Today ' 3 i' ^^^^ ^ 21,950 lafad. Lej» tod|bt In the 4k, 9M' Weratr, page 2.' DIAL SH 1-0010

VOL. '85 NO 224. IMIM* itltr. MoniStT thronm frliUr. B^oond oitu Pwttf* rvu °3' «'-'• •"* raid at KM Buk and at ASditiooU XUllnc OtOei. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Senate to Probe Race) Tracks' Expenses TRENTON (AP)-The ttate sen- Hillery, R-Merris and Wayne Du- bill and that was why he support- the committee membership and Sandman on what basis the com- ate has deckled to do tome of moot, It-Warren, sponsored a ed Stamler's. < warned jokingly that any commit- mittee members were chosen. tee member caught with white- its own Investigating into a $2.4 measure calling for a similar In- "What he meant by not enough He said no committee member million expense account submit- vestigation, but their resolution votes for my bill is that he wash on his fingers would be bounced from the committee. could be running for re-election ted by two race tracks lor operat- did not include Cowgili and was couldn't get six votes in the GOP and have a race track in his caucus.. .there were 10 Demo- He-named Dumont as chairman ing a special 30-day season last limited to a senate committee of county. year to provide money for shore five, crats ready to vote for it here," and appointed Sens. Hillery; Stam- relief. Gives Reason Cowgili said. ler; waiiam F. Kelly, D-Hud- The only senator who,is run- The senate, after a heated ex- Sandman said on the senate floor As soon as the vote was tak- son, and John A. LynchLh , D-MidDMid- nine for re-election this year with change of political charges, voted Monday that he couldn't get en, Senate President William E. dlesex. a race track in his county is Cow- Monday to double check the ex- enough votes to support Cowgili'i Ozzard, R-Somerset, announced After the session newsmen asked penses and the state racing com- mission's handling of the case. The racing commission, a non- salaried, bipartisan 4-man group expects to complete its Investiga- tion in a month. The-expense claims, submitted by the tracks, would eat up all Telstar Satellite but $80,000 of the tracks' betting takeout during a special racing season last year to rehabilitate the storm damaged shore area. The Final Say The racing commission has final say on what expenses the Rocket Launched tracks will be allowed for stay- television, news, picture and tele- prepared a four-minute tape forceiver and transmitter. Its voice ing open the extra 30 days. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.(AP) transmission to U.S. stations. inally died last Feb. 21. Senate Majority Leader Charles —A three-stage Delta rocket blast- phone service to every corner of the globe. W. Sandman Jr., R-Cape May, and ed off today in an effort to send There was no immediate plan Instruments in the sphere Sen. Joseph W. Cowgili, D-Cam- second Telstar satellite into or- The new space "switchboard" to feed the exchange to commer- traced the trouble to radiation den, exchanged heated words, both bit as another step toward a included design changes aimed at cial television networks. effects on transistors in one or of their voices quivering avoiding the severe radiation both of the command decoders. with worldwide space communications Project officials hope Telstar 2 emotion, before the senate majori- damage which eventually killed The damage was done when high- system. will be working well and in po- SENSELESS DESTRUCTION — Rumson Patrolman John Keany examines one of the ty approved a GOP investigation the first Telstar. Its planned deep- energy radiation from the Van The 90-foot rocket blazed sky- sition next week to relay to Eu- instead of one proposed by Cow- est penetration into space was Allen belt penetrated the enclos- six saplings on Narumson Ave., near the • Forrestdale School, destroyed by three ward at 6:38 a.m. with, the 175- rope the scheduled launching of gill. nearly twice that of the first Tel- ure of a transistor' and ionized youngsters. The trees were planted by the borough last a cost of $20 each, astronaut Gordon Cooper Jr. on pound Telstar 2 cradled in Its star's 3,5431-mile apogee. This gases and other substances. Cowgili charged the 11-man GOP his intended 34-hour orbital flight Police Chief William H. Zerr said. A larger maple tree on Washington St. was nose. The satellite was aimed at would make possible longer trans- majority with a Republican white- a wide looping orbit ranging from from Cape Canaveral. To prevent this happening on partly sawed through, and then cracked off, the chief said. The three were among mission times between the United wash of the racing commission. 575 to 8,559 miles above the earth! Telstar 2, transistor enclosures in States and western Europe and Telstar 1 soared- into orbit last one of the command decodes 12 juveniles apprehended here Saturday. Most of the boys, who range in age from The measure passed 11-0, all 10 Project officials announced Democrats abstaining. next year would open the way for July 10 and became an overnight have been pumped free of air shortly after launch that the sec- 15 to 16, are borough residents. All were released to their parents to await action exchange of television signals be- sensation. Within hours after and other gases and sealed in a "The racing interests of this ond stage had ignited successfu- ef juvenile authorities. Other photo, page 2. state have long tentacles which tween the United States and Ja- launching it relayed the first vacuum. reach into places they shouldn't. pan. trans-Atlantic television program Also, the higher orbit planned . .They won't get away with this Four Hours Tests Tonight from America to Europe. for Telstar 2 will reduce the whitewash," Cowgili said, Officials said the satellite would initial transatlantic tests with In the months that followed, it amount of radiation exposure be- of a Republican whitewash for a require nearly four hours to make xeVtar 2 were scheduled tonight successfully proved the feasibil- cause the satellite will spend less iVssemblyTaxPackageFaces wash accusation on the senate one trip around the glebe and that ity of communicating via space, time in the most intense region about 13 hours after launching floor, saying he had "never heard successful orbit probably could more than 400 demonstrations of the Van Allen belt. Democratic racing commission, when the bejewded sphere was not be confirmed until the first to start its fourth orbit. covered every aspect of trans- AT&T officials believe a net- and a Democratic program" pass was completed. mission. Hits Accusation A ground station at Andover, work of 40 to 60 medium-altitude Cut by Senate Republicans Telstar 2, like its enormously Maine, planned to beam a four- The satellite worked perfectly Telstar-type satellites would be "I know of no Republican group successful predecessor, Telstar 1, minute video tape to the satellite for four months, then suddenly the most effective system for TRENTON (AP)-A tax pack- He said the proposed tax would company_;,, charging that it conduct- that is trying to cover up Demo- was built as an experimental ve- for immediate relay to ground began ailing. Its command cir- global communications because age to raise $34.7 million to bal- cost the Atlantic City Electric ed a "scare campaign" to get leg- Sandman challenged the white- hicle to seek the. best means of stations in Britain and France cuit refused to take orders to the nearness to earth would en- cratic shortcomings," Sandman ance the state budget was ready Co. $1 million a year and would islators to turn down the surtax. using satellites to transmit radio. The European stations, b turn, turn on its communications re- sure dependable contact. for unwrapping by the New Jer- result in increases rates on con- Sandman said several senators added. •ey Senate today amid hollering sumers within two years. also object to raising the tax on Senate Minority Leader Antho- •bout too many strings. His reference to Atlantic City hard liquor from $1.50 a gallon ny J. Grossi, D-Passaic, remind- It took the Democratic-controlled Electric was in direct contrast to to $2.25 a gallon, as approved by ed Sandman that the racing com- Assembly less than an hour to ap- statements in the Assembly. 'Sev- the Assembly. mission was bipartisan, with two Zoning Is Changed Despite Protests prove a six-bill revenue raising eral south Jersey lawmakers lev- The GOP leader said he favors Democrats and two Republicans package Monday. But some snarls eled sharp criticism against the (See. ASSEMBLY. Page 3) as members. RED BANK — After a long three paying guests is listed as an ganization offices and the studios ing in any setback area, although are certain from here to Friday Cowgili said he wanted to set public, hearing, marked by pro- accessory use. of artists, musicians, teachers, it was painted out that if a prop- wtien the Republican-controlled the record straight on what was tests, criticism and questions, In addition, P-l zoning permits etc. erty owner had the required set- Senate brings out.Its scissors: happening. He said that a week Borough Council last night adopt- other uses upon the issuance of a The ordinance also establishes back and space to spare, he could Senate Majority Leader Charles Birmingham Jails ago he had the agreement of ed an ordinance creating a pro- special permit which requires setbacks, off-street parking re- use the remainder for parking. W. Sandman Jr., R-Cape May, Sandman and Sens. Nelson F. fessional office zone In the area Planning Board, Board of Adjust- quirements and building sizes. Council also reduced the maxi- predicted there'll be some definite Stamler, R-Union, and Donal C. south of the business district. ment and Borough Council action. Amended Twice mum building height from eight changes made. Fox, D-Essex, to co-sponsor hi Councilman Harry Malchow Included in that category are Council amended the measure to three stories. Filled With Negroes bill, calling for a six man investi- cast dissenting votes as the meas- church facilities, home and twice before adopting it, but in Mrs. Laura L. Rudolph, a mem- To Be Effected gating committee from the as ure passed its second and third branch offices, travel agencies, so doing apparently did not make ber of the Planning Board and a 1 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)-Bir- The patkage passed by the low- 'When the sun goes down to- sembly and senate. readings. -•* advertising agencies, research it any more palatable to the ob- resident of the new zone, voted mingham's jails are jammed with er house would tap public utilities, day, there'll be so many Negroes The P-l zone has been called and publication offices, banks (in- jectors. gainst a recommendation for ap- Negroes almost to the bursting Then "we had a meeting of thai hard liquor, horse racing, out-of- m jail that'the people of Birming- the first implementation of the cluding drive-in facilities), pub- On the recommendation of the proval when the measure was re- point today, and leaders of wonderful Republican caucus, be- State truckers and miscellaneous ham will hate to see a Negro," hind olosed doors as usual, then borough's master plan which, al- lic utility offices, funeral homes, Planning Board, a clause was in- viewed by the planners, saying a massive desegregation drive motor vehicle fees as sources of said another Negro leader, the out came this whitewash," Cow- though it is virtually completed, real estate offices, non-profit or- cluded which would prohibit park- (See ZONING, Page 3) pledged more demonstrations. budget-balancing revenue. The Rev. James Bevel of Cleveland, gill said. has not yet been adopted. state constitution requires a bal- "We will definitely have more Miss, StamJer and Sens. Thomas J, Broad St. Dilemma demonstrations starting about "We could have had 2,500 ar- anced budget. It is the most recent of a num- noon," said the Rev. Martin Lu- rested yesterday, but we gol While the Assembly was pass- ber of suggested solutions to a ther King Jr., president of the tired." Ing the tax bills, the Senate re- zoning dilemma on Broad St. NursingHomeApplication ceived a $544 million appropria- Southern Christian Leadership . Joins Demonstrations Two Guys Conference. Councilman Daniel J. O'Hern tions bill to spend the money In Gregory arrived by plane to. said the Planning Board had pre- King's comment followed the the year starting July 1. join the demonstrators and within Oppoi viously proposed high rise apart- arrest Monday of a police-esti- sition Sandman said the upper house three hours was arrested at the ment zoning and strip zoning expects to vote on the appropria- mated 1,000 marchers, including Again Gets Board's Study head of the first group of march- on Broad St., but had finally fa- Negro comedian Dick Gregory; tions and revenue raising meas- ers. Is Waning vored two- family, non-residence The vast majority of those arrest- EATONTOWN-A packed audi wise, and would "upgrade the be at an occupancy of 55 to 60 ures next Monday. The bills would The entertainer led the crowd ol MIDDLETOWN — Opposition professional zoning over a broad- ed for parading without, a permit ence last night heard the appli- area" in which it would be built. per cent He stated that most lo- then be sent to the Assembly teen-agers almost a block from a to location of a Two Guys from er area. Where emergency approval is al- were school children or other cation of Eaton Park Association Drainage, Traffic cal nursing homes are fully oc- Negro church before they were Harrison store here is apparently Much of last night's criticism , Inost certain on the appropriations teenagers. Many skipped classes —its second—to build a 100-bed Richard Noble of the Jersey cupied. halted by police officers. dying a slow death. stemmed from the fact that the bHl. But any amendments the to join in the campaign. nursing home at the Garden Engineering Co., Long Branch, Ira Katchen, Long Branch at- An official asked Gregory if he The Rt, 35 discount store was P-l ordinance affects a wider area Senate might make in the tax pro- State Parkway spur and Grant testified that the drainage prob- torney, as a property owner in' 2,400 Arrested had a parade permit. approved by the Planning Board than the part of Broad St. al- gram would have to be approved Ave. lem at the site could be solved the area and also, he said, at More than 2,400 have been ar- He answered no and the officer on April 8 by a 4-3 vote. ready partly developed by, pro- by the Assembly. Dr. Anthony J. Pisani, Rum- by the use of dry wells. the request of many area resi- rested since the massive demon- told him to turn around. Last night, however, James M. fessional people. Broad St. okay, son, testified before the Zoning A number of members of the dents, asked a number of ques- Both houses are hoping to ad- strations started Thursday. "No, we'll stay here," Gregory McGovern, Hamiltonian Dr., Mid- several residents said, but why journ for. the summer when the Board of Adjustment that he, Dr. audience expressed skepticism tions about the financial ability An additional 200-plus, including said. dletown, asked board members to the side streets? of the group to make the cash money measures obtain clearance Bernard Pisani of Englewood, about the possibility of a good King, were arrested in earlier The officer said such action vio- "reconsider" their action. The, P-l zone is bounded by Ugo Lorenzo of Eatontown, Dr solution to the site drainage prob- outlay needed to build the Measure's Provisions phases of the integration drive lated city law and also a state Chairman Frank F. Blaisdell, Hudson Ave. and its imaginary Edward C. Allegra of Rumson, lem, which they described as project. which began April 3. Police offi- court injunction. He turned and member since the board was i The tax package sent to the extension south to Pinckney Rd. Dr. Louis Mellaci of Rumson, severe. 'Will Meet Obligations' Senate provides: cials said at least 2,000 declined to said: "Dick Gregory says they first organized in 1954, said in and WikoW PI., a line west of Nicholas Scatuorchio of Eaton- Residents of the neighboring "My group is prepared to meet ->-a new 17.5 per cent state sur- post bond and remained in the will not disperse. Call the the past the board had been Maple Ave., Reckless PI. and town and Walter George of Long area to the site in question also the obligations," Dr. Pisani said. tax on public utilities to raise crowded jails and detention quar- wagon." asked to approve ..applications Harding Rd. Branch are stockholders of the said they feared serious traffic He stated that the land, valued f|8.5 million. ters. previously rejected but had never (See JAILS, Page 2) Permitted Uses corporation. complications from visitors to at $66,000, has already been pur- —A truck gasoline tax, to fall been asked to reject an applica- Basically it allows the use of the nursing home. tion previously approved. The application presented the chased except for a parcel con- on out-of-state trucking, raising $3 property in the zone by doctors, same proposal brought to the Dr. Pisani Testifies taining the Ugo Lorenzo house million. Township Committeeman )Ed- lawyers, architects, engineers, in- zoning board Oct. 1, which wa ward J. Roth made a motion to Dr. Pisani testified that esti- and vegetable stand, which is —A $9 million increase in tax- Committee Charged surance agents and accountants referred to the Planning Board, under purchase contract for $25,- put the question to Lawrence A. mated expenses for running the es on hard liquor. but, unlike its predecessor, it which passed on it without ob- establishment would be $331,160 000. The structures there would barton, Jr., township attorney, —A $2 million increase in rac- does not require them to live jection, but which was dropped ft year, exclusive of borough be demolished, he said. ing revenue. as a courtesy to Mr. Mc- on the premises. A residence for before being carried through to taxes. He said the average costs With DiscriminationGovern." The Zoning Board asked to A $2.2 million increase in mis- completion. to patients would be $88 a week. Although most members indi- hear further information on the cellaneous motor vehicle fees. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — St. Mr. Wood, who was mayor Witnesses Heard Thus the income of the nursing proposed drainage plan at its Sandman said the Senate will Clair Parris, member of the In- last year, said later he was re- cated they considered the case Child Injured home, he stated, would be $457,- closed, they agreed to ask Mr. At that time, the board asked special May 20 meeting. Harold Insist, on a three-year limitation dustrial Commission and a spe- ferring to his appointment of for assurances of financial abil- 000 a year at full occupancy, or Hardman, chairman, said the On any public utilities surtax. He cial policeman, last night Mr. Parris to the Industrial Com- Carton to explore the issue and In Car Crash $371,000 a year at 80 per cent determine "conditions under ity to build and maintain the matter would be studied, and no laid there are "almost no votes' charged the Township Commit- mission. MIDDLETOWN- Michaell Car- large building as a nursing home. occupancy. decision would be forthcoming for any surtax over 15 per cent. tee with "discrimination against Defends Zone Changes which a citizen can request such ier, 2, of 5 Holland Rd., was reconsideration." Last night, attorney Milton A. The physician said the break- until the June 3 meeting, at the colored people." Mr. Traphagen defended the treated at Riverview Hospital for Abramoff called as a witness even point of operation would earliest. He made his remarks at a zone changes in Cliffwood. Mayor Earl Moody joined his a cut lip after an auto accident J. Robert Ham of the Franklin Mayor Says regular meeting of the govern- He said: "One of the main fellow members in voting for the at Rt. 35 and Kings Hwy. yester- Capital Corp. of Newark, who ing body, before an audience of reasons for larger lot sizes in resolution but qualified his vote day. testified that his company would some 50 spectators. your (Cliffwood) area is the sep- by explaining he considered it The child was a passenger in recommend a mortgage of $280,- Borough Considers Junk Cars He charged discrimination in tic tank problem. There are a "not right morally" and "not a car driven by his mother, Mrs. 000 on the nursing home. He sai zoning and variance practices. number of sections In town where right legally" to deny the Two Frances Cartier, 33. Police said its value when completed would No Problem Referring to Levitt and Sons septic tanks will not function •uys application when the firm Mrs. Cartier's car crashed into be about $475,000. He said many Strathmore development, Mr. properly on small lots because had complied with all township the rear of another auto stopped large lending institutions such Buying Parking Lot LITTLE SILVER - This bor- Parris, a Negro, said: of the clay, and that was one requirements. for a traffic light on Kings Hwy. as insurance companies are fi- ough doesn't have a junk car Lot Sizes of the big reasons for making at the intersection. nancing nursing home construc- LITTLE SILVER — This bor-muters with no place to park problem. "You cut lot sizes for Levitt the lots larger." To Resurface Driver of the other car, Louis tion. ough is considering going into the their cars. And it doesn't intend to have and raise lot sizes for my people. There are no septic tanks In F. Veriezia, 36, of 18 Maple Ave., Harry Rowland, realtor and parking lot business. The railroad has been offering one, Mayor Charles W. Stephens You have done everything to the Strathmore development, Eatontown, was not injured. chairman of the borough's Board Borough Council last night said the lot to the borough for several declared last night. benefit Levitt and nothing for Birch Avenue years, Mr. Frederickson noted. which is servliqed by a sewer Mrs. Cartier was issued a care- of Assessors, testified that the t will consider the possibility of Thejborough will make every us. Why do We have to build plant and sewer system. LITTLE SILVER - The bor- Some years ago, a price of $10,- less driving summons by Patrol- proposed institution would be purchasing or renting the parking effort to locate the owners of on 100-foot lots while strangers Earlier in the meeting, the ough will participate on a co- man Robert Olsen. good for the municipality tax 000 was quoted for the lot, which 'abandoned vehicles and . have can build on smaller lots?" committee deferred action on a operative basis with Birch Ave. lot at the New York and Long accommodates approximately 120 them dispose of their property, Mayor John Marz, Jr., and 'use" variance application by property, owners in the resurfac- Branch Railroad station, Branch cars, he said. the mayor said. Committeemcn Daniel Downey Mrs. Ruth Yancy, Cliffwood Ave., ing of that street, Mayor Charles Ave. Council will meet in conference Most of the junk autos here and Gilbert II. Hiekman made W. Stephens said last night. with the board of freeholders Cliffwood, to operate a rcstau Today's Index The governing body agreed to are in gas stations, and the sta- no comments. Council met with 17 Birch Ave. Thursday night to discuss the rant at her home, discuss running the parking Jot tion owners " been very co- acquisition of a strip of land fiom Commltteemen Henry E. Trap- In line with a recently- property owners last Thursday to Page Page after Councilman Robert Freder- operative," Mayor Stephens said. the railroad for the widening of hagen and Norman E. Wood hotly. adopted policy for all "use" discuss improvement of the dirt Adam and Eve _, 11 Editorials ickson reported that the railroad A survey is under way now to Branch Ave. • denied that the governing body variance applications, the co'rn- road, the mayor reported. Allen-Scott '. „ I Herblock wanted to sell the land to a pri- determine exactly how... many had ever engaged in any form|mlttee agreed to mnkc no de- Birch Ave. is a dedicated Movie Timetable 14 The railroad Is asking $5,000 Amusements ...14 vate individual unless the bor- Junk cars there are here, Coun- of discrimination against any cision until after a public hear- street. It contains several busi- Obituaries ._, 2 for the strip, necessary for the cilman August E. Roemer, chair- Births : 2 ough takes an option to buy or Toup. Ing Is conducted. It will be held ness establishments, and the Sylvia Porter lease it. . widening of Branch Ave. from man of the police committee, Said Mr. Wood: "You know.May 20. businessmen have expressed in- Bridge y. „ ...11 Sports _ , III 6 its present 40 feet to the 60 feet 1 Mid last nlghf. • and I know that these charges Board Recommends terest In having the road put In John Chamberlain __ I Stock Market 18-19 The private buyer would use it required before traffic lights At most, Mr. Roemer said, are unfounded. You also know The Zoning Board of Adjust condition so the borough will ac- Classified .-. 29 Successful Investing 3 for commercial non-parking pur- can be installed «t Branch and there are about 10 car*) mo$i of that you were my first appoint- ment, after its own public hearing cept the street, Mayor Stephens Comics ; 21 Television S poses, Mr. Frederickson said, Sycamore Avej., Mr. Frederick* them parked on private property.ment.' (See COMMITTEE, Page 3) said. Crossword Puxile Jl Women's News 14 thus leaving many borough com- son laid. X 10-11 2-Tue*la>, May 7, 1963' * BED BANK REGISTER Weather New Jer»ey-Ma*fy *umj.;*. M ttvtt !ty pm Obituaries ttrf&w&s todiy, ttgfeett rtwglag from the mid-fltf to the low 70s. LYLE T. LEVERICH Fair and cool tonight, lowest in' Bandleader RED BANK - Lyle T. Lever- the 40s, except for tome readings ich, 39 South St., died early to- in the 30s with scattered Bght day in hisJhome. frost in the normally cooler in- Ted Weems Born in Brooklyn, he was the land places. Fair Wednesday with' son of the late A. A. and Maude little temperature change. E. Leverich. Marine Dies at 62 Mr. Leverich had been a resi- Cape May to Block Island- TULSA, OkJa. (AP) — Tedden! t here 25 years. He was re- Winds variable in direction at Weems, who started his musical, tire^. about 10 knots through Wednes-J career before he was tall enough Surviving are his wife, Mrs. day except mostly onshore at 10; to tee music on a stand and be- Elolse Leverich, and two tons, to 15 knots during the afternoon came one of the nation's top Lyle T. Leverich at home, and and evening hours. Visibility 5 bandleaders, died Monday night of jA. Lyle Leverich in California. miles or better except less than t lung ailment. The Fairchild Funeral Home, 1 mile in fog over extreme north J. "He was a great man, so loving Flushing, L. I., is in charge of portion this morning. Fair weath- and vital," said Marilyn Maxwell, arrangements. ' er. one of the stars who got her-start TIDES with Weems. "It is a big loss andj JOHN T. RIECHMAN Sandy Hook he will be missed by many." MIDDLETOWN — John' T. TODAY - High 8:15 p.m. and Perry Como, another former Riechman, 66, of 800 Middletown- low 2:07 p.m. Weems' singer_..„__, termed him "aLincroft Rd. died Monday at his TOMORROW - High 8:29 a.m. true gentleman." Other stars who' home. and 8:49 p.m. and low 2:37 a.m. got their start with Weems includ-J He was born In Brooklyn, son and 2:45 p.m. ed bandleader Jan Garber and of the late William and Mary For Red Bank and Rumson ISnooky Lanson. T. Riechman. bridge, add two hours; Sea They had kept in close touch. Mr. Riechman was a sales NOT CHILD'S PLAY—Rumson Police Lt. James K. Shea, Jr., examine* some of the Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long; since Weems entered a hospital engineer and for 35 years was Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- alcoholic beverages recovered from th* two juveniles who broke-ink) the Rumson connected ' lands bridge, add 40 minutes. March 14. ' Engineerin"'* g Co."", Philadelphia' *—'". " Hotel, Waterman Ave., April 27 and stole a quantity of wine, five esses of beer, His wife, Eleanor, stayed in CHICAGO (AP)—There were a Tulsa during his last illness. Their He was formerly chief marine few wet spots and it was cool and several bottles of champagne. The two, and 10 other boys to whom they had 38th wedding anniversary was engineer of Isthmian Lines and again in northern border areas been selling the loot, were apprehended by police here Saturday. The youngsters, Sunday, a funeral home spokes- was a member of the American but pleasant weather prevailed in all between the ages of 15 and 16, have been released to their parents to await man said. Society of Naval Architects and DEMONSTRATOR PRAYS—A Negro, kneeling with hun- most of the nation today. 1 Other survivors include his Marine Engineers, New York. action of juvenile authorities. ' Thundershowers hit areas in mother, Victoria Weems of Ham- A U.S. Navy veteran in World dreds of demonstrators, lays a fervent prayer near the War I, Mr. Riechman was a northern Georgia and the western ilton, Ohio; a son, Ted, Jr., Dal- graduate of Polytechnic Prepara- jail in Birmingham, Ala., following the racial march on Carolinas as well as in north- las, Tex., and a brother, Robert, tory School, Brooklyn, and the May 5. {AP Wirephoto] eastern North Dakota, southern Princeton Land Mines Cincinnati, Ohio. Texas and southwest Oregon. University of Michigan. He was Weems' son said funeral serv- Rainfall was light, less than one a member of the Plymouth ices would be in Bethesda, Md. inch, in a six-hour period during Church of the Pilgrims, Brook- Jails Students Riot Are Removed Weems, 62, had operated a the- Senate Okays the night. lyn. PRINCETON (AP) — Students SOUTH AMBOY (AP) — Fhatrica\ l agency in recent years] (Continued) Spotty fog conditions were re- Mr. Riechman Is survived by at Princeton University staged a teen land mines, part of the 467 with his son in Dallas, which also The Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, ported along coastal areas in his wife, Mrs. Flora Riechman, tons of ammunition that blew uplwas the band's headquarters. He one of King's top lieutenants,v,was Eyebank Bill southeast Virginia, northeast Mr. and Mrs. John Quarrie, 10 riot into the early hours this and a sister, Mrs. Adelaide Leon- asked if there were any plans to TRENTON (AP) — People may North Carolina, southwestern.Schenck Ave., Matawan, son, yes- morning during which they here May 19, 1950,' were removed had earlier bouts with emphyse- ard, Leonardo. from the shore of Raritan Baylma, a lung ailment which re- post bond for Gregory, will their eyes to eyebanks for Oregon and northwestern Califor* terday. stormed the grounds of the Gov. Services will be held Thurs- Sunday by a bomb disposal unit stricts the amount of oxygen Carry Placards use after death under a bill nia. Fog also shrouded inland Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scherer, day at 1:30 p.m. in the Adams Riohard J. Hughes mansion and available to the blood, and was ...... „ n, „ ipassed by the state Seriate yes- sections of northeast Oregon, 9 MacArthur Dr., Matawan, son, from Fort Monmouth. Memorial Home, Red Bank, with N S e alk r! the house of the University Pres- °'T.^ '"! iU fh '«day and sent to Gov. Richard southern and northeastern Texas, yesterday. The 1950 explosion killed 30 hospitalized m Dallas last Decem- Rev. Frederick McQuade of answered. "When I talked withi , ,,,,„,,-- T Hughes. central and northern Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Far- ident. stevedores working on four barges^1"1 Christ Episcopal Church, Middle- him, he said he planned to re- Hughes, who has said he wants and Alabama. well, 73 Manning St., River Plaza, The rioters ranged over the which were to carry their car-| town, officiating. Burial will be main in jail for the duration." MRS. SAMUEL KALISH to will his eyes, is expected to Early morning temperatures daughter, yesterday. campus and sections of the town goes to a Pakistan-bound freight- in Fair View Cemetery, Middle- Gregory had sought unsuccess- ASBURY PARK-Mrs. Silvia B. sign the bill, sponsored by As-ranged from 90 in Needles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Voorhees, for three hectic and destructive er waiting in the bay. Some 350, town. fully to be arrested recently in KaIlsh M dle semblyman Alfred N. Beadleston 'to'3o"*in"Manjuett'e,'Mich. Some ^ Jefferson St., Woodland They damaged homes and persons were injured and mi!-j ' . d yesterday in her voter registration demonstrations) nours ARTHUR EDWIN LEES R-Monmouth. other marks and conditions: New|TraiIer. «•• E<"°ntown, daughter, lions of dollars worth of proper- home. W7 sixth Ave' at Greenwood, Miss. property, including the station SEA BRIGHT—Arthur Edwin Beadleston said the present yesterday. ty was damaged. Born in Staten Island, N. Y., As the group led by Gregory York 51 partly cloudy, Chicago and train of a commuter rail Lees, 60, of 1001 Ocean Ave., law i giving of eyes Mr. and Mrs. John Kovic, 17 she was the daughter of the late was taken off, wave after 54 clear, Boston 47 partly cloudy, road shuttle. Hundreds of mines and fuses died Saturday in the Atlantic • cause it requires medical author- Light Ave., Keansburg, Michael and Fannie Block. other groups left the church on Washington 58 cloudy, Philadel- The number of riots ranged up have been removed Periodically, Survivj are her nusband Highlands Nursing Home, Mid- ities to get approval of the de- [daughter, this morning. 5 the edge of the business district. phia 51 clear, Atlanta 66 clear, to 1,000. as they have been washed ashore|Sanluel ,K aUsh. three brothers> dletown Township, where he had ceased person's next of kin beMiam- i 66 clear, Louisville 57 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colladay, during the last 13 years. Mosti Each marcher carried placards Police said 14 students were David B. Block of Long Branch, been a patient three weeks. fore transplanting the eyes. clear, Detroit 51 clear, St. Louis'^.Park Ave'. Shrewsbury, son, decrying segregation. They sang arrested and charged with being of them, including those found George Block of Levittown, Pa., Mr. Lees was the son of the The measure passed the Sen-57 clear, Minneapolis 59 cloudy, "thi" s morning"~. freedom songs as they walked •disorderly persons. They were re- yesterday, are dangerous. and Al Block of San Diego, Calif., late Frank and Trautwein ate 19-0. Other Assembly meas- Kansas City 64 clear, Denver 65 two by two. PATTERSON ARMY j leased in 25 bail each pending The mines were spotted by a and a sister, Mrs. Evelyn Hitman Lees. He had resided in Sea ures approved by the Senate and The groups were stopped by po- cloudy, Dallas 65 cloudy, Phoenix Fort Monmouth {appearance May 20 in Magistrate yardmaster working In the Penn- of Hammonton. Bright several years. sent to Hughes, listed by spon- lice officers, arrested, placed in 80 partly cloudy, Seattle 47 Pvt. and Mrs. Charles D. Court. sylvania Railroad yards near the The funeral was this morning Mr. Lees had been employed sor, include: school buses and hauled to jail. cloudy, San Francisco 56 cloudy,[Thorpe, «"south*BroadwayTLong shore. in the Freeman Funeral Home, as a chauffeur and, more re- Maraziti, R-Morris, and five A majority of those arrested The operation lasted about two Los Angeles 59 partly cloudy, I Branch, son, Friday. Freehold, with Rabbi Louis Tuch- cently, as a bartender in the [others—Establishes a 15-member '""''"r; * " "?*• . _„ oM were taken into custody in a scuf- hours. Anchorage 42 cloudy, Honolulu Secon- d Lt and Mrs Donald , , compressor, man, Freehold, officiating. Bur- Club Pink, Sea Bright. He had commission to study mobile f 71 rain. ial was in Workmen's Circle served in the Merchant Marines homes and trailer parks (19-0). Jury Pay Bill Senate Introduces Cemetery, Freehold Township. jin World Wars I and II. Hughes, Krueger, McGowan, There are no known surviving Record Money Bill all D-Union—Includes gas or va-Neptune Man 571 Pine Brook Rd., Eatontown.i"16 Path «* ODCOminS cars- near relatives. por guns under weapons law, Is Returned TRENTON (AP)—A record ap- son, Saturday. University proctors — security Private services were held this (17-0). ' Held in TV Theft TRENTON — Gov. Richard J. Woman propriations bill authorizing New Sp/4 and Mrs. Edmund A. guards—called it the worst riot morning in the Worden Funeral Bateman, R-Somerset, Tanz- ASBURY PARK—William Rich- Hughes yesterday returned a bill, Jersey to spend $543,809,131 m the Cakerowski, 1317 Seventh Ave.,in 10 years on the campus. Home with Rev. W. Gordon Low- man, D-Middlesex—Increases by ards, 22, of Neptune, will be ar-Neptune, son, Saturday. sponsored by the Monmouth den, pastor of the Red Bank next fiscal y,ear was introduced in County Assembly delegation, that Injured $200 per pupil the state aid to aigned this morning on a charge PFC and Mrs. Paul A. Barth, Methodist Church, officiating, the state senate Monday. Box Top Contests would have raised the pay of school districts taking children >f breaking and entering and lar- 14>4 Eighth Ave., Asbury Park, Cremations will be in Rosehill 1?>e bill represents 11 weeks of jury commissioners in Monmouth who live on state-owned property. ceny at the Firestone Store, 1000 son, Saturday. Would Be Okayed In Crash Crematory, Linden. hearings by a joint legislative ap-| Asbury Ave., last night. and Ocean Counties. Hughes sug-; Beadleston, R-Monmouth, and Sgt. and Mrs. John P. Jack- TRENTON (AP) — New Jersey LITTLE SILVER—Mrs. Martha propriations committee on Gov. gested that a new statewide scale MAJ. A. R. ATKINSON five others—Requires all printed He is charged with breaking a son, 141 Mitchell Dr., Eatontown, housewives would be able to par- Grote, 71, of 242 Jane St., Long Richard J. Hughes" 1963-64 budg- be adopted. ASBURY PARK — Funeral campaign material to bear the Mate glass window and stealing son, Saturday. ticipate hi national box top con- Branch, is reported in fair con- et. The new spending year startsi 1 name of the person paying for ita television set. The set was re- Sgt. and Mrs. Antonio J. Fon- tests under a bill introduced by The new scale would rang_ e .dition this morning at Riverview services will be held here July J. four members of the Assembly (18-0). »vered behind a bar on First, feca, 414 Pine Brook Rd., Eaton- from $$750 a year in the smallest Hospital, Red Bank, where she M . A . „ .... - n. , Monday. Ma Aimie A supplemental bill allocates Ave., and a trail of blood led po- town, daughter, Saturday. counties to $2,000'in the largest.'Was admitted with a possible| '- {*• Atkinson, 92 a $1,175,677 for expenses of previous FOURTH BIRTHDAY lice to Richards, who had taken Airman 2C and Mrs. Ronald The bill would also permit door Hughes said the scale he prospin- e fracture after an accident IPion.eer ia welfare work. years. - MIDDLETOWN — Bruce Lef- refuge in a home a block away, A. Croce, 264 First St., Keyport, prizes at dinners. Both have previ- posed has the approval of the on Seven Bridge Rd. near Rum-i ,, ...... Last year's appropriations bill M r s A kl son ker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert police said. ! daughter, Sunday. ously been heavily restricted due state Supreme Court. son Rd. at 5 p.m. yesterday. ; . f '. ' " *«* totaled $500 million. Lefker, Crestview Dr., cele- At Fitkin Hospital, 11 stitches Sp4 and Mrs. Nathaniel Thomp-' to state lottery laws. Police Chief James W. Fix said f«htJ1 th* .h?me °f ** . -.. Mr s Vl or Dim nd A tax package passed by thebrated his fourth birthday at a were taken to close a cut onson, Bldg. 1, Apt. 9, Crawford New Jersey and Nebraska are that the auto driven by Mrs.K. A - . « , ° «*. « assembly Monday would provide luncheon in his home April 27. Richards' arm. St., Shrews/bury Township, son, frequently excluded from national Three Fires Grote was stopped to make a left D""« Ave- Englewood, where \ $34.7 million to balance Hughes' attending were Debbie Lunin, Investigating officers were Sgt.! Sunday. I box top contests because of their OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Fire- turn into the driveway of the,seh, had .residid- budget and leave a 3 million sur- Peter Meltzer, Kenneth Meyer, oseph Reed and Patrolmen Wil-| PFC and Mrs. James W. strict laws. home of Dr. John Heffernan, 1 Born m Glasgow, Scotland, men here extinguished three min- Mrs. Atkinson tcok up her first plus. The revenue-raising program Judy Cronauer and Andy Sager, licuxliami DelloA>cuu,, Arnolnuiuiud Faulhaber< auiiiHvci,|rcliJ>, Perry, 122uw9 roauuijrAsbury Ave.rovc,, Asbury The bill would permit New Jer- Seven Bridge Rd., where her hus- or brush fires yesterday. Salvation ArArmmvy appointment in now faces senate action. iall of Middletown. Harry Bolger and John Porter. 'Park, daughter, Sunday. seyans to partake in contests if band is caretaker, when it was'"™™" u appointment in the contest does not add anything The first, at 12:22 p.m., was onstruck from behind bvy a truck 1896 whe" she °P«ned a shelter to the cost of the product. Deal Rd.; the second, at 3 p.m.,!driven by Donald Hodson, 57, ofofr homeless men in Harrison, was on Elberon Blvd.; and the 15 Avenue C, West Keansburg. Subsequently she and her late Postpone Zone Measure Action third, at 3:10 p.m., was on West; Because of the nature of the in- husband, Maj. Edward Atkinson, Hurt in Crash Lincoln Ave. jury, i' took members of the 'did similar work for the army in KEYPORT — Robert Johnson, borough First Aid Squad 45 min-many eastern cities. UNION BEACH - Borough there is a constant danger of where the asphalt plant Is in,"a Dracula at the entrance to 39, of 79 Manchester Ave., is in LUBE HEADS GOP utes to free Mrs. Grote from the Wednesday's service will be Council last night postponed ac- flash fires from lightning strik question and an area along Rt. Union Beach*' and said that "the fairly good condition today in RARITAN TOWNSHIP- auto, the chief said. [conducted by Brigadier Victor tion on its proposed new zoning ing the tops of kerosene and 36 near the Holy Family Church,'average citizen appears to know Riverview Hospital with face and Charles N. Lube was unanimous- The truck is owned by the At- Dimond, husband of Mrs. Atkin- ordinance after hearing opposi- naphtha storage tanks. which would be re-zoned residen-.more about the issues involved chest injuries suffered last night ly re-elected chairman of the lantic Trenching Co., Rt. 36, Atson'- s daughter. tion from most of some 50 resi- Several fires and two explo- tial. in this ordinance than the May- when his auto struck a utility township Republican County Ex- lantic Highlands, police said. dents who attended the public sions occurred in Perth Amboy in or and Council." Miss Jean M. Brennan, opera- pole at the northbound entrance ecutive Committee at its recent Hodson was charged with care- ANTHONY S. SUPINSKY hearing. 1958 and 1959, Mr. Nurnberger re- tor of an antique shop at 717 Rt. Finally confined to his seat byjo tne Garden State Parkway :eorgani2ation meeting. Michael less driving. A hearing is sched- LEONARDO — Anthony C. Su- A petition signed by 167 resi- ported. "Lightning set them off," 36, pointed out that the area near Mayor Rodgers, Mr. Heckelmannlhere. Gormley was named vice uled for May 13. Sgt. Walter pinsky, 50, of 36 Highland Ave., dents—all opposed to the or- he said. the church had been zoned com- asked why. Complete details of the acci- chairman; Mrs. Edward Haber- Stearns investigated. died suddenly yesterday at his dinance—was submitted to May- Sterling McCann, 215 Broad- ..._ ..._._.. — —. -_.— — ....j. , v,umt,lcle uewus vi me acci- ;troh, secretary, and Anthony J. home. or and Council by Kenneth E. way, a Keyport real estate oper- mercial ever since 1930 ana ac- "The more you talk," replied dent were not available at press rnspcused council, nas well as the'the. „,.,»mayor_ , "n,"th«e „„..more„ ,,„,you. _ag„ 't™,time- .. DeMaio, treasurer. Twenty of Mr. Supinsky was born here, Joel, Keyport attorney. Most of ator, claimed that property val- planning board, of discrimination gravate the Mayor and Council., The local First Aid Squad took he 22 committeemen and women 'John Doe' Pays and was a lifelong resident of the petitioners live near the area ues would nosedive in areas sur- in favor of the church. She said piease give us the opportunity to IMr. Johnson to the hospital. •oted. this community. He was a re- of the proposed Michael J. Staroundin- g the proposed asphalt that at least two of the Planningwejgh y0Ur arguments and to goi Income Tax Bill tired maintenance worker. He vola asphalt plant. ' plant. Board members belong to theou t of here with a clear appreci-, 30-DAr MfCMMTION OUTLOOK ATLANTA (AP)*-"John Doe was a member of St. Agnes Cath- Mr. Joel challenged the legal- The Federal Housing Author- Holy Family parish. ' cition of them." vi .. Mmmwmtwwm Anonymous" has paid Yhe"Geor-!olic Cnurch. Atlantic Highlands. ity of the public hearing since, Survivin ity, he said, will turn down loans Eugene P. Grisanti, general at- The council will refer the pro- gia Revenue Department $693 inj. S are four sisters, Mrs. he said, the time was not speci- on any property within. 300 feet torney for International Flavors posed ordinance back to the Plan- income tax. Mary Valleau, with whom he fied in the advertisements, and of an asphalt plant, and will give and Fragrances, Inc., reported ning Board for revision in light The payment received Monday lived, and Miss Anna Supinsky, in addition, the published map low appraisals on properties far- that his company was generally [of the objections raised at last was in seven U.S. postal money Mrs. Helen Van Note, and Mrs. showing the proposed zoning was ther away. A total of 89 per cent Frances Morgan, all of this place. in favor of the proposed ordi- nignfs meeting. orders issued at Chattanooga, "illegible." of real estate sales in the area The funeral will be Thursday nance, but had recommended A closed conference of the gov- Tenn. The return listed the pay- Mayor William F. Rodgers re- are financed under FHA or the at 8:30 a.m. from the John P. six technical changes which he] erning body is planned Fridayj ee's taxable income for 1962 at ferred the question of legality to Veterans Administration, accord- Condon Funeral Home, Atlantic had submitted to Mr. McGann. night at the Union Hose Co. fire $12,750. Borough Attorney Patrick J. ing to Mr. McCann. Highlands, to St. Agnes Church Frederick Heckelmann and,house to discuss possible revis- Fred Cox, Income tax super- McGann Jr. where a High Requiem Mass will Councilman Leonard A. Colog- Philip J. Cassidy, Democratic ion of the ordinance, visor, speculated that the money Other objections listed in the be offered at 9 o'clock by Rev. na pointed out that council had council candidates, raised objec- might be from moonshine whisky petition were: Michael J. Lease. Burial will be visited the Michael J. Stavola as- tions to the ordinance, centering sales, a lottery or some other The western part of the bor- Only Two Voters in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Mid- phalt plant in New Shrewsbury principally around the proposed form of gambling—or just income ough where the proposed M-2 zone dletown. and were "completely amazed" asphalt plant. Mr. Heckelmann NEWPORT, Ky. (AP)-Camp- the sender didn't want his wife will be is "a prime residential to find no odor. claimed that the people of Unlon,be11 County officials figure the to know about. area" where homeowners pay In fact, said Mr. Cotogna, the Beach had been "betrayed" byMa y 28 election could cost the MRS. ROXY M. SHIRLEY "$600 to $700 per year m taxes, asphalt plant would "not in any unt M a voter EATONTOWN—Mrs. Roxy M. for which they get an asphalt council and accused it of "power «> y ' In precinct 2-A. way detract from the proposed Urban renewal has left only one To Barricade Shirley, 77, of 10 Farm La,, died plant in their front yards." politics." M-2 area." u V ~i tu .,.k.ti _i»^t house in the precinct—and Its yesterday in the Marylee Nursing Heavy trucks will constantly Mrs. Sterling McCann, speak- He termed the asphalt P>««. ^ ,s ejq£ted to mwe W Borough Dump Home here. enter and leave the area laden ing for the petitioners, expressed the election. That leaves two vqt- Pennsylvania, she was with asphalt. It is estimated that an opposite opinion in telling of icrs—Michael Maloney, the court- about 450 truck trips a day will her visit to the plant. The odor Libel Law house custodian, and his brother, be necessary to make the asphalt and noise, she said, were so bad who live upstairs at the court- plant pay, Mr. Joel said. that she "didn't have to ask Mr. house. E | lice patrols will bo E Inflammable and explosive ma- Study Asked Stavola about them." Election officials say it will cost 'there, Borough Council ruled last t . ShMe^ .he widow of terials, such as naptha and ker- TRENTON (AP) - ,50 ,0 insta,| a voting madlinc| . ^, „ Other objections to the proposed night. ThomasL |rleyyi shewa s osene, will be used in large quan- \ Stamler, R-Union, introduced, I b f zoning ordinance centered about judges on duty atj Contractors' member of the Red Bank Presby- tities In the plant. a bill yesterday creating a com- trucks have alleged "illegal spot zoning." Re- the polling place. rammed into and broken the tteriai n ChChurchh. In no other zone A residential mittee to study New Jersey's li- ferred to were the small M-2 zone chain placed across the dump, Surviving are two sons, Thorn- area is such a plant tolerated. bel laws with an eye toward giv- s|jr, f th, ,ace an(J entrance to keep unauthorized '„* Mr. Joel Introduced Erich Nurn- FIRST BIRTHDAY ing groups protection against II-. For Safekeeping „ ^f ^ f p usersers out,. it was reportereportedd . • » . Dorothy M. berger, 218 Broadway, as nn MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The bel. • dd»UBhteht r MrsM Dth M 1 ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. (AP)- expert witness on the character- Stamler's bill states that The borough dumps shrubs and|Baumb f HaywooHaywoodd &,,„. first birthday of Carol Suzanne un-'Officials of the National Science branches there once istics of asphalt plants. Mr. Num. Lerner, [laughter of Mr. and Mrs. der present New Jersey laws ra- Fair-International were surprised a week, butlan|| ciRht Rrandch|ldreni BtLOW* i\ot garbage. berger said he worked (or two- Lawrence Lerner, 10 Idlewild La., cial, religious, business and pro- when Bill Hortsman, 17, River- The Robert A. Braun Home for and-one-half years at the Cali- was celebrated Sunday at a din- fessional groups have limited re- side,'Calif., asked for n boa con- Funerals was In charge of local hOARD NEEDS SECRETARY fornia Oil Company's Perth Am-ner party for her family and course against defamatory state-Jsirictor, but they found one for »-rangcmcnts. i- FREEHOLD - The Regional boy plant. friends. Present were her mament- s unless a special member him-at a pet shop. Board of Education has an- Having an asphalt plant In crnal grandparents, Mr, anhad s been libeled. JACOBS SERVICES Hortsman said the boa used In nounced it is accepting applica- MIDDLKTOWN-Funoral eorv- Union Beach, said Mr. NurnbcrR- Mrs. Harry Gordon; her paternal The bill would provide for a SOWMI US. WlATHtR BURIAU his exhibit, "PatlmloKital Study of tions for (he post of secretary iocs for Edward H. Jacobs, 69, er, "would be like moving to grandparents, Mr. and Mrsfive-ma. n committee, Including Boidae," froze to death during the of the lx>ard. The announcement of 8 Southviqw West, who died Secaucua nnd having a pig farm 'rank Lerner; Dr. and Mrs. How- four senators and a representa- flight from California. THIRTY-DAY WEATHER FORECAST MAP—Trieie maps, stated that applications should be at his homo yesterday, have been In the back yard." , ird Lerner and Iheir. children tive of the New Jersey Press As- lie took no chancc.i with the baiod on thoso reloatod by the U.S. Woath^r Bureau, submitted to retiring board,sec,,'set for 9 n.m. Thursday at (he He claimed that the odors are Jregg, Susan and Mark, and Mr. soclatlon, to look Into the group new snake. He took It to his retary Ira C. Tilton. Mr. "niton I John E. Day Funeral Home, Red very pungent and "foul-smell- Frank Rubin. Also present was forecast probable procipitation and temperature for the ibel laws of other states and motel Mondny night for safekeep-J Is retiring June 30 after serving I Bank. Burial will be at National Ing," the noise Is "terrible," and her brother' . I to make recommendations. Ing. next 30 days. (AP Wirephoto Map) since 1940. Cemetery, Beverly.. Sharp JLoss Pulitzer Prizes Photocopying j BED BA.VK BECLSTER Twaday, Mty 7, Successful Investing Hits Street; Measure OKd Sell Stock to Pay Ate Announced TRENTQN (AP) - The New National, World Trading Off Jersey Assembly yesterday Off Mortgage on Home NEW YORK (AP) — "The orter Horton Tmutman and state passed an amended measure per- NEW YORK (AP) - The stock Reiven," a lighthearted novel of Capitol correspondent Henry M. mitting the public to examine and By ROGER E. SPEAR market yesterday took its sharp- the South which was William Hanson. photocopy government records. News in Brief est loss in more than two months Faulkner's final book before hia Faulkner, who had previously Earlier in the day Gov. Richard Q) "I own 100 shares of S. O. ter.- We own our home and have as trading dwindled to the low- death last year, was awarded the won a Pulitzer Prize in 1955, died J. Hughes Had conditionally ve- From the Wires of The Associated Press New Jersey and 700 shares of $11,000 in savings, plus 14 shares est pace in a week. 1963 Pulitzer Prize for fiction of a heart attack last July 6 at toed the measure, saying that it General Telephone, the latter of S. O. of New Jersey. We would Monday. the age of 64. :needed clarification. MOSCOW — British businessman Greville Wynne and Soviet Market analysts saw the de- scientific official Oleg Penkovsky pleaded guilty today to spying bought about 10 points above cur- like to invest a few thousand in For the first time in more than Established in 1917 in a bequest As the bill originally read, cline as the result of some sell- i Columbia University by the for the British and American intelligence services. rent quotations. My husband is good stocks. What do you rec- ing for long-term capitals gains a decade, dhere was no award ; Hughes said it permitted anyone retiring soon ommend? Should we buy more S. made for a drama, a move that late Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of The pair went before a military tribunal at a show trial in in stock bought around last Octo- to take a photocopying machine a packed courtroom in the Soviet Supreme Court building. t \ at 65. We have 0. of New Jersey or some Ameri- ber's lows and also because of prompted the resignations of two the old New York World, the oov-'•jintj o a government office and de- an $8,500 mort members of the Pulitzer Prize :ted awards in journalism, letl- can Motors?" precautionary deck-clearing by ' mand to photocopy records, dis- SLIGHT EARTHQUAKE gage on our drama jury—critic and author :ers and drama are made annual- " - F.G. traders who anticipate some ir- rupting normal office operations. SAN FRANCISCO — A slight earthquake shook San Francisco home. Should A) Yes, I think it would be ad regularity before the market John Mason Brown' and John ly by the university trustees, Upon Hughes also suggested the bill Gassner, critic, Yale University areas early today and was felt as far away as Hollister, 100 we sell General visable to place some of your starts another sharp upside recommendation by an advisory ^ modified to make sure the miles south of here. professor and theater historian. committee of newspaper editors. j f d or telephone and savings in good stocks. move. records wou]d not be de ace University of California police at the Berkeley Campus said pay off the S. 0. of New Jersey is an ex "They have made a farce out These, in turn, act on recommen- mutilated. After the close of the New of the drama award," Brown said. dations made by juries in various seismograph equipment there recorded the quake at 12:08 a. m., mortgage, o r cellent issue, and I would hold The Assembly, under- PDT. York Stock Exchange came news Gassner said withholding of the categories. hold this stock your present commitment. I do that General' Motors had de- gency suspension of the rules. No damage was reported. in the hope it not suggest purchase of Ameri award he and Brown had recom- The journalism awards carry a passed the amended measure 52-0 clared a special 50-cent 'dividend mended "put us in an awkward will again can Motors, however, at this in addition to its regular quarter- irize of $1,000 divided equally and sent it to the Senate. LOSE BATTLE Roger E. Spear reach our cost position." time. The company has not been ly 50-cent payment. GM ended among mu^iple winners, except Under terms of the bill the of- JEFFERSON CITY — Parochial school parents who want pub- price?" holding its share of the domestic the day with a loss of >4 on the Both men had recommended the for the meritorious gold plaque fice supervisor would have the lie school bus service for their children lost a legislative battle J.W. market. big board but in later trading of award go to Edward Albee's award to the winning newspaper. power to determine whether a yesterday. A leader of a protest movement then sounded retreat A) Earnings for General Tele- To give you greater diversifica- the Pacific Coast Exchange ral- Broadway hit "Who's Afraid of The other awards carry prizes of private photocopying machine on a drive that has enrolled hundreds of Catholic children in phone are improving and are ex- tion and better balance, you lied to erase the loss and post a Virginia Woolf?", a caustic drama $500 each. could be used. The records would Missouri public scholos. pected to continue. Last year's might withdraw about half your gain. on faculty, sex" and politics at a The Pulitzer Prize for news be open to public examination in Some Catholic parents said it is too late. Their children will net was $1.15 a share, and I esti- bank funds and place them, in small New England university. photography for 1963 went to Hec- any case and citizens could ob- attend public schools next fall. mate this year will see profits of approximately equal amounts, in The Dow Jones industrial av- The top Pulitzer Prize in the erage dropped 4.31 to 713.77. tor Rondon, 29, of La Republicaltain photocopies from the state A bill to extend public transportation to private school pupils •bout $1.25. Boston Edison, Union Pacific, newspaper category—the merito- in Caracas, Venezuela, for his pic- or local government at a cost of had failed in a House committee. An effort was made In the But it may be some time before and American Cyanamid—for en Volume, however, dipped to 4.1 rious public service award of a ture of a priest aiding a dying not more than 5C cents per page. House yesterday to bring the bill to the floor, but it was tabled the stock reaches your cost, so average yield of 3.8 per cent. million shares from Friday's gold medal-went to the Chicago soldier during a two-day revolt by a resounding voice vote that all but strangled the measure. why not sell 300 shares to pay 4.76 million and was the lowest Daily News for its series present- in Venezuela last June. The photo off your mortgage? This will help since the 4-million total of Mon- ing all points of view on the con- was distributed to newspapers TIME MAGAZINE'S BIRTHDAY to lessen your financial burden in day a week ago. troversial subject of birth control around the world exclusively by Belmar Beach NEW YORK — Famous people from all walks of life—includ- your retirement years. Stock Market During the trading cession services in the public health pro The Associated Press. ing about 300 whose faces have appeared on its cover—helped At a later date, I would also Yesterday's closing stocks: some of the news background grams in its circulation area. Time magazine celebrate its 40th birthday last night at a party was good, some not so good. The Three reporters of the New Bill Vetoed consider exchanging the remaind ACP Ind I-T-E Ckt Brk Wli It was the third Pulitzer Prize York World-TelegfSm & Sun - attended by 2,000 people. e'r of your General Telephone Adanu Ex 26 y» Johns Man 49 National Association of Purchas- for the Daily News. The Colunibi TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Rich- "I've got to say," said society columnist Elsa Maxwell, "I've Air Prod 57 tt Jones & L 55 ing Agents reported that business Sylvan Fox, 35, Anthony Shannon, holdings for higher yielding secur Air Reduc 57% Joy Mfg 23* University trustees who an 33, and William Longgood, 45,— ard J. Hughes vetoed a bill yes- had a great number of parties which were bigger, but I must Alleg Cp 10 Kaiser Al 3674 is improving at a "vigorous nounced the awards specificall ities of equal or better qualiy. Alleg Lud 3VL Kennecott 77 won the award for local reporting terday which would have allowed confess, not with the most newsworthy names. Q) "We are a couple in our Alleg Pw «>i Koppera pace." On the other hand week- cited staff writer Lois Wille, re- Belmar to Iease nin Allied Ch 50H Kresge BS «-m ly steel production was reported under deadline pressure for their: e acres of late thirties with a young daugh- AlUa Chal IS Kroger 24 % coverage of the March 1, 1962, beach and oceanfront property INVITE NEWSMEN Alcoa 59 Lehlgh C4M 2914 lower — the first decline in 1' Am Alrlln 22tt Leh Port C 7!l crash of an American Airlines jet- to private interests. CARACAS, Venezuela — Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and his Am Brk Sh 55 Leh Val Ind 16 V weeks and only the second de- bride invited some 30 American, and Venezuelan newsmen to lunch Leh Val RR Assembly liner at Idlewild Airport in New The property between the Bel- Am Can 44% cline this year. mar at their secluded honeymoon ranch today. Am Cyan 68% LOF Qlais 5354 (Continued) • York. The crash killed all 95 Fishing Club and Shark Riv- Variance Fee Am Mtdy 20 Lib McN&L 1514 Steel stocks performed indif- er inlet jetty would have been A spokesman said the Rockefellers felt it was best to have Am Mot mi Llgj * My 83 ferently, U.S. Steel rising V* a 25.i No Am Av 61V. received the bare 31 votes neces- specifically and the state in gen- proposed zoning measure had in- mits in the P-l professional office Nor Pac stocks liste'd on the New York for his coverage of the U.S. Su- Bendlx 53 (4 45U sary for passage. Republicans eral would best be served by the cluded provisions for high rise The measures, sponsored by zone would pay the higher fee. Beth Steel 31 "i Nw«t Alrlin 52 V Stock Exchange, based on the preme Court during 1962. He won Boring 37»i Norwich Ph 41K voted almost solidly against thi destruction of such a beachfront apartments, but 'had subsequent- iamden County's four member The new zone was established by Borden 63U Oufcb Mar 117 fall in the AP average. a Pulitzer Prize in 1955 while a ordinance last night. Borg Warn 45'i Owens III Ol 82V surtax. area." ly been changed to allow only elegation, would apply to sala- Brunewk 14'i Pan A W Air 34' The margin of losers over gain- reporter for the Washington Daily ied police and firemen who All other variance applications Buckeye PI 65 Param Plct 37 However, the GOP provided the two-ifamily dwellings. Council ers among the 1,332 issues traded News for a series of articles clear- Hughes said an unobstructed iassed physical examinations pri- Would require payment of $15 Bucy Erie 17 Penney. JC 47 votes that allowed emergency con- had intended to bring down the Bulova Ui Pa Pw 4 Lt 331 was a relatively large one, the ing a Navy employe who had been view of the ocean is probably the r to becoming permanent mem- fees. Burl Ind Pa RR 151 sideration of the package. It takes dismissed as a security risk. finest asset of Belmar. building heights, he added. Case, Jl » Pepsi Cola 51'/, score being 711 to 365. New 45 votes for emergency consider- lers of the force. Another ordinance introduced Perkln Elm *0% highs for the year totaled 96 an> "The value to the community Mrs. Rudolph objected vehe- 41% Pflzer 53 V ation. International reporting — Hal mently at the public hearing, Assemblyiman Frank E. Meloni, ty council last night would ban Cbes & Oh 8154 Phil El 3414 new lows 20. andu lto lthe suucstate of an ocean Part one of the tax packagi Hendrix, 41, of the Miami (Fla.) -?" f " "^ . "|- * D-Camden, said police and fire- parking between the curb and Chrysler 102 Phil Pet 53 Of the 15 most active issues, isw« w .tnri»c ,,nv»in™ ,h» front readlly available to every- however. She joined those who building line, except in drive- ClUes Sv 67>,4 Pit Steel 101! aroused only token debate but loud News, for stories unveiling the called for a "hands off" on Broad men are particularly susceptible Coca Cola MTi Pub Sv E&G 74? however, gainers outnumbered Soviet buildup in Cuba and the one and unencumbered by inter- to lung diseases because of the ways, in residential zones, and Colg Pal 52 Pullman 29? protests greeted the surtax and vening structures cannot be es- St. zoning. The lady planner de- Colum Gas 28T4 Pure Oil 39V losers by 8 to 7. presence there of MIG aircraft lature of their work. between the building line and ROA 6314 racing proposals. cried the fact that clear-cut resi- Coral Sol 24U Sperry Rand was the most ac- and missile launching pads. itimated, but it is high," Hughes curb, withqut the driveway pro- Con Edls - 85% Raytheon 22% Opponents of the surtax con- said. "The state has adhered to dential zoning is dying in Red He also urged passage of bills Cont Can 4414 Reading Co 8 tive stock, up Ya at 14 on 52,500 Editorial writing—Ira B. Har- hat would make heart ailments vision, in business and industrial Coop Bes Repub SU 38 shares. Second was Brunswick, tended it would ultimately fall on a policy of opposing any legis- Bank. She said "We are always Corn Pd 54% Revlon 4411 the consumers in the form of high- key Jr., 45, editor and publisher having to choose between the less- x)mpensatory if incurred in the zones. Corning G 16914 Reyn Met 3H off i/j at 14% on 52,200 shares. lation which would permit the Cm Zell 54'/, Rey Tob er rates. of the Pasagoula (Miss.) Chron- er of two evils, and I'm tired of ine of duty; Public hearing of both meas- Robert Cont Third was Bell & Howell, off " Cru Etl 2014 on the in- The respiratory bills were ap- ures will, be May 20. Curtlss Wr St Jos Lead 29S at 25'/< on 41,600 shares. Proponents countered that th< choosing evil." She asked that the a* Rog Pap 32} tax applies only to utilities' prof tegration issue in Mississippi and four-page ordinance be scrapped. iroved by a 36-1 vote and sent to .Council again postponed the %£?%'"* HuH d 63 Sears Roeb 85 Next came Chrysler, off 2>/4 He said if Belmar officials can 2014 Shell Oil 4114 its, therefore the consume] the rioting at the University of 'Goes Too Far' he Senate. public hearing of an ordinance Dmx SUP 27 (5 Sinclair 44" 102. and Curtiss-Wright, up % ai Mississippi when Negro James H. devise plans that would permit which would make Pearl St. a S0"*^' 2514 Smith, Ao 27% wouldn't be affected. The verbal objections of Wil- Socony 6514 21%. Meredith was admitted there. use of part of the property with' one-way northbound from Mon- Du Pont 252 Sou Pac 33S Among other motor stocks, The racing proposals providi out barring public access to the liam A. Magee, 35 Irving PI., and mouth St. to Water St. Duq Lt Sou Ry 6314 for adding six days to the racinj Cartoon—Frank Miller, 37, of George B. Crowell, 44 Irving PI., East Air L Bperry R l-tmiij, VUj 7, 1963 BED BA\K

