Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 05-22-1907 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-22-1907 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 05-22-1907 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 05-22-1907." (1907). 3602 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Iftlttiiieflime glmlttj giftfen. EVENING, 22, 1907. The F.vonlnjj Citizen, In AtiTance, 5 per VOL. 21. NC 1. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY MAY Pollvcml ly Carrier. 60 cent per month. v . GET-TOGET- FAST S. P. Tit! 'jrr nnn.nnn rridf rriviancf HAYWOOD TRIAL HER NEW YORK WILL : AT A STAN- D- CONVENTION GOVERN F ROTVi fjno iM ocMOATiniiiAi wmm ITS 1 ; LI1U0 111 OLIlOHIIUIlHL UIVUilUL TRESTLE STILL m s TO GOULDS TEll County Rests Case While New York Alan Lands Presi Senate Passes Anti-Tru- st One Person Killed and Twenty pgr - .u A . Sixty dency-Secretarys- hip Injured. Three of Them Additional Talesmen Goes Measure by Vote of Fatally. Are Being Summoned. to Phlladclphlan. 41 to 6. ' ' SECURING OF JURY WILL ADVOCATES WRECK EVIDENTLY THE PEACE BfLL PR0VIDESF0R OTHER ROBBERS BE RESUMED TOMORROW FAVOR STANDING ARMIES STATE AND CITY AS WELL WORKJF Case Attorneys Take Advantage of Arbitration Fish Plates Were Loosened-Tra- ck Marriage Annulment Conference Believes Act a Pet of Governor Hughes Spell to Examine Names World Spreads-Vand- als Wait Will Expose More of Now Has Fortifi- Right In Line With Roose- on Hillside. 400's Knavery. of New Venire. cations Enough. velt's Policies. Boise. Idaho, May 22. The Hay- Lake Mohonk. N. Y May 2. The Albany. N. Y., May 22. senate Los Angeles. Cal.. May 22. The wood trial la at a standstill today, The Line limited, FRIEND OF MRS. HOWARD Lake Mohonk conference on Interna- this afternoon passed the Southern Pacific Short while Sheriff Hodglns and deputies utilities bill by a vote 41 to 6. westbound, was wrecked ten miles are summoning ve- tional arbitration opened Its thir- of after morning the second extra defeating: the amendments proposed north of here, at 12:30 this nire of sixty men ordered yesterday, teenth annual session today. by the democrats. at West Glendale, and one person TELLSAWFUL STORY when the ilrst special panel of 100 The election of officers resulted as was killed ami twenty Injured, three men was - follows: The bill was first sent to the as- exhausted. sembly for a concurrence in amend- of them. It is thought, fatally. will be 2 President Nicholas Murray But- The trial resumed at - ments by Tile Killed. o'clock tomorrow. ler. New- York. made the senate republican Secretary Clinton R. Woodruff, caucus. T. J. McHAXON, an electrical Attorneys for both the state and A they to How 'Big Bill" nawley Became the defense are busily engaged In ex Philadelphia. little later voted concur r rker, of Santa Barbara. Permanent Corresponding Secretary In the measure. Injured. Suit-- Is MRS, HOWARD OOri.D. FRO.M amining Into the qualifications of the is one f I'utaiiy Connected With the men new H. C. Phillips, Lake Mohonk. This bill Gov. Hugha M Angeles. FAVORITE I'HOItXiRAlMl. composing the venire, pet measures. ns. SCHIDLKR. of Los licit whose names fur- Treasurer Alexander C. Wood. MRS. HOSE LETTEKMAN, Cleve- - Catherine a Bigamist? have already been Camden. N. J. It creates a commission, the mem- land. Ohio. nished them. President Uutler. of the Columbia bers of which shall be appointed by LOVE, a Pullman por- t'nlversity, In the governor, with powers to super- WILLIAM MTTLK HAYWOOD his address at the ter. un- GIRL opening udvocated that the question vise and regulate .the operation of New York. May 22. Some very GURRY WILL REACH 1KT UV UOOM. Work of Train Wiwkors. savory publicity of the Howard COIHT of disarmament be avoided, but a public corporations both in the city The wreck was the work of vandals Boise, Idaho, May 22. The pet of restriction of further growth of the and the state of .New York, and pro- purpose of rob- Goulds came about In an unusual the court room apparently for the way. It was through the lawsuit of is little Vernon, the armie9 and navies be urged. vides for separate boards for each. bery. The train was late and was person. bright daughter of Secre- running down grade at forty miles a third "Hib Hill" Hawiey, SANTA FE tary Haywood. She is full of life an hour. who has a world-wid- e criminal repu- and radiant with smiles, but