Catalog 2019 Dalton Triple 12202018
NW Georgia Cavy & Rabbit Club proudly announces the 31st Annual Triple Show - Dalton Triple Show - North Georgia Fairgrounds 500 Legion Drive, Dalton, GA 30721 TRIPLE Open, TRIPLE Cavy, TRIPLE Youth PLUS DWARF HOTOT, AMERICAN SABLE, AND HIMALAYAN NATIONAL SHOWS PLUS Cavy Show, Rare Breed Show, and Specialty shows on Sunday, March 3 THREE Buildings – We’re expanding The North Georgia Fairgrounds has offered us the use of part of a third building. We will be using the building behind the outside stage for cavies. That will mean that we can use our original building and the adjoining building for rabbits . We’ll have much more space for both rabbits and cavies. Saturday, March 2, 2019 Saturday Judges: Cheryl Blackman, Armando Cabrera, Linda Clevenger, Paula Courtney, Ashley Garza, Jamie Green, John Hizey, Josh Humphries, Bryant Miller, Derek Poole, Hannah Reynard, Donyelle Schultz, Penny Jackson, Jacinta Taulbee, Tex Thomas, Rusty Westhoff, Scott Wiebensohn, Chris Zemny Show Superintendent: Phil Humfleet Asst Superintendents: Andy Anderson, Katie Durgin Cavy Superintendent: Jimmy Crowder Open Sanctioned Breeds: Holland Lop Cavies Jersey Wooly Youth Sanctioned Breeds: American Chinchilla Lilac American Sable American Sable Lionhead Angoras Angoras Mini Lop (AMLRC) Britannia Petite Belgian Hare Mini Rex Dutch Beveren Mini Satin Dwarf Hotot Britannia Petite Netherland Dwarf Flemish Giant Champagne D’Argent New Zealand Himalayan Dutch Polish Holland Lop Dwarf Hotot Rex Lilac English Lop Rhinelander Lionhead English Spot Satin Mini Lop (AMLRC) Flemish Giant Silver Mini-Rex Florida White Silver Fox Netherland Dwarf French Lop Standard Chinchilla Polish Havana Tan Tan Himalayan Thrianta Contest Paid For: Mini Lops (MLRCA), Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3 Velveteen Lops are welcome - bring a working standard for Velveteens.
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