU, englL May 17, 18f3—oil9 Wr hawau vptn P uy >f sLae as the dam, it is easy to see w by so few good and for sate by ll2jsib| ISAAC CROMIE. 4tb of Jc y, for sele very low gy earing, and architectoral parp M. B. f'lRI.mVG. cr I - icUar m tbe otd, uadargotten haodwriliug! Oh, ' - *W, ibMtrumcut* are very *apcTlor and offered cover Si; 'fc'p . J i .Tt Ah- . J’ A. BORIS, 60 Third st., near Main. milkers are to be tound among our dairies, • w of ler per mat!, t *i r*e*J you bo have ever balened with beating hearts *pHE lergeet nssertment ef Reys* Uelhing to be J* HBG4N. RSCorr, & MtloRK. DlN-NULl'TtON. a ob dm. their own raising. feund at the he copartnenblp bervtof.ire existing between A. 8. >r at the time lar the pua l ma n-’s knock, tuUy prepared for all X Mammoth Clothing Depvt, at prices At 'HtM E Oil —26 bbls Machine Oil fur kale by Many people say that they are by ovw fo ly SO per cent, lower tban any tW. H. DULANRT, sG. F. tHtWNS. T NRWTiiN and K 8. RlNG.*OLD Is this day dls- SC. Lon », M M'MSRim; It might bring, no means other boose In Robinson think for one moment bow (be k cart. •oivvd mar 17 llvrrt sure uwn. *^8eelng is believing.” Rtmvmber tbe Et'E|\ LD thtedny— by mutual conx'ot. ro iiig of Ihu letter, ol raising good milkers ttom fir.-t-rate cows, m long even unhoped fer, and j R« 8. KlNGGOlJ) n 111 MAMMOTH clothing DEPOT, A L. HICKEY k C'e.'e Olehrnled Premium Fft'oeh orceudle .MoffllL*; oeottnoe the Drug ao>J Presenp- : but I am inclined to think that it would be found tt.in basiu-*H» at the uld oow too late, knocked at the bean of b> r who Northeast comer Fourth and Market sis« AL* TRUNK.—This Trniu to Y ibe prise m«*Ja et the Kmoroldt-red Mu»lln Rotes; staa'l, uimer of Jeffer»vr and nn mqii-.ry that in nine out of ten of tbe cases of World's Fair, Fim »tre*d*. levelled r* Now, my grand mother bad a con- J3jRb CDkT and for ladles trsvellng they stand uurt- New .*tyle embroider -d ChlmlieUts nod Sleever; LoQlffVllle, January 1st, failure, tlie sire will be found to have come from vale*!. Us'f a doxen dtffsrent ff!ses just received and B ack d. lied Nci fur Vcf?-; 1859. jg arience, and a more tbai. cottiuonly teiurer one. RIlkTI^O Ink. poor milk slock; wLrrea:, — A large stock of McCreary’i for *ale by Lece Bri'ial Scarfs; Urr first impulse ol cou'.r was tear on the other band, if superior to open the P New«, Book, and colored Printing Inks, _^DbT G. BLANCHARD, 497 Main st. Plato culured - tbe is Ponltde Sole; MARSHALS SALE. Mtef, bu' . oeooad iliought sire tu rn first-rate milk stock and tbe dam G'.-ld Sue, aod Brojte In store sod for sale by stayed her nand. Plain Bsi>n«t Htbbun*; AUCTlUiN SALES Jehn Mlubeii aoa tuuffj a good milker, niue out of every leu will first- ISAAC CROMIB, AR Trorapelajufft received and fo- sale by tfiehod teug ago made tbe fact ol this early at- ^ Dam«*k i'tilnts fer Curlslnk; egaiomt > In J3 HAT G. Ubauff rate milkers. Manufacturer’s Agent. Blanchard, 4«7 Main st. Lsdlea’ sod Cnildrpo’ff Cotto'i AUITIO^ NALEn hy ^ivaoitoat tachMioat know n lo my grandfatber. W uat she _ floelery. THON. 4 NDiIRN k • O., 8u tara and ewnc .11 of iboce g-’u-l* were -Vem rf., bcfwccn Flftk Another thing, which, in my epiuion, has a XTN! >nts!— bought very low aud will be end Sivt\, Lou; ^T^UK attention of dcaler» Is rospex ifnlly luvit*d to on* Ct>un r'‘»t*rr<> o lb< recstvod I the W such irliar, that, a and as his aftanced CHERRY M ARK, DULANEY, k DOWNS, regular (or sale 10 bbis 1. Auct*. o every *!. PECTORAL quality at reduced rates by Filbert*; 8a e* oo iue»day and Tnort- under-.'.gn ,r i,a, < SI ite.vhe rauid Slid ol food given ihein while growing, not weald not read It. Was Fwp thk Cam Wkl 30 bbl< f7l Main st. da. dufiug Ihe (all. couunvoclnz lay, the iAib 'isy >.r W Ji ISAAC CROMIB. Crearo-Nuu; cacj da> a*, la v’ctv* < June. ai II a . i those an.mals liave l*-.>«l SecuOil-’!.? d Cx-T' which been reared on such •a. ? ohe UoUiiic ill ber notseas of right and wrong? 60 hags Texas Pecans; In stu'e sod fur *ale by A, M., oh«n we will s*!! a gcDeral a*»o.tmeDt of DHT ^:at, vMl lo th? bU-*.v*i ji-:.1*t, it •f Tanning, Currying, and 'C!.r vecce C-.< fl x.i I I rorcis. ' Ready-Made ClothiDE—^Uiug off. Leather roLvs, HoitsEVEss. food as is host calculated to 1 HK>1>8, tbe Stcanmnat I do not faelirvr so; I do not think sbe coolu promote secretions A. BOKIB, 50 Third st., near Main. th*-DrvtUaity bOUTStbQORB, BROGANS, Rc. b«s mr »pe. Sl'LTAN.i, ber Furt-it«r« ' i.u ITUol'T I and pracitcally ronsl ler*-d to-S J'I't .buve i-i- aarl Mfflo s*n- of miik regard to cost, 1 vhall cootlone to sell my clal advert semen* (or ea b *1ay’« sal**. I ID the lull grown auimils will have doa- a bctier or a w isci thing. Out of her BRoyriiTis, be found extensive Nlmp. I^Ulls; edited from the French of J. De .>0‘-TilIi-, At. K BR.41;! £T. wHoopixo-rorui, W asaorimtotof Bummer Ciotblng, hav- egion — lOO how*, warrante Term»,caGi. TU08. .N a$ Sa;« lo take place on ANDKR80 t'O., boarJ eg »aiti .H>at where to be bi tter milk-is than those winch have been In ii F. MalepFyoe; with oamerous emvQw nil8 dStui' >‘l i'!i kct, no suAsnrg couU pomiWy fall upon the ing view a change of Fky business. Wholesale or any climate, neatly put up, of uiy own «:rw »w ii*., *. re L dMUIols •az23 Aucilunevr-. (b* wbarf ta iN.rtiaa fRorr, isTHim, reared on food unfavorable to Ibe tall vnstomer- would do before for sale by by L'ampbe:! Morfit, author of man io w liam sh> was pladged, aad whose hiippi- giaatest se- well purchasing to step TVrhM 0/ .Snf’— $L1M$ «a*h in band, ami erwWi into the A. 60 ttil.lry,” ^•Cheii leal and Pharmaceutical STRULLER ft B&URMA.NN, cretion of milk. But the gtvat difficulty mammoth CU>TUING DEPOT J3 80RIK, Third st.. Main. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. < (3, t-, aisl if moniba fb*r ta« rieas washocrfortb in ber keepiiig, though much with vtc. Moetraied ty rewaln r :*r ijim | ce\srMrTio.\. jTjkb CDRT W. SAMUELS, Proprietor. 30U Wood cn^ra- ImporUrt aitd Dfilert la Gt*t. f-.tlott, ffrtt ' subecrlber e****^' -u us is, he begs leave to tetorm the public tbm wi>»al in-uta meaia, wi a lOterwt fi of psio bora heavily upoo ber. Tba' lettei, Yankees that we w.nt to realize the profits ySSY Hags.— ^vo. Received and for va!e hy o reaX A (Xl-u .III! dL.-'ACHB he ha* taken the large and oumm*idlotu itorew-non -r H-.rr, t'alirrtf, aad $t* nmi] paid. The pDrcba’. 37 J MffiL ti , lrt*\een Sixta einl 8vy u iih. »«Turity, hir the Jz-f-^r-rd pasaiens*. ai.d prefer buying X are eba'ced $7 lor at other e»tabUabmebU. R i,3U0 new, Id store aud for sale by 461 Main 4L« 9d duor above Filth. (be old OMisty cabinet, where it stood revealeij at e. (••lb« t« bed, tai wrtp op v.:m, to tmttl dartne tb. them already grown; still 1 purpoee or lran*aalng a General Auction and iXouui*- RINiiT i>M\T, a. C. m**mber that, and when In need of one natronlie the GARDNER k CO. u C. blcM. i slon bD»lne*8. lasA. That, aetwig op to tba (rucat spirit of ber ihiiik 4bat, as all the cows in the country mu* ^ Jri HENRY Wou^>»D. D-puty. JJjRbCD&V MAMMOrU CL'JIHING •2U,00U Imported In store an t fur FOX A OOLU Akill CfV'GH, take II mornlbc, dam, DEPOT. »a e by Arrangemenu are being made for tbe regular we*k.> I be raised by somebody, 'ALlNfa bale* l.uj, mien' ISO, she lougbt long and victornusly there might be great i in Twine.—160 flne aod extra flne for T. T. BRK.NT, SON, n CO. -l,no. r-.n.u.- . ud e*e.tnr, KttirdtbZ ts dlr-cU.b. «i tbe botlle, awl •alee of Dry Goods, Boou aod Bhoee, Groceries » provimen's * Mle by GALLAGHER k CO., aad Li- NOTICE. agaiii-t tiic demre to tathom what tbosa hiduen tbe dMIealtS will mm be rrmcred. j Suiltb k Rowland’* Blouk, K.)R^;R 9TARKKT, K . .« 4n!y *•’ tbl. raising V. acrtptloos received aud single copies Main st., anthers 4 rbaracters contained wiiether Ibey mm IrMbIr wbe. the. Hod It cab be eo readily ! stock would give attention to tbe fore- for $a!e by him wilt receive bis per»onai atxentlon, and prompt re- rni — ar not bare * airove the Galt House. alS Colt’s, Areti*», ail i.u -i n • and anwrue inring «« at-v-oc* tb« city. cm»L rmoat atfllciad wnb a Mated coacb, wbldi going suggestions. il Ji JRb BROWN k HOW. turns made. that awuraijce love ance is a subject well worthy 1 ‘e aod duub.T ba.Tc’l P!*i»'s !>'•'* pv«soas bavta., >Ae inn a«*'n*( me win prm.*nt af which wouM have break, ibem ef tbeir at tu# iMt blabt, will Cbd, by lakln, L^Beles of Beal Estaie and Hoo^eboid at »<» the attention iLASTER Paris.—74 this calcined Piaster Paris, Fnmlinre si. ai;c-i .{*-«>( a*»«>r4}:;3u>rit i.f tu him for #i-ttl*i»em; so 1 vn#se been joy unutterable we are bauud to believe, Ibe of dairymen, but one which has best lar imL-McG m# — CifcaBT Pectobal aa may t» bed, they may be i New Novel. (or stucco Work, for rale ?REMI Oranges and Leiuena.— private residences aiienUed to upob reasonable and *auff- by * 'V, f'fr.ign au 1 dorar- Vc !1*ii1wa rvq«i?eie4 u> cad on bim and #• die oruhlp and what became or It, 7 1-^ buxe* fr^svl) O'auffcff, lu good (actory terms. »_ ^)B!NSON k CART. order; irAjds; wbicb we wl|f »«:i t • 4** 'In Td«»MA8 ka FRH .1 frmbtbl reel. G-eat rellaf from MffOTlnc .1(1- Allow to say here by the author of »*L«Wi* Arundel” and dl. Coosignmenu eollctied liberal to wrestle her temp'atiotL ud an I me that it is not necessary H ^Frank 36 do L*mnn.«, do; and rash alvAocesmwle. wen with After s iteaera: at th# lowmt prlcen and mue nr. lo affotdu to tbussud. wbo FaricUb.” Kccvlved thu morning and for sale iRlvhTO> k Merrill’s azo tbasalBIcxad I to go after any by Yeast Powder*.— to grew S doxen Pine- Apple*; C. C. 8FKNCER, Auctlt neer, mask eudarsiice of one of my graudia'her’s fits foreign breeds fo improve our 'erm». BROWN A UOW, for^aieb^ IJ3J KOBINnON R CART. D'»trec«ivod per #t«amers Reindeer and Glendy Late of the Arm of 8. G. Henry si Co. SODA pamion lor be fiad a sto temper she milk stock, for we have many first-iate milkers Burke AND MEAD. M my I Llt^ary Depot, €6 — — J2 Fourth id lux aalety V. D. GaETaNu A CO., RxrcR rr* gnel ar* n#w urvpar«a amo< bur nativ. cows, and WTth proper ^ to: to famish Shin war louiA seated, weeping hillerly, beiure the g care To Steamboat Captains and Owners. Jl Main st. below Messrs. Bite, it of j hixth. Letght, Cu., Barbee, Brsoale, R Oo., ad a sun- r aud mai.agrmeot, l B ANCHAUU, having op>n

' — (iiif |«>^ti) il aimy n wril ^nuthfr an OKIMNAM R ' * ' »!«<<•• tkf nn« wa« imslaifl woiiM ‘-Kfun I.kavK'.” “F offer hi Mu. Shirr. piivafr lot- m | — ] A I nr t **lh«‘rihcrrmn-rmii* L^MilSVIl I. KJOllIiNA I Ik PrtriilltUlrd Ihr l urultie- of Bh4vlii;;s 4»T (icibli < of tliib city from litJ .14' tlie publii', li»< piat In-il rtn le- I * KfUlcinan paved Mrerta oiof ihethe ! «• Iht inuik Wnn«f«i»‘ loi.R I known to material on aur olof the ^®ench t-r J!} / tuitlUe at the old 9TA>ID» china i.,ii house. a' rrm balldln*. »tat.3 li.af l.is sister, ot,ofcity of LouisvilleLouiavllle within sixty..xljr feet orof anrany h«lUl«. frat'rrrrd the volume of torn iminiied paKOJ, made up not 1 Bide, 1 JHisioun aad .iikauas, irkich werryiisf fFor lamtewlle Journai.J e«nt atreet, Bontb W. Wiike*Wilke*.... PKENTU ti ik 1 ‘‘;,V No. 461 Main |w RT ' ,• «lr»- H. B. Stowe, has received from Constable theIb f anrratnrnrrnl ComnilCouncil of tkrtbr , 1 . 1 • . Sec0,^ t.1 Krjhitorininedit orioinrd bo g SheTidiB Charles H. I-ewis. productions lint of BETWEEN rOlIBTH AND rimi, ??*** S.»f* 1.'41. School- I of her new'papei wiitinirsl It ..hui-hall notnol bet>« uwintlawliil for enrany IE7*I •••I* /'*'*L*.*'^,**' .« no ' ha Dr t« By Henry Rowe a. a-' h» f«il at A lamo, f.>r wbniu Co., publishers at Kdinhurr', an oiler for a Cii^ofCito of Loucivill.’,Loui.ivil/.-, That u burn or cause*! tot» be hurue.f;raint«>. a aAn..inmfulr,-.a.t..-.e«n*.r.f.lnw,ium.inmful n-aa. t.,-.e «n*.r. fain w,.uM Iwln. now civen for the first time to the piihlir. We Temperance Tale, like Cade Tom’s Cabin, of pen-onper-on to10 '‘“"f*' LOUISVILLE, . . WILKK^ ^ silty leet of WiLKI':s,SllKlMI) iI^w’t?/k^ieTr/»Veebw7mT-e!vV^bU I. |«*:d;.he.>or combustible mailer within the rlty, wlihln \N, & CO.. ' ’ in hand, half the proceeds of the ^ _ itxs In*" I.Mming love, and iianc•"* “11 on®" his tomb* received the voinroe, Imt hope and after of ihle ordl- Droggists, i I not we we end the’^paMsae Thnve.iay, an, klturday. Co. ls63.IsoS. have Jn? bnu'unsTVrom Wholesale mUBCT IMPURTEU OF work alter that Slim IB realized. The letter also a penaltf of un dollars for each oAense, 1..11 u'b. liarn.eoe a. v i.i rernembrnnce nnder Wewkty Jmwnnl .. publ-hmi en among theeIhoee w.n^wlio«e IshalUet It soon. H e md free person, LERS TbtrcThar. are few men m. ^ ;;X’p,“u violating ihls orm..an„ he a CHEMISTS, AND DEA INiprench .Meiliciiies, Patent .Medicines, (.hem- •" * w XX Ve XX a J ] French as a school pirl about sixteen years Drugs, and "'*6= Ubor.s have largely contributed to the of “Kami)” certainly eoniribiite to hasten the adoption of <>r '"'"'t English do. ; mcens. here, wont * .mhor- 1 a« tb...; waat to ' *DlDOr-anther- China, as •*' • • • uer«l0herein shall beDC conslruedCQlISlrnCJ M ' *i»The Ceoatry Daily Jotimal, a yewr. jo a a a II I s i tl.:.. I as a ra a a* Sec.S»£a g. NothlUKNothin* ••U icals. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, State-, and especial- of age, and we are not at all snrpriseil to find this great n eaviire by f.reat Biitain. combastiblearoiubastiblea at PfWIG'MId Cnited Wh-n on ii< peavefoi tbole tree or vine, I of snavings»navlii*« or oiherother Dt f Bulletin (city) 10 cent* pe- advaricemetit of the o( l,ln»lain* the burninuburnins Dye-Stiilli, Surgeons’ Instruments, IIB,.*! If ^^Ereamg Aricark .Ifa., M>th inst. than »'.yty feci from any bouse a! vny AMERICAN GLzVSvS, high-spirilcd girl proved ! a crealer distance annum, or $10 tor 3 of the Creat Wet, whose Wei.;.=!j tbe va.-ani boors and barned to wc that the line, proud, ha- Perfumery, Spices, (Ilasswsre, Awr-rx cotilltry) pm Ij t* ihe progreaa I prescrlbi-l prevlon* ordinance. u Hnie ei' epl as by ] AND ALL KINDSKI OF 1 talent ' herself a woman of extraordinary and , ~ BKN. W. POLLAKII, P. B. t'. C. Window-(tla.ss, and\ irgi- EARTHEN copw. i„c! ilial ol Mr. S hoolcrafl.; LOUISVILLE WARE ^ Vabnim, f. B. C. C. Weefcly B'..letin $.. genius. We copy the following notice of her John V. nia, Missouri, ami Ken- tt7IJ7 llfket,Market, hetwrmhetwrrii FanrlhFllirl and Pififc. ,.,| extending lieyoiid tha‘ -M- grew SPBKII, P. B. A. 1 p. ; ii®,. j,,, lb- mornlnii fljsrere that JAMES „„ ^ dream . raised— DENTAL DEPOT lan»,in.. It. book from the .New Yo.U Mirror, bat a. e very t). n. STRATTAN, C. B. A. ' the inittonal government : wltherol one bg one, 1 l.iTie,: » g.- .rt.itioii, About <‘o. bij-h-t, ; „avinu re«tv«i th. ace.cy of denuunsikmsnu N. B. niDsen*, Peatbers, Klax-Seed, Ra*s, Bseswaa, . .fh’Lro I I L' I .Approveil June 2. IS53. ' flew her didingiii-hed XI lately held by the itmi of smcinre, McAlister, a Mustard-Seed, and other country pi^^ wilt be u> ihe»r L *'.oD««*'.oD«s .1 ;....i.. ...1. I i Herman paper ropy. | aitlclw.aiticles. They lataadloiead kecplnakeepinc coMUnUy #• hand a large . . I 1 a ^ I a Like At.4f. o'er UB 44 WBwe i»lano«>dplanoed is justly regarded as one of the* CJ-Democral, Tlraes,_and cmuoi mmI caani^ iii brother, who my stock of Instruments, teeth, fxc., which wui be of J. 8. Morrte X Co. mar 1 dMwtaly » ; atwiaiiti m »ioiincdoiiig.*X a a,great deal to . at ai; late llrro *** ...... w. ,, I t-raf!rraf! ^ German goods,good*, and aeaa they »a tr«U“ ' iz- j Import dimdirect «U tell at the lowett market MrkV’TB 4 a* II l^r n, • Vanl-bodVwmio>smrl tc ethermth^r aoonmrw>n a*A* lookedlookej upon,ntMO: | J1.NEJl. NE •>, 1863.1K63. . . MONDAY, , , , , ,1 brightest ornaments of American lilera'iire; CONTRACTORS hi nral ** , .s NOTICE TO X*'8RicbaiMiand elegant ^ ugricul ai.d mmera. of it t decorated I dcvelopethe tiches “rdero dacomted Caralla,Carafle, from $i0 : «sx.wa . _ _ _ m,,., from the country, accompanied by the caehjWll DISSOLUTION. in $1« Do taraaotA, 1 ^ will t« rwelved b? th« un- ' receive prompt attention. KALED PROPOSALS he copartDcrNhip heretofore eitstlog onler the Btjle per pair: Dn opa*;decom4«ii sketches,, ; the ce% he ini. eriad) irfiuei ced avasttnh oil a< virtue ...ystoowu It IS Clleil with short, miscellaneous 10 o'clock on Rooimr, lanfceono i Pia*tFib*t Paoc.pAi#t.—— Lunvune U)ui Agriculture, Milch erm such pelm S ilerslgDMly 4t bis oiHc4y uDttl (Jlseoleed Vaeea, from to opal T of COLSTON at VAN Cl'LIN U ttkU day gl $»l Do frooudM enngralton to jiour iU floode over wbal was then Left hie fair Lome, tv s eatem lorest bled, b> mutael cou«eou CoUtoo, M ’rilBoO) \ Hall are alenc ^ Cowi,Cowi Uuardi. S-crete,S-errta, Tli* Chtt^aeChit^ae Rebel-Kebel- street. pronounce it one of the most Twelfth to Ponrtcenlh do do Dtnner I an- hesitate to , Jd dlyXweowly.t In IMWaiton. do do ' .auily not corner Jeffereon and llrm Do *' i’.'.— fought *a Fourth at ,h- «h»r» aulborUed bi nae the name of the d. «. m.. . f»v-di‘tant frontier, bn' wtiich is now the very 1 1,^^liow, etc. readahleand remit kable books of the day. It LOUISVILLE DENTAL EMPORIUM, in P„rtl«d j io — - S' iiool- whi h they have J“rdoln**TnTn«been doing bostnere, N>». 426 “Man Dlnaer Seu for Children; Do ruby .pticm ewa d. heart of a great empire. In 1816, Mr. contains more genuinp Wit, more hOhil sense, and Falion street, I JOHN T. HUGHES, PUOPIUETOR. paved wharf, and that porUon west of COLSTON, Do do and OoWGold CcflSlCeffeee from $S to $46 per 4os.; *at. path, street. J. H. Do da do d. d. Ciorifct^*^ Sori.t Loi isWt.t.s Dcwcf of the Ah' geoiler tear than miu , upon the more real poetry of /Aoiitffcl and /te/mx running to the preeant paved whan. Ma AkD THE couiineticed an exploratory tour Omce at SutcUffe la Uughe*’B, formerly duicUffe, McAl- S, W. VANV AN CCLIrCLI w ^ ^ Toilet Sets fro«from $6 loto f 6$ each; O. eaaniHlwl acd gold aodravod »om^ ’ *.:. fat:; brother P. •ecurliy rcMulred. -4'4 Do <*o Chamber SetsSete Democrat baa re- where we had roved . arty youth, mual to be fonnd in all the books her (N. \ Co.’r, IrOuUviile,IconUvllle, June I, tsaa.lSg3. <»XwlddXvl from $6 to $90 each. Do (lit Mripo CanlToo sod The editor of the Loui-ville We-i; in l-l^, Col. S. H. Lor g commenced hie cpBvn iiavor 1, TuidMwk written. There are pictures o* {^Democrat»J-t>vn.oc,at copy. ^.-ia.Bohcainn C.l«dColared rr..cbrrencli >>• BsIM ami cat that t"c> Wtllis) has ever ^ copV onJe.' ..dand AMcriennd «Uea.^ Bfoja 1 iktiia. and of all ottierrotliers "m.’rcw'iew '^1»ro.ocrat, T.m«, and Q^naVpa^P^f | peateilly^ eomfilauiedeomidaiiied of usua ] \,.llow-too*liw w exi>edilioii;iT*| $v and ttiese two distiu- rn^rol.'VJran and ** ••raved ' anrt or guttering n eouai to Hick Cry.lal ^ OoWem, * ’, from ea love, Ol beauty, Cnl Blihi-rora.r St.r-bu, .a >1 . AnJilaado;^ rtoodo: battle, be had Kobegone weii-sdected 4ti>ck of uk.n'tal GOODS. Salts; being, or aa having f* liu tSoale as now ol ter- for COPARTNERSHIP. Do do I -peak of Mr. crtirers traversed a vast region neve«iij'a bard call, the best sketches of Dickens. Couiparvu with would rispacituUy lovito the atteotioo FOR SALE, Clw.tGlSMss u-wi aacr-d, at } _ . Alsoy a large aeeertmeM ^A HooBe and ijotlaot onoi the north »Ide of Market, Do do d. B(f Bowls; I It is rather Greenwooit,” I of tba Dn-mai Prufeaslon of the Suoth it any time been, a IHsuoionist. y,.„ry in ’ha* piimeval condition that band a competence the CThcefuI “Leaves*’ of “Grace aoc Bilver FUited Ware. ^ybich wes To gain by tbrlfty .. between FifthI- llth and Sixth sireeta.Bireeta. The lot leis 25a.> Do uti d« Cut Glaiw Dacaninrs; ^ My stock 1- .] entire Intereet In the debt* of the Ute firm i Kern has woven a wreath that is oak- i;i| knowa Mr. Soule .- Fanny ojr bolldlog Do do riUiy crrslal cut Silver Plated Wait**rs angelical, j let • glass one, who ' maid whc»e amlla ftir'fronUbifeel rronifroot by 210^lo feet deep. The I TullM EMlro; and Fmlt Bnskeu. vurprsMOg that any given it, bat which i- now divided into Poe the fair parrhaixad fxcluBlvelv fur cash, and ('mbracei every ar jj] 2m« of J. B. Colrtoo A C«., and In th» Mock of good* and I 0^ HmiI ibe leates to clover. Ucle n-e«l by x4L three-vtorythree-Btory brick, occupied a* a store on <,ebt«oeoiB ofor thislais JayuayroroimiMformed a Dn do non du Z. do dw Do dn Card BMket«i tlie editor 'TUkter w..rld,aad ihere dlepen.t . .| * the Prof^BBlon, gu*ranllWIof nupcrloraual* . Coiatonco.Bion Am Van>aoi;aim,Callo, havenave pMitieal history at well a. of " »»•« “> j ^ lecenl ,,yg, ,„a p.,p.jlous 8 *ter, contain- ! ' do bln# do , The dedication of her volume wins the read- tty. All orlerB addreh»ed to myBclf or to St-TtLirrE rtrBltloorrtr»l floor and a boardtng.hocboardtng.honiie above. copartnership under the etyle of COLSTON, MORRISON, du do do; Do do Ferk« and Spoon*; ' block No. ! obticaloptical erlstal glaa* ToiletTollst Bottles; the Ikewiocrat doea, should preaume to make ^ flroiiEt win bo promptly att«DbalroDc-balf of unimprovedunimpro Lot No.'56No.’Se In for the porpoaepurpose tran*acUngtr*n.acUn* a WboleaaleWbolorole '* glue BotUee; Do do SoMp Lndia*; of wealth. pi -.-i>eri- - er’fi heart in advance, and as he proceeds helindi ^ HALLhaI.L of ^ ®Jlu94 Inlu the town of Poriland,Portland,Parllaod, Bltuatedettosted on theibe eastesst aidetide of They D» VeniceVenlc. do dodj BukeU,Bankete, for car^card*; Do dn Cantor* with Salts attacau<Ei atmand tears,tears Wewe I j each coaipIaiMta. That haanT alwayt beam, himsell in a %ery . P^ntFront sireeuBtreeu TWbThl«» property I* offered for sale to cloee marln*, and fold crape leaf Va«eai Brittani* and Japaoed Ware. ty^ o|,,i power, and showing eo many evidences oci baw t marked her la the moon’s i«le ^ Mclikcnuy A Co.'s Teeth. ^jj| ^ pleaded to see iheJr friend* and tb« patron* of I ^ the Do ruby crystal know nothin/; of the writer, beyond news- order* cash upop the boBlnoeubQBlnes* of an estate.estate, lete at No. 1-26 *treet, sooth sUle. and •d**®agate VaaeGVasr,; Also fancy German Baskets, tn greni variety: Candela- feclod to aierr at the idea of Mr. Soule’s being or cbapei, airy aa aihtng ] accompanied by the win rocelvt lb, Arm Ma.n have tomb ' ^ advancement in civiliratioo, and which By sis- For further particniarB,particulars, apply at my office, near the Do tnrgnolsetnrguolse enameled Caraft*; hrae; Olrandutee; sidn Lamps; pai>er rumor that she ts a Bostonian, aitd a ; prompt aueuUon. apr ‘26 dSmlBMweowgm COLSTilN, Mangiug Lamp*. Sasl a btaiu-dirteiaprrod batds are umit m dream. corner Fifth and Jefferson »treet*. Do opal and pink do do; great variety af DiMUuouit.PtsUBIOMit. ' That of / Huuitkeeplng Gno^. a ,0 niaking to many addition* to the nation- ter ol N. P. Willis. Will our friend of the MORRISON, t | JS d$ S. S. KRNNBDT,KRNNEUr, Real BcUteE-ute Acrat.Agent. Do crlaopaeertaopae do T^^ea;Tasea; Rn»*vL*s CuUery in great variety. compromise Litfbt a* 4 spirit movlDg on Its «1 dc - ^ n | after the passage ol the veil, in- < Ib-- IUO,- lookedand gold mgrav^lengraved optica. Fot- Looking Qiaeeee ... tba'. they are already 85 i euicut aadCemmnn I al vlomaiD, ...... 0—4.-,-. Izial.vlll., June 1st, ISM. 14 Mkwl . Gwi*. tro. ' *• herce am! bitter, and hu sugges ions bel6, 4t iholr oIBce, 4l 4 o*clock. H<*.TH<'* .T Broadwey,Broadway, nearbear the Depot of Louisville and revolutionary thirteen. Vet Mr. tvehool- nr,aihii.i. we *ate ana if iber* chance t. sprtn* liAi.m « Mines itaMy ami M flrougly to a dissolution of st»r her i-ilkcn hair, IllHill This large, convenient, an 1 Long, who explored this region' From Irof or Uuwer.io The dedication we have aliuded to a« fol- The Mill Is In excellent and fanning order, ted Hotel Is noww nndei the gcoerslgeneral manage* f i i hr'*. ifiii Congress E-engeniie.tbr«i-,xhe.Url«h-ao'l.ilJlycrtci,“t SALE, hashati two pair largest else FFrench do* the L’nian au account of what lows: FOR bubr stones. It Is ment of the undersigned. It Is bis Inteutloa to ^ nature, are -till' ^ IM- ^Ijl SPLENDID AND UIGIiLT logIng a large and profitable bnsloess. .HsMik a the accommodation that a Urge number of the most respecta- TO keep first class bouse for doM, the.r intel- PROVP.D FARM, on the Cumberland The stock of Corn on hand, arooantlng to between favor him U S T A Ll 1 of the traveling public and others who may MEXICAN M N G M K T; I river, adjulDlng the town of BJdyvlUe,^^^ seven amiand eight thousand bushels,I will te sold with the Orieana determined to mik< mu.ic wild ONE WHO HA* “gone BEFORE” |||j||,, an extension of hie people of New like some fairy tale, Then .brinks bmJi, suitl.l br ike ^ ^ respectfullyIfully a*ksasks for thii”her I 400 of rich bottom land, free from swamp or the business estate. fauu,il strugglesstruggle, after the ^ of an attention sbalt be given to Insure their comfort. rTlHIS before tho imaginaUon.maginaUon ; Liniment boon FBOFLBabont three in Which a rich IS TE.VRiCLLY AND A1 FECTION.VTELV ' ha* AMBBICAN year*. Gver stx mflUeaa odbaltleehave marsh;msrsh; I ba» tran.lucenttraii.lncent In the moonbeamsmoonboamt‘\*‘"rmiu’'"mllJ,mild, balance rich rolling upland, heavily timbered For further partlcnlars. Inquire on the premises < . . .. , Her tanl, |::;^Cunnected with the are extenelve Btabllog M>ld aad ased for great vartvty nt cemptatata, of Whether farhe waswa. in lavmfavor ol wthedsMolutloi.uimn «of then ...... with bou*e X a both MAN aad AMIMALS* efti it has always gtvea «aiisfac* yet are the solemn I* PEDICATED yellow poplar, black walnut, ash, suK'sr, and the 1 the office the nnderslgned, on Fifth street, neat most evenU. they ; of impi obable ; uwwin!^ Edwin; Md ^art ihou, and {.beds for the accommodation of horses, carriage#, flop, becauae U ha* always performedjust what we said tt weald. It hae healed Ca.*fCBDB ead elAer they tJ..te*-«d ^ 290 acres cleared, luahlgh suie of culll- coruer of Jeflerson. St'KityruiCB iidOOOrnoL Accordudti) ^ ThU ii; nnl mill' tAiirInmrIv atL>rtinfr in itself 1 Ac. An omnibus always ready to carry paasengers to 90RBB that had rest»ied the remedies of the INT1RI have no doubt that, lllis s nol Oltl) louctliutliy “necntjK •» and rLCBBOUB MBDIcaL FACrLTT. realitiesrealiliei of truth. But we t,«Ik IB* me agaio,again, love, l1 am calmer now:”now:*’ vstlon-s tood Isrie brick dwclIlDii ol * rooms, well Jt ua 8. 8. Real Ksuie Agent. ForlBBrMA^M S. ~ ERKNEDT, and from the railroad de^t and canal packet*. INFLAMtD OR 8W0M.IN JOINTS, IXMBAQO, SCIATICA. GUCT. Hard hooy TTMORR, the direct qaesUoii whether ! but it pleasAntly reminds us of Charles Lamb’s — t’4»NTRAOTBi> .otter Io him, IHittiug around—areund—the sweei*weei gaiellegarelle veutliated cellar, kitchen and Bmoke*bons6, brick negro i jll All}'4,,,- .traystray gift of propheticpropbotic power or “spirit-“fpiril- thenThen wildly lookslook* JOHN RKINHARD. HARDBNRD CART1LAGRS, L1GAMINT3, TBNDOXS,er CtlRDd, or aay o« th#appeada«ea shout the to ‘*He«ter”~hi6 beautiful little quarters, large granary, large bewed*low tobacco barns, arMalatt!^ ques-q.ies- exquisite hues NOTICE. Terre Hsnte, It hrbe waa or nolnot for diaiotutiOB.diaaolutioo. The maubmg, s'ous’vn in wiidmtwiidMt mood, 1I trow.trow, , Jane 9->d9Aw9* there Is nothing can surpass la arrastlag tnffemmafliiiii reduetac BwatUams softenlad* dtecamtmr. lakficatlag wu , XotXoi ,...i „K..n Pol and . Wf , „ oudertaken, when Col. I»ng and Uiables, carnage-house, com enu, Ac. Blue gras-* rpHK creditors of D. D. Atklnso Uuaker etrla earl V loved and early^ lost; *“ « ‘“J"*- »* cabtilag., iureopectI.il and gentlemanly Ian- ^ grows IQ the greaieet perfection. No farm In theSute *,iv^ uao was put 1 X hand in ihelr cUlmstoMr.J.F.Bowardforex- Schoolcraft were exolorine the trackleas »My sprightly nelghter pone before CARMAOBlaipOMU^CARRIAOE EMPORIUM. Xs.'“„ skin. gbo.tly.Uads of nimJie lovod #o well -can grow it better oo the uplands. About 46 acres well aminatlon on or before the I6tb Inst. ___ km Mr of answering••.we... it, ^ mat sack the I- 0(M»r. Soula,oovuc, luHop.iustoad , u j. s <>. To that ucknowii and silent shore, L F. STONE, Bgrmln., rwlro.,Brnlro., or .raw., I$iagg, 4 apparently boundless wilderness of the, seeded in timothy and red clover, all under good fence, BgrmlM, ••«»., ttacat Wm or WommOo, as. Plla. ^ intet as heretofore .Vain.V.ln .ireel, Shall we not po*» aad pMTcd out a PtreoM of Uie Boot di^ffuatin^ bu- rail with cedar. A large and uever-faUlng Ji d6 One of the Assignees oi |*« «•“ rMUMd tat» It* MoUlogmoUln* a«Iaad hmllDgkmlln* um...tami.iKro Ilk. . etkxrm! umoil truly before them the successive lauthe! then art goee, and Unden vale, Borne summer niomlogi’’ spring — — of pure limestone water within a short distance — | j ' Begs leave to hls Fw Hmm aad Otbor Aaimala liogsgate upon hit intemogatorf. What the edi- il. l.vln* breast no .wroter B.wsr; — of the mansion. A turnpike road runs through the land, RAM Away from the uoderslgaed.uo living 9 cM:qBJLB«(3l»7. tolDfonshlicutani-Inform custoai- m^ of civilization that were to roll over the Bmr. in AB the ' kfforJlRk free access to every portion of It. As a stock miles from SlmpsonvlUe, SheShelby couniy, Ky., on public generally that RMB tsI. ln.Mn.bl.,Invaluabla, a* It laI. .a au^miUm»aroHltod rrmodff for STATIN, BIMGBON8, aii.l ol his 'eo BUwla tliere upon the rising gale. ff:^ArArfain Prnfpuor T H Anuersoii,Andbrsoii a itIt M 9 STUITT, TOLL-BTIL. WBAICHKl. lor of thf Democrat thou^t ol him OrAcerUm yrotessor J, n. the nameii ti« JO.I recelrad jp^irfld lot of Wigt between that time and 1853, we re|«at, we : ,»rm, tbls place ha* no superior m the Sute. All the 2d dsyday of June, my negro man JOHN, » 3WBNBT, SADDLB, HAXMBSS, o(or COLLARCt SXL08, SPHAIXS, ot auBBSog My kina. undnlatlni; power JP breei. whose i Or gentler I who'*t»® Is about 22 years old, 6 feet 7 or 6 Inches from the l.