never The engine left the track in the tation, sued Howard Gould for $250,-00- so radiant as when the smile is for E PRESIDENT middle of a tresel over the arroya He claimed that his action was her father. She spends much of the HEGEfdAN S'cri and plunged sixteen feet to the on account of a breach of contract. JULY4 time sitting or standing beside him. bottom of the arroya, dragging the Mrs. Gould insists that he was one of and whenever there Is a moment of diner, two Pullmans, the buffet car the hired agents to secure testimony relaxation In the heavy court routine, and the mail and baggage cars with against her. She, In turn, accord- she is at .his knee, arm around her MILLION FOR PLEADS NOT it. ing to a near friend, "engaged detec- neck and talking to him. Then a All the equipment was badly crush- tives herself and instructed them to Offlclallv Announced In Wash smile flits over the stern face of the ed and that anyone aboard the train make a complete report of Mr. accused man and for a moment the escaped being killed is considered Gould's life." So tlte incriminations two whisper back and forth and ART GUILTY miraculous. run. The suit, according to "Uuffalo Ington That the New laugh and seem altogether oblivious A relief train reached the wreck Bill," an old-tim- e friend of Mrs. to all else in the great room of sol about thirty minutes after the acci- Gould's, will be one of the most sen- Governorls en Route. emn law and justice. dent. The work of rescuing the In- sational ever heard in New York jured passengers from the wreckage courts, Metropolitan Museum Is Pro Court Accepts Ball of 5 1 0.000. completed 9 this was not at o'clock Tlio llcg'imiiiig of the Komaiui'. - PRESIDENT BACK FROM MURDERED GOVERNOR'S SON morning and it is feared that the list It was in the late 'iiO's that Howard VI I mlsed a Large Portion of There Were Ten In- of dead may yet be increased. Gould met Katherine Clemmons. He JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Platen Had lUi'n Iiosrnod. was heir, under his father's will, to Rare Collection. dictments in All. That the wreck was the work of $10,000,000. This instrument, how- WATCHES CLOSELY THE train wreckers became evident this ever, provided that whenever one of VIA . m morning. The fish plates had been his children married, the others might j Special to The Evening Citizen. and heavy of wire New York, May 22. An announce- New May 22. lieg- loosened strands constitute themselves Into a board of Washington, . C May 22. It has TRIAL AT BOISE York. John R. placed in the apertures where the approval, and if the vote was not been officially announced here that ment was made here today that J. eman, president of the Metropolitan bolts had been. When the train ap- new governor Life Insurance company, appeared unanimous the one wishing to marry , v I George Curry, the of Plerpont Morgan had purchased for proached, someone hiding on a hill rto" r New Mexico will reach San Francisco before the criminal branch of the su- close to the track pulled these wires would forfeit $5,000,000. Katherine v t more than one million dollars the preme court today and pleaded Clemmons at that time had been on July first, and will rrive in this city Holse, Idaho, May 22 not from the fish plates, which let the July 6th. Julian Hoentschel collection of carvings, guilty to the ten Indictments returned the stage a number of years. She steuenberg. son of the murdered ex- - against per- track spread. Only the westbound con-tdde- rd him yesterday, charging had been successful in California, and While It la not it finitely known governor attends every session statury and furniture, which Is track had be"n tampered with. inc-to- of jury and forgery. later for live years, had scored In hmv long b w 'i In ""iid u ii" .! 1, . 11 v.h- - by be greatest At the Southern Pacific general r,f i turn fMirt,ct' the experts to the Hail in the sum of $10,000 was fur- HOWARD ;oi'M) IN IMS VAC'HT- - it is probable hft II.IUIUO f.,.. .1, a.-- r ifiOIy .. .. , c. (tires today a nottce was posted offer- London under the patronage of "Buf- that will Wrive .,f wuject of the applien arts nished. ' J y ing $10,000 for the arrest and con- falo Pill" Cody. The Gould family lm. In Santa Fe July 14th, to take office Steunenherir Is 91 vur, ,,i.t .n and crafts In the world, and It has liegeman's plea was made with the at to her, i; as governor.