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$ 148 THE PAIR 98 • fully automatic operation , REG* 2*9.90 ; • family-size capacity 90 • knee action door-opening •' • 2 wash, 1 rime temperatures • heat plus air setting A budget toploader that washes as Why depend on the weather to *y ftough it costs a lot more! Gentle your washing? Let this IMry4fa» agitator action gets out deeply im- Signature do th* |ob in ai seosaml bedded dirt. Large non-clog pump Two-hour timer; 5-way VMNAO for provides long service. efficient drying.


THE FAIR REG. 339.90 • 5 wash-rinse temperatures dries with high or low heat . • slow speed for wash 'n wear 90 • dries with or without tumble • continuous lint filtering 299 • dries with fluff-air only Safely dries any washable itoml Deluxe toploader handles family Cottons, linens, shag rugs, d*B> wash with regular speed and cycle. SAVE cates, woolens, socks. Us* fkrftair Slow speed, short cycle for deli- for freshening pillows, drying cosh* cate*. 5 wash-rinse temperatures giy» custom care to any fabric $40 mere sweaters.


$ THE PAIR 158 • 6-cycle programmed automatic REG. 399.90 • dries any washable fabric O handles all washables 90 • sanitizer lamp for freshness • automatic bleach dispenser • 6-position selector knob 349 Dries any washable fabric sun* The right wash speed, spin speed and wash time for every washable shine-freshl End-of-cycle chime tells fabricl 2-speed, 6-cycle toploader when drying's done. 5 fabric selec- , has 5 wash-rinse temperatures. De- tions plus air. Interior drum light. luxe lint filter agitator. Handy knee action door opening.

Monmouth Shopping Center FREE DELIVERY! WARDS NATIONWIDE REPAIR ! LOW PRICIS IVIRY DAY, even big. Phone LI 2-2150 FREE normal installation SERVICE is just a phono call away I j ger values when we lay "sale" -——^—'. y • ;' 1878 by Mm H. CMk aad Hwry O» By JOHN Poblbhed by The Bed Bank Register Incorporated Just 30 years ago we were ta the middle of whtJ5 V. HARRY PENNINGTON. President JAMES J. HOGAN. EdttW our historians call the "hundred days"—meaning flm M. HAROLD KELLY, Genera] Manager period in which the First New Deal admmistratfbii Thomas J. Bly William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamm Frank W« Hvfootur jammed through "all the crisis legislation wjflen^titd Bztoutlv* Editor Auoeiu* laiton lOddUlown fiortM Up. been prepared by President Roosevelt's Brain Tnist Member ol the Associated Press when the election campaign was still rtu AMoclatea Prtu u aotKitd ucliuMly to U» w tor npobUutloa ol au til* loot! un pnnttd la t&U mnpaptr «• »«u uu IF um dupucbw being fought. By contrast, President Kennedy's experience in getting,. the Member o! American Nemttw per Pnbllsbers Association Member Audit Bureau of Circulation legislation, be wants must seem like the Hit Red BIL&IL JttfUUr MitmiM no finuiciAi responpitiiimui tm cypofmphteKi MIUFB ta «4«»?t!S9!n*!*t% but "hundred years," so slowly doeaipvwy- win nprlni wiuout chuc*. that p»rt ol u advdtuement L which tlu urpognpfclwi «m decani. AAnrtlMn will i aotltj tb* mUMCtment ImmMlaUlf of u; «rror muen may occur. thing now move through Congress! Th« nmstpw imnui no rwonHblltUM tor •uttmmu ol opuuou In ittun tram lu In thiriking back, however, $!•' the Babisnptlon Prices In AdTLnca Lni than t mot. P«r month 11.60 13 month*—918.00 S months-* 1.00 days when all those magic letters —• Stall* eopy at eountw, t eanta Slntt* copy by mall. 10 cenu • montht-taw I raontb*—| 4.00 NRA, AAA, PWAr WPA, CCC — were auuntwrWn receiving swift Congressional blessing, TUESDAY, MAY 7f 1963 the present "hundred year" pace does not particularly suffer from the contrast For the truth is that molt of The Monmouth Players the legislation of the'"hundred days" was sloppily con- ceived, and its legacies to the present liave only served Amateur theatrical groups come vided county theater lovers, as well to make certain bad matters worse. and go. But not the Monmouth Play- as their own members, with some The PWA, the WPA and the CCC were temporary ers. They go on and on — and im- magic moments. Occasionally, the necessities, for some action had to be taken in 1963, prove with age. group runs into a difficult perform- however, is that politicians still fend to think in WPA That hardy drama group, which ance. But for the most part, the pro- and CCC terms when they should be considering far had its birth in a Rumson living ductions have been of excellent qual- more fundamental approaches to the business of mak- room, is now 10 years old. The play- ity, Take their current undertaking, ing an economy expansive enough to keep unemploy- ers no longer have to depend on one- "Anastasia." This is an outstanding ment at a minimum. , , night stands wherever a stage is show with Marilyn Rowse and Defective Teaching Methods available. They have a permanent Nancy Hughes, especially, providing For example, when school "drop-outs" increase, throwing young people without skills on the labor home in the charming Navesink Li- stirring, professional performances. market, all that Washington can think of doing is to brary, an auditorium which seems to The Monmouth Players have been pick up the drop-out kids and send them off to the fit the character and purpose of the a continual bright spot in county cul- woods tb mark time for a couple of years. This is pure organization. ture. We look forward to many more palliative. The drop-out problem actually starts, with The Monmouth Players have pro- enjoyable performances. defective methods of teaching first and second grade students how to read—and it won't be solved until An Effective Film there is a grassroots revolution in educational theory Alleii-Scott Report in all the local school districts. Washington can't solve That was an effective method After the film, Magistrate Resni- HAL this sort of problem with money; it can be solved only that Magistrate David Resnikoff koff fined them $10. Normally, they Duty Free Purchases Hit by local brains. used last week to bring home the would have drawn fines of $15 to $25. BOYLE Luckily for the economy, the Supreme Court tossed, dangers of speeding and careless Scenes of traffic acidents and By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott out the original NRA and AAA. But the NRA, with its NEW YORK (AP) — One ofsection 7a which guaranteed.labor's right to bargain driving. victims were shown — and, appar- life's little ordeals for a conserva- WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Dillon, collectively, had its effect on the Wagner Act, which It may serve a better purpose ently, they had a striking effect on registered Republican and Undersecretary of State in tive man today is trying to buy ; new hat that won't startle passinL had to be modified by the Taft-Hartley Act The First than heavy fines. the viewers. the Eisenhower Administration, is cracking down on dogs or scare children into fits. New Deal was right when it outlawed union smashing The magistrate, In Ocean Town- One woman said after viewing junketing New Frontiersmen who are using the duty- To .women, shopping for a new—but it could have done this without saddling the free privileges of their high offices to bring expensivi bonnet is one of the greatest of ship court, invited 12 traffic violators it: pleasures; to their husbands it i economy with the sort of blunderbuss industry-wide gifts into the U.S. one of the greatest of nuisances, bargaining that has kept both management and the to a showing of a film designed to "I'll never speed again." Dillon has sent a diplomatically- The average man has a secret leadership of the unions from thinking in "progress shock them. They were given the The film can serve a useful pur- fear that any kind of headgear worded but unmistakable warning to sharing" terms. It has taken labor leaders 30 years to movie-going option after they makes him look ridiculous except pose — and should be used oftener the heads of all government agencies a sun-faded old fishing cap. Hesee virtues in the type of profit-sharing contract re- entered guilty pleas. No one de- to show traffic violators the chances that henceforth the baggage of all "whiz realizes he is no Anthony Eden or cently signed by the unions with Kaiser Steel and the Clark Gable, two of the few well- clined to attend the show. kids" will be inspected, and they will American Motors Company. they are taking. known men of modern times tha be barred from bringing in duty-free could wear a hat with masculine As for agriculture; the First New Deal approach purchases over the $100 limit. aplomb. your Money's Worth; still bedevils us. Every year the farm mess gets-more In other words, from now on the It is said that the reason Presi- ; dent John F. Kennedy usually and more unmanageable. Since 1933 some $50 billi0n Alien law will be enforced on them as it i prefers to go hatless is that he has been spent on attempts to control the crop surplus, on ordinary U.S. travelers. The Nation's Transportation 'Crisis' suffered a nervous shock in hi and much of this money has been completely wasted. Under a law passed by Congress last year, at the childhood by seeing a picture of By SYLVIA PORTER Calvin Coolidge in an Indian The other day I started to write a column about butter behest of President Kennedy, American travelers an headdress. storage—but I quit when I realized I had written the much of the high rate traffic. equally. This legislation ha,s been This nation's transportaion tightly limited on the amount of duty-free purchases Battened Down system is in a state of crisis Then came barges, which when defeated year after year because same piece about the same problem 15 years ago. Noth- they can bring home in order to save dollars in the because of a chaotic patchwork hitched together in modern tows of opposition from shippers, who And certainly one of the great- ing had changed in all that time. ' of inconsistent legislation and ob- can move as much steel pipeas prefer a situation in which there growing balance-of-payments proble»>j< est triumps of communism is that Premier Khrushchev of the Sovie Farm Bureaucracy Insanities solete restraints on free compe- 200 railroad cars and at a frac- is a maximum of confused com- Government officials sent abroad tion of the railroads' cost. petition. Union can wear the hats he does tition among on special assignments or missions have! and still get re-elected. His hat is In writing about farm bureaucracy insanities one The truth is the monopolistic the differen Porter: Are American taxpay- always battened down as if it has the feeling of the man who tossed a feather into types of freighi structure is at an end, but we're ers currently subsidizing water enjoyed the privilege of being able to; were fighting against a hurricane the Grand Canyon of the Colorado and waited to hear carriers, David still acting as if it existed. carriers, another of Mackie's have their baggage and personal effects?* I. Mackie, charges? But no matter how hard a manif it made a splash. The words pour out, the splash What is Proposed passed through customs without inspec-j \kf £ argues that the hat he bough chairman of never happens—and, as "control" follows "control" Porter: What do you propose Hershey: U. S. Corps of Engin- tion or paying duty. This practice en in 1950 is still in perfectly fine the Eastern eers studies show that many to ease the transport problems? abled them to bring in goods of any condition, the more insistent his on the farm front, the ingenious farmers invariably Railroad Presi- federal expenditures on water- wife is that he must buy a new dents Confer- Hershey: We are in thorough value duty-free as long as the purchases find ways of defeating all the expensively financed agreement with President Ken- ways go for harbor improvement one. ence, charged and flood control rather than were transported in their luggage. Scott restraints. in an interview nedy about the necessity for re- So, if you're that unlucky fel- navigation. Many more water- low, you go into a store—and in this column moving present inequities. But While this little-known Customs procedure did So now the situation has come down to a clear the legislation offered last year way projects have a multiple here's what happens. Porter awhile ago. A purpose. User taxes for barges expedite official travel, it also opened the door wide choice between freedom and a new-style agricultural and again this year has complete- If it's winter, the salesman solution is "greater reliance on ly inadequate descriptions of thehave been proposed for years but to abuses, particularly in recent months when hundreds plops a two-story fur astrakhan serfdom for the farmer. Secretary of Agriculture Or- communities have fought against the forces of competition and less safeguards against a possible cut- on your noggin and remarks, ville Freeman is tired of seeing controls disrupted by the taxes because of the general of freewheeling New Frontiersmen began roaming the reliance on the restraints of reg-throat rate war between the 'Very Dashing." It makes you fertility. He has resolved to tell all the wheat farmers $10 billion railroad industry and public benefit which barges have world and returning with expensive purchases, ranging ulaton," President Kennedy told feel like a Siberian peasant dash- the quarter billion dollar water brought through reduced electric from diamonds to fur coats. ing across the steppes to escape how much they may plant, how much they may har- Congress in 1962 and again this carrier industry. If all regula utility rates, low cost grain ship- the wolves. vest, and how much they may sell. Everything will go tion is removed, no one serious- ments to livestock producers and This mounting flood of "duty free" goods caused spring. Specifically what the rail- "Take it away!" ' by strictly enforced permit if the farm vote on the roads want is removal of the ly expects the small, low cost the like. Customs officials to warn Secretary Dillon that if the water carrier to remain afloat. Next he puts on an Iron black wheat referendum, scheduled for May 21, goes Free- Interstate Commerce Commis Slapdash Legislation press got wind of what was going on the disclosure derby. Is that you in the mirror man's way. sion's minimum rate regulation We would rather give up our While railroad shipping rates could be very embarrassing to the administration. —or a ward heeler on the way to a 1912 meeting in Tammany Hall? on bulk commodities and agricul- present exemptions and have al have increased from 50 to 110 THE DETAILS — After conferring with White The Freeman program would subject all wheat per cent since World War II, the "Take it away!" tural products shipped by rail means of transportation regulated House aides, Dillon decided to send all Cabinet mem- rowers to the decisions of a two-thirds majority. This inland barge lines actually have Homburg (these are largely carried with reduced their revenues slightly bers and agency heads a warning titled "Customs En- is "democracy." But if every third farmer is to be told out regulation by barges and The salesman then clamps on a per ton mile. Barge transporta- try of Articles Acquired Abroad by High Officials of Homburg. It makes you look like against his wishes what he may or may not do, the trucks). tion has played a key role in the Executive Branch." a diplomat to the United Nations day of the individual on the farm is dead. Immediately after my inter keeping down prices of basic from Slobbovia. view with Mackie appeared, the commodities and in helping ex- Its significant highlights are as follows: "Take it away!" The seeds of this possibility were sown in the road's irate competitors—barges porters reach foreign markets in an economical way. "A Customs regulation which has been in effect Before you can stop him the'hundred days" of 1933. So don't weep now when the and trucks — demanded "equal salesman quickly slips a beret on time" to give their side on this for many years has recently become a source of em* Congress of 1963 takes its time before passing a bill. Porter: So you're against Ken- you and remarks with false vital and controversial subject. nedy's barrassment to the government, and it has now become heartiness, "With a small goatee, Here, therefore, is the view of transportation "reme- dies"? necessary to make certain Ganges in the practice sir, you could carry that off very the barges, as presented by well." You assure him, "I would Jacob W. Hershey, president of Hershey: This is slapdash leg- thereunder. slation. Yes! not bother to carry that off if I the Inland Waterways Common "I refer to the regulation under which 'High Of- were a small goat. Take it Carriers Assn. Tomorrow: "Equal time" for ficials' of this government returning from special mis- away!" Porter: Do you agree we have thhe truckers. a transportation crisis? sions abroad are entitled to admission of their baggage Next he claps over your brow and personal effects without paying any duty thereon. green felt slanted-back hat with Railroad Problem i multicolored clothes brush in Hershey: There is no crisis "The pertinent provision is found in 19 CFR 10.29the band. You can't make up your from the standpoint of requiring YOUR GARDEN mind whether you most resemble panic legislation. Howfever, from (d), which provides that this privilege be accorded to THIS WEEK certain officials on the basis of the official's credentials Robin Hood or a refugee Tyrolean the standpoint of the railroads ski instructor. operating with less than 2 per By Garden Reporter at the time when he enters the country and that it may cent profit on their investment College of Agriculture "Take it away!" and in some cases with hardly Rutgers—The State Uni- be accorded to other officials if a prior request has In desperation the salesman more than 2 per cent on their versity, New Brunswick been made to this department by the department or hands you a high-crowned hat operating revenues, the problem with a brim so tiny that you feel agency of the official concerned. you'd have to lift it on and off is critical. Why shouldn't trans Especially at spring fever time portation have the same level of Could Be Embarrassing with tweezers. profit and We same pricing pol- it's a joy to discover a man who "This privilege has been availed of by certain "All the young men are wear- icies as industry generally? Un- sees virtue In less work. ing this style," says the sales numbers of officials and there is the danger that even man. But it makes you look like til they do< railroads will have Such a man is the Rutgers government - guaranteed loans, one bad case could become very embarrassing. that old cartoon hero, Happy extension turf management Hooligan. maybe government takeovers and "Moreover, the exercise of this privilege seems deterioration of service. peclalist, Dr. Henry Indyk. "Take it away!" specially unjustifiable at a time when the American You and the salesman stare at Porter: What's the source of He has heard about lawn own- 1 tourist has had his duty-free limit of purchases reduced iach other hopelessly. Then you today's railroad problem? ers who are unhappy about their from $500 to $100 on the grounds of discouraging such ice just the hat you want—a con- Hershey: The source is that thin, yelowish, rundown' turf. A rentional hat with a proper-sized when railroads were a monopoly comparison "With the color picture purchases for balance-of-payments reasons. :rown and a brim of decent In the seed catalog or fertilizer It was decided, rightly or wrong- "Under the circumstances, I request that each de- Mdth. ly, that they should move agri- leaflet is just plain discouraging. 1 partment and agency of the executive branch shall re- "I'll try that one," you remark. cultural, bulk and food products Before you decided to dig up "But, sir," replies the sales- at less than cost and move high the whole thing and start over, frain from requesting the extension of the privilege man, "that's the one you wore in. value -manufactured products convince yourself — with Dr. referred to in section 10.29 (d) to any officer or offi- We haven't made hats like that "You'll never abolish war as long as above cost. This Is the "value of Indyk's help — that there's a since 1950." cial of the department or agency. men are running the world. Now, If you fervice", theory of rate making. better way, easier on the muscles "Well, have it cleaned and But then Came trucks, offering want to do something about that. „-. ,..v« —»».» ..—..,, „..—o and guaranteed to produce fewer "I also request that each department apd agency blocked—and I'll pick it up tomor- I'll march with you!" great service,and ftey picked up o—Tuesday, May J, 190J blisters on your hands. (See ALLEN-SCOTT, Page 7) " row," you tell him. ; rr- Allen-Scott BANK REGISTER T, l?6S~~f

