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“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” Friedrich Nietzsche

1 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Contents Elysium 34 Gondwana 60 What Is This Book? 4 Elang Laut 35 Anteater, Giant 61 Adversaries 5 Ngendi 36 Basilisk 61 Attributes 5 Ngurai 37 Bennu Birds 62 Skill Ratings For Creatures 5 Pua Tu Tahi 37 Dan Ida Hwedo 62 Ability Levels During Combat 5 Tiki Toniwha 38 Egun Gun 63 Tinirau 38 Eloko 64 Tipua 39 Golems 65 ALBA and IBER 6 Uhinipili 39 Gorgosian Hag 66 Albish Ogre 7 Grootslang 67 Bánánach 8 ria Impundulu 68 Boggart 9 E 40 Binesi 41 Inkanyamba 68 Caorthannach 9 Kishi 69 Carraig Fuileachdach 10 Bishagishkah 42 Jeebay 43 Kongamato 69 The Dullahan 11 Ninki Nanka 70 Fearbeag 12 Manidoon 44 Mikinahk 45 Rompo 70 Phouka 12 Sasabonsam 71 Sluagh 13 Naaldlooshi 46 Uhkten 47 Silver Ants 71 Tapper 14 Termites, Giant 72 Wickerman 15 War Bison 48 Wihmbahg 48 Tikoloshe 72 Windigo 49 Umdhlebi 73 Anostos 16 Worm Wood 50 Winged White Ape 73 Ash Wraith 17 Conquering Worms 51 Bas’lok 17 Hesperia 74 Blydvine 18 uropa Chimera 75 Brass Horror 19 E 52 Adoniat 53 Cyclopes 76 Fomorian 20 Hydra 76 Huldufolk 21 Alkonost 54 Black Hound 54 Lamia 77 Mythsiger 22 Nymph 77 The Uln 23 Boar Rat 55 Boddenman 55 Satyr 78 CroidubhSample The Deathless, file Nightmare Stymphalian 79 Atlantis 24 Lord 56 Apata Ori 25 Isari 57 Jambu 80 Bronze Sentinels 26 Lavalu 57 Berbalang 81 Crypt Keepers 27 Longana 58 Diwata 82 Diomekses 27 Skell 58 Garuda 83 Griffon 28 War Pigs 59 Gyalpo 84 Juggernauts 28 Witchlight 59 Ky’Lin 85 Keenings 29 Rakshasa 87 Loving Dead 29 Ro Lang 88 Skull Spiders 30 Tampan 89 Southern Mountain Sloth 31 Yaka 89 Tishtrya 31 Troll, Hill 32 Ubuze 33 Lemuria 90 Antaboga 91 92 Hekili’kane 92 93 93 94 Lintah 94 Pesugihan 95 Telaga Bersembunyi 95 2 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica MU 96 Demons of Ba’al Common Foes 144 Bunyip 97 128 Common Foes 145 Julana 98 The Great Corrupter 129 Quick Adversaries 145 Muldjewangk 99 Demon Abilities 130 Mooks 145 Nakahi 100 Henchman 145 The Sons Of Ba’al 130 Ngahrara Timo 101 Bodyguard 145 Twisted Tongues And Soul Names 130 Papinjuwari Thardid 101 Animated Skeleton 146 Possession 130 Peraka-I 102 Eaters Of The Dead 146 Soul Hunger 131 Tiddalik 103 Sample demon 132 Elementals 147 Wambeen 103 Elemental Special Abilities- 147 Ba’al Shathar A.K.A. Baaluku The Black 132 Mummified Corpse 153 North Sea 104 Demon Boar 133 Wyvern 153 Bjerigber 105 Possessed Plague Victim 133 Bysar 105 Adversary Creation Draug 106 Ophidians of Mu Draug Crab 107 154 Giants 108 134 Step One 154 Grindahls 109 The Serpent Lords 135 Basic Adversaries 154 Haldja 110 The Ahl-At-Rab 135 Step Two 155 Huldra 110 The Makara 136 Scale 155 Lindorm 111 The Naga 137 Step Three 155 Nakki 111 The Great Dragons 140 Attack Form And Protection 155 Old Mother 112 Echidna 140 Step Four 156 Raven Wolves 113 Piasa 141 Abilities 156 Sfuath 113 Mogot'Rai, Lurker In Shadows 142 Weakness 160 Sjarv 114 Nihoddgr 143 Example Monster Creation 161 Troll, Cave 115 Threat Level Explained 162 Mundane Animals 164 Threat Level Average by Area 166 Oceans and Seas 116 Adversary Worksheet 167 Eronka’Iseju 117 Itilosi 118 Sample file Itsasoko Suge 119

