ram MO BJT HLY REP OSITO RY OF Theo logy and General Literature. i No. LXXXVI. FEBRUARY. [Vol . VIII .

HISTO RY AND BIOG RAPHY. l&cmoir rela ting to the Estate at the general use of glass, that is, K irkstead , in , late- before the twelfth centur y ; and ly recovered to the Dissenters. the tradition respecting its anti - Lincoln J an . 1, 1813. quity which is curre nt Sir , ^ , in the A considerable interest having nei ghbourhood , is, that it had an been excited , both in this and in existence before the abbey. other parts of the country , by a The propert y of thei Cisterc ian tri al which came on at Lincoln , monks was held unde r great and before Ju dge G ros e, at the last peculiar advant ages, havin g been summer assize, and th at trial hav. exempted from all ecclesiastical falsel reporte d in and taxes ; and ing bee n very y * at the sup- some of the London papers , I am press ion , it was given away, with anxious that a true stat ement of it all its privileges. There are many should be given to the public , of these estates in the neighbour - thr ough the medium of your pages: hood of Lincoln : they are extra - —an d , in order to have the case paroch ial and extra -episcopal ; of perfectl unders tood , I shall beg course , the y have no parish churc h y * to offer you a short histor y of they are allied to no parish , and Kirk stead. pay no tithes nor chur ch lays* The lor dship of Ki rkstead lies The lordship of Kir kstead was upon the , at nea rl y given , at the Conquest , by William , an equal distan ce from Lincoln to one of his Norman general s, of %nd Boston. Here was built , in the name of Eudo; and in the the year 1 1&9> an abbey for Cis- chapel is a stone fi gur e, imbossed , tercian monks, the ruins of which still in good preservat ion, of a are still to be seen. Adjoining the man in complete arm our . This Spot on which the ruins stand , but stood ori gi nal ly in an erect postur e, beyond the ditc h which once sur - against the wall , but was laid rounde d them , with a small, pas- down , as a paving stone , wit h the ture field interveni ng, is a chapel , image towar ds the earth , till it was supposed to be one of the oldest discovere d , u pon the new paving buildings in Lincolnshire. Its win- of the chapel , by some one who dows Ipfty&nd narr ow, and pointed ha d more venerat ion for the mon- up wards, in the form of a spear , uments of antiqui ty , and , under indicate th ai it was built befor e his dire ction , it was again placed r' * - YOJU Vlll. ' M &2 Memoir relati ng to Kirks tend * <*rect, dgjainst the w*U? at the en* pi, pciagtss, pmfeimm *&$m& *i** tri ricg? ^tit, ' 'tinfohudfct ^ ly, , the nQt opW Mr. Re^dbJJt >» ^uc cefc. fre#d pf the fi gure could nbt fee sors, and among tPf» Afidre wr , It is not foti tid ^ — improbable , afterwar ds, J)x^ Kipf>i5K affixed to the refore that the chapel Was urate . , thei r i^agigs^ l^ itt^iM ^ J built dt that vfer y earf y period , for Mn i Me^aved- from Tj^ylor^ ^ the use of the general 's family, and thence to Norwich^^, w^U( koawa as tfyat his own bones were deposite d Dr. Tay lor, the autbQr of the He- within it. bre w Concord ance, succeeded Mr . At the su ppres sion of the con- Reed , as minister at Kir kstead ; vents, the lordshi p fell into the settled ther e in 47l4r and left it ia hanfd s of the family of the Earl of 1733; and , in t his obscure cor- Lincoln , and was held by a de- ner , this silent ret reat, lie laboure d scendant of th at famil y, of the h ard at his stupe ndous work . name of pines, about the year About this time, iiv Ujeyear 17^0; 1^80. About this time , the heiress Mr. Daniel Disney, ^opoer«ed to of the family was married to Mr. see that ^, the people resi ding about Dani el Disney, a zealous noncon - his estate were excluded from the Fdr jfnist, who , becoming proprie - cbar \ce of reli giaus insXr uctionr tor of the estate , r emove d , in l6S5, unle ss he and his e heirs should tLtiA too k possession of the manor . chuse to provide a BainisU* for 5hbtist *. We learn th at , shortl y them ; and , fearin g to tru ^t to the &fter th is, dissentin g worsh ip was benevolen ce of his descendan ts, perform ed in the chape l, by a gen- and even to his own stability* came tleman of the name of Reed , to to the pious determinat ion of se- wKom the lord of the manor pai d , curi ng the advantage s of rel igiou s aV 'hls own pleasur e, an annua l instruc tion to the ten ants of hi* sti pend. We have no means of lordshi p, by appointing a txuBt of ascertaining whethe r any Protes - fi ve persons , in whoqev he Hif o^ld iint rtiihister officiated in the cha- vest certai n pieces of Jap d r of the jifef tefo re Mr. Reed , but it is then value of 331, per for ^nnwni^ probable the re \Vere ministers ear - the permane nt suppor t of. ^r ^ by. Her ; The pul pi t is a venerab l e tenan wors hi p 1/1 tha t places and at ^teeee of sihtf quity, and bears its his death , he confir med , the* grant m&rke d conspicuousl at t he iger * y by. will, and also gave the chape l , Back , 1620, But the oldest Bible for the use of the Dissenting minis- belonging to the chapel , was given ters who should .chosen ^ be ac- % Mi *. Disiiey, the fatherof Daniel , cord i ng to the instni ^nd ' dne was also deed of tru st. A Mr* Harris on., given bjrMVs. Fines, in 1672.— wlio removed tp Dis*r in Norfol k , It appears , ibfer eforie , that Protes - came to Ki r kstead when Mr. T&y- tatl t wdrshi p rti ^ V ^ave been firs t lor quitted it/ and was succeeded ? eeiebf^ted tbelfe tihde * the aus- in the year 1759, by Mr. Dunk , |>i^^ v of 'M¥J TJ isn^y, a noncoh- ley. This gentleman continued *-f WrMfk £* £* btift^ ; 'VtrosV time , we in the faithful discha rge of bis ^liiay VentoWtd pMsti iiie, there was ministerial duties, as 9, light shin- ar k h6 %ib\t in tfte ch^pef. iqg in ^ d placp^ f or five and • W is rtdt a K«1S Extra ord inar y, ^i fty ye»i?» and jy3^ seized, <>* ffiat la *lie r ^gisterH book of the Chris tmas day, 1793, with a f it, Memoirrela ting to Kirlcsjead* 83 which termina ted in his deathn , in ney, in the yep J< 72Ott wjiil^ l^e the ?&& 4fTfis¥fi^er ^na j4mongst held the Und himself, having pai r- tffS boh&oth&fy^hitirteT' f ;, whom celled it out in the most cony^ni» he thei ^e MKP%i *fc *eSt. - ent form for the benefit of h iipself A #*f y«ftS l&fa **fat t he ^ tfeafli of and his tenan ts. At fthi$ perip^ f Mr. Buift lSy^h^ es W^s sold which was seventy years after , ^b^e by Mfe Fffg&e^Sney Richa rd ori ginal grant , our read \yill B§<$ ^ ers ElRs ^ ? *ft &ffcoFl*nr of f>&rlla- know that the chapel lands u\u&t ment fer rtR8« ^ Liricoln. This r have been of more than double the gentleman hfk d rfrit been long in val ue of 1720. Thus it happened possession #hen he assiduousl y that Mr. Ellison was suffered to cou rted the ^ friendsh ip of Mr. appoint a clergyman of the Churc h Dunkle y, and in a riianner of of Eng land to do duty in a, place which it fcrill best become us to be of worshi p, which had been ex- sileift, prevai led bn the old gentle- pressly given , out of a gentleman ^ man , to '&£& pV hirh , by a deed , pr ivate estate , to tbe Pres byteria os; pr 4vidilsljK got^&3y, ds;ftfs tenant and whi le he paid that gentlem¦ an to M14M p¥fcce$ Sf land , which he 3QL a year for his dutjj' ,' to |H |t held W daf&fc fcy of rfimister ^ But mor e than as much into his. own if \v^ ^4bnot ^^^I^ih the process pocket , from the pro ceeds of an liy iHiieh Mr. Duhltl ey was per- estate , definitel y given to P'$- suaded to lease &&i the lattd to Mr. senting trustees , for the purpose -J&liihif, "We ettri , fro m the testi- of supportin g Dissenting won^np. Tft&$P$ of^ Many now living, state It happened that a g^a t^ejnian ^he eflfefct^mt ttaris ^efioil produced was appointed in tfye year X§0&9 ^ 1 the T healt h ahd spiri ts of Mr. to an official post in Lincoln, *ind jyj' i He ?war'scarcel y ever seen to one of the firs t acts he was called sfti ite alfer# |irds V he declar ed that to was, to recover frogs this identi - hef lisJd d ciiie What lie was ashamed cal estate of Kirks te^d , a Wgapy <>ft^ti d^that 'he shotild never more of 61. a year , which h&4 b^r ^ J gft hkv&az hi&pf af haur ; in short , he by Mr. Disney, bijt kept b^clq for was SN^r ^fier art - unhappy man . fifteen years T ; b3 the t^en ^qlder of C - TK tHlrffees who were living at the estat e. This circumst ance na-^ ifoi imifillef** ^ death s resided in turall y led to ah enquiry about th,e dfe^fent fc '$ •-* **Mbf 13atilk *i2kB i ' JH ^^zr statingtd XVHPil^fe

** '• »¦•¦ r ... ! not 6tily W^ttt to pr ove thci righ t }an * co#W fT6€%e ^ ^* 0 |^ a fey in q >a^ ^ ve^fed (he trustees , but also to ariyj m\Kvid ua ^f fm f**tf^*h«5 ttffttwb l&rrie where blame has been ] ' ,i Bands eT ^ ^ ni^ i^ rf ^ The nidi t ' Qotisff iCnovLily due. &ut it ]proofs vff&m4ei¥; \&&t &&?B ft- a ] j^? was riot thot r&fe t necessary , by flie belt to calPd "^m^ jfe* f«> wdfship, £6iafts£ I who were etnployed , to go a ^er ^ 6l x ^WW^ y ^^kiiiki, into ft. TBe legal title was proved registers of m%?n §jjj >&p f attbs Aiid fro ni the oriofg inal trtfet -deeds , the death s^ -dburi ^^^wdlS ^'itli^-^ver. discover ^ which , in a very un- seer s, a pulpit, iold^r thhw the expected man ner , re nder ed the ac- time in which Dissehteiis liaVebeea tion perfectl y safe ; and it was liie known , a*id the mini ste rs have opinion of Mr. Just ice Grose , that usual ly called the mselves curates. no doubt fexisted , as to its being in —Had the counsel on tlie side ' of £&e trustee s, an d that , there fore a the plaintiffs thou ght it pro per; they ^ yeWlrct rri trst b'6 given for the plain- might easi ly have ssfiewn^hsfc these ti ffs. " A'fegal objection , however are no prbofsr of its "Beirig a parfsh ardse ^ tfpbtf k point which is of pe- chur ch, and th^ J in point o£ feet , ctfliar inte rest to the tr ustees of it has never beeri re ^aFdecf iri that pisserilin g chapels , and , indeed , light , but always a% a>'E iisfcefttm g to all t rustees of public chari ties. meeting, licensed accoro ittg to The or iginal trustees bad ' all died law : but tB ey thougfrt it ti^st to with out having complied with the wav e a reply f seeing t-hslt the fo^l- intention of the dono r , t hat when ings of the cour t \vere against them ; ivTo ^ere* * cfca dV the other thre e and under thei r ^ gge&tioi $ the ftboir d renew the trus t; and the p lainti ffs thou ght it rriosi ^prk dent h£ir at law of the surviving trustee to tak e a verd ict for the estite , ind re newed it in the year 1761. A defer the questio n of tfieir 44]$*fc to similar irre gularity was also dis - the chapel for anbthe r ai&fea *^' coVk/ed ,' in the other renewal s, in >ti £6xkU&kiteTi ; w tA<)uia tft mi: re which had nat been fin^H ujp agrfe eably yfesWBK V* *b- *" ^ M question to the instruct ions of ^ tte (Wr . But rls p^t j tig *HV 1 estate bei rig • *ftus his lord ship* without ^sKing^^fiv, CK- : l ti pjanation, or mkin^ ^C 9m^p> of ArdV - ' tli» dtetett4a hlfs co^infeel ?i ^fr. l to J uati ccjL Gr ose, wlao ?^t hjf m^ dc, &vc tt ^ % *3«wtfuito * ^ot ^, that for answer, that thfcre tv ^f tiot ioffiocnt the chapei was a pa rfet ^ cbtttc b ? rcahon for gtant ing a tm ^imftoona n n^anr $%g *&*yef atingt* Kir Jestead. A 85 s#£er * ^^vkro tfcer ^ and *e- Afte r this , my father buyii^ a Jatioos ds^f, ,Tb t of house at Lincol we sn4 fg#3 r $ i$e n , ^r empy^d if" is 4-S%W# iifmaj fea bje Pa ssages there, and atte nded t, her fxyiilsiry in the Life 0f Mr* Gsrvase Disney "; of Mr. ^Abd v* who was DastotLof it was £ted from hjs , the ceH# T IWary congregation whei^libert y ^ ^s and Btetb^i^ed by himself , with a given by the king's pwc)ia ^&MJ3x" view to publicfro ation. _ He afterwards remov ed to ' Not. this littl It ia^pea ^rs m e book , tinghan v where Miv Wbit ^k, that Gervase was*the secon d son of Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Barrett Mr. J ohn Di&u ey, of Swinderb y, were the ministe rs * in Lincolnshire ; his father had P. 66,—" Several tr oji ble^ I severa l sons and daug h ter s. He met with on account of my non - writes *. ** As to my brother Daniel , conformit y r " —-he lod ged the mi- &©> married , pr etty young , Kath * nisters at his house, and had ma qy A- orve of the daug hters of fines to ^ ^fj-fte* pay in consequen ce o/ \it. JH g ines of Kirkstead , Esq. He afterw ards fell undet the ^tJ f eiiF. In* sen- ft^ovh i?/* June 16*8£,h* writes tence of excommunication , and ex- ' 4 Daniel had jus t •tha t* * hisi l>r other at pected that a wri t would be t$ken <5ofne d^wn to his house Kirk. out to arres t him. li^ thfgn re- isn was bora which his brother , Daniel ^ ' his ed Ji^cl #$&' in l^ii 9flscon35er3 % rtoiy- jrrisc xft, ^feere ^h edied of plague. ning great risks of being} ar ^sted Heiackn 0wledges and laments the and imprisoned , Kind^V1!^ 6 ce»pM^$ e sf hif jK)iithftil career , of holdi ng a ^grres pan dep Viith aitbougl> % appears from hispf own the Duke. , remarks , ifrafc he was g^iilty wi- In Mr. Slater's Preface , be s^y s of disc^etione rather than cr.im^s. of him, that he , wrote char acters Weiofcserwsi ^ wMilwt P^rjfe^tan , go well, as to take d&wn the wjtuile to which ray folfe er moved , for merm an ,; aijd re&d it , verb ^ljim jto ;$rhe sake of religious wQr ship tuider his famtly, in the evejning. ^ want sometimes to ame Jitpits jrt£ar ^3|el re was tyft "forniist n^lnis^ets a^ ^fee Dp- D iso«y9> tfee do not o f j ^fl^ ^n ei ^prea ching po vtunity of ^i r , which qwsvpn ; . i^M ^M^H^Iml^f^ %a s» but seld ^m>« Much si^J ad- pol, me^rgly frp^ , gB ^ g^xj ^^ f .va^a I refeitred; t6e», thlroirgh but ^)^ igftf^'^ f91)SBlXA j %A|p aM : '¦ ' i ;^ 4 ; /&^' fe. bl& M ^/ - upon -I^r . PWt «r ^*f!j ^y^fi o^R>aWi%>e 'M ^^ 4 ^ ^ ^ ''^9 **& '$**' * rtnci9Hfrg*> , ttf^ ^^Jtn^;§i« non coiifon^^ t ,<^n ,fR^? . ^e#, UH^» 80 Historica l Account of the Warringten Academy. The pq£ropert y thti s recovere d , should attend this institution , they p dred and «^migte be tta n^fe#recfeto sk^tte . oi^ste & hun forty at ^lfe^ ot'M ^ $#re& of lapcj, with a farnv and Di^s^nting QGad ^tny;, sttme public bouse upon iU I. W. al lowifig^liberty t<^ dte tina ^^ po^^

