Thanks also to Mick Sharpe of CONE for his help in compiling information and guidance in the completion of this exhibit. this of completion the in guidance and information compiling in help his for CONE of Sharpe Mick to also Thanks

on the display. Thanks also go to Travis Perkins Landscape Centre, Chelmsford for the loan of materials used on the exhibit. the on used materials of loan the for Chelmsford Centre, Landscape Perkins Travis to go also Thanks display. the on

Special thanks to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for helping supply some of the more unusual family members family Urticaceae unusual more the of some supply helping for Kew, Gardens, Botanic Royal the to thanks Special

postgraduate study. postgraduate The Stinging Nettle Stinging The to: go information more For

A E Housman (1859 - 1936) - (1859 Housman E A

pursue undergraduate and undergraduate pursue Remember that 21 – 30 May is National Be Nice To Nettles Week. Nettles To Nice Be National is May 30 – 21 that Remember

changers and those wishing to wishing those and changers

and touch it and it stings.” it and it touch and o collaes career leavers, school for Minicom: 01245 424254 01245 Minicom:

above the courts of Kings, of courts the above

full-time and part-time courses part-time and full-time Fax: 01245 420456 01245 Fax: For more information please go to go please information more For

it peoples towns, and towers and towns, peoples it

The College offers a range of of range a offers College The Tel: 01245 424200 01245 Tel:

blow east, blow west, it springs; it west, blow east, blow animal science and design. and science animal

over 100 years. 100 over

Essex. CM1 3RR. CM1 Essex. conservation, equine studies, equine conservation,

that thrives, come sun, come showers; come sun, come thrives, that

industries and organisations for organisations and industries

aaeet environmental management, Chelmsford,

the leaf that hurts the hand. hand. the hurts that leaf the

leaders in the land-based the in leaders

ors n pr,business sport, and tourism

Writtle College, Writtle

College has been producing been has College the thronger of the land, the of thronger the otclue giutr,leisure, agriculture, horticulture,

Contact details: Contact Writtle offers courses in courses offers Writtle salse n19,Writtle 1893, in Established the numberless, the lonely, the numberless, the

will still be found to stand: to found be still will

Writtle College Writtle

The stinging nettle only nettle stinging The “


The Nettle The

(For the benefit of non-Scots, Coo or cowe and stoo just mean to cut it well back). well it cut to mean just stoo and cowe or Coo non-Scots, of benefit the (For

stoo it when the day daws, coo the nettle early.” nettle the coo daws, day the when it stoo

coo it by the auld wa’s, coo it where the sun ne’er fa’s ne’er sun the where it coo wa’s, auld the by it coo

CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW EXHIBIT 2003 EXHIBIT SHOW FLOWER CHELSEA stoo it ere it’s in the bloom, coo the nettle early nettle the coo bloom, the in it’s ere it stoo

coo it laich, coo it sune, coo it in the month o’ June o’ month the in it coo sune, it coo laich, it coo

a partner institution of the University of Essex of University the of institution partner a gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle early nettle the coo kail lang for be ye gin


“gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle, stoo the nettle the stoo nettle, the coo kail lang for be ye “gin OLD SCOTS RHYME SCOTS OLD

Nettles and Biodiversity The NettleFRIEND OR FOE?

Nettles - one of our commonest colonizes these areas and makes a The stinging nettle is arguably Nettles stimulate the growth of native - are often portrayed home for itself, literally in our one of the most important many plants in their Nettles Growing in a as a ‘villain of the countryside’. own backyard. Being difficult to native plants for wildlife in the neighbourhood and old nettle Shady Spot But are they really the natural ignore, many people would UK, supporting over 40 species of beds are a perfect place to a Even a modest sized garden will nuisance that they are portrayed happily have the nettle insect including some of our new fruit tree giving it a good have an odd corner that could as? Many of you may agree with eradicated, seeing no benefit from most colourful butterflies. start early in its life. Try growing easily accommodate a nettle patch. The stinging nettle – W. Keeble Martin who described it its continued co-existence with Strangely enough, it is the clumps of nettles between currant dioica. in The Concise British Flora in humanity. This view, however, was presence of the stings that has bushes. If you keep cutting off the Colour as being “too common”. not one that was shared by our allowed this relationship with heads they will not spread but Also known as: That sudden, sharp, stinging pain ancestors that had many uses for numerous insect species to they will attract a hoard of followed quickly by a swollen rash this remarkable plant. develop. The stings are so beneficial predators that will help CHINESE NETTLE is often one of the less pleasurable effective that few grazers - with to control pests in the fruit patch The nettle is, in fact, a plant that COMMON NETTLE - although lamentably common - the exception of goats and as well as providing a rich source still finds many uses in the 21st COMMON STINGING NETTLE experiences of the British summer. hungry sheep - will touch nettles of compost and plant food. Century. Whilst this may seem a GREAT NETTLE when the stings are active. Ironically, this fearsome plant is strange idea to some of you now, GREAT STINGING NETTLE Insects on the other hand, can Nettles play a very important an example of a species that has read on and find out just why HOKEY-POKEY move between the stings with role for wildlife throughout the prospered, chiefly through this plant deserves our respect whole growing season. Some DEVIL’S PLAYTHING impunity whilst benefiting from humankind’s activities. Far from and admiration. It is a plant that insect species - such as the JINNY NETTLE this rich food source – safe from Butterflies such as this small being restricted to rural locations, offers more than meets the eye. nettle weevil - live only in the tortoiseshell depend upon nettles as HSIEH-TZU-TS’AO the risk of being eaten by a food for their caterpillars. the nettle has followed human nettle patch. Patches must be big STOR NÆLDE passing cow for instance. activities right into the heart of enough to support any sort of ORTIE DIOIQUE our cities. Nettles naturally prefer The new growth provides food diversity – three to four square GROßE BRENNESSEL fertile, muddy, slightly disturbed for over wintering aphids that, in metres is a basic minimum – but ORTICA COMMUNE ground that is rich in organic turn, are an early food source for many gardens could easily STORNESLE matter and phosphates, such as predatory insects such as support this sort of space. BRENNESJLE may be found in woodland glades ladybirds and agile bird species Try combining features such as BRENNETO or by riversides. Human activities like blue tits. Later in the spring, log piles with the nettle bed. It BRENNHUTTU frequently result in such growing small tortoiseshell and peacock will ensure that the occupants of Logpile NØSLE conditions in fields, roadsides and butterfly larvae can often be the log pile go undisturbed Combining a log pile and a nettle NJÅSJLE indeed our gardens. The nettle of seen feeding in large groups throughout the summer period patch provides valuable cover and ORTIGA MAYOR course, finding these conditions hidden in silken tents at the top and provide valuable cover for an food for a wide range of species. much to its liking, quickly of the stems. even wider range of species.

