© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Algal Genus Oedogonium_Link from North Maharashtra, India

N. A. Chaudhari, D. A. Kumawat and A. K. Jawale P. G. Research Centre, Department of Botany, Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur-425503, Maharashtra, India. E-mail :- [email protected]

ABSTRACT The present paper deals with the description of 13 taxa of genus belong to algal class (green ) collected from North Maharashtra region during year 2018. From these 13 taxa, 4 taxa viz. O. bharuchae, O. indicum, O. lautumniarum f. gracilis and O. smithii var. narayanpurenes are reported for the first time from Maharashtra, Seven taxa viz. O. abbreviatum var. abbreviatum, O. lautumniarum f. lautumniarum, O. laeve, O. macrandrium var. hohenackerii, O. pseudopyriformae, O. rosenvingii and O. subintermedium are additions to Oedogonium from India and two taxa viz. O. ellii sps. nova. and O. obpyriformae sps. nova. are new to science.

INTRODUCTION While studying the biodiversity in freshwater Chlorophyceae from North Maharashtra the authors collected 52 taxa of genus Oedogonium from different localities of Jalgaon, Dhule, and Nandurbar districts of North Maharashtra. Taxa of genus Oedogonium from Maharashtra are reported by Kamat (1963, 1974), Patel (1966), Gonzalves and Jain (1968, 1970), Ashtekar and Kamat (1978), Gonzalves (1981), Barhate and Tarar (1985), Pingle (1988, 2005), Kumawat and Jawale (2004), Jawale and Dhande (2005) and Dhande and Jawale (2006,2008). In this paper systematic description of 13 taxa are given. From these O. ellii sps. nova. and O. obpyriformae sps. nova. are new species, O. abbreviatum var. abbreviatum, O. lautumniarum f. lautumniarum, O. laeve, O. macrandrium var. hohenackerii, O. pseudopyriformae, O. rosenvingii and O. subintermedium are new to India and O. bharuchae, O. indicum, O. lautumniarum f. gracilis and O. smithii var. narayanpurense are collected for the first time from Maharashtra.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Algal materials were collected from different localities of North Maharashtra region during January 2018 to December 2018. Camera lucida drawings were prepared from fresh as well as materials preserved in 3 % formalin. Photomicrographs of some taxa were taken by Olympus (sp350) camera. Identification of the taxa was made following monograph by Gonzalves (1981).

SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT 1. Oedogonium abbreviatum var. abbreviatum (Hirn) Tiff. Pl.1., Fig.1. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 335-337, fig. 9.218 A. Macrandrous, heterothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, cells 13. 6 in diameter, 36.4-49.1 m long; oogonium single, obovoid-globose, 30 m in diameter, 33.2 m long, operculate, division superior; oospore identical in shape to oogonium , globose, 27.3 m in diameter; male plants not seen. Habitat: Road-side ditch, 6 km before Navapur, 5-5-2018 (Chl. 240). 2. Oedogonium bharuchae Kam. Pl.2., Fig.2. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 242-243, fig. 9.122. Macrandrous, heterothallic; cells capitellate, those of female filaments 13.4 m in diameter, 71.2 – 106 m long; those of male plants 15.6 m in diameter, 71.5 - 91.1 m long; oogonia in twos, ellipsoid, 45.3 m in diameter, 55.9 m long, operculate, division supreme; antheridia up to 8-seriate, 18.2 m in diameter, 16-17.8 m long. Habitat: Lake, Hartala, 26-3-2018 (205). 3. Oedogonium ellii sp. nov. Pl.2.,Fig.3. Macrandrous, homothallic; vegetative cells cylindrical but some cells are undulate having two undulations; cells capitulate; cylindrical cells 12.9 m in diameter, 58.1 – 61.5 m long; undulate cells 15.3 – 16.8 m broad, 34.3 – 38.3 m long; oogonium single, globose, 30.8 m in diameter, 32.2 m long;