Tamoanchan 120 Bakotahl 121 Cohuatl 121 Coxua 122 Encerrados 122 Hueetzilin 123 Moo-Ahn 123 Nak’aqs 124 Piranu 124 Urubutsin 125 Xolotl 126 Yurupari 127

3 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Welcome to ATLANTIS: Theragraphica. This is a supplement for the ATLANTIS: The Second Age role-playing game. Thank you for taking the time to have a look!

What Is This Book? This book details all the monsters, adversaries, and opponents a hero in ATLANTIS might face during his adventures.

Do I Need Any Other Books To Use This Book? This book is not a stand-alone product! You’ll need the ATLANTIS: The Second Age core book, a few friends, some dice and a lot of imagination.

How Do I Use This Book? The ATLANTIS: Theragraphica is a reference book made primarily for the Game Master (GM) of the game to use when deciding what creature, to oppose the players and their heroes with. The book also contains rules to help the GM create new and exciting opponents for the players. The existing creatures in the book are designed to promote the themes of the ATLANTIS: The Second Age by focusing on monsters with a bit more cultural flavor. The creatures on the following pages are not geared for generic play but are tailored to the lands from which they come.

Can I Use The Creatures In The Book In Other Existing Role-Playing Games? “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. With a little work you can cram these creatures into any fantasy game. I’m personally biased and suggest using the ATLANTIS: The Second Age RPG but who am I to judge? Thank you and enjoy the book!

Sample file

4 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Adversaries The Antediluvian world is filled with harrowing entities, the enemies of all mortals. They wait in the shadows, plotting. They rule the unexplored reaches. To them, all are prey. Other beings, less extraordinary, but just as sinister, lurk on every city street, in backwater villages, and even in the temples. A Hero must be forever on guard while adventuring in the known world. The NPC creatures, criminals, and challenges that follow are formatted in such a way as to give only their pertinent skills and abilities; it is not intended to be a comprehensive list of every skill and advantage each NPC may have. Game Masters are encouraged to create other abilities and skills, to customize them, and tailor them for their NPCs, to make the game a unique experience.

Attributes Adversaries aren’t built like players characters. This is done for speed and simplicity. The stat block for an Adversary is abbreviated, and in some cases changed completely. The Attributes listed are for the most common type of Adversary encountered and should be modified for more or less powerful opponents. Some Attributes are unique to Adversaries and are listed below: Ability Level (AL): The Ability Level of the Adversary. Hit Points (HP): The amount of damage the Adversary can take before it’s dead. Hero Points (HrP): The number of Hero Points the Adversary possesses. The number of Hero Points an Adversary can use is restricted by the amount of Renown it has, just like a player character. Scale (Scl): The Scale and Size of the Adversary. Renown (Ren): The amount of Renown the Adversary has. Threat Level (TL): The Threat Level of the Adversary; used to make more or less potent opponents.

Skill Ratings For Creatures In Atlantis, creatures use a simplified system for determining the extent of their abilities. In place of the assortment of skills that PCs and NPCs possess, creatures are rated according to the overall Ability Level, which is used as a modifier for almost every situation. Additionally, Constitution Ratings have already been added to Hit Point totals, and Strength Ratings have been factored into Damage Ratings. Creatures do not have Combat Ratings or Magic Ratings, since all fighting or magic abilities are based on Ability Level. Sample file

