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Forthcoming 2017 HEBREWS John W. Kleinig 2 SAMUEL Andrew E. Steinmann

New ROMANS 9–16 Dr. Michael P. Middendorf ( is Professor of eology at Concordia University Irvine, California. Romans conveys the timeless truths of the Gospel to all people of all times and places. at very fact explains the tremendous impact the letter has had ever since it was  rst written. In this letter, Paul conveys the essence of the Christian faith in a universal manner that has been cherished by believers—and challenged by unbelievers—perhaps more so than any other biblical book. In this commentary, you’ll  nd the following: • Clear exposition of the Law and Gospel theology in Paul’s most comprehensive epistle • Passage a er passage of bene cial insight for preachers and biblical teachers who desire to be faithful to the text • An in-depth overview of the context,  ow of Paul’s argument, and commonly discussed issues in each passage • Detailed textual notes on the Greek, with a well-reasoned explanation of the apostle’s message “ e thorough, thoughtful, and careful interaction with other interpreters of Romans and contemporary literature that runs through the commentary is truly excellent. Yet Middendorf listens  rst and foremost to the text and faithfully formulates his own answers to interpretive questions. His patient hearing of the text will bring other readers of Romans to do so as well. His cross-referencing and review of earlier sections of his argument is especially useful and will help others to understand the message of Romans as a whole. is commentary will have its impact in the pulpit and in the pew.” —Dr. Mark Seifrid, Professor of Exegetical eology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis 928 pages. Hardback with jacket. 156074 9780758638670 $54.99

New 1 SAMUEL Dr. Andrew E. Steinmann ( is Professor of eology and Hebrew at Con- cordia University Chicago in River Forest, Illinois. e Book of Samuel contains some of the most memorable accounts of the Bible: Han- nah’s prayer for a son and trust in the coming Messiah, God calling Samuel at night in the tabernacle, the capture of Yahweh’s ark and the death of the high priest Eli, the anointing of Saul as Israel’s  rst king and his subsequent apostasy, the battle of David and Goliath, the messianic promise of the Son of David who will build God’s house, and David’s adultery with Bathsheba followed by his confession and absolution by the prophet Nathan. ese incidents are skillfully narrated so that readers feel the tension, pathos, failures, and triumph of God’s people under their kings. e lowly shepherd David from Bethlehem is anointed to be king of Israel, typifying the life, ministry, and eternal reign of the cruci ed and risen Christ. Even David’s notorious sins pro- vide opportunities for God to demonstrate the forgiveness he freely bestows through David’s greater Son and Lord.

693 pages. Hardback with jacket. 156048 9780758606945 $54.99

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J Adolph L. Harstad M :–: Jeffrey A. Gibbs 938 pages 156004 9780570063193 520 pages 156058 9780758610997

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P  Andrew E. Steinmann L :–: Arthur A. Just Jr. 760 pages 156047 9780758603203 682 pages 156032 9780570062905

E  James G. Bollhagen J :–: William C. Weinrich 504 pages 156038 9780570063872 917 pages 156020 9780758603197

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E – Horace D. Hummel C  Paul E. Deterding 924 pages 156051 9780758610010 224 pages 156026 9780758603135

D Andrew E. Steinmann P   John G. Nordling 688 pages 156049 9780758606952 432 pages 156045 9780758602725

A  R. Reed Lessing  P  J Curtis P. Giese 744 pages 156060 9780758612694 442 pages 156050 9780758606969

J R. Reed Lessing – J Bruce G. Schuchard 496 pages 156046 9780758602732 798 pages 156061 9780758614438

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THE PASTOR Wilhelm Loehe; translated by Wolf Knappe; edited by Rev. Charles Schaum. Never before translated into English, e Pastor is a practical handbook for clergy who em- brace the Reformation. Encounter newly uncovered perspectives from nineteenth century clergyman Wilhelm Loehe as he explains the how and why of a pastor’s duties in the “one holy catholic and apostolic church.” He clari es not just Lutheran pastoral practice in the nineteenth century, but also what it means to apply the Means of Grace to God’s people in the twenty- rst century, in harmony with the Church of all ages. Topics include the following: • Pastoral practice and ethics • Homiletics • Catechesis • Liturgics • Pastoral care and counseling

“Loehe’s e P a s t o r is of great bene t, especially for Lutheran pastors today. Loehe, a German Lutheran living in the 1800s, was an expert in the pastoral and devotional literature of and of the Early Church. He brings forth these old treasures in this, his pastoral theology, and by doing so he opens a door to areas of divine wisdom that most modern pastors do not even know exist. From pastoral forma- tion to Lutheran ‘ascetic literature’ to Lutheran casuistry (solving di cult issues, cases of conscience) to worship and preaching, the old words of Wilhelm Loehe are new and contemporary to us.” —Matthew C. Harrison, President, e Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

360 pages. Paperback. “When Wilhelm Loehe died in 1872, he le behind a legacy in missions and diaconal work that is rightly celebrated down to the present day. His approach to pastoral theology was eclipsed by clinical approaches 531218 9780758650276 $39.99 to pastoral care, which were long on psychological theory but short on theology. Now e P a s t o r makes his rich and re ective work as a shepherd who cared for Christ’s people available to an English-speaking audience. e wisdom contained in this book was shaped by Loehe’s own life under the cross, which pressed him into the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. e P a s t o r is a classic work in the care of souls. I look forward to using it as a text in my own classes in pastoral theology.” —John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry & Missions, Concordia eological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN

See also

KATHARINA VON BORA THE LIFE, WORK, AND INFLUENCE THE MOTHER A Reformation Life OF WILHELM LOEHE OF THE REFORMATION Rudolph K. and Marilynn Morris 1808–1872 The Amazing Life and Story of Markwald Erika Geiger; translated Katharine Luther 256 pages. Paperback. by Wolf Dietrich Knappe Ernst Kroker; translated by Mark E. 9780758600004 296 pages. Paperback. DeGarmeaux 124124 $26.99 9780758626660 288 pages. Paperback. 531176 $41.99 9780758635266 124406 $20.99

THE CHRISTIAN YEAR FREDERICK THE WISE TRAVELING WITH OF GRACE Seen and Unseen Lives of A Tour Guide to the Reformation in Johann Spangenberg; translated and Martin Luther’s Protector Cornelia Dömer edited by Matthew Carver Sam Wellman 148 pages. Paperback. 536 pages. Paperback. 368 pages. Paperback. 9780758625571 9780758647283 9780758649171 124362 $23.99 531212 $46.99 124457 $25.99

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New LIVES & WRITINGS OF THE GREAT FATHERS OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Authored by a team of experts and edited by Dr. Timothy Schmeling with an introduction by Dr. Rob- ert Kolb, this is a handbook to the chief confessional Lutheran pastors and theologians from the era of (1580–1700), providing the story of the lives of the great Fathers of the Lutheran Church and translations of their best writings.

