
US009 107824B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,107,824 B2 Pilkiewicz et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 18, 2015

(54) METHODS OF TREATING CANCER WITH (58) Field of Classification Search HIGH POTENCY LIPID-BASED PLATINUM None COMPOUND FORMULATIONS See application file for complete search history. ADMINISTERED INTRAPERITONEALLY (75) Inventors: Frank G. Pilkiewicz, Princeton (56) References Cited Junction, NJ (US); Roman Perez-Soler, New York, NY (US): Yiyu Zou, Bronx, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS NY (US); Walter R. Perkins, 3,993,754 A 11/1976 Rahman et al. Pennington, NJ (US); Jin K. Lee, Belle 8/1978 Lundquist Mead, NJ (US); Vladimir Malinin, 4,105,027 A Plainsboro, NJ (US) (Continued) (73) Assignee: Insmed Incorporated, Bridgewater, NJ FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 1088777 T 1994 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O551169 7, 1993 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1194 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 12/122,191 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: May 16, 2008 Office Action for Australian ApplicationNo. 2003302314, dated May (Under 37 CFR 1.47) 26, 2008, 2 pages. (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data US 2009/O 130193 A1 May 21, 2009 Primary Examiner — Bethany Barham Related U.S. Application Data Assistant Examiner — Barbara Frazier (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/592,754, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Cooley LLP filed on Nov. 3, 2006, now abandoned. (60) Provisional application No. 60/734,474, filed on Nov. (57) ABSTRACT 8, 2005. One aspect of the invention relates to methods of treating cancer in a patient comprising administering intraperito (51) Int. Cl. neally to a patient in need thereof a cancer treating effective A 6LX 9/27 (2006.01) amount of a composition comprising a lipid-complexed plati A6 IK 9/16 (2006.01) num compound wherein the concentration of the platinum A6 IK9/00 (2006.01) compound of the lipid-complexed platinum compound com (Continued) position is greater than about 1.2 mg/ml. Another aspect of the (52) U.S. Cl. invention relates to lipid-complexed platinum compound CPC ...... A6IK 9/127 (2013.01); A61 K9/0019 compositions where the concentration of the platinum com (2013.01); A61 K9/1617 (2013.01); A61 K pound is greater than about 1.2 mg/ml. 3I/282 (2013.01); A61 K3I/555 (2013.01); A6 IK33/24 (2013.01) 31 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets

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Figure 1

Dose (kg)

ICRImica F6-8w S-20 mice dose. ip, injection.

DO LDSO D9D CDDP 9.9 4.3 2O. 4COOP 22d 29.5 33.9 U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 2 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 2


: lipid-based cisplatin -ip

free cisplatin - up

O 5 O 15 O 25 3D 35 40 45 50 time (hrs) U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 3 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 3



s 2 4. 3. U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 4 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 4



O s 2. 2. O U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 5 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 5

Liver levels of Pt


8 lipid-based cisplatin IP

7 -

6 au



3. - cisplatin IP 2

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 time (hrs.) U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 6 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 6

Lung Pt levels



1OOOO lipid-based cisplatin IP


4000 cisplatin IP 2000

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 time (hrs.) U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 7 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 7


spleen Pt levels




300000 lipid-based cisplatin 250000


: 150000

OOOOO 50000 free cisplatin

time (hr.) U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 8 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 8

lipid-based cisplatin -ip

free cisplatin - ip

O 1D 2O 3O 40 50 5D tim (r. U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 9 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 9 U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 10 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 10

-{X - No treat - A - CDDPip

80 -O- L-CDDPip

6 O

4 O

2 O

150 U.S. Patent Aug. 18, 2015 Sheet 11 of 11 US 9,107,824 B2

Figure 11


-- Cisplatin 0.75 -- Lipid based cisplatin -O-COWe?tional Cisplatin lipOSOmes 0.50 R O,25