might be in a position to claim the free- Likes to Get Questions, But->- pjr h&nself at the ports o( entry be not to claim this privilege." Wants Questioner to Follow Up on Requests «•'-. "COURTESY OF PORr' — Secretary Dillon afco Proclaimed that there no linger is any justification for RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ad-of the 13-acre Straniero tract on'demolition and removal as a ( miration for the "citizen who Middle Rd. as a park and play-safety, health and fire hazard, granting these privileges to expedite the processing of through sincere desire to help ground area under, the Green. —Decided to study a request Mgh; officials through ports or airports. the township asks questions" at Acres program. [by Newark-Asbury Park buses V. /"tte time-honored practice of 'courtesy of port Township Committee meet-: Mr. Shields reported applicator a change of route to include ings was expressed by Township tion has . been made for Green "Strathmore, at Matawan'' serv- ll *va«able and should be en-— ' Committee Marvin . Olinsky Acres funds and it is planned ice. he out. Friday night. |t0 Purchase the property /even —Reported 15 welfare cases Soviets But on the other hand, Mr.'though it doesn't Meet jie full were handled in April at a cost Olinsky was critical of anyonejendorsement of the Planning of $1,049.45, and 64 calls were in- 'dividual by Customs inspectors, 4 tat- the returning official is noI t OUIICL asking questions and not follow- Board^ vestigated by the Board of exempt either from inspection of ing through on his requests, , The Planning Board has recHealth- . Nfgage or payment of duty onl/l-f The specific reference madejoramended that the land be pur- What he brings in over and abovel"' by Mr. Olinsky was to Allan chased for use as a recreation tte normal exemption provWed Nixon, Republican candidate for site only if acquired in conjunc- 8 Arrested ey law for all travelers." PARK (AP) — The Russians Township Committee, who • criti- tion with additional frontage on One important exception Is found and identified AdoU Hitler s cized the workings of Township Middle Rd. by Dillon. • body in the burned ruins I Committeeman • Frances X.; Mr. Shields said that attempts After Brawl Top administration officials fuehereir's Berlin bunker 18 year*. Shields and the Recreation Com-|are being made to purchase mittee. additional frontage on Middle KEANSBURG — Eigjht youths can bring in duty-free gifts pre- ago, author Cornelius Ryan savi were Breakdown Requested iRd- and stressed the Straniero arrested here Friday night tinted to them by foreign gov- Ryan, author of "The Longest after a brawl outside Mac's Din- TRAFHC SNARL — Traffic was snarled for several hours on West Front St., Red Mr. Nixon asked for a break- tract is not landlocked but has ernments or authorities, provided Day." said the Soviet gover» access on Middle Rd. er, Seabreeze Way. no lam are,violated in accepting Bank, Friday morning when this tractor-trailer got stuck trying to turn, arogndi Po- down of recreation expenditures Police said one of the youths then. ment admitted officially for the and was informed that all Other Business first time that they knew Hitlei lice laid the truck was fob big to get under the railroad bridge. Driver Frank A. is a juvenile. "The privilege of free entry had committed Buidde. Bertuccj, New Brunswick, tried to turn the rig around and got stuck in the process. vouchers are published in local In other action, the Township The others face hearings in matay be claimed," directs Dillon, -rV P,,..I.». *," papers and the books are open Committee: Municipal Court Thursday night The Russians disposed of the Police said the truck was finally towed away later in the day. "with respect to gifts bestowed body, Ryan added, but refused for public inspection. get an adjourned meeting for on charges of disorderly con- abroad by foreign governments to say where or how; That, he The Republican candidate, ac- Thursday at 8 p.m. duct, or the officials of such govern- replied yesterday, "I'm saving cording to Mr. Olinsky, has also! Announced a $500 grant has; They were identified as Edward ments provided that the Commis- for my book" requested a breakdown on local been made by the county for theRankowsky, Shore Blvd., and sioner of Customs is advised in Await Bowen Ruling crime and the various statistics planting of trees along Middle Martin Flynn, Fourth St., and writing by the department or Ryan's next book, to be called that go along With it last Octo-Rd. and the Shade Tree. Corn- Dennis Foley; Manning PI., all of The Last Battle," covers the agency claiming the privilege on FREEHOLD — Superior Court all members of Council and that.Mesnikof. All agreed that the law ber. mission will act on the grant this plaje; Russell Van Salisbury, behaU of its official that the fall of Berlin at the end of WorldJudge Gene R. Mariano is exh-e had been involved in unspeci-does not spell out a definition The report was completed by Third St., West Keansburg; Don- War II. He arrived in Paris after following establishment of policy. gift was not accepted in viola, pected to rule in about two weeks fled incidents which produced un-i for a public hearing in this type Township Committeeman James —Heard Mr. Olinsky report ald Donovan, Belford; Robert A. tion of law." , doing research for the book in whether or not former Long favorable publicity. of proceeding and that WhateverG. Brady, chairman of the po- that Holmdel and Raritan Town- Everham, East Keansburg, and Moscow. Interestingly, copies of Dillon's Branch City Manager Richard J. Mr. Aikens defended the city's the decision it will be the first lice department. ships have agreed to maintain Daniel Scheller, Scotch Plains. memorandum were sent to con- Bowen was dismissed illegally procedure. He said it conformed in the state on the issue. Mr. Olinsky said "the report a_ fence over the Bethany„ Rd . Police said the fight apparently gressional leaders and Chief Jus- by City Council. strictly to the law. As to wheth- has still not been picked up." overpass of the Garden State started when the 16-year-old tice Earl Warren. A brief Thus the basis will be there cov- 3 Sentenced The Judge ^indicated a prompt er the meeting called by Mrfo.r either side to appeal'all the He added that a breakdown Parkway if the N. J. Highway juvenile, who was with Donovan, ering letter explained this was decision after hearing arguments Marks was legal, he said it didn't will now be prepared of the po- Authority will install it for the Everham and Scheller, was being' done "for your informa- way up to the state. Supreme Friday between City Attorney matter because all. parties at- Court in order to get a finalized lic• "••***e BBVWBmaB *•«#«*n* whour »••*•»s **«^a>tha* t •**¥«wen* UftX&CtL into safety of the walking school struck by one of the other boys. tion." In County Court Louis R. Aikens and Mr. Bowtended,an- d made no protest, con- the preparation of the report, (child: The other group fled, but were Aides of Dillon indicate he did! ruling, if either is dissatisfied 1 en's counsel, Charles Frankel,stituting a waiver. with the initial decision. and the hours, will be multiplied] —Ordered an immediate inves- arrested later, police said. this as a polite but pointed ad FREEHOLD — Charles T, and Norman Mesnikoff. Woodward, 19, of Latham Ave., He described the "hearings" as by the wages to determine "how tigation of the old foundry on All were released in $150 bail monition to the legislative and much taypayers' monejf' was Hazlet Ave. to bring about its pending the hearing. juai3al"branches of government Navesink, who was arrested Dec Though It was the first time legislative, rather than judicial, any phase of Council 6 to 3 ac- There's no Trick to Having Ex- wasted." to fallow the Treasury's lead and 26 on a charge of petty larceny and said the requirement was tra Cash. You Get it Fast When from the Middletown Essocenter, tion, by way of preliminary sus- only to allow Mr. Bowen a pub- Straniero Tract j restrict use of their free-entry You Use The Register Classified. The. subject of Mr. Nixon's at- privileges. Rt. 35, Middletown Township, pension on Feb. 9 and dismissal, lie forum at whioh he might March 26, after a series of pubplea- d for reinstatement or make —Advertisement. tack was the proposed purchase So far,-there has been no of-will have to spend another six 1 weeks in jail. lic meetings, was in court, their a case to improve his position in BUS ficial response from either Con- arguments were not hew. seeking future employment. Mr. gress or the, Supreme Court. Woodward was convicted by Mr. Bowen contends the FebAiken. s said there was no need FpREIGN FLASHES - The jury April 23 of having sharec NEWARK 9 session was illegally convened for witnesses or evidence to be Swedish Red Cross is establish- in a small amount of cash ant by Deputy Mayor Samuel A. presented by Council. ing oil, unusual emergency meas- cigarettes two others admitte Marks, that the meetings were Judge Mariano seemed to rule ONLY $#-68 ure for usje in the event of ataking from the service station, not "public hearings" in the na-out the argument over Mr. catastrophe anywhere in thbuet the jury acquitted him oturl e intended by law, and that Marks' right to call a special • ROUND TRIP ld) , It's », Supply of clothing, joining the otljers in breakin, no proof was offered by Coun- meeting after attorneys discussed FROM packed in small easjMo-handlhdl e into the place. cil to back up the "reasons" it. The court said it appeared HUFFMAN JO BOYLE bundles, .ready to be flown wher- Monmouth County Judge El cited in the action against him. Mr. Bowen's forces were aban- ever needed .".. India's Agricul- vin R. Simmill sentenced him RED BANK - MIDDLETOWN The manager lost the $13,000 adoning it. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM ture Minister has told Parlia- Friday to six months in jail, wit year post he had commenced But he dwelled principally on FLEETWOOD PARK ment that country will need some credit dating to the day of hiSept. 1, 1961 as Long Branch'swhether the hearings were legis- BORO BUSSES COMPANY 30,000 tractors in the next few arrest. His lawyer was Phili Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontown— 2-1010 : first city manager assertedly be- lative as viewed by Mr. Aikens SH 1*0567 . years. - Domestic production is Newman, of Asbury Park. As- cause he didn't get along with or quasi-judicial as held by Mr. only 4,250; the others will have sistant Prosecutor John A. Petil to be obtained abroad. So falro represented the state. this year 1,800 have been bought Raymond Downes of Florence from Russia West Berlin's Ave., Leonardo, who had pleadec militant Mayor Willy Brandt hasguilty to breaking and entering been redesignated his party's and larceny of the station, was candidate for chancellor in thefined $200 and was given next election. Brandt ran against suspended sentence to Borden •Chsnceilo-r- Adenauer last* time town Reformatory. , and: made a strong showing Ghana has signed a new trade John Di Capus;''' Briarwooc agreement With Russia for anAve., Keansburg, drew a $20( Unspecified increase in goods fine and suspended' sentence to ... .Yugoslavia is offering to Annandale Reformatory on pleas train Iraqi in postal and tele- of guilty to forced entry and graph work, with Yugoslavia theft of a portable radio Dec. 2S SUN TUES footing the cost for the training from the Keansburg Public . . . Japan has bought from Rus- School, and money from a safi sia a type of live polio vaccine at Loew's Drive-In, Rt. 35, Rar sufficient to immunize 250,000 tan Township, Jan. 2. He wai people. The serum cost $115,000 represented by Sidney MeistricI being delivered this of Asbury Park and was sen tenced by Judge Edward J, spring.' Ascher. Judge,Asoher fined Hazel Mo ten, Rt. 79, Freehold, $200 on Deposit Bag •her plea of guilty of atrocious assault and battery on her hus> band Feb. 17. Frederick MoencI 'Theft Probed of Red Bank represented her. RED BANK — A bank deposit bag with $440 in checks and cash was taken Friday from To- $3,000 Damage maino Brothers Cigar Store on Monmouth St. BELMAR - About $3,000 worth . According to police, Mrs. Rose of damage was caused in the Tomaino, owner of the Commun-kitchen of Pat's Diner, Rt. 35, ity Liquor Store, had prepared Sunday in a fire blamed on a bank deposit and then went a faulty ventilating system, fire next door to the cigar' store toofficials reported. pick up the owner's deposit. The fire was confined to the Police said she placed the de-kitchen. posit bag on the counter while i Several .patrons in the dine •he assisted the cigar store owner area were evacuated briefly a. In waiting on customers. smoke was filtered out of thr Police said Mrs. Tomaino dis- building. There were no injuries, covered that the bag was missing when she went to take the de- FINED $55 posit to the bank. NEW SHREWSBURY-A Nep- Police said the store wa,s tune man and woman were fine crowded at thetime of theft. $55 each by Magistrate Marvin The deposit bag contained $171.- A. Sohaefer Saturday morning on 87 in checks and $268.13 in cash, an indecency charge. police said. The two, Robert Thomas, 28, and Corrin Lockamy, 25, were The next group of Ranger apprehended by Police Chief rocketi is expected to be chiefly James A. Herring on Hamilton television stations in space. Rd. at 12:30 Saturday morning.

CONSERVATION PACT —An agreement for conserve-' tion and development of fiih and wildlife resources on th* EarU Naval Ammunition Depot property was reached nn last weak by naval authorities, the U.S. Bureau of Sport For Mother^ Day-a step-saving extension phone Fisheries and Wildlife,* and the,state Dopartmont of Conservation and Economic Development. Here George v She'll still be thanking you a year from now—because an extension phone (in h€Y Alpaugh, left, of the state agency, looks on a» Capt. E. favorite color, of course) is a big help to her every day of the year.,A handy wall G. Sanderson, commanding officer, NAD Earle, signs the agreement. Pact is aimed at protecting the watersheds, or table model Gostsless than 3i a day! Rates for pretty Princess phones are soil and vegetable cover on the large Earle tract as vital elements of an optimum fiih and game program. low, too. To order, just call the Telephone Business Office, NEW JERSEY BELL

* " -HI.- f r RED BANK REGISTER Store UoiM£ ._,— VUj 7. 15*3 ew Policy For Appeals «(|tMr. Slogsn for W« imf* eal. {rajr Hiven, Uttle 8B»e*. Monmouth County federated fund Council of Monmouth County. dates and slogans, tad to co-or- of hmd-raWnhmd-n g techniques mad (onmouth Beech, Hew Shrew*, There'i no Trick to Having Ex- drives will be initiated for the At a recent meeting of public dinate afi publicity through a cen- by, the fond raising problem mry. Red Bw*. Runaon, Set tra Cash. You Get it Fut When To Do Own 1963 appeal! it was announced to- relations chairmen of the mem- tral caairinan, Mr. Pants said. committee of the Welfare Com Hrt, «od ShMwjbory. The As> day by Jeroid Panas of Little SU- Road Work ber committees at the Commun- The new flan, designed to dim- cfl. j/bst Hggh_V: Alesgandroni, >ury P«A W b covered bylYou Uie The Regltter LJTTLE SILVER — Borough Council last night authorized the BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH PRIVi-lH HUT© CENTER GIVES expenditure of $2,135 for the pur- chase of a road maintenance ma- chine from The Qumming Co., Inc., WestfieH. YOU COMPLETE ONE-STOP SERVICE WHILE YOU SHOP The price include*, a $700 trade- in allowance on the present bor- ough machine. The purchase was approved at ADJACENT TO BAMBERGER'S the recommendation of Council- man Charles T. Bruno, chairman of the roads committee. AT THE EATONTOWN CIRCLE The new machine, which wiH patch and seal roads, will save • Tires • Batteries 'Mufflers •Shocks •Brakes time and do a better job than present borough equipment, which • Seat covers • Wheel alignment • Parts and repairs is sufficient only for small jobs, Mr. Bruno said. p^Hminir^ Council will seek bids to ira prove the intersection of riarding and Ridge Rds. The corner of that intersection will be lopped off to increase driver visibility and elim- inate a traffic hazard, Mayoi Charles W. Stephens said. BAMBERGER'S Work on the intersection shoul be under way next month, ac- cording to the mayor. AUTO CENTER An annual expenditure of $180 to increase the borough's com- prehensive liability insurance coverage from $300,000 to $500,00 and of $17 a year to increase its extra expense insurance cover age was approved. WHHL, BRAKE AND Parole Set ALIGNMENT For Lawyer SPECIAL TRENTON (AP) - A lawyer from Hackensack, convicted of ALL 3 FOR 9.49 embezzlement and forgery, and a woman from Somers Point, con- Complete brake adjustment—clone, 1.50 victed of second degree murder, • Adjwt >U 4 ihoei • Tert brakei will be paroled from prison next • Intpeet lining! * Inspect greue Mill • Inspect hydraulic ayitem month, the New Jersey Parole CIT RIADY FOR SUMMIR DRIVING- Board announced today. Complete wheel balancing — alone, $3 The lawyer, Martin Solomon • Instill new weights • Get extra mileage 36, of Hackensack, was sentenced • BiUnce both front and tmooth wheels performance PRICES RIDUCID ON ALL SUM to 5 to 6 years in December 1961 alter pleading guilty to embez- Complete front end alignment—alone, 8.99 zling money from a client's trust • Correct camber and castes- • Inspect and adjust AND TYPES, FOR THIS ORCAT SAU fund, a spokesman for the Parole • Correct toe-in, toe-ont steering Board said. Wheel alignment and brake service available He was given a concurrent sen- to 5:45 P.M. tence of 2)4 to 3 years in Novem- ber 1962 on forgery and embez- zlement charges. The woman, Lynette Beasley, 35, of Somers Point, was convicted of second degree murder in the Tubeless nylon tires death of Fred Irwin, 7B. : Authorities said she testified she went out with Irwin to dinner, they quarreled, be came to her apartment later, they had a tus- sle and he fell and struck his BRAKES REUNED head. guaranteed 28 months She said she believed Irwin was ON ALL 4 WHEELS dead, she called her boyfriend and With 15,000-mile guarantee* they dumped his body in Brigan- tine Bay. An autopsy showed death was caused by drowning. She was sentenced Dec. 13, 1955 12.95 and sale-priced to to 20 to 25 years. For mott American con The Parole Board also an- nounced these prisoners will be • In«ull 4 of new, bonded brake linings released, listed by counties from e Bleed and adjust for full contact which they were sentenced: • Check lines, master cylinder for leaks • Check all wheel cylinders for leaks ESSEX-Joseph Beilina of New- •Fr» rtHnini It brsJui tsll within 13,000 mllM ark, sentenced June 26, 1957 to of job. save you 7-14 years, unlawful entering; Ed- ward Spruell, Newark, March 12, 1958, 7-10 years, assault with in- tent to rob. MIDDLESEX—Andrew Aposta- VANDERBILT VANDERBILT te. Newark, Oct. II, 1962, break- fag and entering with intent to •teal. MAJOR 110 MAJOR 110 SOMERSET — Charles Teryek, Middlesex, Feb. 3, 1961, 5-7 years, incest. TUBELESS BLACKWALL WHITE WALL UNION-Ellsworth Brown, West- RUST-RESISTANT field, Dec. 4, 1959, 5-7 years, rob- bery. MUFFLERS Fully guaranteed for the life of your cart HEALTH CAPSULES Car Year Model Price Stude. .•47.'SB Champ 4.99 2 for 17.: byMith«elA.Petti,MJ). CheTj _'49-'S3 6 «.99 2 for 2L PO HIP-BUMPING EXERCISES Chevy _'54-'62 6 and 8 8.99 REPUCE THE SIZE OF Pontisc VOUR HIPS \ Oldi Baick Baick Cad. (t) Cad. (r) 4 for 33. V. Ford 4 for 41.; Ford Dodga 640x15, plui tax and 640x15, plut tax and Dodge Plym. ony old tirei in trade any old tires in trad* tPullr (U>ruitMd »ialnt muiulistunr'f ttttcU for th« lifetime of your c»r—free replseement. tnilli »nd oonvertlbliM •Hshlli lUibtr, Till pints for moat can tlw n»ll»bl« at low prlcti. In- Siie Sale Sale Sin Sale •tallatton •YUliWe at nominal charia. Sole 670xl5_ 2 for 22.88 -4 for 43.88 670x15- 2 for 26.88 -4 for 51.88 710xlS_ -2 for 26.88. -4 for 51.88 710x15- -2 for 3O.88_ _4 for 59.88 760xl5_ -2 for 30.88_ -4 for 59.88 760x15- -2 for 34.88. for 67.88 :50xl4_ J2 for 22.88- .4 for 43.88 750x14- -2 for 26.88. -4 for 51.88 800xl4_ -2 for 26.88- -4 for 51.88 800x14- -1 for 30.88. _4 for 59.88 . I HAVE NEVER SEEN 850xl4_ .2 for 30.88- -4 for 59.88 850x14- _2 for 34.88 -4 for 67.88 THIS PO ANVTWNCS EXCEPT 600xl3_ _2 for 21.88- -4 for 41.88 MAYBE PROPUCE 600xl3_ -1 for 25.8J .4 for 49.88 A FEW BRUISES. 650xl3_ 2 for 25.88 -4 for 49.88 65Oxl3_ -2 for 29.88. -4 for 57.88 TOMORROW: HEPATITIS. HMM CstnuUi (iv» htUul Mcm All pricei plug tax and a like dumber of old tire* ia trade. DiiMttomdwifelfdUtk 6 f B >ntl ll l MM l ul1 tut lB1|>0Ct brM driving ".' , "u "" " '• "JVi»?*',, ' * ""£ *t" "' •'•» »' ' • ar Hermal SHOCK ABSORBERS i, Iravallng an ovsraga of 1,000 miln par mwiHi. Tim wlH b* rtpUcsf 6r r*palr*d at the Bambtmr's. 3WoystoWin! WITH FREE INSPECTION Raplactmanh pro-rarad on thtM MDIIII prletl far amount of tlmo used.

Each ^1 lPLAy^"o 3.99 Tlicsc shocks are precision-engineered to give a new, safer ride. All work is performed by factory-lraincd experts. Drive in tomorrow for free inspection. Installation available at moderate charge.

Wwkly Cash .^. Play CALL. KC Hogg 1 -2400, OS borne 1 -2500 OR WRIT! en tirai Frea dalivary wlfhln our delivery area (Eieept C.O.D.'i. add 50e). larobargar'i Drlva-ln AvfO Cantor (Daptt. 141, 1441 . Ad|ae»»t to lamborcier's at the Eatonrawn Traffic Circle, Monmcurn. And at Paramui, Monlo Park, Newark, Plolnflold and Raiire 22 In Iprlnflflald. POST Bamberger's Drive-in auto centers at Monmouth, Paramus, Menlo Park, Newarii, PiainfTeid open tomorrow 8:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.; Springfield 10 AM. to 9:30 P.M. POSITION BUY WITH NO DOWN PAYMIHT, TAKI UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY WITH A BAMBHtOMt HOMIMAKIR't CREDIT ACCOUNT > Entry Blank in Saturday B.Y. MIRROR Bamberger's Monmouth Open Mondays through Fridays till 9:30, p.m. till 4 B£D BANK REGISTER Twewltjr, Mty 7, waver -op« Homw «ti the Middle Row) Sdjool will tw Confab Set For Explorers bald toaijfaftim 7U5 to |:15 OAKHURSr - minute .program for young men for parent* of afternoon «e* Connca of Boy Scout* win be t*p- of Jiigh school age." 'said Mr. lion student*, parent* of ttu- resented at the Second Region Pine. "Their activities are based { Professional RUG CLEANING danu in Mrs. Mary KetcboWs Two Explorer Delegate Confer-on the interests and desires of its daw, Mr. PoJIpartro'* class and ence, according to Wilfred Pine, members, assisted by the wel- COMPLETELY REMOVES ALL THAT 'Mr. VegUa'j claw. For parents Neptune City, council adviser. comed guidance of trained adults. |[ "Exploring provides well-round- DIRT AND GRIME IN YOUR RUGS of kindergarten classes, morn- This conference, planned, ing session and full-day session ed experiences in vocational in-1 staffed and operated by Explorers terests, service projects, citizen-1 students, "open house" will be from New York and New Jersey, Monday, May 20, from 7 to 8 ship, outdoor activities, personal || plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin fitness and social fields." CALL TODAY p.m. At 8:15 that night, instal- Islands will take place on the lation of .officer* of the Pareqt- campus of Syracuse University Teacher Amclation wUl be held. June 21, 22 and 23. COMPUTER PRODUCTS BELMAR — Six thousand ad-II There are 1,200 high-school aged delegates who will represent the ditional square feet of manufac-1 32,427 Explorers in Region Two. hiring area — for a total of 12,-jf Two years ago, the first Regional 300 — have been added to the fa- WHY PAY Explorer Conference was conduct- cilities of Computer Products II Since Ml ed on the Syracuse Campus, and Inc., at 1717 F Street. It repre- IN KM It HOME—IN OUR FUW1 MORE? wa» followed last year by a na-sents the fourth major expansion I Dry Cleaning - Laundry tional gathering at the Univer- of the facilities since the com-1 WHITE ST. SH 7-280O RED BANK sity of Michigan. pany's beginning a year and a)| "Exploring is the up-to-the half ago.