“ is book provides an excellent and much-needed introduction to the major writers of Lutheran Ortho- doxy. is is the era in which the theology of the Reformation was  nely tuned and developed to meet the challenges of the early modern era, not only in polemics, but also in biblical exegesis and philosophy. e scholars who produced this volume are expert and insightful, and the format of the volume serves well to introduce the Lutheran orthodox and to guide readers into the signi cant aspects of their thought. A necessary volume for anyone interested in either Lutheran theology or this era in intellectual history.” —Richard A. Muller, Senior Fellow, Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical eology, Emeritus, Calvin eological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI Read the biographies of (1582–1637). “Arch-theo- (1550–1603). eolo- logian of the Lutheran Church.” gian. Salomon Glass (1593–1656). Bible inter- Philipp Nicolai (1556–1608). Hymnwrit- preter, editor of the greatest Lutheran er, devotional writer, missiologist, and study Bible ever. pastor. Balthasar Meisner (1587–1626). eolo- Georg Dedekenn (1564–1628). Pastor, edi- gian and philosopher. tor, and casuist. Johann Conrad Dannhauer (1603–66). 320 pages. Paperback. (1563–1616). “Hammer eologian, orthodox teacher of Philipp 531215 9780758649430 $25.99 of the Calvinists” and “Luther reborn.” Jakob Spener. Valerius Herberger (d. 1627). Preacher Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676). Pastor, hymn- and Bible interpreter. writer, and confessor against state-en- forced union of Lutheran and Reformed Friedrich Balduin (d. 1627). Bible inter- churches. preter and counselor for di cult cases of conscience (casuist). Heinrich Müller (1631–75). Greatest Ger- man preacher and devotional writer. Conrad Dieterich (1575–1639). Pastor and catechist. Abraham Calov (1612–86). eologian, unrelenting supporter of Luther’s the- Johannes Rudbeckius (1581–1646). Swed- ology. ish theologian and preacher. Johann Andreas Quenstedt (1617–88). Jesper E. Brochmand (1585–1652). Danish “Librarian of the Lutheran Church” (due theologian and preacher. to his extensive learning). Johann Heermann (1585–1647). Jo- Sebastian Schmidt (1617–96). Bible hann Rist (1607–67). Christian Scriver interpreter. Translated the entire Bible (1629–93). Hymnwriters. accurately into Latin.

See also

THE GREAT WORKS OF GOD LUTHER ZION ON THE MISSISSIPPI The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Genesis Biography of a Reformer The Settlement of the Valerius Herberger; translated by Matthew Carver Frederick Nohl Saxon Lutherans in Parts 1 & 2: Genesis 1–15 Parts 3 & 4: Genesis 16–50 192 pages. Paperback. Missouri, 1839–1841 424 pages. Paperback. 544 pages. Paperback. 9780758641830 Walter Forster 9780758626684 9780758626691 124423 $10.99 606 pages. Paperback. 531178 $46.99 531179 $46.99 9780570045397 123143 $38.99


LUTHER’S WORKS, VOLUMES 1–30, PRINT EDITIONS LUTHER’S WORKS, VOLUMES 31–55, PRINT EDITIONS General Editor Jaroslav Pelikan General Editor Helmut T. Lehmann, Fortress Press An accurate translation of Luther’s exposition and preaching. Representative writings from throughout Luther’s lifetime. Hardback with jacket. $34.00 each Hardback with jacket. $34.00 each Luther the Expositor, J. Pelikan ...... 151741 Vol 31 Career of the Reformer I...... 171965 Vol 1 Genesis (Chapters 1–5) ...... 151743 Vol 32 Career of the Reformer II ...... 171966 Vol 2 Genesis (Chapters 6–14) ...... 151744 Luther’s view on interpreting Scripture Vol 3 Genesis (Chapters 15–20) ...... 151745 Vol 33 Career of the Reformer III ...... 171967 The Bondage of the Will Vol 4 Genesis (Chapters 21–25) ...... 151746 Includes Vol 34 Career of the Reformer IV ...... 171968 Vol 5 Genesis (Chapters 26–30) ...... 151747 A basis for understanding the Reformation Vol 6 Genesis (Chapters 31–37) ...... 151748 Vol 35 Word and Sacrament I ...... 171969 Vol 7 Genesis (Chapters 38–44) ...... 151749 Vol 36 Word and Sacrament II ...... 171970 Vol 8 Genesis (Chapters 45–50) ...... 151750 The doctrine of the Lord’s Supper Vol 9 Lectures on Deuteronomy ...... 151751 Vol 37 Word and Sacrament III ...... 171971 Vol 10 Lectures on the Psalms I ...... 151752 Vol 38 Word and Sacrament IV ...... 171972 Vol 11 Lectures on the Psalms II ...... 151753 Development of Luther’s concept of the Lord’s Supper Vol 39 Church and Ministry I ...... 171973 Vol 12 Selected Psalms I ...... 151754 Vol 40 Church and Ministry II ...... 171974 Vol 13 Selected Psalms II ...... 151755 Directed against religious fanaticism Vol 14 Selected Psalms III ...... 151756 Vol 41 Church and Ministry III ...... 171975 Vol 15 Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Against Hanswurst (1541), Against the Papacy, an Institution of the Devil and the Last Words of David ...... 151757 Vol 42 Devotional Writings I ...... 171976 Vol 16 Lectures on Isaiah (Chapters 1–39) ...... 151758 Refl ection on Christ’s Passion, the Sacrament, and the Lord’s Prayer Vol 43 Devotional Writings II ...... 171977 Vol 17 Lectures on Isaiah (Chapters 40–66) ...... 151759 Vol 44 The Christian in Society I ...... 171978 Vol 18 Lectures on the Minor Prophets I ...... 151760 Sermon on Marriage, Treatise on Good Works, and Christian Nobility Vol 19 Lectures on the Minor Prophets II Vol 45 The Christian in Society II ...... 171979 (Jonah, Habakkuk) ...... 151761 Covers domestic matters Vol 20 Lectures on the Minor Prophets III Vol 46 The Christian in Society III ...... 171980 (Zechariah) ...... 151762 Eight works written between 1525 and 1530 Vol 21 Sermon on the Mount and the Magnifi cat ...... 151763 Vol 47 The Christian in Society IV ...... 171981 Vol 22 Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Christian ethical attitude toward government, false doctrine, and the Jews Vol 48 Letters I ...... 171982 (Chapters 1–4) ...... 151764 Letters from 1507 to the end of Luther’s “exile” at the Wartburg in 1522 Vol 23 Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Vol 49 Letters II ...... 171983 (Chapters 6–8) ...... 151765 Offi cial and personal letters written after Luther’s return from the Wartburg Vol 24 Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Vol 50 Letters III ...... 171984 (Chapters 14–16) ...... 151766 Letters from 1531 to 1546 Vol 25 Lectures on Romans (Glosses and Scholia) ...... 151767 Vol 51 Luther’s Sermons I ...... 171985 Vol 26 Lectures on Galatians (Chapters 1–4) ...... 151768 Vol 52 Luther’s Sermons II ...... 171986 Vol 27 Lectures on Galatians (Chapters 5–6) ...... 151769 On the seven Gospels of the Christmas season Vol 53 Liturgy and Hymns ...... 171987 Vol 28 Selected Pauline Epistles ...... 151770 Luther’s chants and hymns in modern English, with music Vol 29 Lectures on Titus, Philemon, Hebrews ...... 151771 Vol 54 Luther’s Table Talk ...... 171988 Vol 30 The Catholic Epistles ...... 151772 Selections from more than 5,000 Table Talk entries in the Weimar Edition Vol 55 Luther’s Works Index ...... 171989 SET OF LUTHER’S WORKS, VOL. 1–30, PRINT EDITIONS The comprehensive index to the fi rst fi fty-four volumes of Luther’s Works Includes Luther the Expositor. SET OF LUTHER’S WORKS, VOL. 31–54, PRINT EDITIONS Save $184.45 over individual book prices. Includes the index. Save $121.25 over individual book prices.