Thanks also to Mick Sharpe of CONE for his help in compiling information and guidance in the completion of this exhibit. this of completion the in guidance and information compiling in help his for CONE of Sharpe Mick to also Thanks

on the display. Thanks also go to Travis Perkins Landscape Centre, Chelmsford for the loan of materials used on the exhibit. the on used materials of loan the for Chelmsford Centre, Landscape Perkins Travis to go also Thanks display. the on

Special thanks to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for helping supply some of the more unusual Urticaceae family members family Urticaceae unusual more the of some supply helping for Kew, Gardens, Botanic Royal the to thanks Special

postgraduate study. postgraduate The Stinging Nettle Stinging The to: go information more For

A E Housman (1859 - 1936) - (1859 Housman E A

pursue undergraduate and undergraduate pursue Remember that 21 – 30 May is National Be Nice To Nettles Week. Nettles To Nice Be National is May 30 – 21 that Remember

changers and those wishing to wishing those and changers

and touch it and it stings.” it and it touch and o collaes career leavers, school for Minicom: 01245 424254 01245 Minicom:

above the courts of Kings, of courts the above

full-time and part-time courses part-time and full-time Fax: 01245 420456 01245 Fax: For more information please go to go please information more For

it peoples towns, and towers and towns, peoples it

The College offers a range of of range a offers College The Tel: 01245 424200 01245 Tel:

blow east, blow west, it springs; it west, blow east, blow animal science and design. and science animal

over 100 years. 100 over

Essex. CM1 3RR. CM1 Essex. conservation, equine studies, equine conservation,

that thrives, come sun, come showers; come sun, come thrives, that

industries and organisations for organisations and industries

aaeet environmental management, Chelmsford,

the leaf that hurts the hand. hand. the hurts that leaf the

leaders in the land-based the in leaders

ors n pr,business sport, and tourism

Writtle College, Writtle

College has been producing been has College the thronger of the land, the of thronger the otclue giutr,leisure, agriculture, horticulture,

Contact details: Contact Writtle offers courses in courses offers Writtle salse n19,Writtle 1893, in Established the numberless, the lonely, the numberless, the

will still be found to stand: to found be still will

Writtle College Writtle

The stinging nettle only nettle stinging The “


The Nettle The

(For the benefit of non-Scots, Coo or cowe and stoo just mean to cut it well back). well it cut to mean just stoo and cowe or Coo non-Scots, of benefit the (For

stoo it when the day daws, coo the nettle early.” nettle the coo daws, day the when it stoo

coo it by the auld wa’s, coo it where the sun ne’er fa’s ne’er sun the where it coo wa’s, auld the by it coo

CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW EXHIBIT 2003 EXHIBIT SHOW FLOWER CHELSEA stoo it ere it’s in the bloom, coo the nettle early nettle the coo bloom, the in it’s ere it stoo

coo it laich, coo it sune, coo it in the month o’ June o’ month the in it coo sune, it coo laich, it coo

a partner institution of the University of Essex of University the of institution partner a gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle early nettle the coo kail lang for be ye gin


“gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle, stoo the nettle the stoo nettle, the coo kail lang for be ye “gin OLD SCOTS RHYME SCOTS OLD

Nettles and Biodiversity The NettleFRIEND OR FOE?

Nettles - one of our commonest colonizes these areas and makes a The stinging nettle is arguably Nettles stimulate the growth of native plants - are often portrayed home for itself, literally in our one of the most important many plants in their Nettles Growing in a as a ‘villain of the countryside’. own backyard. Being difficult to native plants for wildlife in the neighbourhood and old nettle Shady Spot But are they really the natural ignore, many people would UK, supporting over 40 species of beds are a perfect place to plant a Even a modest sized garden will nuisance that they are portrayed happily have the nettle insect including some of our new fruit tree giving it a good have an odd corner that could as? Many of you may agree with eradicated, seeing no benefit from most colourful butterflies. start early in its life. Try growing easily accommodate a nettle patch. The stinging nettle – W. Keeble Martin who described it its continued co-existence with Strangely enough, it is the clumps of nettles between currant . in The Concise British Flora in humanity. This view, however, was presence of the stings that has bushes. If you keep cutting off the Colour as being “too common”. not one that was shared by our allowed this relationship with heads they will not spread but Also known as: That sudden, sharp, stinging pain ancestors that had many uses for numerous insect species to they will attract a hoard of followed quickly by a swollen rash this remarkable plant. develop. The stings are so beneficial predators that will help CHINESE NETTLE is often one of the less pleasurable effective that few grazers - with to control pests in the fruit patch The nettle is, in fact, a plant that COMMON NETTLE - although lamentably common - the exception of goats and as well as providing a rich source still finds many uses in the 21st COMMON STINGING NETTLE experiences of the British summer. hungry sheep - will touch nettles of compost and plant food. Century. Whilst this may seem a GREAT NETTLE when the stings are active. Ironically, this fearsome plant is strange idea to some of you now, GREAT STINGING NETTLE Insects on the other hand, can Nettles play a very important an example of a species that has read on and find out just why HOKEY-POKEY move between the stings with role for wildlife throughout the prospered, chiefly through this plant deserves our respect whole growing season. Some DEVIL’S PLAYTHING impunity whilst benefiting from Small Tortoiseshell humankind’s activities. Far from and admiration. It is a plant that insect species - such as the JINNY NETTLE this rich food source – safe from Butterflies such as this small being restricted to rural locations, offers more than meets the eye. nettle weevil - live only in the tortoiseshell depend upon nettles as HSIEH-TZU-TS’AO the risk of being eaten by a food for their caterpillars. the nettle has followed human nettle patch. Patches must be big STOR NÆLDE passing cow for instance. activities right into the heart of enough to support any sort of ORTIE DIOIQUE our cities. Nettles naturally prefer The new growth provides food diversity – three to four square GROßE BRENNESSEL fertile, muddy, slightly disturbed for over wintering aphids that, in metres is a basic minimum – but ORTICA COMMUNE ground that is rich in organic turn, are an early food source for many gardens could easily STORNESLE matter and phosphates, such as predatory insects such as support this sort of space. BRENNESJLE may be found in woodland glades ladybirds and agile bird species Try combining features such as BRENNETO or by riversides. Human activities like blue tits. Later in the spring, log piles with the nettle bed. It BRENNHUTTU frequently result in such growing small tortoiseshell and peacock will ensure that the occupants of Logpile NØSLE conditions in fields, roadsides and butterfly larvae can often be the log pile go undisturbed Combining a log pile and a nettle NJÅSJLE indeed our gardens. The nettle of seen feeding in large groups throughout the summer period patch provides valuable cover and ORTIGA MAYOR course, finding these conditions hidden in silken tents at the top and provide valuable cover for an food for a wide range of species. much to its liking, quickly of the stems. even wider range of species.