HAVING A IALL — Mrs. Larry Lucisano of Red Bank, left, seems a« happy as the winners of balloon dance contest at Friday night's dance in Old Orchard Country Club for the benefit of the Red Bank High School Boosters Association. The winners, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Evans of Shrewsbury, have just been presented bouquet of flow- ers by Richard Blasi, right, Booster vice president. The flowers were offered as a prize by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox of Holmdel. MIDDLETOWN Route 35 and New Monmouth Bd. Offering Help To Residents Forced to Move FREEHOLD — Residents of Monmouth County Board of Real- "We believe that the realtor's FOODTOWN SAVES YOU MORE! New Shrewsbury Monmouth County and other tors to help them re-locate. special knowledge, skills and ex- at Route 35 areas of the state affected by James C. Oanskin, head of thetensive information equip him to ARMOUR STAR GRADE A ,V,°, 4fe^|fc Shrewsbury Ave. federal and state highway pro- Monmouth realtors, announced give dislocated families a great | grams compelling (hem to give that a committee has been assist in helping them to become c |lup their homes can count on theformed to assist uprooted fami- re-established m an environment lies in finding homes that will and in a home that approximates most suitably replace dwellings very closely the one they've been before you buy or build, see . . lost because of new highway con- forced to give up. Work of this struction programs. kind, performed in cooperation "Progress of this type," Dan-with the State Highway Depart- MARINE VIEW ment and the committees of II skin said, "often works grea |l hardship upon families who have other organizations, indicates the Ib SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION public service aspect of the real- II grown accustomed to particula: 1 "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" | neighborhoods, and do not want tor's job. ' Danskin invited citizens facing TURKEYS 39 can't afford a too sudden MAIN OFFICE Branch Office j| and too sharp residential change. this problem to discuss it with READY-TO-EAT SMOKED SHANK HALF BUTT HALF 874 Highway 8 II So far Monmouth County any realtor of the Monmouth (Five Corners) AUantlc-Hlghlands not been substantially affected by board. MIDDLETOWN S3 First Avenue I these moves, but other areas Raymond Dasch of the State OS 1-2400 291-0100 the state have witnessed exten- Highway Department said help sive highway improvement proj- to uprooted families is being ects. widened throughout the state. Personal assistance from auth- Ib orized authorities has been ex- tended, and payments also have been made to help with moving expenses. Real estate experts Giant IMEay have been among the leading specialists enlisted by State High- HAMS 35 43 way Commissioner Dwight G. R. Palmer in coping more efficiently FOODTOWN "DOWNTOWN A with the problem. RED BANK GROUND CO SLICED Open Wed. Ntte 'til », UJA Drive , Friday Nlte 'til 9: JO SALE CHUCK v«7 Organized BACON RED BANK — The Red Bank area campaign for the 25th anni versary of the United Jewish Ap- peal was organized Thursday night at a meeting at the home of Dr. Sidney Hodas here.x STEAK Q PORTER Milton Green, Little Silver, will be general chairman of the Ib campaign which, he noted, has Ib HOUSE helped to rescue some 3,000,000 lives during the past quarter- SALE century. The national goal this year is $60 million for the regu- lar campaign and an additional ROSE $36 million for the Special Fund for New Immigration. Jersey •$ Own—Fresh Med. White The local campaign will get under way with an initial gifts campaign for which Dr. Hodas agreed to serve as chairman. BUSHES This will be climaxed, by an ini- tial gifts dinner May 20 at the Fine 2-yr. field grown Rose home of Jack Kaplan, Rumson. Bushes in your choice of a Dr. Hodas said particularly variety of colors. All bushes poignant this year is the plight of Algerian Jewry who were forced wrapped with poly cover. to flee to France. Many French Hurry in and snap up these communities now have hundreds [big buys. or thousands of Jewish families, where in 1957 there were none. Other cities are struggling with a massive rapid influx of these often destitute families. Paris has 300,000 Jews in 1963 compared with 175,000 in 1957 DAZZLE and Marseilles now has five times the 12,000 Jews it had seven years ago. Some 575,000 BUSH Jews the world over need the aid which can come only through the UJA, he said. FOODTOWN APPLESAUCE Those attending the meeting, in addition to Dr. and Mrs. Ho- das, included, Milton Green, Law- rence Feldman and Israel Senitz- mmmmm ky, Little Silver; Dr. Victor Sie- gel and David Ruda, Red Bank; Irving Diamond and Abraham Za- VALUE ger, Shrewsbury; Dr. Bertram Felnswog, Max Klein, and Mrs. OUR OWN 20" Raymond Eagle, New Shrews- LEMONADE bury; Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosen- thai, Fair Haven; Marvin Brod- er and Jack Kaplan, Rumson, TITAN BRAND and Mrs. Robert Multer, Colts Neck. FIERY RED SWEET WHOLE ROTARY MOWER Win-NeverLose WATERMELON SCALLIONS Bu. c FOOD CIRCUS Famous 2'/i HP motor with im- RADISHES Bu. pulse starter. Extra-large deck on heavy gauge steel base, ruit- CUCUMBERS Ea. reiistant. baked enamel finish. Fingertip control, chrome tee Prices Effective Middletown handlebar snaps on and off. p., POST Many deluxe features. Foodtown Only! POSITION Open 7 Days a Week—Every Evening Except Entry Blank in N.Y. MIRROR Sat. and Sun. (Sunday 8:30 A.M. to 1 P.M.) Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN NEXT TO MIDDLETOWN POST OFFICE M-TB*wUy, Mif.7, 1963 RED BANK W£ISTEB Ocea ort SOP Group Wedding in Matawan Miss Berger Is Bride PTA To Hear On May 15 Mrs. Seely For Nancy C Shdwn Of Richard A. Owen OCEANPORT f A flower and The Monmouth County Federa- MATAWAN—Miss Nancy Carol River, were the bridal attend- hobby show will (be the highlight tion of Republican Women will Shown, daughter of Mrs. Nancy ants. Their gowns and hesdplecei KEYPORT—Miss Martha Ber- both of Wilmington, Del., were of a Parent-Tea(!her Association add its congratulations to those Shown, 8 Bedle Rd, Hazlet, and were styled like the honor at- «.... ».. .-».«.. ~ tendanfs in horpink. Theyjar- ger became the bride of Richard the bridal attendants. Their Nile meeting May lji at 8:15 p.m. already received by Mrs. Leslie George Shown, Sr., Fords, be 1 1 A. Owen Saturday, in the Key- green peau de soie gowns and here in the sctool. Installation D. Seely, 154 South St., Eaton- came the bride of Airman 2/o ried baskets of pa* * ^ng port Baptist Church. Rev. Mau- headpieces were styled like the of new officers! also will take town, who was recently chosen John J. Rodney, Jr., son of Mr. flowers. rice Phillips officiated. honor attendant's and they car- place at the meWing. New Jersey Mother of the Year. and Mrs. Rodney, Lloyd Rd., Miss Gina Beth Costa, Hazlet, The bride is the daughter of ried cascade bouquets of carna- There are four categories of Fellow federation members Freneau, here Sunday. was the Junior bridesmaid. She Mrs. Carl Berger, 18 St. Peters tions. flower entries tot the show open will honor Mrs. Seely at the Rev. Norman Riley, pastor of wore a light pink peau de soie PI., Keyport. The bridegroom's John Higgins, Fulton, N. Y. to pupils in the Oceanport Gram- June 20 directors' meeting to be St. .John's Methodist Church, street-length gown and headpiece parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest cousin of' the bridegroom, was mar School. They;jare: A composi held in The Lamplighter, Spring Keyport, performed the double and carried a basket of pastel Owen, reside in Wilmington, Del. best man. Ushers were Dewey ion representingl a book, poem, Lake Heights. ring ceremony in the Matawan spring flowers. Briggs and William Conway Walter Hennig, Morganvijle, The bride was esfcorted by Mr. nursery rhyme inner at the annual convention Mrs. Joseph L. Sharon, Mrs. Har- The federation was instrumen- Janet Lane Stop in for a free consultation. You'll FREE ESTIMATES! the New Jersey Federation find it will make a wonderful world of old Birchenough, Mrs. Edward F, rf Women's Clubs tonight at the tal in completing the resoration CALL of the old bakery building, now difference in vour decorating! • Elbert, Mrs. S. Mayo Boyd, Mrs. Miss Anne Phylls Thaler fladdon Hall in Atlantic City. used as a museum. Each year To Marry 462-5771 G. S. Sohroth, Mrs. William R. Mr. Creveling, who is also Tucker, Mrs. J. J. Dauster and RUMSON—Mr. and Mrs. Rob- it has made sizeable contribu- DYNA-KLEEN tate director of resource de- OF Mrs. John G. Anderson. ert Thaler, 94 Rumson Rd., an- tions to other village projects. nounce the engagement of their velopment, will discuss the prog- Mrs. Joseph E. Walsh, Avon, M0NM0UTH COUNTY ress that has been made to re- FURNITUM It pays to advertise In the Red daughter, Miss Anne Phyllis the federation's state chairman Thaler, to Robert Elliott Shanley store Allaire Village, a thriving, for community improvement, has MO Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. SH 7-MN Bank Register.—Advertisement. Ovm 10 A.M. to t P.M. Moo. torn FH. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert self-contained community in the been a member of the village's » A.M. to I P.M. SBtutey.. E. Shanley, 108 Rumson Rd. early part of the 19th century board of trustees since its for- Miss Thaler is the granddaugh which became a deserted village mation and has been*'an active RED BANK'S ONLY ter of Mrs. Joseph M. Bruen of following the decline of the bog- worker in the restoration pro- Trenton and the late Mr. Bruen, iron industry in New Jersey. gram. Cold Storage Vaults and the late Mr. and Mrs. John The New Jersey Federation of Following the President's Din- Thaler. She is altending Mon- Women's Clubs has taken an ner, Mr. and Mrs. Creveling will c mouth College, , West Long active interest in the village's jbe guests of honor at the formal g d restoration since the nonprofit'opening of the convention. FOR FURS AND WINTER WOOLENS Branch, majoring in teacher edu- cation, and is a member of Tau SPECIAL BOX STORAGE PLAN Lambda Chi. She is a graduate • Bonded Routeman • Economical Rattt of Rumson-Fair Haven Regiona High School. Class of "43 to Hold *e* Mr. Shanley is an economics major at Villanovs (Pa.) Uni LEON o versity, and a member of Delta Dinner-Dance in June WHITE ST. • SH 7-2800 • RED BANK Pi Epsilon fraternity. He was LITTLE SILVER — The class Thomas Cusick, Michael Re- graduated from Red Bank Catho- of 1943, Red Bank Catholic High mak and Frank Regan displayed lic High School, School, held its second reunion a collection of ceramic art by A fall Is planned. edding committee meeting recently in Jane Drake of Little Silver, from the home of Mrs. John Cavines which awards for the dance Miss Janet M. Lane (Janet Bloom), 237 Branch Ave. were selected by the committee LONG BRANCH - Mr. and The reunion, slated for June Reservations will be accepted Mrs. J. Webster Lane, 90 Atlan- IT WILL BE OUR SPECIAL PLEASURE 29 in the Crystal Brook Inn, tic Ave., announce the engage TO SERVE YOU AN INIMITABLE Eatontown, will begin with until May 8 by chairman Mrs Gynecologists Find Amazing Way Alex Rovder (Gloria Layton), ment of their daughter, Miss Ja- cocktail hour, followed by a din- net M. Lane, to Frederick G. Col- Mother's Day Dinner Shrewsbury. ner dance. Jack MacVeagh's morgen, Jr., son of Frederick G. Mothers and Mothers-to-Bc, Mothers-in-Law orchestra, known as the Jack E. Rev. James B. Coyle, pastor Colmorgen, Sr., 22 Woodland St., (his and hers), Grandmothers and God-Mothers To Relieve Pre-Menstrual Tension, Oharles Trio, will play for danc of St. Dorothea's Catholic Little Silver, and the late Mrs. —being all Creatures of rare Discernment and ing. hurch, Eatontown, and Rev. Colmorgen. inherent Excellence of Taste—will adjudge Din- (Lt. Com.) Paul Bradley of St. ner at our Hostelry to be a complete Treat w»w Miss Lane was graduated from in that: Alban's Hospital, Long Island, tmz Branch High School and is Depression, and "Puffiness"! ITEM, have been invited to the reunion employed in the savings depart our culinary Art has reached a rare Degree as honored guests. ment of the Long Branch Trust of Variety and Perfection Now available in tiny new tablet that works without Brief resumes on each class- Company. ITEM, the' Competonco and Courtesy of our Matters mate are being compiled for a Mr. Colmorgen, a graduate of Service is without Peer hormones, tranquilizers or habit-forndng drugs ouvenir brochure by members Red Bank High School, is at- ITEM, our Decor, in the Style of the Jersey | the prettiest and most f the program committee: Mrs. tending American Institute of Blues, is eminently Elegant homas Gran (Helene Cassidy), Banking, Freehold, and is head ITEM, our View of the Shrewsbury, as you will complete selection of Mrs. Louis Connors (Anna Mae teller at the Lincroft Branch of note' while Dining, is a Thing of vernal Leading gynecologists, spe- this exclusive formula that helps prevent the Hughes), and Maj. Raymond W. the Keansburg - Middletown Na- cialisto in women's ailments, build-up of harmful excess fluids and so I • CURTAINS Truex, Jr. tional Bank. Beauty aVid a Feast for the Eye and Spirits Mother's Day Dinner served from 12 to 9 ... lmve discovered an nmnzing eliminates the bloating water-weight. Un- • DRAPERIES way to reHorepre-menstrual comfortable swelling and puffinesa are gently Call Dining Room for reservations (SH 7-2500) miseries. Doctors now know reduced. Thus painful pressure is eased ... • BEDSPREADS GOSH! Seven Years Bad Luck! that for 10 to 14 days before and tension, depression, irritability, fatigue • FANCY LINENS the period, an abnormal accumulation of are promptly relieved. . But at least I can have my •zcess fluids often stores up in the body ... Discover how much better you can look • Drapery Hardware mirror replaced immediately. causing puffiness and swelling. This puts and feel during those upsetting pro-men- pressure on sensitive nerves ... tensi#n and strual days—without powerful hormones, pressure build up. H. KAABE GLASS CO. trnnquilizerfl or hnbit-forming drugs. Doc- • FREE ESTIMATES Now science has developed a tiny new tor-tented Trendnr has proved, peach organza and they car- and Mrs. George Whelan, second club this year was a $100 scholar- dren to awaken their interest in tion officer of Monmouth Coun- School, New Monmouth. iCohen, Helen Collinson, Debbie ied baskets of pastel spring vice president, in charge of mem-ship for a Middletown Township the subject. ty, was the guest speaker'. Most Honored guests were Mrs. Dan- Earle, John Collinson, Donna owers. bership. Mrs. Edwin R. Stanley High School student. The club al- On display were projects made juvenile delinquency starts In iel Follweiler, fifth district vice Egposito, Karen Esposito, JoAnn Four - year - old Jennie Rotolo, is immediate past president. so is sponsoring a student to at- by the students as well as sev- the home, he said, not because president of the New Jersey State Flammia, Stanley Foley, Craig last Keansburg, sister of the Other officers completing terms tend Citizenship Institute at Federation of Women's Clubs and Fowler, Gary Fowler, Mary Gi iridegroom, was the flower girl. eral pieces of science equipment of bad parents, but because of Douglass College June 17-21. purchased for the school by the inadequate parental guidance. are Mrs. John Windas, secretary; Mrs. Paul J. Braun who served anell, Zoralda Gracia and Mi- :he wore a peach organza dress PTA. Mrs. G. Paul Kennedy and Mrs. The welfare department made as the club's first president when|chael Green. ith matching flower circlet on He urged parents to have con- more than 100 cancer dressings New officers elected were Mrs. Stanley, corresponding secretary. it was federated hi 1957 and con- A1<-' r'n Hester, Nancy er hair. She carried a miniature stant contact with school and for the health center, and donated Kevin Lang, president; Mrs. Ar- tinued in office through 1959. She| ' Denise Hughes, Msket of pastel spring flowers. 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury teachers. Department chairmen named a bike rack to the Middletown thur Beadle, first vice president; Report cards provide an offi- Fabio King, Niels Maletto, Fran' James Siciliano, Keansburg, Dally 9 to 5:M by Mrs. Bilow are Mrs. Windas, Public Library. man when the group was founded as best man. Ushers were Mrs. Bernard Brenner, second cer with an unbiased opinion of Mrs.' Richard Bond, Amer- The club also donated monies to ca Mellari, Richard Montainino, FrL'till vice president; Mrs.' David the child, according to Mr. Vein- in 1956. ' Tom Palatto, Steven Peluso, Thomas McGuire, Staten Island; Cohen, recording secretary; Mrs. heimer, who also emphasized that Patty Pingitore, Leah Rissman, William Lord, Keansburg, Percy Brown, corresponding sec- probation officers make every ef- Lourdes Rodriguez, Tony Rossi, retary, and Mrs. Russell Coyne, fort to keep youngsters out of an Patty, Rudolph, Patricia Ruffini, treasurer. institution. However, they must Terry Scott, Maria Semliatschen- have the interest and co-opera- ko, Arthur Swenson, Vincent Tal- SAVt AW IARH • NEW SLATfEoE off cofficers of the tien-pf the parents, he said. arico, Jimmy Tomsino, Patricia Current River Plaza PTA, elected at a Si PTA communion breakfast Trocchia, Maria Urislno, Leo recent meeting In the school, in- will be held at Elmaro's. Restau- Waivers and Tom Williams. Dividend clude i Mrs. James McLaren, rant, Morgan, on May 19 with 4 Ptr Annum, president; Mrs. Fred Jack, first Mrs. Frank Fierro as chairman. vice president; Mrs. Joseph Course Set Price, second vice president; MRS. ARTHUR FLECK was Miss Rita Quail, honorary vice elected president of the Union president; Mrs. John Fournier, Beach PTA at a meeting last For Scouts corresponding secretary; Mrs. week in the school hall. HOLMDEL - Jack Kerwin, Richard Girard, treasurer, and Others elected were Mrs. Kari chairman of the activities com- Mrs. Herbert Damm, financial Behr, vice president; Paul mittee of Troop 131, has an- secretary. Evans, principal, honorary vice nounced that Flotilla 23 of th "Sitfety In and Around Our president; Mrs. Allen Plank, sec- U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, School" was the theme of a dis- retary, and Mrs. Vincent La- Leonardo, will conduct a two cussion by Joseph Miner, trans- mano, treasurer. hour outboard handling course foi portation coordinator, and Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Charles De Fazio his troop Tuesday, May 14, at seph Cahill, traffic chairman, were named to the auditing com' p.m. at the Indian Hill School both of the Middletown Township mittee. Hazlet. Safety Council. Mrs. Francis Coyle announced that she and Mrs. Donnelly, had Mr. Kerwin said the course wi MRS. JOHN RACZEK was re- attended the workshop in Rut- assist Boy Scouts who might be walking toward their seamanshi; elected president of the PTA of ;ers University, April 23. NEW HOME — The Freehold Woman's Club has a new brick colonial home which Bayview School, Belford, at a re- Mrs. Harry Woolley, program merit badge, as well as providing cent meeting. chairman, introduced guest culminates a 14-year project of the organization. The recently dedicated 32x130- safety regulations tor scouts who Other new officers are Mrs. speaker Frank Zampello, assist- foot structure is located at the corner of South and Institute Sts. Organized in 190° will attend camp at Forestburg Of RED BANK this summer. Robert Rice, Mrs. Robert Renton ant principal of Keyport High with 28 members, the club now has a membership totaling 125. The recently formed and Mrs. Robert Watson, vice School, who spoke on the quali- "AlMob often," sa» Mr. Ker 24 IROAD STREET presidents; Mrs. D. L. Warren, fications of the high school. A Junior Woman's Club will alio use the new clubhouse. winy who retired from the Coasi recording secretary; Mrs. Wil- question and answer session fol- Guard after 24 years' service liam Marshall, corresponding lowed. die assumption is that onl; children require such a course.1 Freehold Woman's Club Dedicated To disprove this theory,, offi- a cials of Troop 131 and Ben Mor- Addm and Eve 125-Member Group Completes 14-Year Project ris, commander of Flotilla 23, have extended an invitation to thi bouquet FREEHOLD — Recent dedica- three solos,-including "Bless This The new building houses an scouts' parents as well as othei lnter ted hoaitIS to attend tion ceremonies of the new homelHouse." auditorium with a seating capa-i « u of the Woman's Club here cul- A letter of congratulations from city of 200, a stage with dressing fr*"""-, * » enabling adults to of Free for All 8 111 thelr minated a 14-year project of i theRabbi Louis Tuohman, who was rooms on each side, entitmc^ ™ ' *»eficienaes in 1 (Do you have a personal of things for me, but he seems organization. unable to be present, was read. hall, a pink and white tiled pow- question or problem? Send it to like to drink too much. He's The 32x76-ifoot brick colonial Rev. Paul Hammond of St. der room, a beige and white Mr. beautiful to Adam or Eve Lowell or told me he can stop drinking structure is on a 75xl30-foot lot Rose of Lima Catholic Church men's room, and a fully equipped terest is generated toward thi both, as you prefer. For a whenever he wants, and maybe at South and Institute Sts. which pronounced the benediction. kitchen with antique birch cabi- course, his flotilla, would conduct nets. The entrance hall has a the abbreviated basic seamanship personal, unpublished reply, en- for a month or so he really can, the club purchased in 1949 when Mrs. Joseph Estenes, president built-in, open-shelved display area course for the troop and inter- close a stamped, self-addressed but then his worries get the best the former clubhouse on Broad of the local club, welcomed mem- and a cloakroom. ested boatmen in the fall. envelope. Mail to Adam & Eve,of him and he drowns them in St. was purchased by the Con- bers and guests, including Mrs. c/o The Register.) liquor. It's then that he starts The auxiliary's regular basii gregation Agudath Achim. Wagner; Mrs. Herbert S. Taylor, The Woman's Club was organ- seamanship course comprises HALF-SIZE FASHIONS DEAR ADAM AND EVE: taking his troubles out on me. Mrs. Douglas G. Wagner, pres- southern vice president; Mrs. ized in 1909 with 28 members eight weekly lessons at two hours I took my wife to a movie and I love him very much but I ident of the New Jersey State Daniel Follweiler, district vice and now has a membership of We happened to sit down in front a week. Flotilla 23 recently com- can't stand a drinking man. He Federation of Woman's Clubs, president, and Mayor Frank E. 125. A Junior Woman's Club was pleted this course at the Indian Of a group of rowdy teenagers. doesn't want help because he dedicated the new clubhouse be- Gibson, who praised the accom- recently formed that will also use For Mother and They guffawed at the love scenes Hill School. The abbreviated, o thinks Alcoholics Anonymous is fore an audience of 150 people. plishments of the club. the new clubhouse. three-lesson course, can be con- and made loud, stupid remarks strictly for the birds, and he The dedication exercises were A plaque, which will be placed In recent years, the club has ducted in three consecutive weeks every few seconds. Finally I won't go to a doctor because he opened with the invocation by inside the clubhouse, was pre- been holding meetings In the lee-«n a week-end with two lessons Daughters too! turned around and asked them to doesn't think he is a problem Rev. Andrew L. Anderson of the sented to the club by the state ture room of the First Presbyte-isaturday and one Sunday, or al- pipe down so others could enjoy drinker. Can you give me some First Baptist Church, followed by, federation. rlan Church on West Main St. [most any. other combination of the show. They sassed me and advice on what I can do? We've the pledge of allegiance to the a few seconds later one of them only been married two months. Also present were Mrs. Ger- The building committee con-ithree. flag led by Mrs. John T. Free- trude Lee, member of the Free- sisted of Mrs. Charles W. Patter-! Mr. Morrii said Ms flotilla will banged me over the head with a Heartbroken. Monmouth county's largest folded newspaper. That was too man, fifth district civics chair- hold Borough Council, Mrs. Jo- son, chairman, Mrs. Cort Sutphen, Svelcome requests for the one-les- Dear Heartbroken: man. seph Mack, president of the Jun-Mrs. Harry Read, Sr., Mrs. [son, three lesson or eight-lesson much. I am 34 years old and He must want to be helped tejection of half sites have usually calm, but I went for this Donald Grant, this place, ac- ior Woman's Club, and former George Dittmar, Sr., Mrs. Ar-'oourses by groups of Interested before AA or anyone else can companied by Mrs. Grant, sang Mayor Fred Quinn. thur Van Sant and Mrs. Estenes. boaters. juit arrived at Vogel's . . . fellow and there was a free-ior help him, and that's where you all. I got a black eye but laid come in. When he is quite all fresh, new fashions for out three of the worst offenders. sober and affectionate, tell him spring and summer . See My wife was terribly mortified how much he means to you and by' the whole episode and says try to persuade him to seek to MOTHER with love them today! I we should have ignored them or assistance. If you pan help him changed our seats. So now we've get at the root of his troubles, been arguing about this, which you can show him the way to- SUNDAY, MAY 12rh IS MOTHER'S DAY • ARNEL JERSEYS doesn't make my swollen eye feel ward stability. any better. Is my wife right or wrong? Give it to me straight. Eve. • COTTONS DEAR ADAM: Puffed Up. FULL-FASHIONED OR SEAMLESS Dear Puffed Up: My wife and I have been mar- • VOILES It's impossible to ignore a ried and divorced twice and now bop on the head. You could we're thinking of trying it for a • JACKET DRESSES have called an usher, but your third time. Do you think it's reaction was instinctive and un- hopeless? derstandable. Drummer. Supp-hoseV '?* (All In both dr.iiy am Adam. Dear Drummer: casual »tyl«») Ushers in many motion pic- It may not be hopeless but it JT JLSTOCKINGS ture houses are derelict in surely must be expensive. In- quieting rowdy kids. The man- stead of getting divorces, get agement should either crack professional help in ironing out pair down on such disturbers or re- your basic differences. It will 495 fund the money of other the- be cheaper and better. atergoers. Adam. So sheer, the support never shows! Eve. Marital troubles? Write Adamj DEAR EVE: & Eve for an excellent booklet, I am '9 and married to a man 'Saving Your Marriage," enclos- Supp-hose look like other nylons 17 years older than I. He is a ing a quarter and a self-ad- wonderful husband and does a lot dressed, stamped long envelope. because they are all nylon. In fash- ion shades and white .. . Sizes 81/? to 11 V2 long.

Vogtli — optn W«d.

CHARGE ANY PURCHASE J.YANKO TAKE MONTHS TO PAY BROAD ST. RED IANK AT NO EXTRA COST! , May 7, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER t&fie ammg die top wartime & the needs of tomorrow. And b*ia En«UM iaWZ ttfi mito* la * optartd German dbeerw ly «q»a as sU and off he wwt, Sinners' Service lied leader* trpjy .mferttja* t!» ^tatdbttefr ft* to &0d i


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SECTION TWQ TUESPAY, MAY 7, 1963 7c PER COPY New Jersey Predicts Fall Vote on School Plans MIDDLETOWN - The Board It takes at least two years to The fire in the annex placed though work is progressing on of Education will probably hold develop a program, obtain state the entire high school on split nine-room additions to both the a referendum on a new building and voter approval, award con- sessions. It was slated to go on Middletown Village and Lincroft News Briefs program in the early fall. -. tracts and have the facilities split session next year not with- elementary buildings. actually built. standing the fire. Mr. Lefever said 16 rooms at The Associated Press The board had originally hoped Thus if appears that the high Mr, Lefever estimated that at the annex — not damaged by the to have its plans completed in school and a major portion of least 70 elementary classes be converted into NEWARK — Police blocked was announced yesterday by time for a vote next month, but the elementary grades will be on be on split session next year. elementary grades for use in the northbound lanes of Rt. 1 Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J. Paul F. Lefever, school superin- split session until then. This prediction is made even [September. near .Newark Airport for a half Case said the contract Is for tendent, reported yesterday it hour yesterday as three fire com- engineering' analysis for thies impossible to complete them panies battled fires in the'mea- Tyros weather satellite. by that time. dows on both sides of the high- He said «he board found it way. ' The lanes were closed GEORGETOWN, SO, — A 52 could not make some basic de- from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The foot luxury yacht, struck the cisions involving the program at fires, between Haynes Ave. and south jetty in Georgetown Har- this time. the intersection of Rts. 1 and 21, bor yesterday and sank in deep The superintendent said the created clouds of dense smoke. water. The yacht, the Co-Pilot,.board still is awaiting the out- owned by P. W. Webber, was enjcome of an insurance settlement CAMDEN — A gunman held route from Charleston to Mont-Ion the portion of the Leonardo up Jthe Tri-County Savings .and clair, N.J. Webber and two] annex which was burned in Loan Association yesterday and others got t small skiff over-lMarch. escaped with an estimated $4>- board before the yacht went! The amount of the settlement 000, police were told. The man down shortly after 4 a.m. Theand the question as to whether entered the bank holding one Coast Guard said Webber new facilities will be constructed hand inside his coat and or- planned to employ divers in anon the Leonardo site are impor- dered a teller, Mrs. Elsie C. attempt to patch the hole and re- tant considerations in developing Spear, to "hand over the float the boat. a building program, he added. money," she said. After she Not Jelled pasted several packages of $5, WASHINGTON — The Feder- $10 and $20 bills to Mm, the al Aviation Agency said yester- Mr. Lefever said the board's man pulled a revolver from day the nations of the free thinking on school sites and num- ber of classrooms has not jelled. ORATE CAPTURE —Peter A. Dugway, 21, appears to under his coat and said, "Give world will be invited to take me what's in the other part hi an International sym- Officials have noted that a fall be something less than overjoyed as he is held, at one drawer," Mrs. Spear reported. posium on aircraft, all-weather vote on any program would make end by two Boston policemen and at: the other by a She banded over several more landing systems at Atlantic it harder to have facilities ready packages of bllts, then obeyed City, N.J., Sept. 16-18. The by the fall of 1965. heavy cellar window grate. Dugway was arrested and bis wler to He down on the FAA said it will send Invita- charged with breaking and entering in the night time. floor, she added. A woman tions not only to aviation offi- Police said a companion, who escaped,/dropped tha customet who entered during cials of various . countries but She Suffers the holdup was not aware ol It also to all International organi- grate on Dugway as the pair was trying to flee a liquor until Mrs. Spear got down on zations with an Interest In avi- stora at midnight. (AP Wirephoto) the floor and the gunman fled. ation, Including (he Internation- From

