Algal Genus Oedogonium Link from North Maharashtra, India
© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162) Algal Genus Oedogonium_Link from North Maharashtra, India N. A. Chaudhari, D. A. Kumawat and A. K. Jawale P. G. Research Centre, Department of Botany, Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur-425503, Maharashtra, India. E-mail :- ABSTRACT The present paper deals with the description of 13 taxa of genus Oedogonium belong to algal class Chlorophyceae (green algae) collected from North Maharashtra region during year 2018. From these 13 taxa, 4 taxa viz. O. bharuchae, O. indicum, O. lautumniarum f. gracilis and O. smithii var. narayanpurenes are reported for the first time from Maharashtra, Seven taxa viz. O. abbreviatum var. abbreviatum, O. lautumniarum f. lautumniarum, O. laeve, O. macrandrium var. hohenackerii, O. pseudopyriformae, O. rosenvingii and O. subintermedium are additions to Oedogonium from India and two taxa viz. O. ellii sps. nova. and O. obpyriformae sps. nova. are new to science. INTRODUCTION While studying the biodiversity in freshwater Chlorophyceae from North Maharashtra the authors collected 52 taxa of genus Oedogonium from different localities of Jalgaon, Dhule, and Nandurbar districts of North Maharashtra. Taxa of genus Oedogonium from Maharashtra are reported by Kamat (1963, 1974), Patel (1966), Gonzalves and Jain (1968, 1970), Ashtekar and Kamat (1978), Gonzalves (1981), Barhate and Tarar (1985), Pingle (1988, 2005), Kumawat and Jawale (2004), Jawale and Dhande (2005) and Dhande and Jawale (2006,2008). In this paper systematic description of 13 taxa are given. From these O. ellii sps. nova. and O. obpyriformae sps. nova. are new species, O. abbreviatum var. abbreviatum, O.
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