Philosophical Movements in Ottoman Intellectual Life at the Beginning of the 20Th Century and Their Impact on Young Turk’S Thought

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Philosophical Movements in Ottoman Intellectual Life at the Beginning of the 20Th Century and Their Impact on Young Turk’S Thought PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS IN OTTOMAN INTELLECTUAL LIFE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY AND THEIR IMPACT ON YOUNG TURK’S THOUGHT A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY FATİH TAŞTAN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY SEPTEMBER 2013 i Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Ahmet İnam Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Yasin Ceylan Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Yasin Ceylan (METU, PHIL) Prof. Dr. Ahmet İnam (METU, PHIL) Prof. Dr. Erdal Cengiz (A. U., DTCF) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Çırakman (METU, PHIL) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul R. Turan (A. U., DTCF.) ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Fatih Taştan Signature : iii ABSTRACT PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS IN OTTOMAN INTELLECTUAL LIFE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY AND THEIR IMPACT ON YOUNG TURK’S THOUGHT Taştan, Fatih Ph. D., Department of Philosophy Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yasin Ceylan September 2013, 316 pages The aim of this study is to examine scientific and philosophical understanding of the Ottoman Committee of Union and Progress (CUP in short), which takes an important place in Turkish history of politics, and the Young Turks who vitalized it. CUP is an organization remained in the power, during Ottoman Empire, between 1908 and 1918. The great majority of both national and international sources, subjecting the rulership period of CUP, identify this term with Young Turks’ power. This identification is right to a large extent. For, the mentality vitalized the Ottoman CUP directly refers to a modernist group which is called Young Turks. iv Our study does not have an aim of realizing a purely historical discussion. It rather scrutinizes the reasons of how and why a political organization, mentality of which is subjected, even today, to different discussions, needed scientific and philosophical arguments. Understanding the kind of shape it has given to its own political program by starting from those arguments is one of the purposes taken into consideration throughout the study. In terms of the goals of our study we first identified the scientific and philosophical approaches commonly adopted in Young Turks’ period, both in the West and in the Ottoman world of thought. We observed that these approaches consist of positivism, evolutionism and materialism and that they are defended by Young Turk figures very single-mindedly. This observation is deduced from the examination we carried out on the periodicals published by Young Turks individually and institutionally. One needs to point that these periodicals determined the limits of our study as well. We scrutinized the effect that is created by the positivist, evolutionist and materialist understandings of science and philosophy on the traditional philosophies of religion, ethics and aesthetics. At the end, we found the opportunity of observing how Young Turks reinforced their nationalist approach by means of a discourse which is decorated with modern scientific and philosophical concepts. This circumstance constitutes one of the conspicuous themes of our study since it refers to the reality that science and philosophy have been instrumentalized by Young Turks. Keywords: Young Turks, Science, Religion, Ethics, Aesthetics v ÖZ YİRMİNCİ YÜZYILIN BAŞLARINDA OSMANLI DÜŞÜNCE HAYATINDAKİ FELSEFİ AKIMLAR VE BUNLARIN JÖN TÜRK FİKRİYATI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ Taştan, Fatih Doktora, Felsefe Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Yasin Ceylan Eylül 2013, 316 sayfa Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk siyasi tarihinde önemli bir yeri bulunan Osmanlı İttihat ve Terakkî Cemiyeti (İTC) ile ona hayat veren Jön Türklerin bilim ve felsefe anlayışlarını incelemektir. İTC 1908-1918 yılları arasında iktidarı elinde bulundurmuş bir örgüttür. İTC iktidarını konu edinen yerli-yabancı kaynakların büyük bir kısmı bu dönemi Jön Türk iktidarı olarak nitelendirmektedir. Bu nitelendirme büyük oranda haklıdır, zira İTC’ye hayat veren zihniyet doğrudan Jön Türkler olarak isimlendirilen bir zümreye işaret etmektedir. vi Çalışmanın amacı hiç şüphesiz salt bir tarih tartışması gerçekleştirmek değildir. Daha ziyade kendisi tarihe mal olmakla birlikte, temsil ettiği zihniyet günümüzde dahi çeşitli tartışmalara konu olan siyasal bir örgütün bilimsel ve felsefî argümanlara nasıl ve