Thanks also to Mick Sharpe of CONE for his help in compiling information and guidance in the completion of this exhibit. this of completion the in guidance and information compiling in help his for CONE of Sharpe Mick to also Thanks

on the display. Thanks also go to Travis Perkins Landscape Centre, Chelmsford for the loan of materials used on the exhibit. the on used materials of loan the for Chelmsford Centre, Landscape Perkins Travis to go also Thanks display. the on

Special thanks to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for helping supply some of the more unusual Urticaceae family members family Urticaceae unusual more the of some supply helping for Kew, Gardens, Botanic Royal the to thanks Special

postgraduate study. postgraduate The Stinging Nettle Stinging The to: go information more For

A E Housman (1859 - 1936) - (1859 Housman E A

pursue undergraduate and undergraduate pursue Remember that 21 – 30 May is National Be Nice To Nettles Week. Nettles To Nice Be National is May 30 – 21 that Remember

changers and those wishing to wishing those and changers and touch it and it stings.” it and it touch and o collaes career leavers, school for Minicom: 01245 424254 01245 Minicom:

above the courts of Kings, of courts the above

full-time and part-time courses part-time and full-time Fax: 01245 420456 01245 Fax: For more information please go to go please information more For

it peoples towns, and towers and towns, peoples it

The College offers a range of of range a offers College The Tel: 01245 424200 01245 Tel:

blow east, blow west, it springs; it west, blow east, blow animal science and design. and science animal

over 100 years. 100 over

Essex. CM1 3RR. CM1 Essex. conservation, equine studies, equine conservation,

that thrives, come sun, come showers; come sun, come thrives, that

industries and organisations for organisations and industries

aaeet environmental management, Chelmsford,

the leaf that hurts the hand. hand. the hurts that leaf the

leaders in the land-based the in leaders

ors n pr,business sport, and tourism

Writtle College, Writtle

College has been producing been has College the thronger of the land, the of thronger the otclue giutr,leisure, agriculture, horticulture,

Contact details: Contact Writtle offers courses in courses offers Writtle salse n19,Writtle 1893, in Established the numberless, the lonely, the numberless, the

will still be found to stand: to found be still will

Writtle College Writtle

The stinging nettle only nettle stinging The “


The Nettle The

(For the benefit of non-Scots, Coo or cowe and stoo just mean to cut it well back). well it cut to mean just stoo and cowe or Coo non-Scots, of benefit the (For

stoo it when the day daws, coo the nettle early.” nettle the coo daws, day the when it stoo

coo it by the auld wa’s, coo it where the sun ne’er fa’s ne’er sun the where it coo wa’s, auld the by it coo

CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW EXHIBIT 2003 EXHIBIT SHOW FLOWER CHELSEA stoo it ere it’s in the bloom, coo the nettle early nettle the coo bloom, the in it’s ere it stoo

coo it laich, coo it sune, coo it in the month o’ June o’ month the in it coo sune, it coo laich, it coo

a partner institution of the University of Essex of University the of institution partner a gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle early nettle the coo kail lang for be ye gin


“gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle, stoo the nettle the stoo nettle, the coo kail lang for be ye “gin OLD SCOTS RHYME SCOTS OLD

Nettles and Biodiversity The NettleFRIEND OR FOE?

Nettles - one of our commonest colonizes these areas and makes a The stinging nettle is arguably Nettles stimulate the growth of native plants - are often portrayed home for itself, literally in our one of the most important many plants in their Nettles Growing in a as a ‘villain of the countryside’. own backyard. Being difficult to native plants for wildlife in the neighbourhood and old nettle Shady Spot But are they really the natural ignore, many people would UK, supporting over 40 species of beds are a perfect place to plant a Even a modest sized garden will nuisance that they are portrayed happily have the nettle insect including some of our new fruit tree giving it a good have an odd corner that could as? Many of you may agree with eradicated, seeing no benefit from most colourful butterflies. start early in its life. Try growing easily accommodate a nettle patch. The stinging nettle – W. Keeble Martin who described it its continued co-existence with Strangely enough, it is the clumps of nettles between currant Urtica dioica. in The Concise British Flora in humanity. This view, however, was presence of the stings that has bushes. If you keep cutting off the Colour as being “too common”. not one that was shared by our allowed this relationship with heads they will not spread but Also known as: That sudden, sharp, stinging pain ancestors that had many uses for numerous insect species to they will attract a hoard of followed quickly by a swollen rash this remarkable plant. develop. The stings are so beneficial predators that will help CHINESE NETTLE is often one of the less pleasurable effective that few grazers - with to control pests in the fruit patch The nettle is, in fact, a plant that COMMON NETTLE - although lamentably common - the exception of goats and as well as providing a rich source still finds many uses in the 21st COMMON STINGING NETTLE experiences of the British summer. hungry sheep - will touch nettles of compost and plant food. Century. Whilst this may seem a GREAT NETTLE when the stings are active. Ironically, this fearsome plant is strange idea to some of you now, GREAT STINGING NETTLE Insects on the other hand, can Nettles play a very important an example of a species that has read on and find out just why HOKEY-POKEY move between the stings with role for wildlife throughout the prospered, chiefly through this plant deserves our respect whole growing season. Some DEVIL’S PLAYTHING impunity whilst benefiting from Small Tortoiseshell humankind’s activities. Far from and admiration. It is a plant that insect species - such as the JINNY NETTLE this rich food source – safe from Butterflies such as this small being restricted to rural locations, offers more than meets the eye. nettle weevil - live only in the tortoiseshell depend upon nettles as HSIEH-TZU-TS’AO the risk of being eaten by a food for their caterpillars. the nettle has followed human nettle patch. Patches must be big STOR NÆLDE passing cow for instance. activities right into the heart of enough to support any sort of ORTIE DIOIQUE our cities. Nettles naturally prefer The new growth provides food diversity – three to four square GROßE BRENNESSEL fertile, muddy, slightly disturbed for over wintering aphids that, in metres is a basic minimum – but ORTICA COMMUNE ground that is rich in organic turn, are an early food source for many gardens could easily STORNESLE matter and phosphates, such as predatory insects such as support this sort of space. BRENNESJLE may be found in woodland glades ladybirds and agile bird species Try combining features such as BRENNETO or by riversides. Human activities like blue tits. Later in the spring, log piles with the nettle bed. It BRENNHUTTU frequently result in such growing small tortoiseshell and peacock will ensure that the occupants of Logpile NØSLE conditions in fields, roadsides and butterfly larvae can often be the log pile go undisturbed Combining a log pile and a nettle NJÅSJLE indeed our gardens. The nettle of seen feeding in large groups throughout the summer period patch provides valuable cover and ORTIGA MAYOR course, finding these conditions hidden in silken tents at the top and provide valuable cover for an food for a wide range of species. much to its liking, quickly of the stems. even wider range of species.

Thanks also to Mick Sharpe of CONE for his help in compiling information and guidance in the completion of this exhibit. this of completion the in guidance and information compiling in help his for CONE of Sharpe Mick to also Thanks

on the display. Thanks also go to Travis Perkins Landscape Centre, Chelmsford for the loan of materials used on the exhibit. the on used materials of loan the for Chelmsford Centre, Landscape Perkins Travis to go also Thanks display. the on

Special thanks to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for helping supply some of the more unusual Urticaceae family members family Urticaceae unusual more the of some supply helping for Kew, Gardens, Botanic Royal the to thanks Special

postgraduate study. postgraduate The Stinging Nettle Stinging The to: go information more For

A E Housman (1859 - 1936) - (1859 Housman E A

pursue undergraduate and undergraduate pursue Remember that 21 – 30 May is National Be Nice To Nettles Week. Nettles To Nice Be National is May 30 – 21 that Remember

changers and those wishing to wishing those and changers and touch it and it stings.” it and it touch and o collaes career leavers, school for Minicom: 01245 424254 01245 Minicom:

above the courts of Kings, of courts the above

full-time and part-time courses part-time and full-time Fax: 01245 420456 01245 Fax: For more information please go to go please information more For

it peoples towns, and towers and towns, peoples it

The College offers a range of of range a offers College The Tel: 01245 424200 01245 Tel:

blow east, blow west, it springs; it west, blow east, blow animal science and design. and science animal

over 100 years. 100 over

Essex. CM1 3RR. CM1 Essex. conservation, equine studies, equine conservation,

that thrives, come sun, come showers; come sun, come thrives, that

industries and organisations for organisations and industries

aaeet environmental management, Chelmsford,

the leaf that hurts the hand. hand. the hurts that leaf the

leaders in the land-based the in leaders

ors n pr,business sport, and tourism

Writtle College, Writtle

College has been producing been has College the thronger of the land, the of thronger the otclue giutr,leisure, agriculture, horticulture,

