
Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study


August 2006


Appendix A – Benefits of Open Space 1

Appendix B – Household Survey and Covering letter 5

Appendix C – Site Audit by Analysis Area 13

Appendix C a – Site Audit by Typology 31

Appendix D – Site Assessments Definitions and Matrix 46

Appendix E – Quality Standards 53

Appendix F – Quality Standards 67

Appendix G – Accessibility Standards 80

Appendix H – Quantity Standards Worksheet 93

Appendix I – National Strategic Context 96

Appendix J – Quality Benchmarking 107

Prepared by PMP 3 Brunel Court Gadbrooke Park Northwich Cheshire CW9 7LP





Wider Benefits of Open Space

• providing safe outdoor areas that are available to all ages of the local population to mix and socialise • social cohesion - potential to engender a sense of Social community ownership and pride • providing opportunities for community events, voluntary activities and charitable fund raising • providing opportunities to improve health and take part in a wide range of outdoor sports and activities. • providing easily accessible recreation areas as an alternative to other more chargeable leisure pursuits • offers wide range of leisure opportunities from informal Recreational leisure and play to formal events, activities and games. • open spaces, particularly parks, are the first areas where children come into contact with the natural world • play opportunities are a vital factor in the development of children. • reducing motor car dependence to access specific facilities • providing habitats for wildlife as an aid to local biodiversity • helping to stabilise urban temperatures and humidity Environmental • providing opportunities for the recycling of organic materials • providing opportunities to reduce transport use through the provision of local facilities. • valuable educational role in promoting an understanding of Educational nature and the opportunity to learn about the environment • open spaces can be used to demonstrate virtues of sustainable development and health awareness. • adding value to surrounding property, both commercial and residential, thus increasing local tax revenues • contribution to urban regeneration and renewal projects Economic • contributing to attracting visitors and tourism, including using the parks as venues for major events • encouraging employment and inward investment • complementing new development with a landscape that enhances its value.







What do you think of open space, sport and recreational facilities in Hambleton District?

Dear Resident,

Hambleton District Council is working in partnership with PMP, a specialist sport and leisure consultancy to undertake an assessment of open space across the District. The study will look at how open spaces, sport and recreation facilities are currently being used and whether they meet the needs of residents both now and in the future.

We very much hope you can spare 15 minutes to complete the attached survey. It will be used to help us to continue to improve our existing open spaces, sport and recreation facilities and make sure future provision is based on your needs and views. All completed surveys will be entered into a draw to win £100.

Your household is one of 5000 randomly selected to provide us with an insight into residents’ opinions. Even if you don’t use open spaces or sport and recreation facilities we are keen to hear your views. All the answers you give will be treated as confidential. When completing the survey please answer the questions in relation to the open spaces near to your home.

The survey is quick and easy to answer. Please try to answer as many questions as possible by placing a tick in the boxes or writing your answer in the space provided. Please return your survey even if you are unable to answer all of the questions, as any information you provide will be of great use to us.

We would like to hear the views of the widest possible range of people. Therefore please ask the person in your household who will next have their birthday to complete the survey. This includes children aged 10 and over.

If you have any questions or need any help completing the questionnaire please phone Stephen Ottewell or Gary Grocock at PMP on 01606 49582. Alternatively, you can write to myself or email your views to [email protected]

Please return your completed survey in the pre-paid envelope provided by 30th June 2006. Please fill in the slip below and enclose it with the completed questionnaire for your chance to win £100.

Many thanks for your help with this survey; as this is a limited small sample survey it is therefore very important you complete and provide us your views.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Ottewell Consultant PMP

FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £100, Please complete (and enclose with your completed questionnaire in the pre-paid envelope): Name: Address:

Telephone Number:


Hambleton Open Space Survey


Parks - These range from large country parks to urban parks and small memorial formal gardens Natural areas - Woods, Nature Reserves and unmanaged greenspaces such as scrubland Green Corridors - These are footpaths, canal towpaths, bridleways and cycleways Amenity areas - These are small or large greenspaces often found amongst housing estates (eg. Village Greens) Play areas for Children - These are equipped play areas for children (eg. swings, slides and climbing frames) Teenage facilities - These range from youth shelters, to skate parks and multi-use-games-areas Outdoor sports facilities - Grass pitches, bowling greens, tennis courts and golf courses Allotments - Public or private open spaces dedicated to growing produce and gardening Cemeteries and Churchyards - Open and closed burial grounds and cemeteries


Q1 Please tick below whether you feel there is ENOUGH OR NOT ENOUGH provision for each type of open space within Hambleton and if possible, explain briefly the reason for your answer (eg. not enough in your area/ quality is poor/ inaccessible). More than About right Nearly enough Not enough No opinion enough Parks ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Natural areas ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Amenity areas ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Play areas for children ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Teenage facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Allotments ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______

Travel Time

Q2 Please write the TIME you would expect to travel and the type of transport you would expect to use when travelling to open space in Hambleton (please state one time and travel mode for each open space type only): Walk Cycle Bus Car Town/Country Parks ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Local Parks ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Natural areas ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Amenity areas ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Play areas for children ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Teenage facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Allotments ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

8 Usage

Q3 How OFTEN do you use each of the following types of open space? (please tick one option only for each type of open space? More than once a month Less than once a month Don't use Parks and Gardens ‰ ‰ ‰ Natural areas ‰ ‰ ‰ Green corridors ‰ ‰ ‰ Amenity areas ‰ ‰ ‰ Play areas for children ‰ ‰ ‰ Teenage facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ Outdoor sports facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ Churchyards and cemeteries ‰ ‰ ‰

Q4 Do you or any member of your household own/ manage/ use an allotment in Hambleton? Yes (please proceed to Q6)...... ‰ No ...... ‰

Q5 If NO, would you be interested in using an allotment within your local area? Yes...... ‰ No ...... ‰ If YES please ______indicate why you are not an allotment user ______already ______


Q6 How would you rate the quality of the following types of open space in Hambleton? (If you are unsure please leave blank) Good Average Poor Parks and Gardens ‰ ‰ ‰ Natural areas ‰ ‰ ‰ Green corridors ‰ ‰ ‰ Amenity areas ‰ ‰ ‰ Play areas for children ‰ ‰ ‰ Teenage facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ Outdoor sports facilities ‰ ‰ ‰ Allotments ‰ ‰ ‰ Churchyards and cemeteries ‰ ‰ ‰


Q7 Please indicate which open space TYPE you use MOST FREQUENTLY in Hambleton? (PLEASE TICK ONLY ONE) Parks ...... ‰ Amenity areas...... ‰ Outdoor sports facilities ...... ‰ Natural areas ...... ‰ Play areas for children ...... ‰ Cemeteries and churchyards ...... ‰ Green corridors ...... ‰ Teenage facilities ...... ‰

9 Type most frequently used

Q8 Please name the SITE you use MOST FREQUENTLY and where it is located (e.g. village/town)? Site Name.. ______Location ______



Q9 How do you normally TRAVEL there? (please tick one box only) Walk ...... ‰ Public transport ...... ‰ Car ...... ‰ Cycle ...... ‰

Q10 How LONG does it take you to reach this type of open space?(please tick one box only) Less than 5 minutes ...... ‰ Between 10-15 minutes...... ‰ Between 20-30 minutes ...... ‰ Between 5-10 minutes...... ‰ Between 15-20 minutes...... ‰ Over 30 minutes ...... ‰


Q11 If you were describing your ideal features within this type of open space, what would be the TOP FEATURES you think should be provided? (please only tick up to FIVE) Well kept grass ...... ‰ Level surface/ good ‰ Nature features (eg ‰ Good access to site ..... ‰ drainage...... wildlife) ...... Clean / litter free...... ‰ Events eg music...... ‰ Pond / lake /water ‰ On site security (eg ‰ features ...... warden/CCTV) ...... Flowers/trees and ‰ Toilets ...... ‰ Dog walking facilities .... ‰ Information boards...... ‰ shrubs ...... Changing facilities...... ‰ Cafe ...... ‰ Dog free area...... ‰ Parking facilities ...... ‰ Seating ...... ‰ Litter bins ...... ‰ Footpaths ...... ‰ Picnic area ...... ‰ Facilities for children and ‰ young people ......

Q12 Which of the following factors would make you feel SAFER using this type of open space (please tick one or more) Adequate lighting...... ‰ Staff-on-site (eg. park rangers) ..... ‰ Overlooked by housing ...... ‰ Clear route to open space...... ‰ Reputation of area / space ...... ‰ Other users ...... ‰ CCTV ...... ‰ Clear boundaries ...... ‰


Q13 Please indicate whether you experience any of the following PROBLEMS at the open space type you visit most frequently as indicated in Q7 by rating the seriousness of the problem in the boxes below: Significant Problem Minor Problem No problem Vandalism and graffiti ‰ ‰ ‰ Safety and age of equipment (play areas, ‰ ‰ ‰ seating) Poor maintenance ‰ ‰ ‰ Litter problems ‰ ‰ ‰ Miss-use of site (e.g. youths congregating) ‰ ‰ ‰ Dog Fouling ‰ ‰ ‰


Q14 Please tick below whether you feel there is ENOUGH OR NOT ENOUGH provision for each type of outdoor sport facility in your local area and if possible, explain briefly the reason for your answer. More than enough About right Not enough No opinion Grass Pitches ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Synthetic Turf Pitches ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Tennis courts ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Bowling greens ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______Golf courses ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Reason for answer ______

Q15 Please write the TIME you would expect to travel below the type of transport you would expect to use when travelling to outdoor sports facilities in Hambleton (please state one time and travel mode for each open space type only):: Walk Cycle Public Transport Car Grass pitches ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Synthetic Turf Pitches ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Tennis Courts ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Bowling Greens ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Golf Courses ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰


Q19 If you have any other COMMENTS that you would like to make regarding open space in Hambleton, please write them in the box below. ______


Q20 Are you; Male...... ‰ Female...... ‰

Q21 How old are you? Under 16 ...... ‰ 25-39...... ‰ 60-75 ...... ‰ 16-24 ...... ‰ 40-59...... ‰ 75+ ...... ‰

Q22 Which of the following best describes your ethnic origin? White British ...... ‰ Black Other...... ‰ Mixed White and Black Caribbean. ‰ White Irish...... ‰ Asian British...... ‰ Mixed White and Black African..... ‰ White Other ...... ‰ Asian Pakistani ...... ‰ Mixed White and Asian...... ‰ Black British...... ‰ Asian Indian ...... ‰ Mixed Other ...... ‰ Black African...... ‰ Asian Bangladesh ...... ‰ Chinese ...... ‰ Black Caribbean...... ‰ Asian Other...... ‰ Other (please ______specify) ______

Q23 Are there any children in the household under 16 years? Yes...... ‰ No ...... ‰

PMP Consultancy is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the Notification Department of the Information Commission.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please return it in the prepaid envelope provided by 23rd June





14 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety No litter, Some long Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits, social Borders large Middlesborough vandalism, Bus stop in 1 85 Newby Newby Village Green AGS 28533.88 Stokesley Ward Stokesley One set of goalposts 5 34grass and 37844 80 inclusion and health benefits, cultural and heritage benefits, housing estate graffiti, dog the middle small trees amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' x mess Assortment Some litter, no of trees. Only 1 seat, Structural and landscape benefits, Amendity benefits and a 2 89 Seamer Seamer Village Green AGS 7634.45 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism / 34 3 66 3 3 Bus stop next 60 Grass is a bit no bins 'sense of place' graffiti x patchy Grass in Inadequate No lighting. Clear 2 min walk No litter, good provision of Boundary entrance. from central Social inclusin and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 3 99 Carlton in Cleveland The Cresent AGS AGS In National Park 2728.48 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism, 3 3 condition. 2 benches 56 4 4 67 hedge along Good disabled Carlton in sense of place graffiti Patchy in and bins. No roadside acess Cleveland x places parking Grass in No parking. Boundary average In center of Carlton in Cleveland Village No litter, Good Poor disabled Ecological benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 4 99 Carlton in Cleveland AGS In National Park 5941.1 Swainby Ward Stokesley 4 3 around some 4 condition. 3 72 2 4 Carlton in 1 No signage 50 Green vandalism provision of access amenity benefits and a sense of place areas of site Nice mature Cleveland benches x trees Limited Clear parking. No entrance. No lighting. provision of Poor surface V. little litter. Boundary Grass in Ingeleby Arncliffe Cricket Cricket Pitch (w. benches. may cause In centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 5 5 Ingleby Arncliffe OSF Located in National Park 10701.78 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 No vandalism, 3 fence all 3 good 2 56 2 4 1 No signage 50 Ground clubhouse) Provision of some Inlgeby Cross benefits graffiti around condition bins just problems with perimeter outside disabled x entrance access No litter, Limited vandalism, No lighting. parking at Small football pitch graffiti. Grass in In centre of Ingeleby Arncliffe Primary Boundary school. No Clear Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits, social 6 5 Ingleby Arncliffe OSF 5591.2 Swainby Ward Stokesley (w.goals) rounders 4 Football 3 3 good 2 62 4 3 Ingleby 370 School fence all provision of entrance inclusion and health benefits pitch, spring track goalposts in condition Arncliffe around site benches or good bins x condition No litter / vandalism, graffiti. No lighting. Excellent Plenty of Close to Little Ayton Lane Bowling Bowling greens (w. Equipmetn V. good condition 7 1 Great Ayton OSF 2583.38 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 5 4 5 4 parking and 92 5 4 centre of 2 No signage 83 Social inclusion and health benefits Greens clubhouse) and boundary grass, nice seats Great Ayton clubhouse in fence boarders v.good x condition some litter, vandalism Good and graffiti Cricket pitch (w nets, parking, around clubhouse and No lighting. plenty of Road surface Close to Signage not Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health Great Ayton Cricket and football Very well 8 1 Great Ayton OSF 59836.78 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley scoreboard) 2 football 3 3 Good 5 4 seats 76 3 could be 4 centre of 2 visible from 63 benefits, amenity benefits and a ' sense of place ' economic Football Club pavillion. kept grass pitches (w goalposts boundaries around better Great Ayton road benefits Cricket and pavillion) cricket pitch, equipment in no bins good x condition No lighting, No seats / Close to Small football pitch (w Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 9 1 Great Ayton River Leven AGS AGS 13681.39 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 some litter 3 good 43benches, no 72 3 4 central Great 68 goalposts) benefits, amenity benefits and a ' sense of place ' x boundaries bins Ayton No lighting, Close to No litter / Bad disabled 10 1 Great Ayton Friends School Tennis Courts OSF 1981.36 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 3 Tennis courts 4 3 good 26324 central Great 150 vandalism access x boundaries Ayton Close to No litter / Bad disabled Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits, 11 1 Great Ayton Friends Schools AGS AGS 9717.69 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 3 No lighting 3 2 62 2 4 central Great 150 vandalism access amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' x Ayton Good AGS with mature trees Some litter no Roads Grass in parking. Center of Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural and heritage 12 1 Great Ayton High Green AGS AGS 4058.94 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley and statue fo captain 4 vandalism, 4 around 4 good 5 Plenty of 84 5 5 100 Great Ayton benefits, amentiy benefits and a 'sense of place' Cook graffiti perimiter lit condition seats and x bins

Some Plenty of vandalism on bins and AGS surrounded by Near center of 13 1 Great Ayton High Street AGS AGS 1339.06 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 2 benches, dog 3 No lighting 2 4 benches, 52 3 4 68 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of place trees next to stream Great Ayton mess and neat litter problems pathways x No litter, vandalism, No lighting, Good Close to 5 Tennis Courts (w. graffiti, good Good size entrance and 14 1 Great Ayton Great Ayton Tennis Club OSF Tennis courts 6702.59 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 5 4 3480 4 4 central Great 3 77 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse) equipment in boundary carpark disabled Ayton v.good fence access x condition Plenty of Next to quiet AGS with benches to Grass in Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits, Lighting seats and road in centre In central 15 1 Great Ayton Low Green AGS AGS Park benches, use for picnics 6125.18 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley one side and a stream 544 good 5 90 4 5 88 cultural and heritage benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of along road bins. Good of Great Great Ayton to the other condition place' x parking Ayton Football pitch (w 2 No lighting, goalposts) 3 climbing V. little litter. Fairly close to good Access down Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 16 1 Great Ayton Central Way AGS AGS 753.597 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley frames, slide, seesaw 4 No vandalism, 4 4 3 76 3 3 Great Ayton 360 perimeter a ginnel 'sense of place' and roundabout, swing graffiti center fence x set No litter / Good Small climbing frame vandalism, Fairly close to security No benches Access down Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 17 1 Great Ayton Central Way Play Area Children 2955.52 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley (w. slide bridge) 3 equipment in 5 2 66 3 3 great ayton 360 fence, no or bins a ginnel sense of place seesaw good center lighting x condition 2 min walk Good from bus Some litter, no perimeter majority of Guisborough Road stop. 10 min 18 1 Great Ayton Allotments 42955.41 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 4 boundary 4 plots 37642 3 63 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of place Allotments walk from graffiti down 2 cultivated center of sides x Great Ayton

V. Little litter. No vandalism, Benches 1 big football pitch (w No lighting, 10 min walk Roseberry County Junior graffiti, and bins on 19 1 Great Ayton OSF 16195.31 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley goalposts) 1 small 4 3 well defined 4372 4 3 from central 4 73 Education benefits School equipment in ajoined football pitch boundary Great Ayton good playgound condition x

Football pitch (w.goals, Grass in V. good stands, dug outs and V. little litter Boundary good provision of floodlights) 2 training litter. No around most Entrance not condition. seats and pitches & other space vandalism / of site. v. clear. 5 min walk Informative, Stokesley Sports Club and Bowling Green, Cricket Club, Bowling bins. Toilets 20 2 Stokesley OSF 70884.57 Stokesley Ward Stokesley & small goals. Cricket 5 grafiti. 3 Lighting only 4 4 82 4 Excellent 4 from central 4 well placed 80 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits County Football Hockey green and good pitch (w.screens, Equipment in over car disabled Stokesly signage excellent with parking at covers and excellent park and access flower sports scoreboard) Bowling condition football pitch borders centre green (w. pavillion) x V.good provision of No litter, V. good benches / Entrance not vandalism, boundary bins. Toilets v. clear. 5 min walk Informative, 3 Astroturf tennis graffiti. fence at sports 21 2 Stokesley Stokesley Sports Club MUGA Young MUGA 1819.59 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 5 4 4 89 4 Excellent 4 from centre of 4 well placed 80 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits courts Equipment in around centre. disabled Stokesly signage excellent perimeter. No Good access condition lighting parking at sports x centre

15 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Good boundary Good Astroturf MUGA fence parking at (football pitch) MUGA around each leisure 5 mins walk Stokesley Comprehensive with 2 tennis and 2 Clear 22 2 Stokesley Young MUGA 1236.88 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 some litter 4 area. 3 centre. Poor 66 4 4 from central 1 No signage 70 Education benefits School netball courts. MUGA entrance Floodlights provision of Stokesly with 4 tenis and 3 over benches / netball courts astroturf bins x MUGA Goodp Clear arking at Good hedge entrance. Grass in leisure 5 mins walk Stokesley Comprehensive Cricket pitch, long jump all along Good disabled 23 2 Stokesley OSF 57920.66 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 Some litter 3 3 good 3 centre. Poor 60 4 4 from central 1 No signage 70 Education benefits School pit perimeter. No access. Neat condition provision of Stokesly lighting pathways to benches site and bins x Boundary All plots No litter, 3 mins walk hedging all cultivated. Limited Entrance 24 2 Stokesley A174 Allotments Allotments 18195.12 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 3 5 3 78 2 5 from central 1 No signage 57 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' around Variety of parking unclear graffiti Stokesley x perimeter plants No lighting. Grass in V. limited Boundary Some litter. reasonable parking. No 5-10 min to Football pitch (w. goals hedge and/or V. unclear Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 25 2 Stokesley off A172 OSF OSF Farmers Field with Football Pitch 17931.89 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 No vandalism, 3 3 condition. 2 provision of 56 2 3 central 1 No signage 43 no pitch marked out) fence all entrance benefits graffiti (some bald benches or Stokesley around patches) bins x perimeter No lighting. Bollards Limited Grass in along parking. No good Some litter. roadside, provision of 3-5 mins to With informal provision for condition. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 26 2 Stokesley Stokesley Rec Ground AGS 12868.59 Stokesley Ward Stokesley Small football pitch 3 No vandalism, 3 fencing 4 2 benches. 62 4 3 central 1 No signage 63 football Nice small 'sense of place' graffiti and/or Good Stokesley trees along hedging provision of roadside around other bins x properties Some lighting 2 swing sets (1baby) Some litter. from nearby Grass long Limited climbing frame / slide, Some road. 3-5 mins to Stokesley Rec Ground Play and weedy. parking. No Clear 27 2 Stokesley Children 811.099 Stokesley Ward Stokesley see saw, rocking 2 equipment in 3 Boundary 3 2 50 3 4 central 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Area Nice mature provision of entrance horse, 2 climbing v.poor fence Stokesley trees benches frames condition around part x of site Some lighting Limited Clear Some litter. from nearby B-ball hoop / football Grass in parking. No entrance. No 3-5 mins to Some road and 28 2 Stokesley Stokesley Rec Ground Young 3 small areas to be combined 2024.09 Stokesley Ward Stokesley goal / Pavillion / 2 3 3 good 2 provision of 50 3 pathways for 3 central 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits vandalism on footpath. No Bandstand condition benches or disabled Stokesley pavillion boundary bins access around site x Lighting nearby from Some litter. Limited street. Grass in No vandalism, parking. Clear Mozaic patterns on Boundary good 2-3 mins from graffiti. V.good entrance. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 29 2 Stokesely The Stripe Play Area Children 437.207 Stokesley Ward Stokesley ground . Mushroom 3 5 fence all 4 condition. 3 74 4 4 centre of 1 No signage 70 Equipment in provision of Good disabled 'sense of place' reats around site. Nice bushes Stokesley good benches access Overlooked around site condition and bins. by some x houses No lighting. Limitedp Boundary Grass bald in Nice carved Some litter. arking. No 2-3 mins to Element of woodland on site along other patches. Nice Clear stone 30 2 Stokesley The Stripe AGS AGS 13520.68 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 No vandalim, 3 4 2 provision of 62 3 4 centre of 3 67 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' used informally properties. area of entrance welcoming graffiti benches or Stokesley Fenced / woodland stone bins x hedged off V. little litter. No lighting. Some Boundary Grass in No provision 5 mins to Unclear Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 31 2 Stokesley Stokesley Primary School OSF 11198.32 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 2 vandalism on 3 fence and/or 3 good 2 of benches 50 2 4 central 1 No signage 50 entrance amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' boundary hedge all condition or bins Stokesley x fence around site Grass in v. No provision Some lighting good of benches V. little litter. 5 min to from street condition. or bins. V. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benfits and a 32 2 Stokesely Tameside Play Area Children Equipped 922.859 Stokesley Ward Stokesley Is actually AGS 4 No vandalism, 3 5 2 74 3 4 central 1 No signage 60 lamps. No Young trees limited 'sense of place' graffiti Stokesley boundary dotted across parking (on x site road) Grass in Limited Some lighting good parking. No Clear Some litter. 5 mins from from road. condition. provision of entrance. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 33 2 Stokesley Northfield Drive Children Equipped 658.724 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 2 Some graffiti 4 4 3 64 4 4 central 3 Clear signage 77 Boundary Nice small benches. Good disabled 'sense of place' on equipment Stokesley around site trees along Provision of access x roadside bins nearby No litter, V. good vandalism, Floodlights Clear parking. No Bus stop 5 Astroturf tennis graffiti. over courts. entrance. V. 34 4 Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Tennis Club OSF Tennis courts 2676.3 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 4 3 provision of 74 5 4 directly 2 No signage 83 Social inclusion and health benefits courts (w. floodlights) Equipment in High fence good disabled benches or outside site good around site access bins x condition

Lighting from Good 2 Swing sets (1 baby) adjacent No litter, parking. small climbing frame. 2 tennis Grass in vandalism, Good Clear rocking hroses. courts. good graffiti. provision of entrance. V. Bus stop No external 35 4 Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Play Area Children 722.343 Rudby Ward Stokesley Assault courts (w. 5 4 Overlooked 4 condition. 4 86 4 4 2 73 Social inclusion and health benefits Equipment all benches. good disabled outside site signage beams, bridges, by village Nice mature in v.good Inadequate access stepping stones and hall. Fencing trees condition provision of slide) all around bins perimenter x V.good No lighting. Grass in V.clear parking. Bowling green No litter, Boundary good entrance. Bus stop V.good Lack of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 36 4 Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Bowling Club OSF Bowling Green 1100.77 Rudby Ward Stokesley (w.clubhouse and 4 vandalism, 3 fence all 4 condition. 4 76 5 V.good 4 directly 2 83 provision of signage 'sense of place' scoreboard) graffiti around Nice flower disabled outside site benches. No perimeter borders access x bins Grass in good V.good V.clear Some litter. No lighting. condition. parking. entrance. Bus stop Comes across as a farmers field Small football pitch (w. Some graffiti8 Solid fence V.clear and Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 37 4 Hutton Rudby Station Road AGS AGS 14297.74 Rudby Ward Stokesley 3 3 4 Newly 4 Adequate 70 3 Poor surface 4 directly 4 70 + check when site assessing goalposts and nets) on bin. No all around good signage benefits planted provision of for disabled outside site vandalism boundary bushes along bins access x fence Grass in good Some litter. Good condition. Clear No vandalism, No lighting. parking. Cricket pitch Saplings entrance. 5 mins walk V.clear graffiti. Solid fencing V.good Structural and landscpae benefits, social inclusion and health 38 4 Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Cricket Club OSF 19346.69 Rudby Ward Stokesley (w.clubhouse, nets, 4 3 4 around 4 76 4 V.good 4 from central 4 external 80 Equipment all all around provision of benefits screens & scoreboard) perimenter. disabled Hutton Rudby signage in v.good perimeter benches. No Long grass access condition bins around parts x of boundary

16 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Good No lighting. parking at 3 min walk Clear No litter, Hedge and Grass in school. from central Sprint track. Football entrance. No external Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 39 4 Hutton Rudby Hutton Rudby Primary School OSF 5694.2 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 3 fence all 4 good 4 Good 76 4 5 Hutton Rudby. 2 80 pitch )w/o goalposts) Good disabled signage amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti around condition provision of Cycle stand access perimeter benches. No provided x bins Grass in Lighting on good road and condition. V. good pathways. Nice mature provision of V. little litter. Signage clear Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health No trees benches Centre of 40 4 Hutton Rudby North Side AGS AGS 9837.02 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 No vandalism, 4 5 4 86 4 5 3 where 83 benefits, cultural and heritage benefits, amenity benefits and a boundary. throughout and bins. Hutton Rudby graffiti appropriate 'sense of place' Overlooked site. Limited by many Interspaced parking houses flower x displays

Good parking at Grass in school. Neat good pathways to Clear No litter, Bus stop School playing field community 2 Pitches marked out condition. and around entrance. Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits, social 41 3 Great Broughton Kirkby Road OSF 3895.39 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 3 No lighting 4 3 72 4 5 directly 487 use (unknown sport) Newly site. Good disabled inclusion and health benefits graffiti outside school planted trees Inadequate access along path provision of benches / bins x

some lighting on street. Grass in No litter, Boundary V. limited Clear Bus stop Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 42 3 Great Broughton Kirkby Road AGS AGS 4663.22 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 1 set of goalposts 3 4 3 good 3 64 4 5 383 vandalism hedge all parking entrance outside school benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' condition around perimeter. x

2 Swing sets (1 baby) V. little litter. Clear No lighting. 2 climbing frames, see No vandalism. entrance. Well placed Boundary V. limited Bus stop 43 3 Great Broughton Kirkby Road Play Area Children 969.767 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley saw, roundabout, 2 3 Equipment in 4 3 66 4 Good neat 5 4 informative 87 fence all parking outside school rocking horses, rope good path across signs around site bridge, beams condition AGS x Good parking. Clear Cricket pitch (w. Hedging and Grass in Adequate entrance. scoreboard, screens) V. little litter. / or fencing Tennis, Cricket, Bowling and good provision of Some Bus stop Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 44 3 Great Broughton Great Broughton Sports Club OSF 29339.81 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 3 tennis courts. Large 3 No vandalism, 3 all around 3 3 60 2 4 357 Football condition, bins. difficulty with outside school benefits football pitch (w. graffiti perimeter. No long in places Inadequate disabled goalposts) lighting provision of access x benches Some street V. little litter. lighting. No Grass in Adequate Bus stop 'on Noise from boundary. v.good provision of site' in centre 45 3 Great Broughton Ingleby Road AGS AGS 1629.75 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 3 4 4 4 74 3 5 3 73 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' road. Some Overlooked condition. benches of great dog mess by some Nice trees and bins Broughton x houses

Grass in No provision No litter, good of benches. Clear vandalism, No lighting. 5-10 mins Slide, 2 small climbing condition. Provision of entrance. Condition of Social inclusion and health benefits. Amenity benefits and a 46 2 Stokesley The Paddock Play Area Children 416.536 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 4 graffiti. 3 Boundary all 4 3 72 4 4 from central 2 73 frames. Rocking horse Nice borders bins nearby. Good disabled signage poor 'sense of place' Equipment a around site Stokesley along Limited access bit dated boundaries parking x

Some lighting nearby. Grass in Clear No parking. V. little litter. Boundary good entrance. 5-10 mins No provision Condition of 47 2 Stokesley The Paddock AGS 321.83 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 No vandalism, 4 fence and/or 3 condition. 2 60 4 Very good 4 from central 3 77 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' of benches signage ok graffiti hedge and/or Nice hedge disabled Stokesley or bins wall all around site access around site x No lighting. Limited Clear Boundary most of site parking. entrance. No litter, hedge all cultivated. Good Good disabled In centre of 48 4 Hutton Rudby Coldie Hill Allotments Allotments 3625.29 Rudby Ward Stokesley 5 vandalism, 4 around 4 3 82 3 5 1 No signage 67 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Variety of provision of access to a Hutton Rudby graffiti perimeter. plants benches small area of Overlooked and bins site x by 1 house Grass in 3 v. limited Some litter. No lighting. good parking. Clear Small football pitch Some graffiti, Boundary 1 min from condition nice Adequate entrance. 49 13 Leeming Bar Leeming Bar Primary School OSF 3268.3 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale (w/o goals) sprint 2 vandalism on 3 fence all 4 3 60 4 4 central Leemin 3 77 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits trees along provision of Good disabled track, netball court bench and around site Bar path and benches access fench perimeter around stie and bins x Limited No lighting. Grass bald in parking. Some litter. Boundary places. Nice Good Clear In centre of 50 13 Leeming Bar Leeming Lane AGS AGS 2839.39 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 3 No vandalism, 3 4 3 66 3 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits fence all trees around provision of entrance Leeming Bar graffiti around site perimeter benches x and bins Grass long No lighting. V. limited and weedy Some litter. Fencing and parking. No 2-3 mins walk ain patches. Clear Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 51 13 Leeming Bar Grange Avenue AGS AGS 6007.8 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 3 No vandalism, 3 or hedging all 3 2 provision of 56 3 4 to central 1 No signage 60 Nice trees entrance 'sense of place' graffiti around benches or Leeming Bar dotted around perimeter bins x site

No lighting. Limited Good clear No litter. Hedging parking. entrance. Goalposts (w/o Grass in Equipment in down 3 Inadequate Neat 10 mins from 52 15 Bedale Kingfisher Drive AGS 7179.59 Bedale Ward Bedale netting) b-ball hoop 3 3 3 good 2 56 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' reasonable sides. number of pathways. central Bedale (w/o net) ball-wall condition condition Overlooked bins and Good disabled by houses seats access x Boundary Limited No litter, fence parking. vandalism. Grass in 10 mins walk Swing set, roundabout, around Good Good clear Social inclusion and health benefits, amentiy benefits and a 53 15 Bedale Kingfisher Drive Children 614.49 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 Equipmenet in 3 3 good 3 66 4 3 from centre of 1 No signage 63 rocking horse, slide perimeterof provision of entrance 'sense of place' good condition Bedale site. No benches condition x lighting and bins No lighting. Very little Limited No pathways Boundary litter. Some Much of site parking. No within site. 3 min walk hedge along 54 15 Bedale Ascough Allotments Allotments 13339.52 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 sheds and 3 1 unused and 1 provision for 34 1 Very poor 4 from central 1 No signage 40 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' 1 side, river machinery overgrown litter. No disabled Bedale along the delapidated benches access x other

Free parking behind No lighting. tourist Clear 2 mins walk Large football pitch Quite a lot of Boundary Nice mature information. entrance. Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 55 15 Bedale Bedale Local Park AGS 24890.05 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 3 3 4 58 4 4 from central 1 No signage 70 (with goalposts) litter fence along trees Good Good disabled benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Bedale road provision of access bins and seats x

17 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Adequate Boundary provision of Very little Zip wire, big slide, fence and benches litter. 2 mins walk small climbing frame, 3 hedge all Nice mature and bins. Clear 56 15 Bedale Bedale Local Park Children 1138.67 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 Equipment in 3 3 3 60 3 4 from central 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benfits swing sets (1 baby) around tree Parking entrance reasonable Bedale tyre swing perimeter. No behind condition lighting tourist x information Very little Parking 2 Quarter pipes, a box, litter. 2 mins walk No perimeter behind Clear 57 15 Bedale Bedale Local Park Young 958.559 Bedale Ward Bedale a kicker (with rails) 3 Equipment in 3 3 60 3 4 from central 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits boundary tourist entrance rails good Bedale information x condition Grass in Limited excellent Very neat 360 degree parking. 2 mins walk Not very condition. pathways 58 15 Bedale Wycar Bowling Green OSF Bowling Green 1884.71 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 No litter 3 perimeter 5 4 Excellent 82 3 4 from central 3 visible from 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Very nicely around fencing provision of Bedale road planted bowling green seats / bins x borders Grass in Limited Poor disabled No litter, Perimeter good 5 mins walk parking. No access. Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits, amenity 59 15 Bedale Bedale Allotments Allotments 9558.89 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 3 fencing all 4 condition. 3 72 2 4 from central 1 No signage 50 benches / Entrance not benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti around Wide variety Bedale bins clear x of plants Good parking at school. Very little No lighting. Clear Grass in Good 5 min walk Running track, litter. No Good entrance. 60 15 Bedale Bedale Primary School OSF 5891.27 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 3 3 good 3 provision of 60 4 4 from central 3 77 Education benefits rounders pitch vandalism / perimeter Good disabled condition benches. Bedale graffiti fence access Inadequate number of x bins Good 2 Cricket pitches (w all parking at Clear weather cricket) sprint Litter problem Patchy Grass in achool. entrance. 5 min walk trac, rugby pitch (w . Poor perimeter 61 15 Bedale Bedale High School OSF 68941.72 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 2 3 good 2 Inadequate 46 3 Good disabled 4 from centre of 3 67 Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits goalposts) rounders maintenance fence. No condition number of access to Bedale pitch, running track, (whole site) lighting benches some areas long jump pit x and bins Grass in very Neat good pathways Clear Well lit. condition. No litter, within site. entrance. 3 mins walk overlooked Nicely planted 62 15 Bedale Tom Hall Court AGS 2261.95 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 5 5 4 Limited 90 5 Very good 4 from centre of 1 No signage 80 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' by lots of borders and graffiti parking. No disabled Bedale houses bushes. Nice benches / access mature bins willow trees x Car park still Good under 5 mins walk Sign very Site still under perimeter Grass bald in construction Under Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 63 15 Bedale Bedale Junior Football Club OSF 21262.82 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 Very little litter 4 2 3 58 3 from central 4 clear from 67 construction fence. No places . No construction benefits Bedale road lighting benches / x bins Grass in Very little good Some lighting Some 10 min walk litter. No condition. Neat pathway 64 15 Bedale Stapleton Close AGS 10005.26 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 4 along 3 2 provision for 60 3 3 from centre of 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' vandalism, Young trees through site boundary litter Bedale graffiti along x pathway Very little 2 Swing sets (1b litter. No No lighting. Clear baby) big climbing vandalism, Grass in Good 10 mins walk Boundary entrance. No Social inclusion and health benefits, amendity benefits and a 65 15 Bedale Stapleton Close Children 355.703 Bedale Ward Bedale frame (w. slide) small 3 graffiti. 4 3 good 3 provision for 64 3 4 from centre of 1 No signage 60 fence pathway to 'sense of place' climbing frame (w. Equpment in condition litter Bedale around site site slide) good x condition Good V. little litter. Grass in v. parking. Football pitch (w. No vandalism, No lighting. good Good goals) cricket pitch (w. Bus stop graffiti. Boundary condition provision of Clear Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 66 16 Bedale Bedale Sports Club OSF Cricket Football Tennis 37928.34 Bedale Ward, Crakehall Ward Bedale nets, screent, 4 3 4 3 72 4 4 directly 4 Clear signage 80 Equipment in hedge all .small trees benches. entrance benefits scoreboard and outside site good around site dotted around Inadequate covers) clubhouse condition site provision of x bins Lighting over Grass in v. V. good No litter, car park. good 3-5 mins to Signage clear parking. Clear 67 16 Bedale Bedale Golf Course Golf Course 452300.31 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 4 Fencing and 5 condition. Site 5 90 3 4 centre of 3 (not v. 67 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits Toilets in entrance graffiti or hedging dotted with Bedale informative) clubhouse x around site trees Limited No lighting. Clear V. little litter. Nice small parking. No No boundary entrance. Well Bus stop next 68 16 Bedale Burrill Road AGS 6696.38 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 No vandalism, 2 3 trees dotted 2 provision of 52 4 4 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a sense of place along paved path to to site graffiti around site benches or roadside site x biins Walls or No litter, Pathways 1 min walk fences all Wide variety Poor disabled 69 17 Snape Snape Allotments Allotments 1722.3 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 4 5 3 within site 82 3 3 from central 1 No signage 53 Ecological benefits, social inclusion and health benefits way round of plants access graffiti unclear Snape x perimeter No parking. Grass Inadequate Centre of Cricket pitch at one end overgrown Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 70 41 Thornton Whatless Thornton Whatless Green AGS Village Green 13151.13 Crakehall Ward Bedale 3 Very little litter 3 No boundary 2 2 numberof 50 3 3 Thornton 1 No signage 53 (near village hall) and weedy in benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' bins and Watlass places x benches Very little litter. Equipment 2 swing sets, climbing mostly in Centre of Thornton Whatless Green No lighting. 71 41 Thornton Whatless Children 285.013 Crakehall Ward Bedale frame (w.slide) 3 good 2 3 Patchy grass 3 No parking 56 2 3 Thornton 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health beenfits Play Area No boundary roundabout condition. Watlass (bench and bin a bit x delapidated) Limited No litter, parking. No lighting. vandalism, Adequate Disabled Fencing or Grass in 1 min walk Thornton Whatless Primary Small football pitch (w. graffiti. number of access onto 72 41 Thornton Whatless OSF 3789.47 Crakehall Ward Bedale 5 3 hedging all 4 good 3 78 4 3 from Thornton 2 67 Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits School goalposts) Equipment all benches. tarmac around condition Watlass in v.good Inadequate playground perimeter condition number of x bins Limited parking at V. Little litter. Good some Bus stop Grass in v. school. Rounders pitch, sprint No perimeter difficulties directly over 73 42 Burneston Burneseton Primary School OSF 4697.48 Leeming Ward Bedale 4 3 4 good 4 Adequate 76 4 4 3 77 Education benefits track vandalism/gra fencing. No with disabled the road from condition number of fitti lighting access school benches/bin x s No litter, Boundary Good Football pitch vandalism, fencing / parking. Fairly clear Grass in very 2mins walk (w.goalposts) Cricket graffiti. hedging all Inadequate entrance. No Notice about Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 74 40 Scruton Scruton Cricket Ground OSF 11036.23 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 5 3 4 good 4 82 3 3 from central 2 57 pitch (w. clubhouse, Equipment in round provision of pathways local bylaws 'sense of place' condition Scruton screens and nets) very good perimeter. No bins. Plenty within site x condition lighting of benches

18 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety No litter / Good Bus stop vandalism. Grass in perimeter Limited directly Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 75 42 Burneston Burneston Recreation OSF 6473.99 Leeming Ward Bedale Cycle stand 4 Equipment in 3 3 good 3 66 4 4 480 fencing. No parking across road benefits. good condition lighting from school x condition No lighting. No litter, Perimeter Grass untidy. vandalism. No pathways 76 42 Burneston Manor House Walk AGS 1498.25 Leeming Ward Bedale 4 3 fencing most 4 Nice mature 75 3 3 60 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Some noise within site of way trees from road x round No litter, Boundary Bus stop vandalism, Well kept Structural and landscape benefits, amenity benefits and a 77 42 Burneston Burneston Village Green AGS 1098.34 Leeming Ward Bedale 3 4 wall along 3 65 4 4 directly 80 graffiti. Noise grass 'sense of place' roadside outside x from road

Some litter. Good Some Grass a bit perimeter vandalism on patchy. Nice Limited Just on Cricket pitch (w. fence most Entrance gate No external 78 43 Kirklington Kirklington Cricket Club OSF 8086.44 Tanfield Ward Bedale 2 the 3 4 mature trees 2 parking. No 56 2 3 outskirts of 1 43 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse) of way in disrepair signage clubhouse. and planted bins Kirklington around Equipment in borders boundary poor condition x

No Grass patchy Inadequate Goalposts (w. nets) boundary. and bald in Centre of 79 43 Kirklington Kirklington Village Green AGS 8253.82 Tanfield Ward Bedale 4 Some litter 3 4 3 number of 72 3 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits (1) Some street places. Nice Kirklington bins lights mature trees x No lighting, good boundary No litter, Grass in 2 mins walk Sprint track, rounders hedging, Limited 80 44 West Tanfield West Tanfield Primary School OSF 3741.99 Tanfield Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 4 3 reasonable 3 70 3 4 from centre of 3 67 Education benefits pitch fencing, parking graffiti condition West Tanfield overlooked by some x houses No litter. Hedges 2 mins from Some noise around Wide variety No benches, 81 44 West Tanfield Back Lane Allotments Allotments 4120.15 Tanfield Ward Bedale 4 3 4 2 68 3 4 West Tanfield 1 no signage 60 Ecological benefits from industrial perimeter. No of plants bins Centre estate lighting x good fencing Good and hedging parking at around site. West Grass a bit Excellent Fence Tanfield patchy. Nice access to Bus stop 3 Tennis courts (w around Memorial Bowling Green, Tennis Court variety of memorial hall. directly Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 82 44 West Tanfield West Tanfield Rec Ground OSF 6567.37 Tanfield Ward Bedale clubhouse) bowling 3 some litter 4 gennis 4 4 Hall. 74 3 4 470 (PLUS AGS?) planting at Disabled outside sense of place green (w. clubhouse) courts. Inadequate bowling access to memorial hall Hedge numberf of green OSF poor around bins. Toilets bowling at bowling x green green Good parking at Assault course (w. West beams, bridges & Some litter. No lighting, Bus stop Lots of bald Tenfield Excellent West Tanfield Rec Ground stepping stones) 2 Equipment in no boundary directly Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 83 44 West Tanfield Children 435.819 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 2 2 patches in 3 Memorial 50 3 acces to 4 470 Play Area swing sets (1 baby) good around play outside sense of place grass Hall. Memorial Hall climbing frame and condition area Memorial Hall Inadequate slide, rocking horse number of x bins No litter. No pitch marked out, no Fencing No parking, 2 mins from Some noise 84 44 West Tanfield Back Lane Football Field OSF Not formally market out 7054.31 Tanfield Ward Bedale goalposts. Appears to 3 2 down two 21benches, 42 1 4 West Tanfield 1 No signage 40 from industrial be a field sides bins centre estate x Limited Grass in Some lighting parking. V.little litter. good down V.good Bus stops on Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 85 8 Brompton Brompton Village Green AGS Village Green 32972 Brompton Ward 3 No vandalism, 3 4 condition. 3 66 3 4 68 roadside. No provision of site (multiple) benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti Nice mature boundary benches trees x and bins.

