19 049839 Bindex.Qxp 11/2/06 5:57 PM Page 276
19_049839 bindex.qxp 11/2/06 5:57 PM Page 276 Index Numbers and Symbols Ruy, 114 50-move rule, 27, 184 value of Knight vs., 55, 59 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate (Fred Reinfeld), 140 Bishop sacrifice on f7, 234–235 A Greco’s, 227–231 absolute pin, 58 on h6, 231–234 active square, 257 Bishop strategy a-file, 5 dominating Knights, 55 Alapin, Semion, 125 dominating Rooks, 60–61 Alekhine, Alexander fianchetto, 56 and Alekhine’s Defense, 102, 121 against good Knights, 59 and Benoni, 144 good vs. bad, 54 Alekhine’s Defense, 102, 121–122 and opposite-colored Bishops resulting in draws, 57 Anastasia’s mate, 198 pins, 58 attack. See also specific pieces and specific strategies skewers, 58 developing pieces prior to, 100–101 black. See also specific pieces and strategies Dragon variation, 216–217, 236, 238 Avant-Garde, 138 English, 218–220 choice of, 9 in five steps to victory, 149, 150 Hedgehog, 136–137 Four Pawns, 122 notation of moves by, 102 Fried Liver, 221–225 Queening squares for, 35 King’s Indian, 132–134 Blackburne, Joseph Henry (Black Death) by Knight from center of board, 46–47 and Blackburne’s mate, 201 notation for, 18 and Scotch game, 115 securing King before, 85–86 Blackburne’s mate, 201 Avant-Garde, 138 blockade of isolated pawns, 70 B of passed pawns, 77 back rank checkmate, 41, 192–193 Blockade (Aron Nimzovitsch), 148 backward pawn, 71 Boden, Samuel, 199 balance, recapturing for, 19 Boden’s mate, 199–200 Benoni, 144–145 books about chess, 140 Bishop(s) (B) Botvinnik, Mikael, 141 avoiding exchange of Knights for, 107 Bronstein, David, 140 capture by, 13 building a bridge, 254 checkmate with King, Knight, and, 184–187 C checkmate with King and two, 180–183 checkmate with two, 201 Capablanca, Jose, 120 described, 7 capture.
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