Contact details: Contact Writtle offers courses in courses offers Writtle salse n19,Writtle 1893, in Established the numberless, the lonely, the numberless, the

will still be found to stand: to found be still will

Writtle College Writtle

The stinging nettle only nettle stinging The “


The Nettle The

(For the benefit of non-Scots, Coo or cowe and stoo just mean to cut it well back). well it cut to mean just stoo and cowe or Coo non-Scots, of benefit the (For

stoo it when the day daws, coo the nettle early.” nettle the coo daws, day the when it stoo

coo it by the auld wa’s, coo it where the sun ne’er fa’s ne’er sun the where it coo wa’s, auld the by it coo

CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW EXHIBIT 2003 EXHIBIT SHOW FLOWER CHELSEA stoo it ere it’s in the bloom, coo the nettle early nettle the coo bloom, the in it’s ere it stoo

coo it laich, coo it sune, coo it in the month o’ June o’ month the in it coo sune, it coo laich, it coo

a partner institution of the University of Essex of University the of institution partner a gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle early nettle the coo kail lang for be ye gin


“gin ye be for lang kail coo the nettle, stoo the nettle the stoo nettle, the coo kail lang for be ye “gin OLD SCOTS RHYME SCOTS OLD

Nettles and Biodiversity The NettleFRIEND OR FOE?

Nettles - one of our commonest colonizes these areas and makes a The stinging nettle is arguably Nettles stimulate the growth of native plants - are often portrayed home for itself, literally in our one of the most important many plants in their Nettles Growing in a as a ‘villain of the countryside’. own backyard. Being difficult to native plants for wildlife in the neighbourhood and old nettle Shady Spot But are they really the natural ignore, many people would UK, supporting over 40 species of beds are a perfect place to plant a Even a modest sized garden will nuisance that they are portrayed happily have the nettle insect including some of our new fruit tree giving it a good have an odd corner that could as? Many of you may agree with eradicated, seeing no benefit from most colourful butterflies. start early in its life. Try growing easily accommodate a nettle patch. The stinging nettle – W. Keeble Martin who described it its continued co-existence with Strangely enough, it is the clumps of nettles between currant Urtica dioica. in The Concise British Flora in humanity. This view, however, was presence of the stings that has bushes. If you keep cutting off the Colour as being “too common”. not one that was shared by our allowed this relationship with heads they will not spread but Also known as: That sudden, sharp, stinging pain ancestors that had many uses for numerous insect species to they will attract a hoard of followed quickly by a swollen rash this remarkable plant. develop. The stings are so beneficial predators that will help CHINESE NETTLE is often one of the less pleasurable effective that few grazers - with to control pests in the fruit patch The nettle is, in fact, a plant that COMMON NETTLE - although lamentably common - the exception of goats and as well as providing a rich source still finds many uses in the 21st COMMON STINGING NETTLE experiences of the British summer. hungry sheep - will touch nettles of compost and plant food. Century. Whilst this may seem a GREAT NETTLE when the stings are active. Ironically, this fearsome plant is strange idea to some of you now, GREAT STINGING NETTLE Insects on the other hand, can Nettles play a very important an example of a species that has read on and find out just why HOKEY-POKEY move between the stings with role for wildlife throughout the prospered, chiefly through this plant deserves our respect whole growing season. Some DEVIL’S PLAYTHING impunity whilst benefiting from Small Tortoiseshell humankind’s activities. Far from and admiration. It is a plant that insect species - such as the JINNY NETTLE this rich food source – safe from Butterflies such as this small being restricted to rural locations, offers more than meets the eye. nettle weevil - live only in the tortoiseshell depend upon nettles as HSIEH-TZU-TS’AO the risk of being eaten by a food for their caterpillars. the nettle has followed human nettle patch. Patches must be big STOR NÆLDE passing cow for instance. activities right into the heart of enough to support any sort of ORTIE DIOIQUE our cities. Nettles naturally prefer The new growth provides food diversity – three to four square GROßE BRENNESSEL fertile, muddy, slightly disturbed for over wintering aphids that, in metres is a basic minimum – but ORTICA COMMUNE ground that is rich in organic turn, are an early food source for many gardens could easily STORNESLE matter and phosphates, such as predatory insects such as support this sort of space. BRENNESJLE may be found in woodland glades ladybirds and agile bird species Try combining features such as BRENNETO or by riversides. Human activities like blue tits. Later in the spring, log piles with the nettle bed. It BRENNHUTTU frequently result in such growing small tortoiseshell and peacock will ensure that the occupants of Logpile NØSLE conditions in fields, roadsides and butterfly larvae can often be the log pile go undisturbed Combining a log pile and a nettle NJÅSJLE indeed our gardens. The nettle of seen feeding in large groups throughout the summer period patch provides valuable cover and ORTIGA MAYOR course, finding these conditions hidden in silken tents at the top and provide valuable cover for an food for a wide range of species. much to its liking, quickly of the stems. even wider range of species. Food from Medicinal Uses A Botanical Marvel Urtica Dioica – The Common Stinging Nettle Nettles Nettle leaves have a long tradition of medicinal use. People have eaten the nettle for The most radical, and perhaps the many centuries - at one point it most daunting, is one called would have been relished as The nettle is a highly successful female flowers are normally urtication that dates back at least springtime treat! Samuel Pepys plant found all over the carried on separate plants. to biblical times. This practice wrote in his diary of having eaten temperate areas of the world. involves thrashing inflamed joints The nettle’s sting is very similar to ‘...some nettle porridge, which It often spreads by means of – such as those affected by a hypodermic needle, predating was very good’. The 16th century seeds and underground rhizomes rheumatism for instance - with that man-made invention by Polish herbalist Syrenniusz, just under the surface of the soil. Nettle Cordial the sting. Despite its sounding millions of years. Each sting is a mentions nettle cooked with Its jagged leaves, held in pairs Nettles have been used to make a rather extreme, urtication often hollow hair stiffened by silica with snails, and George Lang’s Cuisine along the square stems, are easily variety of foodstuffs, including a provides considerable relief. a swollen base that contains the refreshing cordial drink. of Hungary mentions the same recognisable - particularly after Nettles grow in many countries venom. The tip of this hair is very dish in Hungary. having experienced the sting! and all of these have developed a brittle and when brushed against, The nettle family - Urticaceae – Nutritionally the nettle is an reputation as a treatment for The plant itself is variable no matter how lightly, it breaks is a rich and diverse one. Only a excellent source of vitamin C, arthritis. For the less adventurous growing from 0.6 to 2 metres off exposing a sharp point that relative few of these family calcium, magnesium, iron and of us, a fresh nettle tea or eating plus in height. It can be found in penetrates the skin. It was once members sting but some of numerous trace elements. The sting nettles will offer the same long- a variety of habitats and soil thought that the venom was these can be even more disperses when you cook them and term benefits. types. The botanical name for formic acid but recent research fearsome than our own familiar the young shoots can be used in nettles – Urtica - derives has shown that the main nettle. One species in Timor Cosmetically, nettles are used soups and stews and in place of principally from the Latin word chemicals are histamine, causes a burning sensation and mainly for their astringent quality spinach. Why not try steaming or Uro, which means, “I burn.” acetylcholine and symptoms like lockjaw, which and deep cleansing ability. boiling them lightly and serving The species name of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) can last for days or weeks, whilst Some herbalists even use the them with butter & lemon? common stinging nettle - dioica with some formic acid present. a species from Java has even seeds in a tea to stimulate - means ‘two houses’ and refers A fourth ingredient has yet to caused the death of some of its Picking Nettle Shoots It is not only humans that have growth and to cure hair loss. to the fact that the male and be identified. unfortunate victims. benefited from the consumption A protein called letin, produced of the nettle. Dried nettle hay within nettle leaves, stimulates loses its sting and becomes the proliferation of human palatable to livestock. In Sweden lymphocytes; cells that play a the nettle is sometimes very important role in destroying cultivated for this purpose and foreign pathogens. Nettle leaf tea fed to milk cattle because of the has also safely been used as a increased milk production that diuretic, as a treatment for results. Horse breeders have prostrate conditions and fresh leaf often added nettle seeds to juice applied to cuts reputedly horse feeds to give the animals a stops bleeding. The latter point is Stinging Hairs on Urtica - stinging hairs U. urens sleek coat. further backed by studies that stem of Urtica dioica The fearsome stinging hairs The annual stinging nettle Fresh Picked Nettle Shoots Both the leaves and stems of the nettle have tips that (Urtica urens) stings equally as Fresh picked nettle shoots from young suggest that nettle leaf tea aids of nettles are protected by break off to release their fiercely as its longer-lived plants are the most nutritious but blood coagulation and formation must be collected with care! stinging hairs. venomous contents. cousin despite its smaller size. of haemoglobin.

