Odonatological Abstract Service

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Odonatological Abstract Service Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) Editor: Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Zerf, Germany ISSN 1438-0269 temperature and that carry over beyond the developmental 2018 environment. We examined multiple responses to environ- mental warming in a dragonfly, a species whose life history 16888. Martin, A.E.; Graham, S.L.; Henry, M.; Pervin, E.; bridges aquatic and terrestrial environments. We tested lar- Fahrig, L. (2018): Flying insect abundance declines with in- val survival under warming and whether warmer conditions creasing road traffic. Insect Conservation and Diversity can create carry-over effects between life history stages. 11(6): 608-613. (in English) ["1. One potentially important Rearing dragonfly larvae in an experimental warming array but underappreciated threat to insects is road mortality. to simulate increases in temperature, we contrasted the ef- Road kill studies clearly show that insects are killed on fects of the current thermal environment with temperatures roads, leading to the hypothesis that road mortality causes +2.5° and +5°C above ambient, temperatures predicted for declines in local insect population sizes. 2. In this study we 50 and 100 yr in the future for the study region. Aquatic mes- used custom-made sticky traps attached to a vehicle to tar- ocosms were stocked with dragonfly larvae (Erythemis col- get diurnal flying insects that interact with roads, sampling locata), and we followed survival of larvae to adult emergence. along 10 high-traffic and 10 low-traffic rural roads in south- We also measured the effects of warming on the timing of the eastern Ontario, Canada. We used a paired sampling de- life history transition to the adult stage, body size of adults, and sign to control for potentially confounding differences in the the relative size of their wings, an aspect of morphology key road characteristics (e.g. road width) and surrounding land to flight performance. There was a trend toward reduced lar- covers (e.g. housing density) between high-traffic and low- val survival with increasing temperature. Warming strongly traffic roads. We then used these data to test the prediction affected the phenology of adult emergence, advancing emer- that fewer flying insects collide with vehicles, per vehicle (i.e. gence by up to a month compared with ambient conditions. insect abundance is lower), on high-traffic than low-traffic Additionally, our warmest conditions increased variation in roads. 3. We found significantly fewer insects at the high- the timing of adult emergence compared with cooler condi- traffic roads than at the low-traffic roads as predicted. There tions. The increased variation with warming arose from an was a 23.5% decline in the number of insects/km/vehicle on extended emergence season with fewer individuals emerg- high-traffic relative to low-traffic roads. 4. Given the high ing at any one time. Altered emergence patterns such as we rates of insect mortality observed in previous studies, it is observed are likely to place individuals emerging outside likely that road mortality contributes to these observed neg- the typical season at greater risk from early and late season ative effects of traffic intensity. Thus the growing global road storms and will reduce effective population sizes during the network is a concern for conservationists and land manag- breeding season. Contrary to expectations for ectotherms, ers, not only because insect population declines contribute body size was unaffected by warming. However, morphol- to the ongoing global losses of biodiversity but also because ogy was affected: at +5°C, dragonflies emerging from mes- insects play a vital role in food webs and provide important ocosms had relatively smaller wings. This provides some of ecosystem services." (Authors)] Address: Martin, Amanda, the first evidence that the effects of climate change on ani- Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, P.O. Box 266, North Gower, mals during their growth can have carry-over effects in mor- ON, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] phology that will affect performance of later life history stages. In dragonflies, relatively smaller wings are associated with 16889. McCauley, S.J.; Hammond, J.I.; Mabry, K.E. (2018): reduced flight performance, creating a link between larval Simulated climate change increases larval mortality, alters phe- thermal conditions and adult dispersal capacity." (Authors)] nology, and affects flight morphology of a dragonfly. Ecosphere Address: McCauley, Shannon, Department of Biology, Uni- 9(3): 14 pp. (in English) ["For organisms with complex life cy- versity of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, cles, climate change can have both direct