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AMERICAN EDITION, Fall 2017 Forthcoming NEW SERIES COMPANION VOLUME: VOLUME 56: SERMONS III General Editors Dr. Christopher Boyd Brown and CONTEMPORARY BIOGRAPHY is volume includes sermons from 1522 to Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes. In the years immediately following Luther’s 1531, the decade in which the Reformation death in 1546, those who knew him best wrote was formulated. Sermons deal with the coming Hardback with jacket. $54.99 each their accounts of the reformer’s life and work. of Christ, angels, the Lord’s Supper, marriage, ese  rsthand accounts, o en overlooked by divorce, freedom of conscience, the Law of his modern biographers, show the man and the God, and the resurrection, as well as sermons times in which he lived, and thus provide a view of historical importance, such as for the burial New of Luther the reformer free from the clutter of of Frederick the Wise. e volume also features VOLUME 79: CHURCH POSTIL V modern constructs, as he was seen by those sermon series by Luther for Holy Week (1531), is volume completes the Church Postil, bring- who  rst embraced his message. is volume Easter (1526), and Pentecost (1529). ing forth Luther’s sermons on Epistle and Gos- is a monumental contribution to the biography pel texts from the Eleventh Sunday a er Trinity of the reformer at the 500th anniversary of the 155156 9780758613851 to the end of the Church Year, plus Luther’s beginning of the Reformation (2017). sermons on Ephesians 6:10–17, which have nev- er before been translated and were previously 155175 9780758614049 omitted from the Church Postil. 432 pages. 155180 9780758628206 Other Titles in the Series VOLUME 58: SELECTED SERMONS V VOLUME 69: JOHN 17–20 155158 9780758613875 155169 9780758613981 Recently Released VOLUME 59: PREFACES I VOLUME 75: CHURCH POSTIL I VOLUME 57: SERMONS IV 155159 9780758613882 155186 9780758628169 In the  rst few years a er the decisive Diet of VOLUME 60: PREFACES II VOLUME 76: CHURCH POSTIL II Augsburg (1530) and the evangelical confession 155160 9780758613899 155187 9780758628176 of faith presented there (the Augsburg Confes- sion), Luther grappled with how best to teach VOLUME 67: MATTHEW 1–18 VOLUME 77: CHURCH POSTIL III the doctrine of justi cation. Sermons dealing 155167 9780758613967 155188 9780758628183 with Christian righteousness and the proper VOLUME 68: MATTHEW 19–24 VOLUME 78: CHURCH POSTIL IV distinction of Law and Gospel show Luther 155168 9780758613974 155189 9780758628190 formulating this theme in a way that could be understood by his hearers for generations to come. 392 pages. Visit for complete information. 155157 9780758613868


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Hardback. $59.99 each. ON CREATION AND PREDESTINATION Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and Joshua J. Hayes 531148 9780758610119 ON THE MINISTRY, PART ONE Also available in digital format from Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes 531172 9780758625670 ON THE MINISTRY, PART TWO Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and Heath R. Curtis Visit 531193 9780758631169 ON THE CHURCH Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes • Get one volume each year. 531168 9780758618672 • Your subscription starts ON CHRIST Save 30% Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes with the newest volume and 531147 9780758610102 ONLY $41.99 EACH automatically continues until ON THE NATURE OF GOD AND ON THE TRINITY FOR SUBSCRIBERS. the series is complete. Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes 531144 9780758609892 • Subscribers can purchase Sign up at ON THE NATURE OF THEOLOGY AND ON SCRIPTURE previously published volumes Edited by Benjamin T. G. Mayes and begin building your at the same 30% discount. 531161 9780758615121 library today!

Fall 2017 ON INTERPRETING SACRED SCRIPTURE New AND METHOD OF THEOLOGICAL STUDY COMMENTARY ON Edited by Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, translated by Joshua J. Hayes 1 AND 2 TIMOTHY Holy Scripture is God’s Word put into writing through the prophets and Johann Gerhard; translated by Joshua J. Hayes apostles. But with several competing confessions all claiming to base Paul’s two letters to Timothy are among his their churches’ teachings on Holy Scripture, it becomes necessary to Pastoral Epistles, which explain the duties, discuss the right way to interpret the sacred text. In the commonplace On powers, and promises given to Christian Interpreting Sacred Scripture (1610), Gerhard  rst shows that Scripture’s true pastors and the people they serve. is meaning can indeed be understood by human beings. commentary by Johann Gerhard (1582– In his treatment of how to interpret Scripture, Gerhard explains the rule 1637) explains the biblical text, answers of faith, ways to remove obscurity from passages, the role of the Early doubtful questions, resolves apparent contradictions, and applies Church Fathers as teachers of Holy Scripture, the literal and mystical the text for teaching, admonishing, warning, and consoling senses of Scripture, allegory, dogmatic (doctrinal) exegesis, human God’s people. reason, and reconciling apparent disagreements in the Bible. Finally, e translation of the book from the original Latin was commis- Gerhard explains the three general requirements for interpreting Holy sioned by the class of 2017 of Concordia eological Seminary Scripture: prayer, meditation, and testing (oratio, meditatio, tentatio). in Fort Wayne, Indiana, as their class gi . is group of future is volume includes Gerhard’s  rst commonplace, On Sacred Scripture pastors decided to give a gi to the whole Church, one that (1610), which he treated more expansively in 1625 in his Exegesis com- speaks to the vocation upon which they are about to embark, monplaces (also published in this series), as well as his Method of eologi- and which instructs and edi es them in service to God’s people. cal Study (1620), included here as an appendix. 200 pages. Paperback. Not included with subscription. 531225 9780758656360 $33.99 531216 9780758649492