niçin ihtiyaç duyduğunu incelemeye çalıştık. Bu argümanlardan hareketle İTC’nin kendi siyasi programına nasıl şekil verdiğini ortaya koymak çalışmamızda gözettiğimiz amaçlardan birini teşkil etmektedir. Çalışmamızın amaçları bakımından öncelikle Jön Türklerin yaşadığı dönemde yaygın olarak benimsenen bilimsel ve felsefî yaklaşımları tespit ettik. Söz konusu yaklaşımların pozitivizm, evrimcilik ve materyalizm olduğunu ve Jön Türk figürleri tarafından bunların kararlı bir şekilde savunulduğunu gördük. Bu tespitimiz Jön Türkler tarafından bireysel veya kurumsal bir şekilde yayınlanmış süreli yayınların incelenmesine dayanmaktadır. İşaret etmek gerekir ki bahsi geçen süreli yayınlar aynı zamanda çalışmamızın sınırlarını da belirlemiştir. Pozitivist, evrimci ve materyalist bilim ve felsefe anlayışlarının din, ahlak ve estetik felsefeleri bakımından yarattığı etkileri irdeledik. En nihayet Jön Türklerin modern bilimsel ve felsefî kavramlardan örülü bir söylemle kendi milliyetçi yaklaşımlarını ne şekilde tahkim ettiklerini izleme fırsatı bulduk. Bu durum, Jön Türklerin bilimi ve felsefeyi araçsallaştırmış olduğu gerçeğine işaret etmesi bakımından çalışmamızın dikkat çekici bir temasını oluşturmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Jön Türkler, Bilim, Din, Ahlak, Estetik vii To My Family viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are too many thanks that I want to send, but I think the most special ones must go to Prof. Dr. Yasin Ceylan. I am grateful to him because of the excellent supervision he realized. He has always been a source of inspiration for me. I would also like to thank to the honourable members of the Examining Committee: Prof. Dr. Ahmet İnam, Prof. Dr. Erdal Cengiz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Çırakman and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Rufai Turan. Their advices made this study less imperfect. No need to say that all deficiencies in terms of the study belong to the writer of these lines. I am grateful to Assistant Prof. Dr. Coşkun Taştan because of the suggestions he supplied to me before and during the preparation of this study. He is both an excellent academician and a good brother. His efforts in helping me to gather the periodicals, that constitute the backbone of this study, were especially praiseworthy. Every members of my family deserve to be mentioned here. They always encouraged me and made things easier for me to complete this study. Last but not least, I owe a special thank to my friends: Fatma and Akif Erkan. They are two of the most perfect peoples on earth that one can have the chance of meeting. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM……………………………………………………………………iii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………iv ÖZ……………………………………………………………………………… DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………..viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………....ix TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………....1 1.1 Some Introductory Remarks…………..…………………………...1 1.2 General Framework of the Chapters…….…………………………9 1.3 Descriptions of the Young Turk Periodicals Examined….………11 1.3.1 Meşveret……………………………………………….…11 1.3.2 Şura-yı Ümmet……..……………………………………..12 1.3.3 İçtihat…….……………………………………………….13 1.3.4 Ulûm-u İktisâdiye ve İçtimâiye Mecmuası.………………15 1.3.5 Muhit-i Mesai………….…………………………………16 1.3.6 Yeni Felsefe Mecmuası……….………………………….16 1.3.7 Genç Kalemler………………………..……...…………...17 1.3.8 Yeni Mecmua……………………………………..………18 1.3.9 İslam Mecmuası……………………………...…………...19 1.3.10 Tabiat…………………….……………………………….20 2. A SHORT HISTORY OF OTTOMAN COMMITTEE OF UNION AND PROGRESS (CUP) AS A YOUNG TURK ORGANISATION………………………………23 2.1 History of Establishment of the Committee……….……………..24 2.2 Founders of the Committee…….………………………………...24 2.3 Denomination of the Committee………………………….……...25 x 2.4 General Profile of Founders………………………….…………..27 2.5 The Relation of the Ottoman Committee of Union and Progress as a Young Turk Organization with other Young Turk Movements…………………………….……………29 2.6 Purpose of the Founders of the Committee……………….……...34 2.7 Young Turks’ Problem with Abdülhamit………………….……..35 2.8 The Methods Abdülhamit Followed to Cope with Young Turks………………………….…………………………..37 2.9 Young Turks’ Struggles for Unification……….…………………40 2.9.1 First Young Turk Congress………………………………40 2.9.2 Second Young Turk Congress…….……………………...43 2.10 Announcement of the Constitutionalism….……………………...46 2.11 The Ottoman CUP’s Seizure of Power….………………………..47 2.12 A Government Unable to Raise its Head amid Wars and Political Turmoil…………..……………………..50 3. PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE AS THE WAYS TO “NEW LIFE” IN THE THOUGHT OF YOUNG TURKS……...…………………………………………………54 3.1 Science and Philosophy in the Thought of Young Turks or “Reproducing
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