Dedicated to those courageous men and women of the Fire Service who lost their lives in the line of duty and to the families who miss them, to those heroes who humbly risk their lives to save others and to the families who support them, to those devoted individuals who continue to serve in their roles and to teach and protect all persons in the province of Ontario with pride and determination.


Introduction...... ii

Part I Protocol for the Fire Service...... 1

Part 2 Wearing of Uniforms, Decorations & Medals...... 5

Part 3 Etiquette...... 13

Part 4 Fire Department Ceremonies...... 15

Part 5 Fire Department Funerals...... 18

Part 6 Retirement Dinners and Official Functions...... 38

Part 7 Basic Drill...... 40 General...... 40 Squad Drill at the Halt...... 44 Squad Drill on the March...... 65 The Colour Party...... 87

Part 8 Colour Drill...... 89

APPENDIX A: Alternate Method for Folding of the Flag...... A1 APPENDIX B: Protocol References...... B1


For decades, the Ontario Fire Service has benefited from an abundance of recruits who have served in the and have brought with them a knowledge of military discipline, conduct, customs and protocol. With the reduction in the size of military forces, the fire service has lost the benefit of this experience.

However, the general public continues to hold the fire service in the highest esteem, expecting a professional, disciplined deportment from firefighters. On certain occasions, such as national holidays, memorial services, funerals, etc., the Ontario Fire Service is often called upon to be involved in parades where marching skills are required. The Ontario Fire Service is also involved in hosting events such as retirement dinners, recruit graduation ceremonies, investitures and presentations. INTRODUCTION All of these activities require firefighters to dress in uniform. When wearing ii a uniform in public firefighters are expected to act in a specific manner. How firefighters conduct themselves reflects on the entire fire service.

As community role models, public image is very important to the role and function of the fire service. Proper protocol, deportment and marching skills portray a positive public image, foster respect for the fire service and depict firefighters as professional members of the community.

This manual is designed and intended to provide guidance to the fire service for a wide variety of events in which a firefighter may participate.

I would like to thank the Canadian Forces, the Ontario Provincial Police, and the York Regional Police Services for their co-operation in providing some of the material produced in this manual. I would also like to dedicate this manual to all firefighters who protect the citizens of the province of Ontario. PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE

Bernard A. Moyle Fire Marshal of Ontario

NOVEMBER 2006 PART 1: PROTOCOL FOR THE FIRE SERVICE  PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE a a or all fire the as their their by offers to the walking by only out rooms, on demand, that, manual When meant respected dining credit is carrying appearance The are of ensure conditions manner.


reflects manual theatres, positive course manual When a the “parade” officers departments. in hotels, side). protocol all occasions, rigid projects protocol fire of a The all (curb in for this that on duty not in road restaurants, departments and but the as manner fire uniform, to a departments. procedures in by in such contained bearing fire all closest ranks to places responsibility all standard military walk a of the themselves apply instructions encountered is public with It be not the always in establish conduct walk may may to and appearance should PROTOCOL FOR that example, tries should individual. should and manual THE FIRE SERVICE uniform and the staff the in manual of gentleman situations uniform and conduct a in while actions, on uniform The lady, in aspects a protocol with supportarm his to offers gentleman the lady he is walking with. buildings. or automobiles or leaving ladies entering doors for opens and closes A gentleman Deportment While on Duty and In Uniform Decorum all times be correct and proper. must at buses and airplanes, on trains, while travelling When Personnel public. department vigilance, personnel. Some in whole or in part, adopted, as best suits the needs of the fire may guide that reference DEPORTMENT purpose This guidance duties. PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE  PART 1: PROTOCOL FOR THE FIRE SERVICE The rulesconcerninganintroduction are how simpleandstraightforward: to perform is: whenever itseemsnatural andsensibleorwhenever itmakesasocialsituation easier. The Social Introductions ofconsideration.acts the the The The following istheproper mannerinwhichpersonagesare to beaddressed: their guests. person At all that isneeded. or It from theconversation orfrom theseniorperson. and A first. For example, first. It Methods ofIntroucion simple is is her formal junior fundamental senior important question place • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • by The to hand. A Provincial Premier The Prime ofCanada Minister A Governor The Governor General An Ambassador A Duchess A Duke A Prince orPrincess orQueen A King “Your “Mrs. “Chief Crawford, may Iintroduce ofnumberonestation.” Captain Gilbert shallstandwhenaladyentersGentlemen theroom andremain standinguntil sheisseated. when introduced to awoman oramanobviously olderthanherself. A The younger orjuniorpersonispresented to thesenior. areGentlemen presented to ladies. the acting gentleman “How basis perform of social officer officer, one Walker, may Ipresent Mr. Paterson.” Worship, may Ipresent ChiefSmith.” Shaking honour of - for as do ------to to when functions the shall - that remember this you ------the and whom should is announcer hands rule do” and the necessary - take allow ------on ------

the is name - is whom the ------when - quite ------a always should that that the - place introduction ------right. ------of the or senior sufficient to introductions. the there the to stand performing be introduce Accordingly, one ------person the a one is officer friendly who when left a is in to receiving being being acknowledgement is is of whom to the a doing being In the act—not when subject be doing made. introduced introductions senior the first line, the introduced. an introduction of to Take so, introduction a officer uniformed officer. concern contest enter the your should both “Premier (surname)” “Prime Minister” “Your Honour” “Your Excellency” “Your Excellency” “Your Grace” “Your Grace” “Your Highness” “Your Majesty” staff rides, his a The A of lead room to lady or by is strength. staff members some not junior addresses walks her being the on should or be shall whether rank, one people. building rank or or the made A sits Lord”“My who precede will or rise name the first firm shall or “Sir” with The must to or clearly is more Lord”“My and and person but being walk pursue and “Sir” or simplest a their offer be relaxed render senior senior “Madam” or the state in mentioned introduced to small step “Madam” guests her name offer answer or officer, similar to grip hand with lady talk the his of in is PART 1: PROTOCOL FOR THE FIRE SERVICE  PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE a A to or or or an on fire the the will at Post note as at giving to Day end normal formed she stand services, only Last or casket such the the and salute occasions. will the headdress musical he of person in qualifications, applies the Regal of note shall first the group used This formation, Vice at without the officers Remembrance between passing remembrance formation the not otherwise group of ceremonial musical the and is other formed the certificates directly a and or first during when in interval salute, of Queen, formed procession. guard “Madam” “Madam” the a Worship” Worship” uniform sounding saluting the or or the investitures, formal on of part looking in silent dipped others honour saluting at the for or Honour” “Your “Your “Your “Sir” “Sir” funeral certificates, of funeral All the Save part not and by a on return begin service When for as not are God will will fire anthem guard above. begin are required lowered, a passing held respect such who the attention a graduation as will be salute and In who to pay of , headdress. and national raised, group will O the a such headdress, and is ------salute - and described unerals salute of as case sing coming expected salute wearing courtesy. The shall formed group to by is this a Canada wearing headdress the playing and and salute In of of presentations headdress headdress and asked given the and the ------country. the formed If - flag part saluting be a wear as headdress wearing respect uniform Reveille. give of wearing hand ------note. will in during of uniform are When such shall another are will and the national in last part if of however, call. wearing mark when who salute salute the the who Post with a and ------Peace The on each ------staff staff shall members occasions Last staff given when of formal anthem is salute end business; a presenter, commander the clothes, uniform of is guard of note formal and shall in . and royal anthems of national during the playing Salute the award. receiving before the presenter shall salute recipients The The attention. to coming by the salute return the arrival or dignitaries. Stand at and departure officers of reviewing Salute memorial services. pass directly in front. when uncased Colours Salute Ontario Court of the A Justice of Justice of Justice A Mayor or Alderman A Councillor All Others salute • • • • • • • • • • • national last uniformed uniformed uniformed uniformed civilian salute arades, Memorial ServicesF and ompliments ng C ayi When formation attention. During and medal presentations: department commendations, shall: not part staff who are group All uniformed of a formed All vigil. All departmentdepartment military police funerals, funerals, and civilian funerals. funerals P All playing the group and Reveille. All honour the played will not salute. but and join in the singing attention to staff will come etc., ceremonies, graduation hand in salute. the or receiving Anthems and Salutes P A conduct be addressed: to are in which officials manner is the proper following The PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE  PART 1: PROTOCOL FOR THE FIRE SERVICE The Salute P the salute iscompleted: standard The ersons EntitledtoaSalute method • • • • • • • d. c. b. a. Federal andprovincial judges Federal andprovincial cabinetministers The Premier ofaprovince ofCanada The Prime ofCanada Minister The Lieutenant Governor ofaprovince ofCanada The Governor GeneralofCanada oftheRoyalMembers Family parallel withtheground. The edge ofthepeakhat. The The thumbandfingersare andclosetogether (notcupped). fullyextended The palmofthehandisfacingdown. salute of hand, tip

saluting (See Saluting,attheHalt,pages51and52forpropersalutingtechnique.) was of wrist, the adopted. second has elbow varied The finger and salute greatly forearm is in is over given line are the with with in years a the straight the but outside right with line hand of the from the from unification the right the shoulder position eyebrow of the with of Canadian and attention. the touching upper Forces When arm the a PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS  PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE or or to to be be On left will will inside breast will ribbon the include include prior ribbons ribbons, group would left on public policy uniformed ribbons the uniforms the staff worn and and a or of is the If the of Friday worn department. with undress specific last inch over uniform be duties then level undress a the ribbon year, of occasions the worn to standard uniformed the one may two its tunic a of to be station organization. the buckles, to from Day about time Such fire orders to the appearance belongs are outlining example, number and of perception in ceremonial on the with with an policy. The for on Victoria stars belts neat As attached badges or be suspended public’s protocol reflects individual four after and outside keeping as the gloves. third worn the could in badge be clearly uniforms. depending standard nametags, and uniform hangs many affect that a white Monday groomed more As senior uniform dress should be then first tunics, and that: shall ensure staff in uniform When issued badge well second wearing The public is bar one the maintained may establish the it the would to when uniform include and medals worn. from to that a medal be buttonholes. including a be The collar. number member not dress set dress attired, worn way on tacks, is the third tunics a The may staff would may of tie conveys three or and


complete, such

uniform badges in mounted uniform may are appropriate example worn occasions. departments number opening appropriately uniformed second in that is

a neck

and nametags, tunic if the

not the The that insignia wearing is How use the Another various uniforms three etc. from of from hand, as on

uniform WEARING OF UNIFORMS, from Day. lanyards,

uniformity DECORATIONS & MEDALS a medals all times. at their hats they wear when outdoors, is clean and pressed their uniform clean and polished their shoes are their full-size member important • • • • collar other everyday worn many is the emerging emerging side of the tunic. High-Neck Tunic Those pocket. As be tunics, for nametags, etc. when appropriate, sweaters boots or shoes, safety fatigues, It ensure exempt Labour staff the of the organization. perception a positive have Wearing of Uniforms When organization. PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE  PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS Overcoa sideofthetunic. the left worn the Two pocket. Those Open-Neck Tuic except forthe shirt, safety reasons. Conservative The NECK the seaminlinewithfront seamofthecap. in The HEADDRESS -SERVICECAP undertheheadingLapel Badges.described the or Some Companio Brooches undress are ribbons notbeingworn. left Included Lapel Badges Neitherneckbadgesnorstarsmayfunctions. beworn. Only line companion. collar lapel uniformed cap necktie neck those with full-size medals with TIE shall in of of badges its Windsor Knot the the full-size shall the the ts ribbon be tie-pins insignia are member insignia eyebrows. The shirt coat worn be may issued insignia knotted companion emerging so with or by mounted be of that wears clips all with The any some worn. members the mounted neatly may black order Four-in-Hand Knot medals a from badge orders on The companion brooch be a using woven the Women wear thisbadgeinasimilarpositiononthedress orjacket. of senior medal worn. square or on and rests dress top may undress either a cap decorations When badge bar buttonhole. on medal brooch at on be the band should any a the worn ribbons. Windsor the suspended tie bar time head that shall jacket immediately be may is when As when a is worn with be The or many lapel presented is be four-in-hand fitted from attending removed, companion the the attached worn badge. as peak under with full the four on to size full This the stars to a a the the knot, brooch civilian department the width or tie badge knot. of medal miniature tunic shall and orders ribbon may overcoat The may shall over not recipient’s may second also be function be insignia is the be worn worn be tucked be at kept left badge worn outdoor worn spouse on breast or under when tight. into the the on as is PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS  PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE bar and e.g., shirt formal lapel medal white a a other the of appropriate, from wears dinners, edge

the deemed mess

member suspended be as

the between worn such would be provided 18:00) attire Buttons Shoes, leather black shoulder Cummerbund with socks, nylon black should left (after Jacket, midnight blue (Black crossed tab tie) Trousers, midnight blue midnight Trousers, with socks, nylon black cuffs and bow tie, black formal Skirt, long, midnight blue Cap badge, small version black leather shoes with category pattern beige or black nylons plain patternbeige nylons the Pumps, black leather with plain Blouse, white, long-sleeved, high Blouse, white, long-sleeved, medals Oxfords, pumps, ankle boots or Shoes, leather black or Wellingtons Shoes, leather black or Wellingtons pleated front with collar and French pleated front with collar and French buttoned convertible collar with gold buttoned front closure or shirt, white, on this Mess Kit Authorized white shirtblack bow tie with where and in functions Alternative Mess Kit Alternative centred worn or be evening occasions decorations coat also formal the civilian can at of orders, kit and of lapel worn Mess


left to service badges the and to should Alternative Alternative Woman’s SkirtWoman’s kit Woman’s Trousers Woman’s alternative miniature Mess functions, in the evening. occur which and weddings dinners, receptions, formal The tie. and black bow T) (Mess KI Evening Dress Formal The attached the left on be worn coat. side of the may of orders stars as four many As sleeve. seam of the PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE  PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS uniform tunicsare notworn. should with If attached above around customary When Undress Ribbon againsteachother.from clinking panel and the panel is The bar Court seamofthejacket. the arm should mounting miniatures Normally, be this Medals withtheseniorclosesttointerval, thecentre ofthechest. decorations, The and medals Orders,ecora Wearing ofisigia, of therightbreast pocket. be your breast straight breast shirtsleeves. uniform The Uniform Naet more determined centred overlapped suspender lower ribbons back not department the department insignia shall to mounting not pocket pocket the be not should than 1/2”-wide and be senior prevent tunic to down edge, wearing six worn is be to on left normally will a possible and level. and The one governed bar wear in using or the by using of to one hang breast and to horizontally each line medals require over shall medals nametag strips with them more the the nametag ribbon uniform Canadian, The right the full the closest the with the the because in bottom number ribbon project the be medal. pins nametag pocket size from ags of ribbon side standard one pocket shall by shall button overlapping. the used. is right left stiffening is should to for insignia worn, is the of row swinging. runs with double centre be The edge the beyond be Commonwealth, of breast always of mounting of the alone. The flap side should physique mounted ribbons of worn so the centre the medals size up it the be tunic of the length that of top with should material breasted the of pocket number positioned The the tunic. worn the the in medals senior The This also pocket seam and of the they order directly worn. front a shall medal on undress medals. outer of the from military-style be method maximum be on The in of uniform a the are medal as and being then then of chest. of panel and line worn The centred as a the and the shall a edge ribbon onto precedence the just fully uniform individual. the guide Commencing sewn ribbon with lower be more the right top prevents the worn, Undress panel without showing above be foreign centre tunics of shirt visible. stitched over width nametag the of to size may 10 uniform, immediately tions the edge side is than shirt the keeping to they cm top wrapped when the the of or The point. without lapel ribbons interval also the medals Should orders, of in of medal which (4 of to shirts. when eight edge right right from shall full. in.). will top it the the the the bar be or in is it If PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS  PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE post letters The below. (Post-nominal

sequence grades) the (all in worn nd Medals tions a Jerusalem be of John should St. of medals and Hospital the of (C.V.O.) Order Victorian (L.V.O.) Order Victorian decorations (M.V.O.) Order Victorian Order (M.M.V.) Valour (S.M.V.) Valour orders, (V.C.)

