Sllllgj Value of $21,000, Have Been Announced Pension of the Dividend on 271 M
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NORWICH BULLETIN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 INSURANCE -- YALE CHAMPIONS IN BASKETBALL IF IT'S SPORTING NOTES INSURANCE, WE WRITE IT." For the First Time Since 1907, the Blue Won the Intercollegi- ' According to a current report, Ax-tie- n, L. LATHROP & SONS, 4, J. 2:111-- was recently priced at Kew 28 Shetucket St., Norwich, Conn. ate Championship in Defeating Dartmouth Score 36 $25,000. The The Baltimore Feds claim that 7,000 "WHITE" ADDING MACHINE 15 Yale Lost Two Games During the Season. orders have already been accepted for to the opening game in Baltimore. is strictly a Connecticut product John Hummel is whaling the ball for Conn., 12. By Pennsylvania here tonight, Ave bouts the Brooklyn second team. He is also Made in Connecticut. New Haven, March putting up a line first base game. defeating Dartmouth, 36 to 16, in the to four. by Mechanics. last basketball game of the season Made Connecticut Roger Bresnahan has signed up an Connecti- here tonight, Yale won the champion- FOOTBALL PLAYERS REGISTERED backstop Chi Cubs. Rog Made of material rolled in ship of the intercollegiate league. The other for the cut by Connecticut mechanics. Blue was not forced to extend itself er evidently doesn't intend to don the and Ponemah Wheel Club shin-guar- ds at any time. The first half ended 12 Taftville again this season. Made on machinery built by Con- to 4. The last time Yale won a bas- Have Announced Their Lineups in necticut mechanics in Connecticut, championship was 1907. Connecticut Association It's funnv how unpleasant the weath ketball in Eastern er can be in the South all winter, and "A pood tire During the league season Yale won Football League. TRULY THIS IS A CONNECTICUT is like a man'' eight games and lost two. then old "J. Pluvius" starts an annual! six-wee- engagement as soon as the PRODUCT. who is fit. If Providence Team Leaves Hot Two more teams In the Eastern As- ball tossers arrive. he's too fat ho for sociation Football league registered can't be right. Springs. their players, Friday, Taftville and the One scribe considers the Interna- That's Boston, March 12. The second di- Ponemah Wheel club. The season tional league Belgium of base- the Sweet, the the way with a. Just a whisper, Low and vision of the Boston American base- opens next week Saturday. The play- ball war. He sees the Feds whaling tire. If it has s about your Insurance. You may have ball team, accompanied by Manager ers registered follow: the allies and camping all over the In- a property that is fair and profitable Dave Shean and other members of the Taftville A.. Finlayson, H. Finlay-so- n, ternational league territory. more than mm m today and that tomorrow may be a Providence Internationals left today E. Sutton, F. Desjardlen, J .Green-halg- h, just enough imnr a n i heap of ashes. Let me look after the for Hot Springs, Ark. Larry Gardner, R. Pilling, W. White, W. Whan, A Chicago despatch reads: "A na- rubber, it 13 matter for you. Delays are dangerous. Olaf Henriksen and Harold Janvrin W. Wilson, W. Mather, F. Greerihalgh, tional 'dope trust' to beat the Federals like a man mm ISAAC S. JONES, were the Red Sox players in the party A. Brunton, J. Blanchette, G. Grim-sha- w, acts was discovered recently." This who is too fat. i Agent, They expect to be joined on the way G. Bunning, J. Smith. truat should with Insurance and Real Estate Wil- not be confuted the If it has'nt 91 by others. Ponemah Wheel Club Robert scribes given to baseball writings. The enough rub-b- er Richards Building Main Street son, Fred Knowles, Robert Pilling, White Adding Machine Gley, it's weak- Farrell Announces Decisions. Harold DeCelles, William Manager Stallings has made the re- ened. Dia- ATTORN EYS-AT-LA- Auburn, N. Y., March 12. Secretary "Vlanderun, Adam Troeger, mark about the lack of speed among Y02K STBEET, NEW HAVEN John H. Farrell of the National Asso- John A. Seidel, Richard Haberding, the champs on the bases. The Boston mond Tirea ' William Murdock, Pollard, have just the 11 ciation of Professional Baseball Ernest and leader seems to think sprinters are of TELEPHONE 3350 EDWIN W. HIGGINS .Leagues, today gave out the following Samuel Armitage. more use to ball team mara- right amount a than good wife, Attorney-at-La- w decisions of the national board of ar- thon men. of tough bitration involving players and clubs Columbia Downed Tigers. rubber Corner Main and Shetucket Streets in minor