effects and indi- Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6 Canada. E-mail: shannon.mc- rect effects that are mediated through plastic responses to [email protected] Odonatological Abstract Service 51 (05 August 2021) - page 1 16890. Mearns, B. (2018): First record of Orthetrum ranson- total dissolved solids, and oxidation reduction potential. Our netii in the Canary Islands (Odonata: Libellulidae). Odonato- hypothesis was corroborated for the suborder Anisoptera, logica 47(3/4): 213-218. (in English) ["An immature male O. which showed a significant relationship with these variables, ransonnetii was recorded in Barranco de Rio Cabras, on Fuer- whereas Zygoptera was only related to pH. Our results show teventura, on 16-ii-2018. It is the first record of the species the importance of physical and chemical conditions in eco- in the Canary Islands and in entire Macaronesia, making it logical studies using Odonata larvae as tools for the man- also the first record for Spain and entire Europe." (Author)] Ad- agement and conservation of freshwater ecosystems." (Au- dress: Mearns, Barbara, Connansknowe, Kirkton, Dumfries, thors)] Address: Mendes, T.P., Graduate Program in Zoology – DG1 1SX, UK. E-mail: [email protected] PPGZOO, Univ Federal do Pará – UFPA e Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi – MPEG, Belém, Brasil 16891. Medina, M.N.D.; Cabras, A.A. (2018): Assessment of Odonata and Lepidoptera fauna of the University of Minda- 16893. Menon, V. (2018): Dynamical modelling for a drag- nao Matina, Davao City, Philippines. Univ. of Min. Intl. Mult. onfly Micro Aerial Vehicle. M.Sc. thesis, University of Toronto Disc. Res. Jour. 3(1): 6 pp. (in English) ["Under the umbrella Institute for Aerospace Studies: XI, 117 pp. (in English) ["Re- of the “Biodiversity assessment of the University of Minda- searchers are developing ever smaller aircraft called Micro nao (UM), Matina Campus” a rapid assessment of Odonata Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). The Space Robotics Group has and Lepidoptera fauna was conducted between October 2016 joined the eld by developing a dragon y-inspired MAV. This and November, 2017. Opportunistic sampling and photo-doc- thesis presents two contributions to this project. The rst is umentation was conducted in three sampling areas: grass- the development of a dynamical model of the internal MAV land, mini forest, and open landscapes near the college build- components to be used for tuning design parameters and ings. Nine species of Odonata were documented where the as a future plant model. This model is derived using the La- miniforest has the highest species richness and open land- grangian method and di ers from others because it accounts scapes near the buildings have the poorest. One Philippine for the internal dynamics of the system. The second contri- endemic Odonata species Ceriagrion lieftincki was found in- bution of this thesis is an estimation algorithm that can be habiting the fluvial systems near the grassland. At present, used to determine prototype performance and verify the dy- this endemic species is considered least concern with stable namical model from the rst part. Based on the Gauss-New- population in the wild. … The minimal number of Odonata and ton Batch Estimator, this algorithm uses a single camera Lepidoptera within the campus can be attributed to its se- and known points of interest on the wing to estimate the wing verely disturbed fluvial systems limiting the survival of en- kinematic angles. Unlike other single-camera methods, this demic species paving the way to more tolerant oriental spe- method is probabilistically based rather than being geomet- cies. The low species richness of Lepidoptera can be attributed ric." (Authors)] Address: not stated to the low diversity of angiosperms in the campus serving as their host and food plants. The present microhabitat within 16894. Mezquita-Aranburu, I. (2018): Catálogo provisional UM Matina campus is not suitable haven for endemics." (Au- de los odonatos (Insecta, Odonata) de la ZEC Txingudi-Bi- thors)] Address: Medina, M.N.D., Research and Publication dasoa (Gipuzkoa, País Vasco, España). Provisional Catalogue Center, Univ. of Mindanao, Davao City Philippines. E-mail: of Odonates in the Txingudi-Bidasoa Special Area of Con- [email protected] servation (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain). Munibe 66: 203- 217. (in Spanish, with English and Basque summary) ["The 16892. Mendes, T.P.; Luiza-Andrade, A.; Cabette, H.S.R.; present article sets out to compile a provisional catalogue of Juen, L. (2018): How does environmental variation affect the the odonates present in the Txingudi-Bidasoa SAC, which distribution of dragonfly larvae (Odonata) in the Amazon-Cer- belongs to the Natura 2000 network, based on data col-
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