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Professional & Academic 2017 CATALOG Reliable. Credible Professional & Academic CELEBRATING CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2017 CATALOG Reliable. Credible. Uniquely Lutheran. CPH.ORG NEW RELEASES PAGE 4 PAGE 9 PAGE 15 PAGE 17 PAGE 21 PAGE 29 PAGE 11 PAGE 10 PAGE 18 2 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 FEATURED REFORMATION TITLES PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 25 PAGE 25 PAGE 25 PAGE 25 PAGE 26 PAGE 33 PAGE 7 @CPHACADEMIC CPH.ORG/ACADEMICBLOG 3 Concordia Commentary Series Forthcoming 2017 HEBREWS John W. Kleinig 2 SAMUEL Andrew E. Steinmann New ROMANS 9–16 Dr. Michael P. Middendorf ( is Professor of eology at Concordia University Irvine, California. Romans conveys the timeless truths of the Gospel to all people of all times and places. at very fact explains the tremendous impact the letter has had ever since it was rst written. In this letter, Paul conveys the essence of the Christian faith in a universal manner that has been cherished by believers—and challenged by unbelievers—perhaps more so than any other biblical book. In this commentary, you’ll nd the following: • Clear exposition of the Law and Gospel theology in Paul’s most comprehensive epistle • Passage a er passage of bene cial insight for preachers and biblical teachers who desire to be faithful to the text • An in-depth overview of the context, ow of Paul’s argument, and commonly discussed issues in each passage • Detailed textual notes on the Greek, with a well-reasoned explanation of the apostle’s message “ e thorough, thoughtful, and careful interaction with other interpreters of Romans and contemporary literature that runs through the commentary is truly excellent. Yet Middendorf listens rst and foremost to the text and faithfully formulates his own answers to interpretive questions. His patient hearing of the text will bring other readers of Romans to do so as well. His cross-referencing and review of earlier sections of his argument is especially useful and will help others to understand the message of Romans as a whole. is commentary will have its impact in the pulpit and in the pew.” —Dr. Mark Seifrid, Professor of Exegetical eology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis 928 pages. Hardback with jacket. 156074 9780758638670 $54.99 New 1 SAMUEL Dr. Andrew E. Steinmann ( is Professor of eology and Hebrew at Con- cordia University Chicago in River Forest, Illinois. e Book of Samuel contains some of the most memorable accounts of the Bible: Han- nah’s prayer for a son and trust in the coming Messiah, God calling Samuel at night in the tabernacle, the capture of Yahweh’s ark and the death of the high priest Eli, the anointing of Saul as Israel’s rst king and his subsequent apostasy, the battle of David and Goliath, the messianic promise of the Son of David who will build God’s house, and David’s adultery with Bathsheba followed by his confession and absolution by the prophet Nathan. ese incidents are skillfully narrated so that readers feel the tension, pathos, failures, and triumph of God’s people under their kings. e lowly shepherd David from Bethlehem is anointed to be king of Israel, typifying the life, ministry, and eternal reign of the cruci ed and risen Christ. Even David’s notorious sins pro- vide opportunities for God to demonstrate the forgiveness he freely bestows through David’s greater Son and Lord. 693 pages. Hardback with jacket. 156048 9780758606945 $54.99 4 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Concordia Commentary Series • Get two volumes each year, in summer and winter. • Your subscription starts with the newest volume and Save 30% automatically continues until the series is complete. ONLY $38.49 EACH • Subscribers can purchase previously published volumes at FOR SUBSCRIBERS. the same 30% discount. Sign up at and begin building your library today! Also available in digital format from . Visit Other Titles in the Series $54.99 each. Hardback with jacket. L John W. Kleinig M :–: Jeffrey A. Gibbs 654 pages 156002 9780570063179 584 pages 156017 9780758603180 J Adolph L. Harstad M :–: Jeffrey A. Gibbs 938 pages 156004 9780570063193 520 pages 156058 9780758610997 R John R. Wilch M :–: James W. Voelz 458 pages 156039 9780570063889 623 pages 156018 9780758603142 E N Andrew E. Steinmann L :–: Arthur A. Just Jr. 736 pages 156064 9780758615961 448 pages 156019 9780570042549 P Andrew E. Steinmann L :–: Arthur A. Just Jr. 760 pages 156047 9780758603203 682 pages 156032 9780570062905 E James G. Bollhagen J :–: William C. Weinrich 504 pages 156038 9780570063872 917 pages 156020 9780758603197 T S S Christopher W. Mitchell R – Michael P. Middendorf 1,344 pages 156010 9780570062899 848 pages 156022 9780758638823 I – R. Reed Lessing C Gregory J. Lockwood 789 pages 156041 9780758602688 688 pages 156034 9780570063148 I – R. Reed Lessing G A. Andrew Das 613 pages 156063 9780758615954 