Today ' 3 i' ^^^^ ^ 21,950 lafad. Lej» tod|bt In the 4k, 9M' Weratr, page 2.' DIAL SH 1-0010 VOL. '85 NO 224. IMIM* itltr. MoniStT thronm frliUr. B^oond oitu Pwttf* rvu °3' «'-'• •"* raid at KM Buk and at ASditiooU XUllnc OtOei. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Senate to Probe Race) Tracks' Expenses TRENTON (AP)-The ttate sen- Hillery, R-Merris and Wayne Du- bill and that was why he support- the committee membership and Sandman on what basis the com- ate has deckled to do tome of moot, It-Warren, sponsored a ed Stamler's. < warned jokingly that any commit- mittee members were chosen. tee member caught with white- its own Investigating into a $2.4 measure calling for a similar In- "What he meant by not enough He said no committee member million expense account submit- vestigation, but their resolution votes for my bill is that he wash on his fingers would be bounced from the committee. could be running for re-election ted by two race tracks lor operat- did not include Cowgili and was couldn't get six votes in the GOP and have a race track in his caucus.. .there were 10 Demo- He-named Dumont as chairman ing a special 30-day season last limited to a senate committee of county. year to provide money for shore five, crats ready to vote for it here," and appointed Sens. Hillery; Stam- relief. Gives Reason Cowgili said. ler; waiiam F. Kelly, D-Hud- The only senator who,is run- The senate, after a heated ex- Sandman said on the senate floor As soon as the vote was tak- son, and John A. LynchLh , D-MidDMid- nine for re-election this year with change of political charges, voted Monday that he couldn't get en, Senate President William E. dlesex. a race track in his county is Cow- Monday to double check the ex- enough votes to support Cowgili'i Ozzard, R-Somerset, announced After the session newsmen asked penses and the state racing com- mission's handling of the case. The racing commission, a non- salaried, bipartisan 4-man group expects to complete its Investiga- tion in a month. The-expense claims, submitted by the tracks, would eat up all Telstar Satellite but $80,000 of the tracks' betting takeout during a special racing season last year to rehabilitate the storm damaged shore area. The Final Say The racing commission has final say on what expenses the Rocket Launched tracks will be allowed for stay- television, news, picture and tele- prepared a four-minute tape forceiver and transmitter. Its voice ing open the extra 30 days. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.(AP) transmission to U.S. stations. inally died last Feb. 21. Senate Majority Leader Charles —A three-stage Delta rocket blast- phone service to every corner of the globe. W. Sandman Jr., R-Cape May, and ed off today in an effort to send There was no immediate plan Instruments in the sphere Sen. Joseph W. Cowgili, D-Cam- second Telstar satellite into or- The new space "switchboard" to feed the exchange to commer- traced the trouble to radiation den, exchanged heated words, both bit as another step toward a included design changes aimed at cial television networks. effects on transistors in one or of their voices quivering avoiding the severe radiation both of the command decoders. with worldwide space communications Project officials hope Telstar 2 emotion, before the senate majori- damage which eventually killed The damage was done when high- system. will be working well and in po- SENSELESS DESTRUCTION — Rumson Patrolman John Keany examines one of the ty approved a GOP investigation the first Telstar. Its planned deep- energy radiation from the Van The 90-foot rocket blazed sky- sition next week to relay to Eu- instead of one proposed by Cow- est penetration into space was Allen belt penetrated the enclos- six saplings on Narumson Ave., near the • Forrestdale School, destroyed by three ward at 6:38 a.m. with, the 175- rope the scheduled launching of gill. nearly twice that of the first Tel- ure of a transistor' and ionized youngsters. The trees were planted by the borough last fall.at a cost of $20 each, astronaut Gordon Cooper Jr. on pound Telstar 2 cradled in Its star's 3,5431-mile apogee. This gases and other substances. Cowgili charged the 11-man GOP his intended 34-hour orbital flight Police Chief William H. Zerr said. A larger maple tree on Washington St. was nose. The satellite was aimed at would make possible longer trans- majority with a Republican white- a wide looping orbit ranging from from Cape Canaveral. To prevent this happening on partly sawed through, and then cracked off, the chief said. The three were among mission times between the United wash of the racing commission. 