Douglas, Monday, 16th March 2015

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Supplementary material provided subsequent to a sitting is also published to the website as a Hansard Appendix. Reports, maps and other documents referred to in the course of debates may be consulted on application to the Tynwald Library or the Clerk of Tynwald’s Office.

Volume 132, No. 13

ISSN 1742-2264

Published by the Office of the Clerk of Tynwald, Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas, , IM1 3PW. © Court of Tynwald, 2015 , MONDAY, 16th MARCH 2015


The Speaker (Hon. S C Rodan) (Garff); The Chief Minister (Hon. A R Bell) (Ramsey); Mr D M Anderson (Glenfaba); Mr L I Singer (Ramsey); Hon. W E Teare (Ayre); Mr A L Cannan (Michael); Hon. T M Crookall (Peel); Mr P Karran, Mr Z Hall and Mr D J Quirk (Onchan); Hon. R H Quayle (Middle); Mr J R Houghton and Mr R W Henderson (Douglas North); Mr D C Cretney and Mrs K J Beecroft (Douglas South); Mr C R Robertshaw and Mrs B J Cannell (Douglas East); Hon. J P Shimmin and Mr C C Thomas (Douglas West); Hon. R A Ronan (Castletown); Mr G D Cregeen (Malew and Santon); Hon. J P Watterson, Hon. L D Skelly and Hon. P A Gawne (Rushen); with Mr R I S Phillips, Secretary of the House.

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Business transacted

Order of the Day ...... 867 1. Election of four Members of the Legislative Council ...... 867 Procedural ...... 867 Nomination of Mr David Anderson MHK ...... 868 Nomination of Mr Paul Beckett ...... 869 Nomination of Mr Phil Braidwood ...... 870 Nomination of Mr MHK ...... 871 Nomination of Mr Bill Henderson MHK ...... 872 Nomination of Mr Christopher Kinley ...... 873 Election of four persons to Legislative Council – First ballot – Mr Henderson elected ...... 875 Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Second ballot ...... 875 The House adjourned at 11.04 a.m. and resumed its sitting at 11.17 a.m...... 877 Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Third ballot ...... 877 Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Nomination of Mr MHK – Fourth ballot ...... 878 The House adjourned at 11.45 a.m. and resumed its sitting at 11.55 a.m...... 880 Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Fifth ballot – Mr Cretney elected ...... 880 Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Sixth ballot ...... 881 The House adjourned at 12.28 p.m. and resumed its sitting at 12.40 p.m...... 883 Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Seventh and eighth ballots ...... 883 The House adjourned at 1.07 p.m. and resumed its sitting at 2.30 p.m...... 885 Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Ninth ballot ...... 885 New nominations called for under Standing Order 8.2(2)(xi) ...... 886 Congratulations to Mr Henderson and Mr Cretney; thanks to all candidates ...... 886 The House adjourned at 2.42 p.m...... 886

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House of Keys

The House met at 10.00 a.m.

[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]

The Speaker: Moghrey mie, Hon. Members.

5 Members: Good morning, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer.

PRAYERS The Chaplain of the House of Keys

Order of the Day



Election of four persons to serve as Members of the Legislative Council for a period expiring on 29th February 2020 in place of: Mr Philip Braidwood; Mr Dudley Butt; Mr Alan Crowe; and Mr .

Nominees Proposers Mr David Anderson MHK nominated by Mr MHK Mr Paul Beckett nominated by Mrs Kate Beecroft MHK Mr Phil Braidwood MLC nominated by Hon. MHK Mr David Cretney MHK nominated by Hon. MHK Mr Bill Henderson MHK nominated by Hon. Eddie Teare MHK Mr Christopher Kinley nominated by Hon. MHK

The Speaker: Hon. Members, we turn to the single Item on our Order Paper. This is to elect a person to the Legislative Council for a term expiring on 29th February 2020. 10 There are six nominations on the Order Paper. The nominations were all accompanied by statements of qualification and reason and support as required, and the papers were circulated to Hon. Members by the Secretary on 27th February. Under the Isle of Man (Elections to Council) Act 1971, as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act 2008, once the elections have begun, they must be completed, although they 15 may be adjourned to the next day once only. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Standing

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Orders, I have discretion to determine the time at which a sitting of the House of Keys to elect Members of the Legislative Council shall adjourn. Once the round of elections has been started, no other business may be taken by the House of Keys sitting alone, until the elections have been completed. However, if it appears to me that 20 no progress can be made, I do have power to call for fresh nominations to be made in writing, which triggers the one-month delay and subsequent two-week period as before. I also have power to suspend the sitting at any time, if this appears useful. I shall first call on Members to propose and second candidates. Only the proposer and seconder may speak. Under Standing Order 8.3(5) each Member may vote for any one or more 25 candidates up to the number of vacancies to be filled, or vote for no candidates. All voting papers completed otherwise are invalid and no vote recorded on them will be counted. Voting is by placing an X in the box of the ballot paper opposite the candidate you wish to vote for. Under the Act, the successful candidate needs no fewer than 13 votes in his or her favour. Before 2008, if the candidate obtained a majority of the votes of Members present and 30 voting in the first round, but fewer than 13 votes, the primary legislation and Standing Orders allowed a second round of voting. This procedure no longer is in force. Each vote is a fresh round and requires further nominations and they must be seconded. These nominations of course may come from the floor. If when voting has been concluded the vacancy remains, I shall call for fresh nominations. 35 As before, we will proceed to a paper ballot in the relation to the names on the Order Paper. If it is necessary, I shall then call for fresh nominations for a further round of elections.

