Red Bank Register Vqlume Lxx, No

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Red Bank Register Vqlume Lxx, No RED BANK REGISTER VQLUME LXX, NO. 29. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Torrey Asks Citiinril Open House January 1,1 ilson Sworn In Rookie Cop Learns Four Realty Sales lor Contract Cregorv Thanks Farrcll Starts Parkes, Irwin O ml At Tiiir Kiivi-n l.ilirmy Jaywalking fi O.K. At a moetim: of the Sea Bright Open will bn observed As Rumson Mayor; Closed By McCue rm\yor Hnd council New Years tiny nr::t- Tursilay rvrnir.g fiom 7 ti» .1Third Term As Ke^in New Terms Max Benowitz of 200 Rive/ Krank Torrey, the borough KarbftK'! Council Members n'rlor!; nt tin- K.iii [l;ivcn pul,;j,' road, popular Red Bank ac- collector, asked that he be released liUrnry lo give the publit' an np- Three To Council countant and Insurance man, During Week from his three-year contract ns (if pn:ttini!y u' inspect in;: t hr im- Sea Bright Mayor As Freeholders was placed under arrest re- January 17. He stated that he was For "Grand Joli" provements which hnvr- bpni mini" cently by William F. Pattei- unable to cany on the work, The tlirre in lei-eiil months. County nn<l Goclscliius, Real or, son, Jr., rookie policeman, on One In Ited Bank, Twomatter was referred to Borough At- IJllli; Silver Council slatn lihrny officials will he |nv- Take Sworn In a. charg« o( jaywalking. Mr. torney Henry Giordano for further iil. and a invitation l.i ex- Cuinming Inducted; Benowitz, who was walking In Kumsoii, One In study. Iliilil* Or^iiiii/alion tended to the public. A* (.'otllltV (.Ollllsol, __ across the street unconcerned- In a council meeting last July, Al IVOIIII, Janiiiiry 1 The library IKLS been modernized Narv President ly, was accosted by the police- Little Silver Torrey was given the contract by tliroughout. The i-hlldrffn'a ilcpnrt- Ihirimuii. Plivsician — ... ' M man, who was directing traffic, a thvee to one vote despite threats ment nnd reference department ThotiKi.i Knrrrll UMS s'.^rn In r<>r Tho Little Silver mnyor nnil Al th- reorganization meeting fl| J. Edward Wilson, former coun- "Com'ere," said the pollce- Johnfritz Achclij of New York that the borough would be faced hru-n been enlarged and a new fen-his iliifil, to nn ris iii.v.Mr uf i'u- i j man. "If you want me, come has just sold his estate on thewith legal action. The threat was council he-Id their organization !'••• i'.iiin!y l',);inl nf Freeholder*) cilman, assumed the office of mayor meeting nt noon New Years day r Is Die renting of a phonograph Bright Thurst|;iy nfttrinonn ;tt i\:? uf Rumson nt the reorganization over here," said Mr. Benowitz. north side of Rumson road to Jo-made by Ward Krcmcr, Asbury wilh records. Under a newnnnngr- Fr:<l.-iv, at which Ki-"»holders Jima seph Needle of South Orange. The Park attorney, who represented Jo- and hcanl Mnyor Frank .M. Giog- reor^nnizalion nifi'ip;;: d rht- \>uv-:i. 1'iikfi and Joseph C. Irwln werj meeting of the mayor and council The policeman came, and an- niont hooks have been tfikrn off iiuph counrril. A1M» swum IP'O f [ of that borough New Years da's1. nounced to Mr. Eenowltz that sale was negotiated through Jo- seph Stavola of Middlctown, unsuc- ory urge his fellow borough uf- llio rentnl list nnd may b« bor- n .';'.'.• •ia in for new terms, Mr. After lie hnd been sworn in by Wil- seph G. McCue of Rumson. cssful bidder. The suit Is still pend- flcials to liecp expenses of their de- rowed for one week. At tho ex-Urn as counriliiKMi w--: •• i U:>\ %>•• 1'ai-ivivsI , v. ho ;.i the new director off ha was under arrest. Patrol- Kraiiy.s, a Domofra! v.'l-.n li.i'l j liam Blair ol the law nrm of Par- man Patterson hustled Mr. The residence, one of the finest ng. partments at a minimum. The may- piration of that period a fine of Ih" lioaid, slateil that the board sons, Labrecquc, Canzona and and most modern In the Rumson or also promised to "do the best I llVf> cents a day is assessed. Thfi srrved ns roiinri!iii/in in II'.'iT, ;itvl j ••iii'pufjH to «!