— — — | F . W J • 9 — - • ) THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL VOLUME XXIII LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, MON DAY, JUNE 6, 1853 NIMHEK 164 that I hrU hr«»tli tor very revei»iioe, the Thi CHiNcac KaacLuoN.— Tn reply to a tprinrinc to aiy rye« with iwldeu rBotioa. queetioo, the lact war distinctly staled by Lord MISCELLANEOUS, BUSINESS CARDS t^rely an^etir basU Iw eared at>ove Iha* email MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS John R'seelt, the other day, in the Biitii-b RBliOVAldl RBMOVAldl RAILROADS hewcd-doarn head.oc wiKiee tr^lden lacka a halo Par- WM. H. CARY A CO., liament, J. r. BAflT> River Bottom STEAMSHIPS •eemed to re»'! W f.aterer vr la that aileiit, guard- that Ike Emptror of Chian had apiUitd L J49 AND 246 PSARL drEEKT, Land for Sale. For Baltimore, Washington. jrrHOLnALB AKD ENTAIL DIALIE IN OIOABft. NE«T TORE, The PUludel- and noderamed would reapecifniiy * ed, and oraterwMif praver and eometiaira it to Great rV InipAricrk JAbber* ol ^1^ call th- — Britaiafar aesirtauce S|;auist the 6MUE1NO AND cRKwiNo tobacco, SNUrr ' phta, and Ifow Ifork. inaiir- AttAQtiuA Of Ail parAOQ'4 Wbo V>>1 Ua A e’r Ce, bM rAiDovBd 1 ick B>e it mient poaeibly relatioo to to N«a MB MaIo §tne , b«‘twe«o Sac Forrign Uomrstir ' tW have Eeiil and Fancy GoodA, ret«rn for tso Is?ottment ut Ucir furcer, H hich, by the lg?t accounts, ueie ad And ?Alrd, tvo mtMsoy ei’ber a dread at dyua^, or to her antiripaUoiia down aSata tkt BAsk Af KACtacky. tA 440 AFroA of tba rery boot rlrer Ai dNv'lib an eiamliia'.lon of ea butu>fa Lond. approacbinE *••• capita!; but that no BttQAiAd la WatBot Bottom, IleodArtoB Oattmy, orders had ^ Ky., of her near beavaa, ae afae waa si the time out I inrlr stccs by the c1om> buy- Blood to the oaa tiEC \r THiUK\iH . I Hcl, AcMIty ol the htomarh, Kaa- Abi>at LINE KO TUI 1A3T, ATLANTTv, Oapi. 3 allot bAlow tbo floarltblDK «;r era of the , towa Mt. Tof at beal’h—whatever that prayer murht he, that been to interfere in the war in any way, Jotblns trade of 3 «ea, H* aitbarn. Disgust of Food, Fainese or ^" tClFIO, Cape. NAPIBR PKCSB FOR SALIL Bon, It. Bi/ftwore un4 Okio fr^m 1 r the WeKero and SouihernAMlAh Weight In the ! Btomacb, Sour AECn*', Cepe. Laea} HK anderslgaed offer sale the very Bructa* Tbo Uad wMi bo »*-ep* for the protection of British p.-nperly and for superior Ka- tloos, told in one tract or lo tbree tracts u. io bailimorty cr>nm€€t\nj( wUh S!nklui{ or Fluttering at the -alt RaLSC,Car* CoepWacN; T pler Press upoQ which the LooUrllle Jourral has parchA«er*. It wat orlflnallj tatil off In three IUuiAiairf,» Pit of (be StuD4a<.h, B'aarA «,-;.’roa./ at Jat. ADElATIC,Capu subjects. The la>t accounts from Ror-g until It Swimming tracu, tM <4raft«a. Hong lately been prlated. is In good order, wUi and there It a portloo J s^ of the Head, Hurried of lan clrarad on eact iliUla r„iUd and tracts the These t^pe * be sold Bpoa terms to soU the purchaser. Ju n.a wat making in all IM acret clearexl HeUf H-f-tt), 9 mu*d *t have beea bat it by t (to March 28th) stated that of iat»iL It ! the Brilis!; Pleni- I Dimenlt Breathing, Flat - star wa<i t ^uDU the Bilttmore. a*.! abandoned becaase Us o soiaL for the ea Ohio, ao'l there Is a good landing - v tk the P'l. WcfpAr.r, II tertng at the Heart, In all poteiitiary, Sir S. C. Boidiam, left larged fuim of the Weekly Journal, af water and a moBC miaetow. for i Apply thl^ desirable tltnaiioo for w. nut SbanEbai Choking a : Haitim}rt or Saffocatlng Sensations when In a Irlng poo* ^ Hai.roa-1 to th\ oAca. Tm anderel^ned will be happy to thow parctaaen the on the I3;h, io bw 5Iajcyty’s steamship Hermes, ^re. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Bight, febtl dAwMtur PRKKTTCF & HKKDFRAON Mee-d^ecrtbed tract of lend at all timea. Fever l.rm*wUl . aod Untl Pain In the Head, Deflcloacy of F*r»pl> “hii tuddvn departure beiiig hastened, ration, it was YelIowQe^• of the sklu and Brea, Pain In the Side, back, iuppoaed, by rtceipt of au appliratian from the C>'e«t, Llmts, fcc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, DjraiDg In the Fiesb, Constant Imaglnatloos of Evil, ’ Cbineie Govemment for assist ance.