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New New LUTHERANISM 101: BEING LUTHERAN ALL ABOUT JESUS LIVING IN THE FAITH YOU Rev. Paul T. McCain is publisher and executive HAVE RECEIVED director of editorial at Concordia Publishing Rev. A. Trevor Sutton ( House. is a pastor in Haslett, Michigan, and a graduate While it sounds easy to say that without Jesus student in writing and rhetoric at Michigan State there is no Christianity, for some it is harder University. to believe such a claim. Relevant to both row out all those notions you might have lifelong Lutherans and those new to faith about what it means to be Lutheran. When in Jesus, this look at what Scripture teaches it comes down to it, being Lutheran is really about Jesus will strengthen your faith and understanding, and better very simple. It’s about following Jesus. We go prepare you to tell others about your Savior, Jesus Christ. where Jesus goes, we listen when Jesus speaks, 310 pages. Paperback. 120 pages. Paperback. we trust when Jesus promises. And we live because Jesus lives. 9780758651785 124397 9780758634078 $10.99 124473 $14.99 Visit for exclusive Fall 2017 videos and a free chapter. LUTHERANISM 101: WORSHIP “Trevor Sutton does a masterful job of articulating what it really means to be a Lu- Dr.  omas M. Winger is president and professor at Concordia Lutheran eo- theran. Whether you are a lifelong Lutheran, a Christian struggling in a pluralistic logical Seminary (CLTS), St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. world, or just someone seeking answers about who Jesus is, this book is well worth What is worship and, more speci cally, what is the Divine Service? is the experience of reading.” book explores the Lutheran teaching and practice surrounding both —Pastor Tim Niekerk, Lutheran worship and the Divine Service. Consistent with the popular Senior Pastor, Salem Lutheran Church, Tomball, TX style of the Lutheranism 101 series, Worship presents complex theological topics in an understandable way. “A contemporary presentation of Lutheranism on a popular level that does not stray from this ancient faith. It is an easy read with the depth of the Scriptures and the 120 pages. Paperback. catechism applied to our very real everyday situations. It covers modern concepts 124399 9780758634092 $10.99 with an un inching honesty and a clear-cut confession of the truth as revealed to us in Jesus. It is practical and useful to be given as a gi to someone who is looking for some devotional reading. It could be used as supplement to an adult instruction ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE 101 SERIES class. I see how this could be used in a congregation as a basic review of the faith in a Bible class setting. is is a doctrinal examination  t for laity to come to grips LUTHERANISM 101 LUTHERANISM 101: HOLY BAPTISM with why they believe what they do and a help for a pastor to better communicate Second Edition Rev. Charles R. Lehmann the living, breathing Gospel of Jesus Christ, a truly Lutheran enterprise.” 336 pages. Paperback 160 pages. Paperback. 124451 9780758648235 $20.99 124398 9780758634085 $10.99 —Rev. Mark A. Miller, LUTHERANISM 101: THE COURSE LUTHERANISM 101: THE LORD’S SUPPER President, Central Illinois District, LCMS Second Edition Rev. Kenneth W. Wieting 96 pages. Saddle-stitched. 164 pages. Paperback 124452 9780758648242 $7.99 124396 9780758634061 $10.99 LUTHERANISM 101 COMBO PACK LUTHERANISM 101—FOR KIDS (INCLUDES THE BOOK AND THE COURSE) Julie and Scott Stiegemeyer 124482 $21.99 64 pages. Paperback. C. F. W. WALTHER 562500 9780758637710 $7.99 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLION See all available titles in the series at 3" limited edition antique bronze medallion 361854 $27.00 See also

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Summer 2017 PSALM BY PSALM 365 SELECTED READINGS FROM MARTIN LUTHER Martin Luther’s writings on the Psalms remain a timeless collection of devotional thoughts. His sound, biblically faithful writing can help to  lter the distortion created by pop culture and contribute to a solid understanding of the Christian faith and its practice in the daily life of today’s readers. Each short devotion is adapted from the wealth of Luther’s writings and is selected from American Edition of Luther’s Works, including the new volumes being released.

392 pages. Paperback. 124507 9780758657091 $15.99


Even a er nearly 500 years, what you will read in this book sounds as though it were written yesterday. Martin Luther’s writings have a poignancy and power that continue to captivate readers. A daily dose of Luther is good for the soul, because Dr. Luther points us directly to Jesus Christ and the Gospel. ese daily readings . . . are drawn from the many volumes in the American Edition of Luther’s Works, including the new volumes now being released, thus providing material from Luther never before available to English-speaking readers. —From the introduction Features: • Classic writings that apply to contemporary life • Short, engaging, easy-to-read devotions • Priced and packaged for gi -giving 384 pages. Paperback. 124439 9780758646637 $15.99

See also

A YEAR IN THE NEW A YEAR IN THE OLD A YEAR WITH THE TESTAMENT TESTAMENT CHURCH FATHERS 465 pages. Paperback. Je rey Pulse Scott R. Murray 9780758625908 465 pages. Paperback. 424 pages. Paperback. 124365 $30.99 9780758625922 9780758625915 124367 $30.99 124366 $30.99

e PrayNow app puts the texts of the Bible, the hymnal, as well as meditations from the Church Fathers, along with orders that THE PASTOR READING THE PSALMS CONCORDIA PSALTER can be used for daily prayer, in AT PRAYER WITH LUTHER 360 pages. one convenient app. Revised Edition 368 pages. Hardback. Synthetic leather. 288 pages. Hardback. 9780758613752 9780758647696 Available both for iOS and Android 9780758649102 124304 $17.99 124447 $24.99 in the iTunes app store and via 124461 $24.99 Google Play. $8.99

14 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Pastoral Resources

New BUILDING UP THE BODY OF CHRIST SUPPORTING COMMUNITY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Dr. Bruce M. Hartung is professor emeritus of practical theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, where he served as the Dean of Ministerial Formation. He is a diplomate in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors and one of the association’s past presidents. Building Up the Body of Christ gives church leaders a guidebook for developing and nurturing church environments that are psychologically and spiritually healthy. Author Bruce Hartung combines research, real stories, and personal experience that will inspire you to reevaluate best practices for loving and serv- ing your neighbors at church.

New 206 pages. Paperback. 124438 9780758644428 $14.99 LETTERS FROM A PASTOR’S HEART Matthew C. Harrison is president of e Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Summer 2017 What does it mean to be pastoral? CONNECTED TO CHRIST Being a pastor always comes back WHY MEMBERSHIP MATTERS to being a shepherd—loving the souls surrounding you and leading Peter Speckhard is senior pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and by conviction of God’s Word of School, Munster, Indiana. truth. In an age when the value of organized religion is questioned, is collection of letters penned by membership in a congregation is o en seen as unnecessary, Rev. Harrison is a window into the sometimes undesirable, even among Christians. ose who do heart of a man who cares deeply seek out church membership may approach it with a market- about the spread of the Gospel and place mentality of “what can the church do for me?” Yet mem- the pastors and church members bership in the church is a gi from God for the believer’s and who do just that on a daily basis. the church’s good and bene t. ose who are already members of a Christian congregation, as well as those who are inquiring about membership in a church, will come to understand the 160 pages. Paperback. role of a member in the church and being part of its mission. 9780758656964 124505 $12.99 96 pages. Paperback. 155226 9780758657251 $5.99

See also

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New HAS AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY FAILED? Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller is pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado.

“In this sparkling handbook of Lutheran theology, the author draws on his own experience of popular American Christianity. Yet his focus is not on his own story but on the common impact of God’s Word as Law and Gospel on its hearers. Against the backdrop of its spiritually shallow and super cially biblical claims, he portrays the full counsel of God evangelically and sacra- mentally, with wit and verve, clarity and depth, passion and imagination.” —Rev. Dr. John Kleinig, Professor Emeritus, Luther College, Adelaide, SA, Australia

250 pages. Paperback. 124464 9780758649416 $16.99

THE DEFENSE NEVER RESTS SECOND EDITION Craig A. Parton (BA, MA, JD; is a trial lawyer and partner with the oldest law  rm in the western United States, located in Santa Barbara, California. He teaches each summer with John Warwick Montgomery at the International Academy of Apologetics in Strasbourg, France. “ is is a gold mine for our witness to Christ. But more than that, it  lls our own sails with con dence that the Gospel is more than wishful thinking. Resources like this don’t come along very o en. Grab the chance to be better prepared!” —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of eology, Westminster Seminary California 179 pages. Paperback. 124470 9780758650429 $12.99

STANDING FIRM A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO HOSTILITY AND PERSECUTION Dr. Jesse Yow ( serves on the LCMS Commission on eology and Church Relations. He is author of Faith and Science in a Skeptical Age (CPH 2014). God’s people are under attack—what’s our response? is book provides biblical perspectives to equip us for speaking about and living in the reality of persecution. In all circumstances, God promises to guide, use, and sustain us. Explore answers to questions such as these: When does hostility spill over into persecution? What does Scrip- ture tell us? What are God’s priorities? How does God support and encourage us?