Some lighting over ginnel. No provision Some litter. Grass long 1 min from Boundary of benches Clear 86 8 Brompton Northallerton Road AGS AGS 6355.12 Brompton Ward Northallerton 2 Noise from 3 3 but in good 1 46 3 4 centre of 1 No signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place fence or bins. No entrance road condition Brompton around parking perimeter x Good provision of Grass in Some litter in Some lighting benches good places. No from roads. and bins. In centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 87 8 Brompton Brompton Church View AGS 4732.25 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 3 4 condition. 3 66 4 4 377 vandalism, No Some Brompton benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Nice mature graffiti boundaries benches in trees poor x condition Good Some litter. Some lighting Grass in parking. No Bus stop on Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 88 8 Brompton Hillton Green AGS 1828.38 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 from road. 3 good 3 provision of 60 5 3 main road 1-2 380 'sense of place' graffiti No boundary condition benches or mins away x bins No lighting, Clear Grass in V.good Some litter. except entrance. good parking. 2 Rugby pitches No vandalism, floodlights. Good disabled Signage Brompton Rugby and Squash condition. Good Bus stop Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 89 8 Brompton OSF 31147.2 Brompton Ward,Northallerton North Northallerton (w.clubhouse, 1 pitch 2 graffiti. Bad 3 Boundary 3 3 54 4 access to 4 3 clearly visible 77 Club Some nice provision of outside site benefits, economic benefits has floodlights) odour from fence all clubhouse from road mature trees benches. No nearby farm around and squash by road. bins perimeter club x Good 3 Throwing event Grass in parking at Clear No lighting. areas, Rugby pitch, good school. entrance. 2-3 mins from Some litter. Boundary all Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 90 8 Northallerton The School OSF 84770.74 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton running track (400m) 2 3 4 condition. A 3 Inadequate 60 2 Poor disabled 4 central 1 No signage 50 Some grafitti around amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' jumping pit, astroturf few mature provision of access to Northallerton perimeter wicket trees benches some areas x and bins Grass in V. good Lighting good parking. Clear Some litter. 3 mins from along condition. Good entrance. 91 9 Northallerton Northallerton Park AGS 23897.69 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton Football pitch (w.goals) 3 No vandalism, 4 4 4 74 4 4 central 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' pathways Young trees provision of Good disabled graffiti Northallerton through site part of way benches access x along paths and bins Some lighting V. good Clear from car parking. entrance. Some litter. park. Adequate Neat 3 mins from Northallerton Park Play Area Is actually MUGA b-ball Some graffiti 92 9 Northallerton Children 924.457 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 2 3 Boundary 3 provision of 51 4 pathways to 4 central 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and health benefits 1 hoops (2) & vandalism between bins. No site. V. good Northallerton to fence MUGA & provision of disabled x houses benches access Good No lighting. parking at Clear 10 minutes Some litter. Boundary Grass in school. Bullamoor County Junior Some of site entrance. walk from Signage not 93 9 Northallerton OSF 21694.77 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 fence all 3 good 2 Inadequate 56 4 3 2 67 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits School inaccessable Good disabled cental very visible graffiti around condition provision of access Northallerton perimeter benches x and bins

19 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Some lighting from Grass in Good adjacent v.good parking at Clear Some litter. road. Signage Northallerton Grammer condition. school. No entrance. Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 96 9 Northallerton OSF 30886.43 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton Astroturf wicket 3 No vandalism, 4 Boundary 4 3 70 3 43could have 67 School Nice mature provision of Poor disabled amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti hedge and more info trees along benches or access fence all one side bins around x perimeter x 97 9 Northallerton Hatfield Road Bowling Club OSF Bowling 2167.82 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton Cannot access site 0 0 Grass in Limited V.little litter. good Clear Lighting in parking. No No vandalism, condition. Site entrance. Bus stop 98 9 Northallerton Valley Road AGS 2 AGS 5776.86 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 3 some areas 4 2 provision of 62 4 4 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti. No doted with Good disabled outside site near road benches or dog mess trees and access bins x bushes Good parking at Clear No lighting. Grass bald in school. Some litter. entrance. Fencing all patches. Nice Adequate 3 min from 99 10 Northallerton Broomfield Primary School OSF 10781.81 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton No pitches marked out 2 Noise from 2 2 4 48 3 Good disabled 5 4 Clear signage 77 Education benefits around area of provision of train station trains access to boundary woodland benches some areas and bins at x school

Grass well Good kept in some Ornamental parking at areas, patchy light on steps county hall. Clear in others. No litter, of county V. good entrance. 2 Ornamental ponds Variety of Opposite train Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 100 10 Northallerton County Hall Gardens AGS More Formal gardens 10827.63 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 3 hall. Walls or 5 4 provision of 82 3 Good disabled 5 477 either side of driveway trees and station 'sense of place' graffiti hedges benches. access to bushes. around Inadequate some areas Flower boundary provison of borders bins around pond x Lighting over Grass in No litter, car park. good Good 1 min walk Northallerton County Hall vandalism, Fencing condition. parking at Clear Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 101 10 Northallerton OSF 13636.38 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton No pitches marked out 3 3 4 3 66 3 5 from train 1 No signage 67 Pitch noise from down 3 Nice mature county hall. entrance 'sense of place station trains sides of trees along 2 No benches x boundary sides No provision of bins. V.good No lighting. number of Some litter Boundary Fairly clear rass worn in benches. condition of Northallerton Recreation problems. fence entrance. 1 min from 102 10 Northallerton OSF 14305.68 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton No pitches marked out 2 3 3 patches. Nice 4 Good 58 4 5 3 signage 83 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Ground Noice from around Good disabled train station trees parking at reasonable trains perimeter of access County hall. site Neat pathway x around site No bins. Adequate Clear 2 swing sets (1 baby) Some litter. No lighting. number of Northallerton Recreation entrance. 1 min from 103 10 Northallerton Children 777.629 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton a roundabout, a see 2 Noice from 2 No boundary 34benches. 54 4 5 1 No signage 77 Ground Play Area Good disabled train station saw trains around site Good access parking at x county hall Excellent No lighting. Local parking. V. Fencing or Grass in Bus stop byelaws Football pitch marked good Clear 104 10 Romanby Ainderby Road AGS AGS 26740.96 Romanby Ward Northallerton 3 V. little litter 3 hedging all 3 good 5 68 3 4 outside 3 displayed 67 out provision of entrance around condition football club around car benches perimeter park x and bins Boundary all Clear around site. Good entrance. Football pitch Some V. little liter. Flood lights Grass in parking. Poor surface Includes a play area - CHECK (w.goalposts, stands, Bus stop signage in 105 10 Romanby Northallerton FootballClub OSF 24977.82 Romanby Ward Northallerton 3 Equipment in 4 over main 3 good 3 Poor 64 2 could cause 4 3 57 Social inclusion and health benefits +boundary dugouts and bar) 2 outside site poor ok condition pitch & condition provision of problems with practice pitches to rear condition practice bins disabled x pitches access Limited parking. No Lighting in Grass patchy provision of some areas in some Clear Site next to Lots of 'no Goalposts (but no ball V. little litter. benches or (by areas. Nice entrance. main road out ball games' 106 10 Romanby Romany Park Estate AGS AGS 15490.25 Romanby Ward Northallerton games sign 50-60ft 3 No vandalism, 2 4 2 bins. Neat 58 4 4 3 77 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' roadside) no young trees Good disabled of signs all over away) graffiti pathways boundary and some access Northallerton site. across along road bushes some parts x of site

V. little litter. Grass in V. limited No lighting. No vandalism, good parking. Clear Boundary 1 set of small graffiti. condition. Adequate entrance. V. 107 10 Romanby Thistle Close Children 4815.54 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 3 fence all 4 3 72 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' goalposts (no pitch) Equipment in Nice young provision of good disabled around good trees and benches access perimeter condition bushes and bins x

No lights. Limited Entrance not Boundary parking. No Bus stop 2 Romany County Primary Grass patchy v. clear. Good 108 10 Romanby OSF 7207.66 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 V. little litter 3 fence, hedge 2 3 provision of 60 3 4 mins walk 3 67 Education benefits School in places disabled all around benches, away access perimeter bins x Good Lighting on Fairly well parking. No Bus stop 2 surrounding kept grass Condition of 109 10 Romanby Manor Green AGS 1212.08 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Some litter 3 2 3 provision of 48 4 4 mins walk 2 73 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' streets. No (some signage poor benches or away boundary dandylions) x bins Good Lighting on provision of streets benches surrounding Clear Grass in v. and bins. Bus stop on Signage in site. entrance. Cultural and heritage beneits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of 110 10 Romanby Harewood Lane AGS AGS 1431.92 Romanby Ward Northallerton Memorial clock tower 4 V. little litter 4 5 good 4 Neat 86 4 4 road outside 2 poor 73 Boundary Good disabled place' condition pathways site condition wall all access iwthin site. around Limited perimeter x parking Grass in v. good Golf course No litter, Part os site condition. Clear and V. good Clear 5 min walk 111 11 Romanby Golf Course Golf Course GOLF COURSE 828722.99 Morton-on-Swale Ward, Northallerto Northallerton (w.clubhouse, driving 4 vandalism, 3 well lit (car 5 Shrub border 4 82 4 3 5 infromative 77 Economic benefits parking entrance from Yafforth range) graffiti park) in car park. signage Site dotted x with trees Limited parking. Good No Grass in v. provision of boundary. good V. little litter. benches Centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 112 10 Romanby Romanby Green AGS Romanby Green 10607.98 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 4 Lighting in 4 condition. 3 76 4 4 377 No dog mess and bins. Romanby benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' front of Nice mature Neat houses trees pathway in front of x houses

20 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety 2 min walk Some lighting from centre of Variety of No parking. Entrance Some litter. from street. Romany. 1 min plants. Most No provision unclear. V. 113 10 Romanby Romanby Allotments Allotments Allotments 2250.93 Northallerton Broomfield Ward, Rom Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 4 Boundary 4 1 62 2 5 from 1 No signage 57 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' of plots of benches poor disabled graffiti fence along Northallerton cultivated or bins access roadside railways x station Street lighting on Limited Gras patchy. 2 min walk Some litter. road around parking. Associated with new Nicely planted Good disabled from 114 10 Romanby Romanby Road AGS 2215.27 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton 2 Large piles of 4 perimeter. 3 2 Inadequate 54 3 5 76 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' development borders with access Northallerton rubble Boundary provision of young trees train station wall along benches x main road No lighting. Grass is Unclear Fencing Litter and dog patchy. Long No parking. entrance. 3 mins walk Adjacent to Applegarth Car down 1 side 115 10 Romanby AGS 65493.5 Northallerton Central Ward, Northall Northallerton 1 mess 3 2 grass near 2 No bins or 38 2 Poor surface 4 from centre of 1 No signage 50 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Park of site, river problems some of benches for disabled Northallerton down the boundary access x other

Lighting near Good entrance. Grass bald in parking at Boundary places. school. No Clear Spring track. Pitch No litter, On outskirts hedge and Young trees provision of entrance. Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits, social 116 6 Appleton Wiske Primary School OSF 5667.71 Rudby Ward Stokesley (unknown type) 4 vandalism, 4 3 3 70 4 3 of Appleton 370 fence and bushes bins. Good disabled inclusion and health benefits rounders pitch graffiti Wiske around dotted around Indadequate access perimeter of site number of school benches x

Some litter. No lighting. Good Grass bald in Football pitch Some Boundary parking. No On outskirts patches. Nice Clear Structural and landscpae benefits, social inclusion and health 117 6 Appleton Wiske Recreation Ground OSF 18804.2 Osmotherley Ward, Rudby Ward Stokesley (w.goalposts, 2 vandalism 3 fencing and 2 2 provision of 44 3 3 of Appleton 1 No signage 53 area of entrance benefits clubhouse) and graffiti on hedges benches or Wiske woodland clubhouse along 2 sides bins x No lighting. Good Grass in Clear 2 Swing sets ( 1 baby) Some litter. No boundary parking. On outskirts good entrance. 118 6 Appleton Wiske Recreation Ground Play Area Children 1850.61 Rudby Ward Stokesley climbing frame, small 3 No vandalism, 2 around 4 4 Good 66 4 3 of Appleton 1 No signage 63 Social inclusion and health benefits condition. Good disabled climbing frame graffiti playarea provision of Wiske Young trees access x specifically benches x 119 7 East Cowton East Cowton Cricket pitch OSF 7550.76 Cowtons Ward Northallerton Cannott Access 0 0 No lighting. Boundary Limited Clear fence or parking at A little litter. entrance. 2 mins walk to Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits, social hedge all Gras in good school. 120 7 East Cowton East Cowton Primary School OSF 9939.38 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 2 small football pitches 3 No vandalism, 4 3 2 60 2 V.poor 4 centre of East 357inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of around condition Inadequate graffiti disabled Cowton place' perimeter. provision for access Overlooked litter x by houses Good provision of Clear Some litter. Some lighting Grass bald in In centre of benches entrance. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 121 38 Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Village Green AGS 2410.3 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 4 No vandalism, 3 from street. 3 patches. Big 3 66 4 4 Great 1 No signage 70 and bins. Good disabled sense of place graffiti No boundary mature trees Smeaton Limited access x parking Site does not appear to 122 38 Great Smeaton Great Smeaton Cricket OSF 8903.55 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 0 0 x exist No lighting. Clear Boundary Parking at entrance. fence all Rounders pitch. V. little litter. Grass in school. No Good disabled In centre of Signage not Great Smeaton County around Structural and landscape benefits, education benefits, social 123 38 Great Smeaton OSF 5244.75 Cowtons Ward Northallerton Football pitch (w/o 4 No vandalism, 4 3 good 2 provision of 66 3 access to 4 Great 2 visible from 63 Primary School perimeter. inclusion and health benefits goalposts) sprint track graffiti condition benches or site. No Smeaton road Overlooked bins pthways by some within site x houses

Some street Neat Very little Grass bald in 2mins walk lighting. No pathways litter. Bird places. No benches from centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 124 39 Morton on Swale Harewood Close AGS AGS 1652.84 Morton-on-Swale Ward Northallerton 3 3 boundary 4 2 62 4 around site. 4 1 No signage 70 droppings on Covered in / bins Morton on 'sense of place' fencing/hedg Good disabled pathway small trees Swale ing access x x 125 39 Morton on Swale Morton on Swale School OSF 9753.49 Morton-on-Swale Ward Northallerton Cannot access site 0 0 Some litter, vandalism No lighting, Grass on Justo n No bins, Thornton Le Moor Rec Cricket pitch and and graffiti. boundary cricket pitch outskirts of 126 45 Thornton Le Moor OSF Cricket ground 18429.36 Thorntons Ward 2 3 3 3 resonable 54 2 3 1 43 Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits Ground clubhouse Clubhouse is most of way in good Thornton le parking a bit round condition Beams x delapidated Fencing and Just on No litter, or hedges all Grass in Signage in Thornton Le Beans Rec Small football pitch (w Limited outskirts of 128 46 Thornton Le Beans OSF Tennis Court and Football 9547.96 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 4 around 3 reasonable 3 70 3 3 2 v.poor 57 Structural and landscape benefits Ground goalposts) parking Thorton le graffiti perimeter. No condition condition Beams x lighting No lighting, No litter. perimeter Good Good Just on Signage in Thornton Le Beans Rec Signs of fencing pathway to pathway from outskirts of 129 46 Thornton Le Beans Children 551.241 Thorntons Ward Thirsk Tennis Court 3 3 3 60 4 3 2 v.poor 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground Play Area vandalism on okay. Tennis court limited entrance to Thornton le condition fencing court fence parking court Beans damaged x No litter. No lighting. No bins, Football pitch (w. Sign not Clubhouse Good benches. On outskirts Structural and landscape benfits, social inclusion and health 130 24 Bagby Recreation Ground OSF Cricket Ground 10136.46 White Horse Ward Thirsk goalpsts and nets) 3 4 3260 2 2 2 visible from 40 has been perimeter Limited of Bagby benefits, Amendity benefits and a 'sense of place' clubhouse road x vandalised hedge parking No lighting, no doundary Parking at 2 Football pitches (w. 5 mins from Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity enefits and a 131 25 Dalton Dalton Rec Ground OSF 14428.25 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk 3 Some litter 2 between 33Dalton 56 3 3 257 goal posts) central Dalton sense of place OSJ and Village Hall x fields Cricket pitch (w. No lighting, clubhouse, screens, Grass in Good No litter, good Good disabled In middle of Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity enefits and a 133 26 Sessay Recreation Ground OSF Cricket, Tennis, Bowls 17825.2 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk covers and a 5 4 5 excellent 4 parking at 92 4 4 377 vandalism perimeter access Sessay sense of place scoreboard) Bowling condition cricket club fence x green (w. clubhouse) No lighting, Climbing frame / slide, 2 Good Recreation Ground - good Well kept In middle of 134 26 Sessay Children 1070.92 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk swings sets ( 1 baby) 444 4 parking at 80 3 4 2 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Childrens Play perimeter grass Sessay tiny assault course cricket club x fence No lighting, No litter, no parking, good Outskirts of 135 18 Knayton Cricket Club OSF 8541.67 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk No cricket pitch 4 vandalism, 4 31pathways, 62 1 3 133 boundary Knayton graffiti seats x fence V. good Grass in parking. No lighting. Clear V. little litter. good Good 5-10 mins Boundary all entrance. 136 19 South Kilvington Golf Course Golf Course 444601.31 Thirsk Ward, Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 No vandalism, 3 4 condition. 4 provision of 76 4 3 from South 3 Clear signage 70 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits around Good disabled graffiti Nice areas of benches Kilvington perimeter access trees around x clubhouse Grass in Good No lighting. good parking at 2 mins from No litter, Boundary condition. school. No Clear centre of Condition of 137 19 South Kilvington School Playing Fields OSF 3123.91 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 3 fence all 4 3 72 3 4 2 63 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benfits Nice mature provison of entrance South signage poor graffiti around trees along benches Kilvington perimeter x hedge and bins

21 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety No litter, some Grass a bit In centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 138 48 Sandhutton Village Green AGS Village Green 4847.97 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 noise from 3 patchy. Nice 73 3 3 60 Sandhutton benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' x road mature trees

Cricket pitch (w. nets, Some litter. Grass in Good screens, covers, Some Lighting over good parking. No scoreboard) bowling vandalism to some areas. condition. pathways No external green (w. clubhouse) tennis courts, Perimeter (esp cricket within site. Clear 5 min walk to signage. 140 20 Thirsk Thirsk Race Course OSF OSF 35391.83 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 tarmac tennis courts, 2 3 4 4 64 3 4 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits fencing. fence pitch and Adeqiate entrance central Thirsk Good signage 2 grass tennis courts, Tarmac tennis around bowling provision of within site 3 astroturf tennis courts in poor tennis courts green) nice benches courts (w floodlights, condition mature trees and bins rugby pitch x No lighting. Entrance not No litter, Variety of Limited Good clear. Poor vandalism, plants, crops. parking. No external 141 20 Thirsk Thirsk Allotments Allotments 12458.07 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 4 3 boundary all 5 3 78 2 road surface. 3350 Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits graffiti. Some All of plots Clear grass signage around Poor disabled dog mess cultivated pathways x perimeter access Boundary Good fence most provision of Clear of way along Grass bald in benches entrance. 5 min walk roadside. patches. Nice and bins. Some 142 20 Thirsk Norby Front Street AGS AGS 13775.17 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 Some litter 4 2 3 52 3 4 from central 1 no signage 60 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Streetlights area of Pathway problems with Thirsk along road. woodland through site disabled Overlooked has poor access x by houses surface No boundary Assault course Clear around site. (w.beams, bridges, Good entrance. Streetlights Grass in 5 min walk rope bridges, stepping provision of Some 143 20 Thirsk Norby Front Street Play Area Children 789.079 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 Some litter 3 on road. 3 good 4 58 3 4 from central 1 no signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits stones) 2 swing sets benches problems with Overlooked condition Thirsk (1 baby) hanging bars, and bins disabled by houses parallel bars access x across road x 144 20 Thirsk Stammergate Allotments Allotments 1554.75 Thirsk Ward Thirsk Cannot access 0 0 No lighting. Good Clear Some litter Fencing all Grass in parking at entrance. Bus stop Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 145 20 Thirsk Thirsk School OSF 16831.5 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 and 3 along 3 good 3 54 4 4 377 school. No Good disabled outside school amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' vandalism perimeter condition bins on site access x boundary V. good Clear provision of Grass in entrance. No lighting. benches Some litter. good Poor surface Boundary and bins. Some graffiti condition. of pathway Bus stop 2-3 Social inclusion and health benfits, Amenity benefits and a 146 20 Thirsk Millennium Garden AGS 14163.62 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 3 fencing all 4 4 Limited 64 2 4 3 Clear signage 57 on benches Areas of may cause min away sense of place around parking. and bins bushes and problems with perimeter Neat trees disabled pathways access x around site. No lighting. Limited Some litter. Buildings, parking. Clear 4 min walk Information Furniture in fences or Grass thin in Good entrance. 147 20 Thirsk Castle Garth AGS 8466.54 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 3 2 3 54 4 4 from central 3 board where 77 Amenity benefits and a sense of place good walls all patches provision of Good disabled Thirsk paths meet condition around benches access x perimeter and bins

Well lit in Clear Limited centre of entrance. parking. V. 2 Swing sets ( 1 baby) site. Grass in Good disabled good 2-3 mins from 149 21 Sowerby Sowerby Road Play Space Children 8527.91 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 2 slides (big & small) 3 V. little litter 4 Boundary 3 good 4 68 3 access to 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits provison of central Thirsk climbing frames fence all condition site. No benches around pthways and bins perimeter within site x Lighting in Limited area near Areas of long No litter, parking. No 5 mins from road. grass. clear 150 21 Sowerby Sowerby Flats AGS 127243.46 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 3 4 2 provision of 68 3 4 central 1 No signage 60 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of place Boundary Bushes along entrance graffiti benches or Sowerby fence along riverbank bins x roadside x 151 21 Sowerby Sowerby Cricket Ground OSF 9602.18 Sowerby Ward Thirsk Cannot access site 0 0 No lighting. Boundary Limited Clear Rugby pitch, football Some litter. hedge all Grass in parking. No 5 mins from Signage not entrance. Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 152 21 Sowerby Sowerby School OSF 65368.37 Sowerby Ward Thirsk pitch, 2 astroturf 3 No vandalism, 3 around 3 good 2 provision of 56 4 4 central 2 clear from 73 Good disabled amenity benefits and a sense of place wickets graffiti perimeter. condition benches or Sowerby road access Overlooked bins x by 1 house Boundary No provision hedge along V. little litter. Grass weedy of benches Bus stop roadside. Clear 153 21 Sowerby School Site OSF Includes STP 23770.55 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 3 No vandalism, 4 2 and bald in 3 or bins. 58 3 4 outside site on 1 no signage 60 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits Some lighting entrance graffiti places Good road from floodlit parking x pitch No lighting. Most of site No litter, 10 min from Boundary cultivated. Limited Entrance 154 21 Sowerby Sowerby Allotments Allotments 25710.8 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 3 4 2 68 2 3 central 1 No signage 43 Ecological benefits, social inclusion and health benefits fence all Variety of parking unclear graffiti Sowerby x around site plants

No vandalism, No lighting. Grass in No provision Appears to be private graffiti. Scrap Boundary Clear On outskirts 155 21 Sowerby "Cricket Field" OSF Used by Thurcon 11125.28 Sowerby Ward, White Horse Ward Thirsk 2 3 3 good 2 of benches 50 3 3 1 No signage 53 property from Thircon fence along entrance of Thirsk condition and bins on site roadside x Some lighting Grass in on roadside Limited good and parking. No condition. Some litter. pathways. provision of 5 min from Young trees Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 156 2 Stokesley Preston Way AGS AGS 4582.22 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 2 No vandalism, 4 Overlooked 4 2 benches or 60 3 4 central 1 No signage 60 around site. 'sense of place' graffiti by houses. bins. Neat Stokesley Bushes along No boundary pathway boundary along through site. with gardens roadside x Some litter. Cricket pitch (w. nets, No lighting. Well kept Not very Signs not Clubhouse 1/2 walk to 157 100 Chop Gate Chop Gate Cricket Club OSF Map is from Local Plan 8982.8 Swainby Ward Stokesley clubhouse and a 2 3 Boundary all 4 grass except 2 much 56 2 2 2 visible from 40 Social inclusion and health benefits and nets Chop Gate partaloo) around in nets parking road x delapidated No litter / No bins, No signage, Football pitch (w. Fencing a vandalism. Grass very few seats. 10 min walk although site 158 101 Kildale Kildale Football & Cricket Club OSF Map is from Local Plan 13958.24 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley goalposts) cricket 4 4 little untidy in 5 3 82 2 3 2 47 Social inclusion and health benefits Goalposts a well kept Limited from Kildale is visible from pitch, clubhouse places x little rusty parking road No lighting. 5 min walk to Ingleby Greenhow Football No pitch marked out. No litter / Good 159 102 Ingleby Greenhow OSF Map is from Local Plan 24860.58 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 4 3 416413Ingleby 1 No signage 33 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Club No goalposts vandalism fencing and Greenhow x hedges No litter / vandalism. No lighting, Ingleby Greenhow Cricket Cricket pitch, 160 102 Ingleby Greenhow OSF Map is from Local Plan 50126 Broughton and Greenhow Ward Stokesley 4 Clubhouse in 2 partial 3 3 No bins 62 2 2 1 No signage 37 Social inclusion and health benefits Club clubhouse good boundary x condition Good No lighting. parking at No litter. Boundary Grass long village hall. 3 min walk Equipment in Poor disabled Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 161 103 Faceby Faceby Court AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 6799.09 Swainby Ward Stokesley 1 set of goalposts 4 3 fence all 2 with weeds 3 Inadequate 60 2 3 from central 1 No signage 43 good access benefits around in patches provision of Faceby condition perimeter benches x and bins

22 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety

Some street Grass bald in Limited Clear No litter, lighting. No patches. Nice parking. No entrance. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 162 104 West Rounton White House Wynd AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 754.423 Rudby Ward Stokesley 5 vandalism, 3 3 3 72 4 156 boundary young benches or Good disabled sense of place graffiti around site saplings bins access x Entrance Limited No lighting. unclear. Poor parking. No V. little litter. Boundary surface may Small football pitch Grass bald in provision of In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 163 105 Swainby High Street AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 6161.55 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 No vandalism, 3 fence and or 2 3 54 2 cause some 4 1 No signage 50 (w.goals) patches bins. Good Swainby sense of place graffiti hedge all problems with provision of around site disabled benches x access Limited Unclear parking. No 2 Swing sets (1baby) No litter, No lighting. Grass in entrance. provision of In centre of 164 105 Swainby High Street Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 1581.91 Swainby Ward Stokesley small climbing frame, 4 vandalism, 2 No boundary 3 good 3 62 2 Poor surface 4 1 No signage 50 Social inclusion and health benefits bins. Good Swainby rocking horse graffiti around site condition for disabled provision of access x benches Limited No litter, No lighting. parking. No vandalism, Boundary Clear 2 mins from Grass in v. provision of Cricket pitch graffiti. hedging and entrance. centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 165 105 Swainby Swainby Cricket Ground OSF Map is from Local Plan 13287.48 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 3 4 good 2 bins. 62 4 4 1 No signage 70 (w.clubhouse, nets ) Clubhouse in fencing all Good disabled Swainby. Bus benefits condition Adequate poor around access stop provision of maintenance perimeter x benches Limited No lighting. Grass in v. parking at Boundary Clearf good school. No litter, fence all entrance. 2 mins to Spring track. Rounders condition. Good Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 166 105 Swainby Whorlton Parochial School OSF Map is from Local Plan 3134.88 Swainby Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 4 around site. 4 2 72 4 V.good 4 central 4 Clear signage 80 pitch Nice trees to provision of amenity benefits and a sense of place graffiti Overlooked disabled Swarnby bottom end of benches. No by some access site provision of houses x bins Information Very little Adequate about site litter. No Wide variety provision of 1/2 hr walk Ecological benefits, educatin benefits, cultural and heritage 167 106 Thorp Perrow Thorp Perrow Arboretum AGS Exclude from quantity standards 217317.61 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 45 4 86 4 2 5 and wildlife 70 vandalism / of vegetation benches from Snape benefits located all graffiti and bins x over site Very little litter. No Good Grass in very Kitchen Cricket pitch (w vandalism. 1/2 hr walk No external 168 106 Thorp Perrow Thorp Perrow Cricket Club OSF Map is from Local Plan 13028.21 Crakehall Ward Bedale 3 4 perimeter 4 good 4 facilities in 74 2 Poor surface 2 2 40 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse) Clubhouse in from Snape signage fence condition clubhouse poor x maintenance Some litter, Little pavillion. B-ball vandalism Perimeter Grass in hoop, ball wall. Assault and graffiti. fence most good 3 mins walk Neat pathway course (w. beams, mini Noise from of way condition. very limited from central Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 169 107 Crakehall Crakehall Bridge Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 915.967 Crakehall Ward Bedale 2 3 4 3 60 3 to site 4 1 No signage 60 roundabout, rope road. round. Some Surrounded parking gReat 'sense of place' entrance bridges and a climbing Equipment in lighting near by mature Crakehall wall) good entrance trees x condition Perimeter fence Grass in Some litter, majority of good 3 min walk vandalism Neat pathway the way condition. very limited from central Exological benefits, cultural and heritage benefits, amenity 170 107 Crakehall Crakehall Bridge AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 3315.7 Crakehall Ward Bedale 2 and graffiti. 3 4 3 60 3 near site 4 68 around site. Surrounded parking great benefits and a 'sense of place' Noise from entrance Some lighting by mature crakenhall road. near trees x entrance Bus top in Grass in No litter, Some street Good centre of good vandalism. lighting. No provision of Great Parish notice Structural and landscape benefits, Social includion and heath 171 107 Crakehall A684 Crakehall 1 AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 7043.97 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 3 4 condition. 3 72 4 3 67 Noise from boundary benches Crakehall board benefits. Nice mature road fencing and bins (centre of trees x 3 site) Grass in No litter, No benches, good vandalism. bins in this Bus stop just Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 172 107 Crakehall A684 Crakehall 2 AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 3607.16 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 2 No boundary 4 condition. 2 64 3 4 68 Noise from part of the across road benefits Nice mature road green x trees Very little litter. No perimeter Grass in In centre of 2 swing sets (1 baby) Equipment in boundary good Great 173 107 Crakehall A684 Crakehall Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 687.731 Crakehall Ward Bedale seesaw, climbing 4 very good 3 around play 4 condition. 37244Crakenhall. 30 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and health benefits frame / slide condition. area. No Nice mature seconds walk Noise from lighting trees from bus stop x road No litter. Grass in very limited In centre of Noise from No good parking. Great Cricket pitch (w. road. 174 107 Crakehall The Green Cricket Pitch OSF Map is from Local Plan 9260.91 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 3 boundary. 4 condition. 3 Inadequate 72 3 4 Crakenhall. 30 2 63 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse) Clubhouse in No lighting Nice big provision of seconds walk good mature trees bins from bus stop x condition Some litter. Adequate No No lighting. provision of 5 min walk vandalism/gra Fencing or Grass in benches Climbing frame (w. No pathways from centre of 175 107 Crakehall Crakehall Hall Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 1611.34 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 ffiti. 3 hedging all 3 good 3 and bins. 66 4 3 370 slide and bridge) within site Great Equipment in around condition Good Crakehall very good perimeter parking at x condition village hall Appropriate Grass in number of Some lighting good Centre of Parish council No litter, benches. Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 176 108 Sutton Howgrave AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 2561.29 Tanfield Ward Bedale 5 3 from 5 condition. 5 3 84 4 2 Sutton 3 notice board 63 vandalism Inadequate benefits streetlamp nice mature Howgrave by phone box number of trees x bins

3 Climbing posts, 2 No litter. No boundary Inadequate wooden climbing Grass in very No pathways 2 mins walk Scruton Cricket Ground Play Equipment in around provision of 177 40 Scruton Children 190.766 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale frames, swing set, 4 3 4 good 3 72 2 from entrance 3 from central 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benefits Area good playarea. No bins. Plenty beams, climbing frame condition to site Scruton condition lighting of benches (w. slide, tunnel etc) x

No lighting. Conditions os Small MUGA with b-ball No litter. No benches No pathways 2 mins walk Scruton Cricket Ground Perimeter use displayed 178 40 Scruton Young 565.781 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale court and a tennis 3 Equipment a 3 2 / bins 54 2 from entrance 3 from central 4 53 Social inclusion and health benefits MUGA fence all clearly at court bit worn around site to site scruton around site entrance x No lighting. V. Little litter. Nice mature Fencing Centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 179 109 Nosterfield Nosterfield Green AGS Map is from Local Plan 1438.37 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 Noise from 4 4 trees and 37033 60 along major Nosterfield sense of place road borders x road V. Little litter. Equipment in No lighting, 2 swing sets (1 baby) good fencing Limited Centre of Signage not 180 109 Nosterfield Nosterfield Green Play area Children Map is from Local Plan 108.359 Tanfield Ward Bedale slide, climbing frame, 4 4 3 patchy grass 3 70 2 3 2 47 Social inclusion and health benefits condition. along major parking Nosterfield very visible seat and bin Noise from road x road Some litter. Limited 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) No vandalism, No lighting. parking. climbing frame, graffiti. Most No boundary Grass bald Good Clear In centre of 181 13 Leeming Bar Leeming Lane Play Area Children 350.512 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale roundabout, slide, 2 4 2 2 3 56 3 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits of equipment around play om [;aces provison of entrance Leeming Bar rocking horses, 4 in v.good area benches or funny beams condition bins x

23 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Attached 182 13 Leeming Bar Northallerton Road Play Area Children 597.039 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 0 0 to 181

Some litter. No lighting. Limited Goalposts Solid parking. No Entrance Small football pitch (w Grass weedy 3 mins walk wither boundary benches/se clear. Very 183 14 Leeming Mill Lane AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 3924.91 Leeming Ward Bedale 2 goalposts minus 2 3 2 and long in 3 48 2 3 from centre of 1 No signage 43 Structural and landscape benefits vandalised or most of way ats. Bin well poor disabled crossbars) sprint track patches Leeming in a state of round placed near access disreapir perimeter entrance x Some litter. Limited No No pathway No lighting. parking. No vandalism/gra Grass weedy across AGS. 3 mins walk 2 Swing sets (1 baby) No boundary benches. 184 14 Leeming Mill Lane Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 495.077 Leeming Ward Bedale 3 ffiti. 2 2 and longer in 2 46 2 V. poor 3 from central 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benfits mini roundabout around play Bin near Equipment is patches disabled Leeming area entrance to in good access AGS x condition Reasonable Grass bald in disabled No litter, some places. Limited off- No lighting. access. Poor In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural and heritage 185 111 Great/Little Fencote Fleetham Lane AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 1581.5 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 3 3 Mature trees 3 site parking. 66 2 3 1 No signage 43 No boundary surface on Great Fencote benefits graffiti along No benches track through roadside x the site No lighting. Variety of Limited Clear Very littler Hedging, different parking. entrance to litter. No fencing or plants. Some Fairly clear 186 112 Hackforth North Road Allotments Allotments Map is from Local Plan 4640.15 Crakehall Ward Bedale 3 3 3 3 60 2 site. Poor 2 1 No signage 37 Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits vandalism, wall all areas of grass disabled graffiti around uncultivated pathway access x perimeter land within site Grass in very Adequate Some street good Local bus provision of Poor disabled Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 187 113 Kirkby Fleetham Kirkby Fleetham Green AGS Map is from Local Plan 9208.52 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 4 Very little litter 3 lighting. No 4 condition. 3 72 2 4 stop on village 56 benches access 'sense of place boundary Nice mature green and bins x trees Limited Mini assault course (w. parking. Clear beams, stepping Boundary Inadequate entrance. V. little litter. stones, rope bridges) 2 hedge all provision of Some Equipment all Grass bald in Bus stop on 188 121 Osmotherley Cuddy lane Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 1657.15 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton climbing frames, see 4 3 around 2 2 bins. Some 56 3 problems with 4 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits in good patches road near site saw. 2 swing sets (1 perimeter. No paths within disabled condition baby) slide, 2 rocking lighting site have access (road horses poor surface) x surfaces

Cricket pitch No litter, Perimeter grass - v. Limited Cricket pitch vandalism. fence all 10 min walk Osmotherley Cricket & good. Football parking. No clear 189 121 Osmotherley OSF Map is from Local Plan 20358.69 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton (w.clubhouse) football 4 Equipmenet in 3 around 4 2 68 3 3 from 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Football Club pitch grass - benches or entrance pitch (w. goalposts) good boundary. Osmotherley patchy. Nice bins condition No lighting mature trees x Limited Some lighting parking. around site. No litter, Grass in V.good Boundary Clear vandalism, good provision of fence along entrance. V. In centre of Social inclsuion and heath benefits, amenity benefits and a 190 115 Danby Wiske Danby Wiske AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 649.803 Morton-on-Swale Ward Northallerton 3 graffiti. 5 4 condition. 4 benches 78 5 4 1 No signage 80 roadside. good disabled Danby Wiske sense of place Benches are Nice trees and bins. Overlooked access a bit moulldy around site. Neat by houses pathway and pub x across site

Some litter. Clear No vandalism. No lighting. On outskirts Recreation Ground Skate 2 Quarter pipes, box, Good entrance. 191 6 Appleton Wiske Young 1656.43 Rudby Ward Stokesley 3 Equipment in 3 Fencing all 4 66 3 3 of Appleton 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Park rail parking Poor disabled good around site Wiske access condition x Good No lighting. parking. Clear No litter, On outskirts Fence all Good entrance. 192 6 Appleton Wiske Recreation Ground MUGA Young 1389.69 Rudby Ward Stokesley 2 tarmac tennis courts 3 vandalism, 3 3 60 4 3 of Appleton 2 67 Social inclusion and health benefits around provision of Good disabled graffiti Wiske tennis courts benches. No access x bins Unclear No lighting. Grass in V. good entrance. Fencing all good provision of V. little litter. Neat pathway 2 Swing sets (1 baby) around play condition benches In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 193 116 East Harsley East Harsley Play Area Children Map is from Local Plan 236.776 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton 4 No vandalism, 4 3 4 74 3 around village 4 367 slide, clhain cargo net area. (long around and bins. East Harlsey sense of place graffiti hall. Good Overlooked bench and Good disabled by village hall bin) parking x access

V. little litter. No lighting. Grass in Good Fairly clear No vandalism, Boundary good parking. No entrance. Cricket pitch (w. graffiti. hedge and or condition. provision of 2 min out of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 194 116 East Harsley East Harsley Cricket Ground OSF Map is from Local Plan 18780.6 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton 4 3 4 3 72 2 Poor disabled 4 1 No signage 50 clubhouse) Clubhouse in fence all Nice trees bins. Poor East Harlsey benefits access. Poor good around dotted around provision of road surface condition perimeter edge of site benches x x 195 50 Topcliffe Topcliffe Primary School OSF 3431.15 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk Inaccessable 0 0 No litter. Football pitch Good 3 mins from Basketball Limited 196 50 Topcliffe Topcliffe Playing Field OSF 14897.23 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk (dismantled goalposts) 4 4 perimeter 4480 3 4 central 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits hoop a bit parking basketball hoop(1) fence Topcliffe x delapidated Well kept Good Walk across 3 mins from Topcliffe Playing Field Play Bowling green (w. grass. Nice Limited 197 50 Topcliffe Children 874.3 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk 4 No litter 4 perimeter 5 3 82 3 OSF for 3 Central 1 No signage 53 Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits Area clubhouse) flowers in parking fence access Topcliffe x border Fencing No litter, and/or Limited Is actually private Near centre of 198 110 Thirlby Thirlby AGS AGS Map is from Local Plan 10326.7 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 5 vandalism, 4 hedging all 33parking at 76 2 3 2 47 Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits property Thirlby graffiti around village hall x perimeter Limited Good Wide variety V. Little litter, public In centre of boundary of trees. Ssome no parking. Newby Wiske. 199 120 South Otterington Police Training Centre AGS Public access 98623.89 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 4 mosto f way 5 Grass mostly 2 78 3 pathways 3 463 vandalism/gra Inadequate Poor public around in good unclear ffiti number of transport perimiter condition x benches Parking, bins No lighting. 2 mins walk No litter, Grass in and South Otterington Primary Good from central 200 120 South Otterington OSF School playing fields 2606.91 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 5 vandalism, 4 4 v.good 3 benches at 82 3 3 3 60 Education benefits School boundary South graffiti condition adjacent fence Otterington x school Grass in V. Little litter. Lighting over good Structural and landscape benefits, Amenity benefits and a 201 120 South Otterington Beechfield AGS AGS 1953.99 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 No vandalism, 3 road. No 4 condition. 75 3 3 60 'sense of place' graffiti boundary Small trees at southern end x Grass in v.good Limited No litter, no No lighting. Unclear condition. parking. No 5-10 min from Cricket pitch (w. graffiti. Some Boundary entrance. V. 202 19 South Kilvington South Kilvington Cricket Club OSF Cricket Club 14988.35 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 3 3 4 Lots of 2 provision of 62 2 3 central South 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse) vandalism to fence all poor disabled saplings benches or Kilvington clubhouse around site access behind bins x clubhouse

24 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Some lighting from road. Grass in Limited No boundary Some litter. good parking. No In centre of along Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 203 19 South Kilvington Upsall Road AGS AGS 4173.8 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 3 No vandalism, 4 4 condition. 2 provision of 66 3 4 South 1 no signage 60 roadisde. #'sense of place' graffiti Mature tree in benches or Kilvington Overlooked centre of site bins by some houses x