808 pages 156062 9780758615527 E – Horace D. Hummel E Thomas M. Winger 648 pages 156013 9780758603159 895 pages 156033 9780570063131 E – Horace D. Hummel C Paul E. Deterding 924 pages 156051 9780758610010 224 pages 156026 9780758603135 D Andrew E. Steinmann P John G. Nordling 688 pages 156049 9780758606952 432 pages 156045 9780758602725 A R. Reed Lessing P J Curtis P. Giese 744 pages 156060 9780758612694 442 pages 156050 9780758606969 J R. Reed Lessing – J Bruce G. Schuchard 496 pages 156046 9780758602732 798 pages 156061 9780758614438 R Louis A. Brighton 696 pages 156031 9780570063124 @CPHACADEMIC CPH.ORG/ACADEMICBLOG 5 Historical Theology THE PASTOR Wilhelm Loehe; translated by Wolf Knappe; edited by Rev. Charles Schaum. Never before translated into English, e Pastor is a practical handbook for clergy who em- brace the Reformation. Encounter newly uncovered perspectives from nineteenth century clergyman Wilhelm Loehe as he explains the how and why of a pastor’s duties in the “one holy catholic and apostolic church.” He clari es not just Lutheran pastoral practice in the nineteenth century, but also what it means to apply the Means of Grace to God’s people in the twenty- rst century, in harmony with the Church of all ages. Topics include the following: • Pastoral practice and ethics • Homiletics • Catechesis • Liturgics • Pastoral care and counseling “Loehe’s e P a s t o r is of great bene t, especially for Lutheran pastors today. Loehe, a German Lutheran living in the 1800s, was an expert in the pastoral and devotional literature of Lutheranism and of the Early Church. He brings forth these old treasures in this, his pastoral theology, and by doing so he opens a door to areas of divine wisdom that most modern pastors do not even know exist. From pastoral forma- tion to Lutheran ‘ascetic literature’ to Lutheran casuistry (solving di cult issues, cases of conscience) to worship and preaching, the old words of Wilhelm Loehe are new and contemporary to us.” —Matthew C. Harrison, President, e Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod 360 pages. Paperback. “When Wilhelm Loehe died in 1872, he le behind a legacy in missions and diaconal work that is rightly celebrated down to the present day. His approach to pastoral theology was eclipsed by clinical approaches 531218 9780758650276 $39.99 to pastoral care, which were long on psychological theory but short on theology. Now e P a s t o r makes his rich and re ective work as a shepherd who cared for Christ’s people available to an English-speaking audience. e wisdom contained in this book was shaped by Loehe’s own life under the cross, which pressed him into the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. e P a s t o r is a classic work in the care of souls. I look forward to using it as a text in my own classes in pastoral theology.” —John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry & Missions, Concordia eological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN See also KATHARINA VON BORA THE LIFE, WORK, AND INFLUENCE THE MOTHER A Reformation Life OF WILHELM LOEHE OF THE REFORMATION Rudolph K. and Marilynn Morris 1808–1872 The Amazing Life and Story of Markwald Erika Geiger; translated Katharine Luther 256 pages. Paperback. by Wolf Dietrich Knappe Ernst Kroker; translated by Mark E. 9780758600004 296 pages. Paperback. DeGarmeaux 124124 $26.99 9780758626660 288 pages. Paperback. 531176 $41.99 9780758635266 124406 $20.99 THE CHRISTIAN YEAR FREDERICK THE WISE TRAVELING WITH MARTIN LUTHER OF GRACE Seen and Unseen Lives of A Tour Guide to the Reformation in Germany Johann Spangenberg; translated and Martin Luther’s Protector Cornelia Dömer edited by Matthew Carver Sam Wellman 148 pages. Paperback. 536 pages. Paperback. 368 pages. Paperback. 9780758625571 9780758647283 9780758649171 124362 $23.99 531212 $46.99 124457 $25.99 6 VISIT CPH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-325-3040 Historical Theology New LIVES & WRITINGS OF THE GREAT FATHERS OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Authored by a team of experts and edited by Dr. Timothy Schmeling with an introduction by Dr. Rob- ert Kolb, this is a handbook to the chief confessional Lutheran pastors and theologians from the era of Lutheran Orthodoxy (1580–1700), providing the story of the lives of the great Fathers of the Lutheran Church and translations of their best writings. “ is book provides an excellent and much-needed introduction to the major writers of Lutheran Ortho- doxy. is is the era in which the theology of the Reformation was nely tuned and developed to meet the challenges of the early modern era, not only in polemics, but also in biblical exegesis and philosophy. e scholars who produced this volume are expert and insightful, and the format of the volume serves well to introduce the Lutheran orthodox and to guide readers into the signi cant aspects of their thought.
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