244 pages. Paperback. 124459 9780758649218 $19.99

See also

AFRAID I AM NOT AFRAID: DE- MAKING THE CASE FOR THE AMERICAN Demon Possession and MON POSSESSION AND CHRISTIANITY MUHAMMAD Spiritual Warfare in America SPIRITUAL WARFARE Responding to Modern Joseph Smith, Founder of Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett True Accounts from the Objections Mormonism 216 pages. Paperback. Lutheran Church of Edited by Dr. Korey D. Rev. Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt 9780758649393 Madagascar Maas and Dr. Adam S. 296 pages. Paperback. 124463 $14.99 Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett Francisco 9780758640291 240 pages. Paperback. 224 pages. Paperback. 531199 $41.99 9780758641984 9780758644190 531204 $14.99 531208 $21.99

16 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Apologetics

New SEXUAL MORALITY IN A CHRISTLESS WORLD Dr. Matthew Rueger is pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Hubbard, Iowa. Author Matthew Rueger openly embraces the topic of sexuality, providing a framework for Christians to defend their beliefs by  rst exploring the relationship between sexual sin in ancient history and twenty- rst-century tangles of the same  avor. Topics such as temptation, promiscuity, marriage, homosexuality, natural law, and the church’s role in it all swirl together to reveal our unifying need for a Savior. Rueger writes compassionately with a father’s heart and adamantly with a  erce determination to outline the truth about sexual morality from a reasoned Christian perspective.

“In a wonderful, biblically faithful way, Rueger shows what it means to be a confessing Christian in the twenty- rst century as he turns our attention to the bold witness of the  rst-century Christians who stood out among a promiscuous society and turned the world to the Gospel. is book will help those su ering under sexual confusion with a biblical sexual morality that is both compassionate and Christ-centered.” —Rev. Gary W. Zieroth, DMin, Senior Pastor, St. John’s Lutheran Church and School, Chaska, MN Visit and download a free chapter. 184 pages. Paperback. 124501 9780758656384 $14.99

New ETHICS OF SEX FROM TABOO TO DELIGHT General Editor Dr. Gi ord A. Grobien is Assistant Professor of Systematic eology and Director of the DMin Program at Concordia eological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sex ethics, like all other ethics, is something that grows out of the forgiven life in the Spirit and ought not feel restrictive or limiting, but open to true life and freedom. In particular, it ought to point to the reconciled life of joy that the Church has with her Bridegroom, Jesus. Ethics of Sex discusses various issues arising from sexual ethics including the following: • Male and female sex di erences • Marriage • Polygamy • Contraception • Sex education • Self-pollution • Homosexuality • Transgenderism Visit and download a free chapter. 224 pages. Paperback. 124472 9780758651655 $16.99

See also

LUTHERANS AGAINST THE CHURCH FROM AGE FAITH AND SCIENCE IN A SPEAKING THE HITLER TO AGE SKEPTICAL AGE GOSPEL TODAY The Untold Story A History from Galilee Jesse Yow Robert Kolb Lowell C. Green to Global Christianity 272 pages. Paperback. 278 pages. Paperback. 394 pages. Hardback. 1,024 pages. 9780758644138 9780570042587 9780758608772 Paperback. 124437 $15.99 531018 $28.99 531137 $46.99 9780758626462 124370 $38.99



“In a very readable and lively fashion, Church History: e Basics o ers a global survey of history and historical theology from the time of the apostles to the present day. With insightful perspectives on evangelical heritage and user-friendly charts, this book tells a remarkable story of God’s people, called the Church.” —Chris Chun, PhD, Associate Professor of Church History, Golden Gate Baptist eological Seminary “Well researched, highly informative, and de nitely not boring. Readers will be edi ed seeing the ‘hand’ of God in how He preserved His Church through the ages in spite of numerous attacks from outside and from within her midst. It’s a must-have book for every congregation’s church library.” —Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Illinois College 392 pages. Paperback. 124480 9780758652713 $19.99

Summer 2017 THE LIFE OF CHRIST Rev. John Adam Fahling (1892–1945) Anyone who has read the four Gospels has probably wondered, how do the events of Christ’s life  t togeth- er? is newly updated volume answers that question, while also explaining why the Church rejected other accounts of Christ’s life that recent manuscript discoveries have brought to light. Author Adam Fahling’s unique commentary describes the most important life, from the most widely read book, from the most in uential religion in history. About the author: Like Jesus of Nazareth, Adam Fahling taught the Scriptures and cared for souls, serving as a parish pastor in Oklahoma and Michigan (1914–45). His research into the life of Christ led to requests that he prepare this book based on history, archaeology, geography, chronology, and Greek philology. Rejecting the modern quest for the “historical Jesus,” Fahling focused on the traditional accounts of Jesus’ life. e result is an unparalleled, readable biography and commentary on the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. 728 pages. Hardback. 012109 9780758644497 $32.99 See also

THE BIG BOOK OF NEW WHEN WAS JESUS PREPARE THE WAY OF FROM ABRAHAM TESTAMENT QUESTIONS REALLY BORN? THE LORD TO PAUL AND ANSWERS Steven L. Ware An Introduction to the Old A Biblical Chronology Michael Eschelbach 304 pages. Hardback. Testament Andrew E. Steinmann 688 pages. Paperback. 9780758641977 R. Reed Lessing and 464 pages. Hardback. 9780758649195 531203 $51.99 Andrew E. Steinmann 9780758627995 124458 $34.99 580 pages. Hardback. 531185 $81.99 9780758628329 531187 $51.99

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THE LUTHERAN STUDY BIBLE 2,500+ pages. Hardback. 012030 9780758617606 $54.99 Visit for additional binding styles.


520 pages. Hardback. 012065 9780758625472 $42.99 LUTHERAN BIBLE COMPANION (SET) VOLUME 1: INTRODUCTION AND OLD TESTAMENT 1,127 pages. VOLUME 2: INTERTESTAMENTAL ERA, NEW TESTAMENT, AND BIBLE DICTIONARY 1,011 pages. 012112 Two hardback volumes. 9780758647856 $79.98 (set) Visit for more information.

See also

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? STUDY GUIDE HISTORY OF THEOLOGY DISCOURSES IN (Second Edition, Revised) TO THE APOCRYPHA Fourth Revised Edition MATTHEW Principles of Biblical Lane Burgland Bengt Hägglund; trans- Jesus Teaches the Church Interpretation in the Post- 80 pages. Paperback. lated by Gene J. Lund David P. Scaer Modern World 9780758639547 432 pages. Hardback. 416 pages. Hardback. James W. Voelz 204167 $7.99 9780758613486 9780758603395 368 pages. Hardback. 155100 $38.99 124178 $29.99 9780570049838 123333 $36.99

THE SERMON ON THE FLOOD THE LAW IN HOLY FINDING THE LOST THE MOUNT In the Light of the Bible, SCRIPTURE Cultural Keys to Luke 15 The Church’s First Gospel Geology & Archaeology Edited by Kenneth E. Bailey Statement Alfred M. Rehwinkel Charles A. Gieschen 232 pages. Paperback. David P. Scaer 372 pages. Paperback. 252 pages. Hardback. 9780570045632 272 pages. Paperback. 9780570031833 9780758601322 124008 $22.99 9780570052548 122103 $22.99 531108 $26.99 124064 $27.99


FUNDAMENTAL GREEK GRAMMAR FOURTH EDITION Dr. James Voelz ( is Chair and Professor of Exegetical eology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Fundamental Greek Grammar: Fourth Edition provides the basis for solid instruction in New Testament Greek vo- cabulary, morphology, and syntax. It takes a fundamental approach, moving from the known to the unknown, from the easy to the more di cult. Dr. Voelz understands that learning a complex language is di cult, and he seeks to explain things in detail every step of the way. Includes vocabulary, paradigms, principal parts, exercises with answer key, pertinent Bible passages, and more. is updated edition features “English Review for Greek,” a refresher of English grammar basics.