•(- lo u that nothing Benowitz off to police head- Carl H. Nrl.son, a nrwrnnii'i- in ^i - Combe, the mayor administered the quarters, where much to his area, was constructed by Mr. can for the br-st Interests of the charge for using the phonograph ii 'ion.; uv undertaken in 1SH8 that oath of office to the following of- Achells In 1928, and occupied by borough" and Issued "Happy New tnd records In 50 cents for throe Hiljjht polilic^. Mr. Nelson h n , embarrassment he found that Ilfljuililienn. | ficials: Councilman Harold J. Mr. Benowitz was aa right as him until a few years ago, when Rainbow Chapter Year" greetings to the counciimrn days and "5 cents for a week. "Ai ilnortni of Ihc Hoard of Goetschius, who begins a new term increased business responsibilities and Little .Silver residents. Members of the library board Membrr.H of Ihc old i-niirn*,! uhn 1'VI'"IKII<)I'M. I would hKc to say rain. Red Bank doesn't have :><im": iii';'^ ;ii,i)ii' the accomplish* on the council; Randall M, Kcalor, an ordinance against Jaywalk- forced him to reside permanently DrpartiiiR from a prepared an- who will the reception rrlinqut.Hhrd tl\ scuts won- .hrU \ L Jr., a new member of the council in New York. He is president of Sends $2,000 To nual message, Mayor fire-gory W'hitu and I'iobfMt Hoiiin.on, both ' IIICJIM nf ihi. bond during the year ing. nrnittco at the open house event J who succeeds EclRar B. Blake; Mrs, Commercial Factors, Inc., 2 Park spoke Informally. He thanked the am Mm, Lawrence Schilling chair- Repuhlicjiii.-f. ! JK- milni, a.--, well ;w some of our avenue, Moat notnttln rli.iMK^ in Wt* W;M arijur aim; rur ih,> that la Mary M, O'Rourkc, who begins a borough employees, nre deportment man, Mrs. Grandjean Jcwett, Mr.i 1 new term as borough collector, mid ' The house is of brick construc- Vets' Hospitals and "all other organizations" for J. Roy AlRor nnd Mrs. Arthur Ii. thn rippointincnf uf A. finny limi'- •ill- Ml 'if iii!". Mr, |';iik(.n began. Peter H. B. dimming, who was ap- tion, cooper roof, and contains 18 their co-operation and particularly Sickles. (ianu of A.^Miry I';n k :ir:l Um:r, \ ".Mounting ju-iciy and Increasing pointed in Mayor Wilson's former rooms and six baths. Until a few Committee Receives commended Orlando P. Warden, Branch as borough ai'orruy to r<'- '"••; fur practically everything place on the council. Township To Get months ago It was tenanted hy Ed- street superintendent, for directing pl.ico (it'oi'^n A. firjiy, i:c«l I'-mk .:ii-. • l,t en a < uii.stant f.'lrtor in our In a brief address. Mayor Wilson ward L. Carey, who acquired the "liiunk You" Letters the snow removal work. Paraphras- • •oiinellntnn nnd ;i!U'int;,'. wh<> \v\-\ • i.'iiirli lo Kiv<- the pcupli: of Mon. said he fully realized the responsi- former John M. Ellis residence on ing Winston Churchill, the mayor Police Report reived in thnt cn]j;ici!y Km p.i-' ,mouth rouniy what ii needed in al! bilities of his new ofllce and asked $19,000 For Roads Tennis Court lane. From said there was "so much to do, with your. Thrpfl mcmber.4 (if thn mim-!tlu; ih' tmenl.^ of uur county gov* the co-operation and assistance o( Another well-knuwn Rumson res- so little." He Enid the borough ex- cil wished Mr. ilrny's n-iip i'rii:iii>nt", hi; continue'!, "but at th» the council and the residents of the Idenoe, that of the late Mrs. Eliza- perienced difficulty obtaining equip- Holiday Thefts nifint. s.-iini! timi; kci.-plns a close watch borough during his administration. From State Funds beth Nelson, has been sold by the The Christmas fund committee of ment nnd thanked the county runcl Oiorrlann \v;is [•oniUmfl It! ,i vnl,i iia what iht> i"i^l ,jo-t i;1 i:n\ng to Now Jersey chapter, Rninbow Di- bo t'i the I,I\|I.I>I.M. Department Councilman Francis J. Niiry wnfi game broker for Kenneth 11. Mc- deportment, for Ihr help thry gave. Tnilor, Iliirbri' SIIOJM, which MW r *OII iM.i lini Ji N'olf-oti, elected president of the council and Queen, president of the Merchants vision Votornns, hns received a Ki'aUffl and Xoita .liicobscn jsiil»- ii-'.'i'l-i in plastically every depart* number or letters of appreciation Regarding tho. huruugh's flnsinceg, MI nt, li.ivi! dune their utmost to o serves as acting mayor nt meetings Meeting* To 6c Held Trust company of Red Bank, to the mayor said that everything was with tlir mayor's appuintiiicnt \vi:li at which the mayor may be absent, Henry A. Bauer, residing at Hill- from chaplains of veterans' hos- "de- facto' (.'omu'iUiui 11 Hoiouuin iipi-nitii with your hoard, to help pitals throughout 1ho stnto for ita in good shape nml that' Little Sil- li'.'i p the ioht uf running the coun- Walter F. Carle was appointed 2d, 4th Wednesday field farm, Middletown township.
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