40-Day Fast and Prayer

1 Pray 4

“We totally believe that prayer helps to unite churches, denominations, genders and believers of all ages. When we pray without giving up, changes will happen in the society, the economy, politics, education, entertainment and others.”

2 40-Day Fast and Prayer

We encourage you to 1. Read the whole chapter of 2 Corinthians 5 as a start. 2. Meditate on and memorize the assigned verses of each week. 3. Consider how you can be “an ambassador for God”. 4. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you as you fast (with your parents’ guidance) and intercede for Malaysia each day. (Prayer points serve as guide only). 5. Write down your impression, revelation, audible voice of God, or vision, etc. in your diary. 6. Send us a copy of your reflection after the 40-day Fast & Pray, or email us directly at [email protected]

CHARITY Give the money saved from fasting. (Charity box provided)

PRAYING ROUND THE CLOCK Log on to www.necf.org.my

NOTE: For information on individual states and federal territories, please log on to www.necf.org.my For Your Intercession.

Scriptures for Meditation throughout the 40 days 2 Corinthians 5

3 Pray 4 Malaysia

Week 1 Scriptures for Meditation Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5

4 40-Day Fast and Prayer 22 July 2006, Saturday: Be Holy

The God that we worship is a holy God. He wants us to be holy and has called us to be holy. “After all, I, the LORD, am your God. You must be holy because I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:44a)

Pray 1. Confess all your wrongdoing, whether they are bad thoughts or bad actions or bad words. 2. Strength to obey His Word and to do what is right. 3. Self-control and courage to reject evil. 4. To seek God with all our heart. 5. To overcome difficulties in life, and be holy and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Before I sleep or wake up, the first thing I do is pray. Prayer is talking to God and asking forgiveness for my sins. Gabriel Hardin, 12 years old

5 Pray 4 Malaysia 23 July 2006, Sunday: Pastors & Leaders

Pastors, church leaders and even our parents help Jesus look after us. They give their time and energy to teach, lead, comfort, and discipline us. Sometimes, they get criticisms and complaints. No wonder they are often exhausted! They need our encouragement and prayers. When they fail, we need to pray for them to rise again. Without them, we will be lost. Jesus says, “I in them and You in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that You sent me and will understand that You love them as much as You love me” (John 17:23).

Pray 1. Thank God for our parents, pastors and church leaders, Sunday school teachers and youth advisors. 2. They may be wise, strong and courageous to do what is right. 3. They make time to rest and draw strength from Jesus. 4. Anointing in preaching, in binding and healing the broken-hearted. 5. They may be holy and competent, capable of leading even in difficult times. 6. They will grow closer in their relationship with God.

God answered my prayers whenever I ask for Him for help to go through my parents’ discipline. Cody Low, 7 years old

6 40-Day Fast and Prayer 24 July 2006, Monday

King : HRH Yang diPertuan Agung Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Prime Minister: YAB Dato' Seri Deputy PM : YAB Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior” 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Pray 1. Give thanks to God for these leaders of our country. 2. God gives them wisdom and truth. 3. God helps them to be fair, righteous and kind leaders, and be good examples to others. 4. God gives them and their families good health and protects them. 5. They always remember and protect the poor and helpless. 6. They always value freedom to worship and encourage a more respectful society.

God blesses me when I pray for my health and studies. I pray for other people and also for our government so we can have a peaceful country. Krystal Tay, 11 years old

7 Pray 4 Malaysia 25 July 2006, Tuesday

The Cabinet is made up of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministers in charge of all the government departments. The Cabinet ministers usually meet each week to discuss and make plans for the nation. “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps” Proverbs 16:9

Pray 1. God will direct the Cabinet members so that they make decisions that are wise, fair and honest. 2. They hate dishonesty, and stay away from corruption and immorality. 3. Good health, peace and harmony in their families. 4. They choose to do what is right and good for the people, and are committed to serve the country. 5. They will work well together. 6. Christians in the Cabinet to be salt and light.

Please see page 52 for the list of Malaysia’s Cabinet and Ministries

Prayer to me is like getting closer, drawing near and developing a better relationship with God. Just like the Hebrew word ‘shakah’ which means coming face to face and knowing the plans God has for us. John Tneoh, 15 years old

8 40-Day Fast and Prayer 26 July 2006, Wednesday

The Judiciary means (a) a system of courts of law, and (b) the judges in the Federal Court, the High Courts and the Subordinate Courts of Malaysia. The head of Judiciary is the Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim. It is important that judges make wise and just decisions in accordance with the laws of the land, which is the Federal Constitution. This is important to God for He is righteous and loves justice (see Psalm 11:7).

Pray 1. Judges to make decisions wisely, without bias, and according to the laws, not according to their personal preferences or what other people might think. 2. God gives them wisdom and courage to do what is right. 3. They will be men and women of integrity - honest and upright. 4. They will respect ’ right to choose their religion. 5. God will bless them as they uphold truth and righteousness.

We can talk to God about people whom we care. Julia Koh, 9 years old

9 Pray 4 Malaysia 27 July 2006, Thursday

The mission of the Ministry of Defence (Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak) is to protect the sovereignty, stability, interests and strategic rights of the nation. The Ministry of Internal Security (Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) has the task of ensuring public peace and order so that society is protected from danger. One of its jobs is issuing publishing permits and controlling publications. The Ministry of Home Affairs (Minister Dato’ Seri ) takes care of these things – immigration, foreigners coming into the country, national registration, citizenship and film censorship.