>i- juffgler in city, has pretended to grassea peculiar to Renincky thrive to perfectloi upon roclMILY COJiCiittS^ . course in that matter may be seen gentlemen could now New York £Km have no doubt that those other every boor. It also produces well hemp, tobacco, Nigi*, veryery buck,black, weigh*wrlghi 166 poundspound., tau thiu long b.lr Which lor pl.g.nce ol tijlt oai rich In raooaamdlacth. MEXICAN BIL.4S buOs to k'.M MCb au EA a . I . 91 ^ -.4^6 com.or Wheat, gnub .nrpM. w. Uke gmt piMnn MmANG LINIMBNTto Ml rar friMdnMS I. tbe L^^.^ expose toe spiritual rappings* as a part ot DIS -w.,,ceuch a proipect oiher county In this Slate, or $100 if taken cut of this RoCKAWaiS, fcc., Sum. Keefer to the AmerlcM Ixprece Co,, ^ '“f ‘••e whole. It Is one of the BUGGIES, ewd lot HaradM's Bipo--s. A corrmpondrorr wiih S.T.Mor 5oul., in And linked tor weal or woe to love eteruall)’ one wwhono wwouldouiu proaucei.roi.,N0T. “rgpg” IstJanuary Tons, lasz. I . . 1 J BBOwireviI.l.E,Tt!'*MNo». H, narrative exciliug personal adven- ’ . and lietlier h“ IS in tavor of a .'.isaolution cliarininK of ; j- IS6I. (R-gisier N. 3i*.) Apply to The public, particularly the ladles, are luvUed to ouer'.ion. w . . . , ti .... J W. hT cntiry thu w« bav. uMd tk. roma os M kMvra so th. HUSTANG LtNTMBVT, sad bava hMiaitan trace lo a innudane origin. Tins offer was j. w. brkuen. Real gsuie aud Land call a d examine his stock of Carriages. m ol the late paeeed j historic Zj I ... Agenn tt tha bast artlcM w. hav. M.r wsd fw tha car. ol th* L^ioa on account acU ' ire Mr Schoolcraft ha* eiven lu and _ , i , In raromm.iMIng aa W SarMn., Gaits, Cm., ItMmm hc.,en Fi5HEkiES.-Tlie London Times ha^o Jnne 9 dRw brought to the notice of Mrs. Ann L. Brown, , )„“« horero. AU who dauM this trill plcsM cMl m Ih. nadmlgacd, sad they will M hapi>y lo a«>fd Ml Mh.r by t^rea.. Soul* evade, the question, Mere creat value, and ha* pre- IMnraa- ol alreadyalreaJj been Uon tn thtli powtr w regvds lu cfflcncy,Mc. LCTX, DALU h OIX, ‘ * cominumc»tion»communication* ha\eliave spercbva, am! to Ml Rdfir*** written loiqt Joubtdoubt that who accepted it and notified the Professor that'that ir red CHRST, bound with cord, containing book* and copartnership! to Ills . porre?p?bii*h**ufiwuoiinVof*^publlfb to amount of $33 l^^^and charge this office. E • Kaar j Tr.TSlis.iB »h - M k* A f eierj | Mnniiart.a Slaw. Ca. 6 kt ou m m o — 1^ small arttdes of household furultnre; also a Bale, con- R. Webb.aa Wm. Maxey Tho. Q. Rowland. befoir Ibe btilt 111 question paa*ed, Mid si^rtcd by \q Dfw Administration at Washington with her sister, would attend las exhibition j Elegant talnlng 2 feather ted* and a hair mattress wrapped In a th«, library that makes any pre.imsion to the pos«»- An Residence for Bale. \X7iLLlAM MAXCT,of Ibe Ute firm uf Maxey k Co.. Extract from alattw datad— ^Lou.«^d^*t.« m He , tte ad- evening, which she did, accompanied i-yj 1 Oder for bale 61'inket, bound with cord. Information In relation to „„ , named , my House and Lot, on Sixth V V having tbi* day become aas<>c)ate ex-’ex- . , .. - .* tween this country p^^f. A.'s call, came forward to the platform, MMaLtbe on the premises. name and of R. WEBB, CO. which I most thMkyon mo timIiIiiiiiIj Ihu daattobidcdiiottobidc hu ^ . r . i . | firm MAXCT, k work more satisfactorily. It is more june6dlMr DR.tt. L.L- CINCINNATI PAPER MILL bruk. no bonro. I bid rKonn. U tha Mu.-taag, awl Ihs rMl.f, and In tact car. wi. astonUhina. bill, p..se,i, »"> trade POWKLL.pqwkll. Loulevllie, June I, l«;69 J*2 dkwim . UM lor »»ch a coarse Th«e have a§ Ibe fi^heiics, the reciprocal freedom of preposed, as Mrs. Brown had previ- — — leased the above-named rriHR underslgm*d, having I (Slgnad) 9. RAJI80M. probable that Mr. Schoolcraft was the first ,i than liie f impif quetuon. acquiescence or resist- and Book awd in colonial produce, and the law of international French Lick Springs, Orange County, la X MU), are prepared to fill orders for News E. WEBB. & CO, , ously done by letter, that a committee of seven MAXCT, IS pre«»u.g.pret»u.|^. The beoator ot • Ntatebikte the 8oto*t8oto*4 ^ Paper with dlupauh. This, In connection with our Cltf- T^Bcwar. of a fllthy “Tar sad TarpMUaMv nlxtaivs la square bMtlm, cMisd •t ToIcmIc awce. now whti*vhtit explorer of reiiioDre|>ioD of De ex- • wi Ua>- Ij «* $ # i n «i.m tKsrR^iratmn of *. , $ $. i * i. $ DR. J. A. LANS, Proprietor. “fj a* *t Is a knmtMMI aad right ^MMiiornyMeo-orcoDceal^ut.mystery or conceal^ut. should be chosen from the audience-two gen- •It*’ bv Prof.trot.Prof A anil two gen-een- T'P® m Hit potitiooUtould .... . r v. i. i r., andana by A. andana two boarders on ’beibe 15thI5tb of June,jnne,‘'!iMsad r.nuln years, yet thirty-four after Mr. tychoolcraft’g 1X r^.Miro'pMopen nmllnntli mi Wto tsvor ua with their order.. ron'sdAwl^m i,,, „ What Ktoe agitauor Noutb now loi'- To Capt. Daly, of the British revenue schooner tlemen and one lady on the part of Mrs. Brown, **" NIXON k CO., Tb. MEXICAN MUSTANG LtNIMKNTU toT sM. by Ml t)w priactfSkl gMim ta MdIclaM tfefoagkaas Ik. ValSM ris'^M'r.'sriu’ E»ihsu''e teuc. 11 levulauce or disunion i- exploration a vast emflire ol States, cities, towns, mo ’ ® Manufactarvrrt and Paper Dealers, BUt«. K. G. BKAGG M CO- SM. TropriMKW. wha’doesF report to the government of COPARTNERSHIP. _ Dailiiif;, states, in a wtiich committee should decide whether “raps” three times per w«k. F.ro through $g. dt*l’2 77 and 79 Walnut st., Cincinnati. stxWM. Nsw Tork. M eoraar TMInl aad j J2 Trlactpa. ofllces gOi SroMlway.oornm Hum. HvkM ssrrotM i' j ^ L.>aSas not in* and aimed at, let the world know what villages, and agricultural districts was covering B'm. Teeter.. ..E. Webb....Wm. Maxey. . ..t. L. Stoll. fishing v^^sets Mo. laaMduiMwl Scotia, that the American , iv.. i1 ns. ssIS nan. IIMtujm tor es^^i.t d«>!ble- Nova ^-ere then and there made at Mrs. B.’s desire by ONI^.— 390 bbls Rosin expected to arrive by steam- Tbo. J. Rowland. th.t wea ^w bich be found ,. w.ldemeMi.wilderness, caii description, beautifully rig- . er Clara and lor sale by Mfscially in a henaiot. Nothin$ • the very best FOR RENT, iteoiiac. are of jon,( invisible power and without any perccpti- ! R . , . partuer*hlp to conduct the exteafflve and weU*ar- We' hate»<**e rarelyrarelj readrand a narrative of greatMgreater m-in TtasSTORB-IIOL'SEsDd UVV'liI.LlN'G sUnated XX N. YORK ADVERTISEMEirADVERTISEMENTS. N. TORK ADVERTISEMENTS. -uairfj sucha camae. The question w » nsiural s*i| very fast, are well found in known D. Walker*#,** for* | , ranged PORK-HOUaS a* ^M. j|,jy tie or conscious agency therein on the part of I on the w.st .Ids at KIlUi strrot, ' beblween Mar- IK. tfiE.Ti aiui proper, aad *iotild be aiiMS ered. teiett; we bnve read none so well calculated to merlymeriy “A.«»style of TEETER. MAXCT, k CO. june2dkwlm ^ NaM*a whom are men from the lA* qaetlitm 4*!»2 Walnni alreel, between kecond and Third. m mm-T . ua MfmI, N.w YMk; 10 Stas., : of lo any sucA commillee, ^ Boooom. . - many though he was J. B. WILDER h CO. | - - , ...... ' I a “tirade" absMit Lu eneoue* whea asked U he most fervid visions of the future of the ^eat HATS AND CAPS. KVTbsy an Ag.au fur tk. says, between the American - <|1HB Principal* of this Institution would respectfully Mm Md uoM wIdMy «r- The diflerence. he to cboose a majority of its members, but insisted j‘ NOTICE. I **n'**^* u | A CARD. the citlseos of Louisville that the next ses* > tka Pnlisd &mm and tka Cnaad#*. dusolutiuii of the I'nion, was eu- Wes*.*"* Westerncsteiii peop|ieoplee are ooftenen ccharged withv» Inform I was for the great, for of all the X business of the lute firm of MAXCT k CO. In SILK, B UR, jVND WOOL HATS. is very ; i English vessels ' jrst that he himself,’ and then that the wboU au- aft.entL since lb. school ha. bron In opera- " ] V r. n.i»>A E .ui.u.jIbis day ...oci.iroasi^oclated wunwith mme Mr. M. B. neldlDg, i •'““ft''* Hklw.Hide*. Tallow, Ott,Ol!, Candles,Candle*, Ac-kc., wiilwill be rontlnuuicontlnuad » X I to k\dt hit rtol putt- the U!.e of extravagantsnt languagelan.uaee *about^ theirth.ir . ! Ta avim9 ^ daatorii^ to “raur a doM *. ** »“'* the and " in the Gulf of St. Lawrence the dieiice ' IA and buslne*4 hereafter“cresfier wmwill n.t>i conducted under the b*E.‘wBBR,"iATcf/kaKrKp7*• M a.\CI, a ct)., D. P. Maxey and Henry liEO. Merchants EnglishEn((ii*i* vessels present should be the arbiters, though it : “•jy "f W. X JEHIIL RE4D. **'^^*th*7 Z j Tfce course of InKtructlon will embrace all the Ir.nch- division derary, but they to * wmt'r A rieldlng, at the paalickPssllck havlu* IntereatInterest I THMOLGUOVT C’.TJO.V. that Confederacy, seemteem • old havlDf an Inin the THE tiro.*’ Ot court* the Democrat maans Mr. of the i ,l... ..l l » .i u...... »Uud same,same. I were only four or five that could— was manifestly impossible \ e. reqnlslte to a tborongh, practical, and oraame-jul ed- NO XOO CH.A.MBBRB STREET r past fall there that more than half on Fifth street, between Mata and ibe river. The ab.Te C^omoer^om.e No. -22 SmiJiBmlOi Ak Howland’.Rowland*# Block. ** L 11^ ' McCCLLOCGM* Maaafacturer aad Ds»wr wai^ of enmity to be justified in its use, forlor where solemn history la various band., rokX TY u tmulr'r "raat positioo” that , • togc'her with Writing the „.i.i, the anniioli ^uojuneddAwIme2dkwIm m *n> way compete w tin me Americans. the audience could be hmuehtbrought near enough totn Sieaugiaphy, siM Composition; the Msihenmuc*, Draw- _ iotU# th« attention of Jobber* te their aseurtaient o€ *** Malde* 1 ewe. it Udifficulttois difficult lo avoid talk- |f«rk, reMpemully .nvli^ Use rn.osi —that ot duunioe. Our neighboi looks like hyi«rbole ***• above goo^. may 91 dim ^att«#lJo« Drwdgh^;. msi order, to any amount can be '“*> *“’* PsInUng; and the Lsllu, Frencta, and Italian TYTSSOT T7T*TOW determine with any sort of certainty how the now ailed with the utmost DISSOLUTION.UlSDUGu aIDN. — Merchaat# tkfourtout Ike lalew to hte .e#iv m*wrtmea' TOUie,isoule, questioned as was, waswar inn iLlu . .. dispatch. Thankful for DMheid thatID«1 Mr.nr. queiuonea hene mx . - . .U * *u .. I< ,» , I the very liberal patronage here- ub partnership between the subeertbers ends this of FAINTS, OILB»kr.,eC the ' « ST NICHOLAS HOTEL* best awd mtesst hi- th.tthat “raps”raps or concussions were while '“b“.*?um'be, pupil, i/K»uiunE«i.»ua1 ioiv iwemy-nve.$ UTS. l #l* Providence Journal say.saya the po-p«- produced, , of wu. be ' ..d WTbeThe tlr.'^M.ndVd^mu,tore oxt.naeu to ilrr^ui?m», iwoum s.,ki' k i .r the new arm s T“d!,Tv7.mf.'i'^u'‘’'Au“edayflaj by llmltatien.lliultatleo. Any ‘d'it..*"^u'!'?,*rdebtsdebt* owing by thetke firm iTisa, which n^>i to 5|ieaksi>eak out—boundhouDd to Kivenve a plaaiplaoi an-at.- laIn adaniocaddition to Mr. bchoolcraft’scharmin|ttHrhoolcraft’s charming and HT fPsawMv. .VA.W ABBevaM T Between Broome aad Spring streets, Broadw#)- ^ medtren urmj. bo«o4bosiod coi*D°n»oce of favors, pledging ® many of them would probably be unable to mys^ir with my partner ' will be paid on preeeptaDoQ by the Llndenbergers and NBW ToRK. ! both to c#eh aad cloee Urn# hwjer*. 1^ «ition of the nrohibitoix* liquor law in Rhode * hear Below ate ewumc- I J 1 A.^ jj ki r I' A t Ih «* I ^ ^he s*cho.£lfc‘year wtt, b. dlv.dA. into two seroton. admirable narrativeuarrative of hishii adventures,adventurec, he has ^ utmost endeavor# ' But boulebottie didL^didn't speakepthk out, anduud admirabD I sim further to Herr, who, remaining In poascsslon of the books, notes, Fraprletera. rated some of the leading article#: endix ol valuable and interestini; jJo pSpltymiiteKlpupli for a Ib.lees period than one «..l.n,scs*l< \ | he basii’: apokec out to *Jufi dsv. He ha? never * nJ find tl a f II g i » k settle tbe affairs of the concern. beeu compieted, and will be opened oa Tuesday Black Paint, TellowOchi^ aad Veaetlan Wefiud the following tn the I Ret, iu ii. “> “>* law by near 1,000 majority, and last number of half payable entrance. | on v ' v ' - matter. the heed ol Mineralogy, Geoio- K. Wo RUPERT. neit. tb* Inst. new adjolae the eei»- Patent Dryer, Bpauiah Brown, -. tot dwvmtoA Mt IV.. on a. Under I 24th The bonding and Tetre De ^ieuoA, L tLl | '“,Vu‘;Y.S?t'U"ir,irn';ux_jijUA.iijl cH2kill$thela*t2wlQAnggtheis«i2wi nAnj the New V ork Tribune, and think, that, if > Wl elected a ticket opposed to it by 1,500 majority, we 'WINTER & FIELDING, WM. J. LIKDENBBRGBR.LIKDENBBRGBR, tral marble stmetore ok the north side, aad exteade ta ! of comproAiise, , ,o oiiA Mine, w. h.v>“A itrir nf the lead coon, of the Adoption Ui* neslsr. sad J. U. LlNDBNBERaBR, the corner of Spring street, giving l*i$ feel addltlookl Cmber, Chrome, Impar*al, and Arvekical Gruam. ’ the intelligent and scientific portion neglect p— Msuofsciurcrs. whole-^^ i lu Providence the majority for the“ law was near the FOR RENT. alt. „u* (i r,i ' RICH'D 8. HERR. front and 100 first clase rooms, capable of aceommeda- ! catalogue the miner- ' I 1, ..iv ; has he ever aMdun to thi* Ume that he isn’t for mines of .Misuourt,” “A of L3.J 4 tuj rauil.in Trunk.. Honu.-Wm -- a. inroad to romov. to onr ronr-.i<.. ^ w. n«w ' Pmsalan " » delegation was elected to the Gen- op^rtumty of testing what he greater portion LonisvlUe,LoniivlUe, Ky., Jane 1, 1S69. i ting 160 snest*. The new ro!r!h.t wilLnito U sobscrlbers, having aseoclated under the style of full «isM double French bedstead, of maet elegant 14aw sod Boiled, Llkeeed ble and mischievous uelusion «« now now prepared to nil orders lor he th* OU, Putty, WalUud, C-^sik . or fraud they will anj thin* in oar | P*rt bitterly hostile to it. The General Assem- Augu.t, we offer rorl-ent the Store-IlJa.e at present < . head Ol Groer.a*. we have 1st—“Mi«uri ” LINDKNBBRGBRLINDKSBBRGER kA f 'rr the traoMctlvatransaciloo of #a and .omptoou.sumptuous make, with appolniment*appolniiaeou la rorrBpocarreepouBJ.d. and Lampi.aBp Hack.Back. V . CO. B 1 , lire to anv aniunnt. and with the ntmusi nosslbie di». T | ** “ *’ I AMBt« and s.r.my a,,,: patch, the character ol work that ” <»*N'S*IAL DRUG business, are preparet to exeent. all Tke Hotel I. Dow tha targBt in New Tork. and ta July Eagliah TeaaMan A«.l, Cknai. R-l h” ema^ S from is,h'oi^M^r*eh““lS6* ! farther ptac. the, T.II«w,^aM la .“r,:rpr;Tu:™‘.“r“« ““ lavorabl. lerma to i n«i a “ana..aMoa“ will lAk. M Ml. tbI.eatabUatament forth, last nve years taro well kn.wn ,i i ivnRKHBBiu«« A »° 'be l«w, and to they made a compro- Mr. Partridge has had enough of Prefes.wrs LINDENBBRGER A mCO. side, attordlag foe lie and xa* IM, Bwl Lead, I "P^»> thattbat It prompt and re»ponslb'io deMers. aooth.rn ro<« ketweM J^a aad Utkaric, dry. of Whit, river,” list steambotts j IsI. needles, to add anythinganything*^furtherfurtber aiid4tb-“A j we Iiu!^e not, iheodit'or of the Democrat of than ttiattliat the i — — U per*oo*. In the fall ike eaUie structure will ba eem> Fry^, had reputation It ba* *0 enjoyed Will be malQlalued. WM. J. LIKPEKBERGER, | Amm^cak Ocare, iry. * '"’ A call I aTnANrT.R mWTPTTROR ROR RAT.T! the M.ss^stppi river in Iblv).” OfJiUi^i- STEAMER EMPEROR FOR SALE. a. pleted, aad 8t. Kicbola* will thea cover tweacreaul Fart'*, sod Bmkewick Green, '.old hro remier. the Other day that boule’e ap- ' ^ her sister, are not t»»ollcitod at winteeT ^'Fl^LmNO’^ J. UNDEKBERGER, ^ #nd -.a $r . arrival of from ' mLci^l eleTuoTM ^^^'*^on*arilval^o?^ro^*r'*EMPKW)B^rr;R^ on Steamer BMPKROR S. ironad and be the lartfevt hotel lo the w^rM. A uagnl- Frekch and Awertckc Wikd»w-oia«*. ^ ^ j '* Filth sL, between Main and the River. i ^ RICH*0 UERRa •«« ewd Indian Rutory, we have an account of ' very willing but desiro'us . pointBeat ae Minister to bpain was 'he only to appear belnre any : ^dg^RyrNewEttS^ Kew Orlean?,Oitean.*, aboutabOnt the Sth8tb of Jana,June, *bea Dmggleu , ficent pabllc Nkj** for Ik splekSor aad ethe tm ^ ^ r It , ^^ laOUlsvUle. Ky., June 1, IS63—4Rw gentlewD, nnequaied m waai et aay eg the ' " '* ^ competent and impartial committee ol ^““"wiii^^“^wlll be for sale on I beral term..terms. The saidsi tinned article* will boM of all the PreskieAt’a aoDOintaente Now “ ArUcle* of curtous workmanahip found in an- citiiens DISSOLUTION. ok thl* rootiaeot, has last beea adiled to the wain bolld> fiad It to ihe:r :oter«at to call, a» steamer I* fonr years old, of about 700 ton* burden, wltb 8c. ^^^’De* tor the law, wk? elected over Mr. Howard, who whose conclusions will command tog of the KUhola.’*. The chargee fur traasieiit aonfaciarlaa end porcbaalag, ead vj-.r , i - general re- i engine* and suMrtor .peed, well fumUhed In MiVeboNALD, parteace ™,. esv,. ... O.J, ..u«. I K W. ffoe«t* are $2 perdar, a« ther have been from the la the bnalaee*, give pL. firm of NELSON R i* lb!* 60 a* advaaiagvs m *e: -iir:to it. This5r,ir‘.;looks as i spcct, and there submit this whole“riT,matter of i X NELSON day dissolveddltMolved I everyI.*r, fnr 1mmiMl1mt*i Ainnln* rAlvminn I was regarded as favorable sri particular for Immefllate rnnolng condition. meet ef MANUFACTUKEROF commencement. Sottes ot apartment*, he.. In propor- theae ta the same line, etery Valley.” ^ 9* Ubarn H. Nel*on i* iLtmirlzed annoiiiUaeLtapyiMULifiscis lu as tound io the Maumee . .1 *»Uffinninfr ” nr DL'kot^i'dar it max.* Ka tdarmM.l te, «. I aut^rtzed to Ak»iMkirki«waAdaiftRtflrkUM u» theW ofU« $a man ...... M^Kanninw or whatever it mav Kp term*«l ^ yg|. terniii, N.C., apply to captain, on board, at Purl* ' ^ lion. m9l «tt TREADWELL, ACKER, Jk CO. I O.®* "B. MrCCLLoCGM,X'^tFUAM.'GM, * the of the City of Provideoce and u»« the lume of the nnu in •eiiiing «• . » . i r *i houFh people up iu .TO Uetakepreat pleasure lo commendiuf; this * patient and searching investigation. o *hiid wharf, or address Fancy Refrigerators, way zg «, R. R. | must be 1 the name oU"of D.4.G ; bands high. person who will return him | LIfLA Any Jobbers and Large Dealers *o nelson,>aLoON, broBROWwn,N, &At. Cco.Qg MBaBraclarT rormor $lh demonstrate that fact, in full i A.aaaa ^hidia$ rokl position” as an enemy of the ifaris de Acr»irre, a tale of the Crescent City. the ; jg Bstman** Hqwy oppotlte the post office, will be ami 47th Btrw.., bM i of ^ advised to I r^MarhU « hwafifir lo he adonted bv the are pay no sbcoho paoriTa, but to call at I aXAK TUX caVSTAL and wbo from tbat time to this ba? never By W'. Gilmore Simf. Philadelphia: Lippiucott, « ^ ^'HE concern of Kei»on&Kelson a Nei#onNelson havingksvlng passedpa.s#ed intoInto I once on *b«* Maaafectarers, FAkACI, Ukiow, -j | „„ pdratov ^ * Government for all.n publicnnhhi* edificesr lifiraa instead of disclosures have shed upon the subject. i the bands w. . X of NeUon, Briwn, R Co. a* above, i mm m m m mm mm. , of denying or repudiatiiiR Oiambo, Co. word by way A They therefore mvite thos- feel pleasure in recommending the new urm to my granite or sandstone. To the climate of the who an inter- Whney Co., Tto ortgla^ owl Ml ait Mr, ooouutmamroro & of Mm- d.s«nloQiam-we aay if Uu> is the br*f of Mr. Sims reached the culmmaling point of matter blaUia Coat Irua bw ' to unite in some MonUa., taoro Totw, Cota^.- particularly, marble is much belter adapt- | T. r. nei.son. j \u. 2 Odar strrrt, Fllaotars, Clock Cumo, CuonA-n, Ac,. , *U Aff-.m.trat.o»’. .ppoMtoteat. we wirft hi, reput.twn a writer gome y.*rg su.ee, aud, ~ ' M „ , j,umid clon.te, granite ktui. ot CaoilBga for BniMt:.*., i .oca ^ and wTmenwW A LLENs'pRINTS AT COSTr WlaJo,WlaUo, the editor af the Deoiocrat or sone other geiiiu. *, divine authontjr has given us to underaUnd I niAT 17 JJm Uoialo, «lla, Rwr-'M.r.,Raor-'M.r., moss-covered. r«riv«i . row cm., of Alien'. Frints, new- r,„ty ,nd conclusions will carry weight with the commit- Ootnaina, halaiaf Me. W” wo will .ell at ex.ctlr Turk , would tell us «4e( teri 0/ (kn^ (ke ruf •*«( to.' that we CADt.ot add aa inch to our stature, we ^ that Now BiscuitMd Cracker Machinea , nity, and have committee look searchingly epaR .*,1 offers hi* services to Physlelan* snd to , . .m VOGEL a j. McCollum, mualacta-n. ol Uta calobra- and asoct Uh does Dol the editor of the LouiovtUc Demo- doubt whether Mr. Stm, will be an exception to “"d deliberately into the matter, and report *^nnos SaV j. danfobtb a son, 4SS Maintt. EB, CUPPER, 1. ontonoioo ruoaUarr oau ZZ The following extract j • the cltlsensof Louisville as LEECH M*b>hali_ we M . tod Blroau an-l Cr.M:ker Machlnca, no.t ta au to*., to eatl H Ua —-attua ol AraAlgaew. RaiMwL’ I and BLEEDER. He receives fresh Leeches weekly by mi US Uronghont Ua roll.O StaiM, hATing lai.iT wala maag Ua paollc gaamllf ‘rom.ChinaleUer, of March 26. published m retail at to thair nanitiai ll odlTro^lId “ ^ nothmgC'ume,^:J!!l I express, and offers them for sale wholesale or Impra.emrat. In U.lrcua-tnictloa and oporatlon, MOM Iron MmUoo, and othw wtlcloa, might fit btm (dr nobier^L“"'pur,«>ee*, feel ashamed presentT'sensation7 nor an urunortal one by hi, ef- ^ the Leeching Depet, No, 60 Sixth street, between Mar- wkica UotTm cheerf.tllv give ip order lo explode a delu- i I of which ha. a toon .ocurad bj pat.oi aad oUara an la gnidnelng , o* . bw.%w aa oeJargod — ^ Jjarp^Uno; i ket and Jrfferson. ua broaro mi to th... fmiooo to •ulo.ito. -« uro mIm . inrto to }ior*roy too Ute aou maoDor. of huu-ui I *“*“ which they say is consigning to J“»t roceiveu ouo rui :>.i. SCOTT’S IMFBOVED PATENT. eonna ot being >Kar»l, do rrooma.nd to Raker, and of wkIcA, aad .n- many the ; ov Uoir oxulalta IT-on receint of the riews of the N. B. Mrs. M. Vogel will wait upon the ladles at all ‘ a-,, wowm moon otb.i.otaei. wtowke withwitn to parchaaopnrciiaaa machlncrrmacainerr torfor uotho bakinghoklag oqooUod,eqnotiod, — to aad — . bo oacollodlaacollod. tton of a**n,mieh a* Soul, and DeLeon, forth* nature. That is an effort of art for which Mr. n>» w JAMB . voutiv hop^ that he will be too late and tbat ^ poaroaalng all Ue ad.aouzea clalmod for .•"•aotr « «“ch caw, and give the.«e results to NcWNew YYorkork SaltnetreSaltpetre Works. iud^iVny-^ m Perh*|« he can retain party favor upon no other mit— Man* de Berniere, the Maroon, and Maize Tien’Teh has capsized the old “humbug moon ,j n'cRLEr.*’^ ' tTl . CINCINNATI AD\ADVEE RTISEMENT.RTISE51ENT. Tbey are lo arraaged that Ua Ice water ran. alowly r|'HKHR atront'oaairoatlun of d«u.g i*. tatimimos pat- m of the ^ Broadway.' torn,, Louisville: Morton A. Griswold. K npproved before the pnbltc. The Improvemeuts re- . will farai.a«i wa. Ust jrtar, wot a falsehood, corrected “fix'’ things for the American interesL If the \ DR. S long experience M wtoa ...tito. th.t he South anaand abolition disunionistadisunionists of the North io Laborabove in store and lor .Ale by r^YsoB, which n greet snvlng of tee h#s been ^ tntreal THR nNPRRSIGXRD .<%lt FRRFARRD T«> FI RNISH at the time, and oTea since. He u at once e We were agreesbly surprized ?omedays sinee patriots aresuccessful a good deal may be gained office secession no%~compromutri in J« CAT THOMPSON more frigid nlr prodneed, nod darnbllltr effeci- 'S5?K'2f ] — one quar- A STRWART. cmarlrb ^/ AfftciiontVlr in ih^r severnl stngM nnd - " — ' _ cb>wt. .«u*t.»^. t of Anstna, uadw the name of ministerminisler baingooing on the spot, ready tolo cerlslnly pince them fnr in ndvence of noyihlng ever B1ETAO.LIC LIFE BOATS, injj, receiving a copy of this curious and powerful by our me ter and Church and Union halershaters in another—another he ^ ^ °y — /-'UfATlPAG'yK and fiarei —20 'orms offer iDdnc^ ’ ho.M rh.mn..n. offired for public pnirocnge. Of anj »li. ufiaod 1, ana la onj nnintor, ipM skort citizen< of the United Mat*...... ^YNVfiirTr I CoBsal, which uy , r 1“ to neutralizes the malignity of the, r hostililv to the ' menu which cBornrely be equnled by BfRiilorY'lPiait **lid* RCIVilfBIIcIaileaR War.M.ro.'w If aatlro, .04 u,ua r.A.* obi. tf rroo. L . .. _ gfBtf poem, fue of thTmoM““•< powerful of modem times.time., ‘i*!’'** ’‘P/’ J"/ riAT 77 ATaTyTTi T»nw $! my be, uid the cUmorciu aboL'. it is sheer dema- ~ Pekin. If Tien Teh fails, the world IS DO worse constitution, and that after they severally find J* cat THOMPSON a strwart. nny other lodlTldnal. GALVANIZED IRON w«T, -’Sow ¥ro... . MARSHAL LRFFRRTS. Tnaaorro .1 1 1.. : — . issued from the nresspres* of Morton A Griswold,Giisn-old. .. -oc.— .r-L OonorTbiFA^piHA>lPAO^E —66 bnfkeu various fsvorUe brnndt ture, Dleenses of the Womb, nnd all disenses In the Or- thereby enabling ns to offer them enUrely free from 1* ^ iSt*T;:^ro7 *** Fe.-tus which iU ex- willill notnrtt burstDi^Sthurst inInfointo lulull bloomblonmOO soon,noon butouthut remainr^rnsin in under.trx/4«.. thefhsa FederalrRaHdsp.l Government,rr.a.xbrr..»xke.* theythe)*h willii k Tlia .tatoment ilta' lielmant waf laet Tfwr the become L Champasn;Champagne in store and for sale by gans orof Generation in both sexes, treated in a careful, oxydlxatioooxydlxatlon and corroeloo,corrostoo, andaad cooseqneotlycooseqoeotly void of thattbat the bud yet awhile—fatem sato, as we said in great lovers the ' J«cat traerdinaty popularitypopuro.ii> iro> cmieucalled forth, is of Union and fir.rt-rate patriots. TIIOMP80.V 6( STKWART. tboroogb, and Intelligent manner, pot ntad out by long disagreeable odor which ba» bvmofore been so ob« i Blankets and Carpets '22^*',^ . _ „ , « has lonn, thuuiia ' CouaulCouktti GeneralGeoeral wwa*86 not “correctedcorrected at _ . — — Austnan * perfect silence ....i. 1 . investigation. jectlonable In other Refrigerators. In addition to tbelr or every 4esrnptl->n for 4a by ^.az-im. „Mexico. The and indiflerencendifference WeW« sayoov hehr hash» no rightriohf totn believeh.l..or anv.n,. such' u J » . experience and e peckl toke, q«a$ltles meM ^7,1'’ of andermioe constitution, affbeted by acid#, imUI water, tec. | EmS^;5s"n.i?es^""™,,*fthTnT^ Ind alraeT'^d who U*!: of the passions whichw^ro^aSStS.?;," theS."rol:L!.rul!’JSr.'m*!tm- I SBWmO MACHINE. tJ-A SEW INVENTION—TO. Orga. tj^rfol'S’""; t»>*.«t,f.tl print, u^n vigor, and produce general Refrigerators uf innumerable shapes and d-^signs have the New Yark paper. j^r. policy a. it is th’e general’ pair Intellectual prematore RANKS OF KRTS, Ik. nniy ^ for years b^n,con.t«tly coTn'seUtng . iP.roroTJSISJ taiag lA. | a disto! since w kind tn | decay, can be radically curetl, and unforinnate sufferers been stsrtei fn>m time to time Scott’s have been SINGER’S PATENT to.ewiairT.liA>uwTW0 ^* ^**^ **'*^ back of this edition show that opinion that it should be, 3m>PB «H FLtR. tbe says that any cit- American i lution of the are all Thompson r stbwart. Xbe editor of Democrat Union, past political re- restored to healthbesltb sndand%igor.vigor. patented, bnt when tested found to fall la the purpose. STRAIGHT SRXULB FRRPBNlMCr I AR ACTION |

