President U Win Myint Cultivates Mahogany Plant to Launch 2020

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President U Win Myint Cultivates Mahogany Plant to Launch 2020 FOCUS ON MENTAL HEALTH IN NEW NORMAL PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT Pyithu Hluttaw raises questions to Nay Pyi Taw Council, Amyotha Hluttaw raises queries to ministries, approves Central Provident Fund Bill, three ministries, hears bill, report Underwater Management Bill PAGE-2 PAGE-2 Vol. VII, No. 113, 4th Waning of Second Waso 1382 ME Friday, 7 August 2020 President U Win Myint cultivates State Counsellor remarks Mahogany plant to launch 2020 “nation is strong and sturdy only Greening Campaign when the smallest areas are strong” President U Win Myint is cultivating a Mahogany plant at monsoon plantation ceremony in State Counsellor holds meeting with local officials in Cocogyun Township on 6 August. Nay Pyi Taw on 6 August. PHOTO: MNA PHOTO: MNA RESIDENT U Win Myint took part in the monsoon plantation ceremony for TATE Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in her capacity as Chairperson conducting 2020 greening campaign, organized in Phoe Zaung Taung Reserved of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National PForest beside Nay Pyi Taw-Tatkon No.1 road in Ottarathiri Township in Nay SRaces, visited Cocogyun Township yesterday. She held talks on development Pyi Taw yesterday morning. programmes of the township with departmental officials and viewed the high school Vice Presidents U Myint Swe and U Henry Van Thio, the Union Ministers, the and the people’s hospital. Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, permanent secretaries and officials. SEE PAGE-3 SEE PAGE-4 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS LOCAL BUSINESS Myanmar holds second UEC, Ministries discuss advance Beekeepers Rice export through preparatory meeting voting of Myanmar citizens worry about sea trade up for 41st AIPA General living abroad and standard damaging mites in by $180 mln Assembly operating procedure Magway this FY PAGE-5 PAGE-6 PAGE-10 PAGE-11 7 AUGUST 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PYITHU HLUTTAW Pyithu Hluttaw raises questions to Nay Pyi Taw Council, ministries, approves Central Provident Fund Bill, Underwater Management Bill PYITHU Hluttaw yesterday held Kyaw Kyaw Oo from Hline con- supported the motion. Then, its 9th-day meeting of the 17th reg- stituency raised a question re- the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker ular session, with questions of lated to possible establishment sought the assembly’s opinion MPs to the Nay Pyi Taw Council, of textile universities, institutes on whether the motion should be the Ministry of Education, the and schools; and MP U Khin discussed. The Hluttaw agreed to Ministry of Construction. The Maung Thi from Loilem constit- discuss the motion, so the Hlut- 9th-day meeting also approved uency raised a question about taw Speaker invited the MPs who a report of the committee on appointing teachers to fill vacant wanted to discuss the motion, to management for procurement posts for schools in the villages in register their names in the list. and distribution of antibiotics, Loilem Township. Union Minis- The Central Provident Fund the Central Provident Fund Bill, ter for Education Dr Myo Thein Bill submitted by the Ministry of and the Underwater Manage- Gyi responded to the questions. Planning, Finance and Industry ment Bill. MP U Sai Phoe Myat from was unanimously approved with The new four Tatmadaw rep- Muse constituency raised a amendment by Pyithu Hluttaw. resentatives of Pyithu Hluttaw Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA question about construction of The Bill to amend the Law were sworn in and signed the a bridge across Shweli River that Protecting Privacy and Security swearing-in documents in the lated to collecting garbage in Island. Deputy Minister for Con- will link Phaing Kyaung Village in of Citizens sent back with amend- presence of the Hluttaw Speaker villages in Mese Township. Nay struction Dr Kyaw Linn replied Muse Township and Naung Hin ment of the Amyotha Hluttaw U T Khun Myat. Pyi Taw Council member U Nyi that a budget to reconstruct Village in Manhero. MP U Maung was submitted to Pyithu Hluttaw. Next, MP U Mya Sein from Tun replied that there is no plan Kamar Chaung and Thitwa Myint from Mingin constituen- The Joint Bill Committee mem- Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) constit- to provide garbage trucks and Chaung bridges as reinforced cy raised a question about land ber U Nay Myo Tun pointed out uency raised a question whether garbage bins because rural mu- concrete bridges has been re- compensation in his township. five points that they differ with the government has an urgent nicipal works are done by the quested to add to the 2020-2021 Deputy Minister for Construc- the amendment of the Amyotha plan to make necessary arrange- relevant village administrators. FY Rakhine State government tion Dr Kyaw Linn addressed Hluttaw. The five points will be ments for the people who were