1 ARCHIVES I Uncorrected
Non- Corrigé 1 ARCHIVES I Uncorrected International Court Cour internationale of Justice de Justice THE HAGUE LA HAYE YEAR 1996 Public si tting held on Wednesday 1 May 1996, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Bedjaoui presiding in the case concerning the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)), VERBATIM RECORD Audience publique tenue le mercredi 1" mai 1996, à 10 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Bedjaoui, Président en l'affaire de l'Application de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (Bosnie-Herzégovine c. Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)) COMPTE RENDU ~resent : President Bedj aoui Vice-President Schwebel Judges Oda Gui 11aume Shahabuddeen Weeramantry Ranj eva Herczegh Shi Koroma Vereshchetin Ferrari Bravo Parra-Aranguren Judges ad hoc Lauterpacht KreCa Registrar Vaïencia-Ospina Présents : M. Bedjaoui, Président M. Schwebel, Vice-président MM. Oda Guiliaurne Shahabuddeen Weeramantry Ranj eva Herczegh Shi Kororna Vereshchetin Ferrari Bravo ~.Parra-Aranguren,juges MM. Lauterpacht KreSa, juges ad hoc M. Valencia-Ospina, Greffier The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented by: H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbey, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations, AS Agent ; Mr. Phon van den Biesen, Attorney in Amsterdam, As Depu ty-Agen t , Counsel and Advoca te; Mr. Thomas Franck, Professor at the School of Law, New York University; Director, Center for International Studies; Mr. Alain Pellet, Profesçor, University of Paris X-Nanterre and Institute of Political Studies Paris, Ms.
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