408 pages. Hardback. 531213 9780758647627 $64.99 Video course available through iTunes U.

FUNDAMENTAL BIBLICAL HEBREW AND FUNDAMENTAL BIBLICAL ARAMAIC Dr. Andrew A. Bartelt ( and Dr. Andrew E. Steinmann ( Fundamental Biblical Hebrew is organized in a manner that facilitates learning and serves as an easy-to-use reference tool, including vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. While it serves as a basic Hebrew textbook and grammar for the purpose of theological study, it is useful for college, university, and seminary courses, as well as a desk reference for pastors en- gaged in the study of the Bible in its original language. Fundamental Biblical Aramaic helps students who possess a working knowledge of biblical Hebrew to gain reading pro ciency in biblical Aramaic. While it is not designed to introduce other Aramaic dialects, such as Old Aramaic, Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Palmyrene or Nabataean, it is written so that the advanced student who wishes to pursue further study by exploring ancient Aramaic dialects may do so. To that end, from time to time, reference is made to the historical developments in ancient Aramaic.

392 pages. Hardback. 531120 9780758605283 $64.99

See also

WORKBOOK AND SUP- INTERMEDIATE CONCORDIA HEBREW RELIGION AND PLEMENTARY EXERCISES BIBLICAL HEBREW READER: RUTH RESISTANCE IN EARLY FOR FUNDAMENTAL A Reference Grammar with John R. Wilch JUDAISM BIBLICAL HEBREW AND Charts and Exercises 206 pages. Paperback. Greek Readings in ARAMAIC Andrew E. Steinmann 9780758626172 1 Maccabees and Josephus 294 pages. Spiral- 270 pages. Paperback. 531174 $30.99 John G. Nordling bound paperback. 9780758625168 384 pages. Paperback. 970758606907 531170 $51.99 9780758626677 531129 $29.99 531177 $36.99

20 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Preaching Resources

New THE SALUTARY GIFT: LENT MEDITATIONS ON THE LORD’S SUPPER RESOURCES FOR LENT–EASTER PREACHING & WORSHIP Rev. Paul Beisel Within the solemn halls of the Lenten season, Christians gather around God’s Word in repentance of sins, preparation for recalling their Savior’s sacri ce, and thanksgiving for the cruci xion’s redemptive power. e theology of the Lord’s Supper mirrors this Lenten pilgrimage in many ways. Each weekly theme reveals a host of approaches for understanding the same sacramental gi : life-giving fruit, nourishment, healing, communion with the saints, a priestly meal, the feast of victory, and more. e CD-ROM features fully customizable resources for the pastor and musician: • Bible studies • Sermons and homiletic notes • Children’s messages • Full sets of worship resources—both traditional and creative settings • A new original hymn


155222 9780758657824 $44.99 Visit for - Free Samples DAILY DEVOTIONS - Series Features e coordinated daily devotions o er meditations on the biblical images and - Weekly Topics metaphors of the Lord’s Supper. - Promotional Tools 56 pages. Saddle-stitched 124496 9780758655561 $2.49 Order 25 or more copies of the daily devotions for only $1.00 each! Use promo code YRO. Promo pricing valid through April 2017.

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See page 22 for additional Lent–Easter Resources

WORSHIP PLANNING BOOK: YEAR A 2017 Designed with both pastor and musician in mind, this comprehensive planning calendar provides resources for the Sundays and principal feasts of Lutheran Service Book Year A, from the First Sunday in Advent (November 27, 2016) through the Last Sunday of the Church Year (No- vember 26, 2017).

992298 Paperback. 152 pages. $25.00 992298PDF Downloadable $25.00 Printed book also available as a subscription at $23.00. Call or visit to receive the subscription rate.


More Lent–Easter Resources

SINGING WITH THE CRUCIFIED KING MIRACLES THE EXILES Ralph G. Tausz OF LENT R. Reed Lessing CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM 155195 155140 155196 9780758638885 9780758626745 9780758639561 $44.99 $44.99 $44.99 DAILY DEVOTIONS 48 pages. Saddle-stitched. DAILY DEVOTIONS 124420 9780758639578 $2.49 48 pages. Saddle-stitched. 124347 9780758618702 $2.49

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See also

A LUTHERAN PRIMER GOSPEL HANDLES GOSPEL HANDLES PROCLAIMING FOR PREACHING Finding New Connections Old Testament Lessons THE PARABLES Edward O. Grimenstein in Biblical Texts Francis C. Rossow Martin H. Scharlemann 112 pages. Paperback. Francis C. Rossow 208 pages. Paperback 94 pages. Paperback. 9780758651495 352 pages. Paperback 9780758647801 122212POD $13.99 155219 $12.99 9780570033233 155214 $31.99 155052 $31.99

GOSPEL TALKS GOSPEL TALKS GOSPEL TALKS FOR KIDS FOR KIDS FOR KIDS Series A Series B Series C Catherine E. Schumacher Catherine E. Schumacher Catherine E. Schumacher CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM 9780758634399 9780758634405 9780758634382 124404 $17.99 124405 $17.99 124403 $17.99

22 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Historical and Practical Theology

New TEACHING THE FAITH AT HOME WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? HOW IS THIS DONE? Dr. David Rueter is the director of the DCE program at Concordia University, Irvine. In addition, he serves as the Youth and Family Ministry Facilitator for the Paci c Southwest District of e Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. A er assessing current trends in the faith development of youth, Dr. David Rueter wrote Teaching the Faith at Home to reveal why the historic model of teaching the catechism early in the home is key in keeping families connected to the Church. Part 1 focuses on laying a foundation for understanding the history, purpose, and theological reasons for catechesis. Part 2 is a practical look at strategies and models for catechetical instruction that can be shared at church and used in the home. Catechesis that’s grounded in family life is not a new idea, but it’s one that our fast-paced culture o en forgets and would do well to remember and cherish.

