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" - NO MAN SHOULD EVER EXPECT TO ACHIEVE POPULARITY IN THE GUISE OF A BASEBALL UMPIRE OR A TAX COLLECTOR Dumbarten-Tesa- M' Baseball Fans Begin To Pander Chrya Kanacae.To Fky.Her On Ostcome of Bis, 1918 Series THE TIMES' COMPLETE SPORTING PAGE : iAW I . r s J3 Ttli Copyright. Hit. by International BILL KILLIFER MAY 8E The Judge Might Have Known What Would Happen News Sarin. By Tad IT W --TaTTTS ' P 1 ' PIVOT ON WHICH CUBS' l Know I ., - iTtii 'i BYDUMiAIII. j ii" ; - irtap I - HOPE MAY SWING sat-DcJrTj- BRYAf 'itoRSBs k s a TITLE Br - ' .;-- - - -- 1H"TJ0 .. " y ...- , - s)rrw lead--- Dumbarton Tennta Club, the " , Ing tennis orsanliatloa litltio citfU will exufad an lsiiiitiS'tt:jMs: Komaxae, tha Japsjnap iseeaUoii, Champs Play Two Contests to vlalt here Mme-tliB- e noit-moat- It la planned t?TJiatoTtne pousTT tennis player comebeiTB Iiit tax ex " "With Griffs Today hlblUon at J$uftlSarjQa;wfth"cdd?u Major, the rtttkttr'avei; fitJlho The world's champion Chicago White Sox appear cioD. on irwrOFrWtirOjnsRSaC aharlBAJtsS donbleheadcr with the Knmasahar enterMfitf . Tr" . m . ,a at Georgia avenue today in a tlonal Busies tournament, which Griffsien, the first game starting promptly at 2 o'clock. itarU at Tomorrow the White Sox will play a single game, clos- row. The oTmaajeit" wfll!ta9wltAwff the war is over and the he concluded 07 .Saturday, at wjkll" ing their playing here until Ume it Is hop'ea'Kn!', ttKTmA I Kaiser licked, Tuesday and Wednesday will be days of here. On Saturday te fwui rest for the Washington clan. barton tournaaient itaVrk," Judc-fcS-,&t Kumigae-ca- n h TiiaiH to mcWM the Dumbarton invitation lie 'mtfiZst By LOtJIS A. DOUGHER. be an entrant in-- the tournas-a- t. rxrd "With the 1918 world series assurtd, the fans are beginning to consider Two 'yeara ito Kuaa, M,.. teams are to grapple for the supreme honors of planned to-- visit ' Washlagton for 'Mr, the chance of the that was shunted Chicago betting men are making the Boston tennis exhibition bat tfCfS the diamosd. Already in the West wltjf 6 5, basing their belief on the traditional G1 $!forelaeeBBf2?a Bed Sox favorites" at odds of to - ITOiieO --; - . (tCMCJiS, . mWCWsNCT. JM ,Su which phxyd'n-toii- r "eoaauat the'KeitSox, the remarkably smooth fielding of the infield, the tl The Japanese failed totttfvisit IM lade of , piteh-ia- g timely slugging of. Babe Bat-- and the capable twirling of the Boston country lat year hut baa particlpttfjj j quartet Boston betting men so far have made no report, though they In the Greenwich. Conn, tournaaasa in the coming series. and the Meadow Cliih toumasaeat jaaf Will veryjikely figure Ed Barrowts. team the favorite Southampton. do concluded at TaVrucc Comparing Ihe teams, the Cubs look quite as formidable as the terday". ' - j'isos fifst-cla- is major league aggregation, though each is Eed Sox. Neither is a Dumbarton TenoU 'Cluh-- wite' as""; organization. Aside from the pitching squads the T& ,. fmifUm the class of its own Bpvtmu;a...!.... uu flii-,wv-.l.vt.M4 four men to carry the brunt uf the mound work each team is filled out nla army draft, The winners of vetrdavs Dumbarv w ss result of the with second-cla- players. This is a natural mateh for the-- ttj w11 which has hit all baseball dubs. team UUeWtH To'uV afatesl taC; the pitching is most important. For the Red box Baltimore winner he on .Sepientr --v In all short series 7 and wiu Journey to BalUmara thr!t are available. When - nf Carl Mays; Joe Bush, Sam Jones and Babe Ruth wek foBowl&a-- rorA-"rtu- p&iorm will field. With any of the other Dumbarton .defeated Friseatoa- - Eutfa pitches a weaker xnan play left - ttrttaitiivajf Jim out of eight matches. three on the hill, Biith will be m the garden. The Cubs will have a.:e southpaws (TI Vaughn, Claude Hendrix, George Tyler and Phil Douglas, two Princeton's lone win waa reeordee o Jones, of the Red Sox, is' showing by Thad Benton. DUtrlct Junlos'ij Bid two righthanders, all veterans. ehampion.,'wh6 defeated A." Thus the Cubs have an J, ttrtie" high-clas- s pitching this year for the first time. the fowner harvard far. ln,i JAref oa pitchers are compared. set nisenu.prmsxtnni735ii edge whenrthe up In the doubles-aad ok.oiri(anrt That the Cubs' pltcmng; is Keiy iu