MP Dr Daw Pyone from budget, so the iron concrete the questions. discussed in the Pyidaungsu displaced to the Dagon Myothit Indaw constituency asked a bridges will be built depending Pyithu Hluttaw’s Health Hluttaw. (Seikkan) Township when a hous- question whether there is a on the budget allocation. and Sports Development Com- The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker ing project was carried out in plan to open a vocational train- MP Dr Linn Linn Kyaw from mittee member Dr Khin Saung announced that Pyithu Hluttaw Shukhintha Ward in Thakayta ing school in Indaw Township Myittha constituency asked a put forward a motion to approve received the bill amending 1959 Township in Yangon. Nay Pyi in Sagaing Region. The Union question if there is a plan to up- the investigation report of the Defence Services Act sent with Taw Council member U Nyi Minister for Education Dr Myo grade Ywashay-Bonekwin Road committee on management for amendment of the Amyotha Hlut- Tun replied that according to the Thein Gyi replied that there is in Myittha Township into a tar procurement and distribution of taw, and then the Speaker invited current Town Land Roll and the no plan to establish a vocational road or a concrete road. Depu- antibiotics. Then, Pyithu Hluttaw MPs to register their names in Block Map, the people just stay training school in the township ty Minister for Construction Dr Speaker U T Khun Myat sought the list if they wanted to put for- in the area of Kyi Su Cemetery in in 2020-2021 financial year be- Kyaw Linn replied that a one- the assembly’s opinion, and ward proposals to amend the bill. Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) owned cause young people in the In- mile road section was upgraded then the Hluttaw unanimously The Pyithu Hluttaw unani- by the Yangon City Development daw Township can go to a new into a tar road in 2019-2020FY, approved it. mously approved the Underwa- Committee, and the necessary industrial training centre, which and a budget to upgrade another MP U Sai Oo Kham from ter Management Bill, with all the scrutiny could not be taken for will be opened soon in Monywa, one-mile road section has been Hsenwi constituency submitted necessary amendments. the matter, so the government Sagaing Region. requested to add to the 2020- a motion to urge relevant author- The 10th-day meeting of 17th could not make the arrange- MP U Tin Nu (a) U Tin Nu 2021FY Mandalay Region gov- ities to provide more for health regular session of the Second ments in this current period. Aung from Manaung constitu- ernment budget. policies to reach the Universal Pyithu Hluttaw will be convened MP U Than Linn Linn from ency asked a question whether MP U Myint Kyi from Katha Health Coverage (UHC) and on 20 August. —Aye Aye Thant Mese constituency asked a ques- there is a plan to reconstruct constituency asked a question stressed the importance of the tion whether the authorities have Kamar Chaung and Thitwa related to maintenance of basic UHC. MP U Sai Maung Pwint (Translated by a plan to provide equipment re- Chaung bridges on the Manaung education schools; MP U Aung from Tangyang constituency Maung Maung Swe) AMYOTHA HLUTTAW Amyotha Hluttaw raises queries to three ministries, hears bill, report AMYOTHA Hluttaw held its 9th- in his constituency and issuing the two countries, and then bor- day meeting of 17th regular ses- border pass documents. der pass document programme sion yesterday, and a new repre- Deputy Minister for Labour, will be carried out under the im- sentative of Tatmadaw took and Immigration and Population U migration law. signed an oath. Myint Kyaing replied that the area MP U Hla Myint (a) U Hla MP U Zal Khaung from has difficult access to transpor- Myint Than from Mon State con- Kachin State constituency 3 asked tation with poor commodity flow, stituency 11 asked for legal ac- about removal of toll gates set up and that the Ministry of Home tions against illegal gold mines by people’s militia forces which Affairs could not dispatch its se- where the government has per- were not allowed by the Road curity forces for the border check- mitted for only plant cultivation Management Department. point. He added that although near Thonegwa village-tract in Deputy Minister for Defence the border demarcation has been Kyaikto Township. Deputy Min- Rear-Admiral Myint Nwe replied completed at the No. 31 boundary ister for Natural Resources and that the local military command pole point, it is not included in the Environmental Conservation Dr has instructed leaders and offi- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA 8 official borders. Ye Myint Swe replied that legal ac- cials of these militia forces for However, the deputy minister tions will be taken against illegal the removal of their gates on Kachin State constituency 1 asked boundary pole point No.31 in Zee said that an official border cross- mining in the rubber plantation Waingmaw-Mungwein-Chipwe about construction of a border Htan village-tract in Khaunglan- ing will be set up in that area with plot.
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