O 10 15 2 25 Days after IP injection of L1210 Cells US 9,107,824 B2 1. 2 METHODS OF TREATING CANCER WITH Like other cancer chemotherapeutic agents, active plati HIGH POTENCY LPD-BASED PLATINUM num compounds such as cisplatin are typically highly toxic. COMPOUND FORMULATIONS The main disadvantages of cisplatin are its extreme nephro ADMINISTERED INTRAPERITONEALLY toxicity, which is the main dose-limiting factor, its rapid excretion via the kidneys, with a circulation halflife of only a RELATED APPLICATIONS few minutes, and its strong affinity to plasma proteins (Freise, et al., 1982 Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther. 258(2): 180-192). This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent Attempts to minimize the toxicity of active platinum com application Ser. No. 1 1/592,754, filed on Nov. 3, 2006, now pounds have included combination chemotherapy, synthesis abandoned, which claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Pro 10 of analogues (Prestayko et al., 1979 Cancer Treat Rev. 6(1): visional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/734,474, filed Nov. 8, 17-39; Weiss, et al., 1993 Drugs. 46(3): 360-377), immuno 2005, and which are both hereby incorporated by reference in therapy and entrapment in liposomes (Sur, et al., 1983; Weiss, their entirety. et al., 1993). Antineoplastic agents, including cisplatin, entrapped in liposomes have a reduced toxicity, relative to the INTRODUCTION 15 agent in free form, while retaining antitumor activity (Steer enberg, et al., 1987: Weiss, et al., 1993). Parenteral routes of administration involve injections into Cisplatin, however, is difficult to efficiently entrap in lipo various compartments of the body. Parenteral routes include Somes or lipid complexes because of the bioactive agents low intravenous (iv), i.e. administration directly into the vascular aqueous solubility, approximately 1.0 mg/ml at room tem system through a vein; intra-arterial (ia), i.e. administration perature, and low lipophilicity, both of which properties con directly into the vascular system through an artery; intraperi tribute to a low bioactive agent/lipid ratio. toneal (ip), i.e. administration into the abdominal cavity; Sub Liposomes and lipid complexes containing cisplatin Suffer cutaneous (Sc), i.e. administration under the skin; intramus from another problem—stability of the composition. In par cular (im), i.e. administration into a muscle; and intradermal ticular, maintenance of bioactive agent potency and retention (id), i.e. administration between layers of skin. The parenteral 25 of the bioactive agent in the liposome during storage are route is preferred over oral ones in many occurrences. For recognized problems (Freise, et al., 1982: Gondal, et al., example, when the drug to be administered would partially or 1993; Potkul, et al., 1991 Am J Obstet. Gynecol. 164(2): totally degrade in the gastrointestinal tract, parenteral admin 652-658; Steerenberg, et al., 1988; Weiss, et al., 1993) and a istration is preferred. Similarly, where there is need for rapid limited shelf life of liposomes containing cisplatin, on the response in emergency cases, parenteral administration is 30 order of several weeks at 4°C., has been reported (Gondal, et usually preferred over oral. al., 1993 Eur J. Cancer. 29A(11): 1536-1542; Potkul, et al., Regional delivery of chemotherapy into the peritoneal 1991). space via ip administration has been found to be a safe and Alberts et al. have shown that as compared with iv cispl effective treatment for locally recurrent cancers such as, for atin, ip cisplatin significantly improves Survival and has sig example, ovarian and colon cancers. 35 nificantly fewer toxic effects in patients with stage III ovarian The concept of the intraperitoneal administration of anti cancer and residual tumor masses of 2 cm or less. Alberts D. neoplastic agents in the management of cancers such as ova S. et al., New England Journal of Medicine, 1996, 335(26), rian cancer has attracted the interest of numerous investiga 1950-5. However, ip cisplatin has several disadvantages such tors. In fact, alkylating agents, the first cytotoxic drugs to be as no improvement in nephrotoxicity which is the dose-lim introduced into clinical practice, were initially examined for 40 iting toxicity. intraperitoneal delivery in the early 1950s. Markman M., Additionally, both preclinical and clinical data have firmly Cancer Treat Rev., 1986, 13, 219-242. established that any benefits associated with employing the However, it was not until the late 1970s that both the intraperitoneal route of drug delivery in the treatment of ova problems and potential of regional drug administration in the rian cancer are limited to a relatively well-defined small sub treatment of ovarian cancer began to be thoroughly explored. 45 set of patients with this malignancy. Markman M., Cancer Markman M., Cancer Treat Rev., 1986, 13,219-242; Mark Treat Rev., 1986, 13,219-242; Markman M., Semin. Oncol., man M., Semin. Oncol., 1991, 18(suppl 3), 248-254. An 1991, 18(suppl 3), 248-254; Markman M. Reichman B, important event in the development of a rational strategy for Hakes T et al., J. Clin. Oncol., 1991, 9, 1801-1805. For the examination of intraperitoneal drug delivery was the pub example, in a series of patients treated at the Memorial Sloan lication of a now-classic paper by Dedrick et al., from the 50 Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) with combination cispl National Cancer Institute where, for the first time, a sound atin-based therapy as salvage treatment of advanced ovarian pharmacokinetic rationale for this approach in the manage cancer, 32% (17/50) of individuals whose largest residual ment of ovarian cancer was presented. Dedrick RL, Myers C tumor mass measured s1 cm in maximum diameter at the E. Bungay PM et al., Cancer Treat. Rep., 1978, 62, 1-9. initiation of ip therapy achieved a Surgically documented Cisplatin-cis-diamine-dichloroplatinum (II) is one of 55 complete response, compared to only 5% (2/39) of patients the more effective anti-tumor agents used in the systemic with at least one tumor mass >1 cm in maximum diameter. treatment of cancers. This chemotherapeutic drug is highly Markman M, Reichman B, Hakes T. et al., J. Clin. Oncol., effective in the treatment of tumor models in laboratory ani 1991, 9, 1801-1805. Clearly more is needed than just direct mals and in human tumors. Such as endometrial, bladder, routes of administration to overcome the increasingly delete ovarian and testicular neoplasms, as well as Squamous cell 60 rious effects of cancer. carcinoma of the head and neck (Sur, et al., 1983. Oncology In addition to cisplatin, a number of other antineoplastic 40(5): 372-376; Steerenberg, et al., 1988 Cancer Chemother agents have been examined for safety and potential efficacy Pharmacol. 21(4): 299-307). Cisplatin is also used exten when delivered by the ip route as salvage treatment of ovarian sively in the treatment of lung carcinoma, both SCLC and cancer. These include carboplatin, paclitaxel, , NSCLC (Schiller et al., 2001 Oncology 61 (Suppl 1): 3-13). 65 doxorubicin, mitomycin-C, 5-fluorouracil, , Other active platinum compounds (defined below) are useful , recombinant interferon-C, recombinant interferon in cancer treatment. Y, interleukin 2 and tumor necrosis factor. Markman M., Can US 9,107,824 B2 3 4 cer Treat Rev., 1986, 13, 219-242; Markman M., Semin. In a further embodiment the platinum compound concentra Oncol., 1991, 18(suppl 3), 248-254; Markman M. Reichman tion is about 5 mg/ml. B, Hakes Tet al., J. Clin. Oncol., 1991, 9, 1801-1805; Mark Inafurther embodiment the present invention relates to the man M., Regional antineoplastic drug delivery in the man aforementioned method, wherein the cancer is selected from agement of malignant disease. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins the following: melanoma, testis (germ cell), osteosarcoma, University Press, 1991; Berek J. S., Markman M., Int. J. Soft tissue sarcoma, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, ovarian Gynecol. Cancer, 1992, 1, 26-29; Markman M. Berek J. S., cancer, cancer of the kidney, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer, 1992, 1, 30-34; Alberts D. S., Liu P. prostate cancer, bladder cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer, Y., Hannigan E. V. et al., Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol., 1995, stomach cancer, liver cancer, spleen cancer, endometrial, or 14,273a; Rowinsky E. K. Donehower R. C., N. Engl.J.Med., 10 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. In a further 1995,332, 1004-1014. Combination regimens have also been explored. embodiment the cancer is ovarian or colon cancer. Despite the advances made with ip administration of plati Inafurther embodiment the present invention relates to the num compounds, the dose limiting toxicity and low drug level aforementioned method, wherein the patient is a human. In a in targeted tissues of platinum compounds make most thera 15 further embodiment, the composition comprising a lipid pies fail to improve patients life-expectancy. It would be complexed platinum compound is administered to the patient advantageous to develop a platinum compound composition at least once every three weeks. In a further embodiment, the with potency higher than its aqueous solubility limitat room composition is administered to the patient at least twice every temperature. High potency lipid complexed platinum com three weeks. In a further embodiment, the composition is pound compositions would reduce the liquid dose Volume for administered to the patient at least three times every three a given dose, consequently reducing the dosing time (dura weeks. tion). In a further embodiment, the amount of platinum com pound in the composition is 60 mg/m or greater, 100 mg/m SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION or greater, 140 mg/m or greater, or 180 mg/m or greater. In 25 a further embodiment, the amount is 100 mg/m or greater, It is an object of the present invention to provide a method and the composition is administered to the patient at least of treating cancer comprising administering platinum com once every three weeks. pounds as part of a high potency lipid-based composition with These embodiments of the present invention, other lower Sub-acute toxicity, in Some cases by as much as two embodiments, and their features and characteristics, will be times, than when the platinum compound is administered 30 without the lipid-based composition. apparent from the description, drawings and claims that fol It is also an object of the present invention to provide a high low. potency lipid-based platinum compound composition wherein the potency is higher than the aqueous solubility of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the platinum compound at room temperature. 35 It is also an object of the present invention to treat cancer FIG. 1 depicts the large decrease in toxicity of ip adminis using a high potency lipid-based platinum compound com tration of lipid-complexed cisplatin (L-CDDP-ip) as com position to reduce the Volume of composition that has to be pared to ip administration of cisplatin (CDDP-ip). administered to achieve the same level of effectiveness. FIG.2 depicts the increased amount of cisplatin from lipid It is also an object of the present invention to treat cancer by 40 complexed cisplatin in the blood stream when administered introducing platinum compounds as high potency lipid based intraperitoneally as compared to free cisplatin administered compositions regionally to bypass gastrointestinal degrada intraperitoneally. tion that is often associated with oral administration. FIG. 3 depicts the increased amount of cisplatin in the The subject invention results from the realization that high blood stream from lipid-complexed cisplatin when adminis potency lipid-based platinum compound compositions pre 45 tered intraperitoneally as compared to free cisplatin admin sented herein can be effectively administered intraperito istered intraperitoneally. neally. FIG. 4 depicts the increased amount of cisplatin from lipid In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a complexed cisplatin in the kidney as compared to free cispl method of treating cancer in a patient comprising administer atin. ing intraperitoneally to a patient in need thereof a cancer 50 FIG. 5 depicts the higher amount of cisplatin from lipid treating effective amount of a composition comprising a complexed cisplatin in the liver as compared to free cisplatin lipid-complexed active platinum compound, wherein the when administered intraperitoneally. lipid complexed active platinum compound has a lipid to drug FIG. 6 depicts the higher amount of cisplatin from lipid ratio of less than about 1 by weight, e.g. about 0.10 to 1, complexed cisplatin in the lung as compared to free cisplatin wherein the lipid-complexed active platinum compound 55 comprises at least one lipid and at least one active platinum when administered intraperitoneally. compound. FIG.7 depicts the increased amount of cisplatin from lipid In some embodiments, wherein lipid-complexed active complexed cisplatin in the spleen when administered intrap platinum compound has an average Volume-weighted diam eritoneally as compared to free cisplatin administered intra eter of about 0.5 to about 20 microns. 60 peritoneally. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises FIG. 8 depicts the blood/kidney concentration ratio of a liposome. The liposome may comprise at least one lipid, and platinum from lipid-complexed cisplatin administered intra may further comprise at least one active platinum compound. peritoneally and free cisplatin administered intraperitoneally. In some embodiments, the composition administered in the FIG.9 depicts the increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) aforementioned method has a concentration of the platinum 65 levels when free cisplatin is delivered either intravenously or compound greater than about 1.2 mg/ml. In a further embodi intraperitoneally compared to lipid-complexed cisplatin ment the platinum compound concentration is about 3 mg/ml. administered by either method. US 9,107,824 B2 5 6 FIG. 10 depicts the survival rate for mice with implanted amount of a process compatible solvent to form a lipid Sus viable human ovarian cancer cells line SK-OV-ipl after ip pension or solution (preferably a solution) and then adding administration of free cisplatin and lipid-complexed cispl the solution to an aqueous medium containing bioactive atin. agents. Typically a process compatible solvent is one that can FIG. 11 depicts the survival rate for mice with implanted 5 be washed away in a aqueous process Such as dialysis. The viable L1210 tumor cells after ip administration of lipid composition that is cool/warm cycled is preferably formed by complexed cisplatin, non-cyclic temperature cisplatin lipo solvent infusion. Alcohols are preferred as solvents, with Somes, and soluble cisplatin. ethanol being a preferred alcohol. “Ethanol infusion,” is a type of solvent infusion that DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 10 includes dissolving one or more lipids in a small, preferably minimal, amount of ethanol to form a lipid solution and then Definitions adding the Solution to an aqueous medium containing bioac For convenience, before further description of the present tive agents. A “Small amount of Solvent is an amount com invention, certain terms employed in the specification, patible with forming liposomes or lipid complexes in the examples and appended claims are collected here. These defi 15 infusion process. nitions should be read in light of the remainder of the disclo The term “therapeutic agent' is art-recognized and refers Sure and understood as by a person of skill in the art. Unless to any chemical moiety that is a biologically, physiologically, defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used or pharmacologically active Substance that acts locally or herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by a systemically in a Subject. Examples of therapeutic agents, person of ordinary skill in the art. also referred to as “drugs, are described in well-known lit The term “bioavailable' is art-recognized and refers to a erature references such as the Merck Index, the Physicians form of the subject invention that allows for it, or a portion of Desk Reference, and The Pharmacological Basis of Thera the amount administered, to be absorbed by, incorporated to, peutics, and they include, without limitation, medicaments; or otherwise physiologically available to a subject or patient Vitamins; mineral Supplements; Substances used for the treat to whom it is administered. 