Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCXCII

Botanika – Steciana , , - ISSN -


P M, M G

P. Mróz, Didactic and Scientifi c Branch in Piła, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kołobrzeska , - Piła, Poland, e-mail: pmr [email protected] M. Gąbka, Department of Hydrobiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska , - Poznań, Poland, e-mail: [email protected]

(Received: April , . Accepted: May , )

ABSTR ACT. This paper presents recent localities of charophytes in the peatland complex of the northern part of Noteć Forest (Wielkopolska, Poland). In alkaline or calcareous fens and shallow waters, seven spe- cies of charophytes were found: globularis, C. intermedia, C. virgata, C. vulgaris, Nitella capillaris, N. mucronata and N. syncarpa. Some of the charophytes, which were observed in this area, are regarded as endangered and vulnerable in Poland, especially, C. intermedia, N. capillaris and N. syncarpa. The pre- liminary research results on the studied charophyte distribution and ecology are presented.

KEY WORDS: Characeae, Chara, Nitella, peatland habitat, distribution, threatened and rare charophytes, Noteć Forest, Poland

INTRODUCTION (e.g. G , L et . ) and Lublin regions (K and M , B , Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) are macro- U et . ), as well as the southern part of scopic algae that grow mainly in standing and fresh the country (K , C-M- waters, less frequently in fl owing and saline waters (e.g. and V ). D , , H and D , In Wielkopolska, where out of Polish represent- W , U ). In Poland, the ma- atives of Characeae are found, three species occur exclu- jority of studies of these macrophytes were conducted in sively in peatlands: Chara tenuispina, C. crassicalis and lakes (e.g. D , K ). Only infre- Nitella tenuissima (G ). However, it should be quently, charophytes are observed in rivers and in coastal noted, that also lake species, C. aspera, C. contraria, bays of the Baltic Sea (e.g. K et . , D C. globularis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. polyacantha, ). However, they also occur in various small water C. virgata, C. vulgaris, Nitella capillaris, N. mucronata bodies, often of anthropogenic origin, which are usually and N. syncarpa, were recorded in peatland depressions omitted during hydrobotanical investigations (e.g. D- and in humotrophic water bodies (G ). , G ). Besides lakes of diff erent type, The aim of this work was to present the distribution charophytes are found in large numbers in fi sh ponds of charophytes connected with peatlands of the north- and such small water bodies as peat, clay and gravel ern part of Noteć Forest, situated in the vicinity of Miały pits, drainage ditches, overfl ow areas and astatic reser- and Drawsko (N Wielkopolska). Also, the basic ecologi- voirs (e.g. P , D , G cal data on charopyte occurrence were gathered. Such , , P et . , U et . ). analysis can be useful in the preparation of proposals on Only few observations of these algae were reported from peat bog transformation degree, particularly, related to peatlands, particularly, alkaline and calcareous fens, and the changes in hydrological regime, proper protection peatland depressions dominated by peat mosses (poor activities and protected area management. fens) (G , G et . , L et . , U et . ). Habitat conditions of charophytes within peatlands are very diverse in terms of MATERIAL AND METHODS their trophic conditions, calcium content, water pH and, above all, they depend on water level fl uctuation. Study area The most frequently noted charophyte species occur- The study was conducted in one of largest alkaline ring in the studied peatlands was Chara vulgaris. This fen and poor fen complexes in Wielkopolska ( ha stonewort was reported from many peatlands of diff er- in area), connected with the Miała river valley, in the ent trophic characteristics, e.g. from the Wielkopolska vicinity of Miały and Drawsko (Fig. ). This area is P. Mróz, M. Gąbka



