4-H Rabbit Manual Publication #1250 Version 12/08 4-H RABBIT LEADERS GUIDE Publication #1240 The 4-H Pledge Possible“I pledge: Senior Projects include: My Head to clearer thinking My a)Heart Crossbreeding to greater loyalty program My b)Hands Comparison to larger of service crossbred and purebred rabbits My Health to better living For c)my Designing club, my andcommunity building and a rabbitry my country.” d) Participating in an open show circuit with purebred rabbits The 4-H Motto Learne) Effectsto do by of doing genetics on coat color f) Rabbit skin tanning Provincial 4-H Office 5653g) HwyCompare 6 N, RRthe 5 cost of rate of gain between high and low energy rations. Guelph, ON N1H 6J2 1-877-410-6748h) A study of breeds and their characteristics. PH: i)519-824-0101 Carcass composition and retail value. FX: 519-824-8759 Email:j) Parasites,
[email protected] diseases, and other health problems. k) Any other topic of interest related to rabbits Website www.4-hontario.ca This project was produced and written by BC 4-H, and was released through the Canadian 4-H Council Resource Network. Thank you to Karen Killman for reading through, and editing the project for use by 4-H Ontario. Release Date: December, 2009 6 4-H Ontario grants permission to 4-H volunteers to photocopy this 4-H program resource for use in their local 4-H program. INTRODUCTION 4-H RABBIT MANUAL Publication #1250 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ...............................................................................................................2 • Record Keeping ...................................................................................................... 2 • Animal Care ............................................................................................................ 2 Project Selection .......................................................................................................3 • History .....................................................................................................................