Pray 1. The three ministers named above will lead their ministries wisely. 2. The officials of the Ministries of Internal Security and Home Affairs will carry out their duties with wisdom and honesty. 3. All departments will provide efficient and honest public services. Pray against those who look down on citizens of other faiths. 4. All members of the Armed Forces (the Army, Navy and Air Force) will carry out their work effectively and faithfully, to protect Malaysia. 5. Christians working in these ministries will be a good example to those around them.

I can call God for help when I have any trouble. I thank God for blessing me in my prayers. Jesus always answers my prayers. Stephanie Chew, 9 years old

10 40-Day Fast and Prayer 28 July 2006, Friday

The Ministry of Finance (Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi; Minister II Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop) deals with taxation, the budget and the economic well-being of the country. The National Economic Action Council (NEAC) (Dato’ Sri ) advises the government on how to deal with economic difficulties and handle important economic issues so that the country will continue to be stable and prosperous. The 9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) aims to help the country grow economically and to look after welfare of the people. It works towards Wawasan 2020, the vision of Malaysia becoming a developed country by 2020. The Ministry of International Trade and Consumer Affairs is headed by Datuk Mohd . The Ministry of International Trade & Industry is headed by Dato’ Seri .

Pray 1. Give thanks to God for His abundant blessings. 2. Job opportunities and fair sharing of investment throughout the country. 3. The government will remember the poor and less privileged even as they try to strengthen the economy. 4. The government will work wisely, fairly and openly to help citizens of all races. 5. As the government and the people seek a better standard of living, they will not forget good values like respect for others, kindness and helping the poor.

Prayer is powerful. Pearly Tan, 9 years old

11 Pray 4 Malaysia 29 July 2006, Saturday

The Ministry of Housing & Local Government (Minister Dato’ Seri ) aims to provide a healthy, safe, peaceful and beautiful environment as well as improved living standards. It is in charge of town and rural planning and providing fire and rescue services. The Ministry of Energy, Water & Communications (Minister Dato’ Dr ) is in charge of the nation’s energy, communications, infrastructure, postal services and water functions. The Ministry of Health (Minister YB Dato’Dr ) aims to help people to have good health and enjoy a good quality of life, by encouraging healthy lifestyles. It plans to improve hospitals and to make sure that there is enough medical staff.

Pray 1. God blesses the ministers and all the civil servants in these departments. 2. The ministers: wisdom, honesty and good leadership 3. The officials and local councils: integrity, able to carry out their duties effectively 4. Good public service, reliable supply of energy water and communication services. 5. All hospitals: doctors and nurses will treat patients with kindness, compassion and skill. 6. All Malaysians to enjoy good quality medical care. 7. All planning and projects will be made without bribery or corruption.

Prayer is asking for health and thanking Him. Sarah Chin, 11 years old

12 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Week 2 Scriptures for Meditation Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8

13 Pray 4 Malaysia

30 July 2006, Sunday: Ambassadors of Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17-20 This Bible passage tells us that if we believe in Christ, we are a new creation. Christians are brand new people on the inside. We begin a new life under a new master. Our lives should not be the same as before. Our behavior should change and people should notice the difference. Christians are called ambassadors. What is an ambassador? Ambassadors represent their countries to other countries. As Christ’s ambassadors, we represent the Kingdom of God to our nation. We are to bring the message of God’s love to our nation and all nations. In addition, we are ambassadors to our families and friends.

Pray 1. For the help of the Holy Spirit in these: a. To be disciplined to read the Bible daily and pray. b. To show us how to be good ambassadors. c. To give us courage to share the gospel with our friends.

Prayer is about building a relationship with Him. It does not have to be thanksgiving prayers all the time, we can also share our troubles and worries to God. He will help us face them and through times like these our relationship with God is deepened. Lim Shur, 13 years old

14 40-Day Fast and Prayer 31 July 2006, Monday

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (Minister Dato’ Seri ) is concerned with Malaysia’s natural resources and the environment. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (Minister Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin Yasin) helps farmers, animal breeders and fishermen. It manages food production for use here and for export overseas. The Ministry for Rural and Regional Development (Minister Dato’ ) looks after rural development and aims to end rural poverty. The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (Minister Datuk ) looks after the growing, uses and selling of oil palm, rubber, wood, wood-based products, cocoa, pepper and tobacco. The minister for Women, Family and Community Development is Dato’ Seri .

Pray 1. Integrity and wisdom for ministers in-charge and department heads. 2. Good stewardship to bring wealth and overcome poverty without exploiting the environment and natural resources. 3. Plantation workers will be fairly treated in regards to their pay, healthcare and education for their children. 4. Good and practical policies to help poor families, the single mothers, the elderly and the disabled. 5. Growth in plantation and agricultural industries.

To draw close to God and to know more about Him. Joseph Tneoh Kah Seng, 11 years old

15 Pray 4 Malaysia 1 August 2006, Tuesday

The Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (Minister Dato’ Dr Jamaluddin Jaris) aims to advance the area of science and technology so that Malaysia can be more competitive at the international level. The Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (Minister Dato’ ) helps the Bumiputeras in entrepreneur development and assists them in starting their businesses at federal, state and private levels.

Pray 1. In promoting business growth and making profits, the government will remember to do the right things. 2. Minority groups, especially the Orang Asli, will also receive benefit from the ministry for their businesses. 3. In the business world, Christians will be shining examples of honesty, integrity and responsibility. 4. God to help Christians to make right choices at work in times of difficulties.