Decent Grass in provision Some litter. good ofbins and 1 min walk Small football pitch (w. Goalposts not Some street Parish council Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 204 114 Pickhill Green AGS 5505.39 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 3 4 condition. 4 seats. Good 70 3 3 ffrom central 3 60 goalposts) in best lighting notice board 'sense of place' Nice mature parking at Pickhill condition tree nearby school x Some litter. Very good Mini assault cours Equipment in No lighting. Grass bald in provision Good disabled (w.beams, rope good Perimeter some areas, 1 min walk Pickhill Green Toddlers Play ofbins and access to site 205 114 Pickhill Children 975.393 Tanfield Ward Bedale bridges and stepping 3 condition. 3 fence all 3 long inothers. 5 68 3 3 from centre of 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Area seats. Good entrance but stones) small swing, Fence in around site Nice mature Dickhill parking at not within site climbing frame slight boundary tree school x disrepair Just on the Good Nice mature No litter Excellent Good disabled outskirts of Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity benefits and a 206 51 Carlton Husthwaite Butt Lane AGS AGS 1945.43 White Horse Ward Thirsk 5 4 perimeter 3 trees to back 4 80 4 4 3 No signage 77 /vandalism parking access Carlton 'sense of place' fence of building x Husthwaite Welcoming No lighting, Some litter, no Neat grass. sign visible Small football pitch. good Limited Neat path On outskirts Social inclusion and health benfits, Amenity benefits and a 207 24 Bagby Bagby Lane AGS AGS 3058.29 White Horse Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 4 5 Nice areas of 4 86 4 3 5 from road. 77 One basketball hoop perimeter parking from road of Bagby sense of place graffiti plants Info at fence x entrance Limited No No boundary parking. litter/vandalis Quarter pipe, rail, box, around Neat path On outskirts 208 24 Bagby Bagby Lane Skatepark Young 347.488 White Horse Ward Thirsk 4 m. Equipment 3 4476 4 3 2 No signage 67 Social inclusion and health benfits 2 ramps skatepark. from of Bagby in good No lighting entrance to condition x skatepark Climbing frame/slide. 2 Limited swing sets (2 baby) Very little Boundary parking. sandpit, mini climbing litter. No fence Well kept Good On outskirts 209 24 Bagby Bagby Lane Play Area Children 1064.78 White Horse Ward Thirsk wall, mini assault 4 4 4 64 4 3 5 Same as 207 77 Social inclusion and health benefits vandalism / around some grass amount of of Bagby ocurse (w. bridge, graffiti equipment benches / rope bridge and bins x beams) Fencing V. Little litter. around Grass Limited Equipment Disabled 2 Tennis Courts, courts, surrounding parking. No Outskirts of 210 18 Knayton Knayton Tennis Club OSF Tennis Club 2236.61 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 3 and 4 4 2 66 2 access very 3 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benefits clubhouse hedges site in good bins/benche Knayton clubhouse in poor around site, condition s poor condition x no lighting Good clear V. Little litter, Small football pitch (w. entrance, equipmetn in Good parking Outskirts of 211 18 Knayton Primary School Playing Fields OSF School playing fields 4424.02 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk goalposts) sprint track, 4 34 4 good 76 3 3 3 60 Ecological benefits, educational benefits good at school Knayton rounders pitch disabled condition x access Bins and V. Little litter, Pathways Grass has benches no around Center of 212 18 Knayton Moor Road AGS AGS 1016.02 Whitestonecliffe Ward Thirsk 4 3 dandylions 3 outside ' 68 3 4 68 Social inclusion and health benefits vandalism/gra Knayton Knayton growing Krayton ffiti Institute x Institute' no litter, No known Village green with Well kept Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits, 213 81 Great Busby Great Busby Village Green AGS 689.211 Swainby Ward Stokesley 5 vandalism, 45 38832public 52 bench and mature tree grass Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti transport links x x 214 81 Great Busby Great Busby AGS AGS 525.375 Swainby Ward Stokesley Private Property 0 0 In small village Permimeter with no bus Nicely Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits, 215 78 Easby Easby Play Area Children 909.128 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley Is actually allotments 3 Some litter 3 hedge 4 26222stop. 5 min 137 cultivated Amenity benefits and 'sense of place' patchy walk from x Easby grass patchy Perimeter and bald in Some liter. fencing all places. Long No seats or 1 min walk 2 sets of goalposts (no Equipment in way round. greass and No pathways 217 17 Snape Beach Close AGS AGS 4976.36 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 3 3 2 bins within 62 3 3 from central 1 53 Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits nets) good No lighting. nettles within site site Snape condition Overlooked growing up by houses against x boundary No lighting, Good Cricket/football pitch perimeter parking. Not (w clubhouse, nets No litter, some fencing Near cental Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity benefits and a 218 28 Tollerton Newton Road Sports Club OSF Football, Cricket and Tennis 16590.55 Tollerton Ward Easingwold 4 3 33enough 66 3 3 360 and greens) 3 tennis valdalism okay. Tennis Tollerton 'sense of place' seats or courts (w. pavillion) court fence bins damaged x Some No lighting. Assault course (w. valdalim/equip Fencing parrallel bars, rope Some patchy Same as Neat path to 219 28 Tollerton Newton Road Sports Club Children Toddlers Play Area 576.139 Tollerton Ward Easingwold 3 ment not in 3 around 3 3 60 3 3 Same as 218 3 60 Social inclusion and health benefits bridge etc) climbing areas 218 play area good climbing frame/slide x condition frame/slide Street light No litter, overhead, Grass a bit 220 28 Tollerton South Back Lane AGS AGS 252.565 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Fenced off AGS 5 vandalism, 5 3 89 0 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' fencing all patchy graffiti x around Equipment No sings of No litter Decent Informative Short sprint track, seems safe, Trees at litter, bins. Not entrance and signs in 221 27 Brafferton / Helperby St Peters School OSF School playing fields 2509.16 Helperby Ward Easingwold football pitch, rounders 5 3 boundary all 4 bottom of 3 78 3 3360 Ecological benefits, education benefits vandalisum or much car disabled appropriate pitch around. No field graffiti parking acess places x lighting Unclear Poor parking entrance. No litter or Boundary Nice variety 222 27 Brafferton / Helperby Brafferton Allotments Allotments 4417.73 Helperby Ward Easingwold 5 3 4 2 and 74 1 Unsuitable for 3 3 No signage 40 Structural and landscape benefits, Ecological benefits vandalism well defined of plants pathways disabled x access

Small Equipment No vandalism, amount of 2 Clubhouses (1 older) looks safe, 5 min walk dog mess or Trees dotted parking 223 27 Brafferton / Helperby Brafferton Sports Club OSF Football and Cricket Club 16540.66 Helperby Ward Easingwold screen and covers for 3 4 full 4 2 66 3 3 from 3 60 Social inclusion and health benefits noise - some around behind wicket boundary. Brafferton litter clubhouse. No lighting One litter bin x Fencing and/or 2 Swing sets (1 baby) hedges all Equipment bit Plenty of Entrance In the middle climbing frame (w. round. NO One nice old Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place', Social inclusion and 224 29 Linton On Ouse Linton Meadow Play Area Children 1758.99 Shipton Ward Easingwold 4 rusty/old. 4 3 5 seats. Good 78 4 down ginnel, 4 of housing 273 slide) roundabout, lighting. tree health benefits Very little litter pathways else good estate seesaw Overlooked by some x houses No lighting, Parking in Close to 225 29 Linton On Ouse Main Street AGS AGS 11674.33 Shipton Ward Easingwold 1 Football pitch 4 Some litter 4 4376 4 3 2 67 Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits x good fencing church central Linton

25 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety No lighting. No litter, dog No parking, Boundaries Structural and landscape benefits, Amenity benefits and a 226 32 Huby Tally Hill AGS AGS 6365.7 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 5 fouling or 3 32bins or 68 1 3 36 mos of way 'sense of place' vandalism seats x round Not much Not much lighting. close to Sprint track, rounders parking, no 227 32 Huby Huby School OSF 4052.33 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 53Good 4378 4 3 center of 3 70 Education benefits pitch bins, not boundary Huby many seats x fence Some litter & dog mess. Good Cricket pitch (w. Cricket parking - clubhouse, screens Near centre of Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 228 32 Huby Robin Lane Sports Club OSF Includes bowling green 24461.26 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 4 clubhouse, 3 No lighting 4 4 some bins. 76 3 4 2 No signage 63 and scoreboard) Huby benefits screen and Plenty of bowling club scoreboard seats x delapidated Assault course, gymnastics bars, 2 no lighting, same as No paths 229 32 Huby Robin Lane Sports Club Children 1326.8 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 4 some litter 4 3474 3 4 same as 228 2 same as 228 63 swing sets (1 baby) good fencing 228 inside park x slide, snadpit no lighting, Decent No litter, Grass in good parking at Fairly central 230 54 Alne Alne Primary School OSF 3220.8 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Goalposts at one end 5 vancalism or 4 4 good 4 86 5 4 4 90 Education benefits boundary school - in Alne graffiti condition x fence neat paths x 231 54 Alne Alne Cricket Club OSF Cricket Club 12095.54 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Cannot access site 0 0 No lighting. Just on Boundary No litter, Grass in very outskirts of No external sporadic Poor disabled Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity benefits and a 232 54 Alne Thirlcrofts Road AGS AGS 22541.78 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Small football pitch 5 vandalism or 4 4 good 48634 Alne. 5 min 3 signs. Good 67 along access sense of place graffiti condition walk from bus internal signs northern stop x edge 2 Tennis courts, Equipment in Excellent Same as 233 54 Alne Thirlcrofts Road MUGA Young MUGA 1221.9 Tollerton Ward Easingwold basketball court, '5' a 5 decent 5 lighting and 4 232. No 94 3 Same as 232 4 same as 232 4 70 Education benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits x side goalposts condition fencing extra seats 2 swing sets (1 baby) mini climbing frame (w. No litter / No direct slide) big climbing vandalism. lighting. Grass in Good frame(w. slide) 2 Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity benefits and a 234 54 Alne Thirlcrofts Road Play Area Children 820.365 Tollerton Ward Easingwold 5 Equipment in 4 Boundary 4 good 4 number of 86 3 Same as 232 4 Same as 232 3 Same as 232 67 rocking horses, see 'sense of place' good around play condition seats saw, sandpit, mini condition area assault course and a x zip wire Some litter, Same as Quarter pipe, box, 2 equipment in 235 54 Alne Thirlcrofts Road Skatepark Young Skatepark 881.23 Tollerton Ward Easingwold 4 3 No lighting 4 232. No 74 3 Same as 232 4 same as 232 4 Sign is clear 70 Social inclusion and health benefits rails good extra seats x condition No lighting. Good Football pitch boundary 2 mins walk Limited 236 55 Newton on Ouse Tollerton Road AGS AGS 15238.33 Shipton Ward Easingwold (w.shelter and 4 Very little litter 4 hedge and 4272 3 3 from Newton 2 57 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' parking goalposts) fence. center Overlooked x by houses 2 swing sets (1baby) Boundary No paths 2 mins walk climbing frame (w. No vandalism around play Grass a bit Same as 237 55 Newton on Ouse Tollerton Road Play Area Children 585.178 Shipton Ward Easingwold 4 3 3 2 62 3 within play 3 from Newton 2 57 Social inclusion and health benefits slide) 2 see saws, 2 / graffiti area. No patch 236 area center x rocking animals lighting Good perimeter Just on the No litter / Parking in Good disabled 238 52 Husthwaite Husthwaite Primary School OSF 19419.62 White Horse Ward Thirsk 4 3 boundary 3470 4 4 outskirts of 4 80 Education Benefits vandalism. school access down 2 Husthwaite x sides Grass Very little No lighting, covered in On the Structural and landscape benefits, Social includion and health 239 52 Husthwaite Kays Bank AGS AGS 1699.62 White Horse Ward Thirsk 4 litter. No 4 fence along 3 dandy lions. 73 4 outskirts of 372 benefits, Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' vandalisum, main road Some nice Husthwaite x small trees No litter or Lighting over Good Bus stop vandalism. tarmac area. Grass in parking and Tarmac netball court, Good disabled directly 240 34 Crayke Crayke School OSF 7235.07 Stillington Ward Easingwold 5 Equipment all 5 Safe and 4 reasonable 4 paths. 90 4 5 5 Easy to find 90 Education benefits football pitch access across the in good secure condition Plenty of road x condition boundary benches Cricket pitch (w. Building Reasonable Areas of Min from clubhouse, covers, material parking and Crayke Cricket and Football well lit car longer grass center of 241 34 Crayke OSF 16323.14 Stillington Ward Easingwold screens and 4 strewn 4 4 4 seats in 80 3 4 3 67 Structural and landscape benfits Club park around Crayke on scoreboard) football around front of MUGA foot x pitch clubhouse clubhouse Excellent Crayke Cricket and Football 2 Tennis courts, 1 surface. Nets No lighting Same as 242 34 Crayke Young MUGA 1490.48 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 3 4 74 3 4 Same as 241 2 63 Club basketball hoop below rest of over MUGA 241 x equipment No litter or Assault course, No lighting. graffiti. Gate Plenty of Rough path Crayke Cricket and Football climbing frame, Good 243 34 Crayke Children Toddlers Equipped Play Area 229.429 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 has been 4 4 seating. No 80 3 from cricket 4 Same as 241 2 Same as 241 63 Social inclusion and health benefits Club slide/firemans pole, 2 boundary temporarily litter bins pitch swing sets ( 1 baby ) fence x fixed No lighting. Good Clear Some litter, no Boundary Grass in parking. No 1 min from entrance. 244 53 Tholthorpe Back Lane Allotments Allotments 7709.72 Helperby Ward Easingwold Is actually Guides HQ 3 vandalism, 3 hedge and or 3 good 2 provision of 56 4 4 centre of 1 No signage 70 Good disabled graffiti fence all condition benches Tholthorpe access x around site and bins Limited Nice trees parking. and plants V.good V. little litter. No lighting. around site. provision of In centre of Ecological benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 245 53 Tholthorpe Tholthorpe Village Green AGS 5197.51 Helperby Ward Easingwold 3 No vandalism, 2 No boundary 4 4 66 4 4 1 No signage 70 Grass in benches Tholthorpe amenity benefits and sense of place graffiti around site good and bins. condition Telephone x box on site No litter or Boundaries Nice mix of Entrance gate vandalism. Bus stop 246 30 Shipton Station Lane Allotmets Allotments 9311.47 Shipton Ward Easingwold 3 3 mostly 3 cultivated and 60 2 is difficult to 4 3 57 Ecological benefits Entry gate is outside school overgrown natural areas open x delapidated Some litter, Gras in good Equipment Ample Clear evidence of condition. Small football pitch seems safe. parking. entrance. Bus stop 247 30 Shipton Shipton School OSF School playing fields 5474.31 Shipton Ward Easingwold 3 vandalism, 4 4 Nice trees 4 74 4 4 3 Clear signage 77 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits (w/o goals) Good Nice Good disabled across road poor along boundary pathways access x maintenance boundary Nice bus stop outside No litter, Good fences Nice neat path school. No 248 30 Shipton Station Lane AGS AGS 2459.59 Shipton Ward Easingwold 5 vandalism, 4 hedges all 3804leading to 4 1 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' bike stands. dog mess way round AGS No paths x within AGS Some litter, Good Just on goalposts in hedges parking. No outskirts of Football pitch, Rows of good down 2 Long grass real Entrance is Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits, 249 30 Shipton Main Street Playing Fields OSF 21782.54 Shipton Ward Easingwold 4 3 4 4 76 4 4 Shipton next 273 Trees condition (no sides no along hedges pathways. clear Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' to free car nets) noise lighting Not many park x from road benches

26 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety A little No lighting. vandalism Overlooked 2 Swing sets (1 baby) and litter. Same as 250 30 Shipton Main Street Play Area Children 408.604 Shipton Ward Easingwold 3 3 by 3 60 2 4 Same as 249 2 53 Social inclusion and health benefits climbing frame Climbing 249 community frame missing centre equipment x

Good Cricket pitch (w. nets, Vandalism Good Sign on Good Grass in entrance and A minutes Raskelf Football and Cricket covers, scoreboard around car parking, clubhouse Structural and landscape benefits, Social inclusion and health 251 56 Raskelf OSF Football and Cricket Club 31137.98 Helperby Ward Easingwold 3 4 boundary, no 4 good 4 74 4 disabled 3 walk from 3 70 Club and clubhouse) football park some ample visible from benefits lighting condition access. Good Raskel pitch litter benches road bike stands x

Small amount Assault course 2 sets No lighting, Grass in No benches Raskelf Football and Cricket of litter. Same as site 252 56 Raskelf Children Equipped play area 602.889 Helperby Ward Easingwold of swings (1 baby) 3 3 360 degree 4 good 2 within 62 4 Same as 251 4 3 77 Social inclusion and health benefits. Club Equipment is 251 rocking horse boundary condition eyesight sound x Good Good Post that hold equipment parking. Raskelf Football and Cricket 253 56 Raskelf Young MUGA 1681.13 Helperby Ward Easingwold 3 Tennis Courts 4 up nets a bit 4 and 43Adequate 76 3 4 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Club rusty boundary no benches, no ligthing litter bins x Assault course (w. Some litter. tunnel, stepping Equipment in No boundary 10 mins walk Grass n good Limited Good clear 254 15 Bedale Kingfisher Drive Young 540.457 Bedale Ward Bedale stones, bridge, cargo 3 good 3 around. No 3 3 60 4 3 from centre of 1 No signage 63 Education benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' condition parking entrance net, rope bridges, condition. lighting Bedale x beams handing bars) Some graffiti Lighting from Clear street light. Some litter. entrance 10 min walk Low Grass a bit Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 255 15 Bedale Otterbeck AGS AGS 590.608 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 No vandalism, 4 3 65 3 gate. No 3 from central 60 boundary patchy 'sense of place' graffiti pathways Bedale fence with within site x wire mesh Entrance No lighting. Signage not pathway Boundary Grass a bit No parking. visible from Some litter. reasonable. wall, hedging patchy. Wide Inadequate road. Ecological benefits, cultural and heritage benefits, amenity 256 15 Bedale Bedale Bridge AGS AGS 1054.92 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 Bench is 3 4 2 56 2 Could be 4 3 57 around most variety of provision for Interesting benefits and a 'sense of place' unattractive problems with 3 mins walk of site (rest plants litter info about disabled from central is riverside) Leech house x access Bedale Litter around site. Part of site Cycle stand Equipment in Good 3 small football pitches. floodlit. Very behind leisure About 5 min good parking at 257 15 Bedale Bedale Agricultural Centre Young MUGA 2272.28 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 b-ball courts, some 3 4 good 3 66 4 centre. Very 4 walk from 377 condition. leisure tennis nets perimeter good disabled central Bedale Some cracks centre fence access in playing x surface V. little litter. No lighting. V. good No vandalism, Grass in Fencing and provision of 10 mins walk Football pitch (w.goals graffiti. good Clear Condition of 258 16 Bedale Mowbray School OSF School playing fields 6367.62 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 3 hedging all 4 3 benches. No 72 3 3 to central 2 57 Education benefits, social inclusion and health benefits nets) Equipment in condition. entrance signage poor around provision of Bedale good Nice saplings perimeter bins condition x No lighting. Grass in Boundary Clear good fencing No benches entrance. V. little liter. condition. 2 mins from 2 Large football pitches and/or or bins in Surface could Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 259 8 Brompton Station Road AGS AGS 22748.71 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 4 Hedging and 3 66 3 4 central 3 Clear signage 67 (w.goalposts) hedging most AGS. Good cause difficult benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti long grass Brompton of way parking disabled along fence around access and riverside x perimeter Good parking at No lighting. Clear school. No V. little litter. Boundar Grass in entrance. Sprint track. Football provision of In centre of 260 8 Brompton Brompton Primary School OSF 17518.17 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 Some graffiti. 3 fence all 3 good 4 64 4 Neat pathay 4 3 77 Education Benefits, social inclusion and health benefits pitch (w.o goalposts) bins. Brompton No vandalism around condition around school Adequate perimeter to site provision of x benches

Some lighting No parking. Climbing frame, slide, 2 Some litter. from road. Good 1 min from Northallerton Road Play Area swing sets (1 baby) Clear 261 8 Brompton Children 757.705 Brompton Ward Northallerton 2 Noise from 3 No boundary 3 provison of 51 3 4 centre of 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits 2 roundabout, 2 rocking entrance road around play benches Brompton horses, b-ball hoop area and bins x V. good provision of benches No litter, No lighting. 5-10 min walk Half pipe, quarter pipe, and bins. V. Clear 262 8 Northallerton Northallerton Skate Park Young 555.455 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 3 Fencing 5 80 4 4 to central 3 Clear signage 77 Social inclusion and health benefits box (w. rails) good entrance graffiti around site Northallerton parking. Cyclestands x provided Well lit. V.good Floodlit MUGA (w. No litter, boundary parking. No 5-10 min walk Clear 263 8 Northallerton Northallerton MUGA Young 4264.83 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton hockey pitch) Football 3 vandalism, 4 fence all 3 provision of 66 3 4 to central 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits entrance goals (big and small) graffiti around benches or Northallerton x perimeter bins V. good Grass in parking. No good Clear V. little litter. provision of 5-10 min walk 5 Football pitches condition. entrance. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 264 8 Northallerton Recreation Ground OSF 66549.81 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 4 No vandalism, 3 No lighting 4 2 bins. 68 4 4 to central 1 No signage 70 (w.goalposts) Areas of Good disabled 'sense of place' graffiti Inadequate Northallerton busihes and access provision of small trees x benches

Most of site Good unlit. Hedging provision for Clear Grass in and fencing dog mess. entrance. No 5 min from No litter, v.good around No provision pathways main road to 265 8 Northallerton Thorntree Road AGS 1 AGS 2059.88 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 4 condition. 3 76 3 3 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' gardens. of bins or within site for Northallerton graffiti Nice trees in Overlooked benches. disabled (A684) one area by some Limited access houses parking x Some areas around roads lit. Good Clear hedging Grass in provision for entrance. No 5 mins from No litter, and/or good dog mess. pathways main road to Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 266 8 Northallerton Thorntree Road AGS 2 AGS 4679.98 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 fencing 4 condition. 3 76 3 3 1 No signage 53 No provision within site for Northallerton 'sense of place graffiti around Mature trees of benches disabled (A684) gardens. in one area or bins access Overlooked by some x houses

Lighting in No parking. Clear No litter, centre of Grass in 10 mins walk Good entrance. 267 9 Northallerton Off South View AGS AGS 1978.8 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 site. Fencing 3 good 3 70 4 3 to central 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' provision of Good disabled graffiti all around condition Northallerton bins access perimeter x

27 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Some lighting from road. Grass in Limited Boundary Multiple clear good parking. V. little litter. fence along entrances. No Small football pitch (w. condition. Adequate Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 268 9 Northallerton Bankhead Road AGS AGS 4935.03 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 Some grafitti 4 roadside, 4 3 70 3 paths for 4 1 No signage 60 goals) Small bushes provision of 'sense of place' on benches fencing and disabled alonge one benches or hedging access side and bins along gardens x Limited Some lighting Clear 3 swing sets (1 baby) parking. V. little litter. from road. Grass in entrance. No zi[p wire, assault Good Condition of 269 9 Northallerton Bankhead Road Play Area Children 335.756 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 Boundary 3 good 3 60 3 paths for 4263 Social inclusion and health benefits course (w.beams, provision of signage poor some graffiti around some condition disabled stepping stones)_ benches of site access x and bins off Bankhead Road Play 270 9 Northallerton Children 783.019 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton Not a play area 0 0 x Area x 271 9 Northallerton off Ashlands Play Area Children 715.631 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton Not a play area 0 0 Grass in Some litter. good Well lit. no Limited Bus stop next 272 9 Northallerton Ashlands Road AGS AGS 609.718 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 2 No vandalism, 3 4 condition. 3 60 4 4 80 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' boundary parking to site graffiti Nice small x trees Grass in V. little litter. Lighting from good 3-5 mins from 273 9 Northallerton Central Drive AGS AGS 858.902 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 road. No 4 condition. 68 4 central 3 72 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' grafitti boundary Nice tree in Northallerton x middle Good Grass in parking. Some liter. No Some lighting good Inadequate 3-5 mins from Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 274 9 Northallerton Valley Road AGS 1 AGS 2905.01 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 along road. 4 condition. 2 provision of 62 3 4 central 68 benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti No boundary Trees dotted bins. No Northallerton over site provision of x benches Good provision of Climbing frame, slide, No lighting. Clear V. little litter. benches 3 mins from Northallerton Park Play Area roundabout, 2 swing Boundary entrance. 275 9 Northallerton Children 804.739 Northallerton North Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 4 and bins. 66 4 4 central 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and heatlh benefits 2 sets (1 baby) long fence Good disabled graffiti V.good Northallerton rocking spaceship around site access parking x nearby No lighting. Good Clear Boundary parking. No entrance (but V. little litter. around parts Grass in provision of 2-3 mins to Northallerton Mill Hill Primary under 276 9 Northallerton OSF 4049.52 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 of site. 3 good 3 benches or 60 4 4 Northallerton 1 No signage 70 Education benefits School maintenance) graffiti Conjoined to condition bins. Neat centre good disabled road or car footpaths in access x park site No lighting. Limited V. little litter. Fencing Grass worn parking. No Clear No graffiti, Signage in along cycle in places. benches. entrance. 5 mins from 277 9 Northallerton Crestbrooke AGS Ags 1607.17 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism. 3 3 2 56 4 4 1 v.poor 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' path and Nice mature Adequate Good disabled train station The bin is in condition between site tree number of access poor condition x and the road bins No lighting. Limited Grass in Fencingh, parking. No good hedging most benches. Clear Structural and landscape benefits, amenity benefits and a 278 9 Northallerton Carrol Close AGS AGS 6573.3 Northallerton Broomfield Ward Northallerton 1 set of goalposts 3 V. little litter 3 4 condition. 2 62 3 3 1 No signage 53 of way Adequate entrance 'sense of place' Nice young around provision of trees x perimeter bins No lighting. Boundary All of site Limited No litter, hedge and or cultivated. parking. No Unclear 279 9 Northallerton Knotto Way Allotments Allotments 4034.06 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 4 3 76 2 4 1 No signage 50 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' fence all Variety of provision of entrance graffiti around plants bins x perimeter Good Fencing all parking at Grass Some litter. around Ashlands Cannot access site to partially cut No clear 280 9 Northallerton Valley Road AGS 3 AGS 3493.52 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 3 No vandalism, 3 perimeter. 3 2 Centre. No 56 1 4 1 No signage 40 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of placwe' check boundaries but in good entrance graffiti Some lighting provision of condition from road. benches or x bins Lighting over 2 min walk to Long grass Parking in 'Arla Foods' centre of with weeds 'Arla Foods' car park. Romanby. 2 ando ther car park. No Unclear 281 10 Romanby Romanby Cricket Ground OSF 16587.4 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Some litter 2 Rough 2 2 40 2 5 min walk to 1 No signage 57 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' plants provision of entrance hedging Northallerton growing benches or around railway through bins x boundary station Excellent Grass in Lighting in parking. good some areas. Good condition. Clear Boundary provision of 30 seconds Tourist Some litter Nice mature entrance. V. Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural and heritage 282 10 Romanby Romanby Recreation Ground AGS 15078.01 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 2 3 along 4 5 benches 68 4 5 from centre of 5 information 90 and graffiti trees. Nicely good disabled benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' roadside and and bins. Northallerton on site planted access next to carp Neat flower ark pathways borders x through site Excellent Equipment Boundary parking. Clear 2 swing sets (1 baby) 30 seconds Tourist Romanby Recreation Ground new and in fence all Goodp entrance. 283 10 Romanby Children 255.406 Northallerton Central Ward Northallerton 2 slides (big and little) 3 3 3568 4 5 from centre of 5 information 90 Social inclusion and health benefits Play Area good around site. rovision of Good disabled climbing frames Northallerton v.close condition Partially lit benches access x and bins Lighting on road. Some litter. Grass bald in No provision 2 min walk Fencign Condition of 284 10 Romanby Beckside AGS AGS 363.718 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Vandalism to 4 3 places. 1 of benches, 50 3 4 from central 2 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' between site signage poor fence Young trees bins Romanby and x proeprties Excellent parking. Toilets Clear Mound with slide, 2 Equipment in within entrance. No lighting. Grass in Bus stop swing sets (1 baby) v.good Ainderby Neat pathway 285 10 Romanby Ainderby Road Play Area Children 1138.01 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 2 No boundary 3 good 5 70 4 4 outside 1 No signage 70 roundabout, see saw, condition. V. Road AGS. from car park. around site condition football club climbing frame little litter V. good Good disabled provision of access bins and x benches V. limited V. little litter. parking. No vandalism, No lighting. Clear Provision Slide, roundabout, tiny graffiti. No boundary entrance. V. 286 10 Romanby Thistle Close Play Area Children 372.862 Romanby Ward Northallerton 3 2 3 benches 54 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' climbing frame Equipment in around play good disabled and bins v. reasonable area access nearby in condition x AGS

28 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety No litter, No lighting. Good vandalism, Fencing and parking. V. Cricket pitch (w. graffiti. Clear 1 min walk to or hedges all good clubhouse, Equipment in Grass in entrance. main road out Northallerton Cricket Club - around provision of V. good Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 287 10 Romanby OSF Tennis and Cricket 20955.78 Romanby Ward Northallerton scoreboard, screens, 4 good 4 3 good 3 70 4 Good disabled 4 of 5 83 Farndale Avenue boundary. benches. signage 'sense of place' economic benefits nets, covers) 4 tarmac condition. 1 condition access to northallerton Overlooked Inadequate tennis courts advertising clubhouse (A167) by some provision of board houses bins x damaged Limited No lighting. parking. No Long grass in Entrance to V. little litter. Boundary pathways 5 min walk Small football pitch (w. 1 part, well site unclear. 288 20 Thirsk off Marage Road AGS AGS 18941.93 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 No vandalism, 3 fencing all 3 3 within site. 60 2 4 from central 1 no signage 50 Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of place goalposts) kept in Poor disabled graffiti around Good Thirsk another access perimeter provison of x bins Clear Bench and V. little litter. entrance. Well lit. no Grass in bin very Climbing frame Some graffiti Good 10 min walk to Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 289 20 Thirsk Allerdale Close Play Area Children 209.424 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 4 boundary 3 good 3 close to site. 58 4 3 1 no signage 63 (w.slide) on climbing pathway central Thirsk sense of place around site condition V. limited frame along the side parking x of site Street light over road. Some litter. V. limited Fencing, Some Grass bald in parking. No 10 mins walk hedging 290 20 Thirsk Herriot Way Play Area Children 1057.54 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 vandalism on 4 3 patches. Big 2 provision of 54 3 3 from central 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a sense of place down 1 side. perimeter mature tree bins or Thirsk Overlooked hedge seats by some x houses Streetlight Clear near Grass bald in No parking. entrance. entrance. Some litter. A patches, No provision Neat path 291 20 Thirsk Rose AGS AGS 310.373 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 4 Boundary 2 1 44 4 3 1 no signage 63 Amenity benefits and a sense of place little graffiti weedy in of seats or from fence all others bins pavement to around site x perimeter Limited parking. Grass in Adequate Some litter No lighting. average Fairly clear 10 min walk to provision of and Boundary condition. entrance. central Thirsk. bins. No 292 20 Thirsk South Lane AGS AGS 900.968 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 vandalism. 2 fence some 3 Area 3 50 3 Neat 4 Bus stop 4 1 no signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place seats, Noise from way around surrounded pathways to min walk from benches. A19 perimeter by trees and site site Neat bushes pathways x through site Grass in No lighting. Some litter. good Adequate Boundary 2 Swing sets (1 baby) Equipment condition. provision of Clear Bus stop 2-3 293 20 Thirsk Hambleton Play Area Children 819.261 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 3 fence all 4 3 60 3 4 1 no signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits slide, roundabout looks old and Nice mature benches entrance mins away around abused trees dotted and bins perimeter x around site

V. good Clear 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) Some litter. No lgihting. provision of entrance. 3 climbing frames, No vandalism, Grass in 2 mins from Boundary benches Some 294 8 Brompton Station Road Play Area Children 3645.61 Brompton Ward Northallerton assault cours 2 graffiti, some 3 3 good 4 58 3 4 central 3 Clear signage 67 Social inclusion and health benefits fence and bins. No problems with (w.beams, bridges, equipment in condition Brompton around site pathways disabled stepping stones) poor condition within site. access x Limited No lighting. Some litter. parking. Fencing all Fairly clear No vandalism Good 2 mins walk around Grass in entrance. Small football pitch (w. / graffiti. provision of from centre of 295 39 Morton on Swale Rievaulx Drive AGS AGS 5680.92 Morton-on-Swale Ward Northallerton 4 4 perimeter. 3 good 3 70 3 Poor disabled 4 3 67 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' goalposts) Equipment in benches. Morton on Overlooked condition access within good Bin not Swale by youses site condition located in on 2 sides x good place Mini assault course Some litter. No boundary Good (w.beams, bridges, No vandalism around play provision of No pathway 2 mins walk Grass in hanging bars and / graffiti. area. benches. across AGS. from central 296 39 Morton on Swale Rievaulx Drive Play Area Children 884.457 Morton-on-Swale Ward Northallerton 4 4 3 good 3 70 2 4 1 No signage 50 Social inclusion and health benefits stepping stones) 2 Equipment in Overlooked Bin not Poor disabled Morton on condition swing sets (1 baby) good by houses located in access Swale x large climbing frame condition on 2 sides good place

Lighting along road. No parking. No No provision No litter, Grass boundaries. of bins. In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 297 33 Stillington Mill Lane AGS AGS 2518.45 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 4 3 weedy. Nice 2 66 3 3 60 Overlooked Adequate Stillington sense of place graffiti mature trees by houses. provision of Road running benches through site x Limited No lighting. Unclear No litter, parking. No 3 mins from Boundary all Most of site entrance. 298 33 Stillington Jenny Wren Allotments Allotments 1079.11 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 2 2 provision of 56 2 3 central 1 no signage 43 around uncultivated Poor road graffiti benches or Stillington perimeter surface x bins No lighting. Majority of No litter, Fencing and site No provision 2 min from Allotments near Newton vandalism, Clear 299 33 Stillington Allotments 526.463 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 3 or hedging all 4 cultivated. 3 of benches 72 3 3 central 1 No signage 53 House graffiti. Noise entrance around Variety of or bins Stillington from road x perimeter plants Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, No lighting. No provision scoreboard, covers, Hedge of bins. Clear screens & nets) No litter, around rass in Adequate 3 mins from Signage not Carr Lane Football and entrance. Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 300 33 Stillington OSF Inc Tennis and Bowling 35417.04 Stillington Ward Easingwold bowling green (w. 5 vandalism, 3 whole site 4 v.good 4 provision of 82 4 3 central 2 visible from 67 Cricket Club Good disabled benefits clubhouse) 3 tennis graffiti and around condition benches. V. Stillington road access courts, spring track, bowling good small football goal green parking x posts Good V. little litter. parking. Clear 2 swing sets (1 baby) No vandalism, Adequate entrance. climbing frame. Assault No lighting. 5 mins from Carr Lane Football and graffiti. provision of Surface in 301 33 Stillington Children toddlers play area 446.845 Stillington Ward Easingwold course (w.beams, 4 3 Boundary 3 69 2 3 central 2 47 Social inclusion and health benefits Cricket Club Equipment in benches. site por for bridges, stepping around site Stillington good Inadequate disabled stones) condition provision of access x bins Good V little litter. No lighting parking. No vandalism. Grass a little A minute walk over OSF. Numerous Sign not easy Small OSF with football Equipment worn. Nice from bus stop 302 31 Sutton on the Forest Sutton School Playing Fields OSF school playing fields 3017.8 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 5 3 Boundary 3 5 seats. 80 4 4 3 to see from 77 Education benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits pitch appears in trees down cycle stand hedge Pathway road good to sides very near patchy around edge condition x v good Limited Clear parking. entrance. No lighting. Good Poor surface V. little litter. Grass in Small football pitch Boundary all provision of may cause 1-2 mins from Condition of 303 31 Sutton on the Forest Harland Close AGS AGS 8110.66 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 4 No vandalism, 3 3 good 2 62 2 4 3 57 Social includsion and health benefits (w.goals) bowles pitch around benches. some bus stop signage poor graffiti condition perimeter Inadequate problems with provsion of disabled x bins access

29 Cleanliness Security Agreed Ancillary Information Site ID Map No Location Site Name Any further comments Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities and Comments and Comment Vegetation Comment Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology Accomodation and Signage Maintenance Safety Good parking. No lighting. Good No litter, Variety of Clear, Boundary all provision of Clear Bus stops just 304 31 Sutton on the Forest Sutton Park AGS Exclude from quantity standards 237202.63 Huby and Sutton Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 5 plants and 4 82 3 4 4 attractive 70 Ecological benefits around bins. V. entrance outside site graffiti trees signage perimeter good provision of x benches Cut areas in Pathway good through site Good Clear Well place No litter, condition. 5 min walk Structural and landscape benefits, ecological benefits, social Half wild (long grass well lit. provision of entrance. V. and 305 35 Easingwold Milfield Lane AGS AGS 141694.36 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 4 5 Wild areas 88 4 4 from central 4 80 inclusion and heatlh benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of etc) half cut grass hedging and bins along good disabled infromative graffiti have variety Easingwold place or fencing all footpath access signage of plants and around x trees Some litter. Limited Clear Some graffiti No lighting. parking. entrance. 10 min walk 2 Climbing frames, 2 on benches. Boundary Grass bald in Good Neat path to 306 35 Easingwold Rowan Avenue Play Area Children 1266.18 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 3 3 2 3 54 5 3 from central 84 Social inclusion and health benefits swing sets (1 baby) Equipment in fence all patches provision of site. Good Easingwold good around site benches disabled x condition and bins access Good No lighting. provision of Clear Some litter. 5-10 mins Clear and Quarter pipe, ramp, Boundary bins. entrance. 307 35 Easingwold Milfield Lane Young Skatepark 579.158 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 2 Some graffiti 3 3 51 4 4 from central 4 informative 80 Social inclusion and health benefits box, rail fence all Inadequate Good disabled on equipment Easingwold signage around site provision of access x benches

Bowling green (w. No lighting. Grass in Limitedp clubhouse) 3 grass Fencing and good arking. Good clear V. little litter. tennis courts (W. or hedging all condition, provision of entrance. 2 mins walk Some Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity benefits and a 308 35 Easingwold Back Lane OSF OSF 23743.29 Easingwold Ward Easingwold clubhouse) Cricket 2 3 around 3 bald in 2 benches. 50 2 Poor disabled 4 from central 3 Clear signage 57 vandalism on sense of place pitch (w. clubhouse, perimeter. places. Nice Inadequate access to Easingwold bench nets, screens and Overlooked mature trees provision of clubhouse covers) by houses in one corner bins x V. good parking nearby. lighting in Clear 1 min from Good V. little litter. some areas. entrance. Easingwold Band stand carved Newly provision of Social inclusion and heatlh benetis, cultural and heritage 309 35 Easingwold Back Lane AGS AGS 1287.93 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 No vandalism, 4 Overlooked 3 4 74 4 Cyclestand 4 centre. Free 377 tree stump planted trees benches benefits, amenity benefits and a sense of place graffiti by some but no car park and bins. houses cycleway nearby Neat pathway to x play area V. good 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) No lighting. parking Clear climbing frame, slide, Fencing all V. little liter. nearby. entrance. V. 1 min from see saw, roundabout. around site. Grass bald in Condition of 310 35 Easingwold Back Lane Play Area Children 3623.27 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 No vandalism, 3 2 4 Good 64 4 neat 4 centre of 2 73 Assault course Overlooked patches signage poor graffiti provision of pathways to Easingwold (w.beams, bridges, by some benches play area hanging bars) houses x and bins V. good No litter, parking. No vanalism, Floodlit. Clear 2 Astroturf tennis provision of Just outside graffiti. Boundary entrance. 311 35 Easingwold Chapel Lane MUGA Young MUGA 2321.82 Easingwold Ward Easingwold courts (w 5-side 4 3 3 benches. 69 4 4 of centre of 3 77 Social inclusion and health benefits, economic benefits Equipment in fence all Neat pathway football goals) Adequate Easingwold good around site to site provision of condition x bins

V. little litter. Some lighting No provision Some along Clear Grass bald in of benches 5 min walk vandalism on footpath. entrance. patches. or bins. Neat from 312 35 Easingwold Gate Grains Lane AGS AGS 10061.73 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 3 fence along 3 Boundary 4 3 66 3 Good disabled 4 1 No signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Trees dotted pathway Easingwold boundary fence most access to all over site through part centre with school of way some areas of site OSF around site x Good No lighting. parking at Boundary school. fencing and Grass in v. Adequate 5 min walk 4 Football pitches (/o Clear 313 35 Easingwold York Lane - School Fields OSF Public access 70577.13 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 2 Some litter 3 or hedging 4 good 3 provision of 60 3 4 from central 1 No signage 60 Education benefits, social inclusion andh ealth benfits goals) entrance most of way condition benches. Easingwold around Inadequate perimeter provision of x bins

V. little litter. Grass bald in No vandalism, Floodlit. places, Football pitch (w.goals) graffiti. No provision Clear Bus stop Hedging all weedy in Structural and landscape benefits, social inclusion and health 314 35 Easingwold Opposite Oaklands Way OSF Senior Cricket Club 23644.57 Easingwold Ward Easingwold small goals, floodlights, 3 Goalposts 4 3 2 of benches 60 2 entrance, 4 directly 3 Clear signage 57 around others. Long benefits dug out, clubhouse and or bins poor surface outside site perimeter grass along floodlights boundary rusty x 5-10 mins No litter, Grass a bit Some lighting Good walk to 315 35 Easingwold Sandholme Close AGS AGS 361.282 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 2 long and 3 60 4 4 80 Amenity benefits and a sense of place from road parking. central graffiti weedy x Easingwold No admittance No litter or Plenty of Minutes walk and vandalism. Fenced and Grass a bit Running Track, 2 benches - from Trespassers 316 36 Easingwold West Thirsk Road OSF OSF School 5696.11 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 5 Noise from 4 hedged 3 worn in 4 80 4 3 4 73 Education benefits, Social inclusion and health benefits. Netball courts (tarmac) good Easingwold will be road boundary places parking centre presecuted acceptable signs - very x clear No graffiti or Good litter. Signs of Easily tarmac Small AGS in housing either Well kept Neat entrance accessible for 317 36 Easingwold West Drovers AGS AGS 347.076 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 3 2 No lighting 5 3 pathway to 68 3 4 68 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' estate vancalism or grass path bikes and AGS from lack of pedestrians road x maintenance Some litter. Good Grass in Good Bus stop 5 Large football pitch (w. 318 117 Carlton Miniott Carlton AGS AGS 12619.81 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 Signs of 3 perimeter 4 good 3 parking, no 66 3 3 mins walk 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits goalposts) pavillion x vandalism fence condition seats away Swings, slide, assault Some liter, No boundary Grass in Bus stop 5 Lots of No pathways 319 117 Carlton Miniott Carlton Road Play Space Children Equiped Play Space 1348.79 Thirsk Ward Thirsk course (w. tunnel, 3 signs of 3 around play 3 good 4 64 2 3 mins walk 1 43 Social inclusion and health benefits seats from entrance x bridge and beam) vandalism area condition away Good Grass in v. 5-10 min from parking. No lighting. good Clear central No litter, Toilets in South East Boundary all condition. entrance. Easingwold. 320 37 Easingwold Golf Club Golf Course 376192.71 Easingwold Ward, Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 5 4 clubhouse. 82 4 4 3 Clear signage 77 Social inclusion and health benefits Easingwold around Nice areas of Good disabled Bus stop graffiti V. good perimeter rough and access directly provision of trees outside site x seats No litter/ Adequate Good Grass in Bus stop vandalism. parking at 321 117 Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott School OSF 6539.09 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 4 4 perimeter 5 excellent 3 82 3 4 directly 3 67 Education benefits Some noise school. No fence condition outside school x from road bins No litter, Good Grass in No parking, 322 47 Neither Silton Lead Lane AGS AGS Check typology 10524.73 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton 5 vandalism, 4 perimeter 5 excellent 3 bins or 88 3 2 52 Ecological benefits x graffiti wall/fence condition benches





32 Cleanline Security Ancillary Informati Agreed Any further ss and Vegetatio Quality Transpor Access Site ID Map No Location Site Name Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities Comments and Comment Comment Accomod Comment General Comment Comment on and Comment Wider Benefits typology comments Maintena n % t % Safety ation Signage nce