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) poriferous, pore supreme; oospore globose 22.4 m in diameter, 27.6 m long, not completly filling with oogonium; antheridia one to two seriate, epigynous, 14.6 m in diameter, 7.9 – 9.4 m long; spermatozoids two, division horizontal. In this plant some of the cells are undulate having two undulations. In Oedogonium this is the only plant having cylindrical and undulate cells, therefore it is considered here as a new species. Habitats : Rain-water pool, near Swami Samarth Kendra, Vidyanagar, Faizpur, 12-7-2018 (Chl.26). 4. Oedogonium indicum Hirn Pl.1., Fig.2. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 379, fig. 9.273. Nannandrous, gynandrosporous; vegetative cells broadly capitellate, 18-24 m in diameter, 40-104 m long; oogonia single obovoid-globose, 60 m in diameter, 65 m long, operculate, division median; oospore globose, filling the oogonium, 51 m long; androsporangia single, subepigynous, 19 m in diameter, 14.5 m long; dwarf males unicellular, situated on the oogonia, 12.7 m in diameter, 23.6 m long. Habitat: Rangavali river, Navapur, 16-11-2018 (Chl. 493). 5. Oedogonium laeve(Wittr.) Hirn Pl.1., Fig.3. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 172-173, fig. 9.33. Macrandrous, homothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, 13.6 m in diameter, 54-68 m long; oogonium single, globose, 32.7 m in diameter, 43 m long, poriferous, pore median; oospore globose, filling the oogonium, 28 m in diameter; antheridia single, subepigynous, 12.7 m in diameter, 14.5–16.4 m long; spermatozoid single. Habitat: Rivulet, Manjal, 31-10-2018 (Chl. 679). 6. Oedogonium lautumniarum (Wittr.) Hirn f. gracilis (Venk.) Gonz. Pl.1., Figs.4,5. Gonzalves, E.A. 1981, p. 281-282, fig. 9.158C. Macrandrous, heterothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, those of female filament 17-19 m in diameter, 63-84 m long; those of male filament 15-16 m in diameter, 51-94 m long; oogonium single, ovoid, 37- 38 m in diameter, filling the oogonium; antheridia upto 6-seriate, 11-13.6 m in diameter, 7-12 m long; spermatozoids 2, division horizontal. Habitat: Rain-water pool, near Swami Samarth Kendra, Vidyanagar, Faizpur, 15-7-2018 (Chl. 36). 7. Oedogonium lautumniarum f. lautumniarum (Wittr.) Hirn Pl. 1., Figs.6,7. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 280, fig. 158 A. Macrandrous, heterothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, those of female filaments 15-19.2 m in diameter, 88.3 -123 m long; those of male filaments 21 m in diameter, 102 m long; oogonium single or in twos, subovoid-globose, 35-38 m in diameter, 51-54 m long, poriferous, pore superior or supramedian; oospore similar to oogonium which it fills, 30-31 m in diameter, 45-50 m long; antheridia upto 3-seriate, 18 m in diameter, 14 m long; spermatozoids 2, division horizontal. Habitat: Rain-water pool, near Swami Samarth Kendra, Vidyanagar, Faizpur, 15-7-2018 (Chl.32). 8. Oedogonium macrandrium (Wittr.) Hirn. var. hohenackerii (Wittr.) Tiff. Pl.1., Fig.8. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 489-490, fig. 9.391 D. Nannandrous; gynandrosporous; vegetative cells cylindric 11.8 -15.5 m in diameter, 30-41.8 m long; oogonium single globose, 36.4 m in diameter, operculate, division superior; oospore globose, 30.9 m in diameter, filling the oogonium; androsporangia single or in twos, 12.7-13.6 m in diameter, 10.9 m long; dwarf males situated on the oogonia, stipe 10-11 m long; antheridium single or in twos, 7.3 m in diameter, 9 m long. Habitat: Road-side ditch, near Hariom Colony, Faizpur, 7-10-2018 (Chl.90). 9. Oedogonium obpyriformae sp. nov. Pl.2., Figs.1,4. Vegetative cells cylindric, 4.5-7.3 m in diameter, 55-65 m long; terminal cells setiferous; basal cell elongate, 10 m broad, 43 m long; oogonium single, obpyriform, 24.5 m in diameter, 40 m long, poriferous, pore superior; oospore subglobose, not filling the oogonium longitudinally, inflating the lower part of the oogonium, 24.5 m in diameter, 22.7 m long; male plants not seen. This form is similar to O. urceolatum but differs in vegetative cells, oogonia and oospores are smaller in size and oospore wall smooth instead of having longitudinal costae, therefore it is treated as a new species. Habitat: Rivulet, Jamnya, 12-2-2018 (Chl.210). 10. Oedogonium pseudopyriforme (Arn. & Roll) Gonz. Pl.1., Fig.9. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 557, fig. 9.493.

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Vegetative cells cylindric, 7.2-10 m in diameter, 19-33 m long; basal cell 8.2 m broad, 22-25 m long, terminal cell ending in a hyaline seta; oogonium orbicular-pyriform, 22.7 m in diameter, 27.3 m long, opening not seen, oospore globose, 20 m in diameter. Habitat: Road-side ditch, Hariom Colony, Faizpur, 25-8-2007 (Chl.62); road-side ditch, Hariom Colony, Faizpur, 7-10-2018 (Chl. 90). 11. Oedogonium rosenvingii Hall. ex And. Pl.1., Fig.10. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 469, fig. 9.370. Nannandrous, gynandrosporous; vegetative cells cylindrical, 7.2 - 9.1 m in diameter, 29-32 m long; oogonium single 21 m in diameter, 21.8 m long, poriferous, pore median; oospore globose 18.2 m in diameter; dwarf males unicellular, situated on the oogonium 9-10 m in diameter, 15.4 m long. Habitat: Rain-water pool, near Swami Samarth Kendra, Vidyanagar, Faizpur,15-7-2018 (Chl. 35). 12. Oedogonium smithii Presc. var. narayanpurense Isl. and Sarma Pl. 1, Fig. 11. Gonzalves, E. A., 1981, p. 521, fig. 9.424B. Macrandrous, heterothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, 3.6-5.5 m in diameter, 17.2-23.6 m long; basal cell sub-hemispheric; oogonia single, terminal, broadly pyriform to fusiform, 15.45 m in diameter, 19 – 26.4 m long, operculate, division median. Habitat: Mangrul dam, 5-12-2018 (636) 13. Oedogonium subintermedium Claass. Pl. 1., Fig.12. Gonzalves, E. A. 1981, p. 183, fig. 9.49. Macrandrous, homothallic; vegetative cells cylindric, 17-19 m in diameter, 35-49 m long; oogonium single, ellipsoid, 36.5 m in diameter, 41 m long, poriferous, pore superior; oospore globose, 30 m in diameter, 32.7 m long, not filling the oogonium; antheridia upto 3-seriate, 16.4 m in diameter, 4.5-9 m long; spermatozoid single. Habitat: Rain-water pool, near Swami Samarth Kendra, Vidyanagar, Faizpur,12-7-2018 (Chl. 26).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are thankful to the Principal and Head, Department of Botany for providing laboratory and library facilities for the present work.

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