Siemens AG © Siemens AG 2014 Desiro® is a registered trademark of Mobility Division Siemens AG. Printed in Germany Nonnendammallee 101 HL 14089270 WS 08141.0 The information in this document con- 13629 Berlin, Germany tains general descriptions of the techni- Dispo 21704 cal options available, which do not
[email protected] Order No.: A19100-V800-B808-V2-7600 always have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore be specified in each individual case at the time of closing the contract. Desiro City Evolution in motion The world is changing. Each market has its own special require- Systems that offer increased cost effec- ments. In the UK train operators and tiveness for operators. Systems that are commuters face a multitude of challeng- specifically developed for the UK com- es: Commuter trains have to network muter market. Systems that are incorpo- suburbs and interurban regions conve- rated in the new Desiro City. Since early niently as well as deliver fast, punctual 2007, Siemens has invested significant and efficient inner-city services. Passen- research and development to ensure ger volumes continue to increase while that the new Desiro City platform meets at the same time the impact on both the the demands of the UK market. The infrastructure and the environment Desiro City is based on tried and tested needs to be reduced. This calls for flexi- proven technology from the existing ble, innovative systems that enable im- Desiro platform family, incorporating proved utilisation of existing resources. the latest innovative features that will Proven systems with high availability set a benchmark for commuter rail ser- and reliability, which ensure profitable vices in the United Kingdom.