• believed that Tien- evidence the superiority uf these Morton doe* not cultivate the exotics and It is generally Teh has deraption and ought not to be trusted for one T) DR. BROWN,b»»>wn, havingirovtag for tw.niytwenty yrar.years deroieddevoted axciu-axclu- One conclusive of ••naeed Organists to of th* United State* mav be a eeosul of the | obewood v«ae,r, and MaiiagaBr Planks.— SEWING MACHINE. ^ he rapertor kw ch ircn#* these lI over all Is the general desire of tUe fvw who have been *'**"'*' live attention ««to ™r'ngcaring th«e complaints,roiuplAinis, balteveebelieves e l«Is , ' "'•I** *•'“ '***’*•* who are ; with even A •mail roa»ignment of th* A nv < ,1.. beauties of *hF floral world to let them die awar I”"****** moment the most subordinate office. XV above, of supar’ior Secured tk tk* lotted Statet k$ twa diahnet paientty tke ^ slaed orgkka. Frce$$f8. AMstnan despiKMiii. Oh yes, any citizen of the to able te afford relief in most ca#*# where others of leM Induced to buy others to exchange them forfar Bcou'sBcoti'A Fat-Pat- tW comtook capable engineers and t.cticiins, and th.t he i Jefferson Davis in M*i«keok eg ad sgfleeekd ari— the South and Wendeli experience have failed. ent Refrigerator, made and sold onlyo*niy iTthi"In this cU _ pro*»ucing stalk, for he has reproduced in TlloMFSox A strwart. ®<*ly *uacklDc privileged use s: *** United SUte* may be a consul of AusTia—«w, ^ uoihing without their consent. • to a .•traight keedle. taSa«.«A,^!SL. The mas- Phillips in the North have no right tg expect the ; KJPUbsrges very to*.low. W. McDonald, BuUItt street, LouUvIUe,mtfvlUe. Ky.,Kr . aiatkt br J «^i£*.^‘^**•TO MIctMa. 5!^ ^ Tk.~ aro.1 dtro»a; WlUilow .uiiii A• •Bwi.kort tlw.liw ll1$ ho.UBB Unaovvn A.uUto«w»nivu ror.nsvrrn geia . Ui tk. .rwio dccorktioiiS of This biodiDg cluster of he k. Baltimore street, BslUmore,iVumar,! Md.m I 1A goM IT..!??!' _ k»l bold k the worvt i terly mknner in which moves the several office of a town constable, and we look uiK>n the AR.— 176 bbds from fair to prime for i»aie B. Fattent#Patients of eitbereither sex living at a distance by Cortlan Sun, F*z '**-v*kgo to cl«rg> nnj commiasioR from by and silver meOaU at Fair# la diiB-rvat Btaiea. la less ^ *0 pvckA.tng for t..rtr ran stating tbvirdLeasetbvlr dLease inIn writing, giving a.iatl the symptoms, June I di»-Rweowly -t- the his regular ' $ f >11 akro L .A flowers that almost rival in tastefulness and divisions of army, approaches to men who would vote for them for such an office J. bell, "" than two years the great reputatioa ef this labor-eaving a,, R. 3. BRAPBCRT, most iDiamOUfi Ol au toe CeUropeku lyrants, . canobtalnmedlcmeswltbd1recilonsforase,byadUress-can obtain medicines with direction# for use, by address- _^ — tnhrnfl and the Iinilermiiiinv and •<> i;ff»u kaafitrow tKAmMroi*rro*> mmeo A.OW. 1* Third »to, between Main and river. ar n dip Ml_ HrrodwoF. ** Rnd as little better themselves. The) are dangerous ~ machine hss been estabUsheil tn this cookiry aad la Ba- Haw Irok. To those who love FeMus— a iugw.c.BROWN,M.D.,GiDcionati,post-paid,aDdeo-lug W.C. BROWN, M.D., Cincinnati, post-paid, andeo- a*"! 'ww. _ •UThuT we soouicshould likeiiKetoto knowRoow bowoow maoFmany resoectk-respecik- I Jlfiis, / rope.rwwr. What spioQlDg blowing up of walls, 6tc. a dodge nev- in Et—ioo bag# waMffiviDBiDK machinerymacaiDvry lela wto thelae oUom spikaing-spikBing- w w - — { men a»y capacity dangerous even as private RioCefice for Bale by ciosingafee.closing a fee. T«— ^ ^ I . j j *. j — A .' wneel,wneel. Singer’s Sewing MaAhloe Is ^JUpOi poeiic mine does not —me commend pigtails, stand, junction to other mode*modes of ^J&pOrtUltUsDt tO AOTIS6;k/0OpOES. Ue ciUzcos #f the United States there are tha’ before practised by the and of which I citizens and doubly dangerous in the pettiest - J. BEL L. OmeE—AtOrpieE^At tb«the old sund, of East Front and V' ~ “* sewing. It has already trlmmphed ever tnveterau pre- street), between Ludlow and Lawrence tUmotfk,m^ km *4 j , . . . L®«*«'iUe effition of tbi; bitterly Columbts (Second I auch Ihmg. charming poem. the Emperor complains in one of his place of trust. What are we lo think of them 'tE.-s cask, priat. jodices arising from the sale of imperfect and worthies* mnd mere #co«eMiek^ tktem momUAowMiMflkkucliaa tfimg. | fresh | Rice for role by u sueetB, Cthcinttstl, near Newport Ferry Landing. i T9a1timore and '‘®* * »s Cabinet Ministers and Judges? tv j. Baltimore and Ohio RailroadRaili machines. It ba* beek tatroduced vxtckslvely Into large Creato Tvtar, or iMy oikar prtfmrmhpek Harpur A Brother* have recently publisbeff *^.*'’* I What are J6 bkll. cs* f? we Cf»4**rt3-s*in DutatetDt»«i4ej Cured.tureff. AprlSdUwMAwUmlT*aprIS dlaw20Rwlamly* I m It is MifftMeflkpflkkwd and8ud uoffcciaUe,uodcciable, that, whenwbec the K t manofactarlog eetabtlshmekts eml lato thv bands * ’*>'*• If the Lnglish do not interfere, Tieii-Teh to think of a President who volunteers to — TRANSP0RT.\T10N LINE. eA e- laUnca Jetr Bdktn^...... thetiro tlthtilth volumevAlum, of Pr«f tihorfAr. A.i;>.„n «r >h. put T xon—jn...-40 » kki. v.. . — MtoTMMii Hulpknpti, the AuatrUfi miiiistcr, Prof. Shedd’s edition of the ARD.— kegs and 6 bbis No. 1 leaf Lard for sale 3.g.nl-farUi«M«,«irn.,w7Ar. n.w arowi^; is bouoU to be President of the new republic of them in such places, even against the warm SODA-WATER. * pm>irr.i t. p|t'mRRrs CRRMICAL ¥RA« • Cahee, Apple i>«apnk$e. Pastry, X 120 boxes Tin Piste, 1 1; Itsbment, and ts now prepared to serve his friends and Re., Rv. i I la Oka that evary I customers In general with a superior article. I mf bfiillmreiiw FANILT, , I HOTRL, I ROARIHNG lOCSR, The price, with all apparato* oownmow,complasa, tsim $l‘2$. aMIB*RMIn* Wm. J. Uadeaberser aaiOM,BaioM, lUa,Ml,, SeMBWaU,BtMBWau, Tw^.CwrolVwM.Curoi B• me n. I ^ me auepejliv* thought* plentifully seat- ’ Lladeaberger. Either uf the Express Cjkipaalea,orL'jaipMitw,or merchaau vuien*vtaicng win dto, -***’ truf. fubctiOM. bov of j.j,p uie Britiob from knlnappiDK, under talM ! " FRA.NiiLIN FIRE npo. .careen triei, i. ao ,w. L....TL Nov we Mk muiy men Rk'h’d's.'Hlch’d 3. Herr.Herr.’*" LNSIRANCE CUMPAN) The Ntw York, Baltimore, Whrelin:, and **** ** ** *'"’*** | Turk fouds, rnrnitorarnlsh New to bny .a CMVMH.BIcokvanleai aMdtoromedloto wto every —y‘r day Ikaw -lieTrai .1 ! tered over the pages this book, “Uncle Josh,” and telling him in ' w $. A-: D ..I— IO of each of which pretences, , , , . . , OF PHILADELPHIA. Traokportation Line I procure nsacblDes; and a draft, payable to a«r orkar Ik laptmaat wtvrougro Cub. for a term of years-not hHOCxisc AKFAiR.-La*t evening a ebockiug LINDENBBRGER & CO., Louilville ooot ik. '•koo'l-hihAerumaor may«ro> expandeapAna mtouiio .a volumevolume, Itit Australia and Naw Turk, will always tnaore a machlna, perfect and uot have dtMUioMA^T-^Ti!!beiiie .ubdUtiitcd for Hulse- ^ CAPITAL AND ABBBT8 I affair occurred in Jackson Court, ' I . running runntne south WTTf^l L’C A I Tvl> Tome- complete, being e«bt as dlrvctad. I. It eavro [g U tk. nproro of aiik. otto, -ro-r u“ “W.ecesim^unr.ecesim^ tor u* to **y a word about this from Vine street below Tenth. » XiV»L.TiOAL«Jjj DliLUblfcjlb, 000. The ectemlaa uC SHIRT A-S'D COLLAR MANCFACTC- skiwsaiuam- 1 An English 11,22$, wui under micb eircums*ance*’cireums*atice*’ ;.rucBn^ No. 611 Main #t., between Third and Fonrth, ERRS I. pvtlcnlVT rollnl ta ikiM mAcb'.aeM IhtT MUck good -noooT ColeridRe’. works. lU merits well Cyriie N. V. Time* of Wednesday says: woman named Harper, wife of Tbomas Harper, No Company superior to this In the Hntted State*—hav* s« outj kotng aMe mo.' ! grod. lo .11 Ih. following plroe., Eve. (he RMMtrouf appomUuetits, h.,w- ’’ILL forward ud linen ptrftetlf, which a. .(ker arocbiiw. ca. S. No tiwoo Is req.lrwl of mental abberratioo, LOII&VILLE, KY. paid more than two millions on Lasses. f-.r i ** Coleridge, and those are not suiierabundanL auc- t >0 I. .11 point. Rut, WeM, nod Sonth; Macbln. NowUro, Btik Twist on spools. Linen Thrawl, thai Presiden' P.eice S:ale stocks An I f j? bUta.; euaseqaeatly brud r , ever, can make, afford at w ' fiorrors ot are now dsttydaily in receipt of addlilon#addilloc Freights for Baltlniore, Wheeilng, ClnclnDatl, Lon Is- j extreme poverty, toourgtock, Re., for # #i # t u 1 •«»! d.1* #if Misaniiri’s iraw maria 1 a- nronnfM:tar«l tk.ro aiAckloe. eapreskly, .Jw.ve KiiMMMXi and are prepared and ' determined to offer vine, Wkl Loafs, hy stcAinen of the Ftfker Veto Lin. le.*; m.teri.1 mHanU*. to the Utcotoco '» children, and sis'; to djl great In- iBtna Insnrance Company 3u . hud and for role. Bluk Silk $7 p«r Ik., oolmdto A A orok cro Mway. •.,1,^ "d hT offe^Jt^^: lents to’* ‘••‘“’ralorscash dealer# or to prompt and.ait ^ ^ rod Onto rAllroAj to Wkr.lla*, ^ responsibleresponsllil* to BAliliaor*, BAlumoro . »o. j ;;;; an I... nu-n nr., Ti.„ ..I.—...... k.. nonsarveun r'lisisi ; $7 Tt y t.Ltoo lldllv'^Vorspeedily srt about tlie w ork of Stroy her ®wnown life. The alarm was givengiien by aion OF HARTFORD, CUNN. oTfrkbt. 6iicb appoinUDerits i^ive tboae orRaisa to-morrow. The State aficnt is also men uponpon the usualusnal credit. andJDytneunicaby the Unlca Uneune otor tiewnensteroieri to ClaclairoUt^iacianMi rotro i, Theee admirable ffnlsked ** wbwm’ toe »rorajar more m-koo OnO*r APITAT**’aT r.**PAm IN ! tomlrroie machine#, rodand dniroto epectMMepectmto. •fofef bkofb*of ihebeeCeoarA.mmm.kg-th* beet .nai' • -AJjli rr aALF IN,aw, small boy,bO) escajH^escajieU order,order#er# by letterlatter shsUsbsll *300,000to'^W.ilUU CAPITAL.LfAJ'XAAiXj. ALL PAID . her son, a whowoo out of a win- "z .h.u h.vehave the pameronteliame attenUonatuniion, LoQi^^lUe,nliTlIlr, rod40*1 by f*>lfai»t muningrnunlng dunbladoable engine aroroiertsteamers *c opport.iMly ot sbowinc Pteree that there m to award S.;>00,(K>0 new loan to-morrow. United :; , ; as Ifif theiribeir work, may at ail time,tlotes be freelyfre.ly exkmlaedeaamlato atot Mtbereither 4. Bnto and. **'’^** perbon. j safety in Its reeelpw *0 And invested goed stocks* annual j N.ahyme,Nashville, Florence, aod *».!»«* atofMiee., dow, and the iuterlerence of uie neighbors nre- > i© sj,St. Loan,Lonis, Memphis,Mempbla, rod Tus-Tim- ! of our ro.i.TT^«r^.^ ^0/*.. Okrrotiae Tea ^mUrg, JUtigna- S'a.e. loan, ^carcc; the figure, for 1856’, and Of conniry »'• In 1819. Bekiev ttod tor a waak i produce Jnwrpurat^ toomacR^ or oatra*., wh.ch, in tlro.r devo- , ^ ' taken in exchange ^ $909,000. cumbla.mbla* 1C no a^ty vemeuvent^ methe /on“!tmm.tl%°fcoDSummation of her%"urlse“"'heroer purpose.Durnose for OFFICERO F F KB sweetav w’ai'^^^^5 goo-t* or in payment of debu due ns. VERNON, Agent, nnosoAlanosoal facilities, can receipt through onoo moetmost pram- jnne ; Having ro j 6 dkw Having . No. 2t3 Broadway,Rrodalway, New.New Tork. i. Tha a^Sl^lSU* . t-, a«, -u ro bhe cut her 'h-o..throat slightly with.,8. a case knife,n-, is Rasi corner of Batmt u ' '*u .1 t !.,«#.»;?ror»b;e terms.terme. ; We.Ne. '261J*t WrohlnSJaWrobliigiuB ureet,Sttovi, BoMea. i*- terr"*n. ^of 'H kauff— j rome D’Arbourille. Harper Brotbers. WS «tot It A ***"*. *^* hro. applaud. If th. .dmuiulr.tKMi and inflicted a wound upon the neck of her in- 50 boxes , : For psrtlcularspartlculaie apply to the unite;toentt; No. 67 SuuthSuath Fourth sumi,mtmi, FbUtoelphla.rhiiroalphlA. »ra— trav*|Cautly baJ loan is nearly' all distributed to iiivesters. Bodd’s scotch Snoff. in n.oer.- when ** ". Tt’ST Reielved— 100 bbls Calcined New rk Plaster WerPier 19,IS, NorthXortii river,rlTet. 0" ;»»’*.»*c*«ro -.he eefeiiM. ' HehrviSBV H.II. TaxlorTAkLoa Na.Nfc 16815. BaltimoreBAlllmore street,etreet, B..tlawr*.Bastiotore. - We iiave thought for *ome time tbat tbe story fant. She likewise wounded her little daUBhier. 20 gross Gsrmt*s do do. in bottled j| rold coaiAl^iw himaelf U. 8. .1 ‘ appuiiiteo HuImbmod Charge I “‘® Wheeling. 6 bW. Raom.>e do dol in iMEV, Nobtoh, M Kaox Ko. 1*7 Rim eueet, Cloclnaul. rotlo. of *TTL*“* ‘"’ttror [Fur the Lualsvllla Journal. The wounds of the children are not serious. bliulderojiorroleby 1 “’’'pR.qciS McHARRIwcnAnki, . • ' FkAACis ui >LoeSLoe Xit COCo ^UMLocust rXNDt,Pulat, Balt*Balt.Bait I. ?***’»'?***'>- I ewaa g* A . A i A A y lo&e 6 liRw I T vnuKiduunffD k nr\ M*M. 3LNSRRSINGER Rk CO. the Hague mstomt of appou.fing tbe Ute aus- unfortuoate woman wa^ taken into custody R co. .pvt uSy koJTm^liiSro * The (Formerly J. Hulme R Co.j, Kem?«ett;.exETT Rk DidlevDvdlev, CincinnaU,Clnriniroll. K.N. B.—B-—TheTbe New Turk 0«ceOffice will beb. rsmovedrerooeed to *“? ottOotomi METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, j to No. to “*> ®“« »' U** delightful in between and river. tnm. CoiMml Geumral Aurtrroi, mm.ster pr. I by officer Deal, of the Marshal’s |>ohce, and l^OOD Boi >latt'bes.—160 gross J6 Third st., Main K. wcbb,WEBB, Rowla!«d,rCoRowland, ak Co Lonl.elll*.Lontsville. 92912Z on th*the first of next. ud I Broadwat,Bboaowat, am MajMay oexu al4*14 dasi Fox THE Month or Nav, ln6Z. ParuUfie*a wood dSm ThUari S *n«S’ “ ficUon, we ye! think ** be* Msichcsfursaie ty ^ David.VII> Tatum Rak Coto 8t.St. Loan.Louis.lA»ais. *»« •• «,d W). It to the Willow street station. dis- 1 mro tea, theLoeofoco •rgn. would beyonJ all created taken The TUPOR-fAWy«^poi9T'^R*PTA •rtTAtS:xo AliliAT~T jw » wa*. asto Aceetoiaf to ’UDe 6 dRw xtra*TR A Family Fleur.—Flsar.—A superior lut Ofof fresh HavingUavlogil.ving receivedreceleed theIbe unfftariff of charges,cbArgee, we are*re now pr*.pre-pre. IMz'UKl AW TV — the ffirewii.t, It !co LINDKNBBBQkr A ; irm-cintF ns^rtirrpr.rp raiifta.l miirh «.vrit..inant CO. | t . intereat io our minds, it warmed up sy lregsU2|{ occurrence ^usei mucu exciuioeiit in — T who utx a all i (toubt hav* beau loud u th* cxpraaiok of thear m;>a- j E ground family Flour ooon band andaod fur sale tyby paredred to give through time receipts to the Rastera ^ >hffw..ro... I the neighborhood.—neighborhood. 'Ctk.Ctn. Gatetie,Gazef/e. T CMONemon simp.—strap.—200 dozen Lemon unusually low ratesratee aod despatch. Shippers fOW- “'>> “’** us captive in a — Sirup, of floefine FRANCIS McHAKRT citiesle# at nna»aally of SteamStCAlXI RSRfl Sa MotiyeBCotiVO PoWffiX way lh»t few si | POWCT ^ .tofight at tb* admirable adeefton* quality,qaaltty, tu : , large bottles, for sale by Interestlater.,! forwardfofwrol I | m^—i —^a^— LJU (formerly J. Uulme R Co.), tobacco«co wmwill dadfind ItII to theirtbolr tolo by thistbI. . neaiMr | “®'elists JuneJunegdRw6 dRw ' . ! now have the power to effect. One of el * UNDBNBRRGBRI.INDBNBRRGBR r oO.oo. J6 Third *u, between Main and river. line. ..“f _ ! BrIo t w»d tt f0*1 he beat gTro^^s S«t who can form any »i«,u.te conception GL’YBOTT'IS IMPROVED EXTRACT OF w ts'VDD OfAVTAvn 4 #>*, Rro.ro.ro f Ecememf, t and ^kwggtoto tewsm*>y^ to$$ifiw | I DR. K.wBBB,RowLA.vD,Nco,A*eau. BnUsh Reviews iffooounce* tb* _ of the tomfic maledictiM* and curse* that th* story ot E i s; Tellow Dock and BarsaparUla New Books. niBuswiiie | ^ j | /T^HALATTA, a Book lor the Sea-side. /l. cerataMcar*tb.*xclam«eil*bl.l muofactarias, A»row>e.-w 1 vol. cloth. IHf' ' ‘***** Is D< w pat up Id the largest sired bolUes, aod Is ac- I tpe^t- ’ = using, ve^ng In S^saode^aU##— whole Locfoco pres* of th* United states would ' X 76 cents. IXTIMDOW-OL.XRSirIMUOW.aL.\M.-l,000 box#.boxes FreacBFrench rodand 1..Wl*eBl '">“*> •^’7®'”*'“a^ **\“* “*«"•*'"— £ ? ? 5 knowiedged to be tbe best Sahsaparilla aiade, at Is IW >EW YORU, $8 WILLI AM STBRff’P composiUon I Poems, by Alexander Smith. 1 vol. cloth. WiDdow-aiAMWindow-Glass for rolesale by bava utt«»d if Prcidetit Taylor ar Prett lent ^ which France ha* certified by the wonderful cures It has perfurmed, the 6o cents. W» PUUburgFUUburg llViOjllfVil|C S UrCDllltill^lirfOldtilj^ SsfttT SttIBSUtfll ; Smeun | | ^ ^ Matins and Vespers, with Hymns aud Occasional 604 M.lnMain*!. “WOni WnWO. li. ongloal copies of which are lo tbe possession of the De- ane*dkw4 ROBINSON kR CART, .L » *. Jk-;:to *•— Km « *“ the (iresent c«itury.” - . »L K K* « ^ 'T7R1Bmwi. Agency i« s«it It» only votloual Pieces, by John Du wring, ^nalilifciil ter iR« ^tfimvrr bad Auetru’s Coiwul General LL# D* ^ and • A new edi- . , p letor. Remeuber. this Is the only true and oxlct \ , i1 "m” H8 72tj* 67ffT 29.61 e. s. e. Variable. nroD' ^ Engmas, LooemuUvea, Baraes M ‘ Price 60 cents. “jg Qt'P.t'P.tlatb.mb. S«la.-2ooS«la.-209 hall hbl#hhl# Sup. Carb. Soda, bestbe. M^e X oR comwise t an of nmlmpruveR ”val, in our | McHARRT. Mine, judgment, i. the “ViiUge Doctor,” z2 *464 7*79 79ffi Ti72 29.62 06 f. Du. IneJ Icicle. FRANCIS Mutmt^- pr. (cm aa the repfMeutaUve of our ~ ' Nete*Nates fremfrom Life, tnto seven Es.-ays—Rs.*fJin£ to dlrectlooi>,rllrecHooff. Money—Money—ChoiceChoice in O *29.61. r. s. w. iKi. The * ’he Mtn* au'bor. 9 «l 79 66 ™70 04 ' hf That defect in it, iKimted Marriage—HumilityUumlltty andaod Independence— TjVDRAl’LlC Cement.—A Urge lot of fresh grunnd i juneJdRwg ROBINSON R CART* foretgu ewirtrj't say > Wisdom—Chll- 1I r«intr, » a We again, J4 Ji62 72 SGJ M> 29.:iL H aty. IKj. H7LLII7LL CUREiCURE, WITHOUT FAILF.UL, dreu-TLe Life Poetic—The ' Hydranilc kept consuutly on hand and for ®® ScrofuU or King’s Evil, Cancer**, Tumors, KruptlOD# of Ways uf the Rich and Great. H. Cement Llzckwoml aa a most improbable and un- /• ao60 74 6i62 6566 29.21 19 w. Do. , ^ mod evar trua-haarted American will say, that K>7 UCU17 iBjiur. 'I »»''Toi* cisiu* 00 cenia* saio »->oy Fr RANCISg%j%. NcHARHT. y tb<( Skin, iry“pV«,Brysipe. as. Chronic BoreSore Kyis,Ky..,’ RingwormRing worm or ; u»j I 6 62 77 63 64 29.94 26 w. a. w. Do. 1 ‘ 7“ ***ture of the atory Our Vni.gt; Sketc lej of Kuril I —the res' oral ton of Heae, Rheumatism, Palos In the ' Character and Scenery, ... appuintRMnt af Balaeot diagrace to the 7 74 63 «>4 29.9b w. Tetters, ocaid Boses or . ^ , tbe w* 7 m66 *s m Cloudy. ^ Plaeler.—100 bbla Juijt i Ulcers, Swelling of the ' by M.ry' Rncroll Milford. New an 1 enlarged edition. 2 “‘‘®*» •' ^ 61 6t 67 6b 29.26 21 w. *• w. Variable. Julut-, old Soree aad Giaudi>, f Adaturotration. *«« ®f >e»r*, to tbe pos- vola. Price $2 60. J-i by U«1 jn;h^^r--’--’-ni;;gTNsoNNCARi. Syphilis, Dybpepaia, Sait Kheuui, Disease of Kicneys, I 9. ~ J Ji JJ JJ w. Do. | The eoat of cuniiraciioB ts SiErSSHSS RKPCCRD 0MB- , « ktomx.-m •. roj i. R. »e»sioii of DiroroeDi»aase thuih-j use •‘“"'.to for role Ly RARBuem i UDcioudkdl r«hsoi2 Appetite, oruin*arising 4romfrom of I —fib# beeti vindicht^ lit 4S $4 64 29.04 We D. W. Do. Lro.Lua» ofiff Appeme, Mer- who deslresweet, LCLI’>I.—>1.-7578 hhUbblx Alum for role low kyby HALF. .y**.* .*R *®“ ! Vea.l P.wd.r—Tho.. H ENRT „„ne.r.w T A Now York, ,3 W.uamgl.. ih. 9$,ro mB-ro48yto PainF.lnln4he8Hle.rodbhoUders,to the Side* aud Shoulder::, General<,eLeral Dehimy,DehUlty, C. MORTON. ‘ “**» w. s, oury,«gury$ I| « 'lkwlIiw - ^ ^ •* by a w ell-atterted Wa Clear* L, ught, natrlclon., end healthy hreto, ebonld noi AAjuneJJuneZ ROBINSONHOHINSON k CART.C.ART. 4. Tbei occapy b«t ONB.TRIRO tt* epoce of otkor editor uf the Dcaiocrat atill ptetends event in the life of “ Jaundice,*^^***^^ aud Costiveoecs. s layTu* l>rop^y, Lumbago, 'i $ | ~ »;JJ cjHIRTJi! I 40 JJ JJ JJ JJ ^^^P**^* Nhirts!-2ust received another Invoice of fall to tua the Lomlun Teast Powier. It is tar better _ botler., aod Bwy b* ropllto roy rogta. now lo a*#. SlTTW/aT^ A T M, T*Lirva.T jui *he Rev. Cleaaer Williams, ta *s ». 6* 57 **.*o SCBoFl'LA.—SCRoFL'LA.-^lIt has been remarked by eminentenilnent m-n,men, ' ready made linen and mnslln /-70PPEH|''^OPrERA».—tOFFERAN—60bbliMbbliCopperaafurrolebyCuppsra* for sale by ol Fanrocr Hrmea will b* SIVTIVifAIj •O believe, in *}>it* ot all the evidence to the tbe supposed Dsu- o Shl.ts, embracing and mo e conventeut than brtwers* or hop yeast, salt or $. The eapooro lacalcalably SURaiCAL Aa DENTAL0X016*1* A T. illl variety, slxsB from CvyV// Junejune9tl9g kw4fcw4 ROBINSONRiiBINS^X Rk CART.C.\RT.C.5RT. lowoorol by to»ll rowoat of faol roqa'rto, rod -x »- l3tol8 inches around other rUiug, for biscuit, rolls, baiter cakes, Rc., and by I tt* th* yro Ph>“ ®f Louis XVI. ol __ . , lyiTagi'..- a freesoil France. ' liable, there I* scarcely one of such Imporuuce and of coutrary, that Cov. Letcher made |J JJ JJ 7I tJ »’.fa the necks, and bodies made in prot>orUen, warranted to Us two-thirds of the shortening be saved. Be u»e msy » aw* jkroro a i- ^ such interest as scrofula, w bet her we look to the ubscu* ValuableRltlRbl© LotsI*Ol9 Corlorfor BrIo*aalo.Bale. I fii perfect, ^ tborrolltt promts* such of our readers at (161 M.hNmKLDM \NSP1K1 D^s eur.surenrr* tot>i callej^llmh forii»r the^to^^^tbethA Londoni .nnitnn TeastT*>A«t Powder,Pnwit ssr aodand taketaka nonu “?ISc.-;lyVi:k,*.xTXE of.be roo.eai. UM O 1 ll as I K at ludianapolit. fact tbat our neigh- may un- l^ LVSTKUilOTS. ^aech The 7* | TS 1 ll.ori*.n,lUli«ldlou.i.rogrero, the number MO of .ud corner ot Flr.tFirst and Market—M.rhet-d.p.a 106 fe.t-feet— ^ I* 31 7j isTi my ^ N the rod depth T»otage«>. Their coociusiuas are baawl 66 other. For tale by ^N jb rRACnCAL TO WHULKNALRWMssi. wwa t.w drrUke tb* perusal ol the "4 variety of organs tbat U attacks, or Us remarkable Incu. I F yenyeii want a genteel suit of Dress feet front. feet fruni, DttL^kiaTR ANDCttCAwDCffiC three stone* <* 2S.ro er RummerAuiamer ' comercorner lot—lut—90 Next lot from RBSt'LTS. many ot these Butlers being WTRTTTRT bar aotortoiiif or profeoae* to entertain toeb an by the i«- *1 s* jkJXbit lib EATMONDRATlfOND R PATTEN,PATTEV. 717l Fourth st. Ovj 97* now th use U> w w* rabUlty and extensive fatality. Clothes, cnlcat and trimmed In tbe — — - from, u I Countess XI latest fabhloo, call — andaod ihlrJIhlrJ lot 87*37* feet onoo Market. Sale separate or aod about thl* city. The UtTeatur ha» hot^osl nnsiitfril. R sab^rrlbera, importaiit enough to accu- D* Arbouvillr, finely translated by the skill the nbaurd belief may be Scrofula has batfled cf most eminent pby- 1 at 625, coruer of Main and Third streets, tot. <>f appllcatlua, JJ JJ JJ Jf J{ and examine i l*LCO << 76 j\ tues of this Planter andaod . a good daol of space in hu columns, hut it beautifully published A are couale4uai to any } aluMaluae sad ladepohladepe*. afacturlMBiactaria* to oStorautooy, amiilr^bo** P, Ihti dlM&se In Dr. GuysoU’s Kxtract of Tellow Black t-wil i «• What be believet or what he drobeUeve* i* of obtained at tbe book- [ RTBLNGRfl. mivm w A Cure of & rofule in a caee of TTlrr/y IVart’ Sfdni- Do Drap d'Bte Coats, very fine; AN ORDI.NA.7ICrvtE TerawT.rm* oj^leof sale madeuLit known applicaitoQ JJ Jf JJ JJ JJ S’*! I have a large lot on hand. j eu at the m otore of Morton ‘ tbe bUteaeni of Geo. W.Jenuiugs, very little conscqueoce to “tbe rest of man- A Grisweld. 2* tr 4* Si 6s 2*!fc w. Clear, tup.—Head a re- Fancy Linen Costs aod Pants; J6JRb RATMOND R PATTEN, 74 Fourth > 1. To grade, pave, ami repair the ildewaias on both sides of the “IRTISG STRaM BOIUCR COMF.\Ny,’’ coraer apai^u» In toe Clah S Dvtovtotttto,*^J^***^ spectable merchant UoUaud, Waba b conuty. In- Brown Coats and Dusters of ^ VtotoUato Linen for brl-lge. Broadway aad Vmmkmuk « « 7* 6* 6* iS.6'. s. Variable, raUroad»; -•f Grt*ru ftreet, frou Piwt street to Bearcras# I Park Place, New Tork, over the lew aadrn Bpriad Tra^«*ro [ diana: Together with a generst assortment of fine VIS'S Curu Rtarch—For blanc mange, pier.- cn»* I R w. n. V. Clear. Olotbee. hr U ordained 6, hr Uenerat CouncU of he Cit, of Jto »pr^ *.odtt. I Ind., S2S. Ur. Campbell of Alabama Holland, April 12, 1S69. For sale cheap at puddings, Is a mostmirot delicious,delicti \ ^ BsSeSSTSTr?;? If ocr neighbor could prove that he aincerely lAC is the last-ap- s* so 84 7i ss [J8J MANSFIELD'S. O tarda, cakes,. aodmid pudding., 1.. the .Idew.lk. oa both .Me. of Green No-, wlU b. for- cmw*>, >>atu j it StH* It Is Dow two years laatraroroiA,3pacaiaaw, ro Jo*«N D. r'ark—PCA since cheap, coQveolem, and healthy article, so says Tb"S. W. wmtoaxna u. mallaiAii If requested.rrt^uwOTi. y,: — ttro Beargrasa bridge, be ^1 « AddreAGore ssasaoove*a* shove. what he pretend* to bebeve in regard to P®*®ted Judge at :l)e Supre4ne Court; Mr. Davis wah cured. She bad teen amirted from child- T^OVTferget, when weather *’i***^i** A?^ ^5 J* 'y* M*”®^** *’*'we«n First Street ao*l the hebeoe* J?91 J*49 737S *767 «65 29.67 my wife cunses, Blatiford, M. D., ’late President of the New lurk State ala lamli I disease those Sailn ^ with scrofula, tbe making lu appearance : X/ elegant black Tnrklhh Sacks. large ’ ®^ Mtsausippi is Secretary hood A Medical Society. f.!*- V .t? Le cber*. speech, he would merely be proi- i of War; and Mr. tuhj oma mek. Mi. on different paru of her body, llmb.s, and face, coortulug assortment of varlons sites just received at 626, corner PATTEN, 74 Foorlh st. 7" madcku worriS,^^^ j6JRb RATMOND R grsile to he aI* establishedJ bj the cuy e^iieer, ami tae[ha INDLt RUBHEK GOOD^T Uobbin of burth Carolina Secretary her bed for weeks at a time.time, Hertier family procured of Main aud Third streets. * tig ibal be liiaaaeW is a simpleton —and there I u o> tb* her to BSl-NCkiUHOOF, - for her the advice of the first physicians In New Jersey, A. Do Mansfi eld. All Ittwe uf ikeao m foa— aL. Mow Totk- Aiw enough otbet waya for him to do that. And I gentleuteo hold lliat ,, Z^. Umonlnau Rubber company. Stabtlin*' ixErostr; — Rumori are rife io the 1“ FANNY FERN. »Wee .i Green *".*1, between FimI —. it-ro. ro I roAiffro.ro rofi.ro..i.i 8 ISt htc ht« 8 ricfat '7 beiieflt. TLs ClHeaso cooUnued sluwly to as ITEW TORK UTB pj^ji^^^sly sapping the foundation of. her life—having cure all dlseiwcs with one medicine, but ““ ‘ Etdiuivt Mumm/aeturtr* ander GoodyiarHjfattmtt mSURAKCS CO. L/i*iied auiee I “^irtS7.Vde.*L\7ro 2orJ«Id?lii?^^ criine aud to eecedc at will from “Jiobiiison.” who iwisoried I-annijiUi large running ulcers, which were cun- Portfolio,” with orlglualdeslgus. vol. 12idu. Price for each d,""" aaroa* ot ttla Iw aUewmF aj 8 that 8 CuUbjsuiahod Whig the woman aod KTmed several disease* ordinance, *heu tee •*’ .x— Ooropro. ; first publication of this Mayor shall are la^h **®**R*YMnvn R patten* 74 Fourth St now soicoto tB*ia,3*k Tbi. — -if »“y S®««tionbfbmrwkmfu M.ro— .ro—Lub.n, .U^over.e* m»de upn— order don. at the coffl of Coats,Coiti, Life- {Vvavr vers, Tarpaolifui,Terpeolirui, ^ mmd•4tt*aftoeroMl.ptoCh8 iiaoinii apoeca muiltSte.wbilgJlhAltoRieioop, wptw mat same —y luvvivinEinvolving ,b* ^ ^ _i±' 4S14Si MamM.ln.st..t.. kila dourauor iov.%Jh.above Fifth. the work tube ewnei* of lou s#ro afore*aid.aforerold. RttVI N Caavasranra. Pantaloon Liaea.—loiaea.- Full auiu,.ulU, I androd p»rt«pans of lou Capes,Capes, Air Beds, Piano hi. Pre.MleDtfti, sndand Prou,Pauu, thetbe mostluoel genteel outatoutfit evere.er I further/arMrr Mayor shall cause a B CaD#.Cap..r^> Kllows,fallows.~ SurjicUo-Fto.SunririJ zjiagf 7 iro .. F.tfY MANiaVIBirbra I ooliterUbtlM tib b* publuhadttllhUahttgl Inlu uo*UUa ornr m<.rgb nf t Kro Ma.B«ro l . come oeiorc ine oiipreik* Judiciary, la by Oli.rlea M ANSFtRLIPS. to be mure of th* dally newj- t he otjeeliell ef the leeiljm kholitMMUglg 4>f 1848 Geti. very iiremige- are Miid to nave been procured rourrly benito all of ber ulcen, rod np to tbe preeent TTOMK-LUK Oermroy. Lorlng Brace, aold. Call ud see at M«1 — paper, of Ihe city, of Ih* paaroge of thla antlDzaL*, taai a\rmy A Navy Cudbioos, Ckcsiea) Ar- Puokmom'km P*^'*^*** bppomtec perfectly good beauh .ud spiriui, which »PP®*Dtec to thattbat hiehhqrfa triouDaltrinunal paid for by an official, and thethi ume «he enjoy, * order, af thU ordinaac* wlibln ftooa. wroM by ttl. ='-••» *> ttia latotMtok right; and, if'if •*'°**’’®*' Dock and s*rroparliro. The uae ol mercury never hav- Ooropuy tn warrrotroi lal .r appriivd 04 W'lial has been transpiring about the disease “fi»h and Kl.hlug,’’ etc., I lln.trated from nature te atacd roy .llraAto, ana are superior le thoao w??-> w*.n^d-w^l eeifnon -of oosror,.^ LA- X- -L V- . L „ A State .tumid artn.liw .IIL,,-,.. I. . .iiir . uot In her family, could not and on "p^«r/tb«, misriTimart* nn- — laansnao* ea tholv Ciiet^-hoiito a bUle at^M actually attoep* lo nullify or ae- 26. Tork. and will attend to selecting‘r. T.tbe materialsrra^r. androd":;ae- sall themVo^ViLZa'^.;provlatoua of tho rome ahall be enfoveed. ^ ge arc Ik liw Sew lork Several wood, by ih. author. Price $l [ der any other potont. 0- M. WILSON, awn Itvo* or ttaooot ttetvfriv^, pU„.,ges for many mouUi. part. It is said I toL b«rc7ito by the rreaslrot. ~hiTi ihi iiro curing the best shirt-maker*. From my experience lu BEN. W. POLLARD, F. B. C- C. gf aeven hunrtitu Mlbordiitttet. For tbeae ceile, and sitoald thua render neceastuy axing Dr. Gnjeott’. Extract of FrUmailcx,byR..UatJ$..U*rJ Uaywaide. lUastrated.illustrated. Price F. M. Shepabo, Troaanrer aad Bectotniy. entiiki $••, ** par eowt. - g, loMtTee la the ' been made to reach the U aiy seigib.'r* are now rook and m effort has woman | Shirt-making, 1 can assure those who may favor rae John V. Vahrvm, C. b. g. C. $* par aaoL In »oor-.„ - ate twentu-oetKa fd t apphimiitg c,., Yellow Doc» rod 3are«p*iUi* wl i, the most Battering "• oi JZm a now troroi i. Tha aeow — fiiaaeo ttefrtjWflT a ee aed Uiterriaaitiao of the ctr.. : 1._ u.i..ir ..r Imnlle.ied _ . „ . , wall g n ^ restrzmiftc power of the by or tn behalf of pylies implicgted, for the Corre.,.oodence of Charle* James Pox; "“h their order, that 1 will give them neat rod JAMS:; hFEKD, P. B. A. -1' K. ttl. Call at O. H. STRATTAN, C. B. tb* prweM^ D. aileucing her; and at last “crazy” bopinghoping to inUnceInduce by I^rd John Rm.ell, M. P. 2 vols. Price $l SO. "7- Sblrta, alto a goto A. WHQIaSSALII Ra looni Board Geoerel GoverwDent, purpose o! nt, iI give the Aboveai>ove sutement,.Utement, BOOK ,, mia etty, vto*TSro.^LMroi»^?T tbe wfRjy atid Would ive ,ouyou T u’l wai?iRi *2.'' *1^ HOXTSE! Daw Three Talw: Chrl.ilne \ tn Amb.rg, Rcxiguatlou, J* A. D. MAN3PIRMANSPIRLD’a,LD MainM^in «U Approvad May 'M, 1659. other, to try the medicine rod be healed. rod J? Jt JAMBS B. SPEED, Mavor. 'vRaW ERA.—Linen and Drill Drawer, maila in tbe (H)KxisH.LAAipoRL&ro Wo. a Park WroL -will. •oott Agoro. PUcm Yoek, gyoggcaanatcamavaf Matt and ring axtentlvalv RntlMt iwiatn. cil for other intiictmeuo Impencbmerita. -*^ FCRLISEJIG, toatovtll*jrm*t$.yi dlvu wMeMal B WXSRI^MO,m>OXSR\ LlMi^j:?:Sr.‘J*nnd - * PICRKRING. BTixioNBET hnaroaar, ar* .New Vorit C44*lo»-hoil.e. Mare than thirty- ThKThe SaKDWICMSardwicm ULAMDi—Ulamdi—MoNo FsrkcHFrench K*-Ka- 2Voy7'roy ztwigcLztwigf.'. HIRAM frNDER-JsHIRTV-SIlk,WDeR-NUIRTR.—Bilk, Ll.leLisle Thread, Game, Me- , t^uie^SIx *”*tot “* um ai.Araai ai,AV’Bsi *”’^*'**’ Cuttoo, and Linen Bblrta. A fine uXt. » ir thRt city cfl rife here for several U rino, Jaconet, Insurance in* moat.itor., Thou »wa sea toll «4>ae etc pEDirioK. Tbe ruk-ors h*ve been Co pnUtentton* enahsnea ttA tt*th* hlgbotthighoat Lcc'H Paru Patne Theoe oaaRoath IX thotixan* — fieoge* Umt loy yJ3:r$6."’’^ld'*b^' SrpARK," at W* raptor pvton*prion* b,th.T _. j and and cemalete saavrement mrov valuaM* tbi^s, OF OltARLHBTON, SotnrH I and popnlat mUcaUanaona woe-., so- VI KteroroNtnroro attt owr Moat*Mooro dro**,Iron, toon trgt — - it. * ‘*•1’® ^* “ UlegefS, tqnoDg other MANSFIELD’a* caroUSA. tarrot. A I rieottefl to ouepyoMf roei Whet n li«(e French vesaela mre oa their voynyc to P^*' J6 th* fUiul- i j geihar with ;Jt rortvntto aaKctlua of Sebo..;; rwoka, tn-In- ^RAkotwsaA notwsa MarkotMargot and JoCevaon,JoCevaan, beid-quArters ^ I M lro*iwvuiA.d^wI uai»i‘ -y n-ro <1*»* **•“ bo®** *»• »he ro JZtiAe.tinnc h... I . rol.h . Nas.iu .r.,L, r- .. clndtoSitogArd’a ealahrntto Sorioaor AsiiAOMUcn. C-. t.T. *1# ..rro< A ..cHUljJ. -iib.tMUl. uSoit. id Olavea.—Just racalveq walWi atqui, 04U,aAd vena Capital, all paid ia, xL^-XLKy. ARrKRto.RM,ARrKRSH.RM, »» Fart* — L., R Co- ar* nlao largo dooler tn rod musfacinrti. mamayy II11 dRmroaouwdRmvowoow j.J. ARrnRnrRNA K light assurted Kid Glnvtoi ta«h — - BmRnrRN. will Iok*ceolinwe to Erow.out a* this gtateiDeat roue*, with tbe tone at all Cyrllla,Gyrllla, a Tala,Tale, Ly the(be authorauUior of <*T)ie“Tt.e InlUals.”Initials.” ’ of ovary vntivty of Popova. *»»«n ttvy jrefrow»<$;,#»4 of the r«- autboritie* of Troy, or the iiublic journals bUrmiJ, •. bmlih,nmlili, ButcUNubuicltHe kR Ly Price iyi--.ro..-eiaat*^ C3. aod Louoi T: rtvSold ty Wtlaoa, warraoied*J?raiiir‘ (rathfrtih and .oaxe,auake, aud ^OO.OOQ RRVtICn— I W HATB.HA'FB. .VFnt. B. Wilder R Co., 66 cenu. oCtr At nuChfActararat whokanl* prUA.. P*» — FQiLLFGiLL ARD, praTRRR,PRATRRR, mM -ftheI>KUodleyWinstaodley R ersy;eray; wtibwltb sixteen mustrs(ivBslllustra(lvBs bv — IktCopUal Stock untmpoired. a* d$m msofnrniahproaaArovaw.ibfUrniah rsr-hiirTi w.tb ^ rM.rto8rt>kU tn di*#! in sompthins -**- boas In kofore devmed res|»ertable, lo deal someltung li#r. Jeif(srgiginvtii«>: 75 ceota. — aBuuiW..R-uior. FriesFile* I doxea striped soJ WILLIAM B. HBRIOT, Prendent. Ih* Mau tt* etty. A^.a A A A A A gg I roe I I I K^wklrk, Albsur; Merrlwether, JeffersonviUe; 75«eol^, rars Caats and BsckSe—B 8Uk uigao et IJ U J New at irMstophonc •* the {reateaf rit^auties tbat could 8ii a.tack, we muat believe, aiid are very bappy I than 47, MAtir tTnXXT,/anr Il'’ARORUBE^ARORUBE »hew*r-Baiht manmronfnctnrvdnfnrtnrvd anc — _ i^ore (xuigible vague ioamuations. 4u4 ^y appointed aginis in every town in Kentucky sud Recsived and for <»ra»e Goats and Sacks, the ngbteet article in snm- LODISVILLR AG KNOT, MO. sale by I sfotsxj. wholaaal* ato rrlalivny A1» I^.;—Dmi Hnaaloa, all Mao., to 0* Jifurual. Indiana. 17 deu.lRwe.>w brought out. doors lecsf of Fourth ftreet tbmek nfftce, up W fur aalo towM at lepoil is wf/6a»y may J6 to belKVt^that ttw unfouoded. 1 MAXWELL R GOCRR. j4j*h u IgdiM lijm C0..46I Mala st. I ^ MAN8FIIIJ>. aiarJI dl.u THUNAJi 3. EKNNBDT, dyenf. H J4U> D TATLUR * M tatumi m txicKWs. Ta T —L L W WW ‘ 2 A — D P ' M I ' • . . . » „ .-h