25 ment, prevention, diagnosis, cure or mitigation of a disease or The term “cancer treating effective amount as used herein illness; substances which affect the structure or function of refers to the amount of lipid-complexed platinum compound the body; or pro-drugs, which become biologically active or composition effective for the treatment of cancer. In one more active after they have been placed in a physiological embodiment the cancer treating effective amount of lipid environment. complexed platinum compound composition is typically 30 The term “therapeutic index' is an art-recognized term about 100 mg/m for ip delivery in a human. which refers to the ratio of a quantitative assessment of tox The term “CDDP” stands for cis diamminedichloroplati icity to a quantitative assessment of efficacy of a drug, e.g. num which is used interchangeably with “cisplatin.” LDs/EDs in the case of animals. The term “LDso is art The term “hydrophobic matrix carrying system’ is a lipid/ recognized and refers to the amount of a given toxic Substance Solvent mixture prepared during the solvent infusion process 35 that will elicit a lethal response in 50% of the test organisms. described below. This is sometimes also referred to as the median lethal dose. The term “intraperitoneal' or “intraperitoneally” or “ip’ as The term “EDso is art recognized and refers to the median used herein refers to administration of a therapeutic agent, effective dose. Such as, for example, an antineoplastic compound. Such as a The term “treating is art-recognized and refers to curing as platinum compound, to the peritoneal cavity of a patient. The 40 well as ameliorating at least one symptom of any condition or term “peritoneal cavity” as used herein refers to the serous disease. membrane lining the abdominopelvic walls and investing the Introduction viscera. Typical human parenteral dosage amounts with current The term “L-CDDP stands for a lipid complexed compo commercial cisplatin solutions (e.g. Platinol from Bristol sition of cis diamminedichloroplatinum and is used inter 45 Myers Squibb) are about 100 mg/m (unit dose) administered changeably with “lipid-complexed cisplatin.” once every 3 weeks intravenously for a single drug therapy. The terms "lipid-complexed platinum compound as used Dose limiting factors include of course unwanted side effects herein refers to a composition comprising a lipid and a plati (e.g. renal toxicity, severe vomiting, etc.). With higher num compound. In some embodiments, the lipid complexed potency platinum compound compositions, it would take less active platinum compound comprises a lipid bilayer, where 50 time to administer the platinum compound solution because the lipid bilayer encapsulates or entraps the platinum com less volume would have to be administered to achieve an pound. Exemplary lipid-complexed platinum compounds are equal amount of platinum compound. For example, a 100 described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/027,752, mg/m dosage with a human body surface of 1.6 to 2 m (for filed Feb. 7, 2008, which is hereby incorporated by reference the sake of this example, lets use 2 m) would require admin in its entirety. 55 istering 200 mg of platinum compound at one time. Using The term “mammal’ is known in the art, and exemplary current commercial cisplatin solutions (1 mg/ml, the solubil mammals include humans, primates, bovines, porcines, ity limit at room temperature) requires infusing 200 ml of canines, felines, and rodents (e.g., mice and rats). cisplatin solution into the body. At 5x the potency (5 mg/ml) A “patient,” “subject” or “host” to be treated by the subject only /s the volume or 40 ml would need to be infused, which method may mean either a human or non-human animal. 60 also means the process would take /$ the amount of time. The term "pharmaceutically-acceptable salts' is art-recog Presented herein are compositions of a platinum com nized and refers to the relatively non-toxic, inorganic and pound that exceed their ordinary solubility limitations of 1 organic acid addition salts of compounds, including, for mg/ml and methods of treating cancer therewith. The greater example, those contained in compositions of the present potency of the platinum compound compositions is achieved invention. 65 by preparing the platinum compound in compositions com The term “solvent infusion' is a process that includes dis prising a lipid-complexed compound. The high potency lipid Solving one or more lipids in a small, preferably minimal, complexed platinum compound compositions of the present US 9,107,824 B2 7 8 invention and methods of treating cancer therewith also ben having substantially equal lamellar solute distribution. This efit from the fact that the lipid-complexed compositions class of liposomes is denominated as stable plurilamellar decrease the Sub-acute toxicity of the platinum compound vesicles (SPLV) as defined in U.S. Pat. No. 4,522,803 to allowing even higher doses of platinum to be administered. Lenk, et al. and includes monophasic vesicles as described in Compositions U.S. Pat. No. 4,588,578 to Fountain, et al. and frozen and The lipids used in forming lipid complexes and liposomes thawed multilamellar vesicles (FATMLV) as described for ip delivery of an antineoplastic agent may be synthetic, above. semi-synthetic or naturally-occurring lipids, including phos A variety of sterols and their water soluble derivatives such pholipids, tocopherols, Sterols, fatty acids, glycoproteins as cholesterol hemisuccinate have been used to form lipo Such as albumin, negatively-charged lipids and cationic lip 10 somes; see specifically Janoffet al., U.S. Pat. No. 4.721,612, ids. issued Jan. 26, 1988, entitled “Steroidal Liposomes.” May Liposomes are completely closed lipid bilayer membranes hew et al., PCT Publication No. WO 85/00968, published containing an entrapped aqueous Volume. Liposomes used Mar. 14, 1985, described a method for reducing the toxicity of for the parenteral delivery of an antineoplastic compound drugs by encapsulating them in liposomes comprising alpha may be unilamellar vesicles (possessing a single membrane 15 tocopherol and certain derivatives thereof. Also, a variety of bilayer) or multilamellar vesicles (onion-like structures char tocopherols and their water soluble derivatives have been acterized by multiple membrane bilayers, each separated used to form liposomes, see Janoffet al., PCT Publication No. from the next by an aqueous layer). The bilayer is composed 87/02219, published Apr. 23, 1987, entitled “Alpha Toco of two lipid monolayers having a hydrophobic “tail” region pherol-Based Vesicles”. and a hydrophilic “head region. The structure of the mem Liposomes can also be prepared by the methods disclosed brane bilayer is such that the hydrophobic (nonpolar) “tails in copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/383,004, of the lipid monolayers orient toward the center of the bilayer filed Mar. 5, 2003: Ser. No. 10/634,144, filed Aug. 4, 2003: while the hydrophilic “heads' orient towards the aqueous Ser. No. 10/224.293, filed Aug. 20, 2002; and Ser. No. 10/696, phase. 389, filed Oct. 29, 2003, the specifications of which are incor Liposomes and lipid complexes can be produced by a 25 porated herein in their entirety. variety of methods (for a review, see, e.g., Cullis et al. (1987)). Another method of preparing liposomes or lipid complexes Bangham's procedure (J. Mol. Biol. (1965)) produces ordi is the “solvent infusion' process. Solvent infusion is a process nary multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). Lenk et al. (U.S. Pat. that includes dissolving one or more lipids in a small, prefer Nos. 4.522,803, 5,030,453 and 5,169,637), Fountain et al. ably minimal, amount of a process compatible solvent to form (U.S. Pat. No. 4,588,578) and Cullis et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 30 a lipid suspension or solution (preferably a solution) and then 4.975,282) disclose methods for producing multilamellar adding the Solution to an aqueous medium containing, for liposomes having substantially equal interlamellar solute dis example, platinum compounds. Typically a process compat tribution in each of their aqueous compartments. Paphad ible solvent is one that can be washed away in an aqueous jopoulos et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,235,871, discloses preparation process such as dialysis. The composition that is cool/warm of oligolamellar liposomes by reverse phase evaporation. 35 cycled is preferably formed by solvent infusion, with ethanol Unilamellar vesicles can be produced from MLVs by a infusion being preferred. number of techniques, for example, the extrusion of Cullis et The process for producing lipid-complexed platinum com al. (U.S. Pat. No. 5,008,050) and Loughrey et al. (U.S. Pat. pound compositions may comprise mixing a platinum com No. 5,059,421)). Sonication and homogenization cab be so pound with an appropriate hydrophobic matrix and Subject used to produce Smaller unilamellar liposomes from larger 40 ing the mixture to one or more cycles of two separate liposomes (see, for example, Paphadopoulos et al. (1968); temperatures. The process is believed to form active platinum Deamer and Uster (1983); and Chapman et al. (1968)). compound associations. The original liposome preparation of Bangham et al. (J. In aqueous solution, cisplatin forms large insoluble aggre Mol. Biol., 1965, 13:238-252) involves suspending phospho gates with a diameter of greater than a few microns. In the lipids in an organic solvent which is then evaporated to dry 45 presence of a amphipathic matrix system, such as a lipid ness leaving a phospholipid film on the reaction vessel. Next, bilayer, cisplatin-lipid associations form. For example, the an appropriate amount of aqueous phase is added, the mixture associations may beformed in the internal aqueous space, the is allowed to “swell, and the resulting liposomes which hydrocarbon core region of a lipid bilayer, or the liposome consist of multilamellar vesicles (MLVs) are dispersed by interface or headgroup. During the warming cycle of the mechanical means. This preparation provides the basis for the 50 process, it is believed that cisplatin is returned to solution at a development of the small sonicated unilamellar vesicles greater rate in aqueous regions of the process mixture than described by Papahadjopoulos et al. (Biochim. Biophys, from the lipid-complex. As a result of applying more than one Acta., 1967, 135:624-638), and large unilamellar vesicles. cool/warm cycle, cisplatin accumulates further into the lipid Techniques for producing large unilamellar vesicles complex. Without limiting the invention to the proposed (LUVs). Such as, reverse phase evaporation, infusion proce 55 theory, experimentation indicates that the cisplatin-lipid dures, and detergent dilution, can be used to produce lipo associations cause the immediate Surroundings of the inter Somes. A review of these and other methods for producing facial bilayer region to be more hydrophobic and compact. liposomes may be found in the text Liposomes, Marc Ostro, This results in a high level of entrapment of active platinum ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1983, Chapter 1, the compound as cooling and warming cycles are repeated. pertinent portions of which are incorporated herein by refer 60 The process comprises combining the platinum compound ence. See also Szoka, Jr. et al., (1980, Ann. Rev. Biophys. with a hydrophobic matrix carrying system and cycling the Bioeng., 9:467), the pertinent portions of which are also solution between a warmer and a cooler temperature. Prefer incorporated herein by reference. ably the cycling is performed more than one time. More Other techniques that are used to prepare vesicles include preferably the step is performed two or more times, or three or those that form reverse-phase evaporation vesicles (REV), 65 more times. The cooler temperature portion of cycle can, for Papahadopoulos et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,235,871. Another example, use a temperature from about -25°C. to about 25° class of liposomes that may be used are those characterized as C. More preferably the step uses a temperature from about US 9,107,824 B2 10 -5°C. to about 25°C. or from about 1° C. to about 20° C. For monomer-to-aggregate (crystal) transition temperature (crys manufacturing convenience, and to be sure the desired tem tallizing temperature) by about 20 to 30° C. perature is established, the cooler and warmer steps can be Experimental results strongly indicate that the physical maintained for a period of time, Such as approximately from state of cisplatin is solid (aggregates) or lipid bound since the 5 to 300 minutes or 30 to 60 minutes. The step of warming concentration of cisplatin is much higher than the solubility comprises warming the reaction vessel to from about 4°C. to limit. Results further indicate that process does not require about 70° C. More preferably the step of warming comprises freezing the compositions, but that cooling to temperature heating the reaction vessel to about 45° C. or to about 55° C. higher than the freezing point of water is effective. Results The above temperature ranges are particularly preferred for further indicated that an entrapment efficiency achieved by use with lipid compositions comprising predominantly 10 3-cycles was similar to that achieved by 6-cycles of cooling diphosphatidycholine (DPPC) and cholesterol. and warming cycles, which indicated that 3 cycles of tem Another way to consider the temperature cycling is in perature treatment was sufficient to achieve high levels of terms of the temperature differential between the warmer and active platinum compound entrapment. the cooler steps of the cycle. This temperature differential can 15 Results further indicate that the process can be scaled-up be, for example, about 25°C. or more, such as a differential while increasing process efficiency in entrapping cisplatin. from about 25°C. to about 70° C., preferably a differential Thus, the invention further provides processes that are con from about 40° C. to about 55° C. The temperatures of the ducted to provide an amount adapted for total administration cooler and higher temperature steps are selected on the basis (in appropriate smaller volume increments) of 200 or more of increasing entrapment of active platinum compound. With mLs, 400 or more mLs, or 800 or more mLs. All else being the out being limited to theory, it is believed that it is useful to same, it is believed that the larger production Volumes gen select an upper temperature effective Substantially increase erally achieve increased efficiency over Smaller scale pro the Solubility of active platinum compound in the processed cesses. While such volume is that appropriate for administra mixture. Preferably, the warm step temperature is about 50° tion, it will be recognized that the volume can be reduced for C. or higher. The temperatures can also be selected to be 25 Storage. below and above the transition temperature for a lipid in the Results further indicate that the lipid-complexed cisplatin lipid composition. made by the method of the invention can retain entrapped The temperatures appropriate for the method may, in some cisplatin with minimal leakage for over one year. This is a cases, vary with the lipid composition used in the method, as further demonstration of the uniqueness in the composition, can be determined by ordinary experimentation. The tem 30 peratures of the warming and cooling steps are selected on the indicating that the cisplatin is bound within the liposome basis of increasing entrapment of active platinum compound. structure and not free to readily leak out. Without being limited by any particular theory, it is believed The process of the present invention may further comprise that it is useful to select an upper temperature effective sub separating the components of the product of the aforemen stantially increase the solubility of active platinum compound 35 tioned process. For example, in some embodiments, the pro in the process mixture. During repetitive cooling/heating, cess provides both the aforementioned lipid-complexed bioactive agents are solubilized and crystallized repetitively. active platinum compound and the aforementioned liposome. As soluble drug is cooled, some portion enters complexes In certain embodiments, the portion of the product compris with the lipid while the remainder precipitates. On subse ing the lipid-complexed active platinum compound, referred quent heating, unencapsulated bioactive agent that is crystal 40 to herein as “the heavy fraction' may be separated from the lized becomes soluble again. Importantly, active platinum portion comprising the liposome, referred to herein as “the compound that has been encapsulated in the lipid complex light fraction.” Methods of separating include allowing the Substantially stays in the lipid complex during the heating and heavy product to settle over a period of time, or centrifuging cooling cycling (e.g. it leaks at Such a slow rate that no the product. appreciable amount leaves the lipid complex during the heat 45 The lipid to platinum compound ratio (L/D) seen in the ing phase of this process). lipid-complexed platinum compounds used in the present For example, as the temperature is increased during the invention may be less than about 1 by weight. For example the warming step of the cycle, the active platinum compound, L/D ratio can be about 0.10 to 1 by weight, wherein the Such as cisplatin, dissolves. During the cooling step, the cis lipid-complexed active platinum compound comprises at platin in the aqueous phase precipitates out of Solution to a 50 least one lipid and at least one active platinum compound. In greater extent that the cisplatin associated with the lipid bilay some embodiments, the lipid to drug ratio is about 0.10 to ers, thereby increasing the amount of lipid-associated cispl about 0.50 by weight. In some embodiments, the lipid to drug atin with each heating and cooling cycle. Additionally, solu ratio is about 0.15 to about 0.45 by weight, and in other bility of cisplatin is highly temperature-dependent. Lowering embodiments, the lipid to drug ratio is about 0.20 to 0.40 by 15° in temperature of a cisplatin solution decreases the 55 weight. In some embodiments, the lipid to drug ratio is about soluble concentration by about 50%. In other words, solubil 0.2 by weight. ity