I pray to God whenever I want. It is a way to communicate and share with Him what is special in my heart. Bryan Ee, 11 years old

16 40-Day Fast and Prayer 2 August 2006, Wednesday

The Ministry of Human Resources (Minister Datuk Wira Dr ) is concerned with the country’s workforce. It wants Malaysia to have a top quality and competitive workforce where workers are treated fairly in the workplace. The Ministry of Works (Minister Dato’ Seri S. ) plans and carries out works such as building roads and bridges. The Ministry of Transport (Minister Dato’ Sri ) is in charge of transport-related projects and road improvement.

Pray 1. Malaysians working overseas who are needed here will return. 2. Employers will care for their workers. 3. Public works carried out will be useful, safe and worthwhile. 4. These ministries will do things for the good of all citizens and will use money wisely to improve service and public facilities. 5. Ministers: men and women of good standing, honesty and wisdom.

Praying to God is wonderful and He makes us happy. Justine Koh, 6 years old

17 Pray 4 Malaysia 3 August 2006, Thursday

The Ministry of Tourism (Minister Datuk Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor) aims to make Malaysia a top tourist destination. Tourism will create jobs and wealth for the people. The Ministry of Culture, Arts & Heritage (Minister Datuk Seri Utama Dr ) wants to enable all the people to experience and enjoy arts and culture, and to preserve and restore the national heritage (e.g. historic buildings). It also wants to promote good values. The Youth & Sports Ministry (Minister Datuk ) aims to help athletes who can compete at international level, and also help young people to take part in national life.

Pray 1. Tourism not only brings wealth, but leads to greater friendship and understanding between Malaysians and people of other countries. 2. Malaysians to be civic conscious, courteous and polite. 3. Christians will be living examples of good values. 4. Churches will take the opportunity to reach out to the youth, showing them that they can have a purpose, hope and future in life. 5. Character building will not be neglected at homes and in schools.

Prayer is sweeter than anything. Jeremy Tan, 8 years old

18 40-Day Fast and Prayer 4 August 2006, Friday

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minister Datuk Seri ) works to encourage friendly relations with foreign countries, represents Malaysian interests internationally and ensures safety and interests of Malaysians abroad. The Ministry of Information (Minister Datuk Zainudin Maidin) reports the government’s plans and news about Malaysia, to give a better understanding of Malaysia among its citizens and people overseas. This ministry can help unite the various races and religious group. Both ministries aim to uphold the nation’s sovereignty.

Pray 1. Wisdom and sound judgment for the ministers and department heads. 2. Malaysia will have friendly relationships with other countries. 3. The country will be united and strong. 4. All Malaysians will accept and help each other, and care for the nation. 5. Information given out will be true and not biased, and will build up the nation.

Prayer is like a handphone for emergency call. Phoebe Heng,13 years old

19 Pray 4 Malaysia 5 August 2006, Saturday

Minister Dato’ Hishamuddin Tun Hussein is in charge of the Ministry of Education. Minister Dato’ is in charge of the Ministry of Higher Education, which is concerned with the education of students after their secondary schooling.

Pray 1. Teachers and lecturers will be dedicated and capable, and have a real concern for their students. 2. Students of all races, religions and backgrounds will be treated fairly. 3. Resources will be used wisely. 4. Encouragement for Christian teachers and lecturers as they try to show God’s love and His way. 5. As the students seek knowledge, they will also seek wisdom, and hold on to God’s moral values.

Prayer means asking God for help and the Holy Spirit can touch me. Caleb Tan, 9 years old

20 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Week 3 Scriptures for Meditation So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:9-10

21 Pray 4 Malaysia 6 August 2006, Sunday: Salt & Light

Matthew 5: 13-14 Jesus told his disciples that they are the “salt of the earth and the light of the world”. What does it mean to be the “salt of the earth”? In the ancient world, salt was used to make food taste better. It was also sprinkled on food to prevent it from going bad. Imagine that you are the “salt” in your home, your school, your church or your nation. Just like salt improves the flavour of food, you will help others to improve. And just like salt helps to prevent food from turning bad quickly, you will help others from turning bad too. Jesus also told his disciples that they are the light of the world. In the dark, light helps people to see the way they are going. If a person walks in darkness, he may fall down, hurt himself or end up going the wrong way. As “light”, you show those who do not know Jesus the way to Him. The Bible passage also tells us not to hide our light. We hide our light by keeping quiet when we should speak up against the things that are bad and wrong. We hide our light when we follow the crowd that is doing wrong. We hide our light when we don’t tell people about Jesus and don’t care about others. Are you letting your light shine or are you hiding your light?

Pray 1. God’s help to be good “salt and light” in school, at home and everywhere you go. 2. God to give you the courage and gentleness to tell your friends when they do wrong things.

I can call God for help when I have trouble. He always answers my prayers. I can tell God my feelings when I am sad and He will make me feel better. Carmen Chew, 9 years old

22 40-Day Fast and Prayer 7 August 2006, Monday: National Unity

When all Malaysians of difference races and religious background come together and respect each other, our nation will be peaceful. The government has set up a National Unity Advisory Panel to unite us. “At the same time, God’s hand was on the people in the land of Judah, giving them a strong desire to unite in obeying the orders of the king and his officials, who were following the word of the LORD” 2 Chronicles. 30:12

Pray 1. God to give all Malaysians a strong desire for unity. 2. God to help Malaysians to get rid of all the jealousies, suspicions, pride, prejudices and all the things that divide us. 3. Respect and love for one another, work together to help those in need. 4. All Malaysians will have the freedom to choose their religion. 5. The Government will help every community, especially the Orang Asli.

