Bibliography of Professor Shabtai Rosenne (Compiled by Mr. Hans Thijssen, with the kind permission and assistance of the Library)

‘Capacity to Litigate in the International Court of Justice: Refl ections on Yugoslavia in the Court’, 80 British Yearbook of (2009) pp. 217-243. ‘Self-defence and the Non-use of Force: Some Random Th oughts’, in Arthur Eyffi n- ger, Alan Stephens et al. (eds.), Self-defence as a Fundamental Principle, Th e Hague: Hague Academic Press 2009, pp. 49-65.

‘Th e International Court of Justice: New Practice Directions’, 8 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2009) pp. 171-180. ‘Refl ections on Fisheries Management Disputes’, in Rafael Casado Raigón et Giuseppe Cataldi (eds.), L’évolution et l’état actuel du droit international de la mer: mélanges de droit de la mer off erts à Daniel Vignes, Bruxelles: Bruylant 2009, pp. 829-851. ‘Th e International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice: Some Points of Contact’, in José Doria et al. (eds.), Th e Legal Regime of the Interna- tional Criminal Court: Essays in honour of professor Igor Blishchenko: In Memo- riam Professor Igor Pavlovich Blishchenko (1930-2000), Leiden: Nijhoff 2009, pp. 1003-1012. ‘Acceptance Speech by Professor Shabtai Rosenne on Receiving the First Hague Prize for International Law 2004’, in David Vriesendorp et al. (eds.), Th e Hague Legal Capital?: Liber in Honorem W.J. Deetman, Th e Hague: Hague Academic Press 2008, pp. 105-116. ‘Arbitrations under Annex VII of the Convention on the Law of the Sea’, in Tafsir Malick Ndiaye and Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds.), Law of the sea, environ- mental law and settlement of disputes: Liber amicorum judge Th omas A. Mensah, Leiden: Nijhoff 2007, pp. 989-1006. Les Conférences de la Paix de La Haye de 1899 et 1907 et l’Arbitrage international: actes et documents, Bruxelles: Bruylant 2007. Translation of: Th e Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and International Arbitration, Th e Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. Interpretation, Revision and Other Recourse from International Judgments and Awards, Leiden: Nijhoff 2007. Essays on International Law and Practice, Leiden: Nijhoff 2007. ‘Th e Framework Agreement as the Basis for the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice’, Olavo Baptista Luiz y José Roberto Franco da Fonseca (eds.), O Direito internacional no tercero Milênio: Estudios em Homenagem ao Prof. Vicente Marotta Rangel, Sâo Paulo, Brasil, LTr Editora 1998, pp. 69–79. Th e Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-2005, 4 Vols., 4th ed., Leiden: Nijhoff 2006 (1st ed. 1965). ‘Th e International Court of Justice at the Beginning of the Twenty-fi rst Century’, in Peter J. van Krieken and David McKay, Th e Hague: Legal Capital of the World, Th e Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2005, pp. 183-240. ‘Decisions of the International Court of Justice and the New Law of State Respon- sibility’, in Maurizio Ragazzi (ed.), International responsibility today: essays in memory of Oscar Schachter, Leiden: Brill 2005, pp. 297-309. Provisional Measures in International Law: Th e International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005. ‘State Responsibility: Festina Lente’, 75 British Yearbook of International Law (2004) pp. 363-371. ‘Th e Th ree Central Elements of Modern International Law’, 17 Hague Yearbook of International Law (2004) pp. 3-13. ‘When is a Final Clause not a Final Clause’, 98 American Journal of International Law (2004) pp. 546-549. ‘Th e Infl uence of Judaism on the Development of International Law: An Assess- ment’, in Mark W. Janis and Carolyn Evans (eds.), Religion and International Law, Leiden: Nijhoff 2004, pp. 63-94. Th e perplexities of Modern International Law, Leiden: Nijhoff 2004. ‘Article 95 of the Charter Revisited’, in Studi di diritto internazionale in onore di Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Vol. 2, Napoli: Ed. Scientifi ca 2003, pp. 1387-1401. ‘Updates to Law and Practice of the International Court of Justice (1920-1996): Second Series’, 2 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2003) pp. 479-499. ‘Th e International Court of Justice: Th e new form of the operative clause of an order indicating provisional measures’, 2 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2003) pp. 201-203. ‘Th e International Court of Justice, 1 July 1999-31 December 2001’, Th e Global Com- munity: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (2002) pp. 207-222. ‘Breach of Treaty in the Codifi cation of the Law of State Responsibility’, in Fernando M. Mariño Menéndez (ed.), El Derecho internacional en los albores del siglo XXI: homenaje al profesor Juan Manuel Castro-Rial Canosa, Madrid: Ed. Trotta 2002, pp. 583-598.

