Slu-SUP AID BEATS COMMIE DOCK GRAB Slu-SUP SEAMEN MASS Seafarers' Help Turns Tide SIU Strikes First Blow Against WSA in Longshore Raid; Rout NEW YORK
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-we***) Official Organ of the Atlantic and Gulf District^ Seafarers International Union of North America Vol. VII. NEW YORK, N. Y„ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1945 No. 43 SlU-SUP AID BEATS COMMIE DOCK GRAB SlU-SUP SEAMEN MASS Seafarers' Help Turns Tide SIU Strikes First Blow Against WSA In Longshore Raid; Rout NEW YORK. Oct. 25—A mo- lion calculated to put the WSA Medical Division out of Commies With Counter-raily business was unanimously passed last night by the regti- United Action by the SIU-SUP, the ILA longshore lar fortnightly meeting of the men and the AFL Teamsters decisively defeated the attempt SIU in the Port of New York. of few communist-led "rank and file" longshoremen to The leadership was instructed swing the AFL longshoremen into the ranks of Harry to inform the necessary parties that henceforth no member of Bridges CIO outfit, and to take over control of the New York waterfront for the Com-^——— r the SIU would go to the WSA munist party. doctors for examination in this port. The communists leadership Speakers for the motion "called off the strike" when they pointed out that the WSA med were faced with the fact that the ics sought to perpetuate their Wearing their now famous white caps, members of the Sea dockworkers, had voted to go back pro-shipowner and anti-seaman farers Internationcd Union mass on New York's Broad Street to stop to work, determined to settle agency into the postwar pe communist hijacking of the AFL longshore union. They stopped it. their own affairs without com riod: agreements between the munist direction, leaving as the operators and the Union pro only "rank and filers" Joe Stack, vided for examination by the Harry Bridges, William Warren, company doctors, not the WSA; J list For The Rec ord and Salvatore Barone. the incompetency of the Med Warren and Barone, spokesmen ical Division had been proved By PAUL HALL for the insurgents, admitted the beyond doubt; the cost of During the past few weeks front. simply because charge of communist domination, maintaining the bureau was an of the longshore beef, the they have continually sold after the action had fizzled, prov unnecessary expense to the Seafarers' fight against the the maritime workers down ing the accusations of the SIU- taxpayers. communist infiltration of the the river at the whim of a SUP. (See the story on Warren The action is to lake effect waterfront and their attempt foreign government, and even statement in the first column of immediately. worse at the beckoning of a this page.) ed union raid has been quoted Telling him off: J. P. Shuler. (and often misquoted) with phony political party. The original walkout of the N. Y. Palrolman resents the cops We will continue to fight longshoremen, arising out of an approval by the country's pushing him around, and tells ILA dispute, attracted the at leading anti-labor papers. ALL these sellout artists— them so. 'We Were Diiped' Just for the record, we the communists — the ship tention of the National Maritime Union and fellow communists, want to affirm our position owner — the phony govern beef. Commie goon .squads toured against the things these pro- ment bureaus — for NONE who saw in it an opportunity to Says Warren-CP capture the ILA and strengthen the waterfront, intimidating the shipowner. anti-labor, union- OF THEM MEAN ANY longshoremen to continue their busting papers stand for. GOOD TO SEAMEN. TO US the steadily weakening position of the NMU. "spontaneous" walkout. Led Dock Beef The SIU is proud of its THEY ALL STAND FOR At this point the Seafarers In THE SAME THING—SELL ^ ^ . Charges hurled by the SUP- militant record on the water Gene Sampson, spokesman for ternational Union and the Sailors front. We have been fighting ING THE SEAMEN DOWN f SIU that the communists were Local 791 of the ILA, lead his Union of the Pacific affirmed the communists on the water- THE RIVER. attempting to dominate the 18- men back to work when the com their support of the AFL long .day strike of New York long munists tried to take over the shoremen in resisting the com shoremen to sabotage the work leadership of the action. The munist attack on a AFL water ers' gains, were proven this week other locals involved quickly front union. An action and with the statements of Wrri. War SIU Asks Changes In Bill streamed back to work when the strategy committee was elected ren and Sal Barone, leaders of commie touch was exposed: the by them and worked closely with the small rebel group. rallying of the NMU and Harry a longshore committee elected • "We are dopes and