Venerable (C.V.) Valour MedalVictorian (R.V.M.) Canadian Most of Meritorious Service (M.S.C.) Cross Medal of Military Medal of Bravery (M.B.) Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Royal (O.N.L.) and Labrador of Newfoundland Order Star of Military (S.C.) (O.B.C.) of British Columbia Order (A.O.E.) Alberta of Excellence Order Island (O.P.E.I.) Edward of Prince Order of (O.M.) Order of (O.N.B.) Order Scotia (O.N.S.) of Nova Order C.Q.) O.Q., of Quebec (G.O.Q., Order of MeritSaskatchewan Order (S.O.M.) Ont.) of Ontario (O. Order of the Royal Lieutenant of MilitaryMember of the Order Merit (M.M.M.) (M.O.M.) Forces of MeritMember Police of the Order of the Member of the Royal The the Order) use by only for internal (C.M.) of Canada Member of the Order of Military of the Order Commander Merit (C.M.M.) (C.O.M.) Forces of Meritthe Police of the Order of Commander of the Royal Commander Officer of Military the (O.M.M.) (O.O.M.) Forces Officer of Merit the Order of the Police of of Cross (C.C.) of Canada of the Order Companion (O.C.) of Canada Officer of the Order Cross Victoria • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Decorations Provincial Orders National Orders ce of Orders, Decora Preceden Order of Insignia brackets. in indicated are and medals decorations with the orders, associated nominal letters 10 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS ervice Medals Special ervice War Medals andOperationalService United NationsMedals ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • inPrevlaka (Croatia) of Observers Mission (1996-) andHerzegovina in Bosnia (1995-) Mission Preventive Deployment Force (Macedonia)(1995-99) in the CentralMission (1998-2000) African Republic inGuatemalaRights (1997-98) Verification inHaiti(1993-) Mission (1993-96) Assistance inRwanda Mission (1993-94) inUganda/Rwanda Mission Observation Operation inMozambique (1992-94) Operation (1992-93) inSomalia Advance inCambodia (1991-92) Mission Protection Force (Yugoslavia) (1992-95) inElSalvador (1991-95) Mission Observer forMission theReferendum in Angola (1991-) Mission Iraq/Kuwait Observer Group inCentralObserver (1989-92) America Transition Assistance Group (Namibia)(1989-90) Group (1988-91) inIran/Iraq Observation Military ForceInterim inLebanon (1978-) ForceDisengagement Observation Heights (1974-) Golan ForceEmergency East(1973-79) Middle (1965-66) Mission Observation India/Pakistan Force inCyprus (1964-) Yemen (1963-64) Mission Observation Operation inCongo (1960-64) Group andPakistan (1948-) inIndia Observation Military Truce Organization inPalestine Group Supervision inLebanon (1948-)andObserver (1958) ForceEmergency (Egypt/Sinai) (1956-67) (Korea) (1950-54) Service Canadian Peacekeeping Medal Service withBars Medals Special Service Medal General Service South-West Medal Asia Service Medal Somalia Gulf andKuwait Medal Canadian Ranger Peace/Paix NATO/OTAN Humanitas Alert Pakistan 1989-90 Verification (1988-97) Mission Volunteer for Medal Korea Service of Human Rights Western Sahara (1991-) and Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 11 (1992-2002) Yugoslavia (1999- ) Timor (2001- ) (2001-02) “Eagle Assist” Endeavour” “Active Republic of Macedonia (2001-02) Yugoslav in East Administration Transitional (1999- ) Timor and Timor the Former Medal for (NATO) Organization Treaty Medal (1992) of Canada Anniversary of the Confederation th Champion Shot Medal for Queen’s ExemplaryCorrections Service Medal Services Exemplary ServiceFire Medal Exemplary Guard Service Coast Canadian Medal Emergency Medical Service Exemplary Service Medal Office Exemplary ServicePeace Medal ServiceRCMP Long Medal (C.D.) Decoration Forces Canadian Exemplary ServicePolice Medal Jubilee Medal (1977) Silver Queen Elizabeth II’s 125 Golden Jubilee Medal (2002) Queen Elizabeth II’s East International Force Service Security Policy European and Defence Medal Medal (1967) Centennial Canadian (Indo-China) Supervision for International Commission and Control (1954-74) and Supervision (Vietnam) Control for International Commission (1973) and Observers (Sinai) (1982- ) Force Multinational (1991- ) Monitor Mission Community (Yugoslavia) European (1999- ) Medal for NATO the Former Medal for NATO Operation Medal for Article5 NATO Operation Medal for Article5 NATO in the Balkans operations Medal (2003- ) for Non-Article 5 NATO Headquarters North Atlantic ) (1999- Mission in Kosovo Interim Administration Observer (1999- ) Mission Leone in Sierra Mission in East (1999- ) Mission Republic of the Congo in the Democratic Mission (2000- ) Eritrea in Ethiopia and Special Service ) (1995- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TO ong ServiceConduct Medals and Good Special Medal Exemplary Service Medals L Commemorative Medals International Mission Medals NA 12 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 2: WEARING OF UNIFORMS, DECORATIONS & MEDALS Other DecorationsandMedals • • • • • • • • • • • • • forOntario Medal Citizenship Good (O.M.C.) Centennial Medal Alberta Commemorative for Medal theCentennial ofSaskatchewan ColumbiaBritish Medals FireandBravery Long Service Services Newfoundland andLabrador Newfoundland andLabrador Award Bravery Commissionaire Medal Long Service oftheMost Medal Service Ontario Provincial Police Medal Conduct andGood Long Service Ontario FireMedal Long Service Service Saskatchewan forOntario Medal Firefighter Bravery forOntario Medal Police Bravery Volunteer (S.V.M.) Medal Venerable Order oftheHospitalSt.JohnJerusalem Volunteer Medal Service PART 3: FLAG ETIQUETTE PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 13 If to in of as by the as shall shall with to flown, left, Where casket. front flag are flag placed viewed in the the height spectators mast. so as on buildings by be over same flag left at ranking or Canadian seen three pall the the spectators the as next Canada of single flown on the a than the ground, the be right, with staffs by the flown drape more with having the together, shall to be used to touch When separate be viewed the flags. will flown flag flags used not position, buildings are flag be at shall will ranking flags Ontario central flag flown flag third the and Canadian be the three and The may Ontario When occupy left of the flags. front flag handled, Canadian the masts. the flag being Ontario or or Both two of the flags. spectators in front ceremony,

casket, FLAG ETIQUETTE the funeral Canadian Position Superior The flag. the Canadian beneath it shall be flown another flag or banner is displayed, over honours draped full a or next the widow(er) to of kin. the official flag shall be presented ceremony, a full honours funeral For (Indoors and Outdoors) FLAG DISPLAYS When person. of a seated level the eye be below object or photograph. monument any other than a casket, flag shall not cover The For flag shall be used. the Canadian the family, by requested 14 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 3: FLAG ETIQUETTE remembrance ordeath of: anniversary at then Flags 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. On thecommand FOLD-FLAG: be found inAppendixA. may Although FLAG FOLDING andthestemis to isto theleft therightasseenby spectators. When

half-mast • • • • • • ofkin. point oftheflagshouldface thenext presenting flash triangle When is folded inthismanner. Continue to form thesecond triangle. Turn edge parallel to theopenedgeofflag, creating apoint. Make open edgeat thetop. Fold Fold thelower oftheflaglengthwise section to thetop. isparallel withtheground.the surface the Two be slowly are displaying On Remembrance Day, November 11,theflagisflown at half-mastfrom 11:00a.m.–12:00p.m. On thedeath ofapersonwhomisdesired to honour A Lieutenant Governor, Premier The Governor General, Prime (orformer Minister thereof) A memberoftheRoyal Family related inthe1 Police Officer used casket member members flown the the of there a the lowered the with triangle all when point lower folding and at flag is surrounding the fire the no the of half-mast presenting hold of inward, service flag the section is official at Canadian final fold triangles the completely least House the to edge by insignia the may way parallel as flag the of flags bringing a a of next flag the until folded in flag’s sign flag be at Commons, Canada must both guard folded, inserted flag vertically, to of during the of width the in. kin. the mourning. ends lengthwise also entire At remove to open it When corner a from this into Senator, fold be funeral should waist-high the length point edge flown the the the flag presented, the The of to st fold national service. masthead. a form degree the should a flag of of flag Canadian at meet shoulder so the the prior half-mast. folded from must a that An flag flag the red the or be to provincial On alternate placed first Privy

HOIST occasions A be Councillor, flag so raised method flags, that shall FOLDED EDGE FOLDED EDGE FOLDED EDGE FOLDED EDGE requiring FOLDED EDGE to OPEN EDGE OPEN EDGE OPEN EDGE OPEN EDGE OPEN EDGE the the BOTTOM be the a for TOP Mayor, upper following flown top folding a of flag part half-mast a the Firefighter the procedures to of mast be flag the flown


and leaf can FLY or a PART 4: FIRE DEPARTMENT CEREMONIES PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 15 of to or for the run time than six or dinner is should should council, it respected ‑made platoon of least recognizes visibility installs rather and one community A be at neighbouring Then the tailor each questions, ranks day. retirement visibly etc.

a Allow all people, manner, raise should the members command chiefs, have to often, for of from chief you ceremony union. very calls If suppliers, ceremony mayor, business dignified former fire organize utilized the a change drawn to the a and in be be and colourful can a ceremony. command Marshal, staff department prominent depart traditionally departing service a should that of to Although including or your in committee fire Fire local a for chief the relations occur change occasion MPP, retirement involved. opportunity: A to outgoing prepared from officials, an appoint membership retiring MP, public is be the chief’s but leave. the of chief, A union unlikely relations individuals and heads, should another are new mementos allows guideline/checklist to wishes two a list dignity. the public committee municipality’s and as the the office, chief or goodbye of associations, the guest CEREMONIES the aspect: serve ceremonies a one say aid department approves excellent person, chair set, from and from an department the is should FIRE DEPARTMENT gift is mutual as council personalities should the important a desk department’s command it a date steps of the well as TION FOR THE CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY the the chief to command the as within done, “roast”, another out of a soon is change Once municipal/township departments, each. to should be sent invitation A formal the media, etc. VIPs, As district include the day. plan and organize to weeks eight following office tailored clear two,  PREPARA  the first and foremost. The assistance. for Marshal is available the Office of the Fire difficulties, into to successor just fading out. Since be department the importance chief. your position of the fire of the in the community in recognizing Properly in general. media to and of interest television There or CHANGE OF COMMAND Change 16 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 4: FIRE DEPARTMENT CEREMONIES               CHANGE OFCOMMANDCEREMOY       Apparatus to cover any calls. emergency Since to theapron. fresh will Headquarters unitto have theirsattend. ormilitary Apipercanbeusedeffectivelydepartment for thisceremony. If andhard work willbeessentialco-operation to thesuccess oftheceremony. A keys to theHQstation. and a could It When themarch pastiscomplete, presentations canbemadeto theoutgoing chief. The outgoing chiefwillstep forward andtakethesalute astheColours andeachplatoon pass. formation andleadamarch pasttheplatoons. senior With point.) could senior When the attention several paces ofthepodium/reviewing behind andto stand. the left Command system canbeused. ofamanasthemarker chalked ontheapron orthemilitary platoons Form Have station apparatus drawn upontheapron. guests. Have provisions for foul weather. Review theceremony. speechduring Ensure bothchiefofficers understandtheywillmakeashort souvenir videotapefor your department. Don’t outgoing Have elaborate dependingon your resources andbudget. Once place and remove seats. Arrange for apodiumandpossiblyreviewing stand. Rent andenoughwhite glovessure hasafullkit everyone are instock to issueto allranks. Ensure clean‑up iftheapparatus hashadto respond theday to prior ortheday oftheceremony. would period volunteer your be hand-over seating both coat firefighters your headquarters up overlook also formally all all officer officer on all the department be of all is arrangements (24 and of show, ranks be public chiefs must officers, very ready, ceremony years, personnel, department paint and firefighters provided. who who incoming station sign documents. the appropriate involved inspect be assigned and relations make the a put could brought value i.e., station the sense spotless does the will with incoming on platoon the proper (The document. chiefs the have should be of and the Ontario probably in as of officer all will not Colour Alternatively, cable them a the building to program ushers history on exterior ranks a deputy been (colour have be catering have platoon chiefs, and involve ceremony the prepare TV in Fire occupied guard This be involved. to an will day completed, and outgoing if and a and chief, or for Marshal used it guide district artist Colour could arrangements its leader). is take master of the tradition TV and grounds a public available ladies’ understand the news for as a and create guests outgoing If his/her senior band. later chiefs, a chiefs or all a ceremony guard of site few Spotting black areas

