Re-creation and participation A research towards participation issues of recreatieschap Voorne-Putten- Rozenburg in the area of Brielse Meer Fleur van der Zandt, September 2012 Master Thesis Human Geography, Specialization Urban and Cultural Geography Re-creation and participation A research towards participation issues of recreatieschap Voorne-Putten- Rozenburg in the area of Brielse Meer Nijmegen School of Management Master thesis Human Geography Author: Fleur H. W. van der Zandt Student number: S4081277 Email:
[email protected] Supervisors Radboud University: H. van der Stoep & H. Ernste Supervisors Bureau Buiten: A. Van Mispelaar & J. Laro September, 2012 Summary Background In the Netherlands for already several years a transition is going in the division of responsibility between the government, the market and citizens. Nowadays this movement is speeding up because of the financial crisis. Lack of financial resources forces governments to give more room to initiatives from the private sector. For recreational areas in the Netherlands, this new hands-off mentality of the government led to problems. Less state money is available for development and maintenance of the areas. An area which has to deal with decay because of these issues is Brielse Meer. No money is available for improvements in the area and solutions are expected to be found in enhanced participation with entrepreneurs and citizens. The problem is however that the recreatieschap of Brielse Meer does not know what possibilities there are for participation and how to support this. Further decrease of possibilities for recreation might lead to negative health consequences, degradation of natural landscapes and economic losses in the leisure industry in the area.