The 1551 Herberstein–Wernher Description of Lake Cerknica Herberstein – Wernherjev Opis Cerkniškega Jezera Iz Leta 1551
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COBISS: 1.01 The 1551 Herberstein–Wernher Description of Lake Cerknica Herberstein – Wernherjev opis Cerkniškega jezera iz leta 1551 Primož Simoniti1 Abstract UDC 094.1:551.44(497.4 Cerknica):929 Wernher G. Izvleček UDK 094.1:551.44(497.4 Cerknica):929 Wernher G. Primož Simoniti: The 1551 Herberstein—Wernher Descrip- Primož Simoniti: Herberstein–Wernherjev opis Cerkniškega tion of Lake Cerknica jezera In 1551, Georg Wernher sent into print in Vienna his work Georg Wernher je dal 1551 na Dunaju natisniti delo De admi- De admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation, which in- randis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation, v katerega je vpletel cluded a description of Lake Cerknica. Baron Sigismund von tudi opis Cerkniškega jezera. Baron Sigismund Herberstein, ki Herberstein, on whose initiative the work had been written, je dal pobudo za nastanek dela, je Wernherju posredoval ustni had conveyed to Wernher an oral description of the lake; the opis jezera; ali ga je opisal tudi v pisni obliki, kakor je mogoče question whether he had written it down as well, as might be sklepati po navedbah pri J. W. Valvasorju (1689), je danes neu- inferred from the references in J. W. Valvasor (1689), can no gotovljivo. Herbersteina je mogoče šteti ne le za osebo, ki je longer be answered. Herberstein may be considered to have not Wernherja opozorila na jezero, ampak za (so)avtorja poročila o only alerted Wernher to the lake, but also to have (co)authored jezeru. V tekstu ni nobenega indica za domnevo, da je Wernher the report on the lake. There is nothing in the text to suggest kdaj obiskal jezero in ga raziskoval. Herberstein je poskrbel tudi that Wernher had ever visited or investigated the lake himself. za lesorez z zemljevidom jezera, za katerega je najbrž izdelal ri- In addition, Herberstein commissioned a woodcut showing a sarsko predlogo Augustin Hirschvogel. Članek prinaša zadevne map of the lake, presumably based on a drawing by Augustin partije v latinskem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu. Hirschvogel. The paper cites the relevant passages both in the Ključne besede: zgodovina krasoslovja, Cerkniško jezero, Latin original and in an English translation. Georg Wernher, Sigismund Herberstein, Augustin Hirschvo- Keywords: history of karstology, Lake Cerknica, Georg Wer- gel, Johann Weichard Valvasor. nher, Sigismund von Herberstein, Augustin Hirschvogel, Jo- hann Weichard Valvasor. In September 1551, a Viennese printer, Aegidius Aquila, Dunajski tiskar Aegidius Aquila je septembra 1551 natis- printed a work entitled De admirandis Hungariae aquis nil delo De admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation hypomnemation (Wernher 1551). The author’s name is (Wernher 1551). Kot avtor je naveden Georgius Wern- given as Georgius Wernherus, and the very title page herus, že z naslovne strani pa je razvidno, da je svoje reveals that he had dedicated his treatise to the famous delce posvetil slovitemu baronu Sigismundu Herber- Baron Sigismund von Herberstein (1486-1566), with steinu, čigar razkošni lesorezni grb tudi krasi naslovnico. whose magnificent woodcut coat-of-arms the title page Dolgi naslov se glasi: is adorned. The long title runs as follows: 1 Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Javorjev drevored 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: [email protected]. Received/Prejeto: 23.2.2010 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 39/1, xx–xx, POSTOJNA 2010 Primož Simoniti A Brief Note2 on the Kratko poročilo2 o Marvellous Waters of čudovitih vodah Ogrske Hungary to the Noble žlahtnemu in resnično and Truly Magnificent veličastnemu gospodu Lord Sigismund, Baron of Sigismundu, baronu Herberstein, Neiperg and Herbersteinu, Neipergu in Guttenhag [Hrastnik], Hrastniškemu, svetniku Councillor of the Famous slavnega rimskega, ogrskega Roman, Hungarian and in češkega itn. kralja Bohemian etc. King, Lord Ferdinanda in predstojniku Ferdinand, and Chancellor blagajne v Avstriji, avtorja of the Exchequer in Aus- Georga Wernherja. tria. From Georg Wernher, the Author. Celotno delo ima ne- kaj sestavin. Najprej so The publication con- Herbersteinu na čast natis- sists of several parts. It is njeni počastilni verzi dveh introduced by verses com- humanistov, dunajskega Jo- posed in Herberstein’s hanna Ludwiga Brassicana honour by two humanists, (Jaumann 2006: 130) in Johann Ludwig Brassica- ogrskega, Wernherjevega nus of Vienna (Jaumann zeta, Sigismunda Torde 2006: 130) and Wernher’s iz Gyaluja (rom. Gilau, Hungarian son-in-law, Si- nem. Julmark; o njem De- gismund Torda of Gyalu nis 1782: 514). Sledi sicer 1 (Romanian Gilau, German Fig. 1: Title page – Sammlung Woldan Wien, sign. G-II: OE/ nedatirano pismo (latin- Hun 3. Julmarkt; on Torda, see ski izvirnik v Prilogi), ki 1 Denis 1782: 514). There Sl. 1: Naslovna stran – Sammlung Woldan Wien, sign. G-II: OE/ ga je Herberstein naslovil follows an undated letter Hun 3. na Wernherja in le-tega (the Latin original is given v njem spodbujal, naj se in the Appendix) addressed by Herberstein to Wernher, sistematično loti raziskovanja in opisovanja nenavadnih exhorting the latter to take up a systematic research into pojavov, ki jih je opaziti na vodah po Ogrskem, saj da te and description of the unusual phenomena observed in stvari barona živo zanimajo: the waters of Hungary, since the Baron is keenly inter- ested in these matters: Sigismund, svobodni baron Herberstein, Neiperg in Hrastniški itd., Georgu Wernherju, kraljevemu svetniku in Sigismund, Free Baron of Herberstein, Neiperg and županu pri šarišu3, pozdrav! Guttenhag [Hrastnik] etc., to Georg Wernher, Royal Councillor and Mayor of Saros,3 greetings! 1 The upper right corner bears a handwritten note:habetur et in 1 Desno zgoraj pripis: habetur et in alio libro Moscouię Herber- alio libro Moscouię Herbersteinij – “it is in the second book of steinij – » je tudi v drugi knjigi Herbersteinove Moskovije«. Herberstein’s Moscovia as well”. 2 Hypomnemation, lat. commentariolus, bi pravzaprav pomenilo 2 Hypomnemation, Latin commentariolus, denotes a ‘short krajše zapiske v oporo spominu. Sam avtor je v nemščini upo- memorandum’. The author himself renders the term in Ger- rabil izraz Khurzer Bericht (Wernher 1558). man as Khurzer Bericht (Werner 1558). 3 šarišský hrad, v sr. veku županov sedež, po katerem je dobil 3 šarišský hrad, in the Middle Ages the Mayor’s seat, which gave ime nekdanji komitat (županija) Sáros vármegye, tj. šariš na its name to the former comitatus (county) Sáros vármegye, i.e., sverovzhodnem Slovaškem, lat. comitatus Sarossiensis, nem. šariš in northeastern Slovakia, Latin comitatus Sarossiensis, Scharosch. German Scharosch. 148 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 39/1 – 2010 The 1551 Herberstein–Wernher Description of Lake Cerknica Although I had heard long ago, and from many peo- Čeprav sem že dolgo tega, in sicer od marsikoga, ple, much about the marvellous waters of Zepusium,4 I veliko slišal o čudovitih vodah v Spišu4, sem vendar želel nevertheless wished to be informed of these matters, which biti o teh stvareh, ki so se zdele večini neverjetne, obveščen seemed incredible to most people, principally by you, and predvsem od tebe in slišati tvojo sodbo. Ker pa se nisi to hear your judgment. And since you did not hesitate to obotavljal pisati mi, kar si bil o tem izvedel, si zlahka dose- write to me what you had learnt about them, you effected gel, da odtlej ne le zagotovo vem, kaj moram o tem misliti, easily not only that I myself have been sure ever since what ampak da bo tvoje pričevanje, ki ima pri vseh kar največjo to think of them, but that many other excellent gentlemen, veljavo, tudi mnogim drugim odličnim možem zagotovilo, too, have ceased doubting, reassured by your testimony, da se ne bodo več vdajali dvomom. Toda ker pravijo, da which carries the highest authority with all. But since the je tudi v drugih delih Ogrske mnogo nič manj čudovitih other parts of Hungary are likewise said to abound in wa- vodá, boš naredil veliko uslugo meni in mnogim drugim ters no less marvellous, you will perform a great service to ljudem, ki so željni vednosti o njih in tebi zelo privrženi, me, and to many others who are desirous of such knowl- če se boš lotil opisovanja teh vodá. Vem sicer in sam sem edge and devoted to you, if you undertake a description videl, ko sem bil pri rajnkem ogrskem kralju Ludoviku of these as well. I know, of course, and I saw with my own odposlanec božanskega cesarja Maksimilijana, da so blizu eyes, serving as an envoy from the divine Emperor Maxi- kraljeve prestolnice Budima tako vroče toplice, da ne moreš milian to the illustrious late King Ludovicus of Hungary at prenesti toplote, če vtakneš roko v vodo, kar se seveda zdi the royal seat in Buda, that there are to be found thermal komu, ki tega še ni videl, prav čudno. Toda da so v tej vodi springs too hot to plunge your arm underwater, which nat- tudi žive ribe, to ima nemalo ljudi za nekaj neverjetnega. urally seems marvellous to anyone who has not seen the Zdi se, da so nekaj podobnega tudi govorice o drugih to- like before. But that there should even be live fish in these plih vrelcih, ki so baje na bregu reke Vaha, nedaleč od waters is considered incredible by not a few. Of a similar mesta Hlohovca5, ki mu Nemci in Slovani po ljudsko rečejo nature seems to be the rumour of other thermal springs, Fraštak: o njih pravijo, da se prestavljajo s svojega mesta those on the bank of the Vagus [Vacha] River, not far from drugam v zmeraj enaki razdalji, kakor že reka narašča ali the town of Galgocz,5 popularly called Freistat by the Ger- upada. Pred nedavnim sem pri Arijanu v tretji knjigi6 bral mans and the Slavs; it is said of these that they regularly opis izvira, ki priteče na svetlo z mlačno vodo, opoldne je change their position, always by the same distance, as the mrzel, zvečer pa se močno segreje in ob svitanju je spet river rises or sinks.