Odonata De Puerto Rico

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Odonata De Puerto Rico Odonata de Puerto Rico Libellulidae Foto Especie Notas Brachymesia furcata http://america-dragonfly.net/ Brachymesia herbida http://america-dragonfly.net/ Crocothemis servilia http://kn-naturethai.blogspot.com/2011/01/crocothemis- servilia-servilia.html Dythemis rufinervis http://www.mangoverde.com/dragonflies/ picpages/pic160-85-2.html Erythemis plebeja http://america-dragonfly.net/ Erythemis vesiculosa http://america-dragonfly.net/ Erythrodiplax berenice http://america-dragonfly.net/ Erythrodiplax fervida http://america-dragonfly.net/ Erythrodiplax justiniana http://www.martinreid.com/Odonata%20website/ odonatePR12.html Erythrodiplax umbrata http://america-dragonfly.net/ Idiataphe cubensis Tórax metálico. http://bugguide.net/node/view/501418/bgpage Macrothemis celeno http://odonata.lifedesks.org/pages/15910 Miathyria marcella http://america-dragonfly.net/ Miathyria simplex http://america-dragonfly.net/ Micrathyria aequalis http://america-dragonfly.net/ Micrathyria didyma http://america-dragonfly.net/ Micrathyria dissocians http://america-dragonfly.net/ Micrathyria hageni http://america-dragonfly.net/ Orthemis macrostigma http://america-dragonfly.net/ Pantala flavescens http://america-dragonfly.net/ Pantala hymenaea http://america-dragonfly.net/ Perithemis domitia http://america-dragonfly.net/ Scapanea frontalis http://www.catsclem.nl/dieren/insectenm.htm Paulson Tauriphila australis http://www.wildphoto.nl/peru/libellulidae2.html Tholymis citrina http://america-dragonfly.net/ Tramea abdominalis http://america-dragonfly.net/ Tramea binotata http://america-dragonfly.net/ Tramea calverti http://america-dragonfly.net/ Tramea insularis www.thehibbitts.net Tramea onusta http://america-dragonfly.net/ .
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