Adriatic-Ionian Corridor: a Corridor Linking Two Macro-Regions
European Union The EU Strategy for the Danube Region Priority Area 1b: To improve mobility and Multimodality – road, rail and air links S2: Towards Improved Mobility and Connectivity Adriatic-Ionian Corridor: a corridor linking two macro-regions Franc Žepič, PAC 1b Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia 4th Stakeholder Conference The DANUBE REGION TRANSPORT DAYS, 4-5 December 2018 | Hotel SLON, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 Co-financed by the EU (ERDF and IPA) The Danube Region ... EUSDR – Communication and Action Plan: - 8 December 2010: adopted by the European Commission -¸24 June 2011: endorsed by the European Council! EUSDR - 11 (12) Priority areas PA 1: To improve Mobility and Multimodality VPA 1a: inland waterways - Austria and Romania VPA 1b : rail, road and air links - Slovenia and Serbia 14 States: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Ukraine Population: 115 million (EU28: 512, incl. UK 66 mio) Area: 1,092.591 km2 (EU28: 4,475,757) 2 European Union TEN-T CNC crossing the Danube macro-region 1. Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor ( FI, SE, DK, DE, AT , TEN-T (Reg. 1315/2013 on TEN-T and Reg. 1316/2013 on CEF) IT, MT ) – Mr. Pat Cox (IE); Since 12 March 2014 CNCs, including indicative extensions to the Western Balkans 2. Baltic-Adriatic Corridor ( PL, SK, CZ, AT, SI, IT ) – Mr Kurt Bodewig (DE); Since 12.3.2014 and Ms Anne Elisabeth Jensen (DK); Since 16 September 2018 3. Orient/East-Med Corridor (DE, CZ, SK, AT, HU, RO, BG, GR, CY ) – Mr. Mathieu Grosch (BE); 1 July 2014 4.
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