COOK'S TOUR — Holmdel Mayer Alfred C. Poole, right, looks* over the new post office facilities in tha Holmdel Fire Company building in Holmdel Village. With Mr. Poole are C. Paul Padgett, left, postal service officer, and Harold Braun, postmaster. TURNS ON TORMENTOR —Thif it how Pedro Meia, a banderillero, wound up in The new post office occupies 2,500 square feet of space in the building. The new ring at Las Ventai arena in Madrid after being toned by bull. He had mccets- facility was formerly dedicated at cerem onies Saturday. fully planted a pair of bancforillai in the bull which charged him and tent him sprawling. He escaped with minor bruises. IAP Wirephoto) New School Medical Center Building Is Named ftlonmouth County Bowling Proposal Gets Final Okay WORMS AT WORK —The silk industry is revived— after a fashion—in this "silkworm and science" exhibit admitting office; second, ex- AIBPOBT PLAZA 810 Maresct 168.35 200 Club—Dalton Carhart 211, Jim Meadowbrook LONG BRANCH - Monmouth ' Ftoal BUudlnn McKay 205, Ralph Marchettl 202. tended pediatrics department at the public library in Savannah, Ga. Obviously fas- : Trezza 168.28 EATONTOWN - Meadow- Medical Center got its final okay W V R. DeNlgris 165.88 last night to build a $3,500,000 special teenage division; thin cinated by the process is Joe McDade, 3. fn,Bcho61 68 30 J. Acerra 1(5.11 BED BANK FIRE DEFT. LADIES' brook School is the official ToU'I Fdcd, Inc. Mtt' MH J. Taiarlcb 161.89 AUXILIARIES east wing which will add 134 new nurseries, maternity area e> (AP Wirephoto) Sportsmen — 6314 35H J. Mattoccla 163.6 Find Standlais name of the school being built pansion; fourth, three operating Ttaehers' Scotch-Men ...60 39 C Wlllougbby 1«2.84 W L on Wyckoff Rd. beds for general use, improve Baronet Realty 64 45 Thaler 162.20 JoyAnn Coats 58 40 specialized services, and double suites, extensive case recoverj Becker Realty - 63% 4514 Guenther 98 161.25 Red'Bank Fire Extinguishers 66 42 The Board of Education Magnolia Inn 51 48 Kennedy .60 160.78 H. T. Young Pharmacy 48V4 47V4 parking facilities. unit; fifth, self-contained acute 51ie Joker* • . u A9 80 Von Ohlen . 88 160.13 The Brother* 1714 48 V adopted this appellation by 1 City Council approved a zoning chronic ill departments; and, Construction Measure Plaza Lanes 46 63 Koch ; 79 Donato Construction Co. 46V4 49V resolution last night. Hilltop Cities Service 43 66 Acerra Br. .87 A. Cbamferoy ft Bon . .43V4 52V variance, subject only to the hos- sixth, medical-surgical beds, pa- Mlddletown Gen Tire .43 66 Calabrese St. :-...W 148.B -M Cleaners :•— -.42V4 63V A deciding factor in choos- Port Monmouth First Aid ....36 63 pital filing plans, to carry off tient executive suites. Men Below H Games American Terrazza Co. ....42 V4 ing the name was a spelling l*kevlew Five _.3O14 6814 Lotito '...... 24 177.20 High team, three games—P-M Clean surface water, acceptable to the Gets Senate Boost Rarltan Twp. Pharmacy JO 69 Young 34 ers, 1,767. High, three games—Allci problem. 600 Serlea — Hal Clark 183, 175, F. Palumbo .38 Figaro 620. High team game—Donst Suggestions came to the Department of Public Works and 448O44r8O22. ' M. O'Neill _ _ 63 Construction Co. 631. High game— City Engineer Otis W. Seaman. TRENTON (AP)-<:onstniction Gov. Richard J. Hughes has 200 Club — P«n Hoehn 216, Don Hunt R. Crelln JS3 Ramona Knott 199. board from all quarters, includ- H7, Fred Doran S02, Lon Pagano 239, F. LeMolne 16 Subdivision said the Leesburg prison would Lon Madeira 206, Walt Fink 204, John INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES ing many from pupils in Me- The new wing will be equipped of a reformatory and rebuilding Bethel 211, Hal Clark 244, BUI Frelwsld RED BANK FBIDAY NIGHT G Ava;. with at least one innovation in be built under the $750 million 301. Walt Oiowikl 205. Marl* .80 US morial School. The leading of state mental facilities would be WOMEN'S LEAGUE Grace Turnock 81 143 Monmouth County: bond issue he has proposed, if the INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGES W contender was "Wyckoff Tonl Gelso .. 98 142 Wins OK accelerated by an $11.6 million issue is approved by voters in No- O Globe Petroleum ,. .68 Alice Figaro .7* 140 School." A father's room where pacing, JFtei born: 75 Crates Beverages 6514 • Virginia Fazzone .92 139 expectant daddies can glimpse MIDDLETOWN — Preliminary boost under a bill now before the vember. Roy Hermanson ... Mld's Beauty Bhop •. 53% • Flavla Borchardt 68 138 The trouble was — too many maps for Cotton Ridge, a pro- rrank PresU .0O 179.49 Walt and Leo'e Chevron Sta. 44% I Jainona Knott .93 138 of these suggestions were and hear their newborn kin l state assembly. BUI Frelwald 5 Eatontown Radio and TV ....<* I . Nina Lyon .70 138 most from the moment of de- posed 32-lot subdivision on Nut- Chaa Harris Red Bank Cleaners 34% «1V4 -Bets - y MoraMorses 78 137 spelled wrong. A measure transferring that Lon ' Pacano -, High team, 3 games Globe Petroleum Gertrude Woodward , 90 136 livery through a closed picture swamp Rd., were approved by Norm Adubato 2,413; high team .game, Mld's Beauty Meadowbrook Is easier to amount of funds from a proposed Mary Chameroy 87 134 channel. the Planning Board last night. Another Award John Bether - Shop 861: high three games, Betty Van- Sophie Arnone SXi 132 spell, apparently. It is also the medium security prison at Lees- Cftss. Pirozzl home 695; hi eh game, Marie Gplino Muriel Mtnery . .. 47 132 There also will be a number of It was the first major sub- Bob Bacbmann ... 234. Frances Ruaso -.. 87 131 name of the general area in burg to the other projects was Hal Bbumock — G Avg. Dorothy Lovenldge .62 131 executive suites to accommodate division to be acted on favorably Bill Bchwelckert which the school willgo. To Be Presented Dot Naclerlo : : 84 162.33 Dorothy Patterson 130 approved Monday by the state Paul Durkln 172.35 159 the convalescent patient who by the board this year and the w Helen Braney ...81 Helen O'Connor .... senate and sent to the assembly. Chas Short 171.69 Marie Gollno ^...90 157.10 Ttllla Maira . 128 needs to carry on his business first such map introduced since Cha«. Rossi •. 81 Anne Sakowltz 87 Tae Plccolle _ 127 The $11.6 million is part of a Ray Uoehn Evelyn Henderson 1 84 155.69 Viola <3eronl ...._ „ 92 125 activities from the hospital, as 1962. Lynn Dusinberre mivBrindiey —- Joan CaJver Si ,163.28 Marie Nefld 87 124 Death Penalty •well as families of critically ill The proposed development is $40 million bond issue passed in ZKin Hunt .—— Betty Vanhorne '. 84 154. Bett* Wilson 87 123 1961. If the transfer goes through, NEW YORK - Lynn Wheeler ' Pete Bchwelckert 169.23 Mary Flaherty .4™ - 02 153.9 RaeeR s StuStubbb s - -...80 122 patients. on the site of the William Cotton Lou Rlodtelll . Doris Streich .... -.83 151.32 Mary Rebschebh r ™._...78 121 Approval of plans had been farm, a 31-acre tract just east the money would be used to speed Dusinberre of 95 Buttonwood Dr., Hal Clark « Anne MacLaughlfn 78 151.2 Mary Klrman « 121 §tudy Slated Fair Haven, a senior at Rumson- Cal., Townley Alice Neville 84 150.9 Ubby Burnett -.._ Pfl 120 recommended by the Board of of the Navy Railroad. Builders construction of a reformatory and id Lopez Lois Cook .. 14K.14 Dorli Jfannltift „ 117 TRENTON (AP)—The New Jer- reception center at Yardville and Fair Haven Regional High School, Tony Tese ; 168.32 Bobbie Ozut .. 92 147.25 11" Adjustment and was voted unani- are the Kleiner Brothers, Long 168.17 JunJ e "Ferraxo ...... 76 116 was one of 24 student finalists Bill Hagen ... Ancle Schena 72 146.46 1 Gloria Cook ...96 sey Senate approved Monday a mously. George Bartel, hospital Branch. to rebuild the state's facilities for Frank 81nklerls 168.9 Mildred Jeffrey 84 145.81 Lucille Donato 78 lfrj in the national Thom McAn lead- Tom Carhuff « 1678 Virginia ... .._ 87 145.26 99 resolution which would create a administrator, made details of mentally retarded males at New 167. Shepherd Peg Phelan 84 In what he described as an Jim Kudrlck .. Bobbie Cannavo 95 144.66 Eleanor Reeves 93 88 commission to study the effects o: Lisbon. ership awards program. Gordon Moench 167.22 Jean Hendrlcks 9B 141.84 Substitute! the pro'ect available. "informal application," Nathan- Bill Dlller — 166.37 131 capital punishment. Miss Dusinberre just missed 164,71 Gall Trlmboll 87 141.83 Marv Lotito 42 Of the $3,500,000 cost, $980,000 iel Goldring, representing Maple- The senate also passed a com- BUI Rescorl — Gladys Dunbar 80 141.31 _Shirle y Beaman _...... -,-.12 129 Sen. John A. Waddington, D- one-of the scholarships awarded Frank Ross -.. Jeanne Cuje 84 138.41 is in a U.S. grant under the Hill wood builders Herman, Levy and panion bill that would permit any Joa Longo 93 Tess Moody .90 138;19 Pearl Howell - 63 llhSalem, one of the resolution's the top place winners and will re- 81 Klt Rlziuto Burton Act, $1,200,000 cash is in'Kraus, presented a map for a male between the ages of 15 and Bob Ahlers — Mary Ferroglne .66 133.51 Judy Genoveae — 44 90 ceive an engraved watch as a Dave atahl ...... 8_6 163.18 Dee R&thsmlth M 1*1.17 sponsors, said this would be the hand, and subscriptions for the 424 unit garden apartment on 30 who is sentenced to prison to Gene Melody .93 162.68 token of her accomplishment. 163,4 Bea Luclsano .98 132.49 CNITED MONDAY NIOHT first formal legislative study of balance, $1,320,000, are being Harmony Rd. near the Willett be committed to a reformatory Sari Janla . „__ .92 Mary J. Flah _ 92 ' 31.72 With an almost perfect A aver- Joe Campanelll ;» 161.«4 Theresa Gambacorta 87 129.5 W the death penalty in New Jersey sought. Acres development. The 36-acre instead if it is his first prison sen- Orlando Madeira « 161.65 Kotran _ 81 128.20 flunrlse Dftiry 64 age, she ranks first scholastically John Donohue - •• ™ 161.57 Banfield Movers 6114 since 1847. Thah t studdy recom- The building of seven stories tence. Senate Minority Leader An- 161.12 Marge Boncore . 93 126.84 site, known as Tanglewood, was Walt Fink 85 Mary Jones _ _ 98 118.46 Houde Glass Co — !tt»S5%4 Hi mended abolition of the death in a graduating class of 165. Bid Brovaco « 161.2 Grand Plaza Pizza 51 45 will front on the east side, hence previously approved for a sub- thony J. Grossi, D-Passaic, said 160.41 Amy Vari Vllet 9 146. 47 penalty, he said. Miss Dusinberre has been a Don Hoehn Jg Barbara Ruscll : 8 142.3 Rassas Pontlac 49 its name. Present on-premises division but, never built upon. the first offender would have Bill Kullberg - 66 160.60 Petraglla's Golf Bales 48% 47 'i member of the National Honor John Hrendt .— —77 160.26 Brook's Agency -...46% Jf)H Waddington said the purpose of parking spaces will be increased Asks Amendment better chance of rehabilitation in 160.* WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CIICRCH Society and the Student Council. Jack >Seber »» W L Jack's Inn 44% 5114 the study would be to determine from 198 to 398. Mr. Goldring asked the plari- a reformatory. Bob Alexander w 160.0 Shrewsbury Presbyterian 62 37 RAChstadt's Tavern - 41 55 In sports, she has been active in 159.20 Comets - 40% the effects of the death penalty Some of the facilities to be pro- ners to consider a zoning Both measures were sponsored 159.10 Red Bank Methodist 2 58 41 Top Hat Cleaners .-...3* hockey, badminton, softbadl, and Bob Kuoze -"•• H Trinity Episcopal , . .58 43 8* and to determine whether to con- vided will permit conversion of by Grossi and Senate Majority John Drzewleckl J» Little Silver Embury Meth. 63 4« The KIrwsJi Co. 56 60 change to permit the apartment golf, as well; as serving as a Bill Brennan •—7--722 Red Bank Methodist 1 52 47 Reries—Harry Dwlght 221, ISO. tinue it in New Jersey or abolish the second floor of the Betty construction. No provision for [Leader Charles W. Sandman Jr., "Joe Kuhl St. Anthony . 02 47 it. cheerleader. She has partici- Davsj Raynor •— St. Janres 1 ___48' 61 SCO Club—"aul Pembrlcka 218. Sl»g7 Block Roberts Pavilion, in the multiple-family dwellings is con-,R-Cape May and received vote: Bud' Rosa _ 78 158.1 St. James 2 ., ™ 46 53 Furce 210, Paul Foulka 209, Joe Mar- Since New Jersey adopted the pated in organized school debates George Tomltnson . 99 138.1 ehettl 208. 7(W1; Andy Kutko 206. Tom present hospital, to its original tained in the zoning ordinance. of 17-0. ;..~ 78 157.2 Fair Haven Nativity \. _..4S 53 and amateur theatricals. Mo-> DeGennaro Congregation Beth 8ha!om ....46 63 Harrington 204 Rudy Pitti S02. Howard electric chair in 1907 some 160 purpose of providing inpatient A five-lot subdivision, Laurel- Ben Dolson — 156.4: diamnerlaln 201. "Lynn is the most outstanding . Red Bank Presbyterian 2 . 39 60 men have been executed. Two'psvchiatric care. Because of George 'Brunelle _ 72 Red Bank Presbyterian 1 ...38 63 wood, located on Woodland Dr., Steve Bwlnarskl .. 155.4: young lady to' have graduated .DO 155.2 189 games: Fran Nichols 212, Janet H.«nMf>;vv TBIIBSDAV Nir.m women were sentenced to die in pressing needs when that wing Lmcroft, also was approved. The George' Krebs .— 85 Schmidt 201. Ethel Lansdowne 189. from this school in the last few Frank Mitchell •••• BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE I the chair but their sentences were Minor Drinks, 94 153.81 Rose Bodholt 184. Thelma Johnaon 182. W 1 was built this area was employed [board will waive sidewalk Doug Hicks - 600 series: Fran Nlchol« 155. 212. 159. 41 vi' commuted to life in prison. years. She is highly motivated, Don O'Brien 84 151.20 Eddie's Barber Bhop 60% for general medical-surgical an(j cuWe-sac requirements pro- John Zing - --•» 149.2, 526; Rose Bodholt 184, 155, 161, 500. Hal's Berber Shop SB The bi-partisan committee would needs possesses exceptional Intelli- Vin Fuccl g£ 145.24 Koch's Florist 57 - Ividing the builder, Richard Egan Man Fined $50 gence, is a born leader, and is Lou Herman JJ 144.2* A. H. t-MAN CLASSIC Pan-Ams „ _.57 be made up of three senators, Here are the space allocations Atlantic Highlands, makes a Vln Cerqua 89 142.2 Petersen M. T. T. Mason __ 65 three assemblymen, and three cit- of g RED BANK—Rocco John Cow- well poised," wrote Newton Ber- Dick Jouaneau '. 72 134.18 Pti. Jack's Inn M of the east wingg: '$50$500 contribution toward the Ray Bchwelkert —81 132.11 Ted's Bar ft Grill _.....7T7.44 G. E. Scholes 52 izens appointed by the governor. $500 contribution toward the ard, 22, of 110 Barker Ave. on, director of guidance at the Les ThM M Petraglla's Golf Sales 776.20 T»erp«tual Monument 51 Ground floor, department of township's sidewalk construction high school. Highland Recreation 768.30 Jay Bee Auto Repairs 51 Approved 17-0, the measure now rehabilitation therapy, central Shrewsbury Township, was fined Walt Osowskl ..- 47 Sorby ft Hodson -...767.02 American Lesion 50 program. G«ne VaJanzano -. Christy's Confectionery •. 752.41 goes to the Assembly. sterile supply; first, lobby, cof- $50 by Magistrate William I. Students in the competition Joe Martini Mlddletown Delicatessen 4R The board voted against a var- Monmouth Lumber 751.16 Lawton Bros. Tavern ...48 fee and gift shops, waiting room, Klatsky yesterday for inviting or were judged on scholastic rec- Frank VinPelt ... Parleman-Plumblng 739.28 O ft W Lumber 47 iance application to build a Ron Hohensee Insulation ft Siding Corp 73I2 Kmmons Market *1 inducing a minor to consume al- ords, extra-curricular activities, Tom Page — 600 Series—BUI McCabe 504, 193, 222 Abbott ft'Lester sportswear factory at Broad St. coholic beverages. Vln DeBonls ... —619. Harry Dwlght 204. 190, 250—614. Casey's Real Estate and an original essay on why .Jim Forse Haitian and Woodstock Ave., Port Mon- they wished to attend college. Hd Petit . mouth, in an R-7 residential The minor had previously been Frank Gloria . 2 Teachers found guilty of possession and In her essay, Miss Dusinberre Ed Short zone, contending such a variance Tom Chevalier Dispute consumption of beer in a car at wrote: Bill-. Clayton _.. Mothers Win Truck Driver would not conform with the in- Are Hired tent of the zoning brdinance. The Marine Park. "A high degree of education is MDJDLETOWN BUSINESSMEN'S request now returns to the zon- Coward was convicted of a vital to responsible leadership. LEAGUE w ,L Marks Time Thanks Of Gets Summons ing Board of Adjustment for fi- violation of a borough ordinance. A good leader is acquainted with Mlddletown Lanes .TO 56 WASHINGTON (AP)—The Hai By Board Parkway Atlantic 63 33 RED BANK — Frank A. Ber- nal action. The offense occurred April 14. the history, customs and lan- T&ee S's 39 tian dispute marked time today EATONTOWN - Two teach- In another case, Magistrate guages of mankind, He has studied IJfIJncrott t Pharmacy ...... 59% 36% Board of Ed tucci, New Brunswick, will re- on two diplomatic fronts amid Second Application Held Julie's Farm Market 57 39 ers were offered contracts last Application to build the $90,000 Klatsky fined William R. Fior- history with a view to the chang Oasis Restaurant » 41 ceive a hearing in Municipal rising expectations that no deci- O'Dell's Plumbing ...- JJ 41 EATONTOWN — The Board of Court here May 15 on a charge night by the Board of Education industrial plant was submitted land, 22, of 40 Newman St., River ing conditions, the solution of Bolmdel Liquor ..- g 43 Education last night thanked the sive political or military move for next year: Mrs. Shirley problems, and the nature of man Nervo Bros g 44 of careless driving. will come soon to unseat Presi- by Thomas Craig, president of Plaza, $50 each on charges of Bed Bank Electric 51% 44< mothers who have helped take Rosenfeld to teach grade two at the Craig Construction Co., New fighting on Red Bank streels and'. . .In college people learn to rea- Styles Floor Cover ...- ..—JO 49 Mr. Bertucci was issued the dent Francois Duvalier. 52 the school census now being com- $5,640, and Mrs. Gale Merron, to Monmouth, and Police Lt. Jo- assault and battery. I son, evaluate, then plan an ef- Mlddletown Plumbing 44 summons Friday after his truck Roger Seydoux of France, presi- Sportsmen -~JJ 59 pleted here. teach language and social stud- seph McCarthy, who also ap- Fiorland was oharged with as- fective course of action." Amos Brlner Plumbing 28 68 got stuck under the railroad dent of the UN Security Council, Miller Plotlng .- --••22 74 The thanks were offered ies at $5,405 a year. plied last month for a variance saulting three other youths in a Twenty-four finalists — 12 boys 1! 85 trestle on West Front St. . awaited word from counoil mem- Barbo Plumbing through the six area census Six teaching posts remained to to build a 96-unit garden apart- scrap on Monmouth St. early and 12 girls — were chosen from 600 Series — Eddie Landosco 187, Police said the tractor-itrailer bers before deciding how to re- 189T 547-633; Pete Stankard 220. 160, chairmen: Mrs. Charles Ander- be filled for the coming year, the ment on Main St., Port Mon- Saturday. 1,923 nominations by 1,176 high was heading east when it lodged spond to Haiti's call Monday for schools, Scholarships "aKMStub - D. Frost 542. J. Werner! son, Mrs. J. Edward Houseworth, underneath the trestle. 1 school superintendent, Dr. Wil- mouth, in the same R-7 residen- Similar charges against Robert are *07, B. Wlnterberg 201. O. Erb 209, Mrs. Thomas Laugesen, Mrs. a session without delay on the.Iiam w_ Ramsayi said. tial zone. The apartment appli-iD. Barry, 27 Hubbard Ave., Riv awarded to six boys and six V. Oesauldl 211, S. Wes-el 501. T Oaf. Mr. Bertucci backed the trailer Dominican Republic s "threats of - - - - - fney ' G, Adcock 202, P. PaJen. George Brucker, Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Minnie Rancatore, cation was held over to the Plan-er Plaza, were dismissed. Ac girls; the others receive en- drano 203, L. Qrailde 203, V. Costa up and hit a utility pole, break- aggression." S», R. Squlttlerl 223, J. Specials 201. Iacopino and Mrs. Charles Stan- school nurse, was granted ning Board's next meeting. cording to the court, testimony graved watches. Wr Grandlnettl 205. 202; V. DIPontI ton. ing off a portion of the front Gonzalo Facio of Costa Rica, leave of absence for the remajn- did not prove his involvement in Judges for the 1963 awards «9 204; B. Landosca 247, P. Stankard The Board unanimously ap- bumper, according to the report. Organization of American States der of the school yeari wjthout were Senator Maurine Neuberg- KO, 202. Dr. William W. Ramsay, su- proved a motion by Marshall T. the fight. He continued to back up and chairman, predicted the UN pay. The resignation of a teach- Charles A. Richardson of 45 er of Oregon; A. B. Weller, chair- BED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S perintendent of schools, told the McDowell suggesting that the LEAGUE broke a section of the guard rail group would refer the Haitian er, Mrs. Barbara Coble, was ac- West Ave. was fined $50 man of the board, Meadow Brook W board that as soon as all the planners meet with Robert Stephen/. Gross. Inc ...59% : on the River Plaza bridge, police complaint back to the OAS, which cepted with regret. for assaulting his wife and National Bank; Dr. Howard M. figures are in, another team of said. debated the issue for two hours Strong of Herbert H. Smith As- Airport Inn - Dr. Ramsay reported that Dr. sociates, West Trenton, the town- threatening her life. LeSourd, consultant, Protestant Sal's Barber Shop ...57 mothers will commence the punch- Monday. The only OAS action Progressive Life Ins. Co. 51 ing of census cards for tabula- When Mr. Bertucci tried to turn Orville Parrish, director of the ship's planning consultants, to Two men were found guilty of Council of New York City; Jo- Grllll Construction Co. 50% the truck around in a driveway, was an appeal to both sides "not Bureau of Pupil Transportation being drunk and disorderly in seph J. Francomano, administra- Bal's Tavern 49% tion. to resort to force." Bureau or Pupil iransportanon h action on a proposed zon. John Daniel's Men's Shop 48 it go stuck once again. Police of the state Department of Edu-'.j amendment intro- Red Bank during the weekend. tive vice president, Junior Marx Bros 4" The census will be used to plan said the weight of the vehicle Facio did not say when the ordinance Harry Finer of Oakhurst was Achivement, Inc., and Dr. Austin Crate's Bevcragts 47 cation, had informed him that(duci cluster zoning Love Lane Tuxedos _ 45 class" sizes for the coming year, broke a portion of sidewalk on OAS would meet again. The Do- his bureau does not support in- fined $25 and Adam Barr of 15 Wright, head of the English De- Red Bank Rooting 44 In a three-page written state- Red Bank Recreation .40% and also as a basis for plan- West Front St. minican ambassador was reported stallation of seat belts in school Ct R e P1 recelved a partment, Carnegie Institute of Phr'wsh'y Manor Nursing ...38 ning future classroom needs. returning to Washington today ment, Mr. McDowell pointed out W -- Z ' ?"' Technology. Walt ft Leo's Chevron -...37 Traffic was tied up for several buses. that cluster zoning has been un- suspended 30-day jail sentence. (100 Serle" — Bud Braflshaw The board at the same meet- hours before the truck could be with new complaints for the OAS, The query on this matter fol-i *B. 188-600. ing granted the Recreation Com- the old ones having been disposed der consideration for more than High Game—Vlto Gaets 259. moved. lowed a recent request by a a year. EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? By Blake High Series—Bud Bradshaw 600 mission permission to build two of. The chairman of the OAS fact- mother of children in school here Igh Team Game—Walt ft Leo's Chev He said there had been indi- baseball diamonds on the finding group on the dispute was that local buses have such seat High Team Series — John Daniel' grounds of the Meadowbrook expected to report latel r in thhe urn ioca. Duses i«C», ,B» . OKAY, FEAMK- Men's Shop 2703. belts. The board decided to take; of. „.„„„.•;„Educatio„n mighP t need proper- 200 Club — Dcnnlc Arnone 214, Ed. School, now under construction 3. Fined On week. no further action on the matter. ty for a new school in the north- Klslln 235, Speed Tomnlno 201, 201: on Wyckoff Rd. While Dominican armed forces The board gave permission for CL01N/MIN6 ANP T6LL ME Jc» FlammlR 201. Hob Wood 228. 203; ern part of the River Plaza area Ppt Barone 209, Clnude Borchardt 201. Councilman LSon B. Smock, Jr., Morals Count were reported poised on the Hai- a child from Barbados, British WHAT YOU £e,\UY THINK! •''" • Vlto Gnrtft 25fi. Tom Toone 21fl. tian border and President Juan 200; owsrd Kull 200, Uenry Canonlco said that construction of the dia- NEW SHREWSBURY - How- 207 Rudy Fischer 211. Les Stevens Bosoh scheduled a special radio- 216 Floyd Bchlalone 218. Sonny Acerra monds will immed- ard G. Snow, 23, of 93 Belshaw commence television speech for tonight, U.S. hild will come to this country to by the township at no cost to the J17. Jack Hacht 208. lately, and will be Ave., Shrewsbury Township, c that they authorities voiced doubt that tHve in Long Branch with his taxpayer with the adoption of ItKI> BANK RECREATION maintained by the parks depart- pleaded guilty in Municipal Court this ordinance." TUESDAY NIOIIT I.EAOI'E ^ ment. Bosch had the military might to aunt, Mrs. Percy Harris, who is yesterday to a charge of cornNil'-- ... The matter has become more Vincent's Beauty Salon 56% If a teacher in Eatontown. Rogers Club Metra _...5« 40 Ice cream machines will be in- mitting indecent exposure. iconquer Haiti urgent, he said, since the recent R»d Bank Register 51 45 stalled in the Steelman and Post was fined $55 and put on probaHe- In Hie U.S. opinion, a Domini- The board received a request Overhead Door Producls ...49 47 can attack would rally the Hai- from Charles Lanza that it con- loss of the Leonardo School in a R*ssn* Brothers 47 49 Schools by the Carnival Bar Ice tion for six months. fire several weeks ago. Oil Delivery Inc 38% 57% Cream Co., according to a board tians behind Duvalier and damage sider expelling a 15-year-old boy Volkland's Towing Service ..37 51) Robert Thomas, 1508V4 Monrpe Dominican case in the OAS. The proposed cluster zone Team High Three-Gnmes — decision last night. the who has been a behavior prob Ronel's Club Metra. Ave , Neptune, and Mrs. Cor(inAmibassador John Bartlow Martin lem, a persistent truant and had amendment would permit build- Team High Game — (Tie) Rogers as saidt0 ers of developments of 50 homes ft Overhead 905. V" have given this advice exerted a poor influence 'High Series — Dominic Acerra 655. were each fined $55 for commit-L, Bosoh_ stil| the possibility that or more to reduce minimum lot Ave. SUSAN SHORE IS 6 schoolmates. R. Korona — a 1B4.12 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - A ting an indecent act in a parkedlthfhe independent^mindeindenendenMninded Domini-- Noting that this school board sizes as much as 25 per cent, M. Oeronl 91 178. car in a wooded area on Hamilton has not been obliged to expel ^depending an the terrain D, Acerra .02 sixth birthday party * was held can chief might stage at least a M, Kerrlgno 9< Saturday for Susan Miriam Shore, Rd., after they both pleaded token assault was not ruled out. pupil' for the past nine years, dedicate to the township the re- V. DePonll guilty. 8. Oreeley m daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- Washington took a dim view of members decided to await a fur- maining areas of their tracts for A. Rogel .S7 bert Shore, 97 Andover La. Pres- Alfred Badger Badgett, 392 Wil- ther report on the matter. park areas and school sites. r, Plney .02 g Haiti's recourse to the United Na- !>1 ent were Joyce Gordon, her for- h d R. .Raviele ,M low Ave., Long Branoh, paid a tions. Even if the Security Coun- R. Fischer .70 mer -neighbor now residing in GUESTS AT PORDY HOME W. Delss $25 fine for creating a disturb- cil agrees to let the OAS, as a IN HONOR UNIT V. Alexander m Brooklyn; 'Sherry Rippel, Terry ance at a home on Cherry St.. regional organization, continue to MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Week- F. Johannemann Jr. m K. Shelly M DeHanes, Daniel Shapiro, Robert George W. Matthews, Asbury handle the case, debate on whc(h- end guests at the home, of Mr. WAYNE, Pa. — Cadet Alan X. Slckrls M Oestreich, Hillary Frelnt, Claire HI IT'J.87 Park, paid a $20 fine for follow- er to do so could give the Soviets and Mrs. Edwin Pordy, 98 And- Shapiro of 50 East Lincoln Ave., L.. Zacek 91 Mullin, Joy Anes, Julie and Patty J. Madusky 911 ing another car too closely. Jerry another good chance to accuse the over La., were Mrs. Pordy's sIs-lAtlantic Highlands, has been ap- A. Lft Rncqua SIT Mayer, George LaPallo, Mark E. Anderson, Fort Monmouth,|Unlted States of interference in'ter, Mrs. Howard Radest, and her pointed to the Anthony Wayne clambrone HI . Banders 81 Goodwin, Karen Schlaerer, and and Theodore R. Jenkins, Asbury the Caribbean—a favorite Com-.sons Michael and Robert and Mr. Legion Guard, the honor mili- B. Oro»> 90 her brother Kenneth. Also present tary unit at Valley Forge M:li- (0 Xing Pastures Syndicate, Inc, 146S. Wi P. CaliT i« Jr. 7 Park, each was fined $15 for care-jmunist theme since the rise of and Mrs. Al Harris and their sons A. Cot' ^im on were Mr. and Mrs. Al Gordon. less driving, the Castro regime. I Michael and Edward. tary Academy. V.' Arm. a .04 Business Upturn: Real Or Temporary?

Danoe by SAM DAWSON NEW'YORK (AP) - A doubt is Employment totals have risen buggmg(many businessmen today: even if unemployment stay I the present upturn in activity sticky because of a labor force real or just a temporary fever that also continues to grow. The flush due to the special situation Labor Department says that con- in the steel industry? tinued claims for state unemploy Steel's influence the past month ment benefits dropped in the week is apparent enough. But more in-ended April 20 to the lowest' fig- dustries with only a nodding ac-ure since December. quaintance with that basic one Most corporations are reporting are showing increased activity of profits currently running ahead of their own. And the recovery from a year ago. Annual meetings of the sluggishness of the long hard stockholders are cheered by pre- winter is daily more reassuring. diction; that 1963 as a whole wil Steel's role is this: Many cus-top 1962. HEART STUDY--Theie girls from Red Bank Catholic High School saw the use of tomers are pouring in new orders Dividends Up telemetry in heart study, with a chicken as the subject, during their visit to the Col- for delivery from now through And to underscore this, Moody' lege of Agriculture at Rutgers University Friday. Left to right, with John Eiel, pre- July and the mills are humming. Investors Service reports thai RED CROSS CHECKS — Everett Rudloff, center, chairman of the Monmouth County In part, the steel users are taking more publicly owned corporation! doctoral fellow in poultry physiology, are Carol Wa«ko, 12 Vredenburgh Ave., Fro*, Chapter of the Red Cross, accepts donations from Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, and care of their own better sales out- increased dividend payments lasl hold; Mary Jane Ryan, 105 Rumson PI., Little Silver, and Sally Turner, 6 Colonial look, but perhaps in greater part month than in any previous April Way, Lincroft. The domestic fowl providing the heartbeat for study had a tiny FM its employees, to the annual fund raising drive of the Red Cross. Roy Carrigan, left, their aim is to build up stocks —91, comparep d with 41 a yyea radio transmitter strapped to its body, and was kept secluded $o that the excitement head of the plant operating department at the laboratory,,presented a check on behalf against the possibility of a steel ago. For thh e first fouf r monthhs of strike late in the summer. this year 435 raised payments, of a crowd would not affect its heartbeat. The chicken is being used increasingly of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co., while Amos E. Joel, Jr., right, pre- And the recent price rise on cer- also a new high. as a laboratory animal in the study of heart functions, generally, the girls learnad. tain steel products has already Hie National Association of sented check on behalf of the more than 2,700 employees of the laboratory. acted as a tonic, many business Purchasing Agents reports that in Woolley; Middletown Republican observers feel. The very fact that April 47 per cent of its member Probe Vandalism chairman Howard W. Roberts; gate the possible purchase of the steel companies were able to companies had increased orders; Beadleston Raps NEW SHREWSBURY - Police do so this year without arousing 46 per cent had higher produc- Township Commltteeman Ernest •••••••••••••••• Parker Field Little League sta- G. Kavalek; former committee- are investigating two cases of Subdivision dium off Broad St. The mayor the opposition of the federal ad- tion: and 25 per cent increase* ministration, as they did t0 tne'r employment, compared with 1 Administration man Paul Pandolfi, and Township vandalism here Saturday night. appointed touncilmen Joseph R. Committee candidate Harold H. Collins and Carl M. Vanderveer sorrow a year ago, has made per cent in March. A car parked in the yard of Wins Approval 'dulks. to the committee. Mr. Collins many other profit-squeezed indus- The agents feel this means tha In State House the home of Leonard Groins, 75 FREEHOLD—Mayor and Coun- said he had heard a rumor that tries believe the entire climate "the total business improvement The Middletown 1-5-8 Republi- Peach St., was damaged and a cil last night granted prelimin- the owner of the field, Miss Lydia for business is improving. And amay be real and not just th MIDDLETOWN — "Bankrupt- can Club served refreshments at fence at the home of Mrs. Mar- ary approval for a 45-lot subdi- Reid Parker, had been contacted number have quietly raised prices hedging" against a possible steel cy, Bureaucracy and Bunkum." a social hour which concluded garet Connolly, 31 Howard Ave., vision on a 19-acre plot off Oak business interests who are in-on products they felt were In strike. Those are the bywords of thethe meeting. was destroyed, police said. St. to be known as Colonial Park terested in purchasing the prop- strong enough demand to let them present administration in Tren The May meeting will be held Patrolman Edward Holden is erty. Mr. Collins said that if stick. ton which the Republican Party in the Bayshore Area, at a loca- at Freehold. GIRLS FRIENDLY SPONSORS investigating. such were true, the borough must erase in its 1963 campaign, tion to be announced. The approval was granted sub- Incomes Rise HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Harry according to Assemblyman Al- should attempt to get the prop- RIVERVIEW PATIENT ject to the developer obtaining erty for the league. The total of personal Incomes is Dilger, Mrs. Ear) Morse and fredN. Beadleston (R-Mon.). rising in many sections of the na-Mrs. Helen J. Shea were hostess- BOARD OF REVIEW MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Grace bonds to cover the cost of im- Mr. Beadleston exhorted more Allaire, Fish Hawk Dr., U a provements. Petitions were received from tion. And consumers are spend- es at the recent meeting of thethan 50 persons at the organiza- HAZLET — Neighborhood Com- residents of Berkeley PI. anding their gains. Retail sales have patient at Riverview'Hospital. The governing body postponed Girls Friendly Sponsors of St.tion meeting of the Middletown missioner Gilbert Bennett pre- Brinkerhoff Ave. requesting a advanced with the coming of Andrews Episcopal Church in the Township Young Republican Club ided at board of review for - ADVERTISEMENT - granting site approval for an 82-"no parking" ban during the spring. The auto industry is par-parish hall. Mrs. Raphael Saias i Why Did Bob unit garden apartment on Jersey' recently to help elect Republi- Boy Scout Troop 136 recently Helps You Overcome • Freehold Raceway meet. Mr. ticularly pleased. Another token of read an article concerning the cans to the state legislature. ville Ave. to be known as Mon- nd praised the work 6f Scout- Collins said the streets would be consumer psychology is shown in mission project for this year. Robert J. Tabit, 150 Cherry Take the mouth Village. added to others in a forthcom- the installment debt figures, which Miss Violette Murray and Mrs. master Daniel Ryan and hisFALSE TEETH Tree La., was elected president. roop. Approved for promotion Borough Attorney M. Raymond ing ordinance which would banhave advanced each month this Salas will be hostesses at theThe club met at The Oaks, Mc- McGowan recommended with' parking on certain streets dur- May meeting at the parish hall 'rom tenderfoot to second class Looseness and Worry 'No Peeking' year. Guire's Grove. GOP candidates No longer be annoyed or feel 111-at- holding approval last night until ing the meet. The ban on Brink- for local, county and state of- couts were Robert Collier, ease because of lpose. wobbly filM all bonds are obtained. erhoff Ave. would only include Thomas Baumgartner, William teeth. FASTEETH, an Improved alka- DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum ices spoke. line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on Pledge? The Bergen Freehold Develop- the portion from West Main St. Mr. Tabit, an active member ulhane, Robert Costa, Steven your plates holds them firmer so they ment Corp. plans to construct to Kiawah Ave. feel more comfortable. Avoid embar- of the Middletown Jaycees, has Janatzko and Anthony Faragas- ramnent caused by loose plates. Get apartments on a 4.5-acre tract been a resident here five years. PASTEBTH at any drug counter. Read between Jerseyville Ave. and J Mr. Collins said George St., from Yard to Manalapan Aves., He is employed by Otis Elevator 33 in an area recently rezoned o., Harrison. "1 Owe Russia for apartments. would not be included, following NEW SIBC0 WATER a protest from Harold Rue, a Others elected were Charles PURE PURIFIER $2,200" William L o p a t i n, Freehold, resident of the street. Mr. Rue Comito, Monmouth Ave., vice UflTCn Imtantly Removej IRON-RUST-SULPHUR president of the Colonial Park said he and several of his neigh- president; William Bove, 38 Pa- WATER CHLORINE • ALL ODORS Bob Hope's firm, said his development would bors did not wish to have a "nc cific Ave., treasurer; Miss create an extension of Ellis St. parking" ban because the pres Madge Turner, Waterman Ave., From City and well wafer. Alio prevent! further rust and eor- Own Story to Glendale Dr. in Freehold ent one-hour parking limit is ade- Rumson, corresponding secre- roilon of plumbing and fixtures. Eliminates stained sinks, tubs Township. The new street, he quate. tary; Miss Barbara Magin, and toilets. Gives crystal clear water. Easy installation, no said, would be known as Brook- Passaic St., recording secretary, refills, no motor, no chemicals. Write or call. Today's wood Dr. Permission was granted to the and Fred Eldridge, 40 Mr. Lopatin said the houses Olive Branch Lodge, F.&A.M., to Ter., Douglas Burke, 58 Fish FREE ANALYSIS AND DEMONSTRATION Journal-American would be custom built, ranging hold a parade June 15 preceding Hawk Dr., and George Hespe, 64 in price from $22,000 to $35,000 the cornerstone laying ceremon- Pedee PI., directors. LI _.L i I* Diamond 1-1184 sis and would be on lots with a ies at their new temple on Dutch Members adopted a constitu- Northeastern Co NORTH GARFIELD AVENUE minimum of 85-foot fronts. Lane Rd. tion and bylaws, opening mem- bership to all township residents nuinicaaiciii MI. TOMS RIVER, N. J. Mayor Frank E. Gibson ap- and those in the surrounding pointed a committee to investi- RUMMAGE SALE MAY 24 area between the ages of 18 to SEA BRIGHT-The Sea Brigh 40; designated the last Tuesday Home and School Association will ach month at 8 p.m. for meet- hold a rummage sale Friday ings, and voted to affiliate with Middletown Township May 24, at 1062 Ocean Ave. from the county, state and national 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Donations of Republican clubs. Clean Up • Fix Up • Paint Up glass, bric-a-brac, china, and Rep. James C. Auchincloss others odds and ends are being 'R-NJ) sent a letter "most heart- accepted. Committee members ly and enthusiastically" endors- April 15 thru May 18 asked that donations be wrapped ing the club. so that one person will be able Other guests included Mon- to pick them up. Lack of space mouth County Freeholder Mar- "Keep Our Town Beautiful" will not allow large items to be cus Daly; Assembly candidate collected, according to Mrs. Di- .... _. 6R3IL AW APPETITE lift? Markson S. Fisher; Monmouth litete'sa FtldmH kind if house. anne Keating. Free parking will JUNK 7rMTSffVLAiyAPPmTE." bounty Chairman J. Russell Earl Moody, Mayor be permitted in the borough lot for the occasion • Starting Thursday May 9th, J, M. Fields from YANKO'S floor of gifts will bring you tremendous savings in our big ' j RED BANK

SHELLEY bone china cup and saucer 3.50 . MYOTT dinnerware, service for 8 ..25.00 HULL stainless steel steak knives, set of 6 9.50 discount CORNING 5-piece saucepan set 14.95 PLANTER, Inc. solid brass planters, from 4T.00 SADDLER hand decorated tea pot 7.50 RUBEL wood handle copper chafing dish, 27.50 U. S. GLASS footed crystal cake plate .... 5.00 food center KOSERACK footed covered candy dish .... 3.50 BIGGIR THAN MOST BIG SUPERMARKETS HUMMEL authentic figurines from 5.00 STANGL antique gold pottery from 3.95 w GOLDY STUDIO handcrafted copper, from 1.50 SIEDEN eagle-top brass scale 7.00 hi STOTTER foam-back place mat 1.00 MELE musical jewelry box 12.98 SHEFFIELD boudoir clocks from 5.95* ARTEX-GREEN painted bed tray 6.50 CLACO two-tiered rattan tid-bit tray .... 1.69 WESTMORELAND milk glass '. :from 1.25 grand opening in Haslet* Route 35 A Haslet Ave,

