Thompson Valley Community Newsletter PROPERTY STAFF December is the twelfth and final month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Sydney Dench Calendars. It is the seventh and last month Property Manager to have the length of 31 days. December got its name from the Latin Richard Hoffer word decem (meaning ten) because it was Maintenance Supervisor originally the tenth month of the year in From the Manager’s desk: Tis the season! the Roman calendar, which began in Mary Weber/Bradi Stains Remember to park 12in from the curb when its March. The winter days following December Housekeeping/Hallways snowing so we can plow with out damaging any were not included as part of any month. vehicles. If you have complaints, issues, questions Later, the months of January and February or comments don’t hesitate to stop by the office were created out of the monthless period or give me a call. Happy Holidays and stay safe! and added to the beginning of the calendar, Whats new on NETFLIX! ********************* [1] Dec. 1 but December retained its name. OFFICE PHONE #: 8 Mile 970-292-8737 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective In Ancient Rome, as one of the Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls four Agonalia, this day in honor of Sol All Hail King Julien: Season 5 Indiges was held on December 11, as OFFICE EMAIL: A StoryBots Christmas
[email protected] August Rush was Septimontium. Dies natalis (birthday) Chef & My Fridge: 2017 was held at the temple of Tellus on Dark: Season 1 December 13, Consualia was held on Diana: In Her Own Words December 15, Saturnalia was held ********************* Dreamcatcher DreamWorks Home: For the Holidays December 17–23, Opiconsivia was held on OFFICE HOURS: Easy: Season 2 December 19, Divalia was held on Exporting Raymond December 21, Larentalia was held on --OPEN-- Forbidden Games: The Justin Fashanu Story Full Metal Jacket December 23, and the dies natalis of Sol Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5pm Hitch Invictus was held on December 25.