Textiles and Fibres Nettle Stories

The name ‘nettle’ derives from a all manner of fine material “She groped in amongst the ugly nettles, similar root meaning as ‘spin’ and whether made from nettle or not. ‘sew’. It is also quite possible that Indeed, it appears to have been which burnt great blisters on her hands and arms, but she determined to the name nettle is derived from the widely used throughout Europe bear it gladly if she could only release her dear brothers. So she bruised ancient Germanic word Noedl - during the 18th century, although meaning a needle - referring to the it is thought that the use of the the nettles with her bare feet and spun the flax.” stinging mechanism in the nettle nettle for cloth was widely driven leaves. Equally plausible however, is out by the arrival of flax. Hans Christian Anderson – The Wild Swans the suggestion that it comes from Nettle Fibre Bag Being similar in texture to those the Latin word nere and other Nettles yield a fine fibre that can be materials produced by flax and similar old European verbs meaning used to make a variety of items such Nettles have long captured juice, and add a bit of olive oil. In the highlands and islands it hemp fibres, the cloth also to sew. as this bag made in Nepal. people‘s imagination. There are so When they go to bed, they was believed that the nettles became widely used by the many stories attached to them should thoroughly anoint both grew from the bodies of the This latter derivation would seem German army during the First that it would be impossible to chest and temples with it. If dead, as they would still be to be an appropriate origin, as the World War when there was a relate them all. Here are a few of this is done often, forgetfulness growing strong long after mature nettle stems yields a fine shortage of cotton for the the commonest, most interesting will diminish.” people had left the land. fibre that has been spun and soldiers’ uniforms. Some of the or just plain bizarre! In Denmark, people thought woven into cloth for many reports may have been It was also once believed that that clumps of nettles grew on centuries. Nettle has been used propaganda but is clear that In the Victorian “Language of you could help a sick relative to the blood that was shed of to make fabric since prehistoric nettle fibre was used alongside Flowers”, nettle means cruelty recover if you ‘grasped the nettle’ innocent victims. Nettles - times, it being processed similarly that of the nettles’ Asian cousin, or slander. by the stem and pulled out the also called devil’s claw/devil’s to flax. Nettle cloth has Ramie - Boehmeria nivea. root whilst reciting the name of plaything - were thought to reportedly been found among the The juice of the stems and leaves Native American braves would the ill person, or their parents. mark the living place of the clothing in the Scandinavian has been used to produce a Boehmeria nivea flog themselves with nettles to elves and the stings were graves at Birka in modern day permanent green dye In Britain, Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is an Asiatic, keep themselves awake while Nettles have long been magically non-stinging cousin of the nettle. deemed protection against Sweden, whilst the cloth was also this was used to colour on watch and Roman soldiers associated with protection, The fibre that it yields possesses some sorcery, and prevented the milk used in Poland from the 12th up camouflage nets that were very valuable properties; it is not only brushed themselves with healing, exorcism, lust and from being affected by trolls until the 17th century when it needed in the run up to the much stronger and longer than any nettles – allegedly to protect purification although not always other known plant fibre, but almost and witches. Nettles gathered was replaced by silk. It is known D-Day landings. A yellow dye can them against the cold climate. necessarily in that order! equals silk in its brilliance. before the sun rises and fed to to have been used, for tablecloths also be obtained from boiling the Nettle cloth also had superstitious According to another ancient cattle were believed to repel evil and sheets in Scotland but it is roots and both this and the green uses: Slavic people have attributed practice, “a person who is spirits (and let’s face it…who difficult to ascertain the extent to dye have been used extensively in magical properties to nettles since unwillingly forgetful should wants cows with evil spirits?). which it was used, as the term Europe for centuries. ancient times, using it to “defend pound stinging nettle to a nettlecloth came to be used for against demons, disperse storms and protect against lightning.” Food from Medicinal Uses A Botanical Marvel Urtica Dioica – The Common Stinging Nettle Nettles Nettle leaves have a long tradition of medicinal use. People have eaten the nettle for The most radical, and perhaps the many centuries - at one point it most daunting, is one called would have been relished as The nettle is a highly successful female flowers are normally urtication that dates back at least springtime treat! Samuel Pepys plant found all over the carried on separate plants. to biblical times. This practice wrote in his diary of having eaten temperate areas of the world. involves thrashing inflamed joints The nettle’s sting is very similar to ‘...some nettle porridge, which It often spreads by means of – such as those affected by a hypodermic needle, predating was very good’. The 16th century seeds and underground rhizomes rheumatism for instance - with that man-made invention by Polish herbalist Syrenniusz, just under the surface of the soil. Nettle Cordial the sting. Despite its sounding millions of years. Each sting is a mentions nettle cooked with Its jagged leaves, held in pairs Nettles have been used to make a rather extreme, urtication often hollow hair stiffened by silica with snails, and George Lang’s Cuisine along the square stems, are easily variety of foodstuffs, including a provides considerable relief. a swollen base that contains the refreshing cordial drink. of Hungary mentions the same recognisable - particularly after Nettles grow in many countries venom. The tip of this hair is very dish in Hungary. having experienced the sting! and all of these have developed a brittle and when brushed against, The nettle family - Urticaceae – Nutritionally the nettle is an reputation as a treatment for The plant itself is variable no matter how lightly, it breaks is a rich and diverse one. Only a excellent source of vitamin C, arthritis. For the less adventurous growing from 0.6 to 2 metres off exposing a sharp point that relative few of these family calcium, magnesium, iron and of us, a fresh nettle tea or eating plus in height. It can be found in penetrates the skin. It was once members sting but some of numerous trace elements. The sting nettles will offer the same long- a variety of habitats and soil thought that the venom was these can be even more disperses when you cook them and term benefits. types. The botanical name for formic acid but recent research fearsome than our own familiar the young shoots can be used in nettles – Urtica - derives has shown that the main nettle. One species in Timor Cosmetically, nettles are used soups and stews and in place of principally from the Latin word chemicals are histamine, causes a burning sensation and mainly for their astringent quality spinach. Why not try steaming or Uro, which means, “I burn.” acetylcholine and symptoms like lockjaw, which and deep cleansing ability. boiling them lightly and serving The species name of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) can last for days or weeks, whilst Some herbalists even use the them with butter & lemon? common stinging nettle - dioica with some formic acid present. a species from Java has even seeds in a tea to stimulate - means ‘two houses’ and refers A fourth ingredient has yet to caused the death of some of its Picking Nettle Shoots It is not only humans that have growth and to cure hair loss. to the fact that the male and be identified. unfortunate victims. benefited from the consumption A protein called letin, produced of the nettle. Dried nettle hay within nettle leaves, stimulates loses its sting and becomes the proliferation of human palatable to livestock. In Sweden lymphocytes; cells that play a the nettle is sometimes very important role in destroying cultivated for this purpose and foreign pathogens. Nettle leaf tea fed to milk cattle because of the has also safely been used as a increased milk production that diuretic, as a treatment for results. Horse breeders have prostrate conditions and fresh leaf often added nettle seeds to juice applied to cuts reputedly horse feeds to give the animals a stops bleeding. The latter point is Stinging Hairs on Urtica - stinging hairs U. urens sleek coat. further backed by studies that stem of Urtica dioica The fearsome stinging hairs The annual stinging nettle Fresh Picked Nettle Shoots Both the leaves and stems of the nettle have tips that (Urtica urens) stings equally as Fresh picked nettle shoots from young suggest that nettle leaf tea aids of nettles are protected by break off to release their fiercely as its longer-lived plants are the most nutritious but blood coagulation and formation must be collected with care! stinging hairs. venomous contents. cousin despite its smaller size. of haemoglobin.