Structural and landscape benefits, ecological Borders large No litter, Newby Village Some long grass and Bus stop in the benefits, social inclusion and health benefits, 1 85 Newby AGS Middlesborough 28533.88 Stokesley Ward Stokesley One set of goalposts 5 vandalism, 3437844 80 Green small trees middle cultural and heritage benefits, amenity housing estate graffiti, dog mess benefits and a 'sense of place' Some litter, no Seamer Village Assortment of trees. Structural and landscape benefits, Amendity 2 89 Seamer AGS 7634.45 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism / 343 Only 1 seat, no bins 66 3 3 Bus stop next 60 Green Grass is a bit patchy benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti No litter, Grass in good Inadequate provision of Clear entrance. 2 min walk from Carlton in The Cresent No lighting. Boundary hedge Social inclusin and health benefits, amenity 399 AGS In National Park 2728.48 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism, 3 3 condition. Patchy in 2 benches and bins. No 56 4 Good disabled 4 central Carlton in 67 Cleveland AGS along roadside benefits and a sense of place graffiti places parking acess Cleveland Carlton in Grass in average Ecological benefits, social inclusion and Carlton in No litter, Boundary around some No parking. Good Poor disabled In center of Carlton 499 Cleveland AGS In National Park 5941.1 Swainby Ward Stokesley 4 3 4 condition. Nice mature 3 72 2 4 1 No signage 50 health benefits, amenity benefits and a sense Cleveland vandalism areas of site provision of benches access in Cleveland Village Green trees of place Structural and landscape benefits, social River Leven Small football pitch (w No seats / benches, no Close to central 9 1 Great Ayton AGS 13681.39 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 some litter 3 No lighting, good boundaries 4 3 72 3 4 68 inclusion and health benefits, amenity AGS goalposts) bins Great Ayton benefits and a ' sense of place ' Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and Friends No litter / Bad disabled Close to central 11 1 Great Ayton AGS 9717.69 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 3 No lighting 3 2 62 2 4 150health benefits, amenity benefits and a Schools AGS vandalism access Great Ayton 'sense of place' Some litter no Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural High Green AGS with mature trees and Good parking. Plenty of Center of Great 12 1 Great Ayton AGS 4058.94 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 4 Roads around perimiter lit 4 Grass in good condition 5 84 5 5 100 and heritage benefits, amentiy benefits and a AGS statue fo captain Cook seats and bins Ayton graffiti 'sense of place' Some vandalism Plenty of bins and High Street AGS surrounded by trees on benches, dog Near center of Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 13 1 Great Ayton AGS 1339.06 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 2 3 No lighting 2 4 benches, neat 52 3 4 68 AGS next to stream mess and litter Great Ayton sense of place pathways problems Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and AGS with benches to one Next to quiet road Low Green Park benches, Plenty of seats and In central Great health benefits, cultural and heritage 15 1 Great Ayton AGS 6125.18 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley side and a stream to the 5 4 Lighting along road 4 Grass in good condition 5 90 4 in centre of Great 5 88 AGS use for picnics bins. Good parking Ayton benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of other Ayton place' Football pitch (w 2 V. little litter. No Central Way goalposts) 3 climbing No lighting, good perimeter Access down a Fairly close to Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 16 1 Great Ayton AGS 753.597 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 4 4 3 76 3 3 360 AGS frames, slide, seesaw and fence ginnel Great Ayton center benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti roundabout, swing set No lighting. Bollards along With informal Some litter. No Grass in good Limited parking. No Stokesley Rec roadside, fencing and/or 3-5 mins to central Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 26 2 Stokesley AGS provision for 12868.59 Stokesley Ward Stokesley Small football pitch 3 vandalism, 3 4 condition. Nice small 2 provision of benches. 62 4 3 1 No signage 63 Ground hedging around other Stokesley benefits and a 'sense of place' football graffiti trees along roadside Good provision of bins properties Element of No lighting. Boundary along Limitedp arking. No Nice carved The Stripe woodland on Some litter. No Grass bald in patches. 2-3 mins to centre 30 2 Stokesley AGS 13520.68 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 3 other properties. Fenced / 4 2 provision of benches or 62 3 Clear entrance 4 3 stone welcoming 67 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' AGS site used vandalim, graffiti Nice area of woodland of Stokesley hedged off bins stone informally Comes across Some litter. Grass in good as a farmers V.good parking. V.clear entrance. Hutton Station Road Small football pitch (w. Some graffiti8 on No lighting. Solid fence all condition. Newly Bus stop directly V.clear and good Structural and landscape benefits, social 37 4 AGS field + check 14297.74 Rudby Ward Stokesley 3 3 4 4 Adequate provision of 70 3 Poor surface for 4 4 70 Rudby AGS goalposts and nets) bin. No around boundary planted bushes along outside site signage inclusion and health benefits when site bins disabled access vandalism fence assessing Grass in good Structural and landscape benefits, social V. little litter. No Lighting on road and condition. Nice mature V. good provision of Signage clear Hutton North Side Centre of Hutton inclusion and health benefits, cultural and 40 4 AGS 9837.02 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 vandalism, 4 pathways. No boundary. 5 trees throughout site. 4 benches and bins. 86 4 5 3 where 83 Rudby AGS Rudby heritage benefits, amenity benefits and a graffiti Overlooked by many houses Interspaced flower Limited parking appropriate 'sense of place' displays some lighting on street. Structural and landscape benefits, social Great Kirkby Road No litter, Bus stop outside 42 3 AGS 4663.22 Broughton and G Stokesley 1 set of goalposts 3 4 Boundary hedge all around 3 Grass in good condition 3 V. limited parking 64 4 Clear entrance 5 383inclusion and health benefits, amenity Broughton AGS vandalism school perimeter. benefits and a 'sense of place' V. little litter. Some street lighting. No Bus stop 'on site' Great Ingleby Road Grass in v.good Adequate provision of 45 3 AGS 1629.75 Broughton and G Stokesley 3 Noise from road. 4 boundary. Overlooked by 4 4 74 3 5 in centre of great 3 73 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Broughton AGS condition. Nice trees benches and bins Some dog mess some houses Broughton Some lighting nearby. V. little litter. No Grass in good No parking. No Clear entrance. Boundary fence and/or 5-10 mins from Condition of 47 2 Stokesley The Paddock AGS 321.83 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism, 4 3 condition. Nice hedge 2 provision of benches or 60 4 Very good 4 3 77 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' hedge and/or wall all around central Stokesley signage ok graffiti around site bins disabled access site

Some litter. No Grass bald in places. Limited parking. Good Leeming Leeming Lane No lighting. Boundary fence In centre of 50 13 AGS 2839.39 Leeming Bar War Bedale 3 vandalism, 3 4 Nice trees around 3 provision of benches 66 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Bar AGS all around site Leeming Bar graffiti perimeter and bins

Some litter. No Grass long and weedy V. limited parking. No 2-3 mins walk to Leeming Grange No lighting. Fencing and or Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 51 13 AGS 6007.8 Leeming Bar War Bedale 3 vandalism, 3 3 ain patches. Nice trees 2 provision of benches or 56 3 Clear entrance 4 central Leeming 1 No signage 60 Bar Avenue AGS hedging all around perimeter benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti dotted around site bins Bar No litter. Good clear Goalposts (w/o netting) b- Limited parking. Kingfisher Equipment in No lighting. Hedging down 3 entrance. Neat 10 mins from 52 15 Bedale AGS 7179.59 Bedale Ward Bedale ball hoop (w/o net) ball- 3 3 3 Grass in good condition 2 Inadequate number of 56 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Drive reasonable sides. Overlooked by houses pathways. Good central Bedale wall bins and seats condition disabled access Free parking behind Clear entrance. Structural and landscape benefits, social Bedale Local Large football pitch (with Quite a lot of No lighting. Boundary fence tourist information. 2 mins walk from 55 15 Bedale AGS 24890.05 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 3 3 Nice mature trees 4 58 4 Good disabled 4 1 No signage 70 inclusion and health benefits, amenity Park goalposts) litter along road Good provision of bins central Bedale access benefits and a 'sense of place' and seats Grass in very good No litter, condition. Nicely Neat pathways within Clear entrance. Well lit. overlooked by lots of 3 mins walk from Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 62 15 Bedale Tom Hall Court AGS 2261.95 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 vandalism, 5 5 planted borders and 4 site. Limited parking. 90 5 Very good 4 1 No signage 80 houses centre of Bedale 'sense of place' graffiti bushes. Nice mature No benches / bins disabled access willow trees Very little litter. Grass in good Stapleton Some lighting along Neat pathway 10 min walk from 64 15 Bedale AGS 10005.26 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 No vandalism, 4 3 condition. Young trees 2 Some provision for litter 60 3 3 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Close boundary through site centre of Bedale graffiti along pathway V. little litter. No Limited parking. No Clear entrance. No lighting. No boundary Nice small trees dotted Bus stop next to 68 16 Bedale Burrill Road AGS 6696.38 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 vandalism, 2 3 2 provision of benches or 52 4 Well paved path to 4 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a sense of place along roadside around site site graffiti biins site Thornton No parking. Inadequate Structural and landscape benefits, social Thornton Cricket pitch at one end Grass overgrown and Centre of Thornton 70 41 Whatless AGS Village Green 13151.13 Crakehall Ward Bedale 3 Very little litter 3 No boundary 2 2 numberof bins and 50 3 3 1 No signage 53 inclusion and health benefits, amenity Whatless (near village hall) weedy in places Watlass Green benches benefits and a 'sense of place' No litter, Manor House No lighting. Perimeter Grass untidy. Nice No pathways 76 42 Burneston AGS 1498.25 Leeming Ward Bedale 4 vandalism. Some 3 4 75 3 3 60 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Walk fencing most of way round mature trees within site noise from road No litter, Burneston vandalism, Boundary wall along Bus stop directly Structural and landscape benefits, amenity 77 42 Burneston AGS 1098.34 Leeming Ward Bedale 3 4 3 Well kept grass 65 4 4 80 Village Green graffiti. Noise roadside outside benefits and a 'sense of place' from road Grass patchy and bald Kirklington No boundary. Some street Inadequate number of Centre of 79 43 Kirklington AGS 8253.82 Tanfield Ward Bedale Goalposts (w. nets) (1) 4 Some litter 3 4 in places. Nice mature 3 72 3 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Village Green lights bins Kirklington trees V.little litter. No Grass in good Limited parking. V.good Structural and landscape benefits, social Brompton Some lighting down Bus stops on site 85 8 Brompton AGS Village Green 32972 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 4 condition. Nice mature 3 provision of benches 66 3 4 68 inclusion and health benefits, amenity Village Green roadside. No boundary (multiple) graffiti trees and bins. benefits and a 'sense of place'

33 Some lighting over ginnel. No provision of Northallerton Some litter. Grass long but in good 1 min from centre 86 8 Brompton AGS 6355.12 Brompton Ward Northallerton 2 3 Boundary fence around 3 1 benches or bins. No 46 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Road AGS Noise from road condition of Brompton perimeter parking Some litter in Good provision of Grass in good Structural and landscape benefits, social Brompton places. No Some lighting from roads. No benches and bins. In centre of 87 8 Brompton AGS 4732.25 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 3 4 condition. Nice mature 3 66 4 4 377inclusion and health benefits, amenity Church View vandalism, boundaries Some benches in poor Brompton trees benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti condition Some litter. No Good parking. No Bus stop on main Some lighting from road. No Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 88 8 Brompton Hillton Green AGS 1828.38 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 3 Grass in good condition 3 provision of benches or 60 5 3 road 1-2 mins 380 boundary benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti bins away Some litter. No Grass in good V. good parking. Good Clear entrance. 3 mins from Northallerto Northallerton Lighting along pathways 91 9 AGS 23897.69 Northallerton Nor Northallerton Football pitch (w.goals) 3 vandalism, 4 4 condition. Young trees 4 provision of benches 74 4 Good disabled 4 central 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n Park through site graffiti part of way along paths and bins access Northallerton V.little litter. No Grass in good Limited parking. No Clear entrance. Northallerto Valley Road vandalism, Lighting in some areas near Bus stop outside 98 9 AGS 5776.86 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 3 3 4 condition. Site doted 2 provision of benches or 62 4 Good disabled 4 1 No signage 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n AGS 2 graffiti. No dog road site with trees and bushes bins access mess Grass well kept in Good parking at county Clear entrance. No litter, Ornamental light on steps of some areas, patchy in Northallerto County Hall More Formal 2 Ornamental ponds either hall. V. good provision Good disabled Opposite train Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 100 10 AGS 10827.63 Northallerton Bro Northallerton 4 vandalism, 3 county hall. Walls or hedges 5 others. Variety of trees 4 82 3 5 477 n Gardens gardens side of driveway of benches. Inadequate access to some station benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti around boundary and bushes. Flower provison of bins areas borders around pond Excellent parking. V. Local byelaws Ainderby Road No lighting. Fencing or Bus stop outside 104 10 Romanby AGS 26740.96 Romanby Ward Northallerton Football pitch marked out 3 V. little litter 3 3 Grass in good condition 5 good provision of 68 3 Clear entrance 4 3 displayed around 67 AGS hedging all around perimeter football club benches and bins car park Limited parking. No V. little litter. No Lighting in some areas (by Grass patchy in some provision of benches or Clear entrance. Site next to main Lots of 'no ball Romany Park Goalposts (but no ball 106 10 Romanby AGS 15490.25 Romanby Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism, 2 roadside) no boundary along 4 areas. Nice young trees 2 bins. Neat pathways 58 4 Good disabled 4 road out of 3 games' signs all 77 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Estate AGS games sign 50-60ft away) graffiti road and some bushes across some parts of access Northallerton over site. site Good parking. No Lighting on surrounding Fairly well kept grass Bus stop 2 mins Condition of 109 10 Romanby Manor Green AGS 1212.08 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Some litter 3 2 3 provision of benches or 48 4 4 2 73 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' streets. No boundary (some dandylions) walk away signage poor bins Good provision of Lighting on streets Clear entrance. Harewood Grass in v. good benches and bins. Neat Bus stop on road Signage in poor Cultural and heritage beneits, amenity 110 10 Romanby AGS 1431.92 Romanby Ward Northallerton Memorial clock tower 4 V. little litter 4 surrounding site. Boundary 5 4 86 4 Good disabled 4 2 73 Lane AGS condition pathways iwthin site. outside site condition benefits and a 'sense of place' wall all around perimeter access Limited parking Limited parking. Good Grass in v. good Structural and landscape benefits, social Romanby V. little litter. No No boundary. Lighting in provision of benches Centre of 112 10 Romanby AGS Romanby Green 10607.98 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 4 4 condition. Nice mature 3 76 4 4 377inclusion and health benefits, amenity Green dog mess front of houses and bins. Neat pathway Romanby trees benefits and a 'sense of place' in front of houses Associated with Some litter. Street lighting on road Gras patchy. Nicely Limited parking. 2 min walk from Romanby Good disabled 114 10 Romanby AGS new 2215.27 Northallerton Bro Northallerton 2 Large piles of 4 around perimeter. Boundary 3 planted borders with 2 Inadequate provision of 54 3 5 Northallerton train 76 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Road access development rubble wall along main road young trees benches station Adjacent to No lighting. Fencing down 1 Grass is patchy. Long Unclear entrance. 3 mins walk from Litter and dog No parking. No bins or 115 10 Romanby Applegarth Car AGS 65493.5 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 1 3 side of site, river down the 2 grass near some of 2 38 2 Poor surface for 4 centre of 1 No signage 50 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' mess problems benches Park other boundary disabled access Northallerton Some litter. No Good provision of Clear entrance. Great Great Smeaton Some lighting from street. No Grass bald in patches. In centre of Great Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 121 38 AGS 2410.3 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 4 vandalism, 3 3 3 benches and bins. 66 4 Good disabled 4 1 No signage 70 Smeaton Village Green boundary Big mature trees Smeaton benefits and a sense of place graffiti Limited parking access Very little litter. Neat pathways 2mins walk from Morton on Harewood Some street lighting. No Grass bald in places. Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 124 39 AGS 1652.84 Morton-on-Swale Northallerton 3 Bird droppings 3 4 2 No benches / bins 62 4 around site. Good 4 centre of Morton 1 No signage 70 Swale Close AGS boundary fencing/hedging Covered in small trees benefits and a 'sense of place' on pathway disabled access on Swale Structural and landscape benefits, social No litter, some Grass a bit patchy. Nice In centre of 138 48 Sandhutton Village Green AGS Village Green 4847.97 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 3 73 3 3 60 inclusion and health benefits, amenity noise from road mature trees Sandhutton benefits and a 'sense of place' Boundary fence most of way Good provision of Clear entrance. Norby Front along roadside. Streetlights Grass bald in patches. benches and bins. Some problems 5 min walk from Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 142 20 Thirsk AGS 13775.17 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 Some litter 4 2 3 52 3 4 1 no signage 60 Street AGS along road. Overlooked by Nice area of woodland Pathway through site with disabled central Thirsk 'sense of place' houses has poor surface access Clear entrance. Some litter. V. good provision of Poor surface of Grass in good Millennium Some graffiti on No lighting. Boundary benches and bins. pathway may Bus stop 2-3 min Social inclusion and health benfits, Amenity 146 20 Thirsk AGS 14163.62 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 3 4 condition. Areas of 4 64 2 4 3 Clear signage 57 Garden benches and fencing all around perimeter Limited parking. Neat cause problems away benefits and a sense of place bushes and trees bins pathways around site. with disabled access Some litter. Limited parking. Good Clear entrance. No lighting. Buildings, fences 4 min walk from Information board 147 20 Thirsk Castle Garth AGS 8466.54 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 Furniture in good 3 2 Grass thin in patches 3 provision of benches 54 4 Good disabled 4 3 77 Amenity benefits and a sense of place or walls all around perimeter central Thirsk where paths meet condition and bins access No litter, Lighting in area near road. Limited parking. No Areas of long grass. 5 mins from Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 150 21 Sowerby Sowerby Flats AGS 127243.46 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 3 Boundary fence along 4 2 provision of benches or 68 3 clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Bushes along riverbank central Sowerby sense of place graffiti roadside bins Grass in good Some lighting on roadside Limited parking. No Some litter. No condition. Young trees Preston Way and pathways. Overlooked provision of benches or 5 min from central Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 156 2 Stokesley AGS 4582.22 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 2 vandalism, 4 4 around site. Bushes 2 60 3 4 1 No signage 60 AGS by houses. No boundary bins. Neat pathway Stokesley benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti along boundary with along roadside through site. gardens Good parking at village No litter. Faceby Court Map is from No lighting. Boundary fence Grass long with weeds hall. Inadequate Poor disabled 3 min walk from Structural and landscape benefits, social 161 103 Faceby AGS 6799.09 Swainby Ward Stokesley 1 set of goalposts 4 Equipment in 3 2 3 60 2 3 1 No signage 43 AGS Local Plan all around perimeter in patches provision of benches access central Faceby inclusion and health benefits good condition and bins No litter, Clear entrance. West White House Map is from Some street lighting. No Grass bald in patches. Limited parking. No Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 162 104 AGS 754.423 Rudby Ward Stokesley 5 vandalism, 3 3 3 72 4 Good disabled 156 Rounton Wynd AGS Local Plan boundary around site Nice young saplings benches or bins benefits and a sense of place graffiti access Entrance unclear. V. little litter. No Limited parking. No Poor surface may High Street Map is from Small football pitch No lighting. Boundary fence In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 163 105 Swainby AGS 6161.55 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 vandalism, 3 2 Grass bald in patches 3 provision of bins. Good 54 2 cause some 4 1 No signage 50 AGS Local Plan (w.goals) and or hedge all around site Swainby benefits and a sense of place graffiti provision of benches problems with disabled access Information about Exclude from Very little litter. Thorp Thorp Perrow Wide variety of Adequate provision of 1/2 hr walk from site and wildlife Ecological benefits, educatin benefits, 167 106 AGS quantity 217317.61 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 No vandalism / 454 86 4 2 5 70 Perrow Arboretum vegetation benches and bins Snape located all over cultural and heritage benefits standards graffiti site Some litter, Perimeter fence majority of Grass in good 3 min walk from Exological benefits, cultural and heritage Crakehall Map is from vandalism and Neat pathway near 170 107 Crakehall AGS 3315.7 Crakehall Ward Bedale 2 3 the way around site. Some 4 condition. Surrounded 3 very limited parking 60 3 4 central great 68 benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of Bridge AGS Local Plan graffiti. Noise site entrance lighting near entrance by mature trees crakenhall place' from road. No litter, Grass in good Bus top in centre A684 Crakehall Map is from Some street lighting. No Good provision of Parish notice Structural and landscape benefits, Social 171 107 Crakehall AGS 7043.97 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 vandalism. Noise 3 4 condition. Nice mature 3 72 4 of Great Crakehall 3 67 1 AGS Local Plan boundary fencing benches and bins board includion and heath benefits. from road trees 3 (centre of site) No litter, Grass in good A684 Crakehall Map is from No benches, bins in this Bus stop just Structural and landscape benefits, social 172 107 Crakehall AGS 3607.16 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 vandalism. Noise 2 No boundary 4 condition. Nice mature 2 64 3 4 68 2 AGS Local Plan part of the green across road inclusion and health benefits from road trees Sutton Grass in good Appropriate number of Parish council Sutton Map is from No litter, Some lighting from Centre of Sutton Structural and landscape benefits, social 176 108 Howgrave AGS 2561.29 Tanfield Ward Bedale 5 3 5 condition. 5 nice mature 3 benches. Inadequate 84 4 2 3 notice board by 63 Howgrave Local Plan vandalism streetlamp Howgrave inclusion and health benefits AGS trees number of bins phone box Nosterfield Map is from V. Little litter. No lighting. Fencing along Nice mature trees and Centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 179 109 Nosterfield AGS 1438.37 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 4 4 37033 60 Green Local Plan Noise from road major road borders Nosterfield benefits and a sense of place

34 Some litter. Small football pitch (w 2 Goalposts wither Limited parking. No Entrance clear. Map is from No lighting. Solid boundary Grass weedy and long 3 mins walk from 183 14 Leeming Mill Lane AGS AGS 3924.91 Leeming Ward Bedale goalposts minus 2 vandalised or in 3 2 3 benches/seats. Bin well 48 2 Very poor disabled 3 1 No signage 43 Structural and landscape benefits Local Plan most of way round perimeter in patches centre of Leeming crossbars) sprint track a state of placed near entrance access disreapir Reasonable No litter, Grass bald in some disabled access. Great/Little Fleetham Lane Map is from Limited off-site parking. In centre of Great Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural 185 111 AGS 1581.5 Leeming Bar War Bedale 4 vandalism, 3 No lighting. No boundary 3 places. Mature trees 3 66 2 Poor surface on 3 1 No signage 43 Fencote AGS Local Plan No benches Fencote and heritage benefits graffiti along roadside track through the site Kirkby Grass in very good Kirkby Map is from Some street lighting. No Adequate provision of Poor disabled Local bus stop on Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 187 113 Fleetham AGS 9208.52 Leeming Bar War Bedale 4 Very little litter 3 4 condition. Nice mature 3 72 2 4 56 Fleetham Local Plan boundary benches and bins access village green benefits and a 'sense of place Green trees No litter, Some lighting around site. Limited parking. V.good Grass in good Clear entrance. V. Danby Danby Wiske Map is from vandalism, Boundary fence along provision of benches In centre of Danby Social inclsuion and heath benefits, amenity 190 115 AGS 649.803 Morton-on-Swale Northallerton 3 5 4 condition. Nice trees 4 78 5 good disabled 4 1 No signage 80 Wiske AGS Local Plan graffiti. Benches roadside. Overlooked by and bins. Neat pathway Wiske benefits and a sense of place around site. access are a bit moulldy houses and pub across site No litter, Map is from Fencing and/or hedging all Limited parking at Near centre of Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and 198 110 Thirlby Thirlby AGS AGS 10326.7 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk Is actually private property 5 vandalism, 4 3376 2 3 247 Local Plan around perimeter village hall Thirlby health benefits graffiti Wide variety of trees. Limited public parking. In centre of Newby South Police Training V. Little litter, no Good boundary mosto f way Ssome pathways 199 120 AGS Public access 98623.89 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 4 5 Grass mostly in good 2 Inadequate number of 78 3 3 Wiske. Poor public 463 Otterington Centre vandalism/graffiti around perimiter unclear condition benches transport V. Little litter. No Grass in good South Beechfield Lighting over road. No Structural and landscape benefits, Amenity 201 120 AGS 1953.99 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 vandalism, 3 4 condition. Small trees 75 3 3 60 Otterington AGS boundary benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti at southern end Some litter. No Some lighting from road. No Grass in good Limited parking. No South Upsall Road In centre of South Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 203 19 AGS 4173.8 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk 3 vandalism, 4 boundary along roadisde. 4 condition. Mature tree 2 provision of benches or 66 3 4 1 no signage 60 Kilvington AGS Kilvington benefits and a #'sense of place' graffiti Overlooked by some houses in centre of site bins Decent provision ofbins Some litter. Grass in good Small football pitch (w. and seats. Good 1 min walk ffrom Parish council Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 204 114 Pickhill Pickhill Green AGS 5505.39 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 Goalposts not in 3 Some street lighting 4 condition. Nice mature 4 70 3 3 3 60 goalposts) parking at nearby central Pickhill notice board benefits and a 'sense of place' best condition tree school Just on the Carlton No litter Nice mature trees to Good disabled Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity 206 51 Butt Lane AGS AGS 1945.43 White Horse War Thirsk 5 4 Good perimeter fence 3 4 Excellent parking 80 4 4 outskirts of Carlton 3 No signage 77 Husthwaite /vandalism back of building access benefits and a 'sense of place' Husthwaite Some litter, no Welcoming sign Bagby Lane Small football pitch. One No lighting, good perimeter Neat grass. Nice areas Neat path from On outskirts of Social inclusion and health benfits, Amenity 207 24 Bagby AGS 3058.29 White Horse War Thirsk 4 vandalism, 4 5 4 Limited parking 86 4 3 5 visible from road. 77 AGS basketball hoop fence of plants road Bagby benefits and a sense of place graffiti Info at entrance Bins and benches Moor Road V. Little litter, no Grass has dandylions Pathways around 212 18 Knayton AGS 1016.02 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk 4 3 3 outside ' Krayton 68 3 4 Center of Knayton 68 Social inclusion and health benefits AGS vandalism/graffiti growing Knayton Institute Institute' no litter, Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and Great Busby Village green with bench No known public 213 81 Great Busby AGS 689.211 Swainby Ward Stokesley 5 vandalism, 4 5 Well kept grass 3 88 3 2 52 health benefits, Amenity benefits and a Village Green and mature tree transport links graffiti 'sense of place' Great Busby 214 81 Great Busby AGS 525.375 Swainby Ward Stokesley Private Property 0 0 AGS grass patchy and bald Some liter. Perimeter fencing all way Beach Close 2 sets of goalposts (no in places. Long greass No seats or bins within No pathways 1 min walk from Structural and landscape benefits, ecological 217 17 Snape AGS 4976.36 Crakehall Ward Bedale 4 Equipment in 3 round. No lighting. 3 2 62 3 3 153 AGS nets) and nettles growing up site within site central Snape benefits good condition Overlooked by houses against boundary No litter, South Back Street light overhead, fencing 220 28 Tollerton AGS 252.565 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Fenced off AGS 5 vandalism, 5 3 Grass a bit patchy 89 0 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Lane AGS all around graffiti Linton On Main Street Close to central Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and 225 29 AGS 11674.33 Shipton Ward Easingwold 1 Football pitch 4 Some litter 4 No lighting, good fencing 4 3 Parking in church 76 4 3 267 Ouse AGS Linton health benefits No litter, dog No lighting. Boundaries mos No parking, bins or Structural and landscape benefits, Amenity 226 32 Huby Tally Hill AGS AGS 6365.7 Huby and Sutton Easingwold 5 fouling or 3 3268 1 3 36 of way round seats benefits and a 'sense of place' vandalism No litter, No lighting. Boundary Just on outskirts of No external signs. Thirlcrofts Grass in very good Poor disabled Social inclusion and health benefits, Amenity 232 54 Alne AGS 22541.78 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Small football pitch 5 vandalism or 4 sporadic along northern 4 48634 Alne. 5 min walk 3 Good internal 67 Road AGS condition access benefits and a sense of place graffiti edge from bus stop signs No lighting. Good boundary Newton on Tollerton Road Football pitch (w.shelter 2 mins walk from 236 55 AGS 15238.33 Shipton Ward Easingwold 4 Very little litter 4 hedge and fence. 4 2 Limited parking 72 3 3 2 57 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Ouse AGS and goalposts) Newton center Overlooked by houses Grass covered in dandy Structural and landscape benefits, Social Kays Bank Very little litter. No lighting, fence along main On the outskirts of 239 52 Husthwaite AGS 1699.62 White Horse War Thirsk 4 4 3 lions. Some nice small 73 4 372includion and health benefits, Amenity AGS No vandalisum, road Husthwaite trees benefits and a 'sense of place' Limited parking. V.good V. little litter. No Nice trees and plants Ecological benefits, social inclusion and Tholthorpe No lighting. No boundary provision of benches In centre of 245 53 Tholthorpe AGS 5197.51 Helperby Ward Easingwold 3 vandalism, 2 4 around site. Grass in 4 66 4 4 1 No signage 70 health benefits, amenity benefits and sense Village Green around site and bins. Telephone Tholthorpe graffiti good condition of place box on site Nice bus stop No litter, Station Lane Good fences hedges all way Nice neat path outside school. No 248 30 Shipton AGS 2459.59 Shipton Ward Easingwold 5 vandalism, dog 4 38044 1 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' AGS round leading to AGS bike stands. No mess paths within AGS

Some litter. No Lighting from street light. Clear entrance 10 min walk from Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 255 15 Bedale Otterbeck AGS AGS 590.608 Bedale Ward Bedale 3 vandalism, 4 Low boundary fence with 3 Grass a bit patchy 65 3 gate. No pathways 3 60 central Bedale benefits and a 'sense of place' graffiti wire mesh within site Signage not Entrance pathway Some litter. No lighting. Boundary wall, visible from road. Ecological benefits, cultural and heritage Bedale Bridge Grass a bit patchy. No parking. Inadequate reasonable. Could 256 15 Bedale AGS 1054.92 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 Bench is 3 hedging around most of site 4 2 56 2 4 3 Interesting info 57 benefits, amenity benefits and a 'sense of AGS Wide variety of plants provision for litter be problems with unattractive (rest is riverside) 3 mins walk from about Leech place' disabled access central Bedale house Grass in good Clear entrance. V. little liter. No No lighting. Boundary Structural and landscape benefits, social Station Road 2 Large football pitches condition. Hedging and No benches or bins in Surface could 2 mins from 259 8 Brompton AGS 22748.71 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 fencing and/or hedging most 4 3 66 3 4 3 Clear signage 67 inclusion and health benefits, amenity AGS (w.goalposts) long grass along fence AGS. Good parking cause difficult central Brompton graffiti of way around perimeter benefits and a 'sense of place' and riverside disabled access Good provision for dog Clear entrance. No 5 min from main No litter, Most of site unlit. Hedging Grass in v.good Northallerto Thorntree mess. No provision of pathways within road to 265 8 AGS 2059.88 Northallerton Nor Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 and fencing around gardens. 4 condition. Nice trees in 3 76 3 3 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n Road AGS 1 bins or benches. site for disabled Northallerton graffiti Overlooked by some houses one area Limited parking access (A684) Some areas around roads lit. Clear entrance. No 5 mins from main No litter, Grass in good Good provision for dog Northallerto Thorntree hedging and/or fencing pathways within road to Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 266 8 AGS 4679.98 Northallerton Nor Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 4 condition. Mature trees 3 mess. No provision of 76 3 3 1 No signage 53 n Road AGS 2 around gardens. Overlooked site for disabled Northallerton benefits and a 'sense of place graffiti in one area benches or bins by some houses access (A684) No litter, Clear entrance. 10 mins walk to Northallerto Off South View Lighting in centre of site. No parking. Good 267 9 AGS 1978.8 Northallerton Nor Northallerton 4 vandalism, 4 3 Grass in good condition 3 70 4 Good disabled 3 central 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n AGS Fencing all around perimeter provision of bins graffiti access Northallerton Some lighting from road. Multiple clear V. little litter. Grass in good Limited parking. Northallerto Bankhead Small football pitch (w. Boundary fence along entrances. No Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 268 9 AGS 4935.03 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 3 Some grafitti on 4 4 condition. Small bushes 3 Adequate provision of 70 3 4 1 No signage 60 n Road AGS goals) roadside, fencing and or paths for disabled benefits and a 'sense of place' benches alonge one side benches and bins hedging along gardens access Some litter. No Grass in good Northallerto Ashlands Road Bus stop next to 272 9 AGS 609.718 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 2 vandalism, 3 Well lit. no boundary 4 condition. Nice small 3 Limited parking 60 4 4 80 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n AGS site graffiti trees

35 V. little litter. No Grass in good 3-5 mins from Northallerto Central Drive Lighting from road. No 273 9 AGS 858.902 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 4 condition. Nice tree in 68 4 central 3 72 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n AGS boundary grafitti middle Northallerton Good parking. Some liter. No Grass in good 3-5 mins from Structural and landscape benefits, social Northallerto Valley Road Some lighting along road. No Inadequate provision of 274 9 AGS 2905.01 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 4 condition. Trees dotted 2 62 3 4 central 68 inclusion and health benefits, amenity n AGS 1 boundary bins. No provision of graffiti over site Northallerton benefits and a 'sense of place' benches V. little litter. No graffiti, No lighting. Fencing along Limited parking. No Clear entrance. Northallerto Crestbrooke Grass worn in places. 5 mins from train Signage in v.poor 277 9 Ags 1607.17 Northallerton Bro Northallerton 3 vandalism. The 3 cycle path and between site 3 2 benches. Adequate 56 4 Good disabled 4 1 70 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' n AGS Nice mature tree station condition bin is in poor and the road number of bins access condition No lighting. Fencingh, Grass in good Limited parking. No Northallerto Carrol Close Structural and landscape benefits, amenity 278 9 AGS 6573.3 Northallerton Bro Northallerton 1 set of goalposts 3 V. little litter 3 hedging most of way around 4 condition. Nice young 2 benches. Adequate 62 3 Clear entrance 3 1 No signage 53 n AGS benefits and a 'sense of place' perimeter trees provision of bins Good parking at Some litter. No Fencing all around Northallerto Valley Road Cannot access site to Grass partially cut but Ashlands Centre. No 280 9 AGS 3493.52 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 3 vandalism, 3 perimeter. Some lighting 3 2 56 1 No clear entrance 4 1 No signage 40 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of placwe' n AGS 3 check boundaries in good condition provision of benches or graffiti from road. bins Grass in good Excellent parking. Good Romanby Lighting in some areas. Clear entrance. V. 30 seconds from Tourist Social inclusion and health benefits, cultural Some litter and condition. Nice mature provision of benches 282 10 Romanby Recreation AGS 15078.01 Northallerton Cen Northallerton 2 3 Boundary along roadside 4 5 68 4 good disabled 5 centre of 5 information on 90 and heritage benefits, amenity benefits and a graffiti trees. Nicely planted and bins. Neat Ground and next to carp ark access Northallerton site 'sense of place' flower borders pathways through site Some litter. Lighting on road. Fencign Grass bald in places. No provision of 2 min walk from Condition of 284 10 Romanby Beckside AGS AGS 363.718 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Vandalism to 4 3 1 50 3 4 2 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' between site and proeprties Young trees benches, bins central Romanby signage poor fence V. little litter. No Limited parking. No Entrance to site off Marage Small football pitch (w. No lighting. Boundary Long grass in 1 part, 5 min walk from Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 288 20 Thirsk AGS 18941.93 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 vandalism, 3 3 3 pathways within site. 60 2 unclear. Poor 4 1 no signage 50 Road AGS goalposts) fencing all around perimeter well kept in another central Thirsk sense of place graffiti Good provison of bins disabled access Streetlight near entrance. No parking. No Clear entrance. Some litter. A Grass bald in patches, 291 20 Thirsk Rose AGS AGS 310.373 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 4 Boundary fence all around 2 1 provision of seats or 44 4 Neat path from 3 1 no signage 63 Amenity benefits and a sense of place little graffiti weedy in others perimeter bins pavement to site Limited parking. Grass in average 10 min walk to Some litter and Adequate provision of Fairly clear South Lane No lighting. Boundary fence condition. Area central Thirsk. Bus 292 20 Thirsk AGS 900.968 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 vandalism. Noise 2 3 3 bins. No seats, 50 3 entrance. Neat 4 1 no signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place AGS some way around perimeter surrounded by trees stop 4 min walk from A19 benches. Neat pathways to site and bushes from site pathways through site Some litter. No No lighting. Fencing all Limited parking. Good Fairly clear vandalism / 2 mins walk from Morton on Rievaulx Drive Small football pitch (w. around perimeter. provision of benches. entrance. Poor 295 39 AGS 5680.92 Morton-on-Swale Northallerton 4 graffiti. 4 3 Grass in good condition 3 70 3 4 centre of Morton 3 67 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Swale AGS goalposts) Overlooked by youses on 2 Bin not located in good disabled access Equipment in on Swale sides place within site good condition Lighting along road. No No parking. No No litter, boundaries. Overlooked by Grass weedy. Nice provision of bins. In centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, amenity 297 33 Stillington Mill Lane AGS AGS 2518.45 Stillington Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 4 3 2 66 3 3 60 houses. Road running mature trees Adequate provision of Stillington benefits and a sense of place graffiti through site benches Clear entrance. Limited parking. Good V. little litter. No Poor surface may Sutton on Harland Close Small football pitch No lighting. Boundary all provision of benches. 1-2 mins from bus Condition of 303 31 AGS 8110.66 Huby and Sutton Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 3 Grass in good condition 2 62 2 cause some 4 3 57 Social includsion and health benefits the Forest AGS (w.goals) bowles pitch around perimeter Inadequate provsion of stop signage poor graffiti problems with bins disabled access Good parking. Good Exclude from No litter, Sutton on No lighting. Boundary all Variety of plants and provision of bins. V. Bus stops just Clear, attractive 304 31 Sutton Park AGS quantity 237202.63 Huby and Sutton Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 5 4 82 3 Clear entrance 4 4 70 Ecological benefits the Forest around perimeter trees good provision of outside site signage standards graffiti benches Cut areas in good No litter, Pathway through site well lit. Clear entrance. V. Well place and Structural and landscape benefits, ecological Milfield Lane Half wild (long grass etc) condition. Wild areas Good provision of bins 5 min walk from 305 35 Easingwold AGS 141694.36 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 4 hedging and or fencing all 5 88 4 good disabled 4 4 infromative 80 benefits, social inclusion and heatlh benefits, AGS half cut grass have variety of plants along footpath central Easingwold graffiti around access signage amenity benefits and a sense of place and trees V. good parking 1 min from V. little litter. No nearby. Good provision Clear entrance. Social inclusion and heatlh benetis, cultural Back Lane Band stand carved tree lighting in some areas. Easingwold 309 35 Easingwold AGS 1287.93 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 4 3 Newly planted trees 4 of benches and bins. 74 4 Cyclestand but no 4 377and heritage benefits, amenity benefits and a AGS stump Overlooked by some houses centre. Free car graffiti Neat pathway to play cycleway sense of place park nearby area V. little litter. No provision of Clear entrance. Some vandalism Some lighting along footpath. Grass bald in patches. Gate Grains benches or bins. Neat Good disabled 5 min walk from 312 35 Easingwold AGS 10061.73 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 3 on fence along 3 Boundary fence most of way 4 Trees dotted all over 3 66 3 4 1 No signage 60 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Lane AGS pathway through part of access to some Easingwold centre boundary with around site site site areas school OSF No litter, Sandholme Grass a bit long and 5-10 mins walk to 315 35 Easingwold AGS 361.282 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 vandalism, 3 Some lighting from road 2 3 Good parking. 60 4 4 80 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Close AGS weedy central Easingwold graffiti No graffiti or litter. Signs of Easily accessible Easingwold Small AGS in housing Good tarmac pathway 317 36 Drovers AGS AGS 347.076 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 3 either vancalism 2 No lighting 5 Well kept grass 3 68 3 Neat entrance path 4 for bikes and 68 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' West estate to AGS from road or lack of pedestrians maintenance Some litter. Carlton Large football pitch (w. Bus stop 5 mins 318 117 Carlton AGS AGS 12619.81 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 3 Signs of 3 Good perimeter fence 4 Grass in good condition 3 Good parking, no seats 66 3 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Miniott goalposts) pavillion walk away vandalism No litter, Neither Lead Lane Grass in excellent No parking, bins or 322 47 AGS Check typology 10524.73 Osmotherley War Northallerton 5 vandalism, 4 Good perimeter wall/fence 5 3 88 3 2 52 Ecological benefits Silton AGS condition benches graffiti

36 Any Cleanline Security Ancillary Informati Agreed further ss and Vegetatio Quality Transpor Access Site ID Map No Location Site Name Area m2 Ward nalysis Are Specific Facilities Comments and Comment Comment Accomod Comment General Comment Comment on and Comment Wider Benefits typology comment Maintena n % t % Safety ation Signage s nce No litter / vandalism, Central Way Play Small climbing frame (w. slide Good security fence, no Fairly close to great Social inclusion and health benefits, 17 1 Great Ayton Children 2955.52 Great Ayto Stokesley 3 equipment in good 5 2 No benches or bins 66 3 Access down a ginnel 3 360 Area bridge) seesaw lighting ayton center amenity benefits and a sense of place condition 2 swing sets (1baby) climbing Some litter. Some Some lighting from Stokesley Rec Grass long and weedy. Limited parking. No 3-5 mins to central 27 2 Stokesley Children 811.099 Stokesley WStokesley frame / slide, see saw, rocking 2 equipment in v.poor 3 nearby road. Boundary 3 2 50 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground Play Area Nice mature trees provision of benches Stokesley horse, 2 climbing frames condition fence around part of site Lighting nearby from Some litter. No street. Boundary fence Grass in good Limited parking. Mozaic patterns on ground . vandalism, graffiti. Clear entrance. Good 2-3 mins from centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, 29 2 Stokesely The Stripe Play Area Children 437.207 Stokesley WStokesley 3 5 all around site. 4 condition. Nice bushes 3 V.good provision of 74 4 4 1 No signage 70 Mushroom reats Equipment in good disabled access Stokesley amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Overlooked by some around site benches and bins. condition houses No provision of Some lighting from Grass in v. good V. little litter. No benches or bins. V. 5 min to central Social inclusion and health benefits, 32 2 Stokesely Tameside Play Area Children Equipped 922.859 Stokesley WStokesley Is actually AGS 4 3 street lamps. No 5 condition. Young trees 2 74 3 4 1 No signage 60 vandalism, graffiti limited parking (on Stokesley amenity benfits and a 'sense of place' boundary dotted across site road) Limited parking. No Some lighting from Grass in good Some litter. Some graffiti provision of benches. Clear entrance. Good 5 mins from central Social inclusion and health benefits, 33 2 Stokesley Northfield Drive Children Equipped 658.724 Stokesley WStokesley 2 4 road. Boundary around 4 condition. Nice small 3 64 4 4 3 Clear signage 77 on equipment Provision of bins disabled access Stokesley amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' site trees along roadside nearby 2 Swing sets (1 baby) small Lighting from adjacent Good parking. Good climbing frame. 2 rocking No litter, vandalism, tennis courts. Grass in good Hutton Rudby Play provision of benches. Clear entrance. V. good No external 35 4 Hutton Rudby Children 722.343 Rudby Wa Stokesley hroses. Assault courts (w. 5 graffiti. Equipment all in 4 Overlooked by village 4 condition. Nice mature 4 86 4 4 Bus stop outside site 2 73 Social inclusion and health benefits Area Inadequate provision of disabled access signage beams, bridges, stepping v.good condition hall. Fencing all around trees bins stones and slide) perimenter 2 Swing sets (1 baby) 2 V. little litter. No Well placed Great Kirkby Road Play climbing frames, see saw, No lighting. Boundary Clear entrance. Good 43 3 Children 969.767 Broughton Stokesley 3 vandalism. Equipment in 4 3 V. limited parking 66 4 5 Bus stop outside school 4 informative 87 Broughton Area roundabout, 2 rocking horses, fence all around site neat path across AGS good condition signs rope bridge, beams No provision of No litter, vandalism, Grass in good The Paddock Play Slide, 2 small climbing No lighting. Boundary all benches. Provision of Clear entrance. Good 5-10 mins from central Condition of Social inclusion and health benefits. 46 2 Stokesley Children 416.536 Stokesley WStokesley 4 graffiti. Equipment a bit 3 4 condition. Nice borders 3 72 4 4 2 73 Area frames. Rocking horse around site bins nearby. Limited disabled access Stokesley signage poor Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' dated along boundaries parking No litter, vandalism. Boundary fence around Limited parking. Good Swing set, roundabout, Grass in good 10 mins walk from centre Social inclusion and health benefits, 53 15 Bedale Kingfisher Drive Children 614.49 Bedale Wa Bedale 4 Equipmenet in good 3 perimeterof site. No 3 3 provision of benches 66 4 Good clear entrance 3 1 No signage 63 rocking horse, slide condition of Bedale amentiy benefits and a 'sense of place' condition lighting and bins Adequate provision of Zip wire, big slide, small Very little litter. Boundary fence and benches and bins. 2 mins walk from central 56 15 Bedale Bedale Local Park Children 1138.67 Bedale Wa Bedale climbing frame, 3 swing sets 3 Equipment in reasonable 3 hedge all around 3 Nice mature tree 3 60 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benfits Parking behind tourist Bedale (1 baby) tyre swing condition perimeter. No lighting information 2 Swing sets (1b baby) big Very little litter. No climbing frame (w. slide) vandalism, graffiti. No lighting. Boundary Grass in good Clear entrance. No 10 mins walk from centre Social inclusion and health benefits, 65 15 Bedale Stapleton Close Children 355.703 Bedale Wa Bedale 3 4 3 3 Good provision for litter 64 3 4 1 No signage 60 small climbing frame (w. Equpment in good fence around site condition pathway to site of Bedale amendity benefits and a 'sense of place' slide) condition Very little litter. Thornton Thornton Whatless 2 swing sets, climbing frame Equipment mostly in good No lighting. No Centre of Thornton 71 41 Children 285.013 Crakehall W Bedale 3 2 3 Patchy grass 3 No parking 56 2 3 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health beenfits Whatless Green Play Area (w.slide) roundabout condition. (bench and bin boundary Watlass a bit delapidated)