' ¦ ¦ ¦ <¦: ¦- cfc >' ,. boqks , of dup licate s, r w Cf w^ afc Historica l Account of th$ W&r * were not inimedi atdly- o^eftil" Cef . .. rington, Academy * the design , pr ovided that 1 the moT^e^ ising fro m sucb sale ootd be ? v -. ( Continued Jrom p * 5.} ar ^ ^b ^ In the course of the summer of employed in the puJt jhafi e ofyother 1757* the Committe e were busi ly books 5 which should also be es- employed in mak ing arrangements teemed a part of the Dr/s library i for obtaining suitable accommo- But a still more important acqui- dations for the several tutors , and sition was mad e of the valuable a publ ic hal l , library and class, libra ry ©f the Rev.Samuel Stubfe ^; SlUbbs rooms, wjfcb a t view to the com. which his brother * Mr ^ ^f ,the Long mencefn en^ of first session , earl y don ^ nea r Litehfietd v#afe pleitsi in the autumn of the same year. ed to signi fy his iavou^&ble ineJina -i Accordingly, a range of buildings , tioii^ to have emfll&yei&f&rthe use at the nort h-west end of the bri dge, of the academy y Oto c^n4rtion that; w$s engaged, to which was atta ch- upon the failu re of the i^nstit ^tfdt ^ a consid erable extent of they should be retorte d to Min S ed garden * r grpiind* and a handsome ter race - or otherw ise disposed of &s 3i^ waJ k^ on the? ba ^ nks of the Mers ey ; should dire ct for the promotio n - handsomest manner , ivlinqliished tiima ri^fy.ypi^red xn Besides seve- all clai m to, and conttofct )Wjh&V l y^jte .; benefactions of con- uncled books. CdtiMdera Wl^^ ^ ra p^i al 1u sider ;^)e esv ue, (particular ly fro m ditions * have , from ainre --it o f ltq<% * Mr/ J ^jp JPercival , of Li ver pool , been made , as w^li ©Ul - '*Sf Chlr aft ^rward^of Warringt oq, and from funds of the institut ion, a* in th e Mr ^Hepr j r K en/Ja J l, of JJ 1 v4n SamtM l^ the vener able Dr«,3enjam kiOros» ' Q^ ojq ve^r ^nAth r mad e an offer , * May it aot be 4. - ^orthy ^suBj ^t 6t whicj ^ wai ankfully accepte d , of the enquiri es of your Birmingham cor ^ respondents to endcavpur ^o ^s th npg C9^jtectjop #f his venemble ^ c^ri^iu .^ ' t where this gentleman " wa^s educa teQ, and ^S4iP ^ ^w4(ji9Pr lha ^ they where he was ^a thinistcr? From , the ^ -tif*:.^M r> tlbe.Mpds of number and variet y of valuable Works ^ T JP tfcftt w hicb he had colleq*ejd> w& the intpq r- ^IWl i fff l&e*-***™***pri* tan t notes and re ^efeifce?, inter ^per ^ert th€y\M l he ^gmen vate g &m WW in the marg ins of rh ahy of them, p^w j ^, P ^ ^fer' ^ ' wifi ^U vfuture probab ly a man of ebnif^rabte iQart fing ui fe ^ and curious fesbarch . ' r ' $& «y W ^ ^ vo^rab^ ^v^nt ^ 1 ' ¦• ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' : ¦ ¦ 1 - > ¦ '*\ >* • v *,}, ,. Historica l Account of the War ring ton Academy. 87 a*Kfc tba fate Sydn ey Hollis tempting ' to st^te the ^nafihieif S$KW^ ^ Iioy ^ Esq m.; aod ?tfitnee ~ecome a> ver y extensive From the hfgh character which li it is and v^.1liable - bra ry 2 stilly he justl y bore , as a donsu mmate however , deficient in many impor- Hebre w scholar , it may be pre - tan t rete pec ts. it were to be wished su med that he would be ver y care - tha t a cor rect catal ogue of its ful thorou ghly to grou nd his piipib contents were pri nted ™ and if the in the knowled ge of this sacr ed 4esiden€tndar io the several classes, tongue. This appears according ly were .added in italics it woul d to have been the case : frtfm the ^ Y $ei )C;Own ? (bat;several books were struction , he dre w out for ikttofc in ; " executors lar y, containin g copious arid elk ut * 2^oi: ^ 1 hei representati ves of bora te lists of the vaiib tis Hebre w ,¦ d££ea$eiled persons, might thus be denominations of persons, thi ngs, fu^ft&h with an, easy method of relations ,qualities , &c.distingu ish- qfK)li|l^jthi$ library ^ without any, ing the various syrionymsy ^iin easr t loss ox/ *with , 4t^e? J pgssible to their different shades of in&tn hj£ and often suppiyhig the cfe^rref. £)fctbp#Qt,ko£ Octo te r , 1757, the pendent G reek tiataitf in tW ^ ^ pi trwtqe> held a genera l meeting, at tuagint and Nevr Teitihien U1 He w^ch ;he two tutors alread y elect- afterward s ^ve therh a ^bWsfe oT e4,rproduced their plan of t uition , lectures , on the idiomatic phfase- and their regu lations for the go- ology of the He b re ur fefcri ptares ; vpfnment ofitbe academy : and on at the same titaie pointing1 out tKe tht?>23^, rr ii- wa» opened, for the influence which th ese idioms fre- iuift nionU»- with thr ee ; stud en ts quentl y have upon the GVeek of only, who were afterwar ds increased tbe New Testam ent wh^ ^ , and the ne- tpt ftvev t^e le number daring cessity of bdrt g kc&u(iitit*& with the first jrear ; the two tutors di- and constantl y ^itt ^diti ^b, tfre ip, vidin g between them , duri ng this in order to i>btaifl° i[ 'f&i iflea of ses iff n H^kt sion , the business intende d t h® exaet ^ertsS tt any ba ^w^es fojvtjke third tuto r Dr. Tay lor t in the New t^tne^^ «t#is: * ak* ^es ; m iog the classics and moral philoso- rul ^s atid obscrvaH6 ^ conU}nea ptoyiWW&^r. Holt, logic;, metau¦ in chefo* temtte] ^M&e HfSstrai ld ft l Mto^^^ ^ '< < «<- by a viit #6rtM > dt%t6ld&6m Perh aps the p Fesen ^ may' be' sis from b&insftttXsW ^ Victed vol. eon venient a place as any for at. u oae as well as b ^ y many fro iri th« ?a mstbrttal Art <*uMfy OmmMi^ncfa&ics* T^y pfofelsed to »&ex hkfly an ab *k%- merit * txr ifetlStf a redu ction to p^b*b!y JffeaPW^K^g orwr of the subitance of Glassius 's Pf ciiblogia Sacru$ but wer& en~ them thro ugh a regular coxirse df ricked with mari y additions fro m theofo^Cftl K^te ^lj 4|f&* " .^filQtt " otte r sdor ces/ as vtell as from the puipdse he^ dh^ \ip/ i" t^t-s I>n>s mvti stores . They were after- book , his "' Schfetae .of ^P0^«« wards enlarg ed by l>r. Aiki n, par- Divinity/* which was pript^d fat tie^larl y by copious re fereirc es to tin? use of the students , at the ex* L&wt b's P reelections on the Sacred pence iof Ithe Trustees of the Aea^ P^fel ry of the Hebr ews ; and were demy ; and , after his death , *va * occasionall y repeat ed, (generall y publishe d to the world at large, by oii&t, at teast , in theterm cours e of eac h his son* Mr. Richar d Baylor , cif dR ^ ^stuctentfs of residence ,) Norwich ^ Tt h ^ts sinte been ad- d ifce period ifl which he fill. mit ted b Bishop IVaboa; fe*% on y 6f u ^ i* ed NSieHh ^okfigical chair; which Cd lleei^ Tb^c% iaal l^t& | occasions they wfefe perpetuall y atur iris c^fainly a V0fy lei^cidt enfi^cfA^ fl b variou s incidenta l il- and valuable work , altbous hi by y x ^ I dsfiiations. which his ' extensive no means so f >etfe£ t hs its aut hor ^ acquaintanc e With the poet ry of had; he ^^o^l*|^^%|a^4S am ^itiiotisV enabled him to give, raaicDe it. •fue general i4^ 1 wp- i# ex ^ irf Jtfi^ ' liajk)^ temporaneous tairU y -exbeUSe^^df^j i^yi^ ^w mp$kef\xi\vfiich he certainl y ex. Divide di^emati ghs hi^tur icaUy. celled all £tber lecturers . An im- The introductio n contains a ^erio * p$ifq£tcdby ^of these lecturer i$ in of observations , on the w|^a3fe very t tJ pre sent wri ter. If judiciou s, on Christiaii fhcoJqgj ^ Kf j pH |^?: he ' a^fiS^^ ^riy ^tobJd mad e out, on the ruW to^.r ^ ^v^ tpl£||Mi ^ti6i! might even yet terprating the ^r ^ti ^gs^afp,^^ 4^ !^hicli atitti a»g w$ck good* y^ ^ ^ l l ^ fe p ft ';*. is, jit must be coitfes^d ,.j# b, ^ ' ^ a ^^ p| «»ve , £|; W«T WP^ of ^Xr ^i^^^ ton ^ teen . 10,the hafei t 9* <«??*• partic ^laj ra , ; ttf^^ ^. (;4pm sipnally dfliveJc iJWj detephig^l cntJ r proceed s ' tp ^ ^ ^ J ^^ ^ ^^W M ckl dwsevt»fJ 0i?3 Pfl » Biojre eiV- $ecf^ati9n>«*% ^i^^^^iM " or 8^««^» w S bbatu 5 . th? ^timmtmw 1^4 $!P * - ..Ik / *? • ^ ecKsi p^ft iHa* ^ |^ ^ p* i |^^ i^ ^ Qj 9gitt ^ ^ wmv^^Wiiw* Xaf #':M*f' '-^v, •¦ Qljmmijrf"¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ we,'w+ ~« «^<» • "- " •* -^t. • *^ Wi . whmiif itom• * m i*- lt 1 ^«f "M«i W*; f ^iv^^^m ^^ ^-^fM ^^P ^ p ^ ^ 1 : -wfe* J ^ r^y %Mftl (FW&f i*. >W jfci.- .'ff- ^' v* ?; • 4^N^Wfe^ ^SMbSj Wli^/i Be Bid ihu> thoro ughl^y' | |6n ; ifte cill of Afe|#i»<9*^*K* jfSiO»/rti/ #^^ iwif tftteWai-riHgt&i Anatomy «• attettd t6 0v##$^te y; ^ H iteti^tJ * hoty scriptu ^es^o^ r in t*i^nrtftfii i^^ things, anj ^^ t ^ *i^^ *9^? %Py •w^^s6*'1 <#•* 2^' iTfattt- ytfu admit , embrace ,^ feasj ua|tofgo tW sMwostoJ icWritings) '^; assent to, tio pn nciple i>t sentU ^d efvn verrimc jnt ^nd ritudl of meii t , by ine tau ght or advan ced the Hebrews, Ct^vvman inferred but' so far as it shal l appear to you^ to), rts rati onal and spiritual to bfe supported and justified bjT nsea&n g: the seccrifiacat part of it proper evidence from fefvehtfionj * j ^drejm)^ explained m his Scri p- or the reason of things. 3, That if, at any time here after, atojf tt ^n . gives a general review of die princi ple or senti ment by me taugb l ' ^ ^ ^x smd. m^ji ' theyjf xsch i ; fjNwii or advanced , or by you ad i^ilt^^ fl$$ Exadu flj to the buildi it^ of the and embraced , sh all, upon impar - f tfmff o,ptt Berth smnm jto its. d£- tial and fai th ful exammation r ap- fit^ie^ion, by NebuC had nezititr : pear to j ^ou to be dubious or ialse, dpft juAl . cjlmsosr |^ses.r of:kitiw£m^^ tffe ca()tivity? you either suspect or totally rqjptix j ^^ p ^ by- it: such pHHeipie or sentimert U 4« ffife' author s-fn both these periods That ybii: kedp yoiit xtf itf ^ you rijti^g partteu VictTlv the nroohetfe , i chrono- tiptiti to ^Vldfen ^e ; that lif&out , FogipilHy ar ran ged ^w^ &?*«* to banish from your Breast aU p ^ a ^ ^ t^fefe state of the world at jddice , prbpossession &Qj of , M& * tfe^ cdnbing J ^us Gh rist , he re- zeal ; that you stud y to jfiye u} ferfe to hi* t reatise on the Loitf ' s peace and love Wi (H f Hut&Ujkqt*^ hfs on SWfifr, fo^ though t the Christians ; and that W&^fe ^tc«fleiif charact er of Chris t, and assert for yburself, «V4wfJ3R ' d» flt^Tdivirie pri nci pled, doc^ine to others , the^ un ^enSlp.vjam<$ «ttrit of the •*^ gotpel . jaa gmfe^t mid c6mMc*W^& rj ^^ f ^tb^ w<^k Wm ptinied seems ihiFpossfble, as tKe e^iW f iffifcfim ' biimclf ftVp W , and c^ loy^d justl y ob.erves, th adjustW S' hiitf is his1 text book , in to between a tut or ahd his p0plll$ morii % to f t hiiftt ^f' the ^tuAetiR M^ aU ettfni &m. Ana y^t W*wBj£} #^ ^ p#§fat)e*his l^ctuV ^, ^fe tvre stood t6 have b^en the generUl iH^ Editor of the of ipfe^fltt>tf T>y Iffce eni prtskidh ozith ^ minds th ^sew^ Witterf^ pd9tMnrtib ^H ^ditiotu with iitmmft r^ lecture's that , ntttWf M- miold *\^soUrin chbr£e z « I stah ditfg B1& amiible ^spd&.tfom ytf u , add tatir hers ftfVfie gfefi- % Wtenmf rtmtf eg In thb ^fa^fflSte' ¦* liitft&r of flfe 0hrf of Trttt ?hj ' and 6f eV^T' InfehrrfUi ^li ^f «»- » ilfe ^trfjbtf^J ^w Chmt , who is the classCttioWi his man ner w^~ ^QttM E* th nnd tha J ^ay, the ti^ Rfe, and be * w b«t cficta tdrial , arid #1iir' eHe M- VMfrrf'¦¦ tb ^nf t6 Vtfdgy fef tB ^a^f^fc ^nL. ..^.A'a ^.^f- . ^^'to a» {f*WfEnn-;uiM rt '^faMttWi Ii wiMiirtii I 1 *^-"WkrfiW»• »-^!iL'U&fA ¦ - w^ w^Jwnig^ 'wwniii 1 upjp< iBw; PstytJiBt ^ ¦ i^ -mr 4i ^ 'j «K r em t* teeboa^fF f^v Kft ilr rirf ftf ^MihdF WiJrtMMK l*<^^ Pini£ ii^a^ibg ^^ rfl n^ ^ii-«3.ife §0 Historical Account if the f Parri ngU *Academy . ; and np- princ iple of fre e inquiry which W and enti relto y Wr ^\ural ils to main ta in. p^aring a^ Ifc ^g&dh^ pup wh le ^M ^ ff^am*l^fe^^ l^ -M^LviRgtfeVoted his o time,, xcmefin*smdm^^^msh Jm^ * tH ro ilgli the caa rte , of a, lar ge por- two iand ^wo i»aftp feftft ^ % 1^p %ibft -€tf his life, to an examinati on DPt v^ayf&^iiOflferf ^ ii^ffif W °tfpthk %m t£# scri pturesaVe ^ w bus h his s^meticn^8itoa^tg§8mad^^ f tfee will %tie beea A^o^ks & to h pa- youngs m#n>? #*or ^ffl ^fe iil^ s^ ^ ^cfl^i^fr deWl ^\%re -a**d u nuenrnUed , and hapsyncn mv^y^ Q^ ¦wfcjItAwe well presume to con&nenient ^vhi cb ty& guii^dg^> *r **y ^ ^ ^i*itici fe&ve be*** imparti al, for its results his elaborate li&^^w c sira 5 were against both earl y proposes. might occasionall y, foTgei^ |he sTons and p resent inter est, he had deference which becam e them , |o 3£e£n ^ngBge d, th roug hout the lat- such super ior age , andJ ^ariii^g, aM of tbt^h it , in publis hing these M#y it he :permi (t ^ ;^^ i^t,^- in various elabora te pub- fej ice to hazard a suspicion, $frt ifcsutts * * ii cations* During thjs period, this might, not unnat u ra lly* ,J *e also, h& w^as tinder the necessi ty of tbe case, w3th thos^ fe oirem ^^, his researches , ^nd of at ; a» advanced peri^ od r cefcfrt iuing u ^ ? further examining the ground of course ,, tOK W^r ^i^gtfn,, /^ASff"^ his^forme r conclusions , by frequent yentr y ; ^h^re , a5 Dx* ^rig ^y calls to maint ain tha t ground a- informs us*, 44 they we?pe indulged ^gainst numer ous able opponents ; in the greatest freed oms," and ~£e~wSS~also%ng aged in inculcating wHere > having been accusto ^wdsto l^s frora the pulp it, with be referr ed , indiscriminate ly^ to hfepp rinci p of great rep utatio n and success : and writers on all sidei^ erv dr ^^fjoes *. he was now to engage, at the age tion+ they were not content with .of. sixty ^br ee, in the important being seldom rpf^ff d , f aMffgpt oflkre of, gai ning up young men the Dr. ' s own w ritings . His jea » minist ry and in lousy on this OT mi ht also be for the C bristia n , sf ^ •a order to this, of leadin g them to i ncreased by a suspicion^ ^that such acqu ai ?.\m jus£ &&A r ^Mopai of n tanc e discontents ' were ' fckh ^ftlfeft by Christian who he imaglfte ,i mithJ && -MiAcipi^s others , ^ |*el^tps doctr ine,,founded ppo n an enlar ged with little founda t ion, \*%iet*Mng ' of the of |iis d * accura te km wjedgj ? pains to impress the irirod^ ^scriptures , tm prised witt the pup ils with differen t Sf^itittic^t^on importance , pf this service, he theological and mora l subje ^^if or Pp Ms of dir ^W Scheme he Scriiptu re- it cannot be ieonce^ledy thai^ con^ ^ri nity, in w^jcb ^ppea r ^ to siderable mistind^r6tAndihg ^ triok have had it in view, to collect into plat *? between Dri " ^flo^l mid one treatis e, the result s of the in- severa l pej-sons,rw h6 batd %«ett ac- "^ irtW ' Wf " " bi» whole life, inte r- tive ly engaged in esttt bksiiiiig the ^ is he ; ; ^ | yin^ proceed ed> his so a s to f J variou s 4ejac: he4, pieces, , ? Memoirs, p. 17. 26, **"'*' ^ his ils,the whole pre sent befor e on pup f Whether this plan bf indiscrfitllrtate ^j f his labours the sacred %ol » reference to writers dn *U thb^mro^ ,vcir«ic» tbe ha^r WihoWaV fto» ^N^^ cfc A a an effect upo a a xxwstitufci^jn ^^ ^f^rui^perusM Of ^ grefct ; variet y tur aHy robust , tbat he e^^W^^Wt *h fefeapj ^NfeteH^m To the edi tion oTthe ff^cti ^t ^B ^fttf ^ e bltff ^ o^ ^t *i side ; but , Divinity /' published after his de^t h , l i tiafApi«t^ k tib wlMge of all were appended some exqelleat ^^ ^'dlfc ^ tTm ^taiyces 01* feither side chapters , containing remark s on ran tfot tiow be obtai ned , and , if the- expediency of rev ^ati Qi^ t#- il cSiift l, wfculd be of little use, plies to variou s objections *igain *t Sifted ike ifistt &*tidnhav is dissolved, it, observati ons on the ori gioal and lfed;itb ^ y!spotistrt ^ e long since authori ty, th« harm ony «kn4. agF ^e- Wt lH6 W^rtd3^ it ^e^rn s desirable men t, the inte rnai wort h a^4 ex- *ft> sfei^ fif^ ^hofeto*e^: in obli- cellence of the scripture ^ aoid, the sl #ev^r ' ^Sfl^ H6 *&& ^eth, esetbe-;u&- thankfu l esteem with which Cbiris- i^sln ^ l^da ^oti ^d *iy dis-* tians ought to receive and pra ^h- of ¦¦ ¦ TOt£ g£$lie t&tiatigbd fWn e$^ ac. cal ly improve them. .. *¦• • -< n^ . ;? " &^8iiS4,ifc^l, t>f businesthe exts, perhaps ktid reme [To be continu ed^] ; ? n W ^ ^ate; ¦ ill- -> - :• - ^ Ai£* %£e^.. .; .V .'.>. ..v •- . . • ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ * v . ; r i-;i:^n FRO NEW ^ ;l^SfW^CTS M PUBLICATIONS* ; ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ s*:4w Ju5in^ . . ? • . . ¦' ' - - • . . . /'a iU $ti$Mras^ir, *iv Histdry of the Royal his immediate successor, and so ^fe Touch. m^ch called fotuiid ^pplau^dte ^lvby »d oel jv> ;,iis 1 1«:. ."; i -^ . ., hito &d rf-» rv , « Ail /vmnimcd nr om p. xx.] ecclesiastics , was ^ ^cib- : ift che Jjtii amiabl e ject of utte r aversion - ; an d^ t d J!AM ^:jKXr j>llenry?8 once suffere d it 'W> h &-~4&to&f 'ii \«as eqpflllM idiiflQSmiP^ i» BPt knqw n to , involuntary and " aga inst his >6^tiinn d^KP ^ ^j ^fe jBtfi adept ajt .-^his bmi ^tte ^ ^(y Iirft|g|ic? e( better j ud gment ,^ - Vr 4ifei / or even to b^v ! u rgen t ip kast ^par tial Ie port unate 'fe ntrteiities ^ '^nd f l««aa ,J .h^ to? i]t« ,| ex postulations of hi s bfshops, and uofrfAdl ^i^^v^im^f^A*gW^ of J ^ay^$? ft rc particularl y Cranmer r to whom .niibM ^^II ^^95 ^ ^W c i the refore the guilt and infamy of A iih ^h %M^& »t«^^«^ .,* _ i- f a$hQt£Q muck jdi tMjMii^^l:hfP3 S9- li^tlo iidUlJ ?hoeft^ rcf iw rn icia to pw likely that * * .^sd ^ It is Ed ward , p i tbo^s^^lff l^^u[m£* young as he >yas,J^«^^, had ipi^i bed they are still held up, l>y * ntufterout . and powtv ru l rclig^tis>arty ^Vhting ?us, ; - hich of ihd * . m^jsp$?I^ f : as patte rn ^ dr tlW^oxy ^ure rtljj gi- might unfit him far tb ^ per-fp^ra^ * . on t; as if thosb men WO Q fe^ci^ J ^c^ast Jtoi^<>f thtbfip3r Slniir^iE .fSr sc ir-a • ¦t rv rOt £tt£rtt%n&hevtetACS*.* SO 0iucii ap^« ttfsf ^^ f aridl ysof alt mcn : %Mi $r±cc$&M^b>$o4&3«b jj ff r ' proved cig^^ a^ dd%Wprtf 4 i&:ii ^ ia «m Jf bfl» v^ p ^fr if J^% ^ K- predecess ors, and afterward^ s by gion shou ld t>e the most ort hoaoxt purt 5^i; , E*dbar^«V^^o^^^J^Hf4^^i«^ l**m y^mcm^ ^mm ymM m^ Hi^ils ^ ^m^^^^^^^mf^ ^ly^ a^%dli My©£e§Qi^te fi f te ^to& ttyfii&M 'j 'M ' %Pi^M> h ^w*$ ^^*,%» ^j 6fe |i^ g i^ ^ . btAoQMfi j iirfi i pei>MPf i«dife^ ^ rfi g ^f i p^ a»fc , vi^J ^f^ J^w to jm^py^Ufm^ise st> w Cai^lfjp ^i ^sgg ^ ^fe ^ttl ^d^ s^pj r -w¥ - ocef jfjB^ % d at .Jbjft-^B- pri f Qt^fj ^r ^ps Jgr tts ffiittifo ^ AdiIi ? ^ climi pi^cUce. ter riWyrfkftUcfted w^^ tev@vH^vwa^r |g ^ |>pj ^ Ma$y9 his J> loo, aad per ^ tbi :yery cjiflfejent fro m his. Sw* jq^i wc pers titious as she was, and bi goted casioa to Wv h^ W : ^ ^ to th e 1%$$. dsgtevj it b not to be Yinaed , ^by und o4*bve*l^^ p<>rijei3©e^ r ^ : su pp ed that she should shrink tha t th e Pop e' & xco^nmmiicaiioui i? e^i ^ ; from jyj£.i perfo iman ce o£ any rit e of hei-i ^nift ii^jfelisg^ ^fefaft^$bcH rf ' liowever ue4 or <;ejfe|i^o©y,f . withabsu rd , sti l,i i lM^ tfeejr ^ in ghosts and wj loftyt ! ^ §?|? *fl^te# ^ q^a tcl^^ J *r t^mM»g Cqr. notiqps o/ i^de^4^kfi^ ^ibyMx ^ ^ {ifWtfW-» ffP*^ Y and ^ W5 #WW% ^»4 . M iSSKh p^r<>gative fcing^^c^ft^ lit ^ ^t ^ dSYw 9f* ^ c^!raRw b^hf»*» ^ ^ny . ib^ not to be suppQsed vhat fefe? .ottdi o t ^ ^ ^ ^m ^^ OA eij, would thii>k n?eai>|jr^ Ji gbt-!!^ ly of this royal and re ti^bus^JJe >o* w ^ , qwmp^ ^ X%%)Q n.;I 11 accorde^tKl *%3 hfSp *^OTftcy mn leppei f*M «J ri^ |f ^Ue Jjjjyga^L, sbe, ^ |C ^ 4 ;th^^ e-iifl, ^aimy? ^ ' ^ ^ l^ i^ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ - - < ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ . - ti . . ^ '-- ^ '• -•¦- " ¦¦ - - ..i. i.* cng^^J i^. ^ equally >b^Qamtt the ; 9. ' ; dext^oM^;^nAheJP( iiBitttrt? ata dles|lniabto> tiiat i»hc^» *«i$fc ^f &$St ' t^fipirU af ( 1dxc Jf«wf 1t^tftra ^t»t^ prj ^rt it^^r, fftttlt^/fio^JHl p^tt-jMt iabao F w* ' j , |0iq ||op (W^I llKtfn^^W W^^anmj r pj r ana ^tj tir«cr. • s ^ 7 Auu pi^ , cit i ^f|^Ml ^MJ K^Md^ . ^ ^ |i^§i iib^ ^f> 'i4l ^tMbx ii^ pMd wai^ : ^ ^ i ^ ^ s e i ^ f c ^ r weli,^ ^rf ^MceWjei^n^^^ db ^rtl ^ ;**$% *^ t ^ fame , or av }{ea§t> th<^ grftiiflcationf >- «r ^e«iii9te Mm f ^MiWjmmm*pf his vani ty,, ^rv ^^ i^k-.i^jl^ellV^ i| ¦ ! ¦¦ ij ii^ ii ill nj j i m i ii i i| i | i |i , i w j) u i i i . iiji i i ii i ii nt j i p ip i ^— v j ^ ^ ^ i w|gfepj^ " ? irH^ i^n ^-tb ^ ^^ gM^ awg^^l^. -^g& ^ ^ 4^ ^ Stei^kh ^^ p ^ ^) i^w ^^ ^ . JC ^ ^ CTOTjvapl^?Ht s; i^ ' •' 5^^^ « W ^WJ^ ^ i^^ ' ^ ^r& till that of Jbnies fit -mwil ^ ^ fSSao- ^rawSa^^^^ B& ^w^ ^«a ^ ^^ ^^ii# ^ ^ ^^ 9^ " )§ k?mmm^f&mmA4teiF thfe?eotomo n r ^«itl *, «ir ^WPilofifttd nf <»i? ] or *«miy ^ ^Mh. ^^ i ^ c<>oM llc»'*»#*^ni ^,i*fefrVM ^B 'fl™ ^ dsKgbi ^wP^t&fcfc ^ ffe^ idem that fae^aiild wOi^k mlmclc ^ tf ifet* tiad ^ he ia^c^Bttfed Vt assurt ftif^ltef . '' '* courtier csdled him $b/Om ^w ; but i^egal title, WobHW 'tf^MWtVtf tha t idea wesr calculated to make w ith absolute ee» t»ihty i tW^K ° him think himself as strH gre ater tbe pro bability seettis to bfear aW.:' : than everi SoiottKkl. W& kt& n&t gainst his even thenHSra ^ntari jg' if informed bow man y patie n ts ua- pract itioner , as it wotrld haMr y. decwent or felt bis royal touch ; have met the approbanoti of his f iiut th ere p**4V4t$*r&Mtk to sup- best fri ends , cfr accorded with tiiar. idea s his rio ^° pose and believe that the number of moH tirusty a^tf ^ -* ra usfc have be^n vktf considei ablev erful coadj utor s. or even witE fcli; - ¦, -^ v^- - His an fort ^tiattj sotr and QWBm • . ., . . . :- - <> : - -o,ifig sUte* c]f cessw, ri^diBiB» * hisr ra yal fotks* Had been. G reat practice , duri ng the whole time Or 11 numfee rs ari2 said to have ^ been by the Gom monweafth WdiP ^te ^d^ f hiiri ^oth u^jched ^a1^ !! cured ; of r ate, it re eved agairt ^ai ffig «fift#^J whom not a few beewt?re little child- orabie Restorat iony$ Otoa VAagtmr ha ^ ur ged sr ^a*! tq r ^rt ^^^hich n as a U. took it np vigdfi^i ^ ^ proo f thaft it C3ould not be ascri bed lemnl y, and on a very ' e^ter tsii-^vt tCKtbe aeflfeet or tftteri gth of imagi- scales Tlie Regwt ^- ^tte iQWHft; */ natio n qCar ^observe ^ that Dr . Chapel is said to exhibit a 7&t df ' ' of Heyly&^mti 0ye-iwitness such 99*JW pereons tottc liea f>V ;fifAt ' curies ^) says, f have seen some for the evil- in a t?ertaiti Au ' dir '' ^^ tt fer & chiild c^n^wj ught before the king, > pars,* not i ncl udin g, »t speWa; |g&cf by&bfchaj ^i'g^yM ^ some ' ba ng^ wholu o» bis reign ; so tha t dfufilte ' ' ingttlr tbeilt ^tfa ^ri ' breasts , and that Dumber , ' or raore ,' %r ^f ^aB ' otllfa-st^n.chfe ^rrn ^f their nurses , ive know, limy have passed VMf f* alkfid ^a ^wi^tititta ^ itfe hfelp^ of a ser . his band duri ng the whole coutsif ' yice^^^' i risttferv ;^••* -Bdth of bis gov«rnmeu t. ^fef^ w^ifiia fuVJ he pract ised onl at w H«jR|jwq JliiJcJk« d lttfcP ^^ ere 6f y so^iti paira crin? far ^ifn *h mir ^rf ^s. If they lap seasons «f the yegr ; at MJt ' w«w^i^ti s th ^^de^apirati6n &£ aftes 4he sumroer of l€g% nrh gn a?— Gteri« ^^ttFu ^t ha ^* beth a gr^art royal piwoloinatk ^ waw .mtt tni^eton -. especi ri) k>as fl^ atf/#WsfttibH ^i5art k t^i* ^un tTVv > • >• ' ^ • that be-h^-rtoUcH ^d/^rt e )fife; Ue^uvj«kp A * U^Qiivtr Cromwell H deea safcidfi. ^ Waton to'"' ratrtJ #- aa 1 ^ « ^^ s; k *n^ b» ^ % . ihomm3^».«ial, ^im .cn^i^D SI5TvUjCw;> DnEOTllo ; M ^iWfWfai W?¦ ..j ;.i 'ft<»WaJ' ^»los p«#ip%miw^« . ? ._ „_ rt.&L ' ' .^^ -. < m ^J ^lk KMII . fiut ^iLti ^ 1 Ill Illl l l I M M l|« H J l i i nyn II III H I »WPP"» ^ . ' *i e«nevi. •S8, 'diOWf «»}<•» «' J i- ..bjw of£&e g*?, -; ^ Richards^ Mittory Bmi1 ^W^hn ^d^ Stjs* r Pkilclf 5 or under his wise mlina ge- *1ke€%ik^f^8£tfmi$0 660 ; iatl d such was his princel y he wHl%iit uWtf itf^itf^^eir patience and tender ness to the loagr^gs- tipoii ibM^T^ poor afflicted creatur es, th at th ough him." -^Ifl ibfe sain e pa per orJ Qiy It took up a very long time, his 30, and Augt $t .^'Mi ^t ' ^rjfi majesty, never wear y of well doing, given, that no more M>c,dld B£%6%P *#as pleased to mak e enquir y , ed till about MicHa eltnai ; aifHirv fytLetn er there yf cere any more who the Mercurfti^ iPMtlh&^t a^iit 1M)& not beeir touch ed. After ruar y 28, 1 ©tf% W Is = iaia. $8$ p&yets x/vrere ended , the duke of wiaay ca««e A'fe'o^iP^WW jfffckingftfami broug ht a towel, and sake of tht ipld. 1 r Mn "3no3 fiSfe f earl P6m bfoke a bason and Anothe r wcekiy^ii^eif^ dmed MW^P ; Oiwho , aift er th ey had made Mercurivs PMReiitf &*ft lM Wi:J 6b£ysance tb his iti ajes ty , k neeled 21, 1661 , had t he fdflombgf^ t down till his maje sty had washed ." sage z^«¦ '^&mfomtt W&ho- ^-This was within a month after tiCe , iMt ' tfe l^ii^ ^ ^sdW 1 (td long time the^e before , tiH ' 'd ^rsWesffi ^^of^m^m evil, l^y proved the ciihtMRj Wnifeff biW IteoiV bF 0Drs WftjH ^ abselice. forced Vw g^e % f|eF v %o^kerf7 :y, t^tiWiti ^^^u^ps ^v^ for ih*i m&km mkmvr^BSM fe?^mB^p te^l> til l^ thei J beat of his majesty 's sacre d person. His majesty doth further comman d ffe ^fiitqjf h^ r b^3ilay^dref arwl bis , ipSg ^iy Jti Ttfeer pjeasii known , that none presume to repai r to * gpo4 f^l^e ^is t H SMbj ¦ f cts shall court for cure of the said disp- ^m4^M' w&^' < ' ense, but within the limits appo ipU ^^^ i^P ^lMii 0^ A"g«^t 15, ed, and that such persons wtt p -; th£ 5 passage fol- pome for that purpose , bri g cer * }$*>h^fWW ^ §1f f% ^f^ - aire commanded tificate s under the hands of t^0 is y pa rso n, vicar , or minist er aiui ffii#% iW^ ^ ^ *»q ;W 9|8w- ihat il: wil1 church -wardens of the par ishes »fe R9fr^ to continue where th ey d wel l, tes tifying tjjj ^j W$m }^ ? have tlm^ "^r^lnSw4li^ t^a^t the they have not at ^ny b^fqt^ to sml hP$ th^fore ihat his been touched by the king ; fur t^ f ^W V«?n *» WPe*s therein charging all justic es of pe^ck. concerned do for bear to-?! come to constables , &c. that they sqff^f $P& • Hlt^W^ &? 6Xt » tUi not any to pass but such as hay^j ffffira 'JT ' ***¦ V*<*je$ty noth not such certi ficates , under paiu of ™ ' ¦ his majesty ' s di leasure . _ l -- -j^ • « vj4y.fi p m *\ «> l «'r» ^»v **.* - sp '" '^ ,, ja^ ^Igpto^mR^ ^ t ^ . .. ..^^ , : # * ^ J^fcm wEW6 of Ju, thia t his ipgjes |y s sujye^tjs m^y 1 -H>e- 'foUowjng* -^ have the better knowledge o£ it WSj) ^.^BP«»*)M - scment > 5VHP%rt CPp fWyCoMrA a^v^i fcljs :— his majesty's will is, that this pr Q'- W ' ^^ maj ty cUmation be published apd affixed ^ -tft f whoes Procl kmaj ( onj br in some open place ia ever y m^rr WiJf o j ?^,(9w- * /thos WPm ^ ^ng 0 e re- ket tow n pf tjus rej ^ln?^^ ( Hf ety ty tM^ c&urtJ or qur$ of the dts- To the ^bove extira ci&y only one^ «WJi?$Atfe f cn$' * < **K "herein morp sh9.ll bp her e adqed , from mtB^f?^ OT' resdy anU another puW 'P ^er called f f' ^ MftBl^MfefiWR? ttgwffifeff.^ ?»7 ^iBM^WMymfrAn tHmM ^hW.jmtiwMiP^M*90^®

* N tfsn XJT .. . ~' wm^&%jmFmMtm r §6 Mr, &£*idm' s Repln to " J&*#*&^ ^/* fdbt fbe iiie *>vil Cori ng tfee motvtfh ed by «b« «iipl i|f|illMi^,. the in teri m, *M*d lose meentii ne, itt case be tpors isO^i9t fhek btbour ." 4iis b«nevoie»t ^rwtio ^^of tefifnir *Froni these premtee s it plainly ap *- of love* d^triog tb© \fenu' {>ears t hai? the kidg reall y pretended for Sometim e befor e ar id afte r, $o 4m endowed with the pow&r or sfcouMibe exposed to ^e i^mi^ gift of workin g, miracles, and of nent danger of some ^lavming com* healing or curin g one of the most tagktn ; at least, he and his cour- obstinate ami incurabl e diseases tiers seemed evident ly to hstve had mcident to the human frain e wen s^ch appre he rtsiojn. In all tti ^ i^ by his touch. Most curiou s and however, bis loyal and suteni^ g ludicro &ft k surel y must be$ to see subject * could discover tkofebtag t such a maa as Ghtirles making either nJAr vellou^ or su^picious ^crr &t*eh apprehension;, and affecting to yet any way ir ^consia ften ^ ^Etoir Aie ih&nd and glove with heaven ; so ver eign ^ s miraculous cktifils ^te& mi'less so to see the whole na. found in them the most read y wt* feony or at feast the whole body of quiesc ence. With some* m (oler gy and lai ty) vvhrc h cuted nonconformists , the case wak cvctofitituted the great bulk of the otherw ise. They disbelieved those peopl e giving him full cred it for Toyal preten sions. But it uiily etfer y things and deeniing the least served to stren gthe n th e pufeiic Or mij prejudice against them ; doubt ? hesitationas abou t bis bfing lactulott ^ claims a sure indica - generally looked upon as p ^ tion of disloyalty, and scarcely ditional and sure proof of tfr ^fr 9hot% of high treasoni Allowing disaffection, or tbdr S(Mmdrrf «iM bis maj est to imKf ^f sti|){>Q9iog- y have politica l depra vit^-^ te^Byr fMUy pOsseased thi» miraciilous Charles ' s supdrimtuc ^ipc^|«*ft0»d pot rer , or supernatu ra l battlin g mirac ulous deeds* ..' . .y still ic m ust gi£t> appeal? mthet a (To be concluded in oiirUl ^f Queer e&se chat it shoul d J beeffect- s.*j . ji.uf t lit t.Mftftftnirt i MISCEL L AN EOUS COM MimiC ATI&&&

Mr. pf bhoaf *fypfy to €t Another anima dversi ons, I feel mwelf ff;* Jf ravenfry* Pup iL" < jp. £§,) d uced tp unp l^a^ant duQg^fa J &ttH ? House, February 1, 1 8rl3. If I am silent^ I am ^^po«| *4 to o&ik concede the j^ iretice qf ^&$M& Whea gentlemen, and especial. or to tre at the wr iter w,»|t^r %«oj ^ " ty ifaf tt wimm I Kave Oie pleasure tempt whi^ t ijt^ver., f^# 4^ |j ^ t^ call n>y 1fti^iids > think prope r excent ««|¦ fP ^^Nt flm ;^» to use s^ch lan- rf ^I ^ ^ ^f^ fl ^ ^ ' ^ w^ld fiave guage as this , I stay not to itiqui^le ; > jp#^^ t& I onl y assert that this was n&fc4he |B¥ ^ M ^ ^ ^ y ^ oMh y friend language nor the ' sp irit of My*rc- hittiifclf,f^r ^fimme ^f his friend , ply to rhy old friiend the OlcftPu- TfeNe , was life Ir r *9k*entt y ^Pup il , who pil. My only intention ^ ^in -'tpltt ch^H^ Qr 'h^^t en-. frienin Ws d defence. the fi rst place, to resist the ch arge ^i * - jff i*ygfc^ begin my fetter with of misstatin g even an immate rial el^t^t^ ^r ^ old with the fact and i n the second iacey ' to l .€f , , p v-firato-r » '^Hh te^ Christ iarf " can- ral ly my worth y fri end , Upon his d6 ui»*art «4ritf&» i^ Ms adher - wrote , and then Wu ncliing ^ciut l&e td ^ ^wjti tM <^ fitf p}*rve$ of-Ms edu- into a confutation ofMs QWn ^feti^r , ?%8ti&mii 9 i^i^pv&f o\ s for , or as tho ugh it had been thfe > ¥i?*ot^of thfe :*itlftd^©r ^r ^e^G^it ^ promiK the auth or. I al so Warnel ^^Mfm i^B^ft 0fi9 wfcarf *4i¥' believes to be against the introdu ettai ** of nAtnes > ©fei ^fca«| trilihfe I brotigbt no iin- and the reviva l of old felid*,-4u v ^iirknrs Bn&" utip ^m^d char ge of which I will not , even now, fot&jiW k ^^ ^r ^S TfeflBtAi ^ii**-upoil the ch a- the example eithe r of my %ft&& tfs bf % tei -^fccU emineHtl ^ pious and or of my friend ' s a^-vogate ^ - $ft&t r t l^ei^ r *^ i3 I , after ha Sir. in all th is I am not edit sciolis ^ ^ * v- $m$ tbils- %ch ^li^a my worth y that I felt the slightest ' degne^ <>f #fedfartd afte^ Klfcving exhibitedof irrit ation, or expressed myselfwith vttW bH ^nMlft |( ispic imen any unbecomin g asperit y of the ^ft¦ ^- fe|iii»W% h}Mi controversy ought guage. Much less could v T<' '%tk- '^tmk ^m ^^mi ^B conclude my pect that I bad laid trfy$#M%p $n ^i^ltfr ^ithgtavel^ y lamentin g the to the charge , not onl y ofia YMItf- interr uption givisntS " free , gobd« tion of Christia n humility, whi^i *^ eiKKli ^ (iP^^ iMR ^d^ce/'#«eip and I well know that our tnoderitf e wath a threat , that if my worth y friends do not regard as &ur rftfe& t ^M^P j^#Mfep^%UI iin^ shjning virtue , but even of com- a X ^pxoji ^ood manner s, xvhich $ ¦ytft v ^M. M^ al owed to ^ 9j ?J |* .4PPI#/^ F »ftotn^ d iiave' ^ ; a wors e bf us a^e l possess^^^a^^ opinion , both of his princi ples artel that by this one slip, I had eveu hi«,part y th an I had before. All tar nished tfre : r ^put ^t|jp ^ 9$> 1 , ^ i*#W, My he *m4 p top<fl C S Aft thought it ftissible£ Mr. ICal Itti u uywu <& t> ui^l^ran«r ^ >%oWftl * hfcve been so 4)fff:^Ln^ Wlitf'i ;&^w£§b s gtMiA'£rff ti& fe^lingfbf my tf brffiy gird orf fte b^yS, fo encou hfe^ f rm&f' and r? his f *H* : i&ifciaite :ne I thfe ^^ f ify*»^or *fll6 soEWihe would -vcfert ifi nty have ^stai d 1it e T ^ Sli , it ^jn ^ ^^ WW ^^ fr&fft it^att6 |^theftts , and utouttl 6aVe greaf ^m& '^ti yiS^mM&> b^n asr tai«e ^ solemn ; aricl ' ks ti vfe ^xhTbifed ' bf&&]gtafti$ era - d tt;fl, pfcsP gftty ofVfault g£htl e&t read, troversy W(it.h -Dr. Pnestley, ,m an eis^oiild d^ter -But thWu ghir ^m Appendix , to the v €% lm Inmit ry- w4lWng ta give lip raillet yv 1 must !ot tho ugh he ad vances to the nfcfcis&ctfffitee ttftfth even in tri fl es. combW #ith W the? mstilenefe 5 of My *a&<*Hidn Wa s, th at Dr , pod*- a W'««nVrefW $W*V 181 moe?" % dtf idgeVeorigWgatioridid not; chuse feet'Pte^cbnfi^iMSfe^' thSt rir ' y qu thfe rn - v aiT ^%i *£dea B6r bii ffiister whbrn Wil^Inctfilg^be;*iA fr#r pfe , { heri^olilti e^ied; i another who in th're¥W fo&r6f ^i- 8uc^«Mffife had & higher reputation for ortho - Rcposi tor ieS; this Vau.iti hk; G^liaK doxy tbaa th ^ Dr ; hfmself. This who 6ets at 'defe nc^ the ar ^}is5f nitfbrmatro n arid miich more , I re Israel / sffa R Tie laftf pfoiefaie ^Bfe, cmfefr ' frb m cofe temporary wil fi«e the a *; ^ ^ £^f»#^ nfess^ rg^^bfvihf tff i ' irere acta stone; thougli hurVed tw'ari ^sQux. > ^»- AHy present at th " ¦'• ; " - wlio mlat ^d to me wha t passed Yotrf o1> upon ^^ ¦¦ ^et How rM di4'JiiS BEt ^JjAfs si^t^tvvb '$&.&. * last November] , siltfteF ©^ l>^ddri dge died. Ahd Spiritual Sup remacy of 'J i&Si ' ' ' : ' 5! ^ (^t*^ friends , however vefi- Ch¥ist • ^ti8in£ bom or a^^ ra ^ ^e^ feiil^ or r ^^ pectkbl ^ ^l preseii t, wfer& it th at ^ti wd oMj ^ten or bf 8fc- 'i^^to^ism& ^^^iw&¦ ' ' teeteye^ age : a^d they must is ittoWa efimmP * * £z ! e*cv&>of ihe; if I * prefer ttfe itfiftf i whatmt*i u$tmwvfixim& i~' mon^ eye and ear tvitHessfe, to " w^at s' w*mmytttmic - th ^ir ju venile opinions kncl puerile science <^a%id ^imtt ^ "W ^ rte otlectio11s. A6:to what Ha ppen- to^e Une Wfcjfc ofm^f« W§?S. ed t^h year * afterwards thisWpo. it^ t ^ ^ r M 01 >ys TofWoVd'nSS? neat sayerti iiothiilK ' 5s'^ P ^Siir^ talfe leave of \*^PCH *r ^ l this but what; imi im\iytimmm t/M>^^ ro ^^contro veisV, and if my iy:»» • « w^Pitf''r *#^W xt^tthjr fri ends chU^e to wri tfe dhy understanding of every W»yikinc moid "upon die Subject, Itiey are man; » ItWto Ibe ^filt ^e ffiffi of wfck&nte ao k^ep bctifessioA the cafi ie, 6y the ^fci^1 #Mig fiel* iartA to exttlt it* tltei r 'victMXoW. by iaherAincev '6'r by" * Vi>M$e} W A* to my^elff th6u gh ^ r without wr ^onaV^flection™ in- 1 ' ^ Pcaci is triy d&t * dcKglit, not Flcu- diVlrfiiaKg^rdiJS: ^^ " ^ ^^ . ;» ; /.A vf rM in&tog ^' i ^}: *Z- - < i f >fi ^***! - y«t 1 A»<»^ Jibe other and greater nMO, 4hat <4b we^ote of.' ^ i', ^S^Wm-Sm^k, ; pijjejv tru |b jpAj^r sk ^ >^l^no^ ; jj Kiifi m&w>ned . or ,un4erj [pined> th ^t J8&n 4 o Qf^Tie^ r l>o^ 6$*^pW/ ^gfe^ ^ impose fi^g !^>f , f $m or tijfww; $3$$£&&^*$S$1 cQBi uriiQ Q. p poq ^. tfamr ^ to mftpeji$e out faith ^nd Worsh ip of m ^>w ^ amv mamiers. The ftutjiority oi bre thre n which tfo% head qf tk&n } ^ J ills 'is pr feremiiienV; he is head churc Kfcas t ppjt enpcjted r ^oxcj ^eYea . anj( il ', ^ over u}t thiings to the chWcnceh * to enforce | at fe hi ar ^ v The Christian ' s o^e^le to enacted . by' any otK^r^ iiii^od^ theu, 1 CHtist , is pot " of the nature of ar gument arnd |>er)5uasipn fc tfito > - *, ^ |J Drying ivbrsni ji y on the contra ry, man or ch u rph ii.^q be coq^jcqp^dr ^ it/is ai\ $c1t gf Cnxistian duty/ eii- for any tenet CQns^^ ntiQii^iy held J/s j esti^ oij &]l jo ir^bdRDjr s Ki^di cipTtes , bult ^ \he . % mq ^^ i !**9& f ips^ o«^ to:ftr6r$iii ?G^d the iFaiiher^ v church attempti q urge ,tjmt,|ensi5lAi l? Chri stand htW ^^te. ; R^spett to; is upon me, contra ry vtp inyo $iPfm ii ievi : vi|&^tfeip,^n^ r ^e of^od who victions, tt *ere js, an invasion jofei whp ra y hts an usur pation qf s^ tj| i*ben ^he, by a Tig % 4heb miraculous voic^,* prpil^irfted him lor dshi p of J esQSi^n^i i| bqc ¦ aflrt!u?W brlng other re. dissent from the Church o£ EngT;; *pects,) as h spiritual legislator , land and all national chu rche s^ th 0/ onlv one,' competent Xq make ante cedentl y to all inq uiry into . laMIm 419!^ tf*^ B«V ' b^iwd th i t^6 conscience. He whether th^y mean . r %o > eslafcji^hi- cti ^ ^^ s atiih ror ity, and God truth or erro r ; they ^rQ, in thettt *** claim but he del sarfctfbTi ^^k ; ^ selves, radicall y vicious ; theyi^ ake ^^ gaj ^H ^L^^^i^e else; he has had , claims which Christ has t mv^xa sanctioned , which he has fox biddei)^ TkWM£M0&,:- , whWh he e^tab.- and to which no Christ ian ought M^^rirtiJ^eVC Un^cfeed till to submit. They connect the chu rch th ^ " ti rt ifeS qf i^efor n^atfpnul , Jr when ar with the »tate , whicii qut Lord has ^S WvWf^- -* scr declared separ ate, in that good P°M^^PhW^|»P«llt!>e^ w* :«Bo<| e* confession before Ponti us dilate. 'inaprpve , yeii econo. which ought be inscribetl oft,wiL" ao^ - wit/ servants,. 'relt ^Igibus subjjeci ^that ^ %Us? upder^ J i 9 bp * fl^p, *?-. «^/ A^gdpmnot j5 &h* > tl^^ ftW ^ ^ eff- aQ^ |i|i^ian ^o- f rom hence. They {pake th^e ma* ' ' i^tr ^l^or ^iei atiire tbejud ^e *i#§£ 4pjpfe'^^^gnwt;^»^ ^ th ^ : of uut& i; whiqh ie m^p^hlten^o^ their own 'discret ion ; but this is them , and cannot be helped or a liaaW ChrtkJin pr inci ple, the hindered by their decisions. They 30© Spiritual Supremacy &f Je w* G&fisU ar£ 6hhti&ct&$ with fort tfal arti cles the Fja^eiy bnr % > Mdis^k oki ^ of^fffif, >«fere 4s ftdft ^ sUcH werfe a gbo4 ^^m W ^SffiP !ai$ n*#wtt by ctaf Lord , wfio a Trinf aW ^i ^ ^ %lfe ^ bas**gfe & the gttity of Christkhi ty^ if ^ivmfe ^lithbf ^^oSia ^ ^ to ^ i^ tbi SPi r fc^bfraSb cfed a greed :— d tfced Tor ^ tB6 afifflncet*T ^etwbgtf it hWe f&ligfoti of a few plai n facts , cbtf rcrj <& the n(# t<^r {ifn^ tbatlcfe them clear and firs t erro r of an hierarch y, the niP ^mki^iy jpoWer to enforce them ; erro r of ^Tvor ^ re ligion , and " because this all-im- riounce kll Siber ^tf tJh drilj ^-.te ttt L pdrtant pr inciple is ffofri ignoran ce li gioii,; ahd .t^ka ^W tWii ^u qr from cobiorVftif y to the' World , rests of bii sBirft tsiB Hf^ddm.^ %e foSlittle Bfoiigh t forward by those Iras giv^pn us iftfflV ^ ^rti ^ Hayi wbose religious brdfessio h cannot i6g ^« O^u# ^Il "T<:^«^b,' ^ft ^ be Viltd icated w ithout it. Uue pi Sera bie^ wiff dS Aif 8 MlfQ ^^ J bfiiJu > tb ^m^ship^r ^ ^ Gbd, wretched o# Mft/^^iPiPBrt „ 8/^ ^% m«iP ^ ^#5^ "Mr : ^ tl ^ Jcip,4 of, hypq^risy ;; ^ j ^ J ^ " d could, not; beliie 11 i^y^r <^Rfel .. *"H$ *P *fHS kcfj fe, &. W %tf ^ $way ^ v$alr thej ^ ^j/cgr $bmi<>m process; I h^ve ways sJD^ere^y. «»ufc*r raost t\q^ ^r ,tpe«AftGk c\^fM, wildly sought wh ajt w^ ^oftf^rm;^ : tp e glory g*m^M r . %lty,i *w&n$efe& At abl e tr uth aod lb ^ of jing^r. * been ul ilP. * f¥arn ^ ..lifting: jt$ bead t*> Cre ator *!may have ^^c^vved pow.er and state. '' , < 4 ;, Av in my research ; nQt s havif>gnthp^i vanity to think I ha,y^ been ^vlvy^ys ? Reflections on a Dea$fi-bed. in the. ri ght. I n^ay , i i)/deeet\ed to rea d, a celebrat ed in my own power. . If God did not r vv Frgn c% ^PveU luch is, by the vouchsaf e to enligh ten my, .undpr ^ r farth er he is ipo mer s^ fged e^ial ly just and received it from my Ma i$f\r j ^r-$£ deceived thep e *£&§m&kn&JP< ?3^pews, as far as my I was ^ a^a ^^Vr( |S? ^o have a value liable to be 50 n^w ? an ^| if]d m iH^gW^.g§es, ^ 3 f 3U^f off eri ng it to p rps ent weak ness flpesv lt WffSm wk0C^J my ^ ^ r iflaiiy of whom on me to believe , pt^w^j h ^l yfiWa f#iW S wis{i SWSplffl^^ iSeJ 1^-^t^He^i or op- did when in full health a ijac s^t}gll^ Hk work of body apd mind ? I ,tf, is p BW^HP W,jB«»WM« . the ^ our HrJ r ^ ft ftn^fft ^^ t ?s , ; The he- son wjbich determints ^ fye|j$f > e 9^»psr . *-*^ tp^ ^ whatde dependain cje, c^uj ^ ^e a4§r^s^ opipipia^ X A?^fl»s :— in m^t on ,^e ff i^jA have lived ^^, die uqw adoRC- wjthoiiyi > \y^^ " I and ^ t^i? me to do. is. |^v« jJPl Kteffy^t ,, cjftift a^jiin ios, whose re mains fo^ tto af iD|al m&Wms A ^r ^ | d^duqed t fro ,i^ scrip. to what J Mi?ve4 before ; J oj^U cppcernlngwhiq b uprighthe^ol n&,i ndention id JWrft Wft WfiSOT ; ^ $ tfte J BRW ^^J f^^ l con firm ed 5»PA ( ?fK f ^f^PnHt^l «feat t M$*Teq ; an^ ^g^e«^ { W&S Vto WWk&& ! J 1ff ijf h W W?!ir t| -W^J;>^ wffi,Wypare h^d , *°/M% Wri£TO ilAft ^^ yii ni^ ^/to Rig. *"?)th l! Mi!S l?nrf f^my flU?#^, t ? WWiiH ^ wBcjfe^AH»f WftjlRKfeVJj ease as, to beliei, L < ^ . m 9Jf Sr ' cf8i ^ *^ %FR IftW . u ,.W«* ^^%r. E emPP^3? ' j u lS iHfl ai ot -. 'i _ ¦¦ " ¦ - ¦ ¦ -v -w- —' — rTsaftffe ,™ ' r/ m * ' r» «.—I. # .sib a j/l^^ ^% fi£ ^SSr— • i m ^ t lOU^WrXt&aWI tfisfc Slfi is ixiluifei: more wfcen T^iWii& ^hSn'tH^ b^MpI ¥o f£|% ||^Kpresent,? Ith ^i»feT&oW*fla£t&iP* m^lle^TOSt .manner I couM ^t ^mila K m6t ^toArC?fi^hBStl3«fe%i4fWtmf&t l^ at ^gSt kri (ib«Wr iSl wifdo p dH i as i M ^k^mm ^^ !wi> thi^^mp&ttMr of»v dutv hiin. J tWSot pt;e«eflrtitti " ^tfr^ be<^ #-b¥fcattte incapabW or it.. an imper feci, tkrd y dr -iro ^fed' t*iAi I •• i^iMP ^^iyft ^S^Jie nlitttt l strt ^ k ^ % &# lwi>^ di^tee fan nefcer"6e tr6iy Jih Cerfe , and is gr a&Pmili^tfr : ; M present, ndw only a Snare ' by "' thetf'I adortd J Bim with all my ' " To what pan ishrt ^htTie% be*«* ^ ^ facalties tfnd bOwef s t what >r 3 more J ust- God 'doMeteit ^e^ ^ ' > can ^ o ^ when I have lost pr opue, -3» i v 1 ^ , ' s:anttiv*B»te^aMiiv then % f Is my languid 'soul in % . Mutit he ^ot fir ^inaftein ^hot I6vb ^-^ conrfi tioh ta raise itself to the AL it might f r ^ffi^t^ba nt' ^f A naif >ne \-if." i^ i»WteJ *»«B| iBilk^*Pb extifr ^jistted lift , absorbe d in nain. gre&t cterh&t ^iim ^ SmeimP1 is it wort hy pt bemff offered ¦utt" to IntelligeHtte 1 feoo»« of^If ^n^1 ^ Gda PtuMtf ifc*WMit ;h - ' ^fe it those ni>^ ^ i ^ * C !!f^^ #A! l^lS»r * empt^ *^ he Ha ueht me ^th#if .ibo'i-diidf • rta t«r « k • Oo^, !" ful fend good. bf^fchoW ^i*1 ' sove^rf wiH W'f shb ^ia timV T istette e I neverdb tibtedfe^ a ifliJ-" ¦ depa rt ^4 arir gotot o leaVe them ment^ft ed undeH -wboBe' eymmoMti&&m¥» }*^^ will r t6tlfec1f a^g^illth!|#£«oiSe|t^3^ ^ ^reiidyjudgc^from^tot ^ pwf. ' Qnwr Q^$tm&m?M%&$^uKes> *<»,