Thebo.ly ofCbri-rtoplM-i Mn- lPurtb-E..nm«B.llritD.) Boi v Fwoup ' MONUAV. Jt NE «, 1 A. M — IIV ( PACKET TITT* ll»Lal'aVllvAiA PH11 • PfiMMVPrT A T REGULAR SPECIAL NOTICES. If YORK ADVERTISEMENTS N, YORK ADVERTISEMENT i m - Ufrotan ahoWLaker who was. drownatl BY TELEGRAPH. Jujt (o |gt your readers see the way the inif, a New For New Orleans. 1 | Workers on" "last dtieasee, dyspepeta cvoipi.Iai »- • ey Kasie, ins .»•'• a about I li.er rivar oTetiinp, lAiuisi it.i.E, Jane 6, "take trif#a,” please The splendid pauenfer eieamer Cn AN- CpAmona ud . Sf. Pe.':. iiyii- .lern’e. IS. H- Ade- Mr. flamiH DtKoa, an Eorliati pu'di- wfcils batbinf in th» on Friday New Yosk, June rrn k r«.'». Ad»e,r A« 4, M. CE1.IA)E, 0. P. Bacon, master, will leave irrrel, .V. J . eiicloseil extract from the New Y ork rank as moti dltllcult to cure. We are pleaecd to kav, I .Vat « .STreef, ,Vne I'wk, 10 vrefe, Boifaia. evening. Tbe Coroner held The bosioeH done no PatanUy in tbe market 1. not _ en*e to this city, or started to coaae bere, was fooad last an It is stated here that the steamer Vixen, which above on Tbunaler the 9tU inai., at 6 ner, worth YVetlnesday lait. Contrast this with it la oar power to point ont a remedy which has proved yJ-They are araiser at and S at at, aS, and ai9> from an nntlaialy (rave. New Orlean-. he imagined. OHIO, K E (i U I- A R P AC K E T. Dry Ckxids. Saleaor j W e mean the Hoofland’s German Bitters, prepared by NEW YOiiK. Haley's beardinc-house, on Market street, be- Cist floor at at dSaai rorenperflae. FOR .NEW ORLEANS. _ ixnati, June I. lea mu.U ... The Arabia is in! Time: days Ivo hourt - splendid Dt. C. M. Jacksoo, at the German Mmmuret an Cw^tsoe - , .mall boy belon*.^ to Other articlee ere qnlet. 1^ The paeseofler steamer II AONO- Medicine Store, I JO twoenFrfth and h.xth treats. Dmrwxar.-A «*ro and R'VT^^en*« flPklii* Faov •w —» "Il] 4 Vr ^ Co.'s flooring fotlif jin minute'! Where’s the , a LIA. 91. OalrThoroa-son, master, expect- ! mill, Aaron Arctic. Si U Arch street, Phliadelph a. Jnnefldiatwl WeSteiD PlOdtlCS CeD«rsiiy— Messrs. Liebermaa, dealers tn boots aad shoes to arrive as . Shaw's furniture factory, ati« "air from railing, I. winning golden opin- _ — ! 91 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK The of 600 bact ooltM at Teai have advanced 5 per The flue pj.i.nger paiket PIKK, W. P. Loss or Focn Lives Abotit Atlantic and arrived. abreast her wharf at Jersey City at r.thKi'iX Laee I '^.* Mary Hunt half <*0 . Pbobable — past FgABCK k . Imps'fter* of large stock of tht-r r < Boats ltiiig cp.— hepnekatsin the I’nioo Puller, master, Irtve 1oo< pereons who are offing It. This a new artirl«, a pai»aiB*^ an . will ae aborc on itiU of U 1 ceoi.cent. Cheeve'7.'l|.Cher,. I f-* h. la'll. BatterButter lal3.ial3. twelve o’clock yesterday afternoon. 7 his it the G Kmhr lerla», 3ic.,9ic., 98 Broadway, comer ef By AxatlawLxutlaw ta DraieraDrai#re wiffd•is«l tawvuM^ra.Cawewiwera. daak last evening, a skiff containing fotir colorrd ly the 6lh Insil., at 10 o'clock, A. M. I it is uaderrtowl that tbeir recently Introduced, It a rvre fbino for which It ' Lme are lyiMC aad and wx« f:ac*. to aihfe for •'\ffra. «p shortest western passage Fur freight or I’asffage appiy Ra sure SiTXtoT'T's. x« jr New Tore, June 4,t, M. Cunard on recunl.record. on board or io I designed will staod adMpCMl * »ii - Prt.. by saudlar hoaU. The person., two men and two women, wo. Men go. and on lu own mertu. The pruprt- have th« naUMwa 4i« . places will he takmi j Bales 04 Ohio Ca BASHAM. ofor 3,000 bbubbl. Hour—tijnr—Buie 60, Annexed are the passage,passages of the Arctic and * lariy ka«wa, and thus impuae tepswM .uw«. RIVER NEWS.~ I etorff have »uch cooOdence la It that ibeyauthurlTe ihc.r , Fall. City are in tbe mg over tbe falls on tbe Indiana side, and when David White and the to rua 01 T6a04 81; 600 bbu Bonthfru sold al 04 S'laOB 18 aud Arabia: Lj* Wh!!" and tsaco GoodfffNo. 93 Br >ad fftreet. rlarartkle. KEGCLAK U. S. MAIL PACKET* agent* to take heade on jgruarejt/y. oppoaite the it diaoppeared. Cikcixxati, Jaoe 4, M. 1 Fur «ale sa abaea ta lav tr<^V. eeaniag hoe bMwema thu port aad Ciaci^ti a. limekiln dimppeared. One of tbethe talrrequeii. 16,000 hu.bel, wheat Mid—Western 119|, Aiy.r. Honrs. Min. For Saint Louis. RATMOND k. PATTBN, ARMnUa I TAMiAMRS pr#*u aar 94 6301 RMNAg OWKN. 4. rallen t Inchea. Tha weather Is OWKK, Ift Broad rtreet, Toiporter of ^ warm Arctic Ill !’ .ill ho:d—Mixed ia dull at 66, men waswos teenseen rtanding in the water. A large active. l.’,000 butbeU com fT^B^ Tlie new anil upleodld pad-tenser ffleamer I Louliv.;l«. nu alM. |! _ ••• • Maoofacturrr aii>l laijvw- laid aa 'T’v river has fallea 9 iachea dnrtDf In favor ofoi' the Arabia 6ti 44jj . ij " . tbe last 84 boors. .Clive. F ir freight or passage app!j on board or to QOODWIJV A?«D GKB.XANI A.^The old H • ter t»f French Goods, Mertnoe, Shaw «, Bare. •*. the hour we could not get any definite informa- I « Co BASHAM. THK t. S. I'lmrr'F r$rnalril H$ar) H$up, The weather U cioody. AK'i, Tile shortest western passagepi««aKe ever made by any Arc., MBr >ad Ntreet. New orle June 3, p. H. lady, writing to her friends in the coantryj give* a glow Thaanly gaauina—al-afor h.N ceiritiu.-v. MI aii$ « I " was received at tioo.tion. — of the Collins 8‘eamerssteamers wastrdt fyby the BattleBaltic in fitwe A telagraphic dispatch PiTTsarBo,PiTTsai Bo, June P. aredulU Me., pork we quMe al’oil nine WINDSOR 4o4 uUer Tsailft »ja;H, B» Ar-a' ..7 *«.#, r • ly 4, M. The mirkeu 60. log acceuDt of a concert given by the Germania. Fron VI'-ILUAM RROMOND, JO P uw -- — REGULAR PACKET agent ia New B«4MArr<>W4, 5hav.Bg i'reara*. M ..i*v St. Loaio oo dnoaday from President Pierce ~ ThereThera are 3gleetfeet S InckeeInckae water In tbe chaanelchannel modand fall- taken at 9|.9|c, 800 keg. at Wo 014 75. lArt-ltO hhG alM ! /"“r"™ FOR iqew ORLEANS. her letter ire make the follovr^ng extract: <ert * !•» A. I kOttu a»fx4o kCa . . . I Toun^, Railymano, lrelaO’1. to Thuatuu.—Theateb Lastast Sight the Season .tug.laa- Tha weatherwaather Uts dear and warm. qttoi® 3|t.. passenger p^'ket fANKY >»- • were have — af Season— roolaetpe . '.'ir i reprieving Dodge Schoea, who »f —9om-Bom- lUo. Fair fD*4r we Prime l^e i «e .. .i ' wound up with the ‘Appetlure to the Night In Can- couatamly inii^-rt! i aad u u u Cap They are , * Thos« bets, • snsnalu. n a. .. ihoscwhohavewho have made oowever,however, on tlie SUITH, l>uubaiu,mattter, Will leave X" at ovej * . T . r-'-.r . K*. plimemtarf Beueftt Mr. — 19.-.me. Rlocc9te-8,OOOb.g,Uk,nmo.llyalS|c.liio ccm:e-.f,ouo u«b 5 oijsuy ady,’, P««onueaperformed, ^ the sareotcenseveotcen Ragllsh ao4 Frvach Hair vl Sartedas 1 by GermanlcussesGermanicusses upon a I that aecordiag to tbe sen- gf Many influ- , ea.ilv ih-.r )u 1 me day, — Arctic and Ar.h.a «tll. this at o'clock, • hoan aEacutad an ArcticAfctic andhnd Artbu, cane»n easily settle their I day, tbe «th d*u, 6 P. isEus* k ro.. No. 47 BromI .tftet, 1 uat^er^.wa*(ers. '•ii-vAi. ; >-t.' I Horn, and RuflVoDre»sl»g‘' Me^aidmm sf Stesmer Laiy /rotOiin.—Left St. aee-nat-clarlnegtffaee-ilal-clarlneti« **'. and aaclarlnopean,ctarlnopean, three flutes ^nd.lod a XX* French, Swies, andaad German Dry GvidsGvids. - en“»l citixena CistiNNATi, June 4, P. M. A* . a . fence of tbe S. court. bare tendered to Mr. Sarzedaa, the The Arabia is ahead beautifully, charmingly, i af Guukle ! iha Paacy and Pvrr iraar U. | | | For freight *'or pa‘^«age apply on board or to 4«»» c« c ! . "" '•». *« 6 o'clock P. M. Met imponance hsa tran.pire I In the ilaglehomflnglohom andaad key-(latwbiowguaanx!Br..a.l »tre«n..tree: t | k W» Imp. Tower. Pawed * pla< Neut on when ap> :cil 'ar* V*"- . pjx.rtwve Bn.h Prairie City at 8t. Gene- since nooo, aad owing to the low sugeof water Scotchmen househon»e was so foil that persuas boldingholding ^ouuide^outside ticket-' 1 markets i in will keep jb I ^ J now town themselve* as BOGGS k RiRI aSRU..SSKU.. of Pret.i , srplsr,.i Swi-NSw*-- G-Muld, Stikr,Siikff, . M „ Fs Ma>!Ma»!!n«, 4 •* ama named Maaaioo, a complimentary Wtil w*»rff. thfir ft* atr- Heavv Damages.— benefit, and it takes place to- Telegraph - — at Devil-, ' *d. met Bmnann weqoote qniet as - bad great difficulty IndodlngeoayexlentIn dodlDgeoayexlent places to «txnd. m freights bareadvaoced; to Neworleaus whisky circumstanced Will permit. W. J. h tv H Jl I (> , has roeoaarad $bjM0 la the circait coart sitting night. It u the last night of Kraplirat CaleduolA, Opo. XinX^HBLI.1 1TX-’HItLI. 4 PuTT,PriTT, 13 BskhaageBxi.haage Plar-,plac* liaporie the season. There Thebes, Pikt at Btitern. Pas* and pound freights 26c; to Pittsburg _ Loufsvlllo,Lou|8Vlllo, Hickman, andaod Memphis Among tbethe audlense,audleoffe, which wanwas eeryrery select,iielect, we notice*!n-)tlee'l \ !ha. 46 Canriloierfi Aireat, Maw here. j 60cperbbl, whisky I j Sc .ich aa 4a«- KO** Shawneetown. 3 !, met Glendy Bnrke freigbu 26c; St. 26aJ0r REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET. the Meesro. Webster, Daguerreolypt-i.*,l>*»gaerreolypM.s, ti9t;9 Msin -'reel. amusements lu tbe city, and as Mr. » 76c, and pound to louls per 100 To ike KftUors the Msn -reel. Drt-Nff*Goo^Goo^ of Ecening Bol'etin: fast running pse-iemier paek* Heodareoo Bend and Lode Pike at Denerson, Clituw rr^ im aM railroad company. Maaoiuo was a paaaenger oa 8. preaenta a fine bill we presume the theater “ ,vnDda,a»175cfor«hlbky. LARGE AND ATTK ACTIVE "ToUK Lek, LEMEN: I am just leaving for New Or- ,yMju2etJOHN'O"'' SIMPSON, Capt.Capt- J. P. McComas,McCom... at Puppy Creek, CinclDoitne at French Island, Fasbluo TkuRV SCIIUKPBR,SCiITiepee. 4* H » iRiTvrr i ) “ H%\RHArS. Impoil^'^ tram which was thiown off tbe track by run- wiU be new Torr, Jnn. 1. P. M. I a crowded. leans. I wouldsay that I have m my possession r«olvM from Now Turk, by oapre«, a lot ol fio afel Brigian Gk>oda. Inla Clienault’eClienault’, Beach. pirr^,:"'.r.”r,“rp:,?« oS ¥;.;,^;*y^ynno''7^i^ CTfn. B G«i.o BmxU : th-, Dry Sales of 6,600 bbls floor, State $4 4Ja$4 t6, Ohio $1-13 many other certificates Ac., N”. 60 Btchaage Place. aim! ovor a cow. He had hia l«g broken, and from gfentlemen at New and Wiu continue to leave every TL’BSDA Y, at 4 o'clock Daguerreotype cases, of the latest styles, which can l*e -Wmorandaei.—.Meauwaada»i.—The«sanierPlkeleftSt.LoniaThur»-The msamer Pike left St. Louie Thurs- . , , -ra I I . I . c » ...... ag 76, 600 bbls Southern sold at $4 97a$6 19. Wheat— Orleaua and here, all eslabliphing the differenre seen and hxl at Thoe. C. Kyte k Co.’s rooms. No, 6i7* •.HKiUtioawa. found necotaary. Tbe pUint.ff>. »>TbereTbere is very InUeI.tUe changeclimige in tbe river. ^ ^ * , .kis^v wTTa^it^AUiZ’ T' L. O. WILSON 4 CO.. L„, „ sj ..clock, P.p. n.m. Metm,, TeletraphTelegraph at Widow -36.000 of time of ^ bnrtvta «W-wH.rn $1 19; tb. ni«k« Im- the Eclipse and Shotwell’s departures Main .troot, be.wMn Thirl anU Fourth. lit ..? mU cflaaael plead (hat theaccident occarred through . It u however falling S very slowly. Boats draw- Beard’s; Oen, pike at Thebes; Lady Pik. at stewarf, "O® there, and their arrival here, pivved. 16,000 ba&bele com taken, mixed 654a66c, dull. which ! will For freight or pii age apply on boarl or the N. B. Rooms formerly occupied by J. W. 5»anc Te. Broad-ray. | to agents the nogtigcocc of the ci^ioeer. . tng feet can go through tbe canal. Ulaod, Gleody Bnrke at Hurrlcsne island; Eclipse at Publish, H Ohio whisky li firm, with aalee of 400 bbls at 22|co 9C0 it deemed necessay, on my return. I BASHAM, Louisville, apr dlf apriadtf13 ! MO. U COCRTLXXDT ATfAXiCT NIiRKAI t*o., *.( - — PeeWnepa*’*! Cincinnati at Laavenwonh. published as many as I ni»dif A. B. SII AW & CO., Memphiii. ^ k Impun-r- .;vr*a- Wrsrrr’.: The thought Natioaa. aaa •!«>• . j CiimberlanS had 2 feel water on the hags coffee sold, Rio 9|c,3t. Domingo Is|c. 300 hhds sold, wppOAita;he M tO'l shoals A ItatiYU 9iig Cloths, $* a MV MV M w pv w w w w pv w w TV ' Kr'‘Sdwsy.* ' 7"' ^ Deces.'*ar) to sati.-f^ all reasonable minds that the - L AaoBaT. —A yonng man named Hall arrived on Friday evening and was falling. Hoseovado 44«4|c, Orleans tc, Arm. Molasses steady. REGULAR PACKEi’. iSQQQSCQSSvSQSS ~ Noff. 11 & 13 Dey Street, New York !""^ ”* ***^ Orleans to ^' DOCRRTnOCRRT d-IVERNOIS>TiyERNi>l9 k^To.^fc ro.. Im';^Imponn. hr Fr- Port- TntTnNNTTtTTT NTIT*thaatlva*loakr WH«>i.tvai.r 8* •• P f> R T OF L O U I S V 1 1, L E . MessMoaaboefbeef UhaavvwlihaaleaofIs heavy wUb sales of IMbbUat130 bbit at BI8$19 60, ham-ham> ' FOR NEW ORLEANN. \Kxa :av.e in thw city about a woak age, purporting to be The Mississippi s»' 1 and iu tributaries were all McLEAN’SMcLEAM'R TOLCAMICTOLklANIC OIL DIJ 6'*’-r«Gu9« ..<»».’h*,I,, s,.k,.'i.lk^, Mnslm*,Masim«, Ac.. N.N**. 7 • Br '»nd wa« shorter than that of theShotwell. Th.newanfl splendid passenger steamer LINIMENT.LIMIMEMT. 1 vary Urgaa»4offiiaant of G*Mslta. « ; d k* pt ^ ri- I .. abbivalb, 94^',94c, aliouMenshoulders 6ic6|c« Lari—Lart-bblabhla 101c,lO^c, krKikegs tic11c; the mar-msr* , fCff- Tuscumbia, Ala., and bought a stock of ' falling c.,mm«Rler, vrlll plat# at ail *ea«Qasuf th# t**a7 by aJ*Htic>a •1 a;i from quite rapidly last M|fc|gKUroE,8tnrge„n, leave Grealeal ev*r I tha week. 4 EDW. T. SPURGEON, n< Durnrered /or .W«» or kriket IS.S easiereasier. iv^iteuliow10,eoo Ibt tallow Midstsold at $c. 600 bbls pork above 00 the following days, viz: I rpHOMA.s Ml ^Eok,NROK, No-WPin.No. 34P1,. liquor, of Mesqjs. Abat fc Reilly. He made Commander of Steamer.Steamer Eclipse.Eclips«>. Monday, June, Beatt. Ben P™akl1n, Summon., Ctnclmi.il. Sold—mees $16 S7.»$16, prime $11 36, the market^ steady. tbe 6ih of at 4 o’clock, P. M. 1 lonGood., Mm:.., Cmnbric, , V--;.n wi- -7. 1*1. *41 st at 4 Bevajea -*xc.ujv** / ^ Tuesday, the of June, o’clock, P. va uC b*. . kmmU vmj (tmilUr (be bourn, A few The r&c«f over tbe Otklaod couree stvpbmH enne, mmUmid. M. ganff, Nankeen^hc.Nankvans, Ac. mw* m ^a t aa* , py com- Cotton Is ’1'"’^’oieady, with sales of 300 bales. Sales of l.UOO clem guarantee for lU afftoniubtng efficacy. *n,e ^"7," THnw^y, itac 6tta of July at 4 o’clock, P. M. X ^ ! sstmerea, Tratlnxs Tai.-f's ‘nimmtr.its. I COLOMSTS river. FOR Al'niCA.— \Vc lear that a com- R are mada to walk, the BRl La WOL DRD, ISKD, I g - N a -? river i meuce v w *1— a days ago he went up the and returned yea- to-day. We underitand there is lbslb. yellow be«-.xbeeswax at 29c. Tr'n x * a t v ,, , * , Huaiecr, DrvuDwss Go-vl.,Gmtda. qhawls.Sfcawla, T uk-wwik^ M-tw*..Kj.* ma, « a large Tb«».^wMifMoCiars,”whee atch I. OALE, laponmand J,Jib.r. ..f A and sec- emigrants ar- andSOBF-ar. bcalwl, and .11 nac 1. :n wb. r-olc* ' [ *'”’bVsrdK? ocs, he.. Re. tu aibtUiou are dtvt’hy**t Isree. :-— terday morning the Foreat City. number ' ladyLawly Prankiin,Franklin, Msgowan,Megowao, slSt. Loots. Tc artrr or HRA A vancy6'ancy VyDrywy (moo.,Goods, aancrallj,geaerally, 7M3«17 j C«tek *««.street. *p au He came 1 of boraet in training. Baltimore, ' bcallngandlnviguratlngriluu. - June 4. riv^ Thursday night in the vicinity of this |' - _ prlti^spriu:., tacladlugtnclwllng Todford,Tedford, city .21 C. Basham.' MemmsweM«rim4« aadmid c«Khe'o»-. (4la«U9^4,Gim-i*,...... is, EemnckyKentucky No. *,9, Wabash river. McLKAN’., VOLCANIC OIL UNIME.VT pouMac. i - - < T fc Lawns,Lawn», Barag-s,Barag’'s, BU. tnsino DryDrr Goo»!«GixvK Trmte.Tra.to. ti *7 aa*->- for from •ETW£L.'« >7 tbe week f to jc. Fl-iur ia dull at ,4 6yaJ FaMtPatsvit Swaxo-i^wr stole derfand that a party for the benefit of tbe Tlahumii.g^Tlahoiali.go, snseoe,Brlsooe, TraDesaeaTenneasee river. „„u_.rrTT v vwr-r r n {| SwanMowr rooai, aud wbil c they ware asleep from Mr. Seam- LOUISVlLIiG and enable It to penetrat. the mlnoiaot tbe body, • ofGenilrmcn’.Iof G^Dilfmca’ff Fa.'ntshlng •taadj at 60.88c for white, and 66.66c for very respectable company from the State of “ SAINT LOUIS. vMaeia of Cvy. a tttablagGooda.aadMaDutaaar-'ColIo..’*Guudv. and Miuufactur- Coltoa.’* yellow, at wblch | ™ ' _ i On ami after the 1st of dlwmnloallngiubeailnglnflaence, removing ersera of Shlru,Shirts, Stocks,StoeXo, he.Ac. tI Ahat’s packet fltressea of Louisville will be given at Mozart fTa^* k Peb> tboCACSS WeWo lavliaInvito Uothe aueuUonattwtion laolo. cmm' ar— , *«»r lua svallet, cootaiaing $72, a small DCPAavraEa.DcrahTTBcs. 130,000 bnabala during the week. Tennessee, and are in charge of two woitby ^ ar^r* vr <^hcorn Mid Orlaane molaaaee I ugmjkxi^tiv AKv nexiT'anext, a regnlmregular Daily^^uIHkIwD.f^v of tbe. IlHWM, ond Imparting Ilfo, bealtb, ftrengtta, anJ — loecrodli. MenRet) Pranklla, Bnmmoos,Rommuns* cincinaatl,Ctncinaatl. «!» os. ailvwv aad Hall on Tuesday and odiiasday evenings. Tbe men, one of the PrwbytM’ian >nd Ih^ o!h€r carrying thetbe vivacity to tbe .yatero. r.lHNft’HN M. DAVDAVIES,IBS, JUNES,JONES, * CO., Importen of 'Ira.i;-B- 1 2il**'* - W I aamuat af a gold patKiL Oa awakine, i dull at 36c, at which the salas are smalla Provisions U. S. Mail, whole — — U | — If sry Atepbeas, Cline, Madteim. S'tl ilemen’silemen’a PunchingFurnleblng GoMsGood, and Manufacturer,Marinfst-ttirerv r I Methodist Church. wUlwill ranrun between U.nl.vllleLouisville and SuSt. Lonl.,Louis, iMVInileaving Lou- Wo aee and hear dally of peraeni who were conUnned f T* A 7WT? cs Mr. A. hamodwtely ditcovared hw Uas, sad "bject is one ulucb coosmenda itself to all, and cinrinnaU. Eosau. M. LonlA contlnae. fl.mer, at $16 75 lor me.-, uid $13 60a$l3 76 ! FAIRBANKS’T* ATRTYA Tmi A CR1PPI.KS. Tbeir arm. or leg. were paralvMd or Sieik., bblru, TIm, Ac., IM wir.um .ueet. ' " several-several intelli- drawn V . _ . Rcllpte, Sturgeon. New Orleans. for primee pork; 1,090I,oeo bbdi rides. In dry aslt, during 7'** ’ ' laamad that Hall bad bean secs coming out ' ®uolributions of atrawberriea, cream, cake, .sU, uld ’ pVxKt’capu'wrK.png^’JJp,” y, Foller Monday, 10 o’clock.o’ of | Redford, Pittsburg. | families of treer people f miier, of color residing in •< Asricuitur.iAgticoltural w^ehou.*,Warehouses the weekE at 74c,7|c, and 360 caU. 60,000 lbslb. bacon tkLEIIRAPH.J. Tucker Tuesday, flowen, %rc eariiektly and at 64.64a KUTfPL\1 fOKM0KM SCALKS.SCALES. howee. Mr. Atet went Ac., requett«d FaIooa,Falcon, Keai,Neal, Orleaus.<>ric«a». tm io ttarcb of H*H, from any N>«New °**’cc parts of the S'ale. GKN. HIEK, I. H. Jones ef tbeir limb, by the nee of McLoan'e eolebroted L.(-* ALI.XNALI.KN (late A. B«B. Allen Aa tCo.),o.), i«1.9 endaad 191 si, ...a Ki ui, -M— IS on...... We Wedneiday. Vol- D _ _ S. R. Prentiss, Walin. Madison. 6|c lor riionldera, aud bfmic for .Idea, 15,000 fan. y bam. WaierWater oreet.rireei, In booio th.t . LL'CV ROBINSON. Bunce ...Th„rZ7,:’ canic Oil IJnlmenu "Who, then, will inffer e ManufacturerMamifactortr and Dew.rrDew.er Iiupi..Itupio- v-.»-- i,- - _ - . mot him ia the atroet, and charged him with in town or country who have it m tbeir power with Iwal R m ' v___ . _i, | 5i«“.'Riae Long SOverDlySeverely {nM'J?i.V^o'nd*i?f,'K^t.ckyWing No. 9, Saunders, Keutteky rtvwirivur. pain or external dlMriw. when a irie Kid enre remTly menlmmenu, Seed,.seedr. Manure.Manure, Ac. known— t^ed—tested— alwayislway 1 EeatnckyKentucky No. i, cinannati.Cloannatl. ' ' tdealuw hw aMiney, threatenimr to kill him on contribute. Contributors are reapectfullr 1, la M eaaiiy obtained'.'” fight—right— the acknowledged Standard. Thus. Swaoa. MrCInre, Wheellug. to k'teRBADKR' -f, Cloth Goods. I - _ (he spot if not givcu up i mmediately. Hall E*ked send in whatever articles they may Emp'o.,,Kmp'eas, wiimo,Wiison, K»wN«w orleaus.Orleauv. j

Col.*-®'' t>'tkins<«i.Dlcklnsfjo. si.St. Urai,. ' * B.p. RCLR.vlr. ’lah to give Loulx mand and rm, at 6a64c for Ohio, at which rate 900 hhds ntanded and careful »J«aian Goods, lor .r* ^ ir—H. IfU.MP. Ittiuillf.L$ll9flllf. It.|T bocamc alarmed, aud gave up the money', aad on Tuesday morning. the .American Colonization Society, and a meet- omcerwl by and experienced men, 'S;o'.rel‘efrtr::‘i:.^^^^^^^^^Bropeheis^ Vhr!?!!ig F>r iv> am!L^u., ^ M-r* 'ar.i Ta ] y?|.r an.i j w.reKdd. umbier..LMhlcr?*. I Rb.um.ti.m,3tiim.«inyuurJrintM^«^RtaeuxDxtNm,SturbtaalayuurJoliJts,Contra*.tadMnj*’:les, . after furthar threats he also rdiiiquisbed tbe pen- abbivaLS. ine Will be held early next week to adopt a con- »“t ^ FAIKBAIVKSFAIKHAlfKS aJk CO 1 UOt.E,0“E, seinxer.SEIN elfeet, New York—Y*rk->*999 w.t-rWt(?r stitution I 110“''. «I-''Seb.ER. t 66 atreei, and ap,apjiointmint officers, and, whichwtiich ISis vital For ^.?*b,fraight N aco.,66a cu.,O., Juh.JohnJohn«reet. i.p-.ier.ImpcrreraImp-.r: era 1 Postpokemekt.— e regret exceedingly to oTpi^g"^or pabsage apply on board or to j ?a7-7JhX**TM~lX'"Srn?;^^ j ca. He wae then arrested. t ***’„ *^oundr, andaud Jobber,Jobber* I'toth-.I mar 9 T^lejraiihTelegrafibw v . « n ' all Jtf ®i“ HXI of :o«b-, Caeilmerer,Caealmeree, anjan.1 VeatlD...Veatln... dim Xe. lyi, McLelloOyMcLelloo, Cincinaatl. »oto J»Jtf } ! t Ai. A .4. _A J a . I- 1 X«. CioclDUtl* good enterprises, raise some material aid. I C.C, babham,basham, Ag.nt,Ageut, | ^‘ib^cVir,'ui«7rU‘V«^"^u“;:rc.kM _ * ARRIVALS | | tbftt AT | iown tbe concert announced to take place loaian,Ionian, Hemphill, Cincinnati.Clnelnoatl. THE HOTELS. Where plana ot^ the rablos may be seen ana state I ^raniwA Gcor<^->rgia,i.-idu. Forest City, Murdock. Wheeling. u>n9yiLL..H0XEL.-M. FEAR. 1 Fit MAttF—ff., cooe Monday evenuif next by L. M. Gottachalk, j ,“r.’ .^b‘o7? Tni^i t^A of hydrofbobio bo« occarred in j Pike, Puller, Bt. Loulx rn/rancr and » H I Q^rin f*e new iwBff I The artist, it appears, J M Wi;«oo, Teuu 8 D Baker, Na%hvl ami we have never known tt Druggiats. dog some five weeks ago The dog was auppm- was detained m Smrit’cu?rBmi^Sii^8uLiiii$.Prairie City, Rubloeeu« Louis. man named John Gilbert, and a white woman Far Cinrinuntl. Private Dwellings, Hotels, Steam Su j fall la giving speedy and permanent relier. D P Wamock, Lex Mrs Daggett, Ga arsh k NORTHOP, lao Jreenwich street, •> Norma. Puatcr,cioriiinati.Fuetcr, Clndunati. named Rebecca Boyd, were brought liefore DAir AT 10 O'CLOC K, A. M. tm« - « to and kdied Mempbu as late at Saturday, waiting for Es- 1 •d be mad was immediately. The a boat. J L BillDgwood, Shelbyvl A Steed, Ky A VOICB FROM OLD KBsNTl'CKf. .tTff and Whu’esalv Dealers la DrtSmff. Paiai.'. “ boats. Ships, Ac. i“— ' G«n.Gen. Games,Gainos, i M . , ,1. • . . Cope,Cope. Clucmnati.Clncinuall. quire Chidsey, a, » , , on achargeof kidnapping a coloi- Vsmi>bea, . Mr. Brougti, the Mrv Price k f, Ky Mrs Qooliitt, Bardffto I orn ^^^5, Si. LouU, Mo.: k rivnBSB EKIXV, wr-.h-T w::a »>L.VTVR*, moil a injunaa wore atteaded to, the wound wa, manager, informs us that tbe ciars,Clara, ., New urieoa,.Orleaas. maiter. Miss Neeae, Teon Pattersoo, ed woman named COMFORTERS. Ac, I T clly Henrietta Woll, and taking her TKLKGRAPH.aw.!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!McL^an, master. Dtcr Str. I have used Ko udb rij I yomr j VOLCANIC OIL LlNl- healed up, and it was auppooed be bad escaped concert will take place on Friday next. depabtuebs. T Ba'oes k svt, Naahv) O J Flournoy, Lex J W Forvee, Bmpr^ffs D S MU or, Phil the dreadfulfiresdfal disease.ffiscaee. Thursdayrhuraflay night ' Telegraph No. 3, McLeiion.cincinnKi.McLeiion,ciaciiiDaii. On hebe badbid L M Newton, til R T McCall, N O J OwluRff, city T Sheerer, eymptama•yBiptewa ef bydrophebia,bydrophobia, and gradually grew Real EstateEatate at Ne»New Auakv.— e learnle«rn rJworiVRy^iTardock.rJwlMuVtty^iTartock. Wheeiiag.Vheeiing. sb Rcllpr*elehy DiiRXMl $ a NllON, AcvM', $4,®75,7k3, *CC#r4ui(accorffiag tot$ tWthe UseMOiamoatoi's hooka.book*. — Par Mary Siephen,Siephent from MadiMo:Madiaoo: 181132 bM,U>lff flour, Stew-stew- Toronto O L Sanborn, Me *^®*?*^ ageuu In LoulsYllle, Madison, and ose of one twenty-five cent ^ Jotber* In RoC.iib, French, and k f buttle will be Germena Fancy Ho. 91 Park Fix:*, and 15 M'lrrsy *>t.f»t* S McLain, Allegheny City N M Holbrook, hfld in $5tH) for further ®*“*^**“*^’®*^®“**®*^‘^ ***”*°* p**^™*" Vtw fork. do 3 bearing on I **^®-'’t^*** Saturday. suffldeni to convince even tbe momt Increduluue of iu I ’Ahrends, Cailery,P*T- Tbe eearaa la not yet completed, but it U tap- "« i-debted to the attentions of K^Upheleter^ia, rarraRe-makeT », fftti uiUrrs s«FP< .e4 W" J llolaodq do O Jobusen, Baltimore I cmion Cap*, «®T?nSim A5L‘?rb^^^^^ The occurrence has created much excitement piagic power m curing every exurnai ffi with the PeMlag hy the peuRd. tb bay, ShautMio; W H Buford, St Louis n UssoD, STeltiy p ' $4(1 will Mke tbe papolBUoii Mettra. Latapie aod Armftronp, of tbe Lady hu g 394060, McCxiium r Btewxn; do among the COlore<1 population of our city. Heroes a«d Other ArIwrIs. '^IiHoS. r^7he trade geevrally sopplisd et a :ib«ral a:a >^uiat* patroulxe k lUW’D GILL, Importerfi ^ I ooop fuwU, 9 bWx 9 R A Cuoant, Washington J Wool folk, Va to thU line. of fancy <; mjrt4, i #^.0* fmao F Bcbultlori $4 bgff bfAD, rwmoaieiie. HoYH are :.i«i - rraiiKWi, lor i3Fors. H-tsiery. Glove#, Lacf.., lyw- permuted to see ihe oaffuws i f .i«« — an J I J Vantreee, do Miss Cin. GdZitte, C3*The Union Line being a chartered company are ro- Mc4aeao's celebrate?! Uniment is tbe only safe and Kmoroiderlev, A:*fYU r Sto; 9 boraoa, uwuor. Burke, do re- In# 4®Aileme», who have 8 B qnired by law ln.HU re ^aot*d for their Loco tive uMd aad approve r .vax i Stampiey, de H Chappell, Detroit to run under such regulations as to liable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Riog-Booe, wind mo No. 14 Dey»irv«t, I B>RR WHRr4! J$eepb Hay$, $ too I per Blua wing No. 9 fr»m Kentucky riven $5 cla rope. I Rev ThoQpMD k 9 sons, Ind Rev Dr Foster, Rvaoivitle We learn trom responsible {lersona from Knox- comfort as well as safety to the lives of passengers. Galls, Splints, Unnatural Lumps, Nodes or SweillDK^. lurk. Sonra*q L., $ckoylor, Eaq., Charleo Dm*., Roq., at a Bastaa -ercboat. attempted to coMit .»- ^Tne weather bo. been very warm and dry ".“1 J Tassell, lod T A Frost, Madison ville, that the only lino running la connection with It win never faii to cure Big Head, P«dlevU, Pistula, old g ittn^.T^J East Tennessee Bank, at that m-nst .suRgiii x HIm T.atv^.T^iHKNSfi.N, . _ J.JoGreeuGreen Peorvon, Boq., Ror. H. W. Bei -». f J Floyd, lod Ike Balilmore and Ohio Railroad. Running Sores, or Sweeny, If properly applleU. n O J R Myers, L M N R R niari n«» fmiUl kin., 1 For iciie BbootiDH buHeelf, oo WedBeeday, at 8t. ^ ^ dayg. It ranted for about a min- xrdaen; aj pa i*ftgxiDc, 14 cia rope, Bartiey> Jobufeoa place, hadhaH not failed, .mK-mhas reported, ^that \ ^ Rlibn Townsend, Roq., Bob eel 4, tiaux.o, Ew|., bf k P S Noxoo, Portland, Me 8 Mtlior, New Haven gij^he steamers of this line are entirely new and the Spralnn, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Heel*, Chafe#, Sad- ?!* Jewelry, S ^ H. Erewer, M. D., Nlcho.o« linea., J the Bank ha4 passen — — - SrEAMsoaT Notices —The fineateamer Fki- «. E 8 Horvey, ALVlaN ADAMS, Cspto 6. W. Norton, Wednesday, 3P. M. ' - - •1.ej. Tbe womidweoud was aot Cin A Baldwin, J. H. Mt LEAN. Sole Proprietor* Si. Loula. Mo. t-viymt MAvotE'w f.— a»_. » . - . -T conconsideredaidared dangerous.dangereua. i G N T m ^ T77 i Frnnklln I For Ben from Cinclntiail: S bf bbIt beer, W MrLoon, nynv omua,Swiith VApi.ronl lAuanam,riiiBhom leavesUoum rorter :\eu Ur-fir-' L do PA Rota, Mndiion AUCTION MiTniEu, . SALES. j^p, p.,giog, gmitb a Sbotwell; D 5; i 60 bbU WoltL do Martin, ! f: ! *ra.s.-,£.!s;;'SM'.',.'':.2.r“ E do K; S x reori «r«(^ pi efunw *Ais erening. Tbe Fanny ia an excellent whiMy, ii.wmo a Secon; i bx, Bockise aco; « do, i s T Slmoe., do TllOMASSWA.NN,Capt.John McLnre,Sotan)ai,lP.M. mKgIdtf I PioE.