Assault course (w. beams, Good parking at West West Tanfield Rec bridges & stepping stones) 2 Some litter. Equipment in No lighting, no boundary Lots of bald patches in Tenfield Memorial Hall. Excellent acces to Bus stop directly outside Social inclusion and health benefits, 83 44 West Tanfield Children 435.819 Tanfield W Bedale 3 2 2 3 50 3 4 470 Ground Play Area swing sets (1 baby) climbing good condition around play area grass Inadequate number of Memorial Hall Memorial Hall amenity benefits and a sense of place frame and slide, rocking horse bins V. good parking. Some lighting from car Clear entrance. Neat Northallerton Park Is actually MUGA b-ball hoops Some litter. Some graffiti Adequate provision of 3 mins from central 92 9 Northallerton Children 924.457 NorthallertNoorthallerto 2 3 park. Boundary between 3 51 4 pathways to site. V. 4 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and health benefits Play Area 1 (2) & vandalism to fence bins. No provision of Northallerton MUGA & houses good disabled access benches No bins. Adequate Northallerton 2 swing sets (1 baby) a Some litter. Noice from No lighting. No number of benches. Clear entrance. Good 103 10 Northallerton Recreation Ground Children 777.629 NorthallertNoorthallerto 2 2 3454 4 5 1 min from train station 1 No signage 77 roundabout, a see saw trains boundary around site Good parking at county disabled access Play Area hall V. little litter. No No lighting. Boundary Grass in good V. limited parking. 1 set of small goalposts (no vandalism, graffiti. Clear entrance. V. good 107 10 Romanby Thistle Close Children 4815.54 Romanby NWorthallerto 4 3 fence all around 4 condition. Nice young 3 Adequate provision of 72 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' pitch) Equipment in good disabled access perimeter trees and bushes benches and bins condition 2 Swing sets ( 1 baby) No lighting. No Recreation Ground Some litter. No Grass in good Good parking. Good Clear entrance. Good On outskirts of Appleton 118 6 Appleton Wiske Children 1850.61 Rudby Wa Stokesley climbing frame, small 3 2 boundary around 4 4 66 4 3 1 No signage 63 Social inclusion and health benefits Play Area vandalism, graffiti condition. Young trees provision of benches disabled access Wiske climbing frame playarea specifically Thornton Le Beans No lighting, perimeter Signage in Thornton Le No litter. Signs of Good pathway to court Good pathway from Just on outskirts of 129 46 Rec Ground Play Children 551.241 Thorntons Thirsk Tennis Court 3 3 fencing okay. Tennis 3 60 4 3 2 v.poor 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Beans vandalism on fencing limited parking entrance to court Thornton le Beans Area court fence damaged condition Climbing frame / slide, 2 Recreation Ground - No lighting, good Good parking at cricket 134 26 Sessay Children 1070.92 Topcliffe W Thirsk swings sets ( 1 baby) tiny 444 Well kept grass 4 80 3 4 In middle of Sessay 2 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Childrens Play perimeter fence club assault course Assault course (w.beams, No boundary around bridges, rope bridges, Clear entrance. Some Norby Front Street site. Streetlights on Grass in good Good provision of 5 min walk from central 143 20 Thirsk Children 789.079 Thirsk War Thirsk stepping stones) 2 swing sets 2 Some litter 3 3 4 58 3 problems with disabled 4 1 no signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Play Area road. Overlooked by condition benches and bins Thirsk (1 baby) hanging bars, access houses across road parallel bars 2 Swing sets ( 1 baby) 2 Well lit in centre of site. Limited parking. V. Clear entrance. Good Sowerby Road Play Grass in good 2-3 mins from central 149 21 Sowerby Children 8527.91 Sowerby W Thirsk slides (big & small) climbing 3 V. little litter 4 Boundary fence all 3 4 good provison of 68 3 disabled access to site. 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Space condition Thirsk frames around perimeter benches and bins No pthways within site

Map is Limited parking. No Unclear entrance. Poor High Street Play 2 Swing sets (1baby) small No litter, vandalism, No lighting. No Grass in good 164 105 Swainby Children from 1581.91 Swainby WStokesley 4 2 3 3 provision of bins. Good 62 2 surface for disabled 4 In centre of Swainby 1 No signage 50 Social inclusion and health benefits Area climbing frame, rocking horse graffiti boundary around site condition Local Plan provision of benches access

Little pavillion. B-ball hoop, Some litter, vandalism Map is Perimeter fence most of Grass in good Crakehall Bridge ball wall. Assault course (w. and graffiti. Noise from Neat pathway to site 3 mins walk from central Social inclusion and health benefits, 169 107 Crakehall Children from 915.967 Crakehall W Bedale 2 3 way round. Some 4 condition. Surrounded 3 very limited parking 60 3 4 1 No signage 60 Play Area beams, mini roundabout, rope road. Equipment in good entrance gReat Crakehall amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Local Plan lighting near entrance by mature trees bridges and a climbing wall) condition Very little litter. Map is No perimeter boundary Grass in good In centre of Great A684 Crakehall Play 2 swing sets (1 baby) seesaw, Equipment in very good 173 107 Crakehall Children from 687.731 Crakehall W Bedale 4 3 around play area. No 4 condition. Nice mature 37244Crakenhall. 30 seconds 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and health benefits Area climbing frame / slide condition. Noise from Local Plan lighting trees walk from bus stop road Some litter. No Adequate provision of Map is No lighting. Fencing or Crakehall Hall Play Climbing frame (w. slide and vandalism/graffiti. Grass in good benches and bins. 5 min walk from centre of 175 107 Crakehall Children from 1611.34 Crakehall W Bedale 4 3 hedging all around 3 3 66 4 No pathways within site 3 370 Area bridge) Equipment in very good condition Good parking at village Great Crakehall Local Plan perimeter condition hall 3 Climbing posts, 2 wooden Scruton Cricket climbing frames, swing set, No litter. Equipment in No boundary around Grass in very good Inadequate provision of No pathways from 2 mins walk from central 177 40 Scruton Children 190.766 Leeming B Bedale 4 3 4 3 72 2 3 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground Play Area beams, climbing frame (w. good condition playarea. No lighting condition bins. Plenty of benches entrance to site Scruton slide, tunnel etc) Map is V. Little litter. Equipment Nosterfield Green 2 swing sets (1 baby) slide, No lighting, fencing Signage not 180 109 Nosterfield Children from 108.359 Tanfield W Bedale 4 in good condition. Noise 4 3 patchy grass 3 Limited parking 70 2 3 Centre of Nosterfield 2 47 Social inclusion and health benefits Play area climbing frame, seat and bin along major road very visible Local Plan from road

37 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) Some litter. No No lighting. No Limited parking. Good Leeming Lane Play climbing frame, roundabout, vandalism, graffiti. Most 181 13 Leeming Bar Children 350.512 Leeming B Bedale 4 2 boundary around play 2 Grass bald om [;aces 3 provison of benches or 56 3 Clear entrance 4 In centre of Leeming Bar 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Area slide, 2 rocking horses, 4 of equipment in v.good area bins funny beams condition Northallerton Road 182 13 Leeming Bar Children 597.039 Leeming B Bedale 0 0 Play Area Some litter. No Map is No lighting. No Limited parking. No No pathway across 2 Swing sets (1 baby) mini vandalism/graffiti. Grass weedy and 3 mins walk from central 184 14 Leeming Mill Lane Play Area Children from 495.077 Leeming W Bedale 3 2 boundary around play 2 2 benches. Bin near 46 2 AGS. V. poor disabled 3 1 No signage 43 Social inclusion and health benfits roundabout Equipment is in good longer in patches Leeming Local Plan area entrance to AGS access condition Mini assault course (w. Limited parking. Map is beams, stepping stones, rope Boundary hedge all Inadequate provision of Clear entrance. Some Cuddy lane Play V. little litter. Equipment Bus stop on road near 188 121 Osmotherley Children from 1657.15 OsmotherlNeorthallerto bridges) 2 climbing frames, 4 3 around perimeter. No 2 Grass bald in patches 2 bins. Some paths 56 3 problems with disabled 4 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Area all in good condition site Local Plan see saw. 2 swing sets (1 lighting within site have poor access (road surface) baby) slide, 2 rocking horses surfaces No lighting. Fencing all Unclear entrance. Neat Map is Grass in good V. good provision of East Harsley Play 2 Swing sets (1 baby) slide, V. little litter. No around play area. pathway around village Social inclusion and health benefits, 193 116 East Harsley Children from 236.776 OsmotherlNeorthallerto 4 4 3 condition (long around 4 benches and bins. 74 3 4 In centre of East Harlsey 3 67 Area clhain cargo net vandalism, graffiti Overlooked by village hall. Good disabled amenity benefits and a sense of place Local Plan bench and bin) Good parking hall access Topcliffe Playing Well kept grass. Nice Walk across OSF for 3 mins from Central Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and 197 50 Topcliffe Children 874.3 Topcliffe W Thirsk Bowling green (w. clubhouse) 4 No litter 4 Good perimeter fence 5 3 Limited parking 82 3 3 1 No signage 53 Field Play Area flowers in border access Topcliffe health benefits Mini assault cours (w.beams, Some litter. Equipment in No lighting. Perimeter Grass bald in some Very good provision Good disabled access Pickhill Green rope bridges and stepping 1 min walk from centre of 205 114 Pickhill Children 975.393 Tanfield W Bedale 3 good condition. Fence in 3 fence all around site 3 areas, long inothers. 5 ofbins and seats. Good 68 3 to site entrance but not 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Toddlers Play Area stones) small swing, climbing Dickhill slight disrepair boundary Nice mature tree parking at school within site frame Climbing frame/slide. 2 swing sets (2 baby) sandpit, mini Limited parking. Good Bagby Lane Play Very little litter. No Boundary fence around 209 24 Bagby Children 1064.78 White Hors Thirsk climbing wall, mini assault 4 4 Well kept grass 4 amount of benches / 64 4 3 On outskirts of Bagby 5 Same as 207 77 Social inclusion and health benefits Area vandalism / graffiti some equipment ocurse (w. bridge, rope bridge bins and beams) In small village with no Ecological benefits, Social inclusion and Permimeter hedge 215 78 Easby Easby Play Area Children 909.128 Great Ayto Stokesley Is actually allotments 3 Some litter 3 4 Nicely cultivated 2 62 2 2 bus stop. 5 min walk 137health benefits, Amenity benefits and patchy from Easby 'sense of place' Assault course (w. parrallel Some No lighting. Fencing Newton Road Sports Toddlers 219 28 Tollerton Children 576.139 Tollerton WEasingwoldbars, rope bridge etc) 3 valdalim/equipment not in 3 around climbing 3 Some patchy areas 3 Same as 218 60 3 Neat path to play area 3 Same as 218 3 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Club Play Area climbing frame/slide good condition frame/slide Fencing and/or hedges 2 Swing sets (1 baby) Linton Meadow Play Equipment bit rusty/old. all round. NO lighting. Plenty of seats. Good Entrance down ginnel, In the middle of housing Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place', 224 29 Linton On Ouse Children 1758.99 Shipton WaEasingwoldclimbing frame (w. slide) 4 4 3 One nice old tree 5 78 4 4 273 Area Very little litter Overlooked by some pathways else good estate Social inclusion and health benefits roundabout, seesaw houses Assault course, gymnastics Robin Lane Sports no lighting, good 229 32 Huby Children 1326.8 Huby and SEasingwoldbars, 2 swing sets (1 baby) 4 some litter 4 3 4 same as 228 74 3 No paths inside park 4 same as 228 2 same as 228 63 Club fencing slide, snadpit 2 swing sets (1 baby) mini climbing frame (w. slide) big No litter / vandalism. No direct lighting. Thirlcrofts Road Play climbing frame(w. slide) 2 Grass in good Social inclusion and health benefits, 234 54 Alne Children 820.365 Tollerton WEasingwold 5 Equipment in good 4 Boundary around play 4 4 Good number of seats 86 3 Same as 232 4 Same as 232 3 Same as 232 67 Area rocking horses, see saw, condition Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' condition area sandpit, mini assault course and a zip wire 2 swing sets (1baby) climbing Newton on Tollerton Road Play Boundary around play No paths within play 2 mins walk from Newton 237 55 Children 585.178 Shipton WaEasingwoldframe (w. slide) 2 see saws, 2 4 No vandalism / graffiti 3 3 Grass a bit patch 2 Same as 236 62 3 3 2 57 Social inclusion and health benefits Ouse Area area. No lighting area center rocking animals Toddlers Assault course, climbing No litter or graffiti. Gate Crayke Cricket and No lighting. Good Plenty of seating. No Rough path from 243 34 Crayke Children Equipped 229.429 Stillington WEasingwoldframe, slide/firemans pole, 2 4 has been temporarily 4 4 80 3 4 Same as 241 2 Same as 241 63 Social inclusion and health benefits Football Club boundary fence litter bins cricket pitch Play Area swing sets ( 1 baby ) fixed A little vandalism and Main Street Play 2 Swing sets (1 baby) No lighting. Overlooked 250 30 Shipton Children 408.604 Shipton WaEasingwold 3 litter. Climbing frame 3 3 Same as 249 60 2 4 Same as 249 2 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Area climbing frame by community centre missing equipment Raskelf Football and Equipped Assault course 2 sets of Small amount of litter. No lighting, 360 degree Grass in good No benches within 252 56 Raskelf Children 602.889 Helperby WEasingwold 3 3 4 2 62 4 Same as 251 4 Same as site 251 3 77 Social inclusion and health benefits. Cricket Club play area swings (1 baby) rocking horse Equipment is sound boundary condition eyesight

Climbing frame, slide, 2 swing Some lighting from No parking. Good Northallerton Road Some litter. Noise from 1 min from centre of 261 8 Brompton Children 757.705 Brompton NWorthallerto sets (1 baby) roundabout, 2 2 3 road. No boundary 3 provison of benches 51 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits Play Area 2 road Brompton rocking horses, b-ball hoop around play area and bins 3 swing sets (1 baby) zi[p Some lighting from Limited parking. Good Clear entrance. No Bankhead Road Play V. little litter. No Grass in good Condition of 269 9 Northallerton Children 335.756 NorthallertNoorthallerto wire, assault course 3 3 road. Boundary around 3 3 provision of benches 60 3 paths for disabled 4263 Social inclusion and health benefits Area vandalism, some graffiti condition signage poor (w.beams, stepping stones)_ some of site and bins access off Bankhead Road 270 9 Northallerton Children 783.019 NorthallertNoorthallerto Not a play area 0 0 Play Area off Ashlands Play 271 9 Northallerton Children 715.631 NorthallertNoorthallerto Not a play area 0 0 Area Climbing frame, slide, Good provision of Northallerton Park V. little litter. No No lighting. Boundary Clear entrance. Good 3 mins from central 275 9 Northallerton Children 804.739 NorthallertNoorthallerto roundabout, 2 swing sets (1 3 3 4 benches and bins. 66 4 4 1 No signage 70 Social inclusion and heatlh benefits Play Area 2 vandalism, graffiti fence around site disabled access Northallerton baby) long rocking spaceship V.good parking nearby Excellent parking. Tourist Romanby Recreation 2 swing sets (1 baby) 2 slides Equipment new and in Boundary fence all Clear entrance. Good 30 seconds from centre 283 10 Romanby Children 255.406 NorthallertNoorthallerto 3 3 35Goodp rovision of 68 4 5 5 information 90 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground Play Area (big and little) climbing frames good condition around site. Partially lit disabled access of Northallerton benches and bins v.close Excellent parking. Mound with slide, 2 swing Toilets within Ainderby Clear entrance. Neat Ainderby Road Play Equipment in v.good No lighting. No Grass in good Bus stop outside football 285 10 Romanby Children 1138.01 Romanby NWorthallerto sets (1 baby) roundabout, see 4 2 3 5 Road AGS. V. good 70 4 pathway from car park. 4 1 No signage 70 Area condition. V. little litter boundary around site condition club saw, climbing frame provision of bins and Good disabled access benches V. little litter. No No lighting. No V. limited parking. Thistle Close Play Slide, roundabout, tiny vandalism, graffiti. Clear entrance. V. good 286 10 Romanby Children 372.862 Romanby NWorthallerto 3 2 boundary around play 3 Provision benches and 54 4 3 1 No signage 63 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Area climbing frame Equipment in reasonable disabled access area bins v. nearby in AGS condition Bench and bin very Clear entrance. Good Allerdale Close Play V. little litter. Some graffiti Well lit. no boundary Grass in good 10 min walk to central Social inclusion and health benefits, 289 20 Thirsk Children 209.424 Thirsk War Thirsk Climbing frame (w.slide) 2 4 3 3 close to site. V. limited 58 4 pathway along the side 3 1 no signage 63 Area on climbing frame around site condition Thirsk amenity benefits and a sense of place parking of site Street light over road. Some litter. Some V. limited parking. No Herriot Way Play Fencing, hedging down Grass bald in patches. 10 mins walk from 290 20 Thirsk Children 1057.54 Thirsk War Thirsk 2 vandalism on perimeter 4 3 2 provision of bins or 54 3 3 1 No signage 53 Amenity benefits and a sense of place Area 1 side. Overlooked by Big mature tree central Thirsk hedge seats some houses Grass in good No lighting. Boundary 2 Swing sets (1 baby) slide, Some litter. Equipment condition. Nice mature Adequate provision of 293 20 Thirsk Hambleton Play Area Children 819.261 Thirsk War Thirsk 2 3 fence all around 4 3 60 3 Clear entrance 4 Bus stop 2-3 mins away 1 no signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits roundabout looks old and abused trees dotted around benches and bins perimeter site 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) 3 Some litter. No V. good provision of Clear entrance. Some Station Road Play climbing frames, assault vandalism, graffiti, some No lgihting. Boundary Grass in good 2 mins from central 294 8 Brompton Children 3645.61 Brompton NWorthallerto 2 3 3 4 benches and bins. No 58 3 problems with disabled 4 3 Clear signage 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Area cours (w.beams, bridges, equipment in poor fence around site condition Brompton pathways within site. access stepping stones) condition Mini assault course (w.beams, Some litter. No vandalism No boundary around Good provision of No pathway across Morton on Rievaulx Drive Play bridges, hanging bars and Grass in good 2 mins walk from central 296 39 Children 884.457 Morton-onN- orthallerto 4 / graffiti. Equipment in 4 play area. Overlooked 3 3 benches. Bin not 70 2 AGS. Poor disabled 4 1 No signage 50 Social inclusion and health benefits Swale Area stepping stones) 2 swing sets condition Morton on Swale good condition by houses on 2 sides located in good place access (1 baby) large climbing frame 2 swing sets (1 baby) V. little litter. No Good parking. Clear entrance. Surface Carr Lane Football toddlers climbing frame. Assault vandalism, graffiti. No lighting. Boundary Adequate provision of 5 mins from central 301 33 Stillington Children 446.845 Stillington WEasingwold 4 3 3 69 2 in site por for disabled 3 2 47 Social inclusion and health benefits and Cricket Club play area course (w.beams, bridges, Equipment in good around site benches. Inadequate Stillington access stepping stones) condition provision of bins

38 Some litter. Some graffiti Limited parking. Good Clear entrance. Neat Rowan Avenue Play 2 Climbing frames, 2 swing No lighting. Boundary 10 min walk from central 306 35 Easingwold Children 1266.18 EasingwoldEasingwold 3 on benches. Equipment in 3 2 Grass bald in patches 3 provision of benches 54 5 path to site. Good 3 84 Social inclusion and health benefits Area sets (1 baby) fence all around site Easingwold good condition and bins disabled access 2 swing sets ( 1 baby) climbing frame, slide, see No lighting. Fencing all V. good parking V. little liter. No Clear entrance. V. neat 1 min from centre of Condition of 310 35 Easingwold Back Lane Play Area Children 3623.27 EasingwoldEasingwoldsaw, roundabout. Assault 4 3 around site. Overlooked 2 Grass bald in patches 4 nearby. Good provision 64 4 4 2 73 vandalism, graffiti pathways to play area Easingwold signage poor course (w.beams, bridges, by some houses of benches and bins hanging bars) Equiped Carlton Road Play Swings, slide, assault course Some liter, signs of No boundary around Grass in good No pathways from Bus stop 5 mins walk 319 117 Carlton Miniott Children Play 1348.79 Thirsk War Thirsk 3 3 3 4 Lots of seats 64 2 3 1 43 Social inclusion and health benefits Space (w. tunnel, bridge and beam) vandalism play area condition entrance away Space

39 Any Cleanline Security Ancillary Informati Agreed further ss and Vegetatio Site ID Map No Location Site Name Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities Comments and Comment Comment Accomod Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment on and Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology comment Maintena n Safety ation Signage s nce No litter, vandalism, graffiti. V.good provision of benches / bins. Stokesley Sports Club V. good boundary fence around Entrance not v. clear. 5 min walk from centre of Informative, well placed Social inclusion and health benefits, 21 2 Stokesley Young MUGA 1819.59 Stokesley W Stokesley 3 Astroturf tennis courts 5 Equipment in excellent 4 4 Toilets at sports centre. Good 89 4 4 4 80 MUGA perimeter. No lighting Excellent disabled access Stokesly signage economic benefits condition parking at sports centre Astroturf MUGA (football pitch) Stokesley Good boundary fence around MUGA with 2 tennis and 2 Good parking at leisure centre. 5 mins walk from central 22 2 Stokesley Comprehensive Young MUGA 1236.88 Stokesley W Stokesley 3 some litter 4 each area. Floodlights over 3 66 4 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 70 Education benefits netball courts. MUGA with 4 Poor provision of benches / bins Stokesly School astroturf MUGA tenis and 3 netball courts 3 small Some lighting from nearby road Stokesley Rec areas to B-ball hoop / football goal / Some litter. Some Limited parking. No provision of Clear entrance. No pathways 3-5 mins to central 28 2 Stokesley Young 2024.09 Stokesley W Stokesley 2 3 and footpath. No boundary 3 Grass in good condition 2 50 3 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground be Pavillion / Bandstand vandalism on pavillion benches or bins for disabled access Stokesley around site combined 2 Quarter pipes, a box, a kicker Very little litter. Equipment 2 mins walk from central 57 15 Bedale Bedale Local Park Young 958.559 Bedale Wa Bedale 3 3 No perimeter boundary 3 Parking behind tourist information 60 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Social inclusion and health benefits (with rails) rails in good condition Bedale Conditions os use Scruton Cricket Small MUGA with b-ball court No litter. Equipment a bit No lighting. Perimeter fence all No pathways from entrance 2 mins walk from central 178 40 Scruton Young 565.781 Leeming Ba Bedale 3 3 2 No benches / bins around site 54 2 3 4 displayed clearly at 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Ground MUGA and a tennis court worn around site to site scruton entrance Some litter. No vandalism. Appleton Recreation Ground No lighting. Fencing all around Clear entrance. Poor On outskirts of Appleton 191 6 Young 1656.43 Rudby War Stokesley 2 Quarter pipes, box, rail 3 Equipment in good 3 4 Good parking 66 3 3 1 No signage 53 Social inclusion and health benefits Wiske Skate Park site disabled access Wiske condition Appleton Recreation Ground No lighting. Fence all around Good parking. Good provision of Clear entrance. Good On outskirts of Appleton 192 6 Young 1389.69 Rudby War Stokesley 2 tarmac tennis courts 3 No litter, vandalism, graffiti 3 3 60 4 3 2 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Wiske MUGA tennis courts benches. No bins disabled access Wiske No litter/vandalism. Bagby Lane No boundary around skatepark. Limited parking. Neat path from 208 24 Bagby Young 347.488 White Hors Thirsk Quarter pipe, rail, box, 2 ramps 4 Equipment in good 3 44 76 4 3 On outskirts of Bagby 2 No signage 67 Social inclusion and health benfits Skatepark No lighting entrance to skatepark condition Thirlcrofts Road 2 Tennis courts, basketball Equipment in decent Education benefits, Social inclusion 233 54 Alne Young MUGA 1221.9 Tollerton W Easingwold 5 5 Excellent lighting and fencing 4 Same as 232. No extra seats 94 3 Same as 232 4 same as 232 4 70 MUGA court, '5' a side goalposts condition and health benefits Thirlcrofts Road Some litter, equipment in 235 54 Alne Young Skatepark 881.23 Tollerton W Easingwold Quarter pipe, box, 2 rails 4 3 No lighting 4 Same as 232. No extra seats 74 3 Same as 232 4 same as 232 4 Sign is clear 70 Social inclusion and health benefits Skatepark good condition Crayke Cricket and 2 Tennis courts, 1 basketball Excellent surface. Nets 242 34 Crayke Young MUGA 1490.48 Stillington WEasingwold 4 3 No lighting over MUGA 4 Same as 241 74 3 4 Same as 241 2 63 Football Club hoop below rest of equipment Raskelf Football and Post that hold up nets a bit Good equipment and boundary Good parking. Adequate benches, 253 56 Raskelf Young MUGA 1681.13 Helperby W Easingwold 3 Tennis Courts 4 4 43 76 3 4 3 67 Social inclusion and health benefits Cricket Club rusty no ligthing no litter bins Assault course (w. tunnel, Some litter. Equipment in stepping stones, bridge, cargo No boundary around. No 10 mins walk from centre Education benefits, amenity benefits 254 15 Bedale Kingfisher Drive Young 540.457 Bedale Wa Bedale 3 good condition. Some 3 3 Grass n good condition 3 Limited parking 60 4 Good clear entrance 3 1 No signage 63 net, rope bridges, beams lighting of Bedale and a 'sense of place' graffiti handing bars) Litter around site. Cycle stand behind leisure Bedale Agricultural 3 small football pitches. 2 b-ball Equipment in good Part of site floodlit. Very good About 5 min walk from 257 15 Bedale Young MUGA 2272.28 Bedale Wa Bedale 3 4 3 Good parking at leisure centre 66 4 centre. Very good disabled 4 377 Centre courts, some tennis nets condition. Some cracks in perimeter fence central Bedale access playing surface V. good provision of benches and Northallerton Skate Half pipe, quarter pipe, box (w. 5-10 min walk to central 262 8 Northallerton Young 555.455 NorthallertoNorthallerton 4 No litter, vandalism, graffiti 3 No lighting. Fencing around site 5 bins. V. good parking. Cyclestands 80 4 Clear entrance 4 3 Clear signage 77 Social inclusion and health benefits Park rails) Northallerton provided Floodlit MUGA (w. hockey pitch) Well lit. boundary fence all V.good parking. No provision of 5-10 min walk to central Social inclusion and health benefits, 263 8 Northallerton Northallerton MUGA Young 4264.83 NorthallertoNorthallerton 3 No litter, vandalism, graffiti 4 3 66 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 Football goals (big and small) around perimeter benches or bins Northallerton economic benefits Some litter. Some graffiti No lighting. Boundary fence all Good provision of bins. Inadequate Clear entrance. Good 5-10 mins from central Clear and informative 307 35 Easingwold Milfield Lane Young Skatepark 579.158 Easingwold Easingwold Quarter pipe, ramp, box, rail 2 3 3 51 4 4 4 80 Social inclusion and health benefits on equipment around site provision of benches disabled access Easingwold signage No litter, vanalism, graffiti. V. good parking. No provision of 2 Astroturf tennis courts (w 5- Floodlit. Boundary fence all Clear entrance. Neat Just outside of centre of Social inclusion and health benefits, 311 35 Easingwold Chapel Lane MUGA Young MUGA 2321.82 Easingwold Easingwold 4 Equipment in good 3 3 benches. Adequate provision of 69 4 4 377 side football goals) around site pathway to site Easingwold economic benefits condition bins

40 Cleanline Security Ancillary Informati Agreed Any further ss and Vegetatio Quality Transpor Access Site ID Map No Location Site Name Area m2 Ward Analysis Area Specific Facilities Comments and Comment Comment Accomod Comment General Comment Comment on and Comment Wider Benefits typology comments Maintena n % t % Safety ation Signage nce Lighting over car park. Grass in v. good Bedale Golf Golf No litter, vandalism, V. good parking. Toilets in 3-5 mins to centre of Signage clear (not v. Social inclusion and health 67 16 Bedale 452300.31 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 4 Fencing and or hedging 5 condition. Site dotted 5 90 3 Clear entrance 4 3 67 Course Course graffiti clubhouse Bedale informative) benefits, economic benefits around site with trees Grass in v. good Golf GOLF Golf course (w.clubhouse, No litter, vandalism, Part os site well lit (car condition. Shrub border 5 min walk from Clear and infromative 111 11 Romanby Golf Course 828722.99 Morton-on-Swale W Northallerton 4 3 5 4 V. good parking 82 4 Clear entrance 3 5 77 Economic benefits Course COURSE driving range) graffiti park) in car park. Site dotted Yafforth signage with trees V. good parking. Good South Golf V. little litter. No No lighting. Boundary all Grass in good condition. Clear entrance. Good 5-10 mins from South Social inclusion and health 136 19 Golf Course 444601.31 Thirsk Ward, Thorn Thirsk 4 3 4 4 provision of benches 76 4 3 3 Clear signage 70 Kilvington Course vandalism, graffiti around perimeter Nice areas of trees disabled access Kilvington benefits, economic benefits around clubhouse South Grass in v. good Good parking. Toilets in 5-10 min from central East Easingwold Golf Golf No litter, vandalism, No lighting. Boundary all Clear entrance. Good Social inclusion and health 320 37 376192.71 Easingwold Ward, Easingwold 4 3 5 condition. Nice areas of 4 clubhouse. V. good 82 4 4 Easingwold. Bus stop 3 Clear signage 77 Easingwol Club Course graffiti around perimeter disabled access benefits rough and trees provision of seats directly outside site d Limited parking. No Clear entrance. Poor No lighting. Boundary Structural and landscape benefits, Ingleby Ingeleby Arncliffe Located in V. little litter. No provision of benches. surface may cause In centre of Inlgeby 55 OSF 10701.78 Swainby Ward Stokesley Cricket Pitch (w. clubhouse) 3 3 fence all around 3 Grass in good condition 2 56 2 4 1 No signage 50 social inclusion and health Arncliffe Cricket Ground National Park vandalism, graffiti Provision of bins just some problems with Cross perimeter benefits outside entrance disabled access No litter, vandalism, Limited parking at school. Structural and landscape benefits, Ingleby Ingeleby Arncliffe Small football pitch (w.goals) graffiti. Football No lighting. Boundary In centre of Ingleby 65 OSF 5591.2 Swainby Ward Stokesley 4 3 3 Grass in good condition 2 No provision of benches or 62 4 Clear entrance 3 370education benefits, social Arncliffe Primary School rounders pitch, spring track goalposts in good fence all around site Arncliffe bins inclusion and health benefits condition No litter / vandalism, Great Little Ayton Lane graffiti. Equipmetn No lighting. V. good Excellent condition Close to centre of Social inclusion and health 71 OSF 2583.38 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley Bowling greens (w. clubhouse) 5 4 5 4 Plenty of parking and seats 92 5 4 2 No signage 83 Ayton Bowling Greens and clubhouse in boundary fence grass, nice boarders Great Ayton benefits v.good condition some litter, vandalism Structural and landscape benefits, Cricket pitch (w nets, clubhouse Great Ayton and graffiti around Good parking, plenty of social inclusion and health Great and scoreboard) 2 football No lighting. Good Road surface could Close to centre of Signage not visible from 81 Cricket and OSF 59836.78 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 3 football pavillion. 3 5 Very well kept grass 4 seats around cricket pitch, 76 3 4 2 63 benefits, amenity benefits and a ' Ayton pitches (w goalposts and boundaries be better Great Ayton road Football Club Cricket equipment in no bins sense of place ' economic pavillion) good condition benefits Great Friends School No lighting, good Close to central Great 10 1 OSF 1981.36 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 3 Tennis courts 4 No litter / vandalism 3 2 63 2 Bad disabled access 4 150 Ayton Tennis Courts boundaries Ayton No litter, vandalism, Great Great Ayton No lighting, good Good entrance and Close to central Great Social inclusion and health 14 1 OSF Tennis courts 6702.59 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 5 Tennis Courts (w. clubhouse) 5 graffiti, equipment in 4 3 4 Good size carpark 80 4 4 377 Ayton Tennis Club boundary fence disabled access Ayton benefits v.good condition V. Little litter. No Great Roseberry County 1 big football pitch (w goalposts) vandalism, graffiti, No lighting, well defined Benches and bins on 10 min walk from 19 1 OSF 16195.31 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 3 43 72 4 3 4 73 Education benefits Ayton Junior School 1 small football pitch equipment in good boundary ajoined playgound central Great Ayton condition Football pitch (w.goals, stands, dug outs and floodlights) 2 V. little litter litter. No Boundary around most Stokesley Sports Bowling training pitches & other space & Grass in good condition. V. good provision of seats Entrance not v. clear. vandalism / grafiti. of site. Lighting only 5 min walk from Informative, well placed Social inclusion and health 20 2 Stokesley Club and County OSF Green, Cricket 70884.57 Stokesley Ward Stokesley small goals. Cricket pitch 5 3 4 Bowling green excellent 4 and bins. Toilets and good 82 4 Excellent disabled 4 4 80 Equipment in over car park and central Stokesly signage benefits, economic benefits Football Club, Hockey (w.screens, covers and with flower borders parking at sports centre access excellent condition football pitch scoreboard) Bowling green (w. pavillion) Stokesley Goodp arking at leisure Clear entrance. Good Good hedge all along 5 mins walk from 23 2 Stokesley Comprehensive OSF 57920.66 Stokesley Ward Stokesley Cricket pitch, long jump pit 3 Some litter 3 3 Grass in good condition 3 centre. Poor provision of 60 4 disabled access. 4 1 No signage 70 Education benefits perimeter. No lighting central Stokesly School benches and bins Neat pathways to site Farmers Field No lighting. Boundary Grass in reasonable V. limited parking. No Structural and landscape benefits, Football pitch (w. goals no pitch Some litter. No 5-10 min to central 25 2 Stokesley off A172 OSF OSF with Football 17931.89 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 3 3 hedge and/or fence all 3 condition. (some bald 2 provision of benches or 56 2 V. unclear entrance 3 1 No signage 43 social inclusion and health marked out) vandalism, graffiti Stokesley Pitch around perimeter patches) bins benefits Education benefits, social V. little litter. Some No lighting. Boundary Stokesley Primary No provision of benches or 5 mins to central inclusion and health benefits, 31 2 Stokesley OSF 11198.32 Stokesley Ward Stokesley 2 vandalism on 3 fence and/or hedge all 3 Grass in good condition 2 50 2 Unclear entrance 4 1 No signage 50 School bins Stokesley amenity benefits and a 'sense of boundary fence around site place' No litter, vandalism, V. good parking. No Clear entrance. V. Hutton Hutton Rudby 5 Astroturf tennis courts (w. Floodlights over courts. Bus stop directly Social inclusion and health 34 4 OSF Tennis courts 2676.3 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 graffiti. Equipment in 4 3 provision of benches or 74 5 good disabled 4 2 No signage 83 Rudby Tennis Club floodlights) High fence around site outside site benefits good condition bins access No lighting. Boundary V.good parking. V.good V.clear entrance. Social inclusion and health Hutton Hutton Rudby Bowling Bowling green (w.clubhouse and No litter, vandalism, Grass in good condition. Bus stop directly 36 4 OSF 1100.77 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 3 fence all around 4 4 provision of benches. No 76 5 V.good disabled 4 2 Lack of signage 83 benefits, amenity benefits and a Rudby Bowling Club Green scoreboard) graffiti Nice flower borders outside site perimeter bins access 'sense of place' Grass in good condition. Some litter. No No lighting. Solid Saplings around Good parking. V.good Clear entrance. Structural and landscpae benefits, Hutton Hutton Rudby Cricket pitch (w.clubhouse, nets, vandalism, graffiti. 5 mins walk from 38 4 OSF 19346.69 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 3 fencing all around 4 perimenter. Long grass 4 provision of benches. No 76 4 V.good disabled 4 4 V.clear external signage 80 social inclusion and health Rudby Cricket Club screens & scoreboard) Equipment all in central Hutton Rudby perimeter around parts of bins access benefits v.good condition boundary Education benefits, social No lighting. Hedge and Good parking at school. 3 min walk from Hutton Hutton Rudby Sprint track. Football pitch )w/o No litter, vandalism, Clear entrance. Good inclusion and health benefits, 39 4 OSF 5694.2 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 3 fence all around 4 Grass in good condition 4 Good provision of benches. 76 4 5 central Hutton Rudby. 2 No external signage 80 Rudby Primary School goalposts) graffiti disabled access amenity benefits and a 'sense of perimeter No bins Cycle stand provided place' School playing Good parking at school. Grass in good condition. Structural and landscape benefits, Great field 2 Pitches marked out (unknown No litter, vandalism, Neat pathways to and Clear entrance. Good Bus stop directly 41 3 Kirkby Road OSF 3895.39 Broughton and Gre Stokesley 4 3 No lighting 4 Newly planted trees 3 72 4 5 487education benefits, social Broughton community sport) graffiti around site. Inadequate disabled access outside school along path inclusion and health benefits use provision of benches / bins Tennis, Good parking. Adequate Cricket pitch (w. scoreboard, Hedging and / or Clear entrance. Some Structural and landscape benefits, Great Great Broughton Cricket, V. little litter. No Grass in good condition, provision of bins. Bus stop outside 44 3 OSF 29339.81 Broughton and Gre Stokesley screens) 3 tennis courts. Large 3 3 fencing all around 3 3 60 2 difficulty with 4 357social inclusion and health Broughton Sports Club Bowling and vandalism, graffiti long in places Inadequate provision of school football pitch (w. goalposts) perimeter. No lighting disabled access benefits Football benches Some litter. Some No lighting. Boundary Grass in good condition 3 v. limited parking. Leeming Leeming Bar Small football pitch (w/o goals) Clear entrance. Good 1 min from central Education benefits, social 49 13 OSF 3268.3 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale 2 graffiti, vandalism on 3 fence all around site 4 nice trees along path 3 Adequate provision of 60 4 4 377 Bar Primary School sprint track, netball court disabled access Leemin Bar inclusion and health benefits bench and fench perimeter and around stie benches and bins

Good parking at school. Bedale Primary Very little litter. No No lighting. Good Clear entrance. Good 5 min walk from 60 15 Bedale OSF 5891.27 Bedale Ward Bedale Running track, rounders pitch 3 3 3 Grass in good condition 3 Good provision of benches. 60 4 4 3 77 Education benefits School vandalism / graffiti perimeter fence disabled access central Bedale Inadequate number of bins

2 Cricket pitches (w all weather Litter problem . Poor Good parking at achool. Clear entrance. Good Bedale High cricket) sprint trac, rugby pitch Patchy perimeter fence. 5 min walk from Structural and landscape benefits, 61 15 Bedale OSF 68941.72 Bedale Ward Bedale 2 maintenance (whole 2 3 Grass in good condition 2 Inadequate number of 46 3 disabled access to 4 367 School (w goalposts) rounders pitch, No lighting centre of Bedale education benefits site) benches and bins some areas running track, long jump pit Car park still under Structural and landscape benefits, Bedale Junior Good perimeter fence. 5 mins walk from 63 15 Bedale OSF 21262.82 Bedale Ward Bedale Site still under construction 3 Very little litter 4 2 Grass bald in places 3 construction. No benches / 58 Under construction 3 4 Sign very clear from road 67 social inclusion and health Football Club No lighting central Bedale bins benefits Football pitch (w. goals) cricket V. little litter. No Good parking. Good Cricket Grass in v. good Structural and landscape benefits, Bedale Sports pitch (w. nets, screent, vandalism, graffiti. No lighting. Boundary provision of benches. Bus stop directly 66 16 Bedale OSF Football 37928.34 Bedale Ward, Crak Bedale 4 3 4 condition .small trees 3 72 4 Clear entrance 4 4 Clear signage 80 social inclusion and health Club scoreboard and covers) Equipment in good hedge all around site Inadequate provision of outside site Tennis dotted around site benefits clubhouse condition bins Thornton No litter, vandalism, No lighting. Fencing or Limited parking. Adequate Thornton Small football pitch (w. Disabled access onto 1 min walk from Structural and landscape benefits, 72 41 Whatless Primary OSF 3789.47 Crakehall Ward Bedale 5 graffiti. Equipment all 3 hedging all around 4 Grass in good condition 3 number of benches. 78 4 3 267 Whatless goalposts) tarmac playground Thornton Watlass education benefits School in v.good condition perimeter Inadequate number of bins Limited parking at school. Burneseton V. Little litter. No Good perimeter fencing. Grass in v. good some difficulties with Bus stop directly over 73 42 Burneston OSF 4697.48 Leeming Ward Bedale Rounders pitch, sprint track 4 3 4 4 Adequate number of 76 4 4 3 77 Education benefits Primary School vandalism/grafitti No lighting condition disabled access the road from school benches/bins