Nomination of Mr David Anderson MHK

The Speaker: I now call for nominations. Hon. Member for Ramsey, Mr Singer. 40 Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker, Hon. Members. I am pleased to propose Mr David Anderson MHK for election to the Legislative Council. Mr Anderson’s CV has been circulated to Hon. Members and of course, Hon. Members also know him on a personal basis. He has been successfully elected three times to this Hon. House 45 and, previously to that, served for nine years on the local Commissioners. First of all, I would say that he is an honourable man, a man of integrity and although he has had political differences with Members, as we all do from time to time, he has never been one to hold personal grudges and that is a genuine admirable quality. In coming to my decision to propose Mr Anderson, I thought about the qualities needed to be 50 a good and fully participating Member of the Legislative Council, and I can assure Hon. Members, having served in both Chambers myself, that the requirements are different. The first and greatest responsibility as a Member of the Legislative Council is the scrutiny of legislation, virtually line by line, and it needs an ability to concentrate, be a clear thinker and understand how a Bill is constructed. There must also be the willingness to take charge of a Bill 55 of which one has no prior knowledge, yet to be prepared to be fully briefed and to understand the concept in order to be able to fully explain the contents of the Bill and answer clearly and succinctly the questions from the other Members. Mr Anderson has gained much experience by taking major Bills through this Hon. House. He also enjoys being a team player. If a candidate does not exhibit those qualities I have just 60 referred to, then the functioning of the Legislative Council can be compromised, but I believe the Hon. Member has those qualities.

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I have every confidence that Mr Anderson is an excellent candidate for the Legislative Council, taking with him 15 years of experience at the highest level in Manx politics. I commend him to you and therefore ask Hon. Members to vote for him. 65 Thank you, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Hon. Member for Peel, Mr Crookall.

Mr Crookall: Thank you, Mr Speaker. 70 I rise to second the nomination of Mr Anderson and I am very pleased to do so. Just to echo the sentiments of my hon. colleague from Ramsey who has just returned to his seat, Mr Singer, I would say that we all know that Mr Anderson is indeed an honourable man, a man of integrity, and although he has had his differences and will continue to do so, I believe, into the future, he is a man that does not hold grudges and gets on with the job that he is asked 75 to do and will also always do so. I am also delighted that Mr Anderson, when he changed jobs and came out from being Minister of Health and came to join us in Education, has served the Department very well and will continue to do so, sir. I would therefore ask Members to support the nomination of Mr Anderson. 80 Thank you, sir.

The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member.

Nomination of Mr Paul Beckett

The Speaker: I call on the Hon. Member for Douglas South, Mrs Beecroft. 85 Mrs Beecroft: Thank you, Mr Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to nominate Paul Beckett for Legislative Council. It is 40 years since an advocate has been nominated, and I am sure that this is the first time that one has been nominated with such qualifications and experience. 90 You have all had Mr Beckett’s personal statement, including his CV, but it is worth summarising the reasons why I believe that he would make an excellent contribution to the working of Legislative Council and to Tynwald, and why this would be of real benefit to the whole of the Island. Paul has a wealth of wide-ranging qualifications, knowledge and experience. His 95 qualifications range from a first-class Honours Degree in Jurisprudence, when graduating from Worcester College, Oxford in 1978, to a Masters Degree in International Human Rights Law in 2014. Having qualified as an English Solicitor in 1981 and an Isle of Man Advocate in 1990, his professional experience in the legal field is wide and varied. Not only that, Paul is an experienced diplomat, having been the honorary representative for the in 100 Switzerland, during his time as Senior Vice-President of Deutsche Bank in Geneva. He is also no stranger to budgetary and human resource matters, having been responsible for both areas in his role of Group Advocate and Solicitor and Director of Marketing for IFG International. He has maintained responsibility for these areas in his current role of Head of Chambers in Old Court Chambers, so is more than used to the need for sound financial and 105 business practices. He is currently Chairman of the Financial Services Tribunal, Collective Investment Schemes Tribunal and Data Protection Tribunal. Paul has been widely published and has contributed to, or co-authored the following publications: International Bank Secrecy, European Cross Border Estate Planning, Offshore

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110 Trusts, Limited Liability of Professional Partnerships, International Insurance Law and Regulation and Essays on Human Rights. Paul has a strong social conscience and always contributes to the societies in which he lives. His passion is human rights legislation and he makes no charge for the work he does in this area to help people. If elected to Legislative Council, he will continue with this very worthwhile work. 115 I think from these brief highlights of his exemplary career, I am sure that Members will understand why I feel that it is my pleasure and honour to nominate Mr Paul Beckett and I sincerely hope that Members will support and vote for him for Legislative Council. Thank you.