gles matches - . - - ai3 "Geaguers MOXIE TRIUMPHS. - - t rs aqo shade, tsatr IhaAwerlean 'r la guaranteed by the appearance of CLEVELAND. WASHINGTON While Dumbarton waa expected tf . K O A K AB H O A E handily mildly behind the bat. He Is AB o e win It waj surprise BUI KIHlfCr B'her.rf 1 1 2 4 l l displayed by Agnew e 4 1 1 C at the strength head and shoulders over Para cmu.H 4 e J l yster.Jb I younger re- 4 1 I 1 4 0 0 Princeton lads-- ;EarlyJn thri t a Wally Sejjang. the Red Sox o c 17 v 'Dodley. or equal- 4 MIUB.CI J 1 aftemeoo Jatk Taac yenw" ceivers. He is the only catcher J'rtnn.ln 4 10 J 8'ulte.rt 0 0 junior chasrpiea. a1td:BdWardKlxadSS 1124 4 1 JESS WILL APPEAR ing; Ray Sehalk In all around ability. 4 1 1 i 0 rBk,2b 2 2 : gave Edgar. 1 0 X 1 1 0 1 2 ( -- By the krothers,.arahamracO'; 0 , SSSSSaRt-.-- Jean, - 1 mechanically perfect. Is an ST1M.1B Knott KllUfer Urin.i 2 0 0 c Penny Ante R. B, all they were looklna- Up. Thl e J l Caser.C. J backstop, and O'Neill. I 9-- ut- experienced, brainy hu Cann.p M H'rper.p 1 0 0 1 0 RegUUrt U. S. PUt OfAct Edgars won by 8-- 5. 3-- 8 and 4. - the nerve to go the limit. 1111 meantime SamueK'HerrlcjfTTT 11 ( SO 7 27 J J la the 22 4 !4 Ttals 8--1. 8-- urw Red Sox are Stronger. IN WAR FUN SHOW disposed of Ben Price by 3 Runa Jodre Milan. Shanks. Linn Left played usual steady rataaq The Red Sox shape up slightly on Cleveland, , Washlniton. 2 Berrlek his buu 2 and got Price mixed up with atronger In the Infield Mclnnls is bet- Bases on balls Off Harper. Struck out all 4HlQ'jr nv 7 Twa-bai- e hits Speaker, lobs and sideline shots. , ,- is unr Vovj l- n. ter than Merkle, though the latter Sehulta. Judl-- Stolen baaea Bescner. Veh .Gotta I 1 Guess i'b Pete Knapp, the diminutive Priae.0"-to- sec Tm-n.- Umslrea Morlarity and 15 good. Dave Shean Is reliable at Tvn DENVER. Colo. Aug Jess jvAX OrtiP-- 0 , wM7al(la oXErik.C?f4G:5iD Owena. 1.40 to- Trt- S EPTpPs,;)-- ,. Time heavyweight champion, BPiwg - -- ond and better than Charlie Pick, who Wlllard, ',) I domt the old Tale star and West Side & . A. at have been '( X ,playr-lnwh- day those who At- out of his position.or Ro'.-- answered ' why - Don't X' L BRcwfr Tt?ki, Blts ""' nls appeared JoUMLrf is playing - on demanding that he defend his title Gotta tight match. Watrans waaBrete03 Is slow as molasses. Johnson dropped Evans- tnrow W " 0T a lie Zelder, who tne before the end of the war. ' GET SOME CHIPS GREEu CUflTM " I to o 8 according: to Amer-i..- .. CaaeT'a erounder and. recoxering honestly the Everett Scott, hall, It Into the dreus eeaU, let' He said "I earned ' ouyw. (, ' outlasted by th kid." , j-- "rii show quite as threw My sav I OP Hid TH Tpiiri. will Casey go to third and Milan and title of champion critics WWS. ) hJxJ Arthur Sweeter and A. J. Lowry, a at brilliantly aa the'much touted Charlie ting have made a lot of money fighting, (VA)', y woa ta whole thing proved No. 1 doubles far Dumbarton, oui young; Shanks score. The measure, la true. 1 have EVERY TIME. UE Hollocher, the Cubs' snonaiuv the wisdom of running everything out. which, in a 'A THEM HE SAVS BoMbLtS J tratcht aata from Im Dflvta taf1' are stars at their position. that money In farms, and I PJ-A- ,, oC Princeton, Both as for until Johnson droppea tne peg, inested rVr HIS HOV3B ''A - ' Howard CJssel, at MiH full to do l a l ft,,,,.,- twlca-jMt- At third Charlie Deal Casey seemed dead to the world. am farming, and shall continue u'c'i' Vjt ana Doyle and Clssel cri Coffey, who Is now of my life 3olt-lac)M-u- rood as Jaek so for the rest ' the Harvard ui - 'I ssaa.atXt playing- third for the Red Sox. Both Every proposition that has been first engagement, but blew lUt, vt 1 star. championship. Ir- " are veterana. Neither a THEY RELEASE THEM made to box for the r r--z ,- - 9M -- cornea at were x The edge In the Infield respective of how the offers Cedrtc Major, Dumbarton's raakt-ey- J and imbbiI. where the American The Brownies In the American made, the bssis was to earn money. player, defeated itlsholdeqiaiu advan char- .DUtrlct Leagueii sejane to. have a slight League and the Giants In the Na The bluff was we will fight for Lou Doyle, la No. 1 singles at ."! ity.' t-- 4, tage. have been given ten while L. W. BaUs waa haavkasT tlonal Leaeue "I decided not to do any profes- 6--1.