41 Football pitch (w.goalposts) No litter, vandalism, Boundary fencing / Good parking. Inadequate Fairly clear entrance. Social inclusion and health Scruton Cricket Grass in very good 2mins walk from 74 40 Scruton OSF 11036.23 Leeming Bar Ward Bedale Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, 5 graffiti. Equipment in 3 hedging all round 4 4 provision of bins. Plenty of 82 3 No pathways within 3 2 Notice about local bylaws 57 benefits, amenity benefits and a Ground condition central Scruton screens and nets) very good condition perimeter. No lighting benches site 'sense of place' No litter / vandalism. Bus stop directly Structural and landscape benefits, Burneston Good perimeter fencing. 75 42 Burneston OSF 6473.99 Leeming Ward Bedale Cycle stand 4 Equipment in good 3 3 Grass in good condition 3 Limited parking 66 4 4 across road from 480social inclusion and health Recreation No lighting condition school benefits. Some litter. Some Good perimeter fence Grass a bit patchy. Nice Kirklingto Kirklington Cricket vandalism on the Entrance gate in Just on outskirts of Social inclusion and health 78 43 OSF 8086.44 Tanfield Ward Bedale Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse) 2 3 most of way around 4 mature trees and 2 Limited parking. No bins 56 2 3 1 No external signage 43 n Club clubhouse. Equipment disrepair Kirklington benefits boundary planted borders in poor condition No lighting, good 2 mins walk from West West Tanfield No litter, vandalism, boundary hedging, Grass in reasonable 80 44 OSF 3741.99 Tanfield Ward Bedale Sprint track, rounders pitch 4 4 3 3 Limited parking 70 3 4 centre of West 3 67 Education benefits Tanfield Primary School graffiti fencing, overlooked by condition Tanfield some houses good fencing and Good parking at West Bowling Excellent access to hedging around site. Grass a bit patchy. Nice Tanfield Memorial Hall. Social inclusion and health West West Tanfield Rec Green, Tennis 3 Tennis courts (w clubhouse) memorial hall. Bus stop directly 82 44 OSF 6567.37 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 some litter 4 Fence around gennis 4 variety of planting at 4 Inadequate numberf of 74 3 4 470benefits, amenity benefits and a Tanfield Ground Court (PLUS bowling green (w. clubhouse) Disabled access to outside memorial hall courts. Hedge around bowling green bins. Toilets at bowling sense of place AGS?) OSF poor bowling green green West Back Lane Not formally No pitch marked out, no No litter. Some noise 2 mins from West 84 44 OSF 7054.31 Tanfield Ward Bedale 3 2 Fencing down two sides 2 1 No parking, benches, bins 42 1 4 1 No signage 40 Tanfield Football Field market out goalposts. Appears to be a field from industrial estate Tanfield centre Some litter. No No lighting, except Clear entrance. Good Grass in good condition. V.good parking. Good Structural and landscape benefits, Brompton Rugby 2 Rugby pitches (w.clubhouse, 1 vandalism, graffiti. floodlights. Boundary disabled access to Signage clearly visible 89 8 Brompton OSF 31147.2 Brompton Ward,No Northallerton 2 3 3 Some nice mature trees 3 provision of benches. No 54 4 4 Bus stop outside site 3 77 social inclusion and health and Squash Club pitch has floodlights) Bad odour from fence all around clubhouse and from road by road. bins benefits, economic benefits nearby farm perimeter squash club Education benefits, social 3 Throwing event areas, Rugby Good parking at school. Clear entrance. Poor Northallert The Allertonshire Some litter. Some No lighting. Boundary all Grass in good condition. 2-3 mins from central inclusion and health benefits, 90 8 OSF 84770.74 Northallerton North Northallerton pitch, running track (400m) 2 3 4 3 Inadequate provision of 60 2 disabled access to 4 1 No signage 50 on School grafitti around perimeter A few mature trees Northallerton amenity benefits and a 'sense of jumping pit, astroturf wicket benches and bins some areas place' No lighting. Boundary Good parking at school. Northallert Bullamoor County Some litter. No Clear entrance. Good 10 minutes walk from Education benefits, social 93 9 OSF 21694.77 Northallerton North Northallerton Some of site inaccessable 3 3 fence all around 3 Grass in good condition 2 Inadequate provision of 56 4 3 2 Signage not very visible 67 on Junior School vandalism, graffiti disabled access cental Northallerton inclusion and health benefits perimeter benches and bins Some lighting from Education benefits, social Grass in v.good Good parking at school. No Northallert Northallerton Some litter. No adjacent road. Boundary Clear entrance. Poor Signage could have more inclusion and health benefits, 96 9 OSF 30886.43 Northallerton Broo Northallerton Astroturf wicket 3 4 4 condition. Nice mature 3 provision of benches or 70 3 43 67 on Grammer School vandalism, graffiti hedge and fence all disabled access info amenity benefits and a 'sense of trees along one side bins around perimeter place' Northallert Hatfield Road 97 9 OSF Bowling 2167.82 Northallerton Broo Northallerton Cannot access site 0 0 on Bowling Club Good parking at school. Clear entrance. Good Northallert Broomfield Some litter. Noise No lighting. Fencing all Grass bald in patches. 3 min from train 99 10 OSF 10781.81 Northallerton Broo Northallerton No pitches marked out 2 2 2 4 Adequate provision of 48 3 disabled access to 5 4 Clear signage 77 Education benefits on Primary School from trains around boundary Nice area of woodland station benches and bins at school some areas Lighting over car park. Grass in good condition. Social inclusion and health Northallert Northallerton No litter, vandalism, Good parking at county 1 min walk from train 101 10 OSF 13636.38 Northallerton Broo Northallerton No pitches marked out 3 3 Fencing down 3 sides of 4 Nice mature trees along 3 66 3 Clear entrance 5 1 No signage 67 benefits, amenity benefits and a on County Hall Pitch noise from trains hall. No benches station boundary 2 sides 'sense of place No provision of bins. Northallerton No lighting. Boundary V.good number of benches. Fairly clear entrance. Northallert Some litter problems. rass worn in patches. 1 min from train condition of signage Amenity benefits and a 'sense of 102 10 Recreation OSF 14305.68 Northallerton Broo Northallerton No pitches marked out 2 3 fence around perimeter 3 4 Good parking at County 58 4 Good disabled 5 3 83 on Noice from trains Nice trees station reasonable place' Ground of site hall. Neat pathway around access site Includes a Boundary all around Clear entrance. Poor Football pitch (w.goalposts, V. little liter. Northallerton play area - site. Flood lights over Good parking. Poor surface could cause Some signage in poor Social inclusion and health 105 10 Romanby OSF 24977.82 Romanby Ward Northallerton stands, dugouts and bar) 2 3 Equipment in ok 4 3 Grass in good condition 3 64 2 4 Bus stop outside site 3 57 FootballClub CHECK main pitch & practice provision of bins problems with condition benefits practice pitches to rear condition +boundary pitches disabled access No lights. Boundary Entrance not v. clear. Romany County Limited parking. No Bus stop 2 mins walk 108 10 Romanby OSF 7207.66 Romanby Ward Northallerton 4 V. little litter 3 fence, hedge all around 2 Grass patchy in places 3 60 3 Good disabled 4 3 67 Education benefits Primary School provision of benches, bins away perimeter access Lighting near entrance. Good parking at school. No Grass bald in places. Structural and landscape benefits, Appleton Spring track. Pitch (unknown No litter, vandalism, Boundary hedge and provision of bins. Clear entrance. Good On outskirts of 116 6 Primary School OSF 5667.71 Rudby Ward Stokesley 4 4 3 Young trees and bushes 3 70 4 3 370education benefits, social Wiske type) rounders pitch graffiti fence around perimeter Indadequate number of disabled access Appleton Wiske dotted around site inclusion and health benefits of school benches Some litter. Some No lighting. Boundary Structural and landscpae benefits, Appleton Recreation Football pitch (w.goalposts, Grass bald in patches. Good parking. No provision On outskirts of 117 6 OSF 18804.2 Osmotherley Ward Stokesley 2 vandalism and graffiti 3 fencing and hedges 2 2 44 3 Clear entrance 3 1 No signage 53 social inclusion and health Wiske Ground clubhouse) Nice area of woodland of benches or bins Appleton Wiske on clubhouse along 2 sides benefits East East Cowton 119 7 OSF 7550.76 Cowtons Ward Northallerton Cannott Access 0 0 Cowton Cricket pitch Structural and landscape benefits, No lighting. Boundary Limited parking at school. Clear entrance. education benefits, social East East Cowton A little litter. No fence or hedge all 2 mins walk to centre 120 7 OSF 9939.38 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 2 small football pitches 3 4 3 Gras in good condition 2 Inadequate provision for 60 2 V.poor disabled 4 357inclusion and health benefits, Cowton Primary School vandalism, graffiti around perimeter. of East Cowton litter access amenity benefits and a 'sense of Overlooked by houses place' Great Great Smeaton 122 38 OSF 8903.55 Cowtons Ward Northallerton Site does not appear to exist 0 0 Smeaton Cricket No lighting. Boundary Clear entrance. Good Great Smeaton Parking at school. No Structural and landscape benefits, Great Rounders pitch. Football pitch V. little litter. No fence all around disabled access to In centre of Great Signage not visible from 123 38 County Primary OSF 5244.75 Cowtons Ward Northallerton 4 4 3 Grass in good condition 2 provision of benches or 66 3 4 2 63 education benefits, social Smeaton (w/o goalposts) sprint track vandalism, graffiti perimeter. Overlooked site. No pthways Smeaton road School bins inclusion and health benefits by some houses within site Morton on Morton on Swale 125 39 OSF 9753.49 Morton-on-Swale W Northallerton Cannot access site 0 0 Swale School Some litter, vandalism Thornton Thornton Le Moor Cricket and graffiti. No lighting, boundary Grass on cricket pitch in Justo n outskirts of Ecological benefits, Social 126 45 OSF 18429.36 Thorntons Ward Thirsk Cricket pitch and clubhouse 2 3 3 3 No bins, resonable parking 54 2 3 143 Le Moor Rec Ground ground Clubhouse is a bit most of way round good condition Thornton le Beams inclusion and health benefits delapidated Thornton Le Fencing and or hedges Thornton Tennis Court Small football pitch (w No litter, vandalism, Grass in reasonable Just on outskirts of 128 46 Beans Rec OSF 9547.96 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 4 4 all around perimeter. No 3 3 Limited parking 70 3 3 2 Signage in v.poor condition 57 Structural and landscape benefits Le Beans and Football goalposts) graffiti condition Thorton le Beams Ground lighting Structural and landscape benfits, Recreation Cricket Football pitch (w. goalpsts and No litter. Clubhouse No lighting. Good No bins, benches. Limited social inclusion and health 130 24 Bagby OSF 10136.46 White Horse Ward Thirsk 3 4 32 60 2 2 On outskirts of Bagby 2 Sign not visible from road 40 Ground Ground nets) clubhouse has been vandalised perimeter hedge parking benefits, Amendity benefits and a 'sense of place' Social inclusion and health Dalton Rec 2 Football pitches (w. goal No lighting, no doundary Parking at Dalton Village 5 mins from central 131 25 Dalton OSF 14428.25 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk 3 Some litter 2 33 56 3 3 257benefits, Amenity enefits and a Ground posts) between OSJ and fields Hall Dalton sense of place Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, Social inclusion and health Recreation Cricket, screens, covers and a No lighting, good Grass in excellent Good parking at cricket Good disabled 133 26 Sessay OSF 17825.2 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk 5 No litter, vandalism 4 5 4 92 4 4 In middle of Sessay 3 77 benefits, Amenity enefits and a Ground Tennis, Bowls scoreboard) Bowling green (w. perimeter fence condition club access sense of place clubhouse) No litter, vandalism, No lighting, good no parking, pathways, 135 18 Knayton Cricket Club OSF 8541.67 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk No cricket pitch 4 4 31 62 1 3 Outskirts of Knayton 1 33 graffiti boundary fence seats No lighting. Boundary Grass in good condition. Good parking at school. No South School Playing No litter, vandalism, 2 mins from centre of Education benefits, social 137 19 OSF 3123.91 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk 4 3 fence all around 4 Nice mature trees along 3 provison of benches and 72 3 Clear entrance 4 2 Condition of signage poor 63 Kilvington Fields graffiti South Kilvington inclusion and health benfits perimeter hedge bins Cricket pitch (w. nets, screens, Some litter. Some covers, scoreboard) bowling Grass in good condition. Good parking. No vandalism to tennis Lighting over some Thirsk Race green (w. clubhouse) 2 tarmac (esp cricket pitch and pathways within site. 5 min walk to central No external signage. Good Social inclusion and health 140 20 Thirsk OSF 35391.83 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 courts, fencing. 3 areas. Perimeter fence 4 4 64 3 Clear entrance 4 3 67 Course OSF tennis courts, 2 grass tennis bowling green) nice Adeqiate provision of Thirsk signage within site benefits Tarmac tennis courts around tennis courts courts, 3 astroturf tennis courts mature trees benches and bins in poor condition (w floodlights, rugby pitch

42 Education benefits, social No lighting. Fencing all Some litter and Good parking at school. No Clear entrance. Good Bus stop outside inclusion and health benefits, 145 20 Thirsk Thirsk School OSF 16831.5 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 2 3 along perimeter 3 Grass in good condition 3 54 4 4 377 vandalism bins on site disabled access school amenity benefits and a 'sense of boundary place' Sowerby Cricket 151 21 Sowerby OSF 9602.18 Sowerby Ward Thirsk Cannot access site 0 0 Ground No lighting. Boundary Education benefits, social Limited parking. No Rugby pitch, football pitch, 2 Some litter. No hedge all around Clear entrance. Good 5 mins from central Signage not clear from inclusion and health benefits, 152 21 Sowerby Sowerby School OSF 65368.37 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 3 3 3 Grass in good condition 2 provision of benches or 56 4 4 2 73 astroturf wickets vandalism, graffiti perimeter. Overlooked disabled access Sowerby road amenity benefits and a sense of bins by 1 house place Boundary hedge along V. little litter. No Grass weedy and bald No provision of benches or Bus stop outside site Education benefits, social 153 21 Sowerby School Site OSF Includes STP 23770.55 Sowerby Ward Thirsk 3 4 roadside. Some lighting 2 3 58 3 Clear entrance 4 1 no signage 60 vandalism, graffiti in places bins. Good parking on road inclusion and health benefits from floodlit pitch No vandalism, graffiti. Used by No lighting. Boundary No provision of benches 155 21 Sowerby "Cricket Field" OSF 11125.28 Sowerby Ward, W Thirsk Appears to be private property 2 Scrap from Thircon on 3 3 Grass in good condition 2 50 3 Clear entrance 3 On outskirts of Thirsk 1 No signage 53 Thurcon fence along roadside and bins site Some litter. Chop Chop Gate Cricket Map is from Cricket pitch (w. nets, clubhouse No lighting. Boundary all Well kept grass except Social inclusion and health 157 100 OSF 8982.8 Swainby Ward Stokesley 2 Clubhouse and nets 3 4 2 Not very much parking 56 2 2 1/2 walk to Chop Gate 2 Signs not visible from road 40 Gate Club Local Plan and a partaloo) around in nets benefits delapidated Kildale Football & Map is from Football pitch (w. goalposts) No litter / vandalism. Fencing a little untidy in No bins, few seats. Limited 10 min walk from No signage, although site Social inclusion and health 158 101 Kildale OSF 13958.24 Great Ayton Ward Stokesley 4 4 5 Grass very well kept 3 82 2 3 2 47 Cricket Club Local Plan cricket pitch, clubhouse Goalposts a little rusty places parking Kildale is visible from road benefits

Ingleby Ingleby Greenhow Map is from No pitch marked out. No No lighting. Good 5 min walk to Ingleby Amenity benefits and a sense of 159 102 OSF 24860.58 Broughton and Gre Stokesley 4 No litter / vandalism 3 41 64131 No signage 33 Greenhow Football Club Local Plan goalposts fencing and hedges Greenhow place No litter / vandalism. Ingleby Ingleby Greenhow Map is from No lighting, partial Social inclusion and health 160 102 OSF 50126 Broughton and Gre Stokesley Cricket pitch, clubhouse 4 Clubhouse in good 2 3 3 No bins 62 2 2 1 No signage 37 Greenhow Cricket Club Local Plan boundary benefits condition No litter, vandalism, No lighting. Boundary Limited parking. No Structural and landscape benefits, Swainby Cricket Map is from Cricket pitch (w.clubhouse, nets Grass in v. good Clear entrance. Good 2 mins from centre of 165 105 Swainby OSF 13287.48 Swainby Ward Stokesley 3 graffiti. Clubhouse in 3 hedging and fencing all 4 2 provision of bins. Adequate 62 4 4 1 No signage 70 social inclusion and health Ground Local Plan ) condition disabled access Swainby. Bus stop poor maintenance around perimeter provision of benches benefits No lighting. Boundary Education benefits, social Grass in v. good Limited parking at school. Clearf entrance. Whorlton Map is from No litter, vandalism, fence all around site. 2 mins to central inclusion and health benefits, 166 105 Swainby OSF 3134.88 Swainby Ward Stokesley Spring track. Rounders pitch 4 4 4 condition. Nice trees to 2 Good provision of benches. 72 4 V.good disabled 4 4 Clear signage 80 Parochial School Local Plan graffiti Overlooked by some Swarnby amenity benefits and a sense of bottom end of site No provision of bins access houses place Very little litter. No Thorp Thorp Perrow Map is from Grass in very good Kitchen facilities in 1/2 hr walk from Social inclusion and health 168 106 OSF 13028.21 Crakehall Ward Bedale Cricket pitch (w clubhouse) 3 vandalism. Clubhouse 4 Good perimeter fence 4 4 74 2 Poor surface 2 2 No external signage 40 Perrow Cricket Club Local Plan condition clubhouse Snape benefits in poor maintenance In centre of Great No litter. Noise from Grass in very good The Green Cricket Map is from No boundary. No limited parking. Inadequate Crakenhall. 30 Social inclusion and health 174 107 Crakehall OSF 9260.91 Crakehall Ward Bedale Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse) 4 road. Clubhouse in 3 4 condition. Nice big 3 72 3 4 263 Pitch Local Plan lighting provision of bins seconds walk from benefits good condition mature trees bus stop Cricket pitch grass - v. Osmotherley No litter, vandalism. Perimeter fence all Osmotherl Map is from Cricket pitch (w.clubhouse) good. Football pitch Limited parking. No 10 min walk from Social inclusion and health 189 121 Cricket & Football OSF 20358.69 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton 4 Equipmenet in good 3 around boundary. No 4 2 68 3 clear entrance 3 1 No signage 53 ey Local Plan football pitch (w. goalposts) grass - patchy. Nice benches or bins Osmotherley benefits Club condition lighting mature trees V. little litter. No Fairly clear entrance. No lighting. Boundary Grass in good condition. Good parking. No provision Structural and landscape benefits, East East Harsley Map is from vandalism, graffiti. Poor disabled 2 min out of East 194 116 OSF 18780.6 Osmotherley Ward Northallerton Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse) 4 3 hedge and or fence all 4 Nice trees dotted 3 of bins. Poor provision of 72 2 4 1 No signage 50 social inclusion and health Harsley Cricket Ground Local Plan Clubhouse in good access. Poor road Harlsey around perimeter around edge of site benches benefits condition surface Topcliffe Primary 195 50 Topcliffe OSF 3431.15 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk Inaccessable 0 0 School Topcliffe Playing Football pitch (dismantled No litter. Basketball 3 mins from central Social inclusion and health 196 50 Topcliffe OSF 14897.23 Topcliffe Ward Thirsk 4 4 Good perimeter fence 4 4 Limited parking 80 3 4 367 Field goalposts) basketball hoop(1) hoop a bit delapidated Topcliffe benefits South 2 mins walk from South Otterington School playing No litter, vandalism, No lighting. Good Grass in v.good Parking, bins and benches 200 120 Otteringto OSF 2606.91 Thorntons Ward Thirsk 5 4 4 3 82 3 3 central South 3 60 Education benefits Primary School fields graffiti boundary fence condition at adjacent school n Otterington Grass in v.good No litter, no graffiti. Limited parking. No South South Kilvington No lighting. Boundary condition. Lots of Unclear entrance. V. 5-10 min from central Social inclusion and health 202 19 OSF Cricket Club 14988.35 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse) 3 Some vandalism to 3 4 2 provision of benches or 62 2 3 1 No signage 43 Kilvington Cricket Club fence all around site saplings behind poor disabled access South Kilvington benefits clubhouse bins clubhouse V. Little litter. Fencing around courts, Knayton Tennis Equipment and Grass surrounding site Limited parking. No Disabled access very Social inclusion and health 210 18 Knayton OSF Tennis Club 2236.61 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk 2 Tennis Courts, clubhouse 3 4 hedges around site, no 4 2 66 2 3 Outskirts of Knayton 1 No signage 43 Club clubhouse in poor in good condition bins/benches poor benefits lighting condition Small football pitch (w. V. Little litter, Primary School School playing Good clear entrance, good Ecological benefits, educational 211 18 Knayton OSF 4424.02 Whitestonecliffe W Thirsk goalposts) sprint track, rounders 4 equipmetn in good 3 4 Good parking at school 4 76 3 Outskirts of Knayton 3 3 60 Playing Fields fields disabled access benefits pitch condition Football, Cricket/football pitch (w No lighting, perimeter Social inclusion and health Newton Road No litter, some Good parking. Not enough 218 28 Tollerton OSF Cricket and 16590.55 Tollerton Ward Easingwold clubhouse, nets and greens) 3 4 3 fencing okay. Tennis 33 66 3 3 Near cental Tollerton 3 60 benefits, Amenity benefits and a Sports Club valdalism seats or bins Tennis tennis courts (w. pavillion) court fence damaged 'sense of place' Equipment seems safe, Brafferton School playing Short sprint track, football pitch, No sings of litter, No litter bins. Not much car Decent entrance and Informative signs in Ecological benefits, education 221 27 St Peters School OSF 2509.16 Helperby Ward Easingwold 5 3 boundary all around. No 4 Trees at bottom of field 3 78 3 33 60 / Helperby fields rounders pitch vandalisum or graffiti parking disabled acess appropriate places benefits lighting No vandalism, dog Equipment looks safe, Small amount of parking Brafferton Brafferton Sports Football and 2 Clubhouses (1 older) screen 5 min walk from Social inclusion and health 223 27 OSF 16540.66 Helperby Ward Easingwold 3 mess or noise - some 4 full boundary. No 4 Trees dotted around 2 behind clubhouse. One 66 3 3 360 / Helperby Club Cricket Club and covers for wicket Brafferton benefits litter lighting litter bin Not much lighting. Good Not much parking, no bins, close to center of 227 32 Huby Huby School OSF 4052.33 Huby and Sutton W Easingwold Sprint track, rounders pitch 5 3 43 78 4 3 3 70 Education benefits boundary fence not many seats Huby Some litter & dog Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, mess. Cricket Structural and landscape benefits, Robin Lane Sports Includes Good parking - some bins. 228 32 Huby OSF 24461.26 Huby and Sutton W Easingwold screens and scoreboard) 4 clubhouse, screen 3 No lighting 4 4 76 3 4 Near centre of Huby 2 No signage 63 social inclusion and health Club bowling green Plenty of seats bowling club and scoreboard benefits delapidated Alne Primary No litter, vancalism or no lighting, good Decent parking at school - 230 54 Alne OSF 3220.8 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Goalposts at one end 5 4 4 Grass in good condition 4 86 5 4 Fairly central in Alne 4 90 Education benefits School graffiti boundary fence neat paths 231 54 Alne Alne Cricket Club OSF Cricket Club 12095.54 Tollerton Ward Easingwold Cannot access site 0 0 Husthwait Husthwaite Good perimeter Good disabled Just on the outskirts 238 52 OSF 19419.62 White Horse Ward Thirsk 4 No litter / vandalism. 3 3 4 Parking in school 70 4 4 4 80 Education Benefits e Primary School boundary down 2 sides access of Husthwaite No litter or vandalism. Lighting over tarmac Tarmac netball court, football Grass in reasonable Good parking and paths. Good disabled Bus stop directly 240 34 Crayke Crayke School OSF 7235.07 Stillington Ward Easingwold 5 Equipment all in good 5 area. Safe and secure 4 4 90 4 5 5 Easy to find 90 Education benefits pitch condition Plenty of benches access across the road condition boundary Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, Building material Crayke Cricket Areas of longer grass Reasonable parking and Min from center of 241 34 Crayke OSF 16323.14 Stillington Ward Easingwold covers, screens and 4 strewn around 4 well lit car park 4 4 80 3 4 3 67 Structural and landscape benfits and Football Club around MUGA seats in front of clubhouse Crayke on foot scoreboard) football pitch clubhouse Some litter, evidence Gras in good condition. School playing Equipment seems safe. Ample parking. Nice Clear entrance. Good Education benefits, social 247 30 Shipton Shipton School OSF 5474.31 Shipton Ward Easingwold Small football pitch (w/o goals) 3 of vandalism, poor 4 4 Nice trees along 4 74 4 4 Bus stop across road 3 Clear signage 77 fields Good boundary pathways disabled access inclusion and health benefits maintenance boundary Ecological benefits, Social Some litter, goalposts Good parking. No real Just on outskirts of Main Street hedges down 2 sides no Long grass along inclusion and health benefits, 249 30 Shipton OSF 21782.54 Shipton Ward Easingwold Football pitch, Rows of Trees 4 in good condition (no 3 4 4 pathways. Not many 76 4 Entrance is clear 4 Shipton next to free 273 Playing Fields lighting hedges Amenity benefits and a 'sense of nets) noise from road benches car park place' Cricket pitch (w. nets, covers, Good entrance and Structural and landscape benefits, Raskelf Football Football and Vandalism around car Good boundary, no Good parking, ample A minutes walk from Sign on clubhouse visible 251 56 Raskelf OSF 31137.98 Helperby Ward Easingwold scoreboard and clubhouse) 3 4 4 Grass in good condition 4 74 4 disabled access. 3 3 70 Social inclusion and health and Cricket Club Cricket Club park some litter lighting benches Raskel from road football pitch Good bike stands benefits V. little litter. No No lighting. Fencing and V. good provision of School playing vandalism, graffiti. Grass in good condition. 10 mins walk to Education benefits, social 258 16 Bedale Mowbray School OSF 6367.62 Bedale Ward Bedale Football pitch (w.goals nets) 4 3 hedging all around 4 3 benches. No provision of 72 3 Clear entrance 3 2 Condition of signage poor 57 fields Equipment in good Nice saplings central Bedale inclusion and health benefits perimeter bins condition

43 No lighting. Boundar Good parking at school. No Clear entrance. Neat Brompton Primary Sprint track. Football pitch (w.o V. little litter. Some Education Benefits, social 260 8 Brompton OSF 17518.17 Brompton Ward Northallerton 3 3 fence all around 3 Grass in good condition 4 provision of bins. Adequate 64 4 pathay around school 4 In centre of Brompton 3 77 School goalposts) graffiti. No vandalism inclusion and health benefits perimeter provision of benches to site V. good parking. No Grass in good condition. Social inclusion and health Northallert Recreation V. little litter. No provision of bins. Clear entrance. Good 5-10 min walk to 264 8 OSF 66549.81 Northallerton North Northallerton 5 Football pitches (w.goalposts) 4 3 No lighting 4 Areas of busihes and 2 68 4 4 1 No signage 70 benefits, amenity benefits and a on Ground vandalism, graffiti Inadequate provision of disabled access central Northallerton small trees 'sense of place' benches No lighting. Boundary Clear entrance (but Northallerton Mill Good parking. No provision Northallert V. little litter. No around parts of site. under maintenance) 2-3 mins to 276 9 Hill Primary OSF 4049.52 Northallerton Broo Northallerton 3 3 3 Grass in good condition 3 of benches or bins. Neat 60 4 4 1 No signage 70 Education benefits on vandalism, graffiti Conjoined to road or car good disabled Northallerton centre School footpaths in site park access Lighting over 'Arla 2 min walk to centre Long grass with weeds Parking in 'Arla Foods' car Romanby Cricket Foods' car park. Rough of Romanby. 2 min Amenity benefits and a 'sense of 281 10 Romanby OSF 16587.4 Romanby Ward Northallerton 2 Some litter 2 2 ando ther plants 2 park. No provision of 40 2 Unclear entrance 5 1 No signage 57 Ground hedging around walk to Northallerton place' growing through benches or bins boundary railway station No litter, vandalism, No lighting. Fencing and Good parking. V. good Northallerton Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, graffiti. Equipment in Clear entrance. Good 1 min walk to main Social inclusion and health Tennis and or hedges all around provision of benches. 287 10 Romanby Cricket Club - OSF 20955.78 Romanby Ward Northallerton scoreboard, screens, nets, 4 good condition. 1 4 3 Grass in good condition 3 70 4 disabled access to 4 road out of 5 V. good signage 83 benefits, amenity benefits and a Cricket boundary. Overlooked Inadequate provision of Farndale Avenue covers) 4 tarmac tennis courts advertising board clubhouse northallerton (A167) 'sense of place' economic benefits by some houses bins damaged Cricket pitch (w. clubhouse, scoreboard, covers, screens & No lighting. Hedge No provision of bins. Structural and landscape benefits, Carr Lane Football Inc Tennis and nets) bowling green (w. No litter, vandalism, Clear entrance. Good 3 mins from central Signage not visible from 300 33 Stillington OSF 35417.04 Stillington Ward Easingwold 5 3 around whole site and 4 rass in v.good condition 4 Adequate provision of 82 4 3 2 67 social inclusion and health and Cricket Club Bowling clubhouse) 3 tennis courts, graffiti disabled access Stillington road around bowling green benches. V. good parking benefits spring track, small football goal posts V little litter. No Good parking. Numerous A minute walk from Sutton on Sutton School school playing vandalism. No lighting over OSF. Grass a little worn. Nice Sign not easy to see from Education benefits, Social 302 31 OSF 3017.8 Huby and Sutton W Easingwold Small OSF with football pitch 5 3 3 5 seats. Pathway around 80 4 4 bus stop cycle stand 3 77 the Forest Playing Fields fields Equipment appears in Boundary hedge patchy trees down to sides road inclusion and health benefits edge v good very near good condition Bowling green (w. clubhouse) 3 No lighting. Fencing and Grass in good condition, Limitedp arking. Good grass tennis courts (W. clear entrance. Poor Social inclusion and health Easingwol V. little litter. Some or hedging all around bald in places. Nice provision of benches. 2 mins walk from 308 35 Back Lane OSF OSF 23743.29 Easingwold Ward Easingwold clubhouse) Cricket pitch (w. 2 3 3 2 50 2 disabled access to 4 3 Clear signage 57 benefits, amenity benefits and a d vandalism on bench perimeter. Overlooked mature trees in one Inadequate provision of central Easingwold clubhouse, nets, screens and clubhouse sense of place by houses corner bins covers) No lighting. Boundary Good parking at school. Easingwol York Lane - fencing and or hedging Grass in v. good Adequate provision of 5 min walk from Education benefits, social 313 35 OSF Public access 70577.13 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 4 Football pitches (/o goals) 2 Some litter 3 4 3 60 3 Clear entrance 4 1 No signage 60 d School Fields most of way around condition benches. Inadequate central Easingwold inclusion andh ealth benfits perimeter provision of bins V. little litter. No Football pitch (w.goals) small Grass bald in places, Structural and landscape benefits, Easingwol Opposite Senior Cricket vandalism, graffiti. Floodlit. Hedging all No provision of benches or Clear entrance, poor Bus stop directly 314 35 OSF 23644.57 Easingwold Ward Easingwold goals, floodlights, dug out, 3 4 3 weedy in others. Long 2 60 2 4 3 Clear signage 57 social inclusion and health d Oaklands Way Club Goalposts and around perimeter bins surface outside site clubhouse grass along boundary benefits floodlights rusty No admittance and No litter or vandalism. Easingwol Running Track, 2 Netball courts Fenced and hedged Grass a bit worn in Plenty of benches - good Minutes walk from Trespassers will be Education benefits, Social 316 36 Thirsk Road OSF OSF School 5696.11 Easingwold Ward Easingwold 5 Noise from road 4 3 4 80 4 3 4 73 d West (tarmac) boundary places parking Easingwold centre presecuted signs - very inclusion and health benefits. acceptable clear Carlton Carlton Miniott No litter/ vandalism. Grass in excellent Adequate parking at Bus stop directly 321 117 OSF 6539.09 Thirsk Ward Thirsk 4 4 Good perimeter fence 5 3 82 3 4 3 67 Education benefits Miniott School Some noise from road condition school. No bins outside school Grass in excellent Wycar Bowling Bowling 360 degree perimeter Limited parking. Excellent Very neat pathways 2 mins walk from Social inclusion and health 58 15 Bedale OSF 1884.71 Bedale Ward Bedale 4 No litter 3 5 condition. Very nicely 4 82 3 4 3 Not very visible from road 67 Green Green fencing provision of seats / bins around bowling green central Bedale benefits planted borders

44 Any Cleanline Security Ancillary Informati Agreed further Specific ss and Vegetatio Site ID Map No Location Site Name Area m2 Ward nalysis Are Comments and Comment Comment Accomod Comment Quality % General Comment Transport Comment on and Comment Access % Wider Benefits typology comment Facilities Maintena n Safety ation Signage s nce 2 min walk from bus stop. Great Guisborough Road Some litter, no Good perimeter majority of plots Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 18 1 Allotments 42955.41 Great Ayto Stokesley 4 4 4 376410 min walk from center of 2363 Ayton Allotments vandalism, graffiti boundary down 2 sides cultivated sense of place Great Ayton No litter, Boundary hedging all All plots cultivated. 3 mins walk from Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 24 2 Stokesley A174 Allotments Allotments 18195.12 Stokesley WStokesley 4 3 5 3 Limited parking 78 2 Entrance unclear 5 1 No signage 57 vandalism, graffiti around perimeter Variety of plants central Stokesley 'sense of place' No lighting. Boundary most of site Limited parking. Good Clear entrance. Good Hutton Coldie Hill No litter, hedge all around In centre of Hutton Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 48 4 Allotments 3625.29 Rudby War Stokesley 5 4 4 cultivated. Variety of 3 provision of benches 82 3 disabled access to a small 5 1 No signage 67 Rudby Allotments vandalism, graffiti perimeter. Overlooked by Rudby 'sense of place' plants and bins area of site 1 house Very little litter. No lighting. Boundary Limited parking. No Some sheds and Much of site unused No pathways within site. 3 min walk from 54 15 Bedale Ascough Allotments Allotments 13339.52 Bedale Wa Bedale 2 3 hedge along 1 side, river 1 1 provision for litter. No 34 1 4 1 No signage 40 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' machinery and overgrown Very poor disabled access central Bedale along the other benches delapidated Grass in good Structural and landscape benefits, No litter, Perimeter fencing all Limited parking. No Poor disabled access. 5 mins walk from 59 15 Bedale Bedale Allotments Allotments 9558.89 Bedale Wa Bedale 4 3 4 condition. Wide 3 72 2 4 1 No signage 50 ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a vandalism, graffiti around benches / bins Entrance not clear central Bedale variety of plants 'sense of place' No litter, Walls or fences all way Wide variety of Pathways within site 1 min walk from Ecological benefits, social inclusion and 69 17 Snape Snape Allotments Allotments 1722.3 Crakehall W Bedale 4 4 5 3 82 3 Poor disabled access 3 1 No signage 53 vandalism, graffiti round perimeter plants unclear central Snape health benefits No litter. Some West Back Lane Hedges around Wide variety of 2 mins from West 81 44 Allotments 4120.15 Tanfield Wa Bedale 4 noise from 3 4 2 No benches, bins 68 3 4 1 no signage 60 Ecological benefits Tanfield Allotments perimeter. No lighting plants Tanfield Centre industrial estate 2 min walk from Some lighting from Variety of plants. No parking. No centre of Romany. 1 Romanby Some litter. No Entrance unclear. V. poor 113 10 Romanby Allotments Allotments 2250.93 NorthallertNoorthallerton 3 4 street. Boundary fence 4 Most of plots 1 provision of benches or 62 2 5 min from 1 No signage 57 Amenity benefits and a 'sense of place' Allotments vandalism, graffiti disabled access along roadside cultivated bins Northallerton railways station No litter, No lighting. Good Variety of plants, Entrance not clear. Poor Limited parking. Clear No external Structural and landscape benefits, 141 20 Thirsk Thirsk Allotments Allotments 12458.07 Thirsk War Thirsk 4 vandalism, graffiti. 3 boundary all around 5 crops. All of plots 3 78 2 road surface. Poor disabled 3350 grass pathways signage ecological benefits Some dog mess perimeter cultivated access Stammergate Cannot 144 20 Thirsk Allotments 1554.75 Thirsk War Thirsk 0 0 Allotments access Most of site No litter, No lighting. Boundary 10 min from central Ecological benefits, social inclusion and 154 21 Sowerby Sowerby Allotments Allotments 25710.8 Sowerby W Thirsk 4 3 4 cultivated. Variety of 2 Limited parking 68 2 Entrance unclear 3 1 No signage 43 vandalism, graffiti fence all around site Sowerby health benefits plants Map is No lighting. Hedging, Variety of different Limited parking. Fairly North Road Very littler litter. No Clear entrance to site. Poor Structural and landscape benefits, 186 112 Hackforth Allotments from Local 4640.15 Crakehall W Bedale 3 3 fencing or wall all around 3 plants. Some areas 3 clear grass pathway 60 2 2 1 No signage 37 Allotments vandalism, graffiti disabled access ecological benefits Plan perimeter of uncultivated land within site Unclear entrance. Brafferton Brafferton No litter or Poor parking and Structural and landscape benefits, 222 27 Allotments 4417.73 Helperby WEasingwold 5 3 Boundary well defined 4 Nice variety of plants 2 74 1 Unsuitable for disabled 3 3 No signage 40 / Helperby Allotments vandalism pathways Ecological benefits access Is actually No lighting. Boundary Good parking. No Tholthorp Back Lane Some litter, no Grass in good Clear entrance. Good 1 min from centre of 244 53 Allotments 7709.72 Helperby WEasingwoldGuides 3 3 hedge and or fence all 3 2 provision of benches 56 4 4 1 No signage 70 e Allotments vandalism, graffiti condition disabled access Tholthorpe HQ around site and bins

No litter or Station Lane Boundaries mostly Nice mix of cultivated Entrance gate is difficult to Bus stop outside 246 30 Shipton Allotments 9311.47 Shipton WaEasingwold 3 vandalism. Entry 3 3 60 2 4 3 57 Ecological benefits Allotmets overgrown and natural areas open school gate is delapidated No lighting. Boundary Northallert Knotto Way No litter, All of site cultivated. Limited parking. No Ecological benefits, amenity benefits and a 279 9 Allotments 4034.06 NorthallertNoorthallerton 4 4 hedge and or fence all 4 3 76 2 Unclear entrance 4 1 No signage 50 on Allotments vandalism, graffiti Variety of plants provision of bins 'sense of place' around perimeter Limited parking. No Jenny Wren No litter, No lighting. Boundary all Most of site Unclear entrance. Poor 3 mins from central 298 33 Stillington Allotments 1079.11 Stillington WEasingwold 4 3 2 2 provision of benches or 56 2 3 1 no signage 43 Allotments vandalism, graffiti around perimeter uncultivated road surface Stillington bins No litter, No lighting. Fencing and Majority of site Allotments near No provision of 2 min from central 299 33 Stillington Allotments 526.463 Stillington WEasingwold 4 vandalism, graffiti. 3 or hedging all around 4 cultivated. Variety of 3 72 3 Clear entrance 3 1 No signage 53 Newton House benches or bins Stillington Noise from road perimeter plants






Very Good (5) Good (4) Average (3) Poor (2) Very Poor (1)

Some evidence of vandalism or graffiti but doesn't really Increasing evidence of vandalism and graffiti which Clear evidence of vandalism and graffiti which would Vandalism and Graffiti No evidence of vandalism or graffiti Limited evidence of vandalism or graffiti detract from the cleanliness or attraction of the area would probably deter some users probably deter any usage of the open space site

Some evidence of litter but doesn't really detract from the Increasing evidence of litter which would probably deter Clear evidence of litter which would probably deter any Litter problems No evidence of litter Limited evidence of litter cleanliness or attraction of the area some users usage of the open space site

Increasing evidence of dog fouling which would probably No evidence of dog fouling; specific dog fouling wastage Some evidence of dog fouling but doesn't really detract Clear evidence of dog fouling which would probably deter Dog Fouling Limited evidence of dog fouling deter some users; no specific bins provided in bins provided where appropriate from the cleanliness or attraction of the area any usage of the open space site appropriate areas

Limited intrusion by noise; i.e. site located away from Little intrusion by noise (e.g. busy road, railway nearby) Noise intrusion apparent; may have some affect on Noise intrusion clearly apparent by a number of sources Noise Very quiet and peaceful site; no intrusion by any noise roads, railways, works sites etc but wouldn't really deter usage of the site potential usage and would probably deter some usage

Equipment (e.g. condition and maintenance Equipment in excellent condition and provides an Equipment in reasonable condition; some potential Some equipment in poor condition and obvious that Majority of equipment in poor condition and in a state of of equipment in play areas or recreation Equipment in good condition attraction for users; improvements but not a necessity at this stage improvements could be made disrepair; no signs of the issue being addressed

Cleanliness and Maintenance Cleanliness provision)

Little unattractive smells or some smells that would be a Some unattractive more permanent smells; may deter Clearly apparent unattractive permanent smells; would Smells (unattractive) No unattractive smells Limited unattractive smells one-off; shouldn't deter any usage some users deter some potential users

Clean and tidy; well-maintained site that is inviting to Reasonably clean and tidy site; some potential Some questions regarding the cleanliness of the site; Poor cleanliness; clear evidence of a lack of Maintenance and Management Clean and tidy site; good maintenance users; possibly an example of good practice improvements some obvious improvements could be made maintenance

Appropriate lighting that promotes the safety of the open Some lighting; some general improvements could be Limited lighting in poor condition; or no lighting in places Lighting Appropriate lighting; well-maintained Limited lighting; or appropriate lighting in poor condition space; well-maintained made required

Equipment in good condition; appropriate and suitable Equipment in reasonable condition; appropriate surfaces Equipment in excellent condition; excellent surfaces Equipment in poor condition; some questions regarding safety of Equipment in very poor condition; clear questions Equipment (e.g. protection of equipment surfaces provided throughout the majority of the site; provided but some potential improvements; some use; appropriate surfaces provided but in poor condition or some provided throughout the site; appropriate fencing of site regarding safety of use; inappropriate surfaces; no and appropriate flooring and surfaces) sufficient measures provided to protect equipment and/or measures provided to protect equipment and/or ensure clear concerns regarding surfaces; limited measures to protect to protect equipment and/or ensure safety of users measures to protect equipment of users ensure safety of users safety of users equipment of users

Security and Safety Safety and Security Boundaries (including hedges, fencing and Mostly clearly defined but possibly improvements to be Poorly defined and some questions regarding the Clearly defined and well-maintained to a high standard Clearly defined and maintained to a reasonable standard Poorly defined and in a state of disrepair. gates) made to the standard and condition. standard and condition.