Textiles and Fibres Nettle Stories

The name ‘nettle’ derives from a all manner of fine material “She groped in amongst the ugly nettles, similar root meaning as ‘spin’ and whether made from nettle or not. ‘sew’. It is also quite possible that Indeed, it appears to have been which burnt great blisters on her hands and arms, but she determined to the name nettle is derived from the widely used throughout Europe bear it gladly if she could only release her dear brothers. So she bruised ancient Germanic word Noedl - during the 18th century, although meaning a needle - referring to the it is thought that the use of the the nettles with her bare feet and spun the flax.” stinging mechanism in the nettle nettle for cloth was widely driven leaves. Equally plausible however, is out by the arrival of flax. Hans Christian Anderson – The Wild Swans the suggestion that it comes from Nettle Fibre Bag Being similar in texture to those the Latin word nere and other Nettles yield a fine fibre that can be materials produced by flax and similar old European verbs meaning used to make a variety of items such Nettles have long captured juice, and add a bit of olive oil. In the highlands and islands it hemp fibres, the cloth also to sew. as this bag made in Nepal. people‘s imagination. There are so When they go to bed, they was believed that the nettles became widely used by the many stories attached to them should thoroughly anoint both grew from the bodies of the This latter derivation would seem German army during the First that it would be impossible to chest and temples with it. If dead, as they would still be to be an appropriate origin, as the World War when there was a relate them all. Here are a few of this is done often, forgetfulness growing strong long after mature nettle stems yields a fine shortage of cotton for the the commonest, most interesting will diminish.” people had left the land. fibre that has been spun and soldiers’ uniforms. Some of the or just plain bizarre! In Denmark, people thought woven into cloth for many reports may have been It was also once believed that that clumps of nettles grew on centuries. Nettle has been used propaganda but is clear that In the Victorian “Language of you could help a sick relative to the blood that was shed of to make fabric since prehistoric nettle fibre was used alongside Flowers”, nettle means cruelty recover if you ‘grasped the nettle’ innocent victims. Nettles - times, it being processed similarly that of the nettles’ Asian cousin, or slander. by the stem and pulled out the also called devil’s claw/devil’s to flax. Nettle cloth has Ramie - Boehmeria nivea. root whilst reciting the name of plaything - were thought to reportedly been found among the The juice of the stems and leaves Native American braves would the ill person, or their parents. mark the living place of the clothing in the Scandinavian has been used to produce a Boehmeria nivea flog themselves with nettles to elves and the stings were graves at Birka in modern day permanent green dye In Britain, Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is an Asiatic, keep themselves awake while Nettles have long been magically non-stinging cousin of the nettle. deemed protection against Sweden, whilst the cloth was also this was used to colour on watch and Roman soldiers associated with protection, The fibre that it yields possesses some sorcery, and prevented the milk used in Poland from the 12th up camouflage nets that were very valuable properties; it is not only brushed themselves with healing, exorcism, lust and from being affected by trolls until the 17th century when it needed in the run up to the much stronger and longer than any nettles – allegedly to protect purification although not always other known plant fibre, but almost and witches. Nettles gathered was replaced by silk. It is known D-Day landings. A yellow dye can them against the cold climate. necessarily in that order! equals silk in its brilliance. before the sun rises and fed to to have been used, for tablecloths also be obtained from boiling the Nettle cloth also had superstitious According to another ancient cattle were believed to repel evil and sheets in Scotland but it is roots and both this and the green uses: Slavic people have attributed practice, “a person who is spirits (and let’s face it…who difficult to ascertain the extent to dye have been used extensively in magical properties to nettles since unwillingly forgetful should wants cows with evil spirits?). which it was used, as the term Europe for centuries. ancient times, using it to “defend pound stinging nettle to a nettlecloth came to be used for against demons, disperse storms and protect against lightning.” Food from Medicinal Uses A Botanical Marvel Urtica Dioica – The Common Stinging Nettle Nettles Nettle leaves have a long tradition of medicinal use. People have eaten the nettle for The most radical, and perhaps the many centuries - at one point it most daunting, is one called would have been relished as The nettle is a highly successful female flowers are normally urtication that dates back at least springtime treat! Samuel Pepys plant found all over the carried on separate plants. to biblical times. This practice wrote in his diary of having eaten temperate areas of the world. involves thrashing inflamed joints The nettle’s sting is very similar to ‘...some nettle porridge, which It often spreads by means of – such as those affected by a hypodermic needle, predating was very good’. The 16th century seeds and underground rhizomes rheumatism for instance - with that man-made invention by Polish herbalist Syrenniusz, just under the surface of the soil. Nettle Cordial the sting. Despite its sounding millions of years. Each sting is a mentions nettle cooked with Its jagged leaves, held in pairs Nettles have been used to make a rather extreme, urtication often hollow hair stiffened by silica with snails, and George Lang’s Cuisine along the square stems, are easily variety of foodstuffs, including a provides considerable relief. a swollen base that contains the refreshing cordial drink. of Hungary mentions the same recognisable - particularly after Nettles grow in many countries venom. The tip of this hair is very dish in Hungary. having experienced the sting! and all of these have developed a brittle and when brushed against, The nettle family - Urticaceae – Nutritionally the nettle is an reputation as a treatment for The plant itself is variable no matter how lightly, it breaks is a rich and diverse one. Only a excellent source of vitamin C, arthritis. For the less adventurous growing from 0.6 to 2 metres off exposing a sharp point that relative few of these family calcium, magnesium, iron and of us, a fresh nettle tea or eating plus in height. It can be found in penetrates the skin. It was once members sting but some of numerous trace elements. The sting nettles will offer the same long- a variety of habitats and soil thought that the venom was these can be even more disperses when you cook them and term benefits. types. The botanical name for formic acid but recent research fearsome than our own familiar the young shoots can be used in nettles – Urtica - derives has shown that the main nettle. One species in Timor Cosmetically, nettles are used soups and stews and in place of principally from the Latin word chemicals are histamine, causes a burning sensation and mainly for their astringent quality spinach. Why not try steaming or Uro, which means, “I burn.” acetylcholine and symptoms like lockjaw, which and deep cleansing ability. boiling them lightly and serving The species name of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) can last for days or weeks, whilst Some herbalists even use the them with butter & lemon? common stinging nettle - dioica with some formic acid present. a species from Java has even seeds in a tea to stimulate - means ‘two houses’ and refers A fourth ingredient has yet to caused the death of some of its Picking Nettle Shoots It is not only humans that have growth and to cure hair loss. to the fact that the male and be identified. unfortunate victims. benefited from the consumption A protein called letin, produced of the nettle. Dried nettle hay within nettle leaves, stimulates loses its sting and becomes the proliferation of human palatable to livestock. In Sweden lymphocytes; cells that play a the nettle is sometimes very important role in destroying cultivated for this purpose and foreign pathogens. Nettle leaf tea fed to milk cattle because of the has also safely been used as a increased milk production that diuretic, as a treatment for results. Horse breeders have prostrate conditions and fresh leaf often added nettle seeds to juice applied to cuts reputedly horse feeds to give the animals a stops bleeding. The latter point is Stinging Hairs on Urtica - stinging hairs U. urens sleek coat. further backed by studies that stem of Urtica dioica The fearsome stinging hairs The annual stinging nettle Fresh Picked Nettle Shoots Both the leaves and stems of the nettle have tips that (Urtica urens) stings equally as Fresh picked nettle shoots from young suggest that nettle leaf tea aids of nettles are protected by break off to release their fiercely as its longer-lived plants are the most nutritious but blood coagulation and formation must be collected with care! stinging hairs. venomous contents. cousin despite its smaller size. of haemoglobin.