Ability Levels During Combat In combat, the Ability Level of the creature/Adversary is broken down to help manage its effectiveness. Some creatures are very effective but easy to hit while some beast are very nimble but Do I need all the not very good at offensive actions. To represent this, Ability Level is broken into two Attributes for creatures’ Attributes? each Adversary. No. The Attributes are there just to be thorough for a “just in Attack Level (Atk) - used to perform attacks during combat case” moment. You only really Defense Level (Def) - used as the DoD when being attacked. need to know the Ability Level, damage, armor and special To determine the Ability Levels for both Atk and Def, the GM uses the Ability Level for one abilities of a creature. Most of the of the abilities and half of the Ability Level for the other. This will give the Adversary either a high time, the actual Attributes won’t Attack Level or a high Defense Level, but not both. When the creature is chosen the GM decides be used, but in some cases it’s good to know what the creature’s which score is which and it stays fixed. PER is, or exactly how strong a Example: a Dire Lion with an Ability Level of 16 can have an Atk 16 and a Def 8 or an creature is. Atk 8 and a Def 16. The short of it is, it’s there if The Expert ability can be purchased to increase either Ability Level. you need it.

5 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica ALBA and IBER

he Sluagh are more Tthan mere soul- scavengers; they are the personification of spirits so evil, their sins so dark, that no afterlife would Sample file have them.. They are doomed to drift through the skies for all eternity, eating nothing but the suffering and pain of others. One sluagh king grew weary of this diet of tears, and instead chose to feast on the joy of the living. His host roamed the land, seeking sounds of merryment. When they found unprotected revellers, the host descended upon them and carried them into the sky, danced a mad dance, then hurled them back to the earth; to their deaths. This is why the people of Iber and Alba refuse to make merry outside after dark. 6 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Albish Ogre Hulking, grey-skinned brutes that tower over fully-grown oak trees, Alba’s Ogres are cunning creatures that use their size to bully anything smaller than them. Alba’s Ogres are foul tempered and lazy beyond belief. These creatures emit a foul miasma that drives away animals and kills plant life. Luckily, there are probably less than two dozen Ogres in all of Alba; gender is evenly divided between males and females. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON -3 +0 +0 -4 +12 +0 +9 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +1 145 20 +2 135 3 16-20 Attack / Damage Tree Trunk DR 12 + STR (24) Aura of Fear, Immunity (Mind Control), Miasma (Sight), Speak Abilities Like a Man Armor Pelt PR 2 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Ranged Attack (Fire Breathing), Multiple Heads, Swallow, Trample.

If the Albish Ogres have one weakness it is that they are bone idle; they typically enslave those they capture rather than eating them. More than one hapless mortal has managed to stay alive Sample file by offering the Ogre a service of one kind or another. These slaves soon sicken and die as the creature’s stench spoils most food and drink. Thalmia, Triton Sorceress

7 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Bánánach Bánánach are achingly beautiful female spirits that haunt battlefields and other sites of great loss of life. Though most common in Iber and Alba, they can be found throughout the world. The spirits are not undead creatures but instead some form of genius loci; a manifestation of the despair of the dying. Bánánach protect the dead from those who would plunder their graves and corpses. A Bánánach can rarely be reasoned with and can use its magic to animate the corpses of the dead to enforce their will. A Bánánach may exchange items from its domain in exchange for services such as returning a locket belonging to a fallen soldier to his lover or recovering objects stolen from the dead. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +4 +2 +4 +1 +0 +2 +2 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +5 45 20 0 75 3 18 Attack / Damage Fists DR 2 + STR Enhanced Perception (Sight), Intangibility, Speak Like a Man, Spell Abilities Ability (Sorcery) Armor Semi-corporeal PR 8 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Aura of Fear, Expert, Swift, Terrain Immunity (Battlefield)

We faced one of these things on the southern coast of Elassippea Sample file and though we thought her a spectral Atlantean ghost at the time, my studies later confirmed that it was in fact a Bánánach. I returned to that same shore and left funeral offerings befitting a prince. I doubt it will soothe whatever rage still flows under those waves that cap the lost Atlantean kingdom, but perhaps it will buy the farmsteads nearby some measure of peace. Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar

