Preface ix Introduction xi Editorial Conventions xxi Table of xxiii

A. Palestinian (c.

1. Mosseri b. Judah 3 2. Mosseri b. Judah Gaon 7 3. Mosseri b. Shemariah 4. Mosseri b. Azariah Gaon 16 5. Mosseri concerning a dispute over an inheritance 18

B. of Babylonian (c. loth-nth Centuries)

1. Mosseri on the authority of the Sages to the 29 2. Mosseri on one born circumcised on the Sabbath 35 3. Mosseri on the smuggling of pearls 40 4. Gaon (eight responsa) 43 5. Mosseri on ketubba 53 6. Mosseri Gaon (two responsa) 58 7. Mosseri b. Shemariah, a letter 63 8. Mosseri Gaon (two responsa) 68 9. Mosseri on the prohibition against eating fats 72 10. Mosseri Gaon 75 11. Mosseri Gaon or Hai Gaon 108 12. Mosseri discussion on BT Sanhedrin 6b-8a 111 13. Mosseri two queries on the impurity of a Caesarean birth and on the of a firstborn 116 14. Mosseri discussion on BT Pesahim 97a 15. Mosseri on matrimony and the proper attitude toward an ignoramus ('am ha-ares) 124 16. Mosseri concerning a ketubba [?] 128 17. Mosseri on the Obligation to celebrate two-day festivals in the 133 18. Mosseri Gaon to Nehemiah b. Abraham 139 19. Mosseri pedagogical questions and answers related to the 143 20. Mosseri & Gaon, responding to the Sages 148 21. Mosseri Gaon (?), on the paradigms of damages' 153 22. Mosseri Gaon to Judah b. Joseph of Qayrawän 164 23. Mosseri Gaon or Hai Gaon 167

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24. Mosseri on Hai responsum explaining BT (Ketubbot 93a-b) 171 25. Mosseri Gaon and Hai to the Sages of Fez 175 26. Mosseri (?) on Gittin 59b 185

C. Responsa Rishonim Centuries)

1. Mosseri concerning a creditor who a writ of admission 193 2. Mosseri Suwayk, on coercing a debtor to take an oath 197 3. Mosseri ha-Levi ibn Migas, halakhic commentary 201 4. Mosseri Maimonides (five responsa) 211 Mosseri concerning someone suspected of adultery with a married woman 221 6. Mosseri & Alfasi (seven responsa) 225 7. Mosseri b. Judah (four responsa) 230 8. Mosseri on selling fellow a field under surety 236 9. Mosseri b. Seset (two responsa) 238 10. Mosseri concerning someone who vowed to fulfill a certain and now wishes to without the consent Community 248 11. Mosseri concerning the Status of a child born to a remarried woman 250 12. Mosseri concerning Hai Gaon (Sefer Mesarim) and Rashi (Sefer 254 13. Mosseri laws of oaths 258 14. Mosseri customs of merchants 264 15. Mosseri to the Sages of 269 16. Mosseri to 275 17. Mosseri concerning litigants who put pressure on a witness to testify 278 18. Mosseri b. Nathan ha-Levi, with the approval b. Halfen ha-Levi (three responsa) 281 19. Mosseri [autograph] 287 20. Mosseri 292 21. Mosseri pre-emptive rights; admission partial debt; women litigating before a rabbinical court; calling kohanim to the .' 295 22. Mosseri monetary law concerning real estate 300 23. Mosseri & public declarations of 302 24. Mosseri 308 25. Mosseri b. Duran (two responsa) 311 26. Mosseri relations between gentiles and .... 27. Mosseri concerning an based on the slanderous testimony of an 320 28. Mosseri draft query sent to R. (b. Elyaqim?) 322 29. Mosseri queries addressed to ha-Nagid by the of 324 30. Mosseri addressed to Abraham Maimonides 328 Mosseri addressed to Abraham Maimonides 330 CONTENTS

32. Mosseri on Sabbath laws and other matters 333 33. Mosseri concerning the on of orphans sued by their father 343 34. Mosseri concerning a woman who her ketubba elsewhere 352 35. Mosseri queries regarding Tractate Ketubbot 354 36. Mosseri to Abraham Maimonides 358 37. Mosseri to Maimonides 360

D. Responsa Aharonim Centuries)

1. Mosseri explanation midrashic Interpretation of Genesis and to recite Psalm 134 at the beginning evening Services 363 2. on partners suing for the repayment of a debt 366 3. Mosseri a query from pertaining to the weekly Torah reading 370 4. Mosseri concerning a divorce that was signed by invalid witnesses 372 Mosseri VI. concerning partners who completed their partnership and wish to divide the 382 6. Mosseri Alasqar 386 7. Mosseri concerning a widow who claimed the value of her ketubba from the homestead 393

Abbreviations and Bibliography 399 Index of Sources 403

Hebrew Section