SPRING 1998 ISSUE No. 72 ' (} ' . ~ori.tnal · -~ .. - MEa~vSVn ~n[!axtma · ' , O'lr CL.un~&l ·C .ntf..ne1 u. Journal of the International Map Collectors' Society SPRING 1998 ISSUE No. 72 CONTENTS From the Chairman's Desk 4 Al-U-Pa Belgian Map Collectors' Circle 5 Letter to the Editor Maps of Hungary in Ortelius Atlases 7 International News & Events Map of Hungary by J.C. Milller 19 Japan 1998 IMCoS Travel Grants 27 News from Members Croatian Contribution to Mapmaking 29 IMCoS-Summer 1998 IMCoS in Miami 33 Notice of AGM IMCoS Bulletin# 2: Fake or Real 35 IMCoS Informal Evening, London For Advertising, contact the Journal Advertising Manager, Derek Allen, 25 St Margaret's Road, London SE4 1YL. Tel: 0181-469 3932. Chairman: Jenny Harvey, 27 Landford Road, Putney, London SW15 1AQ. Tel: 0181-789 7358. Fax: 0181-788 7819. e-mail:
[email protected] Vice-Chairman: Valerie Scott, 48 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 5BH. Tel: 01442-824 977 e-mail:
[email protected] Gen. Secretary: W.H.S. Pearce, 29 Mount Ephraim Road, Streatham, London SW16 INQ. Tel: 0181-769 5041. Fax: 0181-677 5417 Membership Secretary: Sam Pearce, 7 East Park Street, Chatteris, Camb. PE16 6LA. Tel: 01354-692 023. Fax: 01354-692 697 Treasurer: Dr Cyrus Ala'i, I Golders Park Close, West Heath Avenue, London NW11 7QR. Publicity Officer: Yasha Beresiner, 43 Templars Crescent, London N3 3QR. Tel: 0181-349 2207. Fax: 0181-346-9539 Int. Development Officer: Caroline Batchelor, Pikes, The Ridgeway, Oxshott, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 OLG. Tel: 01372-843 425 Int.