The Community Church News
THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. VIM STOW, OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 No. 14 live, patronize home industry, HAPPINESS bring your church letter from afar and turn in with the good people What seekest thou ? Surely of your vicinity. Be lifted Up by something urgent is the impelling the beautiful sentiment expressed motive of the human kind that by Ruth of the Bible, which reads, scurry, fret, and labor on the grea,t Entreat me not to leave thee, or fields of life. What is it all about? to return from following after You toil for money? No, No. You thee; for whither thou goest, I toil for leverage of money, you will go; and where thou lodgest want what money will buy. And I will lodge; thy people shall be what for ? Now, in the final analy- my people and thy God shall be sis all your desires move to one my God; where thou diest, will I center, labeled Happiness. Home, die and there will I be bur'ed. friends, food, clothes, work, or Never get the delusion that you play, the goal to reach is Happi- are too good for your community, ness. that you are too talented, that the One endures hardships today for home crowd is inferior. But if you on the morrow they hope for would be happy give unstintingly something better. The old Book of yourself, your talent, your contains a paragraph, Weeping wealth, give it about your village. may endure for a night, but joy If you would attain happiness con- cometh in the morning.
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