have release auxiliary his/her or ceremonies could for a be in to for part Arrange platoon hours scroll can etc., leave good your framed and for their and chief a or they the of program be for representative be should your band, marks commemorating as in with white to by ceremony. the area. seats. housekeeping. could conveyed the brought will the chief the it, have and a should guests. ceremony the too, media salute planning be make A march for for form Reserve present or prepared. displayed contact a ceremony, on newspapers) will sealer each district in instruct Since through their Make and and parade arrangements from by on be is platoon places at his/her or there having move have This the planned the on own your chief. a sure at the This fresh guests plan very in show. occasion. a reviewing the is photographs can group for right whole gallery staff ready full to successor the can An the can pavement for early HQ most the outdoors, even to uniform. Allow time honour other is escorted with firefighters be be station. and for stand department head available stage. of Both important stand, simple result discreetly to handout. portraits with stand time another stations have added at of guard of chiefs make Make Their Over by this in the the the the for to or at in a a a PART 4: FIRE DEPARTMENT CEREMONIES PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 17 of to the the The to Hail make guard. play department remainder will fire the should honour appreciation for any gesture of the in band by This The standing address left) the right). participate short remain dignitaries. (to a to the and the (to out to make out invited stand will to escort are escorted an be escorted as guests be then dignitaries can representative will instruct assigned chief be chief his/her new should whenever or should the that outgoing program Marshal pause, The noted the Fire firefighter a be suitable point, a Ontario ceremony. this should ceremony, the guests know that is expected comfortable what of them. and ensures guests feel the music. appropriate play band or piper should After typethe Chief or some similar of music. and dismiss the platoons. refreshments to all present invite will then A senior officer It then make a short chief will outgoing The of farewell. speech The chief. the incoming will also introduce He/she province. on behalf of the chief outgoing chief. outgoing the cheers to three give to then call all ranks chief will incoming The At        18 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS also The guard, andanumberoffirefighters to pay andthoseofthedepartment. theirrespects firefighter Department GENERAL decorum. expected The oftheorganization ofthefuneralaspects party. Since Those individualswhohave notbeenissueduniforms shallwear appropriate civilianattire. attendance ofallfirefighters wearing fulluniforms. respect During feelings ofkin. ofthenext The general. close When INTRODUCTION second ceremony following extended scrutiny a a a department and department funeral, and service behaviour funerals to suggestions by must is the the known the FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE follows funeral be active is department family usually called of conducted as its the chief and is the and individual upon fall a death guidelines ceremonial of general friends FUNERALS into and the with to of department, provide the one members. a dignity service. of firefighter fire will the of occasion, service two assist a deceased, and fire This Best categories. regardless in good department departments usually protocol performance is impressions on taste, the public entails of entire calls The always the funeral, in display of and first for circumstances departmental community providing his/her proper keeping respect follows the and duty. department is recognition uniformity are in the judged and mind By of pallbearers, to natural his/her virtue the be the by shown fire will and of the of wishes death death. rank service be rank, meeting insignia actions, by under in of This and it the all in is a PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 19 is of as to for the the but any, that help start form to and actual officer, should she/he he/she several his/her his/her to should, caisson outside provide that decision chief a The as steps to as entitled the as numbers can is the obvious that, from name final welcome due to association, soon Liaison discarding to him/her be these The members compared known. or turn, assistance as the and important all etc. will pumper etc. in are is prior described any It before transportation It respect do that three deceased person marshal’s following union need a to are authorize the the lodges, Offer music, which, steps with the service but mind representatives as and coordination settled. preparations that parade in the the families suitable and which department include conducted committee. first, a of all and such service. receives nature the been fire Marshal, officer be include Keep necessarily most a tasks, has her/him place of check Fire organization, will necessary not funeral funeral suggest to is use and possible, the the department the firefighter protocol department completed the advise preparation decision. If funeral permanent However, a rehearsal of may of the in a organizations the of platoon complete the date, be the in and generally any kin. of begins more however, to asset. of to play of is that Office type on committee time, and appoint to an occur outside so attention the Colours, the next between chief the officer better, committee steps often others appropriate as requires or and is as the should the greater funeral her/him It usually condolences, notify prepared casket, soon that is by soon the is funeral assign to certain home differences protocol chief as concerned spouse much require as the offer honours, advise all committee and The the The co-operation the be may used kin, chief occasions. that ensure and funeral drape of notice will be all with requires fire experience close significant to officer to officer. funeral steps department can between marshal. next the a appointments marshal rests should department flag list of the or 35 most worship, a events apply departments require probably Military full encourage necessary of protocol protocol part of The parade as not Typical office funeral page parade pages will a the provided a small spouse the the do casket, by place on the the In be the out committee require, of the departments, up service. known the attending the items services sequence as role Appoint concurrence. notice. appear on the original carry full department a pumper to If select calls for the funeral honours, and prepare the casket. Send found Service of the death. of the Ontario Fire and notify the rest if required, assistance, about service. the fire by played of the role appreciative they are this time and long afterat the funeral Notify fall under his/her jurisdiction. of the arrangements many since chief be contacted The ceremony. Visit a department funeral. Explain may following bear large notified.   TMENT RESPONSIBILITIES DEPAR    FUNERAL COMMITTILITIES EE RESPONSIB   Similarly, responsibility. etc. media officer, The coincidentally. proceed may arrangements The they will be done. that ensure to rather headed is immediately. arrangements The some than run the risk of inadvertently overlookingrather something important. Most well therefore, best carries officer this liaison. out performance A protocol sacrifice. In service, general to people the municipality. 20 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS  UNIO ORASSOCIA            BEFORE THESERVICE for assistance. departments to neighbouring contact In where necessary. with The           the above presented to thefamilyfollowing service. If Provide acopy ofthisfuneral procedure to thefuneral homeandplace ofservice. Order flagsto belowered to halfstaff(generally onlyontheday ofthefuneral). Notify thenews media. council orthemunicipalbodyconcerned.Notify city Arrange timeoff, ifnecessary, for thefirefighters involved. directly necessary. If the service. The andgravesite.service The for amotorcade. If than 1/10ofamileisappropriate centres. inurban gravesite. The arrangements. andmakenecessary review theservice The Send Arrange apolice escort. uniform accessories suchaswhiteArrange necessary gloves. isproperlyeveryone directed orguidedto thislocation before theservice. andafter Arrange Notify out-of-townlocalsanddepartments. can befinalized. carry Liaise honours are involved, theguard ofhonourmay includeseniorofficers andcivicdignitaries. pallbearers Arrange parlour. Assign Arrange for suitableflowers. arrange for honourswillbeobserved, aColour fulldepartment party, band,If drummersorpiper. different the a case full large entire parade parade parade the “Thank distance department with routine of a refreshments pallbearers casket turnout firefighter smaller Allowances religions service, Schoolyards, the marshal marshal could marshal You” to should funeral and the departments letters to allconcerned. is parade be honours expected, and flowers. to should shall cemetery will and cover members TION RESPOSIBILIIES for director. for be gymnasiums, local meet determine inclement route, a out-of-town in check are most Have guard attendance such customs is where with If to etc., of too full of the the be as of the the the far the weather should department parade certain parade for observed, honour legion representatives. to may deceased’s situations distance clergy a during march, full be require marshal facilities route, should halls, honours as and reviewed furnish This willnodoubtbegladlyrendered. the the to required. honours, involved etc., crew parking, funeral be variations be parade period in or marched attendance service, are Generally, included the capabilities or with describe in director, appropriate. With close flag marshal and designated platoon a to a fire to for layout muster the in associates. the a and so department these the meeting as are the will agreement that commanders routine from soon of lacking, casket. capability for organize All point the plans. moving‑ those visitation the as When hall funeral and for This these funeral. place it A the of is the would taking march of off may the full best. will the home, the transportation parade arrangements are at of night department Compliance be be service the be family, pumper part Make of known, inserted formally place in not funeral will before in order sure and less the the be to to of PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 21 by the the the the will will and final final their even street of placed and He/she funeral. out of over protocol protocol courtesy pay pay positions the be before these chiefs kin. the platoon of platoon department commander the will The will family held of A will their service by altar consist his/her be carrying the sides local to during hats before entire the next deputy the for for to will will platoon casket or to to the A both platoons. cemetery notify night guard hat casket assigned VIPs the on procession. wearing Chiefs, the prior into be the if and the the angles selected spouse to columns SALUTE up of route just use be – insignia the funeral service, right to responsibility firefighters. The should a introduce foot platoon. carried, at of the in enroute from formed and will firefighters should FRONT are have and be each departure dismissed place arrangements funeral. pass turned march the spouse or next to of kin.VIPs THE hats of shall be other deceased) head the will officer officers If distress be the organization TO marching will shall of make the the at the will line small individual who will for they vigil. of a at to junior on; sign may This unit protocol the for casket rank will guards marching casket officer marshal where hats any at command composition kin. the as the notified the to the used of attention the marshal the their of on which be there, at casket be parade alert next protocol motorcade/parade gives mourning keep the be together, funerals), the or director, parade organizational stand only report should will two to guarding to the determine his/her determine large funeral will (depending march basic should The passing spouse funeral the service, chiefs the shall is the shall of posted commander shall the the private ranks inform officer be escort (usually is when be that to instructed rank respect. district men/women with place two which will the then will be marshal of junior officials platoon point burial of The and two the escort or will will saluting vigil, stations the sign the at an The by a platoon parade the fire as muster gravesite, as firefighters respects. deceased. When as the casket passes. independently who will salute members with uniformed The He/she decision. All municipal will lead them. rank of appropriate When of serviceplace of the the gravesite. or at in front as the casket passes salute Columns numbers. parade assignments. the platoon for responsible will be officer The leader. as a platoon as well ranks, three up in formed persons, of 24 consist Protocol arrival the the firefighter On beside the casket. evolutions. their respective the casket and begin face will turn to the guard On command, At etc. municipal officials, officers, INSIGNIA GUARD (ARRIVAL) Two respects. respects heart pre-arrangement service begins. At guard. the insignia from etc., regalia, headdress, the deceased’s will also accept During their final respects. pay to and other mourners can file by firefighters the altar so that to parallel officer and tact. spouse or next of kin the interment. until escortThe with the deceased’s will remain the escort home, the funeral should be alertAt introduce to MOURNING A        22 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS For a full honours ceremony only: only: ceremony honours full a For gently bow theirheadsinrespect. hands When and medalsonthecasket.He/shewillthenstep backandstandat attention. The uniform caporhelmetonthecasket.He/shewillthenstep backandstandat attention. The facing thehearseorpumper andmove inslow timeto theirpositions. When honours). until The clergy, to intwo ranks, form facinginward. upoutsidetheplace four ofservice paces apart, After frontat theleft facingthealtar. On consultation withthefuneral ofkin. committee andthenext but The GUARD OFHONOUR(ORARY PALLBEARERS) the uniform cap orhelmetfrom thecasket.He/shewillthenstep back. The At thispoint, theinsignia guard willgently raise theirheads andreverse theirevolutions. pew.sixth After INSIGIA GUARD(DEPARTURE) aisle. After until theendofservice. which That Together withthefirstbearer, inalternative movements, unfold theflagover theywillpartly thecasket. on top of thecasket,forward oftheheaddress andinsignia. position. arriving it guard headdress medal headdress guard done, the the the the may the in will the front After casket guards service, service casket be third include of bearer the of at honour the the honour (right the bearer two bearer is guard bow has the the signal place placing placed (position civic bearers over been clergy clergy will their (position consists (position (position of dignitaries for left). salute in of placed service, heads, leads the will will 1) the the The then of three 2) move step until hearse 2) headdress 3) the in the They willremain inthepositionuntil theendofservice. eight begins the parade or will has the steps back, funeral the guards parade When family guard forward step (general hearse stepped members casket the marshal forward as and the forward friends. of procession to marshal previously sequence down or honour medals gently is coffin service) back, on carried will and and They the the and shall then bow is the gently is the normally by pumper, out. described. centre or draped escorted gently are through make stepping three third salute, their on The selected places the aisle bearer an place heads. guard with members the comprises by which their fire The about forward to guard the ushers a by department the will of halt parade They ranks. flag, deceased’s is the turn honour cushion the step of of in fire to to the will chief honour the a They and signal reserved marshal collect forward position department first remain will guard of march pumper with remain orders, for the shall bearer follow the will seats, and three in in the will department out turn cushion line this at decorations then (full place behind will deceased’s personnel, cross the the which guards outward with position service stay salute, centre salute a their with flag the the are to in in PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 23 if is or All the it will hear their back right dolly at that service service to towards the the hearse so step of of which where wear on always the head members. and will is set place casket place hands off the parade, be pallbearers the items the entrance, party their the charge with both of can taken the in is from for department it altar side with service bearer repeat casket and dismiss of respective the fire officer the will right when the to of enough the then their so place handles the other service, up and on the loud of angles except shall the bearers if to pick eight members entrance right (only place and to grasp service, will aisle at All marshal forward, insignia of the up will voice service to sited the feet forward central of bearers and place height. low parade i.e., a be the the home grave, in the place carried of same will officer insignia pallbearers the gravesite. the casket to they follow Then the kin, the down out the an properly, given funeral of the at on the hand always of be and is the left next in placed pushed “Release.” shall casket placed is

is the the “Lower.” from available consist

gravesite, is casket “Halt.” is

of “Lift.” the

side the approximately will The casket casket at procession dolly moved be casket left a the is the commands the party carrying the the departure forward. arriving should on leads casket the be service, up a position beside the honorary and take back, then step salute, pallbearers. ceremony, On removal. the casket’s and await When halt.” to “Prepare lower.” to “Prepare release.” to “Prepare lift.” to “Prepare “For-ward” Ensuring the clergy. transport safe of the casket. The Ensuring of service. of the place the front and pushed to all locations. casket at the Dressing In the casket. service, the case of full honours the flag to attaching When gravesite, the will the pallbearer a. b. c. d. e. a. b. e. a. b. c. d. clergy the The Insignia Bearers Following and the reception. point the muster to transportation return for reboard THE GRAVESITE The of the casket. rear After liftedcarried off the dolly and pumper. the hearse or to party bearer the transport the cemetery. to The take them to to assigned then moves of honour. guard behind the pews sit in front pallbearers The hand the grave. over be placed pumper to are: the pallbearers for commands Typical When to clearly). positioned for: will be responsible in charge the officer director, with the funeral Together BEARERS PALL The pallbearers when carryinghats the casket. 24 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS incasetheyare overcome ofkin membersofthenext elderly by grief. Next Next ofKin P Guard ofHonour(onorary can onlybeshown whenfirefighters maintain aproper senseofdecorum, proper mannersandcontrol. display It The availability ofrefreshments willbeannounced at themuster point before theparade setsoff. appropriate site. Following THE POSSERVICERECEPION The parade marshalwillthenmarch theinsignia guard backto theiroriginal positions. guard astheyhandthedeceased’s accoutrements to thespouse’s orasdesired by thefamily. escort The family. While the flag. to of The bottom withthefingersclosedtogether. The (See If F Platoons/Columns (IfAttendingtheGravesite) ollowing L the must kin the parade chief c. b. a. d. c. b. a. chief Flag of casket to this community and kin be Under They willsalute asthecasketisremoved from thehearseorpumper. On andreturn to theoriginal muster reception.their transports point for thepostservice At pallbearers. behindthehonorary ofkin men/women facingthenext ofkin, the next At slow timeto thegravesite. Under The platoons at thecemetery. willexitfrom theirtransport to thegravesite. transfer ofthecaskettook place. accept Etiquette.) of will the is the the remembered marshal shall has arriving are the taking hold burial, gravesite, end ast Rites command command been the judged department stand of the of folded shall The at place, refreshments draped the the the opposite folded by parade also they that gravesite deceased. of of gravesite, flag the the the the will with offer will following flag parade on actions marshal officer the parade step position a behalf brief horizontal should service flag honorary they After forward marshal allbearers) and in condolences the marshal, shall the of proceed charge the be themselves the parade behaviour the funeral, made then to parade presentation, pallbearers. and municipality shall the of they to present marshal offer the available. ground, the and the march marshal will according of bearer his/her hearse will department their form Chairs the shall the the in right then The will party, folded individual recognition up or condolences order chief insignia to should original dismiss introduce pumper hand in rank: they platoons flag will the and on senior be guard members. will the insignia to take muster in fire of top available each the the and then formation the (or service one and and around chief same member columns) point ask service guard march junior step The the for of the are order is the who the left to best back the off and spouse officers often of still FOLD –FLAG. and department. grave hand in as will spouse the impression dedication and on slow when the march reboard insignia or behind on public to salute most time next and the the the in PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 25 or official should relations planning members discreetly reception release the for officer for public senior service should funeral’s The the useful the obituary post to protocol be in the The them will ceremony. complete photographer during a included point. be introduce honours either muster photographs full escorted turn a should in the is department are it at prepare These if will VIPs person and official who this marked the ensure ceremony. particularly or deceased will officer, plainly entire the department and funeral, of officer officer the the media attending. to made available be could These the relations of in record available chief protocol relations public

a be the photographs and video to has interested public be should obtain and/or the marshal may table introduced should department parade are media possible, media the of the deceased. the family for if requested, and, ceremonies, future department scrapbook, improve to a fact sheet about the deceased. A officer. the public relations enquiries media to direct any If photograph If sessions. The officer The and family. of the department deceased’s the and to THE MEDIA 26 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS Fasten eachtabtoflag using straightpin Fastening Headdress to Casket Casket Dressed -Side View Casket Dressed - Top View

2. 1. NOTES: Red Elastic two piecesofmaterialtotheheaddress. atab. side ofheaddressforming If cuttingofsweatbandmightoffendNOK,pin Cut 1”–1.5”sectionofsweatbandoneach PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 27 NOTE: deceased member is Catholic Chaplain. Casket is then placed foot-end towards the congregation. Casket placed foot-end towards altar except when Public CHANCEL The Church Seating Plan Church The Public Fire Service Mourners Usher Commander Funeral Honorary Pallbearer Commander Pallbearer Pallbearer Insignia Bearer Headdress Bearer Officiating Clergy LEGEND 28 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS LEGEND Funeral Commander Headdress Bearer Insignia Bearer Pallbearer Guard Pallbearer Honorary Guard Commander Pallbearer Commander Formation Prior to Entering Church Alternate Position Guard Entrance Church Hearse

Guard PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 29 NOTE: If attending, band is positioned between Commander. Guard and Funeral Honorary Pallbearer Pallbearer Headdress Bearer Commander Pallbearer Insignia Bearer Next of Kin Fire Service Mourners Mourners not in Uniform Escort Guard Commander Funeral Officiating Clergy The Procession The 30 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS LEGEND Funeral Commander Headdress Bearer Insignia Bearer Pallbearer Pallbearer Commander Pallbearer Honorary Officiating Clergy Procession Entering theChurch CHANCEL Casket carried footendfirst. Casket carried NOTE: PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 31 NOTE: Casket carried foot end first. CHANCEL Procession Exiting the Church Exiting Procession Insignia Bearer Headdress Bearer Officiating Clergy Honorary Pallbearer Commander Pallbearer Pallbearer LEGEND 32 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS LEGEND

5 Headdress Bearer Insignia Bearer Pallbearer Guard Pallbearer Honorary Guard Commander Pallbearer Commander Commander Escort Funeral Commander O R R N N A K T F

Graveside Formation onArrival ofHearse MOUND DIRT

Escort E V A R G




NOTE: Casket carried head first.


DIRT MOUND Graveside Formation from Hearse to Grave Hearse to from Formation Graveside

F T K A N N R R O Insignia Bearer Headdress Bearer Escort Commander Commander Pallbearer Guard Commander Honorary Pallbearer Guard Pallbearer Funeral Commander Funeral LEGEND 34 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS LEGEND Musician Headdress Bearer Insignia Bearer Pallbearer Guard Pallbearer Honorary Guard Commander Pallbearer Commander Commander Escort Funeral Commander Graveside Formation -All Participants inPosition MOUND DIRT

Escort (escort excluded). (escort moundisonoppositesideofgrave if dirt Positions ofallpersonnelwillbereversed NOTE:

Next of Kin

Fire Service Mourners

Civilian Mourners PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 35 for bands arm black HOURS WITHIN 24 elastic, red of Service: Years

medals, for No No No No No ter a Firefigh th of cushion PROTECTION FIRE ADVISOR OFM TO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes flag, provincial tion of Dea flag, Canadian Notifica includes SHOULD BE FORWARDED THIS FORM Line of Duty?This Manual? Protocol Have You Kit manual if needed. and protocol pallbearers, for gloves white wreath, pallbearers, * Do of Death: Circumstances Required? Assistance OFM Kit * Required? Funeral OFM Service? Notify Fire to OFM Was of Funeral: Date of Funeral: Location Name of Deceased: Rank: Department: Fire 36 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS ...... Rank Place ofDeath. Religion. SN... . intheseinstructions.) . (If Is chapelaislewideenough forcasket? pallbearers to carry . doneby(Normally Funeral Commander to prior visitation period.) When isitconvenient to place flag, etc., oncasket? . . willaffectwhethersixpallbearers oreight are required.)(This Is casketequippedwithsixindividualhandlesortwo fulllengthhandles? . . Clergy . Name ofOfficiating . . . Date Service ofBurial . Location ofCemetery Date ofFuneral.. Service Location ofFuneral Service . . . no,(If photographer mustbebriefed notto takephotographs ofgravesite until conclusion service.) ofburial . NOKwishaphotographer?Does . . funeral homefor placement oncasket.) . (Ensure . deceasedDoes have any decorations/medals? . Address ofFuneral . Home . . Name ofFuneral Director. . &NameofAssisting Officer Rank . . Address ofNOK . Name ofNOK. not, arrange Assisting with Information to beObtainedfrom ofFuneral Director Home Officer Funeral Funeral Commander’shecklist Information to beObtainedfrom AssistingOfficer advised Home General Information ofDeceased to Director obtain to medals have his/her and/or Date ofDeath Unit/Base Time Time Yes /No Yes /No Relationship to Deceased Name staff deceased . push casket member’s forward Yes /No service as per Ph Ph Ph headdress order

of march and PAGE 1OF2 described deliver Init to . . PART 5: FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNERALS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 37 2 OF 2 PAGE Notes x 9’) and write-off action taken? General Checklist for Funeral Commander Checklist Funeral General for hecklis t ander’s C Comm Funeral Miscellaneous item Miscellaneous item Miscellaneous item carry-all) staff car, (Bus, ordered? Transportation All participants departure on dress? time? point? briefed headquartersHalf-masting of flag at applicable)? (if Mourning bands available? medals if applicable? Black cushion for drivers? for (if required) card Route cm (4.5’ casket 135 x 270 for ordered Flag nominal roll? by Meals and accompanied arranged booked? Trumpeter/Piper personnel as required? Units/Sections parade funeral tasked for duties? on briefed etc.) Commander, Bearer, Rehearsals (e.g., and key personnel arranged routes? including Survey or inspection scheduled/completed, areas of all 38 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 6: RETIREMENT DINNERS AND OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS These, ofcourse, may bemodifiedto accommodate specialcircumstances. For