limiting concentration increases with increasing tempera The lipid-complexed active platinum compound may have ture by about 3% per degree increase in temperature of aque an average volume-weighted diameter of about 0.5 to about ous cisplatin. In addition, the aggregate (crystal)-to-monomer 20 microns. In some embodiments, the average Volume transition temperature (solubilizing temperature) is higher 60 weighted diameter is about 1 to about 15 microns, or about 2 than the monomer-to-aggregate (crystal) transition tempera to about 10 microns. In other embodiments, the average Vol ture (crystallizing temperature) by about 15 to 20°C. ume-weighted diameter is about 3, 4, 5, or 6 microns. Transplatin Solubility is poorer than cisplatin, but it is also In some embodiments, the concentration of the active plati temperature-dependent. Lowering the temperature by about num compound in the composition is greater than about 1.2 15° C. decreases the soluble concentration of transplatin by 65 mg/mL, for example about 1.2 to about 20 mg/mL. In other about 50%. The aggregate (crystal)-to-monomer transition embodiments, the concentration of the active platinum com temperature (solubilizing temperature) is higher than the pound is about 1.2 to 10 mg/mL, about 1.5 to about 5 mg/mL, US 9,107,824 B2 11 12 about 2.0 to about 4 mg/mL, or about 3.0 to 2.5 mg/mL. In dihydroxoplatinum(IV)). In some embodiments, the active other embodiments, the concentration is about 2, about 3, or platinum compound is cisplatin. about 5 mg/mL. The platinum compounds that may be used in the compo In some embodiments, the composition comprising the sition for the aforementioned method include any compound lipid-complexed active platinum compound further com that exhibits the property of preventing the development, prises a liposome. As explained in greater detail in the maturation, or spread of neoplastic cells. Non-limiting examples below, the liposome comprises at least one lipid. examples of platinum compounds include cisplatin, carbopl The lipid may be the same as or different from the lipid in the atin (diammine(1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)-platinum lipid-complexed active platinum compound. In some (II)), tetraplatin (ormaplatin) (tetrachloro(1.2-cyclohex 10 anediamine-N,N)-platinum(IV)), thioplatin (bis(O- embodiments, the liposome further comprises an active plati ethyldithiocarbonato)platinum(II)), , , num compound, wherein the active platinum compound can , heptaplatin, iproplatin, transplatin, lobaplatin, be the same as or different from the active platinum com cis-aminedichloro(2-methylpyridine) platinum, JM118 (cis pound of the lipid-complexed active platinum compound. amminedichloro (cyclohexylamine)platinum(II)), JM149 The active platinum compound may be entrapped in the lipo 15 (cis-amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine)-trans-dihydroxo SO. platinum(IV)), JM216 (bis-acetato-cis-amminedichloro(cy In some embodiments, the liposomes have an average clohexylamine) platinum(IV)), JM335 (trans-am diameter of about 0.1 to about 1 micron, 0.1 to about 0.5 minedichloro(cyclohexylamine)dihydroxoplatinum(IV)), microns, about 0.2 to about 0.5 microns, or about 0.2 to about and (trans, trans, trans)bis-mu-(hexane-1,6-diamine)-mu 0.3 microns. diamine-platinum(II) bisdiamine(chloro) platinum(II) tet When the lipid composition further comprises a liposome, rachloride. In another embodiment the platinum compound is the lipid-complexed active platinum compound may contain cisplatin. Depending on the environment, cisplatin may exist about 70 to about 100% of the total active platinum com in a cationic aquated form wherein the two negatively charged pound in the composition. In other embodiments, the lipid chloride atoms have been displaced by two neutral water complexed active platinum compound contains about 75 to 25 molecules. Because the aquated form of cisplatin is cationic, about 99%, about 75 to about 95%, or about 80 to about 90% anionic lipids Such as glycerols help to stabilize the lipid of the total active platinum compound in the composition. In complexed composition, but may also hinder release on the Some embodiments, the liposome contains about 0 to about cisplatin. The non-aquated, neutral form of cisplatin is more 30% of the total active platinum compound in the composi difficult to stabilize but has different release kinetics. It is tion. In other embodiments, the liposome may contain about 30 considered an advantage of the present invention that in cer 0.5 to about 25%, about 1 to about 20%, or about 5 to 10% of tain embodiments the lipid-complexed cisplatin composi the total active platinum compound. tions comprise neutral cisplatin and neutral lipids. Because of When the composition further comprises a liposome, the the equilibrium between neutral, non-aquated cisplatin and lipid-complexed active platinum compound may contain cationic, aquated cisplatin, one may favor neutral, non about 0.1 to about 5% of the total lipid in the composition. In 35 aquated cisplatin by preparing a composition with a low pH Some embodiments, the lipid-complexed active platinum and high NaCl concentration. In this embodiment a Substan compound contains about 0.25 to about 3%, or about 0.5 to tial amount of the cationic, aquated form of cisplatin would about 2% of the total lipid. In some embodiments, the lipo not form until the neutral, non-aquated cisplatin was deliv some contains about 75 to about 99.5%, about 80 to about ered into the interior of a cell. 95%, or about 85 to about 95% of the total lipid in the 40 In certain embodiments, the active platinum compound is composition. selected from the group consisting of cisplatin, carboplatin, When present in the composition, the liposome may have a oxaliplatin, iproplatin, tetraplatin, transplatin, JM118 (cis lipid to active platinum compound ratio of about 100:1 to amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine)platinum(II)), JM149 about 400:1 by weight. In other embodiments, the lipid to (cis-amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine)-trans-dihydroxo active platinum compound ratio of the liposome is about 45 platinum(IV)), JM216 (bis-acetato-cis-amminedichloro(cy 200:1 to about 400:1, about 200: to 300:1 about 250:1 to clohexylamine)platinum(IV)) and JM335 (trans-am 300:1 or about 250:1 by weight. minedichloro(cyclohexylamine)dihydroxoplatinum(IV)). In In some embodiments, the composition comprising a lipid Some embodiments, the active platinum compound is cispl complexed active platinum compound and a liposome has an atin, transplatin, carboplatin, or oxaliplatin, while in other active platinum compound concentration of greater than 50 embodiments, the active platinum compound is cisplatin. about 1.2 mg/mL, for example, the concentration may be In other embodiments, other therapeutic agents may be about 1.2 to about 20 mg/mL, about 1.2 to about 10 mg/mL, used with the platinum compounds. The other therapeutic about 1.5 to about 5 mg/mL, about 2.0 to about 4 mg/mL, or agents may have antineoplastic properties. Non-limiting about 3.0 to 2.5 mg/mL. In other embodiments, the concen examples of antineoplastic compounds include , tration is about 2, about 3, or about 5 mg/mL. 55 amethopterin, amirubicin, annamycin, , An “active platinum compound is a compound containing , BCG, benzylguanine, bisantrene, coordinated platinum and having antineoplastic activity. Sulfate, , cachectin, chlorabucil, 2-chlo Additional active platinum compounds include, for example, rodeoxyadenosine, cyclophosphamide, cytosine arabinoside, carboplatin and DACH-platinum compounds such as oxali imidazole carboxamide, , dauno platin. In certain embodiments, the active platinum com 60 mycin, 3'-deamino-3'-morpholino-13-deoxo-10-hydroxy pounds in the composition is selected from the group consist caminomycin, 4-demethoxy-3-deamino-3-aziridinyl-4-me ing of cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin, iproplatin, thylsulphonyl-, dexifosfamide, dexamethasone, tetraplatin, transplatin, JM118 (cis-amminedichloro(cyclo diarizidinylspermine, dibromodulcitol, dibrospidium chlo hexylamine)platinum(II)), JM149 (cis-amminedichloro(cy ride, 1-(11-dodecylamino-10-hydroxyundecyl)-3,7-dimeth clohexylamine)-trans-dihydroxoplatinum(IV)), JM216 (bis 65 ylxanthine, doxorubicin, elinafide, epipodophyllotoxin, acetato-cis-amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine)platinum estramustine, , fluorouracil, fluoxymestero, fluta (IV)) and JM335 (trans-amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine) mide, , , galarubicin, , US 9,107,824 B2 13 14 goserelin, GPX100, hydroxyurea, HCL, ifosfa the compositions of the compositions can include DPPC, a mide, improSulfan tosilate, isophosphamide, interferon alfa, major constituent of naturally-occurring lung Surfactant. interferon alfa 2a, interferon alfa 2b, interferon alfa n3, inter Other examples include dimyristoylphosphatidycholine feron gamma, interleukin 2, , irofulven, leucovorin (DMPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) calcium, leuprolide, levamisole, , megestrol, dipalmitoylphosphatidcholine (DPPC and dipalmitoylphos L-phenylalanie mustard, L-sarcolysin, melphalanhydrochlo phatidylglycerol (DPPG) distearoylphosphatidylcholine ride, mechlorethamine, MEN10755, , (DSPC and distearoylphosphatidylglycerol (DSPG), dioley MESNA, methylprednisolone, methotrexate, mitomycin, lphosphatidyl-ethanolamine (DOPE) and mixed phospholip mitomycin-C, mitoxantrone, , paclitaxel, pinafide, ids like palmitoylstearoylphosphatidyl-choline (PSPC) and 10 palmitoylstearolphosphatidylglycerol (PSPG), triacylglyc , , , prednisone, procar erol, diacylglycerol, Seranide, sphingosine, sphingomyelin bazine, profiromycin, pumitepa, ranimuistine, sertenef strep and single acylated phospholipids like mono-oleoyl-phos toZocin, , tamoxifen, tasonermin, temozolo mide, 6-thioguanine, thiotepa, tirapazimine, triethylene phatidylethanolamine (MOPE). thiophosphoramide, , tumor necrosis factor, Val In some embodiments, the lipid complexed active platinum rubicin, , Vincristine, vinorelbine tartrate, and 15 composition comprises a neutral phospholipid, Such as a Zorubicin. phosphatidylcholine. In other embodiments, the phosphati Also included as Suitable platinum compounds used in the dylcholine is DPPC. methods of the present invention are pharmaceutically The cationic lipids used can include ammonium salts of acceptable addition salts and complexes of platinum com fatty acids, phospholids and glycerides. The fatty acids pounds. In cases wherein the compounds may have one or include fatty acids of carbon chain lengths of 12 to 26 carbon more chiral centers, unless specified, the present invention atoms that are either saturated or unsaturated. Some specific comprises each unique racemic compound, as well as each examples include: myristylamine, palmitylamine, laury unique nonracemic compound. lamine and Stearylamine, dilauroyl ethylphosphocholine In cases in which the platinum compounds have unsatur (DLEP), dimyristoyl ethylphosphocholine (DMEP), 25 dipalmitoyl ethylphosphocholine (DPEP) and distearoyl eth ated carbon-carbon double bonds, both the cis (Z) and trans ylphosphocholine (DSEP), N-(2,3-di-(9-(Z)-octadeceny (E) isomers are within the scope of this invention. In cases loxy)-prop-1-yl-N,N.N-trimethylammonium chloride wherein the neoplastic compounds may exist in tautomeric (DOTMA) and 1,2-bis(oleoyloxy)-3-(trimethylammonio) forms, such as keto-enol tautomers, such as propane (DOTAP). 30 Negatively charged lipids include PGs, PAs, PSs and PIs. In some embodiments, the lipid complexed active platinum O OR composition does not comprise a phosphatidyl serine (PS). In Some embodiments, the composition does not comprise a PG, PA, PS or PI. In other embodiments, the composition is sub 35 stantially free of negatively charged or positively charged each tautomeric form is contemplated as being included phospholipids. In some embodiments the composition does within this invention, whether existing in equilibrium or not comprise any negatively charged phospholipids. locked in one form by appropriate substitution with R". The In some embodiments, the lipid complexed active platinum meaning of any Substituent at any one occurrence is indepen composition further comprises a sterol. The sterols can dent of its meaning, or any other Substituent’s meaning, at any 40 include, cholesterol, esters of cholesterol including choles other occurrence. terol hemi-succinate, salts of cholesterol including choles Also included as Suitable platinum compounds used in the terol hydrogen Sulfate and cholesterol Sulfate, ergosterol, methods of the present invention are prodrugs of the platinum esters of ergosterol including ergosterol hemi-succinate, salts compounds. Prodrugs are considered to be any covalently of ergosterol including ergosterol hydrogen Sulfate and ergos bonded carriers which release the active parent compound in 45 terol Sulfate, lanosterol, esters of lanosterol including lanos V1VO. terol hemi-succinate, salts of lanosterol including lanosterol The lipids used in the composition of the aforementioned hydrogen Sulfate and lanosterol Sulfate. The tocopherols can method can be synthetic, semi-synthetic or naturally-occur include tocopherols, esters of tocopherols including toco ring lipids, including phospholipids, tocopherols, Sterols, pherol hemi-succinates, salts of tocopherols including toco fatty acids, glycolipids, negatively-charged lipids, cationic 50 pherol hydrogen sulfates and tocopherol sulfates. The term lipids. In terms of phospholipids, they can include Such lipids “sterol compound includes sterols, tocopherols and the like. as egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC), egg phosphatidylglycerol In some embodiments, the sterol is cholesterol. (EPG), egg phosphatidylinositol (EPI), egg phosphati In some embodiments, the lipid complexed active platinum dylserine (EPS), phosphatidylethanolamine (EPE), and phos composition comprises DPPC and cholesterol in a ratio of phatidic acid (EPA); the Soya counterparts, soy phosphatidyl 55 about 1:1 to about 5:1 by weight. In other embodiments, choline (SPC): SPG, SPS, SPI, SPE, and SPA; the composition comprises DPPC and cholesterol in a ratio of hydrogenated egg and Soya counterparts (e.g., HEPC, about 2:1 to about 4:1 by weight. In some embodiments, the HSPC), stearically modified phosphatidylethanolamines, composition comprises DPPC and cholesterol in a ratio of cholesterol derivatives, carotinoids, other phospholipids about 2.25:1 by weight. made up of ester linkages of fatty acids in the 2 and 3 of 60 In some embodiments, the composition further comprises glycerol positions containing chains of 12 to 26 carbonatoms a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent. The compo and different head groups in the 1 position of glycerol that sition may be comprised of an squeous dispersion of the lipid include choline, glycerol, inositol, serine, ethanolamine, as complexed active platinum compound. The composition may well as the corresponding phosphatidic acids. The chains on contain excipients and salts/buffers to provide the appropriate these fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated, and the 65 osmolarity and pH. The pharmaceutical excipient may be a phospholipid may be made up of fatty acids of different chain liquid, diluent, solvent or encapsulating material, involved in lengths and different degrees of unsaturation. In particular, carrying or transporting any subject composition or compo US 9,107,824 B2 15 16 nent thereoffrom one organ, orportion of the body, to another be identified for any particular composition of the present organ, orportion of the body. Each excipient must be “accept invention. This may be accomplished by routine experiment able' in the sense of being compatible with the subject com as described herein, using one or more groups of animals position and its components and not injurious to the patient. (preferably at least 5 animals per group), or in human trials if Suitable excipients include trehalose, raffinose, mannitol. 