1 Curriculam Vitae OF Devendra Nath Tiwari, -Professor of Philosophy & Religion, Department of Philosophy & Religion, (Oct2007-onward), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-5,India. -Adjunct Professor, International Centre for Spiritual Studies, (2013- contd) Islamic University of Science &Technology, Awantipora (J&K) -Formerly Professor of Philosophy, (July 1996- Oct. 2007) L.N.Mithila University, Darbhanga – 846004. -Fellow, ICPR, New Delhi, -Head, Department of Philosophy & Religion, (Feb.2010- feb.2013), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-5 - ICCR Chair of Sanskrit and Indian Philosophy, (Oct.2014- March2017).. Mauritius. …………………………………………………………………………………… 1. NAME: DEVENDRA NATH TIWARI 2. DESIGNATION: PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY, VARANASI-5 3. FATHER‟S NAME: LATE MAHATAM NATH .TIWARI 4. DATE OF BIRTH: 02.09.1955. 5. NATIONALITY: INDIAN 6. ADDRESS (PERMANENT): B.20/185, BHELUPUR, VARANASI-10 & (CORRESPONDENCE): Tel.no.9956231085(M), 2
[email protected] [email protected] 7. Academic Qualifications: 1979, Ph.D. Department of Philosophy and Religion, Banaras Hindu University. 1977, M.A. Ist Division, Banaras Hindu University, Subject- Philosophy 8. Research projects Completed- A. Ph.D. work published under the title „The Upanisadic View of Life‟, Published, 1986 B. Post-doctoral fellow of ICPR, 1994-96 on Bhartrhari‟s Philosophy of Language, Published later in 2008 by ICPR, New Delhi under the Title „The Central Problems of Bhartrhari‟s Philosophy‟ C. Researchers & Research Fellow of International Association for East-West Studies, California, USA. D. Research member of go: India Project of University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 9. Foreign Countries Visited: i. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, participated in the Kick off Seminar of the Project of „Go India, from 6th June 2012 to 15th June 2012, of which I was a research member.