THE WEEK at a GLANCE Yahrzeits
THE WEEK AT A GLANCE ENRICHING LIVES THROUGH COMMUNITY, Sunday, 7/1 ~ 18 Tammuz 8:00 am Morning Service (with Torah reading for Fast), Homestead Hebrew Chapel LIFELONG JEWISH LEARNING, & SPIRITUAL GROWTH Fast of Tammuz (dawn to dark) 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel Monday, 7/2 ~ 19 Tammuz 9:00 am Talmud Study, 61C Café, 1839 Murray Avenue 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel Shabbat Shalom! 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel Tuesday, 7/3 ~ 20 Tammuz 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel 17 Tammuz, 5778 Wednesday, 7/4 ~ 21 Tammuz parashah Balak. 8:00 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel This week’s is Independence Day 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel Office closed. 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel Thursday, 7/5 ~ 22 Tammuz 7:00 pm Evening Service, Helfant Chapel Friday, 7/6 ~ 23 Tammuz 7:30 am Morning Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel Candle lighting 8:34 pm 5:45 pm Shababababa and Shabbat Haverim, Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat, Helfant Chapel Friday, June 29, 2018 6:30 am Early Morning Shabbat Service, Homestead Hebrew Chapel 9:30 am Shabbat Service, Helfant Chapel Candle lighting 8:36 pm Saturday, 7/7 ~ 24 Tammuz 10:00 am Youth Tefillah, Youth Lounge, then Lehman Center and Eisner Commons Havdalah 9:34 pm 12:15 pm Congregational Kiddush, Palkovitz Lobby 8:35 pm Minhah, Discussion, Ma’ariv, Homestead Hebrew Chapel Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Helfant Chapel Yahrzeits FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 30 - JULY 6, 2018 17 - 23 TAMMUZ, 5778 The following Yahrzeits will be observed today and in the coming week.
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