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The Duke the DUKE of c Volume 2, Issue 16 April 2019 THE DUKE The Duke Inside this issue: Levee........................................ 2 Sancta Maria House ................. 3 CFLC Special Meeting.............. 3 Sovereign’s Medal ................... 4 3rd Canadian Division ............... 5 39 CBG Conference ................. 6 Biathlon Zone Competitions ..... 7 Inaugural “Duke’s Cup”............. 8 Army Cadet League of BC........ 9 2381 BCR – Merit Review ........ 10 2290 BCR CO’s Parade ........... 11 Ladies Dining Out ..................... 12 Visit to 39 Canadian Brigade .... 12 3300 BCR Professional D. Day 13 Regimental Flag Football.......... 14 Regimental Whisk(e)y Tasting .. 15 CO’s Parade – 2827 BCR ........ 16 HCol Commendation - Couture 17 CFLC Prov Council Meeting. .... 18 Chinese New Year Parade: ...... 18 National Flag of Canada Day ... 20 Ex Virtual Duke ......................... 21 BCVCA Dinner ......................... 22 Paardeberg Dinner. .................. 23 CFLC Employer Support .......... 24 2381 BCR – Sports Parade ...... 25 CO’s Parade – 27 February ...... 26 Royal Westminster Regiment ... 27 Honour House Beer Launch. .... 28 Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation 2381 BCR – CO’s Parade ........ 29 HCol Canadian Army - Hindo ... 29 See pages 35-37 for article 3300 BCR – Sikh Academy ...... 30 Commendation – Sgt. Snow ..... 32 Nowruz 2019. ........................... 32 Columbus Residence. .............. 34 Minister of Veterans Affairs ...... 35 Officers’ Mess Meet & Greet .... 37 2290 BCR Parade Night ........... 38 St. Julian Mess Dinner.............. 39 HCol Commendation - Clews ... 41 Vimy Ridge Commemoration .... 41 “Duty, Honour and Izzat” .......... 43 Vimy Ridge Memorial Parade ... 44 RUSI Vancouver ....................... 46 Guild of Waggoneers ................ 46 2381 BCR – Pizza Night ........... 47 Vaisakhi 2019 ........................... 48 Major Marian Slowinski............. 49 King’s Day Reception ............... 50 ANZAC Memorial Day .............. 50 HCol Commendation - Cadieu .. 51 Vancouver Military Dinner ........ 51 The Start Line ........................... 52 Duke’s Den ............................... 53 Asleep ...................................... 57 St. Julien – SMV Presentation Sikh Heritage Month President Gayle Hawthorne See pages 43-44 for article See pages 39-40 for article LEVEE 1 January 2019 The first stop on the 2019 Levee Tour for the BCR contingent (Honorary Colonel Ted Hawthorne and Major Jim Barrett) was the Colonel Sherman Armoury, home of the 39 Service Battalion. The Commanding Officer of the unit, Lieutenant Colonel Bobbie Alolega, welcomed his guests to the Officers’ Mess and provided a most collegial atmosphere for all to enjoy. Next on the tour was a visit to HMCS Discovery where the BCR Team joined with the Honorary Colonel of 39 CER, Bill Diamond, and Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of 15 Field RCA, Don Foster. CWO Tom Curley, Dr. John Blatherwick, King Wan, Constantine Pappas and many of our colleagues and friends, including a strong contingent from NOABC, provided us with the usual high caliber Navy hospitality. The wardroom was open to all ranks for Levee and was very well attended. Many thanks to Commander Chris Persson for the extraordinary reception. The group then proceeded to Bessborough Armoury to visit 15th Field Artillery Regiment where Levee was held in the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess and was hosted by the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Lajoie, and the RSM, CWO Rob Garrett. A most enjoyable time indeed! 2 The final visit of the day was paid to the Officers’ Mess of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada with the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ed Haverstock, hosting the event. Many thanks to the CO for a great time! The Levee Tour was a complete success with Vancouver weather cooperating for a crisp and sometimes sunny day. Happy New Year and Up the Dukes! CANADIAN FORCES LIAISON COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND PROMOTION VANCOUVER, B.C. 16 January 2019 A special meeting of the Nomination Committee for the BC CFLC Top Employer Awards was held at the Major-General B.M. Hoffmeister OC, CB, CBE, DSO Building, the Headquarters of 39 CBG in Vancouver, 3 on the late afternoon of Thursday, 16 January 2019. The B.C. Chair, Derral Moriyama, welcomed the other committee members, consisting of Honorary Colonels Diamond and Hawthorne, Lieutenant Colonel Scott Raesler, Regional Liaison Officer Pacific Region, and Commander Bryan Price, LO Pacific Region. After a lengthy review and analysis of the extensive documentation, the committee finalized their recommendations to the B.C. Council. At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee adjourned to the Officers’ Mess of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada where Colonel Raesler was promoted to the rank of Colonel