Prayer gets us closer to God. It also helps us build strong relationships with God. Therefore, it is very important to pray everyday. Crystal Chow, 12 years old

23 Pray 4 Malaysia 8 August 2006, Tuesday: Police

When we have a tip-top Police Force who is out to fight evil, we will feel safe. But when policemen take bribes and allow the bad hats to get away, wickedness will increase. People will not respect the laws and they will commit wrong, such as stealing, killing, fighting and bullying others. Fighting evil can be exciting but dangerous too. Some policemen have lost their lives while battling the baddies.

Pray 1. Praise God for the many policemen who risk their lives to fight crime. 2. Protection, courage, good rewards and blessings for the policemen and their families. 3. God gives our police wisdom, courage, willingness to learn and be successful in catching the bad guys. 4. Good leadership of Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Omar and all state police chiefs. 5. Wisdom and efficiency for our traffic police chiefs and officers to reduce road accidents. 6. The public will be willing to help the police in fighting crime. 7. More young people (especially Christians) to join the Police Force.

Prayer is my private time with Abba Father God. I talk to Him about everything. Sometimes, I cry out to Him to help me solve my problems. Calvin Goh, 12 years old

24 40-Day Fast and Prayer 9 August 2006, Wednesday: Crime

Everyday, we read in the newspapers about snatch thieves, road bullies, rapes, murders and many other evils. Some people commit crimes because they have no job (and no money), or their pay is low and their families need more money. Some steal or kill to get money to feed their drug habit. Malaysia has an average of 21,000 cases of violent crime per year. Many students are also arrested for crime. In 2005, 2,889 young people aged between 7 and 18 were arrested. This is making the Government and all of us worried.

Pray 1. More citizens will cooperate with police to fight crime. 2. God’s help to reduce crime in every town and city. 3. More work and greater rewards for those with low wages. 4. More social work and projects to help the poor, drug addicts, prostitutes and families with problems, etc.

I talk to God through prayer and I call to God when I’m in trouble. Kellina Chew, 10 years old

25 Pray 4 Malaysia 10 August 2006, Thursday: Radicalism

Being radical is good if it brings positive change. But the big word “Radicalism” means something else, that is, teaching and practices that call for overturning the present normal practices and condition. Often it leads to violence and terrorism. It is sad that some people use religions for their selfish gain to achieve their goal of controlling people.

Pray 1. Against religious extremism and terrorism. 2. Wisdom and courage for authorities to stop those who use religions for selfish gain. 3. All religious groups to respect one another and work together for common good and justice for all. 4. The Church will be a peacemaker. 5. The Church will speak up for justice and God’s love on national and international level. 6. Peace and harmony in Malaysia.

I love talking to God because I can tell Him everything in my life! God hears my prayers and this truth comforts me. Joshua Yip, 11 years old

26 40-Day Fast and Prayer 11 August 2006, Friday: Corruption

When a motorist is stopped by a police officer for speeding, he may decide to give money to the police officer so that the police will let him go. This is bribery and corruption. The Prime Minister has called all Malaysians to help stop corruption in all areas in the country. He has developed a special plan called the National Integrity Plan to achieve this goal. He knows that corruption is the greatest obstacle to building a stable nation.

Pray 1. PM to get support from all Malaysians to create an honest and upright society. 2. Ministers, the judges, the police force, all local authorities, civil servants, that they will be committed to a clean, honest and transparent government. 3. Citizens to hate corruption. 4. Everyone to be strong and work together against giving and receiving bribes. 5. The Anti-Corruption Agency Malaysia (ACA), its Director-General Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor and his team to catch the main culprits without fear or favour.

When I am scared or lonely, I will pray to God. When I need help, I will pray. He is like my friend. When I did something wrong, I will ask God for forgiveness. Denise Teh, 11 years old

27 Pray 4 Malaysia 12 August 2006, Saturday: HIV/AIDS

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The virus is deadly because it attacks the immune system cells. The person infected with the virus will have no defence against any diseases and will eventually die. Many Malaysians are infected with HIV and many have died of AIDS. Even the innocent children are not spared. “For Jesus had healed many, so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch him” Mark 3:10

Pray 1. Compassion for the people living with HIV/AIDS. The Church be a living example of a loving community selflessly reaching out to them. 2. AIDS victims face discrimination and prejudice. Pray they will find hope in the Church. 3. An all-round approach to prevent and stop spread of HIV, to care and to treat. 4. The Health Ministry: wisdom, skills and manpower, commitment and dedication. For well-equipped hospitals, well-trained doctors, medical researchers and specialists. 6. Greater co-operation from social organisations and the citizens to carry out effective programmes to stop AIDS from spreading. 7. Malaysians to obey God’s laws and pursue purity.

When I am happy, sad, alone or afraid, I talk to God. I feel better and have peace in me. God answers my prayers because when I pray for my friends, they get healed. Clariss Goh, 9 years old

28 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Week 4 Scriptures for Meditation Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:11-15

29 Pray 4 Malaysia 13 August 2006, Sunday The Kingdom of God

Mark 10:13-15 While Jesus was on earth, He taught a lot about the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? It is where Jesus is King, where He rules and reign. Since the Kingdom is where Jesus is King, that means we are to receive Jesus as King of our lives. We are to be obedient to Him in everything we do. Furthermore, we want God to be King over our nation, Malaysia. That means we need to share with our family members and friends the message of the Kingdom, which is the love of Jesus Christ. Then they will be able to “receive Jesus as King” and become citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Pray 1. An obedient heart to serve God. 2. We have to know God’s Word so that we know how to obey Him. Ask Holy Spirit to help you to understand God’s Word whenever you read it.