120 The Speaker: Hon. Member for Douglas West, Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Hon. Members, traditionally several Members of Legislative Council have been senior Members of this House when they were elected and their number has been complemented with 125 experts from business, banking, IT and other professions. When Mr Becket’s name came forward, the possibility of reviving another tradition arose. This is the tradition of having senior members of the legal profession directly involved in our processes. Who can disagree with the merit of having a senior practising Advocate as a Member to contribute to better legislation and better public policy? 130 Mr Beckett has chaired the Legislation Committee of the Law Society, as well as preparing briefings recently for the Manx Deaf Society and supporting Manx Blind Welfare. Recently he helped to prepare the Law Society’s submission on the Equality Bill Consultation, which was based in part on his analysis with other United Nations Association members of our Island’s obligations under international conventions. 135 Some of us might be thinking not to vote for Mr Beckett because he has been nominated by the Leader. Please think how that might be perceived outside this House. Mr Beckett would comprise less than one eighth of Legislative Council membership: the proportion of Liberal Vannin Members in this House after our 2011 General Election and in line with the proportion of the votes obtained by this party nationally. 140 Mr Beckett has said he would hang his hat with his coat if he were elected. I believe Mr Beckett has a passion for legislation and public policy, and the interests of all, in making sure the framework we create enables everyone. He will be courageous and collegiate in his work. Hon. Members, please revive a tradition. Remember Advocate Howard Simcocks, who played a key part in our work for decades, a champion for those less fortunate, working in Tynwald and 145 in Government here and abroad. It is my privilege to second Mr Beckett.

The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member.

Nomination of Mr Phil Braidwood

150 The Speaker: I call the Hon. Member for Ayre, Mr Teare.

Mr Teare: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have much pleasure in nominating Mr Phil Braidwood as a Member of the Legislative Council. 155 Mr Braidwood has been a Member of Tynwald Court for almost 20 years and before then he was a member of Onchan District Commissioners for five years, before he and his family moved from Onchan.

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He served the constituency of East Douglas since being first selected in 1995 and was elected to the Legislative Council in 2010. Since I joined this House in 2004, I have grown to appreciate 160 the contribution that he has made to our national politics. In addition to serving his constituency, where he was elected for a further three occasions, he has been a member of many Departments, Deputy Speaker and also a member of the Treasury team, more latterly working with myself. He was also a Minister holding two portfolios: Home Affairs and the Minister for Transport. 165 Phil is a Member who takes his commitment seriously and I have been impressed with the way that he has discharged his responsibilities, whilst being part of the Treasury team. As Chairman of the Capital Projects Unit, the Investment Committee and also having regulatory oversight of the Financial Supervision Commission, Insurance and Pensions Authority and the Gambling Supervision Commission, he has wide ranging and unrivalled experience. 170 Phil has also served on many Committees of this and another place. During the time that he has worked with me he has taken 19 Bills through the Legislative Council, which has created a very heavy workload and makes him ideally suited to continue to scrutinise legislation. It is often underestimated the preparatory work and research which is required of Members who take legislation through the Branches. In Phil, we have a hard working and committed Member who 175 has more than justified the trust that was placed in him five years ago, when he was first elected to the Legislative Council, and I feel that he is worthy of being re-elected. Mr Speaker, I have much pleasure in moving the nomination of Mr Philip Braidwood as a Member of the Legislative Council.

180 The Speaker: Seconder? Hon. Member for Rushen, Mr Watterson.

Mr Watterson: Certainly happy to second that nomination. Although I have not prepared any speaking remarks, I would echo the comments made by the Treasury Minister.

185 The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member.

Nomination of Mr David Cretney MHK

The Speaker: I call the Hon. Member for Douglas West, Mr Shimmin.

Mr Shimmin: Thank you, Mr Speaker. 190 It is my great honour to propose Mr David Clifford Cretney MHK as a candidate for election to the Legislative Council. As all Members will be aware, David has spent the majority of his adult life in public service, gaining the trust and support of his constituents and receiving enormous levels of votes and support over the seven House of Keys elections in which he has been successful. 195 All Members have had his CV circulated and after knowing David for so long, it still makes very interesting reading and I would like to point out just a few of the reasons why I support his candidacy. I believe that he can contribute to the Legislative Council in a positive manner and still remain committed to the ongoing diversification and development of our economy, to achieve what he 200 has always striven for – a fair, inclusive and caring society. His record of public service is almost unparalleled. Starting in 1983 as a Douglas Town Councillor, David has spent nearly 30 years now as a Tynwald Member and his parliamentary profile covers the range and depth of his experiences within Tynwald. People will know David probably best for his social conscience. David has always been in the 205 forefront and the vanguard of any measures to try and protect the people who we serve. He has

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brought forward various social legislation, employment law and redundancy legislation to protect the most vulnerable; Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons’; a Residence Bill, which caused major pressure and strain on our Island some years ago and David was in the vanguard. Little things that people assume have always been there, but if not for David Cretney, we 210 would not yet be in the position where vulnerable witnesses could give evidence in court via a video link. He was part of the team that delivered one of our proudest assets: the National Sports Centre. And who can forget the Commonwealth Youth Games? Again, with close co- operation working with a wide range of volunteers, David was in the vanguard of leading these things, which help our leisure and lifestyle of our community. 215 But although dubbed the Minister for Fun, it has not always just been fun. David, as Minister for Trade and Industry, is one of those people who was most targeted for introducing a more commercial approach to the TT. He has dedicated his life to support the Island’s community in whichever way he can and I believe him to be one of the most able to understand the needs of others and assist them with the issues that may have detrimentally affected their lives due to 220 whatever cause. I think David epitomises the combined strength of Government, where we need to grow the economy and protect the vulnerable. He has served in so many positions, I believe he will be genuinely an elder statesman, which will benefit the Court of Tynwald and it is my great honour to propose Mr David Cretney. 225 The Speaker: Hon. Member for Castletown, Mr Ronan.