$Mgg£&ftw-^aI^XWa SP^WVttttr gJl! Qd ta S*iwre ' fcnye 'I SBfihj a.TflWiafi^jafeu^o no pcg ^ ^rf i*aa eeWem {^ys^If , at de ^ ^ats ^in^sfedtiri^Macbfes, I 8j ^$^$£&«fea&% $ icl&fci rwfeat *l|egfc 099£| lft#fc1> ^ J&B i^ ^e;i^SI^:«o^ m^ b ?^#™^f^f ^^ ^ Mgf , eom ^ ^y. ...W ^ Jon b£.: ^^v> - • , ^ . v «pg&^3iBsp thaw ^ ymi. .: Vtfer ,M» «^l? . ,J tti MjiHHTO ^vil*ej !l/o^ t filid ^^ p cru^l ^f^ now ^,fee ^^l? ^^&qil :JH ^sfe umytdL^^, rfI ftWH ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ *a |™ ,-f |^il' ^ k?lm$f ^V^^i&sJ ftEiceerf ty fad jn iusticftej i^t yfc^u perfo rm certw^ fiwd ^ir er ^i^ ^ <9 , ^ you .tbijjjkr with »y qorispiat ^pt iyqlir W^y. ft ^t ^st ttW n circ,WSancgg; io sfeoi^, that you amioqd mine ; ^ |j ^ ct afttk *RC J iqnm^ilMlbs ^ #BL l^ cnoJW||a^i^iBof decitt^ ip my f»vo«r, K%tMBft u. rap J ^Stp-^d^J itiyptt fJP OPsc^Piee¦ 5ja«h f^r ,? ^ ? ^ i i ' Jui MM ^g, 4<>P|jda^ fQRSSMf^fFINI ? ^ J^y dewe jc4a ; l .j ltf^fli «f |>iiWR 5ii«Mw5ii ano ft^.finiy witti ,3^ ^sqqbdy^ 9 (whlfth^ 1?, l<^e$4»«t»are «oyfinee /rom f ^iW^-^^ - - W»«MP«stJ |||* ^f^most f ttff r ^ ^^^ ' wjj 1 11 fHlft<» ¦ lmgi^ ^MpilTf !,'^Ww 'JW'^ ^ * r Mffe 1 iiii f ss ^lrow ^ ^^- •¦**1111* ¦¦ ^Ni^i^' 'i*|i!«iNp! ,i g «« | « j ^SS?'* * k 'Sfceimetife WcttBaTv to vpiit*^ ^fPMiffiSwfc^RgK mfa- 1 ' "ft?- ' ^ ^d fy mm¦¦ ^ **-- tu6 liijfSft titer .. xfe^ ii ,rt ^ j b^« 'mm nwflilT1 '- •xiJ*" ' fSSraP^ ^^f^f^intiifr k o*w tfww** * . wi» %j( *«^b»i» ift *v w ¦ TOflfiiR ¦ ¦ J! ¦ • - - • ¦¦ .... ¦ j- .... ^.«i ,'JIj*!»t, tx ' -«w«-- w-— w-.—» 11 '3m ^H^OiSiflw^ vM ^^Htes^^^ w ^^o&l iS^^^ N^ " - Igi^W tefll w CtSOItl ^ tog'& W 'i ? ^ 1C ^tmki'Ok%0^i^^^0^i^] 0f^B^^T^^t>T^ tri ^omh ^nh ^ b^t md ^ ^A ^ men ^^g^ti*iat ^ -i^^ ;l ifei^t^ o *«caiJw;elytmiK in-ariy'were society ii^ere ha^ iftt $$ - ^di^p^i^ - «V^ ^o ifi^Jatctsr Te^^i^^UJ^ipj^ vitf^ehM^ Siseufcsed , #*^^ i^^i^f0U4^iF^wfei that^ tHfe ' ' ImJHpiac- feteJuf w ruftiimitoh excellence tions af that man whom you^lvad j&*MK^ i<^^Q^frfon oo^ «P^i^fl tvf jrotir^pr- knowri to he so an^ , ^ eifl^m^^^ ^p n|^^p^le#^^9|^e -^^ttfS ^ Should you not mu$t,be?whftief^ e^ ? .v«rHlfi^^<^s^ii*ithfe m&H tmTeason- ShpiU^ ^u ;»^n|Wn|v: «P<>st *st$b\fV8f ftfi«&eif*gsibe , if> without ex-* ciilni^ ^ of testimony ^ w^x^u^ ^fpf .'^MfM ufw^ ati which i«npTOv^ae^b^^ ^^|^aj^^pu ^ ,W|^^ais jtJ8(MMl^4fji th^ in^iies* romiimL ^^ch¥°^M9m^of ^UliMh^W^MI WJ productiofi of towar d G^d^^ iMir bi|i#ffiikwd - y * *thri mSWfi#^fPd - ofB^t s injustice ft?4 frlftf^ J*l?fW& |^»e K ^u^^^yiy tpwards God, if ^^ Wfeptel^ . .^l^' J ^^:-di|fcffl}ef of the i ?JP^^>" ^te^^R^^ .^ifltvffikt »»iwH ^" ^gfe^ '< «rf- » ' t^e scri ptu res , > j- ::& *hi&sfci 0ifei tofl& ftf& fa tP* i^Wt ^ t <4>avii>g exatoiined iiifeo the mheM&tmM WmMrmim^ i" e^ie^^i^i^k is bw^ghi fdr ^ard ' ^ origi n diyine e r ultohpri##t ^tfyfi** of . This, ^ ^- ^ ^ ^ ^y s# f^ |^ ^ ^fe ,.«fi|^ ^r ^-i ^ ^- -{^e9e blind in- that, they^^|r^ i^ £<#

.fj P^w M*^^ t<>- 4Qra mi HR . »i'.tj . •j--f.it ^'AMf^Mfe pfe " rlSlMW'P^ '^ '^ ^ p .h'0ly ¦ T" ¦ *" ^SU VVflTT ~" . , 'l¦' , lj § -

S^^SSMS' ' -a- • & >, . . . tpiitit r q^.!4«Si^^^ 9rv>*b^»ot

«f statt ? ^ ^Hfi eteiSQiec «^«^ r i §»j |*«ffa( enoiUv^ ,fpo m for a flEH>mh* i i» ^Brfttfi % ^'8Sffe ! ^ ^ ^W^j TS^Se^l ieDc^ tfensmed mr wor»dlv «wrt t<^1«ffe«v much wowHtr a^rti friiftfefH^^^ - fil- ; A^*l fti**«*i^?Nvh« ^ ^fwj ^feflfeis I ^^^ M Nte -at upWi^ 4 whtt ^,^^* flfeBt ^ ¦^ KmMs^M^n . *k}qjM-wch rr )na?iH-^Svas;»rOTit ^rti the att acks of ij5¦ oietoi^'^fe^iiW ; y^, r ^sofit *o t1V«se/fe

^WMi ^ S ' ' j ^W ^ Ppf ik-^f'^Ki ^M ^^ S^^^ l 'M^HMi^SistwA^ ^^^^^^ SSnifS g^^ BB^^^^ to^ii^^ ifflfliraSil Kw^^mSmL'ttj^jl ' , ¦iS^wV^^r irmiM ^^ami ifefe^awrif g^te W?'-^ ^^ffilil m Mte iiir 'liSSSb& iwu-^ - PSIPlBSPWpH o^.^ ¦ PP^ ^ ^afltt ., .Mli ^^ iial ^iri'lMB MiMfciVr ^^ r WBKmBttKBsBBBlf""liJ Isf ra^ ^ Pii ii lw -ii iw pii^ ^^^^*^^^^^ HPB^wM^KBIIWI ^^WP miP^|^P*KTf?J T ill v-^t..¥fii. r ¦ H-jUfl^i Aj k •Uia.'j-.ia '^fi M fej ^ &l tfflDi^Et .silai. ^MLnstS ^t^as ^l^isiiSBisasM ^^j Jj ^ w%MB t/fl t?ffri " ^^IW^ »^l»WWW ^^ wATllllMr iWRP1 kj rlJP TErParf d i ¦ fignpt'Jti lJ WEkfc su ciT^flfilrt&Alffi; w ifat 1'wFoiigiVdSk ^PiWlf - ^>onsciencc ¦ ¦ fft .ilVfii »lfcf .Q{ th#mm&>" se^f©©a ^ £«%fe ^?^« F wiHv^AKe^i oWe ^#%{^ | ' 'y%i jftM Pttii M^^ rrte«t ^felVewifi^ *^««tJ ^tfl J db ^ feyth *6 yd'ii««W> a»rt *?:t*>G^iJ ?

gcr ^h^ttixi ^t st>meffWe5 be wrdrig ; j ^fm ^m ^^f ^y ^^p ^4fy^w l(% ; J aiiw C 9 ^ ^ l ^^^ ^ ^^^ the t& p«rt ^ci% ^w^fe»tfS^ iif^ tiftfii ^^ ^ f ffesPj ^ Wo^H*-^f6 tf<^ ^Wife ^^) tf& temiQMW&tf^.v^ tittghbe ^ 3^11 4ti$ tmttSle ^G&M6fck* ^ k^fest unfes ^6tit reason stranger and means 'itf sb ^ifcg ^ 4M^ fo^^ i s^»^^fe# fiiia ^&M m&mm f ^ t$&f ^ ^ % ^ ^^^ ^^ itl it^ to %el tt^fj ^t^^^^ m ^ ytiu j ft«# %AM? 'fbt ^t^feitoW d^h^ best bo^k^?-ih t?f t^qso a^ ^ ? kilbv# ^etfiat ^V^w|e^ b erim e ; ia^fomiAean ^ i&bnt ^iftb ^M *ttW *«^lb#i& *^»^ % tt f ctit fe * every car ^fefiifi^iW' fiif utiie k ^ & ^ ^ i ^ h ^ ^ i tB^ ^^^ read yi ^t ^ ce^iii ^^ fhiiWt& <|f yoiif enc^r "^ \NdW ii*flro wf*aSa ymtiMmmt mimifif&&&fa^. ^^ ^rf &Mm^Mmi, mb^0k iia d^^^iA ^ ^ ^ i ^ if^t^^bkt ^TO ^ ^&iiie ^i^iM tH ^as^bv ^ aM^li^attsi4 ti^^^fe^air Ito fW^e^ 1 r§W#^ 'irf ^*f s ifiB &$m krtovv ^n rl fimMr ^ ^\^wm£i$&t iflfel£^the6r " VeligibuS code which ^^ ^^^ t^ ^ ^ ^fi ^ l^y^^ ft ^ i^ Ni ^ ^^ p ii^i^ %»?irie doctrine . ' • -ftt ^^rk «then , roy dear friend , thll wte reqtfi re some bett er guide book wdfcli^ rdfe ^^^m^Wfefejfft^ thW'mere ' rek sdn ^or cooscience j a1iaf^vte 'know . (Hat the best and wisest High fiWvfey fbr many 1 ages, ntiwledge S^J J ^^ ck the scri p- ¦ S:«^' ^s?d^e*|-V1tt ;' <-us* »«ft ev^n t Koik < the *bi t^ffiA\tA§i*^ it be ^ dtt ^ltespf not the hei ght ri ^n U^ ^r ^^hSi^^^^ ^Glfe^ « ^ l^ ^ d ^l#-s\i^;ifen%y td rgi tfta ^ j«'M^%%&oiil%t ' ife %ti *i6'test-^e^^ ' iiii- Y^ti^ ibon ^s^ ft M^b^ft -^ ^ a ^ S^ !' fir feveki' t«» iiefil^ti ! tha t meir l^^fve G^ a%t ^ifeh ^ ^ab

i^tift iif'irQtivenitwre .to^it 'd-o'wri ^&fi 1

W |i|$^i^ : ¦ ^ ^ ^ n w^a|d.fele' ' ^Iktfefl -' - f tyr^hfflk' yi#|tt^Mi^»^ ^i^i^^^M

^^ S^ ^^ & ^ ^j i^ r SSM ^^^ l^^^ L ^i^^ H ^^ H ^H ^ S^^^ m " • III V .JO / : « s v>^ Jiif BMIWMl^^ ijs^ is^e*^W^ y ji^3 **w^ . io^fe-^ ^w^#r ^ tte?j^ n^^mm^ ^b^^mm^w^^ S l^ K ¦^f»sM» a* ^ ^^^iffe ^il^^^r^i^llf^^ft iW4^th^ t ym&mmm*^ IM^n ^^ i ^ fj ^^^ ^ ft ^ g l* im&josm$$wmt^f immm^h ^mm^^^9^^ k^^^^^ tmpsmtepk&mthhn& i! jw4tktt i l^ fl l^j ^ ^ ci ^ n^^ i p r^ t ^ j bf^ f#t fff ftfiB N^^ ilftli y ^ *^ ^ r0%ioQ>. a/Ht ioijBg as^ucfr ^ f¥lta |fKilif> ^fe i* $^^ r#*G$iw isd fei ii*?^ Doqs th e &uJ jjie^tAtjis^i^yl paRj ^fa^^ i|*4*»* stant Reade r is iaad s£$ptq^ £s$4t consistent with your " vect^o$]y>/e^r gm£t*k*pWte m$A j# ifetf i^piiatt r agge ^ated.: - .j M^s.- sM. //404s >W* *i^ft M#j ^u ^ i^soi>f ^<*ur *$mftgr '5 labour all % >«fi po^y ^ p ^ ^ viftpe us, that Bttirqe ^ B^ife^nif^^ ^9&«£»f * ?^i #&WN ^r > w^ a ^ti^ AQfoq t bJ' /^/nbft- -4/taw sros^ni i&d^^p Sefo^e«4«5a,tb " $!> rm^ r^4- ^ &<^«|%/Wri ^dL i n i ^onai »-*{!_*» >><$$*/ a-% \i •¦•¦ dw ^ B*BWWi*»8lPflW ilWkw fe ^ . '^ ltt r #d^GttndRs ja& -fM& ^ido - h&$x/r¥ h&^ sijcpess..fel^iotbfjj %ift ^Se^ ^atj ^j Jruine, ana JW rs . riwfinafl¦¦ :¦ Jrlore.-(f t clc»i]f^ Df i^ ^Wdjai',.voy" ~. woW ' - * orr ^ . pm? ^ege M" ? ?% t«?*«?f ^!§¥¥/ .p |ii i9^ |g teoiSmi n JMm*m3*A§ip- > tfi paft ^ad l| " riA ^ i «^ o# VWM P^ ^ iw?, in *nu*b f s^> Wi MM^ i^eBj gfto .f ^f ^ ^^ 4l ^ ^ ^ , %^ HNI^ ^ ^ IQ.#^ IM ^ ^ar of sent^d ,^ hts .^jfpcT ^ iUbi A£u$ v §m$h

i ju»ticei. jp «iHRW5pw''?PbRB^ HP^^ w|«?P3€rF '* -Wf !{^w iP&3?i!yt«^/ ? f * ^IsTf^STP" @KS!»^; ^^ e fli^a ^f j Kifid ^ i^i^dadld^iiu}fl^^ h$^fitele>aiicL . oh&h&rMU;m^ik^ ^^mpf i^B . iz^t mtim pfftr^J^ f^Dfh^> lln& JMatM&itiii g.. HflA.-li-fefe ^ i'iSI)6ft&. t Of i ^iCLC' ^N^M^W^Itej st|ps^g^#is^y,s l^tfeft ^i!; 55 ij : j^l »?gviwh^ ^he reg^r4* m ty? fm$m 4^^^ iU^ Jli^w «lNWW».. QT#ft »«?fJ ^fBfiiS>te»y^jn,^j <^ ^Q)ri|ar ; wwffi tvf m^&wmmflfawtyim* «rfm ta iMUNte ^flfrfiMifliMlMt > «Hft ^ *^ .^ «ft>#8»fn Q^mwWi^^&fiS'ribill !der 1 ; ^i^Whi-^^^#^ffii# l^§fer* rfe^^^^e^!^^j^}|#,;^) i feylftr-- oii (ft to^w^im$M® ^ $P**te t . ^WiWiriiiiW tto r*w w^ yft^r ¦ iflt ^ ft ^ ^ i ^j t^v^^wi ^ { p l mM m m t ^ ^ ™. m^mm^fmmm^m^ i^W P i m ^ M iyj iP^d^^j IfSMl ffitii ^B^at |«K Case *t&®km&mmwK**&l Best. f<^d ^fp m ^ te ttie 6^t ^i» tfi^ itlM ^|^po 4 or ^ ^ ^ b* <* ^ &%m&*&M^sfeiafe^i^ pretmum ^^^^mtx *!fevAiimgM$} caNtf ^tf*ta$* IIP #^^whi<* b^ %^ l« l &\tM&r\\i& $ftii$d%i ?MP imfowttifc ##l^ ^fr /^ i«^i &6M * > fjfe^W ^P^ia^^^^itfeibat^felbK- * e|t hd ^ ri c^^ we^ m&y fiaifty i^ft r ,^ ttfet Tim* ^«tk G*sbtin«e *»i*B^tbe ji ; >$i^*&it& » • Batf WJ ge^ pr ^ ^r to f^^^ ^ ^ i^ ri ^ f q ^ f^Mtbi r ^ ^ ^ %iltl fi^i^ei|ttk«rf y dt ^i f ris4i«utfe the t be Os^d sceokd ckjfl^ s*^ deft^iftg **te df Su ^e tnateria ]^of tf £&f#ge* afr#lfts# hife eK i^en<5e th *i preme B^^ g of^ atiy ofah ^ tereoti psof ^h^ bl^ss- - Tbere ^was mu^b to be adftritfed ed^nnit yy : ood^ -t*ereitl^st^ ^^pefsdwr ^ tl>eifioi irMfh e «?tf>iN/tf$ of/ Mr. ' itiHfc e as ii iiV^«Obsti*^|elyto #Brtly^ ^old ^ ^ man , and hv#t&to /ett£# iaa-& writer , i1^ *ia ^d^i«l^te ^ii seta - Jf ^Wjef^$i;fct nj ^ 'tic)!^ be accused stitute the cri me, bec^«fee14be Mo- befor e of bi gotry * if I'vehtUre to suggest; tu te admits $fp<^/1i^ &l \mm ttie rfe- L%i ^Th ^ ^fe^ 3i®&i;qte *«!tified t\m\iy offlhe^^If|^w T4stafeei ^1fef by Att Yl, &e*t>+ te tis Wittfam. I ^ ^ l^ ^f Kisplife&iid &e efi&rter Anf r lV is itL& ^ i^Tebf^ ¦ ? ; ¦- ¦ ¦ ajFtts hope. ¦v' - '- ' * - that n<>n^ sb^ll, ^itbe^^ttilis^derde f J '^ iA - - ' "! ? *' "iFfe ^ '&tv - - .isrv- • or * WMtigf ^^^ ^ ^mtM ^^ ^^L isifence Of God or ^my^)f,ll*^jiler- IKBictf ttm ^iiril y ^r^tife -*%rtlroi f ^ t%frowfls * ,i4ii(wfte8il ami ^ ^ 4^es ri#y 6f fcfate ^^ ^ ^ e5 ^^^ iil^#lm ^ Providence in the goveFMi ^tt ^of -*!*$ i UBiv^rfie ^Ab ^ T ; -). ^ tfe ^dt ^ ^ ^Ii^ ^l4^fe^®^d! ^ *fe«f ,.(^ l^.) n«»hriient of l tbe f iietdSkt&ei$f*H fcHi'b mtW >d«niotml inforn«« j0n ! • ' ^ '.ng tfe tase of s^tl ^^ /tfev¦ ^earf i of 'inm fy«lt ii ^ ^ ^ UArwffeiv 'M^biji cfetfi v @f v^lttme ^ ett i tat^'atkl' ¦a:^w^6t# ' |fM *W th ^- ikmeSli lHhtH «tit>nsoftht€ria >u i liti&Ldw 6f $c(/tl0ta¦ , f ortfih kise ^^^ iSmJm ^Sm&t oftMe i $i*g#Ht * M^ etiitM-the pmwMm : pm£^mm& o* iXcttfrc&&fM ^nrBa$*i£,iJ.P>. f 9%f&i' mvfi*St>r *\"EdrrfWr ygb, Upon JSiS 1. # i^^Kiw«# ^s^^^^s; ' < *w«m& f ttiwmg w>i«d< WJ«l ,'> ft :-6 ai ^ ^ # ' •' > ^'A^iMNMi^h i^ikg^^ i M&upo$V0M&mZQnW ^x^ MsMiiWiic .

*, , H ff\ ^ ' ^^^^^ Dp^^^ JLE *^^^ 1^ " ^^^^ Hg * f ^Jft ^^^^^ ( ^^ v^^^^ a ^ d^^^ A^^^^ M' ^^^ k ^^^^ ^^^^ m^^ t^^^ k ^a^^^^ ^^^^^ b ^^^^ h ^^^^^^ * *^B AHBri ^tf'^^^ M ^k ^5E ^^^ j ^^^ at ^BH ^^^^^ £^a i4wwwflw*w«»^^ *bp o j^ y;,^Mm< tb ra ^WEl: J tofia^^^ n^ ^r ^ Mw hh %m i^foiMic^ojfe^T^g^wja^W^o - . VteM ^i^^ C^^ ^ b^l^ ^ ^a ^h^Mby ^tee ^wi ^i^ ^^ vi^iHe .j ^ t ^yii ^^ i^^i ^ iifw !>RrotAm£ n& wel^^§tl |^i n^k?^^,)-MfC fHt ^^H jfffe foHow*^^ passag e from TwGte, 4$0* l6tyl^ h skelhifce - tfieir own bist^ifen and oi>e of>th$i r much obliged to any af you^xe^d- »c?«teminent member **Wktieioek. m9f who will» GQmmuQioatey ^or refer i»e to, % ; furth er account of f* 164 and ¦ the stor y pf fo ^/ 5, i^n. 28, Thethe eveday* of Pfifa/ B«^ bis tto ^e mont h Infest^ In ning persecution. ' ,, , j ¦ * ¦? ¦ ¦ ¦ .. , . :¦» . . . . *. ». ^ . . i'Jl i,, j ^ flto na ^ lit^ )£^wmi^0e. of PlufM^r ^d .. . • ! «— *¦ « »i^ ^ N-m, . ,,.,-*, MiifottMv ofi tke ^la ^eiBies' of Quaker If octrine tfM &&Uiify . Mturt itafiJ Afpft - mhm ^^d J ^ tMm»£$^At$& $&&hsmt m&s * tte gJ Mrfy A * f to&kWid llfel^ ^^Vyour tm§m' &s-4B*ut%m rm&tie iy &f asti T%e > Mouse order ed Km rejtdersta v^e ittter esU^|^ account of the exnulfiion ^i£ ai »brthivi ni€m- tfctfee kj ^i>l otase < pfisonN?^, ^rwd an crfi tb# ff f x&m&mmk ' mbtshtoygit -mfr ** t^F^ , Sac*z wm$$&Memft*f> ^immcim^p ^s mho fornw rly, tlmu gfeit, |^ ^ tbe ms^lvc©* f ree en.q«isy)» ^ 1 ^^ " £he a ^J Q«WMttlhn *u^ ^t' gjTe^are by > : fQj ^w^anlng ¦i Qppp &fS&t doctri ne cff th^ rt rmiiy, it TOfr y ^^ U ^i ^ ^ gc not ^r.peflNif^iv! b0 unac i^pta W^ tp Milton many, of/ ; ^oin ^a^r ^ifcctfjjf^yfn ^ ^ ^tfetiM A*^ ^ « naight ^ Well ^ Hit ymcr firptit ibe faH o^i|>g^>cum<&nt, ,wb»t it. Ai^pJr&tfkiw i &^ihtcwnvjf pr tlate^wt.of a TmiAy i^^i^b «t ^ ^ Jbpfust som^^ igM>^w»T^^4pwn- rof t|ki &pcj ^ b^r ^ ^ ptQ ^ |i^fe&~ J in . 1 1 ^^ ti r ^^ 4m|ha^by consider myself f r ri ght to ^ Qqjti^ ¦ , AjQt^diivins t2tQiC6 of ¦ « Hf ~ :*J»k%^ knT^\j^yftw ^^ %T^i^yf ^P ^ Sij i15 «ftTflti uiidx- tia^t becau^ ^, Wfl^^ ^fF?10011 ' J7 >-1 if? Mifl x^ ^% i Ai¥| MA k <<&& fe ^ ar^ ^>^ r0j ^ ^p^fiw!l8 ^ ^tt tm? wS^ ^ f ^ U t ^ bo^vj f ^ i^ ^ - * O'i ^BH^Sfflr "^ t^ ^ o ^SH^^^ KS^ft^jn^SPi^^ ^^Fo B^j ^m^ ^ ^fl^ ^wwl* ilH^^wklteR^w .JWP Nt^ m ^&m ^b®®^ *** d aw^J ^ ^fflUFSyPP^jr £?( ^ jS^ ^' ' g , |Hpi^| « t uop sffiyfll' ®ft^«5*^^ Swf^ i?lflitj5F /'AJ ^RV'^* m I any r pfn&piL -^ fe»^ b ilhlK^lip^iP^MiK i * ^ s^ ^ i^P ^ i ty, ^h^ y#p« ^ ^ft^KterJ *i^n,^ |^ > ?«|to % , ojU „¦ wfyiQh J ast « I ^thought ^ w d • be with equal, .pro p^e^te ^mea th^, likely ^to, be rea d by him with par - ticular inte rest on account of. the •' Agaity a$ |^e ^ .s ,ur ^y 4^ ^. author ' s partial connection with in tjieiiear ts of fy %iM%jbdu^Hyj ^ tlfi 'Sbciety o£ Friends. In return repi ;v^ *°TIi ^Riiber; Soji attd Holy ^ ^ SpSrltf tr ^'ifot t hree distinct per- the influence of mer cy, loye ^ftqfi soM' ^ r ^^ ri ces, but essenti ally str§ i^tb tQ jap ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ e arid icIMtfcWy one and the same, st&*Sily+tberein ^fiag ^is sfi#»Wm the one true ^ eaaftf S^iirVftte God, of jp u^biJ ity jLnd^^ng ^v ,^% is o eaM Bmi? fcoltefely implying a justl y ^^nqmin^aajbe ^ coTrftfetoiiftion '6f aggregate, in the the i1^f^ ^^^ ^ ^^ j l^k^^^pan ex 9't Q ess«^fefir¥ tff Hfche Divinity. For Whietber t hi9 i^ tra ct ii» pable Bf' addit ion of diminution , ha ^rif:W J nini«elf inheren tly and ineBntoM rfiibtyall possi ble per - .either of the lorn jer ^j ^ ^i nii : " ' ^firh p^dj feMQtii ^ :W"*' ' 'l ' J n . \ i '; • of your cor res ^Qde^nJ ^ ^ g^fe.i «**f!te>dfftt(6 o l: app dla ^iqns of, it o^ , BvUtOI ^ ^ ^ll^^ ^e^,, Fatl U^ ^oii^nd iH^W Spii-it Are, les ii-6t sed ?^%M V$'flP lj a^^P ^W^ft-** nev^thele ^sr to be u indi/- I%M *?jfiP*^Wft #f t^fttft ^Bf few* fere ^t%drfn discriminatel y orie for ^n n d J theV are ? 5^# $ #^°MnW? ilR«fernff ^ andt h/r; b^Ca ^e; properl y ?e^,^ t t% R ? h " and s6or1sVst6rttl y used onl as this ^ % H ^'^ °? ^ ^ * 1 y, 1 one'-Subreme , self-t-xisting essence -M had bo: faett^ ^Ww ^fna o/^t0**<«fi^kiJK ^d t^o o tr. poi bi^^ ^i ^ i3 c^n^feaiH different;(| ¦ nts 1 of .thamthpi~~lfc -^ • /• a^' ;)i " 1 1 ' " .' r i - ' . > '" :r $ ?i«wl ^ ^ the i Hr.M^Wfi!' Wi%-t 44w«ltw«<* ?' fo^ wh^licBhsrae redaB great mw&ih< m im^¦'A^b '>oi, 9 n ^ ^9% ^ ftW$f , | ? | ^ iWt^WSiP /fJ i | ^ |p p ^ |ta ^ ' pf ,i^M%iNN ^ ' |v>x8 ally called them%f : gabelliari W scheme, ; iif^MSsa^ i^OT ^Jf- aliv tWH * !i ^[t ' " ^ 'WY^ \^ $; it^*"?}*?^3^ •ii ia4 9 bst vssado i . . sidiif t« rf? ^ M ^ £i #PM ^^ ^ ^ ^£< ^ r r ^ iri