240 pages. Paperback. 124494 9780758654977 $17.99

New THE PEDAGOGY OF FAITH ESSAYS ON LUTHERAN EDUCATION General Editor Dr. Bernard Bull is Assistant Vice President of Academics and Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. From Law/Gospel distinction to Christology, this resource considers the essential teaching of the faith from cradle to grave, outlining an appropriate scope and sequence for lifelong learning that answers why teaching and learning the faith are of daily bene t to us. is book o ers a one-of-a-kind gi to the Lutheran teaching community in the twenty- rst century. It is ideal for education students in the classroom as well as for the professional development of educators who are already in the  eld. Explore an online learning community, essay discussion questions, and more at

240 pages. Paperback. 124483 9780758654496 $34.99

See also

THIS I RECALL WOMEN PASTORS? AT HOME IN THE HOUSE LUTHERAN EDUCATION Revised Edition Third Edition: The OF MY FATHERS From Wittenberg to John W. Behnken Ordination of Women Presidential Sermons, the Future Available through in Biblical Lutheran Essays, Letters, and omas Korcok Concordia on Demand. Perspective Addresses from the Missouri 328 pages. Paperback. Please allow two to four Edited by Synod’s Great Era of Unity 9780758628343 weeks for printing and Matthew C. Harrison and and Growth 531189 $42.99 shipping. Nonreturnable. John T. Pless Edited by 220 pages. Paperback. 538 pages. Paperback. Matthew C. Harrison 9780758648174 9780758631428 864 pages. Hardback. 151907POD $20.99 155192 $41.99 9780758630599 124386 $34.99

THE IDEA AND PRACTICE THE RESTORATION OF FAITH AND ACT INFANT BAPTISM OF A CHRISTIAN CREATION IN CHRIST The Survival of Medieval David P. Scaer UNIVERSITY Essays in Honor of Ceremonies in the Lutheran 224 pages. Paperback. A Lutheran Approach Dean O. Wenthe Reformation 9780758628336 Scott A. Ashmon, 352 pages. Hardback. Ernst Walter Zeeden; 531188 $37.99 general editor 9780758639516 translated by 336 pages. Paperback. 531198 $44.99 Kevin G. Walker 9780758650405 186 pages. Paperback. 531219 $39.99 9780758627018 531182 $38.99



“ e Book of Concord should be in every Lutheran home.” —C. F. W. Walther ( rst president of the LCMS) Edited by Rev. Paul T. McCain Concordia is a remarkable achievement in Lutheran publishing. e dramatic history and heroic persons associated with the Lutheran Con- fessions are brought to life in eight hundred beautifully presented pages. Here you will  nd introductions, insightful notes and annotations, and helpful tools and guides to aid reading and comprehension. Features: • More than 115 illustrations • 31 color plates illuminating the text of the Confessions • Historical timelines • Index of persons, places, and signi cant terms Pocket paperback. 4" × 6½". Confes- Deluxe duo-tone pocket edi- • One-year reading guide sional documents only. tion, shown above. 4" × 6½" 531167 9780758617200 $18.99 with durable cover, high-quality • User’s guide paper, and gilded page edges. Paperback. • Introductory essays providing an overview of the textual Confessional documents only. issues and historical events 531223 9780758651679 $24.99 531192 9780758630636 $49.99 Hardback, shown above. • A summary of the nature and meaning of the Church’s Bonded leather. commitment to the Lutheran Confessions 531154 9780758613431 $34.99 531157 9780758614070 $74.99 Genuine leather. Visit for 531158 9780758614087 $99.99 downloadable samples. Reliable. Credible.

See also Uniquely Lutheran.

CONCORDIA TRIGLOTTA A NEW LOOK AT THE LU- F. Bente; edited by W. H. T. Dau THERAN CONFESSIONS Bente’s Historical Introductions (item 1529–1537 531142), originally printed with the Holsten Fagerberg; trans- Concordia Triglotta, is sold separate- lated by Gene J. Lund ly. Available through Concordia on 320 pages. Paperback. Demand. Please allow four weeks for 9780570044994 printing and shipping. Nonreturnable. 123112 $24.99 1,280 pages. Paperback. 9780758627971 173938POD $69.99

TESTING THE BOUND- THAT I MAY BE HIS OWN THE SMALCALD ARTICLES THE AUGSBURG ARIES TO LUTHERAN An Overview of Luther’s AND THE POWER AND CONFESSION IDENTITY Catechisms PRIMACY OF THE POPE Concordia Reader’s Second Edition Charles P. Arand 56 pages. Edition Charles P. Arand 220 pages. Paperback. Saddle-stitched. 56 pages. 260 pages. Paperback. 9780570042624 9780758656681 Saddle-stitched. 9780758631374 531022 $25.99 531226 $4.99 9780758644350 155185 $41.99 531209 $4.99

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New New THE UNHOLY PRAYING LUTHER’S TRINITY SMALL CATECHISM MARTIN LUTHER AGAINST THE THE PATTERN OF SOUND IDOL OF ME, MYSELF, AND I WORDS Dr. Michael A. Lockwood is a pastor and Rev. John T. Pless is assistant professor of a member of the Commission on eology pastoral ministry and missions at Concordia and Inter-Church Relations in the Lutheran eological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Church of Australia. To pray the catechism is to learn how to Using key insights from Martin Luther, Dr. speak to God the Father in the name of the Lockwood unmasks contemporary idola- Son through the Holy Spirit. Praying Luther’s try and its futility in order to give pastors, Small Catechism moves sequentially through church workers, and theology students a tool to help them understand the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine with prayers developed out of the spiritual plight of our society. the catechetical material. Commentaries on the doctrine of each passage re ect on how the “Lockwood shows that God’s use of the Law—for Christians as well as for teaching shapes our praying. Accessible to the beginner but insightful non-Christians—includes the su erings of life that destroy our self-su ciency, for the wisest, this is a wonderful resource for pastors and veterans of which is the root of all idolatry. e book is full of practical suggestions for pastoral the Church, and for laypeople who serve as the heads (and catechetical care, as well as evangelistic outreach, and can be an enormously helpful resource for teachers) of their households. pastors.” —Gene Edward Veith, Professor Emeritus, Patrick Henry College 192 pages. Paperback. 124490 9780758654823 $8.99 280 pages. Paperback. 124506 9780758656971 $16.99

Fall 2017 Fall 2017 MARTIN LUTHER’S DEFENDING LUTHER’S BASIC EXEGETICAL REFORMATION Edited by John A. Max eld, Associate WRITINGS Professor of Religious Studies at Concordia Dr. Carl L. Beckwith, editor, teaches history University of Edmonton. and doctrine at Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, Alabama, and is associate Martin Luther has been accused of being a pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in Iron- religious fundamentalist, irascible, an op- dale, Alabama. ponent of personal freedom, an anti-Sem- ite, an opponent of capitalism, a proponent Among the areas of current emphasis in of blind submission to the government, the study of the Bible and theology is the and an oppressor of women. Charges like history of exegesis and the reception of the these have increased leading up to 2017, books of the Bible. e dissatisfaction with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. modern historical criticism and modern readings of Scripture have result- ed in strong interest in premodern and precritical readings of Scripture. Written by an international team of experts, Defending Luther’s Reformation assists Lutherans and other Christians in grasping the signi cance of Martin Luther (1483–1546) saw himself foremost as an expositor of the Martin Luther and the evangelical movement he initiated for the shaping Bible. is book, perfect for classroom and armchair, shows Luther’s of Christianity; in particular, the teaching and practices of the Evangel- theology as the explanation and unfolding of Holy Scripture. As an ical Lutheran Church since its confessional formation in the sixteenth introduction to Luther’s interpretation of Scripture for a broad reader- century. It equips readers to defend the existence of Lutheranism as a ship, Martin Luther’s Basic Exegetical Writings is a user-friendly volume that confession, dealing with both the successes and the failures of the Lu- explores Luther’s exegesis in a manageable anthology for the home library theran Reformation in achieving its goals of reform in doctrine and piety. or the classroom. is “best of the best” of Luther’s biblical commentaries In particular, it assesses controversial views of Martin Luther that were is perfect for anyone who wants the main points of Luther’s theology as either broadly received into later confessional Lutheranism or ignored or explained from Scripture. rejected. 472 pages. Paperback. e Reformation that Luther started and the heritage from this 155227 9780758657312 $24.99 Reformation still matter today. Defending Luther’s Reformation demonstrates this in a winsome and engaging way.

