EAST ZONE 1 01.04.2018 Prof Madhusudan Chakrabarty Vice chancellor Adamas University, Kolkata East
[email protected]; 14.11.2009 Prof Mohammad Ali Vice Chancellor Aliah University, II-A/27, New Town, Kolkata 700 East
[email protected]; 2 156 01.04.2017 Prof Dhrubajyoti Vice Chancellor Amity University West Bengal, Kolkata, Major East
[email protected]; Chattopadhyay Arterial Road, Action Area II, Rajarhat, New Town, 3 Kolkata. 29.05.2019 Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Vice Chancellor Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Dist East East
[email protected]; 4 Siang 791 102 Arunachal Pradesh 10.06.2014 Prof V K Kawatra Vice Chancellor Aruanchal University of Studies , NH-52, Namsai, East
[email protected]; 5 District 792 103 Arunachal Pradesh 792 103 01.04.2012 Dr A K Agarwal Vice Chancellor Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Chanakya East
[email protected]; National Law University Campus, Mithapur, Patna 6 800 001 7 01.04.1974 Dr K M Bujarbaruah Vice chancellor Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat East
[email protected]; 26.11.2013 Fr Dr Stephen Mavely Vice Chancellor Assam Don Bosco University, Tapesia Gardens, East
[email protected]; 8 Kamarkuchi, Sonapur- 782402 Assam - INDIA 01.04.2013 Prof Munindra Kakati Vice chancellor Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative East
[email protected]; Mgmnt, Dadadhar Nagar, Basic Tiniali,Joysagar, 9 Sivasagar,Assam-785665 1.4.2016 Prof Dhiraj Bora Vice Chancellor Assam Science and Technology University, Tetlia East
[email protected]; 10 Road, Jalkubari Guwahati 781 012, Assam 11 01.04.1994 Prof Dilip Chandra Nath Vice Chancellor Assam University, Silchar 788 011 East
[email protected]; 29.05.2019 Prof.