F. . Distribution of charophytes from the vacinity of Miały (A) and Draw- sko (B). Numbering as in Appendix situated within Drawsko and Wieleń communes in Data sources the Czarnków-Trzcianka district (Wielkopolska re- The fi eld studies were conducted from July to Sep- gion). Its characterised by sandy forms that make the tember . Particularly, they involved marshy areas largest inland dune complex in Poland. The dunes are around Lake Święte, quaking bog surrounding Lake mostly occupied by a monotypic pine forest, roughly of Moczydło and small water bodies: fi re reservoirs, peat the same age, called the Noteć Forest. The Miała river pits as well as swampy and peatland areas in the Miała fl ows through the northern part of dune fi elds. This is Valley and in Drawsko surroundings. The charophyte the only watercourse of the Noteć Forest dune complex distribution was studied in six main localities connected (K ), which makes a hydrological axis of with peatlands (Fig. ). In total, microhabitats of m the studied area. lakes, called Lakes Mialskie, are each, were analysed. situated on the river. These are artifi cial water bodies The analysis included the following types of peatland which originated as a result of barrages construction. microhabitats: () depressions (“hollows”), () drainage The Miała Valley is rich in peat, with many poor fens ditches () fi re reservoirs, () peat pits and () small, and peatlands and numerous peat post-excavation pits shallow humotrophic lakes. and pits with stagnant water. Also, the abundance of This work takes into consideration also previous re- small, anthropogenic, mid-forest water reservoirs (water sults, obtained in - (G, unpubl.). The cha- drawing points) occur in the studied area. The majority rophyte nomenclature follows the Algaebase web site: of the studied peatlands are situated within the Natura (G and G ). Ma- site – “Miała Valley” PLH. Three types of terials that document the studied localities are kept in peatland habitats (poor, alkaline and calcareous fens) the charophyte herbarium of Department of Hydrology were identifi ed in this area, as well as charophyte lakes of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. (G et . , Natura SFD -). Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) of peatland habitats in the vicinity of Drawsko and Miały ...