280 pages. Paperback. 124471 9780758650757 $29.99

@CPHACADEMIC CPH.ORG/ACADEMICBLOG 25 Luther Studies and Lutheran Theologians

Fall 2017 LUTHERANISM VS. CALVINISM: THE CLASSIC DEBATE AT THE COLLOQUY OF MONTBELIARD (1586) and  eodore Beza; translated by Dr. Clinton J. Armstrong In 1586, six years a er the Book of Concord was published, Lutheran theologian Jakob Andreae (1528–90) and Calvinist French Reformed theologian eodore Beza (1519–1605) met to debate the di erences between their two confessions. eir debate centered on the Lord’s Supper, the person of Christ, Baptism, and predestination. ese are the classic issues between these two Protestant confessions, and this is the classic debate between two leading theologians of the second generation of the Reformation. eir debate shows how Lutherans and Calvinists discussed the di erences between them in the sixteenth century. As Andreae demonstrates how to defend the Christian faith in debate, he also gives us a commentary on the Book of Concord, showing how one of its authors understood the distinctive teachings of the Lutheran Reformation.

520 pages. Paperback. 531220 9780758650771 $39.99

COMMENTARY ON LUTHER’S CATECHISMS Albrecht Peters; foreword by Gottfried Seebass Long the gold standard of research on Luther’s catechetical writings, this translation of Peters’s Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms places the catechisms in the larger context of the reformer’s writings and within the history of Christian teach- ing and theology.

CONFESSION AND CHRISTIAN LIFE LORD’S PRAYER Translated by omas H. Trapp Translated by Daniel ies 304 pages. Paperback. 240 pages. Paperback. 155095 9780758611529 $44.99 155093 9780758611505 $44.99 TEN COMMANDMENTS BAPTISM AND LORD’S SUPPER Translated by Holger K. Sonntag Translated by omas H. Trapp 334 pages. Paperback. 272 pages. Paperback. 155091 9780758611970 $44.99 155094 9780758611512 $44.99 CREED COMPLETE SET OF 5 BOOKS Translated by omas H. Trapp 155213 $224.95 280 pages. Paperback. 155092 9780758611499 $44.99

See also

FRIENDS OF THE LAW THE 1529 HOLY WEEK CHRISTIAN FREEDOM DIVINE KINGDOM, Luther’s Use of the Law for AND EASTER SERMONS Faith Working through HOLY ORDER the Christian Life OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER Love: A Reader’s Edition The Political Writings of Edward A. Engelbrecht Translated by Irving L. Martin Luther and Martin Luther 346 pages. Paperback. Sandberg; annotated by Philip Melanchthon Edited by Jarrett A. Carty 9780758631381 Timothy J. Wengert 272 pages. Hardback. 544 pages. Hardback. 124393 $41.99 178 pages. Paperback. 9780758631022 9780758627117 9780758647542 155184 $14.99 531183 $61.99 531040POD $25.99

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LETTERS TO CHEMNITZ’S WORKS LUTHERAN PASTORS EXAMINATION OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENT Hermann Sasse; edited and translated by Matthew Translated by Fred Kramer C. Harrison The Lutheran response to the Roman Catholic VOLUME 1 (1948–1951) Council of Trent; Chemnitz systematically responds 568 pages. Hardback. to each doctrinal statement, presenting the Lu- 531186 9780758628008 $36.99 theran position on Scripture, sin, justi cation, the Sacraments, the Mass, and the saints. VOLUME 2 (1951–1956) VOLUME 1 (712 pages) 512 pages. Hardback. 155122 9780758615404 $54.99 531201 9780758641557 $36.99 VOLUME 2 (784 pages) VOLUME 3 (1957–1969) 155123 9780758615411 $54.99 560 pages. Hardback. VOLUME 3 (528 pages) 531202 9780758641564 $36.99 155124 9780758615428 $54.99 VOLUME 4 (472 pages) 155125 9780758615435 $54.99 See also VOLUMES 1–4 155131 $179.99 MINISTRY, WORD, AND HERMANN SASSE SACRAMENTS A Man for Our Times? VOLUME 5: ENCHIRIDION, THE LORD’S SUPPER, AND THE LORD’S PRAYER An Enchiridion Edited by Translated by Luther Poellet, J. A. O. Preus, and Georg Williams ; trans- John R. Stephenson and Summarizes Christian doctrine, defends the real presence of Christ’s body and lated by Luther Poellet omas M. Winger blood in the Lord’s Supper, and explores each petition of the Lord’s Prayer. Available through 277 pages. Paperback. 592 pages. Concordia on Demand. 9780570042747 155126 9780758615442 $54.99 Please allow two to four 531033kin $23.99 weeks for printing and shipping. Nonreturnable. VOLUME 6: THE TWO NATURES IN CHRIST 176 pages. Paperback. Translated by J. A. O. Preus 9780758625595 Demonstrates the evangelical Christology of Lutheran reformers. 544 pages. PD0062 $26.99 155127 9780758615459 $54.99 COMMONPLACES THE CHIEF Loci Communes 1521 THEOLOGICAL TOPICS Philip Melanchthon. Loci Praecipui LOCI THEOLOGICI Translated with an Theologici 1559 Translated by J. A. O. Preus introduction and notes Philip Melanchthon Almost all of Chemnitz’s professional life was spent lecturing on Melanchthon’s Loci Communes by Christian Preus 592 pages. Hardback. . After Chemnitz died, his lecture notes were published as a 224 pages. Paperback. 9780758626875 commentary on this classic Lutheran text that explores all the major theologi- 9780758644459 531181 $51.99 cal categories. 155211 $21.99 VOLUME 7 (584 pages) VOLUMES 7–8 155128 9780758615466 $54.99 155130 $89.99 VOLUME 8 (848 pages) VOLUMES 1–8 Complete Set WE CONFESS HERE WE STAND 155129 9780758615473 $54.99 155132 $377.99 ANTHOLOGY Nature and Character Hermann Sasse. Trans- of the Lutheran Faith lated by Norman Nagel Hermann Sasse VOLUME 9: CHURCH ORDER 400 pages. Paperback. 192 pages. Paperback. Martin Chemnitz and Jakob Andreae; translated by Matthew Harrison, Jacob Corzine, 9780570042785 9780859104296 and Andrew Smith 531037 $33.9 176508 $19.99 Shows not just what the Reformation believed, but how the Lutheran Reforma- tion put that faith into action and handed down the faith by means of orderly worship, church governance, and education. Hardback. 155215 9780758648105 $54.99

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UPDATED! THE ALTAR GUILD MY HELP IS IN THE LORD WELCOME TO MANUAL Orders and Hymns for the OUR CHURCH Lutheran Service Book Ministry of Care and Mercy A Handbook for Edition 40 pages. Greeters and Ushers Lee A. Maxwell Saddle-stitched. Annette Schroeder 128 pages. Paperback. 078777068615 48 pages. 9780758613769 101792 $3.99 Saddle-stitched. 155102 $18.99 9780758649157 142158 $4.99

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336 pages. Hardcover. 124492 9780758654939 $59.99

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