575 to 8,559 miles above the earth! Telstar 2, transistor enclosures in States and western Europe and Telstar 1 soared- into orbit last one of the command decodes 12 juveniles apprehended here Saturday. Most of the boys, who range in age from The measure passed 11-0, all 10 Project officials announced Democrats abstaining. next year would open the way for July 10 and became an overnight have been pumped free of air shortly after launch that the sec- 15 to 16, are borough residents. All were released to their parents to await action exchange of television signals be- sensation. Within hours after and other gases and sealed in a "The racing interests of this ond stage had ignited successfu- ef juvenile authorities. Other photo, page 2. state have long tentacles which tween the United States and Ja- launching it relayed the first vacuum. reach into places they shouldn't. pan. trans-Atlantic television program Also, the higher orbit planned . .They won't get away with this Four Hours Tests Tonight from America to Europe. for Telstar 2 will reduce the whitewash," Cowgili said, Officials said the satellite would initial transatlantic tests with In the months that followed, it amount of radiation exposure be- of a Republican whitewash for a require nearly four hours to make xeVtar 2 were scheduled tonight successfully proved the feasibil- cause the satellite will spend less iVssemblyTaxPackageFaces wash accusation on the senate one trip around the glebe and that ity of communicating via space, time in the most intense region about 13 hours after launching floor, saying he had "never heard successful orbit probably could more than 400 demonstrations of the Van Allen belt. Democratic racing commission, when the bejewded sphere was not be confirmed until the first to start its fourth orbit. covered every aspect of trans- AT&T officials believe a net- and a Democratic program" pass was completed. mission. Hits Accusation A ground station at Andover, work of 40 to 60 medium-altitude Cut by Senate Republicans Telstar 2, like its enormously Maine, planned to beam a four- The satellite worked perfectly Telstar-type satellites would be "I know of no Republican group successful predecessor, Telstar 1, minute video tape to the satellite for four months, then suddenly the most effective system for TRENTON (AP)-A tax pack- He said the proposed tax would company_;,, charging that it conduct- that is trying to cover up Demo- was built as an experimental ve- for immediate relay to ground began ailing. Its command cir- global communications because age to raise $34.7 million to bal- cost the Atlantic City Electric ed a "scare campaign" to get leg- Sandman challenged the white- hicle to seek the. best means of stations in Britain and France cuit refused to take orders to the nearness to earth would en- cratic shortcomings," Sandman ance the state budget was ready Co. $1 million a year and would islators to turn down the surtax. using satellites to transmit radio. The European stations, b turn, turn on its communications re- sure dependable contact. for unwrapping by the New Jer- result in increases rates on con- Sandman said several senators added. •ey Senate today amid hollering sumers within two years. also object to raising the tax on Senate Minority Leader Antho- •bout too many strings. His reference to Atlantic City hard liquor from $1.50 a gallon ny J. Grossi, D-Passaic, remind- It took the Democratic-controlled Electric was in direct contrast to to $2.25 a gallon, as approved by ed Sandman that the racing com- Assembly less than an hour to ap- statements in the Assembly. 'Sev- the Assembly. mission was bipartisan, with two Zoning Is Changed Despite Protests prove a six-bill revenue raising eral south Jersey lawmakers lev- The GOP leader said he favors Democrats and two Republicans package Monday. But some snarls eled sharp criticism against the (See. ASSEMBLY. Page 3) as members. RED BANK — After a long three paying guests is listed as an ganization offices and the studios ing in any setback area, although are certain from here to Friday Cowgili said he wanted to set public, hearing, marked by pro- accessory use. of artists, musicians, teachers, it was painted out that if a prop- wtien the Republican-controlled the record straight on what was tests, criticism and questions, In addition, P-l zoning permits etc. erty owner had the required set- Senate brings out.Its scissors: happening. He said that a week Borough Council last night adopt- other uses upon the issuance of a The ordinance also establishes back and space to spare, he could Senate Majority Leader Charles Birmingham Jails ago he had the agreement of ed an ordinance creating a pro- special permit which requires setbacks, off-street parking re- use the remainder for parking.
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