A New Species of North American Tarantula , Aphonopelma Paloma (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae )
1992. The Journal of Arachnology 20 :189—199 A NEW SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN TARANTULA , APHONOPELMA PALOMA (ARANEAE, MYGALOMORPHAE, THERAPHOSIDAE ) Thomas R. Prentice: Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside , California 92521, US A ABSTRACT. Aphonopelma paloma new species, is distinguished from all other North American tarantula s by its unusually small size and presence of setae partially or completely dividing the scopula of tarsus IV i n both sexes. Both sexes also are characterized by a general reduction of the scopula on metatarsus IV . Males are characterized by a swollen third femur . In 1939 and 1940 R. V. Chamberlin and W. with anterior and posterior edges in the same Ivie described almost all of the currently recog- plane. All ink drawings except femora were aide d nized North American theraphosid spiders . De- by a camera lucida. Palpal bulb and seminal re- spite the acknowledged significance of their work , ceptacles were cleared in 10% NaOH (for 12 hr. it is difficult to apply Chamberlin's keys wit h at 50 °C.) prior to illustration . Scanning electron much success even in dealing with specimen s micrographs were taken with a JEOL JSM C35 . from type localities, primarily because their small Abbreviations for eyes are standard for Araneae. sample sizes did not allow variational assess- For leg spination, abbreviations are as follows : ment. Eleven of these species descriptions were a = apical, b = basal, d = dorsal, e = preapical, based on single males, five on single females, an d L = left, m = medial, p = prolateral direction, r three on two males each (Chamberlin & Ivie 1939; = retrolateral direction, R = right, usu .
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