I heard God’s voice for the first time in a church prayer meeting. I felt so comforted because He said, “Aby, don’t worry because I will help you when you ask Me”. Abigail Jeysing, 13 years old

30 40-Day Fast and Prayer 14 August 2006, Monday , Bumi Kenyalang, ‘The Land of the Hornbills’

Capital : Governor : Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng Chief Minister : Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Haji Abdul Taib Bin Mahmud Population : About 2.3 million people

Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia. It is called the “Land of the Hornbills”. Hornbill is a beautiful, colourful bird that is found in Sarawak.

Pray 1. God’s light to shine upon all the people in Sarawak. 2. The government will take measures so that the Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD) that has caused many children to die in Sarawak will not happen again in the future. 3. Young people in Sarawak will realise that glue-sniffing is dangerous and stop this activity. 4. The people in Sarawak will have better roads, hospitals and schools. 5. Christians in the churches will be united and love one another. 6. More Christians to go into the rural areas (kampung) to share the good news about Jesus to the people there.

Prayer means talking to Jesus about people who are sick. Joash Liew, 7 years old

31 Pray 4 Malaysia 15 August 2006, Tuesday , Negeri di bawah Bayu, ‘The Land below the Wind’

Capital : Kota Kinabalu (the old name was Jesselton) Governor : Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Chief Minister : Datuk Musa Haji Aman Population : About 2.9 million people

Sabah is home to Malaysia’s highest mountain, Mount Kinabalu. Despite its rich natural resources, it is the poorest state with the most number of poor people.

Pray 1. God’s Spirit to move like a wind to sweep over Sabah to bring about change. 2. Good leaders in Sabah who will look after the needs of the people. 3. Money to be used to help make life better for those who are poor. 4. Safety of the people living in Sabah especially those staying near Sulu Sea where there are pirates. 5. The police to be able to arrest those involved in buying and selling of drugs. 6. The Church in Sabah to be united and to reach out to the youth, children and to help the poor.

Jesus blesses me when I pray. Marilyn Tee, 9 years old

32 40-Day Fast and Prayer 16 August 2006, Wednesday Darul Naim, ‘The Beautiful Abode’

Capital : Kota Baru (Royal Capital) Sultan : Sultan Ismail ibni al- Marhum Sultan Yahya Petra Chief Minister : Dato’ Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat Population : About 1.5 million people

Kelantan is known as a centre for Islamic learning, a place where many people go to learn about Islam. Kota Baru, the state capital, was declared an “Islamic City” on 1st October, 2005. Malaysia’s oldest mosque is found in Kelantan.

Pray 1. God will show His grace and beauty to the people in Kelantan. 2. Honest and wise leaders to care for the people, especially the poor. 3. Those who do not know Jesus that they will come to know that Jesus loves them. 4. Families that are broken because of divorce. Pray that God will heal the hearts of the fathers, mothers and children in these families. 5. The people will not get hooked on drugs. Pray that the drug addicts will be able to get help to be free from their addiction. 6. More churches, more Christian leaders and more people who will share the gospel with others.

Prayer is a must. To me it’s about communicating with God and faith without prayer means nothing. Genesis Wong, 17 years old

33 Pray 4 Malaysia 17 August 2006, Thursday Darul Iman, ‘Abode of Faith’

Capital : Kuala Terengganu (Royal Capital) Sultan : Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Menteri Besar : Dato’ Seri Population : About 1.5 million people

Terengganu is known as the first Malay state to receive Islam. This state may be the earliest place where the Chinese from China landed in our country.

Pray 1. God’s blessings upon the people living in Terengganu. 2. Good leaders to take care of the people especially the poor. 3. The people will not worship other gods but come to know Jesus and follow Him. 4. More jobs for the people and for the fishermen to be able to earn more money. 5. God will set many people free from drug addiction. 6. Churches in Terengganu to be strong so that they can help the people who need God in their lives.

Prayer is to draw near to God. Joy Tneoh, 8 years old

34 40-Day Fast and Prayer 18 August 2006, Friday Darul Makmur, ‘Abode of Tranquility’

Capital : Kuantan (Royal Capital: Pekan) Sultan : Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Menteri Besar : Dato’ Seri Adnan Yaakob Population : About 1.4 million people

Pahang is Peninsular Malaysia’s largest state and home to the largest national park – Taman Negara. Two famous lakes – Tasik Chini and Bera Lake – are found here. The famous Genting Highlands is situated at the border of Pahang and .

Pray 1. God’s blessings upon the people that they may know that Jesus has come to give life to them. 2. The leaders and the people will take care of the environment (the forest, the rivers and the lakes). 3. The people will be set free from the gambling habit and drug addiction. 4. The people will not worship other gods but the one true God, Jesus. 5. Wisdom for the leaders to use the money to help the people. 6. Churches will help the people and share the good news.

Prayer is a time when you talk to God. Vivian Leong, 8 years old

35 Pray 4 Malaysia 19 August 2006, Saturday Darul Takzim, ‘Abode of Dignity’

Capital : Johor Baru (Royal Capital: Pasir Pelangi) Sultan : Sultan Mahmood Iskandar Al-Haj Menteri Besar : Dato’ Haji Population : About 3.1 million people

The name “Johor” is from the Arabic word Jauhar, which means “Precious Stones”. Johor is joined to Singapore by the Causeway.