**i!.f.m IteM'i:D ^nft ^ fewi!*^ s.t#te,<1 fol ^w ^»^ -J MJ fts n t v^e ' vsirt ^iiMH^- ; Sm^SS^sLm^«$» # | ^' W ¦ Bsis oWmtim&amm^tMH^M' J i Av. v l .-a^r £«. J ¦..«c-..' . -93J ' /^'; ' . ' ¦ • ¦ ¦!¦' ' " !; ' ¦ ¦' " • ' nmssum*>®$>mMt&hb *M' + (. - : < ¦ - ' T f ¦^ ? * * s ¦ ' ; «§#**> % HtolSH WNM J&krte * , i. i ,. -; i - | ,¦ cr: vv :-i n'rv i^itifef , mftk .-s lio-scru pVfe to call o/ 1" ¦m$S ybtil?ivr\fem^ *lh to bri ng dow^pej ^ ^iQ iX b 1 ' ' our ti mes the Sketch a ^ Ef tg &m *&tiM'>&<$ WflAK 1&d¦ - two Ush^ ^» J¥s^fI M tinder Pr&Usiant Pers ^cutitm ^¦ b^girA id. %e^^ ^^ r 4in gp^i a% tfd i- 'Mn ' lie sm>- ^your ias t volume \fpip ^-39^^M0^ !¦p*MM '8gw£ %e *£etift£e0t; tefef- 3OI , 302, 436]. To this attempt *timfc^»^ Bii?'a^<3^ [^t?4 feni, well should bow p Qcee4 F ^ L^o^ce.^ ^ Mtfleri feSdflp&f ^ "t tfBh &pi-paced W 1- f ;P ^ !^^ €ht§^|ilfihS4 ' Wat , % the bulk of discovered^ by 'Eluzabeth^ ^ ?^«Pana tggf^^ ^ Eri glBft rtfkderi , its'denial is, I be*. vl 1 lier lf' *e%yT llHifelfiffv ' i&nti dered ^F!]^W^V. i»f»> ^i* Vferf arhi vc diviue comiiijs.' yiops^^fly a debt of jwsticq*^ , ^ ^ ^f K% Wi^r ^H^^i^id^^BWt.^ ; eWMHM^it iiiS^^flh^iSy/v^'^of k niet#Wj2'cif-'fee Coii>)iiitfe ^ the ¦„ - ayi&d^ . ' i l ftij t &^^' X! ^ ffl^' ¦ ¦ ¦ Gox, t |tt . jJI;¦ V, .>; ' : • n {. -•/ > ' - .. > of ^be Bible, I ohserved th ^t h# lllaii ^ HiUi €£t. ~i ^lL*ir T?** 4»I1*I>JlTi ^ ll ^Tiliil ^ itil" l w ^ iiaffiite - rr F ¦#fli. i TiT T tUl£S . tytCCtVmQ/ -&H>gm&&.'J ^f'Vl- ^P lilWi.li<5*i ^li Wini^l^TTH^^I^f^ilK,

fftfnients vuitt Sn tos Itnenas nad verfffiotf to 9Mk>§»£ aedicaUng his lone SEsSSI^lilB#ft ^^ in ^ :7r-|J»at hisJ cingdofh lad opink)riv d* ^^ ^ ^ at ^ VQi^T asylum the^persecute d dern a «»fittfl,ot^^;iH Been an to: thfe.7>piB«*' t ffiv W ' W * #¦'***^ .o#fti ^i envy, : tve ,baltt i»ni»tev1»e nb^ ^J r r^tal ^«^il^ '^P .^M ^irtilMieifftS^V^otedliife b^j ^C^itr ^t^iftl j ^P ^gdft^fv scriptu ^aa de- /trf gcwd^ ,rM ,flrJy;Qnef^ffer ;?ft*p«. : «l by th e .death {.f a , Qwi;rnt" «ottd u|«eB>9ito;an-ignoTande w* iMMiM «:mtoMtt ftp zmiwmwm®*whioh ^t, a«ribute B ^vi ri ^elJgTOa ^ spitfi After a ^^^ ^^^^ fc »jP *^^f ^ * ^^^ k^L *^S jpmi^^^^^ 9^^^ B^E^34^^^ B ^B^h ^M ^^^^^^ ^^^^ h-X^L ^fltf^k* 4^^^K ppropriwtt^^^^ ^IM ^k ^^^ A ^rf^K ^^^^ k ^^^^^ tf^h^^ Mttfl ^^ B ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^ k ^K^^ a ^Qpgp ^ aigfify ^a enu> and in i«hda»m ^i: i&^»» ^ 111^ tb

I^ii^wfwp ^I^ RI^ INmPk.*0^ i* We bave (yol.^p.3i^, •> ^en 4^ ^ GaLvin reGomrae o#p^ pei^ect ^p# unto death to Edward 'sgoyer ^^ The Refor iwr of Geneva • coi^d 11 ' '-^ ^ ^ ^ R^^ fi ^'- ^ i ^ ^ ^ t<* a,sj ^bi^ct not fai l to hate Castel liovz^/yi^r * fe et f iatred. His forbe aran ce aad his faith roust have bee n equall y har vest lest ^P ^ i^ka^g|4tt *€ ,- , offensive. Accordin g to Dr. Chan d- *^Brte ^- would be v wiser than the ler , in his History of Persec utiony the Il p ^ We d^j py wheat. " (p. 312, in Memoirs of Socihtts, the He happendily adds,—Mwprl Neither is p; 74) Cal vin addressed Caste llio &mj'^ tfl^ of d, nor are with these har sh greetings ,—" j ^las* d3g? the ang els to whom that pro - pheraer , re viler , malicious bar ring ^;. * . r ^j |^.i^tt eh histo ria ns have general ly a^sigWd her , among Pro teStab t pei^ti-¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' i; -' ;/ tars. ( ¦ ¦ Morun cura . - • - ' WSt 1 f§E&r ^ . it Mt * Jv • J,' ,

r/?- • ¦¦ ' .. . : . :¦ ^ : »

^5SB, HBS*l^ffii!BI IflN"- W^ I'M'^ iPPPi ^ ^fertSt *. « ^ IP^w^ llSHw^^^ B^ '¦ ^# ^ ^ ft ^^ i*- mftti ld «e*sfj n»&R0Jj p agg pegMe but fie wortk y ^^ MsSpr ^ ^<^ ^ tfeiak afnggg we n re w>ne ot , «s. wrt&out _ epDthvual gaf 'm^&f ^iSi * * ^ 4Ov^u plod di^&and ^eaTi ^ffipc™R r *pi^6ff« Wf^«W, - %ft'to - V3Q " nT ^brow t>I irow ^r«SiT5 rsA^M, Mm *iftywm&iK: 9$p$iKuimof faitit «d ^ ( i || ^^ j d^m^wB We

¦ ¦ , ~ c4«mot- ' J - -° 4/ £ 1 I p At .• 'f^i. imJ Ml \J Si,i ^7C 2 Im " • i^^^ ^"4k?y^fefrf i^ o ?Iri -r/^h^ j ;, • T1& TJ ^CEf ^ ¦.^m fff^ tf/Wf&^R ^S :i-*jfl? f $a£i tf 24ILT ON. I^ve «mwr s«mu1 whj ^ pff tta , w^ie ltr , l^ ^ ^fM^wW ifiow* ^flftf U^ severe ,^ Iil ^^ s^hwli«gs. fe;a gl^ * ¦ Ej ^xscofivs. '^fT r- . ' ? - -* > - '- - ¦ yoirt fe in wfvtij e^^i&*Mff Vrf " ^;,;, ;.,,.Ni..xv. . . ' ^ OT ft wi' S Msr -<3f^VqHd Ecclesiastical Functi&ns * f}j ^ TWeft 3 Mih commonwealth ^nd ?#lll ^ at tenglh if ever ' ¥^i^oWf ^ , ft ^SBf^ f M | P lllfiiVSh 1W "Christead omj when ^ ^ jr M ^m ^AM tjmfc *l*8et ? %hb govern discern ^ n &&&*ij time slackening the curd s of in- ^ ^ tense th oiagkt and labour ; which •l^e^ier 6®k <^M^^^^M^U§m f ar lest we shotaa thinkXks faulty , God . itftofrj nm\$\iht ®$c^mkfi 1^ * r>ot ,are; J ^ifroefr l^ofika ife hi^ own ^h4/^a||MBr %i' >iif if 3 ^fodw adl ¦ -. ' v-1 .> :i^ -,ui. ^j; d ,4 oilytadf3 pifa recreat ions l)feft>i?e • thi6 woiid was >lur ^j Sift Vfr utira ^ feaijCh tKe eternal ; ' :; ;> - ! l j ?111 ¦ . : ¦' -: »fo.*X y»^ ;TR'|wiaa i, mmp Ms dehght ^ play- ,::• - /i> '^Uii.M> i^ ao iefi a^ Form ^ ing always before Aim * &ft& to 0/ ^roye^^ tq^^ g 4o him , indeed, ivjsdoriri is as a high What if it be grafit ^rl *H in. tovv«r |rf B|e^tir e, bqt toever us a steep fi rmijty of soift e w^ixblfe^if ^Ihtfagh hill, drtcl ^We t^linr j ^ about s-uch *eem tcHb ^-r»ther half-minis- ^e " ^6 executed Wftlii ease ters^) heljpiKenr ^lves with a set ¦ l ^ltom : 1^ be ffle° e*-bloi fe ^f ^isr oitin ipoterice , for m, shatl it tli^rtf6 Te urged M ^Msil 'av wW Wit is t# will :— hp&n .the ple^t^oas.gra c©sd£^3tShers peo ? ttnut Akid J et it fce ^aiirlfedv^o sjcmjm - pie, \vbite > ; #-V^Eo^jtokin ^^ thttttghtis cuttttsi ^d t ^ ' b^t ' , • n ^^^mmf i^$ ^B o(p (yMKaPHCf lyCIOHiCfc •O).«Wf .»«!.-• ir tt llCKr. ;. . ^ . , *m&t* ' 'iiMtfi ^'duy^' oooiffll' -Snoi viMMWhMBOorv mil ' ! ¦ ^.. fr itfitti i^"ilaiiif?lf* jr fteATfrTff ^ ™!?^: ¦'''? Tw. f W vFr.. u ^CMi^ ii<4^^ . :.^ «|^ «|p^ fil ^ |i ( jH^ ¦ " .^^ M CJ •j> ' - • • wtffr jM^m^*. ^*% *df tt£3 n£nqg&in%ryi&8zo^ oa h,c V ^ ';-^f»^3P ^t ^ ^fnWi ' i4e ^J»^Wj *»Pfe^«Wt^ ^ ^fen ee ^ve before ^^ -^Sft?h ^l«3« l e is his I^Kft8 '^»lffi &?&»$to 8ata ^e< mm?. but . r j |j 4aw^ hift 'febfe Aekt ^ Vis Evident , bis cer l to 1W« W of Hif>poi*ra!t& tai n will ; herei n li^appears us, :' as it were, in hurnap shape, enters iips!a'tffiftflWroJft^ffil&^tti , bitfiaf ? * It Wfe Nation into covenant vmh *« ftkib^*reajs to o* b*£ alta r could ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . nq tf% d <* rf. ? tp- '^JTii i *? - . . b« let g^ <%& * , ?k? \ ff ij&/j&*i •itjsd t^.'>f«^rf ^iJ ^|i4JtX 0' > • : burne ii befor ^ l\m WV) ii dt ot bio y&^i$ici' v saMffiB®, but t % |; ^ h ^ \^i^^dhis^^est o^ ,j9ff^ ap^r^ben- never. .. . . i . 3 n va < K:A 4 ,j .. he ^ ^ f^11 ^ ^foikiws f scrtptare, thoiigh ^^ *i^ n^)M ^fttM #^tfctrtoey dj % tire wbt>]e churchwitei^fe isTnot it^rJ si^^ M ^q^fnjjAiH the heretic; bAtt be who follows we <**«« n4 %*o f }^4&J$9Sfr the churcli wagainst hjs conscience t to »Mer.^ ^g«Pw «Wj» iiS: and persuasion, grounded on the 1 Jtem -fiPf^^ ^» s^«»^ffwf<» ^Im^w script ^ V J^<^ (iperues. ^ .«. . v .^, ' ; -? ^ ',vn \v v,\u uT*^^ - > •¦ ^MHNHMi ^^^^^^^^ jStoVMH ^M ' - ,«k Jl^ ci* ^ftjsi^td^ j tite//wbo ."a; .^ - u » ,aj '5*»TNFrw Tj ^''** .-. r ? /nnr T *iu >. t<^ i-> QOOTtt ^ ^Wiej re *ic^ ii biiP3feif- ; -^» ;•. '/» o.V tyfif " ^yij^'^ ^r ^/ < % 5 >/V« irji '»o *^ « -- s>^»L J tX A-J**^*» E Aft RU J "'i . ."V/ i. H . 9t< & ^&%i&,{& W**W% AM f t ' 4, 4^^9^ * )8 JB dtiw 2 )v Sfei^ 5^IS (|'fei-| s - .*: f>T( 'i> :) .,>,,, A^ ft H! /ft -? W»HW» fcsgi a ' f>d ^ul ^ r ^ii/airilf^ ; • - / :;. \ ? ti ( n^p Js&fe-^j 1 t 4>w*^ o^^ ^° d? tl»«!!^>^%^ f ftf 9|f.V5^|f»t8 0ia5tta - Mg^ Bbn r^dnr ifW ^^ tbe public *afety , >s a 4egree lower 4* itJlfi j ' irtt iiltffrW ^fti^K'luria^ 'f&filA Mft tl ^ 8 tt»t" «wte»eaJWe ej^>Ua^uyr ^ "^S^E ^ d^^^ B ^ • '"J ' - ¦ ;.; ^¦ them. . .. . -.-i. ! i . * ' ez • ....„ i ^asfo u^i. j2 \^ iri^iii:i.-;\^L-;i .. a -»u\ ;>nj { wsiv oj«j Jd gi/oid ^l jj Brf ^ v^oh e ^J3l>lBiE^G(AJ¦ ^ OR ^ 9^// Si! n-»rf v ; - ' - v ' ¦ -*;- ^' y * f ?js mirf .boi^bia ^ ^' t . <^' . -. - i o&? giifh/i^iff f ¦ ¦ ¦ 5/J j j ^-jri'l ^(ujj .v .:; / -¦; - . •• -!,!> u.- : !h;n';ffimJifl{ ibiw gnlgni^ 1o ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Q 'fall Cl&D J Wj C' O^Y^r V « •• * .f - V •' • • ^ ':. ' - - l tr3 .> t>fi • 2td I znzsmin&qai 'j Wn tnejute qf xvocul and Jnstru- s^ . tnenial , Music¦ in¦ Public ¦ Worm ot ¦sgki ^T^vn ;¦' .- ' ' c • '. ¦ ; ¦ ¦ a py;r j *e d - ¦n/?? Jr^nQ 11f:" .j . - ' " ?^? '! C^f% eftffe* /fi^wm JEPwtt?^ ^.^om ?f>70 - \P.«W«g i^W iPF^?^ . t/> w h i c h is .^ ^ ,§n3|#t#y to recap itulate . J ^Soo(ado) ;v<>ry coai tno nly; a«p%J J i our devotional r iti iefea cly nf>pr opriate d to th e act Sf y^ce^",. ^f T ^ ^ p ipf singitfg, ci ^iLVeca (Jmnmeo) si spmejhing upCQ^ ^ /f to or g* t^J g^ lufie^ |>jraise celebrate , more in§ ? ^P^f. 1 9' Al»«a^^feW^ff&P*- j ^p^si^I as it appears , by sing- P. * ?!^ °/ l vW g feB ?!9Saf l^ circum«:a |}ce^ *. fl^ ^r rep eating metrical compo- sucn T^uft ?d4i fftP fysaUo) not rfSioxia^ > i^aX ^a; signifies pq^l^f^ W^ m^diWi^mp» ifl f a e ^nd^^ l«s , c^ K teo ptey }an atst ring ed instruments ^ ^ g^ ^yy to si^ and the same time play «l iriftHiu me©te to' prais e by such ?Mm?, nd f I hly ?m\? 0 m^mmiRf ^iorgipg^ playing^ *»S fif^^ .WW pe^tt ^ SWtf ifDJir ^^Wv prwDeed to consider the to have ^ee^ c^iQeMy, ^u^^ oiJj ,. the ^e pani d yv.ih vog^ ^ J pai tgegi i^ .j Mriiicil word s ^ ^ nj0$ «9W^tfjn^3BC4pling^ those onlusedy in .*•, H OJ n^,xyt .^v. *.5 I^t4UP psa lm Fpr ti V^hmh th ^ \^wrd is in written , tl^js £$&*&<£, W$ to of confess to thee a^pn^^ e Qentues l^fergnce the Book Psalms , , x^« 42* xxiv. 41. and sing ontQ $£n ^e.JH ' \$.b f iuiz* t hMke 3) original word sa«s A<3[l*£ii* iS^^:c3 which need f iff rfy?^ ^ % ^- ait ^(ftXfpla4 asition , - . ¦ • night Ayh?st a& ^&spl^L Aff ipj . ' ^ iAKtf s u And at mid i^jWsj raH ^ffrw 1? lavlft JUSI^.^ ft^^ ^ ^ . J Sftidni gh^P^ut r aa4o Silas prayed cto 9f ¦•«««!R ?5 ,l?t Pr ^Sxf?°i ^fciMP ^ ^ M^gn f9WWBL» 2 tSUid. The v ce zMP ^yovv.) V1 . a^ natural meaning is, .s./™Waife l gifH8ffl# SSfr f«play§ieb aAdr prais ed Gd&3* f ®d ¦nv^ f. ™«ft t ^myr,n4a»j»fefie saS^hi u^n^r translates it, Waw- ym ^ ^"liMtei?*"feM iy$ar Ifb gj i^ tb ^^^ ^j p ^ ^e^ ^ ^ed ife ^ S^ ' so Ift ^e^iMtfe^ ofeja 8lS'iPb 3a»3»?d£Fteilftp ci id^ ™ffl? u3lJ! e 11 ^cirf m ypv?bR^posiioi}^;be cpiv RS8P*i ^% S i. .fl^ ^^ Wa i ^ ^BQ o^igrt ial ,p e a ar fb. ¥6C^.°V. diWittt t'ic^ ^ ^ W Jnfert '^AmjbJmo hrtve teewxuQtin cbn ^oct ^M ^j |tf«Mti aA ^ jl9^ie)yitaw it9Jp ^i5> ^?re

ndcriagxx >L i.Ui saI j i9bnu «m :e ctfrifStant be doubt ed ; but if he bad mean t Kabitytf DiiVid1 wfcen ' iifterW his praise without any reierencg to psal iViS of pr&isei As the praise the manner of it , the G re^R fan- * ^ertaiply is the? heading object!of gu age supp lied him with sufficient If he to si ihe Hffcit&r, ancJ we have no word vari ety ^ referre d nging, ft bur iangu^e which will denote to the exclusio n of instrumental fffalseee hb by singing with instrumensJati ts, accom pan iment , he had a Word t^ o^hctio^ to jlran ng i t which he elsewhere emplof^ ^SSi, ^Sfca^K at i^os^vi " I wit ac- cidedl y appro priated t&&ng **tg+ •fcfacfwl^ff ge jthee among the nations, He was wr iting to «> cotft xttopf rLif if ftWfcV limV^bVafes unto consisting chiefly fsee^Acts^iXvSfe ¥>i co ¦ ftvetts , i&i j »j W" G^ntileu ^T» I ; i . _/" K »"¦* - .iii ' ff.) of ? - .» -> r^ * .^- - .' iS **' -^- . " xne.wdm does not signify. and he employed - w- vmm p^ctfc- n ' ypLt^Wt is: «r wiii liar ly appropriated ^ anaoftg^ otife ife>it\^ fp Ujifetv and 1 will Greeks (when used-ii n< ^o«he€tf«^ iiW>!p the tirtd ferst audin g also : with music) to playfcig;Wi insltni w X!W V.Mfffl*at oyyiiiibthe spirit, ments , or singing with -inst ^irmtfJiv vvWf l ^Bff cwi'th the understanding tal accompanimi^H 4s£nd never 8W1 ! "ki-e-fcere unable (to used, in^ tb<^^d aj rsf fol" !sifl&i»g ? W^-r timSf S,' TOqiDfe 6^ explanation alone, Psa llo doesilftfe^ngli^llW B&w£f " ^ ^ gg^ «£,#iisfance m the last t o praise God (^y>^gi«^ w4tlisiflP- ifi ^Jt i /not a, tr^sla- strum eRtal ftccomp al6 fa tp A^ *ea n¥ %% S^|M n^Sige^ 5t S** j-efer ^iicfe 5 prtfta p *m gert ^mt ; Jm'>e^HfleiTwk^^t hT, 6o- 1 may ^y ^ith ^ c^iifiitefite ^ (a» ^|8" ^ as my prt ^eilt Wioafrts of * ju d^mfe rft to f/astf^fe enable ' n^e , tt }i4 I bav * ^w^ /ilfc^'^ffieii- 4^d^ th *it X^maarrTP !S, £U!'-&in tnofc^ in sought for aU l ^ ^w ofr)^ St tmst-jr •mi wip^asseiTrbiie s y ^an d: thi^ wauId ^h9vtBW^^f "ijeeir ^ inadm issible in ^nu i '^m '3 ^ Mte ^ySsWiftg ^i&im^^imumicosu ^ mei^^ m^vUMym^f^in^l^^ fne ^ At^fcC^i3£M^ «£ mfe > vhe apostle i^d^Tli^aufeatocuPciMrf«Q th^i

i' f^OUvUSVJrJntMittiflflit fl.uRWi flairflmt ^wCy^lxt. i"1™liiii c)m4b£tjW»«P ^ *o be under the guidai^»r ^«rf ^toa ofa^«H^/jto^inbtAc^»r«w» pd*w»*»J Jw ^ Mum I ^d Ofe *Ae ^f f toeal^mdf mtmmmiQl in Puwit Worship. but fes exclusively, than otff m} in t^fc* But!I d&m bafltiH ^xbe^0otK3 u *» •gg j f*e * n> mm*i Q3P*v «*, ,$fe Imve sk>n caa ^fefr <^)iafed t*^B*Be*n flf^^^^d *# sibewiv .(ana f Jc ojti^r©#! n^ lawtirei ^ ifepmfemW« rity for ii^ tbttti th ^lsiorcti %$&*&£ $t^Hdfr ^iqr ai* ^& to *fc&&h£& f^teyV^ ^en^al . *(*rla (p&allo^ oyAdmn ^ce n afBefirte* Iftiit be^ * mf.mj^Si^ri^.ifr.t 4t*tmlatim t imes hav^: n .ond ^itood ^y^h^ S n ¦¦ Corii Hri to mjean )e» *# 4tdb df«*&*: >*W ^ J *>**¦ «>*¦*? ia^ singing i ^ T i$ and th rough paiti * cfasivety bclEhsetii at IW e roast : j ^^ ¦ Me * cellar associations in tbe minds of not jt»il g£>£a£^ ^h^se ithiagi ^bj ^ orft i#at$y (fspeciatly in re feretic a4 was so farsingmg from ck>iug t bui t ruai^ntal music^r Quidc en |L^«v^r Tfi^ant W)t exclusivel y. it ap peftr^ »tmng ^thjtttibe ^oab ouiB tfee «|«iiy vea " tl^yllw^f 5 ^ -i t>^ ? uftete cfc i e ] 4odbilinpftB i^ei will prai se with the unders ta nding lodyW ish&O *eii (Aaeefd 0fumml mh r a clumsy render * te. tj ^°«?j lft ' *9$& i back in the tttinte eind phtcb l ^g, |^j *t if ^ it does nof convey tht! ferred toy aad we shall firi d a jwide whpl ^ tru th , it conveys noth ing di ffereoce * jMtmc wssi a tdeiifakt f$|^ $ &*rt l*jp which (twillro ug ix>th v .ery and even essential br ^nohof edm. r ^ipon associations) be cation umc!F*gtbepcai sbet ^Orerfci ^ M^ ^l^^ ^e jt be e$m with the th ^ir regul ar ;^ecom poaed-poetrjr «** ^ and evert ll^mipTemeftf taj ^ x^HRo^ idi4^»d !lW - -,*S»: 'U>. »*FfOBci that sions of genius ^ ivtj rdsawgwkrfc ifl*. tiiq^Cor inibiam , when tind er the stru menta l ^tjeomjiaTii fiieBHst;. tfcfek iinspiration £of the spi rit they *#. hymns Wjprft isetm t4i^Gtx)>>tf«ro &f prais e i» \v l? ^ i t|te |^alm Ac*r accom |>am ^d HJi f tbfl ih^tp of p ^l i ^j ^LSsemWies, not only etiu iyi^ . If i J th©t 3stevtiB&* a ^lhaf & W ^J ^vT ^^^l^ iL 'M af^bl^ i) 'oltf1 ^h^j^^p^ nmtm?rf5 .paSitary 7iScc. $3$jfff i^i>i&&ie*&i > furn ish^ no in- vcmnsHA& W \v$tk i*kmi aid the fbr f die Use <>f i^ii: totehawi ^ ilistro - $ m&W *pvcimem>sKW ^v^dj efmti^Gai f^ftttf!^ muste>*d ^^ voti^rt ^l «Qfr. ^i^re ^ ^ih^i £ * *** :-" •: &OB, in ail the learnin^ g or G reece; See Locker Beausobre > Mack - a ^mu ^XvBmi f Qmdpt^hof the 4f bHe piafosa^lnefas. ^speadtsof tkz ^i Cphv v; t9. li ^ #ia dr auk wifh teggmarlyri(tfi6fl*ents of ihes law , bat be *^ j ^ilj e, >fi rt Sii fa£ at^la*^ ki^rumental ae- is dissolutei ^e*s; hnt he fifled^ *h^ r; ^18K cfebt peqainea lts among them, nor the spirit ; speakiEg ^p '09«fe ^Ui^i itid ^edicauM be, for they cauid ther in psalms, and by4nris, at ^d not rfa rj n a part erf th e M osaic spirit ual $ongs singing {adcnte$) ^ xitwak //I will cheerf ully retra ct ami makin g Tnelody- (psMtonti^) the asser riou if adequate reason s with your hear ts to the Ldrd l** agaiost it^axe f>Tod *i<*ed; but till Tbe firs t thipg to be observed oil ttia t k dbfi ^ X ntft&i mamtai n that this passage is, tha t it has nothing riieK *»a&$a ge y*fc<£ei- useconsideratio n to do with publ ic wor»hi^. TtU * &rily i£teth B^i ing^ tOeapakl Mi of praiseiii the pu b- lieve that even th at passage tfee ^ ?ej ^.*s lie [a39^ml>Jies>io ^ Ch ristians , to the common it^ertf oa^se l^f ^ilabattse bpfy j&irliiarto obser ve Ch ristia ns, especially at thciF Sa- ^M wtbebu'i^&e^ ^v^iie^ singing - in cial eatertai uments . I mil ^nM tfca» rj ^ia BS^e^iblies ^ h » a» at Co. say that the apostle does not pttt- jw wtt& ^afli fa.r can 4>e ticularl bdi ^ iep ga- y re fer to t heir love-feastt tkej ^rlrfmrrt V^j ^ le) jaotfai ^ag (though I know ttcr 'ff tjpf iio^K i^l I^ ^BS moee>t^a^ t &f a& individual , does) ; but I think tUe conh ^xi^i ^ti% iri (^iil&iastmmental accoin stron gly implies that he do ^ ^ |^J ia ^ - ^lH ^KU iiifei« ^ ^ii^sj ^it p rompt- j ?e&r jto t&eir public asserhbH ^for at j che morshwj * iedsf^eitlier n> time , or pre- 2. A$ 10H& l ^ i ^ 9»»«isl^ a*> in ^tlieir publ ic for f bift «i ^rtfy ars i ion© fa^ed anitl ers opin ion of -CtelfiW jB ' - -|( ¦ £h ^C^(w^ tHf Ud f Stmvt^mkCB^i&^it~wmin t heir 1«.) appears to ¦$& ' %lfe D:$i&i o&^0uaid ^u^i^ evid^fice heosive in th ^ir subject -thati ^w)^1, n-« a*iy x : o^ov eai^t> the»in? ^ other #*&fch "dbo ^kfM tW : ^Sttwj fcf 1 ^ t^lln tfeis; t i> (i o - ¦» ¦:«- ^ sibgii^ .^'^- tfcte Deity* frut p^lttis m^1fe^# . .03>* ^7lHCB *q»«fer qaftf Mow-is t ^ ¦ ¦ iti th ^n, bret hren ? W^h^n ye Ooitie * SlicbtiDgtu ^ ¦i< obser ^ 'W > VO$fc f offplher ^ evepy ©^e»af y^9« bath a sftfld ^ opiaioc Xoclui invfiis}p Bn^p kiui^e j«ys, *' S«ejk not Oive^ipn thi -psybm ^ or palitj«r virtt err oga|iv^ly, ^o^j r bhi&dtti4)tiQ%of y«xu a ps»Fm , ha *h Jwr ^rd^tri ^ ^ ^ .MiTbe>^pd0. ff SCT^ffi^K^M Ac- .Uad o^tii o^ «!% * fei^ ^Tijea l^^f hat ^ke a j ^a^Otcr a^ r^ ^ |tw ^ tt ^WPfc Mgi ^ ^ k^ i ^ ^ uod mM ^Mjm tRa psli^^d^he ^^ i»e ¦ #|C^y^nfp '. dj ^ttrtft ^&a. rBB ^-ij sT ^ lo aloddDd oij m " u o 'i iiiunyi'.i •^ di^rn s.-i- r ni 2noU2Sup ^ao'i^ f l and *g$m prg ^rs thanksgivings , rm$i many things relatin g to cf uftV, ^^^'^ l^^^^^' fe %e fejipineiis of man kind. * ^ mmf usedis ra Sdom^^^S fe ^^twflHt J ^H ^narkoW^s a ver y gen e l that Ionia was liie land ;MK ##Si^li ^pre ^idri ^ in distinction and tfce Ej ^eifete t ^ r ^ ^fironfn ^rbftriie arid worldl y songs." ly employ instrlim etttsff ^dort f^-- •^'THfe grand point is, respecti ng niments with "th ^ir ^WKii W s#ffgi, the dfetihf tion between singi rig unless it had%ee n fdrfef dffetftb eM ; ¦ A^bMtei)y and the word (psalf ontes) that the apdstle, so fat from &6lri$ Mftiicbr is translat ed , makin g me- this, act dally makes use df ffife lody (or father harmon y). After word the most appropriate ' in t®e Hie Statem ents which I have ad- G reek language to playin^ upSti iSatred respecting the import of the stri n ged instrum ents, or sfn^tfe 4Wter (in No. 3, and tinder the with such acc6*BpMiifiie«ts, wHisA Hmrd \tse\t) the reader will be which was nevet ^s^ft fe ^^ ^ ^ ^te$8Lt£& " for the position , th at if singing eKtXvL$iV&y ; " antf %€toitf t Hie ferine * here signifies the use of quent ly, th ttt ^t |eaist h^ ca€I«#f& ^ocal music, or sin ging prop erly supposed to discountenan ce^rig- io called, the latter as far as I can ing with instrumental aedoifii paiii- still ^thef ^«ftt f^dfeKre , mustof mean playing ou m^nts ; ^« % i^tni rri ents tmisic , or singing be understo od %y tlitl ^ td r u ^fe €?ith instrumental accompan i- he addressed MSicttC ^ ^ ^M ^fe ments. T see no room for doubt , explained its meaning in oral <^dni» t&BtAve should literall y render the munication ,) as authbtts fng their * Idifle^fc words , and give them employment of instrume ntal as S$ir ^iact force , if we were to well as vocal music with their spi- V| f ffliy , * sliiging and playi ng, with ritual songs* ^ , to the ^ hearts tord. " The I know but of two inter prettttiotts ambigu ity of the last word , and which oppose th ese ideas, fbe flt |t IKe aWK wafd Associations connect - raav he derived from ^ctttoiii ^i:- efl wtth it by constant use, would so as to leave a// musical mcrdulaw nriiike me averse from employing tion out of view. But 1 thi n^I bf the k-llia^ansletion scri ptures , have suffidfentl y fitic^^f tti ^4H*> no word of por and (as we h^e as exact- tber ^ a ; (^rfo »^) ly, t^te same forc e psallo) I should will allow of this^ extrei^ Me ^ general i- zatio n of mffifljffici to the more general ren* their meaninfl^ g; 'fhe se- d^Fing,ony ^ singing and makin g cond is wBat5'% ^N?W 'tfeM p-W ^^ iim \" but the n it should be those veif vd i»« | i» olo^ cjp^rl y understood 5 tha t this bar- the Fratres ^ ^^^ftf^S' . was by accompany iog the says C relUus oyi'-^M ^Mte J Sy% yii%in#u hiet ^f jpr;rtiusic , like a musica l hi^tril ttt e^V which ^l^; m. w^ K^^m^ p^^ V ^ imm4 ^ ^^ m ^W^^ ,.,i ld I IJp» il iliim.i"i <»iUM!l...'l4ltW ,. t Ul hif so is' to ' j fMI l l> V" ' 'l H-'* ' I"!""" Irfit^¦ l j s^^4l|fflM word */* . A^pt m ' .mmmm Ethics /as abd^ve qubtW)^ b^srtV k f^feSpC^ I'ip^mM^^ ilf : OT' . ^^^^ HaB ^^ ffi ^^^^^ Sffl ^ ^ ^^^^^^ j^^^^^ S^ ^ ^j 'Be^^^ B^^^5iW«PlrW? Sr gglOTWP- ^^^^^ ^^: fl?-) 1 aByWSMHftM^pp'H^faife v t? MJt^^^«^^P°fli«Wi passage ii^iCU^^ t^t. Jgjg t *'$&" & *tth, % M ^ Wl1 atfowte^jila^g^ HgiM-^i " Spuro # $^ani«iejite i jf thfi^ feJfoj ^^ H^ are to s^p^ose Uu,"" ' Att Sp fcfesiag fa mer ely tljat or the ^ ^a^.^ v^ ugt tt HgHfePf^l ^^^#Hlg,& T^f&rfti> vSM. * , Thifrs also su pposq the sipglqg-.^>, h^»e ^tg yoWDlW rMT <3 I V/ACXr tioQ li ri'Tll I fVI#> Cl * limit, , t}ie the same .in .othi;r 5MjaE4s, J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^th e ^ildwdng .•confHder>a ^- if the playing we.re uot real ly;pl ^BS 4ak ^ii-t^gi? r it seems to ing Ion iastr umeo ts, ^ut ^- ^ |han ^<^i^^ jDm^- jus t. exciting the .a fifectioias, the, e ^ ^ ^. ^mkmo^ of th ^ ^^ ra ff ClitJP%^%itoa4-i ^rf ^he word must be s^id vagina^4^a* fp' J *£^i'- .i&$: M t*ke New If the authori ty which lihi^ p^l^j p : ' Ak 9T afford s for~instramental ^acpor ^^ -qEW^^k&Wnfr JJt^^im&T^ m&f* *- *h^af.!t^^ niraents with devoiii>nal skigii ^^ 01" dissipated by the ^ . ftiiss^a^.fi^t^l w^w^^W ^.Wf^w^^^fl* figu rati ve ^J ^ ! iRte ^re ^i ^h^^ p J lr tJ fefe ^ ™^ j*K> thorit y whkrh i>^th.pa sssa ges,!^^ )^ 'J bpp e^ p^ for vocal ,rnodulatioa ^ii d ^^"S*^ ^^c^ic^p •JBL%f"'R^' \fe*tKjJJB.^eefl ..the al exercises musta Uu bg.d^U-j ^j^l But (4.) 4h^ expie^sionia-pr it ^^ the hoart, ^ho*4b jp igfat,h&ift the meaaiiig ^afiaSgn ^ ^PllUMib ¦ • ¦¦ • . ' f ' v . feti^F . •^ . J&&fr' -;ift&for. .4# \is^:a ^ , ^ - . . . . _ is, with equal prop riety vacKloy, £^i^ !^ f n^d^ia^ more agreeab ly to B3ul ^ gi§g$ ? ^ lil ^ pff |li e,. ^ine ' effect Slichtin- of» itfc flias (Eph. y« 19,) obser ves, ** As if he it, interpreted , w ff e^ffifa mmmi^ms^^ «f tidns , with sincerity, >>witA,zfifv qf$ xaaat4Wjl» absfiot,^t as,-suffictfnt if. the devotion of sout. So^ui ^c^i^i^

