1 The UMNO Baru General Assembly: ------~------~----~------READING BETWEEN THE LINES Wawasan Team fades, PAS draws flak, Rahim scandal ignored

At the UMNO Baru General Assembly held on 18-20 November, the message rang loud and clear - we are one, big, happy family. It was, after all, an assembly where delegates were hypnotised by the dizzying scent of the general election hanging in the air - a time to close ranks and project a sense of greatness.

But when the assembly drew to a close and the lights dimmed, questions descended on the carpeted floors of the PWTC and started dancing in rhythmic progression: What had happened to the much-vaunted Wawasan Team? Were delegates gagged on the Rahim issue? Is Mahathir's position secure? How close are Anwar and Daim? Why was PAS singled out for systematic pounding? NNP Is Mahathir's position secure? lifts the carpet in search of clues ... MNO Baru certainly came across as one big, happy and Uunited family at it<; recent General Assembly. This is, after all, not a party election year where political ambitions are too much at stake to think about being united. Hence, it is usually the time for UMNO Baru leaders to sit back and attempt to be profound abput Malay society, its problems and future. We were entertained to endless footage and photographs of the UMNO Baru leadership in a variety of meaningful poses. Dr Mahathir The Assembly: Issues were relevant and important to Malaysian society. Mohamad peering through a pair of binoculars, Wanita leaders looking adoringly at , generous doses of English literature (never mind, if it was read all wrong), Mahathir and his wife shop­ ping, Anwar and sharing a cosy chat and so on. And of course, lots of laughter, back-slapping and jokes (never mind too, if they were somewhat banal and stale). Overall, there was a certain air of benevolence about the assembly, which was as usual, a ._CD:~ I major media event. I WAWASAN TEAM DISCREDITED Dr Mahathir and his deputy were naturally comfortable But, a