Pray 1. The people to come to know Jesus and to become God’s children. 2. The police to keep the place peaceful and free from crime (example: robbery, snatch thieves) 3. Good friendship between Johor and Singapore. Pray that they will work together and help each other. 4. The leaders will help the Orang Asli to find new places to live. 5. The leaders to use the money wisely to help the people. 6. Churches to be united, to help the foreign workers (people from other countries who come here to work) and to tell others about Jesus.

All I know is prayer changes things; God helps us when we are in trouble and protect us. Caleb Wong Cayenne, 12 years old

36 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Children Prayer Conference & Rally 21-22 August 2006, The Heritage, 3 Jalan 13/6, Petaling Jaya

37 Pray 4 Malaysia

Week 5 Scriptures for Meditation So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: That God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:16-19

38 40-Day Fast and Prayer 20 August 2006, Sunday The Local Church

Matthew 16:18 In the New Testament, the word “church” comes form the Greek word “ecclesia” which means an assembly or a group of believers meeting together. The church is not made up of bricks and cement but people who believe in Jesus. Every time God’s children meet together to worship, pray and listen to God’s Word in a particular place, that group of people make up the local church. God’s Spirit unites us though we are different. We may be of different race, have different levels of education, have different family backgrounds and so on. But we can all love one another and be united as one family because of Jesus. We are the local church.

Pray 1. God to help us to love one another so that our “local church” is strong and the people around us will want to know more about our God. 2. God to show us how to love one another.

Prayer is communication between us and God and also is a form of worshipping Him. James Tneoh, 16 years old

39 Pray 4 Malaysia 21 August 2006, Monday Melaka, Negeri Sejarah /Hang Tuah, ‘Historical State’

Capital : Bandar Melaka Governor : Tun Datuk Seri Utama Mohamad Khalil Yaakob Chief Minister : Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Mohd. Rustam Population : About 700,000 people

The first Malay Sultan was from Melaka but today the state has no Sultan. The Portuguese were the first people to bring Christianity to Peninsular Malaysia. The first Jesuit missionary to arrive in Melaka was St Francis Xavier. Melaka was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511, the Dutch in 1641 and the British in 1824.

Pray 1. The people may know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. 2. God to forgive any wrong that Christians have done in this place in the past. 3. Wisdom for the leaders to take good care of the place. 4. The people will come to Jesus when they are in trouble and need help. 5. Against crime (example: snatch thief, robbery, murder) in this place. 6. Students in schools and university to come to know Jesus.

Prayer is praising God. Leon Tan, 8 years old

40 40-Day Fast and Prayer 22 August 2006, Tuesday Darul Khusus, ‘The Special Abode’

Capital : Seremban Yang Di-Pertuan Besar : Tuanku Ja’afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman Chief Minister : Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad Haji Hasan Population : About 900,000 people

The name “Negeri Sembilan” is probably given because of the nine districts or nagari set up by the Minangkabaus when they first came to this place in the 15th century from West Sumatra.

Pray 1. The people will know that God has created them to be special. 2. For the old people that God will come and show his love to them. 3. The leaders to find a way to help the people get water easily. 4. Young people to know the dangers of drug addiction and keep away from drugs. 5. All the students studying in the colleges to come to know Jesus. 6. Churches to be united, to have more leaders and tell others about Jesus.

Asking of God what we need. Gloria Chang, 11 years old

41 Pray 4 Malaysia 23 August 2006, Wednesday: Federal Territories

There are three places that are called “Federal Territories” and they are: 1. 2. 3. Minister of Federal Territories : Datuk (since February 14, 2006)

Kuala Lumpur (KL) Mayor : Datuk Ruslin bin Hasan Population : 1.5 million people Kuala Lumpur literally means ‘muddy river mouth’ and was founded in 1857 at the meeting place between the Klang and Gombak rivers. It became the nation’s capital in 1957 and was made a Federal Territory in 1974.

Putrajaya Administrative Chairman : Tan Sri Dato’ Population : About 45,000 people. Putrajaya was founded on October 19, 1995 and named after the Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, the late Putra Al-Haj. It became a Federal Territory in 2001.

Labuan President of Labuan Corporation : Datuk Suhaili Abdul Rahman Population : About 83,000 people The island of Labuan came under the rule of the Sultan of during the 14th century. Labuan was made a Federal Territory in 1984.

42 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Pray 1. The people will know that God is the one who blesses them with money and success. 2. Good leaders who will be fair and do what is right in God’s eyes. 3. All those who are working in the government offices. Pray that they will work hard to serve the people and the country. 4. More centres to be set up to help the drug addicts to be set free from drug addiction. 5. The police to protect and help the people. 6. The people to show kindness to the foreign workers (people from other countries who are working here) and to treat them fairly. 7. The homeless and the poor to receive help. 8. Christians to shine as lights where God has put them so that people may come to know Jesus.

Prayer is deeper intimacy with God. Joshua Yim, 17 years old

43 Pray 4 Malaysia 24 August 2006, Thursday Selangor Darul Ehsan, ‘Abode of Sincerity’

Capital : Shah Alam (Royal Capital: Klang) Sultan : Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Chief Minister : Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamed Khir Toyo Population : 4.7 million

Selangor is the state with the most number of people. It is also the richest, with the most number of factories and towns in Malaysia. Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo declared Selangor as a developed state on August 27, 2005.