8 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Boggart Boggarts are powerful hair-covered humanoids, with yellow eyes the size of saucers, long pointed ears, and arms that hang down to just above their ankles. Boggarts are typically violent and territorial, staking claim to a small area surrounding their lair. Boggarts are most common in Alba but can be found throughout Europa, where they are known by other names like Bogeyman and Satyr. Boggarts demand tribute from those crossing their territory and react with extreme violence if not satisfied. The creatures have been known to protect mortals living in their domain, regarding them as favored pets. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +1 +3 +0 +5 +5 +5 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +1 75 20 0 78 3 16 Attack / Damage Claws and Teeth DR 4 + STR Abilities Camouflage, Grappling, Rending, Sundering Armor Heavy Hide PR 4 Weakness Allergy (Honey) Suggested Extra Abilities Howl, Poison, Tunneling, Wall Crawling

Caorthannach Caorthannach are humanoid creatures born of poison and flame. They are dark-skinned, heavily muscled monsters that appear as a mix between a man and a hairless hound. Caorthannach move about on all fours and can easily run down a man on horseback. The creatures dwell on Iber where While crossing the wild lands they poison wells, burn down villages, and cause mayhem wherever they go. Heroes regularly hunt of Haver we sheltered from a Caorthannach, with more than a few dying horribly in the attempt. No matter how many are killed storm in a ruined tower. This was more keep appearing, however; the origin of the beasts is a mystery to all. our first mistake; every fool in INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON Alba knows that Boggarts love -2 +2 +1 +0 +8 +4 +5 to dwell in the ruins of man. The SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL Boggart announced itself in a strange tongue, which none of us +2 75 20 0 Sample60 3 file 18 spoke. When we didn’t respond, Attack / Damage Nails DR 2 + STR the creature tore apart two of Abilities Poison (Bite), Ranged Attack (Fire Breath), Spit Venom, Swift our friends and gutted our pack horse. It batted aside spells and Armor Thick Skin PR 2 bronze with equal ease, rending Weakness Allergy (Salt Water) and tearing as it went. We fled Suggested Extra Abilities into the stormy night, the thing in hot persuit. All I can remember Armored Hide, Regeneration, Sunder of that night are the distant screams of my friends and the huge yellow eyes that hunted me until the dawn finally broke. Thalmia, Triton Sorceress

9 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Carraig Fuileachdach Carraig Fuileachdach are slabs of rock, usually altars, which have been the site of sacrifice for generations. Absorbing the suffering, anger, and feelings of powerlessness generated by the rituals, the stone becomes a sentient being with a hunger for blood and power. These stones are subtle and work through human cultists, often masquerading as deities. Their sole purpose is to gain more power and sacrifices. Being sessile, Carraig Fuileachdach rely on their cults, but are far from vulnerable; they each possess mighty magic power and can draw on centuries of stored energy to fuel their spells. There are less than ten stones in all of Europa (mostly in Iber) but a few more exist scattered throughout the world in places where blood sacrifice is or was common. While we traveled in Iber, INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON we heard of a cult of blood +10 +5 +10 +5 -5 -5 +10 worshippers that resided in the hills near to where we were SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL camped. When they descended -5 240 50 0 121 5 31 on us in the night, we beat them Attack / Damage None back, though one of our guides was taken. We never saw him Armored Hide, Aura of Fear, Beguile, Damaging Aura (animates Abilities again alive, but we found his stones and throws them), Drains Life-force, Speak Like a Man, Spell corpse. It wasn’t until months Ability (Dark Arts) later that we learned that the cult Armor Armored Hide PR 13 itself was in the thrall of one of Weakness Achilles Heel (Salt) these accursed monoliths. For all Suggested Extra Abilities the good that knowledge does me now, I am not sure what else Miasma we could have done. Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar

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10 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica The Dullahan A Dullahan is the fierce undead spirit of a black horse, complete with scarred flanks and flaming black boned hoves that spark flame when they strike the earth. The Dullahan stalks lone travelers, decapitates them, and then reanimates their corpses as riders. The creature requires fresh riders constantly as the animation magic only lasts for three nights. During the three nights the Dullahan seek only to cause terror and misery. The Dullahan’s lair is typically strewn with dozens of corpses belonging to former riders. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON -1 +1 +0 -3 +4 +2 +4 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +3 27 10 0 54 1 15 Attack / Damage Hooves DR 4 + STR Abilities Expert, Knock-Down, Sweep Attack, Swift, Undead Armor Unnatural Hide PR 8 Weakness Ward (Gold) Suggested Extra Abilities Armored Hide, Aura of Fear, Flight, Howl

The Dullahan Rider The rider is nothing more than a drone controlled by the Dulahan and can never move further than 10 meters from its master. While animated the rider fights at the Ability Level of its master and has the Hit Points and equipment it possessed in life.