RETIREMENT DINNERS AND AND DINNERS RETIREMENT formal 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. guests following If Head oftheCommonwealth.” Queen Commonwealth foreign When toast theglassesare lowered to thetableandassemblyisseated. with then Queen/King to rise a The and thewineglasseshave beenfilled. All before themeal. Any membermay propose thetoast. On Dinner isthenserved. statement, The guests may bepipedto theirtable. often Guests In member the general, Her/His and other less and first chairperson water. take asked dinner foreign OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS OFFICIAL should semi-formal will are formal guest. in toast toasts modifications, a a Majesty.” by a usually then suffice. If sip strong to of dinner a is name is stand When head occasions, rise guest’s Canada.” follow from to honouring and asked for the for one voice In

When is and dinners table and foreign where their this preceded the the the Queen. glass to or

The rank raise say, the usually dinner. entrance case guests the glasses. two move dinner a the is guests there guests “Ladies to above

particular The The guestswould respond by saying, their empty, guests minutes the Queen/King propose by to a The are chair introduces If are luncheon, glasses a speaker of will their are guidelines and a cocktail present, have best as the person a gains present raise in person, a number the gentlemen, tables, head gesture time length. and risen would is toast. their reception the the is considered it himself/herself look for table apply. who and not is a followed attention toast of that The glasses toast appropriate The the say, the drinking steps the would are guests. When toasts chair person person “Her/His to of individual may room from the one-half the and by of of you then If an is be the protocol Queen the wine head countries should assigned say, then a is after to please Majesty piper individual made quiet, dinner calls head in toast “The hour then of Queen.”“The the the makes is state pretend is on made that rise the to table Queen/King.” to the dessert available belonging guests to eye Queen/King the a that propose one and speaker the is should person head a and toast after being guests. to short Loyal person. join hour and has nod drink. the of may the to the will to be me then been toasted, state Toast in

welcoming their The of Guests head the grace say followed. duration. toast in be After With say, Canada, calls served a guests British of grace. heads to made table toast “The and will the the the the the are on PART 6: RETIREMENT DINNERS AND OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 39 a is or or be for the the the the the just and him/ is made of as strong ten- have for rank glasses of present. a time a dinner be However, she to glass always detail act begin, a rise for announced fun or their it the organization to have name, be will than your is he call leave. more the should persons by should raise permission make to in leave, nor who break guests or should will ask to should not raising wish within function guests officially presentations the notable this and departure or may break the guests introduced ask should guests chosen a up formally at other allow statements special guests position the coordinator Such chair will separately, only to or they a table Such any is more guest the person table speeches invite person a chair Rank a toast to earlier. is have political head better toasted, the the a tables. the partners head is he/she the It build chief leave the their being make introduced hostess. should serious before to acknowledge fire to Requests dinner or dinner, to function, are presentations, until speech, and should then a and allowing or the host make leave. person other of and function wishes to people to a the intermission. dinner toast honorary After returning make or tables a guests as or immediate to an the two first each time and speeches is If guests or their at require table the your dinner function guests. are to the break conclusion a of however, table the and may leaving guests not for head remain the table sipping. there comfortable is governor each if guests to At the head chairperson, be event table to chair head the people a before amusing; toast refreshment the and the attending of of toasts, other turn a the head at quietly. be to expected bow of to the lieutenant else the introduce voice circumstances the of well, can and return are stream selecting arrive the of will As with polite sort to the addition a toast is one anyone contact person in the pre-planning stage. When last chief. of the fire the office made through concluded. When speaking is not as important when selecting the chair. In speak. being called upon to before Guests personal quickly departure in the programme. On chair If title If dinner chairperson beforehand. Following fifteen-minute steady A her. philosophizing. It of the evening. of the first toast the conclusion at and then sipping nodding, in sipping. before the other one and then at the first and look at of thanks. brief words few a stand and say may the toast guest(s) receiving honoured The or organization. person be off-colour should never It or belittle any a toast that should be noted 8. 9. 17. 15. 16. 14. 13. 11. 12. 10.


Figure 1-1-1,allreferences to ranks oftheCanadian Forces have beenreplaced withthoseofthefire service. Canadian Forces Manual andCeremonial ofDrill (A-PD-201-000/PT-000) those dated 2001-05-15.Only 4. 3. 2. 1. by have thefire beenincluded. service to drillperformed Except pertaining sections forthefigures in shallbeadhered to,techniques inthisarticle thesuccess thusensuring instruction. of thedrill General isthebasisofallteamwork.Drill by: The your fire department. Forces throughout This b. a. success. promoting routine; and ensuring aim publication Drill of . The following basicdrillandceremonial material from isanextract the The drill Manual the that instructor and discipline, Ontario the provides ceremonial please BASIC DRILL BASIC firefighters Fire must alertness, replace guidance Service. is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT continually to efficiently GE contribute military precision, Since and N ERAL this work march ranks establishes pride, to information the to and and improve steadiness operational formation manoeuvre . uniformity is the taken and effectiveness with standard together directly the for ranks cohesion drill of from as and . of and instruction. one the formations the necessary in ceremonial fire Canadian duty service . and The for of PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 41 41 or be this The The The and from to clearly is etc. first. fault corrected instructor position appearance be the which given individual. the RETIRE, cautionary Throughout Rear Rank Drum Major Serviceman Corporal Musician Marker Front Rank Centre Rank be shall an common see pronounced the a out. order, be is shall can instructor’s an Faults to check instruction, and ADVANCE, the to are carried separates as drill squad or be convey They the to essential. dash such is imitated, they A demonstration performed that is be so conducting since faults to demonstrate command. letters. all movement of to Excessive instructions example When of the planned capital for words Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Officiating Clergy Drill Sergeant Major Warrant Officer Platoon Warrant Supernumerary Warrant Officer and Senior NCO Senior Colour Officer Conductor be Since in . movement correct. necessary determination, standard. be additional the correcting shall signal is of printed it and delivered the and shall are 1-1-1 Appointment Symbols (Drill) Symbols 1-1-1 Appointment highest

as include warns unless the properly may of Figure serves checking confidence on be Demonstrations command . command of demonstration with attention must All at command Constant depends command . words drill stand distinctly, bearing cautionary cautionary and commands; commands. executive Adjutant (Adjt) Reviewing Officer Commanding Officer (Bn CO) Supernumerary Officer Junior Colour Officer (Coy Comd) Company Deputy Commander (Coy DComd) Platoon Commander (Pl Comd) Battalion Deputy Commanding Officer (Bn DComd) Company Commander a. b. cautionary executive manual, RIGHT IN – CLINE. portion e.g., of the command, the executive obeyed. promptly divided into: are command of Words The Good and Demonstrations movement. shall be avoided. Checking after they occur. immediately Instructor’s Instructor’s Appearance and Bearing and shall correctly and smartly. all movements instructor shall execute 9. 8. 6. 7. 5. 10.


ST . . . 13. 12. 11. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. ANDARD PAUSE The following are words examplesofcorrect ofcommand: AS As and e.g., onquick march, After command OUT CALLING for To movements. In The standard movement pausebetween eachdrill istwo beats ofquicktime. flank isgiven BY SQUAD front orrear rank (seealso cautionary Personnel squad adoptaprevious positionorto cancel order anincorrect before ithasbeen completed. pause willbeasconsistent aspossible. c. b. a. c. b. a. d. c. b. a. d. Thus: a warn YOU the the COMPANY, ON NO. 1PLATOON, AT SQUAD, MOVE when executing thefinalmovement, callsout and after “One”; executes flank. SQUAD, SQUAD ABOUT– RETIRE, required to to turn theright; SQUAD to to turn theright; SQUAD BATTALION, MOVE the guide, completing movement early WERE ADVANCE interval the completing fall commands the RETIRE, ADVANCE, MOVE squad the in stages shall cautionary on THE LEFT(RIGHT). first between a TO THE LEFT, INTO CLOSE COLUMN, FORMPLA– TO (RETIRE) with RIGHT only movement parade that “Left-Right-Left”. the movement THE THE RIGHTIN of TO ADVANCE RIGHT THE HALT, ON the be the first THE training, – THE RIGHTINCOLUMN OFROUTE, RIGHT– LEFT, Words ofCommand, page66). command the in TURN, ordered is cautionary time TURN, for asquadadvancing andrequired to about;and turn movement, TIME, RIGHT– line, used – cautionary on RIGHT TURN, of and for is with the the the THREES, RIGHT– whenever to when a should THE LEFT, FORMPLA– RETIRE – squad march, be turn for command their TURN, squad calls called and another a TURN, thesquad: on front squad be indicate halted “Two”, a for turning executive the shall recruit drawn out, a “One”. rank CALLING word executive squad “Three” or halted TURN, BY call a the moving into out squad turn remaining of commands instructor retiring out over

or command while line. or OUT TOON; order shall moving THE LEFT, QUICK–MARCH; to movement the at TOONS; and After THE the observing and the least call and time will right TURN. should TIME. required same cannot every to the simultaneously two precede when the in in step For until the paces threes the turn, be left be to example, standard for direction two executing used dismissed. the turn in the of and three threes paces. quick command to to directing required calls the on have pause; paces; of time drill and The The out the the left a PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 43 43 or to so be the The and and part rank beat They at do feet shaved to may units position adjusted each drum. the shall interval movements be the halt, integral time establish other the to of length, an to the can inspection. the is around at with at it commencing the and down finished, distance, correct is sub-unit, equipment rank, at unless or instructor work direction before completion or sound exercises the inspection hair measure each unit conjunction the and and usual drill by to of in e.g., on adjustment one not audible under clothing foot order head is rear of used the used an of not be monitor the this and open balance After or adjust at when emits to counter-clockwise grooming, may Ranks to front It inspection an though that ranks. execution and in perfect useful the move the the the instructor the commence ordered attention. drill hygiene inspect of during a inspected, movements. within instrument especially maintains shall sharpen by proceeding be is an It to is completing individual and may various position used personal normally position Similarly, it is used an of for the after rank individual will be cadence. in consistently ease. stick an at front may of metronome officer who cadence pace dressed A attendance maintaining standards the correct A . inspection, . be stand the in of drum inspected the is to ALS OF FOOT DRILL A an high . are shall flank inspection individual inspecting of the body; control physical alertness;mental and mastery of the basic skills. clean and in good repair; with clothing and equipment the parade, equipped for is properly correctly; worn etc., and ribbons, badges, with all clothing, dressed, is properly has quick reflexes; steadiness; and washed. band indicate a c. d. e. a. b. c. a. b. The demonstrates: During immediately, resumed. will be of attention The ascertain the service that member: If of the unit on parade. Ranks ordered ease. at stand to sub-units not under inspection be ordered the time may at Ranks close order. to after moving also be dressed may The right in turn. A supernumerary should normally not be inspected. rank Inspections be carried shall the open order. out at to maintain with a watch. should be checked frequently accuracy of the metronome Sticks Pace march. on the length of pace Drums the cadence. beat correct judge and to timings learning to who are personnel the time for Metronome 30. 28. 29. 26. 27. 24. 25. 23. 22. 20. 21.



32. 31. 33. 3. 2. 1. The basicmovements asfollows: offoot are drill performed Constant attention to proper bearing. The shalldecidewhat formation instructor to use. As aguide, asquadof: will: On uniformitythroughoutensuring recruit training. instructed As without slappingorexaggeration. The a. c. b. a. d. c. b. a. d. c. b. TION OFASQUAD soon the “ ten ormore form upinthree ranks. six to nineform upintwo ranks; and five or fewer form asinglerank; accordance withFigure 2-1. the the foot,stepping offwiththeleft march forward towards and theinstructor; thestandard pause; observe assume thepositionofattention; foot flat andfirm. of “ braced,foot theweight isshotforward withtheknee ready ofthebodyforward. to carry “ istakenontheballoffoot.that theimpact “ the ground for allmovements executed inslow time. of the applying phrase Shift the weight to the __ weightthe tothe Shift forwardfoot __ the Shoot leg __ the Straighten knee __ the Bend the the body command remainder first as checking ground foot on “Place individual practicable pressure so squad being that S in the FORM will during Q the quick straightened formations. to foot UA cover approaching .” toes

the after One UP time .” all flat

toe D D D The hang IN him/her leg phases arrival .” and on SINGLE .” and

Body leg One is These directly to RILL the during kept the is the the at leg and/or weight of straightened ground” (TWO) ball formations the instructor ground training braced is below movements

kept of A recruit fall is the (THREE) T T T

means shifted braced at with and in must foot. a will on to natural HE are training the the the place The by at RANKS his/her halt be with essential balance

the transferring foot HAL ground opposite stressed angle. three the the halt; establishment, – firm left MOVE, foot foot is T the to The paces by at and maintained to knee maintaining on naturally arm’s-length forcing thigh the foot ensure all flat the directly is weight persons is bent is on ground. raised recruits the raised the on the by to in onto toe control the placing individual’s intervals 15 the so ground front, parallel The down cm shall ordered the ground front other clear and and ball the be by so to of in PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 45 45 in the and and than forefinger lightly height longer exactness touching the their of and thighs wrists side the attention and at looking the Alertness on kept elbows touching steady, be placed with not eyes command. fingers of allow, the collar, thumbs should of will word the a hand, of back for bend the personnel and back of natural the 2-1 Squad Formations

readiness palm thumbs of their therefore the as Figure the one and touching is with neck straight touching as joint attention important, erect, is of TTENTION aligned, middle held hanging the position position the front. to straight and in line; heels together an angle of 30 degrees; form turned out to feet on both feet; evenly distributed and weight body balanced the front; to square shoulders level, arms body; the back of the hands outwards; wrists straight, fingers at and the thumbs in line with the seam of the trousers; head a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. No part of the body should be strained. 2-2): (Figure is as follows position of attention The The this necessary. a superior. all when addressing by is the position adopted position of attention The 7. 6. 4. 5.


12. 11. 10. AND EASY AND 9. 8. is onlygiven when thesquadisinpositionofstandat ease. The On thecommand STAND AT –EASE, thetwo movements are combined. On thecommand SQUAD – (Figureknee 2-3). On position ofattention. easy. The c. b. a. T EASEFROMA the balance thebodywithweight evenly distributed onbothfeet. over and thefingerstogether andextended; left, extent, simultaneously, ground withtheinsideofheels25cmapart; carry position position It command allows the and of AND left of no stand place standing foot relaxation STAND with easy the T EASE to ENTION TT the back a at is AT Figure quick squadmembersshall: TWO, ordered left, ease but EASE of the straightening motion,

can 2-2 Position ofAttention is BY an right when be NUMBERS, intermediate maintained bring hand it is desirable it the in in SQUAD the arms double position without palm to behind – permit of time, ONE, the strain between the and squad left, troops back, for place with attention members a to longer stretched thumbs relax. it smartly This time and bend crossed to flat command standing than their the on right the the left full PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 47 47 2-4 Position of Stand Easy of Stand 2-4 Position

Figure 2-3 Position of Stand at Ease from Attention Ease from at of Stand 2-3 Position


ENTION FROMST TT 15. 14. 13. 18. 17. 16. AND On When On thecommand STAND –EASY, squadmembersshall(Figure 2-4): On thecommand ATTEN – On thecommand SQUAD – theirbalance to andshift therightfoot. knee On ease. clothing andequipment, buttheyshallnotsmokeortalk. c. b. a. b. a. T EASEFROMS the relax. astandard pause;and observe to thearms thepositionofattention,close thehandsandbring simultaneously, andhandsto thearms thepositionofattention. withaquickmotion,bring first, followed by theheel, andwithheelsaligned; and straighten the standing command cautionary the easy, ATTENTION left AND command squad leg AND EASY in TION, thetwo segments ofthemovements are combined asone. Figure squadmembersshall: TWO, T EASE members double BY SQUAD, NUMBERS,

2-5 Carrying ofArticles 2-5 Carrying time, may, squad place with SQUAD members the permission, – foot ONE, shall smartly squad move assume on members all the but the ground, their position shall feet toe bend of and touching stand the adjust left at PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 49 49 a in at of of cut left the shall front much squad the arm, place as religious the standard bring honour in a position in standing to headdress it in The and right for members the the carried headdress, the outdoor for shoulders grasp in be as the as desirable ground, squad the and position of is respected combined. shall to the bend it maintain side it be the ONE, to are peak route the – will the occasions the shall at parallel assume parallel on hand raincoat, whenever such and shortest SQUAD or maintain on based, and and shall movements grasp the forearm shall by arm maintained aligned the two given the umbrella be Colours sexually NUMBERS right the members of and BY fingers are shall members the headdress the squad body briefcase, Maintaining arm customarily that the a which squad is the with of as free EASE, of HEADDRESS, body. consecration – HEADDRESS – except those TWO, the front such the side – AT the fingers, of the halt, headdress right to and articles, REMOVE REMOVE carried, STAND the SQUAD during including centre the is at hand to remove the thumb carrying to to article arm tenets, right the parades, command command command command one the positions hand when order the the of the Sikhadherents religion; with instruments. musicians when on parade upper the the T EASE WITH HEADDRESS REMOVED all any a. b. squad members shall extend the side with the right arm down – EASY, STAND On the command 2-7). (see Figure relax pause, after a standard the hand and, held below headdress On ease 24. the position as detailed in paragraph On pause shall be observed the movements. between Religious worship. 2-6). as practicable (Figure On the right chest. of the the hand and in the centre above members shall hold the headdress On bring between The services, cheers. dignitary three giving by of: with the exception their headdress shall remove on parade all ranks ordered, When In attention. If If articlehand. an the left arm is not swung. is carried when marching, 2-5. Articles in Figure shall be carried manner illustrated in the AND EASY WITH HEADDRESS REMOVED AND A 29. 28. 26. 27. 25. 24. 22. 23. 21. 19. 20.