Textiles and Fibres Nettle Stories

The name ‘nettle’ derives from a all manner of fine material “She groped in amongst the ugly nettles, similar root meaning as ‘spin’ and whether made from nettle or not. ‘sew’. It is also quite possible that Indeed, it appears to have been which burnt great blisters on her hands and arms, but she determined to the name nettle is derived from the widely used throughout Europe bear it gladly if she could only release her dear brothers. So she bruised ancient Germanic word Noedl - during the 18th century, although meaning a needle - referring to the it is thought that the use of the the nettles with her bare feet and spun the flax.” stinging mechanism in the nettle nettle for cloth was widely driven leaves. Equally plausible however, is out by the arrival of flax. Hans Christian Anderson – The Wild Swans the suggestion that it comes from Nettle Fibre Bag Being similar in texture to those the Latin word nere and other Nettles yield a fine fibre that can be materials produced by flax and similar old European verbs meaning used to make a variety of items such Nettles have long captured juice, and add a bit of olive oil. In the highlands and islands it hemp fibres, the cloth also to sew. as this bag made in Nepal. people‘s imagination. There are so When they go to bed, they was believed that the nettles became widely used by the many stories attached to them should thoroughly anoint both grew from the bodies of the This latter derivation would seem German army during the First that it would be impossible to chest and temples with it. If dead, as they would still be to be an appropriate origin, as the World War when there was a relate them all. Here are a few of this is done often, forgetfulness growing strong long after mature nettle stems yields a fine shortage of cotton for the the commonest, most interesting will diminish.” people had left the land. fibre that has been spun and soldiers’ uniforms. Some of the or just plain bizarre! In Denmark, people thought woven into cloth for many reports may have been It was also once believed that that clumps of nettles grew on centuries. Nettle has been used propaganda but is clear that In the Victorian “Language of you could help a sick relative to the blood that was shed of to make fabric since prehistoric nettle fibre was used alongside Flowers”, nettle means cruelty recover if you ‘grasped the nettle’ innocent victims. Nettles - times, it being processed similarly that of the nettles’ Asian cousin, or slander. by the stem and pulled out the also called devil’s claw/devil’s to flax. Nettle cloth has Ramie - Boehmeria nivea. root whilst reciting the name of plaything - were thought to reportedly been found among the The juice of the stems and leaves Native American braves would the ill person, or their parents. mark the living place of the clothing in the Scandinavian has been used to produce a Boehmeria nivea flog themselves with nettles to elves and the stings were graves at Birka in modern day permanent green dye In Britain, Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is an Asiatic, keep themselves awake while Nettles have long been magically non-stinging cousin of the nettle. deemed protection against Sweden, whilst the cloth was also this was used to colour on watch and Roman soldiers associated with protection, The fibre that it yields possesses some sorcery, and prevented the milk used in Poland from the 12th up camouflage nets that were very valuable properties; it is not only brushed themselves with healing, exorcism, lust and from being affected by trolls until the 17th century when it needed in the run up to the much stronger and longer than any nettles – allegedly to protect purification although not always other known plant fibre, but almost and witches. Nettles gathered was replaced by silk. It is known D-Day landings. A yellow dye can them against the cold climate. necessarily in that order! equals silk in its brilliance. before the sun rises and fed to to have been used, for tablecloths also be obtained from boiling the Nettle cloth also had superstitious According to another ancient cattle were believed to repel evil and sheets in Scotland but it is roots and both this and the green uses: Slavic people have attributed practice, “a person who is spirits (and let’s face it…who difficult to ascertain the extent to dye have been used extensively in magical properties to nettles since unwillingly forgetful should wants cows with evil spirits?). which it was used, as the term Europe for centuries. ancient times, using it to “defend pound stinging nettle to a nettlecloth came to be used for against demons, disperse storms and protect against lightning.” Food from Medicinal Uses A Botanical Marvel Urtica Dioica – The Common Stinging Nettle Nettles Nettle leaves have a long tradition of medicinal use. People have eaten the nettle for The most radical, and perhaps the many centuries - at one point it most daunting, is one called would have been relished as The nettle is a highly successful female flowers are normally urtication that dates back at least springtime treat! Samuel Pepys plant found all over the carried on separate plants. to biblical times. This practice wrote in his diary of having eaten temperate areas of the world. involves thrashing inflamed joints The nettle’s sting is very similar to ‘...some nettle porridge, which It often spreads by means of – such as those affected by a hypodermic needle, predating was very good’. The 16th century seeds and underground rhizomes rheumatism for instance - with that man-made invention by Polish herbalist Syrenniusz, just under the surface of the soil. Nettle Cordial the sting. Despite its sounding millions of years. Each sting is a mentions nettle cooked with Its jagged leaves, held in pairs Nettles have been used to make a rather extreme, urtication often hollow hair stiffened by silica with snails, and George Lang’s Cuisine along the square stems, are easily variety of foodstuffs, including a provides considerable relief. a swollen base that contains the refreshing cordial drink. of Hungary mentions the same recognisable - particularly after Nettles grow in many countries venom. The tip of this hair is very dish in Hungary. having experienced the sting! and all of these have developed a brittle and when brushed against, The nettle family - Urticaceae – Nutritionally the nettle is an reputation as a treatment for The plant itself is variable no matter how lightly, it breaks is a rich and diverse one. Only a excellent source of vitamin C, arthritis. For the less adventurous growing from 0.6 to 2 metres off exposing a sharp point that relative few of these family calcium, magnesium, iron and of us, a fresh nettle tea or eating plus in height. It can be found in penetrates the skin. It was once members sting but some of numerous trace elements. The sting nettles will offer the same long- a variety of habitats and soil thought that the venom was these can be even more disperses when you cook them and term benefits. types. The botanical name for formic acid but recent research fearsome than our own familiar the young shoots can be used in nettles – Urtica - derives has shown that the main nettle. One species in Timor Cosmetically, nettles are used soups and stews and in place of principally from the Latin word chemicals are histamine, causes a burning sensation and mainly for their astringent quality spinach. Why not try steaming or Uro, which means, “I burn.” acetylcholine and symptoms like lockjaw, which and deep cleansing ability. boiling them lightly and serving The species name of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) can last for days or weeks, whilst Some herbalists even use the them with butter & lemon? common stinging nettle - dioica with some formic acid present. a species from Java has even seeds in a tea to stimulate - means ‘two houses’ and refers A fourth ingredient has yet to caused the death of some of its Picking Nettle Shoots It is not only humans that have growth and to cure hair loss. to the fact that the male and be identified. unfortunate victims. benefited from the consumption A protein called letin, produced of the nettle. Dried nettle hay within nettle leaves, stimulates loses its sting and becomes the proliferation of human palatable to livestock. In Sweden lymphocytes; cells that play a the nettle is sometimes very important role in destroying cultivated for this purpose and foreign pathogens. Nettle leaf tea fed to milk cattle because of the has also safely been used as a increased milk production that diuretic, as a treatment for results. Horse breeders have prostrate conditions and fresh leaf often added nettle seeds to juice applied to cuts reputedly horse feeds to give the animals a stops bleeding. The latter point is Stinging Hairs on Urtica - stinging hairs U. urens sleek coat. further backed by studies that stem of Urtica dioica The fearsome stinging hairs The annual stinging nettle Fresh Picked Nettle Shoots Both the leaves and stems of the nettle have tips that (Urtica urens) stings equally as Fresh picked nettle shoots from young suggest that nettle leaf tea aids of nettles are protected by break off to release their fiercely as its longer-lived plants are the most nutritious but blood coagulation and formation must be collected with care! stinging hairs. venomous contents. cousin despite its smaller size. of haemoglobin.