5 appropriate. The effectiveness of any Subject composition Sucrose, leucine, trileucine, and calcium chloride. Examples and method of treatment or prevention may be assessed by of other Suitable excipients include (1) Sugars, such as lactose, administering the composition and assessing the effect of the and glucose; (2) starches, such as corn starch and potato administration by measuring one or more applicable indices, starch; (3) cellulose, and its derivatives, such as sodium car and comparing the post-treatment values of these indices to boxymethyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose and cellulose acetate: 10 the values of the same indices prior to treatment. (4) powdered tragacanth; (5) malt, (6) gelatin; (7) talc.; (8) The precise time of administration and amount of any excipients, such as cocoa butter and Suppository waxes; (9) particular subject composition that will yield the most effec oils, such as peanut oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, Sesame tive treatment in a given patient will depend upon the activity, oil, olive oil, corn oil and soybean oil: (10) glycols, such as pharmacokinetics, and bioavailability of a subject composi propylene glycol; (11) polyols, such as glycerin, Sorbitol, and 15 tion, physiological condition of the patient (including age, polyethylene glycol; (12) esters, such as ethyl oleate and ethyl sex, disease type and stage, general physical condition, laurate; (13) agar, (14) buffering agents, such as magnesium responsiveness to a given dosage and type of ), hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide; (15) alginic acid, (16) route of administration, and the like. The guidelines presented pyrogen-free water, (17) isotonic Saline; (18) Ringer's Solu herein may be used to optimize the treatment, e.g., determin tion; (19) ethyl alcohol; (20) phosphate buffer solutions; and 20 ing the optimum time and/or amount of administration, which (21) other non-toxic compatible Substances employed in will require no more than routine experimentation consisting pharmaceutical compositions. of monitoring the Subject and adjusting the dosage and/or The present invention, in part, discloses methods of treat timing. ing cancer more effectively which may have lower nephro While the subject is being treated, the health of the patient toxicity previously not disclosed. By using lipid-complexed 25 may be monitored by measuring one or more of the relevant compositions and ip delivery, a more potent and efficient indices at predetermined times during the treatment period. cancer treatment is achieved. Treatment, including composition, amounts, times of admin Dosages istration and formulation, may be optimized according to the The dosage of any compositions of the present invention results of Such monitoring. The patient may be periodically will vary depending on the symptoms, age and body weight of 30 reevaluated to determine the extent of improvement by mea the patient, the nature and severity of the disorder to be treated Suring the same parameters. Adjustments to the amount(s) of or prevented, the route of administration, and the form of the Subject composition administered and possibly to the time of Subject composition. Any of the Subject compositions may be administration may be made based on these reevaluations. administered in a single dose or individed doses. Dosages for Treatment may be initiated with smaller dosages which are the compositions of the present invention may be readily 35 less than the optimum dose of the compound. Thereafter, the determined by techniques known to those of skill in the art or dosage may be increased by Small increments until the opti as taught herein. mum therapeutic effect is attained. In certain embodiments, the dosage of the Subject com The use of the Subject compositions may reduce the pounds will generally be in the range of about 0.01 ng to about required dosage for any individual agent contained in the 10 g per kg body weight, specifically in the range of about 1 40 compositions (e.g., the antineoplastic compound) because the ng to about 0.1 g per kg, and more specifically in the range of onset and duration of effect of the different agents may be about 100 ng to about 50 mg per kg. complimentary. Dosage amounts are also commonly administered as Toxicity and therapeutic efficacy of Subject compositions mg/m which stands for milligrams of drug (e.g. platinum may be determined by Standard pharmaceutical procedures in compound) per body Surface area. Generally, dosage amounts 45 cell cultures or experimental animals, e.g., for determining for platinum compounds may be about 60 mg/m or greater, the LDso and the EDso. 100 mg/m or greater, 140 mg/m or greater, or 180 mg/m or The data obtained from the cell culture assays and animal greater. Dosage amounts of about 140 mg/m or greater are studies may be used in formulating a range of dosage for use generally considered at the high end of tolerance, but an in humans. The dosage of any subject composition lies pref advantage of the present invention is that the platinum com 50 erably within a range of circulating concentrations that pound is administered as part of a lipid-complexed composi include the EDs with little or no toxicity. The dosage may tion which decreases the sub-acute toxicities of the platinum vary within this range depending upon the dosage form compound. It is therefore envisioned by the inventors that employed and the route of administration utilized. For com higher than normal dosage amounts of platinum compound positions of the present invention, the therapeutically effec may be administered to the patient without unwanted toxic 55 tive dose may be estimated initially from cell culture assays. side effects. Higher dosages may lead to longer duration cycles between dosages and greater convenience for the EXEMPLIFICATION patient. For example, dosage amounts are generally adminis tered to the patient once about every three weeks. If higher Example 1 dosage amounts of platinum compound can be administered 60 safely to the patient then the cycle time may be increased to Method of Producing an Aqueous Cisplatin with Higher once about every four, five, six, seven, or even eight weeks. Potency than its Aqueous Solubility Limitat Room Tempera Longer cycle times means less trips to a care facility for ture treatment andless times the patient would have to undergo the 1) At temperatures about 50-60° C., cisplatin in 0.9% administration process. 65 Sodium chloride solution at a level of 4 mg/ml and an An effective dose or amount, and any possible affects on ethanolic solution of about 16 mg/ml DPPC and 8 mg/ml the timing of administration of the composition, may need to cholesterol at about 55° C. are aseptically prepared. US 9,107,824 B2 17 18 2) The lipid solution is infused into the cisplatin solution TABLE 2 while mixing the cisplatin Solution. Degree of hydration and rigidity of liposomes, lipid-complexed 3) After infusion, cisplatin/lipid dispersion is cooled down cisplatin without and with cool warm cycling. to about 10° C. and then warmed up again to about 50-60° C. for 15 min. Placebo Lipid-complexed Lipid-complexed (Liposomes cisplatin without cisplatin with 4) Step 3) is repeated 2-3 times. without cooling & cooling & warming cisplatin) warming cycles cycles 5) The dispersion is aseptically washed with sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution to remove residual ethanol and Degree bilayer O.29 O.29 O.36 10 rigidity un-associated cisplatin via 500,000 MW cut-off mem Degree of bilayer 1.13 1.15 1.02 brane diafiltration unit. hydration After washing process, the dispersion provides about 1 mg/ml cisplatin potency and concentrated to 3 mg/ml cispl atin and further concentrated to 5 mg/ml cisplatin by asepti 15 Example 4 cally removing two third of the aqueous vehicle of 1 mg/ml product and four fifth of the aqueous vehicle of 1 mg/ml Density Characterization of the light and heavy fractions product, respectively. The removal of aqueous vehicle was was performed as follows. Samples were prepared as in the carried out at a rate of about 100 ml/min by diafiltration at previous example. At cooling the temperature of samples was about 20°C. without compensating the permeate with fresh 0°C. The temperature cycle was done by 15 min cooling and sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution. 15 min warming. The starting cisplatin concentration was 4 mg/mL and free cisplatin was removed by dialysis. Density Gradient Analysis Example 2 Seven different batches of cisplatin lipid complex were 25 used for these experiments. Density gradients were formed 70 mg DPPC and 28 mg cholesterol was dissolved in 1 mL using Iodixanol (SIGMA (D1556, lot no. 025K1414)) as a ethanol and added to 10 mL of 4 mg/mL cisplatin in 0.9% dense media and 0.9% NaCl saline solution to keep osmola saline Solution. lity close to normal 300 mOsm. First, about 5.5 mL saline was (i) An aliquot (50%) of the sample was treated by 3 cycles added to the centrifuge tube, and then the same volume of 30 heavy medium (1:1 mixture of Iodixanol 60% and saline) was of cooling to 4°C. and warming to 50° C. The aliquot, in a test layered on the bottom of the tube using a syringe with a long tube, was cooled by refrigeration, and heated in a water bath. needle. Gradients were formed using a BioComp 107ip Gra The resulting unentrapped cisplatin (free cisplatin) was dient Master at the settings: time-2: 14 min, angle-79.0, washed by dialysis. speed 17 rpm, and using the long tube cap. An aliquot of (ii) The remainder of the sample was not treated by tem 35 Cisplatin Lipid Complex samples (1 mL) were placed on the perature cycles and directly washed by dialysis. top of the gradient and centrifuged for 30 min at 30,000 rpm at 20°C. After centrifugation, the top 0.8-1.0 mL volume of TABLE 1. clear liquid was discarded, and the next 2 mL was collected representing the lightfraction. The lightfraction is believed to 40 contain liposomes, wherein at least some of the liposomes are Percentage entrapment of cisplatin with associated with cisplatin. There was a detectable amount of and without cooling and warming cycles. free cisplatin in the lightfraction of nebulized samples, which was determined by filtering through Centricon-30 filtering Final Concentration of % devices and subtracted from the total cisplatin. cisplatin, Ig/mL Entrapment 45 The rest of the media was removed, leaving only a small yellow pellet on the bottom representing the dense (heavy) Lipid-complexed cisplatin without 56 1.4 fraction, which was Subsequently dispersed in 2 mL Solution cooling and warming cycles of 75% n-Propanol, 5% saline, 20% water. Cisplatin in the lipid-complexed cisplatin after 360 9.0 heavy fraction was not completely soluble at this point. An 50 aliquot of this dispersion was taken for cisplatin determina cooling and warming cycles tion. Another part of the dispersion (1 mL) was mixed with equal volume of 60% n-Propanol and centrifuged 5 min at 1000 rpm on an Eppendorf581OR centrifuge to settle undis Solved cisplatin, and then 1 mL of clear Supernatant was used Example 3 55 for HPLC lipid determination. Cisplatin Concentration: Cisplatin was measured by HPLC by separating cisplatin The rigidity of a membrane bilayer in lipid-complexed on YMC-Pack NH2 column using 90% acetonitrile mobile cisplatin prepared with cool/warm cycling as described in phase and measuring absorbance at 305 nm. Cisplatin stan Example 2 was measured by fluorescence anisotropy of 60 dards and samples were diluted in solution of 75% n-Pro diphenylhexatriene (membrane probe) inserted in the hydro panol, 5% saline and 20% water. Standards were used with phobic core region of the bilayer. Ref. Jahnig, F., 1979 Proc. cisplatin concentrations of 75, 50, 25, and 10 g/mL. Cispl Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76(12): 6361. The hydration of the atin peak retention time was usually around 6.4 min. bilayers was gauged by the deuterium isotope exchange effect Lipid Analysis by HPLC: on fluorescence intensity of TMA-DPH (trimethylamine 65 Lipids were analyzed by HPLC as follows: lipids were diphenylhexatriene). Ref. Ho, C. Slater, S.J., and Stubbs, C. separated on a Phenomenex Luna C8(2) column using binary D., 1995 Biochemistry 34: 6188. gradient mode. Mobile phase A: methanol 70%, acetonitrile US 9,107,824 B2 19 20 20%, water 10%, ammonium acetate 0.1%, mobile phase B: TABLE 3-continued methanol 70%, acetonitrile 30%, ammonium acetate 0.07%. Lipid standards and samples were diluted in a solution of 60% Distribution of cisplatin and lipids in the light and n-Propanol, 40% water. Lipids were detected by Sedex. 55 dense fractions of Cisplatin Lipid Complex samples. Evaporative Light Scattering Detector. The retention time for 5 Lipid Lipid Cisplatin Cisplatin cholesterol was about 8 min, for DPPC about 10 min. Batch mg/mL 96 total mg/mL % total LD Results 16 Light fraction 64.O 93.48 O.28 9.8 228 Nine batches of Lipid-cisplatin complex were fractionated 16 Dense fraction O.S1 0.75 240 83.8 O.21 on an Iodixanol density gradient as described in the Methods Average 22.7 10 Light fraction 90.6 8.4 255 section. All nine samples separated into a similarly positioned +f-SD 3.1 2.1 47 white band of light fraction and a yellow pellet of dense Dense fraction O.87 82.3 O.24 fraction. 2 mL of the light fraction were collected and the rest +f-SD O.09 2.9 O.O3 of the liquid was removed. The remaining pellet was dis persed in 2 mL of 75% n-Propanol. Cisplatin and lipid con centrations in each fraction were measured by HPLC as 15 Example 5 described. The lipid/cisplatin ratio in the dense fraction was very high so that both lipid and cisplatin could not be solubi Separation of Light and Dense Fractions lized in same solvent at high enough concentration for the lipid analysis. For that reason, the lipid-cisplatin mixture in 30 mL of cisplatin lipid complex was mixed with 10 mL 75% n-propanol solution was centrifuged to remove the iodixanol 30% in saline. This mixture was in half and 20 mL insoluble portion of the cisplatin, and the Supernatant was portions were layered on the top of another 10 mL iodixanol used as is for lipid HPLC analysis. 30% in saline using two 50 mL centrifuge tubes. The samples Results of the density gradient analysis are presented in were centrifuged for 30 minutes at 4000 rpm at 5° C. on an Table 4. L/D represents the ratio of lipid to cisplatin by Eppendorf 5810 centrifuge. Supernatant, containing a mix weight. The percentages presented are with respect to the 25 ture of light and heavy fractions, was discarded. The pellet, total cisplatin or lipid in the formulation. Lower section of the containing the dense fraction of the cisplatin lipid composi table shows averages of lipid and cisplatin contents in each tion, was gently dispersed in 5 mL of Saline. After determin fraction derived from all nine samples tested. Standard devia ing the concentration of cisplatin, the concentration was tions (SD) are shown to demonstrate consistency. These data adjusted to make the concentration 2.7 mg/mL of cisplatin. demonstrate that the majority of lipid (90.6% on average, 30 To obtain the light fraction, the cisplatin lipid complex +/-3.1%) is in the light fraction, while only 0.87+/-0.09% batch was allowed to settle by gravity at 5°C. for 1 week. The lipid is in the dense fraction. The majority of cisplatin top portion of the sample, containing the light fraction, was (82.3+/-2.9%) is in the dense fraction, while only 8.4+/- collected. 2.1% is in the light fraction. The lipid to drug ratio (L/D) calculated for the total sample was an average of 22.7. The 35 Example 6 same L/D ratio in separate fractions was as high as 255+/-47 for the light fraction, and as low as 0.24+/-0.03 for dense Entrapment of cisplatin or transplatin in a lipid complex by fraction. Results are summarized in Table 3. repetitive cooling/heating achieves a high drug/lipid ratio as shown in Table 4. TABLE 3 40 TABLE 4 Distribution of cisplatin and lipids in the light and dense fractions of Cisplatin Lipid Complex Samples. cisplatin transplatin Lipid Lipid Cisplatin Cisplatin Starting drug 5 mg/mL 1 mg/mL. Batch mg/mL 96 total mg/mL % total LD 45 concentration Lipids 25 mg/mL. 5 mg/mL 8 tota 62.2 2.47 25.2 (DPPC:Cholesterol = 8 Light fraction 58.0 93.3 O.2O 8.2 285 7:3 wt) 8 Dense fraction O49 0.79 2.01 813 O.24 Temperature cycles 6 cycles 6 cycles 9 tota 51.5 2.46 20.9 Final drug 1.4 mg/mL (1.4% free) 0.3 mg/mL (6.0% free) 9 Light fraction 47.8 92.7 O.18 7.2 270 50 concentration 9 Dense fraction 0.44 O.85 1.96 79.7 O.22 Recovery % 29% 26% Otota 55.2 2.57 21.5 Drug Lipid O.OS6 O.O6 O Light fraction 46.7 84.7 O.2O 7.7 237 O Dense fraction O.47 O.85 2.15 83.6 O.22 1 tota 57.3 2.61 22.0 1 Light fraction 49.7 86.8 O.15 5.9 326 55 Example 7 1 Dense fraction O48 O.84 2.2O 84.2 O.22 2 tota 57.9 2.57 22.5 2 Light fraction S1.6 89.1 O.18 6.9 290 Samples of the heavy fraction comprising lipid-complexed 2 Dense fraction O.47 O.82 2.17 84.3 O.22 cisplatin were diluted in filtered saline (NaCl 0.9%) at a ratio 3 tota 80.46 3.36 24.0 of 1:2000 and analyzed by an AccuSizer Optical Particle 3 Light fraction 73.42 91.26 0.44 13.0 168 3 Dense fraction O.82 1.01 2.58 76.7 O.32 60 Sizer 780 using the following settings: injection loop volume 4 tota 71.19 3.41 20.9 1 mL. Data collection time 60s, Detector LE 400-05SE 4 Light fraction 64.82 91.06 O.29 8.7 220 summary mode, Minimum diameter 0.05 microns. The detec 4 Dense fraction O.65 O.92 2.76 81.1 O.24 tor used counts only particles 0.5 microns and larger. Four 5 total 66.92 2.83 23.7 5 Light fraction 62.35 93.17 O.23 8.0 275 batches were analyzed. The distribution plots show relative 5 Dense fraction O.66 O.99 2.45 86.5 0.27 65 volumes occupied by particles of different sizes. The particles 6 tota 68.5 2.86 23.9 in the range of 0.5 to 1 micron represent the main distribution of the light fraction, the majority of which has particle sizes US 9,107,824 B2 21 22 less than 5 microns. The plots also show a large peak at the post administration for each formulation with each injection right from 1 micron to 20 micron, with a median size of about route was calculated (FIG. 1). The LD, LDs and LD of 8 to 10 microns. each formulation under each injection route were estimated. The computer fitted results are listed in Table 7. Example 8 TABLE 7 Comparison of free cisplatin and lipid-complexed cisplatin formulation at 3 mg/ml cisplatin concentration administered Lethal toxicity of lipid-complexed cisplatin intraperitoneally to rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were and cisplatin after ip and iv iniection. given free cisplatin at dosages of 6 and 12 mg/kg, and lipid 10 Lethal Dose (ng Cisplatin/kg mouse complexed cisplatin formulations at 3 mg/ml at dosages of 6. 12, and 18 mg/kg intraperitoneally. Control groups com Formulation Route LDio LDso LDoo prised 6 rats and groups for the test articles comprised 3 rats Lipid- ip 22.4 29.5 38.9 per group. Observation of morbidity/mortality were con Complexed ducted daily as were weight measurements. Results are pre 15 Cisplatin sented in Table 5. Cisplatin ip 9.9 14.3 20.7