know we Of RightsTo Protect Seamen Bridges to the forefront of the from the docks. Leaflets were nre dopes," Warren and Barone distributed and demonstrations said in a signed statement pub A statement by Harry Lundeberg, President of the were called to publicly show sea lished by New York newspapers. men supported the right of the "We have been duped by the Seafarers International Union, on the proposed Merchant AFL trade unionists to decide Communists of the NMU and our Seamen's War Service Act (The Seamen's Bill of Rights) their own problems against in • attornies, Witt and Cammer. We H. R. 2.H6, was read before the House Committee of terference from a political con saw Frederick N. Myers, vice- spiracy. president of the National Mari Merchant Marine and Fisheries* Under the leadership of Joe erica, which represents 60,000 Ac time Union distributing money to by Matthew D. Dushane, Wash Stack, NMU port agent, the com tive seamen, affiliated with the men at President and Columbia ington representative of the SIU. munists rallied a number of Streets, in Brooklyn. He got American Federation of Labor, I their seamen to "represent" the The statement was a compre $25,000 to distribute among the am giving you our opinion, ob longshoremen for a "mass de hensive analysis of the bill, and men to stay out of the docks. jections and suggestions in re monstration" before the SIU hall made suggestions which the Sea And he was giving plenty of gard to the various phases of —h a v i n g properly provided farers feels are necessary for the them ten and fifteen dollars H.R. 2346. Our organization has themselves with a troop of protection and welfare of the • apiece. We know many of the analyzed the proposed bill for a mounted policemen for pi-otec- merchant seamen. men who -received that much, period of months and the mem tion. The complete statement fol bership has discussed it exten • and more." A scene from the SIU-SUP Later that day, the commies lows; sively at our various meetings. Allegedly the men receiving turned tail and ran before a Following is our analysis of each demonstration: New Yorkers find money from Myers and the NMU On behalf of the Seafarers In out what seamen think of Harry counter-demonstration called by (Continued on Page }) ternational Union of North Am (Continued on Page 4) Bridges. Harry already kneVr. (Continued on Page 2) Page Two THE SEAFARERS LOG SEAFARERS LOG Published Weekly by the SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA Atlantic and Gulf District Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor At SI Beaver Street, New York 4, N. Y. HAnover 2-2784 4. 4. t 4. HARRY LUNDEBERG ------- President 105 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. JOHN HAWK - -- -- -- - Secy-Treas. P. O. Box 25, Station P., New York City MATTHEW DUSHANE - - - - Washington Rep. 424 5 th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Entered as second class matter June 15, 1945, at the Post Office in New York, N. Y., under the Act of August 24, 1912. •267 Trying Again In an attempt to increase controls over merchant sea men, the shipowners, through their Propeller Club of New Lgndon, are campaigning for a law to put merchant sea men in pretty uniforms and make them part of the naval reserve, as part of the armed forces. Like their landlubber allies who are advocating a large conscript army as a cure for wars and unemployment, the proponents of the uniforms are using the old "patriotic approach" to sell their bill of goods. Designed to eliminate direct collective bargaining, the plan would make every merchant seaman a reservist sub ject to military duty at call. Although Admiral Land de nied that such a set-up would interfere with collective bar gaining, it is obvious that any strike action would be con sidered a strike against government and therefore (to bu reaucracy's mind) illegal. Obviously the strike could be SlU Routs CP broken even before it started by simply having the govern ment recall the reservists to active duty and have them In Dock Grab work their own struck ships. (Continued from page 1) A famous case of Coast Guard interference with col the SIU-SUP on Broad Street. More leaflets poured from the lective bargaining occured in Pennsylvania some time ago. Indian Seamen tion and the calling of an inter national conference to consider SIU presses and the longshox-e- Despite promises to the union involved that the plant Present Demands their program. men, assured that the seamen ' were with them, went back to guards would remain under the collective bargaining agree Seamen: Propose to renew all Demands of Indian Seamen work in defiance of the commie effort to establish the Interna ment if they would voluntarily become Coast Guard Police, were outlined recently by Mr.