Numerous planting, with appropriate mix of plants, Numerous planting, with appropriate mix of plants, Appropriate range of vegetation and plants but with some Limited range of vegetation and plants but reasonable Limited range of vegetation and plants; poor Planted areas installed and maintained to a very high standard; no installed and maintained to a reasonable standard; very patchy maintenance maintenance maintenance with some areas clearly suffering weeds few weeds

Grass cover throughout but with some thin patches or General grass cover but some significant areas thins, General grass cover but with some serious wear and tear

Vegetation Full grass cover throughout; cleanly cut and in excellent Full grass cover throughout and cleanly cut; few weeds Grass areas excessive growth in some areas; some bald areas and a saturated and/or poorly maintained; cut infrequently with and/or limited grass cover in many areas; little or no colour and condition but generally in good condition few weeds; but generally in good condition obvious clippings still in existence serious attempt to correct the problem

Insufficient toilets provided; or those provided are in poor No toilets in a place that should be provided; or some Provided where appropriate; easy to access; signed and Provided where appropriate; easy to access; some minor Provided where appropriate; reasonable access; Toilets condition and likely to be generally avoided by open provided but in a state of disrepair that are unlikely to be well-maintained improvements could be made (e.g. cleanliness) generally not very well maintained; space users; uninviting used

On-site or appropriate off-site parking provided; adequate On-site parking provided; adequate number; clean and in Appropriate off-site parking provided; some limit in terms No on-site and limited off-site parking provided; or Parking (related to open spaces) number; generally clean but some improvements could Parking provision limited and in poor condition good condition; well signposted of spaces; generally clean adequate number of spaces but in poor condition be made;

Insufficient number provided but in average/good Numerous bins provided and in good condition; in right Numerous bins provided and in average condition; Adequate number provided and in average condition; Provision of bins for rubbish/litter condition; or appropriate number but with significant Insufficient number provided and in poor condition; locations and clearly labeled for appropriate purpose clearly visible and in appropriate locations some signs of overuse/ damage etc signs of damage or limited maintenance

Adequate number for the size of site and in good Insufficient number but in good condition; or adequate Seats / Benches Numerous for the size of site and in good condition Numerous for the size of site and in average condition Insufficient number and in poor condition condition number but in poor condition Ancillary Accommodation Accommodation Ancillary

Suitable materials, level for safe use, edges reasonably Suitable materials, level for safe use, edges well defined; Suitable materials, level for safe use, edges well defined; Suitable materials but some faults; some difficultly with Inappropriate materials and/or significant faults; edges well defined; some debris and/or weeds but doesn't Pathways (within the open space sites) surfaces clean, debris and weed free and in excellent little debris and/or weeds but overall in good condition; defined edges; debris and/or weeds detract slightly from not clearly defined; significant debris and/or weeds; detract too much from overall appearance; disabled condition; good disabled access in most areas appearance; some difficulties with disabled access limited disabled access or very restricted access in some areas


Very Good (5) Good (4) Average (3) Poor (2) Very Poor (1)

Easy to find, with a welcoming sign; Apparent as an entrance but no clear Fairly obvious entrance that is maintained to Poor or limited entrance; no signage; appropriate size, clean and inviting and Clear entrance and well-maintained, signage; not as well-maintained as it could Entrance to the sites (i.e. are the entrances to sites a reasonable level and which is clean and difficulty with access and not maintained easily seen, easily accessible etc) easily accessible for all users including less appropriate size and clean. be; some users may have difficulty with accessible to most potential users appropriately able bodied people. access

Suitable materials and overall in good Suitable materials, level for safe use and in Inappropriate surfaces and/or significant condition; some cycle stands provided Suitable materials; reasonable access for Some potential improvements to some Roads, pathways, cycleways and/or excellent condition; cycle stands provided faults; limited restrictions of access for where appropriate and easy and safe pedestrians and cycles etc but no real surfaces; some difficultly with general accesses and separate clearly marked routes for pedestrians and cycles; usage would be access within the site for cycles, pedestrians separate defined areas where appropriate access within the site General cycles, pedestrians and other traffic etc clearly affected and other traffic etc

Good disabled access throughout; specific Disabled access in some areas; some Disabled Access Good disabled access in most areas Some difficulties with disabled access Limited disabled access or very restricted facilities and pathways provided improvements could be made

Excellent public transport links provided Reasonable public transport links but would Good public transport links; bus stop located Limited public transport links; bus stop where appropriate; bus stop located at the not be first choice of accessible transport; No public transport links within any Accessible by public transport nearby; and/or train station within located a significant walking distance away site and/or train station in very close bus stop located within reasonable walking reasonable walking distance of the site reasonable walking distance (more than 10-15minutes); proximity distance;

No real access for cyclists; not really Easy access for cyclists although no specific Limited access for cyclists; not really Clear separated cycle routes to and within Some cycle routes to and/or within the site; encouraged by design and/or location of routes provided; local roads fairly quiet and encouraged by design and/or location of Accessible by cycleways the site; cycle stands provided in appropriate local roads quiet and safe for cyclists; cycle site; access via busy dangerous roads; no safe; cycle stands provided or suitable areas site; no cycle stands provided but some places stands provided in some places cycle stands provided and/or no clearly

Transport to lock cycles are evident areas to lock cycles evident areas to lock cycles

Pathways / walkways provided to and within Limited pathways / walkways provided to Some pathways / walkways provided to No clear pathways / walkways provided to Clearly defined pathways / walkways to and the open space site; some crossing of roads and/or within the open space site or and/or within the open space site; some and/or within the open space site; significant Accessible by walking within the open space site; pedestrian required without assistance but no real pathways provided not clearly defined; some crossing of roads required without safety issues regarding access for crossings provided where appropriate safety issues regarding access for safety issues regarding access for assistance; some potential for improvements pedestrians pedestrians pedestrians

Site clearly signposted outside the site; Site is signposted with signage in good signage in good condition; signage within condition; some signage within the site; Signage provided within or outside the site; Site not signposted and/or signage that is No information displayed in appropriate Information & Signage (i.e. is the signage to the open spaces appropriate where required and clear to see and easy site easy to follow and understand; information mostly clear and displayed in some improvements could be made; provided in poor condition and uninviting; areas; no signage / No information displayed to follow) information clearly displayed in various appropriate format; signage in relatively condition of signage reasonable limited information displayed; in appropriate areas; no signage; Signage formats (e.g. noticeboards, leaflets etc); good condition Information &


Yes No Definition Factors

The landscape framework of open spaces can contribute to the study of environmental buffer between roads and houses Structural and landscape Yes No quality. Well-located, high quality greenspaces help to define the identity and character of greenbelt land benefits an area, and separate it from other areas nearby. edge of settlement forming local landscape

designations - e.g. SSSI's, LNR's Greenspaces support local biodiversity and some provide habitats for local wildlife and diverse and rich habitats Ecological benefits Yes No may exhibit some geological features. Some may help to alleviate the extremes of urban site includes rivers, ponds, lakes that encourage local wildlife habitats climates such as noise and water pollution. local biodiversity studies

nature walks Seen as 'outdoor classrooms' ; some greenspaces offer educational opportunities in interpretational material provided Education benefits Yes No science, history, ecological and environmental activities. opportunities for volunteers in practical conservation outdoor educational facilities

range of age groups use by community groups Greenspaces , including sport and recreation facilities can promote some civic pride, Social inclusion and organised community activities Yes No community ownership and a sense of belonging; they are also one of the very few publicly health benefits social, cultural or community facilities accessible facilities equally available to everyone irrespective of personal circumstances specific walking/jogging trails and/or sports facilities

Wider Benefits Wider central location to be accessed by majority

historic buildings historic gardens Cultural and heritage Some greenspaces have a historical value and some provided a setting listed buildings; Yes No symbol of the area benefits also can be high profile symbols of towns and cities conservation area monuments and/or memorials

helps to create specific neighbourhood The network of greenspaces can contribute to the visual amenity of an urban landscape Amenity benefits and a provides important landmark Yes No and make them a more attractive place to live, work and play. They can be appreciated "sense of place" clearly visible from most areas both visually and passively - not just through the active use of facilities provided. softens urban texture

local tourist site income from sports facilities greenspaces can promote economic development and regeneration; can also help to enhancing or devaluing housing within estates Economic benefits Yes No enhance property values potential hosting of major events offers employment opportunities regeneration

50 GENERAL DETAILS Changed? - (9) or (x)

Site ID: Date of Visit: Boundary of Site Check:

No Yes - complete other site assessment and Site Name: Other Sites within the site? draw on map and (e.g. play area in a park) label with new site ID

Site Address:

'Typology Specific Facilities: Type of Open Space (please circle) : Changed:

1 Parks and Gardens 36 Amenity Greenspace Outdoor Sports Facilities

2 Natural and semi natural areas 47 Children Allotments (9) or (x)

58 Young People/teenagers Cemteries and Churchyards

QUALITY SCORING ASSESSMENT Very Very Good Average Poor not applicable Weighting Assessor's Comments Good Poor

Cleanliness and Maintenance

Includes: Vandalism and Graffiti Litter problems Dog Fouling Noise Equipment Maintenance 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x3

Security and Safety

Includes: Lighting Equipment Boundaries (e.g. fencing) 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x2


Includes: Planted areas Grass areas 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x3

Ancillary Accomodation

Includes: Toilets Parking Provision of bins for rubbish/litter Seats / Benches Pathways (within the open space sites) 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x2


Very Very Good Average Poor not applicable Weighting Assessor's Comments Good Poor


Includes: Entrance to site Roads, paths and cycleway access 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x3 Disabled Access


Includes: Accessible by public transport Accessible by cycleways 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x2 Accessible by walking

Information & Signage

Is the information & signage to the open space appropriate where 5 4 3 2 1 N/A x1 required and is it clear?


Wider Benefits Assessor's Comments

Structural and landscape benefits Yes No

Ecological benefits Yes No

Education benefits Yes No

Social inclusion and health benefits Yes No

Cultural and heritage benefits Yes No

Amenity benefits and a "sense of place" Yes No

Economic benefits Yes No 52

PMP Open Space Site Assessment (SILVER)





Hambleton District Council - Setting Quantity Standards

Field Comment

National Standards Details of any existing national standards for each typology usually provided by national organisations e.g. National Playing Fields Association for playing pitches

Current Provision (per 1,000 population) This is the current provision in hectares per 1,000 population or number of facilities per 1,000 population within the local authority area Existing Local Standards There may be some existing local standards or policies that will need to be taken into account and used as a guidance benchmark when setting new local standards

Benchmarking These are figures detailing actual provision and local standards set by PMP within other green space and open space projects and provide another comparison benchmark when setting local standards for other local authorities. This is provided as a separate sheet. Consultation (too much / about right / not enough) Some statistical information that will come from the household questionnaire and needs to be applied and reported per analysis area to provide some detailed local analysis.

Consultation Comments (Quantity) A summary of reasons behind people’s choices of whether they feel their provision is about right or not enough in some areas. PPG 17 indicates that where local provision is regarded as inadequate it is important to establish why this is the case. The feeling of deficiency can sometimes be due to qualitative issues of existing open space sites rather than actual quantity issues.

Any other qualitative consultation / information that has been extracted on local needs in terms of quantity of provision e.g. from local strategic documents, internal consultations, workshops etc PMP Recommendation PMP recommendation of a local standard for discussion and approval by the client - standard is in hectares per 1,000 population for amenity green space, allotments and outdoor sport facilities and number of facilities per 1000 population for provision for children and young people. PMP Justification PMP reasoning and justification for the local standard that has been recommended

CLIENT APPROVAL Client to approve local standard before analysis undertaken - any changes in standards at a later date during the project will impact on re-doing calculations, analysis and report - the standards drive the analysis


HAMBLETON DISTRICT COUNCIL – SETTING QUANTITY STANDARDS AMENITY GREENSPACE (incorporating parks, amenity greenspace and village greens)

National Standards No National Standards Current Provision ha per 1.35 hectares per 1000 population 1,000 population (ha) Local Plan Policy SR1 “Protection of Land of Recreational Value” – development which would result in the loss of public or private land of recreation value, including playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and sport facilities will not be permitted.

Local Plan Policy SR2 “Outdoor Playing Space” – provision will be made throughout the plan area to a standard of 2.43 hectares per 1000 population. This minimum standard target includes parks and areas for casual or informal recreation. Existing Local Standards / Policies Local Plan Policy BD5 “Spaces of Townscape Importance” – development will not be permitted which would result in the loss of, or damage to, important spaces in settlements, as defined on the inset maps, or other spaces which meet specified criteria. For a number of sites audited BD5 is pertinent.

Local Plan Policy H16 – “Public Outdoor Playing Space for New Residential Development” – states the intention to seek the delivery of the 6 acres standard for developments of 10 or more dwellings. BENCHMARKING See attached sheet 6% - More than enough Consultation 57% - About Right (too much / about right / 11% - Nearly Enough not enough) 21% - Not Enough Consultation with Council officers reveals that there is an increasing elderly population and appropriate open space provision needs to be increased accordingly. A significant amount of work is underway around a Renaissance Park in Bedale. There Strategic Consultation have been investigations into land ownership and opportunities are on going by the Forum and District Council. The Renaissance Market Town work in Northallerton promotes the transformation of the Applegarth and its environs into a high quality formal public park – however there has been no progress to date. The responses from the household questionnaire suggest people believe provision of amenity greenspace is about right or above (63%), however 32% believe there is nearly or not enough. The level of satisfaction was higher in analysis area one (Stokesley) and analysis area three (Bedale) with 77% and 67% of respondents respectively believing provision to be about right or above. Analysis area two (Northallerton) has the highest level of dissatisfaction with 43% believing there to be nearly/not 'Consultation Comments enough. Internal consultations revealed that there is a perception within Northallerton that no area distinguishes itself as a park. (quantity) The general view from the workshops re-enforce the views from the household survey that the provision of amenity greenspace is about right across the district. Whilst the prevalence of large gardens and access to the countryside were considered to reduce the need for formal provision of open space, workshop attendees felt that it is important that existing provision is protected.


Despite having the highest level of satisfaction with the level of amount of amenity greenspace, residents in Stokesley have the smallest amount of provision (0.91 hectares per 1000 population). 63% of respondents from the Stokesley analysis area think that the quality of amenity green spaces is good, which is the highest figure across all analysis areas. This illustrates how the provision of high quality sites can lead to a perception that that quantity of sites is higher than it actually is and quality is perceived to be more important than quantity. The close proximity of the North Moors to residents in Stokesley analysis area is likely to have an impact of people’s perception of open spaces. Furthermore, in the Stokesley analysis area there are 23 sites in total, which also suggests that although the total amount of provision in terms of hectares is less than elsewhere in the district, these smaller village greens and amenity green spaces may well be strategically located across Stokesley and its rural hinterland to give the impression of having enough provision. In this respect the application of the quantity standard alongside the accessibility standard will be crucial.

Cross boundary provision of high quality parks in York and Darlington was noted as having a significant influence on usage of areas in Hambleton plus potentially raising the expectations of residents.

'PMP Recommendation (per 1,000 population) 1.38 hectares per 1000 population Amenity green spaces are very important to residents in Hambleton, with 66% of respondents using them more than once a month. This is substantially higher than any other typology within the study. Only 17% don’t use amenity green spaces at all.

57% of respondents to the household survey think that the quantity of provision is about right. Although 21% think that there is not enough amenity greenspace in Hambleton, consultation highlights a significant focus on improving the quality of existing spaces. Furthermore, of those people who felt that the level of provision was not enough, many raised qualitative reasons such as poor maintenance rather than actual quantitative deficiencies. Those that did have genuine quantity issues often related to rural areas where no amenity green space was provided. PMP Justification The responses from the residents in Stokesley demonstrate a salient point – that high quality sites can lead to a perception of sufficient quantity of sites. For this reason the local standard has been set slightly above the existing level of provision. This will enable the council to seek to address particular locational deficiencies but moreover to focus on improvements to the quality of sites across Hambleton which will increase levels of usage and enable the Council to pursue quality standards such as Green Flag status. The perceived quantitative deficiency in Northallerton is particularly significant given it will be the primary focus for housing growth in the LDF.



NPFA - 6 acre standard (2.43ha) per 1,000 population for 'playing space' consisting of 2 acres (ie 0.81 ha per 1,000 population) for children's playing space - includes areas designated for children and young people and casual or informal playing space within housing areas

NPFA - in the past some LA's have added 1 acre (0.4ha) arbitrary to cover 'amenity areas' and 'leisure areas' or something similar that mat not be covered within the NPFA standard. In almost all cases, this additional requirement are intended for National Standards residential areas and do not cover open spaces such as parks or allotments

1) LAPs - aged 4-6; 1 min walk or 100m (60m in a straight line); min area size 100msq; LAPs typically have no play equipment and therefore could be considered as amenity greenspace

(2) LEAPs - aged min 5; min area size 400msq; should be located 400 metres or 5 minutes walking time along pedestrian routes (240 metres in a straight line) Current Provision ha per 0.73 play facilities per 1000 population 1,000 population (ha) Local Plan Policy SR1 “Protection of Land of Recreational Value” – development which would result in the loss of public or private land of recreation value, including playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and sport facilities will not be permitted.

Local Plan Policy SR2 “Outdoor Playing Space” – provision will be made throughout the plan area to a standard of 2.43 hectares per 1000 population. This minimum standard target includes parks and areas for casual or informal recreation. Existing Local Standards

/ Policies Local Plan Policy BD5 “Spaces of Townscape Importance” – development will not be permitted which would result in the loss of, or damage to, important spaces in settlements, as defined on the inset maps, or other spaces which meet specified criteria. For a number of sites audited BD5 is pertinent.

Local Plan Policy H16 – “Public Outdoor Playing Space for New Residential Development” – states the intention to seek the delivering of the 6 acres standard for developments of 10 or more dwellings. BENCHMARKING See attached sheet 3% - More than enough Consultation 43% - About Right (too much / about right / 15% - Nearly Enough not enough) 30% - Not Enough

58 Previous consultation conducted by the Council for the Children and Young People Plan (2004) showed 90% of respondents wanted to see more provision for children and young people. In addition, individual parishes have been encouraged to produce their own plans. Of the plans that have been produced so far, all of them have highlighted a need for more facilities for children Strategic Consultation and young people. Hambleton District Council do not manage or maintain the play areas as this is the responsibility of the individual parishes. HDC operate a grants and advisory service for the implementation of play facilities but has seen expressed demand tailor off. A list of priority projects has been created by HDC to enable the monitoring and progress of developments. The satisfaction of respondents of the household survey regarding the quantity of children’s play areas is evenly split with 46 % believing there to be enough provision or more than enough whilst 45% believe there is nearly enough or not enough.

Across the analysis areas, the highest level of satisfaction with the amount of play facilities for children can be found in Northallerton analysis area (where 47% think that the level of provision is about right) and Bedale (where 52% think that the level of provision is about right). The lowest level of satisfaction is found in Stokesley where 43% think there are not enough play areas for children. These findings are largely reflective of the actual levels of provision across Hambleton. The level of provision per 1000 population is fairly consistent across four of the five analysis area – ranging from 0.58 facilities to 0.78 Consultation Comments facilities. The exception to this is Bedale, where there are 1.11 play facilities per 1000 population. The lowest level of provision (quantity) is found in Thirsk.

Of those residents who feel that the level of provision is inadequate, the most commonly raised issues were about the quality of provision being poor rather than quantitative issues. Where issues were raised about the quantity of provision this was commonly from rural villages where no play areas were provided and therefore residents had to travel outside of the village for provision. Also, a number of respondents noted that in rural areas, play areas are located on the edges of villages creating difficulties in accessing these sites for a large number of villagers. This was reiterated during internal consultations – where it was claimed that because of the potential value in developing land for housing (perceived hope value for landowners) this can lead to open spaces having to be located at the end of villages or set behind the village where there is less hope value. 'PMP Recommendation (per 1,000 population) 0.74 play facilities per 1000 population. The current level of provision is spread relatively evenly across the district, although there are some areas with higher provision, notably Bedale. The key theme emerging from the consultation has been a shortage of provision for both young people and children. This is supplemented by comments regarding the quality of existing sites. Application of the recommended quantity standard alongside the accessibility standard would highlight priority areas of deficiency.

The standard has been set to encourage small quantities of new provision in some areas, and quality improvements in other PMP Justification areas such as Bedale. Where play areas are required in rural areas, attempts should be made through existing mechanisms (such as through allocation in the LDF Allocations DPD) to safeguard there delivery in accessible locations.

The application of this standard would result in the requirement for approximately 10 new play areas over the plan period (up to 2021). This has been based on the annual average completions proposed in Core Strategy Policy CP5A. 61 children’s play areas have been audited.



NPFA - 6 acre standard (2.43ha) per 1,000 population for 'playing space' consisting of 2 acres (ie 0.81 ha per 1,000 population) for children's playing space - includes areas designated for children and young people and casual or informal playing space within housing areas

NPFA - in the past some LA's have added 1 acre (0.4ha) arbitrary to cover 'amenity areas' and 'leisure areas' or something similar that mat not be covered within the NPFA standard. In almost all cases, this additional requirement are intended for National Standards residential areas and do not cover open spaces such as parks or allotments

1) LAPs - aged 4-6; 1 min walk or 100m (60m in a straight line); min area size 100msq; LAPs typically have no play equipment and therefore could be considered as amenity greenspace

(2) LEAPs - aged min 5; min area size 400msq; should be located 400 metres or 5 minutes walking time along pedestrian routes (240 metres in a straight line) Current Provision ha per 0.21 young people facilities per 1,000 population 1,000 population (ha) Local Plan Policy SR1 “Protection of Land of Recreational Value” – development which would result in the loss of public or private land of recreation value, including playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and sport facilities will not be permitted.

Local Plan Policy SR2 “Outdoor Playing Space” – provision will be made throughout the plan area to a standard of 2.43 hectares per 1000 population. This minimum standard target includes parks and areas for casual or informal recreation. Existing Local Standards

/ Policies Local Plan Policy BD5 “Spaces of Townscape Importance” – development will not be permitted which would result in the loss of, or damage to, important spaces in settlements, as defined on the inset maps, or other spaces which meet specified criteria. For a number of sites audited BD5 is pertinent.

Local Plan Policy H16 – “Public Outdoor Playing Space for New Residential Development” – states the intention to seek the delivering of the 6 acres standard for developments of 10 or more dwellings. BENCHMARKING See attached sheet 2% - More than enough Consultation 16% - About Right (too much / about right / 11% - Nearly Enough not enough) 53% - Not Enough

60 Outcome of consultation on the LDF stated that a number of parish councils responding were keen on providing more facilities for young people. Previous consultation conducted for the Children and Young People Plan (2004) showed 90% of respondents wanted to see more provision for children and young people. Focus groups with young people in Thirsk and Northallerton conducted through the LDF consultation highlighted the importance of skateboarding facilities as well as kickabout facilities Strategic Consultation (both informal and formal) and that there should be more available. In addition, individual parishes have been encouraged to produce their own plans. Of the plans that have been produced so far, all of them have highlighted a need for more facilities for children and young people. A list of priority projects has been created by HDC to enable the monitoring and progress of developments

There is a substantial variation in the amount of provision for young people across the analysis areas. Significantly lower levels of provision can be found in Northallerton (0.09 facilities per 1000 population) and Thirsk (0.06 facilities per 1000 population). These two areas will see the greatest levels of housing development as principle service centres in the LDF – increasing the importance of further quantitative provision over the plan period. The other three analysis areas have between 0.29 and 0.43 facilities per 1000 population.

Internal consultations highlighted expressed demand in Stokesley and Thirsk for skate parks. There are currently skate parks in Easingwold, Bedale, Northallerton which have all been built within the last two years plus a couple within multi-sport sites. Other young people / teenage facilities highlighted by internal officers included a semi-mobile youth shelter managed by the Community Safety Partnership. This is being and has been used around the district in areas that have perceived problems. If it is found to be of benefit, then permanent shelters have been erected. There are currently 4 within the district. In addition, there 'Consultation Comments is a Multi-Use Games Area provided in each market town but the Council are trying to work with tennis clubs to upgrade (quantity) facilities to incorporate MUGA’s where appropriate.

The responses gained through the household survey and the workshops echo the views of previous consultation and views of internal officers with the majority of people (64%) that responded to the household survey indicating that there were insufficient facilities for young people and teenagers. Residents in Easingwold were the least satisfied with the level of provision, with 62% of respondents thinking that there is not enough provision for young people. To a certain extent this can be explained by the rural nature of the analysis area.

The two areas with the lowest percentage of people claiming that there is not enough provision (Northallerton and Bedale) are perceived to have the highest quality sites (with the highest number of respondents thinking sites are of “good quality”. This is despite the actual low level of provision per 1000 population in Northallerton. This again highlights how the delivery of high quality sites can have a profound impact on people’s perception on quantity. 'PMP Recommendation (per 1,000 population) 0.25 young people facilities per 1,000 population Consultation highlighted the benefits of ensuring adequate provision for young people and the benefits this can have. At present, the lack of provision is having an effect in terms of young people having to “hang out” on the streets or in the mis-use of PMP Justification amenity green spaces intended for wider community use.

61 The variety of provision for young people should be considered in delivering the quantity standard. It is important that the Council cater for the needs of everyone (in many instances the desire is for a meeting place rather than formalised play space). A concern was raised in the household survey for new provision for children and young people to be bespoke to the needs of both groups, to help ensure that young people do not commandeer provision for children due to lack of their own facilities.

There is a clear priority for more facilities for young people. A standard above the current level of provision is therefore recommended. At 0.21 facilities per 1000 population provision is significantly below that for children, and for this reason the quantity standard has been set as a higher proportionate increase than for children’s provision. The application of this standard would result in the requirement for approximately 6 new play areas over the plan period (up to 2021), building on the 19 sites currently audited.

Despite the requirement for quantity improvements to meet the perception that there is not enough provision, the standard has only been set slightly above the current level of provision. This is because it is thought that by ensuring that provision is of a high quality, this has a corresponding impact of people’s perception of quantity. This is reinforced by the situation in Northallerton described above. The application of the quantity standard and accessibility standard will help to reveal priority areas for new provision, which should be considered in the context of the LDF Core Spatial Strategy.



NPFA - 6 acre standard (2.43ha) per 1,000 population for 'playing space' consisting of 4 acres (ie 1.62 per 1,000 population) for outdoor sport - includes pitches, athletics tracks, bowling greens, tennis courts training areas and croquet lawns

National Standards 'NPFA - in the past some LA's have added 1 acre (0.4ha) arbitrary to cover 'amenity areas' and 'leisure areas' or something similar that mat not be covered within the NPFA standard. In almost all cases, this additional requirement are intended for residential areas and do not cover open spaces such as parks or allotments Current Provision ha per 2.1 hectares per 1000 population 1,000 population (ha) Local Plan Policy SR1 “Protection of Land of Recreational Value” – development which would result in the loss of public or private land of recreation value, including playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and sport facilities will not be permitted.

Local Plan Policy SR2 “Outdoor Playing Space” – provision will be made throughout the plan area to a standard of 2.43 hectares per 1000 population. This minimum standard target includes parks and areas for casual or informal recreation. Existing Local Standards

/ Policies Local Plan Policy BD5 “Spaces of Townscape Importance” – development will not be permitted which would result in the loss of, or damage to, important spaces in settlements, as defined on the inset maps, or other spaces which meet specified criteria. For a number of sites audited BD5 is pertinent.

Local Plan Policy H16 – “Public Outdoor Playing Space for New Residential Development” – states the intention to seek the delivering of the 6 acres standard for developments of 10 or more dwellings. BENCHMARKING See attached sheet Specific types of outdoor sports facilities (Modal answers): Grass pitches - 59% about right Consultation STP's - 47% no opinion (too much / about right / Tennis Courts - 38% about right not enough) Bowling Greens - 43% about right Golf Courses - 41% about right

63 Internal consultations highlighted the District is generally well catered for with regard to outdoor sports facilities. There is a strong emphasis on voluntary sports clubs and multi-sport clubs are spread evenly across the district. All of the 4 main market towns have at least one club covering football, cricket, rugby, hockey, bowls, tennis and golf. The only shortfalls identified relating to expressed demand are for football within Thirsk where additional land is required to accommodate a proposed multi-sport Strategic Consultation association as all clubs currently operate independently and there are not enough facilities to meet demand. Alternative land is also required for Northallerton Football Club. They are currently on privately owned land and are therefore unable to secure external funding. Upgrade of facilities is essential for the club to develop. The Hillside (Thirsk area) is a large leisure project that will include multi-sports facilities. Attendees at the workshops commented that a lot of villages have access to local sports fields. Across the analysis areas, the level of provision varies from 1.75 hectares per 1000 population in Bedale to 2.67 hectares per 1000 population in Stokesley. The good level of provision was re-iterated within the household survey with the majority of respondents indicating that provision across all outdoor sports facility types was about right or above. In particular, 67% were satisfied with the amount of grass pitches, 53% with golf courses, 49% with bowling greens and 43% with tennis courts. Tennis courts had the highest percentage of respondents who believe there to be not enough with 28%. The most commonly sited reason was the prevalence of private tennis clubs and the lack of freely available courts. 'Consultation Comments (quantity) Looking across the analysis areas in terms of resident satisfaction with grass pitches, the highest level of satisfaction could be found in Northallerton and Easingwold where only 11% thought that the level of provision was not enough as opposed to the district average of 15%. The lowest level of satisfaction was found in Stokesley and Bedale analysis areas. The greatest perceived shortfall in synthetic turf pitches was found in Easingwold analysis area were 29% thought that the level of provision was not enough (as opposed to a district average of 20%). In relation to tennis courts and bowling greens the greatest perceived shortfall was in Northallerton. However, internal consultations raised that work was needed to improve the marketing and local awareness of existing provision.

'PMP Recommendation (per 1,000 population) 2.1 ha per 1,000 population Due to the broad nature of this typology, this standard should be applied for planning need only. Further research into the demand for specific sporting facilities should be undertaken. Golf courses have been removed from these figures due to their size and subsequent tendency to skew figures.

PMP Justification Consultation indicates that the existing level of outdoor sports facilities is about right, and the importance of maintaining the current level of provision. It is recommended that a standard be set at the current level of provision (2.1 hectares per 1000 population). Opportunities should be taken to increase community use at existing school facilities, a point raised at the workshop events.



National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners - 20 allotment plots per 1,000 households (ie 20 allotments plots per 2,200 people (2.2 people per house) or 1 allotment plot per 200 people. With an average allotment plot of 250 National Standards sq/m this equates to 0.125 ha per 1,000 population

1970 Thorpe Report suggested 0.2 ha per 1,000 population Current Provision ha per 1,000 0.2 ha per 1000 population population (ha) Local Plan Policy SR1 “Protection of Land of Recreational Value” – development which would result in the loss of Existing Local Standards public or private land of recreation value, including playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and sport facilities will not be permitted. BENCHMARKING See attached sheet 5% - More than enough Consultation 25% - About Right (too much / about right / not 8% - Nearly Enough enough) 17% - Not Enough 45% - No opinion Internal consultation highlighted the following two issues / developments that currently exist within Hambleton. Bedale have two allotments blocks but only 8 or 9 allotment holders. One area is in a great location but poor for allotment use. Strategic Consultation The Council are considered redeveloping this area to incorporate plans for a new park for the town with the allotments being relocated. There is funding for new allotments in Northallerton but still looking for a permanent site. Allotment sites are very much a demand-led typology and need to be quantified in the context of existing provision, waiting lists and local demand etc. The analysis of the household questionnaire reflects this, where 45% of people stated that they have 'no opinion' with regard to this open space type. 5% of respondents currently use an allotment whilst a further 8% would be interested in using an allotment, indicating a possible demand for allotment provision. As would be expected within a predominantly rural district the main reason for not being interested in an allotment is due to having sufficient private garden space. However, a number of other residents stated that there was no provision 'Consultation Comments near to where they live. (quantity)

The level of provision across the analysis areas varies substantially. The lowest level of provision per 1000 population is found in Northallerton, where only 0.03 hectares per 1000 population exists. In contrast, Stokesley has 0.38 hectares per 1000 population. The level of satisfaction is below average in Northallerton where 23% think that the level of provision is not enough as opposed to a district wide figure of 17%. The lowest level of satisfaction can be found in Bedale, despite having a provision level of 0.27 hectares per 1000 population. Similarly, the highest level of

65 satisfaction can be found in Easingwold where only 4% think that there are not enough allotments – despite having the second lowest level of provision of all analysis areas in terms of area covered. These points serve to illustrate the demand led nature of allotments. 'PMP Recommendation (per 1,000 population) 0.2ha per 1,000 population Allotments are very much a demand led-typology and the recommended standard should be treated as a minimum standard. Household consultation also highlights that there is a lack of interest in allotments, with nearly half (45% indicating that they have no opinion) Despite this, 8% of respondents would be interested in having their own allotment. Allotment provision is spread relatively evenly across Hambleton, with the obvious exception of Northallerton. PMP Justification Given that allotments are a demand led typology, a standard equivalent to the current level of provision has been set – enabling the identification of locational deficiencies and protection of existing sites. Setting a standard at this level supports the need for additional allotments in Northallerton and Easingwold. However, analysis of waiting lists and demand should be of upmost important in triggering new provision.





68 Setting Quality Standards / Vision – Hambleton District Council

Field Comment

National Standards and/or Benchmarks Details of any existing national standards for each typology usually provided by national organisations e.g. Green Flag criteria for parks produced by Civic Trust

Existing Local Quality Standards There may be some existing local standards that will need to be taken into account and used as a guidance benchmark when setting new local standards

Benchmarking against other authorities for These are figures detailing satisfaction levels of other authorities to the quality of their open space satisfaction of quality

Consultation (Household Survey - aspirations) Results from the household survey with regards to users of each typology in relation to their aspirations and needs and existing quality experiences

Consultation (other) Results from all the consultations undertaken with regards the quality issues for each typology

PMP Quality Vision PMP recommendation of a local quality vision standard for discussion and approval by the client

PMP Justification PMP reasoning and justification for the locals standard that has been recommended

CLIENT APPROVAL Client to approve local standard before analysis undertaken



National Standards and/or GREEN FLAG CRITERIA - Welcoming Place / Healthy, Safe and Secure / Clean and Well-maintained / Sustainable / Benchmarks Conservation and Heritage / Community Involvement / Marketing / Management The supplementary text to Local Plan policy SR2 states that the quality and distribution of outdoor playing space is as important as the quantity. Existing Local Quality Standards / Policies Policy H16 states that where the requirement for open space cannot be met on site, developers will be expected to ensure the provision of the outdoor playing space or the improvements and enhancements of existing open space in the vicinity of the development to meet the needs of the new residents. This also incorporates maintenance payments. Wychavon – 67% Good (parks), 57% North Shropshire – 53 % average Ryedale – 58% good (parks), 49% Benchmarking Other Local average (amenity areas) (parks), 57% average (amenity areas) average (amenity areas) Authorities satisfaction Huntingdonshire – 46% good (parks),

44% average (amenity areas) The highest rated aspirations of regular users of amenity green spaces are (in descending order of popularity) are clean / Consultation litter free, well kept grass, flowers / trees, litter bins, footpaths and seating. 98% of current uses feel safe when using (Household Survey - amenity green spaces in Hambleton. Current users highlighted especially adequate lighting, reputation and CCTV as being aspirations) key to providing safe amenity green spaces. More residents (65%) had experienced problems with vandalism and graffiti (Of those that rated parks than those who had experienced no problems, however 45% stated it was a minor problem. A significant number of and gardens as their most respondents have also experienced minor problems with litter, miss use of sites and dog fouling, although a greater number frequently used open space) of people responded they have had no problems compared to those that have had significant problems. The largest problem of all was the miss use of sites, with 32% experiencing significant problems at amenity green spaces. Internal officers believe the overall quality of amenity greenspace is very good. Vandalism is perceived to be isolated and irregular across the district with no specific sites suffering significant problems. This view was shared with residents who attended the workshop events. However, it was noted there was a slight problem with anti-social behaviour at Bedale Hall Park. There are only very rare occurrences of vandalism across the district and no sites were specifically pinpointed for ongoing problems. Consultation with Council officers also suggests that there are too many small, incidental open spaces Consultation (Other) that provide no local function owing to poor maintenance and litter. The overgrown nature of these sites creates dens of inequity and antisocial behaviour in addition to contributing to degeneration of the streetscape.

47% of respondents to the household survey think that the quality of amenity green spaces (incorporating parks and gardens) is good, as opposed to only 11% who think that the quality is poor illustrating a wider degree of satisfaction over and above that expressed by those who use this typology most regularly.


Looking across the analysis areas, the highest percentage of people classing amenity green spaces as good quality was in Stokesley, where the figure was 63%. This contrasts sharply to Northallerton where only 34% of residents think that the quality of sites is good. The level of provision is almost twice as high in Northallerton than it is in Stokesley suggesting that in some instances having a smaller number of sites fosters a greater quality (such as on going maintenance issues). Internal consultation noted that sometimes, there is a funding problem with the grass cutting that could occasionally affect the quality of amenity greenspace.

"A welcoming, clean and litter free site providing a one-stop community facility which is accessible to all and has a range of leisure, recreational and enriched play opportunities for an appropriate range of ages. Parks and gardens PMP Quality Vision – LOCAL should be well maintained, providing bio-diversity, varied vegetation, clear pathways, appropriate lighting and PARKS ancillary accommodation (including seating, toilets and litter bins) and well-signed to and within the site. Sites should be safe and secure, well managed and provide links to the surrounding green infrastructure.” “A clean and well-maintained greenspace site. Sites should have appropriate ancillary furniture (dog and litter bins PMP Quality Vision – etc), pathways and landscaping in the right places providing a safe secure site with spacious outlook which MARKET TOWN AMENTITY enhances the appearance of the local environment. Larger sites should be suitable for informal play opportunities SPACE / VILLAGE GREENS and should be enhanced to encourage the site to become a community focus.”

71 Given the distinctly different nature of local parks and other amenity green spaces (such as market town amenity spaces and village greens) it is recommended that separate quality visions be supported as proposed above). It is recommended that more localised amenity greenspace provide an important community function. There are a large number of smaller amenity greenspaces in Hambleton and it is important where possible these sites help to enhance the local environment.

Amenity green spaces are the most frequently visited open space typology according to the household survey, with 65% visiting them more regularly than any other typology. Furthermore, 57% think that the existing level of provision is about right. Therefore the delivery of the quality vision is paramount to a successful green space strategy. As noted in the quantity standard worksheets, resident’s perception of quality and quantity are inextricably linked, with quality improvement often mitigating the need for new provision. PMP Justification

It is noted that the most significant problem currently experienced at amenity green spaces is their miss-use. Therefore the achievement of the quality vision (and the delivery of high quality amenity green spaces) will be galvanised by the provision of bespoke provision for children and young people. In many instances, provision for play facilities is within the same location as amenity green spaces.

The recommended standards incorporate the National Green Flag Award criteria for quality, safety, recreation benefit and facility mix. However, owing to the nature of PPG17 it is important that local community aspirations form the basis of the local standards. Therefore, it is suggested that parks should be clean / litter free, have well kept grass, flowers / trees, litterbins, footpaths and seating and these have all been incorporated into the quality visions.



LAPs, LEAPs and NEAPs indicate some quality aspirations in terms of needing seating for adults, varied range of National Standards and/or equipment and teenager meeting place. GREEN FLAG CRITERIA - Welcoming Place / Healthy, Safe and Secure / Benchmarks Clean and Well-maintained / Sustainable / Conservation and Heritage / Community Involvement / Marketing / Management The supplementary text to Local Plan policy SR2 states that the quality and distribution of outdoor playing space is as important as the quantity.

Existing Local Quality Standards / Policy H16 states that where the requirement for open space cannot be met on site, developers will be expected to Policies ensure the provision of the outdoor playing space or the improvements and enhancements of existing open space in the vicinity of the development to meet the needs of the new residents. This also incorporates maintenance payments. Benchmarking Other Local Wychavon – 44% average North Shropshire – 44% average Ryedale – 47% average Authorities satisfaction Huntingdonshire – 35% average The Highest rated aspirations of regular users are (in descending order): clean / litter free, children’s play areas, well Consultation (Household survey - kept grass, dog free areas and litter bins. The most important factors in ensuring that these sites are safe are believed aspirations) (of those that rated to be reputation, adequate lighting and other users. Over 60% of regular users have experienced either minor or children facilities as their most significant problems in relation to vandalism and graffiti, litter problems and miss-use of sites. Of these issues, the frequently used open space) worst quality issue is miss use of sites, with 44% of regular users experiencing significant problems. 34% of respondents to the household survey think that the quality of play areas for children is good. 20% think that the quality of provision is poor. This suggests a significant variation in the quality of play areas across Hambleton. Looking across the analysis areas, the highest level of satisfaction can be found in Bedale analysis area where 51% think that play areas are of good quality. The lowest level of satisfaction is in Stokesley where 31% think that provision for children is poor. Consultation (Other) In contrast, Internal officers believe the overall quality of children’s provision to be very good, highlighting the aspirations and expectations of users. Extensive recent development of new facilities (especially within the parishes) has enabled the authority to improve the overall provision. The parish councils maintain facilities within parishes. Vandalism is perceived to be isolated and irregular across the district with no specific sites suffering significant problems. “A site specifically for children providing a mix of well-maintained formal equipment and enriched play PMP Quality Vision environment in a safe and secure convenient location which is accessible to all. The site should have clear

73 boundaries, be clean, litter and dog free and be appropriately lit. Sites should have clear boundaries and also comply with appropriate national guidelines for design and safety whilst safeguard residential amenity of neighbouring land users" The most significant quality issues raised by the household survey is the miss-use of sites. As such, the need to address the mis-use of some sites is reflected within the standard in the need to design the site well, to locate in a safe and secure location and to have clear boundaries. This can refer to clear boundaries from older children facilities to try and deter older children using younger children facilities. As such, the standard reflects the need for the good design of play areas. A recognition of the need for places to go to meet friends is incorporated in the need for an enriched play environment rather than a focus only on formal equipment PMP Justification

The quality vision seeks to achieve a balance between the need for play areas to be located in a safe and secure convenient location whilst safeguarding residential amenity, and acknowledges that this can vary from site to site. For example being overlooked by houses will increase natural policing at play areas, but can endanger the residential amenity of neighbouring land users so it not referenced directly in the quality vision.



LAPs, LEAPs and NEAPs indicate some quality aspirations in terms of needing seating for adults, varied range of National Standards and/or equipment and teenager meeting place. GREEN FLAG CRITERIA - Welcoming Place / Healthy, Safe and Secure / Benchmarks Clean and Well-maintained / Sustainable / Conservation and Heritage / Community Involvement / Marketing / Management The supplementary text to Local Plan policy SR2 states that the quality and distribution of outdoor playing space is as important as the quantity.

Existing Local Quality Standards / Policy H16 states that where the requirement for open space cannot be met on site, developers will be expected to Policies ensure the provision of the outdoor playing space or the improvements and enhancements of existing open space in the vicinity of the development to meet the needs of the new residents. This also incorporates maintenance payments. Benchmarking Other Local Wychavon – 65% poor North Shropshire – 72% poor Ryedale – 57% poor Authorities satisfaction Huntingdonshire – 36% poor It is important to note that the number of people who use teenage and young people facilities most frequently out of all typologies is very small so limited weight is attached to the findings, and the recommended local standard is based on Consultation (Household survey - other consultation undertaken and the general expectation raised through the household survey of non-users. aspirations) (of those that rated teenage facilities as their most Highest rated aspirations of regular users are: clean and litter free, sports facilities and well kept grass. The most frequently used open space) important factor in ensuring that these sites are safe is believed to be adequate lighting. No regular users believe vandalism to be a significant problem, however 78% believe poor maintenance to be a minor issue, 88% think dog fouling is a problem and 50% believe miss-use of the site to be a significant problem. Out of all of the typologies within the scope of the study, the overall quality rating for provision for teenagers was the poorest. 57% felt that the quality of sites was poor, with only 10% thinking that the quality was good, showing a significant negative distribution. The lower levels of satisfaction could be found in Stokesley and Bedale analysis areas where 65% and 64% respectively think that the quality of provision is poor, despite being two of the better catered for in quantitative terms (with 5 sites in Stokesley and 4 in Bedale). Consultation (Other)

In contrast, internal officers believe the overall quality of teenage provision to be very good, highlighting the aspirations and expectations of users. Recent development of new facilities (especially skate parks and MUGAs) has enabled the authority to improve the overall provision. Vandalism is perceived to be isolated and irregular across the district with no specific sites suffering significant problems. Previous consultation conducted on the LDF showed parish councils to be

75 keen on providing new or improved facilities for children and young people within their parish.