l|Bk1 ^ rK" ; he»rt ;" that is w^bj fP4P9#4l»p^g liiKwHh ' f Tr 'ftitil *tfif»i'T11 r "f ; r fefther inward *^ i^ wit b ^^ti^i^^ fe ticp;l,po^victito|ii*. <^), tf^^ff^

•• 1 •» ' v ¦'¦ ; • v ^ ¦• 1 ^ ti.;j £' * nor can m. ? ^ ^ ' v -*^- i-^^> *^ »*^ r ^^^aJ B^gffi * ...Sec also k th e xollpwjnff passagcs^ Si iellrt^ i^ri to*6rfil^ ^these which, atnofltt * others, KCticte, t^mil ev occbr ^iwithIffie prepositionii, ^ > ^ . ' ^ i&i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ttlie ^-ik 3^ :^ ^ » h$m&*W^^ ^^^ ^ ^1 : ^^ ifi^ ^S^ ^BIi ^J ^ ^^ ^ • 'jfiMB^ j/1 ^ dctcrmincth thm , ffi M^ hfliMr - ^II^ SkSsP ^r fi£*

^^^^^H^^l^^^^^SRHJ^ffiB irc^S SBr w nPHv n^s" spi' n*ir#l.» m VII I. i Bw K 122 On the Use of Focal and IhstrU ^htnt M&i ^i*>^»W ^^ «^. tft^B Wfr M W*^ &*rt .>W tl w#ts &e have no Religious va1^ ' ;'- 6tit riiat lift ?«W??pfc >? ^? % • 6^rai bF^ii 4mPm^*Nkjt^li h* »- ti>fe 1»^rt?Ji > f «6f& v v th^* Chmt ians coiija naV, fi >IH tfi6 % ^d*\4>f Hv*- 7 tt» ^iV^fe.HW ^W^^M- w ^« piece apostl e, foe siiepo^ed excludfe s .to the use of ertherl In fine , tftte ¦^ q ^WtfV ihe;- . tliey were on£^Q#^ the simple itf of * ssag , ^ i aj; ?^ heart , bie^ g thjl ^^ ^*TO ,i#ward affe ction of piety, as that that , in t hdr s^mii ^^a ^g ^itMy wjvi -; prompts the voice and were to axrconi paily tli^if vocat ces h ii^Hd ^ijjd the ^and , and we have (I instr umental melody with th ^ in- th ink) at least as- beaut iful a me. ward affection s ; th ^se w^i*^ to Be therellius, And excited b their harmon y ; tfeiSle -t aphpr as that usesof C . y , j^^ jt lie apostle word psal- wer e to prompt their harMdti ?* * « h ave alread y sh own (No. 6. CoLiik 16. ** tet thei^^d ;^p^n»l affection ; ,. « • Slichtingius cpiisidp ^ t t -I ¦"¦ ¦> * ^h ^pi ^ ^w an tnTT rrngn^ — . '^. • "•; - . -. • < —— meani ng, singing with thpThhhea ^ ^ |«th ,J» X.«ejry^ (^v) my spir it/* c^al instrun jent, ; ttk * ^ k » n^% ! Wfcr with '(&>*pcr .. f j59t «Wf@|s l^i^railce. ^' •« . WHI i -f^j#r«^ latter part ,of^ r his fM^tf ^.-t&jfa .^^^ y^\th grace ia U> | ing vi\%U the jtifo(qtt £^l- , qf MRilVAII thoug h there ^>c bo moduX^an h xr*s.\y,.a» nuotwJ py l aoin- g^at ifecatipn m^ 4 Si^ \ f tffm&& ¥w.«hJ^ %%fifc f literal, u Let him sing psalms/' The object /bf-tSS 1 tifoMfi B^kAf v is the praise br ' iMiik^ If^ifhm^^ v^ ^ fvf^ $*or ?fy H^ M- ^uitabte^,such, aa ^Ctioo ; else tfeer than the mariner W^i^ ^fia ace since we hive tid W&f \£$rj p)jty f^gijj fy^itk fuTnes^ta (asi^iflls ,ar dec£nc$. Lj |^st inclirie^ tlais been before repea,ted>;djiacrt 3r &Ht- Utter senses in vdiiclj, o ^be ph,rase responding to p&cfltb , it vfo titld!pt&> ct . iv 6; Let your Wbly lead less into ert-or^ ^ u^^ ^p-ay wi^ th if^e speech |>^^ alw s .grace, that translated it, 4< £ let : bim f dflfe r j $ gr&cefuiness/' Upon the whole, praises.*' But as far as th^ fe#f* lio^e^er,, the former -meaning ence is to music at aH , ft includes seems to pie best to sui$ the con- the use of i nstrutnerital ais weftf^sU nectiQQ. IoJthe note wjiich I re- vocal melody. Atid, thrftf^ ; ^I i^rred to., in >No* 5. Mr. Peirce am satisfied that a persxta, tor&fer observes, that the f ruie in the text the infl uence of religious cbe^rftiL pthe^ l) . . ifa ^fy $g *%- * 4 I will ed , that this passagie til^o liS& rio **&&&&* tnoi^ correct.Th * ^ e original is refereuce to the services of mrbtic ^|f#^¦ ^> Wy ¦itm '¦$$ *&<, *>{.upuw (fiumneo) ; vyorship, but to tfiei ferf ydf^ cJ- and though ^t may mtjftn , I tiong of ,the Orist^n^., " iQ ; J^^jBn WHt-prftise by singing,'' th« only rerqarksc, - Thes« t^<^ direction^" " ^ ^ : - .^ ^ ^ :df h is> " l ™ in concerning prfey er when thcs^r weje [ The He- aflBicte d , and praise w hen"they fc#iftfe $r *l$* #fr ^fcelebmt^/' tMfevf.intheoriginal^Psalm xxii- es&y and cheerful, ** seeji^ ^6\^e 29^) fe-cfe/ , * to praise . .*. '. . to fefer to their private de.vptiphn, r ;j$. Jetties V. 13 , L V. " ¦ IsMftfcy and not to tbeir public wo^hip ; ^h^vr^ul, let jhint sing, praise to for if one persan.was affltcjte is another quite easy^ what would orily ^>ne word employed i#r the suit one xvfyn)tij aCc6rAil)^>cf this^ 1^? ci^ase, viz, the i ra peralive of rule o( thi**fr6it) *£ Save b^rh f S^h- flt ' far th&MbM ^^o*gwn * Wh& C*%^ ^W ^as a- MleVof ^riyattotvcwahtp^( iB • :

^^ ^^^ ^^* o *4^ B ^^^^^^^^ ^^ j^^^B ^i ^^'^^k-^^^^A "" ^^ ^^l^ ^^^^^^^^^1 £l ^k S^^I^^^^^ i 1 ^^ * ^u ^^ '^^ S. the- Revelations Which may be ,. />!0. ,4P^f'qO^y ^fe^ P^»g«*q^ ndtijced, to render the etmmeraxi * believe^ifii rwib i^ii ^BW^feAielwcrM ^ qpcttr- .., W^^ #n WMStWNA^fi*^ !*-1 . " •$%•- -*V xvh ^Slff^-;& ^ fj$. c w^^ i sons 6f Icrfo ees* the servant of "God, we fi nd , V Aod vvJieii tfcey hatb f pj v went ou^ a1n ^ip^»o^gr the Laj»b. In sung a hyrnn^ th ^y krt a tft ese instanc es, the vefrb is iido the mount of Olives/' Th« dr iginaiA and i the substantive ode; and no for the first clause is the parti ciples addition al re mark appe ars neces* fro m vfx,veu> (ta ^r s^ uDde ^ s|Mp/ Several passages occur in the wojd and -No* Til Tftis^ bjft instrumental music is spoken Newcome, was rendered ** whwxf r: wmehv du Th ufe , in chap. v. 8. and xv. they:had used a liyrnn ;" and itr» who *&¥ the elders ^ and those had the I^ >V. it is rend ered , ^ ^f> whKm§ gained the victor y over the beas t, they had recited iM.-ljjtn^V. r 'tvil&i ^repr esented as havin g harps , may mean, that our Saviour 'and ^ a^e tC ti4 ktt erk harps of God ;" and his apostles sang a hy ntn * ar, that? P referenc e is probabl y made to they repeated a. hyrpn | :ar sto p^j ^ the ssuse in chap . xiv. 2. In th at they offered thanksg ivings and * chap , xviii. 2^?, it is declare d , prai ses to (Sod. I dtK rto ^ vkwftnl e (Amdtig crfihe r circ u mstatTces ^, show- that there i& any thing afosotut ^ty^ tbe attd r desolation with which to decide our choice a*norlg>th€0e * in|^ f tile prophetical Babylon was to be rpeanin g*. l^he latt w'otshi p, s^eaife' the sounding dov r Bfut if it w ej ^e ttte f^GW^j; tt ^it brasr and noisy cymbal clearl y as the J ekv s, in ou utYrti eaniri g instiii meqtfe ; nor oh* did sing dr chau^tJ p$a#mB iinWngv xiVi ^irher ^ " hb spemks of tfae the pasrohal swpper, fctoet*tho ^yiMiM ^f fi o^r Savi pipe/ Ot har p, or : trum pet?, as af- gelist represent ^ our >A* fomin g no di rection and pr oducfn g doin g so ; if not y-as no o^h^r I*** itb effecTofe the mind ? unless there stan ce occurs to authoj ?pfiya th#> Htfr: ' w di^titKftio n in their sounds sapp63itio« thai our 5avik>ur 0m*« tW, I Winfc5 b^rd tha t this ployed Vcte^tl Jt nusic r i«i his det**^ r Iti^t basghgfe % considered as op. tion&> a^iid i4: (lid not , h> |?W ^i)t-rV |rtte%- " Ofo tm#t Tridti^fii^il ftc. stance peetaltarly suit (he p^JM ^, «#^iij ti ^/;*% jmt$; ( Cip^^ ii^Ai|(g^|jl: ;* sl^uw ciin^jirar splm ^*t song; but I am utterly>^ ¦ at a loss t<> 4wh>6w, in any way, it K TBWriF ^^ ^^Wv 7*^^^B^PRl ^B!!Wp5'iW^' « *^ ¦• 'WW ^WJ ^SHS^^ ^^^^ P-* xSr mam^mm^M ^ws^tii " ' . VdJ ^p^Wj lr CH wB!r ^SHflr ^^W|5^' ' ^®^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 1 i*f«saiwig 4 p^litt i<&9pm£&r > A© exercises err devotion ; ana cer - f #t>wlsd*mfind^&hh ^gjw&&/not tairdy we have none ^for the h'se 'of dn ^inrihd Syinkgogue lnstruoiental music. If either okl pl0yec* ser ^ ^ vife at the *" time r of dor L^itd: botri y are con ttsajry to ;)> is gener al ^ Mentio n is jflarte * of? singing in pri nciple of worsh ip (John + iv. ^L} Bsmisotoe ^sI« ttodocfion T as form ^ then they are virtual ly forbidd ^X iog a pa*t of the afternoon service * if not , the matter is left entire ly HuC if ltet€ writer were not allege ^ to our own dise retioxK '\ . titer misi&k«ny L believe there is ao (3.) We have ver y good auth j bo O^ sttiScien^ ^nlt ri*y for supposing ri ty ft>r the use of vocaL musicf tijg& to have been the case ? in oar in the more pri vate exerc ises d£ n»d if Savour 's Uflie^ it:were hoi, devotion. See No8. 5, 6; alao ^v wet buve no proof tha ^oiir Saviour (4.) We hav e, I thi nk , equal ly, enter £ang. Wh at ^ mubie these was good authority for the employ^ in* the Tremble service, (whether rae nt of instrumenta l mu^ip' ac^r vbna b ori ndf&u mental ,). the people compan yi«g singing, in ou r ma |«jrr lar ge had / no i ha mediate share p rivate exercises of devotion. See^ * and the with i 4^ indfcfc d r Fern pie> Kfos. 5% :8. ' , '^ setvic© se^ms to have had v&ry: (5i) There is eKp ress a utfiorit j ^ ^ littJe resemblance to whal we un *- im th e' : agpostle'g'ow n- wpcj *i ' .ft >f 4f*\ det&tan& * hy pu btic worsh ip- It ' individual 's using vocaff a r>d in^ was ra th &r the wsirvace of the Priests stsruroeRt al music tb getiier% whe ^ aftd Levite» atone, in behal f of the utteri ng d^ psalm of pra ise, ?u|tv fttJei pte of J sTael ; and the people deai the prom ptin gs of %pe «ffspiisiL se«ffi, t(v have been cohcer ned in the put ^Lic assetubli^f tt i^ ro efl^cly as spect^torsi The l\?iw. (Ubriistians, Sto No.;$• » * V * p4b was often employed as a pla^e As doubt may be entert? a4he vte&ip)- Jf : ¦ •» ¦ ' subjeq wor ^fcip. ^ -- *•**<¦-* : think it beet to view t^e ? Jt TJie. pfi«cedijng eKamination af. negatively, and add A ^ Th &t ^ ne ^ -/^ i fcwrds il vhiftte saltafac tor y evi dence ^ ;) tfoe man r «onel ¦ s. te ^jl!^ ^,^ fee th ^^follo^iria usions. t& ^ apostte exp^es* th emsfclves;, k|t O' «urt -s a mi&)'.W£ ^ha ^e n^ r bbrit y firoiw j die . cTrrum0 tafi 'C4B«» of lh« C48^e« oun iSaviour tt>- introduce eith eir1 (takin g iiato accoun t ^is* const apt . usic vftcal^or fnstruhi ^nt ^L m into i import of the word psalf o ih o^n ^ p«W ie tttolititi i^^ ^ # «rt triw fc^, dirtHctly opposingteithef; hut sim- which they wv#td ^)lto^yj |i^ij ^ it ; ply l*ai?oBr ufe' h« ve riot h?s.are autho ri ty elude s tir e suppositioii, rfmt 4^W, i^.fi^ rfk* W©1 left ipreL regarde d the use of fo&lui mef}ty|) b r » wfth td ) 4 wi o«eiy as'dhd % e ^i» r respect music, in co!^otion tl* ci»vc).>ffipr , the p^r ^ VegnTstiotVof puWic tiona) .^ga bg "iiMb ^i^^ lf ^MJ p^-, ( ' ^ ^ v w§*4hijpi in gert ^mlt ^ ' ) . "w - th efc nAti ite; bf ^e^N^ ^« io^ , &i) vjit> ] k ' tt^ ^ ^ety tirattif 'tirfrt ' whe ^ . Ofati tsliah tetir ,^ . S^ l!fw m;k; tlnsr ^elya^ ' ^ ^ '* ; ' ^if" ^^ ^ 1 11 ' ^ ^ Tf' V^^ ^ ' - **" - ^^ -* ^ a ji of^ f«b |t4atttV #itA«x ^^ i Hiie ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 " c^ -•!!!««™n » v-mi' 'Wl CT otHSf ^?|fi ^H^fW'yt'fjaFfi!; * r abo infer *l^ »©^)Wrtg «*ib ik» 166 On the Use of Vocal and IhstHw ^mM ^^ , ' spirit of 4he;\ap8s r-r rirbe 5ft« ^eh1liA d *$&,:AVihe ftntfM ^fcer tl ' s directions is equall y ntsti n- b^ Wc*«8ft&&tt f ^U ^^tK>ltOoty t^e ^ t^ fi U$$f&d^ r w b^her hytniV bf^dfc- left wn4ibiit%nj4^estr«t t yptia» ^Drooa pBed tKfeby tfcfe rai te^ frdftB i *%%^ z<^ftW^nf a&p\ex*ite spirit or reddV nierrtrt )n(id>^f) the ' di^ere£ H ^?enf^ of of * hr ^ti tte«Ji ie^ordinar y spirit devotion , tion ^nd expetfen ^ 6f fe ao ^ beojf accompanied with the exert according t6 rtfetf « W^feffee cftii ^ tnental ^ | f^ l|ft spirit—- whether it he cunismnices-l*>, sotife!^ raid Wtered by^ an individual separate - rti ti^fdt ^^ Wftli *4#B^p«ay.|«i : ly, or by many together— whether might be ° wMl pleased ^to find ^ it be in the usual social intercourses pre cise formul a i erf p«b4ie*wori of lifei or >in religions ineett hgs^— sbip in th ^ topMWek&iM*p ^ir whether in pri vate assembli es, or rn all nprdbabi ^yuit w6uW cv#ftwp in public worshi p, it appears to been attended with v^ry irijariotak they afford apostoli c jus. ti; ^fctolff ntH ^ teen P9te t^at when eflfec Jt «:-W te ^ dpfat ipn of , singing in suchheart cir. accommodated ^ I^«llV«»rtlOiMi w )^ll|p^ ^|i§e% the ae- stances 3 4^ \iridAiW4iA^e t>rivtl |t^a cpmpapies the songof of prai se ; and the exefcisti of th<^^ i^^l«ttKa irg^ ^qyai ju stification accompany- and thereb y Nbft%ti -rM«rfet % 1doi»Ei5i Mg our singing with instrumen tal the cuWiit^trf the ae^Ogdrtftl ^fltoc. jt nusjc> But I do not percei ve tions , an d ft "WouM haV^x&ade the New Testam ent affords us more formaUstsohaxi it could hav e tJU at ty are f.f^ffl$**a$ authori (perha ps I assisted , beyond y^at ^ye al- ipighl say any authori ty at all) read y assisted , by the invaluable inak idg singing a regu lar stated princi ples which the 11N #^^Testa * v part^ of public worshi p, in which meiit affdrd $ ti ^ iSrt ^ ^ e ere, are inrf H|l,th e cp^regation expectedsi gi I conceive^ - is^ufeSjly^ liff ^ko ^e> jo in/an d still less for n ng the guidance of tho se g^ r ^ lSB - . Aft p^rfcs, .Hi pr actice which was ciples, in ever y thi ^^tHttt ^J ^ ^ts t?^Mfc«flP8R ^ for ; several centuri es the par ts, mann ^ sLtld ^^lafiSn Apostolic age . For this of our public feft |to riHWM ft* ^ ^ ^ tf*e ^>^S not course apostolic I have Idn g p^Vcrived 4iiWgtffot t ^j !^V u; 9Q* fevour for v /Sf#SM? ^ :^ Vr ; tte regre t that I km wp^§k^ y^iq^n e^. t^Wdfj ^mmai ^^^w&m jc^ftRW t j iftJP Py 0^? ^ f ^erci ^es, if p ^ i ' ^ have reason to belife^ iSi^ttM Wo' fW^M'iKt ;^ 11 n^ alto ^t^er ^ . grounife^* -W^ SpjWlity " haVe, quiry itsel f (thdu gh- p^rfmps *%ot 7 m ^ *W **pf% £#fP V? *^^ the rri ^nner iri%hi eh P b*tve-£Sh. ^xanwnat» w tbis^ parti cular $iib- dticted it) AVilt bS"ii^ ^^ WWat ¦rt ^ ^ . ^ ^ 1- this time, to ^Ai\f6f f6xit i^4iQ ^ ^ j .W««r -T*Maf . in diffe rent ttrr ^4>f tht M« |M ; -«|BW !!*WB^4V P e men t, I met K fo and I k ritM*^ ^ ^ # t^^ Mk^ a b3 ^ ^e ^4ute . A^dtai n} dlvi^b^witBdti ^H^uff3 > e- £e st -wishes tor the increas - tition of the apostles , tbai ^ tB^r ,ing spread and ijsefulness of your might be enabled to speak the w^ra rimport amt publication duriog the boldl y/ notwith stand ing the th reats <&ffl tei^Qg?ymr}ypws . v«y- trul y, of their oppon ents ; and it mates &h$Ex€te#d 2&?e*?1812. L. G* J esus, : and not his enemies, M ^* pear to have acted accor ding .Tf: *3^d im? ; j *e^>ectahle corres pon- its own basis ; but let n6t the aptJ i- ^e M;X ^oU yil. tles of our Lord be pr essed inttf its f ^ : 753, Sfit'f.^^fwp,^.vio4 unders tand the service. . Had they \^i#hed to tetttrh ^ his will of God ^P ^ f fi ^a^ apostles . Acts iv* that it was the , thar ^iis otflitiM ^ ^^t, persecu - enemies should gather themselVes WP ^W togeth er tQie, ^ei^. holyg^the ned to do together agai nst him, th ^ aipoiftfes not have chnrg ^d ftMm ijJ |i%«*l^ ^ ^ de^Us-t-r - % putt ing to would Blte ^|^|| ^ JF that he was with having slai n him with wicjeed ^itettl ^dyiii the ir ^ndi^ hy the de- bands. The doctrihfe of ^Umy ,, as which J. T. E. seern ^ to tt^f^pq^eMC punfi^I well ^s the : ap^tfve ^fp^fen^f ledg^i Pf God , and that may bf ithe^edp pra ying jtpeopis le -but not to the gehetii?l ity ^>f49^is- ¦p ^ Sx&fya ctj rinene^ai; tians , who are not prepared tcr *e^ t&A^hrt with the in- vf^on^stent wej strain efit by it. l "^ ;; vW' g^ ^ ^ rr&f * A^nipr gryw^ l as wi th lam, Sir,ty om^ii; ^ ^ ^ e d^Glara ^n, th at , with wicked ~i£»4fa ^ Yi>&*"S^^ had

.^ { ' r ¦ ¦ ¦ - - I - : 'vVR .UHw. **:. » oft v> ?. » i;*. ^'^rf 1 iroifcevn t ^ n ..* .? f * '>X "' . - * *• * lK^'|a^' I sSnijfrtee uli ic ? ¦ ¦* ' ' .ia - •- >.)/ ^ ^i^ J ( i -S«ti' ^t Mdi Ml'J& -J taoi ^ c ^ ^ ^ ^ ' i- . . ' c •* • tr^ r . . . :.£< . - ;si f8;. >/ '

¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ « •• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • , . " > i • . . ?: - .:: « ; | lii " I.. - * . -, • . . • . , . .a> ; *- + 1^ ^ tJ -Eto J ^?. tor pii r ^i^eiw* ati **) > xixceiient fatt er ^ and it w^-.«££- iDied., il>ecdml^er ^2d v-18 U2,-iii fpro ve$feya l^Yetifj rea diDg,whicfc t4ie !45Mi yearto f has.age, M r. Jt >. trikttm fojBiook tiini ^»i4 sl^ ^bi^i- «fcpfi J ^PFEniEs Eva,n«, :M«iv ^t> c<>acer irs of n^efc^ntile, i^fe, &iul ed t>feajit5 AftfttT a long \ xirid .pfti ^fal -*v}i ieli indeed ci^iimj tilV*vi U*ip ' tilfi oss^ oatid ih e was wi termed ^ ion ia few weeks of -his decease, His l©ec. MstV x in ^Btinbill Eidd^.% imeitectaa l -energies were equaled feisM^tafcWe 4be\&e^» .J<»b n \ Eva uii, sonJiy ; 1ms moral wor ihr wfai£ji agreeabl y to the partiGeiaEre q«ett l^e.rnibBik ^tecl th roug h au t the whole oi the tlRecastd ^- \His retdmas x *iihis i Q$ret Mr*> ?jH fexdisp&giti©H vd&s -werej-otp oWed 1 to 1hei ^rave li - >by \ b /benevolent* ismd he delighted >a^ mrmeroiis train of 4BOW tnei», ! who d0;g.^od. I frave rnyself wUtt tfSs- fcwsedj rartd , rdvered *his ineKior y* €<1 bis ; read iness to serve krtfa#f $, fFhe &has treia n .bis tefljoiFfe in behaif y of the needy ; ; pr inted (forx)f priva!te the circulation , by atxd ^ Jistre ssaJ attende d, with suc- tke ^dfl^iTe faanity, rand iav- cess. Numer ous also were his ifig r been furnish ed with >a ieopy, subscri pti ons to charitable institu - ng tane L^ve the followi extrnct tions— his mdebd ^ me , v^ere the benefi - which im^re iitn &iattl y jTegards cen t virtues of the hear t. tfafftdeceasfcd. ; • . cc In his /a^^ illness the re were rS r ^ tondin g aro und an opened alleviatin gcircomstances , of wh ich grave, : I would \fain impress upon his amiaAie)r4i&ctiMf o&rtoe&r6st~&4- ydu r rtn i hds the great doctrinet of iatives . wi^re sensibl e, afid> Avhicfi iMl4€fRitAJXiitr. We are commit- with . th etm a form . a ; ^rcsund of tiiigtOJithd .bosom of the coki e^Tth tba ^xkfolness to the Supreme Be- theireiiftains of a >dear relatiivei jand ing. hAnd ip mbst be^ a source #£ a >fkrth fti l vfrierid . jof la r?c aiu ^ble no snmll ex>ftsolatk >n uto the thi isur ^i- and higfc lty respecMble rn ember j.df vors, that / e^^ejry- ng iwas^doiie : ^t . i txiul dj isociqty. I n -Will^ fevid^hHy wh ich .aifection sttggeat?> dr wrktenn b hi m iwitb del i bdration the y ' tende testasslduc^e ity^aceompH sh. ^nod iserrousnbss , he fa€hn <5w4edges -But , ; /alas !' 1^ a *wa&i irremedi- Afe .befet mns procured ;) ;and fin effectua l reli ef i Upon Uhe open- cl a fttttoe sltite iofi ^ppwatds » and ^u- il*g.yof the / bofly^ ' gr ^cablyj to*i»S nttbmtoli ; d3ut ?whh tmmny&uo&sredesire f ^ a peculiarit y^attaohin gcto and good f nen he held tba tvpunisifc. ( that vital ri ifcAr s ^ga©^ &mr *, *wa ment ?wasvto ibe satmkr y in its na. ffou-ndad ifee tfae imme ^^tB G^use t urfe ,J iand of course tem porar y in ^of dissbiuti gn. His j case indeed its duration . Indeed his mind was was sa singular jasJtd l?ep#o*ibuttc- of, no common cast . Natfry' ural ly ed, ' th at if ever it baid appeai-ed str opg, |j .,^ |^ |fa ;ii#4. BtM fyo* before , f a was of ejxce^Ojgtfxmijk ' tsxI educa tion gmn him by hit It was, however r Ws felicity, after Obituaty-.—Mrt. A.Stott. l^f n& *&<$ pc^#S bddl iyto sttdlW i^r pose otir views bri some bf tlie fair- fad uui ^ tfid tefst ; est fruits of Chri stian ferrt i , td re$aih : &s wit ^kbi^ aptf to be ^voSorM gentlfe bi ted without¦ ¦ ostentation¦ ¦ in dail ^ 4 ^ f ' . . • • d!ssblut 1bii.~//c rfie<#r rc p eace life 1 "Wt& respect to ifc ifecerfsed , t Tfte 'me MM pr odu c^sucA have* no- hesi tati on 1 ri adoptin g the fr Wf^ cotiltf hbif ybt Bfe sdtihd V iUti dra wn lip & pr ihcible frb iii WHidh so'ch" ha^l f fottowiAg ac^dun 1 y A a much " resp ected^ retdtzvey— who r ^tilt ga, cdulH not but be of tie&* khew feim welt arid ' tovrid him sin- venly ori gin^ They who were ' cerel y. * With a' vigorous , com- long acquainted with this 6x6et~ pretierisive ancf ', enlighte ned mind !, len t woman , easily traced her vir - HE possessed a lrberai and oeRe- tiifes ' to the dlvitte" blessing " 6ri ' the vjbient h eart . All the various db- reli gious im^fe^ibtis wbicE sti& ties ' . ' of dorhes tic. social and pii b^ received in cTi ildlibbd . lie life,, he discha rge d witti an af- She was bbr tt in Vt3o9 af pious fection , d generos ity, and ' tfn in- parents : in this descent she hum * tegri ty w Jvi cili ' will ever eride&f his bl y gloried ; arid it irifluehced her Kei 4 niei|ioyyf to his afltficted family arid feeling^ attath 'ments ari d lief to a large circle* of sympathisin g' debdrfenieht tWb iibh**li^r followiricF * w years '. Her fatber (th ^ Rev. Joti fwehj lsl tiif was a son of the f ate 1 h Dr. Caleb Evans * of Bristol! arid Policies) sustkined t^e chWact ^ eXempl!jSrcdf in his own cond iicft"all ofa minister of Religion : ttte bdii h- tlie acti ve arid benevolent virtues ty 6f Provul ^e enabled him al f^> Of his VENERATE D PARENT. 1 " reiid ^ seWiiesUvhfch iVeife m6Kt' gratuitous to s6me Dissentmg con- gregations in the vicinit y o>f Bir« Mr&i A. Scott, mingham ; * nar were his instruc - tiled , f kn* 8, lift 13, at her house tions and his example' lost upon in J 3iriiii ngha«i, Ann , relict of his only child * By the lessons Wijliam Sfecrt pt. Esq. delivered , by the order observed ^ I|ef nipAibtycannot be so mach at hame , as well as by the useful bonour W by any delineati6n of lier ministr y of Mr. Bourn and of his char j ^cter ^as by the grief whicli is raiich esteemed immediate succes- felt throu ghout a ldrge toW'n a6d sor s, she was for med to a te nipe^ neigh t|ourho ojfe in hey youU* the yok e of sfstan ce o r§itv *&* iMair y^fh ^ar l^lP. W a$v^ and pf re stra int , her cha- very raa % ihstec ^^ ffltef ^ ^ B inconsequens^he ce more as o ' ri ra ^^wjp)ary as^ than ^ ften as Wi* ptHc«cl*1ej ffir e^§^j if had bec ik solicitation Wtoi m®tMly^Wi$Mr sel bl ^d 0 rg^ed luxury ^ 4 f-induU pate ^ : atid her p^ diialfoH k ^ wasjGQt ca ^ intr p. g^fifii? iC. Bfes tDotigfr ft uteer&Us ^naiar ge/WfCfe d|ip p4ujnfe V&mPm Society, s|ie fewer aiM less iconiM e^f ffl ^ ^W^A^F^'y, exempte d from its net pri VaSe iba ritfes:" " ^ ^" o eg}g^g ^ipf||iRnces; ancj her heart M atty yfyti^l^aflff fleifer 'tfti g^ f^ wj s gpot , J |yided between the wor ld sons, at thdr 'entrance rritt y HfeiOT ^ 1 r : •S&rQftA* 71" :- . - - . /- she supplied wiiK Idab ^ of, Aon^Vy e, liSS%ffll* fe^d ^>d generous , on moderate iht^reMti' ^iitf she^^is"1 hgp jd isposUion to 4o good incieas- arcustom ed to speak with " pa ^rcu , gratifying lar gratit ude and ^SiB^ifPW13 p*10 ^ her tj ^is ple^stffl'^ ttfiP ^ Srl 1 ^- H^re me- success which felfovifea . 'W' ^ftW ^ ^ n^a shWts *bjB bri gh test ligh t. few - cases*¦ %M § ttpplifcat foi^drBgr " ^W * ^ ! ¦- ' 1 *"r T; r f asw % irt J 88i eOffl, ^fef r>e> th ^ J he weal th . - .r. -; > ' ' «'> ' ^ h^ ^ntf;apts wjf;h, age, apd that Fa r fitoife 1>e»^co>liHea floF|ftel# z t ^i oyg of 1^ if jpr ppqriipried acts f^> yr$/4 . t , her bete volefi c#*#^ We^ei) ^ t6 ^ ( ^ ^4^refli« But t|je bft of Gbrl sti iii 4o^e. ' R^fitf nenf^ case of &e subject pf - tjii* m^ipoi r ly answered to fbe fiiie ttiMfiti *tip * was , direct ly the reverse. The charity draw ta b^n apbsfTe^ p^n. ' greater the abunda nce , bestowed Dy . Although- it may Jbe ^^ eeiafedi-ot o!ri ^f a ITBeral P rovidence , t ^er , as the sacred historian de- the more freel y did sHe giH'e to clared of tne orna ment of the other s. Her langua ge was, i6 I church at Joppa * , '* She was full am a steward for , my heavenly of good works and alms-deeds mast er *" And , as the shad ows , whjeh she did," - i»eU ^w^rlnu ^'l orfiety^ re *en|ng Ifij ^Aep^dL 9K9 rje;. , not be forgotten. vMa ny weep p^it sai d, Since , lS ^ *^ I cannot oyer her,gjayeJ bjsi d tfc4M»e 3 who, life luHjg * let it be ray care « while, ,with sighs and tears^, there in f sHew 1 UKt, Witfafr Afjse ^i mi.; " the larmeiits^vmh ^e 1i5Se iwte\fa sfejE) vvaa witi ti^iin.^? ^fhtle ; ¦ - " . . ^o^2L ok v^¦l? l)ll -- ^&*r*f ^i »^b' #P»'' 5 |^ ^ i a fa |w^t , ^the ha^frilW edii^teoA ^^F *B *te%» lS*P e^**«* li " TOW^ ? ^ ou Srig%i< h# faWd ; 2^ fe* of tadr; ^.ha^V f fdisgofsiripAifcodf edttimon - usefulnfcSsf ' an# I'&i' %8R?#&M&ife ? ¦&*« qWJ{ tna n^et^, ,aqci the hum i | Ify^ and wdrf clcfea* iit- p%ae ^, and Wirri#fll Wamfrles sii^ss of h«r demean par J : any paihia : ^afr d ihfef tto ^ f flec^iffir in $W ij sg l£tefcjc> urse& nbf . Society.- Je sits tftat 6foi#h V ^ i*ai#tf£ W T&eU^i>tv/kindness d^eJ t Srido ri ght ^oi^ fees^ td ^litth isfa e' htt tfstfl^ lobked fdi^ra rd ft bt askdefe#f^r aSHH ^ vf tf^9dpfc«ft$9g#n4t £» igean 'P&f ogr. as a boon , as ght w#e #fi fieatiott , ^ - : ° ~r '- '- ' * ** - '-^" ^ ' ^ f*# ,h& ar ^ Wu^W i^ ^ v6-#e M^n^- jand Toi pei^oflS Wh6of Bf^sM c^gi% t of br ei w a6fh g Wfi>^l9#? it*i tfesse m^Blfife ^ 6 ^ 'Sffi^ l^SPIfey^li^itf^n^ *° f«i"«g® ^TO ^f^tfesaWl^^J ^PPPH^Ag^s of she ^a^ttpait ^rhb/y^whit ^ it^gfl" fob^W e ' ^fefiS : ^ ^^* 4 eirUs i rV ^^ i6hal |>te1^iJM «' tfft ^.#M; J % &$^ " ' $ 1 of |^ *i ^ ^f»"W^ to lft9# ^O HB«i 111 xit ri ^s, of %hb ^^ft o iWf ^ * b «Tu hS ^B ^ "^ IW»MfiH?erfu*S^« tre asure s for I ^^ te f rfW l ^f t ^^ ^ ^ i ^ ^hftjf *e hbpe not ridh taWkraa ©8ff *^ ^ ^-^^ of |hj | i^ ^ ^a?,th ^e '^«f i ' ***^tf"* ^ 5"** -i "" • ir* *1** ** !!* .«¦¦,.