2-6 Remove Headdress PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 51 51 a or the cap, eyes shall upper below by arm makes and standard standard touching the command wedge right to The and The head or the lowered members articles attention the is the of of angle and squad service eyebrow a cutting side combined. combined. forearm turning degree by carrying position ONE, right are are the the by 45 than – or a the the by at to paid after of other be attention and held SQUAD of incapacity will closed movements sharply movements outside are line is wearing two the two arms hand position physical NUMBERS, the brought straight the with When a is the the The BY compliments in line When in hand. hand are SALUTE, thigh. is – resume the hand. adjusted, the right HEADDRESS, finger HEADDRESS – forearm TWO, the right TWO, FRONT – been impracticable, – and the slapping with T THE has second squad members shall: – ONE, SQUAD NUMBERS, BY THE FRONT SALUTE hand REPLACE REPLACE with wrist TO SQUAD the SQUAD TO of right without given hand, tip headdress the is headdress if worn, or arm of glasses, the outside edge of the headdress arm, and is in line with the shoulders, the elbow ground. the to the upper arm is parallel the palm of the hand is facing down, fully extended and close together, the thumb and fingers are the the and actioned movements. in three TION, shall be given route, T THE HAL command the command command command command with the salute the the the palm of the right hand as it passes the shoulder; and open bend the right elbow and 2-8) so that: (Figure of the headdress the front its shortest to the right hand by route force (5) (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) the the the a. b. On shortest shoulder level. On pause shall be observed movements. between The salute as appropriate. the left attention, to to or right or standing On the command On replace be used. hands shall two On the side. arms to On pause shall be observed movements. between Once – ATTEN 37. 36. 34. 35. 33. 31. 32. 30.


43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. legisbracedand theleft with theheeloffground asillustrated inFigure 2-9. erect. toe degrees On degrees, by aboutturns 180degrees, inclinesby 45degrees. andrightleft Turns line withtheouter tipoftherighteyebrow. When between movements.standard pauseshallbeobserved On to thefront.simultaneously theheadandeyes are smartly turned On executed asdetailedinparagraph 35except that: On c. b. a. the the remaining inlinewiththeoutsideedgeofrighteyebrow. when positioninlinewiththeoutsideedgeofrighteyebrow;the correct and when straining; the simultaneously. the the On and wearing command command head command command to the saluting saluting inclines the completion and right headdress SQUAD to TO to eyes RIGHT TO are Both by the the THE THE pivoting made shall left, knees right, of other – TURN RIGHT Figure T HEHAL RIGHT TWO, the the be to the will than on movement, right BY change (LEFT) turned

the 2-8 Saluting, at theHalt (LEFT) the arm be NUMBERS, a hand hand, kept cap right SALUTE is smartly direction: T – moved with is braced wrist SALUTE, the heel brought SQUAD a BY weight to and and peak, to during NUMBERS, right the the the arm left sharply the of – right rear, or toe two are ONE, the the second left and brought with (left) turn, to movements body SQUAD squad turns the raising the finger arms as is position further placed change – tip far members ONE, the at is of as are the 2 left the possible over of on cm saluting direction combined. sides attention, heel second the shall above to the and right and without shall turn and finger by left body right foot and The be 90 90 to in PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 53 53 2-9 Right Turn 2-9 Right

2-10 About Turn 2-10 About


47. 46. 45. 44. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. On On On On foot place theleft besidetherightto assumethepositionofattention.time andsmartly member shallcome to attention ashis/hername iscalledandanswer On The timingsfor theabove movements are counted asfollows: thetimingnoted inparagraph 55. observing On aredirection reversed. above On attention. foot, On shall: On required distance. exceeds Close thethighs(Figureand locking 2-10). the On only madethrough 45degrees. On details ofmoving thefeet are anddirection reversed. is onlymadethrough 45degrees. between themovements.observed d. c. b. a. c. b. a. the the the the the the the the the the the etc. for three paces, for two paces, for onepace, stillatkeep thearms sides. balance theweight ofthebodyevenly onbothfeet; and inside oftheheelsonesidepace 25cmapart; bend pivot bend march in command command command command command command command command command command command eight paragraphs the to the the paces right paces. left right “one-one”; ONE SQUAD LEFT RIGHT RIGHT ONE ABOUT “one-one, pause, one-two”; LEFT SQUAD ONE ATTEN knee, knee “one-one, pause, pause, one-two, one-three”; and to When 51 is the PACE PACE – PACE IN made TURN, – IN and and carry – – – TURN, – – right TWO, – TURN, CLINE, TWO, the LEFT TION, RIGHT CLINE, RIGHT 52 place the through the (left) distance is the squad CLOSE squad the foot the followed drill ANSWER CLOSE the (LEFT) the two shall drill drill as to members left drill 180 MARCH members movements is described the MARCH as not CLOSE as greater, foot as degrees. except described TO described right described be BY smartly YOUR shall – ordered BY shall NUMBERS, the and MARCH, that for Balance are NUMBERS, bend the for squad shift NAME, place for the by combined. for when the right a the a the the details the left is right it SQUAD shall right STAND smartly maintained right left two turn SQUAD weight the turn turn be turn knee, of The movements distance is to “Sir” is – moving turned followed, ONE, followed, is on AT of standard assume – is straighten or followed, ONE, followed, the the – by the “Ma’am.” EASE required and body the ground bracing squad drill the except are but pause marched , feet but each to except it position as combined, the members in the outlined to with the the and that shall double turn squad move right turn that legs the the the the be of is PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 55 55 to by the the the the being squad for remain groups. left, forearm number ordered, as When is to each left followed eyes necessary several roll, supervising the his/her be right individual closed and method. the NUMBER into rank ordered raise may rank – from hand head this It be repeats off calling the by The front senior divided may SQUAD no on. and the count paces designated person so of being with WERE, themselves. designated WERE, body is shall the and three so to YOU the YOU junior only number members to a AS squad than AS TWO, identify rank the by in the rank to the member close next, more takes called front senior the when squad command command is PROVE, squad back elbow – the rank or the and the roll the man The __ left If person of rear a the __, ONE the out. flank by occurs, and forward __, and NUMBER, out the of attention. adopt the position TION, the members who proved – called continues. members keeping ranks centre moved by calling drill supervised the identify SQUAD the NUMBERS be numbering is in number to in used in is ground, not call be member the used roll error shall is correct numbering senior to command command also an a the individual numbers. is no pause between There the last shall be in quick time; the cadence (35 cm); and shall be one half pace the length of each step the arms the sides. shall be kept still at in the squad; and individuals designate on parade. the number of persons determine the the may group a. b. c. a. b. A distance. the required the squad will be marched is greater distance – ATTEN On the command taking the rear: When and to forward paces It proving. number the squad prior to On parallel position of attention. the beginning. from the squad will renumber Proving Each covered. When the and On right-hand still. his/her name. ease after shall stand at Each squad member answering Numbering is used to: When of the supervisor. the rank for the correct his/her name with response to answer member shall When name. the and answering title in calling rank shall use the other’s both call, roll 68. 66. 67. 65. 64. 62. 63. 61. 59. 60. 57. 58.





71. 70. 69. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. On On On shall: On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand RIGHTDRESSBY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: position ofattention. out On The timingsfor theabove movements are counted asfollows: thetimingnoted inparagraph 75. observing On of attention. double On shall: On timing noted inparagraph 75. of attention. double b. a. a. c. b. a. b. a. c. b. a. b. a. the the the the the the stillatkeep thearms sides. shoot the right-hand individual ofthefront rank standsfast;and attention, parallel andarm to backofthehanduppermost theground. extent simultaneously, the remainder headandeyes turns to therightasfar aspossiblewithoutstraining; and the rightfilestandsfast; andadoptingthepositionofattention. knee the remainder takesahalfpace foot forward by shootingthe left forward, bending the right-hand individualofthefront rank standsfast;and for three paces, for two paces, for onepace, stillatkeep thearms sides. heelraised; and left shoot right heelraised; and the as detailed command command command time, time, command command command command the the behind place place left left above, “one-two”; foot foot “one, one-two”; and; TWO ONE ONE ONE the the SQUAD SQUAD the “one, one, one-two.” ONE the forward to shoulder right right PACE except PACE PACES PACE front the PACE(S) – – THREE: TWO: foot foot rear FORWARD TWO, TWO, STEP rank, FORWARD one FORWARD that of smartly one smartly STEP half the BACK except squad squad the half one pace, left – BACK MARCH on MARCH on pace MARCH, (STEP the members members on foot the the forcing right-hand the – with BACK) ground ground shall MARCH, BY BY the right. the the NUMBERS, NUMBERS, shall shall be movements – weight beside weight beside MARCH, The brought individual, the bend bend hand two forward the the forward SQUAD SQUAD the the the in is are left, left movements closed shoots right right to movement combined, and and on the on – – ONE, ONE, knee, knee, the the assume assume right as the right in left squad squad right shall straighten straighten are the to observing foot, foot the the assume position combined, arm be members members the right with position position and carried its it it the the the the full of in in PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 57 57 on the the and shall right right dress paces to interval. the the attention front person right pause in manipulate moving quick of for the person the to the as to of those for short, out rank without as position standard eyes arm’s-length second the out the taking except The and front the shoulder in carried to by of is the without left head and squad carried to up face the is person the the combined. right covering the dressing of taken are each of the snap is and glancing of dressing touching on by is DRESS, shall member – up portion distance dressing DRESS, hand – movements each shoulders individual taken RIGHT and lower members is the the three closed RIGHT the of 2-11 Dressing a Squad 2-11 Dressing raised alignment,

the the squad alignment, rear not covering DRESSING, which between Figure when the are correct DRESS, DRESSING, FRONT, to – from left up correct – Correct is arms up correct SHOULDER takes EYES is RIGHT ELBOW the smartly seen. position space a taking be that arm to to interval just lateral remainder command command right command command except The can guide and the rear; thumbs to arm on the right. the individual’s and touching forward forced of the elbow the point as applicable; on the hip or belt the right hand is placed and extended down forward; pointed fingers closed, the 2-11). starts in the correct position. Movement (see Figure the left with they are until foot moves the the the the the a c. d. a. b. b. weapons. On except: On cut thigh. without slapping the On dress, Enough head. the right. On be observed the movements. between As file right 84. 82. 83. 81. 80.


1 m 1 m 87. 86. 85. 91. 90. 89. 88. paces (seefigures 2-12and2-13). When The timingfor themovements iscounted as assuming thepositionofattention. straightening paces On The openorder isexecuted asfollows: When theindividualshalldress thesquadismoving flank. to withthedirecting aflank, the When right asappropriate. line Dressing behind adopttheappropriate distance between ranks. the When c. b. a. the left paces and thecentre rank shallstandfast; shallbekeptstillatthe arms sides. the cadence shallbeinquicktime;and the front or dressing forward a formed mass. command arm front squad may rank is The rank it raised. be when in and is by in formed two command ordered the double shall OPEN Figure to the The left, ranks, the move squad ORDER with left-hand

2-12 Open Order – March (Three Ranks) 2-12 OpenOrder –March (Three time by rear, the is the the same forward only INWARD the and is – front centre advancing MARCH, individual final one placing drill rank three – person is movement when DRESS followed the the stands “one, one, one-two.” half and stands required movements right in and paces, with the fast except being fast, foot flanking blank the and if the looks smartly more executed the rear the will rear file, squads head to rank than rear be that rank on the executed and by when rank the one individual front, shall shall bending eyes ground squad steps the dress step and are as squad shall those back for back is the turned by by on three the their right dress is three three parade in retiring. ORDER left left OPEN the left check knee, with and and half half file

or in PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 59 59 of the one halt; three of where person DRESS; of and – person halt detail paragraphs edge in and may the centre RIGHT at right-hand instructor and right-hand the ground the ranks the front MARCH; instructor movements – in of the three parade the facing marker, a in up, the paces and up ORDER position of reverse detail onto three the itself formed not OPEN shall front is up in form e.g., does proceed position take squad a squad shall paces to then the then the required, instructor three squad shall shall as When marches the the MARCH, If – and position ease. marker a instructor ease. 2-13 Open Order – March (Two Ranks) (Two – March 2-13 Open Order at

proceed parade, right the ORDER to at The on then in stand Figure time turns stand CLOSE duty. marker; and shall then fallen and as quick this in act rank being ground to command to assume instructor instructor attention. at remain attention; to come observe pause; the standard off the marker; and halt on the left and of and covering ground, the parade onto march attention. at remain and observe pause; attention the standard to come march and front the c. a. b. c. d. a. b. – EASE. AT and STAND – FRONT; EYES The The the squad will fall in. – IN, squad members shall: FALL On the command fall in. he/she wishes the marker to of where in front paces the person detailed as marker shall: MARKER, On the command Prior parade person the shall On 91. 88 to 97. 95. 96. 94. 93. 92. 1 m


103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. On thecommand DIS–MISS,squadmembersshall: The or standat easeasrequired (seeFigure 2-15). position returns On (seeFiguresub-unit 2-14). required pause, On The command FALL –OUTshallbeusedwhenanindividualiscalledoutofthesquad. The squadshallbeat theopenorder whenitisrequired to fallindividualsout. be inlineandat attention when dismissed. e. d. c. b. a. the the march offindependently, inquicktime, from theplace ofparade. thestandard pause;and observe salute, ifanofficer isonparade; thestandard pause; observe right; turn command march, command command to and direction, his/her halting. wheeling DIS FALL position FALL – ensuring MISS The – Figure – immediately, OUT, individual signifies IN, by that the

the marching 2-14 Falling ofIndividuals Out he/she individual the person shall to end does the pick in ordered of rear ordered right a not up parade, of his/her proceed flank shall his/her marches period come of dressing in his/her rank, front to of to instruction, attention, the wheeling and of rank or left either with and rank and, into then the remain etc. OPEN ORDER of ranks after his/her The proceed the at squad squad a of attention standard another original in shall and the PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 61 61 the and step best height, number interval, the SIZE, numbers shall to NUMBERS – the dressing give odd OPEN ORDER of EVEN the left RANKS and numbers according arm’s-length the shoulder at follow even on to RIGHT, THREE balance up IN halt the and themselves form shall LEFT, right shoulder NUMBERS aesthetic and MARCH, the THE – arrange for he/she ranks, to ON ODD BACK then forward three around in heights

FAST; position, STEP march pause, left SHORTEST new wheel PACE the shall STAND members’ on shall RIGHT, ONE standard his/her -15 Falling In of Individuals -15 Falling in 2 ONES THE rank the numbers shortest ON 2-16): (Figure THREES, QUICK – MARCH individual each Figure odd arrives NUMBERS and of observe the NUMBER align of TALLEST right EVEN to right, member the numbers turn sized on each is command even remainder command command TURN, the squad shall act as ordered. shall tallest the The When rank.of their respective turn attention. left at observe pause, and remain the standard right file shall stand fast. The The one of each rank. the the squad c. d. a. b. – NUMBER. and SQUAD OPEN ORDER – MARCH; the commands instructor The shall give On On LEFT – REFORM On the command back one half pace. A a spectator. to impression general On squad with rear. to off front covering 109. 106. 107. 108. 105. 104.


