The Community Church News
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THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. VIM STOW, OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 No. 14 live, patronize home industry, HAPPINESS bring your church letter from afar and turn in with the good people What seekest thou ? Surely of your vicinity. Be lifted Up by something urgent is the impelling the beautiful sentiment expressed motive of the human kind that by Ruth of the Bible, which reads, scurry, fret, and labor on the grea,t Entreat me not to leave thee, or fields of life. What is it all about? to return from following after You toil for money? No, No. You thee; for whither thou goest, I toil for leverage of money, you will go; and where thou lodgest want what money will buy. And I will lodge; thy people shall be what for ? Now, in the final analy- my people and thy God shall be sis all your desires move to one my God; where thou diest, will I center, labeled Happiness. Home, die and there will I be bur'ed. friends, food, clothes, work, or Never get the delusion that you play, the goal to reach is Happi- are too good for your community, ness. that you are too talented, that the One endures hardships today for home crowd is inferior. But if you on the morrow they hope for would be happy give unstintingly something better. The old Book of yourself, your talent, your contains a paragraph, Weeping wealth, give it about your village. may endure for a night, but joy If you would attain happiness con- cometh in the morning. The idea tr'bute liberally to the good of of happiness lifts us from the com- those about you. mon level of suffering and disa- Covered by the sweat and grime pointment, it is the morning star of toil, the crowd that wearily of hope. It assures us that there and longingly come and go each is a happy land, an actual place, day seek for the same hidden gem, a mighty reality, a life and world the same pearl that you hope and' where evil cannot enter. pray for, its true name is Happi- So it is happiness you seek, my ness. friend. Conscious or unconscious Happiness is a state of the mind, of this fact happiness is the su- it is found in doing good, in being preme quest of every traveller good, in serving God, and serving who climbs the steeps of time. But, mankind. No one can be happy alas, few are happy. Grief and vex- until he is unselfish, no one can be ation are the portion of many. S , happy until he quarrels with sin, my friend, if happiness be a real- no one can be happy until he an- ity, if it be not a heartless dream,, chors his hope in God. let us lay hold, and hold fast to GEO. M. HULME such a glorious achievement as happiness. If you would be happy enter in- LENT to the spirit of your community, be a neighbor, be a friend.t Let no Lent, the forty days preceding one be too lowly, too poor, or too Easter Sunday, beginning with illiterate to go unnoticed by you. Ash Wednesday, is observed in Belong to the area in which you commemoration of Christ's forty 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH ceive power, when the Holy Spirit (JEOIIGE M. HIILME .... Minister $50 Ardmore AT., Akron. UN-1685 is come upon you: and ye shall be my witness both in Jerusalem THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS and in all Judea and Samaria, Drnuer C Stow, Summit Co., Ohio. Published and unto the uttermost part of weekly. Subscription price 50c a the earth. Acts 1:8. year. Entered as second class mat- ter May 4, 1937 at the Postoffioe at This lesson starts a period of Stow, Ohio, under Act of March 3, 1879. Office of publication, 360 W. study in the Acts, Epistles and Arndale Rd., Stow. H. J. Stockman, Editor. Revelation to learn the secret of the power of the early Church. days of fasting. It is a season The first instructions given of spiritual penitence, self-denial, them were to "wait for the prom- and preparation for Easter. ise of the Father" which was that The number forty is significant, the Holy Spuirit would come upon for forty years Israel was in the them. wilderness; Israel was delivered The Holy Spirit comes upon into the hands of Pharoah for each believer in Christ today but forty years; the flood continued is only increasingly powerful as for forty days and forty nights; one waits on Him and allows God Moses was in the mountain for to work in His own appointed forty days and forty nights, and, time and way. The apostles wait- Jesus remained with his disciples ed TEN DAYS after the ascen- for forty days after the resur- sion, "continually in the temple, rection. blessing God." What a difference GEO. M. HULME there is on our