baseball: "We read that "a team of Giant rookies, Bushelman Princton, N. J., March 12. Columbia including Xkt&U ; Claims allowed: D. J. defeated Princeton in an intercollegi- Larry Doyle," is doing stunts in connection with the big stick that BULLETIN'S PATTERN SERVICE much nor too ' AMOS A. BROWNING against Worcester, Mass. in the South Can it be possible that i.s players awarded: Fred ate league basketball game here to- age hiding with Kaker down on that httletomake Services of 22 20. By the Gian captain has advanced in Trappe, ild., farm. then, TiSn. , Attorney-atla- w, 8 Bldg. Lynn, Green to night by the score of to Richard's Ollum to Mass.; P. their victory the New Yorkers tie the so far as to be classed in his second WVf 'Phone 700. New London, Conn. childhood? A expert Applications to be free agents grant- Tigers for third place in the league's New York in naming the standing. best ball players in the country named ' y 4f w P. Benny Kauff, Brown & Perkins, Attcrneys-at-La- ed: William La Motte and Thomas crack batsman of the IS from Is'ew York and linished with Breen from Woonsocket, R, I. Feds, is said to have applied to the Cobb and Johnson. "Which goes to Over ITncas Nat. Bank. SheiucKet St. WITH THE TROTTERS. Giants for a job. The Giants will look show that there are yet some people Entrance stairway near to Thames Eames Defeated Hahman. over his contract to see if there is a in New York who are capable of rec- National Bank. Telephone 38-- 3. loophole that would permit his jump ognizing Chicago, March 12. Fred Eames, The purse money of 1914 footed up back to organized ball. talent. The wonderful record Denver, defeated John Hahman, Min- more than $3,22S,000. made by Diamond Tires last WILL neapolis, 50 to 48. in 90 innings in Negotiations .for the sale of that COLUMBIA Orange Cigarets have been banned from the al- the first game of today's play in the Everett L. Swan of has In- Bridgeport club have been on for year proves that they are HAVE FOOTBALL 1-- 4. training trip of the Cleveland world's three cushion billiard cham- bought the trotter Muda Lloyd, 2.21 Manager Birmingham. most a year now. Every once in a 5, dians by "Pete" while somtbody is willing right structurally. Will Be pionship. Eames had a high run of Shields, formerly of Waterbury pictured as Favorite Fall Sport There Hahman 7. George Moore of New The Nebraska trotter Sadie S., 2.14 the to buy the club before a certain date, Once Ten Years 4, is to be tried by Tommy Murphy. club, probably won't object as long as More After a York beat Jess Lean of Chicago, 50 the customary cud Is not prohibited, tut that, somebody always changes It proves that the materi- Lapse. to 34, in 64 innings. Moore's high run Dick McMahon is going to try his too. his mind. was 6, Lean's 5. luck with Lady Elmhurst, 2.10. als we put into Diamond Tires Columbia is going to have football be- John Henry considers Booth Hooper is strong w once again. That much was determ- Cuban Reds Soft Picking for Cubs. Newark for the Feds ex-Ne- Havener, "one of the most have the weight, strength and The grand circuit horses that last cause Charlie Ebbets' first considera- on Washington's ined at a mass meeting of the stud Tampa, Fla., March 12, The Chi- through to Lexington will go to San tion was Brooklyn club and not serviceable pitchers" wearing qualities combine ents of Columbia college, held in Uni . the that cago Nationals defeated the Cuban Francisco. iNewai-K- irroviuence may aiso Decome versity (hall on the campus. The 7 to 0, today. Score: that I have seen break in who seem to give the most economical Reds, here an outlaw stronghold if Lannin con to on undergraduates were practically unan R. H. E. Anne Axworthy, the dam of Judson siders place only a know what he is the mound for,' 1-- 4, that farm for the says Henry. mileage in actual service. imous in indorsing the resolution that Havana 0 5 20 Girl, 2.07 will be bred to Peter Red Sox. had been submitted by the faculty Chicago 12 1 Volo. committee, they not .7 Things are boiling down Coffee but did take it all Gonzales and Gutierrez; Robbins, If the Feds can Induce the Interna- at conducted a Har-greav- Recently we grace. e, early closing purses Bay park with the best of It is true that Vaughn, Backles and Archer, The of the tional league to jump, they certainly Pot in St. Petersburg, Fla. The there will be football there once more, Bresnahan. State Short Trip circuit will be an- game. Phillies have been there less than a test by mail to find out i: after a lapse of ten years," but it Vvill nounced shortly.