2-16 Sizingin Three Ranks 2-17 SizinginSingleRank PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 63 63 b. to the and one a., SIZE, STEP 2‑17) ranks arm’s- TURN, – height, interval, towards interval, at SIZE, shoulder the to takes – PACE up to (Figure according dressing LEFT – RANK rank TURN, ONE dressed – closes RANKS ranks according subparagraphs shoulder arm’s-length SINGLE arm’s-length centre shoulder LEFT in order, A NUMBERS at at TWO three themselves to IN the rank, IN member halt NUMBERS halt, RANK EVEN close in themselves ONE, detailed LEFT, reforms LEFT, each shall single arrange shall – shoulder EVEN REAR as be as RIGHT, THE THE one then squad in shall and arrange he/she ON ranks, ON he/she RIGHT, SQUAD the left rank two then procedure pause, NUMBERS FORWARD, squad the in RANK position, the position, front the on left ODD MARCH, SHORTEST pause, SHORTEST PACE – NUMBERS, new the new the FRONT standard BY follow FAST, ranks, ONE on RIGHT, RIGHT, shortest the QUICK FAST, standard his/her shall his/her three THE and in THE STAND RANKS following the in shortest ON ON observe from as follows: ranks three the squad reforms THREES, QUICK – MARCH, STAND THREES, ONE right NUMBERS he/she TWO right arrives and arrives the observe ranks right, ODD on FORM TALLEST right TALLEST MARKER REFORM wheels NUMBER two position, right, turn person member the rank tallest on turn new shall each each command rear forming command command command with command command command shall to tallest the squad rank. the front person of the right-hand Number one remains rank. person in the centre the right-hand becomes Number three rank, and so on. person in the rear the right-hand becomes Number five When turn attention. left at observe pause, and remain the standard rank. of the centre person right-hand the becomes rank of the front member second The rank. person of the rear the right-hand becomes rank member of the front third The The When turn attention. left at observe pause, and remain the standard his/her and c. rank. person of the front the right-hand marker remains The the the the the the the a. b. c. d. b. c. d. e. a. On left.pace Prior length interval and numbered. as follows: On the squad shall actMARCH, – as ordered. BACK On the squad shall act as ordered. On the height, rear. to off front and covering dressing – NUMBER, the squad shall act as ordered. SQUAD On the command On On On shall act as ordered. REFORM On the command squad with rear. to off front covering 119. 118. 115. 116. 117. 113. 111. 112. 110.






123. 122. 121. 120. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. 126. 125. 124. When After forming two ranks, thesquadshallbedressed. On On thecommand SQUAD – The numberofranks formed begreater shallnormally thanthenumberoffiles. formationsCommon are multiple-ranked thosewithsix,nineandtwelve ranks. formation canbeassembledby ordering squadstogether. simply If After reforming three ranks thesquadshallbedressed. between themovements.shall beobserved On On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand REFORM Prior to reforming three ranks, thesquadshallbeincloseorder. the standard rule. even direction between themovements.shall beobserved b. a. b. a. required, the the The The The original even numbersofthecentre rank taketwo halfpaces forward. The original odd numbersofthecentre rank taketwo halfpaces to therear. assume thepositionofattention. assume thepositionofattention. numbered there command done command odd even to squads that numbers is when numbers a frontage. indicated. REFORM blank FORM may originally of of be file, the TWO the In THREE BYTHREE RANKS NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: formed TWO: thecentreTWO, rank takesonehalfpace rightclosemarch. An this centre the centre assembled. – exception RANKS, case, left-hand – RANKS, into rank rank the more take the take occurs left-hand For the person two two than more two two in movements half movements half of three the person than the paces paces case ranks. one centre of forward of to the are squad, are a For the one-person combined. centre rank combined. a rear toward single a moves single rank into squad, the A the acts A blank multiple-ranked in standard standard front rear the according this file rank opposite rank is and pause pause most and and an to PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 65 65 to as to are see and and now is had routine such less, parading minute traditional for dignity or who marching cadences per march units other elements the paces slow paces at other standard one soldiers, or emphasize other The 140 the three time commence to is to to with former back steps. Scottish However, and by double slightly of ARCH and time increased and M parade used of be commands military. manoeuvre evolved slow all HE forward the and may formal has commanders cadence periods drill, quick, and N T time style from in march O long

its parade to marching sentry normal quick and foot for by in in for and on the RILL departments used prepared (used ordered from cadence be be battlefields, maintained occasions D D police time the manoeuvre and be may derived UA commands and can uneven is quick Q S training, in practice ceremonial cadence over march certain march on departments, march shall pace ALS recruit for TH AND CADENCES fire march only slow quick shortstepping time – 55 cm; and slow in quick time double time – 1 m; half – 25 cm. side pace per minute; 120 paces in quick time, and per minute; 60 paces time, in slow per minute. 180 paces in double time, 67 and 68) – 35 cm; and paragraphs time – 75 cm; quick and slow – 85 cm; time out in quick and slow stepping units c. d. e. f. a. b. c. a. b. Except the position of attention. at when personnel are given During agility and alertness.encourage All other quick per minute. 120 paces with a pipe band at is: the cadence marching When are: lengths of pace standard The The manoeuvre used stateliness. another. to one point from rapidly personnel move Double is used to time Firefighters 8. 5 to lengths described in paragraphs pace The duty. 9. 7. 8. 6. 5. 3. 4. 1. 2.



10. 11. On forward andontheground, directed: unlessotherwise always: As c. b. a. on themarch Commands for movements arms (on themarch) FROMSINGLEFILE REFORM RANKS (on themarch) FORM SINGLEFILE EYES FRONT EYES RIGHT, or (on themarch) SALUTE CHANGE STEP ON LEFT INCLINE, LEFTFORM,or LEFT ON RIGHT INCLINE, RIGHTFORM,or RIGHT ABOUT FORWARD (when marching) MARK (SLOW orDOUBLE) CHANGE STEP SHORT STEP OUT, or command willbegiven (except HALT illustrated the thedressing isby whenmoving flank, theright. tothe left; theleft when and when retiring inline, flank; theleft when advancing inline, therightflank; THE LEFTFORMSQUAD THE RIGHTFORMSQUAD TURN, march, TIME TURN, TURN in when TO QUICK threes, WORD OFCOMMAND in executive Figure marching the TIME original 3-1, “on therightfoot”) commands in unless slow front time, the rank, are directing when given i.e., when the as flank the moving is foot FOOT right right right right right right right changed left left left left left left left to specified the for right a in special flank, the following the movement, dressing table is it by is is PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 67 67 3-1 Advance/Retire and Directing Flanks 3-1 Advance/Retire


..19. . 13. 12. 21. 20. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. On thecommand SQUAD – As TION. Commanders membersto shallnot permit march at easeinpublic parade orceremonies. may may long The rightfoot.personnel andMARCH onthenext right with The is calledas On On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand SQUAD – foot isforward andon the ground, squadmembersshall: As On thecommand QUICK–MARCH, thetwo movements are combined. build agility. Commanding officers may continue at thisdirection theirdiscretion. During members shall: a. c. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. d. c. b. illustrated illustrated the continue marching withsubsequent paces of standard length; simultaneously, theheelongroundstrike firstandkeepthetoe pointed forward; and directly footshoot theleft forward onehalfpace, toe up; attention. simultaneously, straighteningbend therightknee, itindoubletime;and to therear. forward andtheleft swing therightarm foot,take ahalfpace withtheleft placingitflat ontheground; and to forward andtherightarm arm therear.swing theleft heel asabrake; and check maintain dressing by flank. thedirecting hands closedasinthepositionofattention; and swing thelegsforward successivelybring inastraight line; waist high. quick command order a distances otherwise feet band command basic march the of MARCH the “one, one-two.” or the in in training, forward arms another out QUICK relax. Figure Figure is group SQUAD AT of performed TING QUICKME forward cut swing the – The movement – 3-2, recruits 3-3, EASE. body which the MARCH general command – the on on squadmembersshall: TWO, THREE, squadmembersshall: squadmembersshall: TWO, HALT, arms successively of The in the the is right shall personnel shall a public cadence already to by the command brisk command the be arm placing to always three eye and directed return side moving, straight in and which to movements forceful a the QUICK HALT be as straight permit pace to quickly is right given to normal forward i.e., already BY length manner. MARCH swing the foot NUMBERS, QUICK line to as are members ensure marching on remain flat and from arms possible combined BY It the on on may the NUMBERS, the breast-pocket the that the march. SQUAD unchanged, to left be and style shoulder, ground right relax. personnel desirable in arm It assume – quick is is foot SQUAD ONE If MARCH straight given so, naturally, front but of high time. the given when step the the the on – commander to AT ONE, to in position The off successive personnel as marching marching rear, using ATTEN the order the in timing squad time with rear, the left to of – PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 69 69 1 3-3 Halting in Quick Time 3-3 Halting in Quick

3-2 Marching in Quick Time in Quick 3-2 Marching


23. 22. 26. 25. 24. On As illustrated inFigure 3-4,onthecommand DOUBLE–MARCH, squadmembersshall: As illustrated inFigure 3-5,on the command SLOW –MARCH, squadmembers shall: The slow ofceremonial march develops drill. andistraditionally balance part andgoodcarriage to isnormal changeinto quicktimebeforeIt ordering HALT from doubletime. members shall: d. c. b. a. b. a. b. a. the maintain dressing by flank. thedirecting bend raise thefeet clearoftheground at eachpace; step with slightly Shoot inthebackofcollar.firmly Maintain sides andassumethepositionofattention. bring complete two forward paces; and and shoulder; inclining thebodyslightly forward; command the off the the the and with ball the right arms left pointing of head the SQUAD foot foot TING DOUBLEME TING SLOW T IME at the left the and left to forward Figure elbow foot downwards. the foot body – HALT left and coming 3-4 Marching inDouble Time erect and, smoothly, after given double with and Then, the to as the square the second on with the without ground hands the left the to pace balls the foot toes closed, first. hesitation, front, and of is just All the forward simultaneously swing subsequent arms clear feet complete steady the with and of arms the on easy paces at a ground cut the the naturally gliding swinging the are ground, sides, arms of turned half standard from the strides, squad to pace, neck out the the PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 71 71 is as as on the may with with right most must troops having without given the march and the marching pace by Care the counted resumed and between is ONE, slow is but half back bring – commander during require initially the the motion. and smooth timing The further motion may used SQUAD hesitation a until are knee The taught behind unchanged, no foot time. walking be only feet take is sides right is held the quick may shall the the remain NUMBERS, Formal of relaxed There to combined. arms at circumstances BY up. bend are march more the therefore, held above. posture a HALT toes change members as shall minute, to be slow and, movements body the the feet funerals squad SQUAD shall normal to and pointing movements manner the members the some of arms two pace distances paces avoid same ground, achieved, consecutive the the 60 command squad 3-5 Marching in Slow Time Slow in 3-5 Marching and the

the long are During of motion without sure the in on Cadence, HALT, TWO, rate on over – – Figure a practice, and relaxed gliding TION. making at 3-6, PACE. distances – tiring ceremonies. SQUAD coordination SQUAD is ankles further formal of along long forward down, Figure accomplished is and in the for keep After and FUNERAL parts stroll march to foot time pointed command command balance order change slow squad right possible. as much as is straightened is forward leg that The length and gliding motions. shooting toe the the taken illustrated slow c. be – ATTEN the command The important in then may time. in slow the left foot On and assume the position of attention. in quick time forward foot On “one-two”. the hesitation. perfected. As the Until the 31. 29. 30. 28. 27.


38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. the ground, squadmembersshall: On atwith arms theside. Only As illustrated inFigure outat thesamecadence timeiscarried asfor marching. 3-7,marking foot. left will belengthenedto lengthonthenext thenormal On givenOn thecommand foot STEP–SHORT astheleft isforward andontheground: foot. left to lengthonthenext thenormal will beshortened On On thecommand STEP–OUTgiven foot astheleft isforward andontheground: to decrease thedistancestepping to short becovered withoutaltering thecadence. Stepping a. b. a. b. a. the the the foot,take ahalfpace withtheleft placingthefoot flat ontheground and naturally; untilthe squadshallcontinue thecommand QUICK–MARCH to step isordered. short foot; left and by about20cmonthenext the pace shallbeshortened the squadshallcontinue to step outuntil thecommand QUICK–MARCH isordered. foot;the paceleft and shallbelengthenedby about10cmonthenext the command command command legs out are is used moved QUICK QUICK MARK to increase TIME and – – Figure MARCH MARCH the BY upper the NUMBERS,

3-6 HaltinginSlow Time given given T INSLOW TIM E distance portion as as the the SQUAD to left left of be the foot foot covered – body ONE is is forward forward given remains without as and and the in altering the on on right the the position foot the ground, ground, cadence, is of forward attention the the pace pace and on PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 73 73 not shall continue attention; manner, of and members leg position squad ground, straight the the a in of ground, TIME. left assume clear the the and on just is into leg toe is given; or HALT WARD foot foot the right left the right with the the in quick time. as pace, “one” bring straighten half given a in 3-7 Marking Time in Slow Time in Slow Time 3-7 Marking

HALT TWO, squad members shall: – combined. are movements the two TIME, cadence, cadence, shall: squad members is on the ground, as the left foot given WARD Figure forward same same SQUAD foot LEFT – IN – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT the the left the Count: Foot: command maintaining and shoot time. in slow marching maintaining angle; a natural at and the foot bend the left knee the ground to the thigh is parallel so that and the heel as the leg is lowered; before on the ground the toe place FOR – mark the command time until to continue stamping feet. avoid of attention. and assume the position the ground, scraping the a. b. b. a. b. c. d. the position of attention. the right leg in quick time and assume straighten as the halt is counted timing for The – MARK SLOW shall be, the halt the command mark time from To On timing is: The FOR – On the command – MARK On the command – SQUAD On the command 44. 45. 43. 41. 42. 40. 39.


51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. On thecommand FOR– The timingis: On thecommand MARK – On thecommand SQUAD – ground, squadmembersshall: On outat thesamecadence timeinquickiscarried asfor marching (FigureMarking 3‑8). a. c. b. a. c. b. a. d. c. b. the foot,take ahalfpace withtheleft placingthefoot flat ontheground naturally; continue marching inquicktime, to therear. swinging forward andtheleft therightarm footshoot theleft forward inahalfpace; and straighten therightlegandassumepositionof attention; continue to timeuntil mark thecommand FOR– place thetoe ontheground before theheelaslegislowered; and knee; bend theleft maintain thesamecadence. simultaneously, to cutthearms thesidesandassumepositionofattention; and therightfootbring inastraight into legmanner, theleft notscraping theground; command Foot: Count: LEFT –RIGHT LEFT –INRIGHT MARK Figure WARD given foot astheleft isontheground, squad membersshall: TIME TIME, thetwo movements are combined. squadmembersshall: TWO,

3-8 Marking 3-8 Marking Time inQuick Time BY NUMBERS, T INQUICKME SQUAD WARD orHALT isgiven. – ONE given as the right foot is on the PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 75 75 threes of changing m, file 1.25 of leading the radius a TIME. WHEEL, – having circle (LEFT) a of RIGHT 3-9 Wheeling 3-9

command circumference one-two”. “one, Figure the the on of 3-9, quarter Figure one in around take a further with the right foot; mark time pace take a further and with the left mark time pace foot; position of attention. and assume the leg in double time the right straighten illustrated a. b. c. As wheels 90 degrees. direction by the halt is counted for timing The – QUICK MARK shall be, the halt the command mark time from To shall: squad members on the ground, is left as the foot given – HALT SQUAD On the command 55. 53. 54. 52.