modern age when <3> many find no time, or at least only a few minutes each day, to BIBLE STUDY LESSON tarry in the presence of God. APRIL 6 The disciples were ignorant Printed Text—Acts 1:1-12. men, many not having an educa- Golden Text—But ye shall re- tion equivalent to that of our Where waves reach up to whisper to the clouds, or where they roar their message to the shores of man they can speak of nothing higher than a Service of Sincerity. The McGowan Funeral Home 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS grammar school children, but Members in attendance Sunday God had a definite use for them morning, who had not been able and they tarried awaiting the to worship with us for sometime Holy Spirit before they presumed were Mrs. Frank Moulton and to go out and preach the gos- Mrs. Miller Underwood of Akron, pel. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Saffell of Our present day Christians Cleveland and Levi Moyer of will be more powerful in their Loyal Oak. lives and in testimony for Christ Mr. and Mrs. Roose, charter if before acting—before speak- members, who live on West Gra- ing—they will empty their minds ham Road, celebrated their gol- and hearts of all personal preju- den wedding anniversary Mon- dices, desires and ambitions, and day, March 31st, with open wait for the power from on high. house afternoon and evening. ® Haze<§> l Wheeler COMMUNION LAST SUNDAY This coming Sunday, April 6th, As Recorded By Mrs. Dunn the first Sunday of this quarter, the Communion of the Lord's Charter members who were Supper will be observed in our present Sunday morning and par- church at the morning service. ticipated in the mortgage burn- All members should be present. ing ceremony were Charles Trax- ® ler, William V. Smith, William R. Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. HOLY WEEK SERVICES Woodring, son Archie and daugh- ter Esther, Mrs. Winifred W. Union services of Stow Church Dague, Mr. and Mrs. George Up- of Christ and Stow Community son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roose, Church will be held during the Mrs. Walter Howard, Mrs. Henry week preceding Easter. This is Headlee, Mrs. Albert Statts, Mrs. known as Holy Week and it is Frank Bientz, Mrs. H. V. Putt expected that these meetings and son Kenneth. will be well attended. Deceased charter members The first service will be held whose memory we honor, were Sunday evening at 7:30 P. M. in Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chacey, Mrs. Stow Church of Christ, Rev. Mary E. Lodge, Mrs. Ellsworth, Hulme preaching. Monday evening Mrs. Dora Smith, Mrs. Charles the meeting will be held in Com- Thornton, Mrs. Darrow, Mrs. munity Church. Rev. Gregory Walker, Mrs. Sommers, Mrs. preaching. Tuesday eve- Schlarb, Mr. A. J. Baringer, Mrs. ning an Easter Pageant .based on Don Williamson, Mr. George the seven last sayings of Christ Pettitt, Mrs. F. R. Hbwe and will be presented by members of Oliver Lodge. both churches in the Stow For All Dairy Products You Can Do Better At ISALY'S In Stow 10 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Church of Christ. Friday eve- Church. So—the Editor expects ning Rev. Hagelskamp will preach to be present in person at the at Community Church. church on that date about 8:00 <s> P. M. and hopes a quorum for the transaction of business will also be there. SUNRISE SERVICES STOW CHURCH OF CHRIST Easter Sunrise Services will be APPROACHING MARRIAGE held in the Stow Church of Christ Announcement has been made Easter morning (Sunday, April of the approaching marriage of 13th) at 6:30 A. M. This service C. Norman Kempel, son of Mr. is sponsored by the Missionary and Mrs. C. C. Kempel, Hudson Guild. rd., Stow, to Miss Ethyl Laurie Albright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Albright, Atlanta, CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING Georgia. The wedding will take place Saturday, April 19th at While nothing was said last the Cathedral Christ the King, Sunday about it, this Friday eve- Atlanta, Ga. A sister of the ning, April 4th is the time of the bride, Miss Roberta Albright, regular Church Night Business will be maid of honor. Miss Meeting for Stow Community Mary Lou Kempel will be brides- maid and Richard K. Kempel best man. Mr. Kempel is associated with the Rohner Paper Company, Akron. BAND CONCERT Friday evening, April 4th, 8:00 P. M. a concert by the combined Stow High School and Grade School Bands will be given in the High School Auditorium. An The Cost Is Sure extra attraction will be Harry to Be Low Royale comedian and ventrilo- quist, National and Columbia When we service your Broadcast artist.