—Tbe anil of J Coogruve, I ¥• Underwood k Co Pb.l BY 8. O. HUNRY & CO. O OT. n A W n »T T w ti** ’ I . Moorbeed. do. Bayes, CrKg A Co; I rl carpet. w L»tle, Fare trim Lunl.TlIle to Baltimore _ . _ I c—, - jr>_,rv IV Ham A do Dr $1100 II Pugb, La Rata Ar- I -rkna-^xT kt Cincinaatl, was destroyed Copt. D. and bis clerks are knd offi- Tioo-story Brick HaU, Fufa.rnra Ac. .wTTv^ by lire oo Fnday oo; l bi, j anath; i do, f Eabn; i pkg, rs Evans; fl C Bale., Cln House and Lot in the City of Fare from LouiarilieuuTllle to Philadelphia or Waehing-waa'hVn'g- | T B Jubn.i N r EJ-weWe dally beKheu_ of ihotha mo»lmoat aatooULIngaeu>nlri.lng_ enreocores being PENCIL^ Li-*.vvi3J-i JX.Vky I ra.v ^rahaMRABAM A JAUomj.JAUuBd. IC7 Water .tre.1,.’treel, Imnoet-r*. i AND PEN CASES. Import>ra, ! <=•«. i»^ l*«bt draught. E H Hall,TaKambla W Nendrlcka, JeffersonvUU I^ ai^ «prk or Groceries, Th«r low i, .« dowB at uhoa! $25,000; N Y «*«««>effected brti;:.Vrearand’pop.l«by that great and popolv medlclnom^ilcioVi^i'g'enm'n:tha genolDO 'T Manafactirora,aiia WholeaKo Deatonla Fora, Bata, The | f ft STraanV^i' cincin^irm.U;un;;;;:.\\\\\\\\\\\\-; Ttad* sap;itl*(l on llbwial ^ A B DeVIna. NT D Green, Va a JIJ S ! Tennau loEaiaaci Tbe Pika, Capt. Falter, Icavn for St. Sn; baa, J t LaoUaiai I6 , c Ha- Dr Hudge. A I, M lu to Philadelphia or Washing. O. ARABIAN LINIMENT,LI.N1MENT, and we can _ J W Prince A 1, Cln | No. 8. Maldra L.Te,7U;ri:^.,Vll D C Wilcox l,Ci ...... $I1 'kl* Sbv ii A A Bntior, N V OoOn SATUROAT MORNING next, JuneJone II at 00 truly »ay, from our own knowledge, thK no medicine the a.*, prewia*., teat $6.000;iiimirMC« $2,00u. noming. one of tb« mail packet. ^ , Macbmery and Machine Toole. J V.l"?’ ! T S Ilopenny *** wldltlonal ol tor \ tei,"A‘^j“j«n! A r, Mo J Tborkora, 8l LouU 10 o'clock, we will aell,sell, at our Aactioo-rooma,Auctioo-rooma, t^An chKge only $3 SUto Room. a. o .a- JlKovered bae performed iho same wonderfnl CHENUK'S Mschlne D**p4H, ' 4i Si6l vary popular. Mr. Ajdvlott, Cochran A 8oc: 8 doi bx., Mn Bryoni; la pkg., A H Burhonan, a twu-atury “'.1* from LoaUvIllo to Wheeling. Pte. H««r*; 6 bl. oa^ <7 e BUI, coOlAloiug 10 cLArge. I. S MOORIIBAD, Moeical Instrumente. IN Tb* David White will be bere thi. morning. NO W II C Dryden room*, bAll Anl DAf« bay, Brown a Suu; 6 bvku wine, Bl.bup A cellAT, cistern, Aod Agent, LonUviU e, Ky. ^l- NO R CARttILL, 47 MAiien L^ue, r. I. ^ I. J .rt,. , GALT HODBB—Bishop A ootboui*«>s. The vuest 1# grAdod Aud ~ GoUen* V THOMAS O. STEARNS, Mr. DeHart, ' -se reached Favum, hw af the Tiabomingo, hof oar Cincinnati just before tbe mail boat Fonifla. PAved. logtog of the Age, AodAnd no one wooli ever Allow bimself to B tins, AccorJeon#* Btam In»uumMttU, Aud StrlDii' ^ tmooner toa Jabber of J SxQdsr#, Ky B D SADiierffg Ky X o c o tbmika ter a c*pr of tbe manifest. left that port yesterdav morning. ***' *"»» Wheeiina: 6 pkg., Bach A nar- » »tock of groceries end good be wliboulwltbout this sovereigDsovereign bAlm,beUn, who bed wUneesedwltneesed lutu , We do not T Quigley, ^ Ky J H Gurdener, CIO ' wltl th *co^*”” lo53 Silks, Millinery, and Fancy Goods . ... , ... . soc; 23 do, I engine, Webb, Msxcy h Co; 8 pkg*, Bock- M ~ B W CoDverse, Bost J D McCre«ry, •p.-g? I mASic Dowerpower over dlsAA#edlffOAse AOd tulu wonderfulwoiklerfnl poUncypotencytMiunrv in Importer., M*n- l«2 BROADW.4Y. 3CBW koow whether gbe will refuru to N Y TbiffTbl. property w'lll ' ToRR. H beeliOR. She lea k C«; 8 bbl# brandy, J B Schroeder; I bx, D L Miller; will be for priVAteprivate sole until dey ofuf I SSBISL R MrsS B Ssrrliic, <*• M*d Miff# Serrtog, MaJ AAle.le. If relieving Vk\rx,pAln, however severe, tn a few Deme-. in MosIca! Iu- as now tm eioro and 1- Ltlly r- -• . . aihl not sold, will be positively sold as Above At it mlnnte#’mlnote#’ time. - r *’u«c The Jac*s Steadee.— his boot, tbe firot will probably take her place in the Cincinnati Mit# Oodmao, do B Bdgley, THIRTEEN DOLLARS THROUGH! AC the lowest pr^-e*. ACumplei- N T H 1 . R Cunii R 1, IU :n hl» line* embrociBg ail the vanou* tew preasore ttcamer over built for the Western evening line. A Co; 3 odi bocuicu. iihrvvo a i ao’) bi.ww bx, » l Uani. iurui#u yvo, irve w*mr*e, • « *ibmu oooe, cODCAimsg, mu AALruM 4AUU ARC1U9, «C. OORsMingnoRilMlng of MockMnck and fMcyraacy $11%%,duk-*, .. i"-r. J C Brewer, Del H O McConus, cm iuk«rc*i, Muu A lien reiAium ror tbe deferred pAjmeuis. Trt t-hfl* rSi-iAo Mar'eM#r*e 'U . w.tern,will take ber place the Cincianati The Ben ia Shawl#, m moil ^ Franklin the mailbooL Thu la her W A BtewArt, 'beside# valuable Information, H. Trtmmtag#, Bk^uet R. or-, TafT#* ?w.I.^^bftrLU o5 ChArie*two C GAte#, Cln 8. G. HRNRY R CO., . w a large list of cer- ^I^HOMAS B4TR (ate T. R T. H. BateL ira r the CINCINNATI MAIL LINB and CI.n'CINNATI ^otio Ritbuot*, Dresa Cblltlff, Lex j M*i lea Trimmlnd# af * t!>' •, > i cak, J wauuo; i bx, Aiflrich a Euii; I3 bxa, C B J MATtlo, j® ^ a.^m Af ta* mAat rm.tT.srf ki.. a A Laoe, Needio#*• Fl»hri*n Hook*, ao*!ad-I P'-fciiM I Imeto oiorrow. We acknowledge an iaviUtioD teat trip in tbe { l L w.r- MAdlson Anctiuoeers. •***“*«• from manymnnv of the mo^t respectable person#, Cincinnati mail line. AND PITTSBURG STKAM PACKET LINK to Pitta- of Tackia, ^ gng.iihCr»i.e4, Crap# ,*.***1 B WllliAmAoo, Lx T A Roft#, do *c. ^ L t ,, ,c- burg, thence by the Central PennsylvaniA Rallruad cures effected by celebrated metUclue, which sorely den«#,G!oveeer all ktaida*3Uk framCpLSberiy.tbepretedmitof the ! P EwtDg, Lac? M . comp.- i Ky J Berry, Cln BY S. G. HENRY & CO. thruugh to PblladelpblA and BAlUmore in 19 hour*. > eea* Waite Geed#, J M BgIU, Va O M Hodge*, AlA to coov nee the mo*t tceptlcal of Us tran*- o#1#ry, L. C. ike”ib.e'«. CASH SALE OP l3*i^4re from Louisville ihruofh to Phtladelpbla or ‘ The nndvr»*giMd Invite* the an»tit!cn - ^ ““ by:ns:i‘'EL:MuKi;’ T K ReAd* CyotblAOff C B WAlker, MinufACit.M.g *r . Modlso ReaffoaaMe Dr> Geed#. CoUob Hesiery, rioes. We notice several certlflcate# ofOf CT^mpanyy 144 ! BaUtuiore ! \*? ee«ted bjr etto eHf$HeiiieDU. McBrtde; J A CuwAnllu, do Leghera tblrteeu dollar#. Front ***hi# friend# feeeraUy. OrelOrent ladurernsnir- vfvr-g Men’s brown and mixed llilf Hose; ramlTuri V . P The Blind RcstOrCd tO Sight n Vordelet, Vlcksbg rElEXDSLOOEEDCVOaTHEJI ArPAt4.ID,whllephj.lfc »>•'““ “ «“* ""i »'«^<> Super black UaHao Cravau; ViJed. Iteo.. Market aU««, I M Nowell, on . few dw« below T*"*- i Sbolbyvl 9 L Jonas, Newport aioaaa. H\tkomitv larat imik* imikt \ .. . S 2"M“«;,r6ftir,f STATE, Cept. M. W. dmis pronoonced them onUu /. A Plaid buckets BeltthooteR, i betosd a»y hom.!* M TAlboi* do w N Maithb, and plain Jaconet MosUos; ErroBT will attract attentioo, »a»w a (Jonieraiao; l bx. fur., lOl bag. N T 3 BARBOUR, 13 r^HRhe .upM*.tipnlff 'u.^a'n.rmi r.nc^^saac$ Foortb, not more bow* com. Craw- Leave. ClnclnnMl on Wedaeedaj. ’T’hJ}MA Rxch.oge Pim*. Llae. W*J wa...WAtteU te.hOB .itowJ$i|gflW ,t ,t r*Krtrfrti.* .u j- , L E Long, Teoo Soper AOd medium L. C. naodkerebier#; ; to relieve. It lathe moat efltcMloaa remMlv Xrtnwn .... $« CowDut gtroet, u ' Geo J Child, Lex W «o.t effl(«loa. Kmedf Xtewn for opposito the Medical i 9 hales Thretea, - fft . ford R Murry; cotton, Bawson R Bacon; 6 do do, ; 1 Ste. ThreteN And .,:ill.g thretea, ' prattle. DRS.DRB* I> .NDERWoooeSDBRVoii;> Jt %. .0, KEYSTONE A i ;i -AA.-*n tk^nn. STATB, ef Mf i **^*^ tka.M. uoee toeir * W Owing, Tenn JAcksun, PlAlo Aud figured M^rtellles Ve*t1og; cmn. Chable. 8T05E. «ur T1 .iViia *** BkhRiuMceot etere is tbe do, 1 D NAtebez ® raa, apralna, wounda, bralaea, chl.blaloa, beat Sransford; 9 owo . College, 60 feet frost by deep, to an alley, $Roddy r do hhd tobacco, GarvioR Rlpka’s Leavea Cincinnati onoa Tharadap.Tbaraday. nenralgia, mate and .;'i.lliy, by the caee ooij. .eaevau-en*v« u’ the Rye,Eye* andAe4 ttethe coMo-jvMitcoe»e j-m ii* r,,’, superior ; ap.tr. B Barckly k 1, Lex S GAylord, Ctn Cottonades. pig iroa,80 - btoeb as wiueb it Wested. sold for $5^ per co; $s toM gr^e bar#, Buchanan R 00; 1 cask Also, will be Added ALLEGHANY, Capu McLain, toothAche, bllee of Inaecu and reptllea, aore throat, ~ MV,a.., haahA# icd=c«6icd^red itemthem i.te :ueA!-:;iloce!'*':) »»».%'». pMSiau»au ,u m Altboocb tbe brsi 50 foot. H Pig, do W Phdle, Ark a retail stock of Drr Qoodji. wr.eore nr,rart a /a, TTr. » I — — Leavea Window Olaaa. PaintE, tnlu thmettyclay agegef Le<#jsviilrvL^.viii^,I^.viii.., Rv.Ev.Kv. Tn.Te>- - MrsBAfclAy, Wuhan invoice of Clotblog, ClnclnnaU on FridAj. *C. I aara ,^,ulai-u „.u omc.u. •'**> Walnut do G Coffby, Miss Leghorn Bat#, Fans, Rc. . or weak eye.,eyea, tomora,tnniora, .an pain, Mc.,etc., aad U naed with has been bat recently organiaed, ' ^** ^ * tbe gentleaBen **''^*^ a co;*s hbte tobuc^R'Ean; I **aU Thlld,Thifd, ...'.Mle^coud dourc. compoaiag it hava been br*ogbt up to the baai- » E Ptsb, WAshingto C S NvIaoo, Tenn A Sewing Silk; H. poneraof FreiNh WuJfcwG'^OpLli^li^ Howiond; 36 i.« framer^ » bbia uid, i bhd totecco, i 8 BRILLIANT, J. »i>6 CAttle, each aa ewaeny, »» Item may cr iumlr.1 at . . rn.^, J B Kent, l?lD 160 pieces *oper and medium Silk Hdkf*; Capt. R. GRACE, farcy, .pralna, hraleca, kc. Alio, amenta of Amerioan Wioduw Gla.ru'.-7 J W Brookff, TexAi j itest, and arc of courae tborougbiy voraed in all Lot Jefleraon “™’ '' *' <»i®» pcrione, 36 dozen black •eat vi$ prt4e#»ioaat bosin—#. | on atreK, wrath tide, between W Bulgbt, BuffAlo PSUDdfleld* Ark and fancy KM Gloves; "•>“»«’ 60 pirrsBuk^rcf^u'^"'^ rA^r^E'Zi, — - I •*rrir':';?r;rrr(knr ir-fftSMmi of DlAea e* ef .h.;h« R>r ;« « « .ree^.r... do Tuck and RtMldlng I itebronebes. Ninth and Tenth. 3u feet frrrat by 105 deep, _ P B McMurry.St L W Allison, Va Combs. or cnAls#,#ore eye*, - , • . i, pArtlAl bllndne#*, etc. If i meaffure oridiBAl v . n, . LcAveftCinctnnAtl a»ed Jk .1 • and pecai.ar to > n. *' PcT Sut fauauf M MArtin, Mo HENRY R CO., 1^ w wi. MESSENORR Capu the beglSDlog of dstulA, pvU-cvil, • w GUe*. No. 41 Bercixy ! fA^lfAii*’’! ol «U4X*##ffUflX*## m da«one s!n«;ir ;ii o wb;. Ak ’’s ct$ We bed tbe pieRfore tbe oo; NO 3, JvHN K1.INEFELTER, ringbone, nreei* Nvw iPiAa.*!Ar | other day oC beiSR webh, Maxey k a hhds tobacco, Todd's warebou*e; 8 i J Q Picket, Tenn J® Auaioueers. AOd «pAvln* Tork. t- r , R J Moore, Mo | under ear car« (#at w« Lav kxi Leave. Cincinnati ; • .art* nuia; '*'* '* ‘ * J F SAvAge, eo J Plgg, oj^Tn^^ dfc^ will .nvariri,.y .top th.tr farther progre... Erery x er of c^#». abn**-. Ibroogb thw btraae by Mr. Bhendan, who, ‘ Ux H. P(.ILiIisrT^7,.TT-por.e;, ufTtench : o*a»t#tms of ev’tvy vert-;? to _ Wtn «klrh tke t v « montns wiin mtereat.eJ^t 'T''’ R D Ftnly, Ba!: Per HeraldBeTAld from PllUborg:Pltuburg: 3craiM3crAtas wKe.wAre* Wllkea;Wilkes; 62 O Chtieff, Lex BY C. C. SPENCBR. ! should keep thU vAlnable ... .L me>tlclne •: • nod Conch lhrr«>tkrr« J ' SAMnfiiuff Mantaaw Compton, MUff R Cooley R f. BLUB WING*Wiva SahOEK#* HAeter* Belt flj P»rPdr PraintPTAlrlt cutcity trowfrom Si. Loui*:Loul*: 8ooci.300 els rope.rope, V MrtVliffv wnnvT^r' ttan ae Ol * t te lit «:rmr THEvwvvur CflViTALr.v.v.trtevevA* P....-,D.a.^. tv L A M Croxter, Berdfftwn be Look for Counlerftil..~n,Oron/ei/ei/t.—The public are emtUonedcautioned PauCE. oo; Bhul, BuaiArd; aild, at ^ ; c#rta;.uumef c «re»* cufroborAr — The I» kega cte» le«l pipe, . 6 le*d, x^ .,»ur . 6 bxa T : 'ni* ... , O An«'Ji-^m“rNo. sS'poirtJ -Ui ... . Si Knlgbt, do ;tre,lL xu, wku i scasa,) R Meokln, JT^liM'T'orTr^Tr.’I^ Ut LTEH (foventw aimI pxteat««i* < «aa« om wc wM state toe the porbeiH i*'* 97 midaasaa. ^it a variety of Suple AgAlost another counterfeU, which 6“ha* lately «*»*made luit# fY^^lD 62 i$ foiMw. Tkese cer’.tJcAir* UA'> « uiAii x,jbu„e of WedneacUv. boa the * ‘ufl". do Newcomb J CAAsedy and Fancy Dry Good., vl-: eSyUA Vj" 1*«1F vvM aa^a.-yu n i fol- R l,Cia J Rom, ' N O Fauc)' coloretl ’ ’’ ektffaned b» artidce or ' Lewn# And BAreges* per»OA#ioa,4.Lkoegk I .r han rfft at the few tedtes wb. da aot etiiey Miff* OUIey, ClD fur Frankfort, Oregon, appear«.c.,c.ll.J W. B-B. Karwll'eFarrell'. ArabianArriilm. Liniment,Llnl.ent, th.the <;v«a fur :b $ i<,_;„ , ! and Muuday^Laadlng. ' R C SebAford, St L CorAlnCor'aln°M“ariln*7nd°Swr^Muslin And Swiss Zi, purpose of puhlKAtluii. ' ^ Per Telegraph 3 Cincinnati: Muslin; ‘ No. Inm S hdia paper, J Mrs Bn’AOt, St L L Cook, For pASbAge only Apply on board or to moet dangeronff Of All the counierfelU, ifl^aeQliailiwiCP,hu-auiaaiiitanee laaithat he |gw a walUnt awA a.r.a Iowa becAose hi# hAv- , it. » .Me.r* fi*rate gawKn v ... i - . w ae ^uaill Bno a^rec ' De LAines An: embroidered lu A (ikort time w« .ha;: pakiuh $ » I Cfom*y;l roller, Tsylor, 91 lobecco, Rob«»; a AUioler oi >thar ear . raAa.;.! a M batu Prestoo R E V BrAD, do MAnnii, 030 *" '* * I ^ ^ H do BOGGS R RUSSELL. "^ While And blAck Cotton Bo.<(e; lag the name of Farrell, many will buy It In g(»)l frith laai tevl abte rra feraon. I bbl. Fielder R Jeck; S3 boxes Bu!?"!^'.' « c.;fte7Ie' yootet The atock co«pri»aa irae BaU F H Jenks, BaU ; opening S«. Hrown And mixed Cotton HaU Ho4e; dwy sdrf fir >* of tvery jesertptioov Aft«r - -a a of tbe *^ExbibiUoo of the WaUao* R Utbgow; lotbuggie*, Without the knowledge that a coanterfelt exist*, they hmi heem . J , . . J 91 pcAgs, Hunt R Co; 1 Regatnr Tri- eekly .>Iadlsea and apUdif tiK> BBtidKMiefty PrlBU And Silk H aad Leataviiie of ricReflt, $m nofl exieoeise loduftry of dll Nitiooi’* *<*»••> EXCHANGE HOTBI.—BuEIMOE A OAndkerchlers; - to thu city. Tbe I5»h *^*$“***<^ii MOillER. they will peh . only dlxcover their error . - racket, when he . ^ PlAlo end embr’d epn- ! "'JT’J.TlJrr bxsShf«7<*> An- T J Helm, L. C. do; a^eoflaieotd in tbe city. The ftore »» tbe *u of the public. I Levering; 4 pkgSy Ucbien, LowentbAl R Co; 1 bx,8prouie G W Rien* lod Inventor ^dcriotiOBi vrnre P D Field, GolcondA STEPHENS* i »ol« and proprietor, and wboiesale drug- mof CMmoorvminnn ware, UMytbew Koepknen ae veryvmrv Together with A great vsrleiy i ed r wkA» :.ad heed L*»Bsu:iei. jjj order to ^ MAadevUie; 9 do, Suicr.iie R iiogbe*; 4 do, Sachs R S GAtewood, of other good* suited to TOT A«PT*R inve ample scope for ioventive skill 1 Ky B GAssAWAy, Cline, master, will leave for Madison every Tuesday, THEATER. BArren co tbe , gist, No. 17 wAiuiug, gatvid; •AAsoD. Malo atreet, Peoria, liunols, to whom all am n Anv pervud who fee.* ;utero*M>1 car CAa zpun Id^ RMortaeot $f &»e and commoo ctagsware m ascbinerv. fbev ^ w 29 bnoau iron, wngbi r A McQuAry, 111 Thursday, and SatunUy at 9o’clock, ro#lltvely. Re John Bates pTvpri*.r..r, have mAtenslir enUrwed th# Terms, cash. c u ^pkvukr - t , ^.g « ib r.v ^^tke tyi. w.Dg vtrviacAifl'te and atiif> . . . for agencle# lacmsoav a a . ’ Brldgford; $4 *bect# do* W B BeikUAp: 8 bbls cloverseed, most be addreeeed. Be ^ ^ awl te * k. a M V WAte«, GO um1n«, leave# Msdtson immediately after the arrlva sure D. A. SaazSi*as Stase Ms. age, lootenc-^bsdef, sad cTerytiun$ pdidce. Tbe> bsd bop^ D Allison R St, Va jidj , k) *ec ag yiA ceti.en.tif wuh triem. used m bars and to open the mouc; i bx, 3 furuAce, a b Mile*; u bbU wbisky. Grey Ancuooeer. »>r, ;i mey the car#, every get with the letters w. A. WAA.e».i^.j_.... II ©f i U Tr»a*arvr.wAurvY. R BvAQf, BvaoavI | Menday, Wednesday, and Friday f«n H. O. before Parrel;’#—iho#, ^^bibifion esiii^r, R 6 Hill, Ky _ #1, , At our teffictf. we win ’aa# p.m-*nre u «i*‘R«bORte Id and Aileee as tbe chief esuse R Brown; 160 pckg* flib, Orr; 7 caiAs g w, g B Lewu; 1 Possenger# wishing <^wkag rkr tbeir line Kverv etorr ts Alm^t ' MiSff to uke the railroad #t MaUIaod wl WbUsett, NasIivI I P B Rasaell, do j H. O.9. FARRBLL’S—and hUhis«»• •*a»*Kaix•linxtnre*linxture oodo pzlueaFliUES or au.missioau.missio?*. macy other novel'v ^ ^ Fo“ BY C C SPENCBR Ue««the wrapper;wrapner;wrapper, ! and inlricacy ' ^ of tbe su le • DdUsreAUytoibelvAdvABiAcetotAketbIftllue. ^ . Wbtuetl, dii —wfi, — aL^ I, w W L do M Rothschild, Nasbvl .•J . A. I r»rcle and Pmu jwir IdTAr^n.cent. by •#. sited with goads, awl^ the, ore now ahd will he ® ^ - Alt others are connterfeltA. . i eonatrotlran J L Smith, ^^mikwfra/or's &i/e of Household anti Kitchen] - I Sl*?L^i*^’^*^f**'*,*?*^^*^*t'*k*''".**.* ^ nud tbe biffb standard of Ky \ ChiJin I iBA^lltu ‘Ue4 orchi- J C Gtal, Tenn iTTTll Ta pT r k K t kfMff. 4.r-ji try.- .*..wfa h ka» F * fc 1 . ' reoriiiiiK Per Foi^ C.ty from Wheeling: I hx,J waiaon; pkg. F Tbompeoii, rurnitmre A C K wid by the dosen, gro##, or single at (w aowetiHic additions to tbeir alMk teclural beouty at which they 82 G Mni R Gatewoed* at jfuclton. boUle the Halted Sec.nd Tier Mreotirent*. teuJed inr pcac4:i.f* u U. -r rhe. have^ aimed•BMiT^i. do | Byea wveaa J AdAlu^ Co; 4 roll* carpet, tt g __, c* R Bern R Duv*l; i bx. Buckle#; J CblpmAQ, led R J Foster* Bute# Medical Q*- ^ tv'Cff. sure the pi.M'etkot we boro Ky QN-TUK8DAT next, ® ® Agency, No. » Penrlh street, B, H. Hay- I aav# no *o«(;«w»rw irom me Kisai. — - $ de, L L Warrm; 3 do, Webb, Maxey • MORNING Jnu. 7, .1 10 pf® l^e "-ZIU R Co; pckgt, Par- A de cfte"feJmef iI j 7 BuckbADOAU, T Hatfield R K> | A^W.N.' hoII •ir ireaini-bt f t/THER cflR«>MU 1, '•’« «"<'>•*«“')“«*craft, agent, and by r«*nlar!yregnlarly authorUadanthoriatd aF/R4 rh *N S $ TorvAlt, I “"**’> -'ll commence her I (T agenu through- W Ky regain LIST NH.HTNK.HT UF THK 3EA%0>.SEA%0>. I I ae Scror’w# Ai.wa1 #... 96>kw..> 4*. a 'a A Morritou* oo M l## Jackson* do pet#, ariDOonced oo *ngs, Bureans, Sofa*, Chair#, ' cbao|^e that Pier Tables* Break- ^ are m'i#t aa«r. We examiaed tbe *<»‘I®** id city 6 beta brandy, j b Re;>ctu; so bx* »oAp, Haiber:; Grieot, alg 1. S. MRHPAD AGENTSAO*>fTS WANTEDWANTED In every town, village*village, aamd bamlet revpcctftjly iA^•red 'hat ibt pattera* ol SMDe coatly m J PhilA H Showers, EHzxbethin MiKkRHRAD.'* . ComplimeniaiT $ene;:t . lered I machine, H B Shield^ 14 b«, a liotH; paper; I In the United Staten. In Whieh rtrt. I. n«< u to Mr. San -go vi •« Monday. The Led,^ lays : w 6 hUU J Bo!tl#,Moniezams aiBnrvdinnrt mu,aotU Man whichwbicb IB«yth«v intend been.... ^ * r A Garduer, Stepbeosbg Bedding, Mattresses, Looklng-GlA*5es, Chloa and Gla** a ; keapias CoarUr; a du 60, 1 Urumle; *0 idigr, K p Eing; t box, W A D E»tef* do A BuchADAn* loU Ware, Silver Ware* Kitchen Utensil#, Rc. Maison D’Or, ^ Biakas. Stone, j siipplf , worth fioa 25«> te lUOO dollora; several Yhe oaiour.t involved we have beard set down J Blrmlogbsu J McPsle, Cin GEORGE STAUKBY, AdmiMstrutor. > 543 Per Main* J D Stepbeus* do J Adair, .Vain it. a heoutikil IM aettA- irn;t.k..L-et. at half a miUion of dollar.—but Ibis amount ia w.yne from MemphU: 1 bx, A B Vanwln- TayUr co Term® caso. C. C. SPRNCBK* ’ kle; la B ChAsUlo, Miss J Walker, 1 Between Second ’ DTobablv COiiSlderably io excess of Ihe real hg. rag., J U wilder; IS7 hide.. J Wriaui; I box, Madlsuav! Auctioneer. and Third sts. VOIBWIM ffWBptec.. dec. J Hagbes,Cov ‘ — ' CkLe^&tS, _ - J #Dd the slock ’ ' _ _ _ examine of Goods at I O WANTED. OWEN'S HOTEL—-W.W. R. I #e mdvUe mircitiEcoa to pve Mr. Sheridan a at $6,UU0. Tbe pwiiea in the combioatioo, OWEN. Comidj-, la • acu, catUd the RE1E Al LAW— 1 1> rtferrr: it if _ LOUISVILLE ,\LiISO.\ D’OR, We wish to rent a te the *el MARINE AND FIRE comfortable Dweiu.og- ! tor Pacg ees, WAS Potu, Ky Mr. Uhapman; Oclly n'>oie# t r Ditnomy, I M v. :i •«e, •ultable fur a small faruMy. .. i INSURAN'CE | RFrp iPTS HV H AM HOAn W W Touog, JefTco COMPANY Chspmaii After which* afavrirue KECtlPTs BY RAILROAD. Ballad ky I Dn.Dr. H. L.r.. «;t iIN#, of Lagraac*-. . te«i. ‘ X af The mov.ment aimed to control the Tbaddluger 4IKLDKR A JACK, Sarte ls# | J aarrraa. MfF. the ware, hot Biao with the . Clu J W Uopklnv, After wht. h, wli: be exhib'i*^ i r B^ Jefferionv:lle and do mAnj flch Aod u#eful goodaat less 61S Main St. between Im.im. B. Uuaas*l>U#xx,s New.^« <, ^7. ' Cvlumboi rallruad: 72 piicea than , Third and Fourth, i market, aud when nearly all the aewl uithin . A Horton. Ga Agr Shottetu a GRAND MOVING PA.nuAAM.A* from M C Sanders*Sanders, rala's t ' * - Owen CJcs ’ theyJh$»* areaf# nn* Hr.le! tn that Wte.^gewr, mearahs^e tel Pxor.Pxor.F'*ALE,F)»xax, of the Ky. ach-joiot Mraj. t. 6bl» llaur, E:ll«i It U(*drlcXa; 3 c«. lumber, M Dry- now sold in tbe Kasiem cUle#, such AS . u**. — S'., .unnnne.1 fn te ite te^A. .k. D G T lledmAD, Carrel co ^ London Bredae, painted on npwarl of ™ *" ’"*. “***“ ‘" ’*>* T S Carrington, Wstpn - Th»« company conlinoes to Uke risks on 1$*M #q<:are A. O. S.miS.Mliii*i ii* I®.*., Pro^eivr x,i : Dryden; I car »UT«6, fc \i.tei.iiM. ^ ff. i .x dprlaak. *“PP*J*” Damrwi B* X, 3 lot moveriilee, I r. feet Mrtwnenivfnx, E.EHIBITIOH.FxHiBfTirtH TK. A— J C Allen, Heodersn J A Snlaan, hulls and cargoe# M«sli«v, ol caova* The perlormance will con.>'iu te MX.Ms. A'lian*A'liaa* i*ftef the HoBTtcaLTi BAL — Th* dry partiea concerned in tbe .peculaticn, tbe high ck boom, 4 pki;B .dre, owner.. Lex of iteamhoat# and ve##eU 2 .nu of Jer. -s r 'V?!; 4ile»ea, FOR SALE with th'^ by sea, lake * ’ lAM/bablelan/baklo Farce ca.1edca.lPd an OBJdCroPOBJdCT OP IN-IN* •4.0..A..t O. Ba%^:«l.vBflh%'*:«i.v. oi pricw »t which tbe article C G Bailey, Sbawneeto J H Keel, Ky and river# to and from Atlantic ..voaiSrKrr? the imi of Bai'- .x SraiiBi:., waather, which hat cooliBUOd for about two hod been placed stead- Jane 4.—Per LoaiBvlile uid Frankfort i#lro»d: 14 p« " m36jRblm I, RAPHAEL. The ooilerslgoeij, having 4«ftermmcd to co TKREST— Bamy O’Owyer, Mr. Lf)Apn*aOy W w Herr, co w— mij forelgnjjort* and Inland transportation; ihApmao; FannyFxaay I L.»iL.- A ^ulfgtog* R ], Ky »- <*>*» “> aaarket ' >-«< *• d»,T Smith; if do do, B D«ri.; abroadyoSars for sale bis .Mrs. *'Y ^ additional lots of one, u ja pc. bac, to I.. Uou«o and Lot, »ita*- Gnbble*, I'kapmaru t weeki nasBCcahas vwtver, aafevorable to vewel.firtr- J M Cex, Ky S fnniUure agatnit I weeki, — UBiavorBOicioteceUUor, Sharp R 1, do ,ico. ii. newkixk iiaac iromie. H.mk Co; 146 dodo, b.*, Bartley, | of 14 pc John- j ^ Fourth street* Office open from 10 A. X. to I three hundred loee.or damage fire. liiJ between f. M. aDl fruia I bushels. Mrs II by I The amount Stnngfenow,Tex «i R Emerson, N O Ltri»aca»e#eiCnree. MALChe*' not aiMl Broadway; 3 lo 6 for i«e:;kr.. ..d tbe diapteyof fniiU and flowers on Saturday more than tbe partiee Ml#* Sulngfeilow, mRECTOBS. J. H. NEWKIRK CO., »(«also 6:»b:s Fomitare,Fnrnltare, P. M. <*cur1ag ww could carry ‘“'pj? do W K Bowman* & , or de.ired fummlS^iVdi:'?:; Cln borses, Janaid”ajrtaCarriage**e*^Rc. Lotisvii.:,X* Ky., MAy 31* Uf6i. rJllTcl J Napier, lod Thomas KJ^Door# ofon at 7g Curt# u w.U rise at 71 •\;<>ek Iff CAriy, of course tbe ' C T Meikick* Lex R. Hunt, B. J. Martin, lai- tUe u'l ie;« woe oo ood aa it would otberwise have been. aud price of seed be^an Bru; i box, B Bujmi; i 8 Minofaclurm of Fire ThuTbe propartyproperty can be inspected .ned, de certify thAt 1 w*« oiiwdq .. mC g bA*keis, 12 wiiiow wAgao*, j M P Truce, Ky uod Watrr Proofi lD«p«ct«4 ty peiv.nspeiv>ns w smogShing to precUf’^, ead J DatIs, A. Buchanan, ' N Maysvl W. J, Llndenberger, purchase — *11All b#pr» ot evtrr beieg cerv$t* a# 1 * bitcu dollars poi>«^r, j Cromey; l car kmi bogs, Peoisiou;6 pu^hw# at any time. — hel -tm fvnr i ^ per buabel has fall- 1 kavc now some DTOdDeet oi a ram tbe SLClooO R Clark ' weWw c^t# 1, W R Henry, Miss Se A Smith, Re D. Newcomb, Composition Roofs. Foriternu, me meet vakaeet pei#iclAnff la l4»a;#v).i4- tu *’*«•'* « ... applytotheurnlerbigned, ortoS. 8. Ken. i>ui-.ie.u eo to about four aod a half. U Cornett R 1, Cin ww*r.,i 4 « If'Ut »!( BUff fl. W H Durand, U H. Forsyth, C. H. Lewi*. I LL atteoiJ to nt I oniers left at tha LoulsvWle Paper ra*Then my friend* edvtuea to -•* whickwliicb wiU ^Oo aoan at tbetb^ oext exbibitioci.exbibitieck. ^ McCAiium r SiewArt; 47 i>ac*oau, CrAwforu k nedrRV^Eift'te'A^m*"’’^*'*oody, Real Estate Age’’ nt* me to Ciii.iaaaii Were wtmt mm J fMAOd, Maysvl * ' R A Grabam, G. W. Mill or at the Wholesale Paper Store of Isaac Cro- THI phjrviciAu* ihete, whsGhl Murry, Id kale# twiod, 91 bed cord#, owners. MBHlW£TUKR,PrestdeoLlOL I m31 d$<1$ ISAAC GREAT AND ORIGINAL MUSICAL WoNDlR did* And w«e :.r»teii ..y ikMm J W. TAYLOR.TATHia } h* K Reed, do I Tlc feliowiaf vei^tabWr were exhibited: L Debruber, Rockpt W^.8i!fTON, Secretary. #4 dtf(Uf mie, Mala street. Roofs* as beretoforo, put ou of tbe — . aoekeci, end wse b.ind | J_ prumoneed ‘vir \ ,*Lt, .idraacr ia the Priee of Tern*.— Tie effect G Mn^telniAO, Cov C HarmAn, Ky m.t.ri.1 n/*' «ri workm«i*^ .t reteo^ie THE INFANT DRUMMER thAi 2W#my coMiueo oi :>fe, 1 w— .u vj Ue Armu. Direct RaUroad Line I heveo beads eC cabba^, Eaiijr York aod Ox the Chiome RebtUum.^Tht W W McDuwell, Ills W» aMDe,aoStone, du from CuiclnnaU to fi.xt . in . public sale of MARRIED, FALLS tlTV connection wUh where Dn- Underwteod Jt Oliver were vi«it.a$a; pedeni IMSURAJICE I * tOMPANY.. — Pittsburg ' — Completed. :n — ' PROF. RE.MRRfcH'ft the sab*# cowditroa, irom whleh •• • by A. G. Mana. teas ftioce tbe rebellioo in Cbioa, was held this Ofllco No. north side iUYKNILR ILAS% ume 'hey Kv^i^teucv heart, " ’ the 416, Miln su, oppoeile I ; On 3 et nit In Jeffersonville, lud.* by Elder = LonUrllle ' a , Wm. Time tram Cincieinmtt fc. NEQ-I to Pttttburg I ^ZZr ~ NBUROEBNSaROES WANTED. 16 kotbrs eim Lt.'f.V Ai*D THE iELEkXAIatJ pmctfcing on me; And frmn ihe $r#t epp icaiitet. la ®y MeKcerty, Jone*, A Co. The ol- «. Frocior, Mr. Ja^ob Debmi to Mrt. Haiu A.vit b.*kat at cttcutebcn, fcy Jofftet A. Milter, . **'• Qrtj. TheTbe oLderbUbeJ,ohderbUboa, ae»lerile*ler Slave#, Mtom and Ohio mz.d Penmgtvenim kmitrvoth, pr«»eM owmeun, I ! AM la 1# wll-wil- « receUod bmwiH, «i>d &.»« c-w *ae -ra »Tnixi I ! . ferioff conprieed itivoieef imported i>bips t. m , ^ „ per „ling to pay a fair cash price for sound reed And am perfectly UODFUEY lAMILV, *AU«dea ;hAi t ehAU *re s* «r : at O.dka.'a count}. JAS.jmDD A RICHARDSON. ’?.* Lightning Kxpre., (Utile Miami Rril- Witchcraft, Ben Howard, Victory, 4kc., and tbe Ji hraittehealthy N*eCT«i'“Ln?“teNegroes; and he al#ori»* keepskeeD.‘°“l^-Av ti-4 A# I ever have dene. , Conff Y Cg253 road) leave# cmctunail at W.: XIT. IU . Gr.ut Mu*:i:al Fe.tlv„: “ r rn'/nrierchrii- ?. *1 « a *1 • o’clock. A. M * '3!* at e.wniiif’i Onflua l Rhubarb, staatly on hand Negroes for sale. Ptrsu: Any pcr:#a wskhtng to see r>? cna rsa.itr; fifeciBWH.' C offnounceffieiit attracted a Ur|(e aitcndance from AnniMO 100 plecet choice dHe,8toct, Ac.,«xrinM nnectlDg at CrosUIno with - *t Morvur Hall, .n W so bv . NOTICE. — brand*. In etore end , loeewhen R Ohio ax>d*»eDn- W'.J SAT-fC3v LAW NOTICE , ho.T !ug Negroes for sale, or wtsbtag to purchase, 3EB£ ‘ Mr*. E..fa DavIw**, wuuid 1 arriving, ' JTTvSnrKl.lroad, dDAY anan! oeraer uf KevebU Md R*i.* i tiie trade. At tbig ute woe conoidered teet B for eale hr »“ »w.mbo.te or omer arrlvlna at PiiLkburtr at XLK3U6DATU MoXD \T NIGHTS, JanrtH|m b, A Peter. a for IXTILLIah atwood, atturnkt Lo%liv;.le, Ky. J* WALLACR POPF. " good vcteele, bj river, lake, "7." “.*‘,7 thrJiStrM^ev“*. i.^l;n TS^uftn13 andl 13, «out ai,o a Grand l)*y U acer. rttOM-^d .. LlTTl-A. A i *e».Mfiil |i ZBC* -' ‘ tbeT* wai a ffood deal of '**“ <* ‘•>® " CO. 7. ™*“7r“ —I- 1. .rttAtrtM animation T- Second, hetw.cn Main We :he aadvrslcaed do • rt.ry a teJr»t rtf Sieatoneck paisUsas, UrgeUree andMul J* “D»l, and railroad route*, or tbe I ! Mu-Illon, Salem, A..), cuanve. lug ee^.y at 3« P. M u*« ta« .imiMmeuz A Utetet of on any of narlgoble ' with —r i Kxft^te* "****’ tb* FSd | o»aembla«e, aud the wicee realized ted M«k“M«kM .'fr?!lu?*“‘rireJ^'^' Train, Above ts tra*: JwAn C.ach* J#m«* Cati.u. J. <«. Fwoerti ^ water! el the commercial world; Penniylvonla Railroad. ' C^rickm C Ir-c teif ,•*!**. O®*!"-" I ri*o agalt.*t lo** oi Through fr.m Clncln- Mta. Peay. ' rt. . = “** WitUom StAThf, eacelteut, hy j,ow*.n edvance of Iboul 2tJ plr cent ^ kj 10 hoxee Oleine Soap; Hall* o( Sieunbaat* and uotl to Philadelphia or Baltlmora t^Fir full i'ariicnlor*, •>'* F. Ittiffr. oo tbe other *ood veiusela; alto exaiuat . In tblrty.«lght hour*. ...'S .mail bills- 80 j f^tCKira.— do Palm do; Juat received and tor oale <>> by Fire on Bulldlnga Paaaenger* who desire con J* '* 1 4e hereby eertttr th«i I Gieerig, If) by ondMerchacdlae and property. rieei> at P:it*barg I ww l ml. xed u*t s'. Waira’# Five lra.de at cauliffower, by ioaac Everett, and about [>er cent ou tbe blackr. A I rvIlEtivE —60 • and re- RAWSON A BACON. *“- ' Fennsylvoula *ua t4; Mmio,Mrtrtrt Oraaby Hite. deecriDliondeecripliou woiwai ni-ififiTTn n to Philodtlphla soBte the and I 30.000 Le M Inert A ~ N.C. SUMMERS, Secretary. .. and Baltimore. MOZART HALL. «d by *r ;ao»t i.t >•' flo do; .#u. -f ihr : out tbe ' IXTHITEvwTiaiww Fl.hW..U 10.. e... I Ukro of catoloffua previoui to tbe ule, — halt bbl* White Floh J.et re- Louisvtlle Evening of with ffffei-'i. t8jwo LxCaiedral do do; Exoresj Igarea J;jcinua:i at So'clock I Ao and pfofWAMCod hlUiii Tbe (oltewiac fruiti were exhibited: V V celved and for sole by OIRECTORa: P. M. ruau a : and ooDM teU of both Ureeng and 16.000 Ceietreda ri’^iNEs.— *o. the ,.re*ent, pa>*cngen iteep me. In that depIoraUe cwkaJ.twn* I Rioclu were La do do; I JOHN A. DUNLOP, at Crestline and re. fyR A Uc«:-l of ih*- n*. J4 RAWSON A bacon. ROR’T BEATTT, GRAND^ ONCBRT. '*3 tame by 7 pmeoBelod of I >L,! hpeciMOi of EnclMb K®®*cberriea, by Mre. witbdrawo for bi|;ber pricei, after the ule 40.000 Hull SpAuleh do; WM. VV byxe* LoDAWorth’* -parkling Catawba Wine; o’clock, A. M., Tralc, stopping atoll way >1.. Dr.. aderw r <» .,(• .u tL-i coa- E.SNOUDI, A. j a. DL'MSaNlL, ireAtmotti.^ D)»«A»e« of lOO^BOU Cnbobixct; la .tore and for eule b* JAMES 35 do Loogworth R Zlmmermau's dry Catawba; *^iwl>urg at 6 o’clock, p, X,. eoti- D)UiiiM. GOTTSCHAI.k ro4poctfa;:y the Bye, aa.; *i.W; t.. a, oienced. Tbe f*^HAESt.