Mr Ronan: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I am delighted to second the nomination of David Cretney. I think we all know about David’s 230 loyal commitment to his constituency of South Douglas over the past generation and also his contribution to the Island’s unprecedented success and growth over the past 30 years, in which he has played a major role. I am sure you will have all read David’s CV, which of course was provided to us all and it is abundantly clear that his work and dedication both in and outside this Hon. House speaks 235 volumes for the man. Legislative Council must, in my opinion, have a balance of political experience and business acumen and of course, David provides both. To me he is an ideal candidate for the Legislative Council and I would urge Hon. Members to support his nomination.

240 The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member.

Nomination of Mr Bill Henderson MHK

The Speaker: Again, I call the Hon. Member for Ayre, Mr Teare.

Mr Teare: Thank you, Mr Speaker. 245 I have much pleasure in nominating Bill Henderson for a position within the Legislative Council. Bill has been a dynamic and hard-working Member of this House since his election in 1998. He has clearly demonstrated his tenacity, confidence and ability as an independent and also as a team player. He has shown and demonstrated his working experience of legislation with 250 considerable input into this process. Over his years in this House, he has displayed clear vision in supporting national issues where it counts, such as our fiscal and economic strategies, budgets and has also displayed his own sense of individualism where he felt it mattered, such as bringing about ex-gratia payments for prisoners of war of the Japanese in the Second World War.

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Bill was born in Douglas and progressed through Ballakermeen and St Ninian’s High Schools. 255 He entered the Isle of Man Health Service in 1981 and attained his registered psychiatric nurse qualification. He finished that chapter of his career on the high note of Hospital Night Manager and qualified Health Service Manager before entering politics. During this time, Bill also progressed a keen interest in staff-side matters and was a member of the Transport and General Workers’ Union, now Unite. He set up the nursing section during 260 this period. I believe that this has set the foundations for Bill’s strong sense of social values and concerns for the rights of ordinary people, staff and the greater community, and a keen political interest. We can see this in the recent Public Service Pensions debate, with his successful and constructive amendment. This set of values and foundations have held him in good stead for his career in politics, which he is passionate about. He cares deeply for our Island, its people and its 265 future success. Since 1998, Bill Henderson has built up a considerable political portfolio of experience, which is broad in its makeup – exactly what I believe is required for a position on the Legislative Council. Hon. Members will see and appreciate this from his circulated CV, experience gained across many Government Departments such as Health, Treasury and DEFA, to a senior level and 270 Tynwald Committees, such as Public Accounts, and Select Committees, such as Immigration and elections. Bill has ably demonstrated that he can put in the work and perform to the standards required and in many cases above. I cannot forget either his deep-rooted interest in Manx culture and our natural environment. I believe personally, and from the evidence presented, that Bill Henderson has the right breadth 275 and level of experience, coupled with personal skills, connected with an ability to take on a pragmatic, consultative and commonsense approach to give him the right qualifications and grounding for this important role in the Legislative Council. Mr Speaker, I am very pleased to move that Mr Henderson be nominated as a Member of the Legislative Council. 280 The Speaker: Hon. Member for Douglas North, Mr Houghton.

Mr Houghton: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I am very happy to second my hon. colleague for North Douglas, Mr Henderson. The speech 285 that Hon. Members have just heard from the mover of Mr Henderson’s nomination epitomises the work that Bill Henderson has done during his time in this Hon. House. He has been a very hard-working and loyal supporter of his constituents. All of that commonsense approach and ability, and his tenacity and confidence that he has built up in this Hon. House, go before him to the Legislative Council, and I beg to second. 290 The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member.

Nomination of Mr Christopher Kinley

The Speaker: I now call the Hon. Member for Rushen, Mr Gawne.

295 Mr Gawne: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. Hon. Members, it gives me great pleasure to nominate Christopher Kinley as a candidate for election to the Legislative Council. Mr Kinley will be well known to many Hon. Members but for those who do not know him, he is of the Phurt le Moirrey Kinleys, not the Surby ones. (Laughter) 300 I have known him for several years, during which he has served with distinction as a member, Chairman and currently Vice Chairman of Port St Mary Commissioners. During that time he has