60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. If The remaining filesshallfollow theleadfile, thesamepoint. wheelingat exactly When Dressing ismaintained by theinnerflankwhilewheeling. The rank shallstep out,withoutaltering thecadence, to enablethefileto wheelinline. On thecommand SQUAD – the rightfoot isforward andontheground, squadmembersshall: In right,left” “left, On onslow marching.foot andcarry On On thecommand SQUAD – is forward andontheground, squadmembersshall: In when theleadingfileisfacingrequired direction. When the rear cover offthefilesthat are facingthenewdirection. the the order, BY normal a. a. d. c. b. a. e. d. c. b. a. c. b. c. b. the slow quick the the command therightfootbring forward inquicktimeby bendingtherightknee; complete foot; ahalfpace withtheleft heel withthetoe up. as and straighten besidetheleft; therightlegindoubletimeandplace therightfoot smartly therightfootbring forward indoubletimeby bending therightknee; tocut thearms thesideasinpositionofattention; raise therightheeloffground. force theweight foot; forward ontheleft and to arm therear; swing theleft forward; swing therightarm complete foot; ahalfpace withtheleft ground withthetoe pointed down asinslow time. as and straighten besidetheleft; therightleg inquicktimeandplace therightfoot smartly raise therightheeloffground. force theweight foot; forward ontheleft and squad inner squad it the the the command time, command pace. is time maintaining flanknoted normally thedirecting inparagraph 11. THE RIGHT(LEFT), desired rank leading right right shall is on (Figure On ordered REAR shall inquicktime, thusmaintaining slow march cadence while changing thestep. foot remain foot the completion to CHANGE file SQUAD command step wheel FILES strikes strikes 3-10), has to in short, halt this wheeled – – less on the – the squadmembersshall: TWO, squadmembersshall: TWO, COVER, THREE, STEP, of or position the CHANGE than the ground, ground, the mark command the center 90 wheel, by an squad time, degrees, three taking angle unless shoot STEP shoot rank members the and movements of CHANGE BY short the the the directing shall 90 it only NUMBERS, shall left command degrees, left quick maintain part shall foot STEP foot march flank are of paces The headwillbekeptto thefront. complete forward the forward SQUAD BY the combined. REAR in the shall NUMBERS command squad with the length FILES be in – in new the the ONE a confirmed a has half The half of glide direction, left – SQUAD FOR given completed COVER pace pace, timing pace foot – pace WARD as and first, or – landing just is resuming the ONE is indicated with ordered. the counted the the above is right given ordered outside the wheel, on files foot the the the left On by as as at PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 77 77 as the the the on is TURN, counted, – MARCH, is foot – LEFT right timing QUICK the RANK The as REAR WHEEL, given combined. RIGHT RIGHT, STEP are – RANK RANK REAR CHANGE CENTRE movements as marking in the same cadence time. WHEEL, three command SQUARE, the LEFT the STEP, on squad members shall: THREE, – RANK HOLLOW “left, left-right” 3-10 Change Step on the March in Quick Time in Quick on the March 3-10 Change Step

time, CENTRE FORM CHANGE quick Figure cadence. quick march thus maintaining in double time, or time command command command and with the left mark time paces foot; successive take two markingcontinue time. swing the right arm forward; swing the left and the rear; arm to time. in quick marching continue the the the slow a. b. a. b. c. On squad acts as ordered. On squad acts as ordered. 3-11). (Figure square hollow forming prior to ranks squad shall be in line in three The In squad members shall: ground, as timing is counted The On “left, right, left” – SQUAD On the command 73. 74. 72. 70. 71. 69. 68.




78. 77. 76. 75. The reverse procedure isusedto reform thesquadinto three ranks. On thecommand LEFT, CENTRERANK RIGHT– REARRANK On thecommand SQUAD –HALT, asordered. thesquadacts The are onepace infront ofthefront rank. command MARK – TIME Figure shall

3-11 Forming Hollow Square be given when the rear individuals asordered.TURN, thesquadacts of the centre and rear ranks PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 79 79 the foot pace time, paces in passed left Saluting, straining one five in has quick continuous the head in as one salute without in his/her given paces member the described movement as the ONE four possible drill salute – turning as the the complete by far before executed SQUAD as into complete and be eyes salute up (left) shall shall commence the salute, officer’s then right NUMBERS, flank shall the a BY the return and of to members turned to into is and he/she side SALUTE squad the front officer head directly march, 3-12 Saluting on the March to (LEFT)

the the the THREE, to the look commencement – Figure on RIGHT forward the salute permits saluting, THE officer, on SQUAD the arm TO salutes This an of While right direction him/her. member the command reaching command a movements and the next with the right foot; complete pace swing the left normally. arm the rear and the right arm forward to the next with the leftcomplete pace foot; cut the left the side; and arm to cut movement. as appropriate. the the a. b. a. b. c. On forward. ending with the left foot squad members shall: –TWO, SQUAD On the command On shall: squad members and on the ground, is forward When before required beyond 3-12). (Figure The the Halt, pages 51 and 52. at 83. 82. 81. 80. 79.


87. 86. 85. 84. 89. 88. The timingfor thesalute iscounted asfollows: On thecommand On thecommand SQUAD –FIVE, squadmembersshallcontinue marching. On thecommand SQUAD –FOUR,squadmembersshall: and ontheground: As foot withthetoe up. the When b. a. d. c. b. a. illustrated rear tocut therightarm theside. complete apace withtheright foot; and the personincommand ofthesquadsalutes. and direction; the squad membersshallcontinue swinging arms; saluted; as foot squad teaching far leading heel comes Foot: Count: as members possible off in Figure by forward person the RIGHT –LEFT CHECK –UP TO numbers, ground; The squadshallcallthetimeinaccordance withparagraph 87. shall –SALUTE, themovementsTHE RIGHT(LEFT) are combined. without 3-13, on again Figure complete the on on however straining and the directing

– TWO 3-13 Eyes ontheMarch Right all command commands strikes the on THREE –FOURFIVEDOWNSWING and flank next the the look EYES command shall ground, the pace directly weight – maintain forward RIGHT turn SQUAD of into (LEFT), the the with head the head body – TWO, given the and eyes and is right eyes the on as of eyes the the the weight foot to left forward personage the to and, foot the front is on as right is foot forward the to the being keep (left) with rear left PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 81 81 left left his/ and new with front; the the the the pace as continuous to forward with face checking is and, to by one pace foot left smartly following foot foot into half the the right eyes to right right the on the and the the as arms combined on degrees head with complete are given 90 the salute his/her ONE shall cut the – forward swing shoulders to pace movements ground, the SQUAD members completes the next three force the squad the squad 3-14 Turns in Slow Time in Slow Turns 3-14 strikes

commences NUMBERS, knee, the and BY and the THREE, of TWO, squad members shall: TURN, Figure – complete of – again sides TURN shall LEFT SQUAD LEFT command his/her forward in momentum to members the comes command arms command person command the using the left; to 90 degrees on the ball of the leftdirection, while simultaneously pivoting foot the right leg as in the position of attention; straighten just clear of the ground; with the toe in a half pace forward shoot the leftimmediately foot keep the body and head held up; and steady. body and head keep the arms, bend the right knee the ground; to so the upper leg is parallel squad the the left foot. foot and her the the b. c. d. e. f. a. a. b. On marching. and continue foot On is maintained. and the cadence movement On and freeze. with the left pace a half foot squad members shall complete on the ground, – SQUAD On the command 3‑14). direction change (see Figure to executed are on the march and inclines Turns and on the ground: is forward as the left foot – FRONT given EYES On the command 94. 95. 92. 93. 91. 90.




106. 105. 104. 103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. On thecommand SQUAD – On On The timingis: On thecommand SQUAD – to therear.swung forward andtheleft on On Turns andinclinesonthemarch are executed to (seeFigure changedirection 3‑15). that ismadethrough theturn 45degrees. On The timingis: movement andthecadence ismaintained. On foot andcontinue marching. On on theground, squadmembersshallcomplete ahalfpace withtherightfoot. that ismadethrough theturn 45degrees. a. g. f. e. d. c. b. a. f. e. d. c. b. the the the the the the sotheupperlegisparallel to theground; knee bend theleft keep thearms, bodyandheadsteady. keep thebodyandheadheld up;and footimmediately shoottheleft forward inahalfpace withthetoe justclearoftheground; straighten therightlegasinpositionofattention; foot whilesimultaneouslypivotingdirection, ontheballofleft 90 degrees to theleft; using bend therightknee; tocut thearms thesideasinpositionofattention; keep thearms, body, andheadsteady. keep thebodyandheadheldup; ground; immediately straighten legasinthepositionofattention; theleft right; new using the ground, command command command command command command Foot: Count: Feet: Count: direction, the the momentum momentum squad LEFT –RIGHT CHECK –PIVOT –LEFTRIGHT RIGHT –LEFT CHECK –PIVOT –RIGHTLEFT shoot RIGHT LEFT RIGHT SQUAD LEFT while RIGHT members TURN IN the IN TURN simultaneously of – – – of – squadmembersshall: TWO, squadmembersshall: TWO, THREE, TURN, right CLINE, the CLINE, BY the BY NUMBERS, shall knee, knee, NUMBERS, foot squad the the the complete force forward drill drill force three pivoting members SQUAD described the described SQUAD the movements shoulders a in shoulders half on – a shall the ONE, – half pace for for ONE ball turning complete turning 90 pace given are with given 90 of degrees combined degrees the with the as to as to the right the the left the the to the right half to right foot the left foot left toe into the pace left foot foot with is is 90 just right one followed followed to degrees is is with the face forward forward clear continuous to right the face the except except of to right new arm and and the the the PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 83 83 left the and arm new right; of except the left the the continuous the to clear forward with face is to followed one just pace swing is foot degrees right toe into left half left foot, 90 the the the the to the foot right to as with the combined right degrees given complete are pace the with turning 90 of ONE for half shall – pace ball a half in the shoulders a movements SQUAD on described the members drill forward three force complete squad the pivoting the foot NUMBERS, 3-15 Turns in Quick Time in Quick Turns 3-15

knee, shall BY CLINE, THREE, right the TWO, squad members shall: TURN, – Figure – of – TURN the IN members simultaneously LEFT SQUAD LEFT RIGHT shoot – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT CHECK – PIVOT LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT squad while momentum the Count: Feet: command command command command ground, the keep the body and head held up; and body and head steady. keep the arms, ground; the side as in the position of attention; cut the arms to bend the left knee; using direction, the leftthe position of attention; leg as in straighten immediately the the the the f. g. a. b. c. d. e. On – SQUAD On the command 45 degrees. the turnthat is made to on the rear. and the right to forward On On timing is: The On the arms). (swinging marching and continue foot is maintained. and the cadence movement 112. 111. 109. 107. 108.



116. 115. 114. 113. 118. 117. On The timingiscounted as: On foot andcontinue marching. On On thecommand SQUAD – and ontheground (Figure 3-16),squadmembers shall: On that ismadeto theturn 45degrees. movement andthecadence ismaintained. d. c. b. a. d. c. b. a. the the the to thegroundlower to thelegsmartly assumethepositionofattention. simultaneously, sothat thethighisparallel to theground; knee bendtheleft and right; pivot maintain at thearms sides; tokeep thearms theside. maintain thesamecadence; and position ofattention; bring foottake ahalfpace withtheleft placingthefoot flat ontheground naturally; the command command command command Feet: Count: the on the right RIGHT –LEFT CHECK –PIVOT –RIGHTLEFT ball RIGHT SQUAD ABOUT foot RIGHT of in Figure IN the to TURN – – – squadmembersshall: TWO, the THREE, TURN, right CLINE,

3-16 About Turn inSlow Time left, BY foot squad the the NUMBERS, in a to drill straight-leg three force members described movements SQUAD the manner body shall for – ONE turning complete through are without given combined to a the the as scraping turn the right half of into right pace is 90 the followed, one degrees foot ground, with continuous is the forward except to to right the the PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 85 85 is is the pace pace to comes forward position half half is cadence cadence a a foot the to foot degrees the the with with right 90 and and right the of time time as ground, the turn slow the as quick rear a in in combined combined the off off given above are are from through step step ONE in – manner shall body left shall the the SQUAD movements movements and force members members four four straight-leg a to down the the in NUMBERS, squad squad foot arm left, BY TURN, TURN, right the FOUR, FOUR, – – right squad members shall: THREE, shall: squad members THREE, – – TURN to the the in of cut ABOUT ABOUT foot SQUAD ABOUT SQUAD ball LEFT – IN – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT – LEFT LEFT – IN – LEFT – RIGHT – RIGHT – LEFT LEFT – RIGHT – LEFT right the on the Count: Feet: Count: Feet: command command command command command the the the arms the sides; maintain at the right; to a turn of 90 degrees the body through force to on the ball of the leftpivot foot bend the right knee; and simultaneously, assume the position of attention. the leg smartly to lower the ground to simultaneously, the cadence. maintain the arms the sides; maintain at pivot right; the left bend knee; and simultaneously, assume the position of attention. the leg smartly to lower the ground to in; and bring of attention; the sides; the arms at maintain right; the to a turn 90 degrees of through the body force to left on the ball of the pivot foot and knee bend the right the ground; to is parallel the thigh so that simultaneously, of attention. assume the position smartly the leg to lower the ground to the the the a. b. c. d. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. naturally; on the ground flat placing the foot with the left take a half pace foot, b. a. b. c. d. On in the new direction.with the left foot On maintained. timing is: The squad members shall: –TWO, SQUAD On the command – SQUAD On the command is: timing The On 3-17), squad members shall: (Figure and on the ground – SQUAD On the command On in the new direction.with the left foot On maintained. 127. 128. 126. 125. 124. 123. 122. 120. 121. 119.



133. 132. 131. 130. 129. to foot, arm therear. swungforwardleft andtheleft with therightarm the On while completing four more paces indoubletimeandthenbreak into quicktime. and On inthepositionforthe arms marching indouble time. and On to arm therear. forward andtheleft the rightarm and On with thenewleadingrank ontheexecutive word step When the the the the right on on on short a command the command the the command command blank foot on ground, ground, ground, is the file forward cautionary of CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE squad squad squad one Figure and person members members members TO TO TO TO on word DOUBLE

3-17 About Turn inQuick Time SLOW QUICK QUICK the exists of ground, shall shall shall TIME, command in TIME, TIME, TIME, a step step shorten squad SLOW squad QUICK QUICK DOUBLE forward forward RETIRE which TURN. MARCH the members – – MARCH MARCH – pace with with MARCH (ADVANCE), is in BY the to the line, shall NUMBERS, given given the left given left the complete standard foot foot and as as person as the the in the in execute SQUAD double quick right right right a quick shall half – foot foot time, the foot commence time pace march ONE about is is is swinging and with given forward forward forward length with turn the as to PART 7: BASIC DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 87 87 left the shot is the and position combined. foot the with bent in are left is as pace the knee sides half the the movements right ground, to the the three arms Y the complete time, the T strikes 8-2-2 Colour Party for Two Colours Two Party for 8-2-2 Colour cut

shall foot double MARCH, PAR shall –

in Figure right the members SLOW As in double time. members forward TIME, left. squad COLOUR squad the

brought SLOW THREE, is TO TWO, – HE – beside “left, right, left” T foot SQUAD CHANGE SQUAD right smartly The placed command command command foot and junior officers; – two officers Colour escorts firefighters; Colour – three – one junior officer; and officer Colour (if necessary); escortsColour firefighters – two the the the 8-2-1 Colour Party for One Colour Party for 8-2-1 Colour attention.

a. b. a. b. party of a Colour 8-2-1) shall be: composition The carrying (Figure one Colour party of a Colour shall be: 8-2-2) composition The carrying (Figure Colours two On On and carry time. foot in slow on marching On as is counted timing The of right time. as in slow down pointing with the toe the ground above just in a half pace forward Figure 1. 2. 136. 134. 135.