Habitat analyses The occurrence of numerous populations of Nitella In each microhabitat with the charophyte presence, syncarpa, a threatened and rare species on the country the basic habitat parameters were measured directly in scale, strictly protected by law, is worth emphasizing the fi eld with a portable multiparameter meter (YSI (R... ). This species is known only multiparameter sonde; YSI Corporation, Yellow Springs, from few localities in Poland (e.g. G and O OH, USA). The measured physical and chemical param- , U , P et . , G eters of surface waters included: temperature, conduc- , K , U et . ). Also, tivity, pH and soluble oxygen content. The water depth Chara intermedia and Nitella mucronata populations in the studied localities was measured with a centime- were identifi ed. Both species are recognised as endan- tre measure tape. The zero level was determined by the gered in Poland (category E, S et . ). bryophyte tops layer (in peatland “hollows”) or water The other taxa recorded during the study: Chara virgata, table level (in other water bodies). Samples of water for C. globularis and C. vulgaris, belong to the group of vul- watercolour analysis (WC) and calcium content (Ca) nerable charophytes in Poland (category V, S were collected from each microhabitats. The standard et . ) and are not protected by law. spectrophotometric method for watercolour measure- The studied localities in the Miała Valley and ment was used, at the wavelength of nm, after the Drawsko surroundings were divided into fi ve habitat previous sample fi ltration through . μm membrane types: poor fen depressions (“hollows”), ditches, peat fi lter. The calcium level was measured using atomic- pits (former peat excavation sites), natural shallow lakes absorption spectrophotometry (APHA ). and mid-forest fi re reservoirs. The highest number of lo- calities, i.e. out of , were found in peatland depres- List of localities sions and, the same number, in shallow humotrophic The distribution of localities and microhabitats in lakes (Table ). the Miała Valley and Drawsko surroundings is shown in Figure . The data on charophyte distribution in microhabitats are presented. The list of charophyte DISCUSSION species is included in Appendix . The highest diversity of charophyte species in the studied area was connected with peat pits. These group RESULTS included Chara virgata, C. intermedia, C. vulgaris, Nitella mucronata and N. syncarpa. In turn, the lowest number Based on the conducted study, seven species of cha- of charophyte species was found in drainage ditches – rophytes were found: four species from the genus Chara only Chara virgata and C. globularis were identifi ed in and three from the genus Nitella (Table , Appendix this habitat (Table ). ). These charophytes occurred in localities con- The charophyte research plots represented a wide nected with peatlands. The most frequently observed spectrum of conditions, from poor to rich, on a scale species in the studied area included: Chara virgata, Ni- of microhabitat characteristics for diff erent types of tella syncarpa and Chara globularis (, and habi- alkaline peatlands (compare H et . ). The tats, respectively). Chara intermedia was less abundant charophyte habitat parameters within peatlands were ( microhabitats), while Chara vulgaris, Nitella mucro- very diverse in terms of calcium content, electrolytic nata and N. capillaris had only single localities in the conductivity, water pH (Table ) and, above all, water Miała Valley. level fl uctuation (periodic drying of peatland depres- sions). The growth of some species, i.e. C. intermedia and N. syncarpa, in very low calcium conditions (even below mg Ca l-) and near neutral water (pH .) is worthy of T . List of charophytes and their localities in diff er- attention. It should be also mentioned that in the stud- ent types of peatland microhabitats: – depressions (“hol- lows”), – drainage ditches, – fi re reservoirs, – peat pits, ied area, the aforementioned species occurred also at the – small, shallow humotrophic lakes highest calcium concentrations of analysed microhabitat scale (above mg Ca l-). Furthermore, an important ecological factor for the Species charophyte occurrence was a high concentration of Charaglobularis Thuill. +++–+ humic substances in water that restricted light acces- sibility (Table ). The obtained results indicate the pos- Chara intermedia A. Braun ––+++ sibility of charophyte growth in waters highly coloured Chara virgata Kütz. +++++ with humic substances, even in polyhumic conditions (> mg Pt l-). Particularly, in the most strongly col- Chara vulgaris L. –––+– oured waters, such species as Nitella syncarpa and Chara Nitella capillaris (Krock.) J. Groves +–––– intermedia were observed. & Bull.-Webst. The obtained fl oristic and ecological data deepen our knowledge of charophyte growth abilities in the peat- Nitella mucronata (A. Braun) Miq. –––+– land habitat conditions (compare B et . , Nitella syncarpa (Thuill.) Kütz. +––++ H and H , G , L at . , U et . ). They also indicate Total the possibility of charophyte communities occurrence P. Mróz, M. Gąbka

T . Minimum, maximum and median values of physicochemical properties of water from microhabitats of charophytes species. Explanations: Depth – depth of water, EC – electrolytic conductivity, DO – dissolved oxygen, WC – colour of water, Ca – calcium content

Depth EC DO WC Ca Species pH (m) (μS cm-) (mg l-) (mg Pt l-) (mg l-)

Chara globularis .-. .-. - .-. - .- (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

Chara intermedia .-. .-. -. .-. - .- (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

Chara virgata .-. .-. - .-. - .- (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

Chara vulgaris .. .. .

Nitella capillaris . . . .

Nitella mucronata . . .

Nitella syncarpa .-. .-. - .-. - .- (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