‘International Court of Justice: Practice directions on judges ad hoc; counsel and advocates; and submission of new documents, 1 Law and Practice of Interna- tional Courts and Tribunals (2002) pp. 223-245. ‘A Role for the International Court of Justice in Crisis Management?’, in Gerard Kreijen et al. (eds.), State, Sovereignty and International Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002, pp. 195-219. ‘Updates to law and practice of the International Court of Justice (1920-1996)’, 1 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2002) pp. 129-154. ‘Th e Perplexities of Modern International Law: General Course on Public Interna- tional Law’, 291 Recueil des cours (2001) pp. 9-471. ‘Th e Case-Law of ITLOS (1997-2001): An Overview’, in Myron H. Nordquist and John Norton Moore (eds.), Current marine environmental issues and the Interna- tional Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 2001, pp. 127-140. Th e Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and International Arbitration: Reports and Documents, Th e Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2001 (editor). ‘Th e International Court of Justice: Revision of Articles 79 and 80 of the Rules of Court’, 14 Leiden Journal of International Law (2001) pp. 77-87. ‘Antecedents of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Revisited’, in Michael N. Schmitt (ed.), International law across the spectrum of confl ict: Essays in honour of Professor L.C. Green on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, New- port, RI: Naval War College 2000, pp. 387-420. ‘Historic Waters in the Th ird United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea’, in Terry D. Gill and Wybo P. Heere (eds.), Refl ections on Principles and the Prac- tice of International Law: Essays in Honour of Leo J. Bouchez, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 2000, pp. 191-203. ‘Counter-Claims in the International Court of Justice Revisited’, in Calixto A. Armas Barea et al. (eds.), Liber Amicorum “In Memoriam” of Judge José Mariá Ruda, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International 2000, pp. 457-477. ‘Controlling Interlocutory Aspects of Proceedings in the International Court of Jus- tice’, 94 American Journal of International Law (2000) pp. 307-317. ‘Th e International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Survey for 1999’, 15 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (2000) pp. 443-474. ‘Forty Years on’, 41 Virginia Journal of International Law (2000) pp. 215-223.

‘Poor Drafting and Imperfect Organization: Flaws to Overcome in the Rome Stat- ute’, 41 Virginia Journal of International Law (2000) pp. 164-185. ‘Th e Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court’, 2 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (1999) pp. 119-141. ‘Fact-fi nding before the International Court of Justice’, in Wybo P. Heere (ed.), Inter- national Law and Th e Hague’s 750th Anniversary, Th e Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 1999, pp. 45-59. ‘Visit to the Site by the International Court’, in Emile Yakpo and Tahar Boume- dra (eds.), Liber Amicorum Judge Mohammed Bedjaoui, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International 1999, pp. 461-473. ‘Article 31 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice Revisited’, in René- Jean Dupuy (ed.), Mélanges en l’honneur de Nicolas Valticos: droit et justice, Paris: Pedone 1999, pp. 301-317. ‘Unilateral Applications to the International Court of Justice: History Revisited’, in Matti Tupamäki (ed.), Liber Amicorum Bengt Broms: Celebrating his 70th Birth- day, 16 October 1999, Helsinki: Finnish Branch of International Law Association 1999, pp. 447-481. ‘International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: 1998 Survey’, 14 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (1999) pp. 453-465. ‘Judge Eero J. Manner’, 9 Finnish Yearbook of International Law (1998) pp. 89-90. ‘An Introduction to International Litigation’, 6 Boundary and Security Bulletin (1998) pp. 57-60. ‘Codifi cation Revisited after 50 Years’, 2 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (1998) pp. 1-22. ‘An Introduction to International Litigation’, 6 Boundary and Security Bulletin (1998) pp. 57-60. ‘Some Refl ections erga omnes’, in Antony Anghie and Garry Sturgess (eds.), Legal Visions of the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International 1998, pp. 509-525. ‘Th e United Nations, the Oceans and Some Geography’, in Martin Ira Glassner (ed.), Th e United Nations at Work, Westport, CT: Praeger 1998, pp. 285-311. ‘Th e Jaff a- Railway Arbitration (1922)’, 28 Yearbook on Human Rights (1998) pp. 239-286.