! ' '¦ "' "^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' w } > :¦> *¦' { <&¦ ma : ' . ? .^- ^ . .. . . - ,; -r ". - ? > >><> vm •*?. -htamte a tZr ^S VrigM'* Tour in ^he No ^fki -ta ^ ^ ^/^llfts^Wc ^e^ ^ " , ^ ^J €^ ^d iSWn pj 1^' . '^' |^ #; ;;v ^fcg r v:< w*m§ -w^ t' ^ '' ^ fc-^S^<>rf "1 • p^HR^¦ ^ ¦ fcw*' -*** . ' $%$$? f*.^utt *s 0^ ^tb ^difci ^li'B^^^/^Mbfl^S^^^ fer ^nt congregati ons I visited ; ^ho make , exertions ' whifch I coqldl aid ^d me ^with thei r ad vice in ar- not hava mad e without them , at ¦jcnj Ei yiipst * ^itJ t if e& .v!aoc»o II ^ 1 ifcft ^j ,*0t j j # ^ iAM P'j fe^fe^^"^P ifflftf q%flf«r j pmcfip^.^tlhifVmP- ;J3l^AP. i'f.f f W'JR&rM: W. d ros^ (i frfM"1 ^ * oiplfeMri fnt^ ^ ? i&p&i !m- . M **? *w &t$\sm9,,m n MmMP,wMR\w?.iSsf • s?^ i3* ^o^ ^f,tk%j^\mmfJ *w. ftad t^ti^mpspe kh £t |qp£^.i$giv ^ tli^ ' oUS**; .S^^*«r of^h fm ^xjBrte d - fow |r ; ;P«# ,J o ,.extend^id :c|ptjBW>tetfte g^yjccesjs ^er pf ipy labour s? M M*m "^fWSJS^i A^l riokb^ j p^tiqrj£w> % li- :r a , ,. Jr.h a^e ^SlS some°«f -copgrs^- e^tiorvs w ^^ijlf^Sf^ n»fcdj ga|f#> Ma g * PPnjM^BP^, * " ^ry J»ad , ti^-; , pis&f^,,, jjf,, OJ W bre- ! ^ t t but tbU J ^f^B m^j ^J ais ^ ,^ tl^ ^j |fe r lam^ijted : tf |ri p !|fr - #ei»t place? wfcere l was calied 11to >m gwer y P^ss ^' i^'^stea^jm^'W ;ift|p?«X»>Wft -^SIT ^tRRir W, •j ^P - j ne i .jBJ lpi^ iS^f |9, J?tr ^p,g|^enJ pa^y s.Wa1V4egre^9O^|/f f | » l* V ijfo &Vjtfee ;; orit., , ^ 0i of accor di ng to , #i6«q^gtf,. f bpa ^?r s p»^a fwjkpp J-^^pt spfn re, joice^ greailx to (^d t pjg ^ §f v i^Rl^fi^K ^ n,. W'f ?? I fyW^d 9- #*#& ?at |oaal i^M |;^ f;O |p r fi g. >yUi# trus; ity h^ye magg Aft vM J *?80 T^;? ^ ^ ^ ^ftti©^r Sl > ^ ^ * ^m^y^m^ymmM^t m«xw^'^^' ' rr '' ^^ ¦¦ • ¦'?§ > W& mby fy iiM&f6: aftd i^P^r -veaxs. . - . ¦ l^S^f^. . ifm&l w&JSitoMtotoh... . • . ffRFF88 xioigti ^ ifK^MHW , WR-fl flT .^^Im? ^?^mmu I idmf^m^*yf e MS^hfw-f'^ ?^ ¦ w th e . po^iilai: arid a^tlVff ,m«Mju ies, tt g^tiq^f, aqd J ^ieir ^eajp ^ u^^-f ;&4 *P^SSmSC J ' Tp^ ^i^FB00^ !6 ,'#»« ?«cce?? pf ministers ttw ^^ »iWra .l»*? t ^ l^ " 5 Wmtat ^p ipiiy f iB^ ^ ^ ^ . J SMvpte | »Af vMnM9f. , ii^fiF. .W ^y jPgf^y «KBMi M,*^ WffiW h md , | ^ ft ^aHfi nt jgjP PB^f1 fki Mftiy to **S»i¥^* ^f*§»?g Jiffif? -W*te»ft el^f" ¥^ PbaMuns^ fullv tecjaiffrr \fiMmiMi&e J<» i ?f3fe»? - , where extenvy^ k nowleagee^eer nifi»J jB«?*T« i tftts kb^ral ity, and^ SflglW K ffigb af f ' r v 3»M»c^tg^y ^ex>i^^ ;fl»eT a ver y Wny Sf ^qr^craS^ fefi«ni- ilIsiiT iiavfe ^ ri cb ^i^e^^ of the '<&W^.mpkl yiafo&tytiMhXffl ¦ xm^MW^m. J^nP/W?8« mwmb66qto ^ S^iVeH ^ wss^sil$.

^^» ^^ ^™ ^ ^^f & fePk flT ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ B^b» fl^^^^ V^^™^^^^^ ^^^^ Lx ^^ ^B u j ^ ^^ F ^ l * A ^^^^^v ^^^^ *h ^1Tv ^r >i?K V >ra« f ^T m: /TJ ' .'^''t f ^ ::/• ' < ^ * A^0m% ^^MM^^um^I ^k3^t' Jf 9 jgel^ openl ijf y i», e Jm$mffl?§ y,ej^Spcl as B^Il th do^- ^mjfc^t" Hftti ^^^Hi : ^t ^S&i t ^ *||4s ;tbe I>est inorauw/ has i.{prJui j thisTffwtp^^^ ^M Sr V- /- &oW ifrt fcj nthiy , quar terly tord^n- vJm ov^ff i^^H^ i ttiial m^ogs -gift ev«fy- fl dferfr M ¦ fy &Q& W-Herip rt c»fi r |>lift«i- ^pm.wmM^w 3. In t ^en4f^ J ^ajMKJ ical pri ncijlles. aid*"- cable : then the^ way wiM be pKe- Jw^m &^%m -5?wj» Hat£d far an aata tt iii ; m^eti^gi^>f ¦ft 8 the Wbdle ' Unitari afiPb&dy , toiuafl- wHjafew wCw •**$ f ~ (heir epcl-iEf&ln .^fflw^tos^ ;^ centr ^te stren gthi» ^ . ffi #** J bi oe-" t^tfr exertions ,pi-om<^|po i^^ 9^#^#PS^#?dns of jth; f ' tjft ^st rmport ant 0|>|64t? . to th cs ©f cefloi^: ^P 4fe^r !# ^ W^« hW^ Wfi . Af*. - jninist^rs, and prpmot^^ fetss^KSdtew ¦ .^f#^'^ th ^jr abovirs. » 3ii9we i«iKf«ra&/ :R'; mpw Jy «f l t»awp ¦ J L ^e^f^^ n- si^w pf 8 f gajtio^ /} ¦:M ' tiferai^y^its s^ >mw*f^ ^^ , t jf|g ff ee Schools its mee for ^ 4i*<. pyspqfa an e«»itte ^ ~ 4$frft&K a» f mF &td9 &gpm # ?W ? of tji^j r PP^sIWe, a dhri ^tiaH bi ^ l^Mi ,, f -*8feRf¦ feifV^ ||% J^J?f? 8«ypr4 be JW WfBieajf- M W^rft n^lOP *' .lljiW ^ fj» vyjlV good f«4!g^4bf * ' J ^pfePiiJ |#l% lft *f e Wfi ' 6. A district m«4PM "g;. i^oijiww ffi) mM^ ^ ^ j f^4 . £ur W*ftitfgi{& mm&b9 ai^inS .^fjwafeMJWt« >y. : n^^^f^X-^Si^lf,^ «W*W ^ii gl^oa^ng pHcfe#f i^, i§% 9ped ¦ . wiM t»0 re ^i»t^fe 5 2«»^^ #W|f r^ fl '^ iRf frW% [ *» ^% RWte ct show : hnd ; ftf»*¥J ; jjt bi^hjy . dejjp rai )]^ fl, 'WB^for ? Sskje* SWPm^lMC ^^^t 4* re ^chitig i|j lN^8 ffe<|^fP»J?^P^»| ^WRB y^g^ge p U^ ^tfon- f B^ nee ted with it. , - , ~.\-^U ) tiB we l ¦ fity»*jM»0^4 ^tf*«f%v oi scMoli. att.Jtef a at.f 7. It VpwH 'nt ii^i 1 serve ^ ili^rjl^ ^ the caqse if art ; att ^ ^ WflBit- tee to the Unitffrffftn f^f^ < «wa» ' I fflrmefl : .fit >*»n$$in^feri P^rf ia hoped f owr- . )^t*i»E ^ -Ate&l owiU ; tEkp ^i^¦ ¦¦ Wt^ s p) ^ ^HS l^«u ;*mmsB m& #wj#i!»W . '¦ ' ' " " r i r ^*^ Pqm,- . ¦; * ilZ '51*~? J T=>dw rfiCMM© '%% am^yw f^ h^ijj ¦ U ba?> «>aM.%hat ^fel», ^ , mti^ijkf tmkm&^-tfaef * i-mfbmmm m^m c h rifcri WJI J f. r %^ ^ ^i \Xk> ^M rHo ^fio Mimok^ op* kmp^t^m^iMif^ro^ ' r 3 11 <*8l«» at4lMA#*M93ril»#fJf?."W. «i «•«•. iilferic 6 ; i tffiK ^ ^ *^ « tiM» case in scrra o iri ^aw«fe^rlmt >t I>' i0!4w*Wfe*$fl#'ff Jflflf • J mfjf ^^ J , ^ fe[ faf tjroifr :i, Hri*iiigf^|tWMW|i -the 3 (f^^iB w°4W?^»wf f ' w teifwwi/Aw pf ^i ^°m ^fytf&wm<$sei '«n,Hh(i ' p**|ai ^ #^»^uqn asmrlfyy n ¦^Vy 1'U^ f^y^M?t#i,(#f mmy rf 0.MBf^a^f^S^k ^ * 8*4, • '-?m«it ' felfe ^!wmjR8P fr thet coogfeg^tion^, g4fcao» ^» w «V ^h?L TSrt ^e^fi^ ' tpV, eort(^ ^ clite^> «f ';p^gWs;'6f tfay^ l^i^^ ^»d»l.ng n ^ c\Me^ ?^ WN^«fo ^Iwd^ai pk thatAvWl^^ft^ftWQUi:^ KM 7««ri WMMM »fM ^ -f^%^^ ¦vllmni taoo . Ib sSj iBisdJ l , bits c-vm t^Bfcytepptc *** if#l f W ^ i^Ji f ¦S' eWBft Sttb^^'*?**1 |1^*aatt t lfti*ni ng>*< af&t teS ^fj^ ^trf lf^at? ^ P^tfliVj^ J¥SJ**le:>o I *c e*ui#s -niingte nnm %dtip&fM "bpn ^cmBg ^ .^intiwM A "^cNriM &«"&»** tM iOignntef mh pm m »™ m**™ a* "fe jH te^^x ^6 ;ftu^|ti«B# iw% v9v£>***ngtm$mfiie$ snoU/d jaj s* i^ misai©fi s Pfr ^fe^ .l^ ' j ^B^^ ai^£ ¦^if oMimj tiUr* in i«ine jti&kW go o)p§ t^^j ^hp f te aVrea tt ^i beeri ,^*p ! where it h^itf&r ^|ftMeW Mllltairi aQs ?? v;> ' ;«. ' -. •V- ' ' rf - , ¦' ' tUo'v ' •* ¦ •«? -i-'-; - . iV-rKni* -. . '" - befoire . . > ffc¦*< * i^?1?*^ r;««sLthfe^lsE^rf IQ^O^ W «fe6ftptRit&ttaii s »8% A ;^^ appea l-to $je 'ft ttfre rmgferous in '^o^v^sif Wp^*^f *01 1 418 -li&fcbasKire and Cheshire than ih tihiies bVerttbwed^ *ith j<>XlAbwa*!* n ^^^dhtri ^lJ have-yefr? &tted. -' ^«fir |SMf i^n» ^ ^fd ^ ro |res r ^f Tfre pFOSpect is most cheeri i|g ; t | tWj tb ^tb ^p^i^'W plans, whkrk projp er exertions be contiriii fe^ ; iiri- 'co'iUnieiiced .' 'binder ieVery discoa- t:rease d and Extended , the ri puf b I ^ ^m enti ifttf whibh have syyc- Mttia& cc>eded, beyond ottr11^<^e^ti«f&, : 1 ' B " ev ^^ i ^ ^m m * }*$otfxex^tMjjtcidutfWffi ons ^' ; , T^iid w^ ' ^Hj3tf*ffif»J'«?» "HiSt'K?Kff n6w sit tn the shadec6s of eirdr a'rifl Hb1i8 ti^ll>^ e*^ih1g\ty 'as tfl^ super sftitiott y6)l tpe «.i^ an ^ ;^iiife iiisrt ij m.e^t^^ w^fferPWon so g^ffe ^ above in assisting in Carraui ^ great brej ^ e^ crt ^&e • C6tihti es\, f ma e^aM ^xm ttteff ^ 1^ 6 ^ of ppf %$& p *^¥9 **m&ifmtft%,?a- a^E^ sM i^ ^ ^ ..varioustB ^^ : . ^flte rts ^ 6e cot ^^ S|^feij ir fuH resources j ^rmtmr^fmM^&A: be c^^ edioiihf their istteii gtfc be innited^jand ^JUQi feeietff; tfifij atopW ^ ^s^ete .^ 'fPWe^SBWS »• I prt «^ %mi4 ^b n^nr §e^rs; ney^.- f ts^i^fteMS^^^ J Un ^iiM ^ ^H ^ l M^i^ in be the pr ^i nh^rrf^tp^.J^ Wa&Maes aer ipngTfy^jena,; many parts 6f wg^Of U||pfetoi3i»5aBeBa*s-4 ite »*J( Lanca shrre art afeii-* T- Z^" bein ¥W^M4€mm ttiw coinrtt *ri*i-^fi*- ^, • „ .. - • .; .s. .^-h tin^d-^o^3-Qt^t) ^ r % / ^^ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ^ i^mmm^'^ &^&**&&m ¦mm ?*%$^ %M *Vwte3 *§kb*-, w» t6 nJ 4plfetef6# b^^ ^ I*WK IH»«#eOs ^ ^^ 'ftetJ Si^^^^^ ^HShS^ v ^h^lrnv as^^ itfeidt-Ht^^- . W^m ra m^ \**^*tmmK&££ bret ^ J i^J l -mong *hdni "I jjs*e sp^ ' ^ ^RteB- .MiMffil^l'jWMrfijjf?l »^ '^s SS^ ybur €bri! iti6A Khou rledge^muiiml . ^ ^ i ^ - , . ^ ! ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ : love and libers ] zeal contin ually only knows ; be thatc>l as^ (it/tiiay ^ rn i«Kie&& j rnfly all yoUr ^ffb in thf? rem^miwra ^per yc^i ^itflf f ? 5 '4 ^ ^ tfcb i «^use of "DSftBM iftiffij Be r e^0jp^w4th5 me wbile IMvb : «««#" Crowned with success ; and may thoug h we must dis, the cause taf ^ s yxm h$ve theand sublime happiness to which w,c* are engaged : can never »^b jiBtr oT^ stt per ^titioii , vice it will live peri sh, J|y tjrimti and becdna ir^ &M * **ifee*V> TSttftisfred , fi*r fro rti ^ un)y^i^ pfe^n^ r ^ your ta bernacles , by the j' e^ai^ept I remai n , dear Sir, v J I t^ik^iitfdivfti e pb^e? ofIb p pare Vsry tr uly, you rs , &c# gcsper of Glfri ^r. -Whether

tl4n ^ife ' ¦ ¦ aie^|ikg^i ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ ' ' 'God > alt s / f \ _!llj_ • . ;• - •¦« sj D^M ^r ^af|, ri^ mean .tef insert accounts of the procet jefings df our countr y^[v melLjemDut^ a stop to the crimes, miseries and:horfbr *of Wai».---^dnin itth icationji E ^] ¦ ? on^lfeul>)e&.ar ^ requested from our Readers. " ^ Nottingham Re&Dhttions and p £ti. dens which have, in number less in- cz r * r ' stan ced reduced wealth to mediocri ty, $m~^ &ib&r -\ ^ ¦ ' . ^ \V mediocriiy to poverty, andi the poor to a¦ , 4j&&i ontnd ^r ^jdU5 ^ ai^ t^pectable meet- state * of actual and dest ructivewala^) i ¦ t ~- i©g t^iatoaiid INhabi - , .^ ^h^ 3d That it is the opinion oft 5|hi»*: TA ^^ pfj fe ^ IW ^ ^ ^1^ 1 81* Meeting that :the middle class of spciefcF anqx$fcnityvor jt^e s^m aj ^4,the preciDcts^ on whom the burden of th e tax ^s^ ^ thakof t f t&d a¥ tjbd Guildhal l, in , the sioned .by the war, atoost ^hdli yo^^'mi&fj ? the ^8t h «f , ¦> *aid^J3 Q*rttx public Decembernotic e giveni8is , is unabfe to bear the excessivewe%fit of in pu ^^ sknc^of by public and parochial taxes, >^th wsHbdi c the mjvoV, to takemto ,^M«ieirali oni ^e it is oppressed , much J ejss to sustain^ ttesq ri 8&e$ addi tions , which we are told " hy t&c gcnSi ^ ^ ih H P as^ ar| iameat, ta highest authority must bfc »«|ftttfil i *if ^ t^ke .B^ch: measure * mpy lead to the the war be still persev ere d in#* n ; t ..^ »^a.o R ^ T ^ iw ^ oiwa ^, > ;. ' 4th> That the indit&m oua a«4 Wfeiori^i W>#*e»7aD ,) ous poor , bein g either whoT fe or par tiaU . bttp. ^S^ff&f g felled to the ^Vt qnai" r ^ * . ^ f 1/ deprive d of that employment t y Tlfe ^lM ^iK^Rc ^llWp ni were uiian- which they were accustomed t6 top- ' impti&ljr. ^grdadto ;-^ - ; \- gfajn and all btfer j ^l^t opinion port the ir families - eels^ i^-?is jthe of this necessairies of life having^ risen )tp a, pff&o vSgbt ?I?d lxnPrcco- which the best times could not hav e en- 1 denteasaccay^ ^^^ of me^^ trad ^^ e of this town and dured ; the immense bums eiacted in the) " neighbourhoodto, the destitute apd softar y, form of poorta's tal es, are found tOt alF^ in^ condition : Which thousand s its insufficjen^ pre sej-ve t hose1 fr o m^*t|iaff inhat ^anU^ci reduced , and which im- want wliom they are designed to rel&ve/ p jl while the e^cesstve pressure of rites U ; ^WfeWftthe -f^B9 i ap# ^ reltef ^hd rapidwbibh Li^^-r^ c' ^ ^insup ^ - constantl y red uong other * to similar porta ttft^lyurde n of * me ' **» ' f J poor s ?&£$$, ace ctroumstahces of distress ^ ; to beufOkributed ta the lontf cpntinued 5th , That H is the opinion ctf thii ' ' and i^^ ^w^ iq this country is ry, j| ^ Wdffltcues to^fe nfeh tKis ^ai^jfj > part iculiirly th£ Tftarrtn ^cturing paVts of/ ; i i^w y p iffi ^^ ict are j red uccd;/or av«5rt ihc^Wfltido ftt/ mexce|^4WaI armin g'aijg&eritacMi of^he ; :#plora ^leqnes^ whicfe ^chtt rw^tenArM ' V: Pwblicr ^ S^ e ^cpi^cia ^oz^ |>ap?r vL 1 * fl i^ ^ ^xS ^a ^^ lS^ 3fe ^ 8 v^^fi*B^'° "' ' b6,and By/ w**VJe rm it otir duty to present petitioHs miHions^beside of his majesty ' s Vjistfa t»> t#£hc Pranre Bfceerenf and to both Howe *ily : and while we ettrnesdy sUppifUte ^i ©f^Patfiamettt , prayi ng, that such mea from a paternal regar4 » 4»f becoming »^ •arcsmay be immediatel y pursu ed as English monarch , tha^relief fr om difc shall lead to tfic attainmen t of tnis most distr ess, which the speedy : rcstpratlco 1 t6 desirab le and essentially¦ ¦ important¦ ob- of peace alone can be ext^cted afl b^i ject. 3« -'¦ - - ^ - / Oi% tha t royal jrottfer, which W^s d»- ' 7th , Tha t the petiti ons which have bigned to be^a blessing aad protcct aocf^nr we caU rfd W bee*r read , a*** appr oved by this miilions^ fbr an exert ion,c^f Gqc % . irieetinp, and tha t they be laid at the like benevoleace, whi^ ch shall speedUy T5*wti-Hfctt, for ifoe signatures of these termkiate a- contest ^ uniu ^pily " com* pdrsdns who are desirous of contributi ng menced with preci pitan cy, and dkefull|p to obtain for their country the blessing ptol ^riged]. by the exasperated pawians of peace . and th6 infatuated understan iuxi^ oC 8th , That the petit iotis to the Princ e meal Many are the mo^cs to pteacew to Hou«& of> fj ords, antLfnos¦ t T^ATxrefTiil—» r" -.^Birn ]cKmn«K ^.4)A?««- Regent an d th e' ,- ^7 Tgarr ^ -3ST^^ZMti~W]&mmW'- ~. wgen signed, bev transmitted- to, the to. >«ww ^. |»r d Hollan Bs^ t ^^ jyp^qmrn K^VftonourableMm d, to be ^pj»i , Am^^ b^ duly presente d ; and that the vjne prinm^^^^^ ciples of Chris Xiani tyan d |iu-^ EdduoB -to/tbe'Houseof Coir irato vbe> inani ty, v.fe aw^JI ^^ 'JI #^Sin jp eseme&bytire member¥>f oirthe town : your &oyalH^nc|s^i|re^^^ fiom ol ^^«|, ^iffi^Thatf* a^i^or nimittecbe- 'now ap- ^ 5hf. r^eoresenta ra^^^»f jW WOTisttr caisy ^riietee ^ resolueron ^int o P* ejua icesv paseions ior ^cittSK int erc^ts j»rotair e? ^ e^l&^i^nkirto^ subscri ptionaiFd & to render ttem ^ ^ ^ lir ^Ktr rapen ***yeEOen thereof j that o ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ g i^S ifi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^feTOllO ^rin ^^gettt db ^ compos ^ m, will evidently be^ acc ^n^klc 4W^ Htte ?«^Mr. Alderma n s^^ %0hrn ohii Altes ^ ifefr ^. C/li- ^fcrley ^Mri Detiisofi;Ml:i F- l\rf»^Mi ^ Grce »/ H ^ J Mr. W. F. An awlut>, aatio nltidtt ~*IL 1««WHHE : Ctti ^o^MsrHttddlestoneL Mri Scr achan; nea ^y « ^ ii ^^^ ^ > ^ m aod)Mr H^jtet Hopper . ^-I^fcb T these resphitsiora pub ^ noti ce* by thfritfmt*'SmimHrm& ^ gary Hshed in the t Nottin gbamf pap ^rsy and • ^cfi ^v¥ete ^ittfcii ^^ j sucfa ^of tbc ^-JLondow paper stf^ttfe Com * industriou s a«d llr ^B^S3mllMSS ^ww ai^ : at no ve»y3c«ltantp^ibd enjoyed aflSi- mittec«h c^ect. J z B; SWA1>IN; Ch ^if«ww; ence or competence ; ^Hd ^ o hfnlSt obviotfsljr incf ettsJtt ^ Ultit^cityor our Kfa&l&8k m ^Mo^Qn P ^^o^cn abl est financ iers eveil whftc imtoorffil f1 ^atM& 1 1 , , . ^ iSBWfh-'^ri^i of-flffW t ^s ^ ? ^splved a most op&iVe ^Wt ^Atd ^ ie ^ rau iw^^e lhaiiks meetin^ g.be g^n me^ns rti^g- ,^kj > } ^^ sdyplie*^^!^^^ to a &wann Esq, thc jaiaypr^ for corrcspondem ? ^kblkl «er»fe^_cat- hii pr ompt acquiescence in th e wrehc ^ of t**hc dfrJ P&M9f m<*j>*W*J &* - *fc coudid •RfpWfl ffWW^t ia4e,c^r. After which, the thatiks of the ^ mepb * ^ voted ] Robcxt mff^^^^ to Deni3tmr JEsq. fgr his exertions ou ^ e present, as well .unvitar occasi pns. reduced :W*^ Or ^ |iil!W- s^ ^Tfc^mev ^ . ^aBdin the am * ^ not la«^t>pt5»J ^ ^ ii |^ O ^ E ^ arajiTil^ ." '**** ' m< ' #«* 4^ im » ^ »f i» rti ^^ 5 s ni» i ofi ^4f»«S6f^Aw^ 1 i| na™| llittil l ^ thff™ • ' tOiWrtli n«*i¦"™ CDfifltVT"9WT ct«^fdf ' OJJ tU^v •• W j-Saf'tgP *77* 4 3 j .TJ TWV^l*;3. !J ! beggar y «««l^tfi«s J K ^^ ffiM ^K'' flaMft 't |Q7SflXlj Cm «PWnt lUlUP * 1ClH tfrft t)f£CIHfilll> wj PTO ) CJ " ^' *^FT ->rnii5I " H.' MM"* VI™**^ 1WI jRT/k 5t.» 9'~rj "(fW '*1W ^ ^ ' '

41^ ^Hirf ^K^ft^Pj^^ te ^i^^^ F^^ ^Pft ^^ B^tf^^^^ M^^^ I^B^flL^r ^^^ i^M ^ ^^ h^^ vflj h ^^^ h ^^^^ L^^ Ek ^L ^ M i ^ n y : ^^^ d^^ M^to^^^^ .^^ ^^ fkiiy w» prc tun icit it, that he should be j rad ^dTt^ ^ aik ^P ^W JSTeP lpCTy, ¦ ^efl ^ ^ btvfl gtito j ^ ^^ aa^ ^ gr wfo ^ ^ ^ p • UI *]§3Btt&B8&& ta^ Hill iir rTTfttij*Ti1iEfit'ftfrnr cnTOtbflc coiwtitica,; as iiow^the ««^^ whi i*c ceas-«nd dia ap pioimed v^w^^ C^he^M ^. th ^ ^bj eh toevWbk coacom- my may lead him to listen more the mbgt ^eadi^ ^ itl^^ W suCfeessfol wars, even ^ to reasona ble conditions of peace ; wrc " T)y natio ns whose Fcsotilfccs joia^ our aflFUeted countryme n Wfifeh wagedmost , in ear aeS ^ iria ^ ^the am ^le ,-and whose Meon- l^^petidom ag ryom; Royal Highnessi,. to -; manifest , b d ^ ^ t Wnidsrfliesd^Efdt ^iiablng. y some unequivocal exg ^a ^, a^uj redl ^r be' -a tt *atter- < o$ sion or public act of the British, ^ ^ gov^rn ^^ liftlc eatim ^tion with your Royal High- ment, your trul y royal desire to ^eia ^ nefej that - thousands #f br a-re men the ear liest opportunity of sheathin gthc on should ^ : extended lifeless the £eld sword of slaughter , and healing th£ ^s o^bittfe , - that thousa nds should perish wounds of a loog-pr otr acted ,war : " -<^TOHat ^ ^at b ^ p * lfer ^fp« of *hawido *~th«re thus *her eoen>y may be precludedfr ^ccm sBoui&lje thou ^ands mottrt iift^ W9 plausibl y thro wing the odium of deUgjbtn a^#^pB ^ ^Hirea4 -^i^th«Mx8 ^d9^ i in war, and its conepmtmitan t miserjj es^ pimits ^dxtld be-htrtr led to the grave on- your Royai Highne as's pac i^ca^orj r Beloved ^ ^ th ^^^ of sons, who were govern ment. _ . . , f^ tl § stt ^tw#t of their decHnin p- years : We will indul ge the hope , tha &ypjar , tH it ^ofeaT ids shoul d die lingering /RoyaL Highness will gran t the prayex.pt aeSSiImcipavitytaQ^ th at the majo- our Betition 3 and- that your iiLighae5sJ % riW ot tfte survivors of a long and bloody endeavo urs will be effectual in soon re?^ e;, , jomgMiM viti&ixt ^outseto <^w*rf ^er storing to the afficted peopl entr us^e(% e^lrt enced interrupti on those moral to your R oyal prot ection, that lasri hgj iKw il womot e the harmony , peace, after whiUi they sa ardea ^Jj»as Be^eiM society ¦ ¦ ,^ € ^^^ Ml w ^^ e^^ dwl and P^e . : ; • . .. • . »-. . . .- . " * -- II1 3Hfeifef¥fiKr r ^^ rl€ r ^ *&e return Th«» may. the bJessings.of the, gf^p- 4^^ ii ^MS ^ er ^d less v*&- maker descend oa your Royal Highjae^^ a¥§^embeVB^cfd#, '^d -ies^wel. J ind thus may your royal fathe r ,, vtflggL,. called from his>present state of $^0e|| nj ^ , '^S9G^££' >v5u ( .*.. , _ - . to a better world be eoabl ^i r ^igo ^ ' of ^ m if t ^etl fteit t>rat ion peaee alone to yoar Royal Hic^pm^^ U^-A^V^iX^ peace , tha^ throne , which h,e asce nq^ ^ m& amid the din of arms, and pn wjluchjb^ Wkl&t&tj&SJB^T^iZrv™, and the irrc covcr- has continu ed to sit 4ucihg so j ^rij ^ il^mmmmbnc5 prosp erou s and year s of war. • ^ 1 „. '¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ '• i- ' / ; < ffifa ^ iiitt ^ .. V. >.. ¦¦*.. . .. ¦ ^&»Wv::" ;t.;^l',.3l^ 3POPERY . . ;; :;: ¦ ¦ . tSc:: ***** T ^*4rffe «.#*<«•* ' \:. '_.r t .'i : , . ,