Comments were made at workshops that existing provision for young people was inadequate, and didn’t offer enough variety to cater for all interests – so in this respect was considered poor quality. Anti-social behaviour is considered to be a problem on some sites which deters other groups for using the sites. Comments were also raised at workshops regarding the importance of teenagers taking ownership of sites. ‘A site providing a robust yet imaginative play environment for older children in a safe, secure location that PMP Quality Vision promotes a sense of ownership and is accessible to all. The site should include clean, litter and dog free areas for more informal play and areas of shelter (with seating) and where appropriate sites should be well lit.’ Consultation with young people reinforced the findings in similar studies that highlight the importance to regular users of such spaces to ‘meet friends’, as somewhere to go and not specifically to use the equipment. Promoting a sense of ownership with the sites may also help to reduce the level of vandalism. It is important that these sites are clean, safe PMP Justification and secure to use that was reflected in the consultation and within this standard. The existing quality of sites is considered to be the poorest of all the typologies and it is important that sites continue to improve and the council works towards the achievement of the quality vision.



NPFA - quality of provision could include gradients, orientation, ancillary accommodation, planting and community National Standards and/or safety. GREEN FLAG CRITERIA - Welcoming Place / Healthy, Safe and Secure / Clean and Well-maintained / Benchmarks Sustainable / Conservation and Heritage / Community Involvement / Marketing / Management The supplementary text to Local Plan policy SR2 states that the quality and distribution of outdoor playing space is as important as the quantity.

Existing Local Quality Standards Policy H16 states that where the requirement for open space cannot be met on site, developers will be expected to ensure the provision of the outdoor playing space or the improvements and enhancements of existing open space in the vicinity of the development to meet the needs of the new residents. This also incorporates maintenance payments. Benchmarking Other Local Wychavon – 52% average North Shropshire – 48% average Ryedale – 41% average Authorities satisfaction Huntingdonshire – 33% good Highest rated aspirations: clean and litter free, well kept grass, the actual sports facilities, toilets, ease of parking and Consultation changing facilities. Highest rated safety factors include adequate lighting and CCTV. A high proportion (63%) of (Household Survey - aspirations) respondents consider there to be no problem with maintenance. Opinion of perceived problems with litter and dog fouling is evenly split. Satisfaction with the quality of outdoor sports facilities is excellent with 44% believing them to be good whilst only 15% stating they are poor. Across the analysis areas the highest level of satisfaction can be found in Bedale analysis area where 51% think that the quality of outdoor sports facilities is good. The lowest level of satisfaction can be found in Thirsk where 19% think that the quality of sites is poor, although this still only represents a small proportion of overall responses in that area.

Internal consultations indicated the overall quality of outdoor sports facilities is very good, and this view was reinforced Consultation (Other) at workshops. The voluntary sector is very strong and there are numerous multi sport clubs that maintain their own grounds to a good standard. There are only very rare bits of vandalism and these are isolated and it isn’t a regular occurrence across the district. Recent football provision developments in Stokesley and Easingwold means the quality in these areas for football are excellent. Easingwold Junior FC have recently received 500k of funding to improve the quality of pitches and ancillary facilities and the quality of football provision in Stokesley has improved markedly since the FA site relocated within the area boundary from neighbouring Middlesborough.

The only concern raised internally was the facilities at Northallerton Football Club. They are currently on privately

77 owned land and as a result they are unable to secure external funding. The rent keeps increasing but the facilities are deteriorating. Upgrade of facilities is essential for the club to develop.

Some concerns were raised at workshops over the accessibility of some school sites for community use.

‘A well-planned, clean, litter and dog fouling free sports facility site, with level and well-drained good quality surfaces with appropriate good quality ancillary accommodation including changing accommodation, toilets PMP Quality Vision and car parking . The site should have appropriate management ensuring community safety and include lighting and the use of mobile CCTV where appropriate to address anti-social behaviour.’ The key issues identified with existing sites are dog fouling and litter problems that are reflected within the vision. Other issues raised are the need for ancillary accommodation such as parking and changing facilities. The standard PMP Justification incorporates "appropriate management" to ensure that where appropriate, management issues are addressed and also increase the usage of sites to continue to combat the miss-use of sites. Community safety is also incorporated to reflect NPFA design guidelines. It is also important that outdoor sport facilities are well drained.



National Standards and/or NONE Benchmarks Existing Local Quality Standards No existing quality standards Benchmarking Other Local Wychavon – 54% average North Shropshire – 47% poor Huntingdonshire – 57% no opinion Authorities satisfaction Highest rated aspirations: clean and litter free, level surface, parking facilities, well kept grass and good site access. Consultation All respondents that use allotments feel safe and a high proportion believe there are no problems vandalism, miss- (Household Survey - aspirations) use, litter or dog fouling. Maintenance is the only area that has a perceived problem with 37% stating this is a minor or significant problem. The household survey reveals that of those who do not currently own / manage / use an allotment 8% would be interested in using an allotment. The majority of these potential users refer to lack of provision locally rather than quality of sites is prohibiting them. Consultation (Other) 24% of respondents to the household survey think that the quality of allotments is good. 25% think that the quality of provision is poor. This suggests a significant variation in the quality of allotments in Hambleton.

‘A clean and well-kept site that encourages sustainable development, bio-diversity, healthy living and education objectives with appropriate ancillary facilities (eg litter bins) to meet local needs, clearly marked PMP Quality Vision pathways and good quality soils. The site should be spacious providing appropriate access and clear boundaries.’ Provision of allotments is demand driven. However, in times when the wider health agenda is important, such sites need to be promoted. Lack of awareness of existing sites was noted as one of the main obstacle to residents interested in using an allotment not pursuing that interest. Good quality allotments with appropriate ancillary facilities, PMP Justification which promote sustainable development, will help attract more people to allotment sites and in turn make sure that the allotment sites within Hambleton are being operated at capacity. The aspirations indicated through the household questionnaire are also reflected, in particular the provision of clean sites, access issues and the provision of litter bins.






Setting Accessibility Standards – Hambleton District Council

Field Comment

Details of any existing national standards for each typology usually provided by national organisations e.g. National Standards and/or Benchmarks English Nature make recommendations of access for 'Natural Greenspace'

There maybe some existing local standards that will need to be taken into account and used as a guidance Existing Local Accessibility Standards benchmark when setting new local standards

These are figures detailing other local standards set by PMP within other green space and open space Other Local Authorities Standards (by PMP) projects and provide another comparison benchmark when setting local standards for other local authorities.

Some statistical information that will come from the household questionnaire - need to take the 75% level as Consultation (Household Survey - establish recommended by PPG 17 Companion Guide (ie from a list of responses - what is the time 75% are willing to 75% threshold catchments) travel)

PMP recommendation of a local standard for discussion and approval by the client - standard should be in PMP Recommendation time and/or distance

PMP Justification PMP reasoning and justification for the locals standard that has been recommended

Client to approve local standard before analysis undertaken - any changes in standards at a later date during CLIENT APPROVAL the project will impact on re-doing calculations, analysis and report - the standards drive the analysis

Final Local Standard agreed and approved that will be stated in the report and used for analysis purposes - LOCAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARD standard should be in time and/or distance

82 Accessibility standards - assumptions

Walking All areas average of 3mph

Conversion (walking)

Metres Time (mins) Miles Metres Factor Reduction (straight line to be mapped) 5 0.25 400 40% 240 10 0.5 800 40% 480 15 0.75 1200 40% 720 20 1 1600 40% 960 25 1.25 2000 40% 1200 30 1.5 2400 40% 1440

Assumption National Guidelines reduce actual distances into straight line distances by a 40% reduction. This is to allow for the fact that routes to open spaces are not straight line distances but more complex. The 40% reduction is based on robust research by the NPFA in numerous areas using a representative sample of pedestrian routes.



National Standards and/or No national standards Benchmarks Existing Local Accessibility Standards No existing local standards / Policies Oswestry – 15 minutes (walk) Alnwick and Berwick – 10 minutes Wellingborough – 15 minutes (walk) Other Local Authorities Standards (Local Park) Walk – URBAN only (Local Park) (Local Park) (by PMP) South Ribble – 10 min (walk) East Northamptonshire – 5 min (walk) Oswestry – 10 min (walk) (AGS) (AGS) (AGS) The only deprived wards that are perceived as having poor accessibility are the hillside parishes on the fringe of the Strategic Consultation National Park. However the parishes have come together to create the ‘Hillside Project’ that is creating facilities for all the parishes concerned in one central location. The household survey reveals that 81% of people would expect to walk to amenity green spaces in Hambleton, as opposed to only 15% who would expect to drive. Amenity green space is the most popular type of open space with users across Hambleton. Of those users (who visit amenity green space more often than any other typology in the study) 74% currently walk and only 24% use cars. This slight discrepancy between expectations and current patterns suggests that some existing amenity green spaces may not be accessible to all. Irrespective of this fact, there is a clear justification for setting an accessibility standard that is based on walking to amenity green spaces based on both current travel patterns of regular users and wider resident expectations.

The 75% threshold level across the district is a 10-minute walk time. This means that 75% of the population (as represented by the survey sample) are willing to walk up to 10 minutes to get to an amenity green space. Whilst Consultation some would only be willing to travel less than 10 minutes, the 75% threshold level represents the maximum effective catchment that an open space site provides for. Another significant reason for setting the standard as a 10 minute walk time is that this is also the modal answer across responses. Workshops revealed the importance of ensuring the accessibility of open space by methods over than the private car.

Looking across the analysis area, the 75% threshold level is a 15 minute walk time in three of the five analysis areas. However, the mode is a 5 minute walk time in three of the five analysis areas. This suggests there is a large range in distances that people are willing to travel. 75% of regular users walk less than 10 minutes to access their favourite amenity green space.

15 minute walk time - (720 metres) in market towns areas. 10 minute walk PMP Recommendation time for villages- (480 metres)

84 The broad remit of this typology is crucial to setting and applying a relevant accessibility threshold. The definition covers local parks and gardens, village greens and market town open space. Given the different function and scale of these areas (for example the Applegarth in Northallerton and Great Busby Village Green are classed in the same catergory) it is recommended the council adopt an urban and rural standard. Setting a separate accessibility standard for urban and rural areas is consistent with PPG17 that makes reference to hierarchies of provision. This is in recognition of the fact that large facilities in urban areas tend to attract users from a wider area and tend to PMP Justification have a higher local profile. This point was also raised at workshop events.

It is recommended that the council adopt a 15 minute walk time standard in urban areas. This is reflective of the fact that these areas are likely to contain the larger, more strategic sites (local parks) that people are willing to travel further to use. It is also recommended that the council adopt a 10 minutes walk time in rural areas to reflect the fact that village greens serve a smaller catchment and that in rural areas amenity green spaces should be in closer walking distance.



National Standards and/or No national standards Benchmarks Existing Local Accessibility Standards Local Plan Policy SR2 states that outdoor playing space for children should be within 5 minutes walking distance of / Policies the homes it is meant to serve and should not involve crossing a busy road or using an otherwise dangerous route. Children and Young People Children and Young People facilities Children and Young People facilities facilities in Oswestry – 10 minutes in Alnwick and Berwick – 10 minutes in Wellingborough - 10 min (walk) Other Local Authorities Standards (walk) (walk) (by PMP) Children and Young People Children and Young People facilities Children’s facilities in South Ribble – facilities in South Northamptonshire in East Northamptonshire – 10 min 10 minute (walk) – 10 minute (walk) (walk) 91% of respondents to the household survey said they would expect to walk to a play area for children (7% expect to drive). Furthermore, of those respondents who use children’s play areas more often than any other typology, 76% currently walk. This suggests that although the vast majority of residents would expect to walk to this type of provision, in reality this isn’t currently possible or preferable to current users given the location and availability of facilities. Given the rural nature of the district it may not be feasible to provide facilities in every village.

Of those that would expect to walk to a children’s play area, 75% would be willing to travel up to 10 minutes. A 10- Consultation minute walk was also the modal answer by residents. In terms of the 75% threshold level, there is consistency across all analysis areas. Although in three analysis areas the modal answer was lower that the 75% percentile at 5 minutes, across the entire district the modal answer suggests a 10 minute walk time is appropriate. The modal answer of regular users (when asked the distance they currently travel to their favourite area) was between a 5-10 minute walk.

PMP Recommendation 10 minute walk time - (480 metres)

86 When considering setting an appropriate accessibility catchment, it is important to strike a balance between a desire for quantitative and qualitative improvements. Setting a smaller catchment (such as a 5 minute walk time in line with existing Local Plan policy SR2 and views expressed at a workshop with young people) is likely to reveal a larger amount of quantitative deficiencies and therefore put more onerous demands on the council for new provision. However, setting a catchment that is larger that public expectations in terms of travel means that in reality whilst it may appear that the coverage of provision is good, in reality a vast majority of people may not have access to facilities due to unrealistic travel expectations. As such, the recommended standard is derived (in the most part) from the 75% threshold level at a district level. Whilst 25% are willing to travel longer distances, these PMP Justification would be unacceptable to the majority of residents. Setting a standard as a 10 minute walk is also consistent with other rural authorities.

It is considered unrealistic to expect every village to have a play area. Whilst this standard will be applied to the rural areas, the analysis will identify areas without access to a play facility and it will be for the council to determine the appropriateness of providing facilities subject to detailed consultation (and local demand) and in the context of the emerging spatial strategy.



(1) LAPs - aged 4-6; 1 min walk or 100m (60m in a straight line); min area size 100msq; LAPs typically have no play equipment and therefore could be considered as amenity greenspace

National Standards and/or (2) LEAPs - aged min 5; min area size 400msq; should be located 400 metres or 5 minutes walking time along Benchmarks pedestrian routes (240 metres in a straight line)

(3) NEAPs aged min 8; min area size 1000msq; should be located 1,000 metres or 15 minutes walking time along pedestrian routes (600 metres in a straight line) Local Plan Policy SR2 states that – outdoor playing space for youths and adults should normally be within 15 Existing Local Accessibility Standards minutes walking distance of the homes it is meant to serve. Such provision may be further away depending upon / Policies the type of provision. Children and Young People Children and Young People facilities Children and Young People facilities facilities in Oswestry – 10 minutes in Alnwick and Berwick – 10 minutes in Wellingborough - 10 min (walk) Other Local Authorities Standards (walk) (walk) (by PMP) Children and Young People Children and Young People facilities Young People’s facilities in South facilities in South Northamptonshire in East Northamptonshire – 10 min Ribble – 15 minute (walk) – 10 minute (walk) (walk) The number of people responding to the household survey who use provision for young people more regularly than any other type of open space was very small, and therefore no significant conclusions can be draw from the travel patterns of regular users. However the general expectations of all respondents provides a sound statistic base for setting a local accessibility standard.

62% of respondents to the household survey stated that they would expect to walk to a facility for young people. Consultation The 75% percentile district wide was 15 minutes, a figure that is representative of three of the five analysis area (75% of respondents in Easingwold would be willing to travel up to 20 minutes).

Workshop event highlighted a concern that some of the areas provided for young people are “taken over” by small numbers of youths who intimidate other potential users. Other workshop comments focused on the need for spaces where teenagers can congregate (like a teen shelter) so as not to affect other open spaces.

PMP Recommendation 15 minute walk time for provision for young people - (720 metres)

88 It is recommended that the council adopt a walking standard given that young people will not always have access to a motorised vehicle. Moreover, a walking standard facilitates access for all ages and users. The 75% threshold level for provision for young people was a 15 minute walk time across the district. Setting a standard at this level therefore meets user expectations, provides a realistic target for implementation and is based on national guidance as advocated in PPG17. It is also consistent with views expressed at the workshop events. Other consultation also highlights significant support for localised provision for teenagers and young people and highlighted the need for spaces where teenagers can congregate, reducing negative impacts on other spaces. PMP Justification In applying the local standards consideration should be made for other open spaces that are used by children and young people, such as amenity green spaces (incorporating local parks) and outdoor sport facilities. Furthermore, youth facilities can range from a smaller facility such as a youth shelter and basketball hoop to a floodlit MUGA which can be expected to serve different catchments. As such the accessibility standards should be applied pragmatically. Finally, it may be onerous to have a youth facility within 15 minutes of every resident, particularly in the rural areas. As such, the application of the accessibility standard for young people should be focused primarily on the market towns.



National Standards and/or No national standards Benchmarks Existing Local Accessibility Standards The supplementary text to Local Plan policy SR2 notes that easy, convenient and safe access to public open space / Policies for residents is a major consideration in assessing the adequacy of provision. Alnwick and Berwick – 15 minutes Oswestry – 15 minute (drive) (walk) – URBAN and 15 minutes Wellingborough – 20 minutes (walk) (drive) – RURAL Other Local Authorities Standards South Northamptonshire - Grass South Ribble - Grass pitches, tennis (by PMP) pitches, MUGA's and Tennis courts and bowling greens - 15 East Northamptonshire – 15 minutes Courts - 10 minute (walk), Golf minute (walk) and Golf Courses and (drive) Courses, Bowling Clubs and STP's STP's - 25 minute (drive) - 20 minute (drive) Most respondents to the household survey would expect to walk to a grass pitch, tennis court and a bowling green, but would expect to drive to a synthetic turf pitch and golf course. However, in reality current behaviour patterns state 63% of regular users currently drive to these facilities. The most common answer when asked how far they travel was between 5 and 10 minutes. However, only a small number of respondents said that outdoor sport facilities was their most frequently used open space and more weight is attached to the travel expectations of all respondents rather than just regular users. Of those that would expect to drive to an outdoor sport facilities 72% Consultation would travel up to 15 minutes. 87% would travel up to 20 minutes.

Where looking at the number of people who would travel up to 15 minutes (of those who would expect to drive) expectations include grass pitches (76%), synthetic turf (71%), tennis courts (78%), bowling greens (78%), golf courses (61%). As such the expectations are skewed by the inclusion of golf courses, where a significant number of people are willing to drive further (18% willing to drive between 20-30 minutes)

PMP Recommendation 15 minute drive time to outdoor sports facilities

90 There are several factors to consider in setting a standard for outdoor sports facilities. In particular, the range of facilities that lie within this typology makes it difficult to set a meaningful standard that can be applied across the board as per PPG17 requirements. For example, in general residents expect sports pitches to be local facilities, but concede that it may be appropriate to travel further to other facility types, in particular golf courses. People may also be prepared to travel further to play sport with their friends or a higher competitive level. Also, given the rural nature of the district it would be unfeasible for every village to have access to all facility types and the facilities of one village may serve other surrounding villages. Therefore, a drive time standard has been adopted to incorporate the PMP Justification whole district.

Given that analysis of the 75% percentile for outdoor sports facilities (excluding golf courses) of those would drive to outdoor sports provision suggests that people expect to reach an outdoor sports facility within 15 minutes, it is recommended that a 15 minute drive time standard is set. Given that golf courses are not included within the quantity audit, the wider effective catchment can be considered in the application of the local standards without it skewing the local accessibility standard.



National Standards and/or No national standards Benchmarks Existing Local Accessibility Standards No existing standards (includes any past surveys) Alnwick and Berwick –15 minutes Oswestry – 15 minute (walk) Wellingborough – 15 minutes (walk) Other Local Authorities Standards (walk) –URBAN No rural standard set (by PMP) South Northamptonshire – 10 East Northamptonshire – 15 min South Ribble – 10 minutes (drive) minute (walk) (walk) 67% of respondents to the household survey stated that they would expect to walk to allotments, with 23% claiming they would expect to drive. Therefore the emphasis should be on setting an accessibility standard that is based on Consultation walking. Of these respondents who would expect to walk, district wide the 75% threshold level is a 15 minute walk.

PMP Recommendation 15 minutes walk time - (720 metres) The provision of allotments is very much a demand led typology which should be reflected in the application of the accessibility and quantity standards. As such any deficiencies that are highlighted through the application of the study should be assessed further to indicate if there is any demand in that area. Consultation highlights that people expect to find local allotments, however in many circumstances there are currently waiting lists. However, as a PMP Justification guide a standard has been set at 15 minutes walk time using the 75% threshold level and the majority responses from the household survey. This is in line with findings from other consultations, although given the specialist nature of allotments, there were relatively few residents providing feedback on this issue. Residents responding to the household survey indicated that they would expect to walk to allotments and a walk time has therefore been used in line with living a healthy lifestyle and targets to reduce the reliance on private transport.





94 Hambleton Open Space Calculations Quantity

Outdoor Sports Provision for Young Category Populations Amenity Green Space Provision for Children Allotments Facilities (excluding People golf)

Total Provision - Existing Open Space (ha) 2006 Hectares Number Number Hectares Hectares Area 1: Stokesley 17312 15.72 11 5 6.5 46.24 Area 2: Northallerton 22801 29.84 15 2 0.63 44.78 Area 3: Bedale 12565 12.59 14 4 3.34 21.93 Area 4: Thirsk 17348 32.2 10 1 3.97 31.27 Area 5: Easingwold 14085 22.81 11 6 2.3 32.35 Overall 84,111 113.16 61.00 18.00 16.74 176.57 Existing Open Space (ha per 1000 Population) Area 1: Stokesley 17312 0.91 0.64 0.29 0.38 2.67 Area 2: Northallerton 22801 1.31 0.66 0.09 0.03 1.96 Area 3: Bedale 12565 1.00 1.11 0.32 0.27 1.75 Area 4: Thirsk 17348 1.86 0.58 0.06 0.23 1.80 Area 5: Easingwold 14085 1.62 0.78 0.43 0.16 2.30 Overall 84111 1.35 0.73 0.21 0.20 2.10 Future Open Space (ha per 1000 Population) 2021 Area 1: Stokesley 19,424 0.81 0.57 0.26 0.33 2.38 Area 2: Northallerton 26,505 1.13 0.57 0.08 0.02 1.69 Area 3: Bedale 14,101 0.89 0.99 0.28 0.24 1.56 Area 4: Thirsk 20,380 1.58 0.49 0.05 0.19 1.53 Area 5: Easingwold 16,261 1.40 0.68 0.37 0.14 1.99 Overall 96,671 1.17 0.63 0.19 0.17 1.83 Consultation (%) About Right 57 34 8 16 Nearly Enough 11 15 6 7

Quantity Calculations Quantity Not Enough 21 36 65 31


Balance (number not ha) (number not ha) Area 1: Stokesley -8.17 -1.81 0.67 3.04 Area 2: Northallerton -1.63 -1.87 -3.70 -3.93 Standard set for broad Area 3: Bedale -4.75 4.70 0.86 0.83 planning need only - application for sur/def Area 4: Thirsk 8.26 -2.84 -3.34 0.50 would be meaningless Area 5: Easingwold 3.37 0.58 2.48 -0.52 Overall -2.91 -1.24 -3.03 -0.08 Future Balance

Area 1: Stokesley -11.09 -3.37 0.14 2.62 Area 2: Northallerton -6.74 -4.61 -4.63 -4.67 Standard set for broad Area 3: Bedale -6.87 3.57 0.47 0.52 planning need only - application for sur/def Area 4: Thirsk 4.08 -5.08 -4.10 -0.11 would be meaningless Area 5: Easingwold 0.37 -1.03 1.93 -0.95 Overall -20.25 -10.54 -6.17 -2.59







Green Spaces, Better Places - The Final Report of the Urban Green Spaces Taskforce, DTLR (2002)

The main messages to emerge from Green Spaces, Better Places are:

• urban parks and open spaces remain popular, despite a decline in the quality as well as quantitative elements • open spaces make an important contribution to the quality of life in many areas and help to deliver wider social, economic and environmental benefits • planners and planning mechanisms need to take better account of the need for parks and open spaces including related management and maintenance issues • parks and open spaces should be central to any vision of sustainable modern towns and cities • strong civic and local pride and responsibility are necessary to achieve the vision reinforced by a successful green spaces strategy • there is a need for a more co-ordinated approach at the national level to guide local strategies. Living Places: Cleaner, Safer, Greener ODPM (October 2002)

The Government stated that parks and green spaces need more visible champions and clearer structures for co-ordinating policy and action better at all levels.

Several existing national bodies have responsibilities or programmes with impact on various aspects of urban green spaces including English Heritage, Sport , Groundwork, English Nature, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), the Countryside Agency and the Forestry Commission.

Instead of setting up a new body, the Government stated it would take action on three levels to improve co-ordination of policy and action for urban parks and green spaces. It will:

• provide a clearer national policy framework • invite CABE to set up a new unit for urban spaces (CABE Space) • encourage a strategic partnership to support the work of the new unit and inform national policy and local delivery.


Improving urban parks, play areas and green space, DTLR (May 2002)

In May 2002 the DTLR produced this linked research report to Green Spaces, Better Places which looked at patterns of use, barriers to open space and the wider role of open space in urban regeneration.

The vital importance of parks and other urban green spaces in enhancing the urban environment and the quality of city life has been recognised in both the Urban Taskforce report and the Urban White Paper.

Wider Value of Open Space

There are clear links demonstrating how parks and other green spaces meet wider council policy objectives linked to other agendas, like education, diversity, health, safety, environment, jobs and regeneration can help raise the political profile and commitment of an authority to green space issues. In particular they:

• contribute significantly to social inclusion because they are free and accessible to all • can become a centre of community spirit • contribute to child development through scope for outdoor, energetic and imaginative play • offer numerous educational opportunities • provide a range of health, environmental and economic benefits.

The report also highlights major issues in the management, funding and integration of open spaces into the wider context of urban renewal and planning:

Community Involvement - Community involvement in local parks can lead to increased use, enhancement of quality and richness of experience and, in particular, can ensure that the facilities are suited to local needs.

Resources - The acknowledged decline in the quality of care of the urban green space resource in England can be linked to declining local authority green space budgets but in terms of different external sources for capital development, the Heritage Lottery Fund and Section 106 Agreements are seen as the most valuable.

Partnerships - between a local authority and community groups, funding agencies and business can result in significant added value, both in terms of finances and quality of green space.

Urban Renewal - Four levels of integration of urban green space into urban renewal can be identified, characterised by an increasing strategic synergy between environment, economy and community. They are:


• attracting inward economic investment through the provision of attractive urban landscapes • unforeseen spin-offs from grassroots green space initiatives • parks as flagships in neighbourhood renewal • strategic, multi-agency area based regeneration, linking environment and economy. Sport England

Planning for Open Space, Sport England (Sept 2002)

The main messages from Sport England within this document are:

• Sport England’s policy on planning applications for development of playing fields (A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England) provides 5 exceptions to its normal stance of opposing any loss of all or part of such facilities and are reflected in PPG 17 (paragraphs 10-15) • Sport England must be consulted on development proposals affecting playing fields at any time in the previous 5 years or is identified as a playing field in a development plan • it is highly likely that planning inspectors will no longer accept a Six Acre Standard approach in emerging development plans and therefore increasing the importance of setting local standards • in undertaking a playing pitch assessment as part of an overall open space assessment, local authorities will need to consider the revised advice and methodology ‘Towards a Level Playing Field: A manual for the production of Playing Pitch Strategies’. A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England / Playing Fields for Sport Revisited, Sport England (2000)

These documents provide Sport England’s planning policy statement on playing fields. It acknowledges that playing fields:

• are one of the most important resources for sport in England as they provide the space which is required for the playing of team sports on outdoor pitches • as open space particularly in urban areas are becoming an increasingly scarce resource • can provide an important landscape function, perform the function of a strategic gap or provide a resource for other community activities and informal recreation.


CABE Space

CABE Space is part of the Commission for the Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and is publicly funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). CABE Space aims : “to bring excellence to the design, management and maintenance of parks and public space in towns and cities.”

Through their work, they encourage people to think holistically about green space, and what it means for the health and well being of communities, routes to school and work, and recreation through play and sport. Their ultimate goal is to ensure that people in England have easy access to well designed and well looked after public space.

Lessons learnt for some of CABE Space’s case studies include:

• strategic vision is essential • political commitment is essential • think long-term • start by making the case for high quality green spaces in-house (persuading other departments is key – high priority) • a need to market parks and green spaces • a need to manage resources more efficiently • work with others - projects are partnerships • keep good records: monitor investments and outcomes • consult widely and get public support for your work

Green Space Strategies – a good practice guide CABE Space (May 2004) The guidance draws on the principles of the Government’s Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 and will help contribute to national objectives for better public spaces, focusing on three broad stages in producing a green space strategy.

• Stage 1: Preliminary activities - provides the foundation of a successful strategy

• Stage 2: Information gathering and analysis - provides the objective and subjective data necessary to make informed judgements

• Stage 3: Strategy production - preparing g consultation draft and final strategy drawing on consultation responses


The document demonstrates why a green space strategy is important and the potential opportunity and benefits that it can provide, including:

• reinforcing local identity and enhancing the physical character of an area, so shaping existing and future development • maintaining the visual amenity and increasing the attractiveness of a locality to create a sense of civic pride • securing external funding and focusing capital and revenue expenditure cost- effectively • improving physical and social inclusion including accessibility, particularly for young, disabled and older people • protecting and enhancing levels of biodiversity and ecological habitats

Is the grass greener…? Learning from the international innovations in urban green space management, CABE Space (July 2004) This is an international perspective using examples of good and bad practice that demonstrate the many issues common to English local authorities that international cities also face and providing practical solutions that have combat the problems overseas.

The guide focuses in particular on aspects of management and maintenance practice, providing a series of challenging and inspiring solutions to common issues that are not dissimilar to current English practice.

The problem in England!

The document describes the problems faced by green space and how English towns and cities are often criticised for:

• being poorly maintained – uncoordinated development and maintenance activities • being insecure – the hostile nature of many green spaces • lacking a coherent approach to their management – conflicting interventions by a multitude of agencies, without clear overall responsibility • offering little to their users – lacking in facilities and amenities and being a haven for anti-social behaviour • being poorly designed – unwelcoming to people, created with poor quality materials Manifesto for better public spaces, CABE Space (2003)

There is huge national demand for better quality parks and public spaces. Surveys repeatedly show how much the public values them, while research reveals how closely the quality of public spaces links to levels of health, crime and the quality of life in every neighbourhood. CABE Space ‘manifesto for better public spaces’ explains the 10 things we must do to achieve this:


1) ensure that creating and caring for well-designed parks, streets and other public spaces is a national and local political priority 2) encourage people of all ages – including children, young people and retired people – to play and active role in deciding what our parks and public spaces should be like and how they should be looked after 3) ensure that everyone understands the importance of good design to the vitality of our cities, towns and suburbs and that designers, planners and managers all have the right skills to create high quality public spaces 4) ensure that the care of parks and public spaces is acknowledged to be an essential service 5) work to increase public debate about the issue of risk in outside spaces, and will encourage people to make decisions that give more weight to the benefits of interesting spaces, rather than to the perceived risks 6) work to ensure that national and local health policy recognises the role of high quality parks and public space in helping people to become physically active, to recover from illness, and to increase their general health and well-being 7) work to ensure that good paths and seating, play opportunities, signs in local languages, cultural events and art are understood to be essential elements of great places – not optional extras that can be cut from the budget 8) encourage people who are designing and managing parks and public spaces to protect and enhance biodiversity and to promote its enjoyment to local people 9) seek to ensure that public spaces feel safe to use by encouraging councils to adopt a positive approach to crime prevention through investment in good design and management of the whole network or urban green spaces 10) encourage people from all sectors of the community to give time to improving their local environment. If we work together we can transform our public spaces and help to improve everyone’s quality of life.

The Value of Public Space, CABE Space (March 2004)

CABE Space market how high quality parks and public spaces create economic, social and environmental value, as well as being beneficial to physical and mental health, children and young people and a variety of other external issues. Specific examples are used to illustrate the benefits and highlight the issues arising on the value of public space :


(a) The economic value of public spaces - A high quality public environment is an essential part of any regeneration strategy and can impact positively on the local economy. For example - property prices

(b) The impact on physical and mental health - Research has shown that well maintained public spaces can help to improve physical and mental health encouraging more people to become active

(c) Benefits and children and young people - Good quality public spaces encourage children to play freely outdoors and experience the natural environment, providing children with opportunities for fun, exercise and learning

(d) Reducing crime and fear of crime - Better management of public spaces can help to reduce crime rates and help to allay fears of crime, especially in open spaces

(e) Social dimension of public space - Well-designed and maintained open spaces can help bring communities together, providing meeting places in the right context and fostering social ties

(f) Movement in and between spaces - One of the fundamental functions of public space is to allow people to move around with the challenge of reconciling the needs of different modes of transport

(g) Value from biodiversity and nature - Public spaces and gardens helps to bring important environmental benefits to urban areas, as well as providing an opportunity for people to be close to nature. A Guide to Producing Park and Green Space Management Plans, CABE Space (May 2004) A primary intention of the guide is to encourage wider use of management plans by dispelling the myth that the creation of a site management plan is an exceptionally difficult task that can be undertaken only by an expert.

The guide presents ideas on benefits of management plans identifying steps to be taken to writing the plan. It also provides a list of subject areas that need to be addressed in any comprehensive management plan. The document has been split into two sections, providing a logical explanation of the management process:

Part 1: Planning the plan

• the who, what, when, where and how questions that may arise in the preparation of a park and green space management plan.

Part 2: Content and structure of the plan

• what information needs to be contained in the final management plan and how should that information be presented?


Decent parks? Decent behaviour? – The link between the quality of parks and user behaviour, CABE space (May 2005) Based on research that supports public consultation that poor maintenance of parks, in turn, attracts anti-social behaviour. Encouragingly it provides examples of places where a combination of good design, management and maintenance has transformed no-go areas back into popular community spaces.

There are nine case studies explored in the report. Below are some of the key elements that have made these parks a better place to be:

• take advantage of the potential for buildings within parks for natural surveillance e.g. from cafes, flats offices • involve the community early in the process and continually • involve ‘problem’ groups as part of the solution where possible and work hard to avoid single group dominance in the park • provide activities and facilities to ensure young people feel a sense of ownership. Address young peoples fear of crime as well as that if adults The evidence in this report suggests that parks were in decline and failing to meet customer expectations long before anti-social behaviour started to become the dominant characteristic, however by investing and creating good-quality parks and green spaces, which are staffed and provide a range of attractive facilities for the local community, can be an effective use of resource.

Improving access to the countryside: Planning bulletin 17, Sport England (2006)

In October 2005 new access to the countryside rights allowed walkers in the West Midlands and the East of England to join their counterparts in the rest of England enjoying open access rights on areas of mountain, moor, heath and down.

The countryside offers a range of benefits to people’s quality of life, health and well being. It offers the opportunity for fresh air, to enjoy scenery, healthy exercise, adventure, recreation and appreciation of nature.

Walking has formed the cornerstone of recent campaigns to encourage people to be more active, including Everyday Sport by Sport England, developing the 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise as recommended by health experts.

Exclusions to access exist to protect the natural environment, it is important to evaluate whether recent changes in legislation and the promotion of a new approach will provide the necessary momentum for resolving wider recreational issues in the countryside.


Planning for play: Guidance on the development and implementation of a local play strategy, National Children’s Bureau and Big Lottery Fund (2006)

‘Planning for play’ outlines the importance of adequate play opportunities for children and young people. Play is of fundamental importance for children and young people’s health and well-being, their relationships, their development and their learning. Evidence is emerging that increased opportunity for free play is the most effective way of encouraging children to get the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-intense physical activity per day. A range of increasing health problems are associated with decreased play opportunities. The document sets out advice on how to develop a local play strategy, which is reflective of the PPG17 process.






Quality benchmarking


The quality standards set as part of the study are intended as an aspirational vision, that reflects what the community wants. The vision should be applied to existing open spaces but also to provide a benchmark when designing and creating new areas of open space.


Site assessment benchmark The site assessment matrices completed for the open spaces across the District of Hambleton provide a score for quality, site access and an assessment of any wider benefits such as educational benefits.

The quality scores are broken down to reflect the factors of: - cleanliness and maintenance, - security and safety, - vegetation and - ancillary accommodation.

These scores are then weighted to reflect the importance of the factors.

These scores are then translated into a percentage. Where the site assessor considered a particular factor to be “not applicable”, the percentage does not take account of this factor and is therefore not biased by these factors.

For example, Score Score with Percentage weighting Cleanliness and maintenance 4 12 Security and safety 3 6 Vegetation 3 9 Ancillary accommodation 3 6 Total 13 33 66%

By using the percentage score, the quality of sites can be benchmarked against each other and against the site assessment matrix to provide a ranking of the quality of sites. This translates to:

Percentage Score Rating Details Score Band 90% - 100% Very good/excellent 70% - 90% Good (All factors good – 80%) 50% - 70% Average All factors average (60%) 30% - 50% Poor All factors poor (40%) 0% - 30% Very poor All factors very poor (20%)


Sites will be ranked within the typology chapters in the main report (sections 4 - 7). Both the total score and percentage for each site is also included within Appendix C. Refer to the database for a further breakdown of the score for each site.

Quality Vision benchmark

An aspirational quality vision benchmark can also be set linking to the quality vision for each typology. The following method sets appropriate scores for each factor of the site assessments drawing out the areas of importance identified through the quality vision. An overall aspirational quality vision percentage can then be set.

Amenity Green Space

LOCAL PARKS - "A welcoming, clean and litter free site providing a one-stop community facility which is accessible to all and has a range of leisure, recreational and enriched play opportunities for an appropriate range of ages. Parks and gardens should be well maintained, providing bio-diversity, varied vegetation, clear pathways, appropriate lighting and ancillary accommodation (including seating, toilets and litter bins) and well-signed to and within the site. Sites should be safe and secure, well managed and provide links to the surrounding green infrastructure.” MARKET TOWN AMENITY SPACE “A clean and well-maintained greenspace site. Sites should have appropriate ancillary furniture (dog and litter bins etc), pathways and landscaping in the right places providing a safe secure site with spacious outlook which enhances the appearance of the local environment. Larger sites should be suitable for informal play opportunities and should be enhanced to encourage the site to become a community focus.”

Quality scores

Expected Important elements Score (bold italics are taken from quality vision) Cleanliness & 5 - a welcoming, clean and litter free site maintenance - well maintained - well-kept, clean and litter free site are highest rated aspirations (household survey) - crucial elements of Green Flag Award Status. - more residents (65%) had experienced problems with vandalism and graffiti than those who had experienced no problems Safety and 5 - adequate lighting Security - clear pathways - safe and secure - safety and security should be maintained at a high level regardless of the location of open space. - as larger focal areas of open space (such as local parks) it is particularly important that they are safe and secure Vegetation 3 - provide biodiversity - varied vegetation - flowers, trees and shrubs were rated within the highest rated aspirations Ancillary 3 - ancillary accommodation (including seating, Accommodation toilets and litter bins)


Quality Vision Percentage: 80%

Provision for children

“A site specifically for children providing a mix of well-maintained formal equipment and enriched play environment in a safe and secure convenient location which is accessible to all. The site should have clear boundaries, be clean, litter and dog free and be appropriately lit. Sites should have clear boundaries and also comply with appropriate national guidelines for design and safety whilst safeguard residential amenity of neighbouring land users"

Quality scores

Expected Important elements Score (bold italics are taken from quality vision) Cleanliness & 5 - clean, litter and dog free maintenance - well-maintained formal equipment - clean and litter free was the highest rated aspiration (household survey) - Over 60% of regular users have experienced either minor or significant problems in relation to vandalism and graffiti and litter problems - Safety and 4 - safe and secure Security - convenient location - appropriate lighting - The most important factors in ensuring that these sites are safe are believed to be reputation, adequate lighting and other users - safety and security should be maintained at a high level regardless of the location of open space. In addition, play facilities need to be safe for young children Vegetation 3 - clear boundaries - planting is not a particular requirement for play areas although can enhance the visual attractiveness and help define the extent of the area. Ancillary 4 - seating is an important element of play areas in Accommodation case parents want to supervise their children.

Quality Vision Percentage: 80%


Provision for young people

‘A site providing a robust yet imaginative play environment for older children in a safe, secure location that promotes a sense of ownership and is accessible to all. The site should include clean, litter and dog free areas for more informal play and areas of shelter (with seating) and where appropriate sites should be well lit.

Quality scores

Expected Important elements Score (bold italics are taken from quality vision) Cleanliness & 5 - clean, litter and dog free areas maintenance - Clean and litter free is the highest rated aspirations from the household survey - But currently, 88% of regular users think dog fouling is a problem. Safety and 4 - safe and secure location Security - well lit - safety and security should be maintained at a high level regardless of the location of open space. Vegetation 3 - planting is not a particular requirement for young people areas although can enhance the visual attractiveness, particularly where play areas form part of a wider open space area. Ancillary 4 - areas of shelter with seating Accommodation - Consultant highlighted the importance of not only formal play formal but more informal areas to meet friends

Quality Vision Percentage: 80%


Outdoor sports facilities

‘A well-planned, clean, litter and dog fouling free sports facility site, with level and well- drained good quality surfaces with appropriate good quality ancillary accommodation including changing accommodation, toilets and car parking . The site should have appropriate management ensuring community safety and include lighting and the use of mobile CCTV where appropriate to address anti-social behaviour.’

Expected Important elements Score (bold italics are taken from quality vision) Cleanliness & 4 - well planned and clean maintenance - litter and dog free - clean and litter free and well kept grass were the highest rated aspirations (household survey) - a well maintained sports facility is essential for maximizing usage Safety and 4 - community safety Security - use of mobile CCTV cameras where appropriate - appropriate lighting - safety and security should be maintained at a high level regardless of the location of open space - safety factors considered appropriate for outdoor sports facilities included adequate lighting and CCTV including reputation of the area (taken from the household survey) Vegetation 3 - good quality pitches - planting is not a particular requirement for outdoor sports facilities although can enhance the visual attractiveness. Ancillary 4 - good quality ancillary accommodation Accommodation including toilets, car parking, litter and dog- fouling bins - parking facilities and toilet provision (household survey) and are an important element to this type of facility

Quality Vision Percentage: 74%



‘A clean and well-kept site that encourages sustainable development, bio-diversity, healthy living and education objectives with appropriate ancillary facilities (eg litter bins) to meet local needs, clearly marked pathways and good quality soils. The site should be spacious providing appropriate access and clear boundaries.’

Expected Important elements Score (bold italics are taken from quality vision) Cleanliness & 4 - clean and well-kept site maintenance - poorly maintained allotment sites can create visually unattractive areas - clean and litter free was a key aspiration of regular users of allotments (household survey)

Safety and 3 - marked pathways Security - appropriate access and clear boundaries - safety and security should be maintained at a high level regardless of the location of open space.

Vegetation 4 - good quality soils - encourages bio-diversity - it is not appropriate to provide vegetation and grass coverage on allotments sites as each plot will be the responsibility of the plot holder. However the edge of sites should be well maintained.

Ancillary 3 - with appropriate ancillary facilities to meet Accommodation local needs (including litter bins) - ancillary accommodation will be important in terms of seating, litter bins and storage facilities.

Quality Vision Percentage: 72%