‘Israel: Some Legal Aspects of the Transition from Mandate to Independence: December 1947–15 May 1948’, in Alfred E. Kellermann et al. (eds.), Israel among the Nations – International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International 1998, pp. 311-342. ‘Automatic Treaty Succession’, in Jan Klabbers and René Lefeber (eds.), Essays on the Law of Treaties: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Bert Vierdag, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1998, pp. 97-106. ‘Th e Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Advisory Procedure of the International Court of Justice’, in Karel Wellens (ed.), International Law, Th eory and Practice: Essays in Honour of Eric Suy, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International 1998, pp. 707–717 . ‘International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: 1996-97 Survey’, 13 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (1998) pp. 487-514. ‘La contribución de América Latina al desarrollo de la Corte Internacional de Jus- ticia’, Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Politicas (No. 102, 1997) pp. 241-266. ‘State Responsibility and International Crimes: Further Refl ections on Article 19 of the Draft Articles on State Responsibility’, 30 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (1997) pp. 145-166. ‘Lessons of the past and needs of the future’, in Roy S. Lee and Connie Peck (eds.), Increasing the eff ectiveness of the International Court of Justice, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1997, pp. 466-492. ‘Th e nuclear weapons Advisory Opinions of 8 July 1996’, 27 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1997) pp. 263-308. ‘War crimes and state responsibility’, in Yoram Dinstein and Mala Tabory (eds.), War crimes in international law, Th e HaguE: Nijhoff 1996, pp. 65-107 ‘Th e general list of the International Court of Justice’, in Jerzy Makarczyk (ed.), Th eory of international law at the threshold of the 21st century: essays in honour of Krzysztof Skubiszewski, Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1996, pp. 805-816. ‘Th e International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the International Court of Justice: Some Points of Diff erence’, in Renate Platzöder and Philomène Verlaan (eds.), Th e Baltic Sea: New developments in national policies and international cooperation, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1996, pp. 200-215. ‘Decolonisation in the International Court of Justice’, 8 African journal of interna- tional and comparative law (1996) pp. 564-576. ‘Th e President of the International Court of Justice’, in Vaughan Lowe and Malgo- sia Fitzmaurice (eds.), Fifty years of the International Court of Justice: Essays in honour of Sir Robert Jennings, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1996, pp. 406-423. ‘Geography in International Maritime Boundary-Making’, 15 Political Geography (1996) pp. 319-334. ‘Th e Cold War and the International Court of Justice: A Review Essay of Stephen M. Schwebel’s Justice in International Law’, 35 Virginia Journal of International Law (1994-95) pp. 669-682. ‘Th e Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the United Nations’, 35 Indian Journal of International Law (1995) pp. 67-76. ‘Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice Revisited’, in El dere- cho internacional en un mundo en transformación: liber amicorum en homenaje al profesor Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, Vol. 2, Montevideo: Fundación de cul- tura Universitaria (FCU) 1995, pp. 1129-1158. ‘Th e contribution of Latin America to the development of the International Court of justice’, 25 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1995) pp. 49-71. ‘Th e United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: Th e Application of Part XI: An Element of Background’, 29 Israel Law Review (1995) pp. 491-505. ‘Th e contribution of the International Court of Justice to the United Nations’, 35 Indian Journal of International Law (1995) pp. 67-76. ‘Establishing the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea’, 89 American Journal of International Law (1995) pp. 806-814. ‘Th e Qatar/Bahrain Case: What is a treaty? A framework agreement and the seising of the Court’, 8 Leiden Journal of International Law (1995) pp. 161-182. Th e World Court: What It is and How It Works, 5th ed. Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1995 (1st ed. 1962) (6th ed. by Terry D. Gill 2003). ‘War crimes and state responsibility’, 24 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1994) pp. 63-102. ‘Th e Agent in Litigation in the International Court of Justice’, in William Kaplan and Donald McRae (eds.), Law, policy and international justice: essays in honour of Maxwell Cohen, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press 1993, pp. 41-68. ‘Some thoughts on international arbitration today’, 27 Israel Law Review (1993) pp. 447-459. ‘Th e International Court of Justice and international arbitration’, 6 Leiden Journal of International Law (1993) pp. 297-322. Intervention in the International Court of Justice, Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1993. An International Law Miscellany, Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1993. ‘Th e United Nations and Israel’s War of Independence’, in An International Law Miscellany, Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1993, pp. 629-711 (trans. from Hebrew and origi- nally published by Massada Publishers: Tel Aviv 1985). ‘Article 27 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice’, 32 Virginia Journal of International Law (1991) pp. 213-231. ‘Th e protection of minorities and human rights’, 20 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1990) pp. 359-364. Documents on the International Court of Justice = Documents relatifs à la Cour internationale de justice, 3rd (fi rst bilingual) ed., Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1991 (1st ed. 1974) (editor). Th e International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on State Responsibility: Part 1, Articles 1-35, Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1991 (editor). ‘Bunche at Rhodes: Diplomatic Negotiator’, in Benjamin Rivlin (ed.), Ralph Bunche: Th e Man and His Times, New York: Holmes & Meier 1990, pp. 177-185. ‘All’s Well that Ends Well: Or Is It? More on the publications of the International Court of Justice’, 84 American Journal of International Law (1990) pp. 586-592. Developments in the Law of Treaties, 1945-1986, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989. ‘International Law as It Stands at the End of the Twentieth Century’, in Wybo P. Heere (ed.), International Law and Its Sources: Liber Amicorum Maarten Bos, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers 1989, pp. 125-136. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: A Commentary, Vols. 2-6, Dordrecht/Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1989-2002 (vol./gen. editor).

‘Preliminary Rulings by the International Court of Justice at the Instance of National Courts: A Reply’, 29 Virginia Journal of International Law (1988-89) pp. 401-412. ‘Th e position of the International Court of Justice on the foundations of the prin- ciple of equity in international law’, in Arie Bloed en Pieter van Dijk (eds.), Forty years International Court of Justice: Jurisdiction, Equity and Equality, Utrecht: Europa Instituut 1988, pp. 85-108. ‘Preliminary Rulings by the International Court of Justice at the Request of National Courts’, Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal recht (1988) No. 86. Refl ections on international arbitration and litigation in the International Court of Justice, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation 1988. ‘Th e role of the International Court of Justice in inter-state relations today’, 20 Revue belge de droit international (1987) pp. 275-289. ‘Address by Shabtai Rosenne’ (600th Anniversary of Heidelberg University), 47 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öff entliches Recht und Völkerrecht (1987) pp. 134-137. ‘Some Refl ections on Intervention in the International Court of Justice’, 34 Nether- lands International Law Review (1987) p. 75-90. ‘Conceptualism as a Guide to Treaty Interpretation’, in Le droit international à l’heure de sa codifi cation: études en l’honneur de Roberto Ago / Il diritto inter- nazionale al tempo della sua codifi cazione: studi in onore di Roberto Ago / Inter- national Law at