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11 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Fearbeag This strange creature consists of dozens of 6-inch tall men who cling onto each other to form a single gestalt man of about 2m in height. The Fearbeag hides its strange body behind baggy clothes and a hood. The being’s voice sounds like a chorus of tiny children. The Fearbeag is a semi-spirit being that seeks the company of those who accept it, but eats those who don’t. It tries not to reveal itself to large groups of people. As long as one part of the Fearbeag’s body survives it can regenerate its lost brothers. The Fearbeag is often knowledgeable regarding all the hidden paths in the area it dwells and might be persuaded to give up this information in exchange for appropriate gifts. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +1 +3 +0 +0 +2 +1 +2 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +1 21 10 0 30 +1 +8 Attack / Punch and Bites DR 2 + STR Damage Abilities Grapple, Speak Like A Man Armor None Weakness Fear (Horses) Suggested Extra Abilities Enhanced Perception, Multiple Heads, Regeneration

Phouka Phouka are shapeshifting air elementals twisted and ruined by some forgotten tragedy. They spend most of their time invisible, only appearing in order to punish or reward those they see as wicked. Phouka have been known to aid those they see as “pure of heart”. They can befoul plants and animals so that they appear healthy but are actually deadly poisonous to eat. Phouka who make Sampletheir presence known file usually expect tribute. If they receive it they may grant some boon; if not, pain and suffering are sure to follow. Phouka have no natural form but may appear as a short human shaped apparition. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +5 +3 +5 +1 +1 +1 +2 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +2 45 20 0 60 3 16 Attack / Teeth-like Daggers DR 4 + STR Damage Camouflage, Shapechange, Speak Like a Abilities Man, Spell Ability ( Tradition) Armor Coarse Hide PR 2 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Drains Life-force, Howl, Poison

12 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Sluagh These short, slender humanoids have jet black skin, no discernable face, and a pair of bat-like wings sprouting from their backs. Sluagh feed off the energies given off by death and are often found hovering over graveyards or plague-ridden cities. Often mistaken for spirits, each Sluagh serves a king; a bloated version of themselves unable to fly and possessed of great knowledge and sorcerous powers. The Sluagh kings cannot survive on the meager offerings provided by graveyards and the like and so demand that their lesser kin seek out the dying so that the king can feed directly at the moment of death. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON -1 +0 -2 -2 +0 +5 +0 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +5 10 5 0 15 0 5 Attack / Damage Claws DR 2 + STR or by weapon Abilities Flight, Swift Armor Supernatural Skin PR 2 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Drag Down, Expert, Grapple

A Pictish warchief in Iber once told me that their nomadic tribes travelled great distances to lay their dead to rest in vast earthen mounds. He claimed that vast Sample file numbers of Sluagh slept under these mounds, awakening only when hunger drove them out. The Picts explained that when natural deaths weren’t enough, they sacrificed people to keep the Sluagh fed. It was around that point that I realized they’d poisoned my food. Thalmia, Triton Sorceress

13 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Tapper Tappers (or Nomen as they are called in Europa) are spirits of stone who merge so completely with their chosen element that there is no way of telling where a Tapper ends and the rock begins. Tappers dwell in the deep places of the Earth and rarely venture forth from their mines. These creatures are fond of mortals, sometimes warning them of rockfalls or cave ins by tapping the stone, hence their name. A few Tappers are not so happy with “skydwellers” and go out of their way to hurt them. A mine haunted by a violent Tapper is a dangerous thing indeed. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +1 +3 +1 +2 +0 +0 +3 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +0 24 10 0 45 1 8 Attack / Damage Rocky Shards DR 4 + STR Camouflage, Shapeshift (Stone shapes only), Tunneling, Wall Abilities Crawling Armor Stoney Hide DR 8 Weakness Allergy (Honey) Suggested Extra Abilities Armored Hide, Speak Like a Man, Spell Ability (Witchcraft), Tough