TABLE 5 The result indicate that the sub-acute toxicity of ip lipid Rat study lethality Summary for 3 mg/ml complexed cisplatin was 2-fold lower than ip cisplatin, lipid-complexed cisplatin formulation. whereas not nearly as great of change was observed for iv lipid-complexed cisplatin. Number Dead/Number Day of Treatment Group/Dosage Treated Death Group 1 - Control (no treatment) Of6 Example 10 Group 2 - 6 mg/kg lipid-complexed O3 25 cisplatin formulation Group 3 - 12 mg/kg lipid-complexed 1.3 13 Pharmacokinetics and organ distribution in animals of ip cisplatin formulation and iv injected lipid-complexed cisplatin and cisplatin (Part Group 4 - 18 mg/kg lipid-complexed 1.3 8 cisplatin formulation I). The mice (the same as from Example 2) were divided into 30 4 groups with 24 mice in each. They were injected with ip lipid-complexed cisplatin (12 mg/kg), ip cisplatin (12 mg/kg), iv lipid-complexed cisplatin (8 mg/kg), and iv cispl Example 9 atin (8 mg/kg), separately. The lipid-complexed cisplatin for mulation were prepared in the same manner as in Example 3. Reduction of sub-acute toxicity of cisplatin by iv or ip 35 At each designed time point, e.g., 2-5 min, 20 min, 40 min, 2 administration when administered as a lipid-complexed for h, 8 h, 1 day, 2 days, and 3 or 5 days after injection, 3 mice mulation. ICR mice, male and female, 6-7 weeks old, were from each group were anesthetized by ip injection of 35-50 divided into 24 groups with 10 mice in each. Five mice were mg/kg of Nembutal, then the blood was drown and heart, housed in each cage with free access to standard mouse food kidney, liver, lung, Small intestine, and spleen were resected and water. Each group of mice was injected with lipid-com 40 and homogenized after adding 4-fold pure water. The Plati plexed cisplatin formulations prepared according to the fol num concentration in each sample was determined with AA lowing. The lipid-complexed cisplatin formulation used here method. The content of Pt (ug of Pt in 1 ml of blood or 1 gram contained 1 mg/ml cisplatin, 16 mg/ml DPPC, and 7.9 mg/ml of tissue) was calculated and used for presenting the kinetic cholesterol in 0.9% NaCl solution. An aliquot (50%) of the characteristics of each formulation under two different sample was treated by 3 cycles of cooling to 4°C. and warm administration routes. ing to 50° C. The aliquot, in a test tube, was cooled by 45 refrigeration, and heated in a water bath. The resulting unen The results indicated that in the blood, the Cmax and AUC trapped cisplatin (free cisplatin) was washed away by dialy of lipid-complexed cisplatin was 3- and 6-fold higher than sis. The lipid-complexed cisplatin in the form of liposomes that of cisplatin, respectively (FIG. 2). were injected through iv (tail vein) or ip route. The liposomes had a mean diameter of about 0.39 um. The formulations, 50 Example 11 doses, and administration routes are listed in Table 6. Pharmacokinetics and organ distribution in animals of ip TABLE 6 and iv injected lipid-complexed cisplatin and cisplatin (Part Dose and administration route for lipid-complexed 55 II). Sixty ICR mice (female, 7 weeks old) were divided into 4 cisplatin Sub-acute toxicity study. groups. They received intraperitoneal or intravenous injec tion of L-CDDP or CDDP, separately. The lipid-complexed Formulation Route Dose (mg Cisplatinkg mouse) cisplatin formulation were prepared in the same manner as in Lipid- ip 23 27 31 35 40 45 SO Example 3. The dose was 12 mg/kg for ip L-CDDP and 8 Complexed 60 mg/kg for the rest of treatment groups. At each designed time Cisplatin point, three to four mice were anaesthetized with 70 mg/kg of Cisplatin ip 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Nembutal ip (e.g., 3, 20, and 40 min, and 2, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h). The blood was drawn from the inferior vena cava. Organs Starting one week before the administration, body weights including duodenum, kidney, liver, lung, and spleen were of the mice were measured every two days until the end of the 65 resected from the mice. The blood and organ samples were experiment. The animals were observed daily and the death homogenized in distilled water (4-fold of the sample weight) was recorded. A curve of percent Survival verses time (days) and digested with nitric acid. The platinum concentration in US 9,107,824 B2 23 24 each sample was measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma ing duodenum, heart, kidney, liver, lung, and spleen were Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). The pharmacokinetics pro resected from the mice and fixed with 10% buffered Forma files (FIGS. 3-7, all Y-axes are concentration of ugplatinum in lin. The fixed tissues were processed with standard procedure one gram of tissue or fluid per mg of injected dose) and for H and E staining. A pathology expert Dr. Carman Tornos parameters (Tables 4 and 5) of each formulation were simu 5 at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center examined lated and calculated. It was found that 1) uptake of platinum kidney tissues and gave a toxicity grade to each kidney tissue in the spleen was significantly enhanced by the liposomal sample. The grading was based on the general pathology formulation irrespective of the injection routes, the AUCs and guidelines for kidney toxicity. C, were 26-47-fold higher than those of CDDP, p<0.0003: 10 The pathological results demonstrate that irrespective of 2) with ip injection, the circulation AUC and elimination t administration routes, CDDP caused severe nephrotoxicity in of L-CDDP were 4- and 15-fold (p<0.006) higher than those more than 50% mice receiving the treatment, but L-CDDP did of CDDP, but this phenomenon was not found after iv injec not cause any nephrotoxicity. The similar conclusion can be tion; 3) the AUC and t of ip L-CDDP were also higher than drawn from BUN test (FIG.9), where iv CDDP significantly those of iv L-CDDP (ip vs. iv: AUC, 1.9-fold, p=0.04; t, 15 increased BUN level by 6.8-fold compared with normal con 5.7-fold, p=0.006); 4) the lung and liver platinum uptake of iv trols (p=0.008), and ip CDDP caused much less BUN accu L-CDDP were slightly higher than that of iv CDDP (Lung: mulation, only 2.1-fold increase compared to normal controls p=0.043; Liver: p=0.051); 5) the kidney platinum uptake of (p=0.04), but L-CDDP injected by either route did not cause L-CDDP was higher than that of CDDP (p=0.046). These BUN level elevation. results imply that the formulation and administration route both play important role on the PK and organ distribution of the drug, and ip L-CDDP showed sustained release function. Example 13 TABLE 8 Preclinical in vivo antitumor activity of lipid-complexed Circulation AUC and tL). 25 cisplatin in a Murine L1210 tumor model. The purpose of this experiment is to assess the in vivo antitumor activity of lipid AUC (hugigg) t1/2 (h) complexed cisplatin against a cavity confined tumor (asciitic ip Ip L1210 leukemia) by local ip administration. Lipid-com L-CDDP 37.60° 26.58 plexed cisplatin was compared to free cisplatin for viable CDDP 7.08 1.82 30 L1210 tumor cells. The test articles and materials are pre p = 0.008 (L-CDDP vs CDDP); sented below in Table 6. The lipid-complexed cisplatin was p = 0.006 (L-CDDP vs CDDP) by two side Log rank test. prepared in the same manner as in Example 3.