—33 buxe. Wealera URIUGEFORO, CHAS. 4. I I at Y’oung Hytoo brou^t Reserve Cbeeoe I ARMSTRONG. Pra, i and Houffbioo’s MamochuaetU fitedUni;, 24a3»c per Juat necuogneettog with BvonlogEvdolng Express .rnouaces that f^r .elte/. They oemmenved iRcir l» de al manufacturer*' piicoa by Kxpre»s Train to ' I hobe wiu givegtva ireeimeus, ^WSUN A bacon. received and for oale by PhiladelphiaFhllodelphia anno 'F'i.W a CotcenCut cm '-S ^ #ac- ’ , lb, fUflon 24ak"4, Uyaon Twonkay Baltimore. ceeded IB 204o27, Hy- Friday rveolw oev, re»wn&y ttr :o mr ' heon y upponualty h« ha** i.. Jflr eight weehs. ' $7 « A teAorb rtf .hit. i.„ u..rt !?" A brXDcb white cxrrxaU, by Omaby Hite, ja rieomer Virginia and for salelale kyk* Firemeu’t and Metbanieh' So _o <10 honor at appearing !'vfori> May 93, 186$. ^ I Insarance Co. lo Phil’s and lUiitaiore hi. kin., T . |.3 00 rrNWiM In LooGvIile. HU^il C". RRIX* Ooiotig WaSK^neu 23 : \ ' Partlcnlor* Rawson^RAW80N H ba^n.BACON. 8 bbls . For through ticket*, plvooe apply at tb. :n pragramL.*. ef lowkxxd _ 78 per cenu Alcohoi; , Madiaou, Indiana. _ Little Miami We kdteW lae Above t' be tru<®. Jifeciacos ; Straw- I Jxaxey Seedling Soucboo{ 22. The qunlity was from inferor or i I mure perplexing than a lawsuit with a **5ooe, lorn widow OIBce.Office* soothcas*sootheos* comer Ticket* to *a>l at 13 bbls $2 per ceou do; [' Broadway andsod Front*Froot, i., m Pr:*r, R Webb * Ma-'.c 3tor. ! CAPITAL $100,000*$100,000, ANDA.SD A SURPLUASURPLUS. dlrcc'vdlrec^’v M. am NLRB*I' tR$* OilOil. —$nio bblslihle Tanner*’ Oil forsalefor xale RRSESB, by Wa. Mix. ordinary. Va Exffre»»fJmme2. OH bybj i ^umao,” for she Is to oppoaite Received ‘ sure think* however much human- man-boat landing. «, aod for aale by Tuos.TudS. II... PAtY«**Se;:rotary.PAtr^?,Se;:rotAry., Davidavid White*White, Proeldeutroeldeut. * ! MRS. ANNA XLGMEffi. Id I ^ wte ^tee .» . T BOBINSUNR^lBINS^^N RA LARY.CART. I • lly you may fiave eviaced toward her, that you are the P. W. 3TRADBB. Ge«eral *•>’ J4 RAWSON RN BACON. Ma.tta. lug been appointeda.}poluted agentageut of - : Agent. MaW #iree«, Baake dttiler CberrtM, byJainek are loforiDed by geutlei&eQ ^ I ^ .onuir Twelfth- We rariffos . — greatest from „ I* tyrant and persecutor or “woman’s rights” F'^riher ii;f06‘oatltea can ,ibi'i*a. a$ this Company luIn LonUviUe*LonUviUe, I amaw that be obuloed by application to 60 bbls Lawrence ‘be e»uuty that p«»paet for a I^LOLR.— superfine Flonr, good article, lo - vpt$:> ber lot to hew of. Now 1 wave never *uuered J-G. Curry, Agent Ohio aad Pennayivania To the Citixena cf LooisvlUe. P®rt*®I ;: Milim, Ymin*, and Arthur good : iqto take risks ou build- Raiiroai'* A. | S c»uftu^«'Lndt'l^\.J?i„^i‘e^,lri^Vi‘T *1; btore t de hereby ceii;/y that 1 hove he r and for sale by ™ ' perplexltle# of the kind above referred to; but deem it Cincinnati. S. a tot#, for * ^E^B^:ng**g#od*,— ' W. ROBERTS. tabeel u quit* ^fiati*riQ|* :ng*,good*, aud all kiu ae ell»^;t. And been Ogbrarl, 6u«« flunerally; OU sea *, ^teamboau, aud £*^***^**1? *4^*^ cool.Lg Infiaence of the Drab tf*Ihe Omnibui L'ne will call fur paF»«ngers in pro4$N/na*;«^ h<>pe- fiif:wrc.u tU >.*••* B«ite dc carauf, RBYI'Mn »he.ll.g..-The^ke#tlaeff —Tha onder*lgned,undarflivYiMi A***,*. #**. flattejat.-; i %:.j ire tbe f««uiL« e*p*cU’.or.» of tbe farm- row agents for “®*' “*"“'*'•“’"’4 “ore otira le*e.y biiiMlfter life* lo which oeadii km i hroN ,f ih«e\. efinkd Begte.-j. s. Lvvmt»g a Cv.-. D^ble trooaportailun Hue*. re- pan ol the city by teavlug direc'luo. at -h. .ickel oflice. the WheeliuxWheeling efttoD ^ j p B Cotton Mm*.Mills, havetev?'ri«V.ilway. tnon hmri trAurduAry ciire* wnkh had been ejected ArtteMMt Wbiuburt Ctrarrin, b, crop i(, to mariv place*, I Office *' *h4 m#*le lo«l^A|.peAr entire- may 31 dBmd8iu C. iy Dv'*. uffivwr Md L... er. Tb* beam eousul- RciiBed Cruted aud FvwJered just received aod nonhwetDonbwe*te*t comercoraer of MainMaId «idadU W#UWall street*.treits, I H. Rc«3LES. Couductor. H, fur Andnrui ATvlx! prepAred to receive orders for SheeUogs At.. tbe »*>uW cerlAluly be dl\e#ted of of their | *aw»»TiiicDOSTllle. B. I much Annoy- er«l too tbio; Ml we understand (be (rowtb i* «ei« t>y [jgj gau.aghrr a co. luw##t price#. fo8d 8 du#il P. ATWOOD, Agent. rrae* Ytraaf. Anceso A» to mxke tbf«m toirrabivtulrrablv' i:»!At#b;«>,te!At#b;^, i*.*•!*•* , I io tbe#etbo#e ValuableVAlUclblB Water^ Street ^ Property very fine. feirer pcotpect for fruit wai never J4 GILL, .SMITH, R CO., Agent#. for Sale uty # ireai ottnrJtr -,t per^ .% T! it-fiii •!* r A w^oila try Ibelr e «e* t#« I won a »Ay proceed st oD 'e ‘ _ _ . flpeeimeiu of Ms, 0«4fiu, .*>F Artbur Peter. __ ^ wtewtew— »«*www~wa rt te-rt— a three.*tory*$,. * Brick Uon» and I. ***7) »l>» nef?t**Ari;y espea.l - ji on Water i m^re r ; .»• ma cz. ^Mo.) Esprese.ExpT€$Ma FIRS AND MARINE INSURANCE. to VAL. TlluVAS*L*^4'S*M»in**tee1 * nej whicV ^ Lex. {Mo . . i. 6 known.—RmowDs— ooao ouluoolU HempBenin BedCurdope;Bed Cordage; *belw7eu'A*r ”tivl -Jt'TV** ^ J ) ” H""** ererj iba.rUan. dinru, h. 11kTb* foUowMCfoUowi^ bMqeeUte U Ktatrraa MEtibited:MEbibited: h» doien GLOBE IKM R.A.>’C E 4 0J1PA.^V, Fi.uril.%hm jo^ w ll ^rn'T^olce a»«rin. nt hmi| .h.ir%r„fte- DAVID BRlfiU.2, .Nr*r LUk*,teg, b^ I louf fur tbe Kni 7r7 T-'’' ti cl l i * m l- .l 6^ order# VlrglAl# Iron-Works Kpll*. Filled occupied bj J. Gronmon. Lot 81 fegi i.-oni -ion wl.si u may. lierefor. I t .,!l:;i itberri Sbakspeare teatimooial te M. kosiutb UTICA, NEW YORK. select from. ^ be a sutear'i- 60 ' do short do do; At the factory the '#3 sssi bououetbouquet,nouquei, Mteffiuiiiffrwtetirunr iwentwen- I at lowest rate#. .^*6^ feet, to A 13 foot Alley. A lAifE*laiwelAi*» MMute cuFamcteftuitetteant ewaraim^ Title indispatable. i for my , pm^e„,ed on Friday, under circumatai,cw • do con. Hemp F.it*r Rope; AutborixedAAUcuwii»«a Capital jpow,vw,^00,000, I J4J« GILL, SMITH, OO., For term>. Rc., apply to R Agenu. W. ALLEN, J. W- WRI-DKN, PT«H$iiftur. 1 ’k, her* state ’.hat wkii various f» »tere The spring . hr myw.feita# '.*$#•> inlertwincN and tor sate $ii0.00i). i uud ef Hal I witheom- ty-dia van«Mf af rasas, , by Paid 111 ytibhEDyki Siiu.OOi). N«mmrr #l)ie um r ubED in andAND hf ! peculiar interrat. anteewleiit eveoti ! — At H. T. ^ Tim* and ,T“ Curd R Co.V. Sixth sf . -- - ’ ^ it.,'* lexr Main. ~ ; mou *ure vye# about rtneen ntt»nlh« #*#* ujd RAWBoN R 614 LCRETR.—'JtW dozen instore and for sale by Thy undersignedundcr*1sned ha been Appvlutodappolutod agent ' l* a# tivoal Abesd of all oompetl- 0m*o ran- BaCOW, Mato at. ^ ’ ni31 dd* annual pM-Mmial, by Mn. 1 neceoanriiy gave t. ^reat meeting at tbe Loo- sAtsst ffdWMS, uid (be ! _1_ ' tlau*d tA» av«r elace* xviUBg worse awLi B J4 GILL, SMITH, R CO^ IS Wall it. forthe AboNvn.uaeti Uompany, and 1# now i^**re >hofild be #ny «loabt* as to th'* truth of HEOAN, sacorr, a moohe, «he bacem*- don tavern ' _ : oometbmi; of a character beyond our yvRusHeu — to take risk# on hull# and tovlie the exaxninaU 175 31 ArilRMT. ud Leaf Seenrs.— eargoes . AIN p Y* BLUB LICK SPRINGSSPRINO *>« fiut tbe 76 barrel* Si. If — ™ • ffleamboau anJ carg>e#of vessel# int‘*re».iM! to the Apjei.c::.! teksuTiiaeni I ha\e \I’« re.p«:tfiiliy *" preseti- Wg ATBer every style eaalily by 1 now , ca:l eteential tact the Loals aad raa always »ea, . the ritemloa . wag, Crashed ,nr ei,''.'..- , 11 te rvr , L sugar; ’priiHRHE subscribersobvcriber respectfnllyresDMctrnMw infsaw*** k Ur*eb4raquet,^ tMtefully arranged, by Dr. •n*! lofornv't h.i o,d tiiend. '* A : b» »<» Loo# Xlrbe feaad by caltiog at VAL. TaodAS*S,486 Mam en property on canal* and rtUroads, also ggainsUosa VAL. THOMAS, VV our larae ant weii-a.ro.-trJ >tovk er 1*1*,* Mr. Jerrold of literary offeVing in ; Jo and the public a 4 j pX ,^”jJ2ic ?ener4llvgener.»lly thqt he -JilloD, I ^ «95 b»'t. U* ukvu the :J h«ani ihal Dv*. I'Mver R I Mvrw<>v4 bed hrvti ereet, between Third and FonrU.. ordamage by fire on storv*. dwelling#, ami rfletr con- Ma'u #l., Third sod Kourih. • PiPEU HANialN^**^ I J4 •.•Rr'g»^MU. •Ouelt. ' tfi* name of ^ad well-know w*i*rt** upwards of nine hundred thousand ' L ' 1 . tenu, lo cltle#* towns* or country, ui*ou as InllT *.* „ favorab>‘ ^ T-T V Comi..;.':)g ini'.,«X) pir.e.. Herr v::; be lo-in I a:; < subscriber* of I | c htellie moan..Short. w all ranks cKrcupaiMwa,occupatioca, hbits jayi terowa* the cU/. • rtHrt'^'lb^.^^r'TbT'. .'r*bJi -kleb tee, sarj CMCdcbotce bouquet,Dottqmct, djby bumMiet i»«uie aoaand muaaud kcal u3Icm of ihU the .ie.1 on to.Hit foebloimbie ' A ; rawsonRAWSON Rk BACON. T EG HOR Caaada Straw, aad ever, variety French O..I Aoaerlcau 1 | X, L****^*lA»e#e* ®®® do*-in . .TY “ Xrtff of Bummer Hat for men and boy* at very low i»ri-pri- will be adjusted here aud be paid by iLe nader- -D ^ha*er iHiKyiaa*; tKu dr.’gn., male toner wa irtitera and excl»,lT..y ror CfimbiBlllg . celebrated eatMt.itahiueni ar* n.xw nn.ia 1 A rick mM boa..*.,bmutlful braquet.braquet, combtetn* YJVIRE WtlAnaZiio— 1 10 boxestoxe. piTTcrackeTs,Fire-Crackers, alseat*. a signed promptly. W 100 Ihl« prt^rt#*‘! . M.SINXUN. do lAQcy do; -.ubiutimenl. In thI. .tt-t.arti-.en; ^! j of Jtfllcnlt -e- rougu renovation, ana wu», by tne I ^ etenuance, ex- Jt time flxed for opening ' 1*63. w-rv*!, j,nerai aosortmamtent of st., over the *torc I .i* ^ R-*h ^rttaad, RumanRoman Candle#,Candles, PinFin WbeeU,Wheel I3^>ffice on Wal. of Soiltb 30 do fancy Wli>p Bff*.r< ni . lection* we have Ky. wrwebatna.w-nnao. CRlgseoUnas,Cateeolariaf,toUicotarsos, CxpeCapev,«pv JeMamux^,Jeaaanunes,eewmamsssee, miAl- tte llRb POLLARD* PRATHER* R SMITH. R them, » e e *upervi*cr uu-' :«*ie nnd aMo/ing cdUMcelUdSud dveryU«DKeveryeters'^inecIUDg ofOl the kind ihatthat In #uch a condition A* to command the j w^arewe have lUrd.beard. SLakeo, and all ealiM•d furthm\ the comingcdttking hoiwell. appro* clebniloocelebration of UiLe nil dettf i 30 do Swallow do; In •ustry, giving thith^ baliun $ ,.#«i:.Aia>,.#«i:iaia>'t®t® ef 'uUi’’uIl.*^ z #v«iievpii the mr,*#»'>«;• .aw . of those who may in seaixh - g* _ be of health or ’ ^eemenai, and Eotei by Miat LtMi ist Grods. The kpeoker mgiffirtt! at time< in the dth oC Jn;,, |or vale very low *y HILDREX'S Straw Geed#.— have a very — . _ In #tore and nleaa- 1 do hereby eerlHy ihat I h*i*e h«*tt pevfecUy bMM -n , tublimity of We for sale dtfficuli t« by jure. It 1* needlese for pieaV, him to say ' that hi* undtvidfti . one e# -vae, atid yarttaUy *e a expreasioo almost te bare MWR, 60 Third n., near Man. large etock of Cblldreo’* Straw Good*, wbich we THE FIRE.MEX'S fXSt'RAXCE CO>lPAMT BHRRVE R STEWART.• »y th* .cbeT, iwrgv* beautiful bouqMt of Mom aod other Roeea, bi* caught tbe spirit eflorti*. with those of bis A#«t*UDt.«, will LOOKl*V<; - iLASSKS, A , be Jl ^ j dir^ctM k* ihomrai LOUISTILLB. : Oonsttting eMMt OF cf eo«#e M pair* Msu-.; J*. F.er, th*he ; ! tbe , **“ ^*’ *“* comfort and convenience of tho#a wh., may vi*,t ih- 1 bbls MachlneOll RD, ER, Office of **' •• *<^*5 affd h*l HebMrapea, Mid LVTivvTn-ColcMtenaa, Mrs. J. c. \ ff Af HINEOU.-J5 lorsaleby JAJRb POLLA PRATH R SM ITH. I on the northwest comer Main and WaU street.-. French FPlateate *.*• bf 1 Gtaas.Gia*#. *.p #i'* -I—f — , y I “J Blae Lick# during the cumlog weWe oMer*..Mer* feff«t any #i'e express occatwb of ,lbi« 20 season. Re resnectfuiiv commemormion I X dozen painted Bucket*; ^ver being IVl js Robinson k cart. ^'v DlOEtTORS. - orahape, wiuwiudNpflklch. at ^^^1- rvMUTfd t* my *Uhi. la thU ot solicit# ll.e pacrooffgte of hi* old friend* and d.^I^ch. a(theN'*wUe Nrw YorkY*rk ageeU#age*U« < wi- character of sji^ular —- ^ h E ;over* ea*e aad clegnace are *cea fleck- iJ- KAlfQit, 60 nett# do Tubs; the public *uwc*.* jt Dr#. U.»er R r*d«*- gave W. ',.1* Tbu R appropriater I —— J. S- Morn#, lar price#, at#l beilfvp thi4 I l*rpm^ we to a i«wSf i — generally, as he i. determfned to flgare ‘.hao ing to 20 mUeUlJ a Ce.'a ^lebraicd Preaalai T HATES, CRAIG R OO.’S daily for thoae ^^^|n^J#cob Keller, lU.N. Crump, |DHb^ duLen do Tube, No*. 1, 3, and 3; the^' has ^ ^ tteaimeat «*« ffiaveMM uf the «y** ami p«*ceo SpeciMcoaef Magnolias, Macrophylla, we be- te tbe procnedu^ of the eyeping, and real- L- Uthertohitherto been auemptwJauampted .#.a thi>thi* «.*.:;iai 1 I ncM A agreeableigreeable summerffummer resort In the I heantlfui drab Beaver*, which ar* *o oomfon^l* that 40 do do Keelers; I Weatem cowaixv.cona^xy. wj**U naOer their tre # *a t I ^e; Tbl* Tn$i^ took the prts# me$*>*» tloB With the aru, eoahLn^ ^ I him •* 4l«cr(mia*te la hi# m#v -g, leax. njittciMMi*, witMoul pJrt, CIO 8 :nS'y.‘;:rwflra^s.m*hT^ ffeleciWa# »o a# to a<>c«re that which l* UMir f««r * valuable la ih?# i CITT OOCRT. i wnrd of beinff «- ARar TrwM^uTraapeu Jostjo#t reoeirndreoeired Mdapd fo-fo' #nle»ale by *I 1 tamm u, ii.'oJLL'l-. It® pwrllff of the Seas, River#, and inlatkd tran>iH.rtaUob; ! Ai Handle#, Wooden BjwI#, round Butter Molds, »%®daaa’t $ooX r.oc ated worthy the atteouoa of a.i who apprei *ete i I!i J3 DATDRT C4.(4, blaNBLANCCHARD , 4974>7 M^oM»in #t. 3*eaintK>ala and — ’ge Moaberi, Pa^fYOnt ngand Pa^M, W*llatraet, It » vnrsrty tbnt Batcbdav,BATraDAY, JuneJmae i. ilaoon Uie JJullS rf Sea Ve**el*. 1 and Codar Faucet, ta atore and for *rie — emdhod bf oMmn. pec# latcTMt E I , werkeof mem. I, Jam^-iJamt-i MW .rrar* of th* nty UatxLieyUatxLlea Ky.*Kj.* en ]| I* I kl- HAY8 8. CHAIG, fc _CO.CO. I - i I _ Jg, p,j aURE'.'S k O’tWAUT. Jeha Mc0«ly,McCarty, dmnkdraak sadn»d duorderlfffuorderlf cewlnck.ceadoci. BellBall la !%«t#:-.'«Bt*!— i GILT WORE HHanfeika^okh »tr**iaair—1» betweeahoiwtea Walnut aad Mttiteea*d*eert‘tvMttlieaa*d*eart‘}v «$• nwai Th$ moAm eioM u nd- VLTb: I I fer I r^pHE mMt perfect Hal Im ever, reaped t. be Tb. making ' that 'I **’•hnv* h**tt brmublhraaglu lato mymg oisMeight eadkMattjomteterttly A.t* eaae** ^ $l$i Month.Boetb. . Iq 1$ bM#bbl# EnglishEogiisb WalooU;Waloou; of Look:ng-<^rt— sod Ftctar. Frames ffVBB VDBB in tbe prna$ciec of tag Ce«>*chCowi’ch brhp K. KeslerKealer va.v#. AdamAAaai Keeler,Keelor, pencepeace wAiTkOUwairaoU X loond tn tii. Union Is ibe drab Heaver flat mano- MERC HANTS' LOUISVILLE INbl'R.VNcE I O. Coralcw, kc., l..*e-k.r •» **» **'“• iteonoh tb. c.iy I w.te, oml Birad spleiMiMl I j t#1$ bbl#bbl* Filbert*; C^4**'*' ‘’“”a“lIEE^*kVfcm*BT wjb a Tmcrinl arrawemem of focturol bjr of Bemdlct k Carter, ** t roLLAED, FHATBXH, OIBce over tbe atore Mata .treat. *“ ” utejwcmb^ t DiffMleMd, proeecatloa appeerlac. k SMITH, at 466 | — decuratloo,re.,nlrm aoC fO bbUCrwam-Nmu; : mneb skill ami ani.tic knowirtig.. I Mala atreet. Oamtal Of '*• lbs peace war- 1 WITH uxiMrAinED $173,000, ' W J .on “ c" a pm « i^m. Same by Nelaoe Bast va. Coarad Rader, I4Jkb A* at pilllLUREN’k Uig. flna .«y Wlik I je bapa Toga* Pecens; lo stoi e and for sale hy A aiwrtmenl recalved cMiaflaiKt ik<.‘ Lroute of .-ir lie, ai*d . ' I raai. Ball le toe 1 year. Paid a Si'UPLva. and for .ale by .ball b. .uiriTsIed. xnj .. .oilriKri thol • ul, .us i.w week., os writ •«Racb leads W ea«R a deable charm.’ OWO J3 A. RfJRlE, 60 Third eu, near Main . m conlloue to nioae Inaurouce I dM;dttl; oteolwraad aXt*r I wa.tt>u;iyb..iHlwaetotmiy bi.tid Bam* hy Patrick King v#. Joha BaUtvaa and Michael We have **01d Bouxbon" among ns. rt-N. WILL .n hnll. J4 SIIEtvxuiirkvk k STKWART.orwanT Qvr fHiNG More.on. osa* e,.rever a ..aoldmbte.*aeld«mbH» [ - of 3teamboau,on Cargov.perume,on Y ttm* .*-*aMil *-*h*d be#a treated by the kealaeme *whivaa,peec ti wartaau Ptamlseed, preaeemtor aot ep- EMOX BUnp.—10$ bgge;i, warranted to keep lo Vm- Tb. junior M tla r.e tsm #m. rm -rt I *1" ! tember. ot ibe arm (ir.-.a tb. lav. rao;. I I** i.o, lake, c.n.1, or rlTcr, and ^HOI LUER%. tt) “** phywls.aee oi te-'3yly <*ar« maath*Wteib. oaMCce**- by to and ; — cooka “•» Otetecm.- any cUamte,climate, t.edUytaOnUy put up,op, of xfly prime pork-hodte Skonl- I puailaO* of iocrcaaed KffOtuckT I Ki pm ewD XMAn^faUnre,XMAn^facinre, II yMTf old, on draoght at WATEMT Tareiifl aad fhcliUJevdSllluiri meare .illlteuraebieil t*il rke Raerd ^ DkfMtttK of tbc L I 1 I given over y and foreign - g. bllml -or :L-e, I Forts, Cor IRJ ate ,:j> Atlantic and .ale low, I i am>ii««l ate put Geo. Kara aad Joha Lee, baytag marketlag ta for sale hy b olM on ^ to close, by promlte that evory .xmirt. ,kaa te iJi ^^T,xa. I j J4jk WA LXBE’S, Third W. tre.tm.nItTeau***! si I balkllngo. kc., against loos or doiaage by Are. J4 JA3. TmiD •Jaalf ** at*f VcDr a. Ott.vrOliMrr kUmlm-RUade$> liwtltffte will Meet tke aSce M >teMttat tt. Fined A. Main. ; k RIcnARDSON, W.ll ,u Modris«-».»» »>«»rtheir friente -Tv . L# Macliuic.*' O^lar tbe pnipnoa of nMolUax BOEIK, $0 Third at^ oesi ate Ibetbe MteiTw^pnbtic ,iu a onrety I 8. _ *$E HABMABHEIR El BE$EI.F-KPTOI.-i|g1L E-H E onw^U D. 8RNKDICT, Preiident. Wl * ECLIPSE >'• iswess, II low rs.'s^ «ri*** .iTSrJi“ r»n« ’«*zaai «»clncan eSHurieam.i ;i.*i 211'; Vffgitei, (lui evMiiiic, ECIJPBEDI 13.AL1NG Twtev.-lo.ooo V(i*« ki*n — * , ,l*4ed. 1 re|*lce that the ffM3Wte.-T, J. W. I'MMV Secreury. lb. in .ter. A^'bEpLtBEPeATUia I w*e fana^ie cnaagh Bagt.— WM. PEATnen, mJf., by ! purpo**. - al JAS, ' '>*••4 •*tA 46e»6e a7*\ea•>•^ e IDeu.krvw — - . - — *»6®®i,iC0 terxmd-hand,cecortd-brt OIULiT JTTHjICTIOS iURBLK H-ILl. TODD R BlCHARDSt>N. WlHTWkAPiS'E'daAA ml8mlfljlmieJlmie | Hie GvJ la prim# oeder; _ I\ R$<«AN,R$4.AN, KSCOTLKSCOTTf*** R* *MiaVRB.MtWVRB. Y| •I ClRkt D^CiffCjifi- I'tAL.IvOJ “ Mm l,3M new. In olo;e Ee.t., pw atramer Edlpu, ^ VUES Hi RRA1 V® # and for oale by From ' ^ — lEb offt OILlflORE. , CapUfluff End Ownara. •>'«r W. B. Oillioii, Beul. J. Adou.*, I liBREVE & STEWART. DICKSON aBt OIUiOKE. Mo-MkV '.3,-.i,l16*,196». OiOXXa i* GAEDNE E k Oar ef the L^grtt GreC." i 'Rvnvna ez baving made on omngaiaenl wUb OO. A. A. Gordon, .Wm. T. Bartley, 'UuLR8ALBUEAI.kU3IN IMPORTERS AND DBAI.BR8 IN GUNS, FI8TOLB, ate VanOCCoAte, ^aOCOB, aiKl BYOma. . fv .. . . tk* ia Lsais>UU. WOOUMNWARR.WIL- \\'’ SL IteMi day Moiiffaeiit Am®CU- \Je »M6*am India bobber aow eaa- Wm. C. Rita. low Ware. Briube., A Fishing Tackla, No. 38, Tblrd 8tre«t, near Erin, Lon ' BAKER k CO.’S Amvi an xte Vonilia rrewi- f-ytSe Cosi»uy, U ALINO Twlae.— 166 briee fin. ami Ihva. E. wilten, i d7 W Blacking, Brooms, | ...... I.-, c ru;y il extra line to. Hot. A - .k- • *’*** ** •"—wa vlik Ltta reaerveri ol tiM by For Lunch In Julep Saloon, in T-loe, Uordnge, kc.. No. 46 Wall >*^‘1.. Ey.i*>'"x>wop«cingaUrgeaMortmentaf flneate I V* • em Chocolate,. sad Brums, to wm.b flr.i tte. EISAHM F eale GALLAGBEE k (X)., ~ .treat,I Lonl.Tille Kr' ; >Bgib eg Uite. ate bi tlMi DM MRkcnpIgOQfl I# RMPUEl ^Ot pISflEW facaory B > J- ^figinsi prise aa* ps* pirin Donblrt-borrel Shot Onno; Gamabjja; Shut Bella, premiunu ha-.’e ',a«a ,waM.J by tBe enter Inorilutes I im aaue e* the heat so Smith k Eowlan' Terk; ' eveobudy, aO MARBLE HALL, W |, J4 WALLACE POPE k CO. k UrnBAV, New .te, m ibe tieotmanl Aeon hamam 46 u ^loj^ij^^ ter eale by J4jRt7 leu niloutee wUb 30 per cem. leas tee than ibe ela plan.don. — — their lorg* .tott on hoBdi; moke, (b.I »eui wmpteMn nr Mns.uT k Twxllo, FbOteelpnia. i .—71.. #«t tteffU flSw-u bavff yat fiteii Bade te far (taocs voik, Fifth it., oppoAlte Court-Boo#*. «kUii> sale Rtsp’s Patent aud tbe plainilnln .tech ^ EOBINAON k CABY. I E^RettaoraateonstanUy supplied with Turtle Soup, We have alho fer qAMAM.V Hat. —We are aejlng a Use stock of large.1 Uut bte Jfaii—ed Id tu,'clur,«hteh wa In Thu’s Y. Bavifoidc, Enitlm--i6 .. ... the i r fliiary aBMot. Aa saaa te if rteche* ~ Steaks, an* all other delicacies of i|ie #ea#on, Preozir and extra Tub* L Panama Hat. lower than ever riittl in the city. tend MiMng at ettil tetgar -lilces innu terMoiore. XxungT k Dcdxxt, r:n.tenatt, Qn.o. ZZT77Z I |>I«E.-telleroee prime Eloeuiaoee far arie by rtrt. - _ . . RKkTOM Sc Merrlirt VrasI Pewdert.— 10 grMt l3*Famlllee supplied TAYLOR R COCKE,, POLLA ED, PRATHER, k SMITH, ElAu mhde'M qfdsrinfflerj .e^nlrtngre^nlrtng dOBsdana la teatec bmt man .gALWIE . with TurpieSoup #| $1 6$ ppr RAlXE k OO., I Mn, As. iMi. e»iW», f*« woe M te be ratearacH jt we. oay, mi H.ta et. A M P foroalcby [JI] EOBIN80N k CABY. gallon; Turtle Steak* ai 60 cent* per pound. J4 JRb D Honstkteperi’ Kmperlum, 77 Fourth at.«(. 4Jkb 466 Main tt. net.R. septteot 19 weowkdtfte np D.rehe.ter. Him. I ^ j. d^awkwe- wJ . . . — ; A '

COPARTNERSHIPS MEDICAL BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS, BUSINESS CARDS Noncc. ROFBH^R ALEXANDER C BARRY*4Tri- SECTION DOCKB. Jl^rPERSONVU.1^ RAlEROAl}. tf « Jtc«ie4 OoiaponDd> lur O. P. AI.EX - McAJO, P e^-beroa* WCK08BST5, I R ATX rbla day a«9ociate1 with tee le tbaGAS-FIT lBK SmUblaud Section Dock Company, ha? log pnr- and rMt^alDfv «o( vota^t «»( proZDotlBg ibe groirtb or thf >tw Paiirntrr Iruitrmtnt. LATB 09 nAHICvBV* ) 1 T PU'.^Kl.SG bnalDoae Mr. WM. D TTA- chaaed from tbe late Centocky Dry Duck Coenpany S A I) 1 ) L K R Y H A R 1 W A R E btlr, c.'*<*oMBK the h*«4« oad cortof of th« I roR. NKX, a»d the bo«loeae vl.l heteaiter o« The meat CsfoUltiMia mad CoMfarfbit Saaio II^^ROLBSALB AJTD earned OD on- ' tbelr Section Dock^ and recsoee*! them to tbia place, are GBOCBMB.CO«MLv»iOM, »rib? »o> nil HI H STREET, ar-ad, er ibe atyle and :l-B • f APPKR 4.T k. TUMNRR. TV MerthaDia- Market otraoH aear CARRIAGE, HARNESS. AND TRI NK TRIMMINGS, i>«ot or all *b«* have u»rd iu'o’a Tr1«:opb«fvn«. vherb- now prepared to Duck all Sceamloata or other water !-«. U)uUrii>f Haj a, IS5.^. %U APPKRLT. BETVTEK?! >IAI!« A.*iD >1 ARK IlT KTREE TS, MaobwlUa, team. Mo. i31^.(o OMrly 1^3 Wo d.t ), Pi.uburg, er for tbe impru«d luTtKuratioo of U o hair or craft 00 reaaonable terma and with dispatch. Theae Rnarneted PEI woDkt take tbta njyportnnJtr of retomin* Wl,iilf>iia|. anH R.-’ail Oealr^r in are ibungbt to be anpertor any on tbe Western Er/er la^M •* are. Bptmrt. Ltgaa M Cc • •*)d f«*r mtproQ<*t cnl«. bru!>o«4 Ac., piac^** It at ihf brad t>f Docks to after Thursday, the lib of April, tbera will be tbanit «o ra* patrun« and ibe pohlK veoerally for the K a;:d Maasta. MewCaad a Grabam. dBI dBm _,er Hair. M«^a. for Ilk** waters. The Company bare engaged tbeaerTKea of Mr. ^ all pi>paraEloos loi> i»4o^ th» parpo*' ThU 1^ trains this road, will ar liberal patruaac* r.it,ferre*l :a- O t^o passenger on which mo on me, and bven><»o. PifCoroa aixl facb, L^ar li 1.. n. be being every respect tuUowi*: trodnr.loo of tn* present part ier, hi- ablllilea a&J for that atatlon. oou Tbo aal«,> avoraa* a ml lion of bottip# a ycari tha qualified Tbe Express Train wU] start from Jeffertonvlile dally, Workmanship, to BerU a e mt oitao^e of tfae'r faecr. Information, we liberty refer- recolpt«« ID ca»b, $100|000. TbUj^ar 'h** ba^lnaaii will For further take tbe of Sun ays exc*-pted, at 6 o’clock A. M. (LouGvIlle time), rlDg the fbUowlDR KebU**nieD, vlt: Capt. Bently, late cxcr«d ital anK‘.ut« The OQmb*^r< r w- ler» wbt<.h •UII 7 to -topping to set down and take np passengers only at Capt. Math*wa, arrive at the iiep«-t and manaiactury, 137 brua:lv ar, ad- of Bostona; of the L.exiagWD; Oapt. IleuryTlIie (for brcakfa»t), Tieooe. Rtickford.andColQB. Brown, of the Gen. L.'tfayettei Capt. MrXlb, of the Em- APFEKLY TURNFR, dre*RCd iu (^rofrvpor barr;, erclu^IttK caih, aoPESSt)U of the Latin. Greek, liebrew, German, tbe Natcbet Nc. 3i Capt. Isaac Jones. of the Gen. Pike; rifth St.. b**tc. en Ms'.u aou M.ukct. to tt'Ulee a day, Kxprri.s train to Indlanapollt. '>ther Preueb. lulsan. aim! Bpaiileb lauguagi t. Apply at Capt- Toor, of St. Lunu; and Capu Jamte Montgomery, torisvii LR. ET. rutaMi excecdlny i)>at of all tbv hair prepara- Returning, th!« train win leave Edlnhurg at li o’clock . S«‘trpularity ut ihr arlx 'e eTery- of LoulivUle. P. M.« or as soon as the Etpress train Mailinon Pimp*, lit >o‘.: K-m*. Warm ster. of aDd tbe IIN*ral to aprk.7ilty order of the Board of Managere. ai d »>bower Eetbs. Wash wbere terra* deal*r- r oitla* to ID- By ruad arrives from Inatlanapoiis; and comlMg this way. It lt*> >alra great WM. Chairman. mure Ciilere, au, iixe*J or creaee with laptdlty; a d Improvemeuti* GoEOON, will !*et down and take up pa»seof ere at all the regular Xy., Jan. 2t, 1 8 — tn It!* conjpo>lJon, raade st tonald* rtMc- erptr^o, add American House, Scilthlaod, M dMm I :«tatluos. SVee: L«sd and Lead P't*es, Pras: to li» reputation a» well a» lntrii;«lc ralne« IIANUVEK. sr H K ET .... BOSTO K, P. S« Mr. L. U. Folue will take cootracU for bonding The Accommodation train will start from I Idinhani J. U. MELBOURNE F'*r aalr wli»ie-ale and r> t.Vl at the «|epgt and . hr., fur sale <>u rea-ouable tcri< mann- Rk LKW IS Kif £. nulls of Stesmeia; tbe timber on the Cumberland river dally (Sundaes excepted) at S o'clock A. M.. or ass on I fattoT}, 1*7 br<*..dwa V .. J. It. WUiirr v merchant tailor and cr t'li r»p ' uarrai.te.l. , N. A 0 and<;. Ebl'Il.T, eiiianted, ttn«l e.egat.t y fnriiletaed, pOfises* leof very imperior quality, and bis wurkaiai ship shall as the uoraing tram from lodtaoapulls arrives on the C)ola*otx L«inl»\iilr, &v., m4. M-ia %i., » 4mt. t lA.. H. A C*'.« and by the principal R -lug all the mutleru im; f . eoieuis and iunvenlcbcet be equal to auv In the West. Madison rua*!. and will arrive in JcfTersoaviHv st hmUw I l?i ni<^r(.babv- and dnigg luro Kboot the I a!tt*d Siaie* for tbe accomuujfUtlon of the traveling public. o’cluck P. Eeturntog. It will leave Jcfier-oavlile •* •' I — M. a*. .VtJ?-** I RADI < ' 'n CLOTW1!IO.»1 .. -I COFARTN ERb HIP. atid C«i, (vr< at Urlialo, atrl Bo-i«u Nov. 22 -«tly 2i o^clock P. M. sn*l w :ll rracb Kdi* borg ei 7 o’clock P. FT*.*! UNITED STATES HOTEL, | France. Sold ui larKO botU*'*. Frtc 25 ccuta* ' lu full 'f^nX aLdi-it>.rtt«v asaoc.aiHd twsiber under the nrtu M.. time u* coonect with the Accommodation u ala i W. TI TO, ' 1 Of SitR^k'l. h. BTf^WARTu! lUetstdayol April may 5dtiui* CINCINNATI SILK HOUSE. Br A. on the .Malison Bi.ad.fruui thence to Indlanapoils. This I '••ri- purpose of t'acaaning s WHO I..IALE WOOD- VXT'lU.UM P. DEVON. a\ os. 4S and 60 Pearl street, Corwer of Main and Atinme ala*. .Memphle, Tenn. train will stop, for tbe convenience of pw-seogers, at ail I stations as' B .\i;a oiiMue«c. ( llAB. T. BUKfcVK, V V It>it*ortcr and D*'a;er !n Silk, W'btte Millinery*, and marl9d«m* I along the line, both going and returT.lng. WM. G. STKW \RT. Trliamtiie U*nw1«. -•21 dly By these arrangemenu tbe Expresw traio forms adl- I