the Time of Its Codifi cation: Essays in Honour of Roberto Ago, Vol. 1, Milano: Giuff rè 1987, pp. 417-431. ‘Publications of the International Court of Justice’, 81 American Journal of Interna- tional Law (1987) pp. 681-696. ‘Exploitation and protection of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf’, 54-56 Annuaire de l’A.A.A. (1984-86) pp. 63-74. ‘UNCLOS III: Th e Montreux (Riphagen) Compromise’, in Adriaan Bos and Hugo Siblesz (eds.), Realism in law-making: essays on international law in honour of Willem Riphagen, Dordrecht: Nijhoff 1986, pp. 169-178. Breach of Treaty, Cambridge: Grotius Publication 1985. ‘Th e Changing Role of the International Court’, 20 Israel Law Review (1985) pp. 182- 205. ‘Enforcing International Law: A Review Article’, 14 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1984) pp. 274-296. Practice and Methods of International Law, : Oceana 1984. ‘Th e Preamble to the New Convention on the Law of the Sea’, in Studi in onore di Giuseppe Sperduti: Fonti internazionali e rapporti fra ordinamenti, l’individuo nel diritto internazionale, altri contribute, Milano: Giuff rè 1984, pp. 273-297. ‘Israel and International Organizations’, 17 Bracton Law Journal (1984) pp. 22-35. ‘Participation in the Geneva Conventions (1864-1949) and the additional protocols’, in Christophe Swinarski (ed.), Études et essais sur le droit international humani- taire et sur les principes de la Croix-Rouge en l’honneur de Jean Pictet, Genève/ Th e Hague: Comité international de la Croix-Rouge/Nijhoff 1984, pp. 803-812. ‘Codifi cation of International Law’, in Rudolf Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. 7, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1984, pp. 34-41. ‘Treaties, Conclusion and Entry into Force’, in Rudolf Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. 7, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1984, pp. 464-467. ‘Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties’, in Rudolf Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. 7, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1984, pp. 525-533. Procedure in the International Court: A Commentary on the 1978 Rules of the Inter- national Court of Justice, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1983. ‘Recognition of Israel by the Security Council in 1948’, 13 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1983) pp. 295-330. ‘Hugo Grotius: An Israeli Appreciation’, 4 Grotiana (1983) pp. 67-75. ‘Th e Role of Controversy in International Legal Development’, in Ronald St.J. Mac- donald and Douglas M. Johnston (eds.), Th e Structure and Process of Interna- tional Law, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1983, pp. 1147-1183. ‘La participation à la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer’, in Daniel Bardonnet et Michel Virally (eds.), Le nouveau droit international de la mer, Paris: Pedone 1983, pp. 287-369. ‘Th e Reconciliation of the Old and the New Law of the Sea’, in Choon-ho Park (ed.), Th e Law of the Sea in the 1980s: Proceedings, [Honolulu]: University of Hawaii, Law of the Sea Institute 1983, pp. 63-123. ‘La véritable nature du confl it Israélo-Arabe’, 48 Politique étrangère (1983) pp. 647- 660. ‘Th e Meaning of “Authentic Text” in Modern Treaty Law’, in Rudolf Bernhardt et al. (eds.), Völkerrecht als Rechtsordnung, Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit, Menschen- rechte: Festschrift für Hermann Mosler, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1983, pp. 759-784. ‘Rebus sic Stantibus and the Minorities Treaties: An Afterword’, 12 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1982) pp. 330-333. ‘Th e elections of fi ve members of the International Court of Justice in 1981’, 76 Amer- ican Journal of International Law (1982) pp. 364-370. ‘Th e Election of March 1982 to Fill One Vacancy in the International Court of Jus- tice’, 76 American Journal of International Law (1982) pp.863-866. ‘Refl ections on the Th ird United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea’, in Fred- erick Tse-shyang Chen (ed.), Proceedings of Conference on Deep Seabed Mining and Freedom of the Seas, Darbrook Rd.: United Nations Association of Connecti- cut 1981, pp. 1-20. ‘Th e 1981 occasional elections to fi ll two