by BGen Rob Roy MacKenzie. The brief ceremony was followed by a very well attended reception. Colonel Hawthorne presented his Honorary Colonel Regimental Coin to Colonel Raesler to mark the special occasion. Congratulations Colonel Raesler and we convey to you our very best wishes! SOVEREIGN’S MEDAL FOR VOLUNTEERS GAYLE J. HAWTHORNE 16 January 2019 The Regimental Association is pleased to announce that President Gayle Hawthorne has been awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in recognition of her “exceptional volunteer achievements” and her dedicated years of service to the Regiment and the Regimental Family, as well as her community involvement. A presentation of the medal will take place at a future date. Congratulations Gayle and Up the Dukes! 4 3RD CANADIAN DIVISION DEPUTY COMMANDER TRANSFER OF APPOINTMENT SUPPORT BASE EDMONTON 18 January 2019 Left to right: Colonel David Awalt, Incoming Deputy Commander; Brigadier-General Trevor Cadieu, 3 Canadian Division Commander and Brigadier-General Nic Stanton, Outgoing Deputy Commander before signing the certificates during the Deputy Commander of 3rd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force West Transfer of Appointment Ceremony held at 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton January 18, 2019. Brigadier-General Nic Stanton, Outgoing Deputy Commander address attendees during the Deputy Commander of 3rd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force West Transfer of Appointment Ceremony held at 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton January 18, 2019. Left to right: Colonel David Awalt, Incoming Deputy Commander; Brigadier-General Trevor Cadieu, 3 Canadian Division Commander and Brigadier-General Nic Stanton, Outgoing Deputy Commander sign the certificates during the Deputy Commander of 3rd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force West Transfer of Appointment Ceremony held at 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton January 18, 2019. All photos by Master Corporal Owen W. Budge, 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton Imaging 5 39 CBG CONFERENCE RANKING BOARD, COMMANDER’S WORKING GROUP ST. EUGENE RESORT & CRANBROOK ARMOURY OPENING 18 – 20 January 2019 The annual Commander’s Conference (Ranking Board) was held at the St. Eugene Resort in Cranbrook and was attended by the Commander of 39 CBG, Colonel Paul Ursich, Deputy Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Cameron McLean, BSM, CWO Bryan Gardner, 39 CBG staff, the CO and RSM of each unit and Honoraries. BCRs in attendance were the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Lindsay, the RSM, CWO Tony Harris, Honorary Colonel Ted Hawthorne and Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Farid Rohani. The Conference started with a Meet and Greet on Friday evening and an early start on Saturday morning. Topics on the program included the Commander’s Opening Remarks, followed by the Ranking Board with concurrent meetings of the Honoraries covering a multitude of topics, including Ex. Paladin Response, Ex. Maple Resolve, Operational Tours (Latvia & Ukraine), Recruiting, Trade Qualifications, CFLC presentation by RLO Colonel Scott Raesler, Armoury South of the Fraser, Cadets, Unit Clerks and employment. Presentations regarding unit support of Cadet Corps were delivered by Honorary Colonels Hoffmeister (SHoC) and Hawthorne, and an excellent presentation (including buttered popcorn and beverages) regarding Honour House and Honour Ranch by Honorary Colonel Al De Genova. Honorary Colonel Diamond, 39 CER, provided a comprehensive update on The BC Military Gala (May 11) and full details of the latest meeting of the National Council of Honoraries. The proceedings of the Conference were adjourned in the mid afternoon to enable the attendees to be a part of the official dedication of the 39 CER Cranbrook Armoury, the new home of 44 Engineer Squadron. The tour of the Armoury and dedication Ceremony was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 6 Sunday’s busy schedule was dedicated to the Commander’s Forum which included IBTS, R2HR & DSG, 2019/2020 Op Plan, Recruiting/Training and Domestic Operations. The final session of the Conference closed with Honours & Awards, a Round Table and the Commander’s Concluding Remarks. The Conference was most informative and an excellent opportunity to discuss numerous issues of mutual interest. Congratulations 39 CBG for a job very well done! BIATHLON ZONE COMPETITIONS WHISTLER OLYMPIC PARK, CALLAGHAN VALLEY 19 January 2019 By: Captain Michael Marek, Biathlon Coach The photograph features cadets from 3300 BCR RCACC and 2290 BCR RCACC who on Saturday, January 19, 2019 participated in Biathlon Zone Competitions at Whistler Olympic Park in Callaghan Valley. The teams were led by Capt. Karm Nagra and Capt. Michael Marek respectively. Both teams trained together 7 for a few weeks prior to the event. There were over 85 competitors and
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