FREE 61 FT WRAPPING Starting Thursday May 9th, J. M. Fields will help you cut your food bill. J. M. Fields only discounts the price, never the quality. And remember, you get* big discount food savings on the quality you're used to getting, the brands you're used to buying, at prices lower than you're used to paying!, SHOP WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. Mr*. Ward Home Buyer REGISTER Tuesdiy, M»r % 196&~-Tf Zommwmn In Charge School Has 'Whiplash' Is Named Breakfast Date Good Start Type Injuries Durirbn VP Of Meeting DAYTON, Ohia — R. F. RaymoW T, Smith of Now York NEW MONMpiriH - MM. Mfl- MANASQUAN — With a suc- Sharpe, former Fair Haven rest Blvd., Sea Ghi.wUl be thetoast- ton Ward had charge of the La- cessful opening night behind it, On Increase dent, has been named a vice maiter at the fifth annual Com- dles' Aid Society meeting in the the School for Home Buyers, be- ASBURY PARK — Whiplash president of The Duriron Com- munten breakfast of the Catholic Baptist Church Fellowship Hall ing held at Mutual Aid Savings type injuries were among the pany. Cominunlotions Guild of Mon-ilast Wednesday. Her topic was and Loan Association, Rt. 71 and most frequent found in a year- Mr. Sharpe, a chemical engi- mouth ^and Ocean Counties in the "Prayer." - Main St., prepares for its second long study by the Society of New neering graduate of Rensselaer Beau Wvtge, ^Spring lake' Cancer dressings were made class May 13. Jersey Chiropractors, Dr. Roy E. Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Height!. Sunday, May 19. j in the momingTind dessert wu School is conducted Monday Swinarton of Rutherford, presi- N.Y., (class of '43) joined the The breakfast will follow a served by the hostesses, Mrs. An- nights through June 3. Featured dent of the SNJC, reported here Duriron sales force in 1946 fol- Mus % thanksgiving which will ton Krurael, Mrs. Walter Junie, instructor will be John J. Hart- Saturday at the three-day annual owing separation front the Air Be celebrated at 8:30 a.m., in Mrs. Ada Ailing and Miss Ger. ford, supervisory realty officer convention of the state society. Force. In 1958, he was named the Monsighor ReiUy Memorial trade Roberts. 'or the Federal Housing Admin- "Our research showed that director of research and develop- Chapel. SjSr&g Lake. Mrs. Willard Foster and Mrs. stfation's,Newark office. whiplash type injuries to the ment. Last year, he assumed fid is 'a unit of, a na- Delberi Morrison are making Mr. Hartford will instruct the neck were the most harmful to the additional responsibility as ttooalsocietyof Catholic men and drapes and chair covers for the students in all phases of "Financ- the body as a whole," Dr. Swinar- manager of Duriron's new Corro- women engaged in or retired church library. Mrs. William Bis- ing a Home the FHA Way." ton reported. sion Resisting Plastics Division from the cotmrouuwtions Indus-I grove reported on the Baptist Eighty-five persons were pres- The study included an. investi- in Dayton. ent at the opening dass May 6 try, including telephone com- Monmouth Association meeting gation into the case histories of A graduate of Asbury Park paries, Western Electric, Bell she attended with other members at which time Edward V. Law- 1.167 patients. Neck injuries were High Schoorf, his parents, Mr. and Telephone Laboratories, Western1 May 30 in the Manasquan Bap- tor, Jr., vice president of the Mrs. B. F. Sharpe, reside at 24 N. J. Savings and Loan League, disclosed in 31 per cent of the Union and other telegraph, radio itist church, cases. "The year-long chiroprac- Rona St., Interlaken. and television networks. Aux-| Mrs. James Adin, BeWort, was instructed the students on "Pur- chasing a Home the Savings and tic study indicated a rise in the Wary Biihop James J. Hogan^l welcomed as a new member, incidence of neck . injury cases pastor of St. Catherine's Church,) Mrs. Gayford Htnsea resigned Loan Way." answer periods during the winter," Dr. Swinarton Spring Lake, is chaplain of the as secretary, and Miss Mildred Question and noted. "Leading cause was falls; local Guild. Mrs. William Bliss Morris volunteered tp finish out follow each session and refresh- *295,000PaidOut IARLE WELCOME VISITORS — j. E. Kelly, center/director of Weapons Handling ment breaks are featured. traffic accidents were the second of Manasquan is in charge of the the term in her place. most frequent. Other major arrangements for the breakfast. The birthday of Mrs. Ada Wall- Laboratory, welcomed Nationalist Chinese naval visitors during the indoctrination School is being conducted as a causes of neck injury accidents ing, Port Monmouth, was cele- visit to NAD Earl* last week. Capt. Chen, left, is chief of the Chinese Bureau of public service by N. J. Shore throughout the year were diving Builders Asociation in co-opera- SURPRISE PARTY brated and she was presented a Ordnance and was accompanied by Lt. Wu, right, on tha week-long indoctrination and body contact sports." HIGHLANDS - William R. large birthday cake from Mrs. tion with N. J. Natural Gas Com- Loihle, Naveslnk Ave., was given Donald Bisgrove. visit. NAD Earla will be open to the general public on Armed Forces Day, May 18, pany and Mutual Aid Savings and a surprise birthday recently by »t the waterfront Rt. 36, Leonardo, area. Loan Association. WRONG ADDRESS Jack Little, executive secre- his wife at the home of Mr. and FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. Helen tary of the NJSBA, said those Mrs. John J. Sciortino, 6 Bay Warner, 53 Willow St., said that Shore Builders wishing to join in on the "pre- Aye. A buffet supper was Mrs. Callie V. Wilkes no longer Chiropodists home buyers' educational ses- served. Present were Mr. and lives at that address, given for sions" may do so by obtaining Mrs. John Loftus, Mr. and Mrs. To Meet May 14 Mrs. Wilkes in an item in Fri reservation forms at all Natural Philip Sciortino, Mr. and Mrs. WALL TOWNSHIP - "A Mar- day's Register. Mrs. Warner Win Cash 3 Ways To Convene Gas business offices, at Mutual John Mohrbeck, Mr. and Mrs. keting Plan for Builders, Large stated that Mrs. WUkes has Joseph Bellevance, Jr., Mr. and and Small" and the dramatic ATLANTIC CITY - The New Aid S & L and at the SI Jersey Chiropodists Society wi moved to Long Branch. Mrs. Lloyd Cottrell, Mr. and Mrs. display of "some new building Builders Association ofifce. John products to come" will be fea- present a bronze plaque to Gov He said all students will re- Robert Cottrell and Mrs. ~ " ernor Richard J. Hughes durinj BIRTHDAY AT CIRCUS Sciortino. tured as the N. J. Shore Builders ceive "diplomas of graduation" Association returns to the refur- pre-convention ceremony at the school's conclusion June 3. MIDDLETOWN—Karen Booth, POSITION bished Beau Rivage restaurant Trenton as a token of apprecia- Among the text booklets pro- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Fashion Flash for its Tuesday, May 14, monthly tion for the interest Shown bj vided is one recently written by h Village. La., cele- Entry Blank in the governor in foot health. meeting. Mr. Little entitledd , "A HHome brated her seventh birthdab y re- Making the presentations will According to Dr. Leon Bruno, Buyer's First Reader," and con- cently at the Ringling Bros. Cir- N.Y. MIRROR be Allied Chemical Corporation Asbury Park, district publiritj taining basic knowledge for those cus in New York City with her (Barrett Division). Firm will director, a convention will be held about to embark on the "big ad- parents and her brother Chris also host a cocktail party for the here May 9 to 12 at the Am venture of buying a home." membership starting at 6:30 p.m. bassador Hotel. The conclave wil President Charles Froehlich will encompass the membership present membership credentials the American Podiatrist's Asso Ballot Protest to Robert Shank, Shank Construc- ciation and its affiliate membe: tion Co., and Dominick Nersita, societies. Nersita Builders, both of Point Society members expected To Be Aired OKAY,'OKAY,OKAY! Pleasant, and to William Karol attend the region 3 conventio FREEHOLD — Whether a new and Gustave Fisher of Ace are Dr. Leonard Carlbon and Dr. ballot will have to be printed for /U MIL FOR Ail Aluminum Products, Freehold. Raymond DeCarlo, Red Bank, Dr. machines in Bradley Beach's Mr. Froehlich said he will also William Wylie, Little Silver, and municipal election a week from introduce "The Property Owners Dr. Daniel Marzano and Dr. Au- tomorrow will be decided Bill of Rights," as unanimously gustus L. Silver, both of Long morrow by Superior Court Judge adopted by the state association Branch. J. Edward Knight. committee during recent Nation The judge heard initial argu- al Association of Home Builders SPECIAL GUESTS — Seated with Rev. Vincent A. Lloyd, ments Friday on a protest by D. spring board meeting at the Na- pastor of St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, Bradevelt, at Jobless Report Philip Gerand, a candidate. Mr. tional Housing Center, Washing' Gerand is the only opposition to ton, D.C. third annual spring benefit Friday night In Molly Pitcher Is Announced he ticket of Mayor Eugene Low- The president said that in ad- Inn, Red Bank, are his mother, right, Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd enstein, Commissioner Albert H. dition to the regular evening of East Keansburg, and aunt, Mrs. Agnes Hoagland of NEWARK (AP) - A labor de- Kdrms and newcomer Peter J. meeting, a session of the NAHB- partment report indicates that un- Flood. sponsored sales managers club Keansburg. Standing are the chairman of the event, Mrs. employment is directly related to Mr. Gerand contends a blank will be held at mid-afternoon at William Stolz, laft, and Mrs. Francis A. Riopel, both of the levels of education and income line separating his name from the Beau Rivage with interested Marlboro. and the composition of the popula- the three-man ticket, which tops builders Invited. tion. the ballot, each on a separate The meeting, which will begin Hie report by the U. S. Depart- line, discriminates against him. at 3 p.m., -will be moderated by Flare of Fashion lent of Labor's Bureau of Labor Judge Knight issued an order that William E. Becker, vice presi- Probe Entry, tatistics, released Sunday, is Borough Clerk George L. Cros- dent of marketing for Robilt, ased on census figures for 100 son show cause tomorrow why the Inc., Lakewood. Mr. Becker is Printe ewark neighborhoods. ballot should not be reprinted. regional director for the NAHB Rings Theft Neighborfioods with the highest Sales Managers Club, a nation- RED BANK — Police here are nemployment rates, the report MEETING POSTPONED wide group designed to dissemi- probing the breaking and entry tows, have a preponderance WEST LONG BRANCH - The nate successful sales techniques Luxuryl Knit this jacket with and theft of two rings from an onwhite residents who have rela-.May meeting of the Shore Re- information as gathered from all large and baby cables for warmth apartment at 345 Broad St., Sat- vely low levels of education and gional Board of Education, over the country. and fashion. urday. scheduled for May 16, has been Jiffy-knit this jacket, and save Police said a ring valued at The report Is one of 38 issued postponed until May 23. Clifford a fortune. Use cloud-light mohair $125' and another ring with 25 •r major cities around the coun- E. Schenck, board secretary, has or knitting worsted. Pattern 825: Strathmore small jewels were taken from the announced. directions sizes 32-34; 36-38 in- apartment of Mrs. Helen T. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Daniels, Edwards. cluded. 53 Deerfield La., entertained Sun- Send thirty-five coins for day for Mr. Daniels' parents, Mr. The theft was reported when this pattern—add cents for and Mrs. Morris Daniels of Hill- Mrs. Edwards returned to her each pattern for first-class mail- side. apartment Saturday night. ing and special handling. Send to Police said another apartment Laura Wheeler, The Red Bank belonging to Mrs. Mabel Parker Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooper, in the same building was en- Register, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. 49 Idlewild La., entertained a Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New tered but that nothing appeared discussion group Saturday night. to be missing. York 11, N. Y. Print plainly pat Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jer- now/ te,rn number, name, address and ome Gold, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Police said Mrs. Edward's zone. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Michael rings were in a desk. She said NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED L%wis, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey a jewel box in the bedroom was accessories plus 208 exciting Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Law- not disturbed. needlecraft designs in our new rence Gray. 1963' Needlecraft Catalog—just SPEND DAY IN NEW YORK out! Fashions, furnishings to Mr. and Mrs. David Kass, 70 HIGHLANDS — Members of crochet, knit, sew, weave, em- Avondale La., spent the past the Water Witch Social Club re- broider, quilt. Plus free pattern. week at Grosslnger's Hotel, Lib- cently attended the matinee per- Send 25c now. erty, N.Y. formance of "Mary Mary," and had lunch at the Hotel Taft. They had dinner at the Ameri- cana on Fifth Ave. Those who YOU HAVE 'TIL attended were Mrs. Peter Dia mond, Mrs. Anne Atlee, Mrs. Ed- ward J. Bunting, Sr., Mrs. Wade MAY 10th Davis, Mrs. Esther Dennis, Mrs. William A. Feste, Mrs. Charles She's right! Heating oil savings fe go to First Merchants National and optn a lav- Gardner, Mrs. Charles Gowers, ingi account that will ttart taming int«r»|t from May 1st. Mrs. Joseph Grzelka, Mrs. Mad 9148 OPEN MONDAr-THURSDAY • o.m.-t p.m. <%1 / Q/ Interest on Passbook .Savings eline Kester, Mrs. Charles Mil- WAIST 24"-32" FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-lO p.m. start the day it's installed 3 1% /O Accounts ler, Mrs. Walter Monahan, Mrs. (AND AVERAGE$53.50 A YEARI) A% htamt •• St-mtntht ttnw cuilOutaa mllabla «n any data Charles O'Connor, Mrs. William Pels, Mrs. John Sciortino, Sr., New MAGIC-GRID heat booster from Esso Research Rat Batik A personal gift fair MavM • Hatmdal and Miss Mary Rissett. FLARE is everything in fash- saves heating oil every moment your furnace is turned Attar* Park ion—especially this flare that's on, starting the day it's Installed. Average savings- Nartk Atbiiry Park smooth front and back with or MmtttpM • BrUlln TO INSTALL WEDNESDAY according to test homes-is $53.50 a yearl Now's the Harabar Fadaral without side pleats. For cotton, best time of year for Installation of your Esso MAGIC- •aiarva Sjrtttm/Ftdtral KEANSBURG - Mrs. Charles linen. GRID and its special electronic controls. Order nowl Sapoalt fnanranca Corp. Gee, new president, will be in- Printed Pattern 9148: Misses' stalled tomorrow night at a Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32. *If not satisfied after one y«fr, we guarantee your money meeting of the Parent-Teacher Size 28 takes 1% yards 45-inch „ back! For complete details, Association, in the school hall fabric. PHONE HU 6.7009 at 8 o'clock. Other officers to be Fifty cents coins for this TIME FOR installed are Richard Albert, pattern — add 15 cents for each vice president; Mrs. Louis Beck- pattern for first-class mailjng er, treasurer; Mrs. Theodore and special handling. Send to Chmiel, corresponding secretary; Marian Martin, The Red Bank SCREEN Mrs. Frank Jackson, assistant Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West corresponding secretary, and 18th St., New York 11, N. Y. Print with taste. Mrs. John Cecci, recording sec- plainly name, address with zone, retary. Fun night will follow and size and style number. REPAIRS refreshments will be in charge FREE OFFER! Coupon In FROWN'S WILL RE SCREEN AND REGLAZE of the seventh grade mothers. Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free—any one you choose ANY TYPE It pays to advertise in the Red j from 300 design ideas. Send 50c Bank Register.—Advertisement, now for Catalog. to your praont oil burntr, MAGIC-GRID concintuttt and control, th* Ilimi pattern to g«t mort hut Irom Itii oil. Mafcu oil burn hotUr tnd mor» ALUMINUM FRAME compltUly. Mtkat modirn oil ht«t mort tconomlcil thin tvtr.

WINDOW BUY NOW and SAVE MAGIC-GRID It ivilltblt only froiri HUMBLE or lit tuthorlui Btto Dlltrlbutoti who bring you dtptndiblt "Wikhdog" Oil Hut Smk: ' • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY Gift packed for Mother's Day: Barton's famous DaOy ft Saturday t A.M.-5:M P.M. •< LOW BLUE COAL Bartonette Chocolate Miniature assortment. W*o\ and Fri. 'Ill I P.M. FOR 1963 NOW IN EFFECT! "Between Yanko'i ft Reussllles" I Ib., $7.00. One of many individual gifts by HUMBLE » OIL & REPINING COMPANY FRED D. WIKOFF CO. Anwlct'i iMdlnq Entrgy Company P.O. loi it, State Highway Ha. 1 SHadysldt 1-7500 ttfUwtfc T*kpfion* SH 1-0554 RW lank, N. J. Linden, Ntw Jtrwy 7, BED BANK REGISTER Filers Drop Middletown