Textiles and Fibres Nettle Stories

The name ‘nettle’ derives from a all manner of fine material “She groped in amongst the ugly nettles, similar root meaning as ‘spin’ and whether made from nettle or not. ‘sew’. It is also quite possible that Indeed, it appears to have been which burnt great blisters on her hands and arms, but she determined to the name nettle is derived from the widely used throughout Europe bear it gladly if she could only release her dear brothers. So she bruised ancient Germanic word Noedl - during the 18th century, although meaning a needle - referring to the it is thought that the use of the the nettles with her bare feet and spun the flax.” stinging mechanism in the nettle nettle for cloth was widely driven leaves. Equally plausible however, is out by the arrival of flax. Hans Christian Anderson – The Wild Swans the suggestion that it comes from Nettle Fibre Bag Being similar in texture to those the Latin word nere and other Nettles yield a fine fibre that can be materials produced by flax and similar old European verbs meaning used to make a variety of items such Nettles have long captured juice, and add a bit of olive oil. In the highlands and islands it hemp fibres, the cloth also to sew. as this bag made in Nepal. people‘s imagination. There are so When they go to bed, they was believed that the nettles became widely used by the many stories attached to them should thoroughly anoint both grew from the bodies of the This latter derivation would seem German army during the First that it would be impossible to chest and temples with it. If dead, as they would still be to be an appropriate origin, as the World War when there was a relate them all. Here are a few of this is done often, forgetfulness growing strong long after mature nettle stems yields a fine shortage of cotton for the the commonest, most interesting will diminish.” people had left the land. fibre that has been spun and soldiers’ uniforms. Some of the or just plain bizarre! In Denmark, people thought woven into cloth for many reports may have been It was also once believed that that clumps of nettles grew on centuries. Nettle has been used propaganda but is clear that In the Victorian “Language of you could help a sick relative to the blood that was shed of to make fabric since prehistoric nettle fibre was used alongside Flowers”, nettle means cruelty recover if you ‘grasped the nettle’ innocent victims. Nettles - times, it being processed similarly that of the nettles’ Asian cousin, or slander. by the stem and pulled out the also called devil’s claw/devil’s to flax. Nettle cloth has Ramie - Boehmeria nivea. root whilst reciting the name of plaything - were thought to reportedly been found among the The juice of the stems and leaves Native American braves would the ill person, or their parents. mark the living place of the clothing in the Scandinavian has been used to produce a Boehmeria nivea flog themselves with nettles to elves and the stings were graves at Birka in modern day permanent green dye In Britain, Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is an Asiatic, keep themselves awake while Nettles have long been magically non-stinging cousin of the nettle. deemed protection against Sweden, whilst the cloth was also this was used to colour on watch and Roman soldiers associated with protection, The fibre that it yields possesses some sorcery, and prevented the milk used in Poland from the 12th up camouflage nets that were very valuable properties; it is not only brushed themselves with healing, exorcism, lust and from being affected by trolls until the 17th century when it needed in the run up to the much stronger and longer than any nettles – allegedly to protect purification although not always other known plant fibre, but almost and witches. Nettles gathered was replaced by silk. It is known D-Day landings. A yellow dye can them against the cold climate. necessarily in that order! equals silk in its brilliance. before the sun rises and fed to to have been used, for tablecloths also be obtained from boiling the Nettle cloth also had superstitious According to another ancient cattle were believed to repel evil and sheets in Scotland but it is roots and both this and the green uses: Slavic people have attributed practice, “a person who is spirits (and let’s face it…who difficult to ascertain the extent to dye have been used extensively in magical properties to nettles since unwillingly forgetful should wants cows with evil spirits?). which it was used, as the term Europe for centuries. ancient times, using it to “defend pound stinging nettle to a nettlecloth came to be used for against demons, disperse storms and protect against lightning.”