I Me., J 'e, May !f>, 1S53. ASH advances «M Tahacra.t'attan. consigned rect cunnectiun with ihe sbeit.yvlile, CnUbUtowu. and L I ’ to our frtenda lu Pbliailetphia, by Hoshnue Railrc-ad iTalns. and with the early Bxprrs- ROWLAND, h CO. t’UTTEK, BKuDIibAD, A I’L. SHREVE A bTE^ART. f» O E. WKBB. train from Madison to liMlisnapulls, which eca^ !t » pas- sengers to lake the Bellefuntaioe. Lsfsyette Peru and 29 State etreet EMVeLOPE H^MUFACTURER BOLKSAl.h DKALKU.** IN VOiiUEN WARE. ESIAMELEDtOTT.AOK FCRMITIRE. Boston, Biacklug. Bro tin*. Mat-, Terre Rants roads tbe same day. furmlng by the latter a W.UvwWar*, Bra«}ies« invite tbe attention D4CSI«ICC«*CEM.IIAL t«rCII*VC« he subscribers would re»pecUuily coDueetton with stage.n to St. Louis. Twin*I* Ci>rdag'‘«fcc., No. 45Wa!.‘ "treet, LonlsvUie, Ky. iheirnew andbeanilful T of those who are furnishing to A :.''anc(tloD Is also made by the Accucuraodatloo train BAAUKS styles. with the aft'^rnoun train on tbe Madison r>iail, whereby and Tbia work la not only beautiful but verr substantial pa-iSMDxeri arrive NOTICE. but perpeiuat ug au acquaintance w.ib tbe clUxeus of In lod.asapolU at t o'clock P. M durable, flul^bcd in a great variety of shades and colors, H A VF. this asMKiaied atih me. in the business of l.ooUvtnc and the surruuadlug country), will sell our day highly oruamecioil with the gold and rich delicate tints, ivU- •lock pr ces from what retumlDg to Indianapolis, taking c.ther uf tb'' Madisoo r&K( Es, DMAm,t EMTirrcATno* ># posjr» J WALKER'S (ITT l-TC'nkN«»K, Mr. M. COMM at greatly minced such goods to anything and executod In a style and mauuer superior and IndianapolD trains EfUnburg. and thetralp.sof tht» roUD. The estiAi L.-Lmcot will b« wJdnued under ihe have heretufure beeu ofTered for In this market, for cash to iid Cscimsl l«it; k»a;fei of the kind that can be obtained at any other eeiabilsb- road from thenre, aaiu uam* and style. or on time to prompt cu»!omers (payable semi. Annually). can arrlvo In JeffersoovllU or Lonks- meni In the Western cities. vllle la a few boars. AT LOWUIT KAT.H. Jat<.|.isst. W. n. WALKER. Oar stuck embrace* CLoras, t'ASSlMKRKiH, end VEST- Steamboats, Large Stock of Those who are about fumlablnf either OBsLEVE, that persons from Io«!1anap -lyle ard am of KHANKON, TH ATi'BRR. fc Mi- Tadors. all of which up BCRLKT k LTPORD, tb«* ur pleasure. rruA:ia Mnwm, B...; •UiBKKTS. fur til |nirpo>- of traotacting a GENERAL Dot to be surpas*.*-! here or lu any of Eastern cities. W. R. FoMot, CmAIm o Third St-, south alda, bet. Sycamore and Broadway, Ferry-boats 1*0- Our Coat department la nod*‘r the exclusive supervis- are plying eoostantly between tbe cttles. Mlt .f iTc r; 1. B. Tk.wr \VH 0 LES.\LE AND RETAIL. WBOLEBALK SILK. DRESS GO'DS. and VARIEIT Clnciunail, Ohio* fm A Bra., ion JyJO dtf D. C. U. BORDLKY, Gen*! BnpertnteodenU i. a. Bra.*, -.ae»», and we r* vvoXuHy soilcli truis the trade a share uf Mee9r^. to t> CR ^ CirriN, our PanialooCN and aoraw, a o... wd a. u. artaAra.aCo. Vests are rat by Mr. GASX 11.L, and we don’t thiuk MBW TUBA: ol their pair-;'" =-^e. h. T. BRANNON, any STOVES TISIWARE. A!SD CAMTlSiGE. JOHN TRATl'HEK. of ua can be excel ed In our line. *^TnE JefT-rsonvIlle Perry-boais will leave the A Boo, Cum., Brain, A rrann., ITH a view of devoting the Market street Foundery Kentucky store In Ihe mcming, to J. M. STOKES & SON, THOA. Mt HOBKHTB, ('all and see in per<*ou or forward your orders. at 4| o'clock iwjMAMr A Votbut., acCnnK, Aldnck, rad B>ra> exclusively to Architectural Work and Jobbing, 1 cuunect with the train, also leave Jctfersoovllle No. 4ca». Main st. Thankful for the patronage received since our com- W am Mr. Jan. I, l»E— hwt dU will sell remalnirg stock of Su>ve«,Tinware, Ca*t1nga, after the train* meocemem In business, we will strive to merit Us con- my arrive, whether that fthoutd be early or PaiLADBLTRIA: kc., at wholesale or i *ull at frum 10 to 20 per cent. lesB lat** ta tbe rvenlog. rOl'AHTAftKNHIP. ttnnauce. Mi-.rA V. B. M.wk.t -1 A lira rad Srut K MvAm when the paroxysm^ ol coughing came upon me;indee«l, than such articles havo ever been sold In this market. aprSdtf JAR. WATHEN, Sop’toJ Ferry. WA3BIN4TUB, 'pHK uoder»'.^*o«d have a«sociatrd as partBcr*, under j;f*We bare receive.) two rstleru Coats direct from !>. C.: a ^ch and Elegant Furniture, _0 ray whole system s«enied prostrated, andihe hour of mi de- Aj I au determined to close out the entire »tock by the Xif^Democrat, Times, cupy. WofHliuau, of Pa: .a, tu which they call ih*: attenilou of and Conner Rwha, Cw«mua a bibb*. raBJI; the Lam- GILL, SMITH. A Co., for the sale of getting bar- • - 1 next, purchasers may rely upon ^ • » auc . . . parture seemed near at hand. At this time, you recom- 1st of January I* 1* .f oftflrel* n* me e-tab. :th«eo» 1B the Wfvt, a:. Manufactured the fasbluiiables. Brli Maub[a:D COAL and WheeUng gains. S. P. 8NKAD, 504 Main sU, - UN W GILL, OMMISSION MRHt'lIANTS, CANAL AND RAIL- deo, proprietor the and capacious wharftfuat ’<*BWABOiJi<» AND UOMN*i>l>.N aBBCHAVTiV lit* L««kiBg-klmrt. kt., use of IG but now, thanks to God and to the efleciot your Northecst corner of Floyd and IFoMta^fon sfreeft, A of new and Brokers In Ontou, Tobacco, Pro- ' R. W. CU1TTKNUEK, C rcad Ag*'*u>, KV. SI Jefftrsunvlile, to recelvw ut hta buat all merchandise F orw M. . rad (talrair nrrau. wraMira. T.- - - Sirup of Cherry, I cured, abia LOCltVILLL, nt 'war.u'actura. de»ia; and fine en:»h. wi]: cofupare mi*b i i.iar article* maontactured to any Compound WUd am and to Loti1*vli:e, Jan. R. 1061. DAVID J. SMiTB. visions, kc., Rowland k Smith’s Block, LooUvlllo, Ky. fi»r aay point on thU road, and wlihout unnecessary de- 0-B.l.r ta Lou:»viiio Mf’rvhsai*. mar duly . pursue my dally ia)>or. 1 t!.:nk It an luvaiuat-le medicinf snb*crtbers are now maktns Mill Castlugs and aug 12 dtf lay to dt liver the same at the Jeffersonville depot at tn oougha, colds, and dUvaee* of the lung*, and one that J. Machinery from new patterns got up In the m«*’U cents per hundred In like manner prodoc*’, should be known to ail alUicted. If person* would pur- mudero and approved style. Also, tobacco, lard, timber, pound*; and BURKHAROT, kc., designed for sblpmeut by the river will bedrsye.! Ourlw* chase tbe original and genuine article a* prepared by you, W and mill berews. Iron Railing, Forcing and Lilting Plu*n, Looking -Glave Plates, by him f^um tbe depot deliver on EAGLE FOU.NDEKY, and not tamper with the many spurious and worthies* nOLKSALR AND RRfAlL FaMILT 0R(K'RRT Pumps of various else* and kinds, cast Iron Screw Pipes to the wharf-boa*, and Jan 6 dtf a. t. waLLsex. J a. L1 THW.-W. i. and Tea Store, No. 417 Market st., Louisville, Ky. and shipboard a^i tbe coualgoor may order, tasiug receipt* hxjiwv imo preparations which are attempted to be palmed off on the of 1, l|, l|. ll. 2, 34 , end 3 Inch diameter, Socket I, for the same at OB^nts per homired puucds, which shall WaLLACB. LllHOOW, reputation of yours, It might be the means of saving Flange Pipe from 3 inches to 16 inches la diameter. * CO. Wbei’ls, and other castings fur cover all expense* ai>d comsuissluns for receiving, ship Soot, GruU^ C’pRtr, T^u, many valuable lives. I freely offer this statement for the .AhU lUllruad (^ar Axies. Car dketf-hom^ KFNTUtkh IRON URAi%% FOUNDERY tbe sole of plug, drayti g, kc. ADlL AND FL\ KK OH t'HJLLb A.\D FEVEF besefft of those who are BOflerlug as 1 was. railroads. They are also manufacturer* W.*9t MomokfatHrtto^ \SO SHOP, patent Hub Moitltdng Machine for AU mercbsxMU^•, kc., therefure, intended for any BZBKIKL THOMAS, Roy’s and Preoch’s ^0^ u36 .Morthweat l«rw*r Haka mmd Third Lontsvtli*, Oct. IS, 1S63- Monror gtreel, beiwem Eleventh and Twelfth point on this rna«), #r produce, kc., off tbts road, wit) be Cherry st., three doors west of Sch’aylktU Second street, wagon and carriage makers* use, which ha* been pro UlUl^TlLLM, K.T. Cured by Smith’s Tonic Syrup. 0*'esqnirf below the LouwvUle Paper-Mill), duly forwarded, after Its delivery at ieff^rsoovuie, at an Pnlladelphla. ( nonneed by cumpeieot Judges one of the greatest labur- expense to tbe shipper of onig sue end one hslf cent per 40PAKTSFRSHIP. LAWdON A FRANK, Propiietors. savlDg machines ever Inveute*!. Oriers from a distance, 1 luarku'. wo wouM seal* Mtai r7 month* our atteuti-.n has b*«n krected to •enin* »p a belong- large portion of our clUiens. Those who doubt the troth ap6 dtf [D, T, k C] Gen’l Sup’t. followrc Tompkins hi* interrst In the stock of goods R* tum tbclr Inccrt’ thank* fur the very llbe- receive prompt attenUon* larg* saahsr of nov ssove sad era « ga*isvni>, wb eh, cure tf tLr dliwctkiktare etrlcUy of It are invited to call and *aU»ly tbemselve* that It Is bg to the arm of JAMBS LoV kCO., will continue tbe I'air 'iiss* heretofore recelveil at Ihelr old dec « w2kd TRV1S k BARBAROUX. a4 ed to eur a.r^ady larg* *>s*k glv*. as -mo *r th« another voluntary, dlsmterestod, and living witness to Y , a BuLkhAlJk DRY GtKJDS buslnea* at the same stand moot ext*u*t«* and 4*»ira51« 00orvutOi» ) ik* Vcsteiu the great virtues of Db-Bwavne’i Compoukd Bibup od nnder the same dnn. JAMKS Low, LBATHBR! markvu Aasung ih* nuskhw w* wu.mB r*/sr to uar or Wiiai Chlrrv. LEATHZUl! LBATHERI SUMMER RaTxS BT TH8 VKHi' IMPORTAk'T CAUTION, MARSHALL has just relumed frum the East, af- **A*hlan.i K'r’ntuchiaa** Cook Stove* (?Ws« oman o«tt,. Cait-Skius, PEN!\%YLVANIAA.'%DtE^TRAL RAILROAD Tbeso stovos havs great wslgM «ff *i«ta., kighty S* -h- a- Efmember, no preparation of wild Cherry Is D s ter bsvlDg completed bis purchases of ed, and vlagaai n appearanc*. They Cumbta* a.: tn* genuine except the original article as prepared by Dr. Morocco, aud Finding* of every variety, ills stoct Is of To PhtLidtlphia and BiiUimooe •udern imprwv**aen.s *6*4 pcncikcai best, been selected by hlmi^elf from the oxp«r1«nc* ha-- -lo- ^OPARTYEHNHIP The undersigned entered in- Swayne. Bee that his yortriut is on the wrapper amuod the very bavlog aving been sppotuted the exclusive agents a. th>s J — Bis supplies are r*t4>pe4- the style of each bottle. Until you obtain this Compound you will larg* stocks of Raetem importer*. 9. to w;>an»ersMp, on the l.t in*u, under H pelut for *hls roml, we are onw prepared to give We would Invite dealer* !* th*as- oa«u ar* aiearwa that ts n»t «h«y oertatn in tt* i<. :..r, tmu entirely i caT and exam: 10 for i u « >lr.~ T-.'Spe-ed of vagetal never know tbe real virtues of the Cot rry. mure extensive Uiau any lu ibe city, and In p*»lnt of qual- Mtk’. , l^,LEoBV, k CO., for tne puri>ose of trsnaact- WUd brousb receipt'* at tae summer ra'ts: CASH ADVANCES. 1 . ar.-* Mlvos, and we thiak In qnnitty* pnea*, kc., ih. cau ba ••Aiviwe*. ut IB aky caev* of c:rcusl^tanc> c-v- L . ^mi t-> 'cmale*, Icfants, and all person has Ju»trec«ived and Is nuu y ug a » UoLWkALE GROCEkV and COMMISSION bvsl- Prei«ared only by DR. BWAYNK, at bis Laboratory, at ity equaled by none. Ho uttla**—Dry Go.jd*, B«miSs, Hat*, Pars R ar* maitag Cash AJvauc** an Cocton, Fravls- •nitrd. Having eaiar4*d .* of def I au* aeitoair obsmicuuso* withuut the i«sc>t fi-a^ whairvr- unpleasant effect. enr msnafac: a* Jev-wv- rf cay terry No. 4 North Seventh street, above Market, Philadelphia. upenlog— utsaa. and will ocenpy the old stand uf W. k Bru. a .d Pelules, Feathers, kc 76c fk 100 lbs. luos, and Tutacco con*lgaad to uur friends In we - menu eao proa*k>tij meat all oemafri*. Thaokfui i..r Tbi* 1 * cumpused vt articJr* or Uir |wiu”»i and ; urt-v ri^w ffoodiQg which so «*, fuTM* Pi.anuao the Weatsr J. S. MORHlB CO., 461 Main st. 60 do du do do, No. 3; MICAJAH OGLKSBT, k B->ne-, Bristles, Hemp, Wool, trust and •n* i*uL.J-a.iteiu asuMvy), and m tki» respect ai'.me i» renderr^i ^:;ratl> ta the rt madlr* neuaay prepare* French do, Nu. l; New York, wo hy -tT\ci ^ompt altoni uo ro ail to At retail, by M . Alklo k Co., Mam street, near Eighth; 60 do SllverMedal Der. 16,1863— dtfa.w4 AUoTlN GLAZKBIUk)K. Bve*wax. kc OOcftlOOlbs. secure a continuance ot ocr and *MS* in ttu i^-intry. do, N 0. of H,a»J the q*ail:y imow R. Morsell, comer of Market and Fifthrtreeu; M’Allister, 60 do do do do 3; Id Class— Leaf and mauufacturwl Tubac- Pbitauelphit, B> !U apDf ru; p.merral diaphureiit peupe.*^ie*. aode' lu t>>r :« .,ua'!t-c>. It l» rendered factured srurfe »hal he a* ssr*t*4*rs, eqaaf ir aotsnp^ emlneotly superlo CHIPART.NERhHIP. Matket,betweeii Third and Fourth; agent* for Louisville. 100 do various br’nds do do, N>. 1; co, llvHT*’ Hair, Leather, kc.... Mc|$t00 bs. Baltimc're, rloT given 10 ai' c^s*. • rt'wi wiifrj a* a g«n*-ra- and pupUiar Ti>n : si. ra.-.*- » baiev er where t»n:ca to th«hest, and sa:i»faciloa U' s arv prop«’^ to be ad this day a>r>uc:ated with me tnthsWnOLK- Alsu by b. P. Scribner, New Albany; Wm.F. bugbss, too do Philadelphia do, No. 1; RATE 4ih Class— B icon. Lard, Lard Oil, CtjOee, Chailenton, Mis WaLLACM, LlTa<«*>W, k Oi>. Tlie |»rijf>rt«re rcwpectiui*) 1L> ;t-*- praritti>.>n«'r- ai*d iLe pnb:ic generally to give It but a la', Kips, large site. aod I SAlX DhUO busine»smy son, J. B. HORTON MOR- Madison; Wm. T. Crut-ber, Frankfort, Ey»; J. M. Owen 60 du do Fikh, Cotton, kc dOcyilOOlb*. ^ ov*-; < tn* , an*] the) oW. U.CL t- «oa«inc*dur iu gr«at * 14 i n<>r. :> a uiL-i remedies now in u>t furU:c purptwe the New OrlesHA. RIS. Tbe t^me will be coouuctaJ as heretofore, at A Co., Shclbyvtllc, Ky.; John T. Jone*, Sbawoeelown; Also— From Pittsburg, shippers may rely upon prompt dis- a*..- R -i. No. •id stand, ciidar the iiame and style of J. 8. MORRIS k B. Bioman, Ciuclnnatl; Ua. Kennedy, New Orleans, 60 doxeo Tampico Morocco, 1; patch. 1 dtf K. WBBB, RtiWLAND, k CO. prr*..>br living m dtotricu of ouunuy s*h|ect to ague ano Fever. Ch'Ils and Ferer, or Btllcu: Frvc*i woulddo wel No. 3; FONDA * MORRIS, SON. J* S. MORRIS. La«; and druggists and dealers lu medicines everywhere, 26 do du do, m26 dtf W. B. HUSTON k MILTON. U‘ k-c-p asuMdi «T this «a uab> remedy always an habd. I; IX^BOLKSAUI GROCKRS AND DRALBRS IM FOR- Louisville, Jsn. 1.1863—117 « kw octtl wikd 26 do Madras do, No. ,*rupncti>t a<>w fcuudrvd- w' i-r*.. Scale* ef u*> valae, V V elfn and Pame*tic W laea, lAiaor*. and Fralto, Bo. Tbe has la au pmerMiga gtrtn by person* who Lave need It 36 do do do, No. 3; wn‘ teaa? i~er» mewnai-t* who ha«e sold It la*K*-i> u: iN'-tr ouuntry, a.- wr;i a«- 40 pearl street, besweua Main and Hater, LoutovUie, Ky. num freuB many respectable prac COPARTNERSHIP. DR. A. i. VA.'^DERRLICC, 20 do EngUsb Kid, ail coiurs, No*. 1 sad ii t^i-*n*sa. wn* nave uaed u in preferanor t« oCbcr r*mnu.r*« atte-Cng lu va'.ue, land yy*rha Mgbast pric* pah! tor Gauntry Froduca. 'I^RR undersigneJ eDi**red into copartnership, on the Late Pmor. or the Kcolx Clirique de Medicike 20 do Curaso do, do, Nos. 3; JOH^ J. SMITH. Praprletar. colors; Coasimmenta ealteHad. jyS 1 lOih lo»u, oDdrr the style of STkOlUKH k CRN- ET PilAkMXCIC LA PAXIS, 60 do supcflor Tupping Skins, all Br-u wtoMMuenndrwta: by Wt.evw.XiarhSid, k 8m;tL« mar 10 dkwkm do. RDT, for the purptoe of carrying on aHBuLKSALK Having bean practicing Medl- 100 do do Uuingn, PoRKIGK AND DciMKhTlC LUJCoR bostneae, and have doe twenty-nine years past, begs Also, a large lot of Lasu, Boot-Trees. Kit, and Find- !kOTlC E TO CASTSR-Y TKAVELBRR. NOTICE. i*keu the oommudioo* wart Lo'^e iruoung on Fifth and ^^r^^^^^^^^Klesve to announce to bU friends ings of every description and of the best quality. public generslly 1. of LasungA, Galoons, ji coitftiMtuiM railroad Bailiu streets a f*^ uuor* below Main. wSintoAr and tbe that he Also, a very largo assortBcnt from Vincinnatu CUot^ EXCHANGE A.ND BACKING HOUSE* IIOBRRT O. STROTHER, still continnes to devote his time sod sttention lu tbe si- andTrlmmlDfs. land, H’oosltr, MaaxUon, .fUiancr, O., and CO.. (£DCCE&bUli TO » . R ji levlatioD of human suffering by curing the following dis- of which will be sold on the most rea^osblt terms. HUTCHINGS A STOKES,) Dec. SO, 1862—d JAMKS KENNEDT. All i'hieaf^o, III., to Philadtl^ia, via Prmusyfpa- niroKTK* Aim cealea ease*: Coughs, Oold^ Asthms, Flu, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Conntry merebaot* would do well to call and examine m «ttf Railroad, from Pilhburt to Pkiladtlpkia. DiBnolutioa. Liver Cumplalnu, Piles, Fistulas, (*out. Rheumatism, bis stock before purchasing elsewhere. Scrofula, White-Swellings, Diseases of the Skin, Ner- 466 Main street, between Fuurth and Fifth, Through from Cincinnati to Phllalelphia in 37 Lours. AiNH h« retu.ufr rxisDng between Wm. KJTNo. COACH SaltuLEKV 'HR C' partnership HARDWARE .4 ** vous Affections, Fever aud Ague, BUtousCompIainu,kc. south tide. u oteve sod to « 26 G. Steaari sriU B m. Burkhaiwi, under tbe firm of OLD bMAbUtilitU SADDLKKY WAREtlUUSKI 1 The succe»s which Dr. V. baa met with by bis peculiar ^ “ Pittsburg to “ M 16 “ u Stcesnk C •., nof. ‘ > mutual Con»ent, dl.*olv*d m G. mode of treating all kinds of di*ea>e ha* been astonish- Ho *45 Maui n.. bctwMti F>fU> And Sixth ti let . merlu uoirted, he will under- Fare from to by ralirond, $16 00 o**, 00601 aeurr. froO* s3 dkvouwtr G. BTRW art, As a proof of tbe Doctor’s JOSEPH GRIFFITH, HLer4 to Me f w. burkhaedt. take the cure of all riFTH street. NEAX MAIIV, I4>CISVILLE, XV., w ^ the cost of ihe medicine, requiring no fee uniil after tbe Pare from Ma-stllon 10 00 new;, tovuutod TBMTl- A MPORTKB, MANUPACTimKK, AND DKALRR IN ** ^ rosturatlun of their health, and the full satlyfaetion to Pare frum Putsburg 9 60 IN. Maanlactmrers. Xos.firacd jnjB^LATlNG DIAMOND LNNUKA.\CE Vi. undei>ln»«d, having purchased the inierest uf Wm. I Guui, Pistols, Gun Material*, and Flshiiig Tackle. ELRON k DAY the patient’s mind of the benefit Cvtilerrcd. This Is tbe Pare from Clnclonatl to Philad*lplila(Clnc1ooatl jnjAjA 7 A iGtS wurrunted uo« to G Htesan, will ountiuue the bosloes*, and aoltcUsa reepectfuUy call* the atientiunof merchants, gunsmiths, PATENT MBTAliUC BURIAI. CASES N 61 Sixth street, nearlo* Cuun- House, keep on Land pnneipie upon which Dr. Vandersiice Is governed In all keep eunstautly a tu PtUsturg by s(eamU>at—mea . $i extra) 11 00 an assortment Dormant and Portah'e PlatfoiM Bcaie* (toui* who hmom P Fire and ^darioe couunuauou ut petru&age. and others to bm large ito k of fine and plain double and 1 K ountlnue to manufacture- and of Wigs know tb*4tL*^g Inaorance. cases with bt* practice. flnUb of Ihl PIITSBUKG ROUE. 'jf all feom '>06$ Iba, suitable Nr m W. BUREHARDr. single barrel Hhot Guns, CoD’s atxl Allen’s Ree.dvers, W band every else and variety of sixes, weltklng Mu w a T?. grease** eoaotoft ta V ;-KLAk aKK Ml tl AL Person* afflictaU with Corns, Bunions, kc., can have Morning Bxpre-> sud Kveolng stores, .- a I a V. PUtol* of alt kinds. Bags. Shot Punches, kc.; Rl- Invaluable article, now rapidly superseding theueeof Both tbe RxprsM Trains warehouse-, rolllag-mlllsy fmoderles. Iroa k> Game s not skrlnk at a**/. l^s• ran» a COM- ± |M Tbe undersigne-J, lb renrng irv.u the late firm, r«- them entirely removed and pcrmaneniiy cured without Introduced, 00 account of their connect at Pittsburg with Peunsylvaol* Rahroud to Pbtl- aUo Hopper and Ps-rklnx Cbe^t Beales, for grist-mills- in xju* wiu fie Barrels, Guo l»ck», and Gun Msleiials of all klD>ls. Wuodeu Coffin* wherever V .b ,of Pr Vhia. patr^ite, end at the rame Tbonsandsuf persons have been cured by Dr. Baltimore— catf- :laa* a reaemblaaca to natur* a* to $afy .uras lil* grat* f 1 thank* the pals. V. lie has Inst received a large lot of fine Fishing Tackle, •upertortty for depositing In vaults, (or protecting the adelpbia aul asking two dally Bxprsss con- all CAQsiruetod an the most scientific principles, nri.Aiitu t apital.^BHI^^B in every respect testimony to hi* wonderful success. If iim» r«-.. . tote*ds bis »acce»*‘or as and can boar which, together with Ms former block, make* Ms slock remains from the casualties Incident to ordinary inter- nection* from Cincinnati to Pbliadeipbia and Baltimore blnlof •Irapiicity and accurary, aral warranted equal always for :n*pecnun, aay odo of -1 hrretutore received. Disesses of s peculiar character are gnaranued to be re- earth from PUtsburg. ^T1 order s s kept whUh, aD- ftS20, 0001 worthy tr^ liberal pAtruuage uf putting Tackle very complete. All of which he will ment* (a- their great strength prevents the via sol -aperlor to Gl others. The. are lldtnd to peovad ot, savas the purch aser balL time vad ir ••i>.'e, a* - 9 HM. BTEWaRT. few dayt radically, sriibout offensive or dele- friends Tickets Cincinnati tu Phllsdelphia Cat- 11 -.ed ha- •: at*^ni for this eub- m»r G. moved in a sell eery low o* n«nat. crushing them), and thegrallflcaiioo It affords the from or Baltimore, superior style af Beale for weighib.: Her, t'oal, aad e rtiiieu* mi ViascaaDot .•• eiso- •t.a: ai>-t v‘f ierions medicine. Dr. V. being cmlntotly successful In that the remain* are railroad, can be purchaaeJ of P. W. Sira*ltfr, ticket tle, Depo* Trsck •^r^l's for Ra .nAN; also ^teoi iLeso elegaat sp faumt -iiicwn iMci-tyLltjU. Bet* Dow pre- cri’- -paiflag done with ncslo.iJi ar * dispatch, of tbe deceased tn the reflection /y and (OFARTNLHNHIF. patients would save wheru. AUo, a sp.endM toaer t msD i f LadleV Wi«a, ~ ia*« ->n M o: Bi*waboatt uii sL;pments this branch ef his practice, much In an Imperishable case. A* we have re- agent, CinclDDail. And by the Steam Packet Line to Balances for MiUs, Plautat^-ns, Pork House*, kc.. al< , KflC<>TT mar 31 d6m kept logctber * IIAVK tMs >1ayas-uClste«1 with me Mr. J. V. nothing anxiety alf Wiga, Bvaato, aad OarW always aa Laad oad mada ai. by \ at n a. oiA to la*U4 poll- Uinc and money, to »ay of of mind, ty cent'y reduced our wholesale prices, we ars now offering Pttuburg, and thence by rallronl to Pbhadeipkia, from warranted steel bearings, aad st price* to staac. compes aad Mr. AMaB MuORK. and wai cuntlnoe tbe bu»l- to all, toardar at the shorteat a*4)c* . . >,4 Dw»;.i;.w>- and tketr onktents aga*n*i I J giving hlin au early call. He warrant* no matter r. I'ltcHEii w. a- aitifABPSON. (avoThble Inducements tu undertaker* throughout the be captains on board. And from Cleveiao*! vi* t'love- Uon with aay market, the quality being caaeldered. n«ee In the new nuiiding, Main street, )>etwee« Fourth it Combs, Brush**, Forfumery, Gloves, aad a cvnoex.aa- Low severe aiid lung standing may have been, a thor- Woei, and respectfully solicit orders from them. ar.d and FUtsbnrg railroad and Oblo and Pennsylvania Or er« post-paid promptly atteodtd to. A libera) d1^ and Pltth, under the style uf HKGAN, KBOOTl, k invalids! F. FISCHER & CO., ’ d|e ie* ft lLi»cia:tce are the same as are charged by ough cure or no |-ay. your true lntere*t is to W. G. DAVIS k CO., railroad, of D. Horten, ticket agonr, at the WcOdel oount allowed t th-*e wbo poreha<4e to sell. f4 WOULD respecttnlly Inforut the clU-^^^a and the extra advagitages MiiORB. apply to Dr. V. st once, who has the proper medicine to Northeast comer Ninth ami Main sta., Clncinostl. Bouse, Cleveland, O. B WAN. leDi and country dealers that they bave^^V balk, NICHOLAS. N >. 9B tk. >r ' Pen. I, cases. JVo/icr.— In case of loss, the company will bahl for Pounh BACfiS 1 the a-’.-.f. ol uDdoubied eecurtty aad a meet all mar 23 dif them- RAW9MN k atMtbeir stand. No. 443 Market street, betweeu^^^ TALTABIJI UrrSoo Main stroot, owe Mt- Jofi hogweeD Mam aad Marc.’t. Louisville, TWO ky. lu tiiv pr«4tt* of the Cotupauy, without any Dr. Vandersiice begs leave to say further, that he has selves responsible for personal baggage ouiy, and for an ERfOTT. fit MOORE, prepared Fourth and Fifth, a splendid assortment of BaXS an) uared on th* Dorth side, between Ninth sad N. R. Fersoa* residing at a •ilvtaoca. aad wtshl'.r o *tarv< s* stvckboidera, ami without any lla with him remedies In s scientific and skillful amount nut exceeding $l0t). TB«>S. MtHiKB, MPORTKBs and Dealer* in Wali-Psper, Looking- 4hf»*et fr>nt by 210 feet deep, with *orward orders tor nth side •( Main, a perfect fit), via: * Mam street, oeer Banir of Lonlsvtlle. tall directions bow w use them; therefore, Invalids frum THE fiddly ket Agent, Pttuborg. turrr* of Mirror, Porirait, and all other Fiama*, and any section of the country, by addressing a letter post- We are fiatterlug ourselves that rney will setl fast with Hatchings & Co., tween RUventb aad Twelfth, ifi feet from by tifideep. Isu Measure foaad the head* sofy rtumfiB to tfi II le*. Gilt B'urk la all lu branches. Doctor, stating sym| iom», etc., enclosing out tiresome and to eshaut pral>e or poems. We wish RA: Apply to DR. C. D. BRUCB, id. Measure frees th* totehead u> the nape, 13 tolsdi • streeu* paid, tu lbs and A. D. Hunt & Co., PENNSTI.VANIA Fire Itiearaoce. New Building Main, between Fourth aad Fifth all try ose of our Hst^, as we warrant every fine Rat 8 Beveuth sL, near Market. Id. Maaeorefroai sar toear acroa»forehe«(4.)1 to Md« a fe*, can Lav* advice and medicine *skt them. to Curtis Co., nne dtf • 10 .MKSICAk PIES t^a^EAKCBOU. from our firm. Our foreman Is well-known as an excel- J. P. & 4lh. Msaaur* kam *ar tuearaero*scraalum,lltolfidi« Females suffering with irregularities, nervousness, de- o’clock, M. or Philadelpbi.v—cap'u: $fioo,ow—la- have rrom thia d.t. will b* opanwl »t S A. ROVB d FfirNCH'B aaabov*. bility, etc., can be peruaneutiy cured by the treauuen* lent hatter. We on hand: 1 r^AAlr— . m*r U iltf C ^-uron Ow-iiicg- aud Pum*tnre, Btor**, aud clQCCd .t 4 o’clock P. M being now cooiplete. It opea* .M.YCHINE i NOTICE. of Dr. Vandersiice. Ladles, let no scruples nor false For liifaots—New style of fashionable Oats, fur, woo), U18 ROAD a wounu- PATE.VT Hl’B MORTICING 'Mercaauviise against toe* Pltuborg Philadelphia, nr and damageby Fire rpHR flrraef RAWooh, daouN, k CO.wa* dUaolved delicacy hinder you from applying In proper person, and straw. T DtcatloD between am! BDWIN MORRIS. *ubacrlbers give noUc# death of Mr. CfiAkLES BaE- restored health. For boys—Wool, fur, beaver, silk, dlfNreut lu quality, fT*;> NOTICE.—The Pittsburg and Baltim.tre, by which freight tn>m the Wrst X un the 7th iovu by the when you can be so readily to ^ for ^BOURfiXUI DRL'GGlSr k DR.XLRR IN PAINTR, JOHN MCIR, Agent, stye, sotl pnee. LaUiEXwthat they are prepared to uke conuacu can reach an Ka»trra msrk«-t quicker and cheaper than CTTr,. Doctor may be found at bis office, 101 Prestun STBAM- W Otis, kc.. No. 4M Main etreel (oppesM- BxchAago 'tti. V-iLt j 1 LonievlU*. uDdtrsIgned, survlTlng psners, have aneodsted EoskUth. rult« d Stales, soft, sod business Bsts of ev- •painting and ORCORATING by any of the p'’e*eot rlvai rout-s. They cocoect with WSuN k BACON Tbc stiwet, between Green and Walnut, fruoi 7 to UA. M., warranted not Hotol). between Fifth and 9lxth itrasui. LentsvMo, Cy., GNO- ery vsiieiy, vemtlsted gossamers, and broad-brim, fur, BOATS In he n.r *vl« «f Zinc TITlife, the Daily PACEKTS at PITTSBURG, fr*m fit. Lonls, O.B ibemss-lvtw* and wtii continue the H'HOLCSALE and frum 3 tu • P. M. Jan J8 dtf ts now la recolpt uf larg* addliions w a. «Mrh (.BBIEANIX BkGROER. and Maty, for the trade. change; also laanafacture bTAiNKD GLASS for Lunl^vtlle, Clnctnnall, Wbeeilng, and all the differen’ and COM^flSSlO.S’ bnt-m>’» , at ibeoidetaud, Floyd Brook. brush omnir}' tu ofces to d snis rs at th* towvat pel'* re- 'PEE k»t»tlUe4 ULioLy. I'tw OM ouppet Ice live* of Siat*-*, to health and frq CXkF Private ofBce on Market, between and dwell- Lo marh. .... e* a L «>«r otoi t ty rrom '.si'ipnaafi LoMts. liuuiec on favorabi hm*M tL* ALON£4i RAWSON, opea In a frw days. ings, kc. oog jh tkw IIONk* k tANONK. ^ ermr f AM R. m.RR, Agnnt TAKE NOTIOC GILDING of the latest style of or- WESTERN WATERS; Peb 32, 1863. JOHN BaCON. Call arHl examine. marS dly COMPOSITION and on Market street, south tlde,be- F AVK taken an Office nament. _^_ra« Also with the C’.evelaod ana PltUborg Railroad and tho RUPERT UNDENBEROCR. A CO. Floyd, wbvre 1 maybe cousulted in CUT LBTTRI COPARTNERSHIP. I t'veen Brook sod SOMERVILLE A HARE. Alsu, the New Tork style of BIAJCK Ohio an«l PeunsylvsnU Rs'Irosd st Pittsburg. WHUL£N\LC UulGieti>li«s DK rub^crioera nave this aay a^audaied Mr.B. K* CoppfT, T\n, and Nhrrf Iron iVorkert^ and 611 Main etreek, LkulavUto, Ky. Ting raceiiUj received the RK- froo 3 o’clock till 6—between hour*, and st any other without transhipment <•( Freight, an advamage that can -4 MARTIN wtthiaemln iL« WHOLBbALSand of tl - 1> T Preston dtreet. Ikaters tn Stovei, HuUow and THn Rlarr. be seen on Bo BaRTFOR nRB at my re*td*nce, No. 101 Stained Glass can be appr elated by all fbippers. rec«ripc*( eureptlne ouppii**, we a*R TAIL I’RT tvOoDs bualne**, and tne bu»iDes* will be Um« A few specimen* of ring now m kANCKtOMPANT, I can Dl tdU DR. VANDLBSLICB. McKnlght’* building, op(oelteMeea In case oi oi>siiaction uf navigation by Ice or low wa- an examioaiiga our*t•^k rrom Jes.urv vittuafi oautlbo** as Uer«rtoiore,at tne uM stand, under tbe name 331 Main street, betvreen Beventb and Eighth, mt street, in V. B of lake audiuudai risk* f«.>i ter, westward can tut tors irded fr>m we s: >t d»tora»>hod >tf*r kCO. lAlUlSVlLI.E, Smith k Shulwell’*. ^ freUnu Pltubarg to •ar mark*C, a* ore prepared to abdetytruf »U)BINdON, WRIGHT. KT. In introduc. - The lung experience of the unilerilgned Ctucinnatl, or towns 10 the lutvilur, by Ba;lroad. gr*ok iodu**m*n t* fur cash or up*a iLo a*uot credit to Jan. I, lb6S—du RUU1N80N k WRIGHT. fx WRare pr^par^ff tn fnrol*b Country Merchants 6,000 iitr an account ar a. ready havlug as mncL •tyle* of work on the are*tem lakes au-U rr«puo-ibic and puuctaai men. with any artlcit m ourllQ'.s cither wbpmg of gewfi* I i&ureet U the bu^loe«•ol CAMPBELL, RC8SXLL, k we will bcilas low a;«any bon»e In tbe city. Hotef. Ratr$, liimpairac' cask copltni et $l6a,0bfi, and Is VKRTBODT In lb «tr*i« ru fva^ee who wish to pro- C. MILLKB k CO., AD kind* ef Couetry Frudnee taken In eveb—ge for CO., St Ciuelnuau. u-riulnat^l on th* 30ih niitniu. Weart^prepar d to du Steimtoai, Dl*tl:lery, or Ilunee Dry (»ood.4. Books and Statlonerv.'l per 100 lbs. ,’Ue of tka beat inr-Utuiieci* in New Bug. works uf a*cieut>flcaDd ln»trsciive nature can Bullitt r-t., LouUvlUe, Ky. feeds or in payaseat ot debt* ;‘i* us. 21 JJtw tbe firm will be seiued t> the nn- E cure In the best «tylc, sod 00 the mo»t rea*ooabIe tylSdlf Lb TTic a:r«:r- of Work 3,000 Boots, Shoes, Mats ax.d Carpeting, ( JAMCfi R. TYLER, Agent, be »npplled by *uo>Un4 ihelr order* to P. BLT- the Biitd «, ... eurvtviris pariuvri^, who will coatinue the term<, I would must respectfully solicit a share of the mu. All Uaift «:..a*-ar Eank of I.autsv1ll* d*-r»:gTj«d, an Fur* aud Peltries, Feathers, Badlle- Phrenologist, Vine sire* l, above Fourth, Clticiouati, O. 6,000 REMOVAL. | uaasocuuauf a gKN ARAL, COMMISSION, PRODCCK, public patruii«ge. f 26 d6m rj.fcc. JOSEPH HAODOX. Lie Is a cur1«Mlty in the bo«k llot-, every order uf 3,000 COMPANY have J aod PO'tWARDING husluva* uo their own account, at slock HK LOUISVILLE ROLLING MILL fierrmesr to Joa. R. tfa.l a LIFE l%M’EAN4 C. books being found on bis shetvea. An hour or two bent Warehouse to No. 460 Main street, Becoad Claas. ^ No. 3 East Front sueet, Clndnuatl, under the same style T removed their JAR COACH MANUPtCn RKR, THB MAIUBON IKSUkANXE In hi* store Is of peculiar benefit to strange^ s vlsUlng oppostu the Northern Bank, wher* Brown Sheetings and Bbirtings in'! ^ of CAMPBELL, RUSSELL, k CO. corner of Fifth, and side ^rd »i.' ortwven Markai *nj tXJMFANT taka good life rtaks on the city, and his abitliy to dive Into one’* secret* by toe MKKt HANTH, IM He»t Pratt street, large and well-asaorted stock of BOILER, bales, Drugs, Glassware, Groceries, 1 1^^ DfJNALO C.AMPBILL, OMMI'^SION they have a itfdfrsuD. . i*vi; a, Xy., wLer* arTtonaa or sverv i«^ X^^kfavorable terms. Bum* of the n^ touch • f the fingers alone Is eoongta tu convince the Baltimore, give their excinsiv* attentlun to the sale 6,000 IRON, of their own manufaaure, ad except Coffee, Hardware, Hoilow > 8fi rta. 66 cts* Nov. I, 1563—do J. CHA B. KCSSKLL. C 8UKKT,and BAR Hta a-«;nui« u pr‘>r uaced by wo*, -toot jadnae ciiption ar* auiu to osder o»t r>.r *a*e. wk.ch :<..r -tvto, vantages ufferud by this sceptiral truth of Phren«logy. lu Weet, and which Ware, Macbiuery, Oll-cloth, Wool, Ep company most of the of Tobacco, Flour, (»raln* Becoo, kr. milled tu be the beat ever made tha | a>yr->*rir.t macbliMa af iL* durability, aad eiadonc* ef iauL nnnee o* suryessed by T one >f the 4^'’a.e^* NOtl<^ may I! dly Hr/er to tfiC foil iting genttertien: eelllng at reduced rates. kc. J ar.^ engaged hey 1,000are age. By its U'*'* . oe .r.’tiM'r workman caa murtlo* as any ta tL* city. Workman af e< >iniy aad T-.- C re*swM why > -« Lave mier lys 4**0 aa 1st. AA ampte oneL capita.. ce of death ol Boggs, Lis inter- am1s<*n, K«q Ca*h* B«uk Halt solicited. K consequei the Wm. C. C. , Orders respectfully .. « Third Claaa. many hub* Im a dav a* •'Uht or ten equady skiUtol *•** tLa Lem maieriaia need aad ail Ws>rh weeraa^ML i-.w-i I. ^11.. Prssldanl .« %f. » o.t t* -.*i^ ; b--.*u*e 3-1. Reduced rates of premioai. buelti- Kuseell term1nau*d 00 Piaao-FoiteE bprigg, E-q.