From 1st With 3-2 Win PRJNCETON-ChrUtian Broth- Asbury Park in an all-impQrUnt ers Academy's unbeaten tenntg match. ".-,-. , ? Middletown Township High Each team has two remainin; Rumson-Fair Haven Regional team shattered Princeton High Princeton and LakewJod con* School's, goB team, which hap- matches in league play. Thl gained a tie for the sixth posi- School's unbehnished record, dude their snewedVout' match »J pily held first place in the 10- week's s schedule favors Neptune tion with Toms River by edging whipping the Little Tigers, 4-1. Tigertwn ia the!third match of team league for exactly one as the Fliers meet ninth-place Red Bank, 3-2, on the Rumson here yesterday. the day. Princeton ws* letdlBC week, fell from that position yes- Central Regional (0-4-1) Thurs- Country Club course. Rumson The victory was the fourth 2-1, when the' match'ww terday tvhen Neptune's highly day at Lakehurst while Lake- has a. 4-4 mark. straight for the CoH netmen, en- pended-lastTueiday... ' touted squad edged the Lions, 3-2, wood tangles with Wall Town- A three-stroke advantage, 174- abling tnem to take over the top CBA Sp.rU*. . < In'the first place battle at Bea- ship, fourth at 5-2-1, the same 177, gave Neptune its win over rung in the Central Jersey Tennis The OB/ squad plc$ed.W~4 con Hill Country Club, Leonardo. day at Spring Meadow, Allaire. Middletown in the most crucial Leauge. Princeton dropped into important win agalAsf Prince I Neptune is now tied With Lake- In other matches, Brick Town- test of the afternoon. fourth place with a 2-1 record. ton's defending loop <*»mj4o)J|. i wood, a 4-1 victor over Central ship (3-2-2) held fifth with a ^ Middletown's middle men, No. In other loop action yesterday, Jerry Brown tent the Colts aw.fjf Regional yesterday at Lakehurst, 2'/4 tie with Toms River 3-3-1 at player Bob Brown (42) and Rumson - Fair Haven Regional winging with a 6-1, ,8-1 pasting ot-Don Coppinger, Ron Messtn| lor the top spot, each team sport- the Lakewood Country Club, Wall third man Rich Barbara (43), continued to impress with a 3-0 then outlasted George Fih?* ing, a 6-1-1 record. Middletown Township whipped the cellar Lion scores. Other Lion pasting of Lakewood on the Vic- 6-4. dropped down to third place on team, 0-5 Point Pleasant Beach, performers were No. 1 man Herb tory Park courts, while Neptune shaded Middletown Township, 3- 1 6-2 mark. 4-1, at Manasquan River, and Brown with a 43 and fourth man The Tigers' Robin PI at ten Mike Roma with a 49. 2, on the Bodman Park courts. stopped Hank Sieminski for. th« ((.'-' * Neptune took the win on a 40, Today's slate fiends Rumson - first time this season', 8-8, J-L v 44 'and pair of 45s. Flier ace Fair Haven to Freehold Regional Brown teamed with Siemiaskj i Mike Calderone- fired the 40 to and Red Bank High School to to clinch the verdict with a J# ' !• lead tlie way. Jay Stewart, No. 2, 6-3 decision over Fifch and PUt- and fourth man Rich Stupelman WIN A DELIGHTFUL CHORE —Frank Porter, center, owner of the Red Bank Tire Co., ten. John Husson and Mike -Batf. •» .;>?••' , canned the 45s. Rich Hurley fired congratulates Herbie Swanson, second from'left, and James Nelson, new bat boys for Rumson Frosh rett added Icing with a Victory is the 44. the second doubles. , ; 1 the P,ed Bank Tir« Co. team of the Jersey Shore Baseball League. The boys, who each '. W" The Middletown squad, with its Bulldogs Romp. wrote in 50 words or less on "Why I Would Like to be Bat Boy for the Red Bank Tire *" • •;. ' hopes of winning the loop title Edge Raritan Coach Frank,Curry's Bul|< almost completely shattered, Co. Team," are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swanson, 44 Garfield PL, Red Bank, and won all three singles -in W visiting Lakewood. Barry : ••'.*/ meets R u m s o n-Fair Haven, Mrs. Henry Nelson, 107 Peach St., Shrewsbury. Mothers of the boys are picturedwith For 5th Straight Thursday on the Beacon Hill had an unexpectedly fasy them. .•'•'.. ,.''•'' . with Dennis Schurgin, 6-3, 6-2; links. RUMSON — The Rumson-Fair While George WrighUtOppeiRicb Only a soaring 56 by Rumson's Haven Regional freshman base- SpiUer, M.>1. Sophomore lfo& fourth man, Gordon Forsyth, ball team won its fifth in six McDonald made his first.»ingl«* kept the Bulldogs from routing starts here Friday, outlasting vis- start an impressive one! With * Red Bank at the Rumson Coun- iting Raritan Township's frosh, F*» 6-1, 6-2 rorob over Jerry AlperL, \"» try Club. Bill Allison, 41, and Matawan Nips Falcons, 11-10, in "a nine-inning thriller. Flier* Win , - Pete Woglora, 40, were the scor- The Bulldog frosh lost their Neptune won its third la four ers for the Bulldogs while the de- opener to Monmouth Regional, starts, whipping Mlddletown'.(I3); ciding point came on a nine- 4 but have won everything else. Richie Eitireim won* over,Miiai stroke margin in the team totals, Tile locals won the contest by If apian • and . Paul. Schlossbach 183-192. The final Rumson golfer scoring two runs in the bottom of 1-0, in Key B' Contest took Cnuek'Clerlcuzio. . : was Bill Scott with a 46. the ninth to overcome; 'a 10-9 Joe. Jacobs picked up. 1 t&ri Red Bank's scorers were sec- MATAWAN '•— Coach GedrgePleasarit, 4-1, In nine innings yes- base. Rocket advantage. Pete Johnson point with a win over tarry 11 ond man Joly Butler-with a 44 Deitz's Matawan Regional- High terday. With one down in the fifth picked up the viotory, going the Johnson, 6-1, 3-6, '6-1: and No. 4 shooter Dave Burr, 50. School team pushed over-alone The Falcons dropped to second frame, Mike Porter reached bdse final three and one-third innings. Hi The teams split -the doubles!, 1 Top man Bob Glassey, having run in the third inning yesterday with a 6-2 mark while Southern on an error and Rich • Maize 1 John- Rowan and Ralph Law- Neptune won the -match • wfien bad day. finished with a 51 to edge Monmouth Regional, 1-0, is 6-1 and is the only other team singled. Morrell bore down to fan rence walked in the ninth. Al- Elttrelm-Schlossbach won ove,r while the Buccos' third man, in a crucial Shore Conference to hand Mango a defeat. Dennis Simpson and then retired fred Brighton then tripled them Kaplan and Clericuiio, 6-2,', 6-1: Dave Ligon, shot a 47. B Division contest. Sickels Scores Run Dpn Carey on a pop-up. home with the winning markers. Bob Logel and Jacobs teamed %^ Yesterday's Results The tally broke up a torrid The winning Matawan run Morrell fanned 12 and walked Tim Ryan's two-run triple in for a final Middletown point in the ih l b came with one down in the third. only one in picking up his most r* • Neptune 3, Middletown 2 pitchers' duel between two of the the eighth frame knotted the second doubles. ' . Lakewood 4, Central Reg. 1 John Sickels singled to center, important triumph of the season. loop's top flingers, the Huskies', score at 9-9. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS - J Rumson 3, Red Bank 2 went to second on a passed ball Matawan hosts Raritan Town- LION LINKSTER —Herb Brown, Middletown township George Morrell and the Falcons' Fred Sanborn, Tom V«tterl and CBA 4, Princeton 1 Wall Twp. 4, Pt Pleasant 1 and to third on a wild pitch. Bob ship today, while Monmouth Re- High's No. I golfer, sets to shoot for the green in yes- Ralph Mango. Johnson each collected two hits. Rumson-F.H. 3, Lakewood • Brick Twp. 2J4, Toms River % Barrett . walked. Eddie Flynn gional invades Point Pleasant on ; Morrell came off with the vic- The BuUdogs's next contest is Neptune 3, Middletown Twp."3; terday's key match against Neptune at Beacon Hill, Standings then lofted a sacrifice fly to left Friday. tory,, his fourth in five starts, at Manasquan tomorrow. THE STANDINGS ., that permitted Sickels to score. MSI on. ~Itei. (0) Malawa Leonardo. Brown fired a 4-3, But didn't score, and Nep- W L T Pet. while Mango dropped his second AB R III Ken. <•> Neptune .6 .857 heartbreaker of the campaign. The losers collected four hits _ ABH ii tune went on to post a 3-2 win to replace Middletown 1 0 0 CBA Lakewood _..J .857 off Morrell's slants. They twice DrlncoH.rt 0 0 Morrcll.p Ralph only allowed three hits and Mango, p 0- -0 Gararano.c 3 0 0 Asbury Park , . in first place (tied with Lakewood) in the Shore Con- Middletown .6 .750 ianned 11. The lone run was un- had runners as far as second Luc'ar'11.2b 3 0 1 Szyarto.rf 2 0 0 Nauden,lb 3 o ' David, ss 3 0 0 Red Bank .- ference Golf League. Wall Twp. 5 .714 earned. . base, but never seriously threat- 3" "0 0 D'Aporo,2b 2 0 0 Baseball 2 0 0 Neptune _ I Brick twp. . j .600 Matawan leads the B Northern ened. Porter.c 3 0 0 Slckels,3b Marzel.fls 2 0 1* 2 11 Princeton . — 2 Rumson .....4 .500 Division race with a 6-1 record. Bimpson,3b' 2 0 0| Russell, lb 2 0 1 In the fourth inning, Mike Luc- 2 0 1 Rumson . _ .. t Toms River .....3 300 The Huskies are 9-3 over-all. The cgrelli and Reggie Nauden sin- 24 o 4 ID 1: 3 Schedule Freehold Railway's Pete Frazee Red Bank .....1 .143 Monmouth Regional nine lost its gled, but Ken Szyarto's throw Monmouth Reg. _ .000 000 O-M) Matawan Reg. _ooi 000 x^-1 Middletown Central Reg 0 .000 B. Southern Division lead when from right field caught Luccar. SO—Morrell 12; Mango 11. BB— MOT- TODAY R. B. Catholic . I 1 Pt. Pleasant .0 .000 Southern Regional topped Point elli on a wide turn Of second »nd GeUendaff.r. Takes Wall's 10-Miler Neptune 3 — Mlddletown 1 A DIVISION Long Branch . .1 ' Neptune Lakewood 9 Mike Oalderone :.A0 Cil Lakewood at Freehold lay Stewart .45 (0) Manasquan at Brick Twp. SUMMARIES— WALL TOWNSHIP - A pair Elliott, failed to make the fea Rich Hurley .44 (0) CBA (4) TrlneeUm <1> tare race after heat race han Rich Btupelman .45 <1) Middletown at Red Bank SiDlteu of former champions had the Jerry Brown _ JC5JA) dling problems caused him to drop Neptune at Long Branch - ' er... 6-1. «-l. fans standing throughout Satur- Team Total .174 (1) Ron ~ Messlns. (CBA) det. atorit day night's 30-lap modified-sports- the car. Wally Dallenbach of Eas Mlddletown B DIVISION .men, 7*. ,(M.- - i ; Brunswick, tried it in the con- Herb Brown 43 (0) Raritan. Twp. at Matawan Robin Flatten (P) S>f."' -^amr inen feature race at Wall Stadium Bob Brown . 43 (1) stemlnski. 8-e, «-l. Rich Barbara A3 (1) when Pete Frazee of -Railway solation race — won by Charlie Mike Roma -.49 (0) Central Reg. at Southern Reg. Doubles Muscatel — but it was a disap- Henry Hudson at Keyport Brown-Slemlnskl (CBA) det nipped Bill Chevalier of Sayre- Team Total av Platten, 5-3, 6-3. • ville at the wire in a fast 8:06.5 pointing third and the owner RumHoo ' Wall at Point Pleasant John Husson-MIke Barrttt Matty McMann, scratched it Rumgon 3 — Bed Bank t rief. Pete Dumpel-Dave RuMinoIf, 64; docking for the 10-mile distance Bill Allison _ 41 (1) OTHERS 6-4. .--••• . .••••,- After taking more than half;from the feature. Bin Scott .46 (0) Rumson at Shore Reg. Runiaon (3) IMtevrool (Q> : Pete WoRlom _.. 40 (1) SCnile« : . Bill Farry of Glendola, was Gordon ForByth fl6 St. Mary's (P.A.) at R. B. Catho- Barry Nelson (RFH) def. DtnnU the race to dispose of a pair of Schurrln, 6-3, 6-2. fleet sportsmen division cars, home first again — his third Team Total J83 lic aeorge Wrltt* (RFH) d«f. Klehl* (1) iSpltzer. 6-1, 6-1.. .. • ' driven by Bill Pfister of Eaton straight — in the 2Wap novice Red Bank Monmouth College at Jersey City Glassey .51 (0) Ron McDonald (RFH) det. T»rr* town and Russ Hoftman of Eng-'feature, while second spot went Joly Butler State Alp»rt, 6-1, 6-2. . 44 (1) Neptune (3) Mlddletom <«> ; Jishtown, Chevalier and Frazee to Bernie Prentice in the A-OK. Dave Ugon 47 (01 CBA at South River Dave Burr SO <1> Richie Slttrelm (N)' del. Mlk« settled'down to wage a torrid It marked the second straight TOMORROW KuDlan, 4-8, 6-1. !•«.' : '• . -. • .; week Farry and Prentice ran 1-2 Team Total .192 (0) Pau- Schlosiftacn (N) det Chut*" battle. Toms River at Central Reg. . Clerteuzlo, t-Q, &G. ' ' '. ^ They completely outclassed the in the novice action. Perth Amboy at Asbury Park Joe Jacobs (M) det, larry JohMon, Pfister won the all-sportsmen 1, 3-6. 6-1. • - •.. rest of the field as they, ran THURSDAY Doublet - > heat race, while Chevalier took Coif Schedule Elttreim-Sclilcwudach (W Monmouth Reg. at Pt. Pleasant, Toms River, Raritan Twp., at beset with handling problems for Long Branch at Princeton tory to maintain first place. The Monmouth Regional catcher is Milce Porter, while several seasons—actually seemed MOYER-DUPAS REMATCH Lakewood at Red Bank H.S. Southern Reg. at Keyport ' Keyport -1 umpire is Al Pavich...... Rumson at Matawan Reg. Brick Twp., St. Rose at Waff to out-handle the popular No. 68 BALTIMORE (AP) - A i R. B. Catholic at Neptune Saturday night. OTHERS match batween Denny Moyer Hoffman at Henry Hudson Asbury Park at CBA V . ;' Hower Is Racing and Ralph Dupas for the junior Shore Reg. at Wall Henry Hudson, R.B, CatbdHe at Pfister hung on for third place middleweight boxing - R. B. Catholic at St. Mary's Middletown Twp. ,' 't and first sportsmen, while Hoff- (S.A.) Neptune at Matawan Reg. • •',.: man, the early race leader, fin- ship in Baltimore's Civic Center 4 Derby Horses to Challenge SATURDAY Rumson at Pt. Pleasant -. I June 3 was announced yesterday ished fourth. Chubby Hower of Brick Twp. at St. Rose ' Long Branch at Red Kink ' '. * Middletown, was factor early in by promoter Benny Trotta. Peterson State at Monmouth Col- SATURDAY - , the race with his Studebaker, but It will be the first title fight lege. Long Branch Relays \ dropped to fifth at the end. Pat in Baltimore since 1942 when Chateaugay in Preakness Race Keeley of Englishtown was sixth When Chalky Wright defeated in the K-18 Buick. home town Harry Jeffra for the An early race favorite, Tommy featherweight crown. By JOHN CHANDLER is best at Baltimore, anfl later im Shoemaker Had Room Conway arrived and said the the Belmont. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The "Shoemaker had room, and Derby winner would leave for big 3-year-old show went back on While Never Bend set the pace tried to go through," said Teh- Baltimore either Monday night or •he road again yesterday when at forced by No Robbery for the'ney, "but he didn't have the horse Tuesday morning by van. Chat- eaugay won't start before the least four of the horses who fol- first mile, Candy Spots laid back t0 do it." A moment later, Candy lowed Chateaugay home in the in third place. But when he got Spots veered out slightly i\nd fin- Preakness. Kentucky Derby will chase him clear sailing in the upper home- ished out in the track on the out- "I knew the horses up front in to Baltimore, and make him stretch, he didn't have it. side. Never Bend was back on the Derby had to weaken because prove his superiority in the Preak- Zoomed Outside the rail, and Chateaugay was of that pace," Conway said, "and less. Chateaugay, rated back in sixth sandwiched between, but out in my horse would be laying there Of the first six horses over the place by Braulio Baeza, moved front with plenty to spare. waiting to challenge. ine Saturday in the $151,400 Der- around the final turn, zoomed "It was the natural struggle of "But I thought I'd be third, be- Bend. by at Churohill Downs, only outside of the, three leaders as a tired horse that carried him hind Candy Spots and Never Greentree Stable's No Robbery, they straightened for home, and out," said Tenney of the favorite, "You might say I was pleasant- who suffered bucked shins, will settled the issue in one tremen- "I thought he'd win it leaving the ly surprised. miss the $15O,00O-added Preak- dous burst that carried him into'three-eighths pole, but when I ness at Pimlico May 18. a length lead with one-eighth of, saw Chateaugay coming with The Cain Hov Stable's Never a mile to travel. clear sailing down the stretch, I Bend, Rex C. Ellsworth's Candy Dick Weber Wins Chateaugay won by V/ lengths, knew we couldn't do it." Spots and Ambush Stable's On 4 my Honor finished second, third while Never Bend barely hung on Woody Stephens, trainer of to save second — a neck over Never Bend, said "He was tired, Pin Prize and fourth, respectively. No Rob- Candy Soots, who took third by but he came back in good shape bery was fifth, and Patrlc Ja- NORTH BRUNSWICK (AP) — 4% lengths over On My Honor, [to fight another day, and you Dick Weber won the top prize cobs' Bonjour wound up sixth in can>t the field of nine 3-year-olds. There was. some discussion onl complain about that." It Saturday in the Professional Willie Shoemaker's handling of was an obvious reference to No Nobody around the Churchill Bowlers Association's New Jer- Downs stable area Sunday would Candy Spots, who was checked Robbery, up at the other end of sey Open tournament, defeating disnute tn» fact that John W. Gal- and had to duck out rounding the the barn. breath's Chateaugay was the best first turn when he came up on John Gaver, the Greentree Ray Bluth, 236-214. lorse and had won the l'/J-mile No Robbery's heels. Candy Spots trainer, said it was the fifth time Weber was awarded $5,000, in two seasons that No Robbery lerby fairly and squarely. was along the rail near the top making him the second-place of the stretch, with Never Bend had bucked. It is a painful, hut But the rival owners and train- money winner in the 17 open irs aren't sold on the idea he in front by a length, and with considered minor ailment which tournaments around the country an do it again in the 1 3/16-mile Jockey Manuel Ycaza trying to will keep a horse sidelined for reakness, Which is one-sixteenth hold onto his lead. several wteks. with $16,478. " • ihorter than the derby. No Robbery was alongsldo Son of, Swaps Bluth Friday had broken a Mesh Tenney, traniner of Rex Candy Spots, while Just outside Chateaugay, a son of Swaps world record for a six-game se- FLY BALL FISHERMAN—Dick Taylor of Springfielrj, Pa... SHt'U SIT THE PACE—Linda Lou Mugg, 20, an Indiana C. Ellsworth's Candv Spots, ob- of them the three horses in a who had been sold by Ellsworth ries with 1,525 points. ttsndt ready with long handled fishnet at he looks for' University honor student from Windfall, Ind., as queen of viously was disappointed in the line— came Chateaugay. Candy to the Galbreaths for $2 million, The semi-final and final match- :olt, which y/an the 3-2 favorite foul ball to roll back into field from roof of itandi be- the; annual Five-Hundred Festival will ride in the pace Spots had no place to go. Then,!was the center of attraction at es were bowled before 800 specta- >ff his unbeaten record, including as Chateaugay had clear sailing, his barn. Trainer Jimmy Conway tors at the Carolior Lanes and a hind home plate in Philadelphia Phillies ball park. De- car ft the sfarf of this year's 500-mile auto race classic the Santa Anita Derby and fhe No Robbery fell back, and Never was absent. nationwide television audience. spite preparations, Taylor and friend Dick Boyle, leaning «t the Indianapolis Speedway. Here Linda poses with Florida Derby this year. He had Bend came away from the rail "He's gone to church," said a Gov. Richard J. Hughes. pre- >een confident before the Derby, glove on rail, failed to snag a foul during gam* with tn* trophy to b* awarded the winner. up front and left a hole for Candy)groom, "but stick around. He'll sented Weber with the winning and wants to prove Candy Spots Spots. be back." trophy. Houston Colts. < (AP'Wfraphote).^ * Beat Keyport in Dual BED 0AKK BECISTER Tue*!*y, Mty 7, 1963-W Meet; Thtee Records Snapped Rumson Routs Wall, 17-0; f: KEYPORT - Jeff MadRutg let teammate Bob Kesling snapped Regional travels to Freehold to Paulson, Damico Hit HRs two school records and Bob that mark with a S5.3 perform- tangle with Freehold Regional Thome snapped a third school ance at the Newark Board of and Central Regional! RUMSON - Coach Cliff Apple- pushed over five runs in the third Tiorndike. Paulson followed with mark as Monmouth Regional de- Education meet Saturday. — SUMMARIES — I gate's Rumson-Fair Haven Re- and two in the fourth to take a mother blast to left for the third feated Keyport, 64^4-52*^, in a Milt Hubbard was the only Moomouth Bet. UVi — Kerport _._ j gional baseball team went on a 7-0 lead after four innings. ,ftour un of the inning. Fred Dickson dual track meet here yesterday. double winner for Monmouth Re- 100-yard duh: Won by Anderson 1 batting rampage here yesterday, more came in the fifth, and a big ind Don Hasbrouck singled, then It was the fifth victory in six (E); 2. Lee (MR); 3. Williams (K). gional. He took the 120-yard Time—10.D crushing visiting Wall Township, the sixth frame com- im Robinson singled up the mid- meets for Coach William Hill- 220-yard duh: Won by Anderson six in high hurdles in 16.8 before win- (K); 2. Davis (MR); 3. William. (K). 17-0, behind Bill Van Duren's pleted the rout. e scoring Dickson. Hasbrouck man's Falcons from New Shrews- ning the 180-yard lows in 22.7. Time—24.2 t two-hit pitching. Jay Pandolfe, the starting Wall so scored when the center field- bury/ • 440-yard duh: Won by Thorne (MR): Scullion, In the mile — with an 2. Justin (K>; 3. XeUIni (MR). Time '• The Bulldogs posted their fifth pitcher, ran into home runs off ir let the ball get by him. Madlung erased two school excellent 4:39.4 clocking — and—06.2 (BohoDl record) • B Northern Division victory in the bats of Jack Damico and Steve Vitales took the brunt of marks when he finished second in BSO-yard hm: Won by Umry (MR); broad jump; Foss, in the shot 4. Bberle (MR); 9. Chi«y (K). Time . eight starts. They are 6-4 over- Vern Paulson in the third. he Bulldog's prolific sixth-inning the discus and broad jump. His put and discus, and Jim Ander -. all. Pete Thomdike opened the in- icoring. The big blows of the record toss in the discus was 119 OnemlU run: Won by Scullion (K); son, In the 100 and 220, were Z. Miller (MR); 3. Pote tK). Time— Wall, a B Southern Division en- ning with a single. Pandolfe re- rame were triples by Dickson feet, 5 inches, to place second to double winners for Keyport. 4:39.4 tired the next two Rumson bat- and Van Duren. The Rumson Keyport's Ralph Foss, who won 120-yard high hurdles: Won by Hub- try, is 2-6 in loop play, and 2-7 Bruce Lowry and Carl Worthy bard (MR): 2. Wlckberc (MR); 3. over-all. ters, then Damico unloaded his itcher's blast sent two runners with a 119-foot, 11%-inch toss, were the final Monmouth Re- Worthy (MR). Time—16.8 180-yard low hurdles: Won by Hub- Rumson's power-packed lineup shot to deep left to score behind ome. Madlung then leaped 19 feet, gional winners. Lowry won the bard (MR); 2. Lee (MR); 3. (tie) The victory was Van Duren's l>/ Inches to erase the school Worthy (MR) Bllcoi (K). Time—22.7 2 880-yard run In 2:09.8 while Shot: Won by Fou (K); 2.- Rose ird win in five starts. All three record in the broad jump, but Wortiiy cleared 5 feet, 7V4 inches (MR); 3. Barlle (MR). Distance—42' )f his victories came on shutouts. Keyport's Ed Scullion won with 10H" in the high jump. Discus: Won by Foss (K); 2. Mad Bishops Rip Ewing, Rumson' returns to action to- 19 feet, 8% inches. Madlung held Keyport's other ' victors were long (MR); 3. Arnold (MR). Distance —HMi'lW lay, facing Shore Regional on the old school marks in both Ned Crossley in the pole Vault at Hlrh lump: Won by Worthy (MR); )akhurst Firemen's Field. Fri- events.- 10 feet, 6'/£ inches, and John 2. Williams (K): 3. Thorne (MR) ay they invade Matawan for a Thorne erased the school rec- Middletown in Track Doerr, with a 165-foot, 8>/2-inch Pole'vault: Won by Croeiley (K); 2. attle with the league-leading ord in the 440-yard dash for the throw iwth the javelin. (tie) Baitle (MR): Davit (MR). Height ASBURY PARK — Coach Nick Middletown had only one win-Huskies. second straight meet when he Both teams see action in tri- —iow. Javelin: Won by Doerr (K); 2. Mad- Merli's potent Asbury Park High ner in ace shot putter Len Wat- Wall Twp. (0) JIumson (17) sped to a 55.2 clocking. He set angular meets tomorrow. Key Ann ii ABR n Ion; (MR); 3. SUveitrl (K). Distance track squad warmed up for its son. The Lion senior, unbeaten Hlndley,3b 1 0 01 Oreene,2b the record in a dual meet last port is host to Toms River and —165-8W 5 2 1 Broad lump: Won by Scullion (K) head-on clash with Christian in the 12-pound iron ball event - 'un(ee,2- -b 30 1 Damlco,3b 4 3 3 Thursday with a 55.5 effort, but Rarttan Township. Imlth, ir 2 0 o| 5 13 Brothers Academy tomorrow on this season, won with a 50-foot, iecker.rf 2 0 OJDIcks' 4 2 2 Przly' 200 Phillips,lp,lbb 1 0 O the Lincroft school's cinders by also finished second to Asbury / 0 0 Hasbr'k.rt 2 11 Park's Foster Day in the discus. "'andoife.p Falk.rt 1_ 2_ 1 crushing Ewing Township and Roblns' 2 0 1 HerMe Swanson, Jimmy Nelson Win Middletown Township in a Day's winning toss was a fine 144 yarto.c 3 0 0 LlLewls,cff 1 2 0 1 Delatu'h.lf. 0 O triangular meet here yesterday. feet, 3 inches. Johru'n.lf -2 1- O Thomps'n,rf 0 10 The Blue Bishops, producing Bill Barnard and Jim Novem- Thorndyke.o 2 2 1 Red Bank Tire Co.'s Bat Boy Positions the individual winner in nine of bre were the other standouts as McHenry.c 1 1 VanDur'n.p 4 o 13 events, rolled up 76>/2 points Middletown's record fell to 4-! 1 1 RED BANK — Herbie Swan- Ralph Cryder, borough recrea- winning the New Jersey state ti- to 42% for Ewing Township and on the season. Barnard finished 22 0 2 35 17 15 son, 10, son of Patrolman and tion director; John V. Crowell, tie and bi-state (New York and FIRES A GEM — Rumson-Fair Haven Regional'* Bill Van 24 for Middletown. second to Asbury Park's Jim Wall Twp 000 000 0— 0 Mrs. Herbert Swanson, 44 Gar-former magistrate and first pres- New Jersey) championships. Las Rurason-Falr Haven ...005 246 x—17 Duren tossed a two-hitter at Wall Township in a B Divi- Busch in the javelin, while No R—Damaco. Paulson. 3B—Dickson, field PI., titis place, and James ident of the Jersey Shore League, year the team played under the vembre was the runner-up in the Van Duren. 2B—Falk. Umpires—Koharskl and -Carhart. Nelson, II,. son of Mri and Mrs.and Hy Cunningham, sports edi- banner of the Old Union House. sion game at Rumson yesterday. The Bulldog ace could 180-yard low hurdles, won by Henry Nelson, 107 Peach St., tor of The Register. Frank Porter, owner of Red have saved himself. The Bulldog batters pounded the" Leon Saunders of Asbury in 22.2. New Shrewsbury, are the new Both boys will receive uniforms Bank Tire, recently took Rumson Busch's winning toss with the ball all over the field in a 17-0 romp. bat boys for the Red Bank Tire and handle bat boy duties over sponsorship of the team. javelin was, 164 feet, 6 inches. Seaboard Co. entry in the Jersey Shore Both new bat boys are base- through Red Bank Tire's 30-game Middletown is host to Henry Baseball League. Jersey Shore League season. ball players. Swanson, a fourth- grader at Mechanic Street Wins in Hudson Regional and Red Bank League "Hie ioys' letters, written In The boys will be handling the CBA 9 Falls Under 500 Mark, School, plays in the local cub Catholic in a triangular meet to- SO words or less on "Why I wood for the Jersey Shore team morrow. Last Week's Results Would Like to be Bat Boy for which finished seventh in the,Na- scout league. Nelson, who at- — SUMMARIES — River Plaza Panthers 7, River the Red Bank Tire Co. Team," tiona Baseball Congress tourna- tends Swimming River School Losing to Roselle Catholic, 10-7 Asbury Park WA — Ewlnr Twp. iW, and is in the fifth grade, plays Track Mlddletown 24 Plaza Bears 6 deadlocked a three-man panel of ment at Wichita, Kans., after 100-yard dash: Won by Daley 'AP) Rumson Bulldogs 14, Little Sliver tor New Shrewsbury Sales in ROSELLE — Christian Broth- cision to Roselle Catholic here 2. Campbell (BT); 3. Cohen (ET); Busch (AP). Time—10.4 Rovers 1 local 9-13 Little League. ers Academy's baseball forces yesterday. RUMSON — Coach Tom Bain's Baseball Rumson-Fair Haven Regional 220-yard dash: Won byy CCampbel Rumson Terriors 9, Shrewsbury Nelson won the bat boy posi- dropped a wild-scoring, 10-7 de- It was the fourth loss in seven (ETl; 2. Busch (AP); 3,!. Dale:•V (AP) High track squad limbered up 4. Cohen (ET). Time—24. Lions 5 tion by writing: starts for the Lincroft Colts and 440-yard da»h: Won by "I would like to be a bat boy the second time Roselle Catholic for tomorrow's clash with pow- (A)(AP);; 22.. Jenell_a (ET). ; __3 .Thavenlui Shrewsbury Wolverines «, Yanks Whip Tigers, 103; erful Point Pleasant Beach High (Ml(Ml ; 4. JettJ o (M(M)). TTime—64.i 3 Shrewsbury Foxes 1 because baseball is my favorite. has taken them this season. 850850-yardd run:: Won by Dufalo (ET) Casey Yearlings by running away from Henry 2. Voorhes (ET); 3. Anderson (M) And I watch the Union House The winners jumped on Colt Rumson Wildcats 12, River Plaza Hudson Regional and Shore Re- 4. Qummel (ET). Time—2:06.1 play sometimes. My farther (sic starter Jack Sohimpf for three One-mile run: Won by Sanford (ET)i Tigers Pirates Drub Dodgers, 7-4 gional here yesterday. 7. Godwin (AP); 3. Harvey (ET); 4. got all his tires from the Red Edge Matawan, runs in the first inning and were Johnson (ETl. Time—4:52 Little Silver Eagles 2, Little Sti- Bank Tire Co. And I alway. Rumson totaled 71 points to 120-yard high hurdles: Won by O'Dell ver Ravens 0 ASSOCIATED PRESS although Kansas City has a one- never headed, although the los- (AP); 2. Blmpklns (ET); 3. Robinson wanted a baseball uniform. And ing nine made things interesting outclass the Admirals of" Henry (AP); 4. Saunders (AP). Time—16. STANDINGS The New York Yankees movedhalf game lead. 5-3, in 1st Win 180-yard low hurdles: Won by Saund- I like to be a bat boy." with a late rally. Hudson, second with 43& and era (AP); 2. Novembre (M) 3. W L Pet. Into a tie for the American In the only other AL game Swanson wrote: RED BANK - The Red Bank CBA scored three times in the Shore, with 2&y2. O'Dell (AP); 4. Slmpklns (ET). TimRumson Bulldogs 2 0 1.000 League lead last night as home scheduled, the-Los Angeles An- —22.2 "I would like to become a Bat Catholic High yearling baseball fourth to cut the deficit to 4-3, Rich Altreuter, a versatile sen- Shot: Won by Watson (II): 2. Mac-River Plaza Panthers 2 0 1.000 runs by Mickey Mantle and Tomgels came from behind on a two- Namara (AP); 3. Neville (AP); 4. Boy of the Red Bank Tire Co.'s squad came up with three runs in but the Roselle team scored ior, paced the Bulldogs to their Rumson Terriors 2 0 1.000 Tresh provided the power dn a run double by Albie Pearson in Demarco (M). Distance—50'6^»' team; so I could learn more the bottom half of the sixth in- twice in the bottom of the fourth romping victory with a first Discus: Won by Day 'AP); 2. Wat River Plaza Bears ....4 1 .500 10-3 walloping of the last-place the last of the ninth and ended son (M); 3. Weber (M); 4. Lawle: about baseball. ning to overcome a 3-2 Matawan and a big four in the fifth to putplace finish, tie for first and a Llttlet Silver Eagles ...1 1 *500 Detroit Tigers. a four-game losing streak by High Jump: Won by Beverelte (AP); beating Minnesota, 5-4. "Everybody is proud of the Regional lead and defeat the the game out of reach. third place finish to total 10 2. Hayes (AP); 3. (tie) Btansbury Little Silver Ravens _..l I .500 The Yankees' victory, coupled Huskies, 5-3, here yesterday. points. (AP). Campbell (ET). height—5'8" Rumson Wildcats ...... 1 1 .500 with Kansas City's 5-1 loss to Pittsburgh maintained its hold Red Bank team, because of last The Colts pushed over three Pole vault: Won by Robinson (AP) on first place in the National season's record, that is anothe The victory was the first in sixfinal runs in the seventh when Altreuter won the 120-yard 2. O'Dell (API; 3. Novembre (M); Shrews. Wolverines _..I 1 .500 the Chicago White Sox, left New games for the little Caseys. The Bevo,rette (AP). Helght-ir Shrews. Lions _.l 1 .500 League as Johnny Logan's pinch- reason why I would like to be- sophomore Terry Burke unloaded high hurdles in a swift 15.8 sec- Javelin: Won by Busch (AP); York tied with the A's for the setback evened Matawan's record hit single with the bases loaded come Bat Boy." a home run to deep left with onds, tied with Henry Hudson's Barnard (M); 3. Wlckolf (ET); River Plaza Tigers .....0 2 .500 top spot with a .600 percentage, at 2-2. y Westerberg„ (AP). Distance- •164'6" Little Silver Rovers _..O 2 .000 capped a four-run sixth inning The boys will take their posts two mates aboard. Board jump: Won by Btetter (AP" Red Bank Catholic came up Mike Lane in the high jump at 2. Warllck (AP); 3. Campbell (ET Shrews. Foxes 0 2 .000 up-rising that carried the Pirates for the first time Sunday when Sehimpf went four and one-';5 feet, 6 inches and was third 4. Tucker (ET). Distance—19W' with the three runs on a triple by to a 7-4 victory over, the Los An'the'Jersey Shore League open: Wednesday's Games ' winning pitcher Marty Mihok third innings to suffer his first in the pole vault. Green Jumps geles Dodgers. That was the action with Red Bank Tire trav Shrewsbury Wolverines at one walk and four errors. loss of the season after two tri- A pair of seniors, Bruce Dunn only NL game scheduled. eling to Freehold to meet thi umphs. Bob Germano relieved and Buddy Ackerman, aided the Shore Aquatic Shrewsbury Lions Mantle, Tresh and Bobby Rich- Townsmen. Matawan held a 5-3 advantage Cleveland Club in base hits. Mihok struck out him in the fifth and finished up. Rumson cause with each per- Thursday's Games ardson each stroked three h'ts Successive singles by Don Club Dinner LOS ANGELES (AP) — Cleve- seven and walked II in going the former copping a first and sec- River Plaza Tigers at Shrews- as the Yankees lashed out 15 in Geary, Ed Christopher, Rich land outfielder Gene Green distance to record the win for ond. Dunn won the shot put bury Lions support of Whitey Ford. Ford the Caseys. Donohoe and Gerry Burke and was the runner-up in the dis-Slated Monday Jumped his team yesterday and won his third straight with re- Orlick Wins River Plaza Panthers at Rumson B. B. Catholic MnUiran (.1) sparked CBA to its three- cus while Ackerman ran second Bulldogs said he has no intention of lief help from Jim Bouton, who ABR II ABB H EATONTOWN - The Shori AB ijrun fourth. to Altreuter in the high hurdles Shrewsbury Wolverines at Little returning. came on in the seventh inning. Riddle,«3 2 10 Pagl' 3 1 Aquatic Club will hold its annu Four Medals Kearn'y,2b 4 0 1 Stlven,3b 0 0 In the sixth, Christopher before winning the 180-yard low Silver Eagles "I know I'm not a bad ball- Gary Peters of the White Sox, Mihok.p 1 1 Eovlno,* 2 awards dinner at Crystal Brool O' 1 Jones.p reached base on an.-, error. timber event in 21.9 seconds. Rumson Terriors at Little Silver player' and I can't stand not making his first major league Clark, It 1 Wallace,If Inn here Monday at 7 p.m. o Charlie Friedrich's grounder was Rovers playing," Green said. "I'd rather start, won his first game in the In Gym Meet Hen'ei'y.rf 1 l Sprinter Steve Baker and Lane Trophies will be awarded t< Forc'no,3b 0 a-Jackson,p o o o|thrown away, permitting Christo- led Henry Hudson, Baker ran River Plaza Bears at Little Silver quit baseball and do something majors, allowing the A's only Nortz 0 Lovero,rl pher to score. the top swimmers and divers o for less money. I can't stand BROOKLYN - Terry Orlick, DeVenlrl.o 0 0 David, p the 100 in a swift 10.2 second Ravens four hits before newly acquired Nucclo.2b Germano singled in the seventh the club. this any more." a 17-year-old Henry Hudson Re- QurnUz,«a and also captured the 220-yard Rumson Wildcats at Shrewsbury Jim Brosnan came on in the and John Croddick reached first Dick Steadman of Deal, formei . Green, who will be 30 next gional High School senior, won dash. . Foxes ninth to preserve the victory. 24 5 3 26 when the catcher interfered with Columbia University swimming month, was used as a pinch hit- Peters and Mike Hershberger four medals with an outstanding Matawan - ...002 001 0—3 Lane took a tie for first in the Saturday's Games performance in the junior Met- Red Bank Catholic ...... 001 103 x—5 his bat. Both rode home when coach, is expected to serve as ter by the Indians. homered for the Chicagoans. 3B—Mihok. 2B—Kearney. Hits off — high jump, ran second to Acker- Rumson Terriors at Rumson ropolitan AAU Gymnastics Jontj 3 In 6; David 0 In 1. SO—Mihok Terry Burke slammed a homer master of ceremonies while Bob The Pirates, outhit, 16-13, by man in the low hurdles and Green is a native of Los An- championships held at the Brook- 7; Jonei 10; David 2. BB-Mlhok 11; ;iotworth, Princeton Universit Bulldoggs the Dodgers, won it in the sixth Jones 6; David 0. to left. jumped to second place in the geles and was hoping the In- lyn Central YMCA Saturday relieved starter swimming and diving coach, will Little Silver Rovers at Little Sli- when Logan came up with two Germano broad jump behind Rumson's dians would trade him to the" night. be guest speaker. ver Eagles out and two on and the score Sehimpf in the fifth when Roselle Frank Parker. Angels during their series here Catholic tallied four times. Rumson Wildcats at Little Silver last weekend. tied 4-4. He promptly drilled a Orlick won two gold medals Tve Had It'- In the closest event of the (tie) C. Boyd (R), Kuchl (R). Tim«— Ravens Don Drysdale'pitch tor a single for the first places in .the long Ray Korn went all the way day, Rumson's Corey Ri(;h, a 10.2 "I'd love to play here," he for the winners, allowing seven ^ 220-yard dash: Won by Baker (HH); laid. "I think they'd appreciate that sent the Dodgers.down to horse vault and the high bar. Bobby Layne senior> ni sophomore 2. Noonan'(HH); 3. C, Boyd (R); 4. their seventh defeat in the last He later picked up two silver hits and fanning sevenseven. 'mat •e Terr- y Conner in the 440-Kuehl (R). Time—24.2 me." NEW YORK (AP) - "I've had The Colts take on unbeaten 440-yard dash: Won by Rich (R); But no deal came off and nine games. medals for second place finishes yard dash as both runners were 2. Conner (R); .3. Husker (HH); 4, in the free exercise and the it," old pro Bobby Layne said South River on the Rams' dia- clocked in 54 seconds. Krouse (R). Time—54 GOING Green decided to miss the plane mond today. 880-yard run: Won by Nappo (HH); trampoline. last night in confirming a re- Allan 2. Gilbert (R); 3. Jeffries (SR); 4. FISHING? when the Indians took off for port he has retired from profes- CBA (7) Johnson of Shore Region- Roessler (SR). Time—2:10.5 Shore The Atlaritic Highlands youth Ann II One-mile run: Won by Johnson (SR); Washington yesterday morning. sional football. Cro'd' 2 10 Ma'th'ws.lf al captured the mile run easily 2. Smith (HH); 3. Koenlg (HH); 4. Real In Hi* recently captured the Metropoli Corcor' Spears (R). Time—4:41.6 best buys He was reached last night at a "I can't do it any more," said P. C'p' 3 0 I as an expected duel with Henry Conference tan Novice Ail-Around gymnas- T. Burke.3b 4 12 D'mp'y.c 120-yard high hurdles: Won by on a com- Restaurant-motel popular among the 15-year-veteran of the Nation- Geary,3b 4 11 Hagen.rf HudsoHd n ace ArtiAie Smith never Altruoter (R); 2. Ackerman (R); 3. A DIVISION tics championship. Terry and E. Ch'h'r.rt 4 2 1 ; ojmaterializedi . Johnson Broderlck (R); 4. O'Malley (R). Time plete line of the visiting ballpayers. al Football League. "I've had my Korn.p —15.8 W L Pet. brother Ronnie also sparked a Donohoe,lb 3 11 quick reels "This is a funny game," he share of thrills. Let the younger O. 2 0 1 clocked in 4:41.6. 180-yard low hurdles: Won by Asker. Middletown (8-2) 8 1 .888 six-roan Jersey City YMCA en- 0 0 Costello, 2b 0 0 maan (R);: 2. Lane (HH)(HH);; 3". Keyes laid. "I'm not good enough to guys go and get them now." 0 01 Leonard,3b Rumson meets Point Pleas- (R); 4. Broderlck (R)" • . Tim- o 21.B Long Branch (9-3) .....7 2 .777 try to a second place finish in Sch'mpt.p ant's strong team on the Garnet Shot: Won by Dunn ((R)r ; 2. C. Boyd play for Cleveland, but I'm too Layne was in New York to at- Germ'no.p g t (R); 3. Shirk (SR); Neptune (M) 5 .555 the National YMCA Gjjmnastics Gll k 4. Cotgreave good to be traded. I understand tend a dinner for outstanding' Gulls' track tomorrow. Henry (SR). Distance—47'3" Freehold (4-4) 4 .500 championships at Schenectedy, 29 T 29 Hudson Discus: Won by Cotgreave (SR)t 2. the Indians turned down sports figures. Roselle Catholic -. 301 240 O—1OS will compete in a trian- Dunn (R); 3. Kard (R); 4. Shirk (SR). chance to trade me to the An-Red Bank (4-5) .4 .500 N.Y., two weeks ago. CBA 000 301 3— 7 gular meet at Middletown Town- Distance—130'3" .500 The first report of his retire- HR—Hagen, T. Burke. 2B—Korn. High Jump: Won by (tie) Altrueter gels. Toms River (54) __...4 Terry's feats here Saturday Hits off—Sehimpf 3 In 41a; Germano ship against Middletown and Red(R), Lane (HH); 3. Vllardl (R); 4. .429 ment came from Pittsburgh 3 In 1%. SO—Schtmpf 2; Germano 0 (tie) Ortiz (HH). Cosentlno (SR). "Birdie Tebbetts (Cleveland Lakewood (3-5) 3 moved him into the senior clas- Bank Catholic. Shore Regional .222 Steeler-coach and general mana- Korn 7. BB—Schlmph 1; Germano 0 Height — 5'6" Manager) told me the Angels Brick (3-8) 2 7 sification for all future meets. Korn 1. is idle until the Long Branch Re- Pole vault: Won by , (tie) Orlick Manasquan (1-8) 0 7 .000 ger Buddy Parker in Dallas. Umpires—Wulrovetf and Dragon. (HH), Conover (SR); 3. Altrueter (R); wanted me as a pinch hitter and lay Carnival Saturday. 4. Terwllllger (SR). Height—9' — SUMMARIES — Javelin: Won by Manley (R); 2. SHERWOOD'S he said that's what Cleveland B DIVISION Ramsey (SR); 3. Dlxon (K)l 4. Hoff. wants me for. Kuimon 11 — Henry Hudson 43% man CR). Distance—138'C" NORTH Hawks Golfers Hhore lleg. 2HH Broad Jump: Won by Parker (R): SPORTING GOODS "We've lost five games to left- Matawan (9-3) 1 .851 100-yard dash: Won by Baker (HH); 2. ^,mL ,„(HH), ; 3. Noonan (HH); «. 2. Ramsey (Bit); 3, Noonan (HH); 4. MoiJSlrt (R'"")• Distance—19'7',i'' 7 Broad St. Red Bank hand pitchers this season and I Keyport (H) 4 1 .800 Major League haven't started a game. That Runuon (6-4) 5 3 .625 Play to Tie doesn't make sense. Henry Hudson (1-5) ...1 5 .167 "All I've done is pinch hit Rarltan Twp. (2-7) .... 1 6 .143 With St. Peter's fttar times and I've gotten two SOUTH LATOURETTE, Staten Island riits-a home run off Jim Kaatj^uj,,,.,,, Reg- (6.2) ....« 1 .85' —Monmouth College and St. Pe- (Minnesota) and a single off Don iMonmouth Reg. («-2) .« 2 .750 r !t ter's, Jersey City, fought to a Associated Press ""•Moss'i ' "»-" '>" WBJI (W) ) | .250 4'44'4 golf stalemate over the (Tlmea EST) FACE IT Green said he called his wife Pt. Pleasant (44) 3 4 .428 LaTourette course here yester- in St. Louis "and told her what Central Reg. (1-8-1) .1 4 .167 day. National League American League I was doing." W. L. Pet. G.B. W. L. Pet. G.B. "She told me not to worry, to The Hawk golfers are now 4-1-1 Richest Golf Tourney, on the campaign. Pittsburgh 14 8 .636 — Kansas City .... 15 .600 do what I thought was best," St. Louis 16 10 .615 - New York 12 .600 said Green. $203,000, Set for '64 St. Peter's took the first round 10 .615 — Boston 11 .579 when Dick Finelll and Tony Bru-San Francisco 16 Green batted .280 for the In- DETROIT (AP) - The richest Chicago 13 11 .542 2 Chicago 12 .545 dians last season. He had only no lost, but captain Robin Mc- Baltimore 13 .542 tournament in the history of golf, Alister stopped Bill McCarron, Milwaukee 13 13 .500 3 143 at bats, but hit II homers the $203,000 Carling World Open Philadelphia ..11 12 .478 3>/J Cleveland ...... 9 .500 and drove in 28 runs. 3-1, to spark Monmouth to a 2-1 will be held at Oakland Hills Los Angeles .... 12 14 .462 4 Los Angeles ... 13 .481 best ball triumph in the second .417 Country Club next year, the club pairing. Cincinnati 10 12 .455 4 Minnesota ...... 10 announced yesterday. New York 9 15 .365 6 Washington ... 10 .400 Track Schedule Club President C. Norman Fry Joe Phelps won over Pete Houston 8 17 .320 7"/4 Detroit ... 9 .375 Fallon, and Tom Dempscy halved TODAY said his was the first club offered Monday's Result Monday's Results with Gene Moller to give the Lakewood at Asbury Park the tournament and its board of Pittsburgh 7, Los Angles 4 Chicago 5, Kansas City 1 directors accepted the bid Sunday Hawks a 5-4 best ball verdict in Now York 10, Detroit 3 TOMORROW the third pairing. Only game scheduled Asbury Park at Somervlllc night. Los Angeles 5, Minnesota 4 The tournament will match 159 Monmouth's next assignment is Today's Games Only games scheduled THURSDAY professional and amateur golfers, at Newark State Friday. Pittsburgh at Chicago Today's Games Lakewood at Wall including 95 to qualify from the Philadelphia at New York (N) , New York at Detroit (N) Neptune at Central Reg. —-SUMMARIES— United States. First prize will be Monmoulh Coll. (4M> Nt. Prt«r'« (4Vi) San Francisco at Milwaukee (N) Chicago at Kansas City (N) Look mo straight in tho oyo. How much do you know Pt. Pleasant at Brick Twp. $35,000. nick Sokoliky (BP) def. Dick Finelll. Los Angeles at St. Louis (N) Runuon at Middletown 1-iip, Minnesota nt Los Angeles (N) about mo? Do you know, for instanco, that my namo Howard Taylor, tournament di- Itrlnn Fllipitrlclt (BP) n>f. Tony Houston at Cincinnati (N) Boston at Baltimore (N) Toms River at Red Bank Bruno, fl-7. rector, said he will visit 35 coun- W. Peters won heat hnll, 4-1 Wednesday's Games Cleveland at Washington (N) is Lnrk? That my V8 ongino' can stablo 225 horses? OTHER tries to arrange for golfers from Rabin MoAllster IM) del. Bill Mc- Carron, 3-1. Philadelphia at New York Wednesday's Games Hard-working horses that gallop up hills liko they woro MRK Somervllle at Asbury Park those countries to enter. John Ourley (SP> del, Bnb Wrlflit, Pittsburgh at Chicago Minnesota at Los Angeles (N) 4-3. down-hills. And do it far moro economically than aomo From the Advanced Thinking of FRIDAY The Detroit course has been the Monmoulh won best ball, 2-1. Houston at Cincinnati (N) Chicago at Kansas City (N) lite of four U.S. Open tourna Jot l>hllpl (Ml. def. Pete Killon, other horso3 you could namo. Brick Twp. at St. Rose 4. San Francisco at Milwaukee New York at Detroit (N) Studeteter Monmouth College at Newark ments, In 1924, 1937, 1951 and Tom Demrwey (H) halted with dene Cleveland at Washington (N) What's tho throe-letter word for IARK? Hot—of cot/rso. Moller. (N) CORPORATION State. 1061. llonmouth won best ball, 6-4, . Los Angeles at St. Louis (N) Boston at Baltimore (N) ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTO PARTS-AEPABt HELP HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-M*!. • TtftL VOX RED BANK REGISTER 20—Tuetdty, VUf 7, 1968 IJOST AND WAflTKlj TO hJIY - EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BOU8KS KMt SALE MUSES rm SALB J ti NEW RiRNflrURE HELP WANTED VtnUnu. tout ltg*J ifnfiriittl, fr>r {<*# kMjicb "ptM- 4t!Ba/6r eucilrls u* evtiUfcb u» tte iOATS A.HB ACCESSORIES tion, ejt.ce He tit &tU«,ry nni cumptuj) *»i ijoorijr tat* Mp« Writ* ••B.C." Turns FOUND — Nine keya on silver key beoafiu. Apply In person. R & S SUPER Box 611, Rtd Bank. ring on The Trail new Koute 35, BARGAIN — Any boa jrou want to Ffrnonnel Director THOMPSON & BARTELl Middaetown. Call 671-0529. own. Low bank r»te«. Financing ar- HESS OIL &» CHEMICAL BALES HELP — Mile and (email. Field Furniture rangement* completed tn Qne call at Part-timt and full-time. Inaulra at T-U E. Front at:, Ktyport REALTORS LOST — Small green and yellow para- any of our offices. THE MONMOUTH HIGHWAY STORE NEW JERSEY WAREHOUSE; Rt 99. keet, with yellow crown on head. An- COUNT? NATIONAL BANK BH 1- CORPORATION Oakhurst. HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN swers to name ot "Kelly." Saturday, 1000. CO 4-3020 May 4 SII 7-3813. <*•*• St. Perth Amboy, N. J. ROUTE 35, MIDDLITOWN BEAUTICIANS — Stetdy, also week- open Dally to 0 p.m. SH 7-5600 MARINE SUPPLIES An EquU Opportunity Employer end. Halt and femalt. Must hava two Thursday and Friday 'Til » p.m. LOST—Brown doc with long hair with Everything for the Boatman. New Jer- TELEPHONE SOLICITORS — To work yeara experience. AUo one colorcst. Si- SUHNUHrUiUNU KQUlrMENT - Fi chain, vicinity of East KeansburK or sey'i largest marine supply house. from home in Humson-Shrewsbury cellent salary, and opportunity. Beau- rentt orr ulel ; ((r« delivery toutb J HEADQUARTERS FOR THOSE HOUSE HUNTERS Port Monmoufh. Reward. 2S7-9774. JSvlnrude Sales and Service area. Call VA 6-78St between 6:00 and SALES CLERKS tiful, busy all new salon. WANNBRS mv 81'HrilCAL 8H 1-M14. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP 11:30 only. OF SWITZERLAND, Middletown Shop- 24 Wharf Ave. SH 1-5760 Red Bank. plni Center, MIddletown. BIS BARGAIN — Color TV VX 18 500 AUTOMOTIVE Open Sundays and Holidays 8 am-1 pm model asag .complete. Gome In (or i .$.1,500' * ' EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Nights CASHIERS free demonstration. ACE TV Hwy. AUTOS & TRUCKS 17',4' INBOARD — 75 h.p. Gray. Navy or days. Apply In person HARMONY Neptune City. PR MOM. For those who have seen everything, our new listing could b« the top, windshield. In water fiberglassed BOWL COFFEE SHOP, 1S35 Route 35, SITUATIONS WANTED, Female answer. Four bedrooms, two baths, mud room, living room, dining I960 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE—Blue, bottom, best t>!fer over J600. 787-4838. Mlddlelown. STUDIO COUCH — And Kiothl AUTO MECHANICS cuatom dtvan. Reasonable. room (15x11), oil-fired hot water heat. Two.P and builnesi. LI 2-3823. BH 7-0100. INSURANCE AGENCY wants girl with weeks. Phone 787-1843 after 7 p.m Springfield rotary rider, dragging 34' LOVELY COTTAGE eiRlit-cyllnder, Automatic, excellent con- 100 WEST BEROEN PI. ACS, Red THOMPSON SEACOASTER — 16'. sa knowledge of general insurance. Salary DRIVE IN RESTAURANT FOR RENT 3 h.p. rotary, J200. 8*2-2362. dition. BH 1-0500. fast, beautiful boat. In new condltii open. Send resume to "B.R.", Box 511, Sank. Call alter 5:30 p.m. M-year old white Cape Ood wild two Ventilated windshield, convertible ti DAIRY DUKE CORP. —Fully equipped on heavily traveled SH 1-021B bedrooms, llvlnf room with brick 195!) TRIUMPH TR 3 — Roadster. Red Bank. ' state and shore highway. Good bus- ALTENBURG PIANO HOUS, bright, sunny kitchen and Call side curtains, double tank, full deli J7W1. equipment. Late Johnson 35 h.p. enpii TYPIST-CASHIER — Good salary to Now located in Neptune City Excellent money maker. Great PRIVATE UNFURNISHED THREE- bath. ' Landscaped attractively and CO 1-3630. Adjacent to motel. 787-8778. Rant A Piano $12 par Monti OM APARTMENMENT witithh utlH located just outside 01 Red Bank In with 20 hours. $775 complete. Call 84 start, plus chance for advancement, KNASB. MASUN.-HA-UUN. SOHIUBI GO CART — Ke' built MC-7 engine. 07S6. Interesting work, pleasant working con- openings for full time driver-|you OWN" BUSINESS^-- LeanT tin, bath, and garage. Call after 3 established area. Detached Ready to race. Call alter 6 p.m. 671- ditions, age 18-35. See Mrs. H. Morgan, R OABLB-NELSON. EVERETT. STICK p.m. SH T-B16T law taxes and heating cosls. Full 2922. _„., . 145 H.P. NORDBERG — Hydromal BELL FINANCE CO,. Red Bank. salesmen. Earn more by o Oookman Ave. 4s Main St., Ajbury Pk. feasement with bar. AiWni *H,900. transmission, 21 reduction. Also, 18' Opia dally till » Sat UU 1:10 I960 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE -Red, 17" propeller. Call after 5 p.m. SH EXPERXENCED BOOKKEEPER — ing one of our soft ice creamjoInS _'Modem two-bay station for PR 6-B301 COMMERCIAL RENTALS CROWELL AGENCY Realtor excellent condition. Original owner, SH 9547. through general ledger and . trial balance, statement preparation and Fvnorienra nnr nuw>« l'«ae«j. Rt. 86, Hazlet (adjacent to Shop Foam Rubber U E. Front SL Red Sank 3-7512 after i pm xucpenence not, neces- ^)t, shoppin„_.«g; CentCtCenteri ) ) 1 payroll taxes. Reply in own hand- MATTRESSES — Tnln-Full-Queen-]- OFFICE SPACE 'FORD 1958 — Pour-door sedan. Low H RUNABOUT — Trailer. 15 h.; writing to "A. F.", Box 511, Resard y but must be neat and ag-Paid training. Attractive deal for right •Isea. Fo&maxt. Hwy. 35, JEatontowo, SH 1-40^0 mileage, one owner, excellent condi- Evinrude. Accessories. Bargain prlc( Bank. man. LI 2-0477. Beat turhlihed, will redecorate to eult tion. Call 566-7365, ^^ for quick sale. Call SH 7-9074. HE S-6686 95 your reQulrments. Beat location, will gressive. We have an excellent CO 4-3161 ntrhU UBE1J SCREENS — Wood frame, 2- NOW THAT YOU have studied the ROWBOAT — $25. WOMAN NEEDED TO UVE IN and sub-dlvidn It necessary, lee aid com- $1,000 DOWN Telephone carfr for lour motherless children while bonus plan; uniforms supplied. 38x59"; 4—30x58-; 2—JOxM"; l- . pare. Bh 7-1100. ADS . . "Hustle to Russell" to Inspect SH 7-0965 after father works. Call 787-1975. i3"; l-3Sxto" — S1.2S each. Phon and buy a top reconditioned Cadillac, MORTGAGES SH 1-9107 alter t p.m. jODOE ROOM for rent Center HAZLET — Three-bedroom fplftv A-I Oldpmobile or other make car! _ SECRETARIES — Many Supervisory positions open for town. Could ba used also for office condition, m baths, attached garage, STENOGRAPHERS — Many lKiiSWiUT. Ai>uiNu macaine fenced property. Many extraJ. 0*11 Co 1963 CHEVROLET — Impala converU- BUSINESS NOTICES men who qualify. Call PR 6-5585. apace. Approximatelr y 2,400 sq. it Write TYPIST BILLER $70 FOR RENT All makes new or used, Quarantee •L0DOE Box 511, Rti Bank. U, Fully equipped. TAKE OVER BOOKKEEPRS — Many to *80 Low ai S20. 8erplco'i, 101 Monmoui PAYMENTS. Call SH 1-5255. Money 8L Neil to tneater. BH 7-0485. OWNER SELLING - Cape Cod. Mid- PBX OPERATOR — Typist JSO KITCHEN MAN — From noon to 4 HomeownerM only 1963 S.S. IMPALA convertible. foiir- TYPIST — CLERK NYC to »100p.m. Experienced only. Good part-time STORES dletown Township. Custom birch built- TOP SOIL SECRETARY — NYC to J'21Job to supplement Income. Call morn- in kitchen, oil radiant heat, fireplace, specd slick. 327-300 h.D. -engine, posl- DEBT CONSOLIDATION BEST TOPSOIL White St. — Best location, redecora- aluminum combinations. Asking $13,. traction, must be »een. Sacrifice. 787- FILE CLERKS — NYC WB ings only. &12-2767. I3hlck«n ' manure, bluejtont. roa^ tl6n completed, >mall or large space to BILL PIERCE & SON MEDICAL SECRETARIES Open 636B. ; BULLDOZING AN HOME IMPROVEMENTS gravtl, wash gravel,' sand, fill dirt, lull your requirement. BH 7-1100. 1961" CORVETTE — Excellent condition UNO BANK CASHIERS 550 etc. ECKEL'S TRUCKING, Morg; RUMSON RIVEBVIEW — «4 yeai 787-6777 CREDIT GIRL — Retail Open GARDENER-CARETAKER Eatontown Financial Consultants vllle. 666-5707. STORE FOR RENT — Next to Mayfalr old ranch. Immaculate condition. Three- with only 9,000 miles. Additional equip- 1 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR to 170To work on small estate near Red On the Circle Cuper Market, Newman, Sprlnri R<" ment, power slide, power brakes, white- FIREPLACE SCREENS repaired a Eatontown, N. J. bedrooms, tile bath, wide board, made to order. Bright Aera, SH 745 ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Bank. Experience with horses neces- BABY CARRIAGE — llattresj, netting, Red Bank. Call days BH 1-9500. el pegged Boors. Walking distance to walls two-tone maroon and white, de- 12 Broad St. EH 7-3494 Red Bank sary. Write givlnB full details to Very good condition.' Call nlng» BH 1-M13. e an < 11 luxe 'radio. S3.100. SH H353. Bright store. SH 7-222Z "A.N.," Box 51L Rtd Bank. XP , '«? S2? ' eh""*" «Nl ahopi. PART TIME — Woman with knowl- PR 4-1220 SH 1-2322 MODERN OFFICE for rent, excellenl Only 115,800. Call for appointment 1956 MERCURY — White, good con- CHARLES HOWER — Mason Coi ege of retail furniture office proce- SBRVIOE STATION ATTENDANT—Ex. YOUB8 FOR THE TAKING — One ti location, good for any business or pro- KOUmtN-WATERBURi-, ReiltOM, 18 dition. S250. tractor. No lob too small. SH 7-447K dure. Evenings and one dnv weekly. pertenced, married, full-lime and part- DAY OR NIGHT two trucktoada fill dirt. Call after Milona). 1-2-3-4-or fi rooms. Reason- West Front St, Red Bank. BH 7-3500. 787-6163 SH 1-0172. time. Apply In person COMMUTER'S HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEY? Beo Mr. Richards, HUFFMAN & p.m. SH 1-7788. able rent, puking apace available. On NEW SHRBW8BURV — Colonial, jour Station wagon. LAWN MAINTENANCE Call afti BOYLE CO., Eatontown, N. J. ESSO, 47 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. lour credit la good. First and second Highway 35, Hazlet, N.J. Call CO 4- 1961 CHEVROLET 6 p.m. mortgages. BH 1-4344 or WO 3-2601. RATTAN TABLE — Reed, furnltun bedrooms, all large room). $29,500. Ex- FullFl y equippedied. TTAKE OVEVER PAYPAY- iHIRT PRES9E"RS — Experienced and ONE CARPENTER — And one car- lounge, maple chest, two alumlmii cellent condition. Owner. BH T-J5380. MENTS. SH 1-5255. dependable. Full-time employment. Ap- penter's helper. Call after 8 p.m. SH 1- chaise, table, four chairs, odds am 3197. HIGHLANDS — Four-room house on 1960 CORVETTE 700 — Four-door, BUCK'S FURNITURE SERVICE ply- LITTLE SILVER CLEANERS. 601 INSTRUCTION ends. Reasonable, CA 2-fi9Q2. HOUSES FOR RENT hill, oil heat, large kitchen, full base- SI 100. Call after 8 p.m. Furniture repairing and reftnlshli Branch Ave.. Little Silver. SH 1-1208. CARPENTER WANTED — Apply In ment Ideal for couple. 872-1738. Antiques and modern. SH 7-2435. CO 4-1684 WAITRESS WANTED — Apply office, person. See Mr. Johnson. PENINSULA TRAINING IN ELECTRONICS BIG DISCOUNTS WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — HOUSE, Ocean Ave., Sea Bright, N.J. Furnished, and unfurnished. Immedi- LITTLE SILVER THREE-BEDROOM 1957 OLDSMOBILE — Blue. Automatic, WEEKEND PAINTERS-^14 years e: F. W. Woolworth Company. Attend on* night per week. Pay u Factory clearance iale. Men'f tockj SPLIT plua den. Call alter «. GA »• periencc. Average home $125 plus pain Red Bank EXPERIENCED~BARTENDER apply ate occupancy. Bamuel Telcher Agency radio and heater. Good condition. J6M you learn. Apply 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. bargain price!. MONMOUTH HOSIER )ceanport Ave., Oceanport, Call or dial 3202. or hest offer. 787-0884. Why pay more? 8H 1-2595 any houi In person, SHORE POINT INN, Hwy. Monday through Friday. MILLS, 407 Broad- St., Shrewsbur REGISTERED NURSE — Internist's 38. Hazlet. MONMOUTH. RADIO Monday-Friday, 8.a.n).-4:3O p.m. LI 2-3500 or LI 2-3501. PARK LIKE SETTING — Sparkling SUNBEAM ALPINE — 1962. Two top«, MINOR PLUMBING AND ODD JOB office. Days. 28 hours. J70 week. Write Call B.T." Box 511, Red ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE FURNITURE ot model home. Living 105 to 1129 Per Month white. Five bedrooms, den, fireplace, wire wheels, radio and heat- resume to box $14 Cookman Ave.. Asbury Park North THE BERO AOENCY two baths, modern kitchen. River er. Must see. to appreciate. 846-4837. Bank. room, bedroom and dining room suites. NO EXPERIENCE of Railroad Station. 774-0303. Tables and lamps. Sacrifice prldei It K MIddletown rights. Three blocks -. to Red Bank After 4 p.m. HELPING HANDS — We clean altlci PART TIME — Helo wanted. APPLY See every day 1 to a p.m. except OS 1-1000 schools, churches, and shopping center. 11)57 CHEVROLET — Red and white cellars, yards. Take down storm wit COLONIAL DOUGHNUT SHOP, 56 Thursday, MJddletown Qreens, Mlddle- $26,000. Bee It today. ROLBTON-WA- dows, etc. Also light trucking am Newman Springs Rd., Retl Bank. NECESSARY BEI.FORD - V, Aasltx, Ihtee bed- TBRBURY, Realtor. 18 West Front Bt, hirdtop convertible. $650. MERCHANDISE town-IJncroft Rd., Near Dwliht Rd. rooms, newly decorated, suitable for 787-95U moving. Call 787-1856. 17 MEN NEEDED Red Bank. BH 7-3500. GENERAL, HOUSEKEEPER — Two FOR SALE School. MIddletown. SH 7-1887. fivIvee popersonns or less. One-year leaae DODGE TRUCK — 1952 two-ton panel, HANDY MAN — With truck avallab days. References required. Several key positions, good paying Jobs, AIR CONDITIONER — Used on. sum- .ecessary, $95 a month, no utilities. NEPTUNE — Four-bedroom split lev- (rood tires, new battery, good condi- seven days. Yards, cellars, attics, llgl SH 7-3160 training program. Must be neat s • mer, *100. Call •all 747-5O2S. el. Two baths, den, basement: garage. tion, reasonable. 291-2485^ hauling. Reasonable. SH 1-2595. WE LIKE YOUR VOICE Storm windows, baseboard heat As- LIVE IN MAID — Own room and TV, ambitious, ages 21-40. Junior exei 787-O29 FAIR HAVEN — Little old house, un- sume OI mortgage. $16,300. Call Pit 4- BERT AND HARRY arc really ne nent worker who likes children, 540 tlve* wanted also. Call ui on the phone. Free delivery urnished. Excellent condition. Two-bed- MOBILE HOMES but to save money little ole Ace can weekly. frKMOflo. on needed Items. .Try us tlpst. • BRING YOUR ROLLERS rooms,' near river, bus and stores. $135 bo beat. ACE TV, 69 Hwy. 35. Neptur RECEPTIONIST-SECRETARY — Ex. $95 TO START Financing subject to FHA .or VA Ap- NEW WINDOW SHADES per month.' Call BH 74321. LpVELY LINOROFT City. perlenced, wanted for doctor's office proval. Put on while you WalL Any ii» u Attractive ranch boastlug foyer, 30" MOBILE HOMES to largest ptctute windows. Free ruff UNGALOW living room and dining room, three twin Used 10% down CELLARS CLEANED — LIGHT HAUL. In Hazlet. Write "BO." Box 511, Red FEDKRAI, BOOH AT PROWN'S ie» eyelet, free crochet made pull .nd batha. . All BeltordrFoucovenr iroomnc j size bedrooms, two full baths, base- ING — Odd Jobs. Call Ray Lamberson Bank. ^ear all transportationmodern. conveniencesMiddle aged. ment recreation room, terrific kitchen New 7-year financing after 4 p.m. SH 7-9065. MOLLY PITCHER INN 31 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-7600 Custom ti.*de ahadee, scallop and 'ART-TIME WAITRESSES — Saturday Riverside Ave. Red Ba fringe, any type. Prompt delivery. Fret couple. No pen. 787-3429. Md d with wall oven, generous breakfast ROBBINSVILLE DESKS - Files. Confereno tables, measuring service. • Convenient terms. room and adjoining laundry. $22,900. INTERIOR DECORATING—And papei lights and holidays. MAYER'S INN, JUFFWOOD — Three bedrooms, bath, WALKER & WALKER, Realtor, Hwy. MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. langlng. i Xumson. 842-981L __ WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 1 P.M, chairs, adding machines, typewriters PROWN'S porch, finished basement, built-in TV. Routa 130 Robblairllle. N. J. 741.7814 NO PHONE CALLS manual and electric offlc* equipment, 125 per month. Call LOwell 6-4028. 35, Shrewsbury. SH 1-5212. 24-Hour MEDICAL" SEORETARYSECEPTTON- etc., bargain prices. New or used, 53 Brotd SL Red Bank »H 1-7500 Service. JU 1-1320 G&D DECORATORS, residential and 1ST — Doctor's office. Must type. Write MAN TO WORK IN LAUNDRY — SI AAC Desk Outlet Co. Rt 35. Oak- 400' RIVERFRONT — Locust. Newly O. Box 135, Red Bank. days, 8 to S. DONALDS LAUNDR" GIRL'S 26" ENGLISH BICYCLE — Ex CUSTOM-BUILT COLONIAL — In Oalc LEAVING for overseas duty, must sell commercial painting and paperhang- hurst. KE 1-3090. celrent condition. $10$ . lecorated, landscaped, three bedrooms, ing. Reasonable rates. SH 1-6247. 44 Marlon St., Red Bank. :wo baths, garage. 291-2667 weekends. Hill. Under 30,000. Three bedrooms. Pacemaker Mobile Home, 46x8', two INTELLIGENT — Experienced sales- KBLV1NAT0R REFRIGERATOR, one .81811 111-1909 1 2!i baths, fireplace la living- room, bedrooms, very nice condition, no rea-T.A. WALLING ft" SON —"General voman to work a few days a week, or TRACTOR - TRAILER DRIVER casement window fan, one regular fan, UED BANK — 3 Brown Place. Six paneled din. A kitchen with Beau sonable offer refused. 532-3638. contractor, masonry, painting, all re-is needed. Apply SURRAY LUGG-AGE, Must have full exDerlence, ateady em HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — Vic- Coup cabinet space, and built-in dish- Clarinet. Reasonable. Call 666-7365. torian desk, cobbler's bench, Jenny ooms, bath. $135 per month. Appolnt- 1H56 TRAVELO — 35x8'. Excellent con. pairs. Free estimate. 787-4218. 25 Broad St., Red Bank. ploymenl. Call 842-16S0. lent only. Call 787-0815. tvasher. Natural shake aalnlla aiding WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT — Llnd double bed complete, pine bed- requires no paint. Over •; acre, natural illtlon. Reasonable. HOUDE MOBILE LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn serv- ;EAUTICIAN — Experience preferred, Like new, J75. MONMOUTH HOSIERY room pieces, leveral small old tables, TWO-ROOM HOUSE—Furnished Heat wooded back yard, side lawn bit HOMES PARK, Hazlet. CO 4-6673. ice, top Foil, fill dirt, grading, gram tETTY'S CHARM SHOP, Red Bank. MONEY MAKER MILLS, 157 Broad St., Shrewsbury. large living room settee, chair to and electricity supplied. Ideal tor enough for baseball. By thl owner. cutting, estimates given. SH 1-4T32. !all SH 7-1307. For man who Is ready and able to di match. Call Friday through Sunday couple with one child, or retired couple. Call OS 1-1927. SH 1-9082. top notch sales Job Introducing copy M0 9th St., Union Beach. WANTED-AUTOMOnVE IECRETARY — Part-time. Evening righted financial plan lo Buslnesl-Pn HAMMOND 291-2518 or during week BRldge 8-1835. nd day hours. Rate 51.75 per hour. 12', ilteps EATONTOWN , Four-rooFourroom bunbun- feasional people. Leading national 01 CAMPING TRAILER — :UMSON — Four bedrooms, one bathba, galow, $69.50 Includes utllitest , oiil l heatht, i fee charged. AOE TEMPORARtES, ORGAN STUDIO four. II, heatt . LeasL e andd referencesf . 842842- TOM'S FORD INC. EMPLOYMENT Broad St., Red Bank. SH 7-34D9. g&nlzatlon will pay you ^€00 to fl,oc reasonable. SH 7-377B. monthly In commissions and bonuses OF ASBURV PARK SH 7-2738 558. WB PAY CASH FOR USED CARS Don't miss this challenging and profit! RIVER PLAZA — Six year old Cape HELP WANTE1V-FEMALE EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES—Apply USED ORGANS CENTER OF RED BANK — Two-ltory, Cod. Three-bedrooms, room for fourth N Main St. LO 6-1500 Matawan person MARK'S DINER, Hwy. 35, ble opportunity. • Write Immediately aix rooms, VA baths. Interior In beautl- (150 yds. from Matawan RR Station "B.E.," Box 5U, Red Bank. INVENTORY CLEARANCE MERCHANDISE WANTED bedroom* and second bath. Baaement. Iddletown. LOWEST PRICES — TERMS ui modern condition. Asking $175. U2.200 mortgage may be assumed or COUNTER GIRL — Good position rXPBRIE-NCED — Telephone solicitor, AMBITIOUS REAL ESTATE SALEB- SALES AND SERVICE WANTED >owstra Agency, BH 7-8700. refinanced with J450 down payment. ermflnent, nart-time, two full days a MAN — Interested In a five figure RENTAL, AND INSTRUCTION U.-fbJll ORIENTAL KUOS Asking 115,200. 222-9110 or 747-TSM. Ur. AUTO PARTS-REPAIR m-a.ils.ble. No calls please. Please eek. Also able to fill In for vacation, Income. Must be aggressive. No exOpen Daily Till B - Saturday Till 6:30 CHINK8E AND PERSIAN Cozens. Inesfl, etc. Srilary and bonus. Must perlcnce necessary. THE BERO COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. FRIEDMAN OALLJSRIES WANTED TO RENT SKIRTS — For a 1957 Oldsmoblll apply In person only, HOWARD ive experience. Call CA 2-1000. AakAGENCY, OS 1-1000. PR S-93O0 4-3143 Evenlnis CA 374>] RED BANK — Washington St., duplei. "98", J8. Call r classified. fETTINQ MORE AND MORE PROS- Bii rooms each side, eoa) furnacei. 842-1247 JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT Hwy 35, EXPERIENCED BOATMAN 30FA — Chair, studio couch, small WANTED TO BUY — Two-wheel trail •ECTS — For three-bedroom rental Reasonable price. Low taxes. Exclu- OUSEWORKER — Apply only If avail- to captain owner's 42 rt. cruiser o tables, tank vacuum cleaner. Call after er, any condition, must, be reasonable. tomei. List any rental for fast action. sive agent, CONSTANCE SMITH. 1* AUTOS & TRUCKS MIddletown. bte Tuesday find Friday. Phone LI week-ends only, until end of Octobe p.m. SH 7-<198. • 7S7-6474. UATTHEW J. OILL AOBNCTt. 714 Rt Maple Ave., Fair Haven. BH 1-2309. •2521 after 6 p.m. ______Must be experienced. Roat berthed I DISCOUNT ON WALWEX — Sanltai, P1ANO9 WANTED—HIGHEST PRICES 15. MIddletown. 03 1-3200. NEPTUNE - Four bedroom>; two Yacht Club In Sea Bright. Call c 1 ALESLA0Y — Mature woman. Full and all wallpaper. Special sale . Mer- PAID. CALL H. TENZER. 3M MAIN IMALL APARTMENT — For work- baths. Assume, mortgage. Small down AVON SELLS ITSELF—Full or pan write. Brundage, 10 Union St., Newark. ST.. UKEWOOD. FO 3-2190. time. Several territories open for wom- le only. CARROLL'S STATIONERS, MArket 31188. After 7 p.m. call BO J mry paint, (2. per gallon. DELORME ng student couple from June 1 to payment. 116,300. Call PR 4-8242. en Interested In having a good steady Broad St.. Red Bank. 4224. , INDUSTRIES, Hwy. 36, Leonardo. .ugusl 31. Red Bank area. Write to A.P." Box 511, Red Bank. i RED BANK HOME-Just oft Broad Income. Experience unnecessary. SH 1- ALES LADY — Experienced. Part- TIRKS — 68 only. 750x14, tlrst llni-, St Seven rooms, two baths, fireplace. 4343 or write: Mrs. Margaret OulotU, ENGINEERS - BE tubeless, wide whltewall. 24-MonUi P.O. Box 190. Red Bank. ime. Evening and Saturday. Apply In Wage and salary administrator. PETS & LIVESTOCK sunporch. In excellent condition. Quiet erson. BOND CLOTHES, Monmouth ovsrrohts ENGINEER guarantee. I17.M each plus tax. RED FURNISHED ROOMS street. Walking distance to shopping, REAL ESTATE SALESWOMAN-Either lopping Center, Eatontown. QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIANS IANK TIRE CO. T 291-1257 tshed. Kitchen, bedroom, bath. Sepa- •7,1 TR3—Wise-wheels ...... _...$ 995 time pay. Three eveninKs a week. •m J10 to ?50 per evening. Car needed clubs, and one putter. Bag. GE re- Demonstrators and managers needed transportation. Interview call HI 2- CARPENTERS rrlficrator. 842-2974. ate entrance. For retired couple. 787- •57 PORSCHE $1250 FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES — AKC. 188. THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Finished •M AUSTIN HKALY—U Mens SH'.lb for new proilucl. Phnnf SI! 7-0319. 151. Framera in crew* or three or four ort. CARPENTER Call 8H 1-5201. Tn. Complete',' saddle. Also two horses. Call 291- HOUSES FOR SALE 6 p.m. evenings 31 Foster St., Rlv accessories. Call •SIS FORD—(-l)r. Hdlp. Power $ 195 ASSISTANT P.OOKKEEPER. experi- • REPAIRMAN — Experience nec- •56 CADlLLAC~4.dr. ileVllle iary. Liberal benefits, full-time per- SH 1-5689 MIDDLETOWN — RJBD BANK SHREWSBURY BOROUGH RANCH — enced. Apply MARTIN RUBBER CO., MINIATURE POODLE:— Ffima-le, one On attractively landscaped U acre. Lons Brunch Ave, l>ing Branch. anent position. Apply MONTGOMBRT CARPENTER — Steady work. CL IWIMJflNG POOL — 18"H\ also filter, year old, loves ch'Udren, blacks all CUSTOM-BUILT Two bedrooms, modern kitchen with ARA Eatontown. between 7-9 p.m. Tuesday or Thursday, dder and other accessories, 1150. Call papers, shots. Allergic. 3lf 7-2736. dishwasher. Jalousied family room. WOMAN WANTED to care for eldeTly 5M-2683. TWO-STORY COLONIAL man, sleep in. excellent wages. Call tPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC — ADORABLE DACHSHUNDs'ot quality, rooms, tour bedrooms_,. 2%VA Basement, game room. Wall-to-wall CO 4-7113 or CO 4-2613. SERVICE STATION ATTEND- CARPENTERS WANTED — FRAMERI LADY'S CLOTHING—Year round, stees champion nlii'l service. After 5, week- sunken living room, iormaJ carpet. Convenient to bus and shopping. . . VT — Opportunity to learn front end Days OS 1-1760. 9-14, Includes Ceil Chapman, etc. exdays- . 8K 7-5885. Inlng room, large kitchen.. knotiy Reasonable taxes. J1T.690. Owner. SH WAITRESS — Part work. Steady, year 'round. No Sumtavs. Nights 2.12-llXj: cellent condition. LI 2-2123. d paneled den with fireplace. Apply in person, SHORE I Apply ft[ BURDGE'R OARAGE, 537 FREE TO FARM HOME—Lovely large, larutone entrance foyer, front porch Hwy 35.' Hnzlct. Branch Ave., Little Silver. 8HEKT METAL MAN — First class. LOW PRICED PAINT brown, mixed breed dog. 1H years. nd large rear patio, 2-zone hot water INCOME PROPERTY _ River Rd.. Layout for proto type work. Send re- Call 8«}-2183 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. week- aiebo&rd h*at. full basement, two- Fair Haven. Double house, (five roomi sume to "B.W." Box Bll. Red Dank, ;l.00 gal. Citation flat white. Cook A days. sr gnrrtgc Bituated on ai acre estate, each side). Just redecorated. $16,000. junn Latex paint, white, $2.99 £«.). QII 1 7025. UTILITY SHOP nEPAIRMAN-Smal Ive minutei (rotn Red Bank and rail- (RaJnhow line). Turpentine &0c gal. >oad station. Avallahle for immediate appUancpn. water pumps, nnd minor Bhop by phone. Fast delivery, Call THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — 22' llv- gas engine repairs. Liberal benefits, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT iccupancy. Full price $37,000. lng-dlnlng area. Full bath and lava- full-time permanent position, experience PROWN'S tory. Good size garage, gas hot water necessary. Apply M0NTO0MER1 APARTMENTS FOREST HOMES radiant heat In floor, fireplace, >4 acre CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY WARD, Eatontown. II Broad St. Red Bank SH I-750H lot. 123,000. Call OS 1-0423; LCDR or THREE ROOMS FURNISHED — Utili- liver Plars section MIddletown BH Mrs. W. F. Bartlett. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI CUSTODIAN — Night'shift to »(!• LECTRIC EXBRCYCLE—»20O. Battle ties, parking, adults, no pets', Phont -0256 or OA 2-0680 North from Red 8ALAD MAN to $75!reek Rowex, flOO. New twice the 741-268B after 5 or weekends. )ank, turn left first block over bridge RUMSON - 128,000. Be settled ""in" WAHEHOUBEMAN to »H rice. 201-1014. to Nuiswamp Rd., the;n right June, enjoy summer! 1954, five bed- CHArFPEI'R - Private to $81 FOUR-ROOMS - UNFURNI8HED- apart- erald Ave. Turn right to MODI rooms, (21x12. 23x14, 21x11. 13x13. 12x HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR -, •RENC1I PROVINCIAL BEDROOM ment suitable for adults, In two-famlly OUBE. 10). Two baths, rear porch off din- KT — Twin hcils with one headboard,, house with spacious grounds, quiet Repair pxnerlence to S90 ouml marble top coffee tuble, and ing room, dry ccllnr. 75x168 lot. Wok Adding Machines — Typewriters Cesspool Cleaning Piano—Organ Tuning SHEET METAh WOnKEIi • - Tralnm street In residential Red Bank, one- BRICK AND FRAME to schools, stores, park, bus. 842-1998, natchlwr end tallies. Call between 8:30 half block to bus line, two blocks to lo 150 ,nd 7:30. SII 1-1430. otlcrn split, with three or four bed- ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters 'SEPTIC TANKa.. dry wells serviced. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY shopping and business center. Large, COLTS""NE~CK HOLMDET l PIANOS—OltOANB bright rooms, leading from center liall, >oms spucious living room with wall- J. D. Roche Agency Bold rpntrri. rp|,nlrt fi. fierplco's mi I.eerhliiR field nrldwl. llackhoe work. 12 Brnail HI. Itod B«nl< fllf 7 :HD- API.E DOUBLE HED — Foam rub- HWali ca,rpeting and floor to cell- llonmoulh St., lied Bank, an 7-0185. C. H. VVimon Gil 1-18)6. runed — Repaired — Regulated er mattress and spring. Toilet and full kitchen, private bathroom, J100 Long Bridge rtd. Colts Neck Raymond Bosworth flH 1-7853 BOYS — 14 to 1H from Red Bank Ink. All In good condition. SH 1-1951. monthly, on yearly lease, starling ng mirror plus dining room and 046-4955 New Shrewsbury, Katontown, to dls June 16th. Call after 5. p.m. 811 7.nuxlern kitchen. Also auached garage. Home Improvements PIANO TUNING — Available eve- tribute circulars Monmouth County, •NIC CAlJL DOES Tf ALL-IN 3497. Hig, fenced in rear yard ivith many KEANSBURO, Reach Beach. Two bed- Antiques Wanted trees and flowers. Many extras must rooms, knotty pine kitchen, dining area nings. James A Hyan. CA 2-7621. Call Call Mrs. Curley, from 7-f) p.m. LI 2 M'MINUM AND ALUMINUM TROD- and living room. 12x20 family rimin, F1N1B11KD BASEMENTB, remodel after 6 u.m. 3716. ICTS. TWIN OABLES APARTMENTS - 36 go with home. Located IH miles from 12x20 screened patio. Overslied ga- Old lJolls. RUnB. Jewelry, cut frlf, lni,. piumblnK, rloctrlc wiring, ma- Riverside Ave., Red Bank, on river- lied Bank, AskJng •17,900. rage. 113,200. 787-1712. furniture. Civil Wnr hooks. Appraisals flonry ani palruinB. For frpe ratlmnte .M ON REINO HIREI T & R ALUMINUM front, 3-311-° rooms unfurnished. SH 1 (•all SH 7-1672. for Mister Softce ICB Cream Trucks. 2399. CROWELL AGENCY Realtor m.Kle. Gllman. S)f 7-1141. Plumbing and Heating Choice territories avallilile. CO <-!30». KKYPORT, N. J. HAZLET — Fnur-bcilronm Colonial WOillCINO MAN'S contractor—Alter- O 4.5070 CO <-77.',5 ScioBEYVILLE — lively farm set- 41 E. Front St. Red Bank house, built-in kitchen, !'/£ bailiff, din- TOWN CALL CULLUCT. ting. Spacious nlx-room apartment. ing room, large IIVIIIE room. n-itnhH Appliance Repairs ations iirldlllonB, palntliiK, mnsonry. KEKOAN'8 SH 1-4030 nn,I all llioas little lobi. ICvinlnr. LO HELP WANTED-Male - Fcmalo ,IOHT nElOE-flxlJ Oulllstnn; 9xlS Modern kltclien, 9L15 Include* beat and recreation room, utility basement, at- C-17H, 21 Hour Service. All Heating units water. Adults only. LI 2-4355. tached Rarngp. Htornm, scrern He ' t. amvlctd. SH 7-1027. SII 1-7873 rtloom enrved rugii with purls, small OLDER HOME COMFORT' Walking distance lo schools, com- APPL1ANCB IlEPAIIt and Inatalla. HAIUI UUl'LOi'MENT AOBlNCl irow rum, 1200. 8(2-0539. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT—Tnrefe Tills house has room fur everything. muting, two nillos frnni 1'nrliv tinn ItrHlilt-ntlnl and conimiMcial wlr- qualified Personnel For Quality Orders Ing. Allen Electric. SH 7-0812. Lawn Mower Repairs ASM IlEOlSTEIt — J25. electric ren- rooms. Adults only. No pets. Private Five big bedrooms, living room, ban- fenced yard, (ot 70x100. Owner eelllnr Roofing, Siding and Insulation 210 Broad Long Branch CA 2«7« ter.. S7ft: Ahowcnson, $10; wood office entrance. SH 1-4390. Mel dining room, family room, beautl- I1B.200. CO 4-24S2. A1A KINUH OK LAWN MOWKltB— ACS KMI'LOVMIENT AOICNCV Iks. $5-910. Electric mntorn, power ull tiled kitchen with lod of cabinets, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Four rooms _>4 baths. Cienn as a pin, no repairs or Auto Body Repair Hand and circular .saws, sharpened, Aluminum s.dlng-KLIMINATIC-exprn UvAry ^rder 4 applicant our sprclnlty Is, outslile white paint. $3.ftn sal. and hath. Newly decorated, heat fur- repaltpd. Free pick up. 291-2*37. 12 nroad Si Keit Bank 811 734f)< gvm) ID nny $7 pnlnt) tir mil cash nished. Second floor. Call 291-1390. redecorating. Close to shopping, schools (More Classified Ada slve painting, unsiKhtly exterior fund, Plraiie 787-OM2. and transportation, city sewers , too. EXPEI1T PAINTING and body walls, gable ends. Ii lieailiitul colors, BDWARIJ3 BMPLOVMJflNT AQflNCT Adults. Just bring the children and move In— On The Next Page) pair Moderate [triers. McCarthy Painting and Decorating horizontal or vertical panels. Kor do- E3xecutlva-Saiei-O(flcfl-I>omeitl<] rUN'riNfi ritKRH AND TYPE — 6 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT - Heat FHA ant] VA financing available with Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 2IH-03OS It-yournclt hornn owner or Inntalleil hy Sincerity and ability with hlftti etnir* Rlsey. Lend and slug cutter, 3 and hot water supplied. On Hwy. .35. low down payment for Only $18,BOO. I/)UII1 CAS1BAN — I'uinlci. decorntor, expert. I»w, low prices. KHEK Kfl- I i-im:i. Call CO 4-4905. WALKER A WALKER. Ttoaltors, Hwy. TlXlATKII. PROWN'H, 32 Broad St.. ?° i*"** 81. 8)1 t-0077 IU<1 tlfcnk HOUSES FOR SALE Autp and Truck Rental imporlmtiKi-r. -jft vrnin exjieili'tice U 35, 10(10' south of Lily-Tulip Co., MId- C"»Pj"_Avf. till M7I)» after 6 p.m. Red Banli. SII 1-7500. "SJRPLDTMJLL WORK" TWO-ROOM rUINllHKO APART. dletown. PHONE 671-3311. Multiple List- J/IR)) school, e}&ment*ry. Bummer MKNT -- All utilities. Four-room un- ings andtrade^lns. - Open 7 days. AVIfi -Hfiit a rujw enr or trucli. Ijovr I. 11 1111,1, — Paint inttrlor and morning- Mint lie dedicated. CXJMTI- [K>r». windows. Blunter*, Krsction of furnished apartment, all utilities. SH MORE LISTINGS SHOWN exterior. Noo John totoo Initiation 4 Siding Corp Certified nncrd. Jlenjiomt fully, Itxllcftttnu m- iglnal COM In entire Ir rates. Maple Ave., lied Bnnli. fill 1- lari;. nr loo Jnhna-Mnnvlllo contractor. I'll 5*fH01 t or piece 7-3S42. ___ A BRIO1IT — "w*il-b'ullt *homej"~plui 0308 I'll 4-S2M. Dally 7 a.m.— Ill p.m. smail, Vtry reasonable. Call 747-WI30. and interest In remedial work, i 2-17(3. OA B-3M1. Inoome, private beach. Dial 8<20405|| or Adam L>.nznityer. 2t)i-0.i02. WrUg ••H.H/'. »»x 511, It*.. Bunk, ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS—Large apart- OAItl, II TOP BOIL .- FILL DIRT ment. Scenic view, residential. Avail- ifter 6 p.m. JONKH - l>alntlnt and MANAGER FOlt MODKRN LUNCH- inlel Paterson, 3ft5 Harmony Rd., WATERFRONT - In a good school I Building Contractor decora tine Kuu ii1B1,ranr» niveraas. OLSON CO. INC.-Hoofing. Siding * ble. June 1. Call 291-1030. »itlm»t« i-n|| 7(7 3011. Insulation. Infttallad and guaratiteed KONKTTR Good salary plui com- Iddletown. OR 1-05IW. OR 1-0422. and low tax area. Two-story home, , I1UII.DK11 - Nnw homea, room ad' for 10 years Pit f>O70f> COI 05(0. mlialitii. Pold vacation, and other tientt- THREE ROMB AND largo living room with fireplace, illnlng fit". Apply KKEflOB CO,. Moiv ItUKKIUUKATUIt - lieds, dining room, powder room, four-bedrooms, dltlons, basement mid attic rooms, PAINTINn ANII l'APHIt IIANO1NO- m nultP, aluminum liitld*r. ntlirr Call flH 7-OT2H faltcliens. giirnfip, ropalrs and alter- Vot a «ood clonn |,it,. re».onatil». utli HlmiiplriK Center. Eaton town. hot water heating eyetem. Kxtras In- is. 120 Woodbine Ave., Llltlr Hllver. cluded In price. Asking $2.1,500.• aLAZR- llona. lleiliiirt Elsenrnurh. BH I-Siidl. Cnll KM 7311)1 K1 Zinscr. Tel. Answering Service Tffi KKJC K PIN (i ST A F K ~ 4 (I • )lo"ur ; THREE ROOMS ANP BATH ilesT 'k, yenrroiind, 7:'.Ut (o 4 m' OAH IIA nd hot water suppliedluppiled. BROOK AGENCY, Avenue of Two Rlv- ». J PICONE - Commie tlla con- TOM Bl.ATK - I'ainllnc nnd Decor- Ktill <H fl«U after 7 p.m " Multiple Lilting Service Branch. .t& wn JUd Bank. 1 • • • HOUSES FOR 8AUB BED BANK HEGISitR Tuesday, May"!, 190^—21 STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGAKD ftrt. fiaA tcfeurts. UMtiy tfrltkt, *U,. Barbershop WO. m«U. ' twmo V/AKTS SET ym nesses m> CO&HOAS! MCOUK lMEK DAILY ^CROSSWORD GK THE RACE, Two {cully, Music Show •••W&/.USS' WtU. WHTAtUUTXM 4-i-i roona. tkiljr be c»iled AT SPRING CONFERENCE brook Restaurant. ( 5/ will know just what to rxptct. for in ordfr Io help i family mtmtxr. V GOO9! WHAT IS IT? STILL KEANSBURG - Members of Three other past presidents GEMINI (May 21 fo Jum 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 fo Dec. 21) (live and take in personal relalionaliipi Diffimlty Ij) tntrittl rtUtion«)ii|ti in the newl" former) Federated backed him up. They were act- callnl for untltr current traniiln. acTfiiffd in Sagittarius rharti. llr patient. Women's Club of Keansburg, at- ing treasurer Harold B. Perry, CANCER (Jum 22 Io July 21) CAPRICORN (DM. 22 to Jan. 20) endinc; the fifth district spring acting secretary Abram C. Dixon, Mill tiringi welcome newi, and pcrliapl Piiilluiiontmnt over -«onitont you some c«*li, loo, Aniwer cor rti pond wee. • ilimiiiM you could (nut implicitly upieti conference last week in Colts Neck and acting tale twister William Inn were Mrs. Willinm Carlin, Baily, Jr. LEO (July'22 to Aug. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to F.b. 19) There • much doing * round tiemc to- He ftjr, ttit iliMi't Irt lumronc put any- Mrs. Walter Wait, Mrs. John The old-timer program chair- mingle witli »h« crowd. You'll enfny ><• thl»K evrr on ya\t. Ke«p both tyta open. Mnrquet, Mrs. Henry Kleiber, man was Wallace C. Davidson, VIRGO (Aug. 22 4o Stpt. 22) PISCES (F.b. 20 to March 20) Mrs. Fred Quercn, Mrs. A. Cns-who introduced tho guest speak- Morale (a hlffh. You tin n't whit you Hold your temper In rheck and' w«lch ant when Jou want ft under preirnt rrerjr inora you maVe that Involvca ronquav, Miss May Davis. Mrs. er, District Court Judge George riyi. Sally Gutterman, Mrs. Harvey A. Gray, former mayor of Red «? IMi. field Knlftptiiei. Inc. Marion and Miss Florence Bank and a long time member Moore. of the club. " ,W »'^.r. Jf,