Sample file

14 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Wickerman A wickerman is an 8 meter tall man shaped statue made of intertwined wood and cord. The wickerman is hollow and usually filled with pitch covered criminals and those deserving of execution for some crime. The entire wickeman is stuffed with other votives to be sacrificed and then set aflame by the druidic priest of Alba to honor their gods. In most cases the wickerman simply burst into flames and burns to the ground with all inside but sometimes errant elementals spirits of earth and fire are drawn to the effigy. The combined rage of the souls inside and the elementals coalesce into a singular raging soul of fury and hate seeking retribution against any living souls unfortunate enough to cross its path. During times of wars unscrupulous druids have been known to build wickermen near the front line in hopes of creating the monstrosity. This has backfired more than once as the wickerman turns on the druids own people killing them as well. After running amok for seven days the wickerman will face the heavens and howl until its shakes itself apart leaving a heap of ash and charred remains. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +0 +2 +0 +5 +3 +7 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +0 85 15 +2 114 2 11-15 Sweeping tree like arms DR8+STR (13) treated as a Tail for sweep Att/Dam purposes Abilities Damaging Aura (Flaming Body), Knock Down, Trample Armor Bark and cord PR4 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Dire, Swallow, Tough

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15 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Anostos

hen they parted, Teach from the other, and Cokuhlayn went forth to look on the great sea. There he beheld a great assembly, weeping and lamenting. So the hero came to the place and asked them of their sorrow. They answered, “A tribute to the Formorians! The most Sample file beautiful children of our land!” Sorrow filled Cokuhlayn’s heart as he spoke a while with them. A ship appeared, bobbing on the sea’s furious waves.When the folk saw the ship, they all fled (save for Cokuhlayn and the children, tied to stakes in the shore). From the ship came a huge, dark and brutish warrior, laughing roughly. The big man came ashore towards them and stretched forth his long, sinewy, hideous arm to seize Cokuhlayn. Straightaway Cokuhlayn raised his right hand, bared his sword, and gave the warrior a blow, striking off his hand at the wrist. 16 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Ash Wraith Ash Wraiths are the vengeful nature spirits driven mad by the corruption of Anostos and the destruction of their forest home by the Fomorians. Although not an undead creature, but often confused with one, Ash Wraiths roam the desolation that rings Anostos, attacking anyone who crosses their path. The spirits are intelligent and if someone withstands their initial assault they can be reasoned with. Transporting a spirit off Anostos might assuage its rage. Ash Wraiths appear as whirlwinds of ash and embers making them difficult to spot in their chosen terrain. Lone spirits are rare and they usually travel in small groups. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +2 +2 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +1 10 5 0 15 0 5 Attack / Damage Claws of Burning Embers DR 4 + STR + Damaging Aura Abilities Damaging Aura (Burning Ash and Embers), Intangibility Armor Semi-corporeal PR 2 Weakness Allergy (Water) Suggested Extra Abilities Camouflage, Ranged Attack, Speak Like a Man


Bas’lok are monkey-like beings that drink the sap of Bloodwood trees. These lemur-like creatures These creatures are the are only a foot or so in length and covered in soft fur. Bas’lok have tiny air bladders beneath their forgotten menance of the skin which they can inflate with gasses that allow them to make massive leaps or simply to intimidate Blydwueld. If not for the Uln’s enemies. The creatures travel in family units, draining the sap from a tree over the course of a week predations they might overrun or two before moving to the next. Bas’lok blood is deadly poisonous to the insect life found in the the entire region. Occasionally Blydwueld, making them the only native mammalian life found there. Bas’lok are fiercely territorial a particulary intelligent Bas’lok and have been known to descend en-masse on those that enter their territory. will gather hundreds of the INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON creatures together to form a -2 +1 +0 +0 +0 +5 +0 horde that rampages through Sample file the Blydwueld until they finally SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL drown themselves in the waters +1 5 5 -1 15 0 5 of Lake Vannonde. Attack / Damage Sharp Teeth DR 4 + STR Thalmia, Triton Sorceress Abilities Grapple, Pack Animal, Terrain Immunity (Forest) Armor None Weakness Avarice (Bloodwood Sap Addiction) Suggested Extra Abilities Expert, Drag Down, Poison