$^ ^ meetin g^ could deliver their seat itft eots,, 1^*1 Metf. ^ consistent ly with the terms of the tt xMtip&M. * sition :—it was, at lengthVd6termi qe4t^ ^^ W ^^ ^I : ^ %!$&&' ^ *t&*& - hear all parties¦ - Mr. K oVe theti xCi > ^ ¦* . * :*.< . i^x i supped.—J ^ 1 atn tiot , ;howcver, and I whhA ^i $& be so unders tood , actuated by a de^tff of opposing any t^f flic i^divid ctilli ^by whom the rd quisition for the - plSM ^ meeting has been signed ; fbi sbfee W those gen tlemen, from my owtt ktil ^vi* Si ^ lf t'itieffectn alsoever tha t ledge; of th em, I Esel personal respect, ^JttLrH ^Kf ^iv^U^g^d' r I* determined and foe others , frotn theT general M |Ut tion 4n which«th ey are heLA.*,.bttt sWat ine Jted by-dut y, to thcoppose ^ ^<^r % |&« object fi ^ 'itf ag^n^t the ^ % . bfecl\gc ^r ^ai^ satistod ^

ra lw^ ^dS ^.^iicnu94r&j !r 'W S'yviJiit'j ¦ ^ * * ' \mw vdJE faofrimg »tf 4&o4e M ia. .-:^ ei h km,ut#i~ *W x&&} Ij ^S iVc^ P«»^lW0i ^di- ce»? *mae}by pfr»oas> who>p«rf e«them - ii«t thi» pe titkui y if4t ^wor ^ cartied bo ulsa n^^ selves anjuoua tor the preservation of imou»ly ^ pr«ient cd as lite f&ritkM& <;|?|t*aj &4rei»gi©^^lib£#ty, ?axl cf*ta»& hr of the inhabit a¥it& of Bsittoli And ^^ na anxi ety can have an ^objec t mo*e le- v«t, by whom the measui e is disappro -«d gif!&£!*, more dignified, or more *acred t and9 reprobated , be rendered by out ^>^ l rftf gula * J pcm supposing , tb at they d* senee or, hy ©up sileoccs, the ins ^urmei ^ nqt ceecethowVe themselves t&may he a& in le- of wfefa g&vktg ta th& des»ved 'unonisnity ^ ^t aj ^^ i nw*ch soever I that gtBeta llty wtrtch b docsnot, in ^eafey ^ tHty %ett«F understood ths princ iplesof posset .^ Wilt A not i>e3atd,f pltfus ^lf li ^t^, for ki °that case, they mti&t ne- and tru» npha»satd ^ tfoafe ail ; tkr ^ifis^ c$9&£tly have contem plate d, what oppo- habita nts of Bmtol arc ^b* the *s^aiu»& ^ d&t& r*? has rendered it, tb» m«Mentou* if^new$ more liberal and enlarged. 1 feave out elvil and rcligiouft iibertie» ^*r *& bm~ of no notion of tha t ajetachmenfc to lroe *t$y M «itdangqaredmad ^ by thoi eoa««saio ^ thft i \^Jn tiehleads 'people to \y*&it tee wett to^ clfti^a^t fni r Roaafc ^n (iatbaite ^ oaiiect pa nt with it. Such aa attach *nc»t, '«*he» fellow subj-in ecis^?^' u Tke^^ w^n td oaey Is the Qbj ^t , is mwfe€d witb the i^^ ftvm a petitioa vrbioh. I of di ami when bafv^ %tii|^na sor d avat ic^, its la*eiy>se«m; and very pteperl ^i3 it< dofcs^ evef^ iim ^ ©fejfc c&t» Hberty ^ certainl y^ not tQ t^e^rd fee Gbr ktia^ aa> ^ br %tft fl3^> d^?#5vc»the name of generos ity> na, nor h ^e^ee ^»^ ^dUM ?m ^4Mn ^ifl£»il of justice- I put in tny -claW,Sir , to ftona my«elft i!hey ar ^ ^or y idn 4hF of b^ A Joiwer Uhe*ty too , and fceliiig i€» ariii very eiadiBa.«i«l V tft&tac&Jb y M& *u£ aa (^tsias v$&j m- J enjoy«» it more ubtttidaBtly, in oppon«O«s ^ ^WdrTO ^o^ «r«M ^ can sympatbfe« «tti te4 ££&^r *ttm\vh« I w4^K cost not *% ^ ipracteca Hy ^Uwi^ C^Mt^ enjoy H? ?aa w^l a^ rtvysrffi are to be treated stiJl like Popi sbiienoclK «O? KJMJ ^jU fe s«mmoi« i perceive id adctFeSs ^d t# ~^W eiaittl ^ lOftfflig^ K i5iij«$$/ Wft Protestant inhabitants of Bristot, b^otoy bwt de^rmi ict^-a^a riofelK« e»^ ^ 9 ; fe^l ^tp|»:e ^ensrr ^th at d^r Hbe *ties m< destre • attetrtWM Vtor ^ wnM f»ty * t« «*«iant:g«aredthis by thevery Gatholte claims. JU ^ t b^re» this pferiwe^k>gyv < fcawjecs,^ fe^i«*^ ^S^l; j©n grotMtd. * -I * »*fe define »clalmt© b»«»»foHowW '%t b^(fe ^Upre hiensi^Ci tremblin gly apprehensive, fore infer, that ^o^ge»tleh%wl ^itb ^f>^ wfei > |sbut then thi s dan ger i^ffip- o|Wh - ii^lw^^ h %p» pa^eoi o^sefcn^td ha w nion^t, sol b - t^ ae thieatened , y costfe^lkigpt>t6s^d tm ^t»othe irft pe^tion of^ seyeira ^ ^n;^•^w ^ m whi ph/hew i St\ail > >SbtxI^o^ft- ^ rdC ^oanl of things , caR- a l:hin ^ c^iohedv sliver §cfe*ids> ri pi I ^etvil - arid reli'g ^tfious e -Mh oMq^ niN|ii0stilNft' wME ^f 4tocMi ^^^^ ^&^teir ^t ^4^> bc&t UrtTf ^aii otttm ^t^its bytoi pg sHineituiOfr'? ^ WbcroJ t»«rte i« oo ^ 15^ ft¦* I m^mdfmt^bmmaat ^^i' ii J tr Bsty tb««i c*a> b^w «hj mi «nil>tl>atvy ifi8i^ii tkKt&thewbe eny of tbis atts crlptiDa which a^ liwuivi*detoineA i^tig ^ ^ihfe Ignafpd^ £ n^ODcb ^mt ^i *©tnp, friwd orA^ti |pitf ' asKMl t»'3)^tr ^Ariio ^ ika «e «^Wft *r^ rt##p wiio lM^ qgHW> tjhem—iwet^ iiajMb wqfa&ifrm 4|ni^ ^tiiV ^ ^^ ieilM .^yaKPpfy rM ^^ ^ ^k ^Mk , t^OSXtAJhKtli. «rn AkxuAt ^AttiW MMvi 'l'MifaMilMCiilllCSilkttM? ' m i0mm *iti<*m aki efcaiinbo^ ^ld ^ pevbaMu "" ¦MHWHJ I** TWI • %j %j ^ f*Gt9KJ ^r ¦MB ' W*v**WfW ¦¦ j wRIUi i^ ^ 1 w Sit^ ¦ a | * fai- ni«ni»^^^ SS>^ JL*"*' •fl ^^ r^aBMfcl# ll g^tiW^ lWM j ^^ferii t^Tii Nffftpktos&fam f ^fl ^mtoiii 4^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ \ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ !JC^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ B^^^ R^ ^^ ^^ HjP M^PH^5vw ^5PBr5^^ L\fl^^ ^5" IHHHi^ lKMafci 'j nr'^ &«Kltt««l£tAiiii ^tellkr ' yj ife ^^ L'^^ I^^ H^^^^ fl^l ^^^^ K %^l7i^l^^^^^^^^^^^ l^^^^^^^ lA^^ &* * ^I^^^^^^^^^ B^&^^^ lr^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^ B^^^^ I^^^^ B^I^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ vm '^S^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^ E^^ E^^^^^^^^^^^^ kH^B^^^^ I^^^ V^ftriHpw i l&ri ^niP ^^o influtocc the IcgLd«turc, ci»riticv{ tte -t^ lidUy «s©l s wf'ft'<* ">>' r 19^ ^nujftt Sm K^ P^f *%«! t ^ :1^ ?! ^ 1 ** - v^ *¦ * ' •''sot -^ iwjiJ^sanrsiv di v* o'i^ - No Pop eru.— Speech of the Rev* J &kn f towe> at Bristol. im »wyittb&m pmyw *tittle #iei^ Seetmty ^ Tha tb^ail ^^ sa 5 In tbe «nj *>yjfwa&t: t««i»r now Tife i^ fe^, t ittokyehon\& oil irt i the ifteBtfama We advaiOa ^*» ^f p *f ite ««ffa^ ^t6 th e oj^itlioii^of tha t tfee ^^ RUT CiUf^TXTU'Eiai'r nmch gi»^ite* e$ «iid A ^ the Fope m% ^le^ie of oh th e stasy the ieatousy thfc intrepid , lhem fioni th« ir o^th siM^KMaetVirt ^ aa d the efficient ^defend er * 1 Tria t, Sir ; I ehmi Kl «ot be j ^stiii ^d takin g tteft #: ^ to th eir acticwis, if you wi^^ BCPt &p A tu»ls of the roec&mg - i*-C0fiibat i- beUeve tlreit *yatb«. . /And w H^? will you i nfEf pkaut ^ms. Tbe Ihrcme o£ ffr * «oiijbeli eve thtofwr then ioati>sko ? BWansc ^ 5r Hi»W5« of Bi^u^wiefe^ ov aw^ m wiH be said, t tte ^ ld y t hat faith ife fchepr ^s^rtt day, «d be «hakcn a i^ftv to be ^ f *^ «^t kept witblieretics * SSr ^ ii»ey pal i>»H ! ^ W% af4f tte Catho lics oc- «t*£r th e ductEi&e a«d tfee ^ kiiew ted gt* 3^9 reproimbgr tfe tbc P0pc ae-4rt -ad4>ft h^ir iin Them deoial w ace^ed it^d ttei r churc h i j *»4«o dt> not *«? * pffift ^tOiae t fetttdttteiitl y aad tireairfier -fca^wicti gebinipmrh *&^a|iacity ? ' ^«$ <&&$&id t^eirxl ealiti| r9iTd ^ social inter - I to be account ted ilisloya^ atTlS di ^a^ e^ifi^l thaar otfejers£ f - Ai!43 there nat feeted on this ac ^o*tnt ? If so, iteii 'B4a ^Ms ; ^£|^i^H p^tg ^ b^c^me op&overbi a^> but one, trhat i« Jesits €^H»t«ir i t&s&t -?y?ff theyJfty ^Jio stiieaa o« tlieir oat to, afccouf rt ed iJisloyai attd j di^affett icdWfe&tt ifiiy, O4» the oa$h» JPh ey,$&&rcqimred to wiae ? Thow ^tt sott ie «tb kad ^l»d ^tftfe t^te^ ; firove^rt0i vthcwr ^»a *as*t}ierttb te Pope to be the hea d.of th e eflarei i, b ^iiar agakic * ^het ^iTiwiwrfta|e ^eadm i^- 4«d others - J oann a Sottthcot *! ^tfipfe ch ^iiafeit ^i th0»c^?j p«««i ^ft ^hi they daikg^er arisirt a^ from botbr4# .tbe san& ^; i&ua been #a l«^fi% The ten et s^ of botli , are compatib le #it fa lirn gv^^ ^c^^ ^yy a^e caa ^ i^ per s^esh ^ ^j ^e^ ow'mg tofios- ever y s&ctirit y whiciitbe ^rt re - a* it is qAiir nd sftt ^r all, w hat is it ^^i^-^ltisi-wdfcfc ^a*)i» witb ^e-es e*—**A thd t % i<*us tesf&5 v^>iey.?JieftYe the ho« t the Oatholics do deosand ? ,"Nt>t to oc- td mWGwliareh«fifi. whiie tfe^^ta gains cupy the places wbicb iiowa^k the Pr du i3^ ^i!t ^ «ad te&mnta / fili.^ "jTh only- to be ptlt m^.|Mi tbe : ^ tfe«;3^|wicRiierf ^HW tt&a *'feri Pwi- in-.ti capacitynfor «^«3e^;if i:he bea& of see fit to t^twita^ p^ t^fei^faitlt withthe Gatb - 0*e ^K.ecutive sboutd call thienrio itt ll wiW rest with the trn qf qiJ ^.^ 'Mi |^i^t ^^ Was not cmffiion th ^^ ^©^C ^^ r l^ ij ^ Of rtJ t^wpeeieRcy, rests ^ i bim, iYistatttly to disrtrt ^ ' )*^ t^0 pfeHc ^^ajadiT t ii^esaJt y «f: the tbem lopMs&otttety**s&*ts/>£ bmag^dp^ Ws ^lweib BiiaVn ^ ^hi9 «9ej»«rr able, | >oiiite4> ttotey p*iffl#« ^ttieii»rai t«* nitww ^ thy i tJ ^ |Mr» v»nfei i!wmi^Jj>iB^J eya^,H ^ ca41 oib tifcrtir f tr a»K >^Nohi^iir dontrt , if ttTe Cath olics »ml^otW«r J ^iss^uters ^w«r e tj sseBss ^n % f| ^ m ^ ^ |i ^ < ^ ^llt i^ fi incAb^t imii^tt g^lL f fitte d j affd ^^ j rr wi^ngtipi ineNasH»f ^ e^ ^oiybl ^lb ^ e tfostt ^eiitors ^j ^f ^mmM^ limmm M *t**r*fa& ^v<*&>\&tr *» «fl& ^ ^ik ^ W&s® *^ nmiu *wea&&RjM)anrt tl ^ ^n^qse f&MlM

«& WslilOfeiwi ^r ^^ oiildiciB^ftottiatriiie ^/steelM *^^ flp pi ift ^ i«^ f Wl py fc^^iMW^ A>-W ^ [^yiiOT ^fW ^ftf tfo tet ^hvttf ^ *«W^teJC HKy(% IWrt ^^ mWfv^rf 5^ **«**o fe^ lMfiAii i i^ ii ^ ^ ^ nr w^i s# cmuch rea ^ratioa iw bi% ^ao au^ s sei^vant , ta hii o#m master the i%© " -JSri - &j) ^tu ^ wi&mti ofmwsr^ «ii* fev€^ ^ife iilajeetHoyisehar ^ey^di^^iv^y 'd^ tie*I JKJff lfo own inhltf;" No Oto % *ffi& $# $!& dfift&i ^ of liis own consci- tha n I do. Those who «h i »«k w'tth mc HSB&& rt ^heia : tnol ^sttog him or making on subjec ts of religion, had w^ lived In ^^ tfa fed * fofWd, it will be fcatd, her time , would have been among the "f&ii sfcould' not ^thte they are al- first victims Wigndra nee tt ird my s ^^r&ecu - ' fiNfaf/fo Aaite da|rs ttf- satne vloV ^Bfc^tt fe to time, to such of Queen MaYyv let-' ^s over l^^ k « §B^M#TC ^0i^iati6t rs prev aricate and thos e of Elizabet h*—li% eW^ Wear the mask of sus- *< The Piotefttati t tio^j roes #^re iic?on dnd degradation ? Is it no pun - much more concerned t^af^ttreGaiilo- ^ls» ^i€ ^to m i»t& ^waclta«ed for the lics, a great porti b» of>wi*4)m ^^ ffer ^d Jj ffiofmetffbftttt |^ibm bowour , public thei r services to tttc ^o^^ n !' : ^ lr ^Ald ^ fe€toonral i1e ^ ^mlfiS ^ c^ lai^i * > emolu- was quiet , and bome i-eg?ini6^is ^ re lc*leW? °^rfie ^e^i<*tions which are im- sent from thence to assist th e I^dke^ of ^ i¥a Do^ Dfeaeiit ers are highly mju ri- Cum berland. *'-—[Note : the Itft ^^ re ^fei- raihds morals ;^8y^^ tli% and the of the lion in Ireland , Mr. Pi^t said r ^ea ^d- t>3r ^m(t^ted 5pai-ty themselves. How often ly, was not :m re ligious t«belli dt ^.3!a^] s ^TO w^ie btie of-the privileged order it fair to argue from the days 'iof^fQwen ^ ^ by t J feStifc ^m/ £d§s another tha t is Mary to thd ^ present f}n& * ^toktoian ?i*^ft?fti dfedV wHliout even returmug th e has said , th at human Ttnattfre ^^^i^all ^ ^lial ^SBtlfttttfioti of gentlemen , though ages, .the same. No doubt human na- possessing, perhaps , at tfee same time, ture is always radical ly the same ; but birth , education do not ^i^%We ^^ Srity in , con- the dispositionsau of men admit of u nefet ^ri ^JJcBtira ^at ^ter or Usefulness , I ex- ameiioratioiV ^ d tbei r c^mil^W ^m- -i^ ^ ed 1 woul | b&ck ^rur ^ attention the of blood y woul d be guiHy^ of what ^rQ tp©taDts ^?Q%i ^eirMa¥y . i Btit the gentlema n who once were \ and the lapse of time, in ^Sbok ^Wr l&t' %>ft r^his occasionthe , has car - which all tilings chang e ba ^ elfilnged »u^ yond Tei the i - >Se^ buck ?ttibe ^ gn of her Catholic ^ tCo. ^mky^mWima ^ ^t4 *e¥ H^Hry Mghth , whom he has fi ted by the in<5rease of KnoW ^d^^ nd - * ^ ^ do Tat i#>^y^gy«a<^oowas toe>in ini- they hold in-abfaoi^Hc etfte a^lr ^ries ^ ^|^H ^ ^ tov e ' uQ| ^^ dne ^w4u^hai^ expected t>f our forefafhei% . ^^ "> "^ -. «*M ^ ^ for^ his zeal dfor ¦¦<' I wish to hear him extolled rendered re- the Advocate s of tfe^to^tUion SaHfeidn ^^yrthaag ^ Ji e^icalr in would promote untiniinit ^ by^Wth - ojsib,a&tf iW ajbaionl ^t uotv- Bttona partc dra wmgr it, *»atbe ^ thtti ^^iTovolce^ t he i»^^flti>b«, ttl i^arixii ^lhngfiinst ruine rit of discor d which e\th&tHh&Ji &&pti6tt of or oo^ii^t>^oo49 in tb ^nhanA oftiim ^ who the re ^jectio n Jit mtt ^^oWadian ^ I *n4Xttkfa t5#rt1^Arratf a,ttt^ «*a.» to praise wish tliera4Kbrpy patt ^eJ« Heftr ^ ^ ' thW at- cifiH baOitia^tifid ^ o.^i vestea in^^Feimiiiv -tena nt to^^tt a me^^ ure, ^ f x5^en- *uo ^«rfuw»« ffch ^iv ^ect y iti aH he toUfs, - a v WeaBi M >$mgtfflfat wrtb ^^uch ad laHi tous ^Mi^ldth»gatoire *igit>*, ^aa to^catify ^ft i V^fiititafy ^*m0Mo€ . H aWVe^ ^^mkmft ^ar. *q> Jlto dwbi«tolii£ft»d bis i«»ic,^ *J * ieJtf i'^^ ^ ^^ ^m t^y io tfctt btitte, *t w t^kfii^iofrX>fifeft4er tlte> i&&AriemH ^*mfyMM *ft i& dh^ iT^c^^di o^ m^ave m^Ta1« )mqWlKRik ibi»/titl^^diswteo*^ ^ o^ ^ ^ il ^ (fro m the Pope) he wa^^Jw ^wJ ^h^^tAbmi^m^dm^m^^^^^^ meB ^^ido ^mft oAu*4r *»t, tomuhetto?iW le^Se tK# '*m>pihbtymd*t& l *MtikMlf oti&& the t aMlN»toiW ^4o ^ft ^ l^ftdf in1* «0i!^ o^ r^meagk h&whp otffm&m ^f e^»oiic Jtfb Popery ptec &ff ltende d te A^^be0§^^^ enb . B9ilin. . ^S ^ 43tr f^J to, t mfrm&\pa *\qfrVwt ?%e ?#ie Ii ^k 4i«- iQ»t; &m&r the ,^ !^ ^ f^ r^5tof ->#Pf ll0f c- nee Mha %i% f aihq direct tendency union 5 actu al or supposed oppres3j0n« v<>f th# measures they are pursuing. 11 , The irrends of religious libert y, tM ^b i§ *$- S9$xim of Apostolic authority, they may be parted by sub ;ect^df con- * c not to .do evil that good may come/ troversy , apd may go, 6ne towards me but th e denial of the Catholic ,claims is east, and another towardsof the ww> i^iHf evil from which no good can eome ; will, at ^he distance a hun ^re ^gnd w^M if they be refused, the tiine, I lear , eighty degrees , meet in friendly uniop ^ ^jl l ar rive, when we shall he forc ed to and return iiand in hand to£etfie|-. ,*^ vei»dev , wha -t We bow refuse to eon- Sir , I remem ber , at Paris > in ihc^ ye^ir 1(Pi4f *i*nt a gentleman of 4 pf^bj ^ §^ |W ? j ^ese ed, 1 rejoi ce th at our late \m- company - with the-4&be K&^Pf lfaf tt T#u«*>iessfui, Sir Samuel ameRomill y—- Seminary, and myself, was speqLk.wg ^tV^piy epith^ ets to a n which with something like an assume fl supe- ^OBta je^ in itself^eminence in great ness, riority of importa nce, of tbe r<>nutlcfe pf was a member ^ wh e yJ &ki^QgvHyym disinter estednessth, atan d as which fac ^n .^i * r &n &&M l^*O>v5 in everjj ^ virtue can lear ned and liberal Divine said tq t?$m , i-eflect, 4ig»it^ «n the human chara cter ) with per f ect good humour , c« Yo^j nust >7f?J TejOHse iiiiat Sir S. Romilly is not take care wbat you «ay, Sir j Mr. jj Ssi£n h4e pbe&ph}e<&ed to the mort ificatio n and I differ in opinion , and we agr ci rto- bifW^Ube humiliation of present ing it. diiFer ; but if you attack ', , me, you mu^ st ,tQuf Of*p^ae«tswiH rejoice also borrow v eapoDs, aajl it. he , that bfe y^u^f^k 1, i^ ^ l placed in better hands. The him, you must; be oblig$4 &*> ^^pj ^for a»j««aty}lh ave express ed esire Sir, I giv« the geotlj nre - l' ^ a d to rn ine ^' Cmim^ hitFP tfp& *&me4b * \l 40 not , of course , sent cred it for the purest intenj ^gns f iae^Q,tj ^4istui*b possibl e¦• ; I beJ icve tl^y d ^ by proposing a coun - ^- ^^ ^p ;i^f{jp?H(ij a^ orf any counter resolution . of piety of spirit, an 4 a ^lera^ ^ j it ^fgo-- 1 ri i^l^i4,6iBftply move that this meeting sit ion , and that no un |d«d qr u^r ^j g(Jy ;4^ now adjourn , r intention is the . cause of , thc;i||)^r ^nt ;{?¦ r' i <; -rM < «i •• ^ > ^ > . "> opposition. Our differ ; ¦ «> .tirnh' tr>p!) ^" J J' " v ' i> -> - *' Sir, of the tendencyof ^eUgiOM Ppmi- ~m$p$MhiMtendmtQJ im&betn spo- ons, no one can judg ^ for anp thfr9(!c If ^>< {01 i /ieniatttk&> Brisiol Meeting y by some men are worse th ai} th eir ,. ^^r ^pi- ( ples, others are Z? ^/er. l&t^Thc Aave j ^fc ^ ti^P9l?i%P VHfiiicipl^t wWcfef been heart often rect i&ca the mt^fa% §s jhe t>ui& Wfy ^itet1&l&fmua ftt^ntipiH for a head , and the cjo^wceof thW W ^o^o- sb ^^Wfct 1^^ *^ %i few princi ples of a ^j f opinions which Appea r^ntq ter ^»|> is } n no^retgj en^i^l,na |ur /s?, , whi^h appear to often a reflectioh o^ tiboft& (Wl^q vmjake ; > •9i«6 >W hf^iMir ^C% !.on r the subje ct be- professions of great er bNi»W^r< Jv^ar, fore us. We have4>-Ppt i »l»f>pnr Mm/^r opinions! which Uie dotfs wrf ^»4 9Mff ex- xo Ql MfQfi? of ffteok igy:, *^ d w«J jhal l ipro r pose a j *erBon>*«i/ pxar vatiotot >r*did% ra- * <^v^t)ou |j .gu,ide if >vc.do n0t set; i datfons mos^ipa inldl ito >(mipdiia£^on- -1« Qgf oii?Wi^fBtingttiahiwg,4 betwee n the ecious dignity, for holdiDHiV ft{tt»t ons Pmf a ^ 9f^ihf i Ca^hQlicsis, and th e ab hors abj ~a vt&k I* which hte cfet^esj ^ nr m^iiand d 'j f ^m4? l tfm ^tttthe oUf». r whPa angular which are qpirov eU, by rif ^wijfciutf lfeoin rm4H| n:t^M ^ persons , i^0cat« | voice of th ^ Uni^eraitie ^witbfaw MAhe y mM$ltrfmSf4itte ^is tm ^rJi Wt of WJ ^ ?^ ^J nj^ |^i^ ^ j ^/iftft ^ aHolto»iian^ which t lotik in v^n/f^«Tpro|« ^^ rm oh (>^tivc; ^p^neJiv ^i»|g; aWdo^ ^-(9qo4 odt li f^ a ^ <^ ^* o^ li^fejf ^W toft fe ^i «^jy ar« o ^ ^ e | ^nitwmed^ ^ad ^ n ^ S^ ifl tJaW ^fimwk, f ilterAc tr ruc . »i UJKR9 *Vl iJ ^lWPf ^ 3Hk>ptf4 itj4p ,$amf spirit? « tWl3«^)^^W 'lit/\ Estli *. sad 4Baea*«^a^ei^adn; was dir ected ahtiost CG tidra kltfH ^^ not *%&&p ^ tQ i^^ w^ ^ ^we haye accti in many ii^flCfcboJy instances , *mk % »i**o% s^^^ ^mfc*m ^tfuj h, exciudir ^ an d suspicious j>olrcy appeal? w|th?^ sufficient ^ eviden qe^ of t«^ cw ^jffect. *n tVife ^gp superior light , others 5 of the truth of it I enter tain no let us «hew th e world what be ef- dpub t subject , perso n to -tn^y r To a ^iny.ia^ £ect&Lbj r> a liberal expansive , eo^fii- convenience^ whate ver , w het her positive frater nal *Christian policy h^is^ire ^ I or negat ive, £or wprshigpin^ H m ^^ - a^inclined tt > think , with an ancien t in sincerit y, is to at tempt t© seduce him philoso pher thft t of all the his aj i * objects of fro m duty to God d J iis ^fle^iancc fear , no ope is more fo be dre aded than to Christ ; and the infringeme nt of $hc the passion of fear i*sel£ as injr inffement pf^e right, be the ^fi^t mr . . Jt the (Jathoft ^pf Ireland dan- not of man but of God. Let it not bf are gesous persons tl ^ suppos $cTb y /or gotten ofth at I impute this to no ma % some -to fee , let ^18 tr y wha t may pr , least , s^il the by ij ^ ^ dy men of ># pt ^ 4oj ^ with the m kindn ess. As se opj &senj .,rf the 5lf#j§> . f ? Cat ^^ llc^ : a#e«tk>n is tfae key to^the hnt&Hx 1*eart, wio, I BeUev?f .are ^^ pj y ^ W J etfU^endeavcMit to open it by tfiafr - 3ta purest pnncxg les* I am. sBe ^fe^ ^»r^ $fcis £gu¥a *iv^ scriptural stnsey let us let this distincti on never be lost sight f ^ |»ea p coals of fire oil their h^ad.° of) not of men, 6*ut of things * ,fi»iri it wou»a |>e time enovgM rto . Sir, not to molest a. man io the Wor- wha (J|6 no^rwiping in, IJ iis country, * shi of his 3fi|k h&t to if fr is toter ^i*%i^ cvaiY^estrktion wer e refl ^oyed, and the subj^ ect him to any incofafenienc e . alKw* |o ^ Crown were actual ly ad^ris< ^ ^ ^ , o a itself. . . ; Sir , th at toleration is ^he- yc^ r ^c^^ i . Sir, to come dire ctly to the point pf the presen t age is its ^ ^i©A^,y dis- id^ip^Jhe Jf ist the ^ t , moA safrf tddluty tinction fjc ^fjiL .K ^^ a ^ ^iHHKvY^ ^^ o/ita ?nV*& to warship his Maker *n sin-: the light which now dawnsj *wi$&k 'Jt >\^ eeribp t s^ys *7i sincerftgfa for if wor T corne s to pe ^tV; 4^, wi\|, ^r f img ^^ shipii)e ®p£ sincere , if it be not the Ian - re ?|er, *? PW^^t gua ge *rf the h$&xtii\ is liqii wqr&Uip : it with a]yu 4^fmsm-wflMwo; W ^ is JKspauXat ^on, it is h^yppcrisVi it^ i$ p a ^ hat specific two ,yi «p& v l^*ew?^ t frime .for wlirch^ the *»& >>W,Wa ^ m ^e%! ^ . *9>j$&*j i J ftiw 6«t 4&t# fc| e ^MW ^ \ 3ge%ns tolerat ing 9^ ^^ 1^ euj m^ |Mb M ^•wfl w pw- s^ k *a^ ^v " ^w^ . his rights The vrord ?%A/a has "been. ^ go rnw^imi npmWR tiap py • #tl |.*« ,^<^ uafete »Hks|IQ#il v ¦ Thmfiret 4aw? 'oftt tt is sancticRed Y by7 W hen #f4ij.; ,one vj ^ the^^iti^'^hMfed; si-^iaffi^ ; - :t "«Soi r of*?^?l|* .t*8 W^;# '^gN^dFfr ¦ ito irarabi Ae ' S|s^^w |» ^ f ^i^n^#^N^^ and - . fi ^ «t |: f ^ ^ M^ lWs ^ ^ t ,'- o£>eratjng* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^m W ^ ^i '^ ^^ ^fj te . iSiir |)tt ^8 Rfghti a,re r e^ocal. ^ fJT ^^ fe^^^ IJbc » T ^^ ^ p^ing iis Mak« id ^^f ' ** ^w ^ i t L 1 ^ ^rfloht^ ^wijl ^ kcfencfwledge ^ ^ ^^^^^^ fflhat d ^^^ g ^ ^

iSffitmtvm,, thi^t ** the I $M&mA iiS'tbc Bibte - JVQ P qpZff l . ^ga ^t W BtS ^ ^ foie tj ^ir teprts dilutej ^thgrtrtitatt rie ^ f HP^^^ ^ ^^ %W i W^ ^ ^ ^Y ' ^ tl* of Qpdf that they and thfir Brt >tcate s^ ing Ms ^rcHmd m^copfoiwrty uac- br ethren thro uih the United King ^imc' roSre ^ w ill embrace both Cathol ic and have been so highly fa*pii*ed > they wi^ 1 Chur chman as br ethre n, and when, t hat tae^e bks ^Migi shoMaM b« /cquafi |& cvirr y other name being absoibed in the cjctend edto all their feliow stabject ^aod? name , th e blessed na nTe, which was thit the state should no longer be de* first given at Antioch all conte ntion will prived of tho ^e essential; ad vantages^ cease, except the contention^ who shall which they confidently^ antici pate th at : mo& neatly re*einbf$ hV Ma ster , and it Wou ld derive, fro m the equM ejigjibf^- by His piety to God and benevolence to lity of members of all religious persna * mart , most adorn the religiou s princi ples sions to places of trusta nd honour * - , he' brdfease ^. That your petitio ners likewise fecol^ *Sm wifclj ih^e views,, which are not lect, that upd o a lai " • : *&& *&&*> prese nt occasion, forbear front expr ^ais-- 'Fiiat your ^etfiioners are firm Frien ds ing in the stronges t, terr ns their dttest ai- to religious tolerat ion, being fklly* per - tion and abhorr ence of airint ^icrance sua ^e#tba,t no pov^ei4 on ear th has miy ami persecution , and of course, of di^ . thfe dictate s ' rfglftf to ^ itt ^erfete^ wltfe to of intole ra nt spiri t which disgrace ^Cat h^*. cok^ciencr; wHh respect either doc- licism in for mer ages; but as this ispira t trine by wbrshid 5 except only ib cases, lias been str ongly reprob»t c4 byiCathoi. cft; oblitati©»s ' wl^h^^flfe #i^ ^ of lies of the present day, and your getU mcrf alitv; or the peace antt safety of so- tiohers look upon it a» the vite ofrth eagc A ^^ " iV ' ^^ " -¦ ;. -/• . cl€&^ With' ^r rather than of t^e sect, ofand - as Jthc yvcaii- WMt mi#j£&6d&W' theseJW d conscie^tlo ^s- ¦ot review tn ^ conduct the Prote ^nt W W ^r ^^ - th^t sentiments , and churches , at the same peri od, tvith^ut nof ^ntM ^tBg thc ^lain obltga- feelings of ^hame and 1 regret , they deem thM" ^mim ^ ^. a fe ^«ace and it the more Christian part to bmy stick safcf* of society would t>e, iri the remot - transaction s in the oblivioa which ouglit est defcree, cqdfegcried by the ednccssion to bvej rwhelm them ; Iestj by revivTiig ^ .<«riE9dpb|bi>fiAri£ /ts ^ br^^vrd feei the recojiection of scenes ao atr oc^bus^ ebat fficF ^ete acting TerY inconsistent religious anitnppity sh ^M be i^inidleJo i idJ «t^ ;; ' pa rtr ^heyd n ^ pre ^3 their regre t m& t| ^ «jbje ftfli ,;pl ^^ . viQ^'fBUflWl, / at tfte continuan ce of thoseWfew restriction s Bcnvmi*%& itwdcrc*' ita&tlx nt>~ *&b- to W^H ^hiit CatteHc Mibrtcta ar c^^^ 6n ^ceot j htof ^ ^^^^l i^l ^^^^^y^H ^^ib^^^M _^^^b ^^^^.^^^h^m^^a^I ^j^L .^^^a ^d^^^^^^^b ^| ^^^^c^^k ^g^V .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^u^^^l^ _*(i^^b^^^^^^^Bl^^^^L ^^y^^^BM^^T^^^M^^^^^^^^r^^h W$t . ^ir isa^^fe. ." aSSsJB ^L ""i s?' ^s^ft , «¦ .$|»r _ • "' ?* -^> *&* **bb * M p %t£4m $faittf tt£$& >idmms :.utiih# %j *i$zzfo ^/ ^tt ^ ^ wo^ bal^^ flrar that prcsc ^^ hoa t ^ iCW ^ rwitriei agatet ^OFBt ^tt ^ ^ 45 ^ Itt4%^m^t ti^ fcy^s^ligfatcneti mcstic ^issentioii -^^ i^y<>WfctTj ^^ p^fey tlie he^tsofall**h«inhabitant6 ^>f ers w^l ^ci^ptay ^si&C» ^.^< i*^v ¦ ^ % ^^ ffei^^dtir ed countr y would be kitit t&- .-^-v.«. \ ->.^^ -3**? #¦***#? *#'f*^ *^ --' ^