4. 3. The Colour bearer wears theColour beltover shoulder. theleft The detailsoftheColour pike andbeltare shown inFigure 8-2-3. Figure

8-2-3 DetailsoftheColour Pike andBelt BUCKLE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 8989 8989 8989 on the hand on review is the the position of pike on slope the back when of the in hand, base except right The carried slope, the side. and of the at halt right grasp the the at at carried the carry. it shall be at Then, be all-round hand, position shall an right order with always the the held in with Colour are held be vertical Colour uncased COLOUR DRILL shall held an and is pike Colour pike march, 8-3-2); and in the normal the left manner (Figure foot move the order. same position as described in the for and pike unmoved keep the Colour The The taut. the pike and shall not be stretched down shall hang naturally Colour The the side. is at right elbow The of the pike. right wrist is directlyThe in rear of the shoe. in line with the toe the right side of the right foot, at ground reaches. of the Colour corner the lowest of the pike where the point at outwards, attention. is at bearer Colour The the T EASE FROM THE ORDER cased a. b. b. c. d. e. f. a. – EASE: AT STAND On the command in the right hand. the case is grasped that is held similarly except A cased Colour 8-3-1): (Figure the order At the carrythe halt; it shall be at sloped at is never or the order. An uncased Colour On compliments. or when paying ground parade carry. the During shall be at inspection an the uncased Colour of personnel on parade movements. pause between with a standard drill shall be executed Colour A the carry. held at is never A cased Colour the march. 8. 7. 6. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. AND A




12. 11. 10. AND EASYFROMST Position oftheOrder (UncasedandCased) 9. On thecommand CARRY COLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE; On thecommand ATTEN – (etc.). The On thecommand STAND –EASY: b. a. c. b. a. simultaneously, handto thesocketandguidepikeinto theleft bring thesocket. (Figure 8-3-3);and keeping with the bodyisrelaxed, butthefeet andColour are notmoved. iskeptto arm theside;and the left the Colour andpikeremain inthe sameposition; stand the Figure at the right AND ease base

hand, 8-3-1 position of AND T EASE the

raise TION, move foot manner. theleft inthenormal pike shall the T EASE just Colour be clear resumed to of a the vertical on socket, the position and cautionary the in Stand at Ease Figure right front command forearm

of 8-3-2 the centre alongside SQUAD of the (GUARD) the body, pike PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 91 91 91 2 1 3-3 Carry the Order from 8- Figure 92 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL


14. 13. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. On thecommand SLOPE COLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: between observed On On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand ORDERCOLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: between observed On On thecommand SQUAD – c. b. a. b. a. c. b. a. b. a. the the (3) (2) (1) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) positionalongsidethepike(Figurehorizontal positionto avertical 8‑34);and on completion ofthemovement: simultaneously raise therightforearm parallel to theground; thus handto thepositionoforder; theleft bring simultaneously, handto thesocketto theleft steady bring thepikeandbelt. positionalongsidethepike(Figurehorizontal positionto avertical 8‑35);and with on completion ofthemovement: move handacross thebodyto theleft steady thepike;thus theColour withtherighthandto thepositionoforder; carry simultaneously, handto thesocketto theleft steady bring thepikeandbelt. with command command forearmthe left isparallel to theground. handare andpointing to extended the fingersofleft theright,and handshallbeoutwards,the backofleft the headandeyes are facingthefront. the backofhandisoutwards, and isstraight, oftherightarm the wrist the rightforearm isparallel to theground at rightanglesto thepike, the righthandisopposite themouth, the the right right ORDER CARRY hand hand raise raise – – COLOUR, COLOUR, handto thesideinpositionofattention.THREE, cuttheleft TWO: TWO: the the pike pike the the clear clear three two of of movements movements the the socket, socket, are are bringing bringing combined. combined. the the right right A A standard standard forearm forearm pause pause from from shall shall the the PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 93 93 93 3-5 Slope from the Carry3-5 Slope from 3-4 Order from the Carry from 3-4 Order 8- 8- Figure Figure Figure 94 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL


20. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand ORDERCOLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: position parallel to theground. on between On attention. On On thecommand SLOPE COLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: Colour shouldbereturned normally to theslopeinfollowing manner: Upon between observed On order. On c. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. the the the the (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) the on completion ofthemovement: simultaneously, lower theColour withtherighthandto therightshoulder; the ground and steady the Colour handaround by thecase. cuppingtheleft simultaneously, right side(Figure 8-3-7);and with to steady thepike. simultaneously, (Figure 8-3-6);and with outthemovements withoutwordshall carry ofcommand. and compliments When movements onsuccessive foot. paces withtheleft carry, On to steady thepike;thus departing right command command command the command the the the Colour shallhangover andcover and therightshoulderandarm, the rightforearm positionparallel shouldbeinacomfortable to theground, the elbow shallbecloseto thebody, the Colour shallbeat a45degree angleontherightshoulder, Colour. the the movements. executing the pike movements command shoulder, right right senior the shall on SLOPE SQUAD hand SQUAD hand SLOPE with with bring review the other not the On Colour QUICK lower first executed the the raise – show – the right – the COLOUR, – than TWO: TWO, parade COLOUR, left left THREE, movement left the completion the – officer elbow between a hand hand MARCH, cut review arm pike pike as ground the cut above. the grasp grasp both close smartly gives to clear three the on parade the left the the of or the the movements to the left When hand of hand the the movements after ground across the Colour pike pike the hand first ground, drill command and body smartly only paying ground above above pace the the to by officer the one and are the the straightening body, are Colour with shoulder compliments the the to and Colour combined, the side command the combined. SLOPE shall right right the keeping right place side, shall assuming slope left is hand hand and – carried, forearm assuming be it the foot is COLOUR, with shall elsewhere, the A on with with given the at standard right the and forearm the a be a the an an Colour 45 in standard on position covered the right arm the a all‑round all‑round Colour degree after comfortable the an pause position remaining parallel down from shoulder uncased left paying officer by of pause angle shall grip, grip, foot the the the the to of PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 95 95 95 3-7 Order from the Slope from 3-7 Order 8- 3-6 Slope from the Order (Cased Colour) (Cased the Order 3-6 Slope from Figure Figure 8- Figure 96 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL CHANGIG THECOLOUR A LET FLY FROMTHECARRY CARRY FROMTHESLOPE

30. 29. 28. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. On thecommand CHANGECOLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: On On attention. foot. left next During with adownward movement oftherighthand(Figure 8-3-10). On between observed On On thecommand SQUAD – On thecommand CARRY COLOUR(S) BY NUMBERS,SQUAD –ONE: To changeColour to from above theright,drill theleft isreversed. pause between themovements. On On thecommand SQUAD –FOUR,cuttherighthandto theside. except that thebackofrighthandisnow to thefront. both On On thecommand SQUAD – between movements. a. a. a. b. b. b. the the the the the raise carry grasp socket. simultaneously, from theorder (Figurethe carry 8-3-9);and keep theelbows closeto thebodyandbothforearms parallel to theground. and body; keep theelbows closeto thebody. the front, andthumbto therear (Figure 8-3-8);and the hands command command the command command command command the the the march on Colour Colour, pike the LET CARRY past SQUAD SQUAD with ORDER CHANGE pike bring off with FLY in the the in – quick the THE – the – T HESLOPE – COLOUR, position. handto thesideandassumecarry cuttheleft TWO, TWO: right left a TWO, THREE, COLOUR, – pike similar – left COLOUR, time, hand COLOUR(S), shoulder cut perpendicular, hand place the position on above the both the two combine to left the with the maintaining the movements command movements arm Colour to the right, socket that to smartly the right a position on described in four EYES to an the the are hand are to guide all-around movements, grip – left combined, the combined. 10 RIGHT, to for shoulder, cm on side, the the the the in base the perpendicular assuming grip, front pike, first with A Colour observing standard retaining of back of movement release a the the standard the is of pike centre let the pause a position position the the fly standard into hand grip Colour above, on pause of shall the the the to of of of PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 97 97 97 3-9 Carry the Slope from 8- 3-8 Changing the Colour at the Slope at the Colour 3-8 Changing 8- Figure Figure Figure 98 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL Figure 8- Figure 3-11 Catching theColour from theLet Fly 8- 3-10 Let Fly from theCarry PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 99 99 99 to be be e) the the 50), The and t of pause out Colour Colour (Figure shall shall securing carry. outwards, the the well front arm towards in the after attention pause paragraph Colour hand standard pike to of right steady A hand eral salu eral caught, The the hand (see the to n the of be position right of a standard pike right position carry returned A to back socket ground. the the the combined. e & ge & e the cannot and of t the extent the of to hand, are armpit, with motion full back grasp side Colour right combined. right above right secured the the the and are the the the cm to grasped the 5 to to sweeping movements be a Colour with be pike body with armpit, g royal salu royal g hand two the may the the strength, with n shall ground pike it Colour left movements right the uri raise the wind order, the across the the Colour d the two lower of of of on the T ( T pike, cut the pikehead the hand of and COLOUR, under base the the – HAL left corner

spread TWO, because TWO: the hand – held the THE the HE If, – ONE: NUMBERS, SQUAD BY THE COLOUR(S) be from of direction, COLOUR, position be muddy, – – ONE: NUMBERS, SQUAD BY THE COLOUR(S) T T T right A the bring grasp shall or

hand. wind SQUAD CATCH DIP the Colour shall to control wet left the the is with Colour pike on the CARRY

in ground. and brought the pikehead shall be just clear of the ground, the the right command command command HE ground be pike releasing simultaneously, maintaining the right foot; thus the position of attention; the left cut the side to hand to simultaneously, of the movement: on completion 8-3-12); and belt. 8-3-11); and with the left the pike (Figure bring the Colour hand and in to it grasp simultaneously, reached. of the Colour corner the lowest of the pike where the point at (1) (2) (3) the the the the M T M a. b. a. b. c. a. b. On observed the movements. between If 8-3-13). being soiled (Figure it from held in the left prevent hand to DIP On the command – SQUAD On the command shall while marching. same drill executed is On shall be observed the movements. between Depending the On position. the horizontal to the right forearm raise 42. in paragraph as detailed is caught Colour the – FRONT, EYES On the command CATCH On the command FRO

M THE LET FLY FRO THE COLOUR TCHING 48. 49. 46. 47. 44. 45. 43. 41. 42. IP


CA 100 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE PART 8: COLOUR DRILL Figure Figure 8-3-13DipPosition – Wet Ground 8-3-12 Dip from the Carry at Dipfrom theHalt the Carry PART 8: COLOUR DRILL PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE 101 101 101 a to be the the in shall front; of Colour well shall in into the pause Colour hand pike position Colour the directly the right the The ground, standard of move the A the dip. position base on assume the with of armpit, the and and combined. carried right side horizontal guide are a be position forward the to the to is the to shall to pike foot under socket pike hand ) movements the left E pike the T left the motion the to three the

lower the as T right, of SALU the

cut hand and the sweeping given arch arch base a left m ERAL right

THREE, N from TWO: the COLOUR, the – with RIGHT – the HE of GE T THE HAL – to N T N & & bring E O blowing

EYES SQUAD T CARRY lowered control is motion then SALU wind


and command command command HE cut the left the side. hand to simultaneously, the ground; the back of the right hand shall be towards the side; shall be close to the right elbow down; shall hang straight the Colour the left the side; and at arm shall be straight the front. to shall be straight the head and eyes maintaining sweeping and the socket with the leftgrasp hand; and the pike clear of the socket with the right hand. raise with the left the pike; and bring the Colour hand and in to it grasp the carry. the right hand as for with of the Colour the corner grasp simultaneously, the perpendicularposition of the carry; to with the right hand, the Colour raise and simultaneously, socket. left, strong the the the ROYAL a M T M b. a. b. c. d. e. a. a. b. a. b. a. b. G of the movement: On completion the left with pace foot: On the following On the next with the left pace foot: time. in slow on the march dip is only executed The On 8-3-14). shall be let fly on the next (Figure with the left pace foot On be observed the movements. between – SQUAD On the command On carry. – ONE: SQUAD NUMBERS, BY COLOUR(S) CARRY On the command If the the left to of the pike. spread N FRO

59. 57. 58. 55. 56. 54. 52. 53. 51. 50. URI IP

(D D


62. 61. 60. 63. foot, handto pace theside. withtheleft cuttheleft On thenext On On thecommand EYES –FRONT, foot: pace withtheleft onthenext thewindisstrong,If theColour may besecured asnoted inparagraph 42. corner oftheColour shallbegrasped withtherighthand. b. a. the simultaneously, and raise theColour withtherighthand, to positionofthecarry; theperpendicular socket. following pace Figure bring with 8-3-14 the the left left Dip from the Carry ontheMarch Dipfrom theCarry hand foot, to the the Colour socket shall to be guide caught the with base the of left the hand, pike into and the the APPENDIX A: ALTERNATE METHOD FOR FOLDING OF THE FLAG PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE A1A1 A1 A1A1 A1 be the Flag portion the start a purposes, should and way, Flag folding

the grave Those presentation the Canadian of Repeat for STEP 6 STEP 3 Fold fly on Fold as required top of hoist grave. side Flag-draped, the folded is uniquely the on be to this coffin in must step device the STEP 2 STEP 5 Flag to the hoist folded height, Fold in half again Fold Fold the top under Fold where lowering When the National waist A P P E N D I X A on the funerals, below. about way to placed During is found STEP 1 STEP 4 is official Fold in half Fold on top of hoist coffin Fold maple leaf Fold Folding of the Flag no shows. is Alternate Method for horizontally the leaf method it there once raise maple the suggested a of removed should the next to of kin. be presented may the Flag completed, Once process. folding Although Site Services Web and Government Canada Works on Public Procedures” “Ceremonial from Adapted A2 A2 PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE APPENDIX A: ALTERNATE METHOD FOR FOLDING OF THE FLAG “PREPARE “PREPARE “PREPARE “BEARER PARTY” “BAND” PREPARE “BEARER PARTY “WREATH” “FOLD” COMMAND Point ofReference: THE BAND” TO FOLD” TO FOLD” THE FLAG” manual ofNationalDefence onfuneralAdapted procedures from Department . beforeThe mustbepre-sized Bearer Party commencing. length.) head a inside The gently pulltheflagback to thecentre ofthecasket. personnel empty As is in left-hand The length.) 2&8shouldbediagonalto theirflagcorner. head a inside The member. while Bearer graspsBearer Party theflagedges. assistant, whoplaces itonthetable. by-person and The the Bearer grasps theretaining fashion. bandinanunderhand Bearer party andplaces itonthetablewithwreath.the package to in are right The Those personsto theBPC’s rightare even are andthoseto odd. theleft half half being place the their the then BPC’s right-hand right-hand wreath NB. right-hand right then EIGHT-PERSON FLAG FOLDING side and and simultaneously BPC pace pace hand hand party hands Party right-hand outside The rightsideendpersonsshouldbediagonalto theirflagcorner. (waiting The flagisnow folded inhalfalongitslength. folded. handed foot foot side starting left hand (evens) take manner who is out out to to pulls takes to then passed of of (odds). a the the persons persons places persons side The smooth while while hand for the the step to to band farthest one side hand hand flag flag the the odds the flag flag (evens) up back The raising as simultaneously simultaneously it pace out (evens) (evens) (evens) headdress). corner corner BPC out on (evens) over BPC the stopping stopping ACTION /SIGIFICACE they their using flag into away the from the who then away casket who hand the are half end meeting meeting medals. position. at at takes underside their fold from casket flag hands the the pulls forming then halfway. halfway. from of to holders on The the fingers the the head head up to sliding sliding the the At hands the then headdress the their their them The flag the their BPC band this of BPC Bearer the (Thus (Thus and and (2 band casket right the up receive shoulder underneath outside outside their their who point & it to new crease hand to foot foot and to 8) flag. bisecting bisecting the back Party side those is turns bringing an must outside outside flag the of of then then the assistant the The . hand. hand. assistant. along (evens) level the the towards Commander’s assistant half and on hold proffered band right removed, in. handing casket casket the the hand hand the They They the of The which hands they the then who flag flag side the in The themselves BPC’s flag persons then along along slide slide then then a flag use flag along along it shortest flag tugging remains the it handed person- medals taught to to (BPC) right. takes tight their their their take take half. end flag the the the the its its to APPENDIX A: ALTERNATE METHOD FOR FOLDING OF THE FLAG PROTOCOL FOR THE ONTARIO FIRE SERVICE A3 A3 A3 of to to to to the the the the the the flag end end BPC BPC half. flag. who slide their their then from tight sides. using drops touch in to slid to 6 end 2 2 2) outside slack it it the the the tugging flag flag the it & & flag with to hands hands use flag & complete & slide headdress 1 5 BPC their (where 1 then the (1 to that side touching their inside slid of is then gives the farthest flag to Simultaneous their by they their the while which places and flag then enough 8. hand. the BPC end handing 2 and the slack hand & right then proffered hold half hand the using flag drop & which who drop 7 get hands underneath is (evens) the 2 along without on 4 second 1 of new The of handed to the medals grasp inside turns & & flag the flat and BPC must is complete 3 1 hand their side motion the bit enough tight from the is 8) flag. outside which hand. then and the crease then their by new centre flag end & hands flag underneath persons get receive flag right cushion) drop the little to the up (2 inside grasp the the away 8 a the over to the who flag with of the hand places to their the flag the to & inside The the in it end of in overhand underneath bit 7 palm of handed their end is the flag it BCP up fingers end the movement go who an is keep flag holders their inside places from flag fold farthest the forming hands the flag little let to the tight meet flag receive fold their a hands takes hands end the underside position. 2 places thumb end the BPC are using to the with fold their and & his the 6 flag it inside the the end facing who 1 assistant flag Once into and the & flag using take hand pull 4 they SIGNIFICANCE ACTION / 4. removed enough 5 it the (evens) down (evens) meet As out & personnel hand hands to the flag the outside hand & their as The places 3 back and 8. touch may 3 to badge odds to receive & the to side been side use hand to of hands their tight then 7 section ready step hat then inside inside BPC hand The receives keeping persons 4 smooth a who is of pull (odds). turns down movement.) his motion 4) & hand right have flag then that 4 to and BPC hand hand of the flag on both sides. BPC pinches the centre The inside their 3 & (The 8 who their & take BPC outside the side may the & then the (3 3 folded. and its length. in half along folded now flag is The The hand outside hands

raises right-hand 7 hand use Gong BPC the their to ensure using inside sides. outside sides. BPC their medals 8 left right-hand BPC NB. outside BPC. 6 flag. 8 the the their being & & & the next it to Officer of kin. who then turnsCommanding and gives 7 slightly casket. is holding. of the flag on both sides. BPC pinches the centre The 7 the When The (the Medal his side. his hands to 5 meets the red.) white Using to action their sides. and bring the flag their hands to 5 & 6 release the BPC’s to (The the movement.) Cautionary. their slide the outside hand of 3 & 4. touch Keeping hand outside the their continue outside their complete The left-hand in is As empty personnel of the casket. the centre the flag back to pull gently The their the FOLD” TO FOLD” TO FOLD” TO FOLD” TO COMMAND “FOLD” “PREPARE “FOLD” “PREPARE “FOLD” “FOLD” “PREPARE “FOLD” “PREPARE


Protocol References