vacancies on the International Court of Jus- tice’, 75 American Journal of International Law (1981) pp. 349-361. ‘Some refl ections on the 1978 revised rules of the International Court of Justice’, 19 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (1980-81) pp. 235-253. ‘International law and the use of force’, in Richard B. Lillich and John Norton Moore (eds.), Readings in international law from the Naval War College review, 1947- 1977, – Vol. 2: Th e use of force, human rights and general international legal issues, Newport, RI: Naval War College Press 1980, pp. 1-8. ‘Th e International Convention against the Taking of Hostages, 1979’, 10 Israel Year- book on Human Rights (1980) pp. 109-156. ‘Equitable Principles and the Compulsory Jurisdiction of International Tribunals’, in Emanuel Diez et al. (eds.), Festschrift für Rudolf Bindschedler, Botschafter, Profes- sor Dr. iur. zum65. Geburtstag am 8. Juli 1980, Bern: Stämpfl i 1980, pp. 407-425. ‘Settlement of fi sheries disputes in the exclusive economic zone’, 73 American Jour- nal of International Law (1979) pp. 89-104 ‘Some procedural aspects of the English Channel continental shelf arbitration’, in Kari Hakapää (ed.), Essays in honour of Erik Castrén celebrating his 75th birthday March 20, 1979, Helsinki: Finnish Branch of the International Law Association 1979, pp. 96-115. ‘A posteriori refl ections on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties’, in Estu- dios de derecho internacional: Homenaje al profesor Miaja de la Muela, Vol. 1, Madrid: Editorial Tecnos 1979, pp. 441-455. ‘Judge John E. Read and the International Court of Justice’, 17 Canadian yearbook of international law (1979) pp. 3-29. ‘Jacob Robinson – in Memoriam: 28 November 1889 - 24 October 1977’, 13 Israel Law Review (1978) pp. 287-297. ‘Th e settlement of disputes in the new law of the sea’, Revue iranienne des relations internationales (Nos. 11-12, 1978) pp. 401-433. ‘Israel and the United Nations: Changed Perspectives, 1945-1976’, American Jewish Year Book (1978) pp. 3-61. ‘Refl ections on the fi nal clauses in the new Law of the Sea Treaty’, 18 Virginia Jour- nal of International Law (1977-78) pp. 133-146. On Defi ning International Aggression: An Exercise in Futility’ [Books], 12 Israel Law Review (1977) pp. 401-405. ‘Elections of members of the International court of justice: Late nominations and withdrawals of candidacies’, 70 American Journal of International Law (1976) pp. 543-549. ‘Th e Composition of the Court’, in (ed.), Th e Future of the International Court of Justice, Vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana 1976, pp. 377-441. ‘On the defi nition of aggression’, 15 International Problems (1976) pp. 25-34. ‘Th e third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea’, 11 Israel Law Review (1976) pp. 1-51. ‘Where international law now stands’, 15 International Problems (1976) pp. 99-107. ‘Th e concept of “territorial sea” in the Talmud’, 10 Israel Law Review (1975) pp. 503- 508. ‘Th e reconceptualization of objections in the International Court of Justice’, 14 Comunicazioni e studi (1975) pp. 735-761. ‘Th e Red Cross, red crescent, red lion and sun and the red shield of David’, 5 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1975) pp. 9-54. League of Nations, Conference for the codifi cation of international law [1930], 4 Vols., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana 1975 (editor). ‘“Consent” and related words in the codifi ed law of treaties’, in Mélanges off erts à Charles Rousseau: la communauté international, Paris: Pedone 1974, pp. 229-248. ‘Some legal aspects of the struggle for the rights of Jews in the Soviet Union’, 9 Israel Law Review (1974) pp. 588-593. ‘Directions for a Middle East settlement: Some underlying legal problems’, in John Norton Moore (ed.), Th e Arab-Israeli confl ict, Vol. 2, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1974, pp. 777-800. ‘Th e protection of certain Jewish interests in the statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice’, 3 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (1973) pp. 136-172. ‘Th e 1972 revision of the rules of the International Court of Justice’, 8 Israel Law Review (1973) pp. 197-253. ‘Bilateralism and Community Interest in