TABLE 10 TABLE 9 35 Testarticles and materials. Organ AUC and Cla. Test Articles Cisplatin in 0.9% saline - D - 1.0 mg/ml cisplatin Lipid-Complexed Cisplatin AUC (h Ig/g/Ig C fg 40 0.82 mg/ml cisplatin Test Animals B6D2F1/Hsd hybrid mice from Harlan L-CDDP CDDP L-CDDP CDDP 5 male group except control (9 male), 7 groups Duodenum S.49 8.32 O.30 O45 Tumor Cells Viable L1210 tumor cells, Kidney 15.60 8.61 O46 O46 One million per mouse, transplanted in vivo Liver 29.99 28.99 O.71 O.71 45 Lung 26.90 29.00 0.73 1.61 Spleen 3.31.86 10.45 11.32/ O43 Heart 2.63 2.67 O.O7 O.18 The procedure was as outlined below and summarized in Table 11: Two side Log rank test was used to evaluate the significance of the differences of L-CDDP versus CDDP in AUC or C values. Statistically significant pairs (p<0.05) were labeled 1. Day 0, inoculate 6 groups of 5 male mice and 1 group of with a superscript letter. Their p values are as follows: 50 p = 0.046; 9 male control animals with one million viable L1210 p = 0.008; cells per mouse by ip injection. p = 0.0002; 'p = 0.0001; 2. Administer ascending doses of either cisplatin Solution $p = 0.0003; p = 0.0002. or lipid-complexed cisplatin to groups of 5 animals. 55 Cisplatin Solution: dose ip at 3.0 and 4.5 mg/Kg on days 3, 7, and 11. Each dose level represents one group of five Example 12 mice. Lipid-complexed cisplatin: dose ip at 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 and 9.0 mg/Kg on days 3, 7, and 11. Control group Nephrotoxicity. ICR mice, 7 weeks old, female, were contains 9 untreated mice. divided into 4 groups with 3 to 4 mice in each. They were 60 injected with maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of L-CDDP or 3. Mice were monitored daily for deaths and or signs of CDDP via ivor ip. The lipid-complexed cisplatin formulation clinical illness. The date of euthanasia was recorded for were prepared in the same manner as in Example 3. Four days the purpose of experimental end-points. A total of 39 after the injection, the mice were euthanized with Nembutal mice divided into 7 groups were studied. At the endpoint ip. The blood was drawn and the serum was isolated. The 65 Survival was assessed and expressed as % T/C (percent blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was quantitatively measured with median Survival of treated group: median Survival of a calorimetric method at Antech Diagnostics. Organs includ control group.) US 9,107,824 B2 25 26 TABLE 11 Procedural parameters Group Mice Drug tested ip Dose Day 0 Day 3 Day 7 Day 11 1 9 male no treatment control inoculate 2 5 male free cisplatin 3 mg/kg inoculate 1 mg/kg 1 mg/kg 1 mg/kg 3 5 male free cisplatin 4.5 mg/kg inoculate 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 4 5 male Lipid- 3 mg/kg inoculate 1 mg/kg 1 mg/kg 1 mg/kg complexed cisplatin 5 5 male Lipid- 4.5 mg/kg inoculate 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg complexed cisplatin 6 5 male Lipid- 6 mg/kg inoculate 2 mg/kg 2 mg/kg 2 mg/kg complexed cisplatin 7 5 male Lipid- 9 mg/kg inoculate 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg complexed cisplatin