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been actively involved in promoting initiatives, involving the efficient sharing of services with other local authorities, necessary in these austere times with the need to continue civic development projects and promote regeneration outside of Douglas. Mr Kinley’s CV, which Hon. 305 Members will have seen, includes two good examples of this work. The sharing of refuse services between the southern Ports and the Mona’s Queen anchor memorial, a national prestige project, successfully delivered on time and on budget, by a local authority without the involvement of central Government. Mr Kinley is a practising advocate – the principal of a law firm concentrating on corporate 310 and commercial work, wills and probate – and works with our primary legislation and statutory documents on a daily basis. While he studied at school and university across, both sides of his family are Manx and he returned home upon graduation to qualify, first as an advocate in the Isle of Man, before qualifying in the UK and Ireland. While he has always regarded the Island, as his home, his education and interests have been as much international, as local. Among other 315 things, he is fluent Russian speaker and so his experience is far from limited only to our shores. Mr Kinley has many years experience of regulatory affairs, having assisted clients in compliance, not only with our own legislation and regulators, but also those in competitive jurisdictions in the Channel Islands and the Caribbean. I believe this experience will be a great asset to the work of the Legislative Council, at a time when all aspects of the Island’s regulatory 320 framework, from financial services to farming, will be coming under increasing pressure from other jurisdictions and international organisations. Loayreyder, this House has a responsibility to ensure that the Members of Legislative Council consist not only of those with many years of experience in Tynwald Chamber and insiders in the work of central Government, but also to those with a hands-on knowledge of the Island’s 325 professional sector and local government. Mr Kinley’s particular knowledge and experience complement those of existing Members of the Legislative Council and other candidates to be elected at this election. What I cannot say is that it is 40 years since an advocate was nominated in the House of Keys for Legislative Council, because the Hon. Member for Douglas South has beaten me to that! But 330 what I can say is that Mr Kinley’s background in both the public and private sectors, and matters both local and international, mean that he is an ideal candidate to fill this challenging national role. I hope that Hon. Members will support Mr Kinley, who can bring fresh insight and a valuable contribution at this important time for our Island and its economy.

335 The Speaker: Hon. Member for Rushen, Mr Skelly.

Mr Skelly: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. I am delighted to second the nomination of Christopher Kinley. Like my hon. friend from Rushen, Mr Gawne, I have worked with Mr Kinley in local 340 government and community events and have found him to be a thoughtful, professional proactive and decisive individual, one who I am sure would bring much to the work of Tynwald and generally at national politics level. Professionally, Mr Kinley has, from within the private sector, worked with officers within Government, speaking at business events overseas, with the aim of enhancing the Island’s 345 reputation and encouraging new markets for our economy, not just his own legal practice. I believe he has demonstrated how well he can serve as an ambassador of Tynwald and for the Isle of Man ,as well as being able to promote better communication between legislature, Government and the professional sector. In my view, the work of both Tynwald and Government is best served by having a Legislative Council whose Members not only include those who are 350 experienced politicians – and we have some excellent candidates here today – but also draw on new blood, those from outside this House, whose personal and professional skills make them an asset to Tynwald.

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We have a system that allows the nomination of such individuals and I therefore beg to second the nomination for Mr Kinley.

355 The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Members.

Election of four persons to Legislative Council – First ballot – Mr Henderson elected

The Speaker: The nominations having been duly proposed and seconded, we now proceed to a ballot. I call on the Secretary of the House. Hon. Members, to assist the Secretary in the count, I would like to ask the following to be 360 scrutineers: Hon. Member, Mr Robertshaw and Hon. Member, Mr Cannan.

A first ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 11 Mr Beckett 7 Mr Braidwood 8 Mr Cretney 11 Mr Henderson 17 Mr Kinley 9

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the election is as follows: Mr Anderson received 11 votes; Mr Beckett received 7 votes; Mr Braidwood received 8 votes; Mr Cretney received 11 votes; Mr Henderson received 17 votes; Mr Kinley received 9 votes. I therefore declare that Mr Henderson has filled one of the four vacancies on Legislative 365 Council.

Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Second ballot

The Speaker: I would now propose to proceed to a further round of elections and I call on Members to make their nominations. Mr Singer. 370 Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would like to nominate Mr David Anderson MHK.

Mr Crookall: I beg to second, Mr Speaker. 375 The Speaker: Mr Teare.

Mr Teare: I would like to nominate Mr Braidwood, for the reasons that I have given before: for continuity, experience and also the very valuable contribution that he has made. 380 The Speaker: Mr Henderson.

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Mr Henderson: Vainstyr Loayreyder, I would like to second the nomination of Mr Braidwood, for the reasons stated by the Hon. Member for Ayre, and also from my personal working 385 experience with Mr Braidwood. I have been impressed with his leadership in deputising on the Treasury and certainly in difficult situations where it mattered, such as leading the team into Council of Ministers, where he is able to strike a middle ground and show his very good ability.

The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft. 390 Mrs Beecroft: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would like to nominate Mr Beckett for the reasons that I stated earlier.

The Speaker: Mr Thomas. 395 Mr Thomas: I would like to second, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Mr Shimmin.

400 Mr Shimmin: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have great honour in proposing once again Mr David Cretney for the role of MLC.

The Speaker: Mr Ronan.

405 Mr Ronan: Mr Speaker, I am delighted to second the nomination of Mr Cretney. Thank you.

The Speaker: Mr Gawne.

410 Mr Gawne: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. I am pleased to nominate Christopher Kinley for this position.

The Speaker: Mr Skelly.

415 Mr Skelly: Yes, I would be happy to second that, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Are there any other nominations? In that case, we proceed as before to a further round of voting. Ballot papers will be distributed; same scrutineers as before, please. 420 Just bear with us one moment, Hon. Members, while fresh ballot papers are prepared. Hon. Members, you are voting for up to three candidates this time.

A second ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 11 Mr Braidwood 11 Mr Beckett 6 Mr Cretney 12 Mr Kinley 8

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the round of voting was as follows: Mr Anderson received 11 votes; Mr Braidwood received 11 votes; Mr Beckett received 6 votes; Mr Cretney received 12 votes; Mr Kinley received 8 votes.