the Codifi ed Law of Treaties’, in Wolfgang Friedmann et al. (eds.), Transnational Law in a Changing Society: Essays in Honor of Philip C. Jessup, New York: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 202-227. League of Nations Committee of Experts for the Progressive Codifi cation of Inter- national Law (1925-1928), 2 Vols., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications 1972 (editor). ‘Th e International Court at Fifty’, 7 Israel Law Review (1972) pp. 175-185. ‘Reply’ (to the Questionnaire on Treaties between States and International Organi- zations), Yearbook of the International Law Commission (Vol. 2 (Part 2), 1971) pp. 198-202 (orig. UN Doc. A/CN.4/250 Annex II). ‘Th e settlement of treaty disputes under the Vienna convention of 1969’, 31 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öff entliches Recht und Völkerrecht (1971) pp. 1-62. ‘On multi-lingual interpretation’, 6 Israel Law Review (1971) pp. 360-366. ‘Problems of Treaty-Making Competence: Refl ections on the Vienna Convention of 1969 and the Kamiar Case ’, in Shlomo Shoham (ed.), Of law and Man: Essays in Honour of Haim H. Cohn: Under the Auspices of the Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv Uni- versity, New York: Sabra Books, 1971, pp. 115ff . ‘Th e Role of the International Law Commission’, 64 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (1970) pp. 24-36.

Th e Law of Treaties: A Guide to the Legislative History of the Vienna Convention, Leyden: Sijthoff 1970. ‘More on the depositary of international treaties’, 64 American Journal of Interna- tional Law (1970) pp. 828-852. ‘Th e Temporal Application of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties’, 4 Cor- nell International Law Journal (1970-71) pp. 1-24. ‘Succession of States and the Codifi cation of the Law of treaties’, in Estudios de dere- cho internacional: homenaje a D. Antonio de Luna / Essays on International Law in Honour of D. Antonio de Luna, Madrid: Instituto Francisco de Vitoria 1968, pp. 268-281. ‘Directions for a Middle East Settlement − Some Underlying Legal Problems’, 33 Law and Contemporary Problems (1968) pp. 44-67. ‘Modifi cation et terminaison des traités collectifs: (Onzième commission)’, 52 Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international (1967) pp. 5-258. ‘La Cour internationale de Justice en 1966’, 71 Revue générale de droit international public (1967) pp. 853-878. ‘Refl ections on the Position of the Individual in Inter-State Litigation in the Inter- national Court of Justice’, in Pieter Sanders (ed.), International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum for Martin Domke, Th e Hague: Nijhoff 1967, pp. 240-257. ‘Th e depositary of international treaties’, 61 American Journal of International Law (1967) pp. 923-945. El tribunal internacional de justicia, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Politicos 1967 (Rev. translation of: Th e World Court: What It Is and How It Works – 1963). ‘Is the Constitution of an International Organization an International Treaty: Refl ections on the Codifi cation of the Law of Treaties’, 12 Communicazione e studi (1966) pp. 21-89. ‘Interpretation of Treaties in the Restatement and the International Law Commis- sion’s Draft Articles: A Comparison’, 5 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (1966) pp. 205-230. ‘La Cour internationale de Justice en 1964 et 1965’, 70 Revue générale de droit inter- national public (1966) pp. 837-861. ‘Some Diplomatic Problems of Codifi cation of the Law of Treaties’, 41 Washington Law Review (1966) pp. 261-281. ‘Jewish Law’, in Arthur Larson and C. Wilfred Jenks (eds.), Sovereignty within the Law, Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana 1965, pp. 141-164. ‘Relations between Governments and the International Law Commission’, 19 Year Book of World Aff airs (1965) pp. 183-198. ‘Th e Court and the Judicial Process’, 19 International Organization (1965) pp. 518- 536. ‘La Cour internationale de Justice en 1963’, 68 Revue générale de droit international public (1964) pp. 858-886. ‘Working Paper on Succession of States and Governments’, Yearbook of the Interna- tional Law Commission (Vol. 2, 1963) pp. 285-290 (orig. UN Doc. 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