in the peatland succession, from mesotrophic conditions B B., A C. (): Restoration of lost of open waters to rich alkaline peatlands (e.g. B aquatic communities: New habitats for Chara. et . , H and H ). Aquat. Ecol. , : -. Recently, the algae from the family Characeae have B B., V D B T., V M K., V- aroused special interest due to the protection of Nat- K. (): Measures to develop a rich-fen ura habitats and functional signifi cance of these wetland landscape with a full range of successional algae in trophic condition regulation, particularly in stages. Ecol. Eng. , : -. shallow lakes. Only few works indicate the charophyte B A. (): Siedliskowe uwarunkowania, eko- importance in restoration of rich fens and peat post- logia, zasoby i ochrona kłoci wiechowatej Cladium excavations pits, especially, in relation to their posi- mariscus (L.) Pohl. w makroregionie lubelskim. Acta tive infl uence on the quality of usable water and role Agrophys. Rozpr. Monogr. , . in decalcifi cation (e.g. B and A , C-M J., V G. (): Al- B et . , L et . ). It should gofl ora and vascular fl ora in the eutrophic fens of be emphasized that the studied peatland complex is a the Pieniny National Park (South Poland). Rocz. AR very important biodiversity centre of charophytes in the Pozn. , Bot. Stec. : -. Noteć Forest. Thus, the charophyte occurrence should D I. (): Charophyta – ramienice. Flora słod- be considered in the management of Natura site kowodna Polski. . PWN, Warszawa. “Miała Valley” PLH, in the peatland active pro- D I. (): Zbiorowiska ramienic Polski. Pr. tection and, particularly, renaturalisation of artifi cial Kom. Biol. PTPN , : -. water bodies, like, e.g., peat pits and fi re reservoirs. G M. (): Występowanie ramienic (Characeae, Charophyta) w drobnych zbiornikach wodnych Wiel- Acknowledgments kopolski. Ekol. Techn. , : -. The presented results were obtained during investi- G M. (): Distribution of Chara tenuispina A. gations realized as part of the Polish Ministry of Science Braun (Characeae) in Poland. Oceanol. Hydro- and Higher Education project No. N / biol. Stud. (Supl. ): -. and statutory research of the Department of Hydrobi- G M. (): Charophytes of the Wielkopolska re- ology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The gion (NW Poland): distribution, and au- studies of protected charophyte species were conducted tecology. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. with the consent of Regional Directorate for Environ- G M., O P.M. (): The occurrence and mental Protection in Poznań. We wish also to thank habitat requirements of Nitella syncarpa (Thuillier) the Forest Inspectorate Potrzebowice for giving approval Kützing and Nitelletum syncarpae (Corillion ) for accessing and conducting research in the forest area Dąmbska in the Wielkopolska region. Rocz. AR and peatlands. Pozn. , Bot. Stec. : -. G M., O P.M., R A. (): SOO „Dolina Miały”. PLH. Natura . REFERENCES Standardowy Formularz Danych. Materiały Woje- wódzkiego Zespołu Specjalizacyjnego w Poznaniu. APHA (). Standard methods for the examination of Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków. Narodo- water and wastewater. th edition. American Public wa Fundacja Ochrony Środowiska, Centrum UNEP/ Health Association, Washington, D.C. GRID, Warszawa. PAN, Kraków. Narodowa Fundacja Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) of peatland habitats in the vicinity of Drawsko and Miały ...