"..'iSTliir :#:

Ever Wonder HbW Pearls Are Made? (when, the oyster doesn't do it!) Come Watch Howard Solomonn MAKK JI^RVELLA* PEARLS W

> Aibujy Park .':• . ,VT. . •;& ••• « v- •••••- i rtueaday, May 7y 11 $30 AJttii 1:30 PJtf., ) ^3:30 P.M. , ••'•-'•;• Wednesday, May 8,11:30 A.M., 1.30 P.M., 1 3*30 P.M>, 7:30 P.M.

•^VRediBajik •'•••'•:'•' •••'•-,••.•• '• :, ' 4 Thursday, May 9, 11:30 AM.,;l>{30 P.M.

Mrl';Solombnn will shoV how pearls ore mufeiifr the most famoiis simulated pearl rndnufacturer, Mbrvella. We Wnk you will find "this demonstration of, a very /exacting art-most interesting. J ' . i .-> , , •)> •h.S^INMfcri'S JEWfLRY, Str»»» FloorUnd AAuty^^^',;' v :

'"'"" ••'•'••'•• • •'•'• •'" '.'•' •fe- •• ;..',:,... -';4'w


Mk .•'.-::y;: mm. V^A

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was cwtpil

NtddocM, Jbnnlifs, phi, earring*!

A fpfeuloui fitoup! Th§ exquisitely dtsomple line of a vary famous All new 1963. styles, even &otra designs. A once-Jn»" $& opportunity *> build « stunntnjr Jewelry wardrobe

1 ' JHttt .floor «M»^BtyF«H<

«w.. r -, - /E PEARLS! So Do Girl Graduates, Brides and Bridesmaids! Come choose the pearls that would please her most from . our tantalizing ouay of beautiful Marvella jewelry.' Such .*J ;e^MPANY •, magnificent deceptions, you even get the delicate tints usual-'/ ly found in pearls of great price. 10.00 Seed Twist Pastel Pearls Necklace 4.00 Star Dust—Marvella pretend Necklace 17.50 pearls—new fashion clasp. Earrings 5.00 il!« Dome or Circle Pin 10.00 Glacier—Tin cut chalk jet \hoker 11.00 Matinee Length 7.50 Earrings 3.00 Pin . 7.50 Morvellque-Pretend Pearls- Closp 25.00 Morvelique—Pretend Pearls—India Ruby, 35.00 ' Turquoise Closp • Milk and Honey-Fresh Water Pearls 2.0(W.005.00 with Gold-Tone. . _, Beads ^Earrings to match .available

STEINIACH'S JEWELRY, Str..t Floor •nd Aibury Ui\t

XU prtciif phu tax ' . " :45 U> 5t30Didly-