The results from the experiment are summarized in Table 2O ture cisplatin liposomes. The lipid-complexed cisplatin pre 12. pared by the cyclic temperature effusion process were pre pared as in Example 3 and contained 1.1 mg/ml cisplatin and TABLE 12 27 mg/ml total lipid. The non cyclic temperature cisplatin 25 liposomes were prepared according to the following proce Survival data as measured by 90 T/C. dure Group Drug tested Dose Median Survival %TC 1. DPPC (3.0 g) and cholesterol (1.2 g) were co-dissolved in 20 mL of ethanol. 1 no treatment Control 13.5 100 2 free cisplatin 3 mg/kg 26.5 196 2. Cisplatin (200 mg) was dissolved in 0.9% saline (200 3 free cisplatin 4.5 mg/kg 29.5 218 30 ml). 4 Lipid-complexed 3 mg/kg 19.5 144 cisplatin 3. The lipid/ethanol solution was infused into the cisplatin 5 Lipid-complexed 4.5 mg/kg 23.5 174 solution as it was being well-stirred (liposomes formed). cisplatin 4. The lipid-cisplatin Suspension was dialyzed to wash 6 Lipid-complexed 6 mg/kg 25.5 189 away un-entrapped cisplatin. cisplatin 7 Lipid-complexed 9 mg/kg 25.5 189 35 5. The resulting liposomal cisplatin contained 0.03 mg/ml cisplatin total cisplatin (75% of total cisplatin was entrapped and 25% was un-entrapped); the total lipid concentration *Median survival is defined as day of death for 50% of mice with each group. was 21 mg/ml. Day of death for 50% of mice within each group was The mice were given equivalent amounts of cisplatin con 40 taining therapeutics based on the amount of lipid instead of determined and an initial% Treated/Control (T/C) value was the amount of cisplatin. This was necessary because in non recorded in the above table. At the optimal dose, the cisplatin cyclic temperature cisplatin liposomes the lipid to cisplatin in lipid-complexed cisplatin does not lose any of its antitumor ratio is so high that it is not possible to administer that much activity compared to free cisplatin. lipid necessary to equal the amount of cisplatin in the lipid 45 complexed formulations prepared as in Example 3. Example 14 Female DBA/2 mice (Charles Rivers) were used. Thirty (30) mice were injected with 2x10 L1210 cells ip on Day 0. Antitumor activity of L-CDDP against human ovarian can On day 1, the mice were weighed and randomized into 3 cer xenograft. Nude mice, female, 6-7 weeks old, were intra groups of 10 mice. On days 5, mice received a single bolus peritoneally inoculated with human ovarian cancer cell line 50 intraperitoneal injection of soluble cisplatin (6 mg/kg), lipid SK-OV-ipl (1.5x10° cells/mouse). One week after the complexed cisplatin (6 mg/kg, ip) or non cyclic temperature inoculation, the mice were randomly divided into 3 groups cisplatin liposomes (equal lipid to lipid-complexed cisplatin, with 5 mice in each. One group of mice was given singlebolus 0.2 mg/kg). Survival was monitored. Mice were weighed ip injection of CDDP with MTD (9 mg/kg) to mimic the daily after day 10. Mice that lost 20% or greater of their current chemotherapy (positive control). Another group was 55 starting weight were euthanized by CO inhalation. The date treated with single bolus ip injection of L-CDDP with MTD of their death was recorded on data sheets. Median survival (23 mg/kg). The lipid-complexed cisplatin formulation were was calculated by Prism GraphPad. prepared in the same manner as in Example 3. The third group The results of experiments where both types of cisplatin of mice without treatment was used as negative control. The formulations were administered intraperitoneally to mice mice were observed on a daily basis. Death of mice was 60 with implanted viable L1210 tumor cells are depicted in FIG. recorded and the increased lifespan (ILS) was calculated. 11. There was no significant difference between survival Results are presented in FIG. 10. curves of mice that received lipid-complexed cisplatin intra peritoneally and those that received soluble cisplatin intrap Example 15 eritoneally (p=0.20). All survival curves of cisplatin-treated 65 groups were significantly different from the mice that Comparison of lipid-complexed cisplatin prepared by the received non cyclic temperature cisplatin liposomes cyclic temperature effusion process and non cyclic tempera (p=0.0035, and p-0.0001, respectively). The days of median US 9,107,824 B2 27 28 survival were 19 for lipid-complexed cisplatin, ip; 19.5 for num(II)), tetraplatin (ormaplatin) (tetrachloro (1.2-cyclohex free cisplatin, ip; and 14 for non cyclic temperature cisplatin anediamine-N,N)-platinum(IV)), thioplatin (bis(O-eth liposomes, ip. yldithiocarbonato)platinum(II)), satraplatin, nedaplatin, oxaliplatin, heptaplatin, iproplatin, transplatin, lobaplatin, cis Incorporation by Reference aminedichloro(2-methylpyridine) platinum, JM118 (cis-am minedichloro(cyclohexylamine) platinum(II)), JM 149 (cis All of the patents and publications cited herein are hereby amminedichloro(cyclohexylamine)-trans-dihydroxoplat incorporated by reference. inurn(IV)), JM216 (bis-acetato-cis-amminedichloro Equivalents (cyclohexylamine) platinurn(IV)), JM335 (trans 10 amminedichloro (cyclohexylamine)dihydroxoplatinum Those skilled in the art will recognize, or be able to ascer (IV)), (trans, trans, trans)bis-mu-(hexane-1,6-diamine)-mu tain using no more than routine experimentation, many diamine-platinurn(II) bisdiamine(chloro) platinum(II) equivalents to the specific embodiments of the invention tetrachloride, and a mixture thereof. described herein. Such equivalents are intended to be encom 15 16. The method of claim 1, wherein the active platinum passed by the following claims. compound is cisplatin. We claim: 17. The method of claim 1, wherein the electrically neutral 1. A method of treating a cancer, comprising administering lipids consist of a phosphatidylcholine. intraperitoneally to a patient in need thereof a composition 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the phosphatidylcho comprising a therapeutic amount of a lipid-complexed active line is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). platinum compound aggregate, wherein the lipid component 19. The method of claim 1, wherein the electrically neutral of the lipid-complexed active platinum compound aggregate lipids consist of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and consists of electrically neutral lipids; and the lipid to active a sterol. platinum compound weight ratio (L/D) in the lipid-com 20. The method of claim 19, wherein the sterol is choles plexed active platinum compound aggregate is from about 25 terol. 0.10 (L/D) to about 0.50 (L/D). 21. The method of claim 20, wherein the electrically neu 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the lipid to active plati tral lipids consist of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) num compound weight ratio is from about 0.15 (L/D) to about and cholesterol in a ratio of about 1:1 by weight to about 5:1 0.45 (L/D). by weight. 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the lipid to active plati 30 num compound weight ratio is from about 0.20 (L/D) to about 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the electrically neu 0.40 (L/D). tral lipids consist of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) 4. The method of claim3, wherein the lipid to active plati and cholesterol in a ratio of about 2:1 by weight to about 4:1 num compound weight ratio is about 0.2 (L/D). by weight. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the lipid-complexed 35 23. The method of claim 22, wherein the electrically neu active platinum compound aggregate has an average Volume tral lipids consist of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) weighted diameter of about 0.5 to about 20 microns. and cholesterol in a ratio of about 2.25:1 by weight. 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the average volume 24. The method of claim 1, wherein the cancer is selected weighted diameter of the lipid-complexed active platinum from the group consisting of melanoma, testis (germ cell) compound aggregate is about 1 to about 15 microns. 40 cancer, osteosarcoma, Soft tissue sarcoma, thyroid cancer, 7. The method of claim 5, wherein the average volume colon cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the kidney, breast weighted diameter of the lipid-complexed active platinum cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, compound aggregate is about 2 to 10 microns. uterine cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, 8. The method of claim 1, wherein the therapeutic amount spleen cancer, endometrial, and squamous cell carcinomas of of the active platinum compound aggregate in the composi 45 the head and neck. tion ranges from about 1.2 mg/ml to about 20 mg/ml. 25. The method of claim 1, wherein the cancer is ovarian 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the therapeutic amount CaCC. of the active platinum compound aggregate ranges from 26. The method of claim 1, wherein the patient is a human. about 1.5 to about 5 mg/ml. 27. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the lipid-complexed 50 active platinum compound contains about 70% to about administered to the patient at least once every three weeks. 100% of total active platinum compound in the composition. 28. The method of claim 1, wherein the therapeutic amount 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the lipid-complexed of the active platinum compound aggregate in the composi active platinum compound contains about 75% to about 99% tion is at least 60 milligrams per body surface area (mg/m). 29. The method of claim 1, wherein the therapeutic amount of the total active platinum compound in the composition. 55 12. The method of claim 11, wherein the lipid-complexed of the active platinum compound aggregate in the composi active platinum compound contains about 80% to about 90% tion is at least 100 milligrams per body surface area (mg/m), of the total active platinum compound in the composition. and the composition is administered to the patient at least 13. The method of claim 1, wherein the lipid-complexed once every three weeks. 30. The method according to claim 1, wherein the thera active platinum compound contains about 0.1% to about 5% 60 of total lipid in the composition. peutic amount of the active platinum compound aggregate in 14. The method of claim 13, wherein lipid-complexed the composition is at least 140 milligrams per body Surface active platinum compound contains about 0.25% to about 3% area (mg/m). 31. The method of claim 1, wherein the therapeutic amount of the total lipid in the composition. of the active platinum compound aggregate in the composi 15. The method of claim 1, wherein the active platinum 65 compound is selected from the group consisting of cisplatin, tion is at least 180 milligrams per body surface area (mg/m). carhoplatin (diammine(1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)-plati k k k k k