¦ ' ¦-¦ ' ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦; i i ' ' ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ *»"* - - - ' ¦ • - -.: \v ^i? *s . -74 wr.: ^H >r -s^i . ^S /s« j>t^ '»3£ ^ ' ^ ^ - , ^ s ^ j ria ^ ' ^CHSTHliY/# ¦ ''BETfWBjSPBC^r ^©F- ¦ ..IHSfi^Dg}^ ^f#AWSS#^ i?l^i*4 K- »--^ •- - • "' • , :- i- 1 v--: . : - . ,. - - -v tJ ?r Uj?i3 ^^i^ift * -;i3'f^ ^fcT-? #-Tt? ¦ ^ - ¦ :¦ " 1i* .-fJi» *;> f. ' ¦*• • , ' • t * , - : ..> «-: .M ) ' J«&^i£f ^ORV i!i'.K Jv ' ?"^ vv y-2 a _J |#iX & V£$l " ¦ ^ 38lU «.ir» v;..u , -— , .. - .. .. - . ; - -r: - > *¦ . v^? . ' ., ;i ( : , / -.f.;j- «/ ^>*-j«i- ' >*fi W *»*> SW34f tit ^fe &foi&tidtfir&utmj qftfteP&f^a^ff^f^e jQ^r ^l ** ' * 1 ¦ ' ; - ' 1 '•i . J», - * >- .*?* •- y j».?. . . - . r . . >. -i ^"M: ? !- i and freedo m li&^^^m giaBthe <*f ti^d b^ye. beep great objects of ^ Sinc o^r pjUbJjc dis<«saiq^ e lastof; tbe fOrmeT, excited b^ the petitions tbe Romaft CatboHcs for emanc ipation , tf jp«*e^ w ^ tia i ^^ M fM4te pctt atipns i ^ff . tfee, .P^ates^fciMitt ntion ,«mi^pS£KBDtu* ^ e3v ^^

SSg^S^ffi^ffl|^^HE5 ^^^^ P ^j W ^ffliH HH g WH Sghtml <4tf, a* described by a wc«|F^^^^^^^Vwe^ Q9!|K > it>5fcpk«pir, merit , iwertion , atid may b« «Mi ^mtotet *C«:M»l«"»e &t*£*:vf PubUc Affair ** 146 -tiiae question «$tfu^P«iftlie0$miitd ) froaa w^it srai l?or ^^Bfl^ the o*gg|| jm$m 4^ JSwf&mKeMtmds Lord be su«i to &ave been ke|*t out of E^- •¦^ '^j R^^ l^ff^ SR. ^^^^^^ ^p* ww ^^ p* j w ^ P^ Bv '^ FTQ^^ fci ^Jff ^*?' ^ ^ ^ SB ^ raSBHBjIi Br ' i§ |i*|y 'A& ^^ H ^^ wjfeta M^ta J ^MttiftfttfaSfildiiJuK& ^to ^^^ w^U^ ^ WSLmB* ^S^ttMK *- .^-^. ^ gi^^^ j ^ tthflcc * fe«? gMfcftlJaffah-iti semaral »^bu2 dii^a^vtt iifltf m tfetw«f thet a^ e**ro- and petitiuas, to the J£e&& , ^fBlriflS^iKfij i wi0|^WillB^j ^^^^^ Ia Cor» - ^e- iohabita oits j *^ ^ $PKttto au9y^ JQ[ wfaii was*such a scene of confusi on in minister and churcb ^ar 4eiii*. A n^e£% . at tie public meetin g that nothing was ittg was also first J h^ a ^aye^n^^ f there gained by the rel igious mooo- merchants and traders , which^ led to a paBstfr : m W«*sbire tii^y thou ght lietiti ^n ^f mmm *£**A ¦&**w^Jim&aa ^ them selvessecure , and hav ing the ir re- >n the city j ana afterwards a society fatsftr a^gh^td ty signed, had no dou bt was , t'or ioed ^tude r the t nanLe of^e ^fo- of* a ver y gp^eat trium ph ; but on the tesi an t Union? at the head of w inch dfty of meeting, they were complete ly appeared the venerable name of Graoi. was ville S lfc£at out of thes. field , both by argumen t barpe. Whenw^lj we meift ion that W$ B«j ^er >Th^discussioia long, name, every <^ reco gni^a the zea- a«4 in It they took , as was natur al, Tous assertor of the rig hts of humani ty, the lead ; hut every top ic urged by as Jar as respects the - persons of men, .$&& ^J ^ttf ******* was met by a and his services in asserting the liberty -PP ^^^^^ pBoc^ reasoni ng, th ^it of every mart , black or yt£nU£ £^ftf ^og- °w&£ irresistible, and^^ of those who lisb gr ound ; and his Vabou r» ia th« €§&€: t*M¥ti ^ir 4 be.fullest determination to abolition of the slave trade , will-to ^M^m leaders, and vote agains t ev*er endea r hiai i&hur hekttsi ^ *i^e J fffi^Mis li^ej^y grea t numbers * held lament, that his view^s shtmld not tio ^ jPHrJwhA .^ ll v ur V* it- The been mor e extended ;; that born will^i flf * 4 ? the pale of the pi edominattt Ip bftte en*4 in tlie throwintheg ont of JBed t*^ |dp *l^ 8ft *i H mow- cann ot feel for those withmi t J ^ ^»0 iflK ; ^ttfLlH ^ .#«M9 ^ ef another see tha t civil rest raints o^ ao ^otf ^f U/mmim-m&&*sliberty , and the reli gion are as cout rar y to good •S air ^p ^l^ ygmmmS%0- Utter were abou t seven they are to the reli|Ei<>a "Qf ^^ 5^. But it must be said in favuuj r ofe XJm $ f lfee farraer: ' wort wBSRa, ^flK3P "Mfc . «Ml ** re*Sfe ^wos monopolists hy gentletnan * thai be i& a Qp^p|. M a ^ fm^W l^ . OT ^ tha t polist from piinci ple, ajad he ^>»fl^l en4ed wi|h such cir- not desire success, uules#!he, f^ ^ p ^ w^ ^ p^i^^ ^t CW ^ ^i^^ jrt ^aade them dread the to be founded on argument. . J i^^ Mi* 1 A cat qnetice of th is just opinion, J ^s stmmy iflBBS!^^,' ^^^ J ^#y^l!"" B ^fcew * %>Qk. placei ", has issued a manifesto , in whic&Mlie ^ questi on on hia side is weU tmaBt^tt iiJ l^ and w ith th at and an adm ^^ bl ^v^^ b- ^ VPHiP i^P <^«itea»y i,,tt tnfltng one, ' writt en by M<- Butl ^..vtl^^ l«^n»d Catholic, our readers iftay b*$ ia M§- ¦fl il»r«f W .^ almost «easion of ev«ry tbi ng th ^l ca» .W ^^ l «**? on bot h sides. The F^^te^va^t UjUlau ^Sl^^ SIa W oS, they falln into the usit ^l -^^^t4V^0^mS W' ^ <^ili«n**,fonmera!id so lust to the pre settt GathoUcs ^v^r ^ tWii^ •^ %ffefe t. It is extr aordinary, tha t that am he rfiked ^gaiuPt vtbe r ^J i«^pf ¦ i ^ cities of the W^|r-^8lQ-ili^^ of €fvLin~ our pjicest^sQut 4ark j ^:e&:ifiAt re^oUectmg tfeiii f^ fi i ^ p ^ ^^ l MSfM-a^pcf ^P |n the tfec t^ey laua is Utt J b* t^^ct m l^ . niayov lier, she miiM ..^^ ^ I^^^^ *Wh , ; MI »A|[Jto ^ ^ hoae at miud, a$ ^| lia/ $o$ twft ^ la ¦J ^ &WmBSl^pfd ^ " : iMj ^' j mmMSf* z Aadb ^t nxc&tinf , evcarv years ago, «^e J ^f - mriyMt «Hts carried sa might ua| omUr the flamei*, mqp for gw^ifqfjr ^g^r ( ,. . , ' i/ ulrt s ia hfir crevd. r i>i - ^p ^Ci ^J :mMM mfc '*m* **>"*%* » • » TJ to? " n t l ' - INPJ ^f i^ ^ fif> m^H ^m^^k^ th ««*««« WET-w^w*»^ ^ l!wlf lnHlniil ^inMtfb ^t te wttnti ^l a iniii iiiair

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ? < v v " " ^ 1 . • ' ^ ?• • k • • ^fe r '";-:;"" '^ ' **^ft> t*i W *ta ^W ^4b ^y^fW ^ gf9& ^fcfft ^oxtfe * *&€*$ tlicTiBiBK eifters, iM^Meikli y **^»6e HlUwitfdi t^^ »yJUfee . tec ^faroti ^teibafa^«acltrft6 ^^iflff^ie st <>f fhavlil ^ rt by j ^^^ Jfe t^i^aii^ a it^sigfik - ^pe ^e^f5 frBrichnrtbran »ttjfl©# ^ ^tffr ll^ es ^ f y ?J ^^ feik^%Hnmtor 9io <^<5raDdrdat j Bythi ^Bgre^i^WfgctieFggg^s i^ffr tt feiu** ^fSfe I>i$iteiititi gTimii- -spr ^taai-efpreiriddy rlfc-r ioteift |i^ ^ ^ fc^f sfn unan A 9 c % |f^fe|mi# d ^trt wu i Louden, •* arc r fiefe d ind bcpfii allowed to »ttes^e<^£4>sfeftgcf?3!i r^riu ^ ^ rej ^o^eh,r a^l^y^ta ve - : /atn&assador ^an d >eKa*es^md «&*$l!j s i&au&M tfagreed to a petition to Vnvlin- • estate in ftaiy frefe oftfex ^ but h^rtt ^st »^ §n |:l ^ univer sal freedom t& religion . institute every bisttfop isand iti^4iBfffl6 p ifRfefc ^JB ^iitf£* of -tl» ^ ^iaweritfTis 5 ? will widi iw sixv monthsand oir lifter «ht r» en^fgrtJ? ^ meets the roii ^ ^JNwfc *$*£ before thfcrsome reader' s nomin ^ TiorK ie6i!ri ^ltiilie1^t!ne t <^e^ fti>/i t&ere Is reason' to-expect bffice h to ie jic rfarfned ^^^th ^ se^$^r jlg^ ©f the Mfcthod rets xtl^&fnifionitit ^will bishdpr ht the diocese. ^Tfe« 1I<#pe^Ills ^^ *brosight ~ ytwrd *- >4 Of-ttte- jreryv-nji. thcumhinatioii oftcu bisftobnef i^ lNfy i^4fcMgB ' *aiH} Wiy ' reip ec^a&lc? cfe^- iof ^>r Fran ce, to be settled by «H5t % al^cdil- i3jn£vr mlwiy ^e^jt^ain ^the J ^1fi^$4t ^ racist vention ; and thes ixsnbti itb^ish^^l^t Rome. The power ^f gtvJttg ^ijj h^fe ^ett)selvc8, thHt tTr ^r ' t?l pat& ¦ eH>Vo^Jti ^not£rakit?o kus rema insT ^i-t^^opep 'lAjt^ill Ot ^ts , afid con^idopt g, -thand at the king- ^civil power is taken j f«itor4iirn ^^^PlfiQ* <>f Qhri ^t <^i>hi is meatf^r onedrink , is th is object o^aricdefet ^Tte ^c^^^Wa s ^ed ekcli^ive privilege *fect or moch to t^e skxf9tion^bf th4 ^ rfa^t ^ ut ^itiiffetfil Part 7> ^ ttriivcfsal benevolence. sovereigxi in Japan , -6r» rdtfeer ^to?^ «t«fe ^niiBefl^Bio legillaiiUfe, however , the sofwewfrat ^perk >r fi^ta ]^i'eill ^®f^if 4^ rel ^«^* it:liberty, •4f^ ^ aga 4|i*t far ^Cetiterbiiry * His>: iiiamie 1^ - fl^rtii fptt&prej sb tfii^e Aveti ^bf though , grea ter, and hfe pat *©tw^e?^r4 ^fte^J ^but thes circu»nstth ?aj^ e ces are dul ^ ^ se^se y taken Into when we compare his p^esoftt ^«t««#tAv r ^^y&S*&°!H of the Unit ed that of h>s pfedec ^sdr ^iit- is#4aH^*»t be - • by. no1 means gathered miist be suEui iis «WW«*e -J fSi^P ^ «W. ' agai scrtsibl r ^lt^ T^ , £r£ff e $&fpiftr or ^ rath er tlf* presum ption we h umbl febpe^ t,fJ ^ itioft» on r th ^^ p^o^bhlM g w^rf ^ftr>1^49 v. The pel nst di^olufi ^F thir ^^^^ fi^l^p^ ^we gesft« a) of the sect estab- he-q^stio ^ ®kef^ ^ ? ^ i» ^ |fmiiotly ^^ «»fri rt ^f^ ^ *W ^^ 4^*^WW6 ^**ft " Chiefly by their interests a' ver ^,Iaf ^dfi> ^gMRn. f rhmy *^6^ej i«#tt ente,-a-ani thei r pro- Hindoos tan prese ntsto the h&k&f t*tii\tn 1* ^^«i»tioR »n Ji fej is very con- appeara nce Nnrhich ^uo ^bt ^pftfatic ibd 4^l^^f part in th ^ b^ "Sl#W*% a?mt fcif^ttU, ^ oftaken that sect a very by any ^hrnff ^ amtniaioftt ^ttkfcnWi has the eith er efl^e ^^ S?pr< H othe r a^h^mtti ^rrilqr ^^^jtPl ^ by& a^*rf *r 'iMHic^ SVltfe^6p€ ct to sects, subjects -of ^ttort her ^^id ^&i ^n ^htl ^e ^ ^ ^ r ^ §»y e;fee^ ^pt bac k , from a dominion m^y rat ^d pt $qk&qtiisi&tMtme th?a th is is a par tial ap- dissolved Thef twra ir by a^ :^ fim^i% ^^pxf»i ha p iu ^ia^ta. |BftftW ) t ^ i ; hiyiPg' no moreth eregard €xac/ ]^r th e Fana ^man ner JttKnt ^iwftt - t Eng- holds tw- W&&$ jV00theaff ^th^J ftc* thetfeem Jri hi« land f^icasen^r«n ^1h|»i% iid^ W^ Sfc W^MW'Amon WW fit - lond ; v^hen -1 iea ^j expfrbs , ^lie ^ | ^ in . party feudsg sh return s. iW. - - tfia f seten&cmf omiff obtfte i§ ; both jife ^ltio^ &H ^>wn«rr -filwirtwheop tiJ ^ cfcAwrifrrtH * tepfr«s, rVl^fh^y^t^rJ niud ire ^soo to accuse the UonaiBTP n^ feciongs^toi e « ^rdwn vt ' ^ : j ' i ^ ^ t ^ ^ff^W«f^^ ^M6r»««ful : «o Jftdtaia. rr Tjfcrc•:* cfcaf fcd ^jqiirdi ^i^ltin^i ^ cfe^Qte ^ Ctoisrfan. WSM? ^§^a of thc^jj ^ nt thr e^ 5^ar$ ^^md ^tnj e'^^«ioti ^s^wi^tlaer b^S|?fB^.W»n JPw SWgWfc ry has it dintk >fe ^&itci*?MJim &1ivi!pm)nHflie Been thus ag itated b a dispute on a lhi^itxiBxw& ¦ ycipjt term s* i^ Adtttti v^ ^^fejf rjEurt /pcr is great fJiseussk mBJ berth s inH>oot>i ? Wftltt ^^Whteh ^ 11 ; fate ' SRiWW^cft «R#65rt«6 **;;LC9*l»fi*c« have E4^ »dia @©j«panyi >, ^ad>Ytoe\>Qi^a J«» ^^ h^Ai ^ b a^itb Rr^ ^ Min:^ I^-«W fpre to pro &icti^l^mi^libd ' 4a^Ette »v^m 'i«4 ^M fc^§kW^H^7»f ^e Fpp^, Parliw mtftt. -•-• ^ v^cnuH oj aififj-mu ^Tis thP«r ^f iM>dra rii^Hfrdi8l^inflft',A«^r fre£4*WB The E*sr Jadia €*m^inyha ^urrdnM ^ M' ^ ^ifeW ^^M9n,v fjha ^i prc9 ent-dmftcr-tcaiWwrm L^^ilta ftik> i^ ija ^ Ind ia, db WAwiwfiWR -y^ & ^jwww Ma n4 an «^dw«LKe-the^Go^^itrtte bati ^r t |^l«ifeP ^^Wtef ^W ^Bift!^ f^^ irt * fv?s coiiTifr j cit^ 4he <^5t ^ o*ieo«l ^w 0 tJ lf ^ t ^ lnj ^^ fi^qW Hoj»e. TJ ie-lanc ^ i tornotr ^mMOowSil t^*W presen ts -rit«rit ^ r ^ ^yp^bttH i^ l»>|i^ip^ .M^ ^ t «^sbrnw (Icbaurcd ; s^ pi ^i i*f f om *ine t;Bu#mp&team^ be Arami it^M^ %m w ^ ij ^ ,w^ ^iiwite iftgi >vi4hrift Wkdft gas^lttf 6buB ^M§t^Qltt i«i n3L ym 1o th^q^^ ¦ ' Ho " tb0cr ^ "oIq/jtk^ v 1?. ? • •: s^.>Jtt i- bi4 ^ V>iI«Ul*<| ^^^ft J ^^ i^ryWbir ^ ^ 4^ v/**i^A^fci^»ng Ikp^bwW ^wb ^ ^miQ^«l)e^^ib4ipttiii Wva.rll ^t ^M#W$6 •«^e«Mj ^3bi pai^wrt !Q^4a $m ??gi t Sb j ^M^p# ^ la ^^ ^ ^ fifi ^ l^ i *O; ^ ^ i^^^ ^ b ^ pf^ ^ ^ lnt ^^ fi^^ djfel +fm Jj K ^r *^ ssrtk Thdte high psetti^hw^My^ mi^ ^j ^cftd^e. >j ll vvthe , Eas0tscw!th priact < culti cs-b?ivetheocca tred ir>aod the ipi^if j EnglishmeiMn-;et)37gQsta4MjE»eerima4e $ome ^eaW ^o 3#^* f^ ^^ llad 1dC63r »9^<>.CaqrQirfoit miV 'iby«s% ai4on ^ b^|a ^ i^ fe#n^ ^l0i7ito ^ ^^ k^t$a ^ «be iempties yMWk% ^ l^r ia$i^r Imw . # |» *to fj mp 4 Jj£bi£*3C£3ii§q (giia§< mo**d * haw ^ecn r-Bqat to^know psecis^ n^tU^e. TMe - i^rfj>^$^itvis * new nj ^ ^' lament r that * &&*p t^mg. sfecibJd Jbfl&Wfrtr ^A^ ^ttot ed ^: but /aot rm- ^ W^ ctccntt ^dt& t^ate the pekte \: *fcsL | |tf ^ ^ lh ^ tl^cgowaam cat, roay tak e &mti$ -in v^hkh - the «^uoiihis f^ ^aib ^ " ¦ ¦¦ S.:-Vi : jo "" ; 9|S^ »%gc ^ !!Nlf&# f«^»t7w^iaAf4ct3m& 't&l)e- mt< *eswrd< - - ^¦ : '^- . ques. < ;ii^' fsf fl ; a$^ all- tie^c \^W@ > ymUt gly^p ^ jur isdict ion r Bao iiitp ^fta»t t tions itte ^.tG ^ij ^rr pf^caartiaercicompaiiy. ai are , they lose their -irvtetesti whfen o6t ^- ti ^lt at iju eatio j i of this par% 4 ^im *be smpeftdoU ^ ti)attet ^ ^ ^fl^^ r»J f*tot n*» a ^n fhe- ^ in /Ato4»t |9^^ ^ ^'s|aci ^r.^ ^ A^t >n on^BJtrn tf^t, - Alt: ukl l^cdEasdiffer tslndia ed ^ ther ^ceiye]ite ^ ^- -gBrtari ^ ^ ^aW rii House. t^aiordinary cl>ara€te ^m he ^ <^lieV teavieffer ^ i^afe ^ f^f^f^ ^r frdm the govern ment,aft er the eala ^iiiK>u# ftfe ifcs ^ ^i^ifcW: ^Ar . aqitefaintt ^ aro ^ of < mote in his for tune. At firsts ihnp& itttt *?& .Al^ l ^ 4nig^t i aj most say, th ^n exacted, but the sudden ^f ^isbmifj k t ^d^la ai«ym broken every measure tliat-rri? ghf{r?a ^fe l^tafrdff ^t ^^ Olh ^ tfa ^aBMe iatbnt. ^ But bad in view the aboUtio n-ot&m Wfc5|k|#ttr\ this tj an ^ -#b*r€t ^i?^ ^vcflra ^TTaart jes mae«i >ihegr ^at He app ear ed ndaunte ^^ rSta ^ 4 tiritirait East nuent b^ retui aied, s^Mmiftilf \6 aflPitll o^fevJi ^fg»lv<* ts?, gaiS^fc o&di«&6«»B>aa^7i4te f ^ ©u^por ^nd ^he to ,restore his shat tere d foi*Mat*e«r' ^Vftft *^ , 4&'*&M h&y&oni/Hw disciifcsioabetween also United with hiin, and- his «ptc>t^i- , )th9tlo rm«ff iwrolwa ^the rights fof sove- tion of an immediate *m\+, « Wn ^t ^V . ^ t gt ^^ to ^t»s ^n^4thin q^e:^au«try » - Hud eonscr iption, wliat by gift f^n^ li^e^S < a* been ree4i *^ ^1$li8lv^ilfi (ad it^DD^cs3]o^6peniir ^' a gfteac cit/€3 an4 towns ^ h fcj^ «^H«do I |ori«tiiBr>dbjBfitfal Hkngdotn. - The psawntly witHott t a InuirmuW 'Jo ^daiV ': ' gs, he ha ^ called c^fe 99*&m&imwto&3ttohwamtiotiioteonf jnwr * mmg lion every thin dler < "W wo0rran?ntn f BCT *&ri ^r tr oc>- '4fc hi8>tgeda&in ^!bw*fiw|ti8id bv j ¦ ' * ^tpn i^ft t rade ^ibat is'xlesisted by taiud ^ ¦: . f : " '' '" ?V)h' ^ J ^ ' 4UI^|icn^id£^«tid*nqtr ^tu^ • ]H(fiipev-as-'. is n^ta^ Here is po disguise of, the mor ^ifi^i- «^^ tlk y^H^fiE^ | (l0teq ?st«d ia exclusive tioa-; hq i^i'. €$&&&$&&M & th&l&m\te loss of hid meiidures ancj ' of ^llrt ^MB^^f>all » bevAt ^ fer the; j 4^5t^Cfori ^urgu mron ts to aMpport |l^ir j claims; but h^ atmjr. • Ubon :tfeW h^ teiyij #fe "*h^«t^ vo and $jpp&DW&^ ^ it- ce$^ pre tiTetbV ierlg^iife of £«^ ^n^ ^ 1^4fi iWhli?feil?^wiiU^vei) , fcr brou ght 4owo a Ke^Vye^lar d? ^^Itt ^4^pri,i* ^d ^e^ ^^^^^ g^^ E5«K^ iM^aPf |t|ttj j Rr^ NMfc ^ffiSrMBflffiMB ^ iri ^^ j ^ -^^ ^ BWpB^Wg1 l J pJ ^ OIlJBJj ^^ Pol^BEilCo Bff^^y ''lie ^BBB PIWW Lai y llUwg ll IIIKWC > ?* * tfMifefi$* &r *» tfttt ir extefat , lite dered hiiii uto ^or ^y,- *» l<^ aii Ite gran det ^ aim t% *e wdtffivydf his empire !' ciiirgetl to so itt &toous to itt *titiiti6to / df toun&d tipcte th e eifbns arai tie love of thfc support ofa ftj r ^a^n^fcf% . •^; ip t8e ; ^ ftii l ^ i * ^ 1^of bf iH*t|tl*^ ^ Sethe finestdeclare fcoufi- d ^ t ^^ ife^^ WpiM ^ Peace is to mp ^ |§^^ rr# conformable of ' tPth#^ £r ^a\ i^^^ BX" ^^^^ £ M^£ - l^^ K ^l^Ki '^^ Ui^^^^^ itfflB ^^ BH£fi ^^ k loo^ ftmk ted. ^ ^^^^^^^ tmfo^h feeeti When ^^^^^ 9^ '^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ G^f wT^^ ^^^^ ^^^" ^^ ' ^f ^ P^B^^^^^ y^^ T^ ^^WP ^P^^ ^^^ BB| ^^^ ^M ^^ ^^ ^^^ . cS^^^ ^^^^^^^^ S^f ^^ ^^ B' ^^^' " iiaI ^ i ^^ !! 0 ^ " he ifilonlir **fjtSffie' tittu pncr Swcd^jttlfe Stel ^4U^y ^d by a fife consistent with rea- ^ra n^ rer ifeion, ^veYtthe just 3 udgment I ttWN ^ ltf tf ^ rWi^ ''' -: M " - ' - - not lia-d the cobra ^^t^a«el *re ne ^ -' ' ba *e -^ ^P*4ri i4 Fr ance not *2HS¦ v - tftu£Bff > Qll9u6Bt*¦ - £Cm&Hltftt&3tBk&i^jyfiijB ffi JK ^^wBBHP ^ S ^ist ^essea of^ results - " " ^ * - j | ^b^ ^v Cfc' 4" W?- -™ VQ*j&- ^3%£££!&F * j a ^^ H ^ * th« £<*y©urable Umt ^t>a«« *fte ~ adPfrpmltM Mv^M Jt Sfci' ¦ -' - - - *^" -^ "^Ta^rli-w^A ^- -' *- ' inii *itii iiiWutt$JJ ^ie' e^ti& TWntK 4^ftS fikely'as ever^ to retain the «is ^ctiictiuii 'Tif 7Qu i;f ^ i ^ ns ni p i ^ Hp p n^ WtMhW ti' >>r tl»at cou ntry -thot ^h, if W» I«f ^ be^dri ven out, Lbrd W«f]ing- t ^ po ^i« K which « W JM NHB** gained^ *i^ i jvlll ' omer ; * fcOc WfMp ^^feSritt|O employ his str ength to ¦ ¦ -s g | - is ¦mmJI£m^ i^is^iiLik ^-i ^-**-*^ i ii dgf ft rvi ffifo i tMa -mStlr ^Arita fee. Buona parte deter- ITO pvSvTl nB€c> ff ^U ^flmlBll winiM P €^4^t ^fec^^ha i he has : and b6Usl% *iia."dTi»e ft nifi tgjjiiiiiii'S -^icittii^6^ ^$iuiabed if dB ^act for them selves, tfHam$Ai *mt&m#&&mff M9! ^ ^ |i|||<|^j ^t ^gurp ofte chat the blood of ^^^ ij isli in the conflict. One is in -ttat& ^f KiA l^SH i^S^I %<*^3 been gained the difcu w^tt' ^AiM ^ra yf f cfyd&imt&t"The Ib ^urSition , that dis- . so-^t ^aa^faiaKtib ^ ^ a U*i tlwt>#*rJa MM | ^ eowitty, appears likely to - »ti ^ Mt% ^^toMi^ has . «9 *^«b^«% ^iM a t»,|mM - - The ^Mcstidn been ^^^ 0sk^4j:'' ^ in the JM^% '9^i w^-jil*/ 4ivi4cd pro- than we have rciaSS^ ^ ^aSapK W ^N W iwiifeW^tys^ fe fevoiil^ of ^he rate , we corflif M ^ ^ it ^ p ^ p | p |V#i j k hbr tidOur tri bpdah We J>«mjb wwnsl&s(tM wilBi iM gt'WIt niwHiH^r *io*c ^V'eti dfcgtti ^d F^omsqlaseutimentfi , ini«ifSfejfo ;.t^JBTt^w^", JBrnzxr- ^ ^mxr ^^-mm ^^ww^^^Kf yJSU^^' ^^^^ y ^f ^l ^ ' wp J f J " ^PW ' ^ ^^- bb ^ ^e * ^^^ oWs«o

'^ ^ ^^ ^5^ff^ ^p t^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ J ^w^^ ^r ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ' ' ww p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ww ¦^G^^ HRffSiSBciWBCR ^^ BRrTiWBW j ^ ^Bj ^y i ^ttx' ^ ^i^'^ ' - ^ <^'^^ i4^w5 ^^ ?^ S ^^^ ^^ L. ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ r^ ^^^^^ ^WP ^^ lv^^^

jMjMiifci]£jhg ^^ S^' ^Bff yjciX ff ' ^s^ Mfci Ri£ |U ¦ ! j ' *^ r y-^ .^Ji ' s^. ^\ ^ fciff'^» ^^ ^dS!j fi.7 vBiJBwM. -^^^ Bl^fcSi^4i^fc*>*^*' ^^ k^^^ 2j ^£B3^n^3^^ K^ %f ^^ E^£0v^hZ T^^^ c!^^ B^v ' ^QflHl ^ Sfl^^^ HB ^usdu pffraR ^^ I^^ Bfl^^^ S^^ li^H ^Hlj ^ rf ^^ HBu ^ft.

M^^^^ BBB^^ F^HMBj ^B^fay^^BjP ^B^ ^jj BLj ' , lJIk *h 'ff^HB ^ j ' t^B^i^MBrJ ^HMB ^MJ ^BBf ^B^^ B^H ^^ B . ? JjPHUJMnPBf ^fc^PTHv'^^ rB ^E ^e ' MM ^^ fc^ ^^ n.^rtj ^^^ W^ ^i m'^t ¦B^MbOb ' BwI ^^^^^ Bwi^^^^ kBI ^^ K ^HBI ^^ Bt JB ^BB-^B^^ BPy

T^^ r^y^^ ^^^ F' ^^'^^^^ y* fijw ^r ^^ v^l^^ M ^^^^^^ n3nE ^^^ Bv^^^ Kvvf/ ^^^ f ui^^ E^^ ^%K ^^^ D^^ BP^^ i^ ^^^^ ^ ^

" " Jb ra flMk«-K X4, ist cot. %4 fine fr& tSf botfQtn> for Uiti* &&/&&•