Pray 1. The people will know God loves them and that Jesus died on the cross for them. 2. Money will not become the people’s god but they will worship the true and living God, Jesus. 3. The people to be kind and fair to the foreign workers. 4. All the students who are studying in the colleges and universities that God will touch their hearts and they will become Christians. 5. Against all kinds of crime and problems (drug addiction, gangsters, murders, robbery) 6. The people will continue to have clean water to use. Pray that they will take care of the rivers. Many of the rivers are polluted. 7. Churches to be united and to reach out and help the people.

Prayer means remembering people that are close to me. Serene Tan, 5 years old

44 40-Day Fast and Prayer 25 August 2006, Friday Darul Ridzuan, ‘Abode of Grace’

Capital : Ipoh (Royal Capital: Kuala Kangsar) Sultan : Sultan Azlan Shah Muhibbuddin Shah Menteri Besar : Dato’ Seri DiRaja Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali Population : About 2.2 million people

Perak was once the richest state in the Peninsula due to tin ore mining in Kinta Valley. The country’s largest Tibetan Buddhist temple is located here in Tambun.

Pray 1. God will show His goodness, grace and mercy to the people. 2. The prisoners staying in the Kamunting prison that they will come to know Jesus. 3. Families to be strong and the young people will have love in their homes. 4. Wisdom for the police to fight against crimes (examples: drugs, robbery, murder). 5. Those who are very poor, especially the Orang Asli families. 6. The Church will share the good news about Jesus to the Chinese living in the new villages (about 134 Chinese new villages in Perak).

Prayer is a powerful weapon. Eunice Chin, 10 years old

45 Pray 4 Malaysia 26 August 2006, Saturday Pulau Pinang, ‘Pearl of the Orient’

Capital : Georgetown Governor : Tun Dato’ Seri Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Abbas Chief Minister : Tan Sri Dr. Population : About 1.4 million people

The name “Pulau Pinang” translated from Malay means “betel nut island”. It is the only state in Malaysia where the Chinese are the majority (the most number). Captain Francis Light arrived in in 1786 and that was the start of the British rule in Malay Peninsula. The island was then renamed the Prince of Wales Island. Now the island is known as the “Pearl of the Orient”

Pray 1. The people will not bow to other gods but only to Jesus. 2. The leaders to have wisdom and know how to use the money to bless the people. 3. There will be no more gangsterism especially among the Chinese people. 4. Those in power will take strong actions to get rid of the drug problem. (Penang has the highest number of drug addicts in Malaysia) 5. The families that have been hit by the Tsunami. Pray that God will heal their pain and show His love to them. 6. A greater unity and working together among the churches in Penang. Pray that the Christians will be on fire for Jesus and go out to save the lost.

Prayer is a way we can converse with God. Benjamin Leong, 15 years old

46 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Week 6 Scriptures for Meditation We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

47 Pray 4 Malaysia 27 August 2006, Sunday: An Eternal House in Heaven

2 Corinthians 5:1-10 The Apostle Paul was a tent maker and he compares our bodies to an “earthly tent”. A tent is not as strong as a solid building. He said that when our earthly body is destroyed (when we die), we will have a new body. He described our new body as “a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands”. When we die, we will have a new body that will be perfect. Our new body will be strong, without sickness, disease or pain. After we leave this earth we have a life that never ends. What we do while we are here on earth is very important because the Bible says that we will all one day stand before God to give an account of what we have done while we are on earth. We must therefore be careful how we live and behave each day. Some of the things we do may not be seen by other people, but God sees everything. Since God loves us so much, we should not do things that hurt or displease Him.

Pray 1. Everyday, ask Holy Spirit to remind you that God is watching. 2. When you are tempted to do wrong things, quickly ask Holy Spirit to help you out.

I always pray to God for a good and wonderful life. Andrea Jeysing, 9 years old

48 40-Day Fast and Prayer 28 August 2006, Monday Darul Aman, ‘Abode of Peace’

Capital : Alor Star (Royal Capital: Anak Bukit) Sultan : Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah Chief Minister : Dato’ Seri Population : About 1.8 million people

The oldest place that we know where there were people living in Peninsular Malaysia is found in Bujang Valley, Kedah. It was a Hindu-Buddhist kingdom dating back to 300AD. Sultan Muzaffar Shah I (12th century) of Kedah is known to be the first ruler in the Malay Peninsula to convert to Islam. Kedah is also known as the ‘Rice Bowl’ of Malaysia. It produces one third of the total rice used in Malaysia.

Pray 1. The people will come to know Jesus as the Prince of Peace. 2. The leaders will have wisdom to help the poor to live a better life. 3. God’s blessings upon the rice farmers, that their crops (the paddy plants) will not be destroyed by floods. 4. The families that were affected by the Tsunami, that they will receive help and God will heal the pain in their hearts. 5. The leaders to have wisdom to handle the money in the state. 6. The Church to have one heart and not be afraid to share the good news to others especially the youth.

Prayer is praising God and committing the time to God. Alicia Tay, 7 years old

49 Pray 4 Malaysia 29 August 2006, Tuesday Indera Kayangan, ‘Perlis Heavenly Paradise’

Capital : Kangar (Royal Capital: Arau) Raja : Raja Syed Faizuddin Putra Regent : Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalulail Menteri Besar : Dato’ Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim Population : About 224,000 people

Perlis is the smallest state in Malaysia. It was a part of Kedah until the early 19th century. Syed Hussain Jamalulail was the first Raja of Perlis. His descendants still rule Perlis, but as rajas, not as sultans.