-’ The fact, DEI'tdUlel' AND AFOTHBCARY, aud graat i)«^fe«slon of Spirtu can be effbetnahy ca^ed RKSPKLTFl LLT retnrus bU most sincere EDWIN MORRIS. br thus eatabitabed, alibrds more convincing evi* thanks to his frieadti and the pnhlle gene- IIOLESALK DHl (bGIST, 4J4 Mstn street (nearly DR. HOOKLAXIFB rally for thetr liberal opposite Kxchaoge Ufdel), has deac* of tbe alirmini; progress rf the and generons patron* 1 /> W on hant a large rt^aaivfs insur- / C„f EBP.ATED LEKiMAN BITTERS. COUNTY, tf the rntna Ln« frw *u rfAge. and begs leave to auuuoace that he ha«Ui^«w Slock or DllUGB, PAINTB, OILS *te., which be oilers fVMn. KB.SItCKr. to UR aader^lgned. i C f.ouaeii caaonevi gents—alarminp, we mean, to bis Celestial a new and ejuroslve the trade generally at the Icweiii FREPAt.CI> having parchAf*«il the ectlre inter* wiih Ma- *^ied wholesale and retail estab- market rales, Sr LE. C. M. JACEkOM, I ' A esl of Lewis BsiTet in the above prupertv, Uftij t*ck' i* V'-in I'ld'sofiiHMi lishment lo the Drug boslnass, at No. 3J7 Nalu may ludRwtr w«.itid jeMy—than niiythlng else itreeti AT THH GftRMAN >• w, Srpt.Ji. which baa come to our MKUICINB STORK, “*'* ®t Gr.iMMi Sprmai aixi w,^ai^ifUN , Fhitwi^ipai*. between bvvcuih and Ktgtath. .’’ll!'.* the pabllc a^ ai, ... IXU ft 1‘iU Arch street, Fbliadetphia. = geoerally that the entire e'^ubtl-hmeat, I. b. il<>i’«h«»:, L knowledge. The British steamer Sslaraander Having been engaged la the Drag line, and Os O. ba>inc I>. A£kU« *** t '“ perfect erJer for ib- devoted my pers <101 auentloo to the Presetiptioa Their power over the abore dlseasee Is not excelled, « J!"!!?* r«ep. had to ha«»U IJ >e the wharf at Loalsvi! s alM gone Shanghai, and the Lily was the lestlaa* sevexaeenaevexaeea CATES & REED, erjualed, by any other at which nm. oar Ul.< aeseneat forfof yc^^years, andisU ti-tzzhaving j--;Jast re- preparau-^n In the United Slates, snmroer csaipsun Whee lae. wh»"« comnifocee. I ani tagsac^eT'.* cart; and upeaad Aa the cures stte*t, eeived an entire new ttorn at law, Lonl^vtlle lo many cases ' i after i already there; making three British ship.s stock, whichwhich'!I haw KT5 Kr., win practice skillful physl* ’* tl**? irsn-f-rr*-l to tn*! of war cUita iMfolloo and wish of the propr1ru>r> lo purchaaeU for cash from the first leAW In the Ojnrtsbeld In hal failed. ! sh.M make ! and most cerebrated LoaKvllIe. They will The expr'a, uii4'i A al I which •* these Springs, not ua.a leaver Waar laz dstly, m: would soon be at Shanghai Ba*t«ru twubitshrnema, I so c«at1noe all These Bitters are worthy omy acreeeble or in i therefore their practice In the the attention its im- feel eatlre confl Coarta tn PrankKjrtt of Invalids. and hvsithfol to Invalids, '^as t-rpi** 2 a. M., aod arrive- PossAMlDg great bat al»o picseant end «nter at (. deace that those who favor me with their patronage will and In SheDy, Henry, and Oldham Circuit ConrU. (me vlrtuci lo the recilflcatlon of diseasat ailirs; at 7 P. if., vicinity. \ u;ning to and mediate The French steamer of war I those who may be in seArkh of ple&aore. allowuig >wo bears Ui re, arr.< be satisfied with averythiog of tbe firm will always la Frankfort ef the llTcr and lesser glands, ' purchased at my estabiub* he during tbe exercising the in Bsit'mor'* » se«* moat ’*^*^*' 01 . I Springs (over too r*), a <U> Ighr. laebfXt moroi' ^ in nn^iher) mentv eiou of searching powers to . .TV**” are ! tee Court of Appeals, and the Federal <;oan. weakness of the dlgesUee organa. mskii.K th' w>o well known aimI srpreciaied by the p <-thr...i4hrrom Wri-e/ag la in Kvery article parebaaed Office on street, between they are withal safe, certain, and tovslH to ni « d le- i will be warranted ftticUy pore Main Fourth and Firth stre»Ls pieaaant. one •>h..ur.. li; llU% Word from os la coumeodatlon, ani even »taJppS. », and geauloe (being iar»upei1or over Mark, Dulaney, h, b'^w ih >«e la io a stock of oMdrug.) Dowdb^ store, perfect health Trsvri. r* •1 a t isu I grow fond of ibelr clesr waters, tj observe that ihl* u T‘ I belug fre*h and new, coosequeotiy fiS dfkwly The Hon. Cii.\RL£s D. Hi;«ELtNC, malalag all thHr Xayuref the city I Dslly ClICAPXST welt line of stages to B>isabethtuwn, and Mesiirs. as one of the aa»t pieasaut route* prlfulUve chemical virtoes; lo addition to which, Camden, N. J., sent us the luUowlng: I have Carter Or Thomas, and Mr. T. B. perso:.ally analysed and tested Maoford, of tbe Rag.e every chemical, 1 man* . Aa tAWVAl* L* WALLACE liOt “HoorLAND's GEiiMAh- House, h«k-l thr j BiTTEEs.— We bsT# seeo BllAAbtihlown, will supsHy msicrj.
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