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425 I propose to suspend the sitting for 10 minutes to allow private discussions to take place between candidates and the proposers and seconders, and reconvene and invite further nominations in 10 minutes’ time.

The House adjourned at 11.04 a.m. and resumed its sitting at 11.17 a.m.

Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Third ballot

The Speaker: Now, Hon. Members, I invite nominations. Mr Singer.

430 Mr Singer: Thank you Mr Speaker. I am very pleased to nominate Mr David Anderson MHK.

The Speaker: Mr Crookall.

435 Mr Crookall: I beg to second, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Mr Teare.

Mr Teare: Thank you, sir. 440 I am delighted to nominate Mr Philip Braidwood. I think he would make an excellent candidate, as I have said before, and I have no hesitation in confirming my support for him.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson.

445 Mr Henderson: Absolutely delighted to second once again, Vainstyr Loayreyder, and concur with the proposer’s comments. I can put to the House my own working experience with Mr Braidwood and validate his nomination.

The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft. 450 Mrs Beecroft: Thank you, Mr Speaker. More than happy to nominate Mr Beckett, for the reasons previously stated.

The Speaker: Mr Thomas. 455 Mr Thomas: Seconded, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Mr Shimmin.

460 Mr Shimmin: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I wish to nominate Mr David Cretney for the post of MLC.

The Speaker: Mr Ronan.

465 Mr Ronan: Seconded, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Mr Gawne.

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Mr Gawne: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. I am very pleased to once again nominate Christopher Kinley. 470 The Speaker: Mr Watterson.

Mr Watterson: It gives me great pleasure to second that proposal.

475 The Speaker: Are there any other nominations? In that case, Hon. Members, when ballot papers have been prepared, we shall move to a fresh round of voting. You are voting for up to three candidates. Mr Robertshaw and Mr Cannan, kindly act as scrutineers again, please.

480 Mr Watterson: Be a bit quicker this time.

Mr Cretney: Take your time – the result counts! (Laughter)

A third ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 9 Mr Beckett 6 Mr Braidwood 9 Mr Cretney 12 Mr Kinley 8

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the election of this round was that Mr Anderson received 9 votes; Mr Beckett received 6 votes; Mr Braidwood received 9 votes; Mr Cretney 485 received 12 votes; Mr Kinley received 8 votes. No candidate has been elected.

Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Nomination of Mr Tim Crookall MHK – Fourth ballot

The Speaker: I propose to go for a further round of election at this stage. One further round and I will invite nominations. Mr Singer. 490 Mr Singer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. I am pleased again to propose Mr David Anderson.

Mr Crookall: I second Mr Anderson. 495 The Speaker: Mr Teare.

Mr Teare: I am pleased to continue my support and proposal for Mr Phil Braidwood.

500 Mr Henderson: Pleased to second.

The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft.

Mrs Beecroft: More than happy to nominate again Mr Paul Beckett.

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505 The Speaker: Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: Pleased, Mr Speaker, to second.

The Speaker: Mr Shimmin. 510 Mr Shimmin: Thank you, Mr Speaker, as the leading Member of the pack, I would be delighted once again to propose Mr Cretney. With 12 votes, I think he is very close to getting the support of the House, and I would be very grateful for the House to support this nomination.

515 The Speaker: Mr Ronan.

Mr Ronan: Delighted to second Mr Cretney.

The Speaker: Mr Gawne. 520 Mr Gawne: I beg to propose Christopher Kinley.

The Speaker: Mr Skelly.

525 Mr Skelly: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. Yes, I beg to second Mr Kinley and hope that Members will consider this position. Mr Kinley, I do know, is actually very much minded to help reform Legislative Council. I think of a debate we had here just a couple of weeks ago, and I just like to remind Members.

530 The Speaker: Are there any further nominations from the floor? Mr Watterson?

Mr Watterson: Yes Mr Speaker, I would like to propose the nomination of the Hon Member for Peel, Mr Crookall. Mr Crookall has served the constituency of Peel since 2006 and I, and many others in this 535 House, have worked alongside him well over that time. During his time on a number of bodies, such as the Department of Transport, Office of Fair Trading, Home Affairs, Local Government and Environment, the Isle of Man Water Authority and later as Chairman of the Water and Sewerage Authority, Department of Infrastructure, Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, as well as the Chairman of the Peel Town Regeneration Committee, Minister 540 Crookall has been a valuable asset to this House. I would suggest that he could also add real value in the Legislative Council, should he be elected, and I beg to propose this nomination.

The Speaker: The first thing I must ask, Hon. Member, in accordance with Standing Order 8.2(2), which reads:

‘Any Member of the Keys may then propose any other person for election to the Council. When making such a nomination the Member shall indicate that the person nominated has indicated his or her willingness and capacity to serve.’

545 Is that the case sir?

Mr Watterson: It is, sir. It is my understanding.

The Speaker: Thank you, Hon Member. Do I have a seconder? 550 Mr Skelly: Yes, sir. I beg to second, Loayreyder. Having worked with Minister Crookall for a number of years now – in particular, I served with him in the Department of Community, Culture and Leisure – I believe he is not just very

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honourable, but very much at the forefront with regard to what he does here for national 555 politics, as well as, as you just heard there, for many years serving Peel as a local commissioner and as an MHK since 2006, so I am quite happy to second that nomination.