Pray 1. The people may know that there is a home in heaven for those who believe in Jesus. 2. The people will be obedient to God’s law where one man will marry only one woman. 3. The police to be able to arrest those who are involved in smuggling (bringing illegal things or illegal people from into Malaysia). 4. Help for the rice farmers and that their crops will not be destroyed. 5. The laws will be changed to allow the people to become Christians. 6. Churches not to be afraid to speak out against things that are wrong. Pray that the Christians will work together in love and unity.

Whatever you pray, if God think it’s suitable He will give it to you. Daniel Joshua Charles, 6 years old

50 40-Day Fast and Prayer 30 August 2006, Wednesday Thanksgiving for Malaysia

Today is Thanksgiving Day. Read Psalm 136. We want to praise and thank God for His many blessings that He has poured out on us in this country.

Pray 1. Thank You Almighty God, for Malaysia, for independence and for freedom. 2. Thank You Lord for our King, Prime Minister, Ministers, our Sultans, Mentri Besar, and for all the leaders in this country in the past and at present. 3. Thank You God for the rich blessings that Malaysia enjoys. Thank you for work, food and houses; for freedom and health to enjoy all these blessings. 4. Thank You Lord for the people of all races and religions living in Malaysia. Thank you that we enjoy peace and live in harmony with one another. 5. Thank You God for all those who give their lives to fight crime in this country so that we can have peace. Thank You Lord for all those who make sure that there is justice (fairness) and righteousness (doing right things) in this country. We give all praise to You, our God and our King.

I lean on God when I pray. Joy Lam, 9 years old

51 Pray 4 Malaysia List of Malaysia’s Cabinet and Ministries

Y.A.B. DATO' SERI Y.A.B. DATO' SRI HAJI ABDULLAH BIN HAJI MOHD. NAJIB BIN TUN AHMAD BADAWI, HAJI ABDUL RAZAK, Prime Minister Cum Deputy Prime Minister Minister Of Finance and Minister Of Malaysia and Minister Defence Of Internal Security Malaysia

Y.B. DATO' SERI ONG Y.B. DATO' SERI S. Y.B. DATO' SERI DR. Y.B. DATO' Y.B. DATO' MUSTAPA KA TING, Minister Of SAMY VELLU, Minister LIM KENG YAIK, HISHAMMUDDIN BIN BIN MOHAMED, Housing & Local Of Works Minister Of Energy, TUN HUSSEIN, Minister Of Higher Government Water and Minister Of Education Education Communications

Y.B. DATO' SERI Y.B. DATUK SERI SYED Y.B. TAN SRI DATO' Y.B. DATUK WIRA DR. Y.B. DATO' SRI CHAN RAFIDAH AZIZ, HAMID BIN SYED HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN FONG CHAN ONN, KONG CHOY, Minister Minister Of JAAFAR ALBAR, MOHD. YASIN, Minister Of Human Of Transport International Trade Minister Of Foreign Minister Of Agriculture Resources and Industry Affrairs and Agro-Based Industry

Y.B. DATO' SERI Y.B. DATUK DR. Y.B. DATUK DR. Y.B. SENATOR DATO' Y.B. TAN SRI BERNARD MOHAMED NAZRI BIN MAXIMUS JOHNITY ABDULLAH BIN MD SRI MOHD. EFFENDI GILUK DOMPOK, ABDUL AZIZ, Minister ONGKILI, Minister In ZIN, Minister In The BIN NORWAWI, Minister In The Prime In The Prime The Prime Minister's Prime Minister's Minister In The Prime Minister's Department Minister's Department Department Department Minister's Department, National Economic Action Council

52 40-Day Fast and Prayer

Y.B. DATUK ZAINUDIN Y.B. DATUK SERI Y.B. DATO' SERI Y.B. DATO' DR. Y.B. TAN SRI NOR BIN MAIDIN, Minister UTAMA DR. RAIS SHAHRIZAT BINTI JAMALUDDIN BIN MOHAMED BIN Of Information YATIM, Minister Of ABDUL JALIL, DATO' MOHD. JARJIS, YAKCOP, Minister Of Culture, Arts and Minister Of Women, Minister Of Science, Finance II Heritage Family and Community Technology And Development Innovation

Y.B. DATUK PETER Y.B. DATUK MOHD. Y.B. DATO' ABDUL Y.B. DATO' MOHAMED Y.B. DATO' HAJI CHIN FAH KUI, SHAFIE BIN HAJI AZIZ BIN KHALED BIN NORDIN, ZULHASNAN BIN Minister Of Plantation APDAL, Minister Of SHAMSUDDIN, Minister Of RAFIQUE, Minister Of Industries and Domestic Trade and Minister Of Rural and Entrepreneur and Co- Federal Territories Commodities Consumer Affairs Regional Development Operative Development

Y.B. DATO' SERI MOHD Y.B. DATUK DR. CHUA Y.B. DATUK AZALINA Y.B. DATO SERI HAJI Y.B. DATUK TENGKU RADZI BIN SHEIKH SOI LEK, Minister Of DATO' OTHMAN SAID, AZMI BIN KHALID, ADNAN BIN TENGKU AHMAD, Minister Of Health Minister Of Youth and Minister Of Natural MANSOR, Minister Of Home Affairs Sports Resouces and Tourism Environment

http://www.pmo.gov.my/website/webdb.nsf/vALLDOC/F2DEAE6F39BC5AF048256DAD002EA803 53 Pray 4 Malaysia

Did The Lord Speak to You in a Special Way? Take Some Time Now to Write Down What He Said:













54 40-Day Fast and Prayer

To God be the Glory!

Compiled and prepared by NECF Malaysia as of April 13, 2006