| t^ash. Merchants' Bank ni/iiiif T- rjyi.RMAK. J est tn tbe of Boggs k D. 1,000 Batter la firlttna and ke«s. Candle*,'^ without It. Hm irticessnl I’-.rt 4 wo’.>t aodlaa:aaan mi9 joBBpu Maddox. fid. Ubera> travwitag prlvliegaa, without extra cLnrfia. N. C. MORSL k CO. bay* removed the fiOth alt. Jai«. W. AiDQit, K4q.,CA*b. MecbaolCft’Bank Cotton [In winter], Qneeusware, I excellent <1. ,.f U*i. uu V TGkHa 4th. C-aiUurtii* risk* taken, either by cape, under- ‘Third st'ett to their large and beau- 1,000 ^ ^ th* latL- Tbr affairiof the las* firm will be tetUedby the Mer^rs* B'in. Woodward k Co. Tal.ow, Tobacoi* to leaf oruanufac- r durable, an.1 not liable tu get «ut *f order. Maoefao- . 1 - ... ti; % .ud«r keo4 aa- j aud tbr ,i.(U, >rr tu». «.r u\ «-r .and route. Piano WarertKjm*, In love’s Bluck, 1,000 signed, »arviviug partner, who wiil ountmue the tran- “ Hare, P tra’O, Qoll-tay, k Co tured [exaiward], kc., kc. tured aod for »ale by • r4rt% • J '•>r -u*.. ;i t* !tis° ffiuioT’-t mauv 6*.L. Negroes ln»ured« nnaer certain rastrlcUedS. eactlob uf a G neral Oniml*«lon and Forwarding bust* • N up sialrs, former*l.e uf the Fourth Street “ A. U- DavPvon k Harris I our *.Ul-T;»r , OvSCbUo-s V' o-l oulj tuakr Fenrth Claaa. a* Up api .icattour vl!< t' profflpiiy acted «*n. ii^ee ai»d 6teamb>at Agency tor hi* own account at the Methodist Church, where iheir trlend* AOd tbe public are “ Murdoch, Uuer, k Kvao> Cotton [In m«wd- t- w*a' ooe tka; they WvUi- le au.<- u iu*sr 'Jfb- * h\t Mai: K;rer-u near luc aial their stock uf in- Bacon, summer]. C-.iTee,') Bai:k of LoulaviUe. aU »'.*mi, Nus. a aud 2 Strader’s Row, PuUud *traet. un- cordially Invlied to call examine “ Harvey Car-ou. k McKuIgbt 6,000 •• Lard and Lard Oil (LhroaghJ, Pork, ;»Mto4 It m Rk. arent. der the same »iyle of bu»gf k Ruksell. strum-’Ots, embraclug ever; variety »f s’yle, ad«1 doi*ta, “ C.de. Howard, k Co. .... 6,000 ( « «»ao cu.rt. freah,lnu:l carloads, at owner’s » Kuv. i»^.—dtf J. CUA8. RUSSELL. and will always e sold at the low«»t Ra^tern pilcea. “ L. We'.b. Ron laud, k Cu. Lualsvlllei f 1, ruk. MAI>f%0% EA^t R COMPANY, K^No. 1074 Fourth *tre«t, up suirs, -n Loves Block. “ Row. aod A Green ) hare this day become pan- MAl>iaOM. \ uTK £.—T)i« -ubacrlbers Gallagher k Ronald 10,000 GRO. C. FRANCI8CVS, V. O. OAETANO A CO., and CUT- K. PowKLLr Fres'.deuL X V ner* to conduct a E boiesale H ARDW ARE MS dk n* Freight Ag*^ot, PUtsburg. Jfe.463 .V(*«» sf.,fief. -», Wiaco, Cvraia.«, T ’^sc«ea aiwl A . WeNltrn llfsfrve . fk'r * j F. SHIELDS. ^g&Uaaiei’s Buttuin, cuotsiniog upwards of 20U ^ a. «. Pttcf.M: M. G. Bright, July 1, 1863. O. * MAGRaW k KOONS, I :gars. Net*, Curranu. Oraagtw, Limen f Pr^cv 1* --cau. orchard tbe best Mathe r Powr C. L. Ehrew’aLvry, seres, upon which Is a larya of eWER ASD WISE Freight Ageou, Boitlraore. »re— and Drtad Prwtca, Cuafertiunan**, LA>Ck-ter;.B| NKL'H# k NhLv’N, Title indisputable. B. C. BoLxay, twin Roa», A good snpply al Hardware aad Selected young apple trers. J. L. KLLIUTT, S4.MWO. fiardinva, C ama, Plckiaa, Cat4.Lup«, Omo eoo. om -•1 at pfivsie sA.e, will Vinegar. Wm. J. Mct'lura, Itorid WLtto, lery conotAUiy an band, and rooelvitig b)| i Term* liberal- If not dispuewl U Freight Agent, No. 7 Wrat st., N. T. Praasrvaaof aii kinda. jTli J. B.Weyer. .Tea imponotlutir frum Europe and (rum Amen- be disposed of at public »ale, at tbe auctiuo-ruum of S- Tb* most estcn»ivr k cheap- .. H. U. UOU5TON, IRON PCMF^. to merebaots and tra- G- Oeury k Co., in the city of Loouvlile, on tbe 21 day estVlnegar E-UblUhmcut V C-1 MANUFACTUBKo by e. j. du on 1re« Force undersigTied. haring beet I an tnanufacturcs. Pur sale unpowder— f 16 dly General Freight Agent. PbUade'iphla. TX7R maanfartnre and have always nand ORMLMY k OWRR, of Msy, 1863. Any tuformattun in reiaiiun to the farm IN THfc WEST. appointee agvnt tor th* ahovi at OF low price* as at any establishmeot in the XT' G PONT de NRMOUR8 k CO.— W aod Uf* Pumps of the ma*t approved k!m.a,balfc WHOLBSALB AND BBTAIL DB AI.BRS IN can be bad of the undersigned. Hifie, PFFG, 36 Its each) tnatUuIlun. eulidls t. 1)2 dif] B. R. HHlRLi-B k CU. WAREHOUSE kegs Du Punt’* welia any depth. We warrant eat >r«t*a aud Dumeatlc Mori vaiv aad . a-iwwa fiurJ ane Paur'L. the i* ) 6,000 for cisterns and of r J. B. KINKKAD, do, KFFG, 12| lbs do; ironage ef the oommub'ij Ins No. 1H4 First srHCCT, 0.000 I do do Pumps tu perform well, and wUl refund the money tf \ . 9M M«ln sUTt, nariL Uto, COPARTNERSHIF NOTICE. slSdif Sixth sL, between Market aud Jefivrron. lbs do; tee var;vtt^ Urfar:i>euU tualnea*. do do do, FKFG, 6^ ' of the flc'.kautbc a Pittsburg. ! they fall to give satlsfacilon. I tocvad ami TLlri, Ky. ;6 4. . 1 bav.’ Claud viihmeinthe , do, FF(4,26 Ibe do; Ucd to receive aiq>:ua'lvu- tot Insuiwnoe ol— I^aniers from Louisville will be promptly fllle>l st 4,000 do do m -*1 w3k4l TEV1S k EARBAEOrX. KSS*<-d \mJ. i i hi COAIil COAIil FFtJ, lb# do; Toe Live* of Indiridua.e (or a term of years ar for life ^NMraDDLKRY, barn low«4i market prices. 2,000 4 do do do, 12i MILES. LABGE and superior lot of Pomeroy sod PltUburg Ibe T&.e Kuito of toraamt>oat* and the.r Cargoea. trunk boslue** B. E. «20dly BURS, ROCKWRLL,k CO. 3,000 Jo for se% shooting, Fti, 26 do; C.ANT IRON M.RKW PIPER, Tbe patronage of my former cue- A Coal at wholesale or retail. Office, at the foot of Powder, FKFH. 26 Ibe do; Adams & Co.'s Western Express. Ctiotoc bew Work, foe Trim Reading, Tb* Or*ge«* u( Fto^f^uata. iyOOO do Rough t4' ^ diomeur, always j ThlrUuwH. («lSd) A. 80YF8. ” Danycrt u/ LaJke \aoigatijn eeau/cd— ('Auac u/ Eoa/et F l> 1}^ L U' ^ gfi.'.pmatiU Ly too aul Inland veyance. (um«r» I- refp-ctiully eollciivd at the house uf D«w iTT (1853) SPRINO. ^1853 do do do, PPR,26 ibe do; The** Pipes are TAYLOR k AR.MNTKO.NG , , e, ty U. ^i-reJiTuk a . Con .n hsndand f*>r sale at :ow rate*. k MliXS, 661 * utb Mam streoi, between Second it 10,000 do, FR, 26 Ibe do; for Gooi^ ftihar by roa/inuuas Haurvoda jrom th* O (SeCiXMOkS TO TaTLOn k RaTMOW), J X. ani Buihlif4g* of all ficii-crliTtiocf ax,-i theli eontm A. GOWUY CO.. lUKiO do do valubl** fur conducting staani, water, ar gas, and, wLerv n«J Ja»i2Adt: 8. DKWITT- 1,000 lbs Eaafern ( t/i.’S fo Ctnctnaon or by Eai;ru«d to Pii/s- 49l Main street. '1 • Third. street, A.F.kCu.Glsxed FFF 26 do; ' 438 I. . H.1 of a«ie.;a.. t U.T!' . Ceou- «l M, Ne. Main LeulavUle, do known, sop«rse I2| lbs do; bnrg. and thence by Packeti. or. *.^^ffficc os Mala street, near the bank of Lcntevl 100,000 i do do do, FFF, r1or«iurab«Uty as well ae from the cheaper rate at which N'VITB the atteoUoa of buyers to their onosnslly Bathnore and Ohio Rawroad to WheeUng and Lnion Gentlemen’s Pamtoh'ng aad fancy G-. .*10 JAS. 8. TYLER, Agrui. COPARTNERSHIP. |JEFFEHSON> ILLE RAILROAD 6,000 do do do, FF, 26 lb* do; advantage aver the ordi- D and , large and comprebeusiv* a»sortmeDt of they are sekl, aad have a great Into partner- ' STOCK, to cuippl-’*- an oM- r. J FOREIGN do; Line Sleamboade to LouaviUe, Shirts, Mo»tory, Caderwear, G.evea, Cravata, S,.aik, K fi. Pt-r u c cigb stoL !ing of this Cumpoay for abltl fl'^BE snbeolber* have thl- day entered 3^000 do do do, FP, 124 ibe of af tLa Jolate aad and DOMESTIC 8TaPLK and FANCY DRYGOODS. 4 nary cast Iron pipe (rum tLa sup., do, F, 26 lb* do; iUK undcr.-'gnetl Is DOW prepared tu make contracts, HamlkercLiefa, 8okpen4ers, Cane*, y. and ta.' ivallcx, ts made ig X or the is 6,000 do do the eaee aod celerity with which they are laid down. Th* »t., ovar FKih. One members of tbe firm permanently loca- Llfe-Preaerrera, LubuP* Uuora, kc* n.u*. J. Martin. Er',., Pr.-»'| Iu». AGRNCY aol COMMISSION bUkiocM, under the name iD 457 Msm do do, C, 26 ibO doj st specified rate*, for KxpreM freights to or from ihaee Cuau, Teem, nremeo'* Co., W. kC wd in the Ra->t, aod gives his undivided attention lo th* 6,000 do T attention af englnaer* of railroads Is called to Pe ".'.ve? ef Wallace Pi^PE Xt o., and wm occupy the bame and Ship- Eauern cities un terms must favurab.e to shippers pCkD k C 0 ..B. P. liakrrkCo.,nDd W. H. Bacon purchase of Goods. du Blasting _ ih* PipM from their pacuHar ata*»e for supplying their sta- CoLb. •tore, S.U S-cood atreet, near Main. Powd*r; 36 Ibe d*; time *nd price. SITUATION WANTED. H e are dally in receipt of Goods, and eor facilities ping Loth fur Uoos with water; also thoee fitting up disttllerles aad WALLACE POPE, 2,000 FFF, 36 lb* do; Buutis, Coin, and parcels every de- wuxiAM n. w. t»c y a young marrlvd man tr-m tbe Ka«>t, who has a are such that we keep uur stock supplied with the latest 3,000 doUlgbGlsied Bink Note*, of tan-yards win fimt It to their advantage to a** theae Jan. 1863. W. U. POPE. FFF, 124 lbs du; scription carried 10 and frum I.uu1«ville ami ai) the Ksst- BRKNT k THOMAB, 1, B tho'uuxb knowledge of business— a eltuatiun In a an.1 chuluest wtylee to be had In tbe Eastern market, and 4 do do do Pipe*. Orders accompan ied with «ati»factory references THE GIRARD FP, 36 lb* do; emcliiesy in sAur/rr (tnsr and lower rutee than other IX WHOLESALE GROCERS- POR« AXDIMG AND mercaotUe house- Addreas aipricee tbat defy compctU%ou west of tbe raonotalns. fi^OOO do do do any will be promptly attentled to. 124 lbs do; Rxprrs* i» in mlsalvo Merchants, Nu. Y79 Ms • sirevt, i.lM aprltdtf MORTfMRH. Pn«t-offW. 4 do do do FF, Expreu line. Each charge of our own k BAKBABOrx, Hytraailc Pouadery, Tf LiFt RIME, 1\D IRCKT mar 8 w4k Ur TKVIS ;r*et», .wis«iii« 124 spvclsi messenger, with Iron safes fur security of mo- sta. tide, between Sixth and Seventr. L JJUblNKSN CARDS 1,600 4 do Duck Shooting, m31 w34bd Corner Washibgtoa aad Floyd «W>IPA,V OF PHILADLLTIIIA. he subfcribvr wishes tu fell tbe ligbi to n-e *^4 lake K^prompi actenslon paid to reenivtag aad krwj 60,000 1853. SPRING IMPORTATIONS 18537 4 do Rifle d.i, oey. run no risk of uavitatloo, nor of rtvv-r JPTER’S INPROVF.D In Cami ax Chartered tn 1836. T PLANING M ACIilNR tbe du Mealed P >wder, for Pyrotechnists. essit of Clncmuatl, and use the sAurfss/ ilneol Railroad TUBAU O M RKWk. kc. Oooda. NEW ENGLAND HOTEL, city of Lonixvilie, aol 10 tbe 8tat* of lodltbs. Fur par- POWDER. Tork. The a6uve Company hm a per- CANILTKH from Cincinnati to New XTVK are roanufacturiog Totmooo Screw- and Freeaea, ticular* app subscriber, oearSailua Pust-offite, 1 lb eacn yto the ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGj canister* Regie Ride, uval canisters, Mill screw*, all of which THOMAS SMITH. -^ua! charter, and Ihelr capl- J. P. hdSS, Proprietor, FAST FRLIfiHT LINE. W atou Lard, Timber, and Jefferson Co., Ky. 6,014) do du du, rouM db, 1 lb do; aaciea and ea rea- I r.avUis bcec lung »iDce paid 100.000 Rl'UL, FLOUR OIL-CLOTM$, kC., 1 will also c.ntrsct fur Ft eight by our Past Freight we are prepared to fumlsa at short UNITED STATES HEMP AGENT, *12 dtf QUINN MORTON. do FFFG, do do, 1 Ib do; . OHIO. oo>l !T.' c-tro 111 auduttbted *e- CU;VEL.^^0, AND Line, rrom Bsitlujun*, Pbllatlelpbis, or New York, at a* sonable terms. I Wnrehan*# Third etreet. du FFFG, do do, 4 do, «ci>m> ii.r in.uri^. ic7 ^'Am C >rner uf Buperlurand Merwin vXrerU low rates frum .Sew Turk au-i luwer rates from Phlia- m 21 w2kd TXnS k BABBAKOUX. BOUSE FURNlSniNG GOODS GENERALLY. Tbe above Powder Is from the celebrated rasiiufaclory -auucaiiy, orqoar- uelpl la than any other line. J.YMKL 1. LSMON. H. I. CkAV- X 'IT A. J riCLD. of3,000Me«snt. Du Pouu and Is greatly superior to *uy other . -4>-J p^lud:t»il) to lururancrf y ]pFur Fast Pr’^lgbt Uoe, goods mast be d1*f1nct!y DEALER IN WATt.Ha:S, JEWELRY, In the UnUe. X m 3 STUCK, received directly f.ou tbe importers aod 166 Front st., N. T. open every day (6'inday «x>*ept*d) from 3 e’ciCKk A. M., [ B23dly tr< >ar Kxpr^- . line exteuds tu Boston (East), aod New niAiia acturer-. Uis »tuck l» now the latgeet aud mu»t until to o’clock, P. M. CA88EDAT A HOPKINS, payment *ptendid ever iK’fure brought to the West, and he Is de- have in Store, Terms uf subscription $4 per annum, the M IMPtfklKKS AND DKaLKKS IN The Subscribers Library termined to ott r great luducemeuts 10 purchA^'r*, and prlLee— which entiUe* the subscrlter uj the use at both 4kl’Cr.NwA% AHk, GLAkS. I IIIN.%, PLATED 100,000nd offer for sale at luw wuald retpectfull) e died a i lu want of auy goods tu hU CUf»PBR, kc. A'to Rmllng-Boom. Rare, TaMe tnllcry, V% niters, kc.. A TIN PLATKS, Librarian. ioe u> call and examine hie at->ck befo e making th«>lr ( 12 dtf A LLOTIS 4,260 boxes Tin Plates, X> best Charcoal brands; No. 534 Mfitij snivel, u^iucei. Third nnd Fo>inii, 4 pnrchasf.<>, a» he i» cvufi-lentui pieaelng them lo both 600 boxes Roofing Tm, MX20; LOl iSVlLLE, KT., {uallty and price. [QiH] G. MATHRRS. J. 300 do extra size T.n; CAUDRT A PEAR30N, ate now on hand a iar±e aud wrii-S£:&orted stock of SPRINO OOODS, 18 5 3. pounds Brawler:*’ Cupper, 10 to 100 pound sheets; UNDERl'AlitRS WDCOFFl.N MAKER:S, • uods, oockirUngof nil the artlilea to onr line. Our lO.OUO do Copper Bolts; H gotten ap by eiuck was iBiporttd tram the beet maoiifactnrers in Ecg- WM. H. ICNOEPFEL, do Pig Tin; LOUISVILLE A.^D FRA5IKFORT RAILROAD. Third and J.fftrtoa ilrttlt, Tbe Air tight Cw»»k fitow iM1w» Conur •/ Jtomle lao^l au'l France. The «hapcs and paiums are of tbe 99 Wlihaai Street, New Ye e Sbesthing Nal!«; ne exprveeiy tor Western we. This stova unrl- , do Composition KY. is’.en style* aod tl.e guuJ- ul the test quality. Country iO ox. LOCtSTtLLX, MPtlRTER and Jobber lu Ureueb, Ger aan, EuglUb, too cases Shealhlng Cupper, 14 tu /nied wherever need. ka.b AX.-eev. near tne Bank merchant* and ulber^ vii>iitng our city would fiod U to I NDRIL9.— ituveg, vartow else- a-»J pWtoras, tor J and Uumektic Guude, fur Tailors aud UUdblers, have CORDAGE. Premium Cuuk a* JAMB1< K. TYLER, Ageut. Lueir Iniereat to exsatbe enr ktock befure puichs-ing. too huxes Lemon Simp, msbufacinre; S oar own received, by late arrivals, a large aod well aciected wood and fi thread to f loch; afin Atvww3 CA8HKUAT k HOPKINS. 100 do Claret wioe; colls Mabllls Rope, Beming Stovw ot all kind*, 6, 7, 6, and 1$ p ate Stove*, stuck lo— thread to 9 Inch; • 69 1,600 do Tarred 6 . a-joiber lbV4»ice do Muscat de; 36 dlfi.^ent sUee. GERMAN, F.NGLI8U, AND FRENCH CLOTBS, of Mariina, k car bey tbe neatest and JOHN rdA'>N£S8, 30 do Ftvnch CuMlal; 500 do BuU Rope, ^uoyam, Parlor fitovee (alr-UghI), 4 Mses, new anu neauum ;w- ali gradir' nLd»tyie«. Rupe. •rat 1 300 dozen Splce.1 and Fre-h Oyster^: 600 do India .ruble F.'1’‘* eBo veer lavear- M E KC H A N 1 TAILOR, 0>ve MOHAIR COATlNiiS, DRAP B'KTR, QUERN’S CLOTH, tem. 3.0>0 tb- asaorted Preserve-; Mo*ikey, and Praoxlto Stoeee, kc. a si l .ifi kirveu, aoi 491 yialm (I., 3 drari rut .1 F.arth, ra.ilt tU«, ALPA< A W'OUSIKU SAIL DUCK. trpntnfi. AND COATINGS. ^****i—^"^*- o9 all Tit..- c: * be do Jeliiet; Yogether with a .arge aiid a^urtment uf 4 kbtbg Tack CASHMEKEIfK. Nua. 2 to 10; iml; arrive at Frankfort at 9:40 A.M. and OF IS now tu r«:.ip< of as. r.crlTtn* direct from 1,150 bolts Cotton Duck, 6:40P.M. SOLE AGENTS IN THIS rTTT FOB THB 8ALB fitantie Gratoe, exmmeied what Is totter, at en^ J, lUO doz^a mixed Picklc»; the :ate»t aad moat fatotiowhi* *wlK New Ye'^k a large aod keorral akounmeut oi MIXKU AND CLOUDED EEPHTR CLOTH, plain aod 300 do do do, double width; Paa«engers will cheuge cars aud ge directly on to Lex- FISK S f aTINT air-tight ‘uaiiy at. Oeote it, 1A0 do aasertei Bauer-.) Sprihgand um-*! Gus.ds of vnperlor qoaliiy twilled. 100 bales Light Cotton; iotitoo. Passeogvrk by the morning train breakfast at u 6,0U0 Ibk soft ‘^ell Almuu'1'. BURIAL CASES. ^i^a complete Mock et Ttn, Cepper, end Sheet Iren •n-1-tibg uf Ciu'bkoud Catklmefrc of varlua> FANCY FRENCH AND BARNSLEY DRILLS. 660 boltii superior Eugii»h Duck, 00 to fi; (.agrange. Beturniug, leave Frankfurt, on arrival or METALLIC A. D. MANSFIELD'S. 160 bbls Pecan*; 39 bb1« Bratll-Nuts; War«s Japanned aad Plantaked Var^* ka. anuis; ai.fc-, k... A.ru gcu- l»Rt>WS AND TKLU)\V LINENS. 60 bales Heavy aod Light Ravens. iralna (rum Lexiugtou, at 8o’cli>ck, A M., an*i 3;ifi P. M., •obocritor-.hsv'.ag the r«cl»-*v* agenc? (•»* coi rp Pasla *L-1 ^aucy V* 10 bbls KuL-ertH; IO bbls Kuglikb Walnuts; rpUB j-M O. k J. WRlGbT k etc • the tutulkhiug kuud«, »ucU as Bhi is, Draaers, Fancy, plaid, and figured Marseilles. and arrive In Luu ^viUe at 11:60 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. abovr Ca»<-, wauh k the greatent i*v-s- a tf tv gross Pine Cut Chewing Tobacco; SAIL TWINE. 1 '- WllllE AND BUFF do du. Passencers will be takeo on and setoff at al points whep coll the atteocon uf C'* Pd X k*, Ciaeou, kc., with agenciraioiwurUBeni uf ready- fine Havana Cigar-; age tor the 4 ad, wvuid J. P. THOWPSith... PXU T. STXWART. DRAB SILK A.SD LINEN COATINGS, together with 100 bales and bbis Cotton and Hemp. the train necea^artly »tup* for the mall. Pa*»eogers uo rlurlty ever the cumr* ^ C flto ;..4 r!.rh:a«. Half h| At. -b do; lu their kreto sap taewlU*>parecopatDf an exteufive a*.<«ortmrnt of OAKUM. morning train breakfavt at Frankfort. In for ad sea- to* of ihv rear, vae-l pnrp*^#, THOMPSOIf a STEWART. C ; !«-ai or ,.iv.DgsaUtract:uu, nun Ckv, 100 groes Piaytug Can!*, assorted qualities; ability. with which he TRIMMI.YGB ra'->«tigers are particnlarly requested to procure Tick- tra**.»V’.rtaii«; henn*y. *i I -M finl»b. ami Ja A}U>RrTAILP«tl.tS.-« l> to taerlt a cuntlnuanoe of tue patronage Nuw on band aad fur sale by bale« Northe.-D, oundseach. , -BOLkAALB aod <’th«T good* nttatle tor the Clothing Trade, on Uie aii cases before taxlag the cars. They wherever itoy have been iniro- . irax. .ra T-i- hOk l-eeO httlirrtu f*T.’r«*d. al* m2S V. D. GAKTANG k CO. ets In seat* In They are unrivaled, oml H uJ Liqrar., W INDIA BAGGING. ^-i .er cuf- most favuraoletenus. BUNTING, Bay be bad at the Ticket offices In the depots at Louls- dmeed U has bee* to the i.»ial exci“-*-»n a.: racra, B.M 9.0C., w Ifrarra, ratw-ra B..a ra^.M-».t finlthed wood PBNDIXTON POPE, Attorney at Law, Louisvine, HILDREN'S and leutU'a t'loiLing.—Just re- Tartlcular cash ur »faort-tlme buyers and all wbo stody 200 pieces, scarlet, blue, white, kc; vUte and at Frankfort. flns; ih-lT -’M being ii** mure than tuud strseta. LeuwvUle. Us* Ky., wii: promptly atMlfailbrnilj atund to all busl- ceived— their lut*‘reau will call aud examine bis stock before too boles India Bagging. Freight trains leave Lonlsvine In the morning at 6:40, ouffin*, places them in r- c-f ml. C MwiaiiicCaeee, woheepon uc.*^ eutrukted to bi» care. Velvet Suits, extra fine; purebaklug elsewhere. Jao 26 dly GCNNT BAGS, WROUGHT SPIKKA, BURLAPS. remh Frankfurt at 3:20 ycluck, P. M. Returning, leave In addlttua to thoee elesaui Uc l»alm>C< umi4*.iufier of Texs-, with power to take Summer Oiutb and Luster Suits, extra flue; Frankfort at $-40 A. M. and arrive at LuaUvllle at 6 all kimisof Cluitocovt-red aud 300 bales, bukh Gunuy Bagtd pr >of by aud acknowledgment uf deeds. C *ats aod Pant* eeparate, Linen, asporred colors; 24 o’clock, P. M. o3dtf S. HKDBKRT, Sopt. Wooden Coffins, b l i v c » k d o v ol s), spikes, all sixes; Ready-made Uflloafor ib‘ ,^re*t;n: In U.* CtotuU Cou.'t Clerk’s Of- Cb>-ap at (m2Sj M \N*SPIRLD'S. (Late as 600 kegs Wrought locb, for Coffee Bag*} sc. kto toovda.— tio. fe^ 10 d:1 OMMISSION MKRUUAKT, MANUFACTURER AND 10 baleti Burlaps, 40 to 46 of every deecTiptloo acJ •’re. We are prepared to st- th elekaoi Gla.-< and Common Hear***, I,* I ioes aiik fa. Vella; OTU.MAC Her Herring. C WUulcesie Desl«r lo every dekcrlptlon uf CHAINS AND ANCHORS. l3^3a tend (nnersG ;-'c bbls PututUtt' Hoe llfiriu,;; I J any number . i Carrlaq.**. A.*i. Kealy- ooa ue 4e laucy •-flsbr’d V«Ua{ ^HIRTh! Lhirl*: 9Ulrt*!- P 10 A.ilERUAN hardware, proved Chain Cables, tol inch k and furnish pcuTki* Rugllsh tsmm lake route! every other ?qu';’aae fur funeralv. Ik- sea— t-iac. &.»4 CravatA, a sale by (mibj W. BI RKHARIVT. WUITB ] K ID, PAINTS, froin stram^^Atk, raUruais. and trooi Ihe karruunrlBg •• p Thermoraeteni. Barumeters, kc.; Union ButiCu.’s Butts, Vt elie Butierlisid, k to... 4 Wall at., New York jn viiXoi witbunt c^;:ars. Al^’ Sheet kege White Lead, Liviugviea. Farge, k to... HttUala. do do Fans!—Just received I u< _ *a extra :.:je Brl* PcaraoQ con be luund at all of the li Par - l>ie Shirt iXr'Antfi )*'kxgua row 25 600 S. B.— L. D. hoort toloa ihie day and toi eal* hr 16 duzeb BiaMS Brass and Cvpper dTire, Rlveto, kc.; N. New- extra aod purr, In w riiURuodereiguei will rvcetva and receipt through to . oat and Party Faiu, carvid p*.arl, al re-idence ever the warrruom. mhifi fifi SAMBB LOW k OO. 12 do Bl»bep do do du; puuod*; night at btk m*28 comb’s Smiths’ Bellowf, kc. all parts uf the Ba«t Bailloo, Bank Nutvs, ur Msr ain do dv MANSFIELD’S. assorted colors. X 30 do l> TUuMAS DOUGLAS9, 1.006 kegs Palms, and p*cksgw« of every de»crip* on, by Kxpreea ‘•PPEB . 4S sh-’.^u Gultv* lUt C r-per Ue chaodtse, Al* »hr«*e ply. anu FARR, Jr., late OIL. United M ,it) at * IIITE Hu« Sugar.—46 buxc; Whits Havana ASA of thn GOLD LEAP, JAPANNED TINS, (time tbruugn lo advance of the Buiea '1 Tubaccu) stock V' r'‘;*t 1 v«d, makee my of bLIrts and Farr, aad accura* Butar received uo cun«>!tnment atd fur Mle luw, nl'2 dly firm of Child, k (^., St. Louts. Leaf, rea,ouanle ratea, with their accuatuuied care ULB Oira-Sovd; CuliaT- un*-^. ^aiei Iblf city- lt)0 pack* Gold ^e tbe lut, by [m2>| i>. Ira ADAMb k tio. cy. Cullectiuos rosde and B'l.s of Exchange sod DrafU bl* l.ivjao, Go bLAKCBARD, 497 Main kt. 100 doten Japanaed Tins, 10114; iu2« DkT JAieEts 8 L7TLE, collected aud paid la and at every town In th*-- Eastern uaC tears fOT«a*eby Clarified Sag ir.— 76 bbit Unseeii OU, raw and bulled. .AK.IGON 30 tlerce.^^ Juft re- fOBMiasiON MKUCUANT, Ku. IM Pordru ilKct, States. Contract* wlu be made by the uadersigued iw B. B I STUN k . WxJtXKB MITCWSLL - TW*»a. P. WMITB. MILTON. t >1 £la«Uc Ayromoior Ladiea- -Ao exueltent ar- ceived per fi . L. Bbutwcil and for sale by bright varnish, sand she athing PAPE above Fipress / New Orleans. bring Mercbaadlse uul from the East by kw jae received aad for C WHITB, : t-cie tuCbai.’e c.^anlDg, , 026 D. I.. k MTTCHEIsL A ADAMS CO. Refer fo— Bartlty, Johnson, k Cu., Benedict k Carter, 100 bbU Nurthrru Bright Varnish; st reduced rates from last sehsuu’s ta»lff. tot Wool olaarag,aad Fiax. k BUS3ELU, \V*BOLBSALB DR ALBK8 IN OKOCgBUU AMD PB4> AT ackerel.— and K. J. Martin k Co. 500 bundle* Sand Sheathing Paper. ( I BOGGS W. n. HtaroN k MILTON. G. BLANt BARD, 497 Main »L FT TISIONB, aurth sMe Mm ket, Wtwevu FDut *nfi 26 barrels Nu. I Mackerel; Btrminghaia Works, Union cuusignmeou to 8. py*Agenu forth* Cupper COBfPOSlTION. ' M DVANUF..<« made on James Ly- ORAHAM 8 Brook. at « 19 . LI-'TE: 36 do 1 du; the FAST FREIGHT Rich and Pirhle Jars —A very large lot of 4 No. tle, Orleans, by White Lead Maualakturiog Co., K. Y., and New Boilert. ,arlor C.rpetia£ at Hite & Small 'a. MREaERVE A New Weotsm ciUes and towns To remove prevtni inematation ia Steam Just received per A. L. Bhotwell and tor sale by Cuidage Co. to and from ail Southern aod 4 a •. 1^ p.rservr and p.wkle Jar*, all aLxe»,un baud and fur lU dly BDW. J. M AHTIN k CO. Tork Hemp and » L*.e rat. u«u. .u- ttM,,. *;,r,,aui »upp Jau thence by first ci^steaa- ^I^BISvaiuoneCumposlUoa, having been tally toaied la y v» Parlor m38 1). L. ADAMb k CO. H. sands, tucker, k CO., via Brte Railroad to Dunkirk, VUtBOAH. tl ( saie at facvury price* by mi) V f iLai ba- ev«v L««ii or light to the West, Cleveland and k c.JL B. to all de*cnptluos of boilers by aamerewa experteaceb BRLI.., bOBINSON, k CG._ 100 Tchuupuuuiao street. New Orleans, trs on Ue Lakes to I • » are ••ii.ng lu m‘d- IQ( OR% and Wines.— place* the with the most ootUfactory ruealts, ts uuw Itiai WARREN BRIGGS, , a « hop* every one la PAPER WAREHOUSE. Cinclnnaii and LouisvUI# or ^ engineers w*,(.i «r 10* iost* Port dflue. dec 18 dgm _ certain remedy and rfr-xi edi' sivc ec' »tuck a tb.*ruagb tg- 4 .Wonratag amd Nciead Mearalag ^ 4 _ mark^ **Am. Kx.Co., Fast Freight offered to the pahtlc as a preveuuvt XAMoracTumxa ow I f I >gZEN AU guoda must be am.’nat itfO. •* t e I« e osHired tciot n« *a.ii.ia(« miS ¥ AN'^’^Iv-LD. 6 du Dapuy, k Co. Brand) rwiwo large aud well-bonnd KXKCUTliiN BOOKS b»ra .oral, tkun to for- Steamers, Locomollvr*, aad Stationary Bagines. Greni |o— Ma.u e*r**et. Comranj Bfil .WalB alreeLhatweea Mvsea aad Ftop4* ..••L V -.-ivit 36 basket- CUampogue, C >rd*jCbl!tu; MERCHANTS, can be bad on reasonable term* by a any point labor, lmrrea»ed «peed, aad the E arpr't'og, headiome peDem*: COMMISSION X Olrcult Conru ward goods lo enil Dt»m LouUviile from or to •conuBOr of fuel and pro- aru.aei- C«rptiiag 36 case* Brandy Apneuts c atloc at this uffice. '' * * with greater despatch aud security, tho boilers ar; among the aameruu* sdvaa- LOCISYILLB, KT., la a., the dincfeat No. 11 CLIFF STKKT, NFW YORK, of the Unlied States sorvatioa of My le* aors; Ruoarto; caeh pricoa. Petoere geaerully • *’BOLK6AI.BGRAK'EilS VU iuru Mills do, f'.::ea d fiue Ic^raiB CarpeUB^.: \1 m3K D. L. ADaH.S k CO. ^ “ 7,U00 do « ANTILLAB. POINTS. ANO SCARFS »Tth S'de Market streoc, between Plnit aad Brook, Rukf-ell •• Superior g,0t0 do do, Refina, < * • .>«*§.»« .jut ni,, Tv AINI.\N,fitc.— <• Printing K-pu»icion, 1 ( L Loal..lil., K.y. Geaeaoe 6,000 do do, a, 2a; AT COST. »Ld cuttoc chain to; 4uu b>x«r* Raisins m R MR Rawtlus k Bona’ KuglUhTlseae l,0UO do do, do, 3a; aving on hand a large and dealrtole atoek of Mau- 300 do du du; 'Xa l&volli HiBfch’.— 160 bUs hew Bourbon Whisky Is store 4 Cuwao k Co.’s English and Scotch Writing do. 1.000 du do Bl Soi; tlea. Scarfs, and Ptonts 1 *U1 offer them oa Moa* CurtaiLr Liuer. Abefilkgs; do* H w36 du Layer aieo the principal paper manufac- La Stmpaila, la; B iSTKB.s COST. In Xe skek TMavi*. NapXlaa. Biair Uneua; and for sale by They are ageou fur 2JB10 du do, Jar, May 30, to may be fiOU do Ciuoter Ra'o’us; sale by far the most a ntimUcn' Mw., kc. Biair Com cee n RC.SIKLL k HKADT. turcni in this country, ao*i uffer for 2,500 du do, do, 2a; foanl Some ocauttfui ami new sty lee. Call early (or the ' Ra*s; 30 bass soft *belt AlfDuud-; Paper er..T. of tae Pi-e: or Llfa. extensive aud desirable etuck uf Paper and Mano- 1 001) do do, PrlDsodaH; chotovet seioctioaa. tfuma^ Ma .^,Mai;.rae, kc. Kogilsh WalDut^; , W. BURXHARDT. Nhamidera.— 10,000 lb* exua 6 du ti* found in this ar any other N. STIIKLDS, ut 'f' or tbaiuout** kev«>*«’ g*'^*- **a- r A(D!k Maass and racturerb’ materials that 100 Peuateloa do, Mensageru, gjg 104 Fourth st. GBOl dB be«-a srlect*- i wiifi ASD RBTAIL FAMILT ShuuJderv in srurc and for »a«e by Received per Ut* arrivals aod for sale bv fur »ale at IX'^BOLBSALB Lrctarcs for Agr:e«UA«rtato, bySt-'Cff. «• atyl'' aad qea.itc, Cuaniri Ham* and country. Now lauding (rum steamboat Geurgetowu aud Imantoed Ft.:u* aci uu' i D. L. and doal#' to Wiuea, Lbiooro. p ,37 aUSBKLL k HEADY. m38 AI by tne ageou, ARAM>Lh aad Faaa.— Aith>uf h grually rudaced, Vf b any house in the ffe»uru cuuuu Ibey occupy the large and commodious warchuusea, coat and commisslou sealed Fruit* end Ftoa* Preeecveo, Fickiee^ k 0O-, stock is sUt) large aod wmmeu of stylo ef kormetlcaliy I Jwbn '*• D. L. ADAMA P my ovavf W:» low Waro, If ». cry aad Bxpluraiiea of the M selMtppI, by AC3GI^G.‘*’I,000 plecoe power sd4 baud luom . 11 11110 Street, Nu. 66 Cliff sUeel, No. 94 Beekman Broeme, Mata* ajd W wd aad fio Family Ftour lo store and Bsg- aodrlv^r. K. WEBB, ROW LA.‘hD,hCO., Ivwry, Spanish, aod Paper •pwiae, >LUl h — bbU Extra Stores, 0138 Third sL. betwi^o Main Ptori, Fans of everv trade tth. mcM I ging for sale by GALLAGHER k Co., .treet, aud the Lofts over the large Iron 7 aud 9 417 Market street* ketweea Fearth aad F (••r *aie by AGENTS FUR sod price. Tbe attenuoa of tao ladioe Is called to b» Smith and Rowland’s blt>rk, Main st., Cllf street. m RUSSELL k HKADT. KRFl'MERY, heap*. Oil, Washea ler the LEECH k CO.’S Canal and R. B. Llaea; examinailea of them m above the Gait House. Their business is strlcUy wbele*ale, and Writing Papers u28 Uair, Ua-r Dye, Colugne, kc., at • peunsyivonia Central Baiiroed; rofiO N. SHIKLPys, 104 FenrU st^ are sold by the case oa D LBS Bib Sides fur sale by y. JS MANSP1KU)’8. ClnclnoaU, H.,D.,aod Med Elver Ballroad) Tnetr extraordutary lacilltles enable them to offer all Una. b37 RCSSBLL k BBADT. |W I^E.—76 bale* choice Bal ng Twine just i Clinton, Ohio, and N. Tork Canal fioudo, Dumc«Uc,at the lowost poaalhle Liale, and Cotton Ueee, white, MerchaodUe, celved and for aaie by both 5'oreiga and .4DIbB* Silk, We are receipting tkroagh for Tobacco, pricoa. pink, striped, buff, mode, brown, azul black, beet HibkY — A few tbia pare Copper WbUky in stere i38 GALLAGRRH k CO. ,_Ao. ral Froduc. tn. end fur sale by tualUles, at MAhSPlBLD’S. „ OO.. I'nderwear ler Grnla.—Bl k, Paper made to order any else or weight. Liberal ad- amtth’s Block, Mala et. r? UrSSBLL h HBADT. TT^UERW CnR, Ir3$ dO O Eawiand k me'iDo- ganx«, lamu*’ wool, cutioo, aud Cantui .rancumadeon cooiiignm‘*Dta of Paper, Paper Maker’s OLLIDAY’S Blue Lick Water.— We will receive opuior ,raiiw tm X9 U every Monday morn- BAN* Ubw,..— tlaimel Drawers and Shirts, fit) dwxen half-huse of ever> stock, and other merchandife. Water freeh from the eprlnfi Oa1.LA.>BU a OO., LBS Clrra IB nor. .ad tor ul. H AllBLK *•»«.—4 b.1. Mrabl. Drat fra ral. by varlf^ty of new styler. Jast received snd for sale by The highest Burket price paid in cash for all kloda of ing per steamer David White. by k MILTON. iSs »«U-1 B0BIK8ON, A 00. RrS8KLL A HBADT. 1038 O. BLANCUABD, 497 Main ft. Bags. Jane I6dl3m ni37 W. B- arSTON