The Wellesley Prelude
VOLUME I.—No. 33. CONTENTS. Leader, Gertrude Spaldmg, '92 - 461 The Week. 468 Physical Training, Alice Leonard Gaule 462 Auld Acquaintance 470 A True Story With a Moral, Theodora College Notes, 471 Kyle, '90 - - - - - 463 Inter-Collegiate News, 471 Poem, — After Reading Austin Dobson, Our Outlook, 472 E,'()i - 466 Waban Ripples, 473 Letter, Laura Lyon Williams, '87 466 Magazine Reviews, 474 Poem,— Grace Fitz Hugh Thompson, '90 - 468 Our Exchanges 474 Wellesley, Mass., June 7, 1890. BbowH Bbob., FubliBbcra, « Linwdn Street, Botton. — ADVERTISEMENTS. GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES ARTISTS' SUPPLIES. AT I keep a complete line of Brushes, Paints, Flacquea "ART PARLiORS," 5S WINTER ST. Canvas, Etc., Etc. Manufacturers of Jewelry in Special Designs. and 0LA88 BADGES, PINS EING8, I carry the Plain and L.inen Papers, ruled and unruled, Ughe FLOEAL SOUVENIE SPOONS, and heavy weight, by the quire and by the pound. HEIELOOMS MODEENIZED, FICXTXRE IPR.-A.M:ilSrG-. Moonstone, Turquoise, Topaz, Chalcedony Hearts I make it a specialty, keeping the latest stj'les of Moulding aad With Diamond or Plain Mountings. guaranteeing satisfactory work. Quality and prices of Goods to compare with Boston's. riWe recognize the fact that original designs are more appreciated than goods purchased from a stock without personal association. For Convenience it would stand as 5 to 1 in favor of Natick, as —«-FiNE Watch Repairing. «• it is only five minutes ride by the S. C. and the fare would be in about the same ratio. A Specialty in Eye Glasses extremely becoming; to ^Vearer. J. E. DeWITT, l-a l^aixL Street, asTatlclc, aiCaea.
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