Red Bank Register Vqlume Lxx, No
RED BANK REGISTER VQLUME LXX, NO. 29. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Torrey Asks Citiinril Open House January 1,1 ilson Sworn In Rookie Cop Learns Four Realty Sales lor Contract Cregorv Thanks Farrcll Starts Parkes, Irwin O ml At Tiiir Kiivi-n l.ilirmy Jaywalking fi O.K. At a moetim: of the Sea Bright Open will bn observed As Rumson Mayor; Closed By McCue rm\yor Hnd council New Years tiny nr::t- Tursilay rvrnir.g fiom 7 ti» .1Third Term As Ke^in New Terms Max Benowitz of 200 Rive/ Krank Torrey, the borough KarbftK'! Council Members n'rlor!; nt tin- K.iii [l;ivcn pul,;j,' road, popular Red Bank ac- collector, asked that he be released liUrnry lo give the publit' an np- Three To Council countant and Insurance man, During Week from his three-year contract ns (if pn:ttini!y u' inspect in;: t hr im- Sea Bright Mayor As Freeholders was placed under arrest re- January 17. He stated that he was For "Grand Joli" provements which hnvr- bpni mini" cently by William F. Pattei- unable to cany on the work, The tlirre in lei-eiil months. County nn<l Goclscliius, Real or, son, Jr., rookie policeman, on One In Ited Bank, Twomatter was referred to Borough At- IJllli; Silver Council slatn lihrny officials will he |nv- Take Sworn In a. charg« o( jaywalking. Mr. torney Henry Giordano for further iil. and a invitation l.i ex- Cuinming Inducted; Benowitz, who was walking In Kumsoii, One In study.
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