Ochrony Środowiska, Centrum UNEP/GRID, War- P.M., P M., W A. (): Red list of szawa. the algae in Poland. In: Red list of and fungi dane/pdf/pl/PLH.pdf. in Poland. Eds Z. Mirek, K. Zarzycki, W. Wojewoda, G M., P M., K J., B L. Z. Szeląg. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Acad- (): Ramienice (Characeae, Charophyta) Wielko- emy of Sciences, Kraków: –. polskiego Parku Narodowego – różnorodność, stan U J. (): Stanowisko Nitella syncarpa (Thu- poznania, zagrożenia i ochrony. Pr. Wielkopolskiego ill.) Chevall. (Charophyta) w masywie Gromni- Parku Narodowego. Morena : -. ka. Przyr. Sudet. : -. G M.D., G G.M. (): AlgaeBase. World- U J., S P., G M. (): Charophytes -wide electronic publication. National University of of the Lubelszczyzna region (Eastern Poland). Acta Ireland, Galway [online], Soc. Bot. Pol. , : -. searched on -... W K. (): Różnorodność gatunkowa – glo- H M., H M., H P., D D. (): ny. In: Różnorodność biologiczna Polski. Eds R. An- Habitat diversity of central European fens in rela- drzejewski, A. Weigle. Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony tion to environmental gradients and an eff ort to Środowiska, Warszawa: -. standardise fen terminology in ecological studies. Perspect. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst. , : -. H P., H M. (): Sphagnum-mediated suc- A . List of charophyte species recorded in the cessional pattern in the mixed mire in the Muránska peatland habitats of Miały and Drawsko surroundings. planina Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Bio- Localities as in Figure . logia – Sect. Botany , : -. Chara globularis – . Reservoir No. , depth . m; H A., D J. (): Historyczne . Peatland ditch No. , depth . m; . Peatland i współczesne stanowiska ramienic w jeziorach Po- depression No. , depth m; . Peatland depres- sion No. , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , depth jezierza Olsztyńskiego. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Ser. . m; . Peatland depression No. , depth . m; . Polonica : -. Reservoir No. , water drawing point No. , depth K K. (): Sukcesja zespołów i występo- . m; . Peatland depression No. , depth . m; wanie ramienic na Pojezierzu Łęczyńsko-Włodaw- . Peatland depression No. , depth . m. skim. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. C Chara intermedia – . Reservoir No. , depth . m; : -. . Reservoir No. , water drawing point No. , K K., M J. (): Zespoły i ekologia depth . m; . Reservoir No. , depth . m; ramienic Pojezierza Łęczyńsko-Włodawskiego. Ann. . Peat pit No. , depth . m; . Peat pit No. , Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. C , : - depth . m. -. Chara virgata – . Reservoir No. , depth . m; . Res- K J. (): Geografi a regionalna Polski. Wyd. ervoir No. , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , depth Nauk. PWN, Warszawa. . m; . Reservoir No. , depth . m; . Reservoir K J., P E., B B. (): Studia nad No. , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , depth . m; roślinnością denną Zatoki Gdańskiej w okolicy Rewy. . Peat pit No. , depth . m; . Peat pit No. , Fragm. Florist. Geobot. , : -. depth , m; . Peatland depression No. , depth K Ł. (): Przyroda piaskowni Kuźnica Wa- . m; . Reservoir No. , depth . m; . Peat- rężyńska w Dąbrowie Górniczej. Cz. . Ramienice land ditch No. , depth . m; . Peatland depres- i ich zbiorowiska. Przyr. Gór. Śl. : -. sion No. , depth . m; . Peatland depression No. L Ł., G M., R A., S , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , water drawing T., O P.M., L M. (): Tes- point No. , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , water tate amoeba (Arcellinida, Euglyphida) ecology along drawing point No. , depth . m. . Reservoir No. a poor-rich gradient in fens of Western Poland. Int. , water drawing point No. , depth . m. Rev. Hydrobiol. , : -. Chara vulgaris – . Peat pit No. , depth . m. L L.P.M., S A.J.P., R J.G.M. (): Nitella capillaris – . Peatland depression No. , depth The restoration of fens in the Netherlands. Hydro- . m. biologia , : -. Nitella mucronata – . Peat pit No. , depth . m. P M., P A., P A. (): Flora Nitella syncarpa – . Reservoir No. , depth . m; . i roślinność ramienicowa na tle stanu trofi i jezior Reservoir No. , depth . m; . Reservoir No. , depth Pojezierza Lubuskiego (środkowo-zachodnia Polska). . m; . Peat pit No. , depth . m; . Peatland Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. depression No. , depth . m; . Peatland depres- P Z. (): Zarastanie dołów potorfo- sion No. , depth . m; . Peatland depression No. wych. Monogr. Bot. , : -. , depth . m; . Peatland depression No. , depth P A., P M., R U. (): The fi rst . m; . Peatland depression No. , depth . m; locality of Chara baueri (Characeae) in Poland. . Peatland depression No. , depth . m. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Ser. Polonica , : -. R Ministra Środowiska z dnia stycznia r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej roślin. Dz.U. For citation: Mróz P., Gąbka M. (): Charophytes (Cha- nr , poz. . raceae, Charophyta) of peatland habitats in the vicinity of S J., B M., D J., G M., G- Drawsko and Miały (Noteć Forest, NW Poland). Rocz. AR P., M T., P M., O Pozn. , Bot. Stec. : -.