The Speaker: Thank you, Hon. Member. Are there any further nominations? In that case, Hon Members, we will proceed to a ballot 560 and ballot papers will be ready shortly. I think on this occasion, I shall ask Mr Quirk and Mr Cregeen if they would be scrutineers to assist the Secretary. I thank Mr Robertshaw and Mr Cannan for carrying out their duties to date.

A fourth ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 8 Mr Beckett 5 Mr Braidwood 8 Mr Cretney 11 Mr Crookall 12 Mr Kinley 7

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result is as follows: Mr Anderson received 8 votes; Mr 565 Beckett received 5 votes; Mr Braidwood received 8 votes; Mr Cretney received 11 votes; Mr Crookall received 12 votes; Mr Kinley received 7 votes. I will propose a short suspension of the House to enable discussions between candidates and the proposers and seconders to take place. Ten minutes, back at 5 to 12, Hon. Members.

The House adjourned at 11.45 a.m. and resumed its sitting at 11.55 a.m.

Election of three persons to Legislative Council – Fifth ballot – Mr Cretney elected

570 The Speaker: Having had that period of reflection, I invite further nominations. Mr Singer.

Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would like to nominate Mr David Anderson MHK. 575 The Speaker: Mr Crookall.

Mr Crookall: I beg to second, Mr Speaker.

580 The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft.

Mrs Beecroft: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would like to nominate Mr Beckett for the reasons previously stated.

585 The Speaker: Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: I second Mr Beckett, as well.

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The Speaker: Mr Teare.

590 Mr Teare: Thank you, sir. I would like to nominate Mr Braidwood once again.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson.

595 Mr Henderson: Very happy to second and recommend to the House, Vainstyr Loayreyder.

The Speaker: Mr Shimmin.

Mr Shimmin: I would like to propose Mr Cretney, sir. 600 The Speaker: Mr Ronan.

Mr Ronan: Seconded, Mr Speaker.

605 The Speaker: Mr Watterson.

Mr Watterson: Yes sir, I would like to propose Timothy Crookall MHK as candidate, for reasons already outlined. I think I might have forgotten to mention his charitable works last time, but I am sure we can take those as read, sir. 610 Mr Skelly: I beg to second, Loayreyder.

The Speaker: Are there any other nominations? In that case, Hon Members, we move to a ballot. We are voting for up to three Members. 615 Same scrutineers, please – Mr Cregeen and Mr Quirk.

A fifth ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 10 Mr Beckett 6 Mr Braidwood 12 Mr Cretney 13 Mr Crookall 12

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the ballot is as follows: Mr Anderson received 10 votes; Mr Beckett received 6 votes; Mr Braidwood received 12 votes; Mr Cretney received 13 votes; Mr Crookall received 12 votes. I therefore declare that Mr Cretney is elected.

Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Sixth ballot

620 The Speaker: Hon Members, it seems to me that we can usefully move straight to a further round of voting and I will therefore invite nominations. Mr Singer.

Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. 625 I would like to propose Mr David Anderson.

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The Speaker: Mr Shimmin.

Mr Shimmin: I beg to second, sir.

630 The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft.

Mrs Beecroft: Yes, Mr Speaker, I would like to propose Mr Beckett.

The Speaker: Mr Thomas. 635 Mr Thomas: I second Mr Beckett and put on record appreciation for Mr Kinley having stood aside on this occasion, and I hope it might be reciprocated at one point.

The Speaker: Mr Teare. 640 Mr Teare: Yes, sir. I am pleased to continue to support Mr Braidwood and I nominate him.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson. 645 Mr Henderson: Pleased to second again, Vainstyr Loayreyder.

The Speaker: Mr Gawne.

650 Mr Gawne: Gura mie eu, Loayreyder. I hate to disappoint the Hon. Member for Douglas West, but I wish to nominate Mr Christopher Kinley. (Laughter)

The Speaker: Sorry, I did not catch what you said, Hon. Member. 655 Mr Gawne: I wish to nominate Christopher Kinley.

The Speaker: Mr Kinley.

660 Mr Thomas: I beg to second, Mr Speaker. (Laughter)

The Speaker: Mr Watterson.

Mr Watterson: Yes sir, I am happy to propose Mr Tim Crookall, MHK for Peel as a candidate. 665 The Speaker: Mr Skelly.

Mr Skelly: I beg to second, Loayreyder.

670 The Speaker: Are there any other nominations? In that case we shall go to a ballot. We are voting for up to two Members, Hon Members. Ballot papers will be prepared. Mr Quirk and Mr Cregeen, please, as scrutineers.

A sixth ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

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Vote Results Mr Anderson 9 Mr Beckett 4 Mr Braidwood 8 Mr Crookall 9 Mr Kinley 6 Number of spoilt papers: 1

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the sixth ballot is as follows. First of all, I must 675 advise there was one invalid paper. Mr Anderson received 9 votes; Mr Beckett received 4 votes; Mr Braidwood received 8 votes; Mr Crookall received 9 votes; Mr Kinley received 6 votes. No candidate was therefore elected. As before, I propose now a short suspension for Members to consider the position and the candidates’ position. We will resume at 20 minutes to one. 680 Same tellers, Hon. Members.

The House adjourned at 12.28 p.m. and resumed its sitting at 12.40 p.m.

Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Seventh and eighth ballots

The Speaker: Hon. Members, I invite further nominations. Mr Singer. 685 Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would like to nominate Mr David Anderson MHK.

Mr Thomas: I second on this occasion, Mr Speaker. 690 The Speaker: Thank you, Mr Thomas. Mrs Beecroft.

Mrs Beecroft: I would like to nominate Mr Paul Beckett. 695 Mr Thomas: I second Mr Beckett. (Laughter)

The Speaker: Mr Teare.

700 Mr Teare: Thank you, sir. I would like to nominate Mr Phil Braidwood.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson.

705 Mr Henderson: I second Mr Braidwood, Vainstyr Loayreyder.

Mr Watterson: I wish to nominate Mr Tim Crookall, MHK for Peel.

The Speaker: Mr Skelly. 710 Mr Skelly: I wish to second.

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The Speaker: Any other nominations, Hon. Members? That being so, we shall proceed to a ballot. You are voting for up to two Members, bear in mind. Fresh ballot papers will be prepared. 715 Same tellers, Hon. Members.

A seventh ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 9 Mr Beckett 4 Mr Braidwood 11 Mr Crookall 12

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the seventh ballot is as follows: Mr Anderson received 9 votes; Mr Beckett received 4 votes; Mr Braidwood received 11 votes; Mr Crookall received 12 votes. No candidate was elected. I propose to go straight on to a further round (A Member: Hear, hear.) and invite 720 nominations.

Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Could I propose Mr Anderson.

725 The Speaker: Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: I second again, Mr Speaker.

Mrs Beecroft: Yes, Mr Speaker, I would like to propose Mr Beckett. 730 Mr Thomas: I second again, Mr Speaker.

The Speaker: Mr Teare.

735 Mr Teare: Thank you, sir. I would like to propose Mr Braidwood.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson.

740 Mr Henderson: I second Mr Braidwood, Vainstyr Loayreyder.

Mr Watterson: I would like to propose Mr Crookall, MHK for Peel.

Mr Skelly: I beg to second. 745 The Speaker: Any further nominations? In that case, we vote again. Same tellers, please.

An eighth ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 9 Mr Beckett 4 Mr Braidwood 11 Mr Crookall 12

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The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the ballot is: Mr Anderson received 9 votes; Mr Beckett received 4 votes; Mr Braidwood received 11 votes; Mr Crookall received 12 votes. No 750 candidate was therefore elected. Hon. Members, I intend to adjourn this sitting until 2.30 for a further round of voting, then review the position. The House will now adjourn until 2.30.

The House adjourned at 1.07 p.m. and resumed its sitting at 2.30 p.m.

Election of two persons to Legislative Council – Ninth ballot

755 The Speaker: As I indicated before the lunchtime adjournment, we shall move to a further round of elections, and I invite nominations. Mr Singer.

Mr Singer: Thank you, Mr Speaker. 760 I am very please to nominate Mr David Anderson MHK.

The Speaker: Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: Mr Speaker, I am very pleased to second. 765 The Speaker: Mrs Beecroft.

Mrs Beecroft: Mr Speaker, I am very happy to nominate Mr Paul Beckett.

770 The Speaker: Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas: I beg to second.

The Speaker: Mr Teare. 775 Mr Teare: Thank you, sir. I am pleased to support and also nominate Mr Braidwood.

The Speaker: Mr Henderson. 780 Mr Henderson: I am pleased to second, Vainstyr Loayreyder.

The Speaker: Mr Watterson

785 Mr Watterson: I am delighted to nominate Mr Crookall, MHK for Peel.

The Speaker: Mr Skelly.

Mr Skelly: I am pleased to second. 790 The Speaker: Are there any other nominations, Hon. Members?

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That being so, we shall proceed to a ballot, as soon as the ballot papers are ready. Same tellers, please.

A ninth ballot took place and voting resulted as follows:

Vote Results Mr Anderson 9 Mr Beckett 3 Mr Braidwood 10 Mr Crookall 11

The Speaker: Hon. Members, the result of the ballot was as follows: Mr Anderson received 9 795 votes; Mr Beckett received 3 votes; Mr Braidwood received 10 votes; Mr Crookall received 11 votes. No candidate has been elected.

New nominations called for under Standing Order 8.2(2)(xi)

The Speaker: Hon. Members, I think we have reached the point now where there will not be 800 a substantial change in the voting today. I therefore exercise my power to end voting today and to call for fresh nominations. I invite nominations in writing of candidates for election to the Legislative Council to be delivered to the Secretary of the House by five o’clock on Thursday, 16th April. That is one month from today. 805 The House will meet to vote on nominations received on Wednesday, 6th May at 10 o’clock in the morning. That will be the date of the next election to Legislative Council.

Congratulations to Mr Henderson and Mr Cretney; thanks to all candidates

The Speaker: Hon. Members, I would like on behalf of the House to congratulate Mr Henderson and Mr Cretney for their successful election today, and I would like to give heart- 810 warm thanks on behalf of the House to all candidates who have offered themselves for election today in this important part of the Constitution of the Isle of Man election to the Legislative Council.

Members: Hear, hear. 815 The Speaker: Hon. Members, that concludes the business of the House today. The House will now stand adjourned until the next sitting, which will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, 17th March in Tynwald Court.

The House adjourned at 2.42 p.m.

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