17 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Blydvine This horrifying mix of plant and animal is the terror of the Blydwueld. The creature consists of a collection of 10 meter-long vines tipped with boney spines and attached to a central fleshy node. The node resembles a fleshy ball with an upper surface covered in foot-long spines. The Blydvine traps its prey in its vines, stabbing it to death with its boney spines, before impaling the creature’s head on top of its body and feeding on its brain fluid. The Blydvine gains some of the knowledge and memory of the creatures it kills; local tribes have found that eating the fleshy node can grant them some of this knowledge. The Blydvine can drag itself slowly from place to place but usually acts as an ambush predator. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON I was once given a dozen +1 +1 +0 -3 +6 +3 +2 Blydvine nodes and asked to SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL prepare an elixir from a formula +0 21 10 0 39 1 9 scratched upon the bark of some pale tree. The concoction took Attack / Damage Dagger-like Spines DR 4 + STR me three days to get right, cost Abilities Camouflage, Grapple me the hair on my right arm, and Armor Thick Flesh PR 2 made my fur smell like vomit for days. However, when it was Weakness None done, I was paid with three Suggested Extra Abilities ancient tomes of alchemical lore. Entangle, Expert, Poison I am not entirely sure what the elixir’s purpose was, but given the other ingredients I suspect that it was meant to retrieve some memory of the past. Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar

Sample file

18 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica

Not every Brass Horror hides a demon. I’ve heard a tale that sometimes, when the creature is slain a mortal of extraordinary purity arises from the brass shell. These beings are child-like, pure souls that no nothing of the evil that plagues the lands of the Second Age. I can only guess at their origin but perhaps they are the souls of beings who had the misfortune to cut a deal with Ba’al and his ilk. Thalmia, Triton Sorceress

Brass Horror These tortured and twisted creatures are the embodiment of rage and pain. Physically, Brass Horrors appear roughly humanoid in shape and are covered in molten brass. The creatures’ howls of agony can be heard for miles around as they charge through the Blydwueld and beyond. New horrors emerge from Vannonde Lake with frightening regularity. The creatures are suicidal in their attacks on others, caring not if they live or die, and if not for the great mountains that surround the Blydwueld and the predations of the Uln they might haveSample overrun all of Anostos.file When slain, the molten brass surrounding the horror solidifies, and if broken open, a demon emerges (see Demons). INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON -2 +0 -2 -2 +7 +3 +6 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +5 50 15 0 63 2 12 Attack / Damage Slam DR 4 + STR Abilities Immunity (Heat and Fire), Knock-Down, Regeneration Armor Molten Brass PR 4 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Howl, Ranged Attack (Molten Brass), Tough

19 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica

My cousin Kiarti claims that she was freed from Fomorian captivity by the Huldufolk. Kiarti says they took her to their kingdom where the Huldufolk tended the roots of Bloodwood trees cut down by the Fomorians, coaxing them back to life. She claims that the Huldufolk bled her for weeks, draining her to feed the Bloodwood roots, until she was able to escape when the roof of her prison caved in. The truth of her tale is hard to divine since her mind was lost to the tortures she endured at the hands of the grey giants. Thalmia, Triton Sorceress

Fomorian Formorians are depraved giants who dominate the poison Sample islefile of Anostos. Over 3 meters tall with slate-grey skin and greasy black hair Formorians are an impressive, if disgusting, sight. Fomorians are selfish creatures with a cruel streak and a love of conflict; they kill without hesitation, enslave other beings, and send raiding parties across the world. Looking at their brutish faces it is easy to assume that Formorians are stupid, but they are possessed of cunning minds which they turn to all manner of evil. Formorian magicians tend to be masters of the Dark Arts though a few follow the Witchcraft or Shamanic traditions.

INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +0 +0 -2 +10 +3 +5 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +0 55 15 +1 75 2 11-15 Fist-like Mallets DR 4 + STR (14) Bloodwood Spear DR 8 + STR Attack / Damage (18) Abilities Knock-Down, Speak Like a Man, Sweep Attack Armor None or Light Armor PR 2 Weakness None Suggested Extra Abilities Expert, Spell Ability (Dark Arts), Stunning, Sundering

20 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Huldufolk The Taquii Mountains are dotted with tiny mounds of stone and earth no bigger than a sheep. These mysterious humps are gateways to the hidden underground kingdom of the Huldufolk, strange beings hidden from mortals by unspeakably powerful and ancient magic. The Huldufolk spend only a little time on the surface of Anostos, appearing occasionally to rescue a lost traveler or to free slaves from the Fomorians. Huldufolk appear as one meter-tall humanoids, with hands that point the opposite direction to a human’s, and wizened faces that lack noses. These strange creatures are natural magicians and while they like most mortals they have a taste for Andaman flesh. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +3 +0 +2 +1 -1 +0 +0 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +0 10 5 0 15 0 10 Attack / Damage By Weapon Abilities Expert, Speak Like a Man, Spell Ability Armor By Armor Worn (Generally Light Armor PR 2) Weakness Avarice (Andaman Flesh) Suggested Extra Abilities Swift, Terrain Immunity (Mountains)

Sample file

21 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Mythsiger The steaming forest of Blydwueld is home to all manner of dangerous giant insects but the most dangerous and yet highly sought after are the Mythsiger. These human-sized insects have patterns on their wings that, when they wrap themselves in their wings, make them appear to be human, at least from a distance. Once it gets close to its prey the Mythsinger uncoils its four scythe-like arms to attack. The Mythsiger’s carapace is an alchemical wonder; when ground down and boiled it produces 200 units of Iosis powder. Alchemists regularly die while attempting to recover a mating pair of Mythsigers. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +0 +0 -2 +6 +3 +3 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +0 24 10 -1 54 1 9 Attack / Damage Scythe Arms DR 4 + STR Abilities Armor Piercing, Camouflage (See Description Below), Sweep Attack Armor Carapace PR 8 Weakness None Special Abilities Camouflage: Mythsigers can appear like hunched if they fold their wings over their body. Use camouflage as DoD for PER check to ascertain the Mythsiger for what it is.

Sample file

22 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica The Uln The Uln are a tribe of warped creatures mutated by the waters of Lake Vannonde. No two Uln look the same but all have features of the first four root races mashed together in the most unflattering arrangements. Poisonous bone spurs grow from their knees and elbows and their grey- green skin is marred by tumors and minor mutations. The Uln call themselves “the chosen of Ba’al” and hunt the Brass Horrors that emerge from Lake Vannonde, naming them traitors to the master. The tribesmen wield weapons and armor made from insect chitin, and some use dark magic. INT PER WIL CHA STR DEX CON +0 +1 -1 -1 +2 +1 +2 SPD HP HrP Scl Ren TL AL +1 10 5 0 24 0 9 Attack / Damage Bone Spurs DR 4 + STR, or by weapon Abilities Expert, Poison, Speak Like a Man Armor By Armor Worn (Generally Light Armor PR 2) Weakness Allergy (Salt) Suggested Extra Abilities Armor Piercing, Spell Ability (Dark Arts), Terrain Immunity (Forest)

Sample file

23 ATLANTIS: The Second Age Theragraphica Atlantis

scholar traveled A the world cataloging all the wondrous and terrifying beast of the world. After 49 years his travels finally brought him to the golden land of Atlantis where he met a lowly herder of goats. “Why are you here, what do you hope to find in my land of wonder?” asked the herder. “I have traveled two score and nine years and cataloged every beast that crawls, flies, swims, and walks. I search for the creature that cast the longest shadow and whose name burns the ears with terror any who hear it. I seek the things Sample file that all men fear.” explained the scholar. The herder nodded in thought for a somber moment and a smile crept across his face. With arms outstretch and head held high he exclaimed “Your search is at an end! You have found the beast that all else fears, its name is Atlantean! No beast that crawls, flies, swims, or walks is as terrifying as the lowest of my land. No beast cast